opinions, but they are all starting some that will have a place in our community. Let’s embrace the new, shepherd the developing and treasure our favorites so they all work together to make a more interesting Modesto.
opinions, but they are all starting some that will have a place in our community. Let’s embrace the new, shepherd the developing and treasure our favorites so they all work together to make a more interesting Modesto.
January always feels like a
start! Clean out the attic, sweep the cobwebs, empty the fridge, and just hit restart and take a fresh look. Sparkly, shiny, with new blue crystals and a zesty new smile. Speaking of shiny blue crystals, Rockin’ Holiday was amazing this year. I was so excited to take my grandson to experience the Rockin’ Winter Wonderland, the Snow, the music the Tree and the Rockin’ North Pole with Rockin’ Santa and the elves. We have a good tradition here and so glad to the next generation experiencing it. So first off this January. Thank you to all of you that get involved to make a difference. Thanks to those that see our vision and see what Modesto can be. Thanks to those who are open minded enough to see how our cultural and historical stories overlap and work together for a brighter Modesto. Our history is key to our future. You don’t have to like classic cars to understand the cultural value. You can be a gourmet local food city with a dynamite smart ag industry and at the same time be the home of American Graffiti. These things are all possible and we have to see things in a bigger way.
I went to London the last week in December to experience Trader Vic’s one last time before the London Hilton closes it. They don’t see the value of the history, and they will be sorry when Trader Vic’s is gone. I met people from all over and when I said I was from Modesto, one responded, “Oh, American Graffiti”. My bartender witnessed it. This is amazing. We have a brand, and it can mean
a lot of different things to many people, but when your brand is that strong globally, you gotta run with it and that’s what powers me up more about building the Graffiti USA Museum. How many other smart gourmet cities can also claim American Graffiti. Zero, just us. Makes us special. More important we need to see how we can include more of our different cultures. Our amazing community of lowriders and customs have been a vital part of our car culture for years. In fact, the families, many of them two, three and even four generation car families represent a big part of our car culture. It is new and fresh, attracting more women and blends the art with our hot rods and give us the opportunity to find a way to bring back cruising to Modesto. It is a different world today than it was in 1962, 1979 or 1993. We have fresh new opportunities. As we close out 2022, we look back on some of our own local traditions and long-time businesses that have moved on. We lost Concetta, Deva, Crow Trading, and Beijing. They were all favorites and had a lot of fans. But this creates opportunity for new traditions to begin and we all need to be open to what people are going to create and what new directions they will go. We are still on the great Potsticker hunt and still mourn Minnie’s, but the new pan-fried dumplings from Chinn International are right up there. There is always a fresh way to look at things. In our BigView this month, we are featuring new young up and comers with a fresh new look on Modesto. They will have diverse
ModestoView needs to be fresh and new always. Please tell me what you like about ModestoView, what you don’t and how we can make this more valuable for you, your family and your business. Our goal is the same as it has always been to “Serve Civic Pride Daily”. And we hope this mission works for you and our community. We need good news, we need positive reinforcement and we need to know that we are all in this together. We are a collection of local business, local organizations and families and friends.
Thank you to the local business that advertise in ModestoView so we can create, print and deliver this to you to keep the positive messages flowing.
Thank you for reading and on behalf of my family and our amazing ViewCrew, we wish you a very Happy New Year, filled with peace, prosperity, friendship and love
ModestoView chrism@modestoview.com
Modesto is well known the world over as the home of American Graffiti. Modesto Cruisers Council is featured on our January cover. Photo illustrator Michael J Mangano has placed them front and center of the Modesto Mural on 8th Street with several classic cars and low riders, looking ever forward to the cruising ban being rescinded by Modesto City Council in 2023.
Top row: Steve Kidd.& Bob Holloway“Road Dog”
Middle Row: Andrea Kidd,Betty Santos, Tina Tateo Perez, Billie Duarte , Alfonso Duarte Jr. Alfonso Duarte
Bottom: Till Andrade, Nasson Sanchez, Noah Moreno
As we start the New Year, it’s a great time to reflect and focus on what is important to both you and your community as we look ahead to 2023. Looking for an organization to support or get involved with? Modesto Sister Cities International (MSCI) is an incredible organization that has formed bonds around the world with “Sister Cities” that coordinate travel for students and events to promote friendship and understanding across borders. Most recently, MSCI has been extremely involved with the sister city in Ukraine, Khmelnytski and providing aid for those in need during this troubling war. In June, their Borscht fundraiser raised more than $80,000 which helped to purchase two electrical generators one for a children’s hospital and other for a school to respond to difficulties caused by attacks on their power grid. From helping
students see the world to helping those in need, MSCI is working hard to keep the world connected after a time of isolation and misunderstanding around the world. They are looking forward to celebrating their 40th anniversary with Vernon, Canada and their 30th anniversary in Kurume, Japan in 2023. Stay tuned for more information on their Gala planned for the end of 2023 – it’s sure to be an international and wonderful time celebrating Modesto Sister Cities International with our community. Thank you MSCI!
Want to learn more?
Adrian Harrell, President
Modesto Sister Cities International 1509 K Street, PO Box 155 Modesto, CA 95354 modesto.msci@gmail.com
By Chris MurphyAs you know, ModestoView is 100% committed to 100% positive coverage of events and activities in our community. It is also important for us to be up to date on the news and current events that impact our community and informed citizens make a positive difference. We need our local newspaper and it is sad that many communities are losing their local paper. We need professional journalists keeping the citizens up to date, informed & keeping our leaders accountable. Make a point to be up to date with news and current events about our area and subscribe where you can.
Central Valley Report www.centralvalleytv.net
ValleyCitizen - www.thevalleycitizen.com
The Modesto Bee - www.modbee.com
Turlock Journal - www.turlockjournal.com
Ceres Courier www.cerescourier.com Oakdale Leader –www.oakdaleleader.com
Patterson Irrigatorwww.goldenstatenewspapers.com/ patterson_irrigator/
Time to put those New Year Resolutions to work. Come out to another year of Downtown Modesto’s Third Thursday Art Walk. The next one is on January 19th. Take a Class at MJC extended learning, Dragonfly Art for Life, Mistlin Gallery, Chartreuse Muse, or down in Turlock at Carnegie Arts Center. Support local artists and buy art or peruse the gift shop areas at all those locations.
Get your entry in to be part of Stanislaus Artist Open Studio by January 15 deadline. Entry is $75, and you have time to have your studio ready for the April 15 and 16 weekend. The email for information and entry forms is Openstudio.stanislaus@ gmail.com Open to local artists in Stanislaus County in any and all art media. Studios can be shared spaces, home studios or venues such as Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock by arrangement, or with assistance from the Open Studio Committee and other participating artists. Mistlin Gallery’s opening 2023 show is “Abstracts, Impressions, and Fantasy.” Starts January 3 with a run through January 28. A new slate of classes and events is now open, as is the gift shop for year around shopping. Check out the class, event and workshop offerings on the website at www. ccaagallery.org
The Chartreuse Muse collections subscriptions of Artfully Yours are now in full swing. Information on the subscriptions at the main counter, with a featured display in the middle counter area. The Muse offers many local artists on display and art for sale each month. I am fortunate enough to be a featured artist this month and next, as one of the “Draw the Line” artists. Cats tend to dominate the paintings and creations I am providing, in more acrylic and mixed media forms than the cartoon watercolors of coffee cats. A chance for me to display this creative departure for me at the invitation of the Chartreuse Muse. Website for contact, classes, and more www.TheChartreuseMuse.com
Registration is now open for kids and adults for classes at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock. A new show will open
in the Lobby Galleries on January 31, with works by the Fresno Printmakers Guild. For more information on Carnegie classes, exhibitions and special events, use www. carnegieartsturlock.com
Forgot a new year was coming up when doing your recent holiday shopping? You can still get my 2023 Coffee Cats Calendar/ planner online at www.Coffeecatscalendar. com or an already printed version at Mistlin Gallery and Chartreuse Muse. My calendar project was published and promoted by a local friend of the arts Leo Garcia, who hosts the www.slothoftheday.com website, among others. Other Modesto artists Leo is supporting with calendar projects are Kristy Moore and Irene Hooper-Gomez.
At the end of the month, January 31, the slam of poetry and photography comes together at Mistlin Gallery in Collision VII. This collaboration of local fine art photographers and noted local poets mesh into a unique exhibition of two art forms in one presentation in a formal art gallery setting. Something to check out next month. 2023 will also unveil the new activities of the Stanislaus Arts Council, now headquartered with the Central California Art Association Mistlin Gallery. At the Gallery holiday potluck, it was announced that the County Arts Council, in collaboration with the Merced County Arts Council, and that of Tuolumne County, has received a substantial grant to benefit the arts, with a substantial amount to directly support artists. More details on that as 2023 unfolds. Should be a year of opportunities ahead.
It’s cold out there!
January is traditionally the coldest month in the Valley, but we have discovered some great cocktails to warm you from the inside out. Whether you want a treat after skating at Modesto on Ice, to take a special someone out to surprise them, or just want to try a new place and needed a good excuse-let these libations open your palate and light your soul. There are so many seasonal cocktail menus out there, it was hard to narrow down our favorites. If you are like me and want easy an New Year’s Resolution, resolve to try one of these drinks and then post about it on social media with #modestoview to tell us about it. You’ll finish your resolution quicker than anyone else and can coast through the rest of the year. Stay warm and sip on, friends!
Fuzio Universal Bistro,1020 10th St Suite 100, Modesto
With bourbon, brown sugar syrup, black walnut bitters, vanilla extract and a toasted cinnamon stick, this is like a s’more without being a s’more. It’s as if you toasted a marshmallow and put it between 2 molasses cookies. Or snickerdoodles. It’s hard to describe because it is just that yummy! You will have to try it yourself!
