May 4th Star Wars Day in 10th Street Plaza
May 11th James Garner Johnny Cash Tribute at Turlock Community Theatre
May 17-18th CWB Romeo & Juliet at Gallo Center for the Arts
May 17-19/23-26 Frost-Nixon at Prospect Theater Project
May 18th What A Drag Season 2 at The State Theatre
May 19th Jake Owen at The Fruit Yard
May 21st Kool & the Gang at Gallo Center for the Arts
May 23rd Celebration of the Arts
Gala at Greens on Tenth
May 24th When Doves Cry Prince Tribute at The State Theatre
May 31st Milkhouse Boys at The State Theatre
Star Wars, George
has already become a gathering place for our community and we are still in construction. When it’s finished, it will truly be magic and will please both our most jaded locals and excite our visitors. We all need to know our story, how cool we are and we can be the ones that change the way the world talks about Modesto USA. Cities with authentic character are the successful cities.
First off, thank you. I know that you probably get tired of me asking for donations. But there are really important things happening here in our community and when we all work together, it really does make a difference. Thank you to my friends and colleagues that always lend a hand. The ModestoView / Sierra Pacific team was the top team for Walk a Mile this year raising $3000! I hope I did you proud and I did walk my mile in high heels to support the important work that Haven does in our community for the most vulnerable. Please take my calls in the future as we are really pushing hard to build the Graffiti USA Museum. If you drive by, you will be blown away how far we have come and the exterior requirements we had to do before making magic inside the building.
My family and company have made a big commitment to the Graffiti USA Museum. I am grateful to my friends and other companies that have made similar commitments. It takes a big network to build something big. I really believe that this will be a game changer for Modesto, attracting people from all over the world to celebrate Modesto’s classic culture, not just for cars, but for rock ‘n’roll, culture, art and more. The Museum
About our history. You will notice that each issue of ModestoView has a HistoryView by our illustrious Harrison Power, aka @ historyharrison on Instagram. There are very few accessible historic buildings left in town as so much was demolished in the 60s. We are currently struggling how to save the architecture of a mid-century modern bank downtown, and there are no real guidelines or protections for the structures.
Harrison and I spoke to the Modesto City Council about the need to strengthen our Landmark Preservation Commission and make sure we have a solid process that has government support. We will keep featuring our commitment to learning about and making our history interesting for these modern times. It will make you feel good about where we live.
there are ways we can celebrate here and there are so many things that are lining up for a great summer season and May the 4th is the kick off. Please join us in 10th St Plaza on the 4th, and May the 4th Be With You. As we get ready for the end of the school year, as Seniors get ready for their next chapter and the cars get shined up for Graffiti Summer and the instruments get tuned up for MoBand, we start with a big community gather for Porchfest on the 19th. The foundation of a great community are people getting together, to volunteer, to play music, read poetry, to celebrate our cultures and work together, in person, for real, as humans. This is what being local is really all about. Supporting each other, shopping local, volunteering local, looking out for what we can do to make Modesto better for the future and excite our kids and their kids to want to live here.
I hope you enjoy what we have here in ModestoView.
Our ViewCrew are the real deal. They create events, make art, music, poetry. They operate local businesses and are involved in civic projects. ModestoView is 100% real and original and NO ai is used. Please let me know what you like, don’t like and how we can make ModestoView better for our community.
Thanks for reading and I wish all of the mothers, and the fathers that are moms too, a special Mother’s Day. Raising kids is the most important thing that we do and we are all role models for our next generations. Let’s lead the way with kindness, respect, understanding and acceptance.
With Gratitude,
Living in Modesto means we are the center of the galaxy for Star Wars. The Force is with Modesto as we are the home of the creator of
Chris Murphy, Founder & Publisher, ModestoView chrism@modestoview.comMay covers are one of our favorites. MJ Mangano imagines a Modesto in another galaxy far far away, but it’s home to us. Racing through the intergalactic streets is MJ’s nephew Matteo Garcia helping the resistance fight off the empire.
Chris Murphy
Managing Editor
Middagh Goodwin
PGrimaldi, Creative
Art Director / Designer
Peter Grimaldi pete@pgrimaldicreative.com
Photo Director
Michael J. Mangano
Production Manager
Abigail Power
Madison Leupp – Adobe Specialist
Brandon Brush - Correspondent
Jim Christiansen
Aaron Rowan
Abigail Power
Eric Benson
Middagh Goodwin
Harrison Power
Efren Martinez
Patty Castillo Davis
Grace McNamara
Salvatore Salerno
Mary Layton
Monica Barber
Brandilyn Mitchell
Tasha Wilson
Carly Russell
Steve Perry
Michael J Mangano
Efren Martinez
In this time of elevated global conflict, please take a moment to remember and celebrate those that gave it all to protect the USA. Our service people nobly serve our county to protect our freedom and most important, our fragile democracy. Take time to remember and even visit one of our local cemeteries. The flag lined lanes will amaze and help remember how much these service people of all kind have done for our country for nearly 250 years.
Monday May 27
VFW Post 3199
9 am – Wreath Ceremony. – 7th St Bridge – Honor guard, 21 gun salute, Taps
11 am – Acacia Memorial Park – 801
Scenic Dr. Modesto Mayor, Chief of
Police, and Modesto City Council members and Assemblyman Juan Alanis.
1 pm. – Lakewood Cemetery 900 Santa Fe, Hughson – Honors ceremony to the fallen.
Hambergers and Hot Dogs provided for Free at the VFW Post at 2801 W Hatch Rd
Take time & remember how important preserving our democracy is and honor those that served and gave all.
Other Veterans events this month.
May 18 – Veterans VFW Appreciation Day
– VFW Post 3199 – 10:30 – 2 pm
May 11 - Loyalty Day – VFW Post 3199 –5pm - Chicken Dinner
Get your Memorial Day weekend off to a fast start with the annual Memorial Run benefitting the Delta Veterans Center. Participant medals to all participants in both one mile and 5K events. You can even take home a trophy to overall M/F in both 0ne mile and 5K. This race course is on scenic shady loops and walker friendly. Tech shirts are guaranteed to pre-registered participants only.
A FREE Kids Run (10 and Under) will follow the 5K. Race day registration only.
info@prospecttheaterproject.org info@prospecttheaterproject.org
Paid entries include a free pancake breakfast provided by The Delta Vet Center
7 a.m. – race day registration
8 00 a.m. – 1-mile run/walk for all ages 8:45 a.m. – 5K run/walk for all ages
10:15 a.m. – Kid’s Fun Run (kids 10 & under)
10:45 a.m. – brief ceremony awards will be available for pick-up after the ceremony
Register now at the Modesto Memorial Classic Facebook page
@modestomemorialclassic or at Shadowchase https://shadowchase.org/ races/memorial-classic/
Saturday, May 25th, 2024
East La Loma Park 2001 Edgebrook Dr.
Art View started the new year, and it is now nearly half gone, with news that the Art Scene is undergoing some changes. A bit of nostalgia here, a retrospective closing there. New chapters are unfolding, including new murals beyond downtown. Cruising into May, there is more change in the wind. May the Fourth be with you, and saw Dragonfly Art for Life – Patrick Barr getting a Darth Vader sampler in pastel done during Art Walk.
Chartreuse Muse’s last show, “A Shade of Green,” had a great opening with many local artists on the final displays. After this, the Muse will fade with a sale closing at the end of the month. I have 3 paintings in the window, and it’s sad to see Sandra and Ellen move on, but more changes are happening. The Stanislaus Art Council, which has been doing business as the Central California Art Association/Mistlin Gallery, is moving up a couple of blocks into the 1315 J Street offices and new headquarters, as the long-time association with the City/ County partnership at 1010 Tenth Street has come to an end with this latest rent increase on the lease. A name change for the gallery and offices is likely with the move. Gratitude for support from the Tony Mistlin family. The actual move-in date is
By Jim Christiansento be determined at the time I am writing this column.
Stanislaus Arts Council programming, classes, and scheduled shows will continue, including the next member show, the Graffiti Days Art Exhibition, from May 7 to June 7. Trash to Treasures, Loving the Discarded Art will follow in June. It’s only 3 blocks to walk if the move has taken place.
