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www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 5 ® controleng.com provides new, relevant automation, controls, and instrumentation content daily, access to databases for new products and system integrators, and online training. MAY 2021 NEWSLETTER: System Integration • Circuit breaker promotes automotiveplant energy efficiency • Interoperability best practices, integration, automation, controls • Standardizing the delivery, performance of system integrators • How to resolve a conflict before it manifests itself • Spotlight on Innovation: 2021 Engineers’ Choice Awards Keep up with emerging trends: subscribe. www.controleng.com/newsletters. CFE EDU: Virtual Training Week On-Demand Get expert content on: Short-circuit protection for VFDs, Natural frequency tests, Motors and drives, Electrical safety, Arc flash, Cybersecurity, Critical power, Electrical distribution system design, Vibrationbased condition monitoring, Wireless sensors, Applying control concepts to Industry 4.0, Future of manufacturing and Open-source advantages. technology-virtual-training-weekhttps://cfeedu.cfemedia.com/learning-paths/cfe-mediaControl Engineering eBook series: System Integration Summer Edition System integration is a crucial aspect of manufacturing for control engineers and they are involved in many different aspects and to-dayinandstreamlinedmorepaniesTheyindustries.helpcom-becomeefficient,smartertheirday-operations. Featured articles in this eBook include asking questions to simplify system integration, automotive system integration and how PLCs power industrial data integration. Learn more and register to download at www.controleng.com/ebooks/. Global System Integrator Report Supplement to December Control Engineering and Plant Engineering Advice SystemintegratorscontrolautomationfromandsystemwithIntegrator of the Year for 2021, System Integrator Giants and more. www.controleng.com/GSIR EngineeringControl digital edition Tablet and digital editions provide links to more article images, text and anonline.resourcesDownloadarticleorissue PDF. www.controleng.com/magazine INNOVATIONS NEW PRODUCTS FOR ENGINEERS 45 | SaaS application development platform helps IoT/AI, Lightguiding terminal blocks, HMI control panel integrates image processing, Distributed drive system, Piezoelectric gas flow valves More New Products for Engineers: www.controleng.com/NPE. 2022 Engineers’ Choice Awards entries close May 28. BACK TO BASICS 46 | Original equipment effectiveness’ role in productive manufacturing Original equipment effectiveness (OEE) can be used as a gauge to determine how effective and productive a manufacturing plant is.

Insights on remote operations and HMIs, https://www.controleng.com/articles/insights-on-remote-operations-and-hmis/
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Five essential security functions for hybrid networks, https://www.controleng.com/articles/five-essential-security-functions-for-hybrid-networks/ Data link layer protocol examined, https://www.controleng.com/articles/data-link-layer-protocol-examined/
How open systems support end users, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-open-systems-support-end-users/ Secure remote connections, https://www.controleng.com/articles/secure-remote-connections/ The advantages of the IIoT, https://www.controleng.com/articles/the-advantages-of-the-iiot/
What the IEC 62443 standard does for industrial cybersecurity, https://www.controleng.com/articles/what-the-iec-62443-standard-does-for-industrial-cybersecurity/ Edge computing provided cost-effective upgrades, https://www.controleng.com/articles/edge-computing-provided-cost-effective-upgrades/
Intralogistics markets expand motion control use, https://www.controleng.com/articles/intralogistics-markets-expand-motion-control-use/ Securing OT systems from cybersecurity attacks, https://www.controleng.com/articles/securing-ot-systems-from-cybersecurity-attacks/
Courtesy: Adisra
How 3D LIDAR scanning adds value for industrial, manufacturing clients, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-3d-lidar-scanning-adds-value-for-industrial-manufacturing-clients/ Why cyber hygiene is needed when developing a risk-based cybersecurity approach, https://www.controleng.com/articles/why-cyber-hygiene-is-needed-when-developing-a-risk-based-cybersecurity-approach/ Smart factory acceleration in a pandemic, https://www.controleng.com/articles/smart-factory-acceleration-in-a-pandemic/
MODERN HMIS like Adisra SmartView will continue to display data, but must be capable of collecting, aggregating, correlating and analyzing many sources to create context and accelerate user decision-making. Learn more: See the first post on this page, “How to accelerate data visualization.“
Original equipment effectiveness’ role in productive manufacturing, https://www.controleng.com/articles/original-equipment-effectiveness-role-in-productive-manufacturing/ How security by design might have stopped Oldsmar HMI attack, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-security-by-design-might-have-stopped-oldsmar-hmi-attack/ Top 5 Control Engineering Articles April 12-18, 2021, https://www.controleng.com/articles/top-5-control-engineering-articles-april-12-18-2021/
Effective process control system migration: More answers, https://www.controleng.com/articles/effective-process-control-system-migration-more-answers/ Control Engineering hot topics, March 2021, https://www.controleng.com/articles/control-engineering-hot-topics-march-2021/
Standardizing the delivery, performance of system integrators, https://www.controleng.com/articles/standardizing-the-delivery-performance-of-system-integrators/ How robotic process automation helps digitally transform businesses, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-robotic-process-automation-helps-digitally-transform-businesses/
Aluminum-anode batteries offer sustainable alternative, https://www.controleng.com/articles/aluminum-anode-batteries-offer-sustainable-alternative/ Robot industry trends and potential for the future, https://www.controleng.com/articles/robot-industry-trends-and-potential-for-the-future/ Top 5 Control Engineering Articles April 5-11, 2021, https://www.controleng.com/articles/top-5-control-engineering-articles-april-5-11-2021/ Creating a threat-informed defense for a facility, https://www.controleng.com/articles/creating-a-threat-informed-defense-for-a-facility/ How hyperautomation can help manufacturers, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-hyperautomation-can-help-manufacturers/ Hannover Messe Digital Edition: Digital transformation, international collaboration, award winner, https://www.controleng.com/articles/hannover-messe-digital-edition-digital-transformation-international-collaboration-award-winner/ Addressing cybersecurity challenges through collaboration, https://www.controleng.com/articles/addressing-cybersecurity-challenges-through-collaboration/ Imaging system allows users to see UV and visible light simultaneously, https://www.controleng.com/articles/imaging-system-allows-users-to-see-uv-and-visible-light-simultaneously/ Cybersecurity is key for digital transformation, https://www.controleng.com/articles/cybersecurity-is-key-for-digital-transformation/ High-level risk assessment for cybersecurity, https://www.controleng.com/articles/high-level-risk-assessment-for-cybersecurity/ Computational tool evaluates material suitability for harsh conditions, https://www.controleng.com/articles/computational-tool-evaluates-material-suitability-for-harsh-conditions/ IIoT manufacturer receives $50 million in funding, https://www.controleng.com/articles/iiot-manufacturer-receives-50-million-in-funding/ Robots help streamline warehouse operations, https://www.controleng.com/articles/robots-help-streamline-warehouse-operations/ How MEMS actuators power emerging applications, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-mems-actuators-power-emerging-applications/
How to accelerate data visualization, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-to-accelerate-data-visualization/
Know where to start with control loop tuning, https://www.controleng.com/articles/know-where-to-start-with-control-loop-tuning/
Bridging the Smart Manufacturing gap for users, https://www.controleng.com/articles/bridging-the-smart-manufacturing-gap-for-users/

Semiconductor industry fab spending new highs, https://www.controleng.com/articles/semiconductor-industry-fab-spending-expected-to-reach-new-highs/
Low-level risk assessment for cybersecurity https://www.controleng.com/articles/low-level-risk-assessment-for-cybersecurity/
Touchless sensor, https://www.controleng.com/articles/touchless-temperature-sensor-developed/ OT cybersecure, https://www.controleng.com/articles/keeping-ot-environments-cybersecure/
AT RIGHT: SolarWinds’ impact on OT for manufacturers, Fromhttps://www.controleng.com/articles/solarwinds-impact-on-ot-for-manufacturers/ARCAdvisoryGroup; Image courtesy: Brett Sayles How MEMS sensors are changing for automotive applications, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-mems-sensors-are-changing-for-automotive-applications/ AI systems, https://www.controleng.com/articles/artificial-intelligence-center-for-engineered-systems-launched/ Edge for Industry 4.0, https://www.controleng.com/articles/edge-computings-importance-in-industry-4-0/
Throwback Attack: Lessons from the Aurora vulnerability, https://www.controleng.com/articles/throwback-attack-lessons-from-the-aurora-vulnerability/ 5G industrial automation, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-industrial-automation-can-benefit-from-5g/
Deploying digital twins on a city scale, https://www.controleng.com/articles/deploying-digital-twins-on-a-city-scale/ AI framework with active object manipulation, https://www.controleng.com/articles/ai-framework-with-active-object-manipulation-released/
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Profile specification series receives version update, https://www.controleng.com/articles/profile-specification-series-receives-version-update/
Deep-learning models code more like humans, https://www.controleng.com/articles/deep-learning-models-code-more-like-humans/ How to tune servo systems: Force control: Answers, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-to-tune-servo-systems-force-control-part-4-questions-and-answers/
Top 5 April 19-25, https://www.controleng.com/articles/top-5-control-engineering-articles-april-19-25-2021/
On pages 6 and 7 are articles posted in April 2021, in case you missed something. Links are live in theedtion,digitalat www.controleng.com/magazine.
Energy management for industrial networks, https://www.controleng.com/articles/energy-management-for-industrial-networks/ Leveraging the 5G network to wirelessly power IoT devices, https://www.controleng.com/articles/leveraging-the-5g-network-to-wirelessly-power-iot-devices/ System integration award winners announced, https://www.controleng.com/articles/system-integration-award-winners-announced/
Graphene-based biosensors for mass COVID-19 tests, https://www.controleng.com/articles/graphene-based-biosensors-used-to-develop-mass-covid-19-tests/
Protect renewable energy devices from cyberattacks, https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-to-protect-marine-renewable-energy-devices-from-cyberattacks/

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Sandi Hirschlein, marketing manager, low voltage drives, gave a preview of the Siemens online booth at ProMatDX. John Meyer, Siemens marketing communication manager, served as moderator for the media preview event.
8 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
Generally, motion controls for interior logistics applications have a 10-year lifecycle and apply to conveyers, automatic storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), and vertical lifts: scissor lifts and other lifters. Market drivers for enabling automation include global markets, push for single source provider to decrease integration and inventory, shorten delivery times, apply to varied electrical grid conditions, include seamless hardware and software, easy use over the product’s lifetime and reliability in harsh conditions. Intralogistics market includes automated guided vehicles (AGV), ASRS, conveyors, picking, palletizing, and services, and key end users are Amazon logistics and fulfillment businesses, parcels (DHL, FedEx, UPS and USPS), food and beverage and consumer package goods (CPG) including Walmart, Target and Kroger. In addition to the e-commerce boom, there’s a shortage of transport space, rising energy prices, lack of qualified staff and the need for speed, Henry said. Intralogistics markets are accelerating Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering TECHNOLOGY UPDATE
The Sinamics G115D variable frequency drive system is a distributed VFD for conveyor technology applications, and no enclosure is needed, according to Rafael Larcher, Sinamics drives product marketing manager.
rior to the pandemic, warehouse automation had been expanding at about 8% annual growth rate, but COVID-19’s demands for home deliveries increased that automation investment to 12% per year. 2020 was the largest year of shipments to date and the total market is expected to double in size from 2020 to 2026, said Craig Henry, Siemens intralogistics industry manager. In response, automation vendors have made products more flexible, easier to install and use, faster and enabled with Industry 4.0 technologies, such as advanced variable frequency drive (VFD) systems. Intralogistics is the transportation of materials inside buildings or at a location. Modern technologies move and track products and deliver information along the way, Henry said. Henry made his comments with other experts in an April 7 press briefing in advance of the ProMatDX online digital show, April 12-16, organized by MHI, the material handling, logistics and supply chain association.
The VFD has simple setup and optimized user interface via Startdrive software and with the Sinamics Smart Access Module (SAM) to connect via mobile device via Wi-Fi access, over 150 ft. WAP-2 encryption supports HTTPS. It has Profinet and EtherNet/IP industrial Ethernet protocols and safety integrated safe torque off. It integrates with Totally Integrated Automation, device to cloud architecture. Applications include conveyors, turntables or corner turntables, traveling trolleys for intralogistics, airports, automotive and food and beverage markets.
automation investments more quickly than manufacturing, Henry said, which is making incremental improvements along the way. Logistics applications are ahead in digital twin use, he said.
KEYWORDS: Intralogistics, motion control, variable frequency drives, VFD markets are accelerating automation investments. Automation vendors are making variable frequency drive systems easier to implement and use. online digital show was April 12-16 and organized by MHI, the material handling, logistics and supply chain association. are motion control accelerating your markets? Mark T. M Huge demand in warehousing, food and beverage, and other intralogistics uses expand VFD flexibility and features.
Courtesy: Siemens in a ProMatDX preview
ce Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com.
Intralogistics: Motion control use INSIGHTS
Motion control logistics applications

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Upper right: Three Pro-face SP5000X Outdoor HMI, using GP-Pro EX screen development software, were integrated into a cardboard baling
By redeveloping the screens within the new software using a larger screen size, they reduced the number of screens from six to three, simplifying the process and saving time and money for the customer. Since the display is larger, creating a larger panel cut out is simple and allowed for a quick replacement. Beyond the screen size, having a sunlight readable solution provided better visibility and accessibility for users from a distance. This unit also sustains a wide range of temperatures from -30 to 70 °C, better than the prior unit, and it uses a tempered glass screen. The project distributor was Grant Industrial, and the system integrator was Wicked Edge Automation. ce Janelle Morris is Pro-face America marketing communication manager. Robert Springer is a system integrator at Wicked Edge Automation. Arecycling center uses a human-machine interface (HMI) in its machines that controls the function of collapsing the boxes and wrapping the cardboard for delivery and distribution to multiple locations. The facility used an older HMI that had process faults, screen damage and poor visibility in direct sunlight. The original screen response was sluggish in cold temperatures, the screen scratched easily and the unit started failing 5 years after installation. The customer also needed an HMI that could work with their current programmable logic controller (PLC), provide flexibility and have a longer life expectancy in a potentially harsh environment. An outdoor-rated HMI with screen development software has extensive connectivity options that allow for integration with the customer’s existing control system. The sunlight-readable 12-in. display offered improved visibility for easy-to-read screens
Janelle Morris, Pro-face America; Robert Springer, Wicked Edge Automation
Pro-faceerreplacingmachine,sixsmall-HMIs.Courtesy:America input #7 at www.controleng.com/information
Recycling center upgrades to fewer outdoor-sunlightreadable human-machine (HMI) with larger screens.
Janelle Morris, More INSIGHTS
and its stainless-steel bezel provides outdoor ready specifications for harsh environments.

