ModestoView February 2021

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All Skate – Page 8 Local Tours – Page 14 Remebering Legends – Page 18

Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

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Photo Illustration by Michael J. Mangano

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TOP TEN FEB 2021 Now Open for Outdoor Dining and Curbside Pick up for both locations

4th-Positive People: MJC welcomes Michael Jackson 6 pm @mjccampuslife Instagram Feb 5th-6th Mardi Gras Crab Fest at Howard Training Center 5th-Drive Thru Crab Feed at St Stanislaus Elementary 12th-The Clock at 13th-Mary Lyons Crab Feed-Old Fishman's Club 13th The Modesto Ripper 14th-The Piano Lesson at 25th-We Speak Life premiere 27th-African American Education Conference Saturdays Modesto Certified Farmers Market next to the Library

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Now Open for Outdoor Dining and Curbside Pick up for both locations

To get details and up to date information on these Top 10 events, please check out the following places and follow us on Twitter so you are always up to speed: • modestoview • • Instagram #ModestoView • Radio 1360 KFIV AM


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First off, an apology. I got drilled with COVID in December. It took out my family, my friends, and my company. I was out of commission for a couple of weeks and we were not able to get a January issue to the printer nor did I connect well with people I like and love. Thank you Middagh Goodwin for keeping ModestoView alive and going during this time. You are amazing and I appreciate you. Forgive this moment of bitterness. For those of you that think COVID is a hoax; it wasn’t and it’s not. I remember so many people that I know that were not wearing masks, sharing conspiracies and saying COVID would all be over on November 4 since it was a political ploy. COVID is awful, it is killing people and it is here to stay in one form or another. We’ve lost friends, family and great local legends like Pete Hischier, Bob DeLeon and others to COVID. I will be getting a vaccine as soon as my tier is called. If you don’t believe in it, give someone your slot in line. Now, let’s get on with daily life here in our community, where true trust, facts and friendship are really what we need to build on the good in our community. If we are not looking out for the greater good, putting our community and country first before ourselves, then we are not going to succeed. But through all of this, we were able to still make some magic. We are able to get our Rockin’ Holiday decorations up and thanks to the AMAZING teamwork of Nick Crockett and our crew from Sierra Pacific, Matt Paine of Collins Electric and Mark Stotzer of the Ceres Drive In as it was without a doubt our most beautiful Rockin Holiday ever. It was magic. I was so very

proud, but I was sick and quarantined so I could not enjoy it. There are truly no words to thank my friends that share my vision of trying to make our local spaces beautiful for our people to enjoy, whether it is lighting, magic or music. During these times, it is extra important to sprinkle the magic dust on everything that we do and try to put some magic in our, our kids and our friends’ lives. What is normal? Everything is different know. Our rules of contact, engagement, meetings, gathering are all different now, and probably will be forever. Yes some of these things are smart and sensible and some will just be habits. You know what they say, bad habits take minutes to start and good habits take months. Well now, we have had over 9 months to change our habits. What do you think we are doing now that will last for years and change our culture forever? I know, I’m a lot like you. I want to go to my favorite bar, I want a cocktails with a group of friends and I want my band to play in 10th St Plaza and have people dancing in the streets, but we can’t really do that right now and we have to do it right so we can get there again together. We are just exiting the Shelter in Place and into the Purple Tier again so let’s be smart and break through this. When it is safe and we are clear, I want my friend Mike Shelton at Ralston’s Goat to throw a 24-hour party and close down 10th Street where we can all party and rock and roll. It’s as simple as that and we all need to support each other while we punch through this. Just speaking for myself, I am not willing to risk my family, my grandbaby, my employees at my company all just for a fun night of partying, so I feel your pain. Let’s do this right Modesto.

There is opportunity here. There is an exodus from the Bay Area that could be really good for Modesto. Not everyone can afford a waterfront million-dollar house on Lake Tahoe. Modesto has decent internet, great work spaces and programs like those run by Phillip Lan and Bay Valley Tech that will bring the high tech, coder and digital life to downtown Modesto. Coders are creative. Modesto needs the creatives. We need the new young professionals and now with ACE train, Modesto is just a few stations from the greatest concentration of tech in the world. So what are we going to do? Let’s recalibrate. Let’s welcome our young tech people and encourage people to move from Portero Hill or an overpriced 450 sq. ft. condo under the Bay Bridge to live here. Let’s take this opportunity and bring innovation, tech, music and art to our city. I have been saying for 30 years that it is ultimately the Creative Cities that win. We can do this. We have a great foundation of history, rock and roll, classic cars and innovative businesses and people and we can build on this for the next generation. Let’s do this. And finally, this is all about local. ModestoView would not be the local good news force that it is without our local businesses that believe that we have to support each other, shop and live local and make sure that our $$$ stay local and advertise in ModestoView so we can bring this to you. This is how we win. Live, Listen, Shop, Drink and Eat local. It is really that simple. If you believe in what were are doing, we would love to have your support to grow and spread more good news about who we are and what we can be. You can get involved at Thanks to all of you that already believe and I am grateful for all of you. With gratitude, Chris Murphy Founder and Publisher, ModestoView




LOVE VIEW By Chris Murphy

There is nothing you can do that can’t be done Nothing you can sing that isn’t sung Nothing you can do that you can never feel inside. It’s easy. All You Need is Love. The Beatles - 1967 First off, now matter what your significant other says. “It’s no biggie, we don’t need to celebrate Valentine’s Day”, don’t for five seconds listen to that. Even though this is one of those days that has been blown up, don’t forget to do SOMETHING. No matter if it is big or small, it is the simple remembrance, note, special task, or kind word that makes a difference. Take a walk, an extra smile, a note in the morning or 10 minutes of quite time. If it is your family, friends or romantic partner, it is the gesture no matter how simple or elaborate that makes a memory. If you are with just you, take some time


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and celebrate you. You are the one you need to love and that is the most important, since when you love your self, you can love others. It’s about the traditions Grace Lieberman was Modesto songbird for so many years with her amazing

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talents. Her annual Valentine’s Day show was always a special event. Even after her passing, this show lives on with memories to David Bradford as well. Grace Lieberman Tribute/David Bradford Memorial Valentine’s Day Concert & Tea

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With Christine Capsuto Shulman & Elizabeth Neff Sunday Afternoons at CBS is excited to finally begin Season 29 with our very popular Valentine Concert & Tea featuring multi-talented Christine Capsuto Shulman and Elizabeth Neff, performing Love Songs Through the Genres. As with most performances during these times, this wonderful concert will be virtual via Zoom. The full Afternoon Tea will include tea sandwiches, scones and jam, Valentine pastries and chocolates—as well as teas—packaged for you to enjoy in the comfort of your home. Drive-thru pickup of Tea goodies will be available 11am – 1pm at CBS, 1705 Sherwood Avenue, before the concert begins at 3pm. Because of COVID challenges, your participation in this special season-opening fundraiser will help us keep the concert series alive. We hope you will purchase early and often. Tickets for this event only are $50 each and can be purchased online or by mail only. To order online directly from Brown Paper Tickets, please visit Feb. 14, 3 pm (via ZOOM)



Publisher Information PUBLISHER Chris Murphy

SALES AND ADVERTISING Managing Editor Middagh Goodwin DESIGN, LAYOUT, & ART PGrimaldi, Creative Art Director / Designer Peter Grimaldi Photo Director Michael J. Mangano Production Manager Abigail Murphy SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS Madison Leupp – Adobe Specialist Russ Allsup - Correspondent Brandon Brush - Correspondent CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jim Christiansen Aaron Rowan


Arts Champion – Tony Mistlin By David Schroeder It’s been a rough year for all of us coping with COVID-19. At Mistlin Gallery it has meant being open, then closed; making a schedule and then rescheduling; planning and replanning. And still there’s no clear end in sight. But our mood remains upbeat and we look forward to resuming full operations whenever the virus retreats. But the same could be said for everyone, in all walks of life. However, there are a couple of things that bear mentioning that pertain specifically to our gallery. The first is that our long-time benefactor, Tony Mistlin, recently passed away. The second is to make people aware of new programs that have come into being as a result of COVID-19 which will enhance our interaction with the community now and when the pandemic resides. Regarding Tony, he was our guardian angel. It was because of his generosity that we have remained in the beautiful, centrally located space at 1015 J Street in downtown Modesto. He was a shrewd negotiator and managed to get a 10-year lease for the Mistlin Gallery at a time when we had

Kaye Osborn

Patty Castillo Davis Sofia Johnson Sam Pierstroff Mary Layton Monica Barber Brandilyn Brown Stan C. Countz Tasha Wilson

ModestoView 3731 Finch Rd Modesto, CA 95357


few resources and were in danger of losing the gallery. He remains in our thoughts and the gallery board is in discussions as to how we will continue to recognize and honor this amazing gentleman. Because we have been forced to be closed most of the year, we have had to become creative about reminding our patrons that we are still here and continue to support the arts in our community. Like other arts

Tasha skates. Our long time writer and community activist and educator Tasha Wilson has discovered some mad skills during COVID with hope that this skating order continues in the future. We celebrate our agriculture beauty this month and Tasha takes a tour through the Almond Blossoms. Check out our center spread with our team up with Visit Modesto to showcase our local beauty the attracts people from all over the world

Efren Martinez

©2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The photographs, graphics, artwork and advertisements are the property of Modesto View Magazine. The magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for claims made by the advertisers. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflectthe views of Modesto View Magazine or the owners. Modesto View Magazine is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. All contributors for ModestoView are independent freelance journalists or photographers. Send ideas, tips & suggestions to:

Circus Photo by Bill Harris

On the cover

Eric Benson Middagh Goodwin

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Efren Martinez Diane Moody Michael J Mangano Philip Johnson

Tony Mistlin Photo – from

G O C e r es !

