scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
BORROWED SPECIAL VOCABULARYAS THE MOST TYPICAL SOURCE OF EXPRESSIVENESS IN NEWSPAPERS’ LANGUAGE OF EARLY XXI CENTURYA Israil Mukaddas Irgashevna, Doctor of Philosophy, professor ( Uzbek State University of World Languages (UzSUWL), faculty of International Journalism, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract The article is devoted to the analysis of borrowed special vocabulary, which in the newspaper text, as a rule, acquires positive or negative shade, that is, often gives a «qualitative» effect. The material of the study was the Republican Newspapers «Business Bulletin of the East», «Youth of Uzbekistan» and the Russian newspaper «Trud-7» of 2005 year. Objective is to identify the features of borrowed special vocabulary as the most typical source of expressiveness of the newspaper. The use of borrowed special vocabulary in all newspaper genres gives narrative vitality, reliability, laconism of expression. At the same time we have to understand the regularities of the influence of social transformations in society on the development of vocabulary due to foreign special vocabulary, their functioning on the pages of newspapers of the beginning of XXI century. Keywords: Specialized vocabulary, determinologization, metaphorization, positiveaction vocabulary, negativeity vocabulary, expressive language, newspapers’ language.
Mastering foreign language vocabulary material and incorporating it into a new language system is a sign of the inner strength of the Russian language, its flexibility and ability to meet the continuously growing socio-economic and cultural needs of people. One of the reasons for the use of special vocabulary of foreign origin in the newspaper’s language is the need to highlight foreign concepts and ideas. It is rarely possible and successful to invent your own names of other people’s concepts. In most cases the borrowing of words was caused by the emergence of new concepts for the designation of which the Russian language did not have the corresponding lexical and word-formative resources. The word when changing from one language to another sometimes changes its meaning. Some borrowed words in recent years have radically changed their meaning and stylistic coloring. Let us analyze the lexical meaning of the word pluralism. Here is how it is defined in dictionaries: «Pluralism (latin pluralis – plural) – 1) The philosophical idealistic doctrine, stating (as opposed to monism) that the world is based on a set of independent spiritual entities; 2) One of the main ideas in modern bourgeois and reformist theories of social order is that social and political life is supposedly a competition of many social groups and parties and other organizations representing them» [10, p. 27]. Now this word is used in a set of completely different shades of meaning, which for the most part sum up to the following: diversity, a multitude of opinions. 14