Reducing barriers for better sales and conversion rates (part 1)

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Reducing barriers for better sales and conversion rates (Part 1)

Sales of various online stores are facing deep challenges due to the emergence of various competitors and changing customer moods and behavior. Every other business entity is feeling the heat of this tough competitive business environment and is exploring all possible options to get higher sales and conversions. But, unfortunately, these efforts are hindered by one or the other factor and ultimately does not produce the desired efforts. Considering the graveness of this situation, here are the barriers that needs to be eliminated to achieve bumper product sales and conversion rates. Pay attention to the functionality of your site- If you are unable to make your site navigation simpler for your targeted customers, you can't draw maximum customer attention towards your online store. Don't let your customers struggle too hard for navigating around different areas or pages of your site. You need to remember this simple fact that “If it is not simple to roam around your website, it will not be engaging for customers to shop from your site either�. Take all the required efforts for simplifying and improving the navigation around your site for better conversion rates and product sales. An amazing A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish can also play a great constructive role in improving the navigation around your website. Check out the effectiveness of your CTA buttons- In order to get more customer on your site, it is important to have a persuasive and engaging call- to- action buttons for your targeted customers. For improving the functionality of your store, you need to check out if your CTA buttons are able to grab maximum customer attention and conversion rates for your store. You need to implement A/B testing on the position, placement, size, text and shape of your CTA buttons for getting required customer attention and site traffic towards your online business entity. Ensure an engaging headline for your site- Headlines may appear to be a trivial matter for you but it actually can make or break customer engagement for your site. They need to be short, keyword specific and engaging for better customer attention and

conversion rates. If you can persuade your customers to read more about your services or product, it will be much easier for you to grab that initial business lead among your rivals. You would be surprised to know that a simple headline is capable to drive sales and customer attention towards your store. Make your registration forms simpler- Registration process on a site needs to be much simpler and engaging for boosting business chances. Keep it relevant, short and simple for a quick customer registration process. Eliminate all other fields that are time consuming and affecting the productivity of your registration forms. If your customer can register seamlessly, it is no doubt that they will love to engage with your eCommerce store again and again for product sales and conversion rates. If you are successful in tackling the above issues effectively, there are no reasons for low conversion rates and sales on your site. So, note down these points and start working on them for a quick business turn around. Remember “Prevention is always better than cure�, so take the right steps now and be a master in your particular business segment.

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