SUPPORT SERVICES: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Schools will be assisted in establishing a supportive and caring climate, provide psychological and counselling support to students, as students are reintegrated into face to face environment. The following are suggested psychosocial considerations: Instill full confidence in the procedures developed by the Ministry of Education for schools and in its readiness for the safe reception of students, parents and teaching and administrative staff. Increase sensitivity among all students, parents, teaching and administrative staff by converting negative thoughts into positive ideas, to reduce tension and anxiety. Schools are encouraged to develop intervention strategies to address the social and emotional needs of students who show signs of distress, present as a danger to self or others, or teachers and students who are struggling with issues related to the virus and confinement, anxiety or inability to cope upon the return to school. Care must be taken to avoid stigmatization of students, families, teachers or administrative staff infected by COVID-19. School counselors should consult with teachers and school administration on school- wide behavioral needs of students and work with them to provide support.