MD Program

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Xavier University School of Medicine

Cultivating Great Minds


Cultivating Great Minds for Primary Care Medicine


t n e id s e r P e h t Message from the y vision of m u o y h it are w Dea happy to sh m a I ents. , y it rs e er our stud r Univ ff ie o v e a w X t f a o t n educations education th d As Preside e le it b d a re rd c o c ff a and a tes. rt, and accessible United Sta te-of-the-a e ta th s , in rn e e c d ti o ly prac ive, m We all the world. nd ultimate omprehens a d n n o u ti ro a a ic if re We offer c als e healthca profession s board cert c ti rd re c a a ra c w p h to lt a to d e geare go on that h tal function r graduates ie u c o o f s o t n y a n a rt M impo elief in the lthcare share the b art of hea d y. n it a n a e c m n u ie h ects deliver to oth the sc ts in all asp b n e to d tu d s te s it e comm tures, immers , which is ssroom lec enges and la ll c a e h c rg t la a g n th The faculty o ction amon f focusing es curricula ra o h c te d a a in te te r , s te ry In a e . deliv ssions and gre hcare profe p learning lt u a e ro h -g e ll a th f m o ize s la emphas learning the curricu r provides lty. ie u v c a fa X , d e ay n v a students nce effecti nd a full arr e a ri , e n p o x ti e ra g lo tools learnin ip exp necessary make the t relationsh e n to e th ti r h a e it p rd w , o s d c e ti In ac provid ulation did inations. tudents are s r u o f through sim o oard exam b ll ir A . e g th n f ti o s ry te nds, pletion of laborato d backgrou essful com c n c a u s s re re u u lt s u r en variety of c roud of ou p e needed to id re a w r a ie v m a in e at X cted fro you join us t body sele eriences. W e n p p e x o e d h f tu e o s W a ix . n h Wit a rich m stitutio sures you re of our in s tu a fu M e O S th t U u X abo nd excited itional infortraditions a d . d e a c n y e n ll a e h c of ex ou wit our pursuit ly provide y in a rt e c l il w ment ions depart Our admiss ream. mation. rsue your d u p u o y s a hes to you My best wis Bhooplapur Ravishankar President r Applicant,

Xavier University School of Medicine


Table of Contents


» About Us » Our Mission » Accreditation & Recognition » Aruba » 5 1/2 Year Pre-Med Program » 4 Year MD Program » Clinical Sciences » Hospital Affiliations » Residency Appointments » Student Life » Tuition & Fees » Financial Assistance » Apply to XUSOM


Xavier University School of Medicine

About Us Xavier University School of Medicine (XUSOM) was founded in 2005 and is independently chartered by the Government of Aruba of the Dutch Antilles with authorization by the Ministry of Education of Aruba. XUSOM is provisionally accredited by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP). As a premier medical school in the Caribbean, XUSOM creates a true center of excellence that provides motivated students with the tools necessary to succeed. Located in Oranjestad, the capital of Aruba, students are provided with a safe and secure atmosphere to focus on their studies. XUSOM utilizes a U.S. based curriculum taught by distinguished U.S. doctors who prepare students with the skills necessary to enter clinical rotations in the U.S. and pass the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE). With superior training and support from XUSOM, students are equipped with the knowledge and experience that will help them secure competitive U.S. residencies in their field of choice and earn success in their career. The student to faculty ratio is 10 to 1, which provides students with an individualized learning environment. Many government offices, shopping malls, and restaurants are located within walking distance of the campus. Its close proximity to the central bus station allows students to have easy access to all parts of the island. The campus itself is a newly renovated facility comprised of over 125,000 square feet. Students are guaranteed secured access to the campus at all times. The campus encompasses a vibrant multicultural ambiance where all students feel accepted and comfortable.