The First Annual Celebration of the Arts Gala will be held on May 23 at Green’s on Tenth. The Gala starts at 6 PM and will feature artists in music, dance, spoken word, and Visual Arts. This is a fundraiser for the Arts Council, and there will be a presentation of awards, a silent auction, and food and drinks included with your ticket. Tickets are available at www.stanislausarts. org/celebratethearts
The Stanislaus Artists Open Studio was hampered by the only day of rain in a great weather week. Many patrons who love art were out in the rain to visit the studios. Sunday had near-perfect weather. The latest on the Heartland Grants projects in the community is the interesting water conservation mural made out of one-use plastic bottles on the theme of Water Bottle Ecology. This one for the Boys and Girls Club of Modesto was created by artist Paul
Harmon of the MoArt Academy on Scenic, with many students assisting. Open Studio visitors got a chance to see this innovative project at the Academy during Open Studio weekend.
The New and Improved Art Walk has better online listings with directions. There are more venues showing art and meal deals. I suggest a return to the original Art Walk hours, 5 to 9 PM. Several art walkers told me that by the time they had dinner and drinks and were ready to view art,
they had less than an hour left. Some of the new venues did extend past 8. There’s new work to see, artists to meet, and activities to participate in. Where the demos and class drop-ins are going on. It will improve. Expect more change and new events as we roll out of May into June.
Reading is so very important. Let your mind do the imagining. Friends of Modesto Library’s popular “Used Book Sale” is right around the corner! Many FOML members have been collecting, sorting and packing away thousands of good quality used books for the last several months for this annual and much anticipated evert on Sat., May 4, on the library portico. With the shoppers and music from the Farmers Market, combined with the browsers at the book sale itself, this event often takes on a “street fair” atmosphere. Although the actual sale will run from 8:00 - 2:00, volunteers will be needed throughout the day from 6:00 am to 3:00+ pm. Last year’s used book sale, more than 40 FOML and other community volunteers took part in this event and got great books! Don’t forget to get your child a library card Support the library and let the learning begin https://modestolibraryfriends.org/
“I aspire to be part of the solution and combat recidivism in the Central Valley by leveraging my degree in social services. My passion lies in education and empowering others to apply knowledge for personal growth.”
18Seventy where good choices lead me to my two most fave things: beer and pizza. At the height of that mess of a year(Decade? Eon…) called 2020, the doors to 18Seventy opened to an uncertain future. Bridget Berry and her Mom started a business that gave downtown Modesto a certain sparkle.
Locally sourced ingredients? Small batches? The fruits of the valley at her doorstep Bridget takes advantage of her resources. The brewery focuses on unique flavor profiles that show off a fresh perspective on brewing.
Fun fact: Modesto was founded in 1870!
Located inside the old Volkswagen shop off 9th, you walk into a funky styled place where the beer selection is shining brighter than any star. With all of the different flavors it can be hard to choose. How rare might it be to find a pickle beer? It gave so much punch and flavor, I almost thought of calling my mom. PSYCH. The rest of the beers might be tamer but are stellar in flavor.
A time to plant and a time to reap; business-minded Berry wanted to provide a combination business that could function as two businesses simultaneously. Meeting two needs at once the mother and
daughter duo have perfected their own time to dance and laugh. Customers sit back and watch the hustle of downtown Modesto at its finest.
Guys…Picture the best slush of your life. Multiple flavors AND they’ll let you play roulette with the flavor. Y’all know I love a good combo. Watermelon Lemonade was my best choice! I’m almost excited for summer just so I can really take full advantage of the yummy slushies.
Mom is usually stationed at the helm rolling dough and sprinkling ingredients on top of the yummiest patch of heaven this side of Chicago. When customers walk through the door they are greeted by Mom; everyone calls her that, and hugs are the gift that keeps on giving. Her daughter’s biggest supporter and partner in crime, Mom dishes up slices and sass with flourish. Crispy, chewy, cheesy AND yummy. Can’t be beat!
Pairing with other local businesses highlights 18Seventy’s dedication to improving our community. Food trucks like the Twisted Pig and Oakdale’s coffee guru Seed 2 Cup adds a boost to our local businesses and opens up avenues for businesses to thrive.
Between the ebb and flow of customers you
see the effort and care put into 18Seventy. In business sometimes it’s a roll of the dice, others it’s a methodical plan with every detail planned and spelled out. It’s a lot of work and a dash of luck. It’s so wonderful to see a local business break through the uphill climb of faceless corporations and conglomerates to make their mark and add that local touch.
A fun atmosphere, personable, inclusive. It’s the place you want to take friends. Play a game, share a laugh, and enjoy your time. Kudos to the beer and compliments to Mom.
MAMA winning comedian Chris Teicheira has now made the jump to comedy club owner. One of the funniest people in our area, Chris has been a vital part of our comedy scene as a stand up and comedian at some of Modesto past festivals like XFest and LuckyFest. When he is not tending to acres and acres of his fields, he has been building his comedy dream that opened in December 2023.
Deaf Puppy Club on Main Street in Manteca is now on the comedy map. Two local comedians who have achieved national fame, Marcella Arguello and Kris Tinkle opened the club and since the opening, comedians from all over the region and nation are bringing the laughs. Laughs are needed now more than ever.
Sadly, the namesake of the club, deaf puppy, Banshee passed away just before the opening but his spirit still inspires. The club, true to its name continues to support dog friendly activities like Mutts and Mimosas and others. There is a full-service bar, pizza oven and grill, open Wed-Sun, 11 am till closing. With comedians, you never know when that will be.
There are open mic nights and a good
line-up on deck. Thanks to Chris, the area comedians and the support of local patrons and comedy lovers, this club will be a comedy game changer. Thanks to 105.5 DJ Roman Guzman who presents comedy events at The Post in north Modesto too. Comedy is a key part of our community conversation and in times like this, it’s usually the comedians that are telling the truth, so we need much more of that in our lives. Go yuk it up!
Deaf Puppy Club
127 N Main St, Manteca, Ca 209-622-5745
MAY 19
JAKE OWEN with special guest Chase Matthew
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Brett Young with special guest Drew Green
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While much of the focus of Modesto’s hotel history is placed on the Hotel Hughson and Hotel Covell due to their 1998 demolitions, other older hotels helped contribute to Modesto’s early economic development.
The Hotel Modesto, built in 1914 by Henry T. Crow and Oscar Hogin, was a community institution, and its catastrophic loss is worth honoring this month, with May 3rd marking the 80th Anniversary of the Hotel Modesto Fire.
The Hotel Modesto was a simple yet elegant testament to the economic opportunity that tourism provided the city. As was reported following the hotel’s dedication in June 1914, “...these gentlemen have built a hotel that will stand as a monument to their public spirit, and…representing as it does the real Modesto spirit, should bear the name of the city itself.” The hotel, designed by architect Ralph. P Morrell, was clad in pressed brick with white marble accents, concrete finishings, and was capped with a rooftop garden. By the late 1920’s, an expansion northward and an additional story constructed made the hotel one of the larger hotels in the area, going from the original 108 guest rooms up to 240. The Hotel Modesto also provided storefronts for various businesses, including Madonna’s Liquors, a barber shop, and a florist. After thirty years of success had solidified the hotel as a bedrock of the community, catastrophe struck the Hotel. In the latenight hour of 10:30PM on May 3rd, flames erupted from the basement of the Dutch Boy Paint Store, one of the storefronts along the H Street frontage. The fire spread quickly fueled by the various supplies of the paint store, gutting the original 1914 section of the hotel, and the flames were not ultimately put out by the Modesto Fire
Department until the morning hours of May 4th. Both elevators, the main stairway, and fire escapes were blocked by the raging inferno, which made the heroic rescue efforts by the MFD and other volunteers nothing short of miraculous.
The Modesto Fire Department’s 75-foot aerial ladder was manned by Second Assistant Chief Jack Wemyss and Art Taylor, who together rescued more than 40 people from the upper floors of the hotel. Other firemen and volunteers manned safety nets catching those jumping from lower levels. With an estimated 95 guests not including hotel residents, two lives were lost, one of which was that of African-American sailor Andrew E. Slaughter, though his wife and young child survived the leap to the extended fire truck ladder from the fifth floor. Seven others were injured as they escaped or due to smoke inhalation. Despite over $300,000 of property destruction reported, and hopes from owner Henry T. Crow to rebuild the hotel, reconstruction at the site did not come to fruition. The burned out remains of the old section were eventually demolished, but debris at the corner of H and 11th Streets remained alongside the surviving annex for nearly 10 years.