Drive-In Nostalgia

Nothing beats the drive-in movies for a date night or family fun and the Ceres Cruise-In has you covered. February has new movies hitting the big screen for everyone to enjoy, Starting off the month 5-7 enjoy Croods New Age and News of the World double feature, the weekend of the 12-14 Jumanji Next Level and Monster Hunter double feature and 19-21 catch Mission Impossible Fallout and Marksman double feature. Keep an eye out for Tom & Jerry, Godzilla Vs Kong, Raya and Disney’s The Last Dragon coming soon. Go to for more info and tickets.


organizations, we’ve looked to social media to help us stay viable. We’ve added a store feature to our website which will promote sales even though our doors are closed. We’ve also gone online with our Expose Yourself to Art program, in which we invite artists for all genres to join us in discussions about their development as an artist and about their current projects. These programs are streamed live via Facebook and You Tube and can be seen at later dates by going to the Mistlin Gallery/CCAA website. Check out the list of participants on the site and tune-in! The third program, which we will be airing soon is to develop an online gallery so that we can continue to mount exhibitions even when our doors are closed. Our first attempt in this direction will focus on the fotoMODESTO photography event which takes place every February. The planned event for this year was to focus on Themes, Projects, and Stories, emphasizing the focused work of local photographers. The featured artist was to be Bill Harris and his collection of images from Circus Vargas, an annual event in Modesto’s past. The recent lockdown killed the gallery event but led us to see if we could take it online. At present, we are working on recording each of the invited artists talking about their work and will make these videos available on a regular basis throughout the month. The list of photographers and their work include: Bill Harris: Circus Vargas. Dan Souza: Historic Churches. Lorraine Nilson: Scanned Art. Anna Barber: Photofusion Cats. Larry Lew: Birds. Peter Lee: Still Life. Sam Shaw: Creative Water Abstracts. David Schroeder: A Night at the Opera. Phil Murillo: Modesto at Dawn. Ed Mendes: Bach Roads & Foothills. Alyn Brereton: Rodeo. And Greg Savage: Women of Jazz. We will be publishing a schedule of airing dates soon. Stay tuned and join us online. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and have a great new year.

Mistlin Gallery

Central California Art Association 1015 J Street Modesto 209-529-3369



Love & Art By Jim Christiansen

Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, the Abbreviated month of February is upon us. A shortlist of open venues, and art events in the age of pandemic make this column a challenge to write. Not a lot of changes since last month Hope springs with the vaccine rollout. As one of the senior artists 65 and over, I get my second round of the vaccine around Valentine’s Day That is good news for Stanislaus Artist Open Studio schedule April 25 and 26. If Stanislaus County infection rate declines, and vaccine availability expands, Open Studio likely to avoid rescheduling. Need an Art Fix? The MJC/Grange Company parking lot large painting exhibition continues to evolve. Easy to do the drive-by viewing. You can walk around safely at social distancing. Also, convenient to walk around the closed MJC Gallery, and view the murals on the classroom building walls. Plenty of Murals to view downtown and around town. Mistlin Gallery life drawing group has been having pick up sessions in Graceada Park with costume models in the great outdoors. Life Drawing won’t be back to regular schedule until gallery reopens. As published in the Mistlin Gallery Paint Rag, no certainty when open gallery hours return Queen Bean’s Kristy More is still doing simultaneous classes online and the patio for kids. MOCON at Tenth and E Street hosting weekend open hours for art activities. Dragonfly Art for Life still has a program by appointment and a series of great art tips on their Facebook page. Picasso’s Gourmet Deli and Gallery continue to be the mainstay gallery/restaurant outdoor exhibition venue. Barkin Dog has Valentino Alexander paintings up for display and sale. Check-in with Chartreuse Muse for schedule and classes. The Muse currently promoting their drop-in pottery glazing Saturday’s noon to 4 pm. Café DEVA has increased its open hours. Pick up some food at Papachino’s and glance at the art there. Add some mental health and creative Arts and stop in the Peer Recovery Art Project in the middle of the Tenth Street Art Block. FOLLOW US:

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The “Expose Yourself to Art” series continues online, via Facebook Live and YouTube. FOTO Modesto will not be hosting a gallery exhibition but will be posting online presentations, exhibit and interviews with local photographers on Facebook Live, and YouTube to be announced. See the Foto Modesto Facebook page for updates. I feature local artists, gallery and venue events, art links on the Artists of Modesto Facebook page. It is an alternative resource to online online magazine updates and calendar, specific to the visual arts. With the music scene in limbo, Earl Matthews has been on a tear with new wire sculpture art. My roommate bought one of his creations, and he delivers. When I was producing the State Theatre Art Walk shows, Earl was one of our first featured artists booked for his art without his band. Earl has had wire creations featured out of town in galleries on the North Coast The Stanislaus Art Magazine issue number two, the “Peace” theme came in the mail. This is a publication to pick up and is available from start-magazine

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Join our free virtual monthly webinars to gain practical information and resources. Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 12:00 p.m.


Loneliness: Advice, Tips and Support for Seniors and Caregivers TO JOIN THE WEBINAR VISIT: Passcode: 241670 Your community’s nonprofit hospice, embracing individuals and families facing life-changing journeys, enhancing quality of life for all since 1979. 4368 Spyres Way, Modesto, CA 95356 209.578.6300 | Subscribe to our You Tube channel at:

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All Skate! It’s the 70s in the new 20s!

By Chris Murphy Get your rainbow suspenders out, get your glitter as COVID has helped bring back roller skating. In all seriousness, there are many people that skating has never left their lives and Modesto’s Roller King lives on in so many Facebook groups, but roller skating is really coming back and there are some people here in town that are really celebrating this renaissance. First off, skating is fun. Second, it is a great family sport. Third, this is something that we need to keep making more popular. Fourth, we need more places where youth and families can have fun. We all need to get out and about more, and as we work though COVID, outdoor exercising with proper distancing is really important to your mental and physical well being. This month, our cover girl and skating star Tasha Wilson is showcasing local skating and Brian

Cromwell who is leading one of the local groups to bring our skating back What else can we do? There are some spaces on town that would make a great outdoor skating rink. There are some spaces that and be modified, maybe filled with some good smooth concrete that would be a fun place to do this. One of these is a confluence of trails in East LaLoma Park. Are there other places that may work? For those of you getting your skate on, please post your skate pics and videos and make sure to tag #modestoview and we will share them. On a related issue, there is a new Skate Park is coming to Cesar Chavez park. There is a huge renovation to this park that was announced last year and the designs are coming to life. One of the main features is a new skate park. There are already designs in the works based on community feedback. We need good community areas for people of all ages to have some fun. The next community meeting will be on February 25 so don’t miss out. Chavez-Park-Renovation-Project



a brand new series





Roller Skating is Back By Tasha Wilson

Roller skating is back, and it is right on time! Why? Well, because face it Positive Peeps, 2020 WAS A LOT! At the forefront is Covid-19. This disease has affected an unfathomable number of human beings globally, and here within Stanislaus County, many have been hit hard. During 2020, there were so many political disagreements and civil unrest. I sometimes found myself wondering how the world was ever going to make it to 2021. However, thankfully, there is an upside to every down. We see sunshine after every storm, faces smiles soon after tears dry, and eventually, every broken heart heals! 2020 just made us stronger! We must also remember that 2020 was not all bad. It gave us the chance to focus on our family. Plus, I am happy to share that skating has “rolled” over, (pun intended), from the tail end of 2020. With it, brought an amazingly talented, jam skater who goes by the name of Brian Cromwell. Brian is well-known in the roller-skating community and his love of skating reaches way back to the Roller King days of his childhood. The fire Brian has for roller skating has never burned out and for that reason, he came up with an idea to gather a bunch of roller skaters together, once a week, for an outdoor skate night. All of his roller-skating events are free! On some nights, there is a deejay, and when the deejay cannot attend, Brian wears the deejay hat as well. His skate group is called “Modesto Skates” and during the beginning of the pandemic, (as you can see from the photo), the group was fairly small. Today, there are more than eleven hundred online members! Roller skating is just fun! It allows everyone to come together and enjoy the outdoors and fresh air while spending time with friends and family, (even dur-

ing California’s Shelter-In-Place order)! Brian Cromwell earned many medals during the years he was a roller-skater at Modesto’s beloved Roller King. Years later, the rink has come and gone, but the love Brian has for roller skating has never wavered. Roller-skating is in his bones and he plans to continue growing his skate group. Soon, it will be one of the largest skate groups in the state of California!

