Modellenland Magazine is a fresh, new submissionbased editorial publication that celebrates the true art of fashion and the emerging artists behind it.
Modellenland is a Free Belgian magazine but we accept also entries from other countries.
Everybody can publish for free ,photographers, MUA, stylists, models, good amateur, students, semiprofessional, professional etc...
The focus will not only be on fashion, but food, lifestyle, animals, landscapes, are also welkom.
Modellenland Magazine is a fashion, beauty, editorial and conceptual art magazine and will be published monthly
The goal is to show our submitters their portfolio worldwide to model and PR-agencies, and brand labels.
Modellenland will focus on creative minds from all over the fashion world. It will be a magazine for aspiring artists who deserve recognition for their work.
Modellenland Magazine is available in a free digital format - download
To order a print version go to the website (Magazines)
Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter Website: http://modellenland.com http://facebook.com/modellenland Email: info@modellenland.com
Credits Cover:
Model: Theresa Terzonie @treeterzonie
Photographer: Lukasz Benc @ishottheworld
04 Treeterzonie, By
Nude, By Pascal Latil
IYA, By Image Faktory
Neo, by Javier Ventoso 42 Britt Meeusen (1), By Ezgi Uslu
50 Xena, By Fred Baggen 60 Evolution, By Jesús Vázquez 66 Britt Meeusen (2), By Ezgi Uslu 74 Bit, By Montse Morella
Black & White, By Faber Marc
Britt Meeusen (3), By Ezgi Uslu 114 Christy, By PAGE7 Photo
Sofia, By PAGE7 Photo 136 Nitescence, By Laurent Voisinet
150 Artistic n art, By Jacob M Lypart 158 Shadows, By Marina Miracle 174 Rigmor, By Michael Oxkjær 180 Mixy Crush, By L’Excellence’ 188 Annamaria, By Pappalettera D.
200 Aesthetic, By Pascal Latil
210 Gaea, By Clara D’Ambrosio
218 A Star Is Born, By PACA 234 Chiara, By Ugo Baldassarre
240 Marika, By Ugo Baldassarre 246 Silvia, By Ugo Baldassarre
Model: Theresa Terzonie @treeterzonie
Photographer: Lukasz Benc @ishottheworld
Collection NUDE
Direction Artistique : Morgan Andrusso
Coiffure & Coloration : Team Tête d'Affiche Academy
Stylisme : Crystel Pilone
Maquillage : Ambre Thomas
Photographie et Retouche : Pascal Latil
Production & Relation presse : ELP Hair Production
Pascal LATIL - www.pascallatil.com - Contact Press : pascapsud@yahoo.fr
Send : PASCAL LATIL - 8 Place Jean Jaures - 13450 GRANS - FRANCE
Photographer: Carl Jacobs - Image Faktory
FaceBook: image faktory
Model: www.instagram.com/iya.proart/
The word "neo" is a prefix that comes from the Greek "neos," which means "new" or "recent." This prefix is commonly used in the formation of words to denote a variety of concepts related to renewal, innovation, or the reinterpretation of something previously existing.
With this collection, Javier Ventoso aims to reinterpret classic looks and blend timeless elegance with modern creativity, creating unique and memorable styles.
"Neo" is also a journey through geometric shapes that are so important in hairdressing, as they result in precise and balanced cuts.
We will go from heart-shaped volumes to curls falling like a pentagon, triangular blondes, and more rounded and elongated styles.
Regarding the wardrobe, Javier explains: "I wanted neutral tones, a black and white style to let the hair color dominate."The stylist has created an ensemble that reflects style, personality, and confidence. That is Neo.
Peluquería: Javier Ventoso @javier_ventoso Asistente peluquería: Oscar Ventoso @oscar_ventoso Fotógrafo: Esteban Roca @esteban_roca_photo Mua: Bea Torres y Odu Martínez @obdu_martinez @superbeita Estilismo Julia Asensio y Javier ventoso @julia.asencio @javier_ventoso Comunicación: Óscar Martínez @oscarmr76
Comunicación: Óscar Martínez @oscarmr76
Photo : Ezgi Uslu
https://www.instagram.com/ezgiuuslu/ Model : Britt Meeusen
https://www.instagram.com/meeusenbritt/ Muah : Lookslikereny
https://www.instagram.com/lookslikereny/ Design : Fantasy Design
Peluquería: Jesús Vázquez @peluqueriajvazquez_
Fotografía: Paula Amati
Estilismo: Violeta Moreira
Maquillaje: Jesús Vázquez @peluqueriajvazquez_
Retoque Fotográfico: Javier Villalabeitia @javiervillalabeitia
Comunicación. Oscar Martínez @oscarmr76
by Jesús VázquezLa peluquería masculina ha evolucionado de estilos callejeros a una estética vanguardista y andrógina. Antes, el corte clásico predominaba, pero ahora se exploran formas arriesgadas y texturas diversas. Los hombres buscan expresar su individualidad y romper barreras de género a través de peinados audaces y coloridos. La peluquería se convierte en un espacio de libertad creativa y empoderamiento personal.