The City Council in 1957, led by Mayor Harry Marks, approved the purchase of the Hotel Modesto property to make way for a modern city hall. Completed in 1960, a unique design feature of the now former City Hall was the inclusion of a sunken courtyard, allowing natural light to the lower level of the building, which was possible due to the Hotel Modesto’s excavated basement level. From the ashes of the Hotel Modesto rose yet another testament to the City’s public spirit, and the former midcentury City Hall still stands today.
We only meet a few people in our lifetime that leave such a huge mark on our hearts. Marirose was one of those people. She inspired, motivated, and encouraged those around her, lighting up the room with her smile or bringing a tear to your eye with a song. Her knowledge, experience, and passion for music made her shine like no one I’ve ever known. Her voice was so unique, you instantly knew who it was every time you heard her sing.
Her kindness and love defined her. She taught us that giving it all you had would eventually pay off in happiness. She touched so many lives.
It was such a blessing to have shared the times we had together. From the Whiskey a Go Go to the Gallo and everywhere in between. She was a true rock star! Marirose took me places I never would’ve gone to if it wasn’t for her. I will be forever grateful for her friendship. It was an honor and a privilege to share the stage with my sister in song. I will always hold those memories close to my heart. How lucky we are to have known such a beautiful person.
Doug Robinett #forevermariroseYou know the truth, every day is Mother’s Day, but every May, we make sure to all be on our best behavior and make sure that our Moms are truly celebrated. This is a special time to remember how important our moms are. Also, note, there are a lot of dads out there that are also moms to so many. Let’s make sure to take time, spend some time and effort celebrating the amazing people that are raising us. You can really surprise your mom with beautiful flowers from the Modesto Farmer’s Market and there are many fun things to do, or even just as simple as breakfast in bed, a donut from your fave donut shop or a hand made drawing.
There are some really great Mother’s Day Brunches in town, and we mean the big buffet kind that will blow your mind! Reservations recommended Doubletree / Maxi’s Restaurant10:30 am – 1 pm - Chilled Seafod, Carving, Breakfast Station, Cheese station & more 209-525-8022
Fruit Yard
8:30 – 3 pm - Filet, Crab, Omelets, Dessert, Champagne 209-577-3093
Surla’s 10am -2pm – Benedicts. Korean Pork, Carving station, Omelets & Crepes, Pizza and more 209-550-5555
Some of us just love our American Graffiti history and all of the spoils that came from it; things like Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pixar, ILM and so much more. Some people study it and check the history in its proper place in pop culture and our daily lives. Sayings like “use the force”, “you have a scooter and that’s almost like a motorcycle” or any of the classic Indiana Jones or Yoda quotes have become a stable part of our global lexicon. Dr. Richard Ravalli has been studying the George Lucas world for years and has just completed a book about the Modesto native. George Lucas cruised 10th and 11th streets, graduated from Downey high, attended MJC and conquered USC film school before revolutionizing the film industry. Richard was born in Modesto, growing up on Tiffany Lane and later moved to east Modesto. He attended Sherwood Elementary, Somerset Junior High, and Fred C. Beyer High School. After graduating in 1992, he attended Modesto Junior College and CSU Stanislaus. He is currently Associate Professor of History at Jessup University in Rocklin.
Let’s meet Richard and dive into the world he has been researching.
ModestoView: What inspired you to take a deep dive into the life of George Lucas?
Richard Ravalli: When I started my PhD down at UC Merced, I was looking for a “valley heritage” subject that I could study there in their new humanities doctoral program. The idea of a Modesto museum dedicated to George Lucas inspired me, so I started reading the standard Lucas biographies, and then got driven to organize community events dedicated to this fascinating aspect of Modesto history, something that I felt not enough people were talking about.
So, we held an informational local history symposium at MJC in 2006 (where I had been teaching part-time) and gathered together some great speakers, including Betty Saletta, the artist who created the “Graffiti statue” at Five Points in 1997. From there we did a Star Wars event at the MJC West campus in 2007, and then an American Graffiti celebration at the State Theater in 2008. While I didn’t end up writing my dissertation on local history, I continued reading about film history and the importance of Lucas. Over time, it became important to me to tackle this academic anthology because I felt that it needed to be done, and no one else was apparently doing it.
MV: Was there something in your childhood that connected with the stories of Mr. Lucas?
RR: I was definitely a big Star Wars fan growing up on Tiffany Lane! I’m not so much into it today, but it was a unique experience to be into these films and the toys like so many others around the world, while constantly being reminded that I lived in the hometown of the Star Wars creator. It just made things connect that much more deeply and made me proud of living in Modesto. Graffiti Night on McHenry in the 80s was also one of those things that made you think about Lucas and his legacy, even if I probably never saw the film before college. But I knew vaguely that all these people flooding into town had something to do with Modesto being “put on the
map” by a 50s nostalgia film. Looking back, I regret that I never went to any later celebrations or commemorations of Lucas, like the 97 Lucas Plaza dedication. I think it was just all something I took for granted at the time; I was also still busy trying to figure out what I wanted to study (I initially worked in Modesto radio, at KO93 and Kat Country).
MV: This is a global phenomenon; how do you square this with his humble local origins?
RR: It’s still what makes the Lucas story so great, that he came from a small railroad/ farming town in the Central Valley of California and became one of the wealthiest, most influential icons in modern America, and indeed around the globe. Thinking about that just makes me all the more interested in seeing Modesto continue to tap into this legacy. I definitely was all about promoting a Lucas museum for the city when I was organizing those events. We even had some concept art drawn up by local artist Mike Pascale. I realize that things took a different turn, with the Disney purchase of Lucasfilm and George’s forthcoming art museum in Los Angeles. But I still think it would be great for the city to have some kind of Lucas center, even if you still hear some negative grumblings in town about Lucas and his connection to the city. You would hear even worse things about John Steinbeck in Salinas, and today there’s this great Steinbeck Center there! So
anything can happen.
MV: Do you think his influence is overstated? Not at all.
RR: When you consider all of the aspects of contemporary American cinema that he is connected to, not only as a filmmaker but as a Northern California entrepreneur, his influence is pretty profound. Not to be too blunt about it, but you don’t get compared to Walt Disney by being a flash in the pan!
MV: I always have marveled in the marketing genius of Walt Disney, yet George Lucas created something that has nearly consumed Disney. What is your take on this?
RR: Indeed, there’s a whole chapter on the Lucas-Disney connections in our anthology. And of course, those connections are on-going, as George is the largest individual shareholder in the corporation. So I don’t want to comment as a historian on history that hasn’t been “made” yet. But it is interesting to think about how big of a name Lucas was at his Hollywood height after the conclusion of the original Star Wars trilogy in 1983, and where Disney was at the time: still trying to catch up to the new industrial revolution that Lucas helped inaugurate. There are different ways that his relationship with Disney could have evolved back then and didn’t. The sale of Lucasfilm’s Pixar division to Steve Jobs in the mid-80s is one of those “what ifs” that makes historians wonder about the
kind of influence George might have had in animation, and potentially at Disney, had he not sold that part of his company at the time. Would the “Disney Renaissance” after 1989 with The Little Mermaid still have taken place, or is it possible that Lucasfilm could have emerged as a bigger player in that field? You can always take the counterfactual too far in history, but it is at least fun to think about, and it can help us better gauge his overall importance in Hollywood.
MV: What do you think our culture, in particular Modesto, misses about all of this?
RR: Well, I’m glad to see the Graffiti Museum taking shape. It’s hopefully a sign that those who say that Lucas “hates Modesto” and that we shouldn’t have anything to do with taking this heritage seriously and being proud of it are voices of the past. But again, it would be cool to see the city go a step beyond a car museum. Again, I know he’s building a large art venue down south, but I think it would be wrong for Modestans to think that preserving and interpreting the larger Lucas story beyond Graffiti history and culture doesn’t make sense for us. I think it absolutely does. (Isn’t Tatooine a little like Modesto, after all?)
MV: George Lucas represents the Class of ’62 that has become a marker in time for our classic Americana, and it seems that the creativity of our 80 year old plus people are still driving our culture, i.e Paul McCartney, the Stones, are still moving cultural mountains. Do you agree?
