
14 minute read
2. I srail Mukaddas
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
srail Mukaddas rgashevna, Doctor of Philosophy, professor (israil19mukaddas@gmail.com).
zbek State niversity of World Tashkent, Uzbekistan anguages ( zS W ), faculty of International Journalism,

The article is devoted to the analysis of borrowed special vocabulary, which in the newspaper text, as a rule, acquires positive or negative shade, that is, often gives a «qualitative» effect. The material of the study was the Republican Newspapers «Business Bulletin of the East», «Youth of Uzbekistan» and the Russian newspaper «Trud-7» of 2005 year.
Objective is to identify the features of borrowed special vocabulary as the most typical source of expressiveness of the newspaper. The use of borrowed special vocabulary in all newspaper genres gives narrative vitality, reliability, laconism of expression. At the same time we have to understand the regularities of the influence of social transformations in society on the development of vocabulary due to foreign special vocabulary, their functioning on the pages of newspapers of the beginning of XXI century.
Keywords: Specialized vocabulary, determinologization, metaphorization, positiveaction vocabulary, negativeity vocabulary, expressive language, newspapers’ language.
Mastering foreign language vocabulary material and incorporating it into a new language system is a sign of the inner strength of the Russian language, its flexibility and ability to meet the continuously growing socio-economic and cultural needs of people.
One of the reasons for the use of special vocabulary of foreign origin in the newspaper’s language is the need to highlight foreign concepts and ideas. It is rarely possible and successful to invent your own names of other people’s concepts. In most cases the borrowing of words was caused by the emergence of new concepts for the designation of which the Russian language did not have the corresponding lexical and word-formative resources. The word when changing from one language to another sometimes changes its meaning. Some borrowed words in recent years have radically changed their meaning and stylistic coloring.
Let us analyze the lexical meaning of the word pluralism. Here is how it is defined in dictionaries: «Pluralism (latin pluralis – plural) – 1) The philosophical idealistic doctrine, stating (as opposed to monism) that the world is based on a set of independent spiritual entities; 2) One of the main ideas in modern bourgeois and reformist theories of social order is that social and political life is supposedly a competition of many social groups and parties and other organizations representing them» [10, p. 27]. Now this word is used in a set of completely different shades of meaning, which for the most part sum up to the following: diversity, a multitude of opinions. 14
Borrowed words «business» and «businessman» are also popular on the pages of newspapers. The Russian noun corresponds to the English, and therefore, the respectful western word businessman, literally translated into Russian, sounds somewhat ambiguous – seller. Respectable businessman in Russian corresponds to the business. There are judgmental and scornful notes of meaning. As G.Ya.Solganik would say, they are socially evaluative, and with a minus sign. Yes, and in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, this word was no better explained: «Businessman — in capitalist countries — businessman, entrepreneur.» So the language reflects the dissimilarity of Western and Russian attitudes towards entrepreneurship and commerce. Our «business» – from time immemorial – tricks: the shopkeeper usually associates with being untruthful and not fully financially clean. And this attitude to commerce and business only strengthened over the decades of Soviet power. Therefore, we prefer to call a person who knows, sensible, and who knows how to make money, a foreign word – a businessman, although some ironic coloring is preserved in everyday use.
Another catchy borrowing is the word – «manager» – with an enviable frequency flashes on the pages of press. Meanwhile, this word is far from new in Russian and has its own history. It has many meanings: the head of the commercial or industrial enterprise, department, public organization, director; a person who leads the commercial side of an artistic, sports, or other entertaining enterprise that represents the financial interests of a variety artist, athlete. The polysemy of the word was formed for a long time.
In Russian, the English word manager originally meant «director in English theaters» [9, p. 20]. Later the meaning of the exotic word was clarified: it was used as Russian synonymous to the word impresario as designation of entrepreneur involved in organizational and financial issues of performances by artists. The word manager in the meaning «administrator» appears in the Short Dictionary of Foreign Words edited by S. M Lokshina [9, p. 21]. Today, it is an approved connotation (positive appraisal) in the sense of borrowing that the manager often distinguishes the English language from the synonymous Russian words «director», «administrator», on which the administrative-command system has been stamped for several years, and which journalists almost never use.
New, but at the same time, already lexically learned borrowings from foreign languages can be divided into several main thematic groups: 1) Socio-political terms and concepts: mentality, legitimacy, diaspora, consensus, publicity, department; 2) Economic terms: broker, franchise, know-how, dealer, office, concern, privatization, startup; 3) Names of culinary products: popcorn, hamburger, chips, cheeseburger, pizza; 4) Names of clothes: leggings, cardigan, swingers, slacks.