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CSIA has a separate benchmarking program to serve recruiting and retaining skilled engineering and technology talent, called the CSIA Talent Retention Toolbox. ce Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com, using info from CSIA, a CFE Media Content Partner.
The analysis includes third-quarter 2016 through second-quarter 2020 data. Among participants, 20 submitted five years of data. Report benchmarks include earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), seen as an accurate measure of a firm’s operating profitability because it excludes non-operating factors, such as interest expenses, taxes and intangible assets. Calculations include utilization based on hours and dollars, revenue per total and billable employee, days cash on-hand, labor multiplier and days in backlog. CSIA administers the program, and a third party manages the data in a secure, confidential repository. CSIA Benchmarking Committee provided analytics. CSIA advice: Efficiency, utilization CSIA offered these report observations:
• While EBITDA has decreased, it has remained positive on average. A group of companies show revenue growth and good EBITDA consistently.
Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering : Control system integrators, of system integrator financial and operational indicators is key for continuous improvement. advice includes operational efficiency, billing rates, utilization, cash flow. and retaining technology minded people is important. What benchmarks do you use ensure metrics match intent? T.
12 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
• There is room to improve, especially on the utilization metric. Specific advice includes sustaining labor rates billed to clients, including junior staff in projects to lower costs, and improving utilization. The report said, “The secret to the growth from labor revenue is not just in the rates but in the volume of labor revenue. The volume increase is reflected in the number of employees and their utilization. EBITDA is impacted by the ratio of billable to non-billableMoreemployees.”report advice is, “Smaller companies should emulate the larger companies and get their billable to non-billable ratio higher.” That includes focusing “on efficiency in management and administrative roles to reduce non-billable headcount.”
ONLINE leadingthepackwww.controlsys.org/ Mark
•Non-labor revenue is a significant consideration in the leading pack’s performance.
INTEGRATOR UPDATE System integrators are a good investment INSIGHTS KEYWORDS
A four-year financial and operational benchmark study of 26 control system integrators says “the system integration business can be a good investment,” according to the report analysis – “Leading Pack vs. the Rest – A Data Driven Story.” The 16-page white paper from the Control System Integrators Association (CSIA), underwritten by Rockwell Automation, discusses success factors that separates 16 system integrators leading the pack from the rest. The report identifies no system integrators.“Benchmarking of key financial and operational indicators is key for continuous improvement of any business,” said Jose Rivera, CSIA chief executive officer. “CSIA has provided participating system integration members with valuable and realistic benchmarking data.”
Also, system integrators should “continue to drive non-labor revenue but keep an eye on the ratio to make sure budgeting and cash flow approaches are stillCSIAcorrect.”said it hopes the report will promote interesting conversations during planning seasons. Rivera added, “The analyzed period includes the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect changes to these numbers.”
CSIA: How to recruit, retain Regarding recruiting and retaining new employees, the report says if system integrators (SIs) “can recruit fast to meet demand, they will be able to grow. A major challenge can be recruiting. Some SIs have taken the challenge seriously by developing their own recruitment machines, showing up yearafter-year at their selected schools, promoting their workplace environment and so on. Being competitive in salaries and benefits is critical.”
• Leading pack companies continue to improve operational efficiency as company size increased.
More INSIGHTSM Control personnel.engineeringretentionrecruitingasperformance,andoperationaltorsmarkingvided(CSIA)AssociationIntegratorsSystempro-bench-fac-toimprovefinancialwellasandfor
• Some companies have performed well and shown consistent revenue growth.

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Bosch Rexroth’s new subsea valve actuator SVA R2 is the world’s first electric actuator to replace conventional hydraulic cylinders in the same installation space with field-proven safety technology, and it won the Hannover Messe Hermes Award for 2021. The integrated electric control provides precise motion control. With condition monitoring and safety spring, SVA R2 achieves up to Safety Integrity Level SIL 3 according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. Courtesy: CFE Media screen capture from 2021 Hannover Messe Digital Edition
Here are some of the highlights (if reading from the digital edition, click on the headline for the full story)
14 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com NEWS
Top 5 Control Engineering Articles April 19-25, 2021 Featured articles included refining COVID19 tests, control system evolution, data visualization, automating sewage treatment and developing a SCADA master plan. Keeping OT environments cybersecure Consider these best practices from cybersecurity and manufacturing experts. How MEMS sensors are changing for automotive applications Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) sensor suppliers are responding to new opportunities created by electrified and automated vehicles by developing inertial measurement units (IMUs).
Touchless temperature sensor developed A touchless temperature sensor was developed by Rice University engineers.
FOR THE SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR, Hannover Messe was unable to have an in-person event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, at least, a virtual event was able to occur with many attendees able to experience something close to what would have been the real-life event. While not perfect, the annual event showcased a bright future for the manufacturing world. ProMat, a state-side event that used to be held in tandem with Automate every other year, also highlighted some bright points.
tions, vaccinations and testing, warning of possibility that more virulent strain might spread before the virus is contained. She said Germany is the largest international donor of vaccines at more than 2 billion, adding that the pandemic has shown a need
Dr. Jochen Köckler, chairman of the managing board, Deutsche Messe AG, announced the winner as the electric subsea valve actuator (left). See more follows about the two finalists. ce
Messe: Hermes Award
Manufacturing’s present, future on display at Hannover, ProMat for improvements in crisis prevention, resilience, supply chains, and diversification of trade. Eliminating monopolies helps, Merkel said; Germany has invested $1 billion Euro in micro electronics manufacturing.Balancingbudgetary deficits in Germany and the European Union can be helped with better use of data and digital strategies, she added.
winner, Partner nation, innovation
The 2021 Hannover Messe Digital Edition is the 74th Hannover Fair, picking up online where the cancelled 2020 exhibition left off. Online, 1250 exhibitors from 250 countries are joining 500 speakers covering topics relevant to the industry of the future, explained Stephan Weil, prime minister of Lower Saxony, the German region where the fair is Weillocated.alsowelcomed
Dr. Michael Meister, German parliamentary state secretary, said digital ecosystems create new business models and new use cases for technologies. He announced three finalists for the Hannover Messe Hermes Award as Bosch Rexroth for a new subsea valve actuator SVA R2 is the world’s first electric actuator, Phoenix Contact for NearFi technology that enables contactless transmission of energy and data, and Pilz for myPnoz, a new type of modular safety switching device with batch size of one.
Headlines online See also p. 6.
Indonesia as the 2021 partner nation and thanked Dr. Angela Merkel, German chancellor, for 15 years of attendance and support. This is Merkel’s last year in office. Indonesia, partner country for the 2021 Hannover Messe, was described as the largest maritime country in the world, with vast cultural diversity and many hardworking, adept and creative young people. The country has embraced Industry 4.0 initiatives to connect and accelerate growth. Dr. Angela Merkel, chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, praised Hannover Messe organizers for educating more than 60,000 participants in the 2021 digital platform. She praised 70 years of diplomatic relationships with Indonesia, and expressed concern for recent heavy rains and floods there on top of the pandemic.Merkel encouraged the need to get a handle on COVID-19 infections, expressing the importance of precau-

www.wago.us/IOsystem NO LIKENODES...OURNODES. THE SYSTEM THAT STARTED THE MODULAR I/O REVOLUTION • Fieldbus independent – supports 16+ protocols • 500+ digital, analog and special function I/O modules • Compact – up to 16 DI or DO in just one 12 mm wide module • XTR Series for eXTReme temperature, shock and vibration • Add-on instruction library for RSLogix 5000® software RSLogix 5000® is a registered trademark of Rockwell Automation – no endorsement or affiliation implied. SYSTEMWAGOI/O input #10 at www.controleng.com/information

3. With AI-driven robotics solutions, many time-consuming and redundant tasks of warehouse employees, like walking to find goods, can be reduced by letting sorting staff stay at workstations while robots bring the goods to them.
16 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com NEWS INSIGHTS Digital edition? Click on headlines for more details. See news daily at www.controleng.com ProMatDX: Robots streamline warehouses (intralogistics)enabledroboticssioncas,Messina,despiteeeensureintelligenceRoboticsenabledwithartificial(AI)isalow-riskoptiontosocialdistancingandemploy-safetyandallowbusinesscontinuitylaborshortages,explainedMarkchiefoperatingofficer,Ameri-Geek+America,inaProMatDXses-called“Makingtheshift:Adaptingtostreamlineyouroperations.”MessinasuggestedsevenreasonsAI-roboticshelpsinwarehouseoperations.
5. Without needing fixed guidance systems on warehouse floors (other than simple QR code stickers), implementation is easy with robots and shelving racks deliverable to almost any location at short notice.
6. Scalability platforms meet fluctuating demand, so businesses can adjust the number of workstations, robots, and working hours to meet peak periods, avoid disruptions and secure business continuation.
6. Neither do companies: 2% of an information technology is used for cybersecurity. The manufacturing skills gap is often talked about when it comes to younger workers not joining the field. There is a similar skills gap when it comes to operational technology (OT) and cybersecurity, said Dee Kimata, director cybersecurity offer management, Schneider Electric. “It’s a very niche skillset and in very high demand as OT cybersecurity attacks grow,” she said. The demand is only going to increase, she said, because malicious attackers realize going after OT is fertile ground. “More malicious actors are getting interested in the field of OT cyber, Four methods can help, Kimata said.: 1. Leverage managed service experts.
1. An increasingly unpredictable market makes it difficult to adjust logistics operations built on fixed infrastructure.
5. Most, 70%, employees don’t understand cybersecurity.
“ALL COMPANIES WANT to leverage digital solutions in the digital transformation journey. To do that, companies need to address cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the foundation for digital transformation,” said Tom Marshall, global cybersecurity marketing manager, Schneider Electric, in the presentation “Cybersecurity – Solutions for operational resiliency.” Many companies either don’t realize the risks and are leaving themselves open to attack. Marshall cited some alarming stats including: 1. A ransomware attack occurs every 14 seconds.
2. Almost 50 days typically pass between breach discovery and reporting dates
4. Robots that are controlled by software that manages movements with intelligent scheduling and task distribution can flexibly move to and from the shelves of ordered goods autonomously, which streamlines operations.
HANNOVER: Cybersecurity is key for digital transformation
7. AI-driven robots are a good investment as it allows businesses to scale operations in line with business growth and avoid slow return on investments (ROIs) that can be characterized by some big-iron, bolted to the floor storage and motion control, like static shelving and conveyors. ce Compiled and edited from articles written by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, CFE Media; Chris Vavra, web content manager, CFE Media.
2. Start with cybersecurity controls and best practices with the biggest impact. 3. Create a multi-year strategy to improve risk posture year-over-year. 4. Address the basics to mitigate most risks. This requires culture change and more cybersecurity expertise to counter small budgets and bolder attackers. ce
3. More than 90% of malware is spread by email. 4. The average cybersecurity breach costs $3.8 million.
2. Robotics and AI bring flexibility to the supply chain.
Cybersecurity awareness and vigilance remain a problem with many companies not sufficiently funded or aware of what needs to be done to stop a cyber attack.
Courtesy: CFE Media screen capture from 2021 Hannover Messe Digital Edition