Xavier University School of Medicine


Our Mission


The mission of Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba is to prepare physicians and nurses to practice compassionate clinical medicine of the highest standard and to identify and solve fundamental questions in the mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of disease in health care delivery or in the basic sciences. The medical and nursing program curriculum is designed to create leaders who utilize the knowledge gained from an extensive educational experience to improve wellness through patient care, research, and education

“XUSOM gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor. I enjoyed and respected all my professors and their breadth of knowledge. They were easily accessible and always willing to help. The course work and clinical rotations were comprehensive and provided all that was needed to succeed. I am currently Board Certified in Internal Medicine and have been practicing as a Hospitalist in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.�

Carmen Torres, MD XUSOM Class of 2008


Xavier University School of Medicine

Accreditation & Recognition »»

Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and the Health Professions Provisional Accreditation from the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and the Health Professions (CAAM-HP).


International Medical Education Directory International Medical Education Directory (IMED) is a division of the United States of America’s Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). XUSOM is also recognized by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) for certification and eligibility for medical licensure.


World Health Organization XUSOM at Aruba has been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), and is listed in WHO’s World Directory of Medical Schools.


Our Graduates are eligible for residency matching in the US NRMP and the Canadian Residency Matching Service

Xavier University School of Medicine




Location: Aruba is located in the Dutch Caribbean. The island is about 15 miles north of Venezuela and lies on the Southern island of the Lesser Antilles. Climate: The average temperature is 82 degrees Fahrenheit and the annual rainfall typically does not exceed 20 inches. Aruba has the most days of sun compared to any other island in the Caribbean Population: Approximately 112,000 people, with more than 90 nationalities present. Language: Dutch and the local language of Papiamento are the official languages of Aruba, but most Arubans speak at least four languages including English and Spanish. Travel: As one of the most accessible of the Caribbean Islands, the Queen Beatrix International Airport (AUA), in Oranjestad, provides over 100 flights per week that depart from the U.S. and Canada. Currency: The currency of Aruba is called an Aruban Florin (Afl). 1 USD = 1.75 Florin. U.S. dollars are also widely accepted on the island. Places to See:

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The Arikok National Park, located in Santa Cruz, is the largest national park in the Caribbean. Eagle Beach in Oranjestad, was named by TripAdvisor as one of the top 10 beaches in the world.

Xavier University School of Medicine

m 5 ½ Year Pre-Medical Progra »» »» »»

This program is for motivated students who are looking to accelerate their medical education.

4 Semesters of Pre-Med coursework Automatic enrollment in our MD program upon successful completion of Pre-Med studies

— - No need to reapply or take the MCAT exam



The MD program is for students who have obtained an undergraduate education. The program consists of 2 years of Basic Science courses, which includes one semester of Transition to Clinical Medicine and the USMLE Step 1 Review Course by Kaplan, followed by 72 weeks of Clinical Rotations in hospitals throughout the United States. Students spend a total of 3.5 Years in Aruba, the remainder are spent completing clinical rotations in affiliated U.S. hospitals.


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High School Diploma Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

Xavier University School of Medicine


P re -M e d ic a l C u rr ic u lu m


Semester 1 Credit Hours General Biology 6 General Chemistry I 6 Calculus 4 Medical Communication 6

Semester 2 Credit Hours Biology and Genetics 6 General Chemistry II 6 Behavioral Science 4 Physics 6

Semester 3 Credit Hours Introduction to Histology & Cell Biology 6 Medical Terminology 4 Introduction to Anatomy 6 Organic Chemistry 6

Semester 4 Credit Hours Introduction to Biochemistry Introduction to Microbiology Introduction to Physiology Introduction to Neuroanatomy


6 6 6 6

Xavier University School of Medicine

4 Year MD Program The MD program is for students who have obtained an undergraduate education. The program consists of 20 months of Basic Science courses followed by two years of Clinical Rotations in hospitals throughout the United States.