RR: That’s a big claim, but those folks you mention are still around and still influencing culture, and again, Lucas has a big say in the direction of a major multinational corporation! So I think that makes some sense.
MV: Where do you go next after this project?
RR: I don’t get a lot of official institutional support for research with my current affiliation, so it’s mostly on my own dime and time. And I’m pretty much out of dimes! So while I enjoy the thrill of discovery that comes with historical research, unless there’s a major life shift for my family I’m probably moving away from that kind of investment.
MV: What was the most surprising thing you learned during your research? RR: I’m still uncovering all kinds of cool biographic facts about George’s Modesto years, like the first mention of George Jr. in a Modesto Bee article on his dad. A student of mine helped me build a digital clippings file of hundreds of citations from the Bee, and that was just for everything
up through 1979. I would like to have time to eventually go through that material, but again, serious research probably isn’t on the table for me anymore.
MV: You really helped us with the Modesto Historic Cruise Route project, what did we learn with all of this?
RR: Well, I only played a small part with helping write one of the plaques, but you can bet that I’m proud to have done that. I think all of the cruising projects that you’ve spearheaded have gone a long way toward documenting that history, but there is still plenty to learn.
MV: If you had a magic wand or light saber, what do you wish Modesto could do with this amazing Lucas connection?
RR: Well, again, my thoughts on that lean toward some type of cultural center or Lucas-themed museum. If there’s a Disney museum in San Francisco, then why can’t Modesto have something for George?
MV: What is your own personal favorite Lucas moment?
RR: Probably the kid’s newspaper that he created with his friend Mel Cellini in 1955, which the Bee reported on. I would die to see an original copy of one of those (the kid’s newspaper, not the Bee article, which I’ve actually seen an original copy of in the Bee archives).
MV: Beatles or Stones? RR: Beatles, and if I had to be specific, Something.
To learn more or contact Richard, please email: rravalli@jessup.edu https://www.facebook.com/WJUHistory
To get a copy of he new book, Lucas, click- https://academymuseumstore.org/ products/lucas-his-hollywood-legacy Hopefully it will be at a local bookstore soon.
To donate to the Graffiti USA Museum, please click here: www.graffitiusamuseum.com
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I love traditions. I love our cultures. I love great food and I love it when families keep something good going for so long and is loved and respected by the community. There are many local family-owned Mexican restaurants in our area, each with their own charm. El Ranchito in Riverbank is a place that deserves a special place in our appetites and our dining experiences and it one of the longest running restaurants around.
Located directly next to the railroad tracks, almost under the overpass, sits the family owned El Ranchito. This has been a Mexican restaurant since the early 50s and was a regular place for the thousands of cannery workers in Riverbank. Owned by the Tinajero family since 1967, the story itself is as good as the food. George Tinajero, his mom, brother and sisters are front and center at El Ranchito and their friends join them on a regular basis to enjoy. Elena Tinajero came to the USA in 1961 to join her husband Dolores who was working at the cannery. George was born in 1962 and grew up with Elena’s cooking as she worked at local Mexican restaurant, and
George says, “She really was a gourmet cook”. In 1967, Elena and Dolores made the move to open their own place and took a chance to buy the then closed El Ranchito. Since then, they have grown the business from the original house that served the local workers, to the new building that is there today. Locals know to drive in from the skate park and park along the west side and you better get there early as it gets busy quick after the 4 pm opening. Today, the original sign is mounted in the bar, but the places is large, comfortable and can handle a good crowd.
You can’t start a meal at El Ranchito without one of their famous Margaritas so make a bee line to the bar. Sweet, smooth and packs a punch. Fresh made tortilla chips
and their special salsa make it possible to have a second Margarita. “I’ve had sauces all over the region and George’s are the absolute best”, says long time El Ranchito regular Mike Callizo. As he planned our dinner, Mike took the lead with George to make sure that we had all of the hall of fame specialties. Camerones Al mojo de Ajo. This is where you start. These spicy grilled butterflied prawns are the perfect add to El Ranchito rice, beans and salad. Want more? Then dive in to the butterflied lobster tail with a special garlic sauce. Fish is delivered fresh each Friday and doesn’t last long and there are regular weekend specials. If you are thinking you need a salad, you should consider the grilled chicken tostada.
This thing is a monster and with the beans, original style salsa make it a great meal. While you are there, Is this a steakhouse? Yes it is. You can get some amazing cuts of beef here and you will not be disappointed with the Steak a la Parilla, a tasty New York cut with fresh grilled vegetables. Their steaks will stack up against everything. Do not forget the Chili Verde and the Chili Colorado. As Mike said, the sauces are amazing. If you are like me, you can’t decide and when everyone at the table gets something different, you can do some sampling. But if you really want to go for it, the House Super Combo is the best of everything. It is really amazing with a Taco, Relleno, Enchilada, Chile Colorado AND Verde plus
rice, beans and tortillas. Wow. This is a really fun experience, and be prepared to have a good time. Grab your friends and head to Riverbank and be prepared to enjoy one of our areas most legit and original Mexican restaurants. Get a Margarita from George and enjoy the family service and soon, you will feel like family. Enjoy
El Ranchito
3048 Atchison St. Riverbank, 209-869-0196 @elranchitorbk - Instagram
When we asked George our traditional question, Beatles or Stones, he was all Stones.
This has been the community gathering place for centuries. People leave their homes, turn off their TVs and shut down the video games and come out, to hang out and interact, with people. Most importantly, people gather, hang out and get to know each other.
I think now, more than ever, we need to get together and know each other, not just text or facetime each other. This is really the key to successful communities and neighborhoods. Throughout our history, it is the neighborhoods in cities that are where the character is and the good things happen. Reach out to your neighbors, have a potluck, and enjoy the summer connection opportunities like Porchfest, May the 4th, Memorial Day, Graffiti Summer, 4th of July and so much more.
On May 19 you can experience Modesto Porchfest. This is one of the coolest events that has come to Modesto. Although originated elsewhere, it was taken to a new level by the ModShoppers, Kate Trompetter, Ruhi Sheikh and Tricia Rosenow.
This idea now it its 6th year, has really become a community tradition and is a giant progressive city-wide concert attracting over 60 porches, hundreds of local bands and thousands of our local citizens each year.
Modesto is flat and fairly compact so bike travel makes Porchfest a breeze as many of the porches are busy, have a lot of people and car parking is rare. Plus, being on your bike or scooter is a great way to see the city and explore new neighborhoods.
There is a 100% guarantee that you will meet new people at Porchfest, find a new band or musician that you didn’t know about and check out a new street or neighborhood. Residents are donating their porch and the bands are donating their time, so please TIP THE BANDS and MUSICIANS. Respect the property, carry water. Many homes will have food trucks and selected areas have porta potties.
Check out the Porchfest Map and band listings at www.modestoporchfest.com
One of the cool things about Modesto is the ability for people to congregate together. There is an emphasis on our city parks and this push for upgrading and most importantly, family safety is so key. Safe parks make a safe neighbor hood. There are neighborhood associations in LaLoma and the College Area, Beyer Sylvan, Lakewood, John Muir, West Modesto, Northwest, and Delwood neighborhoods that are actively working to get improvements across each neighborhood. Modesto Neighborhoods Incorporated is looking to get more neighborhoods connected. www.modestoneighborhoods.com
The most amazing Modesto gather is the six-week summer series of MoBand Concerts in Graceada Park. These are FREE concerts from MoBand, founded in 1919 in the Mancini bowl with thousands of people enjoying a picnic and friendship. For people watching, classic John Phillip Souza marches and wandering blanket to blanket in search of a fresh glass of wine, this is a Modesto Hall of Fame. Don’t miss the season opener on June 6 at 8 pm. (get your blanket out early though!). Please note that the annual 4th of July MoBand will be July 3, a Wednesday Learn more and donate to help keep MoBand free for the community at www.moband.org
Celebrate our Star Wars heritage as we gather downtown in 10th St Plaza for May the 4th. Bring your light saber, dress as your favorite Jedi, Sith or other amazing character created by Modesto native George Lucas. The Brenden will be showing the re-issued Phantom Menace and there will be a block long light saber battle at 7:30 ( dusk). This is a free event more info at www.facebook.com/maythefourthmodesto
One of the many cool things that Modesto has is car shows. Maybe you know that about Modesto USA, the home of American Graffiti? May is the kick off of the big car show season with Graffiti Summer literally starting the very first day of June with the annual showing of American Graffiti at the State Theatre at 1 pm and the Modesto Area Street Rod Show at McHenry Village on Sunday the 2nd.
