
16 minute read
Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Journalism & Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
srail Mukaddas rgashevna, Doctor of Philosophy, professor (israil19mukaddas@gmail.com). eshabaeva Dilfuza Muminovna, Doctor of Philology, professor (dilfuza_bonu@mail.ru)

zbek State niversity of World Tashkent, Uzbekistan anguages ( zS W ), faculty of International Journalism,
limova Sabina
uygunovna (sana.alimova@gmail.com) Journalism & Mass ommunications niversity of zbekistan (JM faculty of Print Media Journalism, Tashkent, zbekistan. z),
srail Mukaddas rgashevna eshabaeva Dilfuza Muminovna
limova Sabina uygunovna

The problem of language in women’s print media has been studied in detail in scientific works and articles by Russian, Western and Uzbek researchers, journalists, and specialists in the humanities. Finding solution to the issues of the language of newspaper as special form of social interaction is relevant, since the «theoretical development» of this area of the media remains insufficient. In general, the issues of modern language of the media have been studied by such researchers as V.I.Konkov, A.N. Potsar, S.I. Smetanina, V.G. Kostomarov, E.S. Kubryakova, L.V. Tsurikova, D.S. Sadullaev. G.Ya. Solganik, M.N. Volodin, D.M. Teshabayeva, G.Kh. Bakiyeva, M.I. Israil, L.I. Toshmukhamedova, S.Kh. Shamaksudova. The article examines the genre, linguistic and stylistic features of women’s press on the example of the Uzbek newspaper «Lady», world trends in the development of women’s journalism today in order to clearly understand the mutual influence of these factors on the formation of the specialized language of women’s printed publications.
Keywords: genre specificity, women’s journalism, women’s printed publications, information genre, linguistic and stylistic features, special vocabulary, artistic and journalistic genre, newspaper language.
«Lady» is a weekly newspaper. Produced under the founding of LLC TC «Erudite» in April 2, 2002. Newspaper format – A4. Circulation – 19250 thousand copies. The motto of the newspaper is «Warmth and joy in every home». In the newspaper you can find materials on such topics as sports, beauty, health, gardening, science and show business, as well as a TV program, advertising block and crosswords, advice from doctors, psychologists, forensic experts, stylists, beauticians.
The materials are written in artistic, journalistic and informational genres. According to the rules, informational genres include note, report, interview, reportage and article. The most widespread genre of information in the Lady newspaper is a note. For example, here is a note with the following headline: «Japan sent a dog that flew in without permission» [2, p. 3]. The post tells how the dog made a flight from Hong Kong to Japan in its owner's suitcase. The pet climbed into the bag when the owner was packing for the trip. The note, as it should, answers the main questions and thus becomes accessible and understandable. The note complies with all the rules, it answers the main questions, it is simple and concise. Moreover, the title itself corresponds to the main text of the note, which gives the reader an idea of what exactly will be discussed.
Interviews also are a striking information genre on the pages of the Lady newspaper. Interview is a conversation between a journalist and one or more persons of public interest. The proof of this can be the following material: an interview with an Uzbek writer Vika Osadchenko: «Так, словно я прочитана вразброс…» [2, p. 7]. The interview is timed to coincide with the release of a new book by the young poetess. Here is an excerpt from the text:
«– Are you trying to convey anything to the reader with your poetry? – Trying nothing. If I wanted to say something to strangers, I would do it in prose, or better – in journalism. In general, you need to move away from the idea that a poem or even a poet should convey something to the reader. You should not impose educational functions on art, they can only be a secondary effect.
While I am writing, I have no time to think about the reader, and even more so about how to convey something to him.»
At the beginning of the material, the author says that he wants to communicate with the heroine about her work and the release of her new book. Indeed, the author keeps his word and conducts the interview exactly as promised. For example, one of the last questions to the heroine: «– You are one of the best modern poetesses in Uzbekistan.
Recognition warms, or as in Pasternak: «The goal of creativity is dedication, not hype, not success ...». Perhaps, in our time, it is ugly to be inconspicuous? – Am I the best or not – again, a controversial statement, time will tell. Recognition inspires gratitude, but its scale is small. I don’t have enough stadium listeners, so we will look at things soberly». It is very important that there are no digressions in the dialogue, as is the case in most cases, and the whole conversation concerns one area of the interviewee.
On the other hand, the reader may get bored with repetitive questions from the author. But in my opinion, with regards to this case, this is the right strategy, since the interview was planned on the occasion of the release of the book, thus it should be aimed at the creativity of the hero. Matching the title to the text is obvious
And, perhaps, the most popular, but at the same time one of the most difficult information genres is the article. As we remember, it should be developed, with weighty arguments, facts, opinions of eyewitnesses, etc. An example of a successful article, I think, can be considered an article entitled «Lessons from Themis for a mother with a baby» [2, p. 7]. It talks about how to prepare for motherhood, who can help and how, and what the expectant mother is entitled to. The author reinforces each of his words with existing laws, regulations, various other documents, thus the reader has confidence in the author and in what he is talking about.