If you would like further information, please send a join request to the “Modesto Skate” Facebook page: groups/4674800462560441



Black History Month 2021

Savannah Williams, owner of SWI Productions, has been hard at work to ensure Black History Month 2021 is uniquely and collectively celebrated throughout the Central Valley! By bringing 11 other organizations together there is a guarantee of a full calendar of events, workshops, plays, panels and much more! Each organization is excited to bring you a piece of their talents, skills and knowledge of Black History through their eyes. You can view the flyer at and there you will find contact information for all other activities provided by various Black-based organizations. You will want to tune into KCBP 95.5PM to hear updates and reoccurring information regarding the schedule. Be sure to watch MYTV26 for showcasing of African American Inventors. With the Black Businesses Matter prominent one our society, NAACP provides a space for Black Business (and all other resources) to include their name in a directory specifically for African American entities. It is our hope that you learn something new, network, and have fun. More importantly, we hope that you connect with these organizations whether it be personally or professionally. We can not do our part within our respective organizations without coming together not only for the celebration of our culture but, for the benefit of our city and communities as a whole.


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Black History Celebrating in the Central Valley

February Virtual Events 1st-African American Doctors Virtual Panel 3rd-Financial Literacy Breaking the Cycle of Poverty 6-8 pm 4th-Positive People: MJC welcomes Michael Jackson 6 pm @mjccampuslife Instagram 10th-Intro to Graphic Design 6 pm-8 pm 13th/20th Legal Clinic 2:30 pm-4 pm 14th-The Piano Lesson presented by Sankofa Theatre Company 3 pm 17th-Black History Museum Virtual Tour @stanstatebsu Instagram 20th-African American Fashion in History 8 pm 21st-Children’s Day 27th-African American Education Conference 28th-Know Your Rights 3 pm 28th-Advocacy Panel 5 pm Thursdays Top 4 African American Youth Influencers Black Inventors Daily on The KeeHive Wednesday and Thursdays on KCBP 95.5 FM for more updates

Be a Hero this Valentine's Day Two amazing meals and a bottle of wine for a magical evening at home made simple. Featuring

G O M o d es t o !

Lobster & Jumbo Prawn Risotto Firecracker Filet Mignon

The Clock

The Prospect Theater Project presents “The Clock” Friday, February 12th streaming live at 7:30 pm. Set in New York during WWII, a lone soldier explores the city with only a 48-hour pass before shipping out overseas. A chance encounter with a young lady results in them spending two days together, and along with a friendly milkman, the sites and sounds of the city provide a backdrop for them falling in love. Tickets for “The Clock” will be $10 and may be purchased by visiting FOLLOW US:

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The Patio is the New Star! Well the bars are not open and what do we do? Yes, I know you want to go bar hopping as much as I do, but we just can’t. So, how do we enjoy our favorite libations during this time. Yes friends, the stay at home order has just been lifted, but we need to still do it right. So now that patio dining is back on the good list, there are many great options for us food and drink loving friends. On the good things that happened during COVID is that local restaurants are doing a great ToGo and Curbside business along with their patio dining, including cocktails. I think that this is something that needs to stay in the future. Even when this is all over, there are times when I want my Fuzio, Tresetti’s, or Rivets entrée to eat at home and I want a ready made craft cocktail to take home to go with it. It is great to take home and it is great for our local restaurants. To Do Item: Write your local congressperson, state senator or representative and get this rule changed PERMANENTLY. The patio has an important role in our future. We are not out of the woods yet and Modesto, along with most of America, need to realize that some of our best places to dine are on the patio, streetside, curbside, alley side and where ever you can make one. These need to be permanent spaces where outdoor dining can be enjoyed year-round. As a frequent Europe traveller, the outdoor café is a way of life all year long and we can bring that home to Modesto now that so many of our local places have built patios, parklets and other potentially permanent spaces. So where are a few spaces where you can still get some magic during your pick up or in a great outdoor setting? This month we feature a place that is basically all patio! If you have not been to the Terrace Wine Bar on McHenry, you have really been missing out. The whole theme of this place is enjoying a cocktail in a beautiful outdoor patio. The twinkle lights, the nice trees, the expansive wine list, acoustic music and the craft snack menu is a great reason to spend an al


fresco evening with something red, white or bubbly. Our friend Ron Hurst has been helping make some magic for a long time in Modesto and especially now in this really inviting space. You can enjoy some great champagne flights and there are many rose options too. You can even get a Sakerita, a cool blend of sake and tequila. The Terrace is a great place to experiment. There are old-world flights, light flights to be paired along with a great tasting menu with fresh artisan cheeses, berries and breads, fresh pretzels, bruschetta and also stone oven pizzas. As we are still in some cold and rainy times, there is some great


hot spiced wine too. You will start to see more regular hours around town and hopefully our local places can get back into the groove going into spring. The Terrace is easy, comfortable and it is 21 and over only and features great local local music in the evenings. Enjoy.

The Terrace Wine Lounge

521 1/2 McHenry Ave. Modesto Wed, Thurs 4-10 Friday 4-11 Saturday 2-11 Sunday 2-8 (209) 312-9636 @theterracewinelounge


CRAB FEED VIEW CRAB and GO! Is there a better more mouthwatering way to satiate your appetite? Not just for a delicious meal but also for giving to great causes. It is Crab Feed Season and it seems like every Non Profit hungry for donations are boiling water and melting butter. These events are some of the biggest fundraisers for very worthy groups so plan to support

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11 am-2 m

Dine-in with safe distance seating and service

more than one.

FEBRUARY 05-Drive-Thru Crab Feed at St Stanislaus Catholic School 05-Drive-Thru Crab Feed at Park View Elementary, Ripon 05-Crab Feed Goes Mardi Gras at Howard Training Center 06-Crab Feed Goes Mardi Gras at Howard Training Center 13-Mary Lyons Crab Feed at Old Fishermans Club 13- Cioppino Crab Feed at Lopes Orchard de Paul Center, Patterson 20-Crab Feed Drive-Thru at Modesto Elk Lodge 20-Crab Feed to Go at 5748 Albers Rd, Oakdale MARCH 05-Oakdale Crab Feed & Auction at 190 Lee Street, Oakdale 06-Marinated Crab Feed at 628 Delano Dr, Oakdale 12-Crab Feed & Auction at St Stanislaus Church


Please note that Grab n Go is still the way to go. You can enjoy the best of our local food with a quick pick up and many offering contact free pick up. You get the great local tastes, and even a ready made cocktail to take home. If you can’t pick it up yourself, you can use some of the delivery services, but when you go to the restaurant directly, they keep all of the money. @grabngomodesto


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W E I V R E T IN By Chris Murphy

By the time you read this, we will have a new mayor and we can see how the City of Modesto will move forward. We have had a lot of tough times over the last year so say the very least, but with every challenge, there is opportunity and a fresh point of view. I have known Chris Ricci for nearly 25 years. We met when were raising money to rebuild the Graceada Park Playground in 1998 when our friends at B93.1 offered to present a free concert fundraiser. Chris had been doing SummerFest and came down to do this show. After the show, we went to El Faro, and talked about how great Modesto was and Chris thought it would be good idea to bring his event company to town. A couple of Summerfests and Extreme Halloweens later, Xfest would be launched along with JCD Concepts in 2000 and a huge Modesto music festival tradition began. Over the years Chris has created many new events like LuckyFest and branched out into political consulting and became very active in Modesto politics. Chris lives with his wife Kim and two kids in the College area and was just recently elected to Modesto City Council. So let’s catch up with Chris Ricci. ModestoView: You grew up on the Bay Area, your dad was in tech so how did you finally decide to call Modesto home? Chris Ricci: My aunt and uncle lived in Modesto so I was familiar with it and always had a good time here. I enjoyed the people. When I wanted to launch an event company I decided on Modesto because there was so much support and opportunity here. That opportunity is still here and is just as easy to embrace as it was back in 1999. MV: Your events like SummerFest, X Fest, Taco Fest and Lucky Fest attracted people from all parts of Modesto, both musically and ethnically, how do you feel we are doing in bringing our community together today, pandemic not withstanding? CR: That’s really two questions, because the pandemic has really shown us how great our community is. SummerFest, X Fest, Taco Fest and Lucky Fest were unique in that they were designed to appeal to everyone and anyone. Before the pandemic, some really great things were starting to happen locally to


It is a new day in Modesto Modesto

Chris Ricci bring people together and I’m hopeful that when it becomes safe again, people will get to creating again. This once in a generation pandemic has brought huge challenges to all communities nationwide and Modesto is no different. What is clear here is the goodness of Modestans has shown through the last year, even while struggling with hard realities. There is good work happening at all levels, and amazing partnerships have formed. I am legitimately proud of the work that we are doing to help the community through COVID-19. On the local business side, we had an open discussion at the Economic Development committee last week where we were able to invite local restaurant owners, the CVB, and members of the public to discuss ways that the City of Modesto could help get us through the remainder of the pandemic. The conversation was productive, bipartisan, and cooperative. We came up with two recommendations, including an ordinance to lower fees for delivery apps to 15% from their current 30% that is going to council for vote on Feb 2nd. It’s actions like this that will continue to bring our community together. We just need to keep reaching for great things and continue to cultivate projects and culture that appeal to the great diversity of our city.


