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Theme Technical sustainablitiy
A medley of methods to obtain refined information about joints, structures, details and atmosphere, for the ongoing design process.
The aim is to investigate how tectonics, nature and landscapes can constitute the healing process of the user. Evidence-based research investigates the co-dependents of the built environment, nature and human well-being. Natural elements available at site are studied via the method of photo sampling. Tectonic elements are studied via case studies and architectural positions within architecture. This combination of these following methods will create holistic foundation for design criteria which will shape the tectonics and atmosphere of the stress centre.
Method: Literature Study
By studying relevant architects like P. Zumthor and M. Fascari, the architectural and theoretical position is staged, and forms the point of view throughout the additional analysis. Together with evidence-based research concerning the effects of the indoor environment upon a human-being, strong arguments are created and will underline strategies that can be transformed into design criteria. Tools: books, research paper, online information
Method: Case Studies
Studying Paimio Sanatorium will inspire and educate for understanding different architectural initiatives, such as gestures and structural qualities. This method needs to be critically combined with evidencebased research to evaluate the gravity of the architectural initiatives within the sanatorium before considering the design criteria. Tools: field trips, literature, databases, architectural journals
Method: Mapping
The aim of mapping is to discover information about structures, infrastructure, connections and activities. These contextual cartographics can affect and inspire practical and logistical solutions. The method also maps out different activities that exist on the island. This can provide design initiatives for connecting the health centre with its surroundings. Tools: on- and off-site observations, hand drawing.
Method: Phenomenological Context Study
A study about the experienced atmosphere. The method transforms subjective experienced spaces into an objective atmosphere. The method is challenged by the way feelings and senses are graphically represented. In this theme, perception of the Genius Loci is communicated and illustrated by using words and images. Combining the Genius Loci method with results from the Egholm mappings and the Paimio case study, may result in some delicate and context inspired design criteria. Tools: Note taking, pictures, gather onsite materials.
Method: Serial Vision
The serial vision is primarily used to get an understanding of the phenomenological aspect of the context and its characteristics. It is a mixture of mapping and phenomenological methodology. The analysis origins from occasional paths leading to the site and illustrates the spatial atmosphere and the physical qualities experienced through the context to site. Tools: note taking and pictures