ModestoView December 2022

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1 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview Serving Civic Pride Since 1997
3731 Finch Rd. Modesto CA 95357 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MODESTO, CA PERMIT NO. 106 ********ECRWSSEDDM*********** LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Free TAKE ONE holiday memories – Page 16 mission services – Page 12 soup for you! - Page 14 DECEMBER 2022
Photo illustration by Michael J. Mangano
3 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview To get details and up to date information on these Top 10 events, please check out the following places and follow us on Twitter so you are always up to speed: • modestoview • • Instagram #ModestoView • Radio 1360 KFIV AM 30,000+ friends at: modestoview Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: modestoview Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview FOLLOW US Modesto’s Favorite Irish Pub MAMA Award Winning live music, Great food and drinks. Irish specialties all year long. 209-576-7939 @pwexfords All American Grill Where The Beer Is Cold and The Whiskey is Old! Great Food & Great Times ! Open 11 am daily @rivetsgrill 209-846-0501 line dancing, open mics, great drinks and fun with a country spin Open 11 – 2 am daily 209-522-6646 @ninosrocks Live music weekends Serving Breakfast Daily at 8 am 3rd CelebrationofLighsandTreeLightinginDowntownModesto  3rd-23rd Thurs-Sat RockinHolidayin10thStreetPlaza 6th Joker’sRepublic/TheBracersatRalston’sGoat 7,9-11,17-18CWBNutcrackeratGalloCenterfortheArts  9th BedtimesStorieswithRandyMandyBand&TiffanyRose atElevateCommunityYoga 9-11th AChristmasStoryatGalloCenterfortheArts 10th SpiritofGivinginDowntownModesto  16thSundustRecordReleaseatModestoCentrePlaza 16th SantaConandUglySweaterPubCrawlDowntownModesto 21st GremlinsQ&AwithMarkDodsonandCAndrewNelson December 2022 TopTen GremlinsQ&A UglySweaterPubCrawl AChristmasStory

Greetings and Happy Holidays Friends,

nother year has blown by.   It seems so crazy how fast it has gone.    Our grandson is 2 1/2, our company is 34 years old, Becky and I have been married for 37 years and for the last 8 years, we have decorated down town Modesto for a Rockin’ Holiday.   It seems like the memories stay pretty clear.  I remember as a kid, going to JC Penny, Kress, and Sears in downtown Modesto, seeing the decorations over the street and feeling so festive and that is was inspired us to try to bring that back in downtown Modesto.  I hope that we can inspire new shop windows to browse, maybe a new florist or magical place and make people want to walk around, stop and shop, get a drink or dinner, see a show and make a night out of it.  Rockin’ Holiday should help bring those memories back with snow, Santa, festive Rockin’ tree, local music and so much more.  Please stop by and enjoy.  It is all free for you to enjoy, thanks to our friends and partners.  Work ing together is how we make Modesto better where we take an idea, and build on it as a team.  Teamwork, respect, trust and friend ship are the keys to making things happen.   At our house, the Christmas holiday season did not begin until after Thanksgiving.  Dinner, Tree, Decorations, and then, we watch Christmas Vacation complete with Wally World cup of eggnog.   It is really important to enjoy the time you are in and it is always kind of weird for me as we are

always working one to two months ahead for ModestoView, that I really try to enjoy the moments we are in.  Take time to share a cocktail, a cozy dinner with friends and enjoy things that bring us together.  That is really what this season is all about beyond the various religious celebrations.   Now that this toxic election season is over, we need to get back to finding what brings us together, what our families and com munities need and groups that we need to support.  The core message for this season is goodwill to all.  Yes, ALL people.  How hard can it be to respect people for who they are, and let them be who and what they are?  Yet we see groups and people trying to make their own view, the rule for someone else.  Nonsense.  If we learn anything from life is you get what you give and treat others as you want to be treated. This is really simple people and this is what true freedom and liberty is. To live in peace is to not live in fear that someone will take that from freedom and liberty from you.  Our community is richer, better and more creative if we em brace our diversity.

So, with all of that said, what are we going to do to make our community better and more inclusive this month?  Let’s look at our end of year giving and make sure we are helping groups that really help others, and embrace all of our community. If we have end of year goals, let’s help build our city in a positive

way, helping the Gospel Mission, Salvation Army, CASA, Society for disAbilities or Hos pice that bring care to others.  Or maybe in our new museums like Graffiti USA and the Children’s Museum that will bring families and people together from all around the country to Modesto.

We can do this friends.  We need to support our local people and business.  The most important thing is to keep our support local, shopping small, listening to local bands at local venues, patronizing locally owned companies and supporting local non-profits.

It is really pretty simple and for this holiday season, I wish you and yours a wonderful season and wish you health and happiness.

I want to thank our team at Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group for being an amazing part of the global supply chain and allowing me and our company to give back and be part of our community.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Chanukah and Peace to all.

Founder & Publisher, ModestoView

On the Cover

The Gallo Repertory Theatre is present ing the classic play from the movie A Christmas Story.  Our intrepid photo art ist Michael J Mangano took a twist of this story and made it a little more “Modesto”,   We hope you like our Star Wars George Lucas twist on a classic story,


McHenry Mansion’s Christmas Traditions by Candlelight

Many Christmas traditions originated or were popularized in the Victorian Period. Tour the McHenry Mansion in all of its Christmas Finery to:

· Learn the origin of Christmas trees, Poinsettias, Christmas cards, Stockings, Bells, Gingerbread houses and candy canes, etc.

· Learn about Modesto’s Christmas Celebrations in the 1880s.

· Learn what was needed by way of dishes and utensils to put on a typical 1897 Christmas dinner.

McHenry Mansion, 906 15th Street

Saturday & Sunday: December 17 & 18, 2022 5:30 p.m. to last entrance at 8:30 p.m. $10 adults, $5 for children 10 and under Tickets available in advance at the Mansion Gift Store or at the door.

Shop the McHenry Mansion Gift Store ... for a wonderful selection of unique Christmas Decorations and Gi s. Open regular Mansion Hours and every Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. until Christmas.

McHenry Mansion Hours: Fridays, Sundays and Mondays, Noon to 4 p.m

5 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview

Citizen of the Year

One of the great things, and quite frankly the secret sauce in Modesto is our amazing network of volunteers.  We are truly lucky to have so many that give of their time, effort and treasure to make out community better.  We have great non-profit boards that work tirelessly and fantastic service organizations improve the lives of all of us. Whether it be at the Gallo Center, Hos pice, CASA or the Boys and Girls Clubs,

Thank you Paul Tremayne

there are so many that give their time and expertise to make these orgs better.   There are some in all of this that go above and beyond really push things forward.    Last month, the American Legion Post 74 honored Janine McClanahan as their Citi zen of the Year.  On top of her day job and passion, with Janine’s Travel, Janine, has served on no less than 30 boards and com mittees. As a proud Rotarian, Janine served

as the 1st Female President and then served as District 5220 Governor.  As the most recent honoree, I was proud to present this award to her.

Fun fact, Janine started her career as a United “stewardess” as they were called back in the 1960s. As a lifelong United flyer and million miler, this makes me smile.  In fact, my first trip to the UK in high school was booked by Janine’s.  From the friendly skies of United to her service above self in Modesto, Janine has made all of our lives richer from her service as Modesto City Council member, board chair of the Boys and Girls Club, Soroptimist International, Memorial Hospital, Community Hos pice, Leadership Modesto and so much more.  Did I mention she is one of the founders of Modesto Commerce Bank?  Amazing huh?

Beyond this stellar record of accomplish ment, she is a proud aunt that loves mak ing cookies and cakes and celebrate the holidays in Mickey and Minnie style.  She is a wonderful person of passion, friendliness and a dedication to community service. We are so lucky to have amazing people like Janine and Jim McClanahan in our community and I and my fellow inductees celebrate her accomplishments.

There are some larger than life people that have changed the Modesto scene over the years. Paul Tremayne is one of those people. From the early Bennie’s days out on Yosem ite, to the creation of Tresetti’s and Concetta, Paul has made a permanent mark on the cuisine of Modesto and has been dedicated

to community support.  After all of these years, Paul is exiting (temporarily we hope) the restaurant biz with the sale and closure of Concetta on J Street. This has been a culi nary home to so many of us over the years.    Paul has always been one to help, support our local non-profits, cater pretty much anything, and has been a creative force in the establishment of downtown as a culinary center.   Paul is the “Tre” in Tresetti’s, one of the founders of the downtown restaurant scene back in 1994.  Over the years, he opened Concetta, then Pizza Concetta, took over Fuzio, showcased Christopher Benora’s pop up dinners and Benni’s reunions, as well as Preservation Coffee.   He has supported so many non-profits and made sure Modesto is a great place to live and Concetta has been a place of innovative cuisine and great experi

ences. Following the closing of Concetta last month, Paul will still be active in the wine business and to that, we raise our glass and say “Thank you”!  I am sure we will still see Paul on his bicycle around town supporting one project or another.

Stay tuned as Paul will operate the wine shop out of 1209 J Street until a new chapter opens so you can still get your eclectic wine fix.

Thanks Paul.

6 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE ©2022 All rights reserved. No part of this publica tion may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The photographs, graphics, artwork and advertisements are the property of Modesto View Magazine. The magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for claims made by the advertisers. The opinions expressed do not neces sarily reflectthe views of Modesto View Magazine or the owners. Modesto View Magazine is not re sponsible for typographical errors or omissions. All contributors for ModestoView are independent freelance journalists or photographers. Send ideas, tips & suggestions to: ModestoView 3731 Finch Rd Modesto, CA 95357 COMMUNITY VIEW Publisher Information PUBLISHER Chris Murphy SALES AND ADVERTISING Managing Editor Middagh Goodwin DESIGN, LAYOUT, & ART PGrimaldi, Creative Art Director / Designer Peter Grimaldi Photo Director Michael J. Mangano Production Manager Abigail Power SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS Madison Leupp – Adobe Specialist Russ Allsup - Correspondent Brandon Brush - Correspondent CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jim Christiansen Aaron Rowan Abigail Power Eric Benson Middagh Goodwin Harrison Power Efren Martinez Patty Castillo Davis Grace McNamara Salvatore Salerno Mary Layton Monica Barber Brandilyn Mitchell Tasha Wilson Carly Russell Steve Perry
PHOTOGRAPHERS Efren Martinez Diane Moody Michael J Mangano Philip Johnson
By Chris Murphy Citizen of the Year Honorees,    Jeremiah Williams, Jeff Cowan, Lynn Dickerson, Bill Seavey, Janine McClanahan, Chris Murphy, Ron Emersian, Kenny Friedman, Tom VanGronigan Paul Tremayne and Mitch Maisetti


Holiday shopping in full swing this month.  Art Walk comes up 10 days before Christ mas on December 15, and I’ll be one of the Artists with a table at Mistlin Gallery with wine frogs, coffee cats, calendars for sale, along with other local CCAA member Artists.  All the art walk venues have holi day gift items, so a good night to support local artists.  Local galleries are open until December 23. Dragonfly Art for Life, Char treuse Muse and Mistlin Gallery have gift certificates, classes and gift items large and small.  The Chartreuse Muse is open Sun days during the season, noon to 5.  Various crafter and artist pop-up events will show up on Facebook and Instagram. Downtown venues like Intrinsic Elements, Beads of Contentment and Picasso’s Gourmet Deli and Gallery are also open.

Pets and Portraits is the featured show at Gallery B of Mistlin Gallery, with a full menagerie of local art, and pets the theme of the gift shop items featured.  This is the Holiday member’s show.  Special project

Six by Six is the Community Interactive Mistlin Gallery fundraiser project on display in Gallery A.  Gallery Members, kids, students, and community members all contributed over 300 six inches by six-inch art pieces of all types for sale at $36 each.  Various media include photographs, paint ings, collages, mosaics, mixed media, and digital art, all compact art pieces that can be displayed near anywhere.  And commu nity can contribute more pieces during the show and add to the display as panels sell.  Community enthusiasm for the project has been outstanding.  A thank you to Vicki Reid, show chairman who is moving to Sacramento for the idea.

The Artfully Yours subscription collections

project will debut with six-month subscrip tions this month at the Chartreuse Muse.

