Issue28 (part2) October 2017

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From the editor Edition 28 (Part 2) October 2017 Modellenland Magazine is a fresh, new submissionbased editorial publication that celebrates the true art of fashion and the emerging artists behind it.


Modellenland is a Free Belgian magazine but we accept also entries from other countries. Everybody can publish for free ,photographers, MUA, stylists, models, good amateur, students, semiprofessional, professional etc... The focus will not only be on fashion, but food, lifestyle, animals, landscapes, are also welkom.


Modellenland Magazine is a fashion, beauty, editorial and conceptual art magazine and will be published monthly Modellenland Magazine is available in a free digital format - download To order a print version go to the website (Magazines)


Modellenland will focus on creative minds from all over the fashion world. It will be a magazine for aspiring artists who deserve recognition for their work. Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter Website: http/// Email:



Credits Cover: Photographer: Dennis Ostermann Model/muah/stylist: Kseniya Arhangelova Flower coat: Valentina Braun Couture


CONTENTS 04 Cover Girl: Kseniya Arhangelova 20 Photographer: Valerie Vercruysse 34 Model: Johanna Kleen 44 Photographer: Rene Wimmer 56 Model: Layla Miquelino 66 Monthly winner: Ania Kosik 78 Photographer: Thomas Lui


92 Model: Jessika Dias 106 Photographer: Fischerlehner H. 120 Model: Paulina Zaczkiewicz 132 Editorial: Skate 138 Photographer: Miguel Barbosa 150 Model: Vinette Schulze 160 Hair Collection: PURPLE 168 Photographer: Roland Okoń 180 Beauty blog: EmerginC products 181 Winners issue: Lino Di Lernia


192 Photographer: Dominika Dąbkowska 204 Model: Dominika Dąbkowska 214 Monthly winner: Antonella Cunsolo 226 Photographer: Michele Coppola 240 Model: Laura McGuire 252 Photographer: Bruno de Carvalho 264 Make-up Artist: Djongi makeup 272 Beauty blog: Mascara. 273 Winners issue: Ola Bułkowska



Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Cover Girl Kseniya Arhangelova


Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Kseniya, what means “wanderer”, “stranger”. Also, it’s one of the epithets of Aphrodite – the goddess of love. This name really suits me. I travel since my childhood. I was born in Buryatia (it’s in Asia in Siberia near Lake Baikal). After I lived in different countries. Now I have my studies in Poland. I take part in shootings as stylist, muah, model, photographer and quite often as artdirector. What means that I can do everything what has attitude to photography (and video too). In the past, I often visited Moscow and worked as an actress there. After I had a break and now I'm coming back. The most recent acting work - swiss commercial and swiss music video in which I took part a week ago + participation in 2 polish tv series. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Nothing. Each person is the whole universe with its own world inside. For what to change it? How did you start modeling? I guess it was in 2007 or 2008. I was on the subway. One man looked at me several stations, then came up to me and gave his business card with words “You’re so bright!”. When I came back home, I checked the information about him and found out that it was a popular Belarusian photographer. I had some shootings with him. After I met many photographers. My portfolio was growing very fast and model agencies started to offer me different jobs. I had to cancel some model contracts in Japan, Thailand and India, because…I’m afraid of flights…But I’d like to visit Japan, for example. What do you think of the work as a model? I can tell that it’s not an easy job. I remember days when I had non-stop shootings and didn’t have enough time for a rest. I felt very exhausted and didn’t know how and where to find some power for the next shooting. I give so much energy when I work as a model. I don’t feel so tired when I do shootings as a photographer. It’s boring for me to be just a model and do what people tell me to do. I prefer to go out from a “comfortable zone” and let imagination to bring some creativity. I like to discuss concepts with photographers/directors. I feel more comfortable when I take part in creation of any idea :) What is your beauty regimen? Hm…beauty regimen? I like to do yoga in my bed in the morning :D Btw., I went into sport professionally in my teenager times. I just can give a good advice for all girls who want to keep their body in a good shape: swimming pool, swimming pool and one more time swimming pool. And, of course, take care what you eat: no spicy and sault food, less sweets and…good mood :) -4-

Photographer - David Benz | Model - Kseniya Arhangelova Hair & Make-up - Schnittlinie | Lara Valerie Lightning - Melanie Schuler Designer - Valentina Braun Couture Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Mika Ceron Model/Designer: Kseniya Arhangelova Stylist: Celso Da Costa Hamelink Hair/Make-up Artist: Alisa Kolb Photography Assistant: Thomas Muller Make-up Artist Assistant: Franziska Willke Retoucher: Federico de Luca


What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I’m a multitasking person: people joke that I needn’t anyone to do a shooting – only me and a camera :) What are your plans for the future? I just moved to Poland. Everything is new for me there. I’d like to stay in photography world + continue my journalist job (I studied journalism in Vilnius). Also, I’d like to visit my birth place. It’s very far but Buryatia is very beautiful and can bring so much inspiration! What are some of your favorite experiences so far? I receive so much life experience through my trips - meet many people, visit interesting places, come into different situations. I can’t stop travelling from 2007. For me it’s hard to stay at any place over 2 months. It’s my own type of “drugs” ;) However, if to talk about a model experience, I can notice underwater fashion shooting which took place in Germany with David Benz and very nice and professional team. David taught me how to breathe under the water. Because of this I was able to make good posing. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Keep in mind that everything isn’t so beautiful and easy like you see on pictures. You must be ready for hard work. You can be not approved for many castings. So, just be realistic but don’t forget who you are and don’t let other people to behave with you like you’re a machine. What do you think of the magazine? I like the magazine. It lets new talents introduce themselves and show their works to the world :)

photographer – Maria Mantis - model – Kseniya Arhangelova corset and headpiece: Agnieszka Osipa - muah: Denise Mueller assistant: Oliver Schmid - location: Cinema Paradiso & Arte

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model - Kseniya Arhangelova photographer - Masha Sterzhanova fashion stylist - Yana Bodyak designers - Yana Kovich, Olga Kucherenko make up artist - Olga Formaniuk hair stylist - Inna Lipkovich


model - Kseniya Arhangelova photographer - Masha Sterzhanova fashion stylist - Yana Bodyak designers - Yana Kovich, Olga Kucherenko make up artist - Olga Formaniuk hair stylist - Inna Lipkovich

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

photographer: Maria Mantis model: Kseniya Arhangelova corset: Agnieszka Osipa muah: Denise Mueller assistant: Oliver Schmid location: Cinema Paradiso & Arte

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photographer: Maria Mantis model: Kseniya Arhangelova corset: Agnieszka Osipa muah: Denise Mueller assistant: Oliver Schmid location: Cinema Paradiso & Arte

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographers: Dennis Ostermann, Jens Howorka Model: Kseniya Arhangelova Designer: Bibian Blue Designer's assistant: Gemma Godina Hair stylist: Identity Peluqueros

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Photographers: Dennis Ostermann, Jens Howorka Model: Kseniya Arhangelova Designer: Bibian Blue Designer's assistant: Gemma Godina Hair stylist: Identity Peluqueros

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

photographer - Jens Book model/stylist - Kseniya Arhangelova stylist assistant - Elena Skullova designer - The Original Atelier make up & hair - Franziska Wilke

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photographer - Yuriy Iliuhin muah - Elena Iliuhina model/concept of the dress Kseniya Arhangelova designer- Jad Feel

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

photographer: Igor Tkachenko model: Kseniya Arhangelova hair: Yana Rudovich make up: Kristina Beliyakova style: Kate Lomako dress: Herve Leger cape: Tanya Arzhanova

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photographer: Igor Tkachenko model: Kseniya Arhangelova hair: Yana Rudovich make up: Kristina Beliyakova style: Kate Lomako dress: Herve Leger cape: Tanya Arzhanova

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Dennis Ostermann Model/stylist/hair/art make up: Kseniya Arhangelova

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Photographer: Dennis Ostermann Model/muah/1st designer: Kseniya Arhangelova 2d designer: Nastiya Vasilieva

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Valerie Vercruysse (Belgium) Stel jezelf een kort voor aan onze lezers. Ik ben Valerie, 30 jaar en woon samen met mijn partner in Roeselare, België. Hoe en wanneer ben je begonnen met fotografie? Ik ben al van kinds af aan zeer visueel ingesteld. Ik had vaak ideeën en rare spinsels in mijn hoofd maar had geen manier om die in iets om te zetten. Voor fotografie hield ik me graag bezig met mijn eigen kledij te maken, juwelen maken, mode in het algemeen eigenlijk... Het starten met fotografie speelde vaak door mijn hoofd. Toen ik in mijn vorige job als vastgoedmakelaar het eerst een dslr camera gebruikte was ik verkocht. Ik keek tot laat in de nacht naar youtube filmpjes om de technische kant onder de knie te krijgen. Toen besliste ik om de 3 jarige beroepsopleiding fotografie te volgen. Momenteel volg ik mijn derde jaar en is mijn interesse het sterkst in fashionfotografie. Wat is je juiste doel? Mijn doel is om verder te groeien in fotografie zowel op creatief vlak, technisch vlak als commercieel vlak. Wat betekent fotografie voor jou? Fotografie is voor mij vooral een medium om mijn ideeën te visualiseren. Waarin vind je dat jouw werk zich van anderen onderscheid? Ik probeer steeds vernieuwend te zijn en mijn eigen stijl te behouden. Waar haal je inspiratie vandaan? OVERAL. Soms heb ik gewoon te veel ideeën en wordt ik zenuwachtig omdat ik gewoon geen tijd heb om alles uit te werken! Ik ben gek op pinterest maar haal evengoed ideeën uit de kleurenkaartjes van de doe het zelfzaak. Ik kan me soms een uur bezig houden met het kijken naar alle kleurtestkaartjes bij de afdeling verf. - 20 -

Josephine van heule - mua Pauline Vanheule Khongorzul mua Fanny Bibaer

Bedenk je van te voren wat je op de foto wilt hebben? Ja, ik heb sowieso een overvloed aan ideeĂŤn en bedenk van te voren sowieso een moodboard uit. Toch moet je altijd het moment afwachten want vaak wijk je toch af van je oorspronkelijke idee en bekom je een ander resultaat dan je in gedachten had. Maar anders is zeker niet slechter, integendeel. Ik vind het ook belangrijk dat de shoot matched met de persoonlijkheid van het model. Werk ik met een nieuw model dan hou ik zeker ruimte om op de shoot zelf te improviseren. Ik hou ervan om samen te werken in team: model, muah, styliste,...

