EGYPTAIR News 13 july 2016

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‫االربعاء‬ ‫‪ٌ13‬ولٌو ‪2016‬‬


‫عطل فنى ٌتسبب فى تأخر إقالع رحلة كازبالنكا‬ ‫شهد مطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬الٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬تأخر إقالع طائرة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران رقم ‪ ،847‬والمتجهة إلى كازبالنكا بسبب عطل فنى‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت مصادر مالحٌة بالمطار‪ ،‬أن قائد رحلة مصر للطٌران رقم‬ ‫‪ 847‬والمتجهة إلى كازبالنكا فؤجى بوجود عطل فنى ٌحول دون‬ ‫إقالع الطائرة‪ ،‬والذى كان محدد إقالعها فى التاسعة من صباح‬ ‫الٌوم‪ .‬وأضافت المصادر أنه تم استدعاء فرق الصٌانة وإنزال‬ ‫الركاب وجارى إصالح العطل‪.‬‬


‫رحلة الدمام تهبط ببرج العرب بسبب غلق المجال الجوى لمطار‬ ‫القاهرة‬ ‫اضطرت طائرة مصر الطٌران القادمة من الدمام إلى تغٌ​ٌر مسارها‬ ‫والهبوط بمطار برج العرب بدال من مطار القاهرة‪ ،‬بسبب إغالق‬ ‫المجال الجوى‪ .‬وأكدت مصادر مالحٌة بالمطار‪ ،‬أن طائرة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران القادمة من الدمام اضطرت إلى تحوٌل مسارها والهبوط بمطار‬ ‫برج العرب بدال من القاهرة بعد غلق المجال الجوى فوق القاهرة بشكل‬ ‫جزئى إلجراء تدرٌبات إسقاط بالمظالت فوق الكلٌة الحربٌة استعدا ًدا‬ ‫الحتفال تخرٌج طلبة الكلٌات العسكرٌة‪ .‬وأضافت المصادر أنه ٌتم‬ ‫إصدار إعالن للطٌارٌن فى مثل تلك الحاالت بموعد غلق مجال مطار‬ ‫القاهرة إلجراء التدرٌبات العسكرٌة‪.‬‬


‫وزٌر الطٌران‪" :‬سوالر المبالس‪ "2‬استغرقت ٌومٌن ونصف للوصول‬ ‫من إسبانٌا لمصر‬ ‫أكد شرٌف فتحى‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬أن هناك أشٌاء كثٌرة متواجدة‬ ‫على طائرة "سوالر امبالس‪ "2‬التى تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة‪ ،‬أستوجبت‬ ‫عمل ترتٌبات خاصة فى مطار القاهرة للطائرة لتمكٌنها من الهبوط‬ ‫واإلقالع مع حساب اتجاهات الرٌاح‪ ،‬والتى تستلزم وصول الطائرة فى‬ ‫وقت مبكر‪ ،‬مشٌراً إلى أن رحلة الطائرة من إسبانٌا إلى مصر استغرقت‬ ‫ٌومٌن ونصف للوصول إلى القاهرة‪ ،‬والتى كان على متنها طٌار واحد‬ ‫فقط‪ .‬وأكد وزٌر الطٌران فى تصرٌحات تلٌفزٌونٌة‪ ،‬من مطار القاهرة‬ ‫الدولى‪ ،‬أن هذا الحدث مهم جداً الختٌار مصر أحد الدول المعدودة لتكون‬ ‫ضمن مراكز هبوط وإقالع رحالت هذه الطائرة حول العالم التى بدأ‬ ‫تنفٌذها منذ سنة وأربعة أشهر‪ .‬وأضاف شرٌف فتحى‪ ،‬أن هذه التجربة‬ ‫تعٌدنا إلى صناعة الطائرات ذات المحركات المروحٌة فى أوائل‬ ‫التسعٌنات والتى تم تطوٌرها حتى اآلن‪ ،‬مؤكداً أن هذه الطائرة تم تصنٌع‬ ‫نموذجٌن منها حتى اآلن‪ ،‬وسٌتم أعطاء أصحاب الفكرة وقت كافى أٌضا ً‬ ‫ألثبات كفاءة الطائرة‪ ،‬والتى أستطاعت عبور المحٌط األطلنطى دون‬ ‫الهبوط فى أى مكان‪.‬‬