T.H.B.R - The Hot Buttered Rum Tresetti’s, 927 11th St, Modesto
It looks like a milkshake, but don’t let it fool you! Sweet butter, brown sugar, “holiday spices”, rum, and vanilla ice cream in the bottom of an Irish coffee glass with whipped cream and cinnamon. This is a downtown favorite and we are so happy it
is back again this year! Pictured with it is a Hot Toddy. (A drink created to cure illnesses before modern medicine.) This will ease your heart and soul with it’s cinnamon spice aroma and relax every cell in your body.
Our city is looking ahead to exciting opportunities in the New Year. The Council and I will be: establishing spending priorities for the voter-approved Measure H funding; considering plans for implementing the Forward Together Working Group recommendations; and looking at new proposals to tackle homelessness and reviewing the progress of ongoing programs like Camp2Home, MPD’s homeless outreach specialists, and others.
I urge all residents to get involved in helping make Modesto the best it can possibly be in 2023
Hokkaido - Kimoto Sake & Sushi, 1809 McHenry Ave suite B, Modesto
This gorgeous cocktail is made with Kikusui Perfect Snow Unfiltered Sake and Ginger ale, garnished with a cherry. And it is aptly named, it looks like fresh snow! They are also featuring Shunka Shuto whiskey, Winter Edition while supplies last. From the Shika distillery in Hyogo prefecture, north of Osaka. Inspired by cold Japanese winter nights, this blended whiskey and matured in white oak barrels carrying rich notes of caramel, vanilla, as well as heavy maltiness. Perfect for sipping and curing your winter blues.
Divine Swine 825 W. Roseburg Ave, Modesto
A fun twist on Irish Coffee, which is Irish whisky, Kalua, Coffee, but this take on the cocktail has smoked whipped cream topped with cinnamon which is truly DIVINE!
Mulled Red WineLumberyard Cellars, 1455 1st St Suite 4, Escalon
Made with a blend of the Grenache and Redwood Blend wines, (which is a red blend of Merlot, Cabernet, Zinfandel and Carignane) with spices. Balanced aromatic and yummy!
New Year resolution was to go to more live concerts, then 2023 will start with one heck of a bang. On the third weekend of January, it will feel like music in Modesto is officially back. There will be four not to miss musical events just blocks away from each other and two literally across the street from one another. Mark your calendars and buy your tickets today.
First up on January 20th is another great concert by Greg Edwards and Off the Air, featuring the fantastic French Cassettes, Travis Vick, Awahnichi and Talking Ghosts on January 20th at the Century. Some of the best Indie Rock our area has to offer, and like all Off the Air concerts, there is an excellent chance this will sell out. $12 in advance, $15 at the door.
Up next on the 21st of January at the State Theatre, you will not want to miss the Men Who Fell To Earth, a David Bowie Review. Celebrate the life and music of one of rock music’s most iconic figures, the Thin White Duke. This is the band’s first time back in Modesto since 2019. Featuring members of Torn Boys, Broken Toys, Hospital,
Washboard Monkeys, Sweat Taunts, UFO and others. Opening up will be Tad Nugent playing a curated set of songs from the Glam era. 7 pm $18.
CBS Concert Series kicks off on January 21st at Congregation Beth Shalom. Big Earl and the Cryin’ Shame are joined by BluesBox Bayou Band two of the best bands from Modesto performing on the same bill. If you are a fan of the blues and zydeco music you will not want to miss this one. Doors at 7 pm $25
Reverend Horton Heat is one of the biggest names in Rockabilly and used to be a mainstay in Modesto, performing at The Brewhouse at Hero’s and The Fat Cat several times over the years. It has been nearly a decade since the band graced a stage in Modesto, and we couldn’t be more excited. Joining the Reverend at Rancho Fresco Cantina & Nightclub will be the Surfrajettes, an all-female surf rock band, and Modesto’s own Tiffany Rose & the Outlawhearts on Sunday, January 22nd. This is the crown jewel of a phenomenal weekend of musical events; anyone would
be a highlight of the year. This show is 21 plus doors at 5 pm $20.
Get your tickets to one or, better yet, all of these concerts. You are going to want to
attend every single performance. This could be just the tip of a fantastic year of music returning to Modesto in 2023.
WOW, we created some beautiful Rockin’ winter wonderlands this year. It was a whole new experience, complete with a wintery blue halo with new and brighter and lighter Rockin’ Snow, and an all new Rockin’ Tree that was twice as bright and a Rockin’ North Pole for Rockin’ Santa and brighter and more sparkling Garland across the street and new giant ornaments. Wow it was fun. Over 1000 kids and families visited Rockin’ Santa and made some memories. Modesto local musicians made wonderful music for the season. It took a great team and a lot of partnerships to bring Rockin Holiday to life and bring people to our downtown, create memories and celebrate our classic Modesto holidays. Best of all, it was FREE to the people that visited. ModestoView and the Graffiti USA Museum wants to thank Nick Crocket and the Sierra Pacific team that built the North pole and produced Rockin’ Holiday. Thanks Matt Paine of Collins Electric for the electronic wizardry and programming for our amazing Rockin’ Tree to light up the night! We loved all the pics that people posted with the tree and the North Pole and the Snow! Thanks to Middagh Goodwin and the MAMA Association for the music.
Thanks to Rockin’ Santa Steve Waldron and elves Tiffany & Zyllah Bradley and Zeoy Freitas. Special guest Rockin’ Santa and Mr.s Claus Ron Meyer and Rachelle Silva and our original Rockin’ Santa Mike Allsup. Thanks Jenn Allsup, Eli Allsup and Zach and Christian Boyatt for the tech crew. The Sierra Pacific team of Johnny, JD, Sean & Mike where a huge asset.
We could not do this without our sponsors and partners. First, Saul Trujillo and the Brenden Theatres are amazing for being the home base for the Rockin Snow. Thanks to the City of Modesto for teaming up with us for using the Plaza. Thanks to Visit Modesto for promoting Rockin’ Holiday and thank you to the businesses in the plaza that make it happen, Fuzio Bistro, Ralston’s Goat, T-Cups Café, Rodin Ranch and Venue 833. Also big thanks to GHI / Patchcrew, Beard Land, Gary Nelson Law, Sammy D & T Realtors, and Ceres Pipe and Steel.
Together, we created a wonderful community event. We can’t wait to come back next December .Let me know if you want to team up for Rockin’ Holiday 2023 to make it sparkle even brighter. chrism@modestoview.co
Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 93 years old. Despite a life that was cut short by racism, his actions, words and ideas live on today. In this current time, these words are even more important as some of our social community norms are breaking down with increased racial attacks. We truly need to lift each other up, encourage community and what we can do for others and how we all live together with respect for each other. There will be events celebrating his birthday on the 16th in Modesto and a special Modesto Rotary presentation and speech by Wendy Byrd, our local NAACP leader on Tuesday January 17 and noon at the Doubletree. On the 16th, there is a celebration at the Christian Love church at 10 am 202 H St Also on the 16th there is a celebration and march beginning at the Second Baptist Church with a pre-assembly lunch at 11 and a March to the King Kennedy Center at
1:30 pm There will be a banquet and community service awards ceremony following the march.
On January 25, there will be a ceremony at the MJC Auditorium at 7 pm. Keynote speaker TBD. The Modesto Peace Life Center will be coordinating.
Coming in February ModestoView. We will be coving Black History Month, please email us with activities and programs in February, and any time for that matter. Thank you.
Live entertainment is the best thing you can enjoy. The dialog, the interaction and the audience reaction to great performances brings it to life. There are so many events in January, you need to get your calendar out now and start crossing days off. This is going to be a great season, so you should check out what the season tix possibilities are.
The new Prospect Theatre season kicks off with the play Rough Crossing from January 20-Feb 5. Learn more at www.prospecttheatreproject.org
The Gallo Center has great shows stacked up for the next few months. Don’t miss great hits like REO Speedwagon 14th, Itzhak Perlman 17th, Lucy & Desi 22nd, Kristin Chenoweth 28th and more to come like Shen Yun 31st & 1st . Pink Martini Feb 5 and America Feb 8th. Get tix and info at www.galloarts.org
The Turlock Community Theatre is presenting the Robert Cray Band on January 21. This is seriously good blues. www.turlocktheatre.org
The State Theatre’s live event season is off to a fast start with PoeFest Opera 14th 15th, The Men Who Fell from Earth- Bowie Tribute on the 21, & Petty Theft –Tom Petty Tribute on the 28th Check out info on these and the rest of the season at www.thestate.org
Off the Air is back in Modesto and featuring the French Cassettes at the Century on 10th St. Feb 20. There are very few tix left for this. @offtheairmusic
The West Side Theatre presents Rob Ely – Elvis Through the Years on the 14th and Journey Revisited on the 21st. Tix and info at www.westsidetheatre.org
There is so much happening, check out our calendar at the back of this issue and please check www.modestoview.com regularly to get updated info. If you have an event that is not on our calendar, please send info at events@modestoview.com and we will add it.
The New Year 2023 is here and hopefully with it comes the completion of the renovation and re-utilization of Modesto’s Southern Pacific Railroad Depot, which turns 108 years old in December. Though the depot has undergone expansions and modifications in the past, this historical landmark will again see the return of rail service in the not-so-distant future, hopefully next year, with the expansion of ACE Train service to the Central Valley. Final plans for the Depot’s renovation project were confirmed in 2020 thanks to the advocacy of local historians like Bob Barzan, a Landmark Preservation Commission committed to our Modesto’s historical resources, and the City’s desire to see a modernized transportation hub come to fruition.