Chanel Desmedt - mua Pauline Vanheule

Bewerk je je foto’s en wat doe je eraan? Ik fotografeer steeds in RAW dus sowieso dienen mijn foto's minimaal via bewerkingsprogramma nabewerkt te worden. Ik gebruik hoofdzakelijk photoshop. Ik doe aan skinretouching maar niet op de manier dat je een plastichuid bekomt. Altijd heel subtiel! Belichting en belichtingseffecten doe ik steeds bij opname en niet bij nabewerking. Zelf ben ik niet zo'n fan van kleurenfilters. Naar waar gaat je voorkeur, Locatie of studio? Beiden eigenlijk. Na een volledige winter in studio te werken ben ik wel blij om terug op locatie te kunnen shooten. Studiowerk met enkel een witte of zwarte achtergrond boeit me minder. Ik hou er van om altijd dat ietsje meer te doen qua styling en decoratie. Wat voor locaties of onderwerpen spreken je het meest aan? Ik vind het leuk om wat op het eerste zicht een banale locatie lijkt vanuit een standpunt te fotograferen dat het heel uniek in beeld brengt. Dus de realiteit vanuit een ander standpunt te bekijken en er iets creatiefs mee te doen. Wat of waar wil je absoluut nog eens een keer fotogra-feren? Een fashionshoot in NewYork lijkt me wel leuk :)

Josephine van Heule - mua Pauline Vanheule

Wat is het belangrijkste wat je de afgelopen jaren geleerd hebt? Om jezelf te laten inspireren door anderen maar wel steeds je eigenheid te behouden. Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Gillian Vanhoenacker - 22 -

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Gillian Vanhoenacker & joy Tandt muah Lauren Bracke - 24 -

Gillian Vanhoenacker & joy Tandt muah Lauren Bracke Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Khongorzul - muaFanny Bibaer - 26 -

Phebe Vettenburgh - muah Lauren Bracke Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Luka Voorhelst - muah Lauren Bracke - 28 -

Luka Voorhelst - muah Lauren Bracke Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Joy Tandt muah Lauren Bracke

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Joy Tandt muah Lauren Bracke

Pauline Vanheule - mua fanny Bibaer - 32 -

Pauline Vanheule - mua fanny Bibaer

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Kannst du uns ein wenig über dich selbst erzählen? Ich bin Johanna , bin 25 Jahre alt und wohne in Berlin. Ich komme ursprünglich aus einem kleinen Dorf namens Westerkappeln wo modeln gar kein Thema ist. Nach meinem Abi bin ich dann nach vorerst nach Köln gezogen , ein Jahr später nach Berlin. In Berlin habe ich Osteopathie studiert und nebenbei immer als Model gearbeitet. Mittlerweile arbeite ich hauptberuflich als Model, muss aber betonen, dass es mir sehr wichtig ist noch etwas in der Tasche zu haben...denn das Modeln hat leider ein Verfallsdatum. Wie bist zu zum Modeln gekommen? Ich wurde im Fitnessstudio angesprochen und hatte kurze Zeit später meinen ersten Job in Paris. Was denkst du über die Arbeit als Model? Sie ist sehr viel härter als manche sich vorstellen. Der Körper ist dein Kapital, das heißt du musst jeden Tag etwas dafür tun, sprich Fitness und gesunde Ernährung gehören zu der Tagesordnung. Des Weiteren musst du dich oft selbst um Fotoshootings kümmern (TFPs) um immer aktuelles Bildmaterial zu haben. Ein weiteres hartes Kriterium ist der ständige Vergleich mit anderen Models. Für manche kann das sehr belastend sein. Was sind deine persönlichen Eigenschaften, die dich von anderen unterscheiden? Ich denke, dass ich etwas sportlicher aussehe als manch andere Models und immer, egal ob bei Castings oder Jobs, gut gelaunt bin. Was sind deine Pläne für die Zukunft? Im Januar würde ich gerne mehr reisen, unter anderem evt nach Kapstadt, New York, Miami..ansonsten lasse ich alles auf mich zukommen. Was sind bisher deine schönsten Erfahrungen? Die schönste Erfahrung war bisher die Fashionweek in Paris dieses Jahr. Die Stimmung dort ist einfach eine ganz andere als wie man sie auf der Berliner Fashionweek kennt. Ansonsten hatte ich sehr viele schöne Jobs, bei denen ich viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt habe. Hast du einen Rat für diejenigen, die gerne anfangen würden zu Modeln? Macht euch klar dass Modeljobs nicht vom Himmel fallen und es unglaublich viele tolle Models gibt. Seid vorsichtig bei sogenannten *Hobbyfotografen, schaut euch vorher deren Seite an oder sprecht mit anderen Models welche Erfahrungen sie gemacht haben. Sucht euch eine seriöse Agentur bspw. Louisa Models, Seeds, Pma, Modelwerk usw. und meldet euch nicht bei Agenturen an bei denen ihr etwas zahlen müsst. Ansonsten seid diszipliniert und ehrgeizig :) - Instagram : Johannakleen_

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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ly ba hoang duong puh

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Ordmann Tural - 38 -

Christian h. Husselbusch Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine


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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine


The picture has to have the WOW effect

Tell us something about yourself. My name is Rene, I’m 32 years old, come from and live in Austria. I am married to my wife Birgit. Travelling and listening to music is what I love to do. Basically doing what I love is what I do. How and when did you get into photography? It’s a funny story: 5 years ago a friend of mine asked me if I would like to join him to go on holiday with him. Because of this I bought myself my first camera, because I wanted to take better photos than I did before with my smartphone. Of course at that point I had no idea about light, shutterspeed, iso,.. That’s why I then looked on Youtube videos which told me how to use a camera and so I found some bloggers.. from that point I was hypnotized. What does photography mean to you? Photography has changed my life. Now I suddenly see the world completely different, more open and beautiful as before. Since then I’ve been travelling more and I’ve been more in nature. Because of the photography I have met more new and nice people. Before that I was someone whe drove in his car form A to B. I am really greatful for that. Thank you to everybody I’ve been able to work with in the past and was able to get to know. - 44 -

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. WOW this is going to be difficult. Specially in the last few years my style has really changed. Saying it differently: I think my photography style has actually only been developed last year. I love lifestyle and fashion photography paired with a tick of streetstyle. I’m more and more focused on the picture look. I like big con-trasts, twisted colours, but also I’m a huge fan of a strong black white. In one sentence: the picture has to have the WOW effect when I look at it in camera It has to be said at this point, that this is only possible if you work with a brilliant team. That’s how I see it. 80% photography / 20% photoshop Where do you get inspiration from? I think like everyone, from colleagues and from the internet. I’m nobody who can reinvent the wheel. If I see some cool pictures, I take it as a mood and change it into my photography style. What I also love are spontaneous freestyle street sessions with models. Just to start a session without plan or pressure brings mostly many good pictures.

DanielaReisinger make up by Alexandra Pfandler

Miguel Costa

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Most of the time I have the „basic“ structure in my mind (except the freestyle sessions like I’ve said before –smile-). I don’t get fixed on the idea in my head, I rather adjust my idea to the model, location, weather and improvise if it has to be. Studio, on location or both? I prefer on location and outdoor. I do also like working in my studio, but there it’s more likely that I try out new techniques of lightshaping.

Miguel Costa

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Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I do earn my money through photography, but It would say that these words would describe me best: a creative scatterbrain who lives in his own world –laugh-. What has been your most memorable session and why? I’ve experienced so many memorable sessions over the last few years, so I can’t only name one. But for sure, one of the coolest memorable session was the shooting trip to London just a few weeks ago ( Big thanks to the whole team that joined me).

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? I always look for photographers that have a really distinctive style which I like. At the moment I like to enter into the topic colour looks. Movies are a brilliant source for colour looks. In the last couple of years the color grading has also been very popular in movies and so a great source. In the black-white photography for me it’s obvious: Peter Lindbergh. This man has made it. With his own style he as been popular for decades and still is. That is always my biggest inspiration. Doesn’t matter which branche. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Previously Nikon. Now Sony. It’s because Sony offers me with it’s mirrorless system new possibilities as normal DSLR do. I mostly use the objective 35mm F1.4 and 85mm F1.4 What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photograp-her looking to start their own business? Of course everyone needs a mentor from whom you can learn. It was the same with me and still is, but you should learn to transform it into your own style. Choose your own path, stay true to yourself and do what you love. What do you think of our new magazine? Thanks to a model my pictures have already been printed in your magazine and thats how I got to know it. I like that it’s young, nicely written and that it has style. It’s fresh. Especially because you always print young artists. I really like that. Big THANK YOU from me that I’m allowed to be a part of this.