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Two academic years & 90 credit hours of undergraduate studies Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher Courses • Inorganic or General Chemistry (with labs) (8 credit hours) • Organic Chemistry (with labs) (8 credit hours) • General Biology (with labs) (8 credit hours) • Physics (with labs) (8 credit hours) • English (3 credit hours) • Pre-Calculus/Calculus (3 credit hours) • Psychology/Sociology (3 Credit Hours)

Sixth Semester: Transition to Clinical Medicine XUSOM offers students this unique semester to not only prepare them for the USMLE Step 1 Exam, but also for a smooth transition into clinical medicine in the United States. Students gain valuable knowledge during this time and a clear comprehension of the healthcare system and post graduate medical training in the United States. During this semester students will cover: • Comprehensive Integration of Clinical Judgment • Foundations of Medicine Basic Life Support (BLS) • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) • Getting into Residency • USMLE Step 1 Review Course by KAPLAN®

Xavier University School of Medicine


MD Curriculum

MD / NURSING Semester 1 Duration (weeks) Credit Hours Fundamental Concepts 7 12 Musculoskeletal System 8 13 Patient, Doctor and Society I 15 3 Healthcare Quality Improvement 15 2

Semester 2 Duration (weeks) Credit Hours Nervous System 11 16 Nutrition and Metabolism 4 4 Patient, Doctor and Society II 15 3 Healthcare Quality Improvement II 15 1

Semester 3 Duration (weeks) Credit Hours Gastrointestinal System 7 10 Respiratory System 8 12 Patient, Doctor and Society III 15 4 Healthcare Quality Improvement III 15 1

Semester 4 Duration (weeks) Credit Hours Cardiovascular System 9 14 Hematopoietic System 6 8 Patient, Doctor and Society IV 15 4 Healthcare Quality Improvement IV 15 1

Semester 5 Duration (weeks) Credit Hours Renal and Metabolic System 15 8 Endocrine System 6 10 Reproductive System 6 10 Patient, Doctor and Society V 15 4 Healthcare Quality Improvement V 15 1


Xavier University School of Medicine

Clinical Sciences Core Rotations • •

Internal Medicine (12 weeks) General Surgery (12 weeks)

• •

Family Practice (6 weeks) OB/GYN (6 weeks)

• •

Pediatrics (6 weeks) Psychiatry (6 weeks)

Elective Rotations Medicine: • • • • • •

Family Practice Emergency Medicine Dermatology Medical Oncology Radiology Pathology

• • • • •

Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Cardiology Pulmonology Infectious Diseases

• • • • •

Nephrology Hematology / Oncology Rheumatology Immunology Gastroenterology

• •

Infectious Diseases Nephrology

• •

Hematology / Oncology NICU

• •

Otolaryngology Plastic Surgery

• •

Surgical Oncology Colorectal Surgery


Gynecological Oncology

Pediatrics: • •

Cardiology Pulmonary Diseases

Neuro-Psychiatry: • •

Neurology Psychiatry

Surgery: • • •

General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology


High Risk Obstetrics

Xavier University School of Medicine


H o s p it a l A ff il ia ti o n s Illinois Adventist Midwest Health, Glendale Heights Jackson Park Hospital, Chicago John H. Stroger Hospital, Chicago

Ohio Northcoast Behavior Healthcare, Northfield Summa Akron, Akron The Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati

Puerto Rico

Community Hospitals of Indiana, Indianapolis

Manati Medical Center, Manati San Juan Capestrano Hospital, Rio Piedras San Juan City Hospital, San Juan




Franklin Square Hospital, Baltimore Harbor Hospital, Baltimore Northwest Hospital, Radallstown St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore Sinai Hospital, Baltimore Sheppard Pratt Hospital, Baltimore Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore Willoughby Beach Pediatrics, Baltimore

New York Good Samaritan Hospital, West Islip Peconic Bay Medical Center, Riverhead Sound Shore Hospital, New Rochelle St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, Far Rockaway



Central Utah Clinic, Provo

Virginia Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Annandale

Washington Yakima Regional Medical and Cardiac Center, Yakima * Subject to change * Some rotations are offered through a 3rd party * NY State only 12 weeks eligible as of 1/1/14

