Quick A/B Testing Tips for your Promotional Emails

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Quick A/B Testing tips for your Promotional Emails

When you have to drive sales and conversion rates on your eCommerce store, nothing matches the efficiency of promotional emails based on parameters like cost effectiveness, customer retention ratio, cost to conversions and success delivery rates. They are “ageless” and are still used increasingly inspite of the emergence of several other promotional and marketing mediums. Due to their widespread business usage, it is important to make your promotional emails different from the lot in order to get instant customer attention among your rivals. If you are not having a clear idea about how to achieve the same, you can surely lag behind your competitors. To lend you a helping hand, here are the few A/B testing tips that can help in improving the performance of your promotional emails.  Test the frequency of your emails- Due to the busy lifestyles of people, there are increased chances that your promotional emails may have been left ignored. If you are sending only the single email to your targeted customers, it means that you have already lost the sales opportunity. To revive your chances of sales, you need to send multiple copies of your promotional emails at a regular frequency rate for getting the required customer attention. However, do remember that “excess of everything is bad”, so don't flood the inbox of your customers with your promotional emails. To ensure the right number of copies for your customers, you need to implement A/B testing on the frequency rate of your promotional emails for better customer engagement and higher eCommerce conversion rate optimization efforts. 

A/B test the appeal of your subject lines-

Due to limited time, online users often don't check the complete email and are only encouraged or discouraged by the subject lines. You need to use a precise and engaging subject lines that can effortlessly grab the attention of your targeted customers for higher conversions and sales. To make use of an effective subject lines, you need to take the help of an effective A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish that can perform testing on your email subject lines for improving the email open rates and success rate of your email campaigns. ď ľ

Add an element of personalization through a testing tool-

People are now looking for something extraordinary and are not convinced with simple and straight things. In this battle of achieving something unique, personalization has emerged as the ultimate answer. It is not just restricted to bikes, cars, mobile phones, T- shirts, bracelets and other items but you can also use it for your promotional emails. You can keep an effective track on your customer activity through the amazing insight heat map services of Mocking Fish. By having a detailed information about your customers, you can easily design a promotional email that is

exactly tailor- made as per the interest of your customer. Further, with the help of A/B testing tool, you can easily test how much personalization is actually loved by your customers for higher conversions and sales. ď ľ

Check the efficiency of your CTA buttons-

Call- to- action buttons in your emails need to be engaging so as to persuade readers to accomplish a particular task. There are various elements that can affect the performance of your CTA buttons like position, placement, button size/color/font style and other such factors. You need to perform testing on these elements one by one for improving the eCommerce conversion rate optimization efforts through CTA buttons . ď ľ

A/B test the timing of your emails-

There are several instances when your targeted customers are busy or they might not

be active online. In both of these scenarios, any promotional email sent during this time will not yield desired business result as it is left ignored. To make the most of your promotional emails, you can implement A/B testing on the timing of your emails like in the morning, afternoon or evening. By analyzing your email open rates and conversion rates, online marketers can effortlessly decide which is the best time for sending promotional emails to their targeted customers for improving the chances of eCommerce conversion rate optimization. Further, pay adequate attention on the time zone of your customers while sending emails to them as an appropriate time according to a particular time zone may not be good according to the other time zone. If you want return on investment (ROI) on your promotional emails, you need to adopt these crucial A/B testing tips for your business entity. With the timely introspection of your email campaigns, you can seamlessly grab higher conversion rates, product sales and site traffic for your eCommerce store. Do try out these tips and stay immune with the rising competition in your business segment by creating appealing promotional emails for your customers.

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