Guidelines for Unwell Staff All staff members who are unwell must stay home. Staff who fall ill must inform the principal of any illness. Each school must designate a room for the accommodation of staff who develop or display signs of illness while on the compound and the must follow the national protocols set out by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment. Any staff who exhibits signs of illness while on the compound must be directed to the designated isolation area. Staff who display any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (for example fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste) must stay home, call the hotline at 448-2151/2153 /2156/4325, contact a medical doctor or a Health and Wellness Centre and explain the situation. The Ministry of Education must be contacted and Principal and/or Education Officer. Staff members must follow the guidance from the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment on what to do when someone in the household is sick and self-isolating. Notify first the School Principal and /or Education Officer and the Health and Wellness Centre or assigned district nurse of any staff who exhibits symptoms for follow-up testing and necessary action. Every sick staff member at school should be dealt with care using protective gloves.