Remember how exciting it was to get a box of Crayola 64 with the built in sharpener? This meant days of coloring fun with new colors like Burnt Sienna. Let’s get the tablet or phone out of the hands and check out the parks, and the activity center at Modesto Parks. The Modesto area splash pads open May 24. There are classes for so many different things where kids gather under good supervision. Kids can learn to swim, become a lifeguard, learn to dance, play chess and even check out the Summer Camps. So much to find out here > www.modestogov. com/483/Activity-Guide much
Tiffany Rose and the Outlaw Hearts CDs at the Allsups
Triple D T-Shirts and Hats 1115 Highland Dr
Adults at Play – Pickleball anyone? This is called competitive gathering, followed by a good cocktail or other refreshing beverage. Go old school, go bowling, find a drum circle, or even find an adult softball league ( play begins June 7) and you can even learn how to play a ukulele or line dance!
So much to find out here > www.modestogov.com/483/Activity-Guide much
The Bracers T-Shirts & Stickers 506 Myrtle Ave
Chaz & Jess T-Shirts, CDs, Stickers 135 Frances Ave.
No Way Back T-Shirts 958 El Vecino Ave
Horizon Point T-Shirts, Hats, Stickers 406 Semple St.
Dubforce 5 T-Shirts, more 521 Foy St
DMT buttons/stickers 1209 Griswold Ave
Jeff Moore 1984 CDs 233 Semple St
Moon Trent CDs 233 Semple St
Kenny Moore T-Shirs/Posters 1117 College Ave Adynamia 1211 Wellesley BAND
On May 4th, Star Wars is on everyone’s mind worldwide. But it is an extra special day here in Modesto, USA, where we are the home of the creator, George Lucas. The original Star Wars movie was released on May 25, 1977, a day that changed modern film forever. From the opening theme and the rolling script, the world had a new lexicon of interstellar, starships, and even speed measurements. In as little as a few parsecs, this film propelled Modesto native George Lucas into the Hyperspace of film fame.
We have celebrated May the Fourth, since 2016, when the Modesto City Council was the first to make an official proclamation making it Star Wars Day. Yes, friends, this is our day, and we will celebrate and bring the action to 10th St Plaza. So bring the whole family and join the Northern California Star Wars community in celebrating May 4 in Downtown Modesto—a free, familyfriendly event. We have invited the 501st, Central Valley Cosplayers, Dark Empire, the Wolves of Mandalore, the Rebel Legion, and Astromech builders to join us at this event. Horizon Point will go full Jedi performing in the Plaza; you can expect a few musical interludes from the movies. There will be vendors, artists, face painters, and an extraordinary guest, Andrew Nelson, who spent more time in the Darth Vader suit than any other actor. You won’t want to miss the lightsaber battles as the sun goes down. I will create a Death Star Pinata or two for the kids to enjoy. ModestoView will be presenting long time George Lucas fan, Wes Page, KFIV DJ legend and MJC Film teacher a May the 4th Champion Award at 6:30. Everyone is encouraged to cosplay as their favorite Star Wars characters. May 4th, 5-9 pm in the 10th Street Plaza.
Star Wars food and drink specials will be served at Fuzio, Ralston’s Goat, T-Cups, and several other spots in Downtown Modesto. Modesto Pub Crawls are hosting a Free Star Wars Star-themed pub Crawl that will start at Che’roots at 6:30 pm, stopping by the
Plaza around 7:15 pm, swinging by the Fox Pub, Fuzio, The Goat Bar, lo-fi, and ending up at the SpeakEasy around 10:30 pm.
The Phantom Menace will be on the big screen at an area theatre to celebrate its 25th Anniversary beginning May 3rd. Following the May Fourth Celebration, The Phantom Menace will play at the Brenden Theatre on May 4th at 9:30 and 10 p.
Fans of the Mel Brooks Star Wars spoof Space Balls can rejoice. From May 3 to 5, the State Theatre will show it again on the big screen.
The Artwalk is May 16th and will celebrate the murals of Modesto with music at Never Boring, 1016 14th Street. This location just so happens to have one of two Star Warsthemed murals in Downtown Modesto(the other is in the Mural Alley on 10th Street).
Get your tickets now for this year’s Modesto Symphony Orchestra, which will perform John Williams’ music and screen Star Wars: The Last Jedi on May 31st and June 1st at Gallo Center for the Arts. These performances are not to be missed.
Ensure you like the May the Fourth Facebook page to stay up to speed. @ maythefourthmodesto #homeofstarwars #homeofGeorgeLucas #homeofAmericanGraffiti
Cafe ShalomCelebration of Jewish food and culture with food, music, bake sale, gift shop and more.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Congregation Beth Shalom, 1705 Sherwood Ave., Modesto. $20 in adv, $25 door, $10 ages 4-10, free ages 3 and under. www.cbsmodesto.org.
After a sold-out and lively show in 2023, Kappa Epsilon has been asked to create a new show featuring Modesto area Drag experts and community leaders. We’re Announcing WHAT A DRAG! Season 2 at The State Theatre, May 18th, 6:30 pm. This year’s show may look different, but they guarantee it will be fun, entertaining, and educational about drag culture. What happens when “Dancing with the Stars” meets a PG-13 “RuPaul” for the second year in a row? You’ll have to attend to find out! Last year, they donated $14,000 to local nonprofits: Drum Love, Haven, The PLACE, and Women Techmakers of Modesto. This year, our beneficiaries will be CASA, The Rainbow Chorus, the Youth Navigation Center of Stanislaus County, and The GAP.
In addition to all of the great festivities and parties, here are a couple of the traditional events.
May 3: The West Modesto Community Cinco de Mayo event with food, music and more. Guest speaker Cesar Alvarado-Gil 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 601 S. Martin Luther King Drive, Modesto. Free
May 4: South Modesto Crows Landing Road celebrating the “Day of the Battle of Puebla” from 11 a.m.-1 p.m Celebration at El Rematito, 3113 Crows Landing Road, from 2-6 p.m.
Modesto Garden Club
Centennial Garden Dedication
Check out the beauty as at Roosevelt Neighborhood Park along the Virginia Corridor at Orangeburg. Thanks to the Garden Club for all they do to make Modesto brighter. May 10, 10 am
Support Hope Haven West
Celebrate Lonny Davis’ birthday with live music and an evening of good times ~ Lonny-style featuring The Milkhouse Boys. No need to bring presents but do plan to have a good time at this benefit for Hope Haven West, a nonprofit dedicated to providing mobility for disabled poor. 100% of proceeds go to rehabbing and delivering wheelchairs to those in need in developing areas of the world. This will be a fun night, so grab your friends, enjoy the show and deliver good to the world These boys will tear the plaster chips off the ceiling – wear your dancing shoes.
May 31, 7 pm Tix $25 • State Theatre, 1307 J St, Modesto • www.thestate.org
A fan favorite and multiple Modesto Award-winning event, Music in the Plaza returns to the 10th Street Plaza unofficially on Saturday, May the Fourth, on Star Wars Day with Horizon Point(2023 Punk MAMA winner). Officially, Music in the Plaza kicks off the second Friday of May with Wet Bandidos(2023 Latin MAMA winner). We are happy to have Tony & the Tuff Times coming out to the Plaza on May 17th, playing harmonica-fueled blues to dance to. Fan favorite BluesBox Bayou Band will be performing on May 24th, bringing their cajun-infused bayou accordion music that will have you tapping your feet.
On May 31st, we have a night of Jamaicaninfused music with ska, rocksteady act The Bracers, and Cali-Reggae band Natural Revolution bringing the heat.