For example: «For a working expectant mother, the main fear is how this news will be treated at work. Many are beginning to worry that the management will not be happy with this news. Be that as it may, know that the law (and labor law in particular) is on your side. First, nobody has the right to fire you! Termination of an employment contract with pregnant women and women with children under the age of three is not allowed on the initiative of the employer, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise, when the termination of the employment contract is allowed with mandatory employment.
Your wages cannot be reduced due to pregnancy or children. If you are in a position and are trying to get a job, then you also need to know that in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to inform you of his reasons in writing. In addition, the refusal to hire a pregnant woman or a woman who has a child under the age of three years can be appealed against in court (Articles 78 and 224 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
And also, pregnant women and women with children under three years of age are hired without preliminary testing (Article 84 of the Labor Code). « There is no need to doubt the words of the author, since if you wish, you can find the appropriate document yourself and check everything you have said yourself. The author also gives advice to already established mothers, which is also very interesting, because many mothers may not know about such moments.
In the newspaper «Lady» the most widespread artistic and journalistic genre is the essay. In the essay, the fact, the event is not only reproduced, but also serves as a reason for the author's reflections, generalizations, and posing any problems. The author's «I» of the essay carries deep content, carries out a great psychological load, determines the style and tonality of the work. A good example of an essay is the material under the title: «Love of a poet and his muse» [2, p. 16]. This essay tells about the famous writer Aibek and his beloved woman Zarifa Saidnasyrova. This essay belongs primarily to the category of historical essay, as it tells about a famous historical figure. For example, an excerpt: «Zarifa Saidnasyrova wrote a book «Oybegim mening» («My Aybek»), the very title of which shows all her love for her husband. It is impossible to translate this phrase into Russian, because the Uzbek name «Oybegim» has an affix of belonging to the first person, which is not in Russian.
This work is a kind of declaration of love by Zarifa to her husband. Indeed, unlike Aibek, Zarifa-opa did not show her feelings. She did not see the book in finished form, it was published after her death. « Here the author recalls the touching moments of the writer's wife. The author also reminds us of how Zarifa herself recalls some moments of her life. For example: «The poet Cholpan was once a guest of my father,» recalls Zarifa-opa. – Then I saw him for the first time. Tall, broad-shouldered, he was dressed in a Fergana chapan, and on his head was a fur hat. My father showed me a painting depicting the mausoleum of Ahmad Yassaviy and told about my passion for painting. – Great job, the girl must study in Germany, she must be sent there, – said Cholpan. – This is my dream, – said my father with a smile ...».
Reading such an essay, the reader gets the feeling that he is personally present at this. This is the essence of the essay – to transfer the reader to the place and time about which he talks. The author talks about the difficult moments of the life of the writer and his life, as a result of which, the reader begins to empathize. For example, the following passage: «These days we sold all our valuables, exchanged gold earrings for 16 cans of linseed oil. We did everything then to survive. It was in such a difficult situation that Aybek finished his novel «Navoi». I can say with confidence that this essay has the right to be called an essay. The subject of the image is clearly expressed in it, it is artistic, it is documentary. The title is a bit simple, but in general, there is no urgent need to replace it.
Another artistic and journalistic genre can be found on the pages of the newspaper «Lady» – everyday history. Everyday stories describe some episodes from people's lives, their actions, various situations, collisions, i.e. everything that can be designated as «human being». Everyday stories are created using the artistic method, that is, the author's fantasy plays the main role in the birth of such texts. An example of everyday history can serve as a story under the title: «Shy» [2, p. 13].
Here is an excerpt from the material: «I will tell you an interesting story. A tall young man with a bundle in his hand was walking along one of the streets of our city. He walked and looked around suspiciously. His strange behavior attracted the attention of a police officer. Surrounded by a crowd of curious people, the guy refused to show the contents of the mysterious package. Already at the police station, where he, the suspicious, was escorted, he said that he was going to the Park of Culture and Rest on a date with his girlfriend, and in a bundle, there were ordinary fresh flowers. To the question: «Why did you hide them, why didn't you carry them openly?» – he replied: «I am ashamed to walk along the street with flowers somehow awkwardly.» Shy ...
Sometimes a young man does not hesitate to invite an unfamiliar girl to dance, where he will run up and even shuffle his foot, but he is ashamed to thank her for the dance. Another modern knight is shy to intercede for a girl. Once I saw the following scene: in the evening a young couple was walking down the
street, and a citizen was walking towards them, suspiciously staggering, who, having equalized with this couple, insulted the girl.