The mission-style Depot first opened to rail passengers in 1915, replacing the previous depot (1884) located near 9th and I Streets. The Railroad’s architect and assistant chief engineer John Quincy Barlow designed the Depot, taking strong influence from the 1913 Southern Pacific Depot in Porterville, CA. The opening of the Depot marked the culmination of a years’ long struggle to achieve consensus between the Railroad and the community’s vision for the depot. The Southern Pacific Railroad had initially advocated in 1909 for a passenger station to be built in the center of I street, however this proposal was rejected by city leaders due to perceived disruptions of city
commerce by the closure of I Street, with some supporting razing the 1884 Depot to make way for a new station. A few years later, in response to a California Railroad Commission ruling and renewed efforts by Modesto business leaders for a new depot, the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1914 committed to building a new passenger station. After two consecutive ballot measures, the voting citizens of Modesto ultimately approved the closure of J Street between 8th and 9th streets with the site of the new depot centered on J Street. The Depot served Modestans until 1971, when rail service left downtown and switched over to Amtrak. Over 50 years since then, the historic Depot will finally see the return of passenger rail service.
Older buildings rife with character and historical significance, whether designated as landmarks or otherwise, can provide a sense of authenticity and unique charm to the community that many look for in their hometown. The Depot is an amazing example of preservation, modern revitalization, and community involvement which can and should be used on other historical unofficial landmarks with obsolescence on the horizon, such as the historic 1939 Hall of Records and 1960 Courthouse. We are excited to see what the future holds and how we will come up with creative and innovative ways to preserve our city’s past.
Reports are in of a new bug circulating around Modesto as the new year begins: CORVID-23, more commonly known as “bird fever.” Not to be confused with the dreaded bird flu.....or that other thing..... CORVID-23 is a social contagion characterized by an irresistible craving for fresh and unique live music events, specifically those involving the Corvidae family of birds which includes crows and ravens. The telltale symptom of bird fever is a flareup of moderate to severe FOMO (fear of missing out). If you are experiencing the telltale symptom of bird fever, treatment centers will be in operation at the following locations and dates.
The State Theater, January 13-15. The Modesto PoeCon, the latest weekend spectacular from Opera Modesto’s ‘Story Into Song’ literacy initiative, will offer a series of lectures on the life and legacy of Edgar Allan Poe, with the icing on the cake being two short operas based on Poe’s works: ‘Tell Tale Heart’ composed by Stewart Copeland, the drummer for The Police; and ‘Annabel,’ based on classic Poe poem ‘Annabel Lee.’ The official start to the festivities takes place Friday the 13th, at the Poe’s Pub fundraiser. A $50 advance ticket gets you an evening of costumes, buffet offerings & craft cocktails inspired by Poe’s work, a performance by MJC’s concert choir, and a screening of the ‘60s film adaptation of ‘The Raven.’ Read all the details on this merrily macabre weekend at www.modestopoecon.com.
A booster shot may be required a few weeks later, and Modesto Unplugged has the perfectly calibrated dosage. February 3 at The Dragonfly Art For Life, supremely beautiful Americana duo Two Crows For Comfort make a stop from Canada, spinning stories into songs and songs into
stories. They’re the 2-time winners of Roots Artist of the Year at the Manitoba Country Music Awards and have opened shows for Ani DiFranco, Pokey LaFarge, and other greats. This concert has been on the docket for nearly a year now, and there aren’t too many acts these days that I get this excited about hosting. Doors open at 7 and the duo gets going at 7:30, $10 admission for this very special Friday Night Folk Flight showcase.
One more terrific Dragonfly concert coming up fast is the premiere of my after-hours Songlines concert series at the gallery, which will feature sporadic evenings of world music. Wednesday, Jan 4., I’m featuring Bay-based duo Nakarat, with a vibrant, emotional melange of folk songs in Turkish, Ladino, Greek, Griko, and Italian. They’re a Mediterranean breeze with spicy nomadic tunes from the region.
Find the Dragonfly at 1210 J St. 7:30 pm showtime, $20 cash at the door for this hot new series. RSVP for seats at 209-5435306. Intimate performances.
Infinite playlist. MODESTO UNPLUGGED. www.modestounplugged.com.
Modesto USA is the home of American Graffiti. People all over the world know this. Cruising is part of our history, part of our culture and part of our character. Since 1993, it has been illegal. It is pretty embarrassing to have people visit and see the “Cruising Prohibited” signs. Over the last 20 years, Modesto has rediscovered its Graffiti heritage and the cultural and tourism opportunity that goes along with it. One thing I know for sure, is our community is richer when we embrace all of our cultures and make our community inclusive.
Our Lowrider community is amazing and full of various cultures primarily Chicanos and if you are part of our Graffiti culture like I am, you know that this is where a big part of our Graffiti future lies. Modesto has a great mixed culture and heritage and our hot rods and lowriders are sharing the road now more than ever. There are over 20 local Lowrider and Custom clubs. They are family oriented and this culture is embraced and enhanced with amazing art, customs and traditions and have been here in our community since the 1970s.
There is a large-scale state wide move to have the cruising bans of the 80s and 90s rescinded in many areas. The State of California Legislature has authorized direction to respect the cruising traditions of many of our Lowrider and Chicano groups. Over the last year, Sacramento and San Jose have repealed their anti-cruising ordinances with great success and little negative impact. In fact, it has created a new cultural dialog in many of these communities. Additionally, the conditions of the early 80s & 90s no longer exist so we can start fresh. This is what makes the future so exciting.
Modesto Cruisers Council is lead by several cruising enthusiasts from different car clubs and solo-riders as well and it has over 20 active car clubs and independent drivers supporting and petitioning one way or another to repeal the no cruising ordinance.
The Modesto Cruisers Council has been meeting with the City of Modesto committees, city council members and with the
Modesto Police, and with other established community groups and community leaders. Lowriders have been featured on the cover of ModestoView, in the Graffiti USA Museum and these clubs delivered very successful pajama drives turkey drives and toy drives over the holidays. This cruising community is really active in making our community better, bridging cultures, and showing how we can all make this work together. To be clear, these are not the people doing speed shows and illegal racing. The Lowrider community has created wonderful art with their cars, they are low and slow and respect the road, the community and is family oriented, some families with three or four generations of cruisers and car builders. Everyone of them with a fervent desire to keep alive and renew one of the beloved traditions Modesto was built on. Cruising
Let’s learn from some of the Cruisers Council and see how we can all link up and make our cruising culture more important than ever.
Nasson Sanchez Modesto Cruisers Council RepresentativeModestoView: Why is bringing cruising back important ?
Nasson: Bringing back cruising is important to myself and other cruisers because it will help keep the traditions of cruising alive that have been around for decades but more importantly to help motivate and steer the younger generation from going down the wrong paths.
MV: What do you think people may not understand about the goal to bring cruising back ?
NS: People may not understand, for us in the cruising community, cruising is more then just driving but cruising is a sense of therapy, a hobby, it is a cultural tradition and a time with family and friends and by simply cruising they can express themselves and there culture history through their classic.
MV: How did the Modesto Cruisers Council get started?
NS: It was started after seeking the advice of our advisor (Maggie Mejia) and after several solo-riders and representatives from various carclubs had a meeting to discuss the best way to seek on how to get the no cruising ordinance repealed.
MV: What have you learned from other communities that have rescinded their cruising bans?
NS: I have learned that it has built a strong bridge amongst the community and the community leaders. And it has also given the cruising community a fresh welcoming perspective from the public.
MV: What obstacles do you think we have in Modesto to make this happen?
NS: I feel the main obstacle would be that people may think that legalized cruising will create crime and havoc amongst our community, but in reality it will be the complete opposite. The cruising community of this era are for the best of the community and nothing less.
MV: How has The Modesto Cruisers Council successfully built teamwork with the different organizations in Modesto?
NS: Due to the countless sit down meetings with the different organizations, The Modesto Cruisers Council has built a positive friendship amongst our community leaders, various city council members, business owners and the Modesto Police Department as well. We are more on a personal level than we were when we first started the journey on getting the no cruising ban repealed.
ModestoView: How long have you been involved in the custom Impala Community?
Tina Tateo Perez: I caught the bug early from my brother Frank. He was a lowrider in the early 70s. I’ve always had the passion for classic cars, I’ve been involved with
a classic car community since 2000 when my husband Rico finished building our 1958 Chevy Impala. We are solo ridersmeaning we don’t belong to any particular car club, but car clubs are so cool, they invite us to park with them if we choose - like West Coast Customs Car show.
MV: You have been one of Modesto’s brightest spokespeople for the custom community, how did you get involved to bring cruising back?
TTP: Number one - I just care, I have the passion, and I felt that the classic car, hot rod, and lowrider communities were being unjustifiably targeted for wanting to show their cars off. Also I believe there was some racial profiling going on and it just wasn’t right. Plus to look at it through the way it was 30 years ago isn’t right. Because of George Lucas and his movie American Graffiti, Modesto is considered the Graffiti capital and now we have the museum, so even more so.
As a woman I felt I needed to do something because of the women empowering women movement. I was very moved by the All-female lowrider clubs that have come out this year and I wanted to be a part of that in any way I can. My friend Betty Martinez Santos and I were some of the first women in the Modesto car show scene driving our own cars to car shows over 20 years ago. My involvement with the car community has brought such great experiences and friendships. I think it’s important for our mental health, to have something to look forward to, a reason to get out of the house and enjoy one another’s company.
MV: Why do you think it is so important that cruising be legal again in Modesto?
TTP: It will help support our local businesses. When we are cruising out there we need gas, food, and drink! All that money goes back into the economy and we’ve proved it with our two cruises we had this summer. One cruise was even for the American
Society and we raised
$375 for their cause. All the downtown businesses profited both times we cruised. Chief Gillespie said we had no issues or problems related to both cruises.
MV: What can the various car clubs do to help make this happen?