June kicks off with Graffiti Summer, and Third Party will play the hits of the 50s-80s at the Legends of the Cruise Celebration and Car Show on June 5th. Celebrate this year’s Legends, and enjoy some fantastic music with a backdrop of classic cars in Downtown Modesto. On June 7th, it is a Graffiti Cruise tradition with Gary Gervase & Friends playing some good rockin’ blues and rock and roll hits. On the 14th, No Way Back joins the Summer lineup for the first time. They play a mix of hits from the 50s, 60s, and beyond. On June 21st, Imaginary Friends, another first-timer to the Music in the Plaza, play instrumental versions of
your favorite songs. The powerhouse trio Triple D is a crowd favorite and is ready to return to the Plaza on June 28th. On July 12th, the incredible David Perez Band will return to 10th Street. We are always thrilled when David Perez and company agree to do an event with us; they will surely get you all dancing. If you have not seen them live, this is your chance to dance. Some other bands scheduled for Music in the Plaza this season are They Catch Secrets, David Dow & Friends, Orquestra Dharma, Neon Radio, Remedy, and Valley Heat. So reserve a spot on the patio at Fuzio, The Goat Bar or T-Cups, or bring your lawn chairs and enjoy one of the best free, family-friendly events in the 209. For the full schedule and updates follow @10thStreetMusic on Facebook. If you would like to be a sponsor, don’t hesitate to contact info@modestoview. com for more information on this and other community-sponsored events.
Thursday, May 16
6:30 am – 8:00 am
Baseball season is on so take your self and your family to the ball game. The Modesto Nuts are on a roll and you know there is nothing better than local baseball. Who wants to worry about where the A’s are going when you can go out to John Thurman Field and enjoy baseball, the way it is supposed to be. Home game stands this month are against Rancho Cucamonga May 1-5, and San Jose May14-19. Enjoy great snacks, take a group and book a sky deck or even the patio. So many ways to enjoy local ball.
Weeknight games at 7 pm, Saturdays at 6 and Sundays at 2 pm www.modestonuts.com
Look for the red aprons at intersections all over town. Make sure you carry cash that day and pick up a special Kidz Day Salvation Army newspaper edition.
Proceeds from this paper, or your donation, help the programs at the Salvation Army and their mission to help our community. https://redshieldmodesto.org/modesto/events/kidz-day/
As we transition into the warming trends of summer, we find ourselves tending to our gardens and spending more time outdoors.
Jazz guitarist Johnny Valdez is preparing to release a new album, accompanied by a stellar band. We hope to host a CD release party for him soon. Johnny continues to thrive in his performances and teaching, keeping the music alive. Additionally, a new bookstore, Bookish, has opened in Roseburg Square. It offers a pleasant ambiance with comfortable places to sit, read, and enjoy a cup of coffee. Soon, I’ll head off to family camp, Coop Camp Sierra, in June for some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. I hope everyone is staying healthy and can make it down to the Blue Monday Jam when possible!
The Blues Monday Party is back on May 11th and the 25th at Café Urbano. The band features John Burt on Sax, Cortez Flores on drums, Kevin Marin on Bass, a trumpeter, and myself, Eric Benson, on Keyboards. Our special guest is Gene Radino, a Jazz guitarist. The alumni include John Adey on Bass, Conrad Johnson on Bass, Dave Hawks
on drums, and Andrew Rosenblum on Sax. We have had some high school horn players who can play Jazz come down. We would also like to thank Chris Murphy and Gary Nelson for their loving support and sponsorship of the Blue Monday Scene, which I truly appreciate! Please come down for some music, food, and a full bar. We can’t do it without you! We need more places to play live music, especially downtown. Let me know if you have any ideas or ways to make it happen.
We all need to work on supporting the venues that support the arts and creating new venues, as many great bands need to be heard. Together, we can make it happen and see things thrive!
There are some great shows at the Gallo Center, but also check out some great venues out of town: The Newman Theatre, Vinhose Tapas Bar in Merced, Yoshi’s Oakland for the best jazz shows, Khumba Music Center in Santa Cruz, and Piedmont Piano Company, the Back Door, and the Sound Room located in Oakland.
Before we get to the summer, there are some amazing stage performances coming and a couple of good ways you can support the arts in our community.
State Theatre
Girls Night
Follow five friends as they visit their past, celebrate their present, and look to the future on a wild and hilarious night out as some of the most popular hit songs of the 80s and 90s make this musical a fan favorite.
May 2 7:30 pm
Josh Rosenblum
One of Modesto’s best musical stars brings his blues pop to the excellent acoustics of the State. Modesto raised, the 3-time MAMA winning Rosenbaum is showcasing Josh’s 7th body of original work, Love Letter. This would be nominated for Best Album in the 15th Annual SLO New Times Music Awards. Our friend Neil Buettner opens.
May 3 8 pm Tix $20
What a drag!
What happens when “Dancing with the Stars” meets a PG-13 “RuPaul” for the second year in a row? You have to be here to find out! This years’ new show benefits: CASA, The Rainbow Chorus, Youth Navigation Center of Stanislaus County, and The GAP. See new novice stars, have fun and celebrate our community.
May 18 7:30 pm
Originating in Folsom, Ca, One of These Nights brilliantly re-creates the harmonic sounds of the legendary Eagles with fivepart harmonies and 3 guitars executing the magical compositions of such songs as Best of My Love, Witchy Woman, Lyin’ Eyes, The Long Run, and the exquisitely layered “Hotel California.
May 10 Doors 7 Show 8pm Tix $35-55
Prospect Theatre
Expect some really innovative performances at the Prospect.
David Frost risks everything on a series
of in-depth interviews in order to extract an apology from Nixon. The cagey Nixon, however, is equally bent on redeeming himself in his nation’s eyes.
May 17-19
Turlock Community Theatre
James Garner’s Tribute to Johnny Cash celebrates the life and music of the legendary ‘Man in Black’ with strong conviction and stunning accuracy including stories and personal anecdotes about America’s most beloved singing storyteller.
May 11. 7:30 pm $49 tix
Gallo Center for the Arts
This Gallo Season is on a roll with some amazing performances this month. There is really something for everyone at the Gallo.
Villalobos Brothers and & Mariachi
Reyna de Los Angeles are acclaimed as one of today’s leading Contemporary Mexican ensembles. Their original compositions and arrangements masterfully fuse and celebrate the richness of Mexican folk music with the intricate harmonies of jazz and classical music.
May 7 7:30 pm
Modesto Symphony - Beethoven’s 9th
Ludwig van Beethoven’s final symphony, Ode to Joy, weaves together themes of brother and sisterhood into a powerful and sweeping chorus widely considered the most recognizable musical work ever written. Featuring the MSO Chorus and four spectacular vocal soloists May 10 & 11, 7:30 pm
Born Yesterday Vulgar, egotistic junkman Harry Brock has come to a swanky hotel in Washington to make crooked deals with government big-wigs. Accompanying him is the charming but dumb ex-chorus girl Billie, whose lack of social graces embarrasses even Harry. May 17-19. Shows at 2pm and 7pm
CWB Romeo & Juliet
Love never dies. The immortal story of the Star-Crossed Lovers is back! Show stopping fencing, dramatic dances and a final scene that leaves no one untouched. This is Shakespeare and ballet at its best. May 17 & 18
Get down, get down! Kool & the Gang are true recording industry legends thanks to iconic songs like “Celebration,” “Get Down On It,” “Cherish,” “Jungle Boogie,” “Summer Madness,” “Open Sesame,” and more.
May 21, 7:30 pm
This is only a small sample of what is happening around our area. Please check www.modestoview.com daily as there is always something new to do. If you have any events for our calendar, please events@modestoview.com
This is one of the most unique events in the central valley. Amazing performing arts in the arty environs of the Modesto Silos. This is a wonder labyrinth of art, music and exploration with a great cocktail bar at the center. Once inside, guests are enveloped in an experience of wall-to-wall art, a glass-walled wine cellar, and spiraling stairs that transport you to…. See for yourself and finish that thought at PTP’s Annual Fundraiser party on June 1st. There is a silent and live auction and great Prospet Sponsorships available. 5:30 – 10 pm $100 Tix available https://prospect.vbotickets.com/event/annual_fundraiser_ party_summer_of_love/120638
Modesto Silos 320 Madonia Ave, Modesto, 95350
Around 2017 I started noticing this fellow always at the gym when I was there. Mind you I generally tend to spend more time at the gym than your average person in fitness so I see a lot of people. Nonetheless I’ve gotten to know who are usually there on a regular basis. Over time I couldn’t help but notice one guy in particular, Aaron Mejia. He’s extremely committed to his health and fitness and generally will show up wearing the same work clothes all the time. This clued me in that this fellow doesn’t mess around with wasting any time changing into some fancy sports outfit or even different sports shoes. What he does is make his work time best with his lifestyle. Balancing being a father and a hard worker for UPS. Quite frankly he makes workouts work when he can. Aaron would walk in, work out and walk out without a care. I also recalled him back in 2017 as a bigger, heavier guy. So when the pandemic ended and we all returned to the gym after 2 years, there was Aaron again. Much to my surprise he was a thinner, more toned, version of the guy I first saw. Wow! In fact he was as they say,” Ripped.” His muscle tone has to be one of the best I have seen of any of the members at Planet Fitness. I also know what it takes to get that beautiful muscle definition so I got up the courage to approach him. He’s a great guy!
