The Scientific Journal of the Modern Education & Research Institute, № 17, 15 September 2021

Page 11

scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium

CORRECTIONAL IMPACT OF MUSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONALITY OF A PRESCHOOLER WITH REDUCED VISION Yuliia Bondarenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Special and Inclusive Education ( Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine

Abstract Vision disorders negatively affect the formation of the child’s activities, his personal development. The purpose of this research is to illuminate and justify the ways of enhancement the corrective influence of musical activity on personal development of preschool children with reduced vision. The introduction of special methods, techniques and means of personal development, correctional developmental classes, the implementation of the four stages of correctional work are defined as ways to enhance the correctional effectiveness of musical activity. Keywords: pre-school children with reduced vision; musical activity; ways of correctional influence; personal development.

Introduction Musical art has a great potential for the development of the individual. It introduces the child to universal values, contributes to his spiritual development. Inclusion of children in musical activity plays an irreplaceable role in their spiritual, moral, cultural and musical-aesthetic development. Since the beginning of the twentieth century until now, the problem of correctional influence of musical art on the development of children with special educational needs has been remaining relevant. Modern understanding of the correctional and developmental influence of musical art is based on fundamental researches of the problem of correctional orientation of the educational process and upbringing of children with special educational needs [10; 12]. In the field of preschool tiflopedagogics in Ukraine, the studies of E. Sinyova [11], S. Fedorenko [2], appeared to be significant. Their focus in correctional and pedagogical work with children who have visual impairments is on the complex influence on the various components of the personality structure. However, the aspect of the corrective musical influence on the development of the personality of children with reduced vision was not subject to a thorough study at the preschool tiflopedagogics. The Purpose of the Article: illumination and justification of ways to enhance the corrective influence of musical activity on personal development of preschool children with reduced vision. The Goals of the Article: 1. Investigation of the content range and the structure of remedial aspect of musical activity of preschool children with reduced vision. 2. Diagnostics of the levels of personal development of preschool children with reduced vision and comparing these data with the levels of personal development of children with normal vision. 3. Disclosure of the content of correctional work with preschool children with reduced vision during musical activity and validation of its effectiveness.



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