MV: How do we bring the different parts of our city together? CR: Our City is coming together now to deliver coronavirus vaccines in an incredibly impressive way, and they need volunteers. You can sign up online. While we hear about many cities having logistical trouble vaccinating people, Modesto has actually been doing really well. Stanislaus County was allocated approximately 34,000 doses for Healthcare workers and those over 65 and has done that in their Scenic clinic (now moved to Modesto Center Plaza) and then to Stanislaus State. You can also make a Pharmacy appointment. Frankly, that is a lot better than other places. My personal mission is move people into action through my 100 Ideas Campaign where I invite Modestans to choose a project that speaks to you and really lean in on it. That’s where the really interesting, fun and hard work is happening. By encouraging community members to get involved in something they are truly passionate about, we come together and gain so much. It’s all about creating opportunities for everyone to get involved. We all gain so much from the shared experience when we dig in together on what we care about. It’s that roll-up your sleeves and dig in work that really builds community. Chris. MV: You have been an active and engaged citizen creating events and excitement, so how do you feel being part of new leadership for Modesto’s future?

CR: Humbled and motivated by the opportunity, and excited to work with people one-on-one on the 100 Ideas Campaign. It turns out being a councilman and a producer require similar skill sets. It’s about building teams and excitement around ideas and finding new ways to solve old problems. There are so many ways we can build community, enjoy our city, and lift up areas and people that need it. We have a lot of untapped potential in our citizenry, and I’m looking to tap it. MV: Teamwork is so key for anything, how do we bring teamwork to the forefront in our community? CR: I think it starts by picking up the phone. If I have learned anything in my very limited time as a councilman it is that most people generally agree on most things. We need to have honest conversations and really make a commitment to listen and to compromise and to act with the same mutual purpose of helping Modesto tap into its potential. A lot of times though, it’s as simple as


asking someone to get involved. All too often we don’t communicate to the people of Modesto that we need their help and when we do, we don’t ask enough people. Hey Modesto – if you’re reading this, get involved! If you need help finding ways to become more active in your community, reach out to me! MV: You have had to fight for some of the things you are passionate about; so how can you help new entrepreneurs make their mark in Modesto? CR: I might reframe that. You are right, Chris, anything worth doing is worth fighting for if you feel strongly about it but I think we are all tired of the “fighting” rhetoric. Modesto needs to be a place that is open and encouraging to new entrepreneurs. We have to do a better job of celebrating and supporting existing businesses and being helpful to new entities. Whether that means finding creative strategies to make Modesto a more appealing location for local businesses or just keeping a more open mind to new and changing entrepreneurial adventures – we as a council and as a city need to always act with a unified intent: “Will this make our city better?” If the answer is yes, we need to do everything we can to be supportive. MV: Music and culture are such an important for our civic pride and our economy. How do we make the arts and culture a key part of our daily life. CR: The great thing about Modesto is we already have so much to build on. From fine arts like Central West Ballet and the Modesto Symphony, to all of the regular (in pre-covid times of course) bars and restaurants that host live music, to our ever-growing collection of murals, to upcoming Children’s and Car Museum, we’re not starting from nothing. We just have to continue to support these endeavors. Buy tickets. Talk to your friends. Pick up your monthly ModestoView! Share events on your social media. In general, we really just need to stop being so hard on ourselves as a city and take a minute to look around at the endless things to do and see. Here, too, is where my 100 Ideas Campaign comes in. It isn’t for me to decide, it’s for me to lift up these ideas, organize them and clear a pathway for my constituents to make Modesto the city they believe in. I want everyone to know Modesto is a place you can create what you want to see and it will be supported. MV: There are many cities across the USA that thrive, what is one big change would you like to see to make us world class? CR: World Class cities don’t forget who FOLLOW US:

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reach out to me or to your council member. Start talking to your friends, your neighbors, anyone! Not every idea will work out, plenty of mine will probably end up in the can, but I will do everything I can to cultivate a culture of open-mindedness and support.

they are. They understand their history, their environment and what makes them unique. The physical geography of Modesto is unique. Let’s revisit our Oak Woodlands, Riparian Wetlands, wild rivers and unique position on the Pacific Flyway. The McHenry Museum and the Great Valley Museum are already completely unique and couldn’t exist anywhere else. They need our support. We also need to work on making our communities more livable. Too many of our neighborhoods require hopping in the car to go anywhere or do anything. This is especially true with so much of our community shifting from offices to working at home. We need to encourage new developments that are coming in and redevelopments to have mixed commercial and multi units in the same space. We also need to rebuild our civic pride and the best way I see to do that is through our Graffiti heritage. We have a limited window to bring it back or we risk losing it forever. We need to act before it is too late. Ultimately, though, I would change the way we perceive ourselves and the way we present ourselves as a city. We spend far too much time soaking up negative news and doomscrolling through our social media feeds looking for anything remotely bad that has happened. If we shifted that energy into sharing and experiencing all of the amazing things Modesto has to offer, if we put down our devices and stepped out of our houses (with a mask!) to look around at the community we live in – I think most folks would realize we are already well on track to be world class. MV: How do you think that we help and make real advances to deal with our homeless issues? CR: First of all, as everyone knows, this isn’t just a Modesto problem. We need an expansion of mental health and substance abuses housing and treatment programs, we need to address unemployment, petty

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crime and increasing poverty valley-wide, and we need innovative solutions for the unhousable. The most encouraging thing about our homeless challenge is the diverse coalition that has come together to solve it, whether it is the State of California providing us with grant money (as they did this year), faith and community groups working tirelessly on solutions, or governmental committees that span the whole county. I have faith we’ll make progress because I know way too many people working way too hard to not help a whole lot of people. MV: You communicated 100 great ideas for Modesto during your campaign, how do we make these things a reality? CR: Yes! This is really the cornerstone my vision for building up our community. The 100 Ideas Campaign is about 3 things: collective action, shared experience, and successful outcomes; 1) Understanding that no one person is the solution here, it’s our collective active that is the solution, 2) more than anything it’s important

MV: What do you think the misconception about Modesto area and what would you do to change that perception? CR: The biggest misconception about Modesto is that it is unsafe. Crime in Modesto has been falling for years and yet when asked, over 70% of Modestans think the city is getting worse. As a city we have to dismantle perceptions like this that have literally no basis in reality. I’m trying to focus on lifting-up the positive. It starts with a firm commitment to reassess how we talk about our community from the top level – the folks in City Hall, our government agencies, and law enforcement have a duty to ask themselves, “Is this helpful? Does this accurately portray our community? Is this communication being made with good intentions to do right by our city?” MV: And what is our greatest opportunity? CR: Modesto is basically a blank slate. The opportunity I came here for is still beating strong and I love that. This town has changed a lot over the past 30 years, but in a good way. What remains the same, and what ultimately is our greatest opportunity, is that the people here are genuine and have great ideas and most of us really believe in Modesto’s potential. MV: Describe your ideal day in Modesto. CR: Start off at the farmers market and walking the Virginia Corridor. Then in the evening, a stroll to Camp 4 for a glass of wine with my wife followed by tunes at the goat.

to me for people to understand that we build community through shared experiences. 100 Ideas gives us the opportunity to build our own teams and lift up what we care about, not for someone else to do, but for us to do with the support of electeds like me. 3) Ultimately, you can say the 100

Ideas all submitted by Modestans run the gamut from cultural to program, from one-off capital improvements to long term program implementation. But more than anything, I want to see everyone involved get a win and experience success on something they care about that builds this City up. If you see something that is already an idea, or if you have a great idea that we haven’t even dreamed of yet, Subscribe to our You Tube channel at:





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I can see blossoms for miles and miles and miles