Look for the offerings in the center counter display area.  Artfully Yours is a monthly subscription delivering a mini master piece each month to its recipient.  Each limited-edition collection is a menagerie of regional, award-winning and collected fine art artists with work ranging from drawing and painting to mixed media and clay.  This is an excellent gift for an avid collector or a way of introducing someone to the joy of original art.  The completed collection displayed in the provided wall-hung frame measures 12 inches high by 15 inches high and 3 inches deep. There are only 25 col lections in this limited edition and is only available at the Chartreuse Muse. More information at

Over at Modesto Junior College, a new mural going up at the Art Department in the style of Klimt.  Across the Street at the Kruse-Lucas Gallery on Tully, Rick Ingra ham is the featured artist. Peer Recovery Art Project having a sale on member art.   Need a calendar for the new year? you can find mine at or the in-print gallery edition at Mistlin Gallery and Chartreuse Muse.

For late Art Shoppers, travel down to Carnegie Arts Center, open until 2 PM on Christmas Eve. December 9, Carnegie of fers the Holiday Pajama Party, featuring the film Elf. December 10, Families can drop in between 11 AM and 2 PM to make a color ful winter landscape.  $5 per maker, or $3 if a Carnegie member. Carnegie Arts Center does have a gift shop.  Current Shows are Stitching California, a Fiber Artists show in the Ferrari Gallery and California Dream ing in the Lobby Galleries.

7 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview


Bark Indoor Dog Park: Bring the Outdoors Indoors with Fresh Local Brews

If you frequent the McHenry Village (like I do), you have been watching the building of this exciting little space for a long time wondering, “What exactly is this place? Is that a pint glass in the logo? When will it open?”

It’s the Bark Indoor Dog Park, yes it is a pint glass, and literally any day now! It’s a dog park with beer! Owners Elora Jorgen son and her brother Mike Day have been working for nearly two years to bring this vision to life. Elora has put herself in her customer’s shoes to truly offer something special, and to meet every need you’ll have while visiting. Hand washing stations, bath rooms, beer-it was all thoughtfully curated for you in mind. She and Mike have engi neered, sawed, glued, stapled, measured, fandangled, adjusted or painted everything you see in there. It is so close to opening, even our dogs can sense it.

Elora has owned and operated three Sit Means Sit dog training locations and even

though training dogs met her intrinsic needs, she felt like something was missing from her work. She was seeing and getting to know all the “troubled” dogs–the dogs who needed help and guidance, the dogs the world calls “bad dogs” even though they truly aren’t-but how could she give back to and love on the entire dog community? Both the “good dogs” and the “bad dogs”? A dog park! And what kind of dog park? A fullservice experience for the whole family. At Bark, there’s a side for big dogs, and a side for little dogs, both filled with turf, rocks to climb, and playground equipment made especially for furry friends with interchangeable parts. So every time you come, it’ll be different enough to entertain your dog again for hours. There are huge life-like trees with branches to provide that true-to-life park feel, surrounded by picnic seats for fur-parents and fur-siblings. The walls have a small ledge just perfect for holding your refreshing pints of local beer, so they’ll stay safe and out of reach of dog gos while you play. (Nobody wants a spilled beer, that’s a party foul!)

But what happens if you spill your beer, or your furbaby has an accident? The ground is slightly elevated so that everything ends up in drains quickly and can be hosed down, washed and sanitized every night to

keep your pets safe. With specialized anti viral and antibacterial foggers, everything is sanitized nightly. Even the doggie pamper stations!

That’s right, when I said full-service, I meant it! Place your purse or bag in a draw er, grab a smock and get sudsy with your pup with lucious glam shampoo. The water is lukewarm no matter what-you won’t waste water waiting for it to get warm, and if you accidentally hit the faucet, your water won’t burn your pup’s precious skin. Choose between a towel dry or a dryer. While the retail section is a place you want to visit to find fun toys, handmade acces sories and yummy snacks, the most exciting spot at the park is the BAR! With 8 taps, and a fridge that will be stocked with brews from Last Call, Blaker Brewing, Content ment and more, you won’t want to walk into the dog park empty-handed. They’ll rotate taps frequently, promising to feature beers from within a 100 mile radius. Why build this in Modesto? The family are Modesto natives, and saw a niche they could fill while also doing something they love. This is a completely new concept for Modesto-sure, many breweries allow dogs but they don’t have turf, equipment, life-

like trees and buddies to roam around with and chase off a leash. It is time to socialize, and at Bark you can make it a family fun adventure!

In the future Elora wants to host puppy parties in the private room, as well as pupfriendly beer tastings, tap takeovers and hop classes. You will get all the socialization you crave and that your pup needs. Get a day pass for $10, or become a member on the 3-tiered system for $25, $35 or $45 a month. Each tier comes with loyalty points called “bones” and discounts on beer and services. Elora hopes you will find all the happiness you seek at Bark for yourself, your kids and your furkids. For more information visit https://www., or follow them on Instagram @bark.dogpark. Sip on, friends!

Bark Dog Park in McHenry Village 1700 McHenry Avenue Suite 61, Modesto

BrewView wants to give a special shoutout to the delicious Housemade Eggnog from Divine Swine, which they are selling again this year! This creamy dreamy treat will be adored by anyone to drinks it! Take home a bottle for $30 while supplies last. Wow your guests and loved ones with this traditional seasonal beverage Great for entertaining or as a gift, too!

Divine Swine, 825 W. Roseburg Ave, Modesto. 209-596-4649

WE HAVE THE PERFECT WINES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING! With over 350 bottles of extraordinary wines from California, we have a great selection for any of your holiday gatherings! Pantone 374 Pantone 469 Pantone 343 Enjoy Our New Outdoor Patio Follow us on social media or call to find out about our Holiday Specials! Visit Our Modesto Company Store in McHenry Village Mon-Tues 11am-7pm - Wed-Sat 11 am - 8pm Sun 12-5pm 1700 McHenry Avenue, Suite 58 (209) 577-NUTS

Spirit of Giving

and Cyber Monday are all behind us and I am hoping you all shopped small and locally. Hopefully, you picked something unique up at ModShop from one of the many talented artists and crafters that make up that truly wonderful event.

Might I make a suggestion? As they say, it is better to give than to receive, so why not give to one of the many charitable or ganizations that are in need of your support?

This year I am using my Facebook Birth day to raise money for the Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum. I have set my goal at $560 and at the time of writing I had raised $303 towards that total, if we are friends on Facebook please consider donating even $10, I would love to see that goal smashed. In the last year, I have donated over $1200 and much of my time to the Museum and am looking forward to it being finished in the next few years.

Did you know that the Modesto Area Music Association the host of the MAMAs and coordinator on several events in Modesto was also a non-profit? Yes, it is and like many post-pandemic non-profits could use any

donations you might be able to give. As many of you know this is another one near and dear to my heart.

In keeping with local non-profits that I am directly involved with did you know that Modesto had its very own Public Radio station? That is right KCBP 95.5 FM is 100% run by volun teers and supported by generous donations from those in the com munity. I have helped with several fundrais ers since getting involved as well as hosting MAMA Radio and This is SKA which airs weekly. If you would like to hear your music played email

Maybe you want to give to a venue that hosts events like the Prospect Theater Project, The State Theatre or the Gallo Center? All three are non-profit event spaces and could use your generous support.

Most of the above-mentioned charities are also dependent on volunteers so if you are unable to give a cash donation maybe you can give of your time or services.

These are just a few of the great charitable groups that are in need, thank you all in ad vance for giving to one or all if you are able.

9 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview MAMA VIEW
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! LAST DAY OF THE SEASON IS JANUARY 16, 2023 Located at the corner of 11th & K Streets, downtown Modesto TICKET PRICING: Adults (13+) - $18 • Children (3-12) - $14 Make the Coolest Memories This Season! Come Buy Tickets at Contact us at or 209-505-1181
lack Friday, Small Business Saturday,

Go modesto

Sunrise over Sundust

It is always nice to hear new music from our very talented local musicians, and even more exciting to have them release it on a physical medium. MAMA-winning Heavy Alt Rock band Sundust has been hard at work recording and gearing up to release their eponymous debut album. You have the chance to catch Sundust performing the album all the way through start to finish on December 16th at the Modesto Centre Plaza. Joining them for one night only are AWARE and The Odd Eights. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.



It is the holiday season and there is so much to enjoy and celebrate!  Take time out of your busy schedule to take in experiences that lift you up.  There are some hall of fame traditions as well as new presentations by the up-and-coming actors at our local schools.

Right out of the gate on December 1, don’t miss the Sinatra Holiday show at the State Theatre.  Matt “Sinatra” Henderson, Dave and David Halverson and Ann Kline sing the great holiday hits in a special free show at 2 pm. There will also be a tribute to the various armed forces.   Don’t miss it, and make sure you have a cocktail before you sit down.

The Spirit of Christmas Eve The Rock Opera is brought to the State Theatre on December 3rd and features 20 bands along with choirs and actors reinterpreting A Christmas Carol through rock, metal and jazz. 7 pm and tickets start at $10. A Christmas Story based on the modernday classic of the same name. Don’t miss this great live adaptation of the 1983 film at the Gallo Center. 9-11th Christmas Windows is presented by Cen ter Stage Kids. Over 100 musical theatre kids sing, dance and act, The State Theatre 11th 7 pm.

The Nutcracker

One of Modesto’s best holi day traditions is the Central West Ballet presentation of the Nutcracker.  So many of Modesto’s kids have performed this ballet, and even adults like me, have been guest performers. It is something that you won’t want to miss, with great youth performances as well as professional dancers.  This event is a holiday must and don’t forget to get your picture taken with the Gallo Center Christmas trees.  7th, 9th11th, 17-18th at the Gallo Center

On the Jazz side, experience the Nutcracker Jazz performance.  This is a swingin’ groove of a Nutcracker that will make you look at the story in a whole new way.   Great cre ativity from the Central West team.  16th at the Gallo Center

The Night Before Christmas at the State Theatre will chase away the holiday chills and brighten up your Christmas spirit like the lights on a tree with Jazz, Tap, Ballet and Hip Hop performances. 16-18 7 pm

Christopher McPherson and the Downey theatre team present a special Holiday Spectacular this season called A Celebra tion of the Season through Music, Drama and Dance.

Make a point to get out and celebrate our local kids as they work to start an act ing career.   Worked out well for Jeremy Renner and Tim Olyphant. Dec 9th & Dec 10th: 7 pm / Tickets at the door

The Fandom Of The Opera

Winter is my favorite season, and world mu sic features some of my favorite sounds: the twang of Chinese string instruments; the haunting harmonies of Eastern European vocal music; the zesty high spirits of a tradi tional Italian folk song. On the first Sunday of this month, there’ll be tastes and traces of all of this and a great deal more, when my annual multicultural concert collaboration with Opera Modesto returns. ‘Around The World In 80 Minutes’ premiered in the win ter of 2019, and this is the third instalment of this vocal variety show featuring young & veteran opera singers sharing traditional songs of their heritage along with chosen favorites. As proud as I am of the range and caliber and prestige of live music I’ve presented over the years, I often feel put to shame by what Opera Modesto does under the creative leadership of Roy & Annalisa, whether it be a full staging of a classic opera or the smaller recital concerts they sprinkle throughout the year. Working with them has led to some of the most rewarding days of my tenure as a concert curator. This year’s program features selections by classical composers; songs in Russian, Italian, Maori and other assorted languages; campfire tunes, Mariachi, and even some John Denver. As a special bonus, the concert also features the return to MU programming of central valley multi-instrumentalist David Perry Molina, who was a featured artist at my World Music Jam series a few years ago. We’re back for the second time at the Prospect Theatre, 1214 K St., on December 4 starting at 2 PM. Tickets for this thrilling afternoon of song are $30 for general, $20 students, available at www.operamodesto. org.

The night before, an opera of a different kind can be enjoyed at the State Theatre, when local music school GK Music presents its holiday rock opera spectacular ‘The

Spirit Of Christmas Eve.’ Over 100 student musicians and their instructors compris ing 20 different bands will be joined by live actors, a full choir, and visual effects to tell a story through the genres of rock, metal and jazz. It’s a twist on the classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ story with some unique surprises. Among the youth bands involved is Portrait Of Elysia and They Catch Secrets, both win ners at this year’s MAMA Awards and previ ous features at my art gallery concert series.