Control loops benefit more than control systems 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite 325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-571-4070, Fax 630-214-4504 ®
Jack Smith, Content Manager 630-571-4070, x2230, JSmith@CFEMedia.com
Carrier offers more about system dynamics: https://tinyurl.com/yafmbdqe.
Gary Cohen, Senior GCohen@CFEMedia.comEditor Chris Vavra, Web Content Manager CVavra@CFEMedia.com
Suzanne Gill, Control Engineering Europe suzanne.gill@imlgroup.co.uk Ekaterina Kosareva, Control Engineering Russia ekaterina.kosareva@fsmedia.ru Agata Abramczyk, Control Engineering Poland agata.abramczyk@trademedia.pl Lukáš Smelík, Control Engineering Czech Republic lukas.smelik@trademedia.cz
Observe, orient, decide, act Col. John Boyd’s concept of observe, orient, decide and act (O-O-D-A) can be applied to a broad range of applications, Carrier said. Korean war fighter jets from the U.S. performed better because the pilots had better visibility, showing better visibility mattered more than better performance attributes such as speed, thrust and turning radius. Investing in technologies to improve observation, visibility or transparency can produce rapid positive results. To change a system, an organization has to change its mental models – the way the people in the organization think. Better to change the action (by providing new data or work habits) and how the work is done, then the models change as a result. That works better than explaining the need for change, Carrier said. Technology provides better observation by getting data where needed for rapid analysis. Think again if you consider control concepts only for automation; accelerate your organization’s implementations of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things architectures. ce Missing feedback loops could improve performance if those loops were closed. Learn how your automation knowledge can help others.
Emily Guenther, Director of Interactive Media 630-571-4070, x2229, eguenther@CFEMedia.com
Contributing Content Specialists
Frank Lamb, founder and owner Automation Consulting LLC, www.automationllc.com
CFE Media and Technology Contributor Guidelines Overview Content For Engineers (CFE) is what CFE Media stands for, and what CFE Media is all about –engineers sharing with peers. We welcome content submissions for all interested parties in engineering. We will use those materials online, on our website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers informed about the products, solutions and industry trends. www.controleng.com/contribute explains how to submit press releases, products, images, feature articles, case studies, white papers, and other media. Three tips for content submission
3. To help with planning, deadlines for feature topics for print magazines are at least two months in advance of the publication date. It is best to discuss all feature articles with the appropriate content manager prior to submission. Learn more at: www.controleng.com/contribute
Aileen Jin, Control Engineering China aileenjin@cechina.cn Editorial Advisory Board www.controleng.com/EAB Doug Bell, president, InterConnecting Automation, www.interconnectingautomation.com
2. After meeting criteria noted in guidelines, expect to see the content first on our Websites. Content for our e-newsletters comes from what’s already posted on our Websites. All content for print also will be online. All content that appears in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and we will indicate in print if more content from that article is available online.
David Bishop, chairman and a founder Matrix Technologies, www.matrixti.com
C whenofimprovelosingfeedbackloopscanperformanceoutsidetraditionalcontrolsystems,appliedtootherareas of operations, organizations, and supply chains, suggested Dr. John F. Carrier, Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics Group, MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Carrier’s presentation, “Applying Control Concepts to the Adoption of Industry 4.0,” was among 17 professional development hour sessions in the CFE Media and Technology spring Virtual Training Week, March 29 to April 2. The presentations are available for viewing on Carrierdemand.used examples to show how controls and automation expertise can help the world, which is filled with open feedback loops that could improve performance if the loops were closed. Deadtime can hinder progress. Technology advances have decreased the cost of controls, resulting in less than $100 for a control loop with sensors and a stack platform for the Industrial Internet of Things Carrier(IIoT).said many automation concepts can help in other applications. These include observability, controllability, system time constant, stability, inventory of dead time, model data, model invalidation, inverse response, and synchronization. Sensors and appropriate logic devices help to detect the state of the system prior to the consequence. For example, when the stopping distance of a bicycle exceeds the visual distance of bicycle light, events that normally would be avoided, now come into play, ultimately resulting in tragic consequences. Loss of observability can create industrial accidents, Carrier said. Quickly understandable human-machine interfaces (HMIs) connected to control systems can extend control engineer knowledge to the people who work in the plant, he suggested. Loss of controllability can be prevented with effective remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, machine learning, digital twins and education. Time constants extended to the organization level can be explained by a Jack Welch quote: If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the insides, the end [of your system or organization] is near.
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 17
1. Focus content on helping engineers solve problems. Articles that are commercial or are critical of other products or organizations will be rejected. (Technology discussions and comparative tables may be accepted if non-promotional and if contributor corroborates information with sources cited.)
Amanda Pelliccione, Director of Research 978-302-3463, APelliccione@CFEMedia.com
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Content Specialists/Editorial Mark T. Hoske, Content Manager 630-571-4070, x2227, MHoske@CFEMedia.com
Joe Martin, president and founder Martin Control Systems, www.martincsi.com
Daniel E. Capano, senior project manager, Gannett Fleming Engineers and Architects, www.gannettfleming.com
Rick Pierro, president and co-founder Superior Controls, www.superiorcontrols.com
Mark Voigtmann, partner, automation practice lead Faegre Baker Daniels, www.FaegreBD.com
THINK AGAIN Get more advice with this online Think Again and Day 5 Spring 2021 Virtual Training Week.

E -commerce continues to grow at a 25% annual rate, according to Honeywell Intelligrated. There’s a catch: For every six jobs created, there is only one worker available and only 20% of candidates have the necessary skills. These statistics underscore the labor challenges facing retailers and distribution centers (DCs) in a hyper-competitive market. For these reasons, many intralogistics operations are leveraging technological advances to accelerate digital transformations and maximize DC efficiency and productivity. A connected distribution center platform combines asset monitoring, warehouse execution and labor management software with advanced automation and robotic solutions to help resolve the skills gap.
The concept of a connected distribution center is the driving force behind the development of all automation and material handling solutions – from software to conveying and sortation equipment. Examples include the modular goods-to-robot (GTR) and goods-to-operator (GTO) workstations and a fourthgeneration PC-based machine control platform.
James Figy, Beckhoff Automation
Taking control of intralogistics ANSWERS
Using scalable Beckhoff Embedded PCs and EtherCAT I/O for the Honeywell Intelligrated Momentum Machine Control (MC4) controls platform provided performance advantages and cost savings. Images courtesy: Beckhoff Automation
“Compared to legacy platforms, [the new PCbased architecture] allows us to design in functionality that customers want, including focused and intentional data acquisition,” said Jason Johnson, senior manager of machine control development, Honeywell Intelligrated. Both systems’ capabilities draw on the advances of robotics and many shuttle, palletizing and gapping solutions. Implementing a connected infrastructure across a conglomerate with multiple product families was no small task. To strengthen DCs facing labor shortages and increasing e-commerce technology demands, EtherCAT- and PC-based automation are used.
“The purpose of our connected suite is to aggregate data in real time to optimize worker productivity, improve operational reliability and streamline performance through automation. In doing so, we’re connecting people, equipment and automation systems to key performance indicators (KPIs) such as uptime, throughput and profitability,” said Joe Joice, VP of business development for Honeywell Intelligrated, a system integrator and machine builder.
The current workstation iteration uses a cell that features an articulated robot equipped with grippers designed for efficient and precise material handling. Shuttles in the automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) deliver items either to the robot or operator. To ensure robots can complete all actions, the workstations require automation technologies that integrate with legacy technologies in the warehouse. They need to support the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies and increased data acquisition – all underpinnings of a connected infrastructure. Implementing automated processes, such as a GTR, can help customers increase reliability, improve equipment utilization and maximize productivity.Thecontrol platform required flexible software, Case study: Distribution center boosts device connectivity and networking capabilities with PC control and EtherCAT; controller hardware costs fell 50%.
“The flexible workstations support picking, replenishment or quality control operations, as well as other value-added services, while maintaining a compact footprint,” said Joice, who oversaw GTR development. “Traditionally, an associate would handle the products arriving in totes, but as robotics become more common in the workplace to increase efficiency and offset the shortage of workers, workstations need the flexibility for robots to complete these tasks. Our system transcends those two different inputs.”
Robots help at fulfillment centers GTR workstations improve fulfillment operations for companies across multiple industries. Applications range from DCs for third-party logistics (3PL) providers, e-commerce fulfillment centers and manufacturing for food and beverage companies.
18 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com

The engineering team has standardized on a series of embedded PCs using quad-core processors. “The performance capability per dollar spent is optimal, and we don’t have to worry about running out of bandwidth,” Johnson said. “The DIN rail-mounted IPCs are capable in harsh warehouse environments and sit in the same control cabinet as the I/O, drives and other components. As a result, we no longer have to install PC-based controllers in the IT space and also don’t have the added expense of separate cabinets.”
In addition to EtherCAT I/O modules, distributed EtherCAT Box modules offered the same highspeed communication in an IP67 form factor, making it suited to the GTR and to conveying systems that span across warehouses. The workstations also integrate certified functional safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) communication via the standard network.
“Honeywell highly prioritizes safety – employee safety, equipment safety and environmental safety. The ability to add safety features within the same network that’s in the field will become more critical,” Joice said.
PC-based hardware, software upgrades
Johnson said, “We can get significantly more information from field devices without impacting network performance, which helps us achieve the goals of a connected distribution center.”
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 19
hardware and networking technologies. The PCbased solution includes machine control and IIoTenabled data acquisition to provide key insights for the many offerings of a connected distribution center platform. Most fieldbus and industrial Ethernet technologies experience performance issues when sending large quantities of data and don’t work well in mixed-architecture environments. “Retrofits comprise a large portion of our business,” Johnson said. “Whether we installed the system or another company did, we have to support a wide range of protocols with open communication.”
Despite already using PC-based solutions from a previous vendor for legacy control platforms, hardware limitations prevented broader implementation of the new PC-based architecture. These hardware offerings did not support distributed control architectures, and they were cost-prohibitive. One server-class solution could not be installed on the warehouse floor and was managed by customers’ IT departments, adding maintenance expenses. Another PC could be installed near the equipment but required expensive, air-conditioned cabinets, isolated from the other components.
GTR workstations have smaller embedded PCs, and the GTO versions include multi-touch control panels for the operator interface. Joice said IPCs and EtherCAT’s open connectivity can boost intralogistics’ capabilities to send feedback from sensors to the cloud or other higher-level systems and show performance and production figures in real time. This flexibility extends to the automation software. The engineering and runtime software packages in the software empower engineers to create applications that handle Big Data, pattern recognition and condition or power monitoring, programmable logic controller (PLC) and motion control tasks. The soft-
COVER: Multi-touch Control Panels from Beckhoff provide HMI hardware for diverse intralogistics applications.
GTO workstations support picking, replenishment or quality control operations with flexible PC-based control and EtherCAT technologies. The current workstation iteration uses a cell provided by Soft Robotics that features an articulated robot equipped with grippers designed for efficient and precise material handling.
EtherCAT enabled more modular designs of the GTR workstations. “EtherCAT helps us keep the cost down per station and implement future expansion capabilities at a lower cost to the end user,” Joice said.
Johnson and his team evaluated the high-speed, deterministic EtherCAT industrial Ethernet system and related automation technologies. EtherCAT allows systems to connect to DC equipment built on other networks, including EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Profibus, DeviceNet and others by adding appropriate EtherCAT couplers and gateways.

20 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
connect current
improve operations due to labor shortages. This
The system integrator collaborates with the automation vendor’s engineers, which is crucial from research and development through commissioning and troubleshooting. ce James Figy, senior content specialist, Beckhoff Automation LLC. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com.
ware offers free IEC 61131-3 programming languages and object-oriented extensions, computer science languages found in Microsoft Visual Studio, built-in function blocks and other options in the graphical editor. The GTR workstations rely on the automation software for real-time control. During configuration, designs benefit from automation device specification (ADS), a device and fieldbus-neutral interface that enables automatic detection and addressing of devices, saving engineering time.
Effective e-commerce, results Implementing PC-based automation technologies provided several advantages such as increased flexibility, scalability and connectivity. This allowed the company to provide the greater functionality and the data their customers need to help them offset labor challenges and reduce engineering requirements. These advantages, according to Joice, enable the GTR solution to scale up based on demand. “With the expandable control platform and EtherCAT, we can install a central station and then add multiple distributed locations for associates or more robots to increase capacity. That gives flexibility to our customers, whether it’s a multi-billion-dollar e-commerce company or a start-up trying to increase output for e-commerce, order fulfillment or manufacturing,” Joice said. For the new PC-based system, these automation solutions prove most reliable and cost-effective, according to Johnson, who has installed more than 80 of this vendor’s IPCs to run in their offering over the past five-plus years without failures ... except for “one where an entire cabinet was destroyed by an errant fork truck,” he said. “Since we don’t have to use air-conditioned cabinets or install PCs in the IT space, this IPC technology saved us upwards of 50% in hardware costs, even over PLCs. Our customers like these embedded PCs because they look similar to a PLC. Although some are uncertain about transitioning from legacy PLC technology, they mainly care about performance and uptime. Both are industrial-grade machine controllers with an operating system, but unlike hardware PLCs, PC-based control is cost-effective, flexible and transparent.”
ONLINE For more information: www.intelligrated.com CONSIDER THIS What benefits could your facility gain from a connected PC-based control architecture? More ANSWERSM
KEYWORDS: EtherCAT, connected distribution center, system integration e-commerce distributor used EtherCAT- and PC-based to allowed the company to and legacy reduce solution software and equipment costs.
equipment and
strains on overall bandwidth. The
The MC4 PC-based control platform from Honeywell Intelligrated furthers The Connected Distribution Center concept, which connects hardware with KPIs to improve performance, reliability and maintainability. Courtesy: Beckhoff
provided savings for hardware,

NEW i550 protec frequency inverter for decentralized operations. The i550 protec is exceptionally tough. Its NEMA 4X (IP66) protection rating makes it suitable for even the most demanding applications. Whether dusty or wet, indoors or outdoors – it can handle it all. The housing protects the technology – and performance remains excellent no matter the conditions. Offering a compact design, it’s also the first decentralized drive in the market with IO-Link Device Interface.
www.Lenze.com The choice for harsh environments input #11 at www.controleng.com/information

igital systems are wonderful when they are working, which is most of the time. However, many people have experienced the need to reboot or repair a mobile device, a PC, or something more important when digital controls stopped functioning. Sometimes these problems are a minor nuisance or cause minimal productivity loss, but for critical systems such failures have far greater consequences. Industrial automation systems are built to churn out product, minimize waste, protect equipment, and keep workers safe—and must do so for long periods of time with minimal attention. One definition of resiliency is the ability to adjust or recover to change or adversity. Most would agree automation system resiliency is desirable, but how is this best accomplished and at what cost?
• Picking products designed to survive the target environment, which may experience extremes of temperature, moisture, contaminants, electrical noise, and other hazards.
Knowing about practical automation products and practices can help designers find the right balance among resiliency, cost, and complexity. Products, practices help with designs
mentation refers to the sensors used for condition monitoring. Controls include the hardware and programming needed for an automation system to act on physical equipment, and extends to the networking of programmable logic controllers (PLCs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), and other components commonly used for industrial automation.
• Looking for relevant industry certifications such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).
Many industries group the electrical, instrumentation, and controls (EIC) design disciplines because they are closely related. Electrical involves power distribution and wiring systems. Instru-
Intelligent EIC design is necessary for reliable and resilient automation of industrial equipment and processes, and it spans many aspects of each project. EIC product selections should consider:
• Choosing devices with attributes or design features enabling them to excel under problematic conditions.
AutomationDirect CONTROL SYSTEMS
Designers can also select devices that offer additional built-in protections against the specific challenges faced in industrial environments, a major one being electrical noise. Standard single-ended PLC input/output (I/O) modules use the simplest and least expensive signaling method but may not operate as expected when there are nearby devices like welders, transformers, generators, and variable frequency motor drives creating large amounts of electrical noise. By choosing modules offering difIntegrating resilient automation benefits most industrial applications.
Because automation systems are built from unique but interrelated sensors, wiring, power distribution, controllers, networks, software, and much more, the best-fit resiliency solution for any application involves many considerations and tradeoffs.
Automation built for resiliency ANSWERS
Bill Dehner,
Margin of reliability for automation
22 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
Depending on the device type, operating characteristics like voltage, and the application where it will be used, there are many rating agencies that provide third-party certifications or standards. Choosing a device with a UL rating for industrial automation use, or an ABS rating for shipboard use, provides additional assurance of dependability.
Figure 1: The AutomationDirect ProductivityOpen industrial controller platform has been subjected to extreme tests, like the cold operating environment shown here, to ensure it will perform reliably within rated conditions. All images courtesy: AutomationDirect
Designers often determine worst-case operating environments which a device would encounter. However, choosing devices which have been tested by suppliers to survive over and above the expected operating condition extremes provides an extra margin of reliability (Figure 1).
• Ensuring product suppliers maintain a strong focus on testing devices under adverse conditions.