The language also uses a group of words called barbarism. If borrowed words are words of the Russian language, then barbarisms are genuine foreign words that are written with the help of both Russian and foreign words. For example: chao, alma mater, bucks (dollars), slacks (trousers), cinema. Here is an example of the use of such barbarism in the context: «Probably, being writer, producer and the main heroine at once can only be blued by the cinema» [6, p. 4].
Popular in republic, weekly «Youth of Uzbekistan» abuses barbarisms of English origin. For example, the names of the stages of the competition of football experts are written as: First-time, Time-out, Second-time, Over-time. The television program announces the newspaper as follows: «Films, Performances, Sports, Cartoons, News.» Why was it necessary to replace the Russian word with English «news»?
The spread of scientific and technical terminology, its penetration into different spheres of life leads to the fact that in the language, along with the process of terminology of commonly used words, there is also a reverse process – mastering of the terms of literary language, i.e. their determinism. For example, the frequent use of philosophical, literary, physical, industrial, and many other terms made them common words, for example: abstraction, argument, dialectics; concert, plot, style; amplitude, battery, contact, circuit, reaction, resonance; analysis, vitamin deficiency, diagnosis, immunity, x-rays; kapron, combine harvester, conveyor, motor, filtering, etc. Often appearing in context with common words, the terms metaphorize and lose their special purpose, for example: the anatomy of love, the geography of the feat, the sclerosis of conscience, the inflation of words. Many of these words and phrases in the general literary use have a different meaning: contact (special, physical) – contact of electrical wires and contact as communication, interaction, consistency in work.
Deterministicization largely depends on the active use of terms in different styles of speech (colloquial and bookish, which, in turn, is closely related to the intensity of borrowing words from those or other vocabulary limited in terms of the distribution of words (for example: the use of space vocabulary – early
active space exploration, constant penetration into the literary language of sports terminology, due to the huge scope of sports work in the country).
On the other hand, the process of penetration of scientific and professional technical terminology is due to the ever increasing propaganda of scientific and technical knowledge by all media outlets, among which newspapers and magazines belong to one of the leading places.
Here are examples of deterministic words in context: «Beauty is that promissory note, according to which nature pays only when it is signed by hygiene» [6, p. 3].
«... Where do you get the energy necessary for such diverse activities?» [6, p. 1].
«The rest of the «geography» of it ends is as follows: the infrared port is on the right, the Push-to-Talk service launch button is on the left, and the usual Pop-port, microphone hole and power connector look at the bottom» [1, p. 16].
In most cases, the portable use of vocabulary in the newspaper and journalistic style leads to the acquisition of the word expressive-coloring, often to a change in meaning compared to the use and meaning of the word in other styles. The nature of the change of values is determined, firstly, by the peculiarities of the stylistic environment in which the «borrowed» word falls, secondly, by belonging to a particular thematic group, the sphere of vocabulary. Metaphorization, closely related to the expansion of meaning, directly leads to the acquisition by the word of appraisal. Even the choice of sources of metaphorization, as a rule, has a positively evaluative character. The use of entertainment vocabulary usually gives a negativelyestimated effect.
Let us consider in more detail the role of the named areas of special vocabulary in the formation of the newspaper dictionary, in replenishing the fund of newspaper vocabulary, as well as the composition of the latter, the process of its development and specialization in the newspaper.
The productivity of the portable use of vocabulary from the field of literature and art is indicated by the continuity of this process, the constant appeal of journalism to the source. So along with the words, portable use of which took shape as early as the XIX century (arena, dissonance, unison, etc.), a large group of words came into the category of traditional vocabulary, the portable use of which refers to a later time (last decade of the XIX – beginning of the XX century) (for example: accompaniment, chord, line, balagan, props, makeup, etc.). Vocabulary included in newspaper and journalistic speech not earlier than the 50s of the 20th century and actively functioning in it includes: the front stage, conductor, premiere, rhythm, performance, script, overture, etc. Most of these words refer to negative vocabulary.
So, by analogy with the negatively estimated word widespread in publicism, the performance can be noted with irregularly used words in the same subject-specific sphere: benefit performance (diplomat’s benefit performance). Close to this group of words is adjoining occasionalism of the stage, acting as a synonym for the words scene, the front stage, often in conjunction with the word scene (on the stage of the political scene).