A visitor from Asheville, North Carolina asked me, after his first Almond Blossom experience, “Why doesn’t the rest of the world know about this?” This question from a guy who enjoys 50-mile full fall foliage views every autumn! That is the question that led our team at Visit Modesto to promote the Almond Blossom Cruise as far and wide as we can. That’s why Visit Modesto created the Almond Blossom Cruise with the goal to share the many reasons to come to Modesto for the most spectacular four weeks of pink and white blossoms they may ever see spreading from the hills to the horizon. First, for us locals it is important we know and experience the bounties of our backyard. We don’t have to pray for sunshine to take the cruise…we live here and can jump in the car when the sun peaks out or time allows (and these days we certainly have extra time!). We also know the backroads so we don’t have to lean on the East or West Cruise Map; rather we can make our own route and plan an annual pilgrimage to our favorite farm stands. One local couple told me that they have a favorite lunch spot each year and always stop at the farm-stand on the way home to buy a locally made pie. We can go east one week and west the next. We can ride our bike, take a run or call a friend to let us in their orchard and take pictures. We’re so lucky to have this in our backyard! Just as importantly, during these limited travel times, we should be sharing this gift with our friends who can make this a day trip; whether they hail from the Bay or Delta or are from Monterey or Paso Robles. And, when non-essential travel is back (hopefully by the time you read this) they can stay overnight. Plus when that travel ban is lifted we can share this experience with anyone from San Diego to Shasta to Seattle. They can jump in the car with the family or friends and enjoy a few days right here in the Heart of the Central Valley! As we correspond with visitors interested in coming to Modesto next month we are sharing a full two or three days of activities; there’s the snow park in Little Sweden for sledding (not to mention skiing and back to Modesto by dinner!), there’s hiking and riding and fishing on the Tuolomne River Trail or Dry Creek Trail or in the Stanislaus River park system, there’s over 100 public works of art with over 75 murals and a great downtown mural tour (, there’s Sciabica’s for olive oil tasting and Oakdale Cheese to enjoy, there’s birdwatching and great road rides and even OHV parks all around! All that before you consider the incredible local food…taco trucks, food trucks, great restaurants, brew pubs and even breweries to enjoy once we’re out of ‘deep purple’. All that doesn’t count day trips from Modesto to California Big Trees or Yosemite National Park. There’s the Flumes and Chutes in Twain Harte or wine tasting from Lodi to Murphy’s as a day trip. Once the restaurants are in full swing here in Modesto we’ll be expanding the Get Mo Wine program for wine tasting right here in town too! Plus there will be options, once allowed, for the whole family from bowling to indoor climbing walls. Right now there are skate parks and playgrounds open in the public parks all over Stanislaus County. And don’t forget our local agricultural bounties too…from the farm stands to the farmers market there’s a fruit, nut or vegetable for everyone to enjoy! For overnight guests there’s our local hotels which offer pools, firepits, hot tubs with options from affordable rooms to suites for families to extravagant presidential style suites. Our lodging facilities offer all kinds of options from upscale to economy so that any traveler can afford to stay overnight. The local properties are right in the heart of downtown, near Vintage Faire Mall and have direct freeway access. Plus you can call them directly to ask for “locals” rate when you have family or friends coming to town when the non-essential travel ban is lifted. And don’t forget that the Almond Blossom Cruise covers a 4-week period every year. So this year may not work out for all but they can plan for next year when all the theaters, arts facilities and shopping areas are open! Chances are you share the Almond Blossom Cruise with a friend this year that next year they will refer two or three more friends. All that makes a difference on our economy, the local job market and has incredible impact on all of our local businesses. As exhausting as all that may be to read through it is all true. For us we’re lucky its right in our backyard. For others it’s accessible because Modesto lies right in the heart of California with highways extending north, south, east and west from here. It’s also affordable as those who travel to the beach resorts, desert resorts and ski resorts frequently would know. Most important Modesto offers lots of room to spread out, enjoy your ‘pod’ without the crush of the big destination tourists. That makes visitors and residents feel healthy and safe. So try it…you’ll like it. Take the Almond Blossom Cruise with your bubble or pod. Share the gift of the experience with friends who want to find something fun and unique to experience. Take pictures and share with your social network (and us @visitmodesto) and start that annual ‘save the date’ for the Modesto Almond Blossom Cruise!

Todd Aaronson, CEO Visit Modesto Visit Modesto is the official destination marketing organization for the City of Modesto. More information can be found online at Contact Visit Modesto at or by phone at 209.526.5588. The visitor center at 1008 12th Street in downtown will reopen sometime in the late spring. FOLLOW US:

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Tech View

By Chris Murphy

There is a big shift happening in the world right now as literally the entire world has changed some big habits and large numbers of people are shifting locations, enabled by a new digital workstyle. Tech leaders are buying up most of Lake Tahoe real estate accelerating and already steep price increase. The Bay Area is seeing an exodus as some of the largest companies reimagine their work place. This is a huge opportunity for a community like Modesto and our surrounding area. What do we want? We want your young professionals to return when they finish college or their other first jobs. Why? It makes Modesto more creative, makes our workforce more diverse and sets in motion a long future of involved and engaged citizens. It makes us a smarter and more attractive city. When see this happen, we see our music, our arts culture, our dining and other areas thrive. It’s time to jump on this. Fortunately, we have a head start on this with the Bay Valley Tech Project run by Phil Lan. This has been a hub for the teaching and the development of new tech employees and has become a hub for

coding and other tech roles with partnerships with Turlock Adult School and Patterson Adult School; plus a new partnership with Modesto Adult School. As our world becomes more dependent on digital aps, artificial intelligence feedback mechanisms, and automation, these skills need to be developed here at home. Bay Valley has recently teamed up with the Stanislaus County Office of Education and is building a tech hub in downtown Modesto, right where all of the action is. It is becoming more enticing for coders and tech employees to give up the brutal commute over the hill to a bay area job. The pandemic has changed forever, the role, layout and makeup of the big office environments and this new tech hub will help us now. Scott Kuykendall, Stanislaus County Superintendent of Schools says, “Bay Valley Tech’s exceptional program is making a positive impact across the county, and we look forward to our growing collaboration.” SCOE works to ensure Stanislaus County job seekers are ready to enter self-sustaining employment and careers. Two important things going on are that the Code Academy is training for free and you can apply for these spots to begin a career in tech. Also being facilitated is a new business incubation program for startups and work spaces at the Office of Education. You can literally change your future by connecting with Bay Valley Tech and learn how coding and tech jobs can change your life and our community. Sign up here: code-academy-application


Wear Your Pride! I love wearing my Modesto gear. One of my all time favorite Modesto shirts is my Modesto High School Cross Country shirt. Always makes me feel good. I love to travel and I love wearing my ModestoView tshirts or my Modesto Graffiti, Porchfest or old X Fest shirts. I only have t-shirts that are from a place I have been or a band I like. The only logo’d shirts I have are from Modesto. Here are a couple of cool shirts you can get that fly the colors. Oddly enough, you can get Modesto t-shirts at Save Mart or other local stores. Go figure. But no matter what, get yourself a Modesto shirt and wear it with pride! Here are a couple of places you can get Modesto gear. Glorious Modesto – This is a really cool civid pride campaign and you can find this shirt at Visit Modesto offices.

Love Modesto – This is a great way to support love Modesto with one of Modesto’s most popular shirts. Available at www. Visit Modesto - has a line of shirts that are all about our authentic Modesto culture and there are a couple of cool items. www. Modesto Graffiti USA - has some really fun shirts if you love our classic car culture and want to have a hot-ridding good time. These are available at and soon can be found at the Graffiti USA Car Museum Store. This just popped up on my newsfeed and it is a cool shirt. I don’t know how or why it is happening, but it is a pretty cool shirt. type=product

G O M o d es t o !

Little Libraries – Help your kids!

We are still working from home, we are still teaching our kids at home and as we work it out through our current stay at home regulations and hope for a vaccine fueled return to “normal”. But where do we find our new inspiration? Where do the new ideas come from? Not everyone cab be an uber creative teacher with videos that go viral. Sometimes our best inspiration can come from our own neighborhoods and from our own bookshelves. For the last 9 months, we have all been wandering our houses, and checking what we still need or what we can give away. We all have books of ideas, lessons, curriculum that we can share, so why not find the nearest local Little Free Library and donate what you have to share with others. I have a Little Library about 200 yards from my house and there are people there all the time, looking for inspiration and info. Please consider sharing what you have and it may inspire a new youth, maybe the next Amanda Gorman that will speak at a future inauguration. It can happen. Go dig through your collection today and share your inspirations. Find the nearest local little library at @modestofreelibraries





It is a New Year, we have a new administration in the White House and soon after we go to print we will have a new Mayor right here in Modesto. Hopefully all these changes for a better future. Life is still in a holding pattern due to the pandemic, but with the Covid vaccine being distributed across the World, American and Stanislaus County there is a light at the end of the tunnel. On December 26th the music and LGTBQ community lost Robert Olen Brown aka Robbie Giant. Robbie was a musician, a promoter and advocate for those who needed a voice to ring out loud and proud. Robbie had just moved back to Modesto and was planning to continue his music and events when things opened back up. I became friends with Robbie through the Central Valley Indie Music Fest, my band played the first year and I joined the team, invited by Annastasia Rego the year after to help expand the boundaries of the festival to the entire 209 from Merced to Stockton, Tracy to Sonora. Robbie performed under the moniker Robbie Giant and along with Sleeping Giant and collaborated with LoveCore, Moon Trent and many others. He also published a zine and put out compilations and records by local artists.. Taken too soon you will be missed by more than you could have ever imagined. If you would like to donate to help the

New Year New View By Middagh Goodwin family if you would like to hear some of his music xPKf420&list=PLPd4VMuEJZ4ln0KzfsH C6UWoaRIQ0NS8W Beat Happy! Music released 3 lathed cut 7” at the end of 2020 and will be releasing 2XMAMA winner Jimmie Menezes debut 7” out by the end of February. Also in the works for 2021 are releases by Scattered Fall and Novacain. Christian Boyatt of the Flowers label Creature’s Eye Recordings also has plans for some cool releases this year. Many of you already know that I host two radio shows on KCBP 95.5 FM, MAMA Radio and This is SKA. At the beginning of 2021, I decided to see if I could expand the reach and as of writing the ska show is now on 10 stations(more to come)with several in the UK. How you may ask? I did a search for stations and reached out. I also posted in a few Facebook groups letting anyone know that I had the shows available. Performers you can do the same to get you songs played on the radio, there are many stations looking to feature unsigned artists. Of course if you have not sent your songs for consideration be played on MAMA Radio and KCBP, what are you waiting for? Email submissions to and music@ There is going to be some more downtown most likely until Spring or early Summer so take the opportunity to expand your reach and your audience.

a h n T k ’ s n i ! k c Ro The Holidays need to be magical. It was really hard

to see through this in December, but it was still important to make sure we had some drive through beauty.