www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 23
CONSIDER THIS Should your next automation design build in more resiliency?
Figure 2: Differential I/O, offered with some
Resilient systems are designed and built using reliable products, and in some cases by applying redundant configurations. There is no point attempting to create a resilient system from unreliable parts. And even when devices offer the necessary reliability, there are design, redundancy, and installation practices which can improve system resiliency. Redundancy, which is the duplication of system elements to increase dependability, can be a key strategy, implemented in varying degrees for each part of an EIC system. However, redundancy adds cost, devices and implementation effort, and it may not be practical for smaller systems. For the most critical systems, power can be supplied by primary and secondary circuits, with or without automatic switchover in case one circuit fails. Dual circuits also improve the ability of personnel to service the power feeds. Many automation systems incorporate an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) in key locations such as control panels. A UPS can provide ac or dc power to downstream equipment if the upstream power supply fails. Also, a UPS provides a degree of power quality filtering for downstream devices and can signal the control system if there is a problem so users can respond. AC surge protection, particularly for power and instrumentation conductors, protects expensive electronic devices from utility power surges or lightning events. Devices, cables, and connectors must be installed in enclosures and raceways to provide mechanical protection, vibration resistance, and even electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency (RF) shielding in certain cases. EMI and RF are particularly problematic for low voltage digital communication and signaling wire and cable, so those circuits must be designed and installed to provide distance from noisegenerating power circuits. Fiberglass enclosures can protect devices from the elements, but a grounded ferrous steel enclosure provides additional EMI/RF protection for those devices. At critical measurement locations, two instruments can be installed for redundancy. Sometimes the instruments are identical, but it is even better to install different technologies. Two-out-of-three configurations provide an even greater measurement reliability. For instance, an important tank level can be gauged with a primary ultrasonic transmitter and a secondary submersible transmitter, with additional protection provided by high and low float switches. Industrial PLCs are extremely reliable and some platforms offer processor redundancy. For many medium and small systems, the expense and complexity of redundant PLCs is not warranted.
It can be more productive to focus on industrial networks as these are more susceptible to failure because they extend outside of protected control cabinets, sometimes for extended distances, and often in challenging plant environments. With the right devices, it is possible to design networks in a self-healing ring configuration. The ring is installed in a path through the equipment or facility, and it can withstand a single point of failure and notify operators if there is a problem. This allows resolution of the issue before a second failure occurs, which could render the network inoperable.ce Bill Dehner is technical marketing engineer, AutomationDirect. Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com.
ferential I/O, signal accuracy is safeguarded by cancelling out any electrical noise induced on the line in these high EMI environments (Figure 2). Reliable products can only deliver robust automation systems when they are implemented using good practices. Even for general automation, designers should follow codes like the National Electrical Code (NEC), along with standards such as ANSI and ISA, to ensure minimum requirements are met. Individual design practices applied piecewise to specific areas may not provide the best overall reliability. Codes, standards, and specifications are often based on the minimums required to meet basic safety and performance needs. Designers must approach resiliency at both the micro and the macro level.
Reliability, redundancy, resiliency
KEYWORDS: Automation resiliency, electrical resiliency, redundant design Get help with products and practices to make electrical, instrumentation and controls designs more resilient. Consider margin of reliability in automation designs. Also look at actuators and programming when considering automation resilience.
ONLINE More on networking, HMIs, programming resiliency

Tadiran Batteries 2001 Marcus Ave. Suite 125E Lake Success, NY 11042 1-800-537-1368 516-621-4980 www.tadiranbat.com PROVEN 40 YEAR OPERATING LIFE * Remote wireless devices connected to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) run on Tadiran bobbin-type LiSOCl2 batteries. Our batteries offer a winning combination: a patented hybrid layer capacitor (HLC) that delivers the high pulses required for two-way wireless communications; the widest temperature range of all; and the lowest self-discharge rate (0.7% per year), enabling our cells to last up to 4 times longer than the competition. Looking to have your remote wireless device complete a 40-year marathon? Then team up with Tadiran batteries that last a lifetime. * Tadiran LiSOCL2 batteries feature the lowest annual self-discharge rate of any competitive battery, less than 1% per year, enabling these batteries to operate over 40 years depending on device operating usage. However, this is not an expressed or implied warranty, as each application differs in terms of annual energy consumption and/or operating environment. IIoT devices run longer on Tadiran batteries. ANNUAL SELF-DISCHARGE TADIRAN 0.7% Up to 3% COMPETITORS input #12 at www.controleng.com/information

Glenn Schulz, FDT Group 4.0 MOBILITY Industry 4.0: Mobilizing secure, real-time remote operations ANSWERS
The web user interface (UI) with FDT 3.0 allows device-type managers (DTMs) to be opened in any browser, including mobile devices carried by field personnel. Manufacturers can utilize the technology’s standardized mobility platform as part of their service functionality, helping site engineers solve problems with remote assistance. At the same time, FDT web services provides a standardized mobile access approach utilizing browsers, apps, standalone applications, or anything else capable of interfacing via web sockets. Users can take advantage of standard browsers to gain access to FDT-enabled systems, or write custom apps and programs.
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 25
Mobility technology can improve Industry 4.0 by providing environment and empowering an intelligent enterprise. Courtesy: FDT Group
With apps employing FDT web services, for example, mobile devices can be used to carry out daily maintenance activities. FDT data is brought closer to the engineer or technician. This enables troubleshooting and monitoring instruments’ critical operating parameters to be performed remotely to ensure they are functioning according to specification.TheFDT 3.0 standard also offers cybersecurity protection with consumer-grade transport layer security (TLS) implementations. Data packets are are encrypted and provide both authentication and message-integrity protection. The security features also enable authorization of all mobile devices connected to the server. This technique not only verifies an authorized device communicating with the server, but also verifies authorized users of Mobility technology is transforming the smart manufacturing and improving Industry 4.0 by providing environment and empowering an intelligent enterprise through a smart, connected automation ecosystem.
Mobilityproblems.technology is transforming the smart manufacturing environment. This trend is accelerated by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 initiatives, whose goals include empowering an intelligent enterprise through a smart, connected automation ecosystem. FDT Group continues to advance its open standard for enterprise-wide network and asset integration. The organization is dedicated to meeting the requirements for mobilizing real-time remote connectivity and operation on the industrial shop floor and in the field. Its goal is to enable automation end users to employ the functionality they appreciate in the FDT integration standard on all of the leading mobile platforms. This mobility integration will provide access to additional data with flexible deployment options.
oday’s plant or factory operator has become a multi-faceted, dataempowered, critical facet of the manufacturing process who is able to leverage data from many sources, make objective decisions based on complex, real-time information, and understand the system to solve

’ input #13 at www.controleng.com/information
More ANSWERSM ‘Security features enable authorization of all mobile devices connected
ONLINE EXTRA For more information, www.fdtgroup.org/innovationvisit: to the server. It verifies users the itself.
KEYWORDS: Industry 4.0, remote operations Mobility technology is transforming the smart manufacturing environment. Mobility and asset integration provides flexible options for users. Role-based security helps determine the user’s role and rights.
MOVE SECURELY INTO THE CLOUD FIELD TO CLOUD CONNECTION • IIoT-ready with Sparkplug, native MQTT and TLS encryption • Built-in VPN and Firewall for increased network security • Run Docker Containers in parallel with PLC logic • Interface with existing controls via onboard fieldbus gateways SECURITYBUILT-IN www.wago.us/IIoT IIoT_CE_Half Page.indd 1 4/15/21 2:57 PM ANSWERS the device itself. Role-based security is employed to determine the user’s role and rights within the application as part of a multi-layered, defense-indepth security strategy. From business decision-making to process workflows, user interfaces, and proactive maintenance, new utilizations of mobile devices and apps are drastically changing the way manufacturing getsThedone.FDT standard maintains its core communication, lifecycle and diagnostic capabilities, but now offers secure, real-time remote access to data through mobile devices and web sockets so that other applications can take part in the exchange of information. ce Glenn Schulz, managing director at FDT Group, a CFE Media content partner. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com. INDUSTRY 4.0 MOBILITY
ONLINE Read this article online to watch a short video from the author explaining the benefits further.
verifies an authorized device communicating with the server and
CONSIDER THIS What benefits can you gain from remote operations and Industry 4.0?

1. Converting: Simpler machines, speed One of TSN’s key features is it can bring great benefits to manufacturers is its ability to synchronize all network devices with high accuracy, especially when used with gigabit bandwidth. As a result, it is possible to ensure deterministic communications for time-critical high-speed applications, such as motion control.
KEYWORDS: timesensitive networking, machine networkingTime-sensitivedesign(TSN) helps enable Industry 4.0 applications and improves data transfer. TSN can help simplify machine design and improve transparency and productivity. TSN offers comprehensive solutions when combined with open technology.network ONLINE Read more about TSN and Industry 4.0 applications www.controleng.com.at
4. Semiconductor: More integration Synchronicity and traffic prioritization are also key to combining different types of process control on one network and effectively handling different recipes and activities across multiple machines and stations. TSN can support the semiconductor industry, which is characterized by numerous processing stages, all requiring process, discrete and motion control, along with integration of robots and IT systems. TSNbased networks allow businesses to mix time-critical data for high-performance, high-speed motion control with slower, less time-dependent traffic, e.g. for machine vision process monitoring. Furthermore, manufacturers are given the opportunity to integrate auxiliary systems into their process and associated networks. Semiconductor producers can enhance flexibility in network architecture and in processes.
3. Better quality automotive assembly TSN technology, particularly when combined with gigabit bandwidth, can also push manufacturing facilities to speed up their production processes, whilst ensuring determinism. This can be particularly useful for automotive assembly plants. These facilities are responsible for the production of a wide variety of models, each characterized by different trim levels. Such manufacturing systems handle large amounts of data generated in real time during the assembly of various car parts. In this way, manufacturers can ensure the different combinations of possible model variations do not slow down cycle times and the allocated parts are fitted correctly on the right models, at the right time, in a traceable manner.
Thomas Burke, CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) NETWORKING (TSN) 4 ways TSN boosts productivity ANSWERS
When this feature is adopted in networks used in the converting industry, plants can achieve accurate synchronization between multiple axes on a machine. By being able to control the motion of many different axes simultaneously over one network, facilities can optimize product quality and production processes as well as increasing flexibility of architectures and machines, while simplifying mechanical set up. The result is less retooling time and more product yield.
TSN offers comprehensive solutions when combined with an open network technology that offers high bandwidth. Businesses can handle the large volume of data Industry 4.0 applications will generate and enhance network reliability, productivity and quality assurance strategies. With TSN, manufacturers can find a key solution to boost processes. ce Thomas Burke, global strategic advisor, CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA). Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com.
Time-sensitive networking simplifies machine design, improve transparency.
Accurate and precise time synchronization, as offered by TSN technology, is also extremely important when transparency and traceability are crucial. The success of sensitive industries, such as food & beverage, relies heavily upon key process data, which need to be monitored to ensure product quality and compliance with relevant regulations or good manufacturing practices. These data require accurate timestamps that support visibility within the network and throughout the production process, eliminating any “blind spot” where issues can grow unnoticed. A fully synchronized TSN device network can support precise timestamping for timing analysis so food & beverage facilities can rely on a high degree of traceability and guarantee product quality and safety.
2. Food, bev: transparency, traceability
ime-sensitive networking (TSN) can help enable Industry 4.0 applications and bring data transfer to the next level. While TSN adoption is still in its early stages, with future-oriented businesses picking up the pace, this technology holds enormous potential for numerous manufacturing sectors in four ways:
Automotive companies can use TSN to build production lines ensure short cycle times, as the technology combines advanced synchronization with traffic prioritization capabilities. The latter allow the network to deliver time-critical traffic exactly when needed, while allowing less critical traffic to co-exist on the network. Total cost of ownership can be reduced, since multiple types of network can now be combined onto one hierarchy. The result is higher performance, lowered costs, simplified maintenance, and better quality vehicles.
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 27 T
CONSIDER THIS What benefits could your facility gain from TSN?