‫بالفٌدٌو‪ ..‬وزٌر الطٌران ٌشهد تسلٌم وتسلم قٌادة طائرة "سوالر‬ ‫أمبالس ‪―2‬‬ ‫شهد شرٌف فتحى‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬تسلٌم وتسلم قٌادة‬ ‫الطائرة"سوالر أمبالس ‪ ،"2‬أول طائرة فى العالم تعمل بالطاقة‬ ‫الشمسٌة‪ ،‬قادمة من إسبانٌا فى إطار جولتها حول العالم‪ ،‬حٌث تبادل‬ ‫قائدا الطائرة قٌادة رحلة اإلقالع من القاهرة لإلمارات‪ .‬وأكد فتحى أن‬ ‫التجربة فرٌدة من نوعها‪ ،‬كما أن وزارة الطٌران تسعى لالستفادة‬ ‫دائما من كل ما هو جدٌد فى عالم الطٌران المدنى‪ٌ .‬ذكر أن الطائرة‬ ‫ٌقودها قائد واحد وهو من ٌطٌر على متنها فقط‪.‬‬


‫وزٌر الطٌران‪ :‬هبوط أول طائرة صدٌقة للبٌئة بالقاهرة ٌعكس‬ ‫مكانتها‬ ‫قال شرٌف فتحً‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬إن هبوط طائرة "سوالر أمبالس ‪ ،"2‬أول‬ ‫طائرة فً العالم تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة بالقاهرة ٌدل على المكانة التارٌخٌة لمصر‪.‬‬

‫وأضاف وزٌر الطٌران المدنً لدى استقباله أول طائرة تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة‪ ،‬أن‬ ‫قطاع الطٌران المدنى المصرى ٌهتم بتشجٌع استخدام الطاقة الشمسٌة والتكنولوجٌا‬ ‫النظٌفة‪ ،‬وأن هبوط الطائرة فً أي مطار حدث مهم ٌروج له عالمٌا بشكل كبٌر‬ ‫وٌجعل الدولة المستقبلة للطائرة جزءا من تارٌخ تطوٌر صناعة الطٌران المدنى فً‬ ‫العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت "سوالر أمبالس ‪ "2‬أول طائرة فً العالم تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة‪ ،‬وصلت إلى‬ ‫مطار القاهرة الدولً قادمة من إسبانٌا فً جولتها قبل األخٌرة فً إطار رحالتها‬ ‫التجرٌبٌة حول العالم لنشر الوعى الترشٌدى وتبنى قضٌة التكنولوجٌا النظٌفة‪ ،‬حٌث‬ ‫إنها أقلعت من العاصمة اإلماراتٌة فً مارس ‪ 2015‬وقامت بالهبوط بـ‪ 15‬مدٌنة‪،‬‬ ‫حول العالم لتعود مرة أخرى إلى أبو ظبى‪.‬‬ ‫وحلقت الطائرة فوق منطقة األهرامات لعمل تصوٌر فٌلمى بواسطة طائرة هلٌكوبتر‪،‬‬ ‫وذلك لما ٌمثله هذا الحدث من أهمٌة كبٌرة ٌسجل فً الوثائق التارٌخٌة لجمهورٌة‬ ‫مصر العربٌة‪ ،‬وتتجه بعدها إلى مطار القاهرة لتبدأ مراسم االحتفال‪.‬‬



‫وزٌر الطٌران بعد هبوط «إمبالس ‪ »2‬بمطار القاهرة‪:‬‬ ‫وجودها أفضل دعاٌة لمصر‬

‫هبطت‪ ،‬صباح األربعاء‪ ،‬الطائرة «سوالر امبالس‪ »2‬بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬فً‬ ‫حضور وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬شرٌف فتحً وسفٌر سوٌسرا بالقاهرة‪،‬‬ ‫ولفٌف من قٌادات وزارة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬وسط اجواء احتفالٌة‪،‬‬ ‫وحضور إعالمى عالمً‪.‬‬ ‫وقال أشرف فتحً‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬خالل تصرٌحات خاصة‬ ‫لـ«المصري الٌوم»‪« :‬شاهدت مٌالد فكرة الطائرة على الورق قبل‬ ‫التطبٌق‪ ،‬والٌوم استمتع بمشاهدتها على ارض الواقع‪ ،‬ووجودوها فً‬ ‫أفضل دعاٌة لمصر واكبر دلٌل على اهمٌة تارٌخ وحضارة مصر»‪.‬‬