Xavier University School of Medicine

Residency Appointments U.S.A ALABAMA University of Alabama- Huntsville ARIZONA Marcopia Integrated Health System ARKANSAS University of Arkansas, AHEC-SW University of Arkansas, Medical Science CONNECTICUT Middlesex Hospital FLORIDA Florida Hospital Medical Center GEORGIA

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital University of Illinois at Chicago/ St. Joseph Hospital OSF St. Francis Metro South Chicago Loyola University CCLP Mercy Hospital Southern Illinois University School of Medicine John H Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County

St. Josephs Mercy Hospital/ Health System Mid Michigan Medical Center MINNESOTA Heppepin County Medical Center MISSOURI St. Louis University (SLU) University of Missouri

OHIO Bethesda North Hospital Wright State University Mercy St. Vincent’s Toledo Ohio Hospital Canton Medical Education Foundation OKLAHOMA Oklahoma University

Kansas City School of Medicine

Oklahoma Cardiovascular Institute

University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford

Washington University School of Medicine


Provena Hospital

Temple University

Barnes Jewish Hospital




University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Brentwood Care Facility IOWA

University of Medicine & Dentistry in New Jersey


Mercy Hospital

Francis Medical Center

San Antonio Military Medical Center



University of Texas

St. Elizabeth Health Care

Syracuse University


Nassau University Medical Center JH Preventive Health

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Atlanta Medical Center

Lake Charles Memorial- LSU LSU Lafayette

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital


Westchester Medical Healthcare


Georgia Health Sciences University

Maryland General Hospital Franklin Square Hospital

Women & Children Hospital of Buffalo

Columbus Regional Medical Center Medical College of Georgia Moorehouse University Mercer University School of Medicine Medical Center of Central Georgia

Memorial Health University Medical Center Georgia University Hospital ILLINOIS

MICHIGAN Munson Family Practice McLaren Regional Hospital

Xavier University School of Medicine

Rochester General Hospital Coney Island Hospital NORTH CAROLINA ESU- East Stroudsburg University

Health Science Center San Antonio VIRGINIA

ONTARIO McMaster University Northern Ontario School of Medicine NOVA SCOTIA DalHousie University




“I am thankful for XUSOM in giving me the opportunity to find electives in the Chicago area, helping me match at my program of choice” Gabriel Anzueto, MD

“Xavier University provided me with a vast and efficient basic science education that helped me stand out in the wards. The rotations equipped me with the confidence and experience to reach a residency position in this ultra competitive environment”

“Had a great time on the island and learned a lot from the basic sciences”

“Xavier University’s clinical rotations in the US were key to helping me achieve my dream of matching into a residency”

Ashvin Punnyamurthi, MD

Michelle Lim, MD “The basic sciences are taught by an excellent staff of professors. Xavier prepares you well for the USMLE’s. The hands on clinical years allows you to embark on your journey of becoming a licensed physician”

Hassan Al-khalisy, MD

David Ibrahim, MD

‘’ Xusom is a diverse school which paves a path to success in medicine. What you make of it lies in your hard work and determination. To become a reliable and prepared physician, Xusom has equipped me with all of the necessary and appropriate tools to succeed in the multifaceted world of medicine’’ Janelle Yee, MD


“Xavier gave me the opportunity I needed and with hard work I became a working physician in New York” Gargi Patel, MD

“The dynamic basic science faculty in Aruba instilled in me the confidence to apply the science of medicine during my clinical rotations” Amreen Aziz, MD

“I had a wonderfully productive and fulfilling time in the beautiful island of Aruba. Thank you”

“XUSOM provided the opportunity and the means to pursue my dreams!”