Men's hairstyling has evolved from street styles to a cutting edge androgynous aesthetic. Previously, the classic haircut used to dominate, but now daring shapes and diverse textures are being explored. Men are seeking to express their individuality and break gender barriers thro ugh bold and colorful hairstyles. Hairdressing becomes a space of creative freedom and personal empowerment.
La coiffure masculine a évolué des styles urbains à une esthétique androgyne avant gardiste. Auparavant, la coupe classique dominait, mais désormais, des formes audacieuses et des textures diverses sont explorées. Les hommes cherchent à exprimer leur individualité et à briser les barrières de genre grâce à des coiffures audacieuses et colorées. La coiffure devient un espace de liberté créative et d'autonomisation personnelle.
La pettinatura maschile è evoluta dagli stili urbani a un'estetica androgina all'avanguardia. In passato, la pettinatura classica dominava, ma ora si esplorano forme audaci e texture diverse. Gli uomini cercano di esprimere la loro individualità e rompere le barriere di genere attraverso acconciature audaci e colorate. La pettinatura diventa uno spazio di libertà creativa e di potenziamento personale.
Jesús Vázquezhttps://www.instagram.com/ezgiuuslu/ Model : Britt Meeusen
https://www.instagram.com/meeusenbritt/ Muah : Lookslikereny
https://www.instagram.com/lookslikereny/ Design : Fantasy Design
BIT: Small unit of information, the smallest for the largest and the first collection with artificial intelligence created on our continent.
BIT transports us to the 50s and 60s when in some of those classic black and white films, women were portrayed as victims or fearful characters. In BIT, the tables are turned, and power is given to them through the strength of the close-up and the empowerment that comes from the gaze. Direct and confident.
Gone are all those years when society made women feel small. They dominate the world through power and love.
That's why the total look shown by the MATRESS is striking, from the attitude to the exquisite hairstyles. Hair perfectly styled, evoking the classic hairstyling of a lifetime. Curls, rings, nets, crimps, remember the pleats and the hairspray
Each style takes us through more than five hours of perfectly polished work, expressing the love and respect that Montse Morella has for hairstyling.
This is real hairstyling. The wardrobe has been selected from the best designers in the world so that each style can be examined and studied. This demonstrates that the work of the hairdresser adapts and raises the level of haute couture. In this case, inspired by the Medical (sexual practice) of the 90s.
David Arnal and Montse Morella present to you the first collection created with artificial intelligence because they are a team that likes to play, create, and not leave anyone indifferent.
Crédits: Art Director: Montse Morella @momotra Image: David Arnal. @davidarnalteam Communication. Oscar Martínez. @oscarmr76
By: Photographer Faber Marc
https://www.facebook.com/faber.marc.9 https://fabermarco.photography https://www.instagram.com/faber_marco
https://www.instagram.com/ezgiuuslu/ Model : Britt Meeusen
https://www.instagram.com/meeusenbritt/ Muah : Lookslikereny
https://www.instagram.com/lookslikereny/ Design : Fantasy Design
Model: Sofia instagram.com/sofiamodelxx
Photo: PAGE7 Photo instagram.com/page7photo facebook.com/page7photo www.page7photo.com
ELP Hair Production présent the new hair collection of LAURENT VOISINET in collaboration with Eric WELLA France « NITESCENCE »
Welcome to the Nitescence universe, a world of limitless expression with an unapologetic rock style. A timeless, uninhibited and modular cut with a shade of pearly blonde made with Illumina color to capture all the light.
Sensual and elegant updos with bold and flamboyant shades revealed by Shinefinity. Nitescence allows you to be yourself without concession in order to dare to shine.
“Live intensely, pursue your dreams”
Laurent Voisinet - Latil Pascal
PRODUCTEUR ELP Hair Production
PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal
STYLING Noémie Devime
MODÈLE Charlie Arsan & Maryon Bertrand
With WELLA France / Marc Casez & Emmanuel
Jacob's interest in photography is about integrating with people and working with interpretation in his images. Jacob has chosen to work mainly with four categories, all of which have in common that his abilities to understand the lighting technique in the images have been strengthened. Jacob's goal is clearly to do more interpretation in the future, but right now he is more focused on mastering the technique and creating interesting images.