‫وأضاف‪« :‬هً أول طائرة تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة بدون وقود أو تلوث‬ ‫فً رحلة حول العالم وهى فكرة وتنفٌذ رائدان سوٌسران هما برتران‬ ‫بٌكار وأندرٌه بورشبٌرج وٌهدفان لنشر فكرة الطاقة النظٌفة وتوفٌر‬ ‫الموارد الرئٌسٌة‪ ،‬وهى طائرة خفٌفة الوزن حٌث ٌبلغ وزنها ‪2300‬‬ ‫كجم وعرضها ‪72.3‬م وذلك من أجل تهٌئة األسطح للخالٌا الشمسٌة‪،‬‬ ‫شمسٌة‪ ،‬التً ُت ّ‬ ‫وٌغطى الجناحٌن ‪ 17248‬من الخالٌا ال ّ‬ ‫غذي بطارٌات‬ ‫الطائرة من صنف لٌثٌوم بولٌمر‪ ،‬وتساعد البطارٌات على تولٌد‬ ‫وتخزٌن ما ٌكفً من الطاقة لتشغٌل محركات الطائرة للتحلٌق لفترات‬ ‫أطول‪ ،‬كما ٌمكن للطائرة التحلٌق فً الظالم بفضل ّ‬ ‫البطارٌات»‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪m‬‬

‫الطائرة الشمسٌة «سوالر إمبالس ‪ »2‬تحلق فوق أهرامات مصر‬ ‫أعلنت مصادر مالحٌة مصرٌة أن الطائرة «سوالر إمبالس ‪ ،»2‬التً تعمل‬ ‫بالطاقة الشمسٌة‪ ،‬قامت فً ساعة مبكرة من صباح الٌوم األربعاء بتصوٌر‬ ‫شروق الشمس فوق األهرامات قبل هبوطها بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬وذلك بعد‬ ‫قدومها من إسبانٌا فً إطار جولتها حول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر‪« :‬سٌتم إقامة احتفال كبٌر خالل ساعات بحضور شرٌف‬ ‫فتحً وزٌر الطٌران المدنً وسفٌر سوٌسرا لدى مصر وعدد من قٌادات‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً وخبراء الطٌران والطاقة النظٌفة لتفقد الطائرة»‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن هذه هً أول طائرة فً العالم تعمل بالطاقة الشمسٌة بدون انبعاثات‬ ‫وبدون وقود‪ ،‬وتقوم برحالت تجرٌبٌة حول العالم‪.‬‬ iness

Qatar Airways to take stake in biggest South American carrier LatAm Qatar Airways plans to buy up to 10 per cent of Latam Airlines’ shares through a capital increase as the Gulf carrier continues its acquisition prowl. The Chile-based airline is seeking to hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting by September 2 to propose the US$613 million capital increase at $10 a share, the two carriers said on Tuesday. Qatar Airways’ investment foray into South America follows its acquisition of a 15 per cent stake in IAG Group, the parent company of British Airways and the Spanish carrier Iberia. “As a leading airline in Latin America and key member of Oneworld, this investment provides potential opportunities for Qatar Airways’ global network, alongside our successful investment in IAG," said Akbar Al Baker, the chief executive of Qatar Airways. Qatar Airways, the second biggest Gulf airline in terms of passengers, is also considering acquiring a 25 to 49 per cent stake in the Moroccan flag carrier, Royal Air Maroc.


Mr Al Baker envisions turning the Casablanca base of Royal Air (2) Maroc into a hub that connects north and west Africa. “Qatar’s investment strategy is to invest in airlines which complement its own network development and which it regards as well managed," said John Strickland, the aviation consultant. “Latam is the largest grouping in Latin America and complements Qatar’s plans to develop into this continent." Will Horton, the senior analyst at the Centre for Aviation (Capa) consultancy, said the stake gives further indications of Qatar’s global ambitions. “The investment might help Qatar grow in markets where Latam has a presence. This includes new routes – maybe Lima, with Santiago already announced – and strengthening Qatar’s presence in São Paulo and Rio. But it is not clear an equity investment would be necessary to facilitate this partnership," Mr Horton said. Etihad Airways, the third-largest Gulf airline in terms of passenger numbers, has minority stakes in seven airlines, including India’s Jet Airways, Air Serbia and Alitalia. Qatar Airways reported for the first time its financial results on Monday. The airline’s net profit increased more than four-fold to 1.6 billion Qatari riyals (Dh1.6bn) in the financial year that ended in March as the airline cut costs and expanded routes. (1)