Lany Ann

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Clara Folie - 48 -

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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MagiVo - Makeup by Daniela Bimingstorfer

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Verena Hartl makeup by Alexandra Pfandler - 54 -

Mario and Jasmine Fuchs

MagiVo - Makeup by Daniela Bimingstorfer Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model Layla Miquelino (Brazil) Can you tell us a little about you? Hi. My name is Layla Miquelino, I am a Brazilian model, blogger, Yoga instructor, reiki practitioner and a globe trotter. I work with modeling for 8 years now, I spend mostly my time in Asia and Europe. I am passionate about traveling, getting to know new cultures, make friends and eat good food. I am interested in health and alternative medicine. I love to create new recipes and inspire people to feel they best. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? lol ‌ I would like be to more brave in the water.. I am so afraid of deep waters.. How did you start modeling? I was lucky.. I had a easy start. A scouter found me online and contacted me. I was flying to Asia for my first contract a month after that. I was so excited for the new experiences .. I am all about experiences. What do you think of the work as a model? I find it incredible. I have the opportunity to work with artistic people and professionals that I admire. Every job I meet new people, new places. My network is always growing. Travels , Travels‌ hahah yes I love to travel.. keep me alive. What is your beauty regimen? I try to eat healthy and workout often. I practice yoga and enjoy playing tennis. I like to start my day with a glass of warm water with lemon and I drink a lot of water during the day. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? My sense of humor.. I always says funny things and love to make up words and sayings. And my cute accent lol What are your plans for the future? My plans are to keep traveling the world, become a health coach and work in the health industry. - 56 -

Makara swim wear campaign

Elly Aucone What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Difficult to deliver all now but as a said many times that I love to travel so it all involves traveling. so one of my favorites trips was to Morocco , which is when I camped with the Berbers in the Sahara desert. Other one was visiting the Grand Canyon in the US‌ and Great Wall of China and many other places. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Keep healthy and keep it real. Remember to be yourself. Dream, believe and achieve. What do you think of the magazine? A great space to share our work, experiences and ideas. Thank you for having me . It was lovely to talk to you.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Daniel Topic - 58 -

Daniel Topic

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Daniel Topic

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Makara swim wear campaign Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Milano shoot - 62 -

Milano shoot

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Nilla Design - 64 -

Nilla Design Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Ania Kosik


Winner of the month Tell us something about yourself. I am a person who appreciates the beauty surrounding us. I graduated the Academy of Fine Arts and at this moment I live in Poland. There is not a day that I do not think about photography. I am also graphics designer and illustrator. How and when did you get into photography? I started taking pictures for real, ten years ago, when I got my first amateur digital SLR camera. At first I fall in love with photomanipulations but as a fourteen years old girl I didn’t realised that these aren’t ordinary photos. The first camera I ever used was the most common, family compact on film, but from the beginning I was drawn to people and fashion, so it remains today. What does photography mean to you? I always say that photography is my oxygen. I had worse and better times, even nearly a year's break when I didn’t shoot at all in 2016. I thought this was the end of this beautiful adventure. I have had many unpleasant and difficult moments with which I couldn’t cope and practically surrendered. But there was always some magical thread pulling me to the camera. There is not a day that I do not look at the world in terms of pictures or do not take one shot though smartphone. I do not see another occupation on earth for me. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I worked out my style and I do not try to copy anyone. I appreciate women's beauty and I love fashion, really any type of clothes. My favorite photo shoots are those made on the beach. I am a big fan of swimwear and underwear, so those pictures are my most favorite. As I mentioned before, I appreciate every type of beauty in women and I love making portraits in every style. I am a typical outdoor photographer, using the light and the sun to create something amazing. Where do you get inspiration from? Basically from everything. Starting from the place I see through the window of the car, through clothes, ending with pictures, paintings on the internet or art gallery. Before the session I like to see pictures of other photographers who inspire me. I do not want to copy them, I want to be as good as them and to create just as beautiful pictures that delight me so much. I have a special folder on my computer for such occasions. - 66 -

Think you in advance what you want in the picture? I am not very analytical mind, I acted under the influence of the moment. I often accuse myself of thinking that some things may be better to think about, focus more on a photo session but that's what I am. I take a moment like it is, I do not set the model as a millimeter. I like to write down on paper all the stylizations, exactly with what makeup, hairstyle and accessories they should go. I can plan the time very well but it's because I'm a quick photographer and I like to work fast. Studio, on location or both? If I have the opportunity, I would like to arrange a photo session outside, daylight and sun provide many opportunities and I love to work with them and create magic. For the winter I make photos practically only in the studio. Every place is good and in any location I want to get as much as I can.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Surely it's not just a hobby, but I've had almost a year's break, so I'm rebuilding my contacts, my portfolio, so everything goes in the right direction again. What has been your most memorable session and why? It would be sesson from 2008, when I took my mate to a spontaneous photo in white flowers. This photo has made such a fury on the net that surpassed my wildest expectations. Since then, my career has developed at a great pace. What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? Before a session I like to browse pictures of my favorite photographers, it turns me into action, I want to be as good as they are. I’m also inspired by the female body, at every session I try to pay tribute to their direction. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? I am currently working on Nikon and the Sony mirrorless camera. My favorite lens on which I usually work is 50mm 1.8. I often take pictures with an analog camera, I like Zenit 12xp and have a lot of sentiment because it belonged to my dad before.

Agata Joutsen

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? First of all, you need a lot of practice. I know that equipment is not the cheapest, but if you think about taking photos seriously, then you have to be aware that with the time of amateur or half professional digital SLRs will not suffice you. I started to take pictures of my colleagues and it were great photo shooting lessons. And never ever try to copy other photographers. Be yourself, be artists who will be the model for others. What do you think of our new magazine? I think it's great! I'm very happy that you wanted to interview with me and show my work among so many talented people. I am very pleased. I keep my fingers crossed for you and I will keep a close eye on you for sure! Magda Winiarek - 68 -

Natalia Klimza

Agata Joutsen; makeup - Angela Ślepowrońska

Magdalena Rosińska

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Katrin Cole

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Anna KrzyĹźanowska; makeup-Alicja Jublewska

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Magda Piepiรณrka

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Agata Joutsen

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Magda Winiarek; makeup-Alicja Jublewska

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Milena Szwed

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Agata Joutsen

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine


Photographer Thomas Lui


Tell us something about yourself I'm Thomas, a photographer from Milano, known under the name of ReflexStudio. I've been shooting since I was very young of age and from 7 years until now I've managed to turn it into a pro-fes-sion. Or better likely : I'm trying to make it become a profes-sion. I'm attracted by everything "person" related, and I'm strongly attracted towards every-thing concerning personal rela-tionships. How and when did you get into photography? I've effectivly entered the world of photography in 2010. But as I said before, I started taking pictures since I was really young. I started at the age of 4 with a polaroid. In my house. I've learned alone how to change the film paper. And since then I've never stopped. Why did I enter the world of photography? It would be a lie if I said: because I have a message to send out to theworld. No, it's simply because I like to shoot pictures. I like the magic that is created and the possibility to redesign with light. As I always say: I started taking pictures because I can't draw. So I decided to let go the pencil and take a camera instead. Have I done the right choice? - 78 -

What does photography mean to you? For me, photography is my way to see things. I see them behind a curved glass and I like how these sometimes look transfigured or sometimes comple-tely different from reality. Photography is a form of "therapy", where properly used, is able to show people how they truly are. And that in reality they are far more than what they just see, it's just one of the many facets that they have and that they show. Please briefly describe your photography style . I'm a portraitist. Portrait photography is the kind that mostly fascinates me and convinces me to work hard to obtain results. In portrait photography, it's mainly me and the subject of the portrait. In my kind of photo-graphy I try to be as minimalist as possible. I deconstruct in order to reach the essence. For me the the funda-mental thing is to capture the person. Even better if without any kind of addition. Neutral background.One light, or natural light, and we try to reach the essence of the person. Can I? Almost never. I try. Always. Where do you get inspiration from? From everything. I look up to the great masters of the past or I let myself be inspired by the moment. For sure, source of great inspiration has been one of my masters Alfredo Sabbatini. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to see anything in the right manner Think you in advance what you want in the picture? If it's a previously studied session,absolutely yes. But much depends from the moment and the person I'm portraying. If I have a customer I try to stay as much as possible in his requests. If free to act, I let myself be guided by improvisation. Studio, on location or both? Both.Depending on the kind of project I have to create. I have no personal preference. Studio, location or even externals.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I'm a professional What has been your most memorable session and why? Descrbing just one wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be respectful towards all the people who had been helping me out in this period. I'll name some of them. Some for the marvellous results, other for the particularity of the project and other because of the emotions that originated in my person. And I chose to insert them in the following pictures. For example, a portrait I did of Beatrice in ambient light, that just by looking at it, even now, makes me remember exactly what I felt in that moment. It has been of great help. Greatly. And I'm gratefull till the end, because without that little dowel, maybe everything would have fallen. Paradoxically it has been like the arc vault.Not yet seen, but yet memorable, has been the session with Giulia, with her makeup done by Fiorella Scatena [my dearest friend and artist whom I truly I respect for her innate talent and class], dressed with a red cloth that we walked around the most popular squares of Milano, to create some pictures that at the moment are still "hidden", good wine, the're waiting to come out. There's the skull painted by Carola (once again on Giulia), a beautiful gift.The power and fury of the sea, recreated on a person, with just the mere use of colour. Majestic has been the realization, precious interpretation,and magic is the sensation and emotion I felt that day, and that I still feel now every time I look at it. There's EVERY shooting with Miele. A unique emotion, every time. Having to work with her is like handling a volcano. She is the one who gives, I recognize her as The Artist of nude. Watching her pose is pure magic and poetry.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Giorgia Soleri

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Giada, with her sweetness and elegance, always transmits a lot of heat and passion. She's never vulgar, never trivial, never predictable and I like to work with her because she's one who has done research on a personal still spot. She's never limitated herself by being just aesthetically beautiful.It gives me great emotion to think back and re-watch each shot where my main collaborators have partecipated, (now no longer just collaborators, but much more) at their makeup station. A succesion of colors and brush strokes that carries each one of them, the soul of whom, in that moment was holding the brush and painting. They hold the names of Carola Fasce, Fiorella Scatena, Eleonora Pellegrini and Sara Bergaglio. They gave me something more, I just had to take it with full hands. So thank you. Really. If I didn't mention the pictures taken with Tanya it would be a crime! With her I've always had a wonderful relationship. We always push ourselves beyond, and we're always able to create really gorgeous shots, with nothing at hand. We really do for eachother. And in the end, I feel the need to remind when Make-up artist and model, had by request collimated in the same person. And here by remembering it now, Carola filled with emotion and embarassment, with her reddress, laying down on the chair of one of the most famous theatres of the world [and so, with also the awareness that it wouldn't be possible to use it again, but I must say, that it has never been used so well before!], gives me the same emotions of that time. Exceptional location. Perfect make up. Model, well...I actually just made a click. What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? The person. I want to study it and understand it. To be able to go on beyond the mask and see what hides behind the behavior of each one of us. Digging and digging. It's never easy, but it is What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? 1The person. I want to study it and understand it. To be able to go on beyond the mask and see what hides behind the behavior of each one of us. Digging and digging. It's never easy, but it is really wonderful. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon. But just because it was the body machine of a Canon to choose me. I've had in hand about everything. Even Hasselblad, but there's nothing like having a Canon. And as lens a 50 mm. I love to blur while shooting with a fully open diaphragm. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Don't give up in front of the first adversity. Continue and persevere. Try to not be a slave of light, but turn it into your means of writing. Study and be always on the move. Shoot every day. Never stop. You have to keep your finger warm as long as possible. Most of all: look at your pictures with objectivity. There is nothing perfect. And there is nothing that has not been yet pictured. It's up to us to simply try to picture it in a new, different and original way. My Credis:

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Claudia Lion - 82 -

Giulia Pirola

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Beatrice Spinato Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Miele Rancido

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MelĂŹ Lippolis

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Giulia Pirola

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Beatrice Spinato Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Carola Fasce

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Chiara Rui

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model Jessika Dias


Can you tell us a little about you? I’m Jessika Dias Chaveiro, born in Brazil and now living in Antwerp, Belgium. I’m a passionate Zouk dancer, model ,blogger and I also work in an airline as a flight attendant. Appreciating and enjoying every given day. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would be less chaotic, my Brazilian habit of doing everything amanhã (tomorrow) gets me in a lot of troubles haha. How did you start modeling? I started modeling when I came to Belgium, I did my first shoots through the website modellennet at that time. After that I was able to build up a portfolio and I met incredible people in those years. What do you think of the work as a model? Like they said: If you love what you do then you will never have to work. What is your beauty regimen? For me first : a beauty regimen starts with being happy inside and after that : anything can be fixed! Enough sleep and drinking water is definitely a must! Because of all the make-up for my daily lifestyle and work I’m having a difficult skin and: Clinique anti-blemish solutions is helping me a lot,cleaning and hydrating my skin. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I’m a warm person who has a lot of love to give, I love being surrounded by people and make unique moments happen. I’m very passionate about the things I do in my life and for that and for being where I am today with my family I’m very thankful. And a thankful heart is a happy heart. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? For me every working experience with modeling has been unique. Most of the time I have been meeting incredible people. But I can say my most recent photoshoot on sunny Ibiza was very special ; we went there with a nice team and together we did some outstanding work. This is for sure one of my favorite photoshoot experiences. What are your plans for the future? My plans are to develop my passions and to become a successful and inspiring woman working with what I love most : fashion! Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? First: love yourself and don’t limit yourself to what people say or want you to be. You are the one who defines your own limits! - 92 -

Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Kurt Van de Velde

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Andy Immens

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Harald Fischerlehner (Austria)

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Tell us something about yourself. My name is Harald Fischerlehner, I’m working as a technical engineer, aged 47 & based in Upper Austria beside of photography I love my family, friends & like travelling.

model: Lucinda Snegurotschka mua: Daniela Gemeinhart

How and when did you get into photography? After university I went to Australia & Thailand for some months with my Minolta SLR and since these days the camera is part of my life. What does photography mean to you? Happyness! Being balanced, creating something together with the model & the makeup artist. Most of all I love it when I can recreate a model to something new - and the model is not just statisfied but positively surprised Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. Good question! To be honest very often I’m dissatisfied & doubtful about my pictures & the style therefore I can hardly nail my style of work. But during all the years I recognize that less technique and much more connection to the model is a key to my pictures nowadays. To keep the human as it is & let the people go during the shoot is a prior target to me. Where do you get inspiration from? Actually in these days a huge storage of inspiration is on click away - therefore I often check portals like 500px, Youtube, Pinterest and my favs on Instagram & Facebook. Nevertheless I like the oldstyle way to leaf through Magazines and see how others do. Sometimes it’s just the location, the model or just a good day that brings me instantaneous to a new idea on site. I also do inteact a lot with colleagues to get their feedback & learn from the critics. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Yes! Some pictures combined with Makeup and location are more or less done before the shoot even has started, but I don’t follow precisely a “masterplan” - the mood and flow of the people, the light, the location - everything should come together best - or sometimes I also skip a picture when I see that it doesn’t work that day. Studio, on location or both? Both, but the technique nowadays (ISO possibilities and good lenses) allows so much on location that I hardly hit the Studio - this changed within the years, too. So the answer should be mostly on location. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Hobbyist, working in a professional way.

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model / mu&h: Patricia Gebauer

What has been your most memorable session and why? Tough choice... to be honest I can’t select a single one... to get faith from people that they slip into different roles and let themselves go - these are memorable moments in almost every shooting. What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? As mentioned above there is such a huge source nowadays in front of us so I wouldn’t limit it to a single source. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Non of both big players since last year Sony A7R2; I mostly work with prime lenses 24, 35, 50 & 85mm; Favourite lens is I think the 35mm / 1,4 Art from Sigma. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Take care that you have just some orders a month and are not booked every day or even week, check your fix rates a month, don’t invest (too) much in euqipment - make a business plan what you need to earn to live a life and not thinking of debts. Be friendly and polite to the customers & communicate with them - before, during and after the shooting. You wanna get booked again - work for that. What do you think of our new magazine? It’s a great possibility to give people a chance to show what they can do. The mixture from countries, models, photographers and makeup artists makes a very colorful rainbow how photography grows and looks like. I’m really proud to be picked out and that I can show some work of me. All the best to the Modellenland team & Thank you very much for choosing me Peter! Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model: Elena Vasic mua: Daniela Steindl - 110 -

model: Angelika mua: Claudia Kriechbaumer Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model: Janin Baumann mua: Daniela Steindl - 112 -

model / mu&h: Cordula Koschar Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model / mu&h: Magalie Berghahn - 114 -

model / mu&h: Victoria Schrรถtter

model: Stefanie Bauer mua: Daniela Steindl Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model / mu&h: Martina Riva - 116 -

model: Theresa Hinterbuchinger mua/hair: Nicole Pfarrhofer Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

model & mua: Lidia Savoderova

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model: Sarah Passian mu&h: Andra Litzlfellner

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model Paulina Zaczkiewicz


Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Paulina Zaczkiewicz and I live near Wroclaw, in southern Poland. I am an economist and photo model. I love being in constant motion, travelling, meeting people and dancing. Zumba is in addition to modelling my greatest passion. Although at first I seem to be a quiet person, it is only an impression . People who know me well, know that I am totally crazy girl. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I am happy being who I am, I feel good with myself like never before in my life. Of course, it would be great, for example, to be a little higher, but it's not so important. However, I would like to be more immune, not to experience everything so intensely, especially these difficult moments. I'm definitely too sensitive. How did you start modeling? My adventure with modelling has started quite recently and accidentally. It was about two years ago when after a serious car accident when I broke my spine, I was looking for my new passion. At this time my old friend from primary school, who is a photographer, came to my town and told me: “come on, I will take you some pictures”. And he did. Then he persuaded me to create the model account on the internet and that's how it star-ted. After that other photographers started to invite me to the sessions, I was looking through thousands of pictures, looking for ideas and inspirations. What do you think of the work as a model? Working as a model is a very hard job. It requires great dedication, availability, a lot of sacrifices and strong personality. It is also a kind of work that gives a lot of joy and opportunities. I love to travel, meet interesting new people. It's a great feeling when you meet strangers, photographers, but you have a passion that connects you. It's nice when after the session we still keep in touch. - 120 -

fot. Wojciech Sewera mua. Ewelina Wasilczyk

Photo: Tomek Górecki Fotografia - Mua:

What are your plans for the future? Unfortunately life has taught me not to plan too much, because then nothing comes out of it. Therefore now I try to enjoy every single day. Of course I think about the future, I plan more sessions, but I try to keep my eyes and my mind open for new opportunities which sometimes come so unexpected. You can go some-where, meet someone and there's a new chance you could not have planned before. My dream and plan was pole dancing but now after the accident it will be never possible so I’ve just started hip hop trainings.

fot. Foly Sasha mua. Aleksandra Kozowicz

What is your beauty regimen? I belong to the group of lucky people that I do not have to do too much to keep myself in shape. I do not eat sweets because I do not like them, but I love the spicy pizza. I like to move a lot. Often after a hard week I think myself: at the end of the weekend, I'll rest and do nothing. And then Saturday comes the first thought is what to do here, where to go, with whom to meet. Besides, I like dancing, swim-ming, cycling, but I have little time for it. That’s why the most important for me is to sleep well, it’s the best for good humor and good look. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Modelling is my passion, I do it because I love it and put all my heart into it. I am a very ambitious person, and whenever I do something, even for pleasure, I want to be the best. Each session I treat separately and I am well prepared for it, from concept, stylization and all other details. I can work in different weather conditions. I had sessions barefoot in the snow, nude in the center of the city when it was only 5 degrees Celsius or on hot, sunny days. I don’t grumble, I just concentrate to achieve such effect that we want.

What are some of your favourite experiences so far? My favourite experiences are definitely connected with travels. Sailing and swimming in the sea in Croatia, trip to England to language school or journey by bus to my friend in Seville. I was only 17 years old, completely alone and 44 hours on the road. I have also many unforgettable experiences from foreign waterparks. I love such attractions when you have to overcome your fear and you have a lot of adrenaline and fun. Every photo session is also amazing experience and very often these short moments in our life are more important than huge events. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? If you really want to do it, try. If you feel good about it, do not give up after failure and criticism. Nowhere, nothing comes by itself, so work hard and patiently. Don’t compare to others, ever-yone is different and unique. You have to know your body and strengths , stand in front of the mirror and train facial expression, different poses etc. It is really helpful. What do you think of the magazine? I think it’s a highlevel magazine, showing the achievements of people from all over the world. The idea of presen-ting photographers or models with their history and effects of their works is really interesting and inspiring. I’m glad to be among all these people. - Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

fot. Remi DÄ…browski mua. Aneta Imago Walczak - 122 -

fot. Remi DÄ…browski mua. Aneta Imago Walczak Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

fot. Agnieszka Maurea mua&hair. Basia Šapińska

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fot. Agnieszka Maurea mua&hair. Basia Šapińska Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

fot. Jacek Szymanek mua. Ewelina Małecka-Gad - 126 -

Wojtek Polaczkiewicz WPixel mua. Dorota Małecka Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

fot. Foly Sasha mua. Aleksandra Kozowicz - 128 -

fot. Tomasz Pędziwiatr mua. Edyta Dyla Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

fot. Wojciech Sewera mua. Ewelina Wasilczyk - 130 -

fot. Rafał Guzik

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Models: Juul Hesselberth, Jonas Creton, Skoske Tuinstra and Marcel El-Metwally. Photography: AnahĂ­ Clemens Design and Styling: Anouk and Chiara Dunzinger Locations: Skatepark Utrecht and Griftpark.

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Miguel Barbosa (Portugal) Tell us something about yourself. My name is Miguel, I’m 44 years old and I’m from Porto, Portugal. I work in an office from 8 to 5, but I’m also a fashion photographer and recently I’ve created a modeling agency, called Allure Model Management. How and when did you get into photography? Although photography has been in my life forever, and I have always taken thousands of pictures on different occasions, even when there was still only analog photography, the truth is that it was only a few years ago that I dedicated myself, so to speak, to a more professional way, trying to figure out what style of photography I was in. What does photography mean to you? Photography means everything to me. It is to eternalize a moment, to send a message, to convey feelings. Each photo is a world of emotions to discover, a fusion of ideas. In photography there are no language barriers. Each image is a unique moment that stays forever, a unique vision of the photographer in relation to that moment, in which he reflects his soul. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. Without any doubt that the type of photography that fills me most is fashion photography. I have tried landscape photography, portrait, boudoir, events, children and newborns, but the fashion is undoubtedly the one with which I feel more connected. Maybe because I've been on fashion industry since I was 18 and it's already ingrained in me. Being a fashion photographer is entering a world of beauty, trends and glamour with countless options. Fashion and photography are two arts that together can be an explosion of creativity and a true visual delirium. Where do you get inspiration from? It is not an easy answer to give. Of course I do research, I see innumerable fashion editorials, catalogs, fashion magazines, etc. and of course this also becomes a source of inspiration for my work as a photographer, but that is what everyone does. Everything that surrounds us and everything that shaped us to be what we are today is a source of inspiration. The same person with a different education, another family, living in another city, would have a totally different inspiration. That's why I think my source of inspiration is everything around me the moment I shoot. The people, the environment, the clothes, the team, the weather is all I absorb to inspire myself. Studio, on location or both? Without any doubt on location. It is where I feel most comfortable and where I can give wings to creativity, working with the light and the colors that surround me, together with the clothes, accessories and models. - 138 -

Designer: Beatriz Bettencourt MakeUp: Rita Silva Models: Ana Alves and Melinda Vieira Agency: Allure Model Management

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Think you in advance what you want in the picture? I do not think too much in advance. I can have a general idea of what I want from the set, but I am a person who lives the moment very much. I like to analyze the conditions in the place, what ir has to give me and what I can get out of it. We live in a culture that values rationality, thought, order, to the detriment of emotion, intuition, and has difficulty dealing with the chaotic nature of things. I am the opposite; I live the emotion of the moment with all that it gives me. That's what I try to show in every picture. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? At this moment I feel neither one nor the other. I feel like I'm between them. It is not a hobby because I already have some responsibility in produc-tions for some national designers, but I cannot consider myself a paid professional, because I do not feel like a professional yet. I'm still walking there, and I have a lot to learn until I get there. But no doubt that is my wish, and every day I try to learn something new to get me closer to the goal.

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What has been your most memorable session and why? That's when I photographed the fashion editorial Morphoge-nesis for Beatriz Bettencourt, a Portuguese designer, a regular presence in one of the biggest national fashion events, Portugal Fashion. That was when I felt I could go further in fashion photography, that with the right people next to me, my work could be better and more valued. That was when I realized that fashion photography was what I wanted to do and that was what defined me as a photographer. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start? Never give up their dreams. It’s not easy. You will find many obstacles along the way and people with bad intentions. But you should never give up what you love. You should look for what satisfies you most in the picture and follow the heart. That's the most important. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon for sure and my 70-200, f2.8 lens.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Designer: Beatriz Bettencourt MakeUp: Rita Silva Models: Ana Catarina and Carolina Araujo Agency: Allure Model Management

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What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? The family, without doubt, in the first place. My wife and daughter are my support in everything I do. If I am able to do what I do, I undoubtedly owe them, who support me and who, often, also guide me and help me deal with difficulties on a day to day basis. Another source of important inspiration is undoubtedly the friends, the true ones, who are always present. I am a person in love with the human being and I am lucky because I live surrounded by wonderful human beings in the day to day. And they are the ones who count and inspire me every day. What do you think of our new magazine? I have been following Modellenland for a long time now and it is undoubtedly a source of inspiration. I like it very much because it allows us to have very different visions of photographic works that at first sight could even be similar. This allows me to broaden horizons and have other perspectives of things. Sometimes a very small detail makes all the difference in a photo. That inspires me.

About the agency Allure Model Management is an agency created with the aim of dignifying the activities of the models in Portugal, preparing them for the job market in the world of Fashion and Advertising. It is a dynamic project, created by professionals in the areas of fashion, and it aims above all to become a reference of excellence in this environment. Its modern concept is based on a philosophy of investing in the potential of its models, through appropriate training, so that they can also reach the highest levels of competence, not only for the satisfaction of our clients, but also in their own careers. Our commitment is to manage their careers with competence, professionalism and above all a lot of responsibility, helping them to realize their dreams and achieve their goals in the world of fashion.

Designer: Beatriz Bettencourt MakeUp: Rita Silva Models: Ana Alves and Carolina Araujo Agency: Allure Model Management

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Brand: Kapulana Stylist: Emanuel Ramos MakeUp: Lia Santos Hair Stylist: Bruno Vieira Model: Maria Ines Poceiro Agency: Allure Model Management

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Brand: Kapulana Stylist: Emanuel Ramos MakeUp: Lia Santos Hair Stylist: Bruno Vieira Model: Maria Belen Agency: Allure Model Management

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Designer: Beatriz Bettencourt MakeUp: Rita Silva Models: Ana Alves and Melinda Vieira Agency: Allure Model Management

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Designer: Luciana Almeida Stylist: Emanuel Ramos MakeUp: Ines Almeida Model: Andreia Tavares Agency: Allure Model Management

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Designer: Luciana Almeida Stylist: Emanuel Ramos MakeUp: Ines Almeida Model: Jessica Rodrigues Agency: Allure Model Management

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Designer: Luciana Almeida Stylist: Emanuel Ramos MakeUp: Ines Almeida Model: Adriana Pacheco Agency: Allure Model Management

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model Vinette Schulze (Africa) Can you tell us a little about yourself? Hi there! I’m Vinette, V for short. I’m a 21 year old farm girl from South Africa with a love for adventure and all things creative. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? In an industry that chases perfection, it is easy to criticise yourself. I like to believe that even though there is always space for improvement, our flaws make us unique and should be embraced. But to be honest, I could do with fewer blonde moments, I tend to get a bit clumsy at times haha... How did you start modeling? I was a shy, introverted 12 year old when my mom decided to enroll me into a modeling school to boost my confidence. From there I was scouted at a modeling competition and got signed to an agency in Cape Town. What do you think of the work as a model? Although it has many perks, like traveling to different countries, it is not always as glamorous as it is perceived. As with most careers, it requires hard work, determination and a lot of patience. What is your beauty regimen? What you put into your body is what you get out. I follow a plant-based vegan diet, which helps to keep my skin and hair healthy. As for exercise, I like to mix it up and try new ways of staying active. What are your plans for the future? Currently I’m looking for a new challenge, but traveling and experiencing new countries has always been my dream. On a more serious note, I would love to get involved with projects that help to make the world a better place.

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What are some of your favorite experiences so far? My favorite experiences have been during my solo travels. It wasn't always easy, but it was an important part of my personal growth. Life is one big adventure and every day is a new opportunity to experience life fully. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Don’t take compliments to your head or opinions to your heart. Be confident with who you are and what you have to offer. Persevere and never give up. Youtube Channel: Vinette’s Ventures

Laurie Cesari

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Laurie Cesari

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Laurie Cesari

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Laurie Cesari

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Laurie Cesari

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PURPLE Hair Collection By Laurie Cesari

The mini collection Purple was created in collaboration with photographer Pascal Latil, inspired by the novelty of L'Oréal Professionnel Color Ful Hair We wanted to highlight on our Marina model the Electric Violet worked with different dilution in order to bring depth. Available with several styling trends including Wavy, braids and twist, to sublimate its tapered square. Laurie Cesari 33 years old began hairdressing at the age of 15 years. Entry 13 years ago in the group Just Hair family teach composed of 9 salons in the south of france, she is manager of the salon of Istres, in provence, for 7 years and works as a trainer on the school SEA School of Aix en Provence. Younger Laurie won several FNC competitions in the bridal hairstyle category, after more than 10 years without competition, she embarked on the L'Oréal Style and Color Trophy adventure. Her regional finalist position allowed her to participate in the national final in Paris this year. The Theam Artistic Direction Laurie Cesari & Pascal Latil Color and Hair Laurie Cesari Stylist Latil Pascal Model Nina Laspé Make Up Pauline Balin

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Photographer Roland Okoń


Tell us something about yourself. My name is Roland Okoń from Wrocław, Poland. I have been professionally involved in photography for eleven years. Previously, I worked as a graphic artist and musician. How and when did you get into photography? I realised quite early on that in order to be happy in life – to be satisfied, to some degree – I had to be involved in some profession which gave me the opportunity to express myself creatively. It’s what gives me the greatest satisfaction. When I was working as a graphic designer, it hit me that I couldn’t spend the rest of my life staring at a computer screen – that’s when I began to think of finding some more fulfilling occupation. What does photography mean to you? For me, photography is a purely aesthetic experience. Specifically, I’m referring to the type of photography I pursue. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. In my photography, I seek (the) perfect composition and proportions. Although my photographs remain within the category of what can be called “classic” photography, I try to find interesting perspectives and strong tonal contrasts, wrapped in rich texture. My goal is to leave the viewer with a sense of hidden secret, provoking questions and stimulating the imagination… hopefully. Naturally, the main theme of my work is human beings, woman, the beauty of the human body. Where do you get inspiration from? When I pick up my camera, I turn into a different person, my personality changes – it’s like I flip a switch and turn off the rest of the world. I work automatically – almost in a trance – searching. I would say the process is like the state of mind you get into when listening to your favourite music. Do you think in advance what you want in the photograph Sometimes’s an initial starting point. But ultimately, I usually end up with something completely different than what I first envisioned. It’s a natural process for me. One I’ve come to accept. - 168 -

Magdalena Skowronska

Studio, on location or both? I live in Poland, so in summer – location, in the winter – studio. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? It’s how I make my living, so I would have to say professional. What has been your most memorable session and why? I’m usually focused on the last photo shoot I‘ve done, but looking back, I would have to say my most vivid memory is of a shoot I did in the Canary Islands, the surrounding scenery was simply breath-taking – and I admit, I was secretly very pleased with the final outcome.

Ilona Witkowska

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? My greatest source of inspiration is getting to know my subject – the conversation throughout the photoshoot. the opportunity to glimpse the soul of a fellow human being through the lens of the camera. The hidden energy is what I require to do my best work. It’s what gets me up in the morning; that and coffee. Nikon or Canon? Favourite lens? Canon 5D Mark III, 35mm, 50mm What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? You have to work longer hours and better than your competition. But don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

What do you think of our new magazine? I have to say it’s a brilliant idea for promoting genuine, good photography. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to appear on its pages. Thank you! - Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Karolina Kosikowska

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Karolina Kosikowska

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Katarzyna Swierkowska

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Ilona Witkowska

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Ilona Witkowska

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Katarzyna Swierkowska

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Ewa Nowak

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Karolina Kosikowska

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Agata Pieter

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Magda Burger

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Beauty blog by: Bibi make up queen

EmerginC products EmerginC is a remarkably effective, full line of active, results-oriented products with a wide range of pure, powerful vegetable and fruit acids, as well as cutting edge medical ingredients from all over the world. EmerginC products are paraben-free, and free from artificial colors and fragrances, and they try to use as many natural ingredients. In addition, they do not test on animals and use no animal ingredients. And, in their continuing commitment to the environment, the packageing are printed on Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative certified cardboard, printed with nontoxic vegetable based inks. They are also proud to be a fellow member at EmerginC is always looking for the latest scientific breakthroughs to ensure that they combat the visible signs of skin aging and other skin problems as well as possible to go and offering products and facial treatments with unmatched results after just a single treatment. The products are quite pricey, but that's to be expected of vegan products. Often the production costs are higher because they have to meet all kinds of quality demands, even more than those of the regular cosmetics, partly because this is an open niche in the cosmetics segment and customers are still not known with vegan cosmetics. This cleanser costs 36 dollar.

Bibi makeup queen Do you have a project and looking for a passionate make up artist, then you can always contact me: - 180 -

View The full issue on our website

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CHARMIE PFEFFE Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine




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AMANUELA QUISTELLI Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine



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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Dominika DÄ…bkowska (Poland) Tell us something about yourself. My name is Dominika and I'm 22. People connected with photography says that I'm self-sufficient because I'm a photographer, model and retoucher. How and when did you get into photography? I am interested in photo-graphy since a couple of years but from about a year I took it for real and this is the thing I am in most, What does photography mean to you? First of all, this is my passion. I love to capture moments, beautiful moments.

Model: Anna Piasecka Model 2: Marcin Tyszecki Makeup: Aneta Kubiak

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Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. It is hard to describe style. I like tight frames and models with unusual beauty. Where do you get inspiration from? Before sessions I often look for inspirations on the Internet or from my favourite photographers. I have an idea and I look for something similar.Sometimes I see something on the web and inspiration comes just like that. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? If I am taking shots with a model, most important thing is her look. How she acts. In my opinion very important is if a model can feel free in front of a camera.

Studio, on location or both? Definately studio, but it doesn't mean I don't like shooting on location. In studio it is hard to take special shot, with more climate, and this is challenging for me. Location can be unpredictable but you have the opportunity to take an extraordinary picture. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Rather a hobbyist because there is a long way ahead of me to become a pro. What has been your most memorable session and why? I cannot choose one. There was better sessions and worse but I hope that this most memorable will come and not only one. What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? People. Especially when both sides, photographer and model are happy with the effects of the session. This gives me a kick to move on. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon, because I am a fan of its colours. I always recognize a shot that was taken by a Canon. And a lens? I think its 50mm f/1.8. Despite the fact that is a standard len, you can take good pivtures with it. Especially portraits. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Do not pay attention to your gear. It is not said that if you have better camera, you'll take better pics. Listen to your intuition and practise a lot. Experiment. What do you think of our new magazine? For me it's great. Photographers from different countries with different points of view. Your magazine is also a fantastic place to gain inspiration. MY WEB: MY FACEBOOK:

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Patrycja Rymer Makeup: Ewelina Åšcibor - 194 -

Model: Justyna Opas Makeup: Ewelina Ĺšcibor Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Kinga Buczyńska Makeup: Marta Kacperek - 196 -

Model: Edyta Gaida Makeup: Marta Kacperek

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Magdalena Szortyka Makeup: Ewelina Ĺšcibor - 198 -

Model: Magdalena Szortyka Makeup: Ewelina Ĺšcibor

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Model: Oliwia Bińczyk Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor - 200 -

Model: Karolina Faryńska Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Karolina Rzepecka

Model: Justyna Opas Makeup: Ewelina Ĺšcibo

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Model: Karolina Faryńska

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Can you tell us a little about you? As I wrote before my name is Dominika and I'm 22. People connected with photography says that I'm self-sufficient because I'm a photographer, model and retoucher. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? If I could, I would change my height. I am a small person so I lost some opportunities because of it. How did you start modeling? It was a coincidence. I made a slef portrait and ona photographer asked me if I know this model. Then we started to collaborate. What do you think of the work as a model? For me working with photographers to improve your own portfolio is more interesting than comercial sessions and walking on a catwalk. What is your beauty regimen? I eat helathy food and excercise but it doesnt mean that I refuse myself any other pleasures. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I am very communicative and hard working person. I think I adjust to circumstances during session. What are your plans for the future? My plan is to progress all the time and work with better photographers, not only from Poland. This is my dream and goal. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Definately posing on workshops with other models and photographers. You can learn a lot and know other points of view. I've gained experience on events like this so I think that thanks to them I've made a progress which as i said before is very important to me. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? They need to ask themselves a question if they can handle it and if it is the thing that they want to do. I also want to wish them luck because for me it is a key. What do you think of the magazine? I think that this magazine is very good for models to promote them and also for photographers to find new faces. Of course it is an honour for me to be here because I think that you put here only interesting content. MY WEB : MY FACEBOOK: - 204 -

Model Dominika DÄ…bkowska (Poland)

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Adrian Stawiany Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Retouch: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor - 206 -

Photographer: Adrian Stawiany Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Retouch: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Aleksandra Jabłońska Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Ewelina Ścibor - 208 -

Photographer: Marcin Marcinkiewicz Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Martyna Ciapa Style: Grażyna Pander-Kokoszka Organization: Team Photo Art Janek Góral Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Mariusz Bogumił Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Katarzyna Chruścińska Organization: FotoMelanż vol.8 Tomasz Lenarczyk - 210 -

Photographer: Julia Pursa Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Martyna Ciapa Style: Grażyna Pander-Kokoszka Organization: Team Photo Art Janek Góral

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer: Mariusz Bogumił Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Katarzyna Chruścińska Organization: FotoMelanż vol.8 Tomasz Lenarczyk

Photographer: Monika Marcinkowska Model: Dominika Dąbkowska

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Photographer: Robert Michalik Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Katarzyna Chruścińska Organization: FotoMelanż vol.8 Tomasz Lenarczyk

Photographer: Ernest Madej Model: Dominika Dąbkowska Makeup: Martyna Ciapa Style: Grażyna Pander-Kokoszka Organization: Team Photo Art Janek Góral

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Antonella Cunsolo (Italy)

Winner of the month

Tell us something about yourself. I am a 43-year-old woman who loves Photography and Art in all its forms. Above all I am a Psychologist than a photograper, but Photography is now part of me and used well has also a great therapeutic power. I photograph for myself first and foremost and I love to teach others everything I know. How and when did you get into photography? I started looking my father. After my graduation in Psychology achieved in Rome, I began to study Photography: first with a professional course, at the end of which I obtained the title of Photographer, then other courses and workshops across Italy and also with international masters. Since 5 years I have been teaching photography in the association I am President of, founded in Catania (Sicily) in 2012, after many years of experience in training. I hold courses throughout Italy for all levels and ages of Portrait, Landscape, Street and Infrared.

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Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I am a lover of beauty and elegance and of photographic technique. But the most important thing I want in my photos is the soul of those who I portray or the emotions that the scene convey to me. Without this, photography does not communicate anything important. My strong emotionality and the study of psychology have always helped me through this. Where do you get inspiration from? Inspiration comes at any time from what I have inside, from the people I meet or who I love, from something I look or read. In a nutshell, from all that gives me an emotion. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Yes, I always think first what I want from an image. I try not to leave anything to chance. Every photo has to talk and express something, tell a story, excite emotions; otherwise it is not a good photo.

What does photography mean to you? Photography for me is indispensable. It is the best way to express who I am and my emotions. I can not help it and it is im-portant for me to convey to others every-thing I know. At the same time I am the first who never ends up studying and experimenting. Studio, on location or both? I take photos both in studio and outdoors or in different settings. However, I always prefer natural light. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? It's started as a passion and it still is a passion, but it's becoming more and more a work. What has been your most memorable session and why? Surely the one set in 18th century held in a historic building of the time, taking care of the minimal details of dresses, makeup and hair style. I love sessions in vintage dresses. What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? Surely the great Italian and international photographers such as Gianni Berengo Gardin, Giovanni Gastel, Paolo Roversi, Margaret Bourke White, Annie Leibovitz, Steve Mc Harry, Emily Soto, etc ... Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon. 85mm 1.2 What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Learning from the great photographers, without copying them. Always put yourself and your own emotions into what you do. That's what makes a difference for me. What do you think of our new magazine? I think it's an interesting showcase to introduce models and photographers Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Jasmine Bertani Mua: Grazia Spampinato

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Model: Mery Licari Dresses: Cesarina De Lucia Mua-Hair Stylist: Sandra Pirrone

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Ruxandra Movila Mua: Grazia Spampinato Hair Stylist: Rosy Io Donna Dresses: La Via della seta

Model: Valeria Piazza Mua: Morena Greco Hair Stylist: Rosy Io Donna Dresses: Cesarina De Lucia

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Model: Francesca Miuccio

Model: Rossana Coco Mua: Grazia Spampinato Dresses: Spadaro Moda di Sara Messina Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Valeria Piazza Mua: Grazia Spampinato

Model: Alessia Lion Maugeri Mua: Grazia Spampinato - 220 -

Model: Francesca Miuccio

Model: Doina Ilies

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Cristina Crudu Mua: Roberto Aloisio Hair Stylist: Gianni Sesto Senso

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Model: Allison Liselotte dubois

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model: Chiara Silvestri - 224 -

Model: Martina Tosi

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Photographer Michele Coppola


Tell us something about yourself. I was born in 1978, in a cold Thursday of January, in front of the Siren Gulf close to Naples, but my family moved to Milan when I was still a child and I grew up here. I always loved travelling, for working or for passion and for this I call myself “an eternal foreign in homeland”! No place belongs to me, every place fills my heart and my eyes and photography is a natural consequence of my curiosity. How and when did you get into photography? Well, I’m not able to tell you when I decide to became a photographer… is something that happened naturally! I started to shot during the Accademy in Milan where I studied theatrical direction, but at that time photography for me was a way to takes notes, gather ideas… after the Accademy I realized that what I was doing with the camera was what I wanted to do! The pictures weren’t just “notes”, they were the way in which I saw the world and people around me. More I developed this, more I knew myself. At the end photography for me became a need for discovering “how deep is the white-rabbit-burrow”. During the last year of university, I was working in a little photographic studio, and I got a phone call: “Would you like to work as photo reporter in Africa for 2 years?” I said yes, and in 15 days I left my family, my university, my house and I was at the airport of Sharm just with my old Nikon D70. And everything started. What does photography mean to you? It will surely survive on me. It’s not a passion, it’s not just a job… it’s a needs. I’m able to tell you only this. It’s the needs to be amazed, it’s the needs to know, it’s the needs to express myself, It’s the needs to communicate with my own language, without words but with something that everybody can understand and at the end, maybe, leaving an heritage of this time. - 226 -



Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I’m above all a black and white photographer, even if I’m looking for “my colour” also. I could say to be a portraitist, even if, in reality, I don’t care to give me “a label”. All the technicals, framing – choiches, managing model, locations, style and make up… all this things are elements that I use to build an image. I look for a har-mony among the body, the look and the world around. I search all the time for poetry, sensuality and elegance.



Where do you get inspiration from? There are a lot of places where I get inspiration, more or less… everywhere! Reading novels and poems, watching movies, looking magazines or pictures on the books and web. I get inspiration from my trips, looking things places and people around me, during my long walks ( I really love walking) and of course studying my favourite big photographer as Lindberg, Avedon, Herb Ritts, Barbieri, Newton… I get “input and ideas” from everywhere and I leave them growing up inside of me… some of them disappear, others, suddenly, became a need to be realized. So I start to develop them. I try to transform these suggestions in a concrete idea that belongs to me. I look for all the“things” that I need to realize it… and then I shot. Sometimes it works… and sometimes no! Anyway, I always leave free a part of this creative process… because sometimes things happen, even if you didn’t project anything, but you have to be ready to catch them. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? I could say at 60%! I mean, I build the idea then I want that the model lives inside this idea. For me is important her/ his interpretation: I give some directions, some suggestions but I want that she/he feels part of the world that I ‘ve created. In this way I give to my self the chance to explore the limits of the idea, if it works or not, if it miss something or there is too much… Moreover, all the people that work on my set are important, because through their professionality, their sensibility this idea can grow up. I like to talk with them and confront with their interpre-tation... and sometimes it happen that we change a lot from the original idea. For all this, I could say that I go on a set with a canvas in my mind… but the picture will be built there.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Studio, on location or both? I’d say both! As always… depend on the idea! Even if sometimes I prefer to work outside. Maybe because I come from reportage, so I feel more comfortable in open space, with natural lights… or better with that “cloudy-soft- lights” before the rain! For me is the best one!!!! Would you consider yourself a professional? I’ve been a professional photographer for 16-17 years. What has been your most memorable session and why? OH! Hard question! I don’t know… I mean, often behind a picture, there is a story…! For example has been so funny what happened while I was taking the picture of the model with the long black skirt on the stairs. It was December and we were in Milan at 2pm o’clock. At the end of via Montenapoleone, close to Armani Hotel, there is a little square with this monument made like a huge stairs that I chose as location. We started to work, the model was posing, I was concentrate to shot and suddenly I saw the model through the camera start to laugh… I stopped and when I turn behind I saw more than 100 people with cameras, mobile phone and I don’t know what else… taking videos and pictures of her! There were a couple of policemen that were taking pictures too! By the way we go on to work and after 10 min, when we finished, people started to clap and some of them asked also a picture with the model and my autograph… Was very funny! We laughed so much! What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? Well, probably Peter Lindberg, but in somehow all the neo-realistic photographers! For example I really love Ferdinando Scianna and how he show us Sicily. People, places… every picture is a story! He has been able to give not only an interpretation of the life of this land but above all an aesthetics and an iconography! What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Mmmm… what could I say… are you sure??? Ok, I’m joking! Well I think that you don’t choose this profession, you must feel for real that is what you want to do… or better to be! Is one of the best profession in the world, but is also one of the hardest. You have to be prepared to do a lot of sacrifices, to receive a lot of doors closed, to change your mind and put all your work in discussion for improving and never give up to study. You should defend your ideas and work but you should be able to listen people that give you the right advices. Don’t do it just for money… even because, nowadays, is not so easy earn “big money” from this career, but do it for yourself! Because after all the struggling’s, after all the fights, after all the problems… if you keep hard… you will see realized your ideas! And for me this is the best gratification. - 228 -


Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Always been Nikonist and my favourite lens are 105mm 2.8 macro and85mm 1.8. What do you think of our new magazine? Well, first of all, I’d like to say thank you for hosting me! I think is a very nice magazine above all because you give the chance to introduce a lot of talented photographers and beautiful models. You give them a lot of space to show their works and present themselves!


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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Model Laura McGuire


Can you tell us a little about you? I am married with 3 children and I have been living in the USA for 13 years. I am Lithuanian by heritage. Besides modeling I am very passionate about fitness and healthy lifestyle. Being a certified personal trainer and a group fitness instructor enables me to share my approach of staying fit and give inspiration to others. I am not only preaching I have been practicing it for many years. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I am comfortable with who I am. I won’t lie that confidence comes with age and understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. It comes with knowing how to laugh at yourself but stand your ground when it is necessary. It is a complicated topic in a sense that you have to accept who you are and make the best out of it. Nobody is perfect and we all know it. How did you start modeling? I was modeling on and off since 14 years old. I was discovered by model scouts visiting Lithuania at the time. It is an exciting glamorous industry and once you fall into it you can’t leave it so easily. What do you think of the work as a model? Work as a model is very exciting in the sense that it is very diverse. It surely has the glamorous side that most of the people are attracted to. It gives me an exposure to all of the beautiful things that we women love: latest fashion, skincare, make up etc. It also gives me an opportunity of constant make overs depending on the role you are playing during a photo shoot. What is your beauty regimen? My beauty regimen is quite basic. There is nothing extravagant or too expensive. I am a believer of regular facials which I do every 2 months. And you certainly have to find the skincare that works for your skin and age. Besides that your body is a reflection of how you live your life. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I think I am a very positive person. I am focused on things that I am trying to achieve but at the same time I believe in natural course of events, destiny. What are your plans for the future? The future is as bright as you want it to be. Family is the center of my universe and having them all healthy and happy is my biggest wish. I build everything around my 3 children and my husband, they are the priority. Career-wise I would like to grow as a fitness professional, educate and inspire people on healthy lifestyle and fitness. In fashion industry I would like to continue successfully work as a model and proudly embrace different opportunities that come with age. - 240 -