We are able to get our Rockin’ Holiday decorations up and thanks to the AMAZING teamwork of Nick Crockett and our crew from Sierra Pacific, Matt Paine of Collins Electric and Mark Stotzer of the Ceres Drive In as it was without a doubt our most beautiful Rockin Holiday ever. It was magic. There were oohs and aahhs as our magical Rockin Tree put on musical shows each night, thanks to Matt, it was a snowy winter wonderland with amazing lighting from Mark and the Rockin North Pole created a twinkling light holiday for people to enjoy, take photos and get photos in the Rockin Snow. It is such wonderful team work to make these happen and we can’t wait until next year to make it even more spectacular! Email me if you want to get involved for Rockin Holiday 2021 at : Check out the magic and the great drone views from Brandon Brush @rockinholiday

FIND THE PEFECT WINE For You & Your Valentine! Like our Facebook page to receive updates and information! Visit Our Modesto Company Store in McHenry Village Monday-Saturday 11am-6pm 1700 McHenry Avenue, Suite 58 (209) 577-NUTS



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In Memoriam

By Chris Murphy

How many times have you been asked if you actually know someone that got COVID, or worse yet, did you know someone who died? This has happened more than we would like to remember There are so many tragic stories and there are deaths that we have not been able to memorialize or celebrate with gatherings of family and friends. Sadly, so many died alone. Our hearts go out to all that lost family or friends to COVID-19 and we invite you to post thought or memory on our Facebook @modestoview to celebrate the lives that make our community special. We have lost a few local legends, from our cruising culture, our music culture and our arts culture. Please check out David Schroeder’s article page 6, about Tony Mistlin and the Mistlin Gallery in this issue

– Pete Hischier

One of the early Century Toppers (1950), Pete was part of Gene Winfield’s team and worked in his original “chicken coop” shop as well as his shop at 451 Tully. Pete had his own very stylish vehicles including a Mercury that he sold to Gene when he bought a ‘50 Cadillac. Pete was frequently at Gene’s shop and helped Gene work the many car shows where they would compete and win awards with the innovative creations that came from Gene’s Shop. Pete, Gene and Bart Bartoni helped the classic car scene in Modesto during the early 50s and started some of the first car shows in the region. Pete married his sweetheart Shirley in 1961. He had a successful family nursery business where Pete and Shirley worked together for many years. Pete continued to collect, restore, buy and sell cars and was an avid history buff, collecting antique weaponry and even lead tours in various locations in Europe. Pete was one of the original Downtown boys, member of the Century Toppers, Mid-Valley Chevy club and was one of the founding Legends of the Cruise inductees on the Historic Modesto Cruise Route Walk of Fame and served as Grand Marshal of the American Graffiti Festival Cruise Parade in 2019. Pete is survived by his wife Shirley, children James, Pamela and Paul and his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Pete will be missed by so many and will live on in Modesto history. A tribute cruise is being planned for February 13. Details will be posted on Facebook @graffitiusamuseum as available.



– Bob DeLeon

Bob DeLeon was one of Modesto rock and roll pioneers. As a founding member of Kent Whitt and the Downbeats, he played keyboards in what was to be Modesto first rock and roll band. Bob used to work in the iconic “Records” store at the corner of 14th and J The Downbeats would play nearly every school and venue in the region and even got a USO tour in the early through Asia in 1964. Bob was later drafted and served honorably in Vietnam. Bob DeLeon became one of Modesto’s legendary KFIV 1360 DJs, broadcasting live from the old studio on East Orangeburg, playing the soundtrack of our lives during the 60s and the 70s. He later joined KTRB and taught radio at high school. He did many on-location shows and his on air voice is still remembered today. He was inducted as a Lifetime Award at the MAMA Awards three different times, as an early Rock and Roll Pioneer, with Kent Whitt and the Downbeats and part of the KFIV Radio Legends. His music helped power our Graffiti cruising years and got us all through the 1970s and he was a member of the Modesto Radio History Museum. He was a well known real estate agent and is survived by his wife Roni, Daughter Rhonelle, and son-in-law Greg, and grandson Garrett. His memory will live on over the airwaves and Modesto history. FOR MORE MODESTO INFO:


Thus Spoke Alzara, Thus, Art

Among the hundreds of gifted song crafters to pass through Modesto to appear at my listening-concert series, there is one with whom I have forged a particularly beautiful friendship. Alzara Getz belongs to a musical lineage that includes her father Dave Getz, who once kept the beat as the drummer in Janis Joplin’s band Big Brother & The Holding Company. Alzara writes her own music and plays a sleeklooking triangular ukulele called a Fluke. She’s sung with various groups over the years, but today she fronts orchestral-folk ensemble Brother Spellbinder. One of the most richly textured acts I’ve worked with, the group borrows elements of folk, rock, classical, and eastern European styles, creating well-crafted songs with old-world ache and modern angst. The band comes with a rotating string section and plenty of unique instruments, including a couple of different trinkets Alzara has even let me sit in and play at some of their live shows. There’s often a cool visual component to their set, with a projected backdrop of vintage burlesque dance; and Alzara makes vintage-style postcards featuring snippets of her song lyrics. Also, she sings in Russian on a few

By Aaron Rowan songs, which I adore. Beyond the band, Alzara has earned accolades from the West Coast Songwriters Competition, and was an official Modesto Unplugged-sponsored artist to attend the Yosemite Songwriting Retreat which features some of California’s finest folk songwriters as mentors. She is also the curator of the Uke-Nique showcase series at venues around the Bay Area. In addition to Alzara & friends’ appearances on my stages, they have performed at the DOMO evening market in the 10th St. Plaza and appeared on our local KCBP Community Radio. Offstage, Alzara is the perfect companion to venture out with to enjoy a big concert, or maybe just to eat borscht or Burmese with. You can sample her & Brother Spellbinder’s music at I also recommend their NPR Tiny Desk Contest submission videos on YouTube: ‘Speed Of Sound,’ ‘Birds Of A Feather,’ and ‘20 Years Ago.’ Keep a watch for this California cultural treasure’s next visit to Modesto. Next month, we’ll meet another of Modesto Unplugged’s greatest hits who you ought to add to your playlist. Looking forward to returning to live music full speed, I do hope before the next solstice. Have a fun and fulfilling 2021! Intimate performances. Infinite playlist. MODESTO UNPLUGGED. www.

MAMA Radio

Monday at 5 pm Friday at 9 pm Saturday at 6 pm This is SKA Tuesday at 9 pm Saturday at 11 pm


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By Patty Castillo Davis

Ahhhhhh, February.

A month which brings to mind African American history, valentines, presidents and groundhogs. We are also nearing the grim anniversary of California’s first cases of the Coronavirus which led to Governor Newsom initiating a statewide order to shelter at home. Life was altered forever as we knew it, many folks lost their serenity, their livelihood and their very lives. Lest I put a pall on another conversation about the way things are today, I’d like to note what continues to still be fine about February. With a focus on Valentine’s Day, as a musician, I feel strongly about the value of love songs. The first song I ever wrote, “Ladybug”, is a love song to my youngest daughter, Maya, who was three years old when she became my Muse. This composition has been my most requested original song and has served me well. After navigating through a year of trauma and drama we have had to muster up a sturdiness and self-reliance that has revealed a new utilization of love. Simple as that. If you didn’t know it or feel it before, love became the premise of how we traversed through 2020 into the now. Love may be all you need, as the Beatles immortally sang like humans have tried to put into words the longings of their hearts and regrets of their souls. You might think that much of the love expressed in such classic love song may be as anachronistic as cassettes. I am a child raised by am radio therefore, I came up in a time when songs of romance ruled the airwaves. It is estimated that more than one hundred million love songs have been recorded in an astounding variety. The love song appears in many guises-new love, old love, platonic, contrition and forgiveness, seduction, sex, sad and unrequited.-(you know, the essential threads in the emotional tapestry of music) A study by the University of Montreal in 2016, published in Frontiers in Psychology, offered a scientific basis for “the paradoxical enjoyment of music-induced sadness”. Researchers found that sad songs induced a