Boeing, EGYPTAIR Announce Order for Nine Next-Generation 737-800s FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -Boeing [NYSE: BA] and EGYPTAIR announced an order today for nine Next-Generation 737-800s at the 2016 Farnborough International Airshow. The deal, valued at $864 million at current list prices, was previously attributed to an unidentified customer on Boeing's Order & Deliveries website. Eight of the airplanes will be financed by Dubai Aerospace Enterprise, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The announcement coincides with 50 years of partnership between Boeing and the airline that began with an order for a 707 in 1966. EGYPTAIR placed its first 737 order in 1975. "Over the years, Boeing has played an important role in our growth plan," said Safwat Musallam, Chairman and CEO, EGYPTAIR Holding Company. "The Next-Generation 737-800s have earned an excellent reputation for reliability, performance and cost efficiency and has added tremendous value to our operations. The addition of several more of this airplane will definitely enable us to continue with our plans to introduce modern, efficient aircraft on our short to medium haul destination network. We are pleased to be working with Dubai Aerospace Enterprise to finance eight of these airplanes."

(2) EGYPTAIR currently operates 20 737-800NGs and when the nine airplanes on order have been delivered will comprise the largest singleaisle aircraft type in its fleet. The airline also has six 777-300ERs and two 777-200ERs. EGYPTAIR forecast significant growth of their total fleet by 2026. "We are delighted to welcome EGYPTAIR as one of DAE's new clients in the MENA region," said Mr. Khalifa AlDaboos, Managing Director of DAE. "We look forward to a mutually rewarding long-term relationship with EGYPTAIR and to supporting EGYPTAIR's fleet ambitions." The 737-800 is the best-selling version of the successful NextGeneration 737 family. Known for its reliability, fuel efficiency and economic performance, the 737-800 is selected by leading carriers throughout the world because it provides operators the flexibility to serve a wide range of markets. The operating benefits will carry over to the future 737 MAX, the first of which is scheduled for delivery in 2017. "This order is an endorsement of EGYPTAIR's confidence in the 737 and we hope to continue our long-time partnership with the airline as it further grows and strengthens its operations," said Marty Bentrott, vice president of Sales for Middle East, Russia and Central Asia, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.


BOEING, EGYPTAIR ANNOUNCE ORDER FOR NINE NEXT-GENERATION 737-800S ORDER MARKS 50 YEARS OF PARTNERSHIP AIRPLANES TO BE FINANCED BY DUBAI AEROSPACE ENTERPRISE FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 13, 2016 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] and EGYPTAIR announced an order today for nine Next-Generation 737800s at the 2016 Farnborough International Airshow. The deal, valued at $864 million at current list prices, was previously attributed to an unidentified customer on Boeing’s Order & Deliveries website. Eight of the airplanes will be financed by Dubai Aerospace Enterprise, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The announcement coincides with 50 years of partnership between Boeing and the airline that began with an order for a 707 in 1966. EGYPTAIR placed its first 737 order in 1975. ―Over the years, Boeing has played an important role in our growth plan,‖ said Safwat Musallam, Chairman and CEO, EGYPTAIR Holding Company. ―The Next-Generation 737-800s have earned an excellent reputation for reliability, performance and cost efficiency and has added tremendous value to our operations. The addition of several more of this airplane will definitely enable us to continue with our plans to introduce modern, efficient aircraft on our short to medium haul destination network. We are pleased to be working with Dubai Aerospace Enterprise to finance eight of these airplanes.‖ EGYPTAIR currently operates 20 737-800NGs and when the nine airplanes on order have been delivered will comprise the largest singleaisle aircraft type in its fleet. The airline also has six 777-300ERs and two 777-200ERs.