Previously, for this they threw down a glove and challenged him to a duel, but our young man, apparently, hesitated to make a challenge, only said: «Come on, Lenochka, don't mess with him, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible.» But Lena had a good command of sambo techniques ... Some of our Romeos became shy, very shy ». In this material, you can see how the author analyzes modern people, gives examples that he himself witnesses. In my opinion, this is the real life story. But I didn't really like the title. It's too abstract. After reading it, it becomes unclear what will be discussed further, you need to read at least the first lines in order to understand, and this is already a kind of obstacle for the reader.
So, after analyzing the newspaper «Lady», we can say the following: in this edition mainly materials of informational and artistic and journalistic genres. Very often you can observe the inconsistency of the title, style and text of materials. The authors choose too abstract titles for their materials, which do not reveal the essence of the material, or at least do not hint to the reader what will be discussed. After all, the heading is a very important part of the text, it depends on it whether the reader will read the material or not. And just the authors of the publication «Lady» are at risk of being unheard because of such a defect.
If we follow the classification of V.M. Yampolskaya, [7, pp. 15-25], then in terms of the scale of distribution «Lady» is a republican publication; by the nature of the publisher – private; by orientation towards certain readers' interests, it is massively popular. The analysis of the language of the weekly publication «Lady» showed that the prevailing functional styles of the language are journalistic with elements of officially business, popular science and colloquial, as well as artistic. Since «Lady» is a newspaper, a greater place is occupied by the genre of chronicles (news, notes, announcements), journalistic essays on various events in the country and abroad. The chronicle genre is characterized by the use of adverbs, verbs of the future, present and past tense and specialized vocabulary, for example, «The list of drugs has been updated...», «A common intellectual property market is being created», «The Belgian Defense Ministry is creating a female special forces» [2, p. 5].
In the second place in terms of frequency of use from the category of journalistic style is the interview genre. Based on genre characteristics, there are elements of a conversational style in the interview, the level of which depends on the vocabulary of the interviewed person.
Much attention is paid to sections «health» and «legislation», therefore in «Lady» there is a lot of medical and legal vocabulary. In some issues, the publication pays great attention to the publication of public bills related to the status of women, as well as news in general in the legislation of Uzbekistan. Therefore, in the newspaper «Lady» more than in other publications there is an official business style: «According to Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.24.2015 No. 370 «Traffic Rules», clause 12, the driver is prohibited ...», «In accordance with Article 272 of the Tax Code of the Republic ...», «The document approved the Program ... It contains a set of measures aimed at...» [2, p. 4-5, 8-9], «The Presidential Decree of 14.11.2018« UP-5577 «On additional measures to improve state regulation in the field of construction» was adopted, «By the Decree of the President of 14.11.2018, No. PP-4016, the Agreement on the formation and development of the intellectual property market of states – participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States » [2, pp. 4-5].
As you can see from the examples above, the formal business style is the style of international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, statutes, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, and so on. t is characterized by such qualities as brevity, compact presentation, economical use of language means; the use of clichés and stationery; wide use of terminology, names (legal, diplomatic, military, administrative, etc.); the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), the inclusion in the text of compound words, abbreviations, numbers; frequent use of verbal nouns, canceled prepositions (on the basis, in relation, in accordance with, in the case, in force, for purposes, within, at the expense, along the line, etc.), complex conjunctions (due to the fact that, in view of the fact that , due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.), as well as various stable phrases that serve to connect parts of a complex sentence (in case...; on the basis that...; for the reason that...; with by the condition that...; in such a way that...; the circumstance that...; the fact that... etc.); almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means, established expressions; weak individualization of style.
In the newspaper «Lady» proper names occupy a large place – names and surnames of guests, heroes of articles and essays, interviewed; geographical names (countries, cities, regions, names of lakes and rivers,
resorts); names of brands, brands of clothing and cosmetics. The last category is not so often used due to the fact that there is practically no direct advertising and few articles about fashion and beauty in «Lady».
Since «Lady» is a weekly newspaper, it covers a wide range of topics, makes extensive use of special vocabulary from such areas as medicine, jurisprudence, legislation, tourism. As the analysis of the language of the newspaper «Lady» has shown, in this edition there are all styles of speech (scientific, artistic, official business, colloquial), but journalistic prevails.
In general, the modern women's press reflects the change in the role of women, her active involvement in social activities, her desire to reveal her inner potential, to realize herself as a person in relationships, in the family and in her professional career. The creation and transmission of values, ideas, ideas and knowledge about society in publications for women occurs with the help of certain speech means, which form the image of a woman in the magazine, which is then reproduced by the audience in everyday life.

2. 3. 4. 5.
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