I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song biochemical response in empathetic listeners, triggering beneficial hormones. Most people cannot express their feelings organically so a love song becomes quite relatable which is psychologically beneficial. To give a voice to humanity’s most powerful emotion discussing love as that alchemy of need and commitment. American culture is in love with love. Watching the beautiful display of PDA by President Joe Biden and his First Lady, Dr Jill Biden, continually embracing each other throughout the inauguration festivities felt like a renewed modelling of the best kind of behavior steeped in respect and admiration. Like Waylon Jennings so purely emoted, “Maybe it’s time we got back, to the basics of love”. The stack of vinyl in the jukebox evolved into the mixtape and that into the playlist which proves that a soundtrack will never ever go out of style. It’s said that you can tell a person’s psyche by their playlist, let’s see if you can get inside my head. Go to to see my Top 25 Love Songs. We have lost so much globally and as Californians and especially residents of a community that continues to be a leader in the statistics representing COVID hospitalization and death, we need some good fortune. Do something that costs nothing. Do something fundamentally necessary that will create a shift and release our hold on the top spot as a disaster area in this pandemic. Create “herd” tactics by extending some love. When you wear a mask you GIVE love. When you maintain composure and patience you DEMONSTRATE love. When you help others falling down the


slope of poverty you RATIFY love. Living in the most surreal of times in history, living in the terrifying conjecture of what could possibly happen next, it is solely on you to check yourself. Who are you gonna be? Are you going to follow a cult of heresy and nonsense that is self-serving or are you going to rise to the top? It seems like the trend being demonstrated here, where we live, is to be the squeaky wheel, to exploit the loopholes, to be the tantrum thrower-to wear foolishness as armament is in fashion. There is nothing innovative or cool about a lack of empathy, at press time over 400,000 people have died of the Coronavirus with no end in sight.

Do something bland yet significant, something old fashioned yet optimum. Give a damn. Go out and love somebody. Love never goes out of style.

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Time to Get Your Soul Vaccination! By Eric Benson

We are making progress.

Thank you to all that have donated your time and money to the Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum. It is time for all of us to get involved and we have a big job ahead of us. We need donations, volunteers, cars, construction skills and so much more. We hope you will help us bring this amazing classic experience to Modesto that will be exciting for our community and will attract people from all over the world. It will truly be Graffiti Summer all year long. Yes, friends, the Graffiti USA Museum will be on old 99, just a mile north of the original Burge’s Drive In. The museum will take you back in time, to the days when we were “Draggin’ 10th”. This will be a true experience with a real diner, a reimagined 1962 10th St with shops & businesses and even a tribute to Modesto Radio History We need you! We need your help to build this dream so we can share our Modesto story with people from all over the world who will visit. The will know that Modesto USA is a cool city with a real authentic story. Here is how you can help and get involved. The end of the year is coming. If you are considering a tax deductible donation before the end of the year, the Graffiti USA Museum would be a great place to do it. Your donation will help us build this museum and build civic pride and celebrate our classic car history. You can also donate your car, stocks, time and even donate services. You can make a permanent contribution too. There are 30 “business storefronts” on our re-imagination lf a 1962 10th Street. Your family or business can be memorialized in the museum and you can help us, one step at a time to bring this to life. There are only 27 spaces left and we will have some models built soon so you can see what we are doing. Please consider funding one of these storefronts that start at $25,000. Your only limit is your imagination and there are some great naming opportunities available. - Construction We need help with the following: - Electrical - HAC - Creativity - Fire Sprinklers - Donated Cars - Restrooms - Volunteer time - Insulation


Please consider becoming a founding member of the Graffiti USA Museum. This is our history and so many of you were part of this story. Help us create our Graffiti USA dream here in Modesto USA, where it is Graffiti Summer all year long. We want to have Phase 1 open by June 1, 2021 Reach out to us at You can learn more and donate at Graffiti USA Museum 501 c 3 non-profit organization 610 N 9th St Modesto, Ca 95350 You can donate at


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Alright my peeps time for all of us to get our Soul Vaccination. Tower of Power said it best; “All across the nation people been catch’ honkypox, when you get the notion Towers’s got the potion-you might look in to get yourself in motion…Everybody get in line.. soul vaccination for mo better health. Part of our soul protection plan. Get ready for the injection to cut down on the infection cause soon we’ve got soul perfection!”. I got my COVID vaccination and oh yes my arm ached and I got an “owee’ but I took on for the team. At this point, we have to vaccinate ourselves out of this situation so we can get back to our live’s pre-COVID. 2020 we were supposed to wear masks, 2021 we are still wearing masks because we did not do the right thing the first time around. Much love for you out there that are doing the right thing wearing masks and social distancing. In the meantime keep ‘er going and stay healthy and keep on because we must believe brighter days ahead and do the right thing so they will be coming. This is new terrain get the vaccine out to all of us so that herd immunity happens, and yes we are the herd! If enough

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are vaccinated they will be no reservoir for infection. There are a lot of us struggling right now, emotionally, physically and spiritually so please reach out and lend a hand to those who need it. We also need to support our local business and economy so it is still there when things improve. Next month we will conspire to get people out to our local businesses, restaurants to keep them healthy. If we have no venues when things get better you will see me out on south 9th street busking with my guitar singing the Blues. So please continue to support our local venues. We are still not supposed to do live music inside venues but we will try and do outside music in the downtown ASAP so you do not have to visit me in Belview!. Miss all my peeps and a shout out to the Blue Monday Band; Dave Dow Piano, David Hawks Drums, John Adey and Conrad Johnson Bass, Andrew Rosenblum Sax, John Burt Sax and all the special guests and fans that continue to play the music. Peace out, Eric Benson! Need to get me or co-conspire with me, my cell is (209) 918-7033



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FIT VIEW Vaccinated and NO Side Effects By Efren Martinez This month’s FitView has less to do with fitness and more so with what’s on most peoples mind when it comes to getting vaccinated. Just recently, my wife, who fell under those in the first phase category, was vaccinated with the Pfizer’s Covid 19 vaccine. Soon after, many of her friends wanted to know if she had any side effects. My elderly parents, who also fell under the first phase, got their vaccine. They were among some of the seniors who received the Moderna vaccine. I’m happy to say that my wife had zero side effects after being vaccinated. In fact, after working all day, she got vaccinated and came home and made dinner. We then went on our big monthly grocery shopping trip to get home very late and put it all away. Her vaccination day was quite full, and so was her weekend. The following day she cleaned the entire house and ended her day by stuffing 22 bell peppers. On the third day of being vaccinated, she visited her dad only to come home later that night to make and freeze a mound of meatballs. For my wife, the vaccine proved safe, and the only discomfort she experienced was a sore muscle from where the injection was administered. She compared her injection experience to the same as getting a Tetanus shot. In any case, that soreness went away after a day. Make no mistake; my supportive “Team Efren” loving wife is a Wonder Woman! I owe that to her will on living a clean and healthy life. For my elderly and disabled parents, they too had zero side effects from their Moderna Covid 19 vaccine. The following day they carried on as any other day. My father cared for his birds, and my mother stayed as bossy as ever. Friends, I’m sharing this experience with you for those who still might be on the fence about being vaccinated. I understand your concerns. It’s also important to mention that I have not yet been vaccinated and will do so when it’s my turn. I’m still not too excited about putting something that isn’t natural into my body, but as I’ve said in last months FitView, this is way bigger than me. It’s about our community back to the way

was before Covid 19. Yes, I’m taking one for the team, and I am taking one for my community. I recommend you consult with your own doctor if you have any concerns or allergies before getting the vaccine. Regardless, continue to practice the healthiest lifestyle you can. Eat a well-balanced diet, take your daily vitamins, that would especially include zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. Continue to build up your immune system with moderate exercise, plenty of good sleep and stop stressing on what we can’t control. In fact, stop stressing completely and give your worries to God. Follow me at & On a side note, I think it’s important to remember that even after one receives their first vaccination shot, your immunity is “NOT” instantaneous. Just like the flu shot, it takes at least 3 weeks for your body to build up its immunity against the virus. Even after one receives their second covid vaccination, it will still take a few more weeks to achieve the vaccine’s full effect. I’m mentioning this because I informed and educated my elderly Hispanic parents the importance of how vaccines work. Many in my culture were not aware of this and thought it was OK to toss away their mask. So friends, please remember that even after you get your first and even your second vaccination, we must all still keep wearing our mask. We should continue to socially distant and wash our hands. The truth of the matter is we won’t be fully immune from the virus until most of our society gets vaccinated.