(2) EGYPTAIR forecast significant growth of their total fleet by 2026. "We are delighted to welcome EGYPTAIR as one of DAE's new clients in the MENA region,‖ said Mr. Khalifa AlDaboos, Managing Director of DAE. ―We look forward to a mutually rewarding long-term relationship with EGYPTAIR and to supporting EGYPTAIR's fleet ambitions." The 737-800 is the best-selling version of the successful NextGeneration 737 family. Known for its reliability, fuel efficiency and economic performance, the 737-800 is selected by leading carriers throughout the world because it provides operators the flexibility to serve a wide range of markets. The operating benefits will carry over to the future 737 MAX, the first of which is scheduled for delivery in 2017. ―This order is an endorsement of EGYPTAIR’s confidence in the 737 and we hope to continue our long-time partnership with the airline as it further grows and strengthens its operations,‖ said Marty Bentrott, vice president of Sales for Middle East, Russia and Central Asia, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

World’s best airlines for 2016 revealed Dubai: Emirates has been voted the best airline in the world for 2016, according to a consultancy firm that surveyed millions of passengers worldwide. Skytrax, which runs an aviation consumer platform, presented on Tuesday the 2016 World Airline Awards at a gala ceremony held at Farnborough Airshow, which was attended by representatives of more than 40 airlines around the world. This year’s awards marks the fourth time that Emirates has won the top prize. Other Gulf carriers also made it to the top ten list, with Qatar Airways taking the second spot and Etihad Airways securing the sixth position. The awards was based on a comprehensive consumer survey conducted among 19.2 million air travellers between August 2015 and May 2016, covering a range of indicators, including seat comfort, cabin cleanliness, check-in and boarding experience, quality of staff service, among many others. The poll attracted feedback from more than 104 nationalities, which rated at least 280 low-cost and fullservice carriers. Emirates scored the highest in terms of the quality of inflight entertainment, while Qatar Airways’ business class cabin was voted the world’s best.

Airbus cuts A380 delivery target to avoid glut Europe's Airbus on Tuesday cut the delivery target for its A380 superjumbo to 12 a year from 2018, down from 27 in 2015 and about half what is projected for this year, to prevent a glut of unsold planes as airlines shun the industry's behemoths. It announced the cutback late on the second day of the Farnborough Airshow, taking the shine off a $20 billion haul of orders for smaller jets, after the decision was reported in French newspaper La Tribune. The move raises the possibility that Airbus could revert to losses on the double-decker jet after breaking even for the first time last year, but averts the need to start ordering parts for unsold planes: something it has pledged not to do. Parts for A380s must be ordered up to two years ahead. Airbus said it would still break even with 20 deliveries next year, but gave no specific commitment beyond that. "The company will continue to improve the efficiency of its industrial system to achieve breakeven at 20 aircraft in 2017 and targets additional cost reduction initiatives to lower breakeven further," Airbus said in a statement. Sales of large four-engine airliners like the 544-seat A380 have been hit hard by improvements in the range and efficiency of smaller twoengined models, which can be easier to fill. The trend became starker on Monday when one of the mammoth plane's earliest advocates, Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic, opted for 12 of Airbus's A350-1000 twin-engined jets after progressively shelving its longstanding order for A380s.


Airbus chief Fabrice Bregier insisted the aircraft was "here to stay," while sales chief John Leahy said earlier he was talking to some potential A380 buyers. It is the second time that Airbus has moved to cut production of the A380, reflecting a more hard-nosed attitude to a jet hailed at its birth as a European industrial symbol. "We just took this decision; it is business driven. The focus is now on maintaining breakeven," said a senior executive. In April, Reuters reported it had asked suppliers to slow production to support a production assembly rate of 1.7 a month from 2017 from just over 2 a month, equating to 19.6 deliveries a year after adjusting for European holidays. Planemakers cannot afford to build undelivered "white tails," or aircraft with no buyers lined up in advance, because of the cost of keeping such inventory on their books. Each A380 is worth $432.6 million at list prices, but after discounts it would sell for significantly less. Dubai's Emirates, which strongly backs the A380, recently stepped in to buy two A380s stranded by a Japanese airline bankruptcy, but the output cut suggests that although by far the largest customer, it won't always be a buyer of last resort. Rival Boeing has been cutting production of its 747 jumbo as interest all but evaporated in the passenger version and weak cargo markets dampened interest in a freighter version.


The U.S. planemaker however said on Tuesday it had finalised terms for Russia's Volga-Dnepr to take 20 747-8 freighters, including four that had already been built and lacked buyers. Industry sources say Airbus is considering ways of improving the A380's performance as it weathers a dry period in sales, while putting aside costlier plans for an engine upgrade. With doubts intensifying about the global economy, the planemaker believes airlines may lack the confidence to consider the A380, even though the case in favour has been helped by lower oil prices. Pressure from large twin-engined jets is rising, meanwhile, as Airbus itself considers expanding its A350 jet family to take 400 people, and Boeing ponders stretching its already heavily upgraded 406-seat 777-9 to take another 40-50 passengers.