Not only was he super friendly to me but also super encouraging to others at Planet Fitness. This is what inspired me to feature him in this month’s Fit View. Below are a few questions and answers to help all of us who might be looking to reach our fitness goals or are having trouble with losing weight.
For myself I now have the privilege to consider him as a friend in Fitness. Thank you for your friendship Aaron.
Modesto View: How old are you?
Aaron Mejia. 42 years old
MV. What’s your job title?
AM. UPS Driver
MV. What year did you decide to start your weight loss journey?
AM. I have been lifting since I was 13 years old. Always wanted to be strong as an ox goal was to bench 405 lbs. I hit that goal when I was 33 years old but doing cardio was never
in mind. Since my first-born 5 years ago, then having another son 3 years ago, my fitness goals changed to longevity style outlook instead of just eating to put mass on for strength.
MV. How long have you been a member at Planet Fitness?
AM. Been a member at planet fitness for 8 years
MV. What or who motivated you to get you to lose weight and build muscle?
AM. Watching old Stallone and Arnold movies since I was 8 years old motivated me to start lifting weights.
MV. What type of workouts do you favor? Do you prefer to build muscle or do cardio?
AM. You have to build muscle and do cardio. It’s a combo to have optimal success. Building muscle keeps is as important for longevity as is cardio they go hand in hand.
MV. How much weight have you lost?
AM. I lost 73 pounds. Some of it muscle as well as fat. That’s the downside of some more cardio and want to expose your abs muscles.
MV. Is there any special diet or nutrition you follow?
AM. I follow a whole a foods diet, try to stay way from all preservatives. I eat mostly grassfed beef, bison, venison, elk. I also eat turkey, fish, and chicken and eat lots of sardines in water. I mostly get my carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. I stick to only real grains. I eat 1/2 cup of overnight oats during the week.
MV. What inspirational message would like to share to those who might be struggling with loosing weight or on the fence with living a healthier lifestyle?
AM. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a constant work in progress always evolving. There might be times that there may be a set back here and there on weekends or obstacles at work dinners. But you can always rest moving forward the next day. Never feel that messing up one day or one meal will ruin your eating habits for the rest of the month or week.
MV. Feel free to add any personal struggles or challenges you might want to share. We all have them friend.
AM. My struggle was portion control and thinking some of the protein bars and drinks were healthy. Now been more aware of the ingredients in those products it’s not the case. Investing in a good food scale and vacuum sealer helped with portion control especially on food preparation for the weekdays for work lunches and dinners.
Thank you to our founding donors and sponsors for the incredible progress at the Graffiti USA Museum. This month, the Reed Family of Companies has completed a much-needed and vital portion of our continued construction project, including the parking lot, curbs, gutter, and sidewalks. An elevated pad for a glass rotunda, reminiscent of highway diners in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, is underway thanks to Burkett Companies and CT Brayton and Sons, Inc. We encourage you to drive by and see what’s happening. The transformation of the museum exterior is amazing.
As we gear up for Graffiti Summer, we aim to achieve our ambitious target of $3 million for our Founder’s Campaign fund! We hope that everyone can contribute. Our premier donor opportunities begin at $10,000. For a limited time only, cruisers and fans of our graffiti history can become founding members for $100 per month. It takes a collective effort to build this dream.
The Graffiti USA Museum will attract visitors worldwide and make Modesto shine.
Please scan the QR code to make your donation today! For more inform tion on premier donor opportunities, please contact us at info@graffitiusamuseum.com. Naming opportunities are still available for individuals and businesses.
Graffiti USA Classic Car Sales is currently open by appointment only. You can view current cars for sale at graffitiusacarsales.com
When the exterior construction wraps up, the museum will reopen with limited hours. Visit our website for the most up to date information! graffitiusamuseum.com
In other exciting news, the Modesto Radio Museum Foundation has launched their new radio station, “Graffiti Gold”.
Enjoy sounds by our legendary Modesto radio DJs at https://bit. ly/GraffitiGold
Fitness Races I Music, Art & Food Festivals
Fishing/Boating Competitions I Family Reunions I Corporate BBQs Call 209.525.6750 to inquire.
5.28-8.2 Mobile RecVan
Visiting Stanislaus County parks: Burbank-Paradise, Fairview, Hunter’s Pointe, Segesta and Sterling Ranch to bring fun to youth ages 6 to 17 years.
6.29 Fireworks Celebration @ Woodward Reservoir
View the stars & fireworks on Saturday, June 29th. $30 per carload.
My run was modest, oh, with an urgency low as expected, but my poems reached some of you. Of restaurants and murals I sang, of the resurgence In arts and the city, after what both went through;
Of King-Kennedy Center and public music too I sang, of tiny libraries and the great out there, of museums, with our culture’s history to view. I sang to tidy up and to bring on a better year.
Did you see me on the Internet line perhaps, or that bookstore, art gallery, authors’ fair, or behind my typer’s click and clack? Maybe I saw you, for I was then and there.
But time draws finish lines, and it is stopping my run, so, hail and farewell, it has been worthy to serve you, Modesto; I had some muse’s moments in your sun, even if those who heard me were few.
Remember, every day could use some poetry if not as spoken or inscribed as words, as acts of love, to leave some empathy behind, so that the poetry of compassion can be heard.
As for you and me, dear readers, it is still a fine thing to be sharing this town. Perhaps we will meet around some corner, maybe our trails will cross on our rounds—
and if you would like to hear another look, I will sing on always in my books.
I can’t believe May is already here! It seems like this year has been flying by. This is a special month for me because I will be graduating high School! I am excited for Summer, but I want to soak up my last memories as a high schooler this month. The Scholastic Book Fair began April 26th, but don’t worry, you still have time to go! The in person store closes the 3rd of May. The online store will be open until May 9th. This is a way to buy new books for a low cost. The book fair is located in our very own Stanislaus County libraries basement auditorium. This is a wonderful
opportunity to get books for kids and teens. There will also be a “Friends of the Modesto Library” book fair which will be hosting a used book sale on May 4th. It will be open from 8am-2pm. FOML uses the profits to support and augment the mission of the Modesto library. Be sure to check it out!
One of the best days of the year is approaching us. May the 4th be with you! If you didn’t know, Modesto goes all out when it comes to celebrating the national Star Wars day. Everyone dresses up as their favorite star wars characters or wears Star Wars merchandise. Characters will be there to take awesome pictures with. There will be lot’s of fun activities and games for kids to play. Different bands will be performing as well! This year there will be a special guest Andrew C Nelson the actor who spent more time in the Darth Vader suit than any other. This is a fun and positive community celebration that you do not want to miss out on.
I hope everyone has an amazing May, and May the 4th be with you!
Drum roll please…. The 2024 Theme is Rockin’ Out!
MoBand is rockin’ out in a couple of ways as it is George Gardiner’s last year as conductor after 46 years!
So put these dates in your calendar and alert your friends to be at MoBand in Graceada Park’s Mancini Bowl. All shows are at 8 pm.
June 6 - Cruisin’
June 13 - Swing, Inc.
Jume 20 - Let’s Rock
June 27 - George’s Faves
July 3 - Love America
July 10 - Celebrate!
For more info and to donate to keep MoBand concerts free www.moband.org
We have the perfect neighborhood festival for you and the entire family. Fest Fest at Hope Commons 300 Trask Lane, Modesto, CA. on May 18 from 10 am until 6 pm.. The event will feature local vendors, a thrift sale, drinks, snacks, and a food court. There will also be graffiti art demonstrations hosted by Fasm, a vinyl swap, pinball games, and a cornhole tournament. There will be fun activities for both adults and kids.
