3 minute read
Abstract Project
User group
This report is conducted by group 04 of the 2nd semester of the Master education of Architecture & Design specializing in Sustainable Architecture at Aalborg University. The assignment set for this project is to design an environmentally friendly health centre at the island of Egholm located in Aalborg targeted for a relevant user group of own choice.
We have chosen to target the evergrowing group of people suffering from work-related stress. This topic is of highly relevance to society, and we think, that in order to reduce future stress cases a paradigm shift is needed in order to avoid considering stress a personal failure, a taboo and a pervasive condition for living in the 21st century. Our vision is, that if more health centres similar to this one where constructed throughout the country more people would be helped to a faster recovery. This specific health centre is to be located at a scenic and remote site at the southeastern part of Egholm. Main focuses of the design will be an enhanced emphasis on materials, structure, landscape and user specific detailing of the architecture. The design is to be conducted based on the overall design approach defined within the integrated design process by MaryAnn Knudstrup, and in a continuation hereof, this report is organized similarly.
Concluding, this health centre consists of two building volumes; one housing the public and therapeutic functions and one housing the private dwelling functions. Most materials are chosen upon LCAinvestigations, the construction is designed for disassembly, and various initiatives targeting the recovery of stressed out people have been implemented.
Scale definitions presupposes printing the presentation chapter in landscaped A3format.
Sustainable Welfare Building
3 Title Sheet 4 Reading Guide 5 Abstract Project
Project Program
00 Initial Problem
11 Sustainable Approach 12 Motivation Work-related Stress 13 Integrated Design 14 Theme Technical sustainablitiy 15 Theme Social sustainability 16 Theme Environmental sustainability 17 Additional Methods
01 Technical sustainability
20 The journey To Egholm 22 Mapping Egholm 24 Serial vision Egholm 26 Architectural Positions 27 Case Study Paimio Sanatorium 28 The Healing Place 29 Technical sustainability
02 Social Sustainability
31 Introducing User aspects 32 User Guest 34 User Personal trainer 35 User Psychologist 36 User Yoga instructor 37 Persona Subconclusion 38 Design for de-Stress 40 Interior Healing 41 Room For life 42 Social subconclusion
03 Environmental Sustainability
44 Climate Data 45 Vernacular Architecture 46 Danish Building Tradition 47 The Wadden Sea Centre RIBE 48 Life Cycle Analyses Materials 49 The Modern Seaweed House Læsø 50 Design for Disassembly 51 Material Origin 53 Low Enerygy Building Strategies 54 The Sun House Hørsholm 55 the window as gesture 57 Environmental subconclusion
04 Program Synthesis
59 Programming Atmosphere 61 Programming Spatial connections 62 Programming Properties 64 Vision project 65 Technical Criteria 66 Social Criteria 67 Environmental Criteria 68 Holistic Thinking
Process Report
70 Design Approach 71 Intial conceptual sketches 72 Conceptual Ideas 73 Early Modelling 76 Modelling Development 77 Iteration no. 1 78 Therapy buidling Programming 79 Dwellings Programming 80 Iteration no. 2 81 Construction Development 84 Modular development 85 Sheathing development 86 DFD Facade solution 87 Programming Spatial Gestures 89 Iteration no. 3 90 Envelope Development 94 Envelope Conclusion 95 Locating Critical rooms 96 The window as gesture 98 Indoor Comfort
103 Masterplan 1:1000 104 Facades 1:200 110 Therapy plan 1:200 112 Section A-A 1:200 112 Section B-B 1:200 114 Dwelling plan 1:200 116 Detail 1:20 117 Indoor Climate 120 Disassembly Design 121 Active Strategies 121 Data Sheet 122 Process Conclusion 124 Reflection Design 126 Reflection Corona 127 Figure list 130 Reference Literature
Appendix process
How do you design a health centre retreat at Egholm targeted for people suffering from work-related stress? Which initiatives can be implemented in regard to designing stress reducing atmospheres to facilitate human health and well-being? What design solutions help ensuring a low operational energy demand in order to comply with the voluntarily low energy class of 2020 and furthermore, how do you limit the amount of embodied energy within the materials for the design focusing on LCA?