For several years I have worked to develop myself as a photographer. It's been great working with artistic nudes, which is the best category if you want to learn all about light and shadows. Together with the skin tones, the body forms the perfect canvas to learn about how light and shadows form artistic expressions.
www.jlypart.com https://www.instagram.com/photographer_j.lypart/ www.instagram.com/artistic_n_art/ https://www.facebook.com/foto.lypart.5
Creative: @marina_miracle @marteeevich
Prod: @fate.group.pro @kap1t0n
Md: @kseniya_starodubets
Ph: @marina_miracle
Style/muah: @marteeevich
Photographer: Michael Oxkjær
https://www.instagram.com/oxkjaer/ hej@photobymox.dk https://www.photobymox.dk/
MIXY CRUSH By L’Excellence des Coiff’
Artistic Director : Beata Bourillon & Pascal Latil
Hair : Sylvie Théophile , Edwige Boucher , Christophe Théophile , Delphine Parent , Adeline Lavallee, Pauline Dusmenil et Sabrina
Stylism : Sylvie Théophile
Make Up : Johanna Pariente
Vidéo : Pascal Latil
Models : Marine Viggiano, Agata Suduiko
Photographe & Retouch : Pascal Latil
Production & Presse Relation : ELP Hair
Pascal LATIL - www.pascallatil.com - Contact
Press : pascapsud@yahoo.fr
Send : PASCAL LATIL - 8 Place Jean Jaures13450 GRANS - FRANCE
www.instagram.com/aanna_moreena_/ Photographer @Pappalettera.davide
Ph: @Pappalettera.davide
Ph: @Pappalettera.davide
Ph: @Pappalettera.davide
Collection Intercoiffure France
Direction Artistique : François Mazeau
Coiffure & Coloration : Team
Intercoiffure France
Make up : Johanna Pariente
Stylisme : Noemie Devime
Mannequin : Aden Caillaut / Ambre
Renard / Sarah Guerre / Ivann Miramand
Place : Studio 17
Photographie et Retouche : Pascal Latil
Production & Relation presse : ELP Hair Production
Pascal LATIL - www.pascallatil.comContact Press : pascapsud@yahoo.fr
Send : PASCAL LATIL - 8 Place Jean Jaures - 13450 GRANS - FRANCE
Gaea swayed voluptuously, accompanied with her graceful movements the melody of the blackbirds and the chirping of cicadas.
The Calabrian heat enveloped her body, and her dry skin craved that dew that she had been waiting for too long.
She loved to let herself be touched lightly by the herds who, with respect and veneration, fed on her flesh and plowed, slowly and yet firmly, her hips, welcoming and maternal.
The heat had transformed her clothes. She perceived the arrogance of the passing of time along her shoulders, since the lush green of the spring meadows had given way to a dazzling golden dryness.
That dress made her ethereal.
Yet not the black crows, nor the pregnant heifers had dared to interrupt that ancestral and divine dance, but another creature, anything but reverent, forced to himself that once indomitable goddess, making those hips barren, once vital and welcoming.
The melody of the crows and the creatures that lingered along her figure was replaced by the ferruginous squeak of the tractors that stripped her of her dress made of light.
All that remained was cold nakedness and deafening silence.
https://www.instagram.com/pietro_dambrosio_fotografo https://www.instagram.com/pietro_dambrosio_bnwportfolio
Gea ondeggiava voluttuosamente, accompagnava con i suoi movimenti leggiadri la melodia dei merli e il frinire delle cicale.
La calura calabra avvolgeva le sue spoglie, e la sua pelle, arida, bramava quella rugiada che si faceva attendere da troppo tempo.
Amava lasciarsi sfiorare dalle mandrie che, con rispetto e venerazione, si nutrivano delle sue carni e solcavano, lentamente eppur con passo sicuro, i fianchi di lei, accoglienti e materni.
L’arsura aveva mutato le sue vesti. Percepiva la prepotenza dello scorrere del tempo lungo le sue spalle, poiché il verde rigoglioso dei prati primaverili aveva ceduto il posto ad un’aridità aurea, sfolgorante.
Quella veste la rendeva eterea.
Eppure non i corvini augei, né le gravide giovenche avevano osato interrompere quella danza ancestrale e divina, bensì un’altra creatura, tutt’altro che riverente, costrinse a sé quella dea un tempo indomita rendendo ben presto sterili quei fianchi un tempo vitali e accoglienti.
Alla melodia dei corvi e delle creature che sostavano lungo la sua figura si sostituì il cigolio ferruginoso dei trattori che la spogliarono della sua veste di luce.
Non restò che fredda nudità e un silenzio assordante.
PRODUCER ELP Hair Production @elphairproduction
ARTISTIC DIRECTOR David Katchadourian
PHOTO & RETOUCH Latil Pascal @latilpascal
HAIR Team Intercoiffure PACA
MUA Ambre Thomas
STYLISM Crystel Pilone
Model: Chiara Cantoni Make Up: Valentina Coco Photographer: Ugo BaldassarreMODELLENLAND MAGAZINE
Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter
Website: http//modellenland.com
Email: info@modellenland.com
http://facebook.com/modellenland https://www.instagram.com/modellenland/ http://modellenlandmagazine.blogspot.be http://pinterest.com/modellenl
https://issuu.com/modellenlandmagazine https://www.yumpu.com/user/modellenland