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
The Reef, Ceres Monday
Donoby’s, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Goat Bar, Modesto
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
VFW Hall, Modesto
The Udder Place, Turlock
Bookies, Modesto
O’Brien’s Tavern, Modesto
Splash Bar, Modesto
The Standard Pub, Modesto
Tin Pins Fun, Turlock
Persuasion Brewing, Modesto
Mountain Mike, Ripon
Main Street Inn, Ripon
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
The Udder Place, Turlock
The Crooked Spur, Oakdale
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The Reef, Ceres Saturday
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
The Moose Lodge, Modesto Frontier Club, Patterson
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock
KCBP 95.5 FM
The Standard Pub, Modessto
KCBP 95.5 FM
108 Sports Lounge, Riverbank
Obrien’s Tavern, Modesto
Splash Bar, Modesto
Secret Garden, Modesto
Bookies, Modesto
John Thurman Feild, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto The Goat Bar, Modesto
Puppy Comedy Club, Manteca
Fe St, Riverbank
Place, Modesto
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Mike Pizza, Ripon
The State Theatre, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Persuasion Brewing, Modesto
The Crooked Spur, Oakdale Torii, Modesto
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Dust Bowl, Turlock Modesto Public Library
John Thurman Feild, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres Crooked Spur, Oakdale
The Brave Bull, Modesto
Public Library
Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto KCBP 95.5
KCBP 95.5
Eagles Hall, Modesto
Center for the Arts
Waterwheel Saloon, Sonora Knockin’ Boots, Modesto
Golf and Country Club VFW Post 3199, Modesto 108 Sports Lounge, Riverbank Unitarian Church, Modesto, CA
Nino’s Place, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatrem Modesto
Secret Garden, Modesto
Tavern, Modesto
The Reef, Modesto
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Rivets American Grill, Modesto
John Thurman Feild, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Strings Italian Cafe Modesto
Twin Rivers Saloon, Modesto
Stanislaus Veterans Center Stanislaus Veterans Center
Blaker Brewing, Ceres
18Seventy Brewing, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Secret Garden, Modesto
Lanes, Modesto
Club, Patterson
Key Saloon, Modesto
Moose , Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Rivets American Grill, Modesto
Persuasion Brewing, Modesto
10th Street Plaza, Modesto
Modesto Public Library
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
John Thurman Feild, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee House, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Lo-Fidelity Laboratories, Modesto
Downtown Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Congregation Beth Shalom, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Downtown Ceres
Brave Bull, Modesto
Eagles Hall, Modesto
KCBP 95.5
& The Boys Out Back Band
Mike Pizza, Ripon
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Famers Market
Salsa Night
Sandy Maule
Women of the Valley May 10th
AREA 51/50
Bunco DJ Gemini DJ Kenny K Friday Night Dinners Funkhaus Funstrummers Practice Hand & Foot Card Games I On Modesto Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
MAMA Radio
MSO Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 No Way Back
One of These Nights Eagles Tribute
Sandy Maule TLC Got Talent
Tongue & Groove Trax on Wax
Veterans Foundation Bar Happy Hour Veterans Foundation Coffee & Donuts Western Bound
Wet Badiddos May 11th
3rd Annual Spring Tea
Calicreaming Car Show Central Valley Brew Fest
Freak Radio
Gotcha Country Hawkins Rd Band
Howard Prep Car Show I’ll Take You There Ino1se
James Garner Tribute to Johnny Cash
Joey Medina
Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
Karaoke with Seve and Marcella MAMA Radio
Mariachi Divas de Cindy Shea
Modesto Certified Farmers Market
MSO Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 MSO Youth Finale Concert Old School with Dj Dtrix Pep Love
Sandy Maule
Stanislaus Posse Car Show
Stunna Girl Surged Saturday
The Peril & the Promise
This is SKA Radio
Travis Denning
Triple D Us4Love
Western Bound May 12th
Acoustic Jam
KCBP 95.5
P Wexford’s
Kickstart Blues Band
vs Giants
School with Dj Dtrix
White & Boots Relay for Life
Funstrummers Practice Gotcha Covered Groove Radio Hand & Foot Card Games
On Modesto Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
Karaoke MAMA Radio No Way Back Nuts vs Giants Rob Tracy
Sandy Maule The Osman Trio
Tony & the Tuff Times
Veterans Bar Happy Hour
Coffee & Donuts
Bound May 18th
4th St Park Car Show
and Ice Cream
Romeo and Juliet CYBERSTALLION David Dow & Friends DJ Tease Drum Love Fest Fest Freak Radio Freestyle Music Frost/Nixon Gatsby Redux Golden State Road Warriors
Take You There
Tavern, Modesto
95.5 FM The Press Wine Bar, Tracy John Thurman Field, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Strings Italian Cafe Modesto
Street Plaza, Modesto Stanislaus Veterans Center
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Crooked Spur, Oakdale
4th Street park, Modesto
Mancini Hall, Modesto
Gallo Center for the Arts
Gallo Center for the Arts
KCBP 95.5 FM
Rivets American Grill, Modesto The Boardroom, Modesto MoRo Music Garden, Modesto
Commons, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Doghouse Taproom, Ceres Prospect Theatre Project, Modesto
The State Theatre, Tracy MJC
95.5 FM
The Goat Bar, Modesto
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
The Udder Place, Turlock
Wildfire Pub House, Modesto
The Partisan, Merced Gallo Center for the Arts
KCBP 95.5 FM
Stanislaus Veterans Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
Bar, Modesto
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Goat Bar, Modesto
Deaf Puppy Comedy Club, Manteca
3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Gallo Center for the Arts
Denny’s, 1525 McHenry,
Center for the Arts
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Persuasion Brewing, Modesto The Crooked Spur, Oakdale
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock Dust Bowl, Turlock
Modesto Public Library
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
Crooked Spur, Oakdale
Brave Bull, Modesto
Public Library
Nightclub, Modesto
Fruit Yard, Modesto
KCBP 95.5
10th Street Plaza, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Prospect Theatre Project, Modesto
Unitarian Church, Modesto, CA
Modesto Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
Secret Garden, Modesto
Torri, Modesto
Obrians Tavern, Modesto
Join us for a night of celebration and support at the Stanislaus Arts Council’s inaugural fundraiser, the ‘Celebration of the Arts,’ on Thursday, May 23rd, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Greens on Tenth in Modesto uniting our arts organizations, individual artists, businesses, and community leaders to enhance our vibrant cultural landscape
Much has changed inner art community this year, so it is really important that we all get together to make sure the arts scene in our area is strong. This even will recognize valuable local supporters of the arts community and will be hosted by Sam Pierstorff and Modesto native Emmy award winning casting direction Robert Ulrich.
to support the arts in Stanislaus County, a registered 501(c)(3)for your tax-deductible donation.
The LaLoma Native Garden Pollinator festival is now Saturday, May 18.
Gather near the Native Garden for an educational fun day.
Pollinator parade is at 10:10 am 2000 Encina Ave – Modesto @lalomaneighborhood
As a nonprofit organization, the Stanislaus Arts Council relies on your support to continue its operations to foster a community full of dynamic arts. Thank you for considering this opportunity
Join us in celebrating the arts and making a difference in our community. We look forward to seeing you at the first annual ‘Celebration of the Arts’ event!
The league champion Golden State Road Warriors Wheelchair Basketball Team, sponsored by the NBAGolden State Warriors, will visit Modesto Junior College Gymnasium, on Saturday May 18th from 1-4 pm for a fundraising event for KCPB Community Radio 95.5 FM. The total experience will consist of the Golden State Road Warriors Wheelchair Basketball Team versus school basketball team members and various community celebrities. Audience members will play in wheelchairs and experience the sport. There will be a silent auction, raffle prizes, and entertainment.
ModestoView and KCBP’s SKA dynamic musical expert, Middagh Goodwin, will MC.Tickets are $5 per person, $1 for students, and $3 for veterans, seniors, and people with disabilities. Call Jocelyn Cooper at 209-4220119 or email jocelyncooper2012@gmail.com for more information
Restoring your car is about great care and reliable service.
Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help you unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.
The power is in your hands.