TTP: Car clubs should be supportive of the Modesto Cruisers Council and put their trust in us. We are working for everyone - all the car communities - classic, hot rod, lowrider clubs, and beyond. Everyone is going to cruise either way, but we can but we all can breathe a little easier if the cruising ban was lifted. We are not children anymore, as we were 30 years ago. We have kids, grandkids, and now we must leave our future generations with something or our car culture will die. We don’t want our car culture to die out. We have already lost a lot of trades like painters, pin stripers, mechanics, body men, upholsters etc. We need these trades, we need to keep the interest in these trades alive, and continue to foster the creativity and artistry put into our cars.
MV: What are the next steps?
TTP: Modesto City Council Meeting, 5:30PM January 10th, Public Comment at 1010 10th Street, Modesto, CA 95350, In the basement. We need everyone to come out in support to get the Cruising ban put on the agenda and lifted.
Till Andrade
ModestoView: Why do you think this culture is so special?
Till Andrade: It is a way to connect with others who share the same passion for cars and art and something we can do as a family. it is not just a hobby it is a lifestyle self expression when you see my car you remember me. We didn’t grow up with a lot of money, my mother taught me about electrical /interior and my dad showed me how to work on cars and make them work again . The culture is about no limits it is something you can look at an be proud of what you can accomplish with the help of friends and family and want to display for others to enjoy.
MV: When did you first start building your first custom?
TA: I started building my first custom when I was in high school. I started with 1953 Chevy that I paid $100 for. This was something that my friends and I did after school with my parents. I would pick up cheap cars and get them running so I could sell them to buy parts for my 1955 Chevy C10 truck that was my fathers daily driver that he traded me for a 1967 C10 truck. I have kept the 1955 Chevy though the years and have customized it several times. It’s been many different colors red,
black, orange, blue and currently in process of rebuilding it and painting for the next Graffiti cruise. This is a hobby that has become part of our lifestyle.
MV: I hear that you have three generations that made lowriders?
TA: My parents are involved and have lead me on this path and I now have two boys that are following in my and my parents footsteps and have a passion for cars and bikes. They enjoy building model cars, lowrider bikes, pedal cars they have a vision as to what they want their bikes, cars to look like and put in the work to make it happen. My sons enjoy cruising and our outings to car shows to see all the different works of art that these car people build
MV: Do you feel you get a good response for the community for the lowrider culture?
TA: I feel the community enjoys seeing these old cars come back to life, when they see them it brings back all their childhood memories. I don’t know how many times I am driving around and random people just stop and begin to tell me a story of some great memory they have that was triggered by seeing these old classics. it puts a smile on my face that i can make someone happy reliving a special moment in their life.
MV: Rosemary has been featured at the Graffiti USA Museum, what did that mean to you?
TA: When i got the call from Tina Perez Tateo that they wanted to have Rosemary displayed at the Graffiti Museum, it was a great honor to be recognized I have spent a lot of time and money on her with the help of my friends and family and it was nice to be able to share it with everyone.
Something cool is happening in downtown Modesto. At 1205 J Street (formerly Concetta) a new experience is happening and there will be some Lunar / Chinese New Year surprises on Jan 22. But beyond that, this is a little sneak peak about what you can expect at this new eatery, that will bring Mexican and Chinese cuisine together with wonderful fresh treats. Patrick Chinn and Sandra Rios have teamed up to bring their already famous recipes to J Street. What is new are the regular menu items you can get daily. We got a teaser of their fresh Chow Mein, their Wings with a special Mexi-chino sauce and, get ready, pan fried dumplings. I am beyond excited for this. Fresh ground pork, seasonings, pan fried to perfection. You could call them a Potsticker, but what every you call them, get them. Also expect to see daily specials from Sandra like here Birria Tacos, fresh meat items and so much more. They are working though the final opening issues and hope to be open in the first two weeks of January. Plan on making this a regular place.
Follow @patrickchinn11 for updates and info.
At 14 years old, Chau Van Ngyuen, took a job as a dishwasher at Carmen Sabatino’s, Mediterranean Market and Grill. It gave him exposure to a new world of cooking, and in time, became a chef there and ultimately opened a few places.
Eight years ago, he brought those basic flavors, now with a flair of his own, to Century Center and began, “spoiling” the residents of Eastridge, Lincoln Estates, Wycliffe and Copper Creek. The place was always packed and the response was great, finding new neighborhood fans as well as those he brought with him.
The food and flavors are based in Italian cuisine but not limited to it. Three months ago, after struggling to get everyone in, he decided to expand and in the new bonus footage is a large bunket for seating and a full bar. Updated and modern he is now open for business.
When asked about the effects of COVID on business, Chau, shared that when they figured out how to do large scale to go, they embraced the concept and never looked back allowing them to continually operate through the pandemic. Labor was challenging so he recruited family to help, especially Pam Thi, who loves working with Chau so much, she quit her day job. Pam continues in the remodeled space as the front of house manager.
Chau prepared a grilled filet skewer salad, which is hearty and humble as the meat is well seasoned and the grilling provides
all the smoke and char that you would expect, a lean and satisfying dish. The bacon wrapped day boat scallops, perfectly prepared with a shmear of rosetta sauce is a beautiful appetizer. If you like a rack of lamb, again a visit to the grill for a perfect preparation topped with a cabernet sauce, also delicious. A house specialty is the stuffed calamari, which is a calamari steak, rolled and stuffed with mozzarella, shrimp and crab, lightly fried and rosetta sauce. Finally he prepared a filet of halibut accompanied by not one, but two very large jumbo prawns, this item appears regularly on the menu, however, the sauces will change at Chef’s discretion Full bar? Yes, we mentioned that. Creativity at the bar also abounds. Vanessa Zavala prepared a Ciao Bella Old Fashioned hitting all the high notes of the traditional with a sprig of rosemary. Then a raspberry thyme infused gimlet, where the color in the drink comes from the shaking and the berries themselves. She also offered a Ginger Collins, Lavender Li Chi Nut fizz and the most beautiful drink, the Musketto Spritz, where Moscato is the main ingredient.
Hours: Monday through Saturday 5 pm to 10 pm 209-521-2426 2401 E. Orangeburg Ave. Ste 320 @ciaobellaristo
The State Theatre is proud to be a home for great live music and the 209 is stacked with musical talent that we want to showcase! So if you’re an independent musical artist making original music in any genre, we encourage you to enter our next Battle of the Bands (BOTB)! Last year’s inaugural BOTB live show was a sell-out event with the $1500 Audience-Choice award going to Fresh Yesterday and the $2500 Grand Prize was awarded to Family Mystic! This year it could be you! The BOTB begins online! Individual performers or full bands are encouraged to submit a video of themselves performing one original song by January 20th. Voters will vote for their favorite bands in February, and the top 8 acts will perform live at the State Theatre on Saturday, March 18th, 2023, 7pm. At the live show, $2500 Grand Prize will be awarded based on a panel of judges and a $1500 Audience Choice Award will be awarded based on in-person voting. The State Theatre BOTB is an effort to encourage and amplify the great musical talent in and around the city of Modesto, so we truly hope to hear from you soon!
We know the next great filmmaker resides right here in the 209 and we are going to find them! Based on the success of the State Theatre’s 48-Hr Film Competition and summer film bootcamps hosted by Andrew Wong at Re:Told Productions, we know there is a huge community of filmmakers eager to hone their craft, connect with other creatives, or learn the art of filmmaking from scratch, so we teamed up with the Central Valley Film Project to launch “Film School” at the State! Our first pilot program will begin in January, featuring one evening class for adults and one for teens. Students will be assigned to filmmaking teams of four, and each group will receive a camera, a laptop pre-loaded with editing software, boom mics, lighting, and everything else needed to make a cinematic masterpiece! Student will then be taught the Fundamentals of Filmmaking from award-winning director Jacob True, who over ten weeks will guide students through the basic techniques and philosophies filmmak-
ers use to achieve quality films and move audiences with their stories. Week by week, students will learn about screenwriting, cinematography, sound design, editing, and more, culminating in the creation of a short film that will premiere at the historic State Theatre.
Community/Adult Classes
Classes are limited to 16 students (18 years of age or older) and will be held every Tuesday from 4:30PM - 7:30PM, beginning January 24th, 2023 at the State Theatre.
Middle School/High School Classes: Classes are limited to 16 students (8th12th graders only) and will be held every Wednesday from 4:30PM - 7:30PM, beginning January 25th, 2023 at the State Theatre
For more information about Film School at the State Theatre, please visit our website at thestate.org.
Check out the amazing ModestoView commercial for the Ill List that was produced by the Central Valley Film Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygv3pjgsX8E
Our community is filled with young, brilliant, and energetic individuals that are dedicating their careers and lifestyles to improving the experience of Modestans every day. We are filled with hope and excitement for what these young businesspeople are building and investing in for our community. These incredibly talented and ambitious individuals could succeed anywhere, but they chose to invest in their hometown, their community, their Modesto. Why? Because they love it here and want others to, too! We interviewed five entrepreneurial women that are working daily to improve the arts, culture, activity, and culinary scene right here in our community. Let’s learn more about Jamie, Noelle, Marissa, Stephanie, and Missi!
By Abigail Power Name: Jamie GriswoldWhat inspired you or brought you to be in your line of work? For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this drive to want to make an impact in my community; to make people feel seen, cared for and like they have a place to feel at home. For many years, I used that passion for community while being a group trainer at a local gym. This brought together my love for people, community and fitness and sparked a passion I didn’t know I had for leadership and entrepreneurship. After years of serving my community in this way, I felt like it was time for me to do something new, something that could have an even bigger impact on my community. It was out of that feeling that Culture Coffee Bar was born. I had no idea how to run my own business, let alone a coffee business, but that drive toward having an impact and serving our community overrode the fear and pushed me forward through every step of developing and growing our business. From a tiny vintage coffee trailer to our now nearly 2000 sf space, it’s that community that has made this dream a reality.
