From the editor
Editorial 50 - July 2023 - Modellenland Magazine
Modellenland Magazine is a fresh, new submissionbased editorial publication that celebrates the true art of fashion and the emerging artists behind it.

Modellenland is a Free Belgian magazine but we accept also entries from other countries.
Everybody can publish for free ,photographers, MUA, stylists, models, good amateur, students, semiprofessional, professional etc...

The focus will not only be on fashion, but food, lifestyle, animals, landscapes, are also welkom.
Modellenland Magazine is a fashion, beauty, editorial and conceptual art magazine and will be published monthly
The goal is to show our submitters their portfolio worldwide to model and PR-agencies, and brand labels.
Modellenland will focus on creative minds from all over the fashion world. It will be a magazine for aspiring artists who deserve recognition for their work.

Modellenland Magazine is available in a free digital format - download
To order a print version go to the website (Magazines)
Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter
Website: http://modellenland.com

Email: info@modellenland.com
Credits Cover: Model: @sita_yasmine

Photo: @paola.s.photos
Muah: @charlottevanbeusekom
Outfit: @fantasydesign2015
Male Model: @iamalicktexeira
At: @thewhitecamel

04 Golden Sita, By Paola Salviano
22 Soho, By Pascal Latil
38 Tia-Maria, By PAGE7 Photo

50 Saint-GERMAIN, By Latil Pascal
62 Unik'olor, By Latil Pascal
78 After Dark, By Bill Hart-French
86 Sohpie Bromels, By Emily Gummig
98 Eleonora Savorelli, By Carl Stacey
108 Dana Myrvig, By Lars Fink R.

118 Cielo Santo, By Kumenhair

126 City Of Art, By Dietmar Bougé
136 Dunes, By Dietmar Bougé
142 Once Up on a Time (1) , By Cyril
158 Once Up on a Time (2) , By Cyril
170 Alisson Nina, By Philippe Mayne
182 Alisson Nina, By Stijn Bohrer
198 Old Man, By Attila Hangyási
210 Mischelle, By Steve N
218 Orora, By Latil Pascal
230 Tangled, By David Fergar

Back to the disco
Model: @sita_yasmine
Photo: @paola.s.photos
Muah: @charlottevanbeusekom
Outfit: @fantasydesign2015
Male Model: @iamalicktexeira
At: @thewhitecamel


Direction Artistique & Coiffure: Eric Maurice
Stylisme: Véronique Suchet
Maquillage: Ambre Thomas
Photographie et Retouche: Pascal Latil

Vidéo: Bastien Sablé
Production & Relation presse: ELP Hair Production

By PAGE7 Photo
Model: Tia-Maria instagram.com/tiamaaaria
Photo: PAGE7 Photo instagram.com/page7photo facebook.com/page7photo www.page7photo.com

By LAURENT VOISINETThis season, the new collection is iconic revisited, the attitude of the Parisian woman will be at the heart of it. From timeless classics to current trends with ultra natural shades, captivating brown and delicate blond. Inspired by bustling Paris and its flood of iconic actresses and cult haute couture houses. Glamorous buns with seventies codes. A cut with a preppy look, a square base, with a texture that brings movement and softness to the whole and its essential fringe. Rendez-vous in the streets of an exhilarating Paris between style and heritage.
Cette saison, la nouvelle collection est iconique revisitée, l'attitude de la femme parisienne sera au cœur de celle-ci. Du classique intemporel aux tendances actuelles avec des nuances ultra naturelles, un marron envoûtant et un blond délicat. Inspiré du Paris bouillonnant et son flot d'actrices emblématiques et de maison de haute couture culte. Des chignons glamour aux codes seventies. Une coupe à l'allure preppy, une base carrée, avec une texturisation qui apporte mouvement et douceur sur l'ensemble et sa frange incontournable. Rendez-vous dans les rues d'un Paris exaltant entre style et héritage.
DIRECTEUR CRÉATIF: Laurent Voisinet & Latil Pascal
PRODUCTEUR: ELP Hair Production
PHOTO & RETOUCH: Latil Pascal @latilpascal
MAQUILLAGE: Stéphanie Joffroy
STYLING: Véronique Suchet
MODÈLE: Noémie Checa & Hannah Weidenauer
With WELLA France / Marc Casez & Emmanuel Mandon

ELP Hair Production vous présente la nouvelle collection de TÊTE D'AFFICHE ACADEMY

ELP Hair Production présent the new hair collection of TÊTE D'AFFICHE ACADEMY
PRODUCTEUR ELP Hair Production
PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal
STYLING Crystel Pilone
MODÈLE Hannah Weidenauer / Mathilda Barret / Victoria Vika / Aurore Istria / Mandy Edelin / Johanna Moreau

After Dark in Chinatown

Photographer: Bill Hart-French
I am an exhibited and internationally published photographer. I am based in Brixton. I work in Kennington. I live in London, UK. I specialise in music, people and narrative nude photography
Model: Yong-chin Marika Breslin
Yong-chin Marika Breslin is a London based professional makeup artist and creative director. Her work has been exclusively featured in editorial magazines such as Kaltblut, Elements, MobJournal and Féroce. She rarely models.
Shot in London. United Kingdom in December 2020
Yong-chin Marika Breslin and I have worked together quite a lot and we had planned to do a shoot in London’s Chinatown for some time. We were going to tell a story together. A story of a woman looking for her man through the din and bustle of a busy night. Full of light, colour, neon, noise, crowds. We shot it on the 16th of December 2020. Unfortunately, London went into Lockdown at midnight on the 16th December. We shot it anyway (I checked. We were allowed to.) But there was no light, no neon, no noise, no crowds. It ended up being much more "noir" than we had both planned.