Saturday 12/3 at 7 pm. Tickets run from $10-$100, with the high-end VIP seating including a t-shirt and a DVD of the show. Find more details at

I’ll continue live music at both the Drag onfly and the Jewel throughout the winter.

Friday 12/9 at 7:30, the ‘Friday Night Folk Flight’ welcomes Koala & The Golden Boy, an acoustic indie-folk duo featuring Jordan & Jen Waters of local post-punk band Horizon Point. The Dragonfly Art For Life, 1210 J St., $10 at the door. And in the new year, you can look forward to a Turkish/ Mediterranean music duo, some gorgeous Americana from Canada, solo harp & cello songwriters/vocalists and more in the inti mate listening room spaces I love. Enjoy this winter wonderland of music and holiday cheer. Intimate performances. Infinite playlist. MODESTO UNPLUGGED. www.

Go modesto

Grimilins at the State

Maybe not the best Christmas movie of all time(don’t worry Die Hard is screening at the State) but Gremlins has a special place, especially if you grew up in the 80s. Set on Christmas Eve, Billy is given a gift, a Mogwai that he names Gizmo. There are just a few rules with Mogwais: Never expose it to sunlight. Never get it wet. Never, ever feed it after midnight. I won’t spoil it for you if you have never seen the movie but a few of the rules were almost immediately broken. Regardless if you have seen the film, I encourage everyone to come out on December 21st at the State Theatre where you can meet Mark Dodson who voiced several of the charac ters in Gremlins(along with Salacious B Crumb in Return of the Jedi.) Mark will be signing autographs before the movie at 6 pm and will be doing a Q&A after hosted by C Andrew Nelson(the actor who spent more time in the Darth Vader suit than any other.) Tickets for the movie and meet and greet are $25 each.

11 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview
Chris Murphy & Middagh Goodwin
From outdoor favorites to accessories, enjoy an extra 10% off close-out styles. FIND THE PERFECT GIFT Expires 12/31/2022 1700 McHenry Ave suite 31 Modesto, CA 95350

Jason Conway Modesto Gospel Mission

The Mission Campus

This month we were lucky to talk to a person in our community who helps to impact hundreds of lives daily, especially during the holiday season! Jason Conway is the Chief Executive Officer of the Modesto Gospel Mission and has done an incredible job during his tenure as CEO of engag ing with the community and working to expand and innovate existing structures within the organization. We’ve got a lot to learn and a lot to share so let’s hear more about what Jason Conway and the Modesto Gospel Mission are up to for the grand finale interview of 2022’s ModestoView Season! Thank you for all the good you do in this community and we appreciate the magic you create in so many lives during this time of year and all year round. Read the full interview at www.ModestoVi to read more about the Modesto Gospel Mission!

Modesto View: How did you personally get involved with the Modesto Gospel Mission?

Jason Conway: Born and raised in Modesto, at the age of 27 I found myself homeless on its streets and sleeping in its parks. Bat tling substance addiction and its resulting mental health issues, I made my way to the Modesto Gospel Mission in 2007 and joined the residential New Life Program. As I progressed through the program, my mind and body recovered from the ad diction, and I gained a new mindset and perspective on life. In 2008, I graduated the program and came on staff. During the last 15 years at the Mission, I have worked as a supervisor, senior supervisor, operations manager, director of operations, executive director, and currently as the CEO.

MV: What are some of the programs and various services that you provide to those in need? Can you tell us more about your 18 Month New Life Program?

JC: The Modesto Gospel Mission provides essential services to homeless men, women, and children, including an emergency shelter (225 total beds), meals and clothes, a homeless day program, an after-school program and youth center, and a residen tial 12-to-18-month New Life Program. Through this program, an individual will attend life skills classes, employment training, work therapy, case management, and work to obtain employment, housing, outside services, and much more. Once completed, the graduate can rent his or her own apartment owned by the Mission for up to a year to build rental history and save for a security deposit on more permanent housing.

MV: Are there any common “myths” or misunderstandings about the Mission that you think are important to dispel with the community?

JC: Maybe not a myth, just a change of how we operate these last 4-5 years in respect to guests leaving the Mission campus during the day. At one point, the overnight shelter guests were asked to leave in the morning and return in the evening, leading to home less men and women wandering around the city. About 5 years ago we created the Freedom Road Day Program in partnership with a corporate partner to address this situation. Today, we encourage our shelter

guests to stay on campus throughout the day and participate in the day program. The day program works with these guests on case management, obtaining housing and social services, and securing govern ment identification documents like social security cards; the guests also participate in group classes and just having fun – board games, ping pong, watching movies, and doing crafts. You would be surprised at how many of our guests are talented artists! Our hope is that nobody is simply wonder ing around the city with no place to go, and instead is working towards next steps in getting off the streets by obtaining housing and employment.

MV: We’ve heard there’s coffee brewing at the Mission! Can you tell us more about the brand new Volente Café?

JC: Yes, we are extremely excited about our new social and workforce development enterprise operating under the trade name Volente Coffee Roasters. The Mission is roasting coffee beans for sale to the public and operating a part-time coffee café at the old Seasons Event Center on McHenry Avenue which is now Celebration Center Church. The amazing part about this social enterprise is that men and women that are a part of the New Life Program are learning the skills of roasting coffee beans, packaging and shipping, sanitation, being a barista and sales. You can learn more about this wonderful local coffee roasting busi ness and purchase a bag of awesome tasting coffee at

MV: What is something that you’d like more people to know or might surprise them about the Modesto Gospel Mission?

JC: One of the things we hear a lot when giving people a tour of our campus is –“Wow, I simply didn’t know the Mission was this big and did this much!” One of these programs is our Youth Center that used to be the old Burger King on the corner of Yosemite Blvd and Kerr Ave. Each weekday we have a unique place for at-risk youth ages 6 to 17 to come after their school day has ended. Normally, we see 35 to 40 kids a day and our goal is to give these kids from the Airport Neighborhood a safe place to come to finish homework, learn community and service, have fun, and eat dinner with their family.

MV: What special events or programs do you have planned during the holiday season and coming winter?

JC: The holiday season is the busiest time of the year for the Mission and we have two major special events, our Thanksgiving Bundle-Up and Christmas at the Mission. During our Thanksgiving event we will provide a full turkey dinner that is followed by distribution of warm coats, hats, scarfs, and socks. For the Christmas event we will provide “5 Days of Christmas” in mid-De cember when we allow families to sign-up to choose Christmas gifts for the entire family; the Mission also has its annual Christmas dinner with gifts on December



23rd, where we normally serve over 2,000 men, women, and children.

MV: How can the community get involved and support the services you provide?

JC: One of the best ways to get involved is through our volunteer program, which you can sign up on our website at www. via the “Get Involved” pull-down menu. From serving dinner to working with the youth center, we can match you with your passion and talents to serve at the Modesto Gospel Mission. Also, you can donate financially through our website as well. Finally, our donations dock is open daily to receive used clothing and food donations.

MV: Lastly, Beatles or Stones?

JC: 100% the Stones – the legendary band that has rocked the world for 6 decades and is still going!

Modesto Gospel Mission

1400 Yosemite Blvd, Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 529-8259

Christmas Story Comes to Life

One of the best known Christmas stories makes your tongue hurt if you remember the poor kid, with his tongue stuck to the flagpole. That story will be brought to life by the Gallo Center Repertory Company this month as the story comes to the stage.  The Based on the 1983 film of the same name, as well as on Jean Shepherd’s book “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash,” this play about growing up in the Midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun under the tree for Christ mas. Ralphie pleads his case before his mother, his teacher and even Santa Claus himself at Higbee’s Department Store. The consistent response: “You’ll shoot your eye out!” All the elements from the beloved movie are here, including the family’s tem peramental exploding furnace; Scut Far kas, the school bully; the boys’ experiment with a wet tongue on a cold lamppost; the Little Orphan Annie decoder pin; Ralphie’s father winning a lamp shaped like a wom an’s leg in a net stocking; Ralphie’s fantasy scenarios and more. Adaptation by Philip Grecian, Directed by Patrick Norris December 9, 10, 11  Tix at www.galloarts. org Please note that this is the stage play adaptation of A Christmas Story, not the musical.

Note: This classic also inspired us to take this MJ Mangano photo for the Gallo Center production and make it a little more “Modesto”.   - Chris Murphy

Ring the Bell

The Salvation Army needs you.  What I like about the Salvation Army is that over 85% of all funds donated go directly to programs that help people directly.  This is a really high percentage and you know your donations are being cared for.  If you have even two hours to spare, you can ring the bell to collect donations at a place that works for you, your family and friends if you want to do it as a group.  Sign up here at

The Giving Tree Needs You

The Giving Tree has made such a big difference in so many lives.   This year the Modesto Soroptimists and Modesto Sunrise Rotary are teaming up to make this better than ever.  Located on the 2nd floor of Vintage Faire, right above Santa’s Workshop, you can stop by the tree, pick the tag of a family or person that is in need and you can sponsor that gift.  They will take care of the rest, getting it wrapped and delivered to those who signed up.  You can also volunteer to work this project if you are able to.  Stop by and sponsor a gift from noon-8 pm daily until December 19th

BY: MERCEDES-BENZ OF MODESTO Gallo Center for the a r t s


Yes, Soup for You !

Don’t you love it when you come out in the morning and see frost on your grass or your wind shield is frosted up?  I know I do and it makes me think about tasty winter foods that warm your bones.  Top of mind this time of year is Soup!     Soup can be a whole meal or just an amazing starter.   Croutons?  Cheese?  One of Modesto’s all time great soups was the Cheese Soup at the legendary El Faro, but sadly, it is no longer and only offered once a year if we are lucky.  But there is some amazing soup treats here in our area that you need to check out. Soup is one of those things that go together with a nice fire, ice skating, a Hallmark movie, or a cozy dinner downtown after checking out Rockin’ Holiday. But where to go?   What to taste?        We asked our View Crew where they were getting their Soup this holiday season and we know that there are some really warmed bones around town this winter as the soups sound amazing.    Lets’ kick this off with

Picasso’s Gourmet Deli & Art Gallery

There’s nothing better than art, good food, and Downtown Modesto. What more could you want than Picasso’s?! Picasso’s is a long-time downtown staple and has an incredible menu inspired by artists from Renoir to Monet to of course, Pablo Picasso. Our lunch time go-to? The half sandwich and half soup combo! You can mix and match the sandwich (our fall fave is the Renoir with turkey and cranberry), but their daily soup is a tomato and pesto bisque with house made croutons and it’s just the thing for your perfect Modesto lunch. Try it today!

Picasso’s Gourmet Deli & Art Gallery 963 10th Street, Modesto, Ca. (209) 491 4840 Mon-Fri 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Burly’s Bistro

One of my favorite soups in all of Modesto is the Butternut squash soup at Burly’s.   It is rich, creamy and the warm taste of the fresh cream and the smooth blended taste.  To top it off, there is an amazing walnut and toasted kale garnish.  Now don’t be embar rassed, it is ok to order a second bowl. I did.  It’s that good and you will feel all warm inside.  At Burly’s, this can be a lead in to the amazing Whiskey sirloin or a plate of pasta, but this soups stands on it’s own with a nice Chardonnay.  Hope you enjoy.

Burly’s California Bistro

1219 Suite 5 Carpenter Rd. Modesto 209-312-9400


FoodFix Butcher and Baker

Hank Olson has a rotating menu of creative, indulgent, and fresh options that never fail to impress from porkstrami to chipotle mac n’ cheese to EPIC grilled cheese, but the seasonal soups are the per fect pair to anything they whip up behind the counter. Some of the ModestoView favorites this year have hit just the spot. The Delicato Squash Bisque paired beauti fully with the “Big Fat Grilled Cheese” with pepitas for a delightful crunch! The chicken noodle soup as the “Soup of the Day” warmed us up as the temperatures have fallen way down, but we couldn’t love trying the daily specials any more than we already do and can’t wait to see what Chef Hank has in store next.

