On arrival at school – Manage the Entry and Exit Process In addition to the school’s regular protocol the following should be in place: Signage indicating the following “Always wear a mask.”
Ensure that a system exists for registration and identification of visitors entering the school compound.
Adherence of all students, members of Administration staff, teaching staff and support staff to wearing face masks. All visitors must wear masks at all times whilst on the compound.
Limit the number of persons entering the school compound – people who are not directly involved with the school’s activities should not be allowed entry.
Strictly enforce the wearing of face mask for all persons entering the school.
Visitors should be encouraged to make an appointment to transact business at the school.
Enforce the hand hygiene protocol at the point of entry i.e. Staff and students must wash their hands with soap and water or apply an alcoholbased hand sanitizer upon entry to the school.
Inform all staff and students about the school’s hygiene and safety policies before they enter the premises. Signage to this effect may be strategically posted.