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Reflection Corona

Reflection Corona


Comfort aspects for thermal, visual, acoustic and atmospheric comfort must function as integrated parameters. In terms of thermal comfort, the temperatures of rooms must be adjustable by the residents both by a regulatable heating system, openable windows and adjustable window shadings. Visual comfort must be obtained by reaching a daylight factor of up to 3 % in living areas and acoustic comfort must be considered concerning the use of interior materials. Lastly, atmospheric comfort must be obtained by a seasonal combination of mechanical and natural ventilation strategies. Moreover, rooms with a higher pollution level due to e.g. a high activity level must spatially consider these conditions, e.g. by the increase of the room height.


5 MUST DESIGN FOR SPATIAL USER NEEDS AND PRIVACY Aims for enhancing spatial qualities will take point of departure in user specific preferences associated with a calming and destressing atmosphere. This will be obtained by the use of natural materials and colors creating an informal and calming atmosphere. Furthermore, a pegboard allowing for personalization of the dwellings will be implemented, whereto also private toilets for each of the dwellings will be prioritized.

6 MUST ENHANCE THE SURROUNDING LANDSCAPE WITHIN THE DESIGN STRATEGY Nature must be made accessible both from interior views towards the outside, accessible terraces and big flexible façade elements utilizing a neutralization of what is interior and what is exterior. Moreover, the relation to nature and the specific site must be ensured by dividing the health centre into multiple separated volumes, making outside walks an integrated part of the overall circulation.

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