FoodFix Butcher and Baker (209) 525-3663 938 11th Street Modesto, CA 95354


MJ Mangano, ModestoView’s photo di rector loves the lentil soup at Wildfire. The veggies and the rich sauce warm his bones and keeps him going on long photo shoots.  Best of all you can get a great minestrone soup there as well along with regular spe cials.   As MJ says “It will warm your belly”.  That’s what we all need this winter.

Wildfire Public House  1533 Oakdale Rd, Modesto 209- 521-8667


Pho Bac Noodle Palace

By Middagh Goodwin

Soup is simply good food, and chicken noodle soup is good for the soul or so they say. Well in the Wintertime one of my favorites is Phở Gà or chicken phở, which is basically Vietnamese chicken noodle soup but packed with so much more flavor. Phở is made with bone broth, thin-cut meat(chicken or beef), a variety of aromatic herbs, spices, vegetables and

Burly’s California Bistro
FoodFix Wildfire
FoodFix Picasso’s
Pho Bac Noodle Palace

rice noodles(bánh phở) which I come in three widths I personally enjoy the thin sliced noodles and that is what they use at Pho Bac Noodle Palace located at 1100 McHenry Ave. It is served with Thai basil, cilantro, mung bean sprouts and jalapeno peppers on the side to be added to the soup for taste and texture. I like to add a bit of chilli paste to give it an added kick but it is completely optional. Phở is the perfect comfort food on a cold winter night and if you eat chicken noodle soup to help beat a cold, try some phở the added herbs and spices can only help boost your immune system. Open 10 am-9 pm 7 days a week

Pho Bac Noodle Palace

1100 McHenry Ave. Modesto  209-579-5899

Please check out the FoodView articles in ModestoView as many of your fave restaurants have fantastic soups, like the Corn Chowder at Harvest Moon, the daily soup special at Rivets, or the amazing Clam Chowder bread bowl at P Wexford’s, the seasonal soups at Fuzio or Tresetti’s or any one of your fave places.  Not every place has a regular soup, so it’s good to check the menus before you go if you are craving some soup.

15 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview

BIG VIEW HolidayMemories

Lin Forest –

IlivedonaranchoutpastEmpireand IremembergoingintotownonThursdaynightswhenstoreswereopenlate. EspeciallynearChristmaswhenitwas gettingcolder.ItfeltlikeChristmasthen. Iwouldsaveallmylunchmoneyand spenditatHarleysRecords.Iworkedin thewalnutsforChristmasmoney.Ihave veryfondmemoriesofthosedays

Susie Schrader Keckler –

I remember it well and treasure those memories. Some where is the picture of me in my red coat, sitting on Santa’s knee in the large corner window of Sears in the 1950’s. ��

Pamela Piceno Vian –

One of my Favorite Christmas Memories of Modesto is the Christmas lights shining on the wet streets they used to string them across the street and they would reflect in the rainwater. There was a smell of popcorn coming out of the dime stores and the stores have mechanical Christ mas scenes. There was a Santa that would walk up and down the street handing out candy canes to little ones. They had Christmas music everywhere.

Kirk Melton –

I remember my brother and I really little riding in the Santa Claus sleigh in McHenry Village right after it was built

It is always fun to look back and share our memories. My own memories of downtown Modesto back in the late 60s and early 70s really left an impression on me.  We used to walk and look at the windows and it just sparkled.  It was also really special to go to San Francisco to see all of the window, of the flower shops, the toy stores and so many more. Even today, when I travel, visiting New York or elsewhere, I love to walk down the decorated streets and check out the window.  That’s really want made us want to do Rockin’ Holidays, to bring back that retro holiday spirit, put garland across the street, bring back our classic car culture and create a wonderland that all people can enjoy for free and roam after skating or dinner.  We hope you will visit Rockin’ Holiday this year in 10th St Plaza.  We reach out to people in Modesto learn about some of their holiday memories were and we got so many.   We have highlighted a few of them here, but you can see all the responses at Thanks to all that remember and love our community.

JoAnn Jolman –

Sears had the best Santa. Shopping from store to store, usu ally in the rain, but most stores had awnings so you would run from one to the other. Stopping at Kress or Woolworth’s to eat. And if you were good you got a treat at the candy counter at JCPenney, usually malt balls. While at Penney’s you got to ride in the elevator that had an attendant to take you to the right floor. At the end of a long shopping day you would find your car along the curb, hopefully, the meter still running, pile in with all your shopping bags and head home watching the Christmas decorations reflect on the car windows. It was a wonderful life growing up in Modesto.

Sara Calhoun –

Holidays dodging rain showers as we walked from Sears to JC Penny’s, Kress’ & Woolworths. The back to Thrifty’s to eat dinner of an open-faced Turkey. mashed potatoes and gravy. Then on the way out we would buy roasted nuts spin ning in the case. All dressed up in my dark teal velvet dress with a matching jacket my mom made me. Of course, I had to clean my patent leather shoes and turn down my lace socks. Lol. Oh, the beautiful decorations in the stores, the music playing in the streets. Memories

Maria Apodaca –

Putting on my Christmas dress to go see Santa at Montgomery Wards…then wait ing in long line and this is my face Christmas 1975

Jon Camp

I believe it was in the late 50s early 60s when my father had a boom truck and the large candy canes that we put up on

Dana Waters –

My sister & her family had not been home for Christmas in over ten years due to a military career, I had picked them up at Travis AFB , brought them to my parents house & the stayed outside, a local radio station had played for me , I’ll be home for Christmas & dedicated to my dad , mom & grandma, they all had a funny look on their face & my sister & her family walked in the house. So many tear of joy & a Christmas to remember

Pamela Piceno Vian –

I remember the Santa in Woolworths. 1955. The first time I actually remember sitting on Santa’s lap. I was five.

Connie Eastburn-Lohmann –

Going to see Santa Claus I believe it was always in the basement of the Sears store. Used to love it when my mom would take a shopping at JCPenney’s, the Candy Depart ment! And those stairs that went up to the mezzanine, you couldn’t resist playing on them, of course we always get told to get off. I just loved all the decorations downtown it was like an old fashioned Christmas. I lived out in Salida so coming to Modesto to see the decorations and all the lights was always a big deal. We’d always have a night that we would drive around and look at all the Christmas lights.

Tim White –

Downtown was “the mall” of it’s time. Woolworth, Grants, Tom McCann Shoes, Whites For Boys, Buster Browns kids shoe store. All the jewelry stores; Kings Jewelers, Toppers, Wendling Jewelers, Kavanna Jewelers. McMahons Furni ture and Valley Sporting Goods. Concord Bank, Bank of Italy (before it was called Bank of America) and The Kings Bench smorgasbord. Downtown lit up like an enchanted holiday wonderland.

Melinda Jaco –

For many of us, the holidays generate some of our most vivid memories. And it’s funny the weird things that stick with us. It’s often not at all the presents or the egg nog. One of my most favorite memories of Christmas is from when my sons were lil. To convince them Santa was “real” , their father and I would wait for them to fall asleep on Xmas eve and we would take the cookies they left out for Santa, dad would eat half to show Santa was hungry and we would put my late husband’s boots on, step in baby powder and stomp on the fireplace then walk around the tree to place their special North Pole wrapped gifts under the tree. When my boys woke up on Xmas morning it looked as if Santa was very much real and running around our living room while we all slept the night away. Something about those sweet, precious eyes of believing children makes the holidays truly magical! Merry Christmas Modesto, let’s keep our kids imaginations alive!!

Beth Wayne Bridegroom –

Every year growing up, it just wasn’t Christmas for my mom until we had taken a drive to downtown Modesto to “see the lights”. It was tradition.

Olivia Malekos –

The town Christmas tree, on H St. was lit Thanksgiving eve. Families would take a ride after dinner, to see the “ma jestic tree”, that was a sign of Christmas in Modesto. You could see the lights from many directions. It was a thing of beauty. Too bad that tradition, was let go.

Ron Ehrke –

Making my Christmas list from Valley Sporting Goods and Weeks Sporting Goods, Holiday Movies at the Covell Theater.

Michael J. Mangano –

My best Christmas memory was in 1992, not having kids of my own I looked forward to spoiling my Nephew Ben who was 6 or 7. I remember gathering at the inlaws Christmas morning and watched Ben open his gift. I have never seen a kid so excited! Ben stood up and started to flap his arms so fast I thought he was going to fly.


The holidays are always a magical time of year, but the holidays are even more special in Modesto! I have so many wonderful memories in town, but some of my favorites are memories of the Celebration of Lights Parade in the late 90s and early 2000s. With many friends, parents, and role models that were judges in the parade, my friends and I had fun run ning around the judging booth and seeing all the magical floats come alive as they come by. That was also where I learned about hand warmers and the magic of shaking them like crazy and feeling the tingle of the warmers as it was freezing outside! The topping on top of the cake was walking down to Centre Plaza and seeing the trees light up and continue the holiday spirit all December long and I’m so happy to see that Rockin’ Holiday with the help of Sierra Pacific & Collins Electric has brought lights, magic, snow, and fun back to December nights! See you at the kick-off of Rockin’ Holiday on December 3rd!

Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview

M odesto Holiday Classics

These are the events that memories are made of.   Enjoy the vintage decorations, the Rockin Snow and the Rockin Tree of Rockin Holiday downtown, some amazing Santa sightings and epic holiday movies in a vintage movie theatre.  You can run in the snow, see the Polar Express and even dress like Santa for Santa Con.  There is so much to do this season and please check out all of the holiday activities at www.modestoview. com and the MoChill programs at

Holiday Movies at the State

We hope you love holiday Christmas movies like we do.  The State Theatre opened on Christmas Day in 1934, showing the Flirta tion Walk.  This year will be so very special they prepare to open the Intermission to join the  “Jewel” Theatre adjacent to the main auditorium.  You can expect some cool innovative films and of course the amazing State Theatre popcorn with real butter and a refreshing cocktail or a warm coffee.  De cember is your hook up this season for the classics like It’s A Wonderful Life, A Christ mas Story, Elf, and yes, Die Hard is actually a Christmas movie.  There is something for every member of the family and when win ter break hits, you have your movie playlist all set and no Christmas season is complete without a big screen showing of Christmas Vacation Dec 20-23

Get your tix in advance at

Visions of Sugar Plums

We have all heard this line in the Night Be fore Christmas and experienced the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker.   But we were wondering, what is a Sugar Plum?  Is it a plum dipped and glazed in sugar?  Are they chocolate covered?  If that was your vi sion, it is something completely different.    Did you know that they are kind of dried fruit treat with spices, orange zest, nutmeg and powdered sugar and other ingredients?   We threw out the challenge to our friend Marie Rodin and she is all set to make some sugar plums for the Rockin Holiday opening night!   We are so excited and we hope you all will like them so she will do them all season long.

Rodin Farmer’s Market – 10th and J Street

SantaCon and ChristmasCrawls

Are you ready to release your inner Santa?  Do you want to join up with other people wanting to do the same thing?  On Decem ber 17, you can join in on Modesto’s famous and original SantaCon Pub Crawl.   This is a free event and begins in front of Fox Pub at 7 pm and ends up at Splash at 11 pm until closing time.   There will be drink specials at each stop and please make sure to tip your bartenders and be a good Santa and let no Santa fall behind.  This is a free event!

Festive Santa, sweater, elf, attire is recom mended. There is a Do The Crawl Ugly Sweater Crawl on Saturday December 17 begin ning at 4:30 pm.  Make sure you purchase tickets starting at $12 in advance at

McHenry Mansion Candlelight Tours

The Victorian McHenry Mansion is absolutely beautiful during the holi days.  There will be special hours offering candlelight tours to see the beauty of this stately mansion, all decorated for a victorian Christmas. Please plan on visiting Decem ber 17 and 18 for a special guided tour for $10. The Tours begin at 5:00 pm and the last entrance is at 8:30 pm. Tickets are $10 for Adults and $5 for Children under ten years. Learn the history of some of your favorite holiday traditions such as Christmas trees, candles, candy canes, gingerbread houses, poinsettias, stockings and many more.   There is a special Christmas Tea at the man sion, Tuesday, December 6, 2022. There will be two seatings: 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Cost is $40 per person. The first seating is already sold out and seating is limited so make your reservations early. You can make your reservations by calling (209) 522-1739

Santa Spottings

Do you believe?