GoAir inks deal with Airbus for 72 A320neos In a bid to expand its operation on the domestic front and start its international operations, Go Air – the country’s third largest low cost airline – on Tuesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with French aircraft manufacturer Airbus for an order of 72 A320 aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow. This will take the total order book to 144 aircraft for the airline owned by the Wadia Group. The Mumbai-based airlines has an existing capacity of 20 aircraft and it needs only one more aircraft to make itself eligible for starting international operations. The airline has been planning to start its international operations for some time now and is expected to come out with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) later this year. Earlier this year the low cost airline took the delivery of two A320 Neo aircraft. ―The new A320 Neo provide us the competitive edge to achieve our growth targets and help us strengthening our presence in the wider region. The new aircraft will help us in unlocking new domestic routes while providing a springboard for continued international network expansion in the years to come.‖ said Go Air CEO Wolfgang Prock-Schauer. The A320 Neo Family incorporates latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklet wing tip devices, which together deliver more than 15% in fuel savings from day one and 20% by 2020 with further cabin innovations. ―This further commitment by Go Air is a testament to the reliability, passenger popularity and unbeatable operating economics of the A320 Family. I congratulate Go Air,‖ said Airbus chief operating officer customers, John Leahy. m


SIA named best airline in Asia, but slips to 3rd place in global ranking SINGAPORE: Flag carrier Singapore Airlines (SIA) was named the best airline in Asia, but slipped to third place globally, according to a survey of millions of airline passengers conducted by Skytrax. Dubai-based Emirates was voted the world’s top airline, the fourth time it has clinched the award, while Qatar Airways came in second. Last year, Qatar came in first, followed by SIA and Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific. Emirates was ranked fifth. The awards were presented on Tuesday at the Farnborough Airshow in the United Kingdom. SIA also clinched the award for Best Airline in Asia as well as Best Business Class Airline Seat. ―We are honoured to receive these prestigious awards, which are a validation of the hard work and dedication of our staff around the world who ensure that Singapore Airlines remains competitive on a global level,‖ SIA said. South Korea’s Asiana Airlines won the award for the best economy class airline, followed by Qatar and SIA, while Qatar won for the best business class airline, followed by SIA and Etihad Airways. The best cabin crew award went to Garuda Indonesia, with ANA All Nippon Airways taking second place and SIA third. Thai Airways was named as the world's most improved airline, while Cathay Pacific won for having the cleanest aircraft cabins and Emirates won the award for best inflight entertainment.

(2) Among budget airlines, AirAsia was named as the best low-cost airline, both in Asia and globally. Virgin America was voted as the top airline and top budget carrier in North America, while Norwegian won the award for best long-haul low-cost airline. The survey, conducted online between August 2015 and May 2016, polled 19.2 million airline passengers from more than 104 countries. Here are the world’s top 10 airlines in 2016, according to Skytrax:

Emirates Qatar Airways Singapore Airlines Cathay Pacific ANA All Nippon Airways Etihad Airways Turkish Airlines EVA Air Qantas Airways Lufthansa (1)

Boeing, Qatar Airways Launch New 777 Performance Improvement Package FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Qatar Airways announced today at the 2016 Farnborough International Airshow the launch of a new Performance Improvement Package. Qatar Airways is the first customer in the world to take advantage of the new modification offering, a reflection of its focus on providing a superior product to its customers. "Qatar Airways operates one of the world's youngest and most technologically advanced fleets, and we are always seeking ways to grow our operational advantage," said His Excellency Akbar Al Baker, Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive. "We appreciate Boeing's continued efforts to improve the value and efficiency of our existing airplanes, allowing us to stand out in the marketplace and keep our fleet at the forefront of global aircraft performance capabilities." Through design improvements, Boeing's retrofittable Performance Improvement Package allows airlines to open new routes, fly existing routes more efficiently and improve payload capacity and range. Qatar Airways, as the launch customer for the offering, will be upgrading its entire fleet of 53 777s. "Boeing never stops evaluating means of improving our already highly efficient and reliable aircraft," said Stan Deal, senior vice president, Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. "With our Performance Improvement Package, we're helping our customers obtain even greater performance from the market leading 777 family of aircraft."

