The making of an amazing mobile landing page chapter 1

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The Making of an Amazing Mobile Landing Page - Chapter 1

It is rightly said that “Sometimes even a look is enough to decide which things are surely going to rule the hearts of the people�. This same story is true even for the mobile phones which has been ruling the roost within a short span of time. They are growing like mushrooms and has found its place among a large global user base which is spanning across several continents, geographical boundaries, ethnic groups, time zones and other such parameters. According to a report of ComScore, the percentage of time spent online by mobile users is 51% which is higher than the desktop users having a percentage of 42%. With the increased use of mobile phones in business environment, it is the need of the hour to make your mobile site more appealing for your targeted customers. To accomplish this difficult task, mobile landing page needs to be captivating that can grab the instant attention of your site visitors. Ironically, if you are not informed about how to improve the worth of your mobile landing page, you certainly need to spend some time on this helpful article. Here are some of the extraordinary tips for mobile landing page optimization. Keep it concise and relevant-

The limited screen space and navigation ability on mobile phones is always a challenge when providing an optimum user experience to mobile users. Unlike the traditional user browsing a desktop or laptop site, there is a limited functionality to scroll data which affects the readability in a mobile site. You can't create heavy graphical pages for your mobile site that could eventually take up a lot of time for loading up properly. This is because mobile users are impatient and are ready to wait for only 2- 3 seconds for the proper loading of a mobile site. Don't use unnecessary jargon and buzzwords in your mobile site that do not add any value to your customer engagement practices. Make selective use of graphics, removal of extraneous links, unnecessary content and optimized images for effective mobile site optimization. Convey the USP of your business at the front and center of your site-

It is important to grab the instant attention of your customers in order to keep them informed about the USP, need and range of services offered by your company. You are not the only service provider in your particular business segment and hence you need to speak about your company to establish it as a well known brand among your customers. Make use of an engaging headline and site content that can make effective utilization of real estate of your mobile site for spreading the positive word about your business. You can make use of a productive A/B testing tool like Mocking Fish that can help in designing an engaging mobile web page for your patrons for maximum conversion rates and customer engagement. Display your contact details clearly on your site-

Any random visitor landing on your mobile site wants to get access to your contact details in order to stay in touch with your company for future business engagements. Don't hide your contact details in your subsequent site pages but try to provide it at the start of your site on the home page itself for higher customer engagement and conversion rate optimization. You need to reveal your phone number that is available for your customers round the clock in order to establish an infallible customer engagement. If you want, you can add an engaging call- to- click CTA button on your site that can connect your customers with your company for business engagement without any significant wait. Pay attention to only one CTA button on your site- With the limited real estate on mobile, it would be a good choice if you are sticking with the one CTA button so that your mobile consumers don't need to scroll every now and then to click them. If you are keeping the mobile interface much simple, more people will engage with your mobile site for improving

your conversion rates and site traffic. Remember that mobile users are browsing and navigating your site for a specific purpose, so work towards fulfilling it than being exaggerating in the design and development process. Just stick to the basics of mobile site optimization and you will see a tremendous difference in your business fortunes within a short span of time. Once, you are totally familiar with these exceptional mobile site optimization tips, your mobile site has less chances of losing out among your competitors. It will definitely set your mobile site in an all together league with higher chances of revenue growth and conversion rates. These efforts will ultimately end up in providing your mobile users an enthralling landing page that can keep them engrossed to your site.

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