Well we do, and this is the time of year when we hear the jingle of the sleighbells and hope you do too.   This is one of those spe cial things that bring a smile to kids’ faces. So those that are looking for a Modesto Santa experience, there are a couple of places you can enjoy and get your message to the big guy.

Breakfast With Santa

December 3

Take the kids and enjoy  pancakes, eggs & sausage!

Beverages include Starbucks coffee, milk and OJ.

Tickets can be purchased at at 1010 Tenth Street, Suite 4400  Monday-Friday, 8:30am4:30pm, closed from 12-1pm.  Breakfast with Santa is hosted by the City of Modesto Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Department and the North Modesto Kiwanis.  Kiddos can enjoy: Photo opportunity with Santa, Craft stations (keepsake photo frame, color scratcher ornament and Letters to Santa) and more!

8 - 11:30 am - $10

Modesto Senior Citizens Center, 211 Bodem Street

Rockin Holiday

Begins Dec 3 - Dec 23

Bring your own camera for this Rockin’ Santa experience at the Rockin’ North Pole in 10th St Plaza.  Grab a seat in our Rockin’ Sleigh and enjoy the Rockin’ Snow, the Rockin’ Tree and be greeted by Rockin’ Santa and his Rockin’ Elves.  Bring your list, and enjoy a special moment.  There are also many other FREE photo opportunities at the Rockin’ North Pole starting December 3 after the parade.   Thursday, Friday and Saturday Dec 10 – Dec 23 6-9 pm

Vintage Faire

Don’t miss the amazing Santa HQ in the Vintage Faire center court presented by HG TV  Magazine.  You can check the Naughty or Nice meter, check out the Elf academy and make your own membership card and check out the magic Elf mirror.  Then you can meet Santa and purchase one of the photo packages. With all of the shopping and dining opportunities, you can take care of everything on your list. Learn more at

Spirit of Giving Run

This is such a festive morning in Down town Modesto for the annual favorite Spirit of Giving Run.  You can enjoy the snow, the run, the fun, and kids can chase the Grinch out of town and even visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claus in the Rockin’ North Pole.   Registration and check in is at 7 am and you can use your own camera with Mr & Mrs Claus.  There will be coffee and pastries at Ralston’s Goat, Fuzio, T Cups and Rodin Ranch.  Bring canned food to help out the Modesto Gospel Mission and then see a free showing of the Polar Express at the Brenden Theatre with a can of food.

Carriage Rides  - Dec 10

New this year to downtown Modesto will be horse-drawn carriage rides that will take guess on a wintery ride around 11th, I, 10th and K Streets.  These will be free and will start and stop at the intersection of 11th and J.

NORAD Santa Tracker

For over 62 years on Christmas Eve, NORAD tracks Santa Claus leaving the North Pole and delivering presents to chil dren around the world. The program is in the tradition of the September 1897 editorial “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” in the New York Sun.  NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defense Command. You can check the info all month long.

Modesto on Ice

All Skate!

These are words we love and Modesto On Ice has brought a lot of magic to downtown Modesto.  90 minute skate sessions, group party areas and themed skate nights are all part of the fun. Don’t miss the S’mores snack pack, loaded hot chocolate and the cozy firepits to make that delicious gooey treat and warm you up.   ModestoView is proud to be a sponsor and Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group is the Skate Shack sponsor so it will be a fun season.   It is so easy to register to skate on line and fill out your waiver forms.  Modesto On Ice is open every day until January 16.  There are lessons available and they have cool skate assist units to help the beginner skater so ANYONE can do it.     Register and book your session at

Fields of Ice

Turlock has Ice Skating at Fields of Ice at RAM Farms.  Fields of Ice is open daily until January 16.  There is no reason to miss out on the skating and you can also pick up your Christmas Tree there too.  RAM Farms   10- 10 pm 716 N. Daubenberger Rd, Turlock

19 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview HAPPY HOLIDAYS! F R O M F U Z I O S T O Y O U R F A M I L Y BUY A FUZIO GIFT CARD TODAY COME ENJOY OUR SIGNATURE GRINCHTINI THIS DECEMBER 1020 10th St Modesto, Ca 209 557 9711 @fuziomodesto Helping Valley Business Grow Oakdale • Sonora • Modesto • Turlock • Patterson Escalon • Ripon • Stockton • Manteca • Tracy • Sacramento 3508 McHenry Ave • 4120 Dale Road • 1200 I Street Modesto Branches: Pamela Swift 209.758.8020 Branch Manager Modesto - Dale Laura Weaver 209.343.7633 Area/Branch Manager Modesto - McHenry Victoria Gaffney 209.343.7601 Commercial Lending Lynette Fletcher 209.844.7552 Commercial Lending Cesar Camarillo 209.343.7611 Branch Manager Modesto - 12th & I Call Us About Your Next Project Today!

Rockin’ Holiday and Modesto On Ice are Back

Rockin Holiday Returns

December 3

More Lights, More Snow, More Fun

Do you remember the Christmas decora tions from years ago?  We do and that is what inspired us to create a winter wonder land that will bring back great memories, celebrate our classic history and deliver some magic with our Rockin’ Snow and the Rockin’ Tree smack dab in the middle of our Rockin’ North Pole.   We are so glad to be teamed up with the Graffiti USA Muse um,  Collins Electric, the City of Modesto, our ModestoView Crew and Sierra Pacific to bring this to life.

Check it out, Rockin’ Snow, Rockin’ Tree, Rockin’ Santa, Rockin’ North Pole will all be back beginning December 3 after the parade.  Join our local elected officials, and friends for the celebration and help light the Rockin’ Tree around 7 -7:30 pm. The Rockin’ Tree programmed by Matt Paine, will perform nightly from 6-11 pm.  Rockin’ Holiday Snow celebrations with Rockin’ Santa and the Elves will be 6-9 pm  Thursday, Friday and Saturdays until December 23.

Photos with Rockin’ Santa are Free so bring your camera and enjoy the Rockin’ North Pole, take your Christmas card picture or even take a photo on one of our photo stands.   Rockin’ Holiday is a FREE family event thanks to our amazing spon sors.   Thanks to the amazing Sierra Pacific Warehouse team and Collins Electric, Eli Allsup and the Boyatt brothers for the great set-up and Ray Ray Sheen for the sound.

Rockin Holiday is presented by: Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group, Graffiti USA Museum, Collins Electric, Beard Land, the Chris Murphy Family and ModestoView. Rockin’ Holiday is supported by the City of Modesto, Visit Modesto, Gary Nelson Law, Patch Crew, Venue 833, Ceres Pipe and Metal, Ralston’s Goat, Rodin Ranch Farms, Fuzio Bistro, T- Cups & Brenden Theatres

Scheduled performances 3rd Gravel and Grace, 8th Melynda Rodriguez/Rob Hill Band, 9th Central Valley Youth Ensemble/ Remedy, 10th TBA, 15th High Street Blues Band, 16th TBA, 17th David Perez Band, 22nd Sweet Mama Rachel & the Home made Jam Band and 23rd Hit Replay, One of the highlights of the season is the return of Modesto On Ice.  Ice skating brings a whole new level of excitement to downtown Modesto.  Families, couples, friends and so many people come out to skate.  Even if you have never skated be fore, you can try it with a really fun skating “Cart”.  It is a fun and friendly hang-out with snacks, hot chocolate, snacks, fire pits and even benches to watch the skaters.  No admission is needed to watch the skaters and enjoy the snacks.   www.modestoonice. com

ModestoView and Sierra Pacific Ware house Group are proud to be sponsors of Modesto On Ice and were so very excited when Kathy and Dave Halsey bought the business from the Murrays.  Enter COVID, the year after they took over, COVID hit and it was not possible to open last year.  Here we are a year later, and it is ALL SKATE.   I encourage you all to make a visit to Modesto On Ice, try it out, explore downtown, enjoy some Apres Skate cocktails and entertainment and really see Modesto in a new way.  Modesto On ice is open daily from 4 pm on school days and 10 am on weekends and holidays. Here is a tip, go online and fill out your waiver before so your check-in and skate rental go smoothly.

Our ace photographer MJ Mangano will be visiting Modesto on Ice so check our Facebook and Instagram to see if we saw you there @modestoview  We hope to see you ther

So much has happened, but we still have so far to go.     We are so excited that so many people have visited the Graffiti USA Museum this year to see what we are planning and to experience some of the events that have been held at the museum, from memorials, reunions and a some great car shows and including the GraffitiCon and a Record Swap.  We have even hosted the KFRC Sturgeon live broadcasting vehicle, low riders have been displayed and even the Foster Imposter cars as well as droids and TV robots.  Exciting things are happening and people from around the world have visited at 610 N 9th  Modesto, soon to be Historic 99.

During this time, the hard work behind the scenes has been going on.  Ron Pippin and the Construction committee and our network of generous local companies have been reinforcing the beams with steel, installing new plumbing, restrooms have been provided by Sierra Pacific and there are so many working hard.  It’s not the sexy design stuff, but it is the foundation that will take us to our next level.    Beginning January 1, we will be launching our new Drive to the Top campaign.  Now its time to start building the new re-imagined 10th St and building our new street scenes, Modesto Radio Museum and even Murf’s Records, a real record store.   Many local businesses are sponsoring our indoor storefronts.  Look for Sanders Appliances, Hinckley Optometric, Stanislaus Farm Supply and even a Boyett service station.  You can join in and sponsor one of the 10 remaining  businesses.   Please contact us at   Soon we will have some of these built so you can see what is happening.

We need your donation to help us Drive to the Top and help us build this dream that will attract people from all over to celebrate our classic Graffiti history.  Scan the QR Code to make a donation today.  We have some amazing Founding Donor op portunities and there are some room and building naming opportunities.  It would be a great holiday gift or year-end tax deduction to donate to the museum and spon sor a building or business on the new 10th St.

Email us at   Scan the QR Code

If you are looking to make a very smart investment donation, here are some great tips.


Giving to Bring Graffiti USA Museum to Life

Make your year end charitable giving tax efficient. If you have stocks or other pub licly traded securities that are worth more than what you paid for them, consider using these for your gift to Graffiti USA Museum.   You avoid paying tax on the gain and get a deduction for the full current value.  If you were going to gift cash, consider gifting appreciated securities and using the cash to purchase replacement securities.  You will have a higher tax cost and reduce future gains.  .

If you are 72 or older have some of your Required Minimum Distribution go di rectly to your favorite non-profit and you will avoid income tax on the distribution.  Contact your plan administrator to learn their process.

To learn more, please connect with Lou Friedman who can give you great direc tion.

20 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE ROCKINHOLIDAY VIEW 501 (c) 3 and your contribution is tax deductible 610 N 9th Street, Modesto, CA, USA 95350 209-409-8617 • @graffitiusamuseum GRAFFITI USA VIEW museum Graffiti USA WHAT A YEAR ITS BEEN!

Got Blues You Can Use JAZZ &BLUES VIEW

The Hodidaze are upon us and plenty to do in the downtown Modesto scene.  People are starting to come back out to the down town and arts and music. Please continue to support the arts in our community so they can flourish. We lost Chefs of New York Downtown. Hopefully, another business will come in that supports live music as Vinnie did. And the Blue Monday Party has its fans to return to keep it going!   Blue Monday continues to be twice a month the first and third Mondays and hopes to do more soon. The House Band features John Burt on sax, John Ady and Conrad Johnson on bass, and Dave Hawkes and Cortez Flores on drums with special guests at each event. The jam is open so come down! The Blue Mondays in Decem ber will be Christmas jams with Gustavo Ramirez Cuban pianist coming through and other special guests! We appreciate Chris Murphy and Gary Nelson who help sponsor Blue Monday. Café Urbano has a

full bar and food available in a nice club environment from 7 to 10 PM. Urbano also has DJ dancing Tuesday through Sunday featuring Latin Based music.

A new noteworthy venue in Merced is Vinhos Wine and Tapas Bar, with good food and an expansive wine list with live music on the weekends. The music is Jazz, Blues and popular music in an intimate environment.