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Hello Viewers, happy belated 2021! Loving life is in the details & Ms M has been all about the details lately. She’s been catching up on her reading, participating in the Stanislaus County Library Winter Reading Challenge & enjoying local takeout options from her favorite restaurants thanks to her RAD Card. A new month is a fresh start to make today better than yesterday. May February provide you with all the love, happiness, health and good fortune that you need. Here are some ways to make the month’s budget stretch while you have fun. Start the month off with a zoom with a view for your kiddos. Local artists Black Sheep’s Ink offer free online art classes via Facebook live for 3rd-6th graders. The third session of the year will be on February 1st at 7 pm where the class topic is Starry Night. You will need Crayola oil pastels or crayons and a black piece of paper to participate. It is a free public event and donations are accepted. Information: https:// For those who love the Modesto Certified Farmers Market, this year the market has opened for the 2021 season early. Last month the market re-opened on January 23rd and welcomed back their vendors for a weekly Saturday Farmers Market experience. Thursday markets will resume later in April. The market is a favorite locally because it allows the community the opportunity to support the areas farmers, artisans and crafters in one convenient location. Info:

The Gallo Center invites you to experience National Geographic Live! virtually from your home. On February 10th at 7 p.m., Molecular biologist-turned-photographer Prasenjeet Yadavnd and biologist and photographer Anand Varma will share a discussion of the intriguing intersection of science and photography. The livestream will discuss the significance of the natural history photographers scientific background and how it enables them to capture the natural world in a unique way. Sign up is on the Gallo Center page. Links will arrive via email. Tickets: $15. Additional Info: Enjoy the charm of arthouse cinema virtually from your home. The State Theatre continues to offer independent cinema options for rental on their website. The films are available to view for 30 days and once begun must be finished in 72 hours. Additionally, for those looking for other ways to support local can visit the State Theatre’s shop for boutique items, gift certificates and more. Movie Info: https://thestate. org/ Store Info: Sending lots of love, Modesto! Stay Strong!

ALL AGES VIEW After crossing the days off my calendar until 2020 would be over, the new year is officially here. May we use the lessons learned from the former year to nourish the soil of the present one. This year I foresee tremendous growth and prosperity within my country, my community, and most importantly, myself. If I learned anything from 2020, it is that locally owned businesses are a staple of our community and need our support now more than ever. My New Years resolution will be to continue to order takeout from my favorite restaurant or grab a drink from my favorite coffee shop weekly. Some of these have included The Queen Bean, Chefs of New York, and Scenic Drive-in and I am excited to continue to give them my business. If you are like me, you must be missing the Farmer’s market already; all of the local produce, restaurants, and entrepreneurs truly embody all of Modesto’s diverse interests. But fear not because the season just started on January 23rd and will extend through March 27th (Saturdays only). I am extremely proud of one of my closest friends who is a vendor there. Emma Silveria is selling her handmade jewelry including beautifully made necklaces and earrings and you can find

her on instagram @jewelryby.emma. If you know where to find the Farmer’s Market, you know that only a few yards away is the beloved Stanislaus County Library. Last month, the library held virtual trivia nights as well as painting and gardening classes and this month there will be virtual story times every Tuesday. If you would like more information for the dates and times of these events, feel free to check out the Stanislaus County Library online calendar. You can also use their website to stay up-to-date on future events under the “Events and Classes” tab. After 365 long days, 2020 taught me that nothing is predictable, adaptation is critical, and family is everything. I am entering the year 2021 with hope and a new mindset… and of course a mask :). Stay safe Modesto.






Chinese New year of the White Metal Ox

Given that the previous Metal Rat Year hasn’t been easy at all I have been extra curious about finding out the predictions on the web for this Year of the Ox. At any rate we are done with the Year of the Rat! This New Year of the Ox sounds more promising except that we will all have to work hard, as hard as an ox if we want to succeed. The New Year of the Metal Ox will start February 12th and will last until January 31st of 2022. The White Metal Ox is associated with Yin energy, which embodies development and evolution. The Ox is a highly esteemed animal in Chinese Culture because of the importance it plays in agriculture. The Ox is hardworking and methodical, plowing the earth one row at a time, over and over, until the work is done, his mind uncluttered. If we can be like the Ox and stick to routine and discipline we may be able to bring stability into our lives again. “The trials and tribulations the Ox Year brings will be mainly on the homefront”, one of my books tells me. “It is a good time to settle

domestic affairs and put your house in order.” If we run into problems it is because we need to improve our communication skills. We may need to work harder on ourselves in order to be appreciated and loved by others. In the year of the Ox we need to have a lot of patience and a lot of discipline! “Everything will be sorted out and we will be rewarded for our efforts - so long as we remember to do things the conventional way. No time for tricky shortcuts.” Happy New Year of the Ox! Wishing you all Peace, Health and Happiness! For more info go to or call (209)572-4518 Note: What does “Metal” mean ? The metal element emphasizes the need for precision and clear thinking. Further, “As with 2020 this phase of the Chinese Calendar is ruled by the color white. Because white contains all the colors of the spectrum, it represents the potential to draw support from all different sources. Specialized knowledge will be prized, making it a prosperous time for doctors, scientists, lawyers and academics”. Listen to the experts in 2021

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We Won Gold! It is so much fun to put the ModestoView together each month. It is even more fun to work with our amazing ViewCrew to create a package of goodness and civic pride monthly. It is also great to win MARCOM GOLD AWARDS! Thanks to Michael J Mangano, Pete Grimaldi, Middagh Goodwin and Abigail Power for being such a great team. I really appreciate you - Thanks Chris


February 14th Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project The Piano Lesson Valentine’s Day February 15th Art of the San Joaquin I On Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM MAMA Radio KCBP 95.5 FM The KeyHive February 16th KCBP 95.5 FM Freak Radio KCBP 95.5 FM This is SKA February 17th KCBP 95.5 FM Art of the San Joaquin 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Black History Museum Virtual Tour KCBP 95.5 FM California Audio Roots Project KCBP 95.5 FM I On Modesto Riverbank Golden Ages KCBP 95.5 FM The KeyHive Kaiser Dale Rd, Modesto The Peril and the Promise mjccampuslife Instagam February 18th KCBP 95.5 FM Freak Radio Kaiser Farmer’s Market Howard Training Center, Modesto Women of the Valley St Stanislaus Catholic School, Modesto February 19th Park View Elementary School, Ripon I On Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM MAMA Radio KCBP 95.5 FM February 20th African American Fashion Howard Training Center, Modesto Elks Crab Feed KCBP 95.5 FM Freak Radio KCBP 95.5 FM MAMA Radio Modesto Public Library Modesto Certified Famers Market KCBP 95.5 FM The Peril & the Promise KCBP Radio 95.5 FM This is SKA Radio February 21st KCBP 95.5 FM Audio Roots Project KCBP 95.5 FM California Audio Roots Project Children’s Day KCBP 95.5 FM February 22nd KCBP 95.5 FM Art of the San Joaquin KCBP 95.5 FM I On Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM MAMA Radio The KeyHive KCBP 95.5 FM February 23rd KCBP 95.5 FM Freak Radio This is SKA KCBP 95.5 FM February 24th KCBP 95.5 FM Art of the San Joaquin KCBP 95.5 FM California Audio Roots Project I On Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Riverbank Golden Ages KCBP 95.5 FM The KeyHive KCBP 95.5 FM The Peril and the Promise February 25th KCBP 95.5 FM Freak Radio Kaiser Dale Rd, Modesto Kaiser Farmer’s Market KCBP 95.5 FM Women of the Valley February 26th KCBP 95.5 FM I On Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM MAMA Radio February 27th Lopes Orchards Patterson African American Edu Conference Freak Radio Old Fishermen’s Club, Modesto MAMA Radio Modesto Modesto Certified Famers Market KCBP 95.5 FM The Peril & the Promise KCBP 95.5 FM This is SKA KCBP 95.5 FM February 28th Modesto Public Library Advocacy Panel KCBP Radio 95.5 FM California Audio Roots Project Know Your Rights BLACK HISTORY MONTH!

February 1st African American Doctors Panel Art of the San Joaquin I On Modesto MAMA Radio The KeyHive February 2nd Freak Radio This is SKA February 3rd Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project Financial Literacry Breaking the Cycle I On Modesto Riverbank Golden Ages The KeyHive The Peril and the Promise February 4th Freak Radio Kaiser Farmer’s Market Positive People Women of the Valley February 5th Crab Fest Goes Mardi Gras Drive Thru Crab Feed Drive Thru Crab Feed I On Modesto MAMA Radio February 6th Crab Fest Goes Mardi Gras Freak Radio MAMA Radio Modesto Certified Famers Market The Peril & the Promise This is SKA February 7th Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project February 8th Art of the San Joaquin I On Modesto MAMA Radio The KeyHive February 9th Freak Radio This is SKA February 10th Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project I On Modesto Intro to Graphic Design Riverbank Golden Ages The KeyHive The Peril and the Promise February 11th Freak Radio Kaiser Farmer’s Market Women of the Valley February 12th I On Modesto MAMA Radio February 13th Cioppino Crab Feed Legal Clinic Part 1 Mary Lyons Crab Feed The Modesto Ripper The Peril & the Promise Freak Radio MAMA Radio Modesto Certified Famers Market This is SKA Radio



KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM stanstatebsu Instagram KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM Kaiser Dale Rd, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM Elks Lodge. Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto Public Library KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM Kaiser Dale Rd, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM,php KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto Public Library KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM



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