(2) Doha-based Qatar Airways is the state-owned flag carrier of Qatar. The airline currently operates a fleet of 34 Boeing 777300ERs and nine 777-200LRs, in addition to 10 777 Freighters, linking over 150 international destinations across the globe. Boeing is a leader in providing 24/7 support and service to the global aviation industry. In addition to retrofits and modifications, Boeing offers the industry's largest portfolio of services including aftermarket parts, subscription-based maintenance programs, engineering support, crew training, route planning, digital crew scheduling, advanced data analytics and software to enhance airlines and leasing company operations. (1)

The Boeing Sale to Iran Runs Into Turbulence No wonder the House moved last week to try to block Boeing ’s tentative agreement to sell 80 passenger jets to Iran’s government-owned airline, Iran Air. Congress is rightly concerned about what could be a $25 billion deal with an Iranian aviation industry that has been complicit in Iran’s weapons proliferation and support for terrorism. The amendments, attached to a financial-services spending bill, would in effect prevent the Treasury Department from granting or funding export licenses for commercial aircraft, parts or services, and ban the participation of any U.S. financial institution in a deal to export passenger aircraft to Iran. The amendments are unlikely to become law. President Obama will probably threaten to veto any legislation that would dent his nuclear agreement with Iran. But they are a sign of mounting concern on Capitol Hill about the implications of the plane sale. Boeing and U.S. financial institutions considering banking the deal should take a closer look at what they’re getting into. Once the planes are in Iran, there would be no way to prevent the regime’s Revolutionary Guards from using them for airlifts to support Syria’s President Bashar Assad and the Lebanese Hezbollah.

(2) When sanctions were in full force before last year’s nuclear deal, Iran Air carried missile components to Tehran and weapons to Syria, according to the Treasury Department. The airline flouted a U.N. global arms embargo and, according to Treasury in its 2011 sanctioning of Iran Air, violated civil-aviation rules by disguising military shipments as civilian. Since 2011 the sanctioned Iranian airline Mahan Air has been the main conduit for sending the Revolutionary Guards’ weapons and military personnel to Syria, Treasury says. These airlifts prevented the fall of the Assad regime, abetted the slaughter of Sunni Syrians and fueled a refugee crisis in Europe. Lifting sanctions on Iran Air (but not Mahan) last year helped pave the way for the nuclear deal, but the airline continued to conduct illicit business. As recently as June 9, an Iran Air jet landed in Abadan, Iran, the logistical hub of the Revolutionary Guards’ airlifts to Mr. Assad and Hezbollah in Syria. After about an hour on the tarmac, it flew to Damascus. Iran Air’s flight can be tracked online, so we know that Iran Air regularly flies to Syria. We also know that, as recently as June 7, Iran Air’s flight to Damascus had its transponders broadcasting an outdated Najaf-Tehran flight number, making it appear that the flight was between Iran and Iraq. Iran remains the world’s most-prolific state sponsor of terrorism, and its airline industry is so infected that four other Iranian airlines are still sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury. Iran’s transport minister, Abbas Akhoundi, said last year that Iran wants to buy up to 500 new planes to rejuvenate its aging airline industry. But Iran Air lacks the capacity to absorb such a large order. More likely, it plans to sell or lease new aircraft to other Iranian airlines.

(3) The U.S. government could cancel the license authorizing the sale of Boeing planes if they aren’t used ―exclusively for civil-aviation end-use‖ and if the aircraft don’t end up being operated by sanctioned airlines. That’s what the Iran nuclear deal stipulates and it is also how State Department spokesman John Kirby has described the licensing conditions. But such a cancellation is unlikely. The Boeing deal was produced by one of America’s most powerful corporations, its banking partners and a Washington lobby that advocates U.S.-Iran trade regardless of Iran’s bloody history. This triumvirate was spearheaded in its plane-sale efforts by retired U.S. diplomat and former Boeing executive Tom Pickering. Another solution, equally unlikely to have much effect, would be for the U.S. government to bless the sale while retaining the right to sanction specific aircraft if Iran violates the license terms after the planes are sold. The Treasury has already shown a willingness to target specific planes. It sanctioned eight Airbus A340s last year when Mahan Air bought them through an Iraqi- and a Maltese-owned intermediary from British-registered owners. But these aircraft are still taking off and landing at major European destinations, where they are serviced despite U.S. sanctions. For Iran, the Boeing deal is doubly attractive: Gaining dozens of new aircraft and possibly conducting the sale in dollars, either directly or indirectly through a euro currency conversion using the U.S. dollar. The Obama administration recently signaled that it may allow banks to finance the deal through dollars—a major post-nuclear-deal concession to a country previously barred from using the dollar. Iran wants to get the planes now, borrow from Western lenders, pay later, and set a precedent for using the dollar in other financing arrangements.