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose Modesto to do business? I was born and raised in Modesto and call this place home. Growing up here, I’d always hear about all the bad things happening in this place, but not much of the good. I believe you can either be unhappy with where you live, tallying all the terrible things that happen and the reputation it’s been known for, or you can choose to see those pieces of good. It’s the people in our community who are fighting to make it better, the kind cashier at the store, the business owners who choose to have murals on the side of their buildings to share with others, the groups who are working to make our downtown and other areas grow and thrive, there is no other place for a business like ours. Culture Coffee is about creating a culture of community right where you are. It’s being content with the place you live, but discontent in letting it stop where it is. If we want to live in a better place, we have to MAKE IT, and we want to be a part of THAT. What are your hopes and goals for 2023? 2022 was a year of so much growth for our business on the tail of a lot of unknown. In 2023, I want to really settle into our place as the neighborhood’s coffee shop. We want to continue to serve our community in all the big and small ways and keep increasing the ways we can impact those around us. I’m really excited for this year to come and all of the ways our local businesses and community will continue to move forward to make this place even better.
What inspired you or brought you to be in your line of work? My path has been unique because I wasn’t interested in fashion or theatre growing up. I went to the University of San Diego with a goal to become a Marine Biologist. Once I realized that science wasn’t for me, after some unfortunate chemistry grades, I had to take a minute and think about what I wanted to do and what interested me. I have always been creative, so I sought out that spark. I stumbled across an “Intro to Theatrical Design” class and decided to give it a shot. The professor of the class encouraged me to work in the costume shop to see if I enjoyed it, and I fell in love. I ended up working on all the shows at my university and learned as much as I could in the process. This “learning through doing” approach sparked my love of costume design and technical theatre, and today I couldn’t imagine my life without it. Being able to tell stories through clothing is my favorite part of my work. Storytelling is what makes entertainment so special, and I’m proud to be a part of it.
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose Modesto to do business? I’m a born and raised Modesto girl! I graduated from Modesto High, and after college, I came back to the valley to be closer to family. Modesto has some fantastic theatre companies, and they are all passionate about telling wonderful stories. I believe that
we can put on high-quality shows in our town, and I wanted to be a part of that. Theatre is an important thing to have in a community, and I believe that the stories told benefit everyone. Because of the central location of Modesto, it allows me the opportunity to work in the Bay Area on projects if I choose to do so. The valley has some fabulous production companies that I partner with as well, such as my friends at Takapa Media here in Modesto, who I have had the pleasure to work with the last four years on over 30 commercials for the brand, Grocery Outlet. I also love youth education, and through working with YES Company and The Gallo Center Youth Academy I have been able to encourage a passion for theatre in these students that is extremely rewarding. Because I didn’t step foot in a theatre until I was 20, I am a great example to show them that it’s okay to not have it all figured out. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!
What are your hopes and goals for 2023? I just hope that 2023 is full of more shows, more laughter, and more opportunities to tell stories through clothes!
What inspired you or brought you to be in your line of work? I didn’t set out to do what I do, at least not right away. I was in college when I landed a hostess job at Dewz back in 2011. From there I got swept up in the buzz of the restaurant industry and fell in love. Dropped out of college shortly after. I had a crazy opportunity to be the GM at Camp 4 at the wise age of 22 where I chased down sommelier certifications to feel a bit more legit. Between then and now, I’ve been slinging wine throughout our community, dropping off curated packs of goodness at front doors via our very own wine biz, Scout (now BESTIE). I’m a happier self when I’m on a dining room floor, amongst a crew, serving our community through food and wine. I love that hospitality can provide relief and true joy for someone in what could be a mundane exchange. I didn’t set out to do what I do but I’m so happy to be here.
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose Modesto to do business? Modesto deserves nourishment and love. Our town is rich with culture and wonderful ideas.
Rather than skipping out on our hometown and feeding the ideas elsewhere, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Our community will show up and rally!
What are your hopes and goals for 2023? Open our doors to Lucille and work alongside my husband, Wyatt, again. We have big dreams to take care of our town, and Lucille is how we get to do that on the regular. We’ll be seeing you soon!
What inspired you or brought you to be in your line of work? Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted to be fashion designer. Watching my single mother provide for us by being a seamstress and making clothes, I’ve been by her side sketching and picking out fabrics for my fashion collection.
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose Modesto to do business? While Modesto, may not be fashion capital of the world, it is my hometown and the town that gave me the opportunity to chase my dreams. In college, I always thought I had to be in a big city to make my dreams happen. That’s just not the truth, my husband told me one day that If I really wanted to do this, I can do it from any corner of the earth. So that’s exactly what I did.
What are your hopes and goals for 2023?
I am proud of what I’ve accomplished so far, but I honestly feel like I haven’t even reached the surface, let alone scratch it. So the goal for 2023 for my brand and shop is to expand and grow in all aspects. The ability to have a retail location, a production space, and an online presence allows me to experiment with many different business models. Such as
· small repurposed/ re-designed clothing
· Capsule Wardrobe
· Seasonal Custom Collections
· Custom Clothing
The Taste Studio objective is to provide Modesto with locally-made and high quality clothing that fits all body types while always utilizing sustainable and environmentally conscious materials. 2023 will be the year that allows us to continue growing and expanding.
What inspired you or brought you to be in your line of work? I wanted to enhance the horse Industry and provide quality lessons.
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose this area to do business? I grew up in Oakdale. I love the community and want to help people become better partners with their horses.
What are your hopes and goals for 2023?
We want to build our business and l provide quality equine services. We would like to put on more clinics and kids’ camps, too!
What do you do for work? How did you get into that? I’m an Art Therapist and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I own and operate a counseling practice and art therapy studio in Modesto called Creative Space Counseling. When I was a teen struggling with my mental health, I found solace in the arts. From a young age, I’ve used visual art and music to express things that otherwise cannot be put into words. I wanted to share this with other people and show them how they could leverage the arts in their own healing. So I went to school for a billion years and now I’m making it happen. Currently, I’m also working on a doctoral degree in Psychology and Creativity Studies. Between my clinical practice, the band, and my PhD program, no, I’m not busy at all!
What inspired you to start playing music? What made you pick Modesto to create a band in?
I have wanted to start a ska/punk band since I was very young. My older sister got me into bands like The Specials, Reel Big Fish, Big D and the Kid’s Table, and Fishbone. I actually got suspended when I was in middle school because I stole a trumpet from the band room… so I could start my ska band! That passion never went away. I’ve just never had the opportunities and resources available to me until now. The support from the Modesto community has a lot to do with that. When I moved to the central valley from Boston in 2015 and met Jordan, it didn’t take long before we started making music together. We developed an acoustic project called Koala and the Golden Boy. Until COVID-19 hit, we were gigging quite frequently in the area at bars, cafes, and special events. Things were going really well until the shut down. During that time, Jordan and I took an opportunity to reflect on the direction of our music. Our souls were not being fed by playing covers at wine bars every weekend. We had moved into territory that was no longer authentic to us, and so we began to toss around the idea of starting a rock band. Fast forward to July 2021 and Horizon Point was born. And I guess, what made me pick Modesto? Modesto kind of picked me, and I don’t have plans on leaving any time soon. What are your hopes for 2023? We launched this project in 2021. We released two singles and our first music video in 2022. 2023 will be our year. We have two more singles coming out within the next month. We plan to put out a full album, develop our fan base, and possibly do a west coast tour this summer. Make sure you follow us on social media @horizonpointmusic to stay updated with these developments!
get started? I made my first LED guitar strap for my guitar mentor and I in 2015 after we were talking about “making a guitar strap any color” then word got out about what I was making, then a few more friends bought them. Then in 2017 I launched RMG and started making more kinds of guitar straps. Why did you choose Modesto to start a business? I was born and raised in Modesto, CA. What are your hopes for 2023? I hope I get some RMG straps on another big tour in 2023. I got to do Kacey Musgraves’s whole band in 2022. Hopefully, Girls Smash Guitars 2 will get to happen too.
Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe? A True Crime Event will be held Friday, Jan. 6 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Modesto Library. At this special after-hours event, the mysterious circumstances surrounding Poe’s death will be discussed, as will multiple theories. Was it foul play? An accident? Natural causes? Event participants will vote for the theory they think explains the death of the Master of the Macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. This event, presented in partnership with Opera Modesto, is offered as a teaser to Modesto Poe Con Opera Modesto performers will make a special appearance at the true crime event, and there will be a free prize drawing. stanislauslibrary.org Fans of Edgar Allen Poe will not want to miss all the great events taking place at the State Theatre on the weekend of January 13-15th. Starting with Poes Pub enjoy Poe-inspired cocktails, and themed appetizers and desserts. There will be a performance by the MJC Choir and a screening of the 1963 classic the Raven. doors at 6:30 pm. $50 advance/$60 tickets at the door. Proceeds benefit Opera Modesto’s Youth Literacy and Arts Engagement programs.
Saturday, January 14th, and Sunday, January 15th from 9 am to noon at the historic State Theatre. Your Modesto PoeCon ticket includes six 45-minute sessions (three on Saturday, three on Sunday) presented by educators, authors, professionals, and Edgar Allan Poe aficionados. Doors open at 8:30 a.m., and sessions begin at 9:00 a.m. Then return to the State Theatre for a thrilling double-bill of Poe’s most celebrated works brought to life on the opera stage: Opera Modesto’s Story Into Song Literacy Initiative Presents The Tell-Tale Heart by Stewart Copeland and the world premiere of Annabel (an opera inspired by the poem Annabel Lee) by Deborah Kavasch and Linda Bunney-Sarhad. $20 Students/$30 Adults. You can purchase tickets for the entire weekend or just the Opera Modesto performances. thestate.org
2023 is a new year to open your eyes and ears to some of the most amazing music ever. The roots of Rock and Roll start here in Modesto in 1938, when the Maddox Brothers & Rose music hit the airwaves of KTRB. This bass-slappin’ Hillbilly Boogie would be the foundation of the music we love today.