Sohpie Bromels
Model Sohpie Bromels @sophiebrommels
Emily Gummig @Mosseefx
Alice @alice_photographh
Lashes and Lips/ MUA
Chelsea Kelley instagram ethereal_esthetics

Eleonora Savorelli
I'm Eleonora Savorelli, and I'm a contemporary art curator. I’m based in Milan, where I study at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti), in which I attend the course of Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies. In the past, I spent several months in Turin, for a couple internships in art galleries; and three years in Rome, where I graduated from the John Cabot University. I also spent a semester in Athens, that was a very fulfilling experience.
Despite my main interest is contemporary art, I also enjoy doing photoshoots, and, in general, experimenting with photography.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/eleonora.savorelli/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/eleonorasavorelli/
Photographer: Carl Stacey

Dana Myrvig
Model: Dana Myrvig
Photographer: Lars Fink Rasmussen

New Hair Collection CIELO SANTO
By KUMENHAIRLIVE PRODUCTION & ELP Hair Production présent the new hair collection of KUMENHAIR « CIELO SANTO »
HAIR Kumenhair @kumenhair
HAIR ASSISTANT Yuleymi @yuleymi01
PRODUCTEUR Live Production studio @liveproductionstudio
PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal
MAQUILLAGE Francisco Ibarra & Fermín Díaz @franciscoibarramilanez @fermindiaz_
STYLING DLima @rubendlima
MODÈLE Emilie Kashohay & Ugne @emiilieee05 @ugnegram

City Of Art and Science
Photographer Dietmar Bougé

Model: Anna Avramenko
MUA: Anna Avramenko

Photographer: Dietmar Bougé
Model: Julia Herzsprung
MUA: Julia Herzsprung

CYRIL BAZIN ARTISTIC TEAM Present the new hair collection
Once Up on a Time … Cyril Bazin invites us to dive into the rock universe through several decades /70s/80s/90s symbolized by fashion and music icons
Femininity and rock are two concepts that may seem contradictory, but which can be united as an uninhibited way of life in which the woman emancipates herself through her look! Many women have proven that femininity can be powerfully expressed with bold looks and textures. You rock

Collection « ONCE UPON A TIME » by Cyril Bazin Coiffeur Créateur
Direction Artistique : DKhairdesigner / Latil Pascal / Artisitic team Cyril Bazin
Coiffure : Artistic Team Cyril Bazin Coiffeur Créateur
Stylisme : ELP Hair Production
Maquillage : Myriam Jegousse-Soulard
Photographie et Retouche : Pascal Latil
Production & Relation presse : ELP Hair Production

CYRIL BAZIN ARTISTIC TEAM Present the new hair collection

Once Up on a Time … Cyril Bazin invites us to dive into the rock universe through several decades /70s/80s/90s symbolized by fashion and music icons
Femininity and rock are two concepts that may seem contradictory, but which can be united as an uninhibited way of life in which the woman emancipates herself through her look! Many women have proven that femininity can be powerfully expressed with bold looks and textures. You rock
Collection « ONCE UPON A TIME » by Cyril Bazin Coiffeur Créateur
Direction Artistique : DKhairdesigner / Latil Pascal / Artisitic team Cyril Bazin
Coiffure : Artistic Team Cyril Bazin Coiffeur Créateur
Stylisme : ELP Hair Production
Maquillage : Myriam Jegousse-Soulard
Photographie et Retouche : Pascal Latil
Production & Relation presse : ELP Hair Production

Alisson Nina Model

Model: Alisson Nina
Instagram: @Alisson.Nina.Model
Photographer: Philippe Mayne
Instagram: @maynephilippe

Alisson Nina

“A man of no words”

Photographer Attila Hangyási (Hungary)

“Dead bird”

“End of the party”

“I let my past become my present”

“My lost memory”

“Old violinist”

“Reading old man”

“The end”

“The music is over”

“Portrait of someone”

“There are things that everyone sees but you”
Model: Mischelle

Photography: Steve

Photography: Steve @S_nuske

Present The New Hair Project
PRODUCER ELP Hair Production @elphairproduction

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Eric Maurice, Ambre Thomas & Pascal Latil
Eric Maurice is Art director colors for mydentity @guytang_mydentity France & Benelux @bleulibelluleofficiel
In collaboration Jacques Seban
CREATIVE COLORS Amandine Zachary , Elisa Belmonte, Lucas Dupont, Éric Maurice
HAIR ASSISTANT Amandine Zachary , Elisa Belmonte
PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal
MUA Ambre Thomas
STYLISM Ambre Thomas
HAIR COLOR - #mydentity
HAIR CARE - k18 Hair

Tangled by David Fergar
“The concep was inspired by is the legend of the rede thread, an Asian Korean story that tell us that people are connected before birth through a red thread. In this work, I have not only connected two people but the whole world. Something tht makes it inclusive a nd with a change of roles. I was also inspired by classical architecture, straight lines, and everything very clean and of roles. I was also inspired by classical architecture, straight lines, and everything very clean and polished. polished. ““
Makeup, Hair, photography and editing. : David Fergar @davidfergarmua
Models: Elena Garrido @elena_lovesmile, Mario Hernádez @mario.
Communication: Óscar Martínez @oscarmr76
Colllaborators: La Biosthétique @labiosthetiquespain_pro, Lim Hair @limhair, Ardell @ardell_iberia, Inglot @inglotspainoficial