Compared with the considered areas of special vocabulary, the vocabulary from the field of sports belongs to relatively new sources of replenishment of newspaper and journalistic vocabulary. In the XX century, the words of this group, as a rule, were not subjected to broad-use use and remained the property of narrowly specialized use in the nominative sense. The vocabulary of the sports theme did not influence the newspaper-publicistic style and literary language in general and at the beginning of the 20th century. In the beginning of the XXI century, with the mass distribution and propaganda of sports, the vocabulary of this sphere begins to have a noticeable influence on the newspaper-publicistic style and whole literary language. The use of sports vocabulary to designate concepts that are far from sports often leads to their stylistic reduction. In this function, sports vocabulary comes close to words related to the field of theater, variety, circus. No matter how important sport is in the life of society, it always has an element of the game, entertainment, which contributes to the use of the «sports» words of the actualization of these semantic meanings in the expansion-portable use of «sports» words. Another quite common semantic and thematic element is closely associated with the latter – tensions, often bitter struggle, which accompanies many concepts in the field of sports. In quantitative terms, sports vocabulary is not numerous, but it is one of the most important sources of replenishing the newspaper dictionary and enriching it with occasional metaphors. The traditional vocabulary of sports, the portable meaning of which is fixed by dictionaries, includes: barrier, knockout, dope, record holder, finish.
Most military terms were included in newspaper and journalistic speech at the beginning of the XX century. In future, under the influence of internal factors of newspaper and journalistic speech, the development of this group of vocabulary takes place, its assimilation by the language of the newspaper and differentiation on the basis of appraisal. Some words retain a positive evaluation character and are fixed as positive evaluation: avant-garde, report; others are fixed as negative: stagnation, fiasco; some become neutral in terms of value, but are used in context both with positive and negative expression. They make up a group of martial words: arsenal, course.
Biological and medical terminology receives in the newspaper a single, common (as a rule, negativeassessment) specialization. The productivity of this source is evidenced by both the traditional and regular use of many medical and biological terms in a figurative sense, as well as the use of «medical» metaphors, often of a serial nature. The category of medical vocabulary includes such words as agony, arrhythmia, chronic, epidemic, injection, hysteria, maniac, manic. Often, the names of many diseases are metaphorized: allergies, arrhythmias, cataracts, convulsions, neurosis, spasms (nervous arrhythmia of exchanges, cataracts of banalities, dollar convulsion, monetary neurosis). «Because a sense of humor is the most enduring virus, unless, of course, vaccination is taken against it» [11, p. 40].
The lexical group, which can be defined as general technical (these are some concepts of mechanics, locksmith, foundry, and other branches of production), is also the most influential: contacts, press. A prominent place is occupied by a group of words related to architecture, construction: facade, foundation and others. The use of the word program, program, etc. is connected with the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution.
«... therefore, our victory was historically programmed» [11, p. 8].
The choice of branches of science from which special vocabulary is drawn is traditional. Researchers correctly noted that the borrowed terms of socially relevant, relevant in a given period are subject to metaphorization. There is an intensive terminology of the general literary language and the newspaper one in particular. It includes whole groups, series of terms.
In the course of the study, we found that the functioning of borrowed special vocabulary in the language of the newspaper of the beginning of the XXI century has its own characteristics due to the specifics of the journalistic structure of speech, its appeal to the wide audience, peculiarity of the language of newspaper publication, its genre and theme varieties. The expressiveness of the language of a newspaper publication, containing a large number of words of a borrowed special vocabulary, largely depends on what this vocabulary is in its composition, how it is entered into the text and interpreted, what happens to the terms when switching to another lexical system.
The general characteristics of the special vocabulary made it possible to determine the lexical-semantic features and some features of its use in the newspaper. On the basis of evaluation, the main thing for newspaper vocabulary, the latter is subdivided into positive assessment (avant-garde), negative assessment (neurosis, allergy, puppet, manic) and neutral (arsenal, course). Along with the positive and negative assessment of the language, the isolation is determined by the complexity and diversity of the action of the assessment factor in journalism.
The use of borrowed special vocabulary in all newspaper genres gives the narrative vitality, authenticity, conciseness, expressiveness. Introduction to the language of the press terminology is inevitable when the subject of presentation is human labor activity. The borrowed special words enrich the reader’s outlook, since acquaintance with them accompanies the assimilation of the concepts themselves.
The current state of the Russian literary language is undoubtedly inextricably linked with previous periods of its development. In the sphere of vocabulary, this is reflected in such processes as, say, the aforementioned semantic inclusion, a fairly active mastery of scientific, technical, and economic vocabulary in journalism, as well as the use of colloquial vocabulary. However, taking into account the fact that the media form not only the public consciousness, but also develop the recipients’ speech culture, especially the youth, I would like to believe that by origin the Russian words will always be priority in the language of newspapers.

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