Work on the first version of the specification has made decent progress over the past year, despite COVID-19 restrictions. The basic concepts for the controller-to-controller (C2C) use case have been OPC UA uses Ethernet Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer (APL) for controller-to-controller networking. Goal: interoperability.
Figure 1: OPC UA can operate as an integrated communication solution down to the field level. All graphics courtesy: OPC Foundation
Controller-to-controller prototypes
Peter Lutz, OPC Foundation TSN, APL
The FLC Initiative published a 40-page technical paper detailing the technical approach and basic concepts for expanding OPC UA to the field level for the various requirements and use cases in factory and process automation. At SPS 2018, in Nuremberg, Germany, the FLC initiative was founded under the umbrella of the OPC Foundation. As of March, 2021, 27 companies, including the largest automation manufacturers in the world, have joined the initiative’s steering committee, supporting it financially and with personnel and technical know-how. The common goal is to expand the scope of OPC UA down to the field level and to establish OPC UA as a uniform and consistent communication standard in factory and process automation (Figure 1). In the technical working groups, which are open to all OPC Foundation members, more than 300 experts from more than 60 companies are working to develop appropriate concepts and specifications.
O PC Foundation’s OPC UA (Unified Architecture) continues to expand, using Ethernet time-sensitive networking (TSN) and the Ethernet advanced physical layer (APL) and controller-tocontroller communications as part of planned standard industrial interoperability connectivity.
28 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
Two years after the launch in November 2018, the Field Level Communications (FLC) Initiative of the OPC Foundation has completed the initial Release Candidate for OPC UA-based Field eXchange (UAFX) for the “controller-to-controller” use case. This marked an important milestone in establishing OPC UA as a standardized industrial interoperability solution at the field level, taking advantage of key technologies, such as Ethernet TSN and Ethernet-APL.
OPC UA: wider communicationscontrollerwithTSN, APL ANSWERS

• Part 82 (OPC 10000-82) describes network services such as topology detection and time synchronization.
Figure 3: An OPC UA-based forincludearchitecturesystemcanextensionsthefieldlevel.
Work on a safety specification for OPC UA (OPC UA Safety) also is very advanced. The first OPC UA Safety specification, based on client/server mechanisms, arose from a Joint Working Group with Profibus & Profinet International (PI), was adopted in November, 2019 (Part 15, OPC 10000-15). Revisions to the OPC UA Safety specification describe extensions for OPC UA publish/subscribe and the parameterization of safety participants. With the OPC UA
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 29 developed and incorporated into the first draft specifications. A first release candidate was completed in November 2020. Prototypes have been implemented to validate the draft specifications. A working group is developing test specifications, which are being converted into test cases for the OPC UA Compliance Test Tool (UACTT).
In a second version of the specification, the already developed concepts will be extended for controller-todevice (C2D) and device-to-device (D2D) use cases, so OPC UA can be used as a uniform and consistent means of communication across all automation levels (Figure 2). This opens up new possibilities, especially for different Industry 4.0 application scenarios and information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) (IT/OT) convergence. At the field level: System architecture The extensions specified by the FLC Initiative are based on the OPC UA Framework (IEC 62541), which enables a secure and reliable, manufacturer and platform-independent, information exchange (Figure 3). Controllers and field devices support both, the connection-oriented client/server communication model and the publish/subscribe extensions, which are indispensable for communication at the field level due to the corresponding requirements for flexibility, efficiency and determinism. Security mechanisms specified in OPC UA also are used, which, among other things, support authentication. Authentication involves data signing and encryption for transport, which can be used for client/server and publish/subscribe communication relationships. The initial release candidate of the FLC initiative, completed in November, 2020, consists of four specification parts (OPC UA Parts 80-83) and focuses on C2C communication (controller-tocontroller) for the exchange of process and configuration data by means of peer-to peer-connections and a basic diagnosis: • Part 80 (OPC 10000-80) includes an introduction and provides an overview of the basic concepts for expanding OPC UA for communication with and at the field level.
Figure 2: Use cases for OPC UA are shown with the extensions for the field level (controller-tocontroller C2C, controller-to-device C2D and device-to-device D2D).
• Part 83 (OPC 10000-83) describes the data structures for the exchange of information required for offline engineering using descriptors and descriptor packages.
• Part 81 (OPC 10000-81) specifies the basic information model for controllers and field devices (automation components) and the communication concepts to meet the various use cases and requirements of factory and process automation.

safety concept, safe participants can be dynamically integrated into communications using a unique identification, even if a machine or system is in operation.Progress also can be reported with regard to OPC UA Motion. A working group has been developing an OPC UA-based Motion specification since mid-2020. OPC UA Motion comprises the specification of motion control functions for various types of motion devices such as controllers, standard drives, frequency converters and servo drives. The FLC Steering Committee has agreed to base the work on the CIP motion and Sercos specifications and to adapt them to the OPC UA information modeling and system architecture, accounting for relevant Industry 4.0 use cases. As with OPC UA Safety, using existing concepts and specifications for OPC UA Motion accelerates specification work. OPC UA with TSN, APL and 5G
Ethernet-APL and Ethernet TSN also will enable controllerto-device and communications.device-to-device
ONLINE www.opcfoundation.org/flc If reading from the digital edition, click on the headline for more, including another graphic and ethernetnetworking-and-security/www.controleng.com/magazinewww.controleng.com/links.
An FLC working group is working out which TSN sub-standards shall be mandatory for OPC UA-based end devices and infrastructure components to meet the specified requirements for performance, flexibility and ease-of-use. The OPC Foundation has given a clear commitment to the TSN-IA (Industrial Automation) profile, which is being developed by the IEC/IEEE 60802 Working Group. For this reason, the OPC Foundation has entered into liaison agreements with the standardization bodies IEC SC65C and IEEE 802.1.
30 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com ANSWERS
ETHERNET TSN, APL Figure 4: cloud.sensorshownwithinteroperabilitySemanticOPCUAisfromthetothe
Ethernet-APL describes a physical layer for Ethernet specially developed for the requirements of the process industry. Ethernet-APL enables data transmission at high speeds over long distances, the supply of energy and data via a common, twisted 2-wire cable, and protective measures for safe use in hazardous areas. Ethernet-APL may be used to enable OPC UA and other Ethernet-based protocols in the process industry. The OPC Foundation joined the Ethernet-APL Project in June, 2020 to develop and promote APL with other non-profit organizations and various industrial partners. Data exchange via OPC UA is not limited to wired or wireless Ethernet communication. Support for the 5G mobile communications standard is among OPC Foundation’s development plans. 5G mapping will be seamlessly integrated into the existing OPC UA architecture so all protocol and profile extensions of the OPC UA FLC initiative can be used via Ethernet, Ethernet TSN, and, in the future, 5G. Industrial automation interoperability
OPC Foundation’s OPC UA also is integrating capabilities for motion, safety and 5G wireless. CONSIDER THIS Interoperability among devices, controllers and systems from the field to the cloud will have enabling technologies in OPC UA.
The OPC UA (IEC 62541) framework, with extensions for the field level, specified by the FLC Initiative, in combination with underlying communication standards such as APL, TSN, and, in the future, 5G, offers a complete, open, standardized and interoperable solution. It fulfills industrial communication requirements and enables consistency and semantic interoperability from the field level to the cloud and vice versa (Figure 4). With this approach, using various OPC UA companion specifications, information is made available with standardized semantics at the data source. Consider the use case where a flowmeter offers standardized “OPC UA flow measuring data” when the APL cable is plugged in. Servo drives also could process standardized “OPC UA drive setpoints” and provide standardized “OPC UA actual drive values” when the servo drives are integrated into a machine network with Ethernet TSN. ce Peter Lutz is director of the OPC Foundation FLC Initiative. OPC Foundation is a CFE Media content partner. Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, mhoske@cfemedia.com.
KEYWORDS: Industrial Ethernet, TSN, APL An OPC UA specification will allow communications.controller-to-controller

• Seamless redundancy (IEEE 802.1CB) • Stream reservation (IEEE 802.1Q-2018).
What is TSN?
Time-sensitive networking (TSN) is designed to make Ethernet deterministic by design and improve synchronicity and overall communication among devices.
Nelly Ayllon, PI North America
TIME-SENSITIVE NETWORKING (TSN) How time-sensitive networking is making Ethernet deterministic ANSWERS
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 31 E thernet standards have been evolving over years. In the 1970s, the first versions of Ethernet achieved speeds of only 10 Mbps. Then, Fast Ethernet became available in 1995 with speeds of 100 Mbps. Nowadays, gigabit Ethernet is available. Also, as Ethernet has become ubiquitous in most industries, Ethernet components have become more affordable and easier to implement. Finally, most network protocols support Ethernet as its communication medium. Therefore, Ethernet networks can employ a wide variety of protocols to fulfillEvenapplications.thoughEthernet speeds have been improving over the years, there is another key performance factor: Determinism. A deterministic network exchanges data in a precise manner with a defined latency. Since Ethernet communication is based on the best effort principle, data exchange in Ethernet networks lacks determinism. Until now, deterministic data exchange in Ethernet is only possible with proprietary solutions, but time-sensitive networking (TSN) aims to change that. TSN’s focus is making Ethernet deterministic by design.
TSN refers to a set of IEEE 802 standards that make Ethernet deterministic by default. TSN sits on Layer 2 of the ISO/OSI Model and adds definitions to guarantee determinism and throughput in Ethernet networks. The following are some of the IEEE standards that make up TSN:
Figure 2: The diagram illustrates an example of the complementary and harmonized interplay of Profinet over TSN and IP-based protocols like OPC UA.
TSN evolved from the industry’s use of audio/ video delivery and the need for more devices and synchronized communications. There are more devices on networks than ever before and more information is being shared and analyzed. TSN for automationindustrial Many industries require deterministic Ethernet, and industrial automation is one of them. The automation industry has continuously sought solutions to achieve fast, deterministic, and robust communication. Currently, several specialized solutions are available for this purpose, such as Profinet IRT, Sercos III, and Varan. TSN can help standardize real-time
Figure 1: Time-sensitive networking (TSN) sits on Layer 2 of the ISO/OSI Model. Images courtesy: PI North America
• Enhanced synchronization behavior (IEEE 802.1AS)
• Suspending (preemption) of long frames (IEEE 802.1-2018) • Enhancements for scheduled traffic (IEEE 802.1Q-2018) • Path control and bandwidth reservation (IEEE 802.1Q-2018)

2. Time synchronization: Precise clocks Time synchronization is critical to achieving determinism. All devices in the TSN domain are synchronized on a common time basis. A “working clock” is the control time reference for scheduled traffic and isochronous applications within TSN Ethernet across the industry. Industrial trends such as Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) lead to an increase in network traffic in ever-growing converged networks. Such networks require flexibility and scalability to support small devices as well as big data server systems while ensuring bounded latency for time-critical communication. TSN intends to cover all these requirements. It will provide standardized mechanisms for the concurrent use of deterministic and non-deterministic communication. TSN in Profinet networks Profinet over TSN comes with benefits for convergence, scalability and flexibility. Users also will continue to have access to all existing Profinet features and profiles. TSN applies standardized traffic shaping tools to ensure low latency and deterministic data exchange where necessary.
• Time Synchronization 802.1 AS
Figure 4: Two defined streams support seamless media redundancy. 2021 engineering www.controleng.com NETWORKING (TSN) hardware, although they might not benefit from TSN. Increased robustness is given by the underlying TSN mechanisms which protect real-time critical data against best-effort traffic. Looking at the increasing demand for data volume, which has to be transferred in parallel to time-critical data through the network in future Industry 4.0 scenarios, protecting real-time critical data is an essential feature. Profinet over TSN is designed for controller to device communication. It can handle up to 1024 devices and achieve cycle times of 31.25 μs. OPC UA may also make use of current and future TSN standards. PI, however, is committed to applying OPC UA for controller to controller or controller/device to cloud communication. The featured diagram illustrates an example of the complementary and harmonized interplay of Profinet over TSN and IP-based protocols. Within process automation, factory automation, and motion control, Profinet over TSN is used by PLCs, remote sensors, remote I/O, motion controllers, and drives as well as by computerized numerical controllers. TSN aims to combine a wide range of IT networks with the robustness and determinism of automation networks for Profinet. In short, it will create hard real-time capabilities via standard IT networks.
• Interspersing Express Traffic 802.3 br
• Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability 802.1 CB
Existing non-TSN Profinet devices may be used in cooperation with new TSN-based Profinet V2.4
• Stationary and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery 802.1 AB. Five Profinet over TSN principles
• Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic 802.1 Qbv
• Frame Preemption 802.1 Qbu
32 • May
Figure 3: For high accuracy, delays on the line and in the switches must be measured.
1. Streams: Routes through the network When two nodes in the network are looking to communicate via Profinet over TSN, streams are defined. Streams describe the path through the network from “Talker” to “Listener.” The streams must be registered in all switches on the route. A stream characterizes by a destination MAC address and a virtual local area network (VLAN) tag for priority.
TSN is a set of mechanisms specified by IEEE to improve the determinism of Ethernet. These TSN amendments are used by Profinet:

4. Frame preemption: RT interrupts TCP/IP Frame preemption plays a key role together with protective guard bands. All real time frames sort themselves before best effort, TCP/IP frames. Besteffort traffic never delays real time data exchange. Also, TCP/IP frames are split and reassembled to maximize the use of bandwidth.
3. Scheduled traffic: Timetable communication Profinet IRT schedules all isochronous traffic. It creates a defined time table with all the transmission and forwarding times between nodes. IRT mechanisms work, but scheduling can become very sophisticated in converged networks. As a result, Profinet over TSN doesn’t employ scheduling. It uses a time-aware shaper (TAS) concept. The time schedule creates a repetitive pattern of time slots (network cycle time) for the transmission of frames. To ensure availability, high priority frames have a continuously active queue. Also, protective guard bands prevent frames from entering the time slot of the next cycle.
domains. A “universal clock” also serves as a system and plant-wide reference for tasks such as logging of events in chronographic sequence.
5. Seamless media redundancy Redundancy ensures the continuation of transmission in case of device or link failure. Network designers may employ redundant streams to create redundant network paths between devices. Redundant streams ensure time-critical communication continues seamlessly even after device or link failure.Configuring TSN domains follows a plug-andplay concept and uses Profinet engineering tools. The TSN domain characteristics (stream paths, VLANs, etc.) are set up and continuously maintained by a network management engine (NME). The NME will be part of TSN-capable Profinet controllers. It takes care of topology acquisition, path planning and network configuration. First, the user sets up a specific policy-based network configuration in the engineering tool. Then, the NME uses these rules to create and to shape the TSN domain continuously. ce Nelly Ayllon is technical marketing director for PI North America, a CFE Media content partner. This article originally appeared on PI North America’s website. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com.
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networkingTime-sensitivetime-sensitiveEthernet,networking (TSN) is designed to make Ethernet more deterministic. Profinet over TSN is designed for controller to device communication. Industrial trends such as Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) lead to an increase in network traffic in ever-growing converged networks. ONLINE See more on Ethernet at www.controleng.com under the “Networking & Security” https://us.profinet.comtopic. THIS can TSN

Survey methods Research for the 2021 Control Engineering Career and Salary Report resulted from an emailed survey to subscribers, producing 151 qualified responses from March 26 to April 5, for a margin of error of +/-8.0% at a 95% confidence level. Survey respondents were invited to anonymously provide their annual compensation information and opinions on the current state of their facilities and industries. Engineering salary increases During times of economic challenge, financial compensation becomes more important among factors impacting job satisfaction. In 2021, technical challenge, financial compensation and feeling of accomplishment finished in a statistical dead heat – within the margin of error. As Figure 1 shows, 51% expect a salary increase of up to 3% in 2020 (52% in 2020; 63% 2: 3: 2021,
23% of respondents expect an increase in 2021 non-salary compensation. Figure
Control Engineering E ngineers expect to get paid more in 2021 ($108,096 in 2021 compared to $102,669 in 2020, $101,450 in 2019 and $100,339 in 2018), and 62% expected a 2021 salary increase, down slightly from 69% in 2020, and down from 74% among 2019 respondents, according to the 2021 Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey and Report. While survey respondents differ from year to year, the increase in salaries run counter to respondents’ pessimism about increases. This is perhaps due to respondents undervaluing their worth. Also, many respondents work in industries deemed essential, which can create more competition for their talents. Top threat to manufacturing businesses remains lack of available skilled workers, at 37% in a statistical dead heat with the economy at 35%; lack of necessary materials was 27%, reflecting pandemicrelated supply chain pressures. (In 2020, lack of skilled workers was 42% followed by competition and the economy tied at 32%, which was similar to 2019.) This 2021 survey included four questions on COVID-19 impacts. In 2020, respondents answered the survey largely before COVID-19 impacts. In the 2021 survey, most didn’t think the pandemic changed salaries or benefits, but a whopping 92% expected technology innovations implemented as a result to accelerate or continue. (See section on COVID-19 innovation acceleration.) Finally, an overwhelming majority (78%) consider manufacturing to be a secure career. Two-thirds (66%) love or like their current jobs, with 35% loving their current jobs and 31% liking what they do, but would consider switching companies for the right opportunity.
the average salary of respondents was up more than $5,000 from 2020. In 2021, average non-salary compensation gained nearly $1,000 from 2020. Compensationsummary2020 SALARY Average $108,096 Minimum $28,000 Maximum $250,000 NON-SALARY COMPENSATION Average $12,838 Percentage receiving bonus 69% Average receiving bonus $18,628 Minimum 0 Maximum $125,000
Career and Salary Survey
Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering 2021 CAREER UPDATE 34 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
in 2019; 56% in 2018); 14% expect an increase of 4% or more (18% in 2020; 11% in 2019; 19% in 2018); 32% Expected change to 2021 base annual salary Increase more than 6% 6% Increase 4% to 6% Increase 1% to 3% Stay the same Decrease 3% 51%32% 8% Increase more than 6%Increase 4% to 1%Increase6%to3% Stay the same 8% e more % 4 % 11% Expected change to 2020 non-salary compensation Decrease 15%62% Figure 1: About half, 51% of respondents, expect a salary increase in 2021. Figure
COVID-19 accelerates innovative technology implementations; engineering salaries increase; job satisfaction is high. The lack of skilled workers, economy and lack of necessary materials are biggest threats to manufacturing.

www.controleng.com control engineeering May 2021 • 35 Job satisfaction factors
0% 10% 20%30%40%50% business,
Technical challenge Financial compensation Feeling of FlexibleaccomplishmentJobsecurityworkhoursBenefits Ability to work from home Relationship with boss Feeling of recognition Relationship with colleagues AdvancementLeadingopportunitiesLocationWorkloadateam Relationship withCompanysubordinatesTravelsize Company's financial health Managing people Ergonomic environmentOtherentyssesnssndmslehetr Criteria for
0% 10% 20% 30% non-salary
Not applicable (no bonus received) Figure 5: Top factors for job satisfaction are technical challenge, financial compensation and feeling of accomplishment.
Engineering salary, bonuses For base salary compensation, the minimum was $28,000 ($24,000 in 2020), and the maximum was $250,000 ($800,000 in 2020), for 148 survey respondents providing this information. For non-salary compensation (Figure 2), 23% expect an increase (28% in 2020); 12% expect an increase of 4% or more (same in 2020); 62% expect about the same (about the same, 60%, in 2020); and 15% expect less (12% in 2020). Among the 12% expecting 4% or more, 8% expect 4 to 6% and 4% expect more thanFor6%.non-salary compensation, the 2021 average received for the most recent fiscal year among 148 respondents was $12,838 (Figure 3), compared to $11,937 reported from 2020 respondents. Engineering bonus criteria Two leading criteria for non-salary compensation were company profitability and personal performance, tied at 56% (Figure 4). In 2020, it was 53% for profits and 43% for personal performance. After economic pressures of 2020, 2021 incentives may emphasize profits to a greater degree. Rounding out the top five criterial for non-salary compensation were product productivity, plant or line productivity and new business.
Company profitability Personal PlantProductperformanceprofitabilityorlineproductivity New
Job satisfaction, skills needed As mentioned, the leading job satisfaction factors in 2021 (Figure 5) are
Figure 4: Company profits and personal performance remain the leading criteria for non-salary compensation. expect the same (30% in 2020; 25% in 2019; 23% in 2018); and 3% expect a salary decrease (1% in 2020 and 2019; 2% in 2018). Additionally, the 2021 survey noted that of the increases above 4%, 8% of respondents expect a 4 to 6% increase, and 6% said more than 6%, compared to 12% and 5%, respectfully in 2020.
sales increase Reducing plant costs Safety metrics Company stock CustomerUptime/downtimeQualityperformancemetricsfeedbackEnergyefficienciesOther
Positive outlook, salaries While COVID-19 created economic contraction in March 2020 to 49.1 on the purchasing manufacturers’ index (PMI) from the Institute of Supply Management (ISM), dipping to 41.5 in April (below 50 is contraction), March 2021 looked very positive at 64.7%. Upward salary pressures can result from strong U.S. manufacturing results, coupled with demographic pressures of an aging workforce and too few going into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)-related professions. In the Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey and Report, among reasons for outsourcing functions, the shortage of skilled workers ranked third at 36% behind cost management at 42% and better focus on core competencies at 54%. What functions were outsourced? Control panel build/wiring/fabrication was most the most outsourced at 33% followed by information technology at 25%, system integration at 19% and maintenance at 18%.

Most respondents, 62%, didn’t think COVID-19 pandemic changed salary or benefits, 27% said it decrease, 7% increased and 4% unknown (Figure 7). With many manufacturing sites unable to fill skilled positions, COVID19 has made it more difficult for 76% of respondents to find qualified employees. However, a quarter (25%) of respondents said it was easier to find qualified employees. ce Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com. Amanda Pelliccione, director of research and awards programs for CFE Media and Technology, conducted the research and assembled the related report.
All graphics courtesy: Control Engineering research, CFE Media and CFE Technology
technologyacceleratesinnovation Accelerate Reverse Continue at a similar pace Continue at a slower pace 47%11%34%7% Unknown DecreasedIncreased 7% known 4% 27% COVID-19 didn’t hurt most salaries, bene ts No effect 62% Figure 6: 11% expect acceleration of COVID-19 technology innovation among 92% expecting innovations to continue; just 7% expect reversals. Figure 7: Most (62%) say the COVID19 pandemic didn’t change their salaries and benefits; 7% think the pandemic increased salary or benefits. More ANSWERSM For more information, see this article online and download the Control Engineering 2021 Career and Salary Report. CONSIDER THIS On the next pages, see related articles: How companies are winning top engineering candidates in a post-pandemic world Career, salary survey 2021: Advice KEYWORDS: Engineering salary survey, career Engineeringadvicesalaries and bonuses were expected to increase. COVID-19 accelerated technology innovation. ONLINE Benchmarking and link to the 2021 Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey and Report: If reading from the digital edition, click on the headline for benchmarking tables, looking at salary by age, education, years with current employer, years in current industry, engineering discipline, hours worked, facility size, employees managed and primary job function. www.controleng.com/research
statistically tied for second. Chemical and industrial engineering were tied at 13%, civil engineering was 2% and other was 15%.
CAREER UPDATE technical challenge, financial compensation and feeling of accomplishment, in a statistical tie. (Respondents were asked to rank the top three.) In 2020, financial compensation was the most important followed by technical challenge, feeling of accomplishment, and relationship with colleagues. Going down the 2021 list, other attributes included job security, flexible work hours, benefits, ability to work from home, relationship with boss, feeling of recognition, relationship with colleagues, advancement opportunities, and location. Figure 5 show eight more factors for job satisfaction. For skills needed to get ahead, respondents were asked to check as many as apply. Engineering skills, project management skills and communication/presentation skills were in a virtual tie for first among respondents (68%, 66% and 61%, respectively). Next were computer skills at 57% and team building skills at 46%. Considerably lower were language skills (24%), marketing/sales skills (20%), finance/accounting skills (15%) and recruitment skills (7%). See related article on job skills advice from respondents with a graphic of skills needed to get ahead. About half (52%) of respondents studied electrical or electronic engineering, while disciplines of mechanical engineering (23%), controls engineering (19%), and instrumentation (17%) were COVID-19
Applying automation
36 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
COVID-19 speeds innovation As mentioned, COVID-19 has accelerated technology applications of remote connectivity for 68% of respondents, digitalization for 39%, cybersecurity for 32%, and use of automation and controls for 19% (Figure 6). For the four areas, the largest boost was up to 6 months acceleration for 68% of respondents, then greater than 1 year boost for 51%, and 6 months to 1 year for 39%. When or if the pandemic subsides, 92% of respondents expect COVID-19 technology innovations to continue or accelerate; 11% said they expect those innovations to accelerate, 34% expected them to continue at a similar pace, and 47% continue at a slower pace. Only 7% of respondents expected technology gains to reverse.

How companies are winning top engineering candidates in a post-pandemic world
Hiring and retention of engineering and technology-minded talent: Industrial automation companies think creatively about attracting skilled workers. Resiliency matters, especially in a pandemic. See related advice.
Jeff Briggs, Miller Resource Group
Surprising to many, there was a collective sense of optimism. A common thread through conversations seemed to be a positive outlook regarding plans to keep their teams safe and to keep people working and succeeding. Signs were there early on and remain: Engineering leaders are resilient. Virtual control engineering principles applied As current CEO of the Control System Integrators Association (CSIA), Jose Rivera is in tune with the country’s top system integration firms across all major industries. Early in 2020, Rivera saw signs engineering firms were doing what they do best: Adapting to new circumstances. “The good thing about an industry packed full of engineers, you’ve got a lot of folks that were prepared as best they could be and had systems in place to battle through this. Whether that is remote work setup, company e-meetings, applying virtual control engineering principles, etc. Of course, there will be lots of adapting on the fly, but engineers are good at that too,” Rivera said. In 2021, Rivera said the message extends well beyond making it through tough times, to growth initiatives, hiring and employee retention. “We’ve gone from a time where remote work used to be unique; now it’s nearly universal. This may create even more innovation as it could shape how companies attract employees in the future.
Ne arly one year ago, industrial automation leaders shared their advice as the world looked with uncertainty about the future landscape of career and employment. Companies were starting to send full workforces’ home in an attempt to reduce workplace health risks. Strategies began forming on how to balance routine and success amid an unclear future. Many strategies were being developed on the fly, as no one had dealt with such a wide-reaching pandemic.
Secure remote network connections Walker Reynolds, CEO at Intellic Integration, has built a career on products and solutions based under the remote model through digitalization. When asked how his firm has been affected with business and recruiting talent for his team, his answer was surprising. “When people ask me how we’ve been affected, I tell them honestly, not a lot,” Reynolds said. “We have six offices around the country which we had to close down temporarily, we followed all of the pandemic guidelines and we kept on moving. We lev-
Good candidates are in demand now. They have choices. Companies that are flexible, quick, and willing to invest extra, are landing the good candidates.’
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 37
Remote work potential used to be a major benefit and perhaps a recruiting tool, companies may now need to look for new ways to separate themselves from the rest,” Rivera said.

ONLINE “How COVID-19 is changing the engineering jobs, jobs market,” the 2020 Control Engineering “Career Update” article from Jeff Briggs, includes a graphic “How to encourage an employee’s best work” along with other advice about remote engineering work, 3D printing, data sciences, robotics and automation benefits.
It remains to be seen how the industry continues to adapt as the economy comes roaring back and hiring keeps increasing. Flexibility, speed, investments Gary Miller, president of Miller Resource Group, knows the ebbs and flows of hiring top candidates for engineering firms. Asked how he’s seen companies form winning strategies amid the world’s uncertainty, he shared an analogy: “Small to mid-size houses in the suburbs are selling above asking price in 24 hours. It’s a sellers’ market. You can complain about it if you’re a buyer, or adjust. The same holds true in hiring. Good candidates are in demand now. They have choices. Companies that are flexible, quick, and willing to invest extra, are landing the good candidates. You can complain or adjust.”
38 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
Investing in employees’ development “Biases developed 100 years ago during the Great Depression around employees being grateThe ability to think differently and be creative always wins.’
More ANSWERSM We’ve gone from a time where remote work used to be unique; now it’s nearly universal. This may create even more innovation as it could shape how companies attract employees in the future.’
A big part of hiring and creating an attractive work environment is through a company’s brand, or culture. Company culture has always been at the center of discussion for most human-resource (HR) professionals and goes hand-in-hand with attracting and hiring top candidates. As we continue to reinvent the definition of the word, with water cooler discussions fading and in-person camaraderie minimized, the question becomes, “How can we still make employees feel special and want to come work for your team?” Miller noticed trends in how hiring authorities view candidates during an interview process, and, perhaps more importantly, after a candidate accepts the job.
ful to employers for giving them a job continues to shift. Miller Resource Group is grateful that our employees have chosen to invest their talents in our mission, and we’re happy to invest in their development toward a fulfilling career that blends perfectly with their life outside of work. We’re seeing this as a winning strategy for our clients as well,” Miller said. An interesting concept, Miller said, is a mindset or paradigm shift from leaders who have recognized current and future hiring challenges will not be the same as before. As the landscape keeps changing, more companies seem likely to adapt to flexible remote operations and greater employee investments to overcome future unpredictability. The ability to think differently and be creative always wins. ce Jeff Briggs is industrial automation recruiter, Miller Resource Group, the sponsor of this year’s Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey and Report. Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineerin g, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com. eraged technologies [such as secure virtual private network and other network technologies] to work with our clients and gave our employees the freedom to choose if they are able to come to office. We are fortunate as our infrastructure was already set up to handle this effectively. I think this was a big eye opener, for some, that may have been a bit behind.”
KEYWORDS: Industrial automation recruiting, engineer retention Virtual control engineering principles can be applied to give companies more resiliency. Secure remote network connections can help securely connect workers and industrial systems. Investing in employee development helps retain and attract skilled workers. CONSIDER THIS Beyond applying technologies to become more resilient, are your recruitment and retention policies changing to get the best technology experts?

www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • 39
Engineering communications Always communicate openly; be a good listener. Assess your audience: be clear and succinct for management; be thorough for engineers. Avoid social media; focus on relationships. Be as clear as possible. Don’t be too concise. Be open and honest. Clear and recorded communications: Keep records of agreements and changes. DO NOT operate in a closed environment; get buy-in and keep communication lines open. Learn how to best communicate with all, even those difficult to approach. Learn how to relate to multiple audiences in THEIR comfort language. Learn to communicate with non-technical Listenpeople.to others, and treat everyone equally.
Workplace strategies Accept change and new directions. Always make improvements. Always have different strategies. Automation and more digital Be a team player: positive, helpful, thoughtful. Be open at work but guarded; watch what you post on social media. Be the “go to” person for something and work well in a Communicationteam. and safety are key. Discover what nobody wants to do and become a specialist in that. Don’t be afraid to push the team to be open about concerns. Help wherever you can, even outside your area and invest in yourself. Surround yourself with those that have good Teamwork;ideas.bethe hub, not a spoke. Work as if you own it. Engineering the right attitude Accept changes; always be positives. Always smile; go elsewhere if bosses are Alwaysjerks.speak truth and back it up with facts.
Career, salary survey advice
Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering
The 2021 Control Engineering research resulted from an emailed survey to subscribers, producing 151 qualified responses from March 26 to April 5, for a margin of error of +/-8.0% at a 95% confidence level. A sampling of advice in four categories follows, lightly edited for grammar and redundancy. Bold shows some highlights and recurring themes. Some advice is conflicting, since life experiences differ widely. Engineering education for a career A master’s degree is essential. After you graduate from college, don’t stop learning. Take classes, attend webinars and read blogs, magazines, etc. Read new books. Associates degree in electronic and computer Bachelorscience of science in engineering College education does help but is not required. Continuously learn, always have something that you are DevelopCybersecuritypursuing.marketable skills; even consider trades or technical schools. Develop strong problem-solving skills. Education is important but knowledge is more Everyimportant.dayis a learning opportunity. Do not get complacent especially early on. Find employment willing to pay for training and higher degrees. Get a solid practical engineering education. Include computer programming in education Industrial engineering in manufacturing Pick a field of engineering that is challenging to Readyou.as much as you can.
KEYWORDS: Engineering career advice, engineering career Don’tresearchstop learning, after you graduate from college. Establish clear goals; be organized, on budget and on time, realizing timelines may move. Own your growth, training and value proposition. CONSIDER THIS What advice when applied can accelerate your engineering value? ONLINE workforce-developmentsystem-integration/www.controleng.com/
Respondents to the 2021 Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey research provided related advice, and education was the most-offered of six topics.
E ducation advice was most plentiful (64 replies) when respondents to the 2021 Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey were asked to contribute “engineering career-related advice” to others. The next five categories of advice were in a statistical dead heat in numbers of replies, ranging from 53 to 50: Communication, attitude, workplace strategies, engineering tips and project management. “Other” topics, many of which could also have fit into one of the other six, numbered 20. See related articles in this issue.

Keep the solutions simple to use or the end user will not use them. Get their input! Keep up on the new; regularly circle back to the basics; keep your math skills sharpened. Learn from senior engineers Learn how to identify the true root cause. There are always opportunities for improving Workproducts/processes/systems.withpeersandvendors; learn best methods.
Alwaysdomain.look at core problem and engineer solutions to solve that problem first Appreciate and encourage coworkers. Ask other experts; be disciplined and thorough. Buy new, don’t retrofit. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but also don’t be afraid to take steps on your own. Enjoy what you’re doing. Get as much time in front of customers as Ifpossible.itdoes not make sense using basic engineering principles, it may not work out at all.
40 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
Be open minded; embrace change; complete new challenges. Be positive, but occasionally make time for you when frustrated. Learn from mistakes. Own them, and don’t cover them up. Calmness always even under pressure Come to work ready to work; check your outside life outside.
A well-planned project will manage itself. Adapt your project language and style to the latest buzzwords of senior management. Always be available to assist production with questions, advice, or concerns Anticipate that problems are going to happen. Documentation is key! Establish clear goals; be organized, on budget, and on time, realizing timelines may move. Even starting out as an entry level engineer, you are the project manager of your own work. Excellence is mundane. Have or learn the right tools, apply them regularly and consistently. Take every step. Learn to juggle multiple projects at once. Listen to your team; delegate well; follow up. Look at the bigger picture! Maintain schedules and include changes as they occur to better plan the next project. Track all work and progress. Use sharable software to track daily progress and sharable project tracking software for tracking long-term projects. You can do more projects in between the work you have if you can use software tools to help, including email, calendars and lists.
Data via Amanda Pelliccione, CFE Media and Technology research director; Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, mhoske@cfemedia.com.
Top skills to get ahead are engineering skills, project management skills skills.presentationcommunication/andCourtesy: Control Engineering research, CFE Media and TechnologyCFE Skills needed to advance 70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Engineering Project
Focus on actions and behaviors, not just results and Learnoutput.about perception versus reality. Never say: It’s not my job. Reflect positivity, gratitude and confidence but remain humble. Stay positive; you have the power to choose your path. Engineering tips, career-related advice Always follow the facts. Always get someone else to take a look at your calculations and/or designs prior to implementation or client review. Always keep an eye on global trends and try to adopt latest innovations specific to your work
Project management for engineering
Other advice for engineering careers Always be on time! Always have a vision of what you want to accomplish! Don’t be afraid to ask your biggest critic for help. If they help, they share their own future Lifecriticisms.isgood; mentor others Network with others in industry. Point more safety regulations inspections. Take total ownership of your growth, training, and value proposition. Don’t rely on your management to make the best decisions on your career. Only you can do that. Treat people with kindness even when hard. ce

KEYWORDS: SIS; flow Ameasurementkeychallenge in many safety applications is whatunderstandinghappensto the measurement in low flow conditions. A Coriolis flowmeter measures mass flow, density, temperature and calculates volumetric flow. ONLINE Link to more SIS, flow measurement and related content. CONSIDER THIS Do you know common cause failure modes? M
Real-world common-cause problems in safety instrumented systems (SIS) must be quantified by the user in each application. Such SIS problems are not quantified by the usual white paper analysis suppliers and third parties use to provide safety data for products. In a previous article (Safety instrumented systems: Applying measurement best practices, Control Engineering, Feb. 2017), the SIS designer was advised most safety risks for measurements are caused by “real-world common cause” problems. Since such problems are “common cause” –impacting multiple devices – they cannot be addressed by applying redundancy. The article detailed the most common examples of real-world common cause problems for pressure, temperature, flow and level measurements, and provided recommended design practices to minimize impact on safety. Some examples included plugged sensing lines, cold capillaries, coated or breaking thermowells, even some sub-optimal installation and maintenance practices. In a follow-up article (Using diagnostic functions to improve system safety, Control Engineering, May 2017), the designer was asked to consider if a problem can’t be eliminated with better design, can diagnostics detect the problem so it can be fixed before it affects safety or causes a shutdown? Diagnostics also were shown to simplify partial proof testing and/or extend the need for comprehensive proof testing. In this article, the designer is asked to consider what problems should be avoided via diversity — use of a different approach or technology. Diversity does not have much application to pressure measurement, since there really is no different way to measure pressure. Similar comments apply to temperature. While various types of sensors exist, in practice all will be affected similarly by any real-world problem. The first article explained how radar level is usefully diverse from differential pressure-based level (dP), because it avoids vulnerability to the real-world common causes of plugged process connections and changing fluid densities. Another important and useful application of diversity is in flow measurement. Flowmeters: Common-cause problems
By Mark Menezes, Emerson INSIDE PROCESS: SIS
Safety instrumented systems: Diversity in flow measurement ANSWERS
Many problems can cause a flowmeter to fail or read incorrectly. Of particular importance in a safety application are the following questions:
www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • P1
Figure 1: imagesconfigurationsSingletiveandminimizeleak-testedPreassembled,dP-flowmetersriskofengineeringassemblyerrors,fugi-emissionsandleaks.anddual(redundant)areshown.Allcourtesy:Emerson
• Can the problem affect a second (or even third) meter in the same way? So, redundancy does not help; these are defined as common cause.
The designer should consider what problems should be avoided via diversity — use of a different approach or technology.
• Can the problem cause the meter to read the wrong flowrate without any warning to the user? These are defined as covert failures (sometimes also called undetected). If the measurement is wrong in a direction that can impact safety, for example, if the flow wrongly reads high in a cooling loop, this is a “dangerous” failure, since it could lead to process overheating. Note that if the flow wrongly reads too low in a cooling loop, that would be a “safe” failure since it would not risk a dangerous condition, though of course it might result in an unnecessary (spurious) shutdown. Dangerous, covert failures affect safety; safe and overt failures affect availability.

• Dirty fluids or cold ambient can slow or plug the sensing lines.
Instead of investing many hours attempting to quantify the likelihood and frequency of a possible common cause in each application, the user is advised to improve the design to eliminate the cause. Where the user is not able to use better design to eliminate a problem that might cause multiple meters to read the wrong flow, the user should consider a diverse technology. For flow safety applications, the most common are vortex and Coriolis.
If there is a risk that one of these problems can occur, the user must quantify that risk for safety analysis. Then, he or she must perform a periodic proof test to detect the problem. The required frequency of the proof testing depends on the user’s estimate of how quickly the problem can arise in the specific application. Quantifying the likelihood of a problem and how quickly it can develop is challenging during a project’s design phase.
• Dirty fluids can block, coat or erode the primary element (orifice plate or other), causing bias.
• Debris, buildup, binding, wear or damage to any component inside a turbine meter can cause high or low reading. The user may have no indication this is happening until the meter is proof tested using an external prover.
INSIDE PROCESS: SIS ANSWERS P2 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com
repeatabilitycanmaintained,installedselected,andprovidehighandreasonable permanent pressure loss. Unfortunately, it can suffer from serious safety problems in certain applications:•Variation in fluid properties such as composition or density affects repeatability (although the user can attempt to compensate).
• Magnetic flowmeters can suffer problems with grounding, liners and electrodes, though modern devices can detect some of these problems using diagnostics and verification.
Vortex flowmeter
• Risk of error if multiple parts are specified then assembled onsite (unless the user specifies an integrated meter, preassembled and pressure-tested by the supplier), leading to mismeasurement or potential leaks (see Figure 1).
• Most flowmeters require straight pipe on both sides to ensure the flow is uniformly distributed in the pipe. Unfortunately, many meters are installed using simple, older guidelines like “10 up, 5 down.” Modern standards like ISO-5167 (Miller, R.W., “Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook,” McGraw-Hill, Toronto, 1996) can require 50 or more diameters of straight pipe to ensure accuracy, depending on the upstream disturbance.
• Entrained pockets of gas or liquid (depending on what phase is being measured) can bias the measurement or can collect in the sensing lines and slow response time.
A common approach to measuring flow is the differential pressure (dP) flowmeter. This uses a restriction in the line — orifice plate, averaging pitot tube (Annubar), etc. — to create a pressure drop, which is measured by the dP transmitter. Flow is inferred from this dP using the Bernoulli Principle. The dP flowmeter is often used due to its versatility and familiarity. When correctly
• If a magnetic flowmeter is being used in a cooling application, the user needs to verify there is no risk that nonconductive fluid (like deionized water) will find its way into the system. If it does, the flowmeter(s) could read low or noisy.
• If maintenance has verified a line is not plugged today, how long before it is possible for that line to be plugged in future?
Figure 2: Single vortex meter with dual shedder bars and four independent sensors, three of which are connected to the SIS and one to the BPCS. The design is safe and extremely reliable. The meter contains no ports or crevices that can plug, no gaskets to leak and the sensors are not wetted. If the process fluid might contain large rocks that can block the pipe, an inspection port can be added to the flange to allow offline visual (camera) inspection.
• Of 100 impulse lines installed in a similar application, how many are likely to be plugged at any given time during plant operation?
• Multiple threaded connections increase potential for fugitive emissions and leaks, especially at the manifold in a cold environment if the user has selected ANSI rather than ISO manifolds.
The vortex flowmeter uses the von Kármán effect: When flow passes a bluff body, a repeating pattern of swirling vortices is generated. The frequency of vortex formation varies linearly with flowrate, which leads to one of the key benefits of the vortex flowmeter. A small degree of coating or plugging of the shedder bar of the sensor will weaken the signal, but not change the measured flow value. As the coating and plugging increases, the frequency signal will become progressively weaker, until the flow signal is altogether lost.
The user needs to rely on experience – backed up by failure records obtained during operation of a similar process at another plant – to answer questions like:
• Proof testing: Most users check only that the dP transmitter has not drifted and the sensing lines are not plugged. The primary element itself is rarely checked, not because it does not fail, but rather because it is often not accessible for checking.Other technologies are used less frequently, but also suffer from problems in safety applications:

www.controleng.com control engineering May 2021 • P3
A single Coriolis flowmeter measures mass flow, density and temperature directly, and from these can calculate volumetric flow. It can provide high accuracy over a wide range of flows and is mostly unaffected by changing fluid characteristics such as density, viscosity or composition. The Coriolis flowmeter does not require straight pipe on either side, which can simplify installation and avoid errors related to insufficient straight pipe. It also can allow the user to locate the entire meter in a location accessible for testing or inspection (note the reason many orifice plates are located in an inaccessible location in the pipe rack is because that’s where the user can find the needed straight pipe). Like the vortex flowmeter, the Coriolis meter is easy to correctly specify and install. While Coriolis flowmeters tend to be reliable, the user should be aware of the risk of two-phase flow: gas entrained in a liquid flow, or liquid entrained in a gas
While this is a safe rather than dangerous failure – no flow rather than wrong flow – it still affects availability. For this reason, if a user is considering vortex instead of another technology because of resistance to coating and plugging with a dirty fluid, they should ensure the vortex flowmeter under consideration is itself resistant to coating and plugging. This can be achieved by selecting a meter with a non-wetted sensor and no internal ports or crevices that can become plugged over time. If the user is selecting vortex to reduce potential leak points, they should select a device that can be installed without wetted O-rings or gaskets. In fluids with large or abrasive entrained particles, the user should consider a vortex meter with dual shedder bars (see Figure 2). In most applications, the first bar will be most exposed to any blockage or abrasion; the user can detect any calibration shift by monitoring differences between signals measured at the first bar and second bar. Single or dual transmitters can be specified for each shedder bar, so in a single installation, the user can connect up to three independent transmitters to the SIS, with the fourth transmitter connected to the basic process control system. One key challenge in many safety applications is understanding what happens to the measurement in low flow conditions, since that’s where many processes are dangerous, where the flame blows out in a combustion process or the compressor goes into surge. With a dP flowmeter, error becomes larger as flow decreases, but the meter can, in theory, provide an output to almost zero. While the vortex flowmeter maintains its accuracy as flow decreases, below a certain minimum Reynolds number, the vortex meter will not register any flow at all. Note the limitation is based on Reynolds number – not just flowrate – the distinction is important in hydrocarbon applications. Since most hydrocarbons suffer from high viscosity when cold, at start up, the vortex flowmeter may not read any flow until the fluid has warmed. If the SIS interprets no flow as a fault condition, which is common, this may prevent start up. To avoid this, the user should ensure they apply process heating at start up or size the vortex flowmeter to allow for these low flow, high viscosity start up conditions. One solution might be the reducer vortex, which contains a smaller meter body inside the flanges and lay length of a larger meter (see Figure 3). The high reliability vortex flowmeter is inherently resistant to dirty fluids and is easy to install correctly. Diagnostics are also available to ensure safe installation and operation and simplify ongoing proof testing. For example, maintenance can verify sensor strength and simulate a frequency input directly from the transmitter. Neither of these proof tests require either process shutdown or external equipment. In fluids that can contain debris large enough to block the shedder bar, the user can specify an upstream port that allows a camera to be inserted for periodic visual inspection. While camera inspection is done offline, it’s much easier than disassembling, inspecting, then reinstalling the meter. The supplier would factory calibrate the meter with inspection port installed to ensure no impact on accuracy.
Figure 4: Low drive frequency minimizes flow error as gas-volume fraction (GVF) increases.
Coriolis flowmeter
Figure 3: The reducer vortex fits into the same piping as a larger meter and can measure a lower Reynolds Number flow rate.

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Edited by Jack Smith, content manager, CFE Media and Technology, Control Engineering, jsmith@cfemedia.com.
If the user has identified or observed any covert or dangerous common cause failure modes in their application, they must quantify likelihood for their safety analysis, and how quickly the problem can develop to determine proof test interval. Neither is practical when designing a new process, so unless the problem can be eliminated with better design, the user is often better served selecting a diverse technology that does not suffer from the failure mode at all. For flow applications, two technologies that should be considered are vortex and Coriolis. ce Mark Menezes, PEng, manages the Emerson Automation Solutions measurement business in Canada, including pressure, temperature, level, flow, and corrosion.

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Distributed drive system with motor, drive, gearbox
Piezoelectric gas flow valves
The Piezoelectric gas flow valve model PEV-1 is a high precision gas leak valve which uses a piezoelectric bender element that responds directly to a voltage signal, which causes the opening and closing of the valve. The piezoelectric bender responds within milliseconds to a voltage signal of 0 to 100 Vdc. All PEV-1 valves have a two-micron filter on the inlet, viton seals and a coaxial BNC connector. The threshold voltage of the valve is 20 to 30 volts, maximum voltage is 100 Vdc and inlet pressure should not exceed 50 PSI. The PEV-1 series valves are designed to be fail-safe. In the event of a power loss, the PEV-1 will close and remain closed until power is restored to valve.
The 0171 series of push-in-design (PID) terminal blocks are designed to provide connections and clear indication of active circuits to assist with operations, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Dependable electrical wire terminations are necessary for all types of commercial and industrial equipment and machinery. The 0171-series incorporates PID technology, improving upon traditional screw terminals in terms of performance, ease of use, and space efficiency. The consistent clamping tension of PID terminal blocks resists vibration-related connection failures far better than screw terminals, and wires are easily pushedin, saving up to 75% of the wiring time compared with screw terminals. Available in various form factors and sizes, the 0171-series terminal block housings are ultra-thin. Dinkle International, www.dinkle.com Input #203 at www.controleng.com/information
Key High Vacuum, www.keyhigh.com Input #202 at www.controleng.com/information HMI control panel, images The TwinCAT HMI Control gives users the option of directly integrating image processing into the TwinCAT human-machine interface (HMI) operator interface (OI). TwinCAT Vision can transmit live video and images from machine vision systems into TwinCAT HMI. This control solution can be configured within minutes, and it can expand the image display control and color control. The image display control enables direct linking of multiple machine vision images and switching easily between currently displayed images. Integrating this new control for the TwinCAT Vision toolbox directly into TwinCAT HMI increases engineering efficiency even further; users no longer have to create and code these capabilities themselves. The TwinCAT image control makes these capabilities fully available and efficient by incorporating a large number of separate controls and JavaScript programming.
Siemens Industry Inc. www.siemens.com Input #204 at www.controleng.com/information

46 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com BACK TO BASICS: OEE INNOVATIONS
Frank Lamb, Automation Primer Original equipment effectiveness’ role in productive manufacturing
Manufacturers consider an OEE score of 85% or above to be almost as good as it gets for discrete products. Typical manufacturers only have an OEE of 60%. It is easy to see how a manufacturer with an already high or improving OEE might congratulate themselves for their success. Many machines include OEE calculations in their basic controls packages. But, how do you know if it is accurate? Your calculations can only be as accurate as the information that feeds them. Fault time totalization for each cause, information on whether a system is being starved (no product in) or blocked (product cannot exit), and separation of causes into machine component problems and operator problems go a long way towards analyzing a system, making a decision, and proposing an improvement. Is a number that represents your OEE enough? Only an examination of the data and applying it to an improvement action will tell you. Is this kind of information available to you? Is it presented in a relevant and easy to understand way? If so, your company is ahead of the curve and well on the way to OEE improvement. ce Frank Lamb is the founder of Automation Primer, a CFE Media content partner. This article originally appeared on Automation Primer’s website. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering , CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfemedia.com.
2. Performance – The percentage of production the process machinery is achieving when compared to a defined maximum capability
Original equipment effectiveness (OEE) can be used as a gauge to determine how effective and productive a manufacturing plant is.
KEYWORDS: original equipment effectiveness, manufacturing production Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is the percentage of manufacturing time that is productive. OEE consists of availability, performance and quality. OEE calculations are only as valuable as the information that feeds them. ONLINE See additional stories from the author at www.controleng.com. CONSIDER THIS How does your plant gauge OEE?
‘Is the number of your OEE enough? Only an examination of the data and applying it to an improvement action will tell you.’
3. Quality – The percentage of good parts being produced. Parts being reworked are counted as defects.OEE takes into account losses from all of these factors, producing a percentage that represents the good parts being produced at the required rate with no downtime. A perfect OEE score is 100%.
The basic numbers used to calculate the score also are pretty easy to obtain from the controls of the system. Uptime and downtime also can be determined by whether the machine is running or not. Simple time totalization monitors the overall state of the process. An ideal rate can be used to determine the speed of the process when running optimally. This also may have been recorded in the original specifications for the machinery. Motor and actuator speeds play a major part in this calculation. Good and bad parts may be the easiest to calculate. Counting parts at a reject station and comparing them to the final produced parts produces the ratio. What is world-class OEE?
verall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is the percentage of manufacturing time that is productive. It is composed of three parts: 1. Availability – The percentage of time the process is running during planned production time

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48 • May 2021 control engineering www.controleng.com Company Page# RSN Web ® ad index Automation24 . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . .8 . . . . . .www .automation24 .com AutomationDirect . . . . . . . . .C2, 1 . . . . .1, 2 . . . . .www .automationdirect .com Beckhoff Automation LLC . . . . .C3 . . . . . .15 . . . . .www .beckhoff .com Digi-Key ELECTRONICS . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . .4 . . . . . .WWW .DIGIKEY.COM DYNICS . . . . . . . . . . .Bellyband, 2 . .3 . . . . . .www .dynics .com EZAutomation . . . . . . . . . .C1, 9 . . . . .6 . . . . . .www .EZAutomation .net Lenze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 . . . . . .11 . . . . . .www .Lenze .com Pro-face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . .5 . . . . . .WWW .PROFACEAMERICA .COM RADWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC 13 . . . . . .9 . . . . . .www .Radwell .com Rittal Corporation . . . . . . . . . .10 . . . . . . .7 . . . . . .www .rittal-corp .com SEW-EURODRIVE, Inc . . . . . . . .C4 . . . . . .16 . . . . .www .seweurodrive .com TADIRAN BATTERIES . . . . . . . .24 . . . . .12 . . . . .www .tadiranbat .com WAGO Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . .15, 26 . . . .10, 13 . . . . www .wago .us Inside Process Load Controls Inc . . . . . . . . . . . .P4 . . . . .14 . . . . .WWW .LOADCONTROLS .COM REQUEST MORE INFORMATION about products and advertisers in this issue by using the http://controleng.com/information link and reader service number located near each. If you’re reading the digital edition, the link will be live. When you contact a company directly, please let them know you read about them in Control Engineering. Advertising Sales Offices ContentStream Patrick DirectorLynch,ofContent Marketing Solutions 630-571-4070 x2210 PLynch@CFEMedia.com AR, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MN, MO, MS, NE, ND, OK, OH, SD, TX, WI, Central Canada Robert 630-571-4070Levingerx2218 RLevinger@cfetechnology.com AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, Western Canada Aaron 816-797-9969Maassen AMaassen@CFEMedia.com CT, DE, MD, ME, MA, NC, NH, NY, NJ, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, WV, DC, Eastern Canada Julie Timbol (978) 929-9495 JTimbol@CFEMedia.com Publication Services Jim Langhenry, Co-Founder/Publisher, CFE Media JLanghenry@CFEMedia.com Steve Rourke, Co-Founder, CFE Media SRourke@CFEMedia.com Courtney Murphy, Marketing Services Manager 630-229-3057 CMurphy@cfemedia.com McKenzie Burns, Marketing and Events Manager mburns@cfemedia.com Brian Gross, Marketing Consultant, Global SI Database 630-571-4070, x2217, BGross@CFEMedia.com Michael Smith, Creative Director 630-779-8910, MSmith@CFEMedia.com Paul Brouch, Director of Operations PBrouch@CFEMedia.com Michael Rotz, Print Production Manager 717-766-0211 x4207, Fax: 717-506-7238 mike.rotz@frycomm.com Maria Bartell, Account Director, Infogroup Targeting Solutions 847-378-2275, maria.bartell@infogroup.com Rick Ellis, Audience Management Director 303-246-1250, REllis@CFEMedia.com Letters to the editor: Please e-mail us your opinions to MHoske@CFEMedia.com or fax 630-214-4504. Letters should include name, company, and address, and may be edited. Information: For a Media Kit or Editorial Calendar, go to www.controleng.com/mediainfo. Marketing consultants: See ad index. Custom reprints, electronic: Shelby Pelon, Wright’s Media, 281-419-5725 x138, cfemedia@wrightsmedia.com TMandTechnology Input #101 at www.controleng.com/information

Slash cabling costs with EtherCAT P Ultra-fast communication and power on one cable
EtherCAT P integrates EtherCAT communication with system and peripheral voltage supply in one 4-wire standard Ethernet cable. The I/O system for EtherCAT P with IP 67 protection takes full advantage of One Cable Automation: material and installation costs, as well as the required installation space in drag chains, cable trays and control cabinets are significantly reduced. The compact and robust I/O modules cover a wide signal range, from standard digital I/Os to complex analog signals and measurement technology. More than 100 additional EtherCAT P components are available. Find out more now! input #15 at www.controleng.com/information

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