(4) In making a deal like the one with Boeing, Iran would also be buying an insurance policy against the nuclear agreement’s sanctions-snapback provision, which the Obama administration touted as an enforcement mechanism against Iranian cheating. Snapping back sanctions would jeopardize billions of dollars of unpaid contracts to American and European companies and banks. White House and European capitals would come under intense lobbying not to restore sanctions, or at least to protect existing deals. In other words, Iran is exploiting the tension between national security and Western commercial interests. The Boeing deal puts the sale of aircraft over statecraft. It would increase Iran’s leverage over the nuclear deal while diminishing the U.S. appetite for rigorous supervision. Before the Boeing sale is allowed to take off, Congress should require the Obama administration to certify that none of Iran’s commercial airlines is implicated in supporting terrorism or rogue regimes.

Bahrain's Gulf Air awards $900m deal for Rolls Royce engines Bahrain's national carrier Gulf Air on Tuesday said it has awarded RollsRoyce a $900 million contract for Trent 1000 engines to power 10 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners. In addition, Gulf Air also said in a statement it has the option to purchase the same engine to power six further Boeing 787-9s. The aircraft all form part of Gulf Air's recently announced wide-body aircraft orders, geared towards facilitating long term expansion capabilities for the airline's future network requirement. Maher Salman Al Musallam, Gulf Air CEO, said: ―Gulf Air's current wide body fleet are also powered by Trent 700 engines and, with this latest development, we look forward to continuing our longstanding relationship with Rolls-Royce as we take an important step forward in developing our future fleet. "We have experience of the Trent engine and its durability and resilience in a variety of operating conditions and we are confident the Trent 1000 will deliver the same outstanding performance.‖ Eric Schulz, Rolls-Royce president - Civil Aerospace, added: ―We are proud to be selected by a valued customer such as Gulf Air and this marks a significant success for the Trent 1000. It has developed a real momentum in the marketplace, winning more than 60 per cent of engine competitions in the last six years.‖ Gulf Air’s restructured aircraft orders were announced in January this year at the Bahrain International Airshow and comprise 45 aircraft in total with deliveries commencing from Q2 2018. Rolls-Royce powered the very first Boeing 787 test flight in December 2009, the first 787-8 to enter service in October 2011, and the first 787-9 to enter service, in 2014.

Qatar Airways Profit Jumps 335 Percent TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Qatar Airways announced Monday that its net profit this year up to March 31 has jumped significantly due to low oil prices and spending cuts. The airline reported a net profit of 1,621 million Saudi riyals ($442 million) in 2015-16, or up by 335 percent compared to its last year’s profit of 337 million riyals ($102 million). Qatar Airways Group CEO Akbar al-Baker say this is the best year for the airline which owns 186 of the most advanced aircraft fleet. Its operation profit is up from 34.2 billion riyal in fiscal year 20142015 to 35.6 billion riyals last year, said Akbar. Qatar Airways is currently serving 150 destinations in 75 countries after adding 13 new routes last year, and plans to add 17 new routes this year, according to AFP.

United Airlines Flight 929 from London to Chicago declares mid-air emergency A United Airlines flight from London to Chicago has declared a mid-air emergency. Flight 929, which left Heathrow Airport this morning, has been forced to divert to Edinburgh Airport in Scotland, it is reported. The plane is currently burning fuel tens of thousands of feet in the air before it plans to make an emergency landing at the airport. The Boeing 767-300, which was due to arrive in Illinois this afternoon, declared an emergency above the north of the UK, AirLive reports United Airlines tweeted that the pilot made the decision to divert because they believe 'there's a potential fuel issue that needs maintenance'. The firm added that 'all passengers and crew are fine'. "We will address the issue once landed, and have the flight on its way," it said. The plane, which left London at 7am, was around an hour into its flight to Illinois, US, when it was forced to declare the emergency. The incident comes just a week after a United Airlines flight from Sydney to Los Angeles had to make an emergency landing - due to a suspected 'mid-air bird strike'. The plane returned to Sydney International Airport shortly after take-off after a bird reportedly hit the aircraft and fuel began pouring from the wing. Emergency teams met the Boeing 777 and guided it to the gates.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران‬

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