Always some great shows at Gallo Center but also check out some great venues out of town:  Yoshi’s Oakland’s best jazz shows, Kuumbwa Music Center Santa Cruz and Piedmont Piano company and the Sound Room located in Oakland. I just rolled over to see Benny Green play solo Jazz piano infused with sushi rolls and tempura to purr too.

I hope things continue to improve and you all stay happy and healthy until we meet again! Cheery Mistress and a Nappy New Year!

21 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview
Holiday 1-877-ALMOND-8 | Visit Our Modesto Company Store in McHenry Village Mon-Tues 11am-7pm - Wed-Sat 11 am - 8pm - Sun 12-5pm 1700 McHenry Avenue, Suite 58 (209) 577-NUTS Gift Giving Made Easy Family, friends or associates... we have the perfect gift. Ask about out in-store and online specials new build center. We offer installed flooring, counters, cabinets, sinks and design services. Our inventory will fit your budget, from economical to very high end, all in a store that homeowners and contractors have trusted for years. with the best local service You Never Know Who’ll Be Dropping by for the Holidays... e Very Best in Home Appliances
Eric Benson


Modesto’s Christmas Tree

The annual Ill List poetry slam competition is one of my favorite nights of the year.   Each year, poets from all over the USA, bring some amazing beats, verses and rhymes and not so rhymes to the stage.   The cool thing is that the audience votes and audience judges help these poets move from level to the next.  All poets will deliver 2 poems and then the final contestants will make the final pitch.

This is a fun, irreverent, poignant and real evening that will make you think, open your mind, make you laugh and even make you cry.  However it turns out, you will leave the theatre enriched and enlightened.

Thanks to our local Ninja Poet Sam Pier

storff and ModShop’s Ruhi Sheikh present this show that has truly become a Modesto tradition, where for one night, were the poetry slam center of the universe.   Do not lose your tickets as this is a sold out event, and there may be some single tickets that become available so stay tuned. Our family and our company, Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group and ModestoView are proud to be the pre senting sponsor.   Can’t wait for the commer cials and to get in the groove and your head to be filled with amazing words and beats.  December 10,  7 pm, State Theatre.

Check @theILLLIST for updates.   Tickets and info at

With the holiday season well underway, many will now be flocking to their favorite Christ mas tree lot or heading to the mountains to find the perfect Christmas tree. Luckily for City of Modesto, the perfect tree for the holidays is always downtown, with most Modes tans driving by it daily. That of course is the City Christmas Tree located on Christmas Tree Island at the intersection of La Loma Avenue and H Street, which City Council designated an official city landmark in 1997.

The beautiful now-large deodar cedar, like all trees, had smaller and humbler origins. The tree originally belonged to Joel Criswell, who has been credited as having operated the first Christmas tree lot in Modesto in the early 1930’s. In 1936, Criswell had kept a 4-foot cedar in a pot where it was eventually going to become rootbound, desiring a new home to continue growing. By 1939, Criswell had donated the tree to the City of Modesto and it was planted in it still current location by the Modesto Garden Club. As the tree continued to grow, the Modesto Garden Club later donated $600 to the City in 1964 to add a planter around the cedar with ivy and grass. The relandscaping of the island was completed by 1965.

While it is hard to pinpoint exactly when the City Christmas Tree was first decorated and lit, the official lighting of the tree by the City started in 1960 with the yuletide tradition continuing for over three decades. The official City tree-lighting ceremony in the early 1990’s moved to Centre Plaza, however the original city tree continued to be lit by the City until the mid-1990’s. From then on the City’s landmark Christmas tree has remained dark during the holiday season, but perhaps some time in the future the tree may again be lit as a beacon of holiday and community spirit.


eing a runner as well as a Tri-Athlete may sometimes come with an ill side effect of liv ing a healthy lifestyle. Quite often it’s not the actual race that can be detrimental to your heart health but the training that leads up to it. I’ve often read that each one of us has a pre-programmed amount of heartbeats in life. If this is even a little true then the faster our heart races the closer we come to our end of life. Gibberish? Perhaps.  I myself have known many seasoned run ners who have had heart issues later in life. I have even known some who have actually passed away from a heart attack on an easy pace run. As I’ve aged this has always been at the back of my mind. So when should I start to slow down? Just like many of the runners out there, I too am addicted to the endorphins and the happiness that runners experience while running. If left up to most runners they would not quit till God de cides. Meaning soon after the age of 30 you may start to see a decline in your speed and stamina. Not always, my fastest speeds were

in my mid 40’s. Still, nonetheless, now that I’m past that prime for speed I’ve started to consider the heart health implications of tax ing my heart several times a week in fitness.

Our hearts are like the engine of a car and just like an engine, it doesn’t last forever.

As we age and the faster we go the quicker it wears out. Our bodies are also slower to recover. I myself want to live and I’m sure you do too! This is why I’ve decided to write about this very topic for those who may be training for a race or will be racing sooner than later. Consider your overall health. Sure it’s great to participate in races but always lis ten to your body. If you feel fast on that day, go for it. If you feel slow on any given race or workout day it’s best to not push yourself. The bottom line is this, having a great race or training isn’t worth a penny if you are not around to enjoy life.

The heart is a muscular organ, the more you work it the larger it can get. If this is all too much that’s the point. Let’s pay more attention to what we so commonly forget and what keeps us alive. Our hearts! Eat, drink and breathe as clean as you can at any age with the inspirational thoughts of great heart health

23 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview y GREENS ON TENTH C a t e r i n g E v e n t V e n u e C r a f t C o c k t a i l s 9 5 3 1 0 t h S t r e e t , M o d e s t o 2 0 9 3 2 4 6 8 8 0 w w w . g r e e n s o n t e n t h . c o m 1214 J Street, Modesto CA (209)409 8510 www intrinsic elements com W H E R E B L I N G M E E T S B L I S S A n e c l e c t i c m i x o f p e r s o n a l h o m e o p a t h i c i t e m s , u n i q u e g i f t s , c r y s t a l s , j e w e l r y a n d m u c h m o r e A p l a c e t o f i n d t h e p e r f e c t g i f t f o r p e o p l e o f a n y a g e ! Hours Tuesday - Saturday 10am-6pm FIT VIEW A Runners Heart
FREE DISPOSAL ON DATES LISTED BELOW Funded by a grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) Questions? Call (209) 577-5494 (Closed April 17) (Closed Dec. 25) February 1-28 • April 1-30 • June 1-30 • August 1-31 • October 1-31 • December 1-31 2022 Waste Tire Recycling Events B
City of Modesto
24 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE All December! FREE RIDES All Fixed Routes and Commuter Services! ¡Todas las rutas fijas y servicios de cercanías! ¡Todo diciembre! VIAJES GRATIS
25 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview McHenry Village 1700 McHenry Avenue, Modesto Follow Us on Facebook A tradition of excellence since 1953 The place to wrap up your holiday shopping! Duarte Poinsettias are great for holiday fundraisers! Perfect for any organization: Schools, Clubs, Groups, etc. Contact Anita Duarte for more details 209 - 531 - 0351 Duarte Nursery • 1555 Baldwin Rd • Hughson, CA Exit Hatch Rd off Hwy 99, proceed 5 miles East Cash or Check Only NOW OPEN: Monday-Saturday 9am-4pm & Sunday 10am-4pm 209-241-5557 • HONEYSAIR.NET LIC# 942829 Furnace Tune Up & Safety Inspection $89

Dashing Through The Season!


It’s that year again! The holidays are here, and Ms M is overjoyed with the season already! This year is shaping up to be quite wonderful and filled with many things to be celebrated. Modesto has had its ups and downs for the past few years and the holidays mark the perfect time to focus on all the good. Don’t forget to watch for the things you can do to save while remaining festive this season.

The annual Christmas parade returns to enchant all ages on December 3rd in Downton Modesto. The 2022 Celebration of Lights Holiday Parade theme is “Dash ing through the Decades” and will dash through downtown with all the cheer and sounds that will make all ages delight. Following the parade is the annual tree lighting in Tenth Street Plaza. The plaza will be decorated with holiday displays and tree lighting. The parade route will start at 17th and I Streets turn on 10th Street and ends

adjacent to Tenth Street Plaza. 5:30-8:30 p.m. More Route Info: https://www. Now that you’ve made the nice list, it’s time to follow up with Santa for that special gift. Santa’s winter wonderland has returned to the Vintage Faire Mall and he’s ready for photos and Christmas lists. Santa and his elves are busy this year, and they want everyone to get their chance to visit his winter wonderland at all times, so they encourage pre-book ing. Pre-book early and receive a free personalized call from Santa. Decem ber’s Pet Night for your furry friends to meet with Santa is December 5th from 4 pm to 7 pm. Prebook times, schedule & Information: https://www.shopvintage         Modesto on Ice is already open for the season and is wonderful winter fun for all ages to enjoy. Make it a date night, a quick day skate, or a family gathering at the rink. The ice rink is outdoors and covered from the elements, so the weather won’t shut down your plans. Skate sessions are 90 minutes and reservations are available online. Tickets are $14 and include skate rentals. The ice is open through January 16th. Info: modestoonice McHenry Mansion will be having a special candlelight tour that walks through the fully decorated mansion for the holidays on December 17th and 18th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The tours will include detailed information about the origins of their full Victorian Holiday décor and docents will be costumed for the season in Victorian garb. This event is $10 for adults and $5 for children under 10. Info: https://www. Happy Holidays Modesto.

Hey Modesto! I hope you all are doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. With Thanksgiving over, it is officially okay to start celebrating Christmas.

Modesto is absolutely gorgeous in the winter time. Modesto does an amazing job at providing fun winter and Christ mas activities for all ages to participate in. My all time favorite place for the winter has recently just opened back up for their seventh season. Modesto on Ice!  Tickets are on sale now! Downtown Modesto is my favorite place to be, and it is conveniently located right in the heart of it. All ages are welcomed. Each session is 90 minutes long. There are tables and chairs available for when you’re skated out. There are even some fire pits and heaters for the more chilly days. Grab a bite to eat at one of Modesto’s delicious restaurants

Hey Modesto!

before you head over, or take a look at their concession stand with delicious sweet treats, hot dogs, cup of noodles, and so much more. I can’t go to the rink without getting a cup of their famous loaded hot chocolate. Tickets are just $14 for ages 3-12 and $18 for ages 13 and up. The beautiful rink is located right on the corner of 11th and K Street. It will be open from Novem ber 19th through the 16th of January. What are you waiting for? Head on down to the ¨coolest place in town.¨

Looking for something fun to do this month? Check out Drum Love! This is a non-profit organization. They believe everyone should have the chance to experience music! David Rodgers is the lead drummer. He has spent over 30 years drumming. He is the founder of Drum Love, and I even got the chance to speak with him at this year’s MAMA Awards! The website has the dates and days they will be meeting if you check out There´s multiple drum circles this month and they’re all located at MoRo music garden right in front of Gallo center for the arts. Check it out. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and stay warm!

26 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE BARGAIN VIEW We accept VISA, MC, Discover, ATM & EBT 2625 Coffee Rd. Modesto at the corner of Coffee & Floyd Call to place your order (209) 408-8850 Open 9am - 6pm Everyday! HolidayTable Everything for the Turkeys, Hams, Prime Rib and more.. – Local dry rubs and marinades –

Season of Hope

Finally they are here again, the holidays!  I think it’s been a rather arduous and hectic year and I’m ready for it to end!

warmed my heart. As it became darker some of the windows were glowing with the Christmas lights inside the homes. Christmas is the celebration of the light inside us.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season!

Come out and enjoy all the beautiful lights and Christmas Magic in town. It’s time to go out to a restaurant, to a show, a movie or a concert!  Peace to the World!

For more info go , or call (209)572-451

Thank God for the Holidays. We really need time to rest and rejuvenate and remember what truly mat ters. To put all the hardships and challenges aside for a little while. To finally have time to be with family and friends. The holidays remind us of our humanity and the impor tance of community and shared experience. There’s so much to celebrate, so much to be grateful for.  Now is a good time to show our love and appreciation for one another.  The Holidays bring us all on the same page: Surrounded by the same smells and sights, involved in the same activities, we feel more united.