Ramona Grewal, MD

David Brual, MD

Xavier University School of Medicine

Program / State / Specialty 1. Pinnacle Health Hosps-PA

Internal Medicine

2. Cook County-Stroger Hospital-IL


3. West Virginia University SOM

Family Medicine/Harpers Ferry

4. Griffin Hospital-CT

Internal Medicine

5. St Elizabeth Med Ctr-NY

Family Medicine

6. Med Ctr of Columbus-GA

Family Medicine

7. MacNeal Hospital-IL

Internal Medicine

8. Harlem Hospital Ctr-NY

Internal Medicine

9. U Louisville SOM-KY


10. MidMichigan Med Center-MI

Family Medicine

11. Creedmoor Psych Ctr-NY


12. Geisinger Health System-PA


13. Concord Hospital-NH

Family Medicine

14. Howard Univ Hosp-DC


15. Mount Sinai Hospital

Internal Medicine

16. Delaware Health and Social Services


17. University British Columbia, Vancouver-St. Paul’s

Family Medicine

18. Southern Illinois University (Decatur)

Family Medicine

Xavier University School of Medicine


Student Life


Housing: Although XUSOM does not currently have on-campus dormitories, there are university sponsored apartments and houses close to campus that are available for students to rent. • Average rental cost is $500-$800 per month. • 1 Bedroom and 2 Bedroom apartments are available, as well as houses to be shared by students. • For those students who rent a XUSOM sponsored facility, transportation to and from campus is provided for an additional monthly fee.

Student Organizations: Student Government Association (SGA) Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) American Medical Student Association (AMSA)


Xavier University School of Medicine

Tuition & Fees Pre-Med Curriculum 4 Semesters Tuition $5,000.00 Books & Supplies $600.00 Semester Cost $5,600.00 Total $22,400.00 Basic Science New Curriculum (Affective January 2014.) Semesters 1-5 Tuition $8,400.00 Books & Supplies $600.00 Semester 6 Tuition $10,800.00 White Coat Graduation Ceremony $600.00 Total $56,400.00 Clinical Science Program Semester 1-6 Tuition & Fees per semester Total Program Cost

$10,800.00 $64,800.00

Total Cost for 5 Year Pre-Med Program $143,600.00 Total Cost for 4 Year MD Program $121,200.00 A Seat Deposit of $1,000 is required to hold the Pre-Med or MD student’s spot. This fee is non-refundable, but is applied toward the first semester tuition. *All fees are in USD. This list may not include all fees, such as immigration fees, health insurance, etc. Rates are subject to change. Check our website for the most accurate rates. CAAM-HP is provisionally approved until October 2015. Other MD expenses are different, such as lab, exam and retake fees

Xavier University School of Medicine

Additional Fees New Student Registration Fee- $700.00 US Student Service Fee - $528.00 US (per semester) Seat Deposit- $1,000 (nonrefundable) Wire Transfer Fee - $50.00 US Graduation Fee - $600.0 US All Official Transcripts- $100.00 US (per request) Exam Fees: MD 5 - $500.00 US (per attempt) MD 6 - $500.00 US (per attempt) Basic Sciences Exam - $350.00 US (per semester) Pre-Med Exam - $200.00 US (per semester) Re-Examination Fee - $500.00 US (per exam) Insurance Fees: Malpractice Insurance - $1,200.00 US (per clinical year) Health Insurance - $320.00 US (varies based on student’s age) Late Fees: Late Registration Fee - Refer to Student Handbook Late Tuition Fee - Refer to Student Handbook Transportation Fees: Bus fee - $150.00 US (monthly) Fee Covers Bus transportation to & from campus, housing and around island

Readmission Fees (upon readmission): North American & Aruba Students - $1,000.00 US Students outside of North America - $2,000.00 US



S c h o la rs h ip s

XUSOM is committed to making a quality education affordable for every student.