What are some of your favorite experiences so far? My most favorite experiences are associated with traveling and exploring new places. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? It is an exciting industry so try it out if you have an opportunity. But it is not a profession you can rely on all of your life. It comes and goes away so embrace it while it lasts and have fun with it. What do you think of the magazine? It is a great online industry magazine. Informational and fun reading. Instagram: modelform_by_laura_mcguire - Facebook: ModelForm by Laura McGuire Agency: New York Model Management Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Susan Bowlus

Susan Bowlus

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Gale Hadani

Gale Hadani

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Seth Sabad

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Susan Bowlus

Susan Bowlus

Susan Bowlus - 250 -

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Pamela Lenine; Make Up: Colombina Diego Mendes - 252 -

Photographer Bruno de Carvalho (Portugal)

Tell us something about yourself. I’m a photographer based in Portugal that loves, live and dream with photography. How and when did you get into photography? More seriously, it was 8 years ago, before I already receive good feedback from some shoots I made to some friends of mine and then I decide to learn about photography in some workshops and after that positive feedback increase and I never stop until now. What does photography mean to you? It’s what I love to do, is what makes me awake even with a few or none hours sleeps, is what makes me alive. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. My style is spontaneous, relaxed and intense. Where do you get inspiration from? From books, movies and other photographers like Mario Testino, for example. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Most of the times yes, I think in advance but some of them came naturally, during the shoot. Studio, on location or both? I prefer on location because we can play with the elements that are around us and different kinds of weather conditions. I got some cons also but it’s much more challenging and exciting at the end. What has been your most memorable session and why? It was in Esbjerg, Denmark, with a beautiful model that was Miss Denmark finalist because she was very pretty, lovely as person, depending on angle and light she look different from photo to photo and it ended with amazing photos, just like I had imagine. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I’m a paid professional.

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Rikke Søgaard

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What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? My vision Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Nikon, since when I start. For fashion shoot 70-200mm f2.8 from Nikon. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? To trust in their work and enjoy every single shoot they make. If you love it, go for it. What do you think of our new magazine? I think it’s great, high professional photos showed and I’m very honour to be able to show my work in this magazine. Thanks.

Katharina Stanco - 256 -

Karina Spirit

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Olga Gama

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Catarina Nunes

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Rikke Søgaard - 260 -

Andreia Moura

Diana Lampreia; Make Up: Helena JosĂŠ

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Nuno Costa

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Tatiana Khlebopros

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Make-up Artist: Djongi makeup & SFX How long have you been a makeup artist and how did you get your start? Honestly, I really can't define it with a certain date! I have been in arts and crafts since kid, so oh, yes, this dates back in time! Approximate since 5 years I work as a makeup and sfx artist. It started so easy, you know, when you work and have a dream you start to think, than collect some money to study. Sometimes you don't have a cool job, can't put aside, sometimes you have a cool job and have no time to go to study. I never do promises to myself on New Year's Eve, except that one. I promised myself to start the year and dedicate it to all the things that are kind to my heart – things that I had no time or no money to realize. To learn makeup and sfx was one of it to go for. I started a course, and all rest were just coming one after another. What’s your education and what is your favorite part of the make up? Apart of being a makeup and special effects artist, instructor and a teacher, I have got some other qualifications – I am a foreign trade executive, have diploma (BA and MA) as an adragogy specialist (adult education), worked years in the logistics field, teached English too! I finished a numerous courses in Hungary and abroad in makeup, sfx, airbrush, face and body painting etc.... Now my newest school is a hairdresser school, so girls, fingers crossed for me! I think that we all need to improve ourselves and learn, it is not a shame, it is normal human thing to keep your knowlegde up to date by putting your work on a higher quality and professional level! My favourite part? Hm... let me think.... When I put my hand on my heart, I could say that my favourite part in makeup is that kind where I have to design a look according to some special needs – it could be a makeup for a very extreme costume, or a look what has to fit more requirements at the same time. That kind of makeup, what you have to really think over and figure out how to execute, what materials to use etc. - 264 -

Where do you get your inspiration from? That is a very good question! Where I get my inspiration from? Hm.... sometimes it comes in a flash and I make notes or start to do makeup on myself infront of the mirror at home. I like to think and create out of my mind, experimenting, mixig techniques, testing materials and consistencies to the edge of their limit to see how further can I go. Sometimes, when I have free hand in a job I like to create makeups what fit the requirements, fitting even the small details included in it. Influence is all over, just needs to be prosessed. Or I am just calling my Muse on the hotline! Any makeup tips you'd like to share with us? Yes, please use facial cream on daily bases, over 25 is a must to use an eye cream, a light foundation is always natural looking instead of wearing a heavy coverage for every day. Please do not forget: the task and puropse of makeup is to make you feel beautiful and preatty(er than you are), to cover the small mistakes on your face, hide the things that we don't want to see, and highlight the things that are preatty! Less is more!

Who have you worked for and who would you like to work for in the future? I work for few theaters in Hungary, have a private customers too. Working also on two very exciting projects to realize next year – hope to inform you and your kind audience within few months of my crazy-beauty-bloody plans! In these days I am packing my “let's do magic makeups and pour some blood” equipments and hitting the road to work on a movie set. For the future, I would like to do and participate in wordwide productions where my name means guarantee of a quality work. An international recognition of the industry would simply melt my heart. What are three things every girl needs in her makeup bag?I think the top three things, what are “must have” in a girl's bag are: an eye pencil – with color of your choise (I use balck or dark grey), mascara and a lipstick! With a pencil you can easily make a daily makeup into evening one in a flash, mascara to pop-up the lashes, lipstick to be a real woman, and even if you use a bit of lipstick as a blush you are ready to go really in 5 minutes!

What are some of your makeup products that you use? In my work as a makeup and special effects artist I work with differend products and brands, according to the needs of the customer, or the production. I simply hate to carry a huuuuge and heavy makeup suitcase, so during the years I could select a small rolling suitcase size kit to my work. I love palettes, they are so easy to carry, full with colors options and saves a lot of place by not carrying a bunch of bottles and single eye shadows or lipstick tubes! I always have 4-5 types of foundations with me, creamy and powder makeups, basic eye and lip pencils, lipstics in a palette too. Regarding the brands, I am definately a Ben Nye fan! I use some Kryolan, Mac and other professional brands, but always keep an eye on that's new on the market and try to test it. I prefer to work with makeup products that have multi purpose usage, have buildable consistencies (from light to heavy) and are heavy duty to wear and in the mean time should give a fresh look to the face, a lightweight effect as a makeup. Buildable consistency is a good to have if you have to work for fashion or theater, and light could be for a movie for example, heavy duty for a wedding makeup, HD makeup for photo sessions. All the products that I use when I work, are perviously personally tested on myself, I would never ever use a product without knowing how it feels on the skin, is it comfortable or not, is it long lasting or vanishes with the first touch up. In my private life, when I put makeup on myself I use the same products that I use for work, with differance that these are separated from the working kit. My makeup bag is unbelievably small! I have a Ben Nye HD foundation and a concealer, a transluscent powder, a single blush and mascara, few pensils and eye colors, some lip shines and few lipsticks!

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

What are common mistakes you see women make on their makeup? Actually, all woman – of course there are always exceptions! -, just simply forget what we see on differnt social medias as a makeup is not what we should normally wear as a daily makeup on our face when we are on the street – in the meaning of the word: normal makeup! Most of the times I see too much heavy makeups, just too much of foundation, blush or not proper use of colors, or just simply heavily painted eyebrows. I suggest to all makeup lovers, just simply to wear makeup what is comfortable, suits the personality, and most of all what gives a light, natural look – the kind of makeup that makes you preatty and corrects the face to positive direction, to make you feel beautiful. Girls, do not forget, sometimes less is more! What do you think of the magazine? I follow the magazine since years, I can only say my congratulations to the whole team! Great job guys, keep up the good job! The magazine is stylish, modern and just perfect quality!

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Beauty blog by: Bibi make up queen How to shoose a mascara? Before choosing the best mascara for your lashes, you should keep the following in mind. Mascara you'll find in many brands and styles. What kind of lashes? Are they long, curly, thick, thin, short, just right? Shorter lashes appear longer with lengthening mascara. Thin lashes will look fuller with a thickening formula and longer lashes benefit from curling mascara .Mascara are available in a wide range of colors and styles, from the blackest black and dark brown to lighter shades of both, or even fun colors such as blue and green. Black and brown tones are the most appropriate and work well with any skin tone, eye color and choice of wardrobe. Are you planning to go swimming? Is there any chance that you're going to cry, or going to laugh so hard that you get tears in the eyes? If you answered yes to any of these questions, waterproof mascara is the best option in this case! This prevents mascara flared when watching sad movies or emotional times. - Weddings, graduations, you can pass your waterproof mascara to the day, or at least your face will not provided with mascara. This type of mascara is difficult to remove, unless you have a makeup remover that is capable of removing waterproof make up.

Are your eyelashes very blond or not so noticeable? If this problem seems to haunt you, try a filling of mascara, or possibly one that fills your lashes and renew. A thicker formula will be better for your lashes because this mascara thickers your lashes layer by layer. Even if your lashes are still a little subtle, you can always accentuate your eyes with dark eyeliner and eyeshadow. If you are still not satisfied, you can put fake eyelashes for special occasions. Here are just mascara's of LR Health & Beauty Systems that have very good quality.

These mascaras can be found at LR Health & Beauty Systems

Bibi makeup queen Do you have a project and looking for a passionate make up artist, then you can always contact me: - 272 -

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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Marcin Kopycinski

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Rafał Pasikiewicz

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Grzegorz Maksymiuk

Grzegorz Maksymiuk - 280 -

Lukas Wawrzinek

Grzegorz Maksymiuk

Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

Szymon Jobkiewicz

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Issue28 (part2) October 2017 - Modellenland Magazine

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