Our area has other pioneers of Rockabilly. Sadly, we just lost the legendary Roddy Jackson due to complications from a surgery he had. Hailing from Merced, he was a member of Kent Witt & the Downbeats, Modesto’s first rock and roll band in the late 50s. As a member of the Merced Blue Notes, he started recording for Specialty Records and even penned the hit, “She Said Yeah” with Sonny Bono that would be recorded by Larry Williams, The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney and others. It was featured in a Martin Scorsese commercial for Chanel.
Multi-instrumentalist Roddy taught music most of his life, up until the month that he passed away. He was effervescent and super friendly. Throughout his life, he rocked the stage from the USA, across Europe and represented our area proudly as the Central Valley Fireball. He toured Europe on the Rhythm Riot tour and in 2007, he released the Central Valley Fireball that ran right up the charts, and according to Roddy, beat Elvis who was at #5. Roddy was always up for a good jam and loved to play, playing recently here in Modesto at Eric Benson’s Blue Monday shows at Urbano. Roddy Jackson will be missed but his legend will live on. His peers in the industry have been celebrating his talent and music. We send our love out to his wife Kate and his fans around the world.
A GoFundMe is being set up for a future Celebration of Life https://www.gofundme.com/f/roddy-jackson-celebration-of-life-fundraiser
January is going to be a Rockabilly Ruckus!
The legendary Reverend Horton Heat will be invading Modesto with his bassist Jimbo and his band. This is an event you do NOT want to miss and you will be crying if you do. The paint will peal and the floors will rock as the Reverend brings his Psychobilly Freakout, Liquor Beer & Wine and other rockin’ hits to the stage of Rancho Fresco Cantina. “Reverend” Jim Heath says he owes a lot to Maddox Brothers and Rose for leading the back pack in the 40s and 50s, paving the way for many a young rocker, even Elvis Presley and his band the Blue Moon Boys. Jimbo is a Fred Maddox fan as well and you won’t want to miss Jimbo’s slappin’ bass show.
Opening this show will be the Surfrajetts, an all female surf band that has been hitting the stage on tour for the last couple of years, showcasing at Tiki Oasis and many more festivals. You will be diggin’ their instrumental hits and make sure you get dressed in your go-go get ups.
Opening the night will be our own Tiffany Rose and the Black Heart who will get you singin’ and dancin’ right out of the gate.
Get tix ASAP as this will be a rockin ruckus sell-out!
It will be an epic music night in Modesto. You won’t want to miss it
It’s time to make some amazing changes and see the vision come to life.
Soon, we will have basic structural enhancements complete and will begin building our magical 10th St Experience, illustrating our exciting history of the car and cruise culture of Modesto USA. By the end of 2023, people from around the world will have a place to visit and learn about Modesto.
We need to raise $5 million to Cruise to the Top!
Our community support is key to making this happen.
Over the next 6 months, we aim to achieve our Founders Campaign to bring this to life. Are you ready to help? We will be announcing some special matching fund programs to accelerate this project.
What has happened so far?
The seismic work is complete, the structural steel installation is finished, and the fire sprinklers installation is underway. We have completed site-
wide electrical work, sanitary sewer rehabilitation, and domestic water installation. All to get us ready to go to the next level. Board member Ron Pippin and his team of construction companies have worked magic and all of the funds we have raised, have helped us get to this point. Thanks to key companies like CT Brayton & Sons Inc, Collins Electric, Horizon Engineering, CHG Brad Hawn Engineering, Gianelli Neilson Professional Law, and Executive Director Cecil Russell who have provided countless hours of pro-bono services to build the Graffiti USA Museum.
Do you want to add your name to this list?
During the next 6 months, we will be installing Insulation, New Electric Infrastructure, Permanent Restrooms, HVAC, and the 10th St Display/Exhibit Frame outs. These are exciting times.. For a complete list of companies that have donated, provided inkind services and developed sustainable partnerships, please visit www.graffitiusamuseum.com
If you have a custom or special idea, talk to us and we can help you make it happen.
Come see what is happening.
Items from the Graffiti Museum store are available for pick-up 10-4 pm Monday-Friday. Call ahead 209-4098617. We would love to show you what is being built. You can donate or shop in our store to show your support
This time of year, always gives me pause, probably from fatigue emotional collapse, and melancholy for Christmas past and the memories that come flooding in. It’s been a blessing to get with family and friends and remember the reason for the season, the blessings and gratitude that the season gives us. Hoping that you all can send this year out with a bang and get on with 2023 with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. I’m an optimist, the glass is half full and after all, it’s free to be positive. We need to support each other and our businesses and town and remember we are all in this together! Please continue to come out and support the arts and the scene, we need all of you folks!
Blue Monday continues to be twice a month the first and third Mondays and hope to do more soon. The House Band features John Burt on sax, John Ady and Conrad Johnson on Bass, and Dave
Monday. Café Urbano has a full bar and food available in a nice club environment from 7 to 10 PM. Urbano also has DJ dancing Tuesday through Sunday featuring Latin Based music.
A new noteworthy venue in Merced is Vinhos Wine and Tapas bar, food great and expansive wine list with live music on the weekends. The music is Jazz, Blues, and popular music in an intimate environment. Some great shows at Gallo Center but also check out some great venues out of town: Yoshi’s Oakland’s best jazz shows, Kuumbwa Music Center Santa Cruz and Piedmont Piano Company, and the Sound Room located in Oakland. I just rolled over to see Benny Green play solo Jazz piano infused with sushi rolls and tempura to purr too.
I hope things continue to improve and you all stay happy and healthy until we meet again!
It’s Crab Feed Time! It’s a brand new year and it is a brand new crab season. Despite shortages of local crab, word is that the crab feeds will be well stocked with tasty Dungeness. This is one of the tastiest time of the year and the ViewCrew are suckers for a great crab feed. Best of all, you get this delicious treat and at the same time, you can help some of our hardest working non-profits that really need your support. So why not help one of these great organizations and enjoy one of the best tastes ever. You will probably see us there with our own special butter blend. Bring your credit card as there will be silent and oral auctions with fantastic deals, all for a good cause. We hope to see you there!
Check www.modestoview.com and get more details on these events
JANUARY 7 Ripon Ducks Unlimted Annual Crab Feed-Ripon Community Center
7 MPAA Marinated Crab Feed and Clam Chowder Dinner at California Ballroom 21 MPAA Cioppino Crab Feed at California Ballroom 28 Crab Feed at Modesto Elks Lodge 28 WMCC Crab Feed at Veterans Events Hall FEBRUARY 4 East Union Booster Crab Feed MRPS Hall Manteca 11 AHEPA Family’s Crab Feed at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 11 Crab Feed at Our Lady of Fatima
Sacred Heart Crab Feed at Lopes Orchards De Paul, Patterson 17 Crab Feed and Auction at FES Hall Oakdale 25 Modesto 500 Lions Crab Feed at St Joseph Church MARCH 4 GDHS Booster Crab Feed at St Joseph Church 4 Gregori Crab Feed at Ripon Community Center
Six-time Grammy nominated folk musician John McCutcheon performs in his 20th benefit concert for the Modesto Peace/Life Center. Johnny Cash called him “the most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard.” John is a master of the guitar, banjo, hammer dulcimer, piano, autoharp and fiddle. His socially and politically conscious songs inspire us, his songs about family and every-day life move us and his wicked sense of humor entertains us.
John’s latest, and 43rd, album is Leap!. Tickets available at Intrinsic Elements (1214 J St., Modesto 209--409-8510) by cash or check for $25, or at the door for $28. For more info, contact Ken Schroeder at kschroeder70@ yahoo.com or 209-480-4576.
The Modesto Peace/Life Center is a tax exempt organization under the IRS code section 501(c)(3)
It’s a new year with a few of the same resolutions and fitness goals as last year. One of the biggest resolutions for most is to lose some weight. Sure we all want to lose weight instead of gaining it but during the Holiday it can be quite challenging. So if you find you gained a few pounds from those extra holiday treats don’t beat yourself up for it, you’re not alone.
Honestly, I’ve never been about making any kind of New Year’s resolutions. I prefer to take action. Let’s do what we say and say what we do. Just get yourself back on track. Maybe don’t focus so much on posting on Facebook. It can stress us out to see we dropped the ball on our goals from time to time. Always remember it is ok to stumble and fall off on our road to our goals. The key is to get yourself up and back to it as quickly as possible. Small changes can be huge.
They say nutrition is 75 percent of weight loss. So focus on eating smarter along with your fitness. To lose weight and keep it off nutrition is key. Think about cutting out those sugary drinks. A can of regular soda can have up to 10 teaspoons of sugar. Each energy drink can contain 24 to 29 grams (6 teaspoons) of sugar. A large peppermint mocha can have 450 calories, 54 grams (12 teaspoons) of sugar, and 10 grams of fat.
Wow! With our bodies being made up of around 60 percent water so it’s important to drink more water. Also snack smarter. Get rid of those chips. Instead go for almonds, soy nuts, or even a plain rice cake with peanut or almond butter. These are great energy-boosting snacks I love. Perhaps for dinner go for whole grains 25 percent of your plate, 50 percent vegetables, and 10 to 35 percent protein. The great thing about protein is it can make you feel fuller with less food. Try to stay away from fast food and processed food. I always eat a salad every night with my dinner. I start by using my dinner plate for my salad plate and my salad plate for my dinner plate. It’s all about smart portions and the type of food you eat to go with the energy you’ll need throughout your day. Friends these are just some suggestions that you might try to incorporate with your weight loss goals. Whatever you do just remember to stay on track. Slow and steady wins the race. I hope you see some positive results in your weight, mood, and overall happiness in 2023. Nothing is better as a confidence boost than being able to fit in those old Jordache jeans from JR High. Oh ya! Happy New Year friends!