Entrance Scholarships

Transfer Applicants:

Basic Science Applicants:

USMLE Step 1 passing score up to 199 USMLE Step 1 score of 200-224 USMLE Step 1 score of 225 and up

GPA of 3.5 or higher MCAT 25 to 29 MCAT 30 to 34 MCAT 35 or higher

$1,750.00 USD $1,500.00 USD $2,000.00 USD $3,250.00 USD

$350.00 USD $500.00 USD $820.00 USD

New Scholarship Clinical Science Students

Pre-Med Applicants: GPA of 3.5 or higher SAT Score 1800+ or ACT Score 26+

$1,125.00 USD $1,125.00 USD

USMLE Step 1 Score of 200 - 220, qualifies for $500 per semester (12 weeks rotation) USMLE Step 1 Score of 221 - 230, qualifies for $600 per semester (12 weeks rotation) USMLE Step 1 Score of 231 - 245, qualifies for $750-1000 per semester (12 weeks rotation) USMLE Step 1 Score greater than 246, qualifies for $1,000-3,000 per semester (12 weeks rotation) *Only applies to first attempt.

*All scholarships are applied once toward the semester of enrollment. Xavier University reserves the right to cancel or discontinue this programme any time without notice. Loan program subject to change at lenders desertion. XUSOM also offers on-going scholarships for students. Please visit for more information.


Xavier University School of Medicine

Cultivating Great Minds

Baccalaureate Program of Nursing Xavier University provides a culturally diverse, inter- professional journey in nursing.

Culture, Compassion & Collaboration

Xavier University School of Medicine


Nursing Baccalaureate of Science in


The aim of the Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum is to produce nursing leaders and nursing practitioners with a desire for life-long learning in their roles as members of the profession, members of the healthcare team, advocates for safety, and providers of patient centered care. Students registering for their first semester are required to provide:

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Evidence of academic qualifications (high school transcripts, ACT scores etc.) Letters of Reference and Prior Academic Acceptance, Proof of Identification, and Financial Clearance.

Application for Admission to the University requires review of Academic History: • High School Diploma or Transcript Evaluation (that shows the applicant has achieved the equivalent of a U.S. High School Diploma) and • Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, or an official score report for the General Education Development (GED) showing a score of 57 or higher (if exam taken before 2002) or 570 or higher (if exam taken after 2002) and • Non-U.S. Applicants must provide official results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 80 or higher on the internet based exam, or 550 or higher on the paper based exam if requested by promotions committee faculty. Or • Provide satisfactory scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination Board; the American College Test (ACT) of the American College Testing Program or the Computer Adaptive Placement Assessment and Support System COM- PASS test (if applicable). • Prior Undergraduate Academic Credit Transcripts First Semester pre-requisite courses or equivalent: General Biology (6 hours) Principles of Chemistry (6 hours) Medical Communications (3 hours) Nursing Students will sit for the National League for Nursing Admission Exam (NLN-PAX) For more information about applying to Xavier University, visit the website at


Xavier University School of Medicine

B S N C u rr ic u lu m Semester 1 Credit Hours General Biology 6 Medical Communications 3 General Chemistry 6 Semester 2 Credit Hours Human Anatomy 6 College Algebra 3 Writing Studies I 3 Intro to Professional Nursing 3 Semester 3 Credit Hours Writing Studies ll 3 Behavioural Science & Ethics 4 Human Physiology 6 Health Assessment 3 Semester 4 Credit Hours Pathophysio|ogy & Nursing 3 Foundations of Professional Practice 4 Pharmacology & Nursing Implication 3 lntro to Statistics 3 General Educatlon 3

Accelerated Nursing Curriculum Eight semesters conducted over 3 years Semester 5 Credit Hours Public Speaking 3 Adult Health Nursing I 4 Nursing Research 3 General Education 3 Semester 6 Credit Hours Nursing & Health Thru the Lifespan 3 Community & Public Health Nursing 7 General Education / Special 3 Leadership 3 Semester 7 Credit Hours General Education 3 Nursing Care Childrearirg Family 4 Nursing Care Chlldreanrg Family 4 Mental Health & Chronic Health Issues 4 Semester 8 Credit Hours Leadership or Special Topics 3 Adv Concepts In Nursing I 7 Adv Concepts in Nursing ll 4

“Xavier University’s Capstone Clinical Experiences are offered in the United States within the programs of our Academic Partners.”

Dr. Suzette Scheuermