3 minute read
Photographer: Riccardo Ziosi
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Ziosi Riccardo, I live in the province of Bologna, since I was a child I have always been fascinated by the world of art and all the beauty that surrounds it, so I decided to e nter that magical world. before approaching photography I exp eri-mented with different fields such as painting and m usic until finally arriving at photography. photography is what most represents me and what most reflects me.I imme -diately started photographing abandoned places (Urb ex) such as churches, villas, castles and other dilapid ated structures in disuse, for several years it was the only pho-tographic genre I dealt with, then the desire to ex periment was so great so I gradually approached the world of por-traiture by creating a personal studio and studying various professional techniques. still the portrait is the genre that I mainly deal with and that gives me the most satisfa ction.
How and when did you get into photography? I have al-ways been attracted to photography, I saw it as a w ay to capture time and special moments so that I could go back and relive them. I started shooting with my camera about 10 years ago when I started exploring abandoned pla ces.
What does photography mean to you? Photography for me is life, they are emotions that are lived and tr ansmitted to the obser ver in a nutshell it is art;
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. Mine is a pictorial style, I am inspired by the paintings of past years, I love the classic Baroque , Renais-sance style of painting , I like to recreate scenes inspired by paintings that I like most. I tr y to keep a line th at differs from the usual photographs we see ever y day.
Where do you get inspiration from? I am mainly inspired by Baroque art, I draw more inspiration from the pa intings of Caravag gio and the works of that historical peri od.
Do you think in advance what you want in the pictur e? Not always, usually before creating a set I always think about what I want to photograph, I already imagine the scenes I want to shoot and then make them, but it a lso happened a few times to improvise and some good wor ks came out.
Studio, on location or both? I prefer to shoot in the stu-dio, but if I happen to find a nice location that i s suitable for my photographic genre, I can shoot without prob lems even outdoors.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid pr ofes-sional? At the moment mine is just a great passion / hobby, I consider myself an amateur photographer, b ut if one day it should become a job I would be ver y happ y. What has been your most memorable session and why? it's a difficult question because I liked all the shootings I've done so far, if I have to ch oo-se one in particular, probably the one where we recreated the painting of Judith and Holofernes by Caravag gio, as one of my favorite paintings.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? As a camera body I use a sony a7r2 the lens I use most often is sony 28-70mm but also the Meike 85mm manual focus is not bad, it depends on the situations and the work I have to do.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start? First of all it must be a passion then a job, this is the greatest advice I can give.
https://w w w.facebook.com/riccardophziosi https://w w w.instagram.com/ziosiriccardo/ https://w w w.flickr.com/photos/189934215@N08