The other day, just as the sun was setting,  I took a walk through my neighborhood. Seeing people’s decorations and lights really

CA License #: 0288149 209-524-6366 1317 OAKDALE RD., STE. 910 MODESTO, CA 95355

27 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview ZEN VIEW *Savings are as compared to stand-alone price of each policy, based on national sample customer data from July 2017. Products are underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and a liated companies, Columbus, Ohio. Not all Nationwide a liated companies are mutual companies, and not all Nationwide members are insured by a mutual company. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, Nationwide is on your side, On Your Side and Vanishing
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Save up to $710* on insura nce tailored to you Protect your car, home and wallet . WE BELIEVE & INVEST IN TWO THINGS: QUALITY & COMMUNITY Choose Burnside. #TheLastLocalShop (209) 521-6570 | You made us the last locally-owned body shop. TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN THE VIEW

December 1st

Clovis King Karaoke Dale Huff

Dave Dow Jazz Jam Daymaker

Freak Radio Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Salsa Night Sandy Maule Sara Evans Christmas Sinatra At The State Story Break

Women of the Valley December 2nd

Alternative Hangover Christmas at Pemberley Clovis King Karaoke Comedy Night CWB Nutcracker

DJ Ant Funk

DJ Gemini DJ Mario Elias

Friday Night Dinners

Funstrummers Practice

Graffiti USA Gift Shop Grinch Live Gypsy King On Modesto Jose Ortiz MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice

MSO Holiday Pops Nathan Ignacio Sandy Maule

Toys for Tots Western Bound

December 3rd

Breakfast with Santa Brunch, Beer & Yoga Celebration of Lights Chrisean Rock Christmas at Pemberley Christmas Parade and Market CWB Nutcracker

DJ Tease Fill the Boat Freak Radio

Spirit of Chritmas Eve

Graffiti USA Gift Shop Gravel and Grace Grinch Live Hawkins Road Band I’ll Take You There


MAMA Radio Model Train Show Farmers Market Modesto On Ice MSO Holiday Pops

Muppet Christmas Carol Nathan Ignacio Old School with Dj Dtrix Over the Edge Play with Clay Poetry Night

Pottery Date Night Sandy Maule Take a Spin

The Peril & the Promise

This is SKA Radio Trading Places

Tree Lighting Valley Heat December 4th Acoustic Jam

Around the World in 80 Minutes

Audio Roots Project Christmas in the Promonade Dale Huff FOE Breakfast

I’ll Take You There Karaoke

Light Up a Life Tree Lighting Model Train Show Modesto On Ice

Modesto Skate Nights

Posh Holiday Market Sunday Breakfast

The Posh Holiday Market Decembrer 5th Art Class

Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday On Modesto

Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice

The KeyHive Toys for Tots

December 6th

Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio

Joker’s Republic/The Bracers Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice

Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA

Toys for Tots

December 7th

Art of the San Joaquin

California Audio Roots Project

California Striped Bass Assoc

Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke Comedy for a Cause

CWB Nutcracker Sensory On Modesto Karaoke

Karaoke Night Modesto On Ice Neil Buettner

Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic

Riverbank Golden Ages

The KeyHive

The Peril and the Promise

Toys for Tots

TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley December 8th

Christmas at Pemberley

Clovis King Karaoke Dale Huff Dave Dow Jazz Jam

Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon

The Udder Place, Turlock Modesto On Ice

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres

The Brave Bull, Modesto

Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

Turlock Community Auditorium

The State Theatre, Modesto Stanislaus County Library Facebook KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto MJC East

Eagles Hall, Modesto 18Seventy Brewing Co., Modesto

The Grand Theatre, Tracy

The Boardroom, Modesto Knockin’ Boots, Modesto Retro Lounge, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

CWC Life, Manteca Nino’s, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto On Ice Gallo Center for the Arts Baldis, Copperopolis The Fruit Yard, Modesto Walmart, Ceres

The Udder Place, Modesto

Senior Center, Modesto Blaker Brewing, Modesto Downtown Modesto

My Mimosas, Modesto MJC East

Downtown Hughson

The Grand Theatre, Tracy Retro Lounge, Modesto Walmart, Ceres KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum 10th Street Plaza, Modesto CWC Life, Manteca Nino’s, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Frontier Club, Patterson KCBP 95.5 FM

Stanislaus County Fair Modesto Public Library Modesto On Ice Gallo Center for the Arts

The State Theatre, Modesto Blaker Brewing Tarmac, Atwater Knockin Boots, Modesto P Wexford;s Pub, Modesoto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

Queen Bean Coffee House, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto Five Eye Brewing, Ceres

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto Prospect Theater, Project, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Downtown Oakdale

Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto Eagles Hall, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Sutter Health Memorial Center, Modesto Stanislaus County Fair Modesto On Ice Johansen HS, Modesto The Century, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto The Century, Modesto

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto On Ice KCBP 95.5 FM

Walmart, Stockton

The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto The Udder Place, Turlock Low Key Saloon, Modesto Modesto On Ice Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Walmart, Lodi

KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Eagles Hall, Modesto Urbano California Bistro, Modesto Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock

The Boardroom, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts KCBP 95.5 FM Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto Modesto On Ice

The Brass Tap, Modesto Tap In Wine Down, Ceres SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Walmart, Manteca Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

MJC East Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

Freak Radio

Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic

Rockin Holiday Salsa Night Sandy Maule Story Break

Women of the Valley December 9th

A Christmas Story

A Rocky Mountain Christmas Bunco Christmas at Pemberley

KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

Papapavlo’s Bistro Modesto

Main Street Inn, Ripon

The Udder Place, Turlock Modesto On Ice

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres

The Brave Bull, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Stanislaus County Library Facebook KCBP 95.5 FM

Gallo Center for the Arts

The Grand Theatre, Tracy Eagles Hall, Modesto MJC East

Gallo Center for the Arts

The Boardroom, Modesto

Knockin’ Boots, Modesto

Retro Lounge, Modesto

Nino’s, Modesto

VFW Post 3199, Modesto

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum KCBP 95.5 FM

Low Key, Modesto

Dragonfly Art for Life, Modesto One Church, Ripon KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto On Ice Eagle Tavern, Twain harte

Elivate Community Yoga 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Walmart, Modesto

SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto 108 Sports Lounge, Riverbank

Gallo Center for the Arts

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto MJC East

Downtown Waterford

Gallo Center for the Arts

Retro Lounge, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

Downtown Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Frontier Club, Patterson

The Boardroom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto Public Library

Modesto On Ice Murphy’s Pub, Murphys Knockin Boots, Modesto Nino’s, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

The Game Room, Sonora 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Camp Taylor, Modesto Dowtown Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM

Mitchell’s Modesto Harley-Davidson

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Manteca

Gallo Center for the Arts

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto Elks Lodge KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts

Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto Harvest Presbyterian Church, Ceres KCBP 95.5 FM

Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Modesto On Ice Johansen HS, Modesto

VFW Post 3199, Modesto

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

The Grand Theatre, Tracy

Bookies Bar & Grill, Modesto

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto

The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto On Ice KCBP 95.5 FM

The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Low Key Saloon, Modesto

The Udder Place, Turlock Modesto On Ice

Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto

Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock KCBP 95.5 FM

Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto Modesto On Ice

The Brass Tap, Modesto

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank

Denny’s, 1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Downtown Modesto

Oakdale Senior Center Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon

Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon

The Udder Place, Turlock Nine3One, Modesto Modesto On Ice

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres The Brave Bull, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

28 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE CALENDAR VIEW Karaoke in Modesto Sunday 8-11 pm Knockin’ Boots 10-12 pm Speakeasy Lounge Monday 9-12 Nino’s Place Tuesday 7-9 Twisted Pig 8-12 Low Key Wednesday 8-11 Splash Bar 10-12 Bookies Friday & Saturday 8-10 Buffalo Wings & Rings ENJOY MODESTO NIGHTLIFE • HAVE FUN Secret Garden Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 7 pm to close
I’ll Take You There Karaoke Kolony MAMA Radio Farmers Market Modesto On Ice Nathan Ignacio Old School with Dj Dtrix Overdryve Play with Clay Pottery Date Night Replication Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule Santa Village Spirit of Giving Take a Spin The IllList The Peril & the Promise This is SKA Radio Toy Run Us4Love Winter Wonderland Parade December 11th A Christmas Story Acoustic Jam Audio Roots Project Breakfast with Santa California Audio Roots Project Christmas Windows CWB Nutcracker Dale Huff Gottschalk Concert Band I’ll Take You There Karaoke Modesto On Ice Modesto Skate Nights Sunday Breakfast Sunday Latin Jam The Snow Queen December 12th 80’s Night Dj Steve Dtrix Art Class Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday I On Modesto Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice The KeyHive December 13th Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA December 14th Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke I On Modesto Karaoke Karaoke Night Modesto On Ice Neil Buettner Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic Riverbank Golden Ages Stanislaus County Coin Club The KeyHive The Peril and the Promise TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley December 15th Art Walk Christmas Dance Band Clovis King Karaoke Dale Huff Dave Dow Jazz Jam Freak Radio Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Mix & Jingle Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Rockin Holiday
CWB Nutcracker
Ant Funk
Top Pick Emerson Biggins
Night Dinners
USA Gift Shop
On Modesto Jose Ortiz Koala & The Golden Boy Light Up the Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice Nathan Ignacio Randy Mandy Band/Tiff Rose Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule Tongue & Groove Toys for Tots Trax on Wax Western Bound December 10th
Christmas Story
HeART Market Christmas at Pemberley Christmas Parade & Market CWB Nutcracker DJ Chopstiqs Freak Radio
USA Gift Shop Horse Drawn Carriage

Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

Stanislaus County Library Facebook KCBP 95.5

Gallo Center for the Arts

The Boardroom, Modesto Knockin’ Boots, Modesto Retro Lounge, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

KCBP 95.5 FM

Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Modesto On Ice Baldis, Copperopolis Nino’s, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Modesto Centre Plaza

The State Theatre, Modesto

Senior Community Center, Oakdale

Dutch Hollow Farms, Modesto

108 Sports Lounge, Riverbank

Rancho Fresco Cantina, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts

Gallo Center for the Arts

The Boardroom, Modesto

Retro Lounge, Modesto

MoRo Music Garden, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

Dying Breed Brewing, Oakdale KCBP 95.5 FM

Frontier Club, Patterson Congregation Beth Shalom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

Modesto Public Library Modesto On Ice

Trinity United Presbyterian, Modesto

Blaker Brewing Tarmac, Atwater

Knockin Boots, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

10th Street Plaza, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

Downtown Modesto Camp Taylor, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The Grand Theatre, Tracy KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM

Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

Dutch Hollow Farms, Modesto

Nino’s, Modesto

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Calvary Baptist Church, Turlock Gallo Center for the Arts

Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Modesto On Ice Johansen HS, Modesto

Inner Sanctum Cellers, Sonora

The Grand Theatre, Tracy VFW Post 3199, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

Mitchell Harley Davidson, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto

The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto On Ice KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The Twisted Pig, Modesto

Oakdlae Senior Center

The State Theatre, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

St Stanislaus Church

Low Key Saloon, Modesto

The Udder Place, Turlock

Modesto On Ice

Senior Community Center, Oakdale

Urbano, Modesto

KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto

Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

KCBP 95.5 FM

The Brass Tap, Modesto

Gallo Center for the Arts

Splash Bar, Modesto

Bookies Bar, Modesto

Round Table Pizza, McHenry, Modesto

Modesto On Ice

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres

SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank

KCBP 95.5 FM

KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto

Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon

Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto

Ralston’s Goat, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto

Main Street Inn, Ripon

The Udder Place, Turlock

White Christmas Women of the Valley White Christmas December 23rd

Alternative Hangover Dave Koz Christmas

Die Hard DJ Ant Funk

DJ Chopstiqs DJ Gemini Friday Night Dinners Funstrummers Practice Graffiti USA Gift Shop Gypsy King I On Modesto Jose Ortiz MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice Nathan Ignacio Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule

They Catch Secrets White Christmas December 24th

A Christmas Story DJ Mario Elias Elf Freak Radio Gypsy King

I’ll Take You There Karaoke MAMA Radio Modesto Certified Farmers Market Modesto On Ice Old School with Dj Dtrix Play with Clay Pottery Date Night Sandy Maule Take a Spin

The Peril & the Promise

This is SKA Radio

White Christmas December 25th

Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project I’ll Take You There Karaoke

Modesto On Ice December 26th

Art Class

Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday I On Modesto Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice The KeyHive December 27th

Clovis King Karaoke

Freak Radio Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA December 28th

Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke

Dale Huff

I On Modesto Josh Rosenblum Karaoke

Karaoke Night Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic

Riverbank Golden Ages Stanislaus County Coin Club

The KeyHive

The Peril and the Promise TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley December 29th

Clovis King Karaoke Dave Dow Jazz Jam

Freak Radio

Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Rockin Holiday Salsa Night Sandy Maule Story Break

Women of the Valley December 30th


DJ Ant Funk

DJ Gemini

DJ Mario Elias

Friday Night Dinners

Funstrummers Practice

Graffiti USA Gift Shop

I On Modesto

Jose Ortiz

MAMA Radio Matt & Marlon

Modesto On Ice

Nathan Ignacio Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule

The Undercovers December 31st


DJ Tease Freak Radio

Graffiti USA Gift Shop

I’ll Take You There

Karaoke MAMA Radio Farmers Market

Modesto On Ice

Old School with Dj Dtrix Play with Clay

Pottery Date Night

Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule

Take a Spin

The Peril &

Modesto On Ice

Tap In Wine Down, Ceres

The Brave Bull, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

Stanislaus County Library Facebook

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto

Nino’s Place, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts

The State Theatre, Modesto

The Boardroom, Modesto Retro Lounge, Modesto Knockin’ Boots, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum Nino’s, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto On Ice Serventes, Sonora 10th Street Plaza, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto Retro Lounge, Modesto

The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Frontier Club, Patterson KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto Public Library

Modesto On Ice Knockin Boots, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM

The State Theatre, Modesto

KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Modesto On Ice

Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto

The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto On Ice KCBP 95.5 FM

The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The Udder Place, Turlock Low Key Saloon, Modesto Modesto On Ice Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Urbano California Bistro, Modesto Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock Delicioso By Mr & Mrs Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The Brass Tap, Modesto Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto Modesto On Ice Tap In Wine Down, Ceres SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Denny’s, 1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM

Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon

The Udder Place, Turlock Modesto On Ice Tap In Wine Down, Ceres The Brave Bull, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Stanislaus County Library Facebook KCBP 95.5 FM

Eagles Hall, Modesto

The Boardroom, Modesto

Knockin’ Boots, Modesto

Retro Lounge, Modesto

VFW Post 3199, Modesto

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum KCBP 95.5 FM

Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

Modesto On Ice Baldis, Copperopolis 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto Nino’s, Modesto

P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto

The Boardroom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM

The Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum

KCBP 95.5 FM Frontier Club, Patterson KCBP 95.5 FM

Modesto Public Library

Modesto On Ice

Knockin Boots, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto 10th Street Plaza, Modesto

The Fruit Yard, Modesto

Chartreuse Muse, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM

Holiday Events


3 Christmas Festival/Parade in Hughson

3 Muppet Christ Carol at The State

3 Rockin Holiday Tree Lighting at 10th St Plaza

4 Light Up a Life Tree Lighting at Memorial Medical Center

3-4 Christmas in the Promenade, Oakdale

4 Posh Holiday Market at The Century

7 Toys for Tots at Walmart, Manteca

7/9-11/17-18 CWB Nutcracker at Gallo Center for the Arts

8-11 Christmas at Pemberley at MJC

9 Toys for Tots at Walmart, Modesto

9 Light Up the Night at One Church, Ripon

9-11 A Christmas Story at Gallo Center for the Arts

10 Breakfast with Santa at Modesto Elks Lodge

10 Toy Run at Mitchell’s Harley Davidson

10 Miricle on 34th Street at Pros pect Theatre Project

10 Spirit of Giving Run, Down town Modesto

10 Waterford Christmas Parade and Market

10 Winter Wonderland Parade, Manteca

10 Christmas Party at O’Brian’s Tavern

10 Christmas Parade & Market, Waterford

10 Downtown Modesto Horse Carriage Ride

10/17 Santa’s Village at Camp Taylor Inc

11 Breakfast with Santa at Modesto Elk Lodge

11 Christmas Windows at The State Theatre

11 Gottchalks Concert Band at Harvest Presbyterian Church, Ceres

15 Mix & Jingle at Nine3One

15 Dance Band & Christmas Con cert at Oakdale Senior Center

16 Nutcracker in Jazz at Gallo Center for the Arts

16 Rykert Trio Christmas at Gallo Center for the Arts

16-17 Ugly Sweater Night at Dutch Hollow Farms

16-18 Strut The Night Before Christmas at The Sate Theatre

17 Toys 4 Tots Car Show at Graf fiti USA Classic Car Museum

17 Santa Con Pub Crawl in Down town Modesto

17 Ugly Sweater Pub Crawl, Downtown Modesto

17 Opus Handbell Ensemble at Trinty United Presbyterian Church

18 Christmas Festival at Calv ery Chapel, Turlock

19 White Christmas at The State

19 Holiday Bash at Mitchell Harley Davidson

19 A Christmas Story at the State

19 Elf at the State

19 Toy Drive & Car Show River bank

20 Christmas Vacation at the State

20 Dionne Warwick Christmas at Gallo Center for the Arts

20 Candlelight Concert at St Stan islaus Church

21 Johnny Mathis Christmas at Gallo Center for the Arts

23 Dave Koz Christ at Gallo Cen ter for the Arts

Thus-Sat 3rd-23rd Rockin Holiday in 10th St Plaza


29 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview CALENDAR VIEW AND BE SAFE • DESIGNATE A DRIVER
On Ice Salsa Night Sandy Maule Story Break Women of the Valley December 16th CWB Nutcracker Jazz DJ Ant Funk DJ Gemini DJ Tease Friday Night Dinners Funstrummers Practice Graffiti USA Gift Shop On Modesto Jose Ortiz MAMA Radio Marlon & Matt Modesto On Ice Nathan Ignacio Rob Tracy Band Rockin Holiday Rykert Trio Sandy Maule Sundust Release Party The Night Before Christmas Community Dance Band Ugly Sweater Night Western Bound December 17th Autumn’s Garden CWB Nutcracker CWB Nutcracker DJ Ant Funk DJ Tease Drum Love Freak Radio Graffiti USA Gift Shop Holiday Beer Yoga I’ll Take You There Karaoke Latkes and Vodka MAMA Radio Matt Hallman Farmers Market Modesto On Ice Opus Handbell Ensemble Nathan Ignacio Old School with Dj Dtrix Play with Clay Pottery Date Night Rockin Holiday Sandy Maule Santa Con Santa Village Take a Spin The Night Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas The Peril & the Promise This is SKA Radio Toys for Tots Car Show Ugly Sweater Night Western Bound December 18th Acoustic Jam Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project Christmas Festival CWB Nutcracker Dale Huff I’ll Take You There Karaoke Modesto On Ice Modesto Skate Nights Nathan Ignacio Nochebuena Sunday Breakfast The Night Before Christmas December 19th A Christmas Story Art Class Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday Die Hard Elf Holiday Bash On Modesto Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice The KeyHive White Christmas December 20th Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story Clovis King Karaoke Community Dance Band Die Hard Dione Warwick Christmas Elf Freak Radio Holiday Candlelight Concert Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Oakdale Community Band Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA White Christmas December 21st Christmas Vacation Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke Die Hard Elf Gremlins with Mark Dodson On Modesto Jamie Byous Johnny Mathis Christmas Karaoke Karaoke Night Modesto Holistic Chamber Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic Riverbank Golden Ages The KeyHive The Peril and the Promise TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley December 22nd Christmas Vacation Clovis King Karaoke Dale Huff Dave Dow Jazz Jam Elf Freak Radio Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke
Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic Rockin Holiday Salsa Night Sandy Maule Story Break
the Promise This is SKA Radio
Irrigation District has various programs that can help you unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability. The power is in your hands. Energy Conservation Financial Assistance Programs $ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROGRAMS Rebates
31 DECEMBER 2022 FOLLOW US: 34,000+ friends at: Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: Follow the View Crew on Twitter, starting with @modestoview View Crew people places and things on our Instagram feed #modestoview


BRET HARTE 209-574-1952 909 Glenn Avenue

EL VISTA 209-574-1972 450 El Vista Avenue

ENSLEN 209-574-1982 515 Coldwell Avenue

EVERETT 209-574-1992 1530 Mt. Vernon Drive

FAIRVIEW 209-574-8102 1937 W. Whitmore Avenue

FRANKLIN 209-574-8112 120 S. Emerald Avenue

FREMONT & FREMONT OPEN 209-574-8122 1220 W. Orangeburg Avenue

GARRISON 209-574-8132 1811 Teresa Street

KIRSCHEN 209-574-8142 1900 Kirschen Drive

LAKEWOOD 209-574-8152 2920 Middleboro Place

MARSHALL 209-574-8162 515 Sutter Avenue

MARTONE 209-574-8172 1413 Poust Road

MUIR 209-574-8182 1215 Lucerne Avenue

ROB ROAD 209-574-8402 1821 Robertson Road

ROSE AVE 209-574-8412 1120 Rose Avenue

SHACKELFORD 209-574-8422 100 School Avenue

SONOMA 209-574-8432 1325 Sonoma Avenue

bill, SCHOOLS PHONE ADDRESS (all in Modesto)

Proof of child’s date of birth (Certified copy of Birth Certificate, Notarized Affidavit of Birth, Baptismal Certificate, Physician’s Certificate/Hospital Certificate, County Recorder’s Certificate, Passport, or Family Bible. Ed Code 48002) Your child’s current immunization record, including: 4 Polio (3 is acceptable if the last dose was given on or after their 4th birthday), 5 DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) (4 is acceptable if the last dose was given on or after their 4th birthday), 2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), 3 Hepatitis B, & 2 Varicella (chicken pox). 7th grade students require a Tdap given after their 7th birthday Students who are not up to date on their immunizations will not be allowed to attend school. • Verification of residence (utility Register your student today! All Modesto City Schools students receive: Laptop Computers, Free School Meals, Tutoring Access, and Free Before-and-After School Programs! To access our online student registration portal, visit: Click on the “Enroll Now” blue banner for more details! Full-Day Kindergarten & Transitional Kinder Classes Available Independent Study is also available for ALL students (TK-12th Grades) through the FREE online Modesto Virtual Academy!

TUOLUMNE (TK-8) 209-574-8442 707 Herndon Road

WILSON 209-574-8452 201 Wilson Avenue

WRIGHT 209-574-8462 1602 Monterey Avenue


HANSHAW 209-574-1794 1725 Las Vegas Street

LA LOMA 209-574-1906 1800 Encina Avenue

MARK TWAIN 209-574-1918 707 Emerald Avenue

ROOSEVELT 209-574-1930 1330 College Avenue


BEYER 209-574-1647 1717 Sylvan Avenue

DAVIS 209-574-1668 1200 W. Rumble Road

DOWNEY 209-574-1685 1000 Coffee Road

ELLIOTT ALT 209-574-1701 1440 Sunrise Avenue

ENOCHS 209-574-1719 3201 Sylvan Avenue

GREGORI 209-574-1738 3701 Pirrone Road

JOHANSEN 209-574-1760 641 Norseman Drive

MODESTO 209-574-1776 18 H Street

All MCS Students get their own laptop computer, breakfast & lunch every school day, access to tutoring, before- & after-school programs, & more! Modesto City Schools - Full-Page ad, full-color


32 FOR MORE MODESTO INFO: MODESTO VIEW MAGAZINE KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION OPEN! To be admitted into Kindergarten, your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2022. To be admitted into TK, your child must turn 5 years of age between September
2022 -
February 2,
rent or
To register your child, parents/guardians need to provide: • • tax receipts) CALL MCS FOR MORE INFO: (209)574-1500 You can also register your child and learn more online at
BEARD 209-574-1942
Bowen Avenue
BURBANK 209-574-1962 1135 Paradise Road

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