City of Modesto
Happy New Year! From my home to yours I send the best wishes to you all for 2023. Ms. M finds herself enjoying a glass of kombucha this afternoon thinking upon what the New Year will bring. Every year people hope to bring change to their lives with resolutions. Here are few everyday things to try out, if you haven’t yet, and most won’t put a pinch in your budget.
Knowledge is one of the great ways to bring about change in your life. Try on a new hat by taking a class with Modesto Junior College’s Community Education this spring term. It’s never too early or late to pick up a new skill, try out a new hobby or meet new people. There are classes for all ages & simple to sign up for. Info: www. mjc4life.org
Music much like yoga, is a great way to get to know your body and still the mind. Elevate yoga is hosting a musical evening, Bedtime Stories: A cozy night of live music and community with Eli Allsup and Heaven Lindsey-Burtch January 13th. This is the first musical event of the year at Elevate Community Yoga. The event is $10 advance
By Monica Barberand $15 at the door. This is a family friendly event and attendees are encouraged to bring the kiddos. 14 & under are free. https://www.elevatecommunityyoga. com/
Poetry lovers seeking events can look no further than their desktop, Most Poetry Center Second Tuesday reading is available via Zoom. Through a communal livestream, MOST invites everyone to enjoy the Second Tuesday Poetry reading. The January 10th event starts at 7pm and is a free Zoom that will feature poets Susan Cohen and Brad B
Amazement is great way to stay in touch with your inner spirit and revitalizing when you take in a bit of excitement and delight. Gallo Arts presents the works renowned The Peking Acrobats at the Gallo Center on January 29th. An evening of wonderments will leave you invigorated with the music and skills this talented troupe! Tickets $15-45. Info: http://www. galloarts.org/ Cheers and welcome 2023! Kisses, m.
Happy New Year Modesto! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season. Do you have any new year resolutions? I know I do! I plan to give back to the community and help out others in need. 2023 is officially here, and what better way to start off the new year then to give back to others? There are a numerous number of nonprofits and charities that you can donate to here in Modesto. These include Relief Inc, Mercy spring ranch, society for disAbilities, and much more. Even donating to a thrift store is doing so much! A great place
HAPPYto look into is the Food Initiative. This is a wonderful program that accepts donations of food, and clothes. These will go to a family in need! It began over 40 years ago. Their website states that they’re, “motivated by love and faith.” This is an awesome way to give back to others. You can donate online, or in person. Head down to 120 Kerr Ave to donate. There’s nothing better than giving back to a family who truly needs it. So, next time you’re thinking of getting rid of a jacket, or pair of pants, consider the Food Initiative organization. Just like they say, “we can’t do this without you!”
January is a wonderful time for new beginnings and to try new things. This includes, trying out a new activity, going somewhere new, or maybe even fostering a pet! Recently I adopted a pet from “The little hearts rescue” which is a nonprofit organization that allows you to foster or adopt little critters. I adopted an adorable Guinea pig, which is the new addition to my family! I hope you all have a wonderful year as 2023 is brought upon us. Don’t forget to try out new things, and help give back to our community!
There’s something hopeful about the beginning of a new year.
Maybe it’s having had a little time out over the holidays that allowed us to dream and reflect on how we like life to be in 2023. What can we improve at work, at home, in our relationships, in how we treat ourselves and others?
The first thing that comes to my mind is that I like to change my concept of time. As a matter of fact, different cultures think differently about time. In some countries things are put off until the person feels it’s time to get moving. Some things can wait until tomorrow. It may be more important to make some time to socialize, look what’s going on around town, check out a show or play or go to the new Children’s Museum. Or get involved in a community project.
With a less crowded schedule life could be more peaceful and calm. There’s time to just sit and do nothing except to breathe and feel myself. When I expand my idea of time in my own mind, when I make time for prayer and meditation and meditative exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi which help me to slow down time, energy returns to me. I think every time we worry about the future or the past we block the experience of being in the present moment. It changes our perception and mood, can cloud our vision.
As the writer Bernhard Shaw put it: “Better keep yourself clean and bright ; you are the window through which you must see the world.” Sometimes we can’t do it alone, we need help from others. Or we help ourselves by helping others.
Wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!
For more info go to taichi4modesto.com or call (209) 572-4518
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January 1st
Acoustic Jam
All Quiet on the Western Front Audio Roots Project
California Audio Roots Project FOE Breakfast
I’ll Take You There Karaoke Modesto On Ice Modesto Skate Nights
Sunday Breakfast
January 2nd
All Quiet on the Western Front Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday
I On Modesto Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio
Modesto On Ice The KeyHive January 3rd
All Quiet on the Western Front Clovis King Karaoke
Freak Radio Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice
Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA January 4th
All Quiet on the Western Front Art of the San Joaquin
California Audio Roots Project
California Striped Bass Association Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke
FunJunkies Comedy I On Modesto Karaoke
Karaoke Night Modesto On Ice NAKARAT Neil Buettner Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic
Riverbank Golden Ages The KeyHive
The Peril and the Promise TRL with DJ Gemini
Women of the Valley January 5th
All Quiet on the Western Front
Clovis King Karaoke Dave Dow Jazz Jam Freak Radio Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic
Salsa Night Sandy Maule Story Break
Women of the Valley
January 6th
Clovis King Karaoke Corsage
DJ Gemini Friday Night Dinners
Funstrummers Practice I On Modesto
Jose Ortiz MAMA Radio Matt Hallman
Modesto On Ice Sandy Maule
The Old Way
Who Killed Edgar Allen Poe
January 7th
Anna Barbara Corsage
Crab Feed Freak Radio
I’ll Take You There Karaoke MAMA Radio
Marlon Matt & Carlos
Certified Farmers Market
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Downtown Modesto
Johansen HS, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key Saloon, Modesto The Udder Place, Turlock
Downtown Modesto Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto Urbano California Bistro, Modesto Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock
The Boardroom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto
Downtown Modesto Dragonfly Art for Life, Modesto The Brass Tap, Modesto Tap In Wine Down, Ceres SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Downtown Modesto Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Stanislaus County Library KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Knockin’ Boots, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Downtown Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto The State Theatre, Modesto Modesto Public Library
Gallo Center for the Arts
The State Theatre, Modesto Ripon Ducks Unlimited KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Frontier Club, Patterson KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Modesto Public Library
Modesto On Ice
MPPA Crab & Clam Chowder Dinner
New Year of Laughs
Old School with Dj Dtrix
Picasso Paint and Sip Play with Clay Poetry Night
Pottery Date Night Sandy Maule
Take a Spin
The Land Before Time
The Old Way
The Peril & the Promise
This is SKA Radio January 8th
Acoustic Jam
Audio Roots Project
California Audio Roots Project Corsage
I’ll Take You There
Downtown Modesto Portuguese Society of America, Modesto Denny’s, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto MoPride Center, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee House, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto On Ice
Modesto Skate Nights Sunday Breakfast
The Old Way January 9th 80’s Night Dj Steve Dtrix Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday
I On Modesto Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice
The KeyHive
The Old Way January 10th
Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio
John McCutcheon Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice
Salsa & Bachata Lessons
This is SKA January 11th
Art of the San Joaquin
California Audio Roots Project
Classic Rock Wednesday
Clovis King Karaoke FunJunkies Comedy
I On Modesto Karaoke Karaoke Night Modesto On Ice Neil Buettner Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic Riverbank Golden Ages
Stanislaus County Coin Club
The KeyHive
The Peril and the Promise TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley January 12th
Clovis King Karaoke Corsage Dave Dow Jazz Jam Freak Radio Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke Modesto On Ice Open Mic Open Mic
Salsa Night
Sandy Maule Story Break
The Old Way Women of the Valley January 13th Bedtimes Stories Bunco Comedy Night
Friday Night Dinners Funstrummers Practice
I On Modesto Jewel Hanson & Co Jose Ortiz Lil Pete MAMA Radio Modesto On Ice Poe’s Pub Sandy Maule Tongue & Groove Trax on Wax January 14th
Black HeART Market
Corsage Freak Radio
Grupo Libra/La Sonora Santanera, I’ll Take You There Karaoke Kolony MAMA Radio
Modesto Certified Farmers Market Modesto On Ice Modesto PoeCon with Opera Modesto Old School with Dj Dtrix
Opera Modesto Tell Tale Heart/Annabel Play with Clay Pottery Date Night
REO Speedwagon Sandy Maule Take a Spin The Old Way The Peril & the Promise This is SKA Radio
Us4Love January 15th Acoustic Jam Audio Roots Project
California Audio Roots Project Carrot Top Corsage
I’ll Take You There
Karaoke Modesto On Ice
Modesto Skate Nights
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
Downtown Modesto
Johansen HS, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Bookies Bar & Grill, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Church of the Brethren
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
The Udder Place, Turlock
Downtown Modesto
Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock
Contentment Brewing, Modeso KCBP 95.5 FM
Splash Bar, Modesto
Bookies Bar, Modesto Downtown Modesto
The Brass Tap, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto
3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank
Denny’s,1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon
The State Theatre, Modesto
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock Downtown Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Stanislaus County Library Facebook
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Elevate Community Yoga, Modesto Eagles Hall, Modesto
The Post Restaurant, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Low Key, Modesto
Palladium Nightclub, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
California Ballroom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Frontier Club, Patterson
The Boardroom, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Public Library Downtown Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
Downtown Modesto Johansen HS, Modesto
Opera Modesto Tell Tale Heart/Annabel
Sunday Breakfast
The Old Way
January 16th
Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin
Blue Monday
I On Modesto
Karaoke with DJ Steve
League Night
MAMA Radio
Modesto On Ice
The KeyHive
The Old Way
January 17th
Clovis King Karaoke
Freak Radio
Itzhak Pearlman
Salsa & Bachata Lessons
This is SKA
January 18th
Art of the San Joaquin
California Audio Roots Project
Classic Rock Wednesday
Clovis King Karaoke
FunJunkies Comedy
I On Modesto
Karaoke Night
Modesto Holistic Chamber
Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic
Riverbank Golden Ages
The KeyHive
The Peril and the Promise
TRL with DJ Gemini
Women of the Valley
January 19th
Art Walk
Clovis King Karaoke
Dave Dow Jazz Jam Freak Radio
Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke
Les Ballets Trockadero
Open Mic Open Mic
Poe Paint Along
Salsa Night
Sandy Maule Story Break
The Old Way
The Raven
Women of the Valley
January 20th
Brian McKnight
DJ Gemini
French Cassettes/Travis Vick
Friday Night Dinners
Funstrummers Practice Gotcha Covered
I On Modesto Jose Ortiz
MAMA Radio
Marlon Matt & Carlos
Rough Crossing Sandy Maule
Secondhand Lion
January 21st
All Through Me
Blind Boys of Alabama Don Gato
Drum Love Freak Radio
I’ll Take You There Karaoke
MAMA Radio
Modesto Certified Farmers Market
MPPA Crab Cioppino Dinner
Old School with Dj Dtrix
Over the Edge Play with Clay
Pottery Date Night
Robert Cray Band
Rough Crossing
Sandy Maule
Secondhand Lion
Take a Spin
The Men Who Fell to Earth/Tad Nugent
The Peril & the Promise
This is SKA Radio
January 22nd
Acoustic Jam
Audio Roots Project
California Audio Roots Project
I’ll Take You There Karaoke
Lucy Loves Desi
Modesto Skate Nights
Rough Crossing
Secondhand Lion
Shawn Colvin, Marc Cohn & Sarah Jarosz
Sunday Breakfast
January 23rd
Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin
The State Theatre, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
The Udder Place, Turlock
Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock
Grains of Virtue, Oakdale KCBP 95.5 FM
Splash Bar, Modesto
Bookies Bar, Modesto
Round Table Pizza, McHenry, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Modesto
Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon
The State Theatre, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Gallo Center for the Arts
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Stanislaus County Library Facebook
The State Theatre, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto
The Century, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Towers, Turlock
The Grand Theatre, Tracy
Papapolloni Bistro, Modesto
MoRo Music Garden, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Frontier Club, Patterson KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Public Library
Portuguese Society of America, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Turlock Community Theatre
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
Palladium Nightclub, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
Gallo Center for the Arts
Johansen HS, Modesto
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Grand Theatre, Tracy VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Blue Monday I On Modesto
Karaoke with DJ Steve
League Night MAMA Radio
Secondhand Lion
The KeyHive January 24th
Clovis King Karaoke
Comedy Night Freak Radio
Karaoke Karaoke
Salsa & Bachata Lessons
This is SKA January 25th
Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project Classic Rock Wednesday
Clovis King Karaoke I On Modesto Karaoke
Karaoke Night Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic
Riverbank Golden Ages Stanislaus County Coin Club
The KeyHive
The Peril and the Promise
TRL with DJ Gemini
Women of the Valley
January 26th
Clovis King Karaoke Dave Dow Jazz Jam
Freak Radio
Gotcha Singing Jazz Karaoke Karaoke
Open Mic Open Mic Salsa Night Sandy Maule
Secondhand Lion Story Break
Women of the Valley January 27th
Comedy Night DJ Gemini Friday Night Dinners
Funstrummers Practice I On Modesto Jerry Seinfeld
Jose Ortiz MAMA Radio
Monterey Jazz Festival Rough Crossing Sandy Maule
The Fableman’s They Catch Secrets We Own the Laughs January 28th
Alternative Hangover Crab Feed Fired Up Freak Radio I’ll Take You There
Karaoke Kristin Chenoweth MAMA Radio
Modesto Certified Farmers Market Old School with Dj Dtrix Petty Theft Tom Petty Tribute
Play with Clay Pottery Date Night
Rough Crossing Sandy Maule Take a Spin
The Fableman’s The Peril & the Promise
This is SKA Radio
WMCC Crab Feed
January 29th
Acoustic Jam
Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project Comedy Night
Crab & Shrimp Feed
I’ll Take You There Karaoke
Modesto Skate Nights
Rough Crossing
Sunday Breakfast
The Fableman’s
The Peking Acrobats
Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin
I On Modesto
Karaoke with DJ Steve
League Night MAMA Radio
The Fableman’s
The KeyHive
January 31st
Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio Karaoke Karaoke
Salsa & Bachata Lessons
Shen Yun Performing Arts This is SKA
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Twisted Pig, Modesto
The Post Restaurant, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Udder Place, Turlock Low Key Saloon, Modesto Urbano, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock KCBP 95.5 FM
Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Denny’s, 1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Papapavlo’s Bistro, Modesto
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Stanislaus County Library Facebook KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The Post Restaurant, Modesto Knockin’ Boots, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM Bob Hope Theatre, Stockton Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Elks Lodge, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Frontier Club, Patterson Gallo Center for the Arts KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Public Library Knockin Boots, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Veterans Foundation of Stanislaus
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
108 Sports Lounge, Riverbank Graffiti USA Clasic Car Museum, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto Johansen HS, Modesto
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Udder Place, Turlock
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
Urbano, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts KCBP 95.5 FM
February 1st to March 7th-Almond Blossom Cruise
February 4th-Most Poetry Festival at St Paul’s
February 11th Turock Comic Con at the Fairgrounds
February 11th-Superhero 5-10k February 24-26 Ripon Almond Blossom Festival
February 25-26th StocktonCon Winter at Stockton Arena
March 17th-P Wexford’s St Patrick’s Day Party
March 18th Batte of the Bands at the State Theatre
March 26th-Modesto Marathon April 8-9th Oakdale Rodeo April 28th Taco Fest in Downtown Modesto
April 29th-Love Modesto/Stanislaus
May 4th-May the Fourth Be With You/Graffiti Con 10th Street Plaza May 7th-Lodi Comic Con at Grape Festival Grounds
May 12th-Sept 29th Music in the Plaza 2nd-Last Friday May 20-21st-Oakdale Chocolate Festival
May 21st-PorchFest Modesto May 27th Modesto Memorial Classic
June 7th-Legends of the Cruise Walk of Fame 10th Street Plaza
June 9th-American Graffiti Parade June 10-11th-American Graffiti Car Festival
July 4th-4th of July Parade in Downtown Modesto
July 7-16th-Stanislaus County Fair
July 14th-Frida Friday in the 10th Street Plaza
July 8-9th StocktonCon Summer at the Stockton Arena
August 1st-National Night Out August 6th ModStock at Graceada Park
September 22nd-Latino Heritage Festival in the 10th Street Plaza
September 30th Lodi Comic Con Fall at Grape Festival Grounds
October 1st-6th DoMo Walls in Downtown Modesto October 14-15th-Riverbank Wine and Cheese Festival
October 14th-Main Street Day
October 17th Modesto Area Music Awards at the State Theatre October 21st-Dia De Los Muertos in the 10th Street Plaza
November 11th-Veterans Day Parade
November 25th-ModShop in Downtown Modesto
December 2nd-Celebration of Lights Parade Downtown Modesto
Dec 2nd-23rd-Rockin’ Holiday in 10th Street Plaza Thurs-Sat December 9th-Spirit of Giving Run in Downtown Modesto April-October DoMo First Friday in Downtown Modesto
Third Thursday Art Walk in Downtown Modesto
BEARD 209-574-1942
BRET HARTE 209-574-1952
BURBANK 209-574-1962
EL VISTA 209-574-1972
ENSLEN 209-574-1982
FAIRVIEW 209-574-8102 1937 W. Whitmore Avenue
FRANKLIN 209-574-8112 120 S. Emerald Avenue
FREMONT & FREMONT OPEN 209-574-8122 1220 W. Orangeburg Avenue
GARRISON 209-574-8132 1811 Teresa Street
KIRSCHEN 209-574-8142 1900 Kirschen Drive
LAKEWOOD 209-574-8152 2920 Middleboro Place
MARSHALL 209-574-8162 515 Sutter Avenue
MARTONE 209-574-8172 1413 Poust Road
MUIR 209-574-8182 1215 Lucerne Avenue
ROB ROAD 209-574-8402 1821 Robertson Road
ROSE AVE 209-574-8412 1120 Rose Avenue
SHACKELFORD 209-574-8422 100 School Avenue
SONOMA 209-574-8432 1325 Sonoma Avenue
TUOLUMNE (TK-8) 209-574-8442 707 Herndon Road
WILSON 209-574-8452 201 Wilson Avenue
WRIGHT 209-574-8462 1602 Monterey Avenue
HANSHAW 209-574-1794 1725
DAVIS 209-574-1668
DOWNEY 209-574-1685
GREGORI 209-574-1738
JOHANSEN 209-574-1760
MODESTO 209-574-1776
child’s current immunization record, including: 4 Polio (3 is acceptable if the last dose was given on or after their 4th birthday),
DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) (4 is acceptable if the last dose was given on or after their 4th birthday), 2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), 3 Hepatitis B, & 2 Varicella (chicken pox). 7th grade students require a Tdap given after their 7th birthday. Students who are not up to date on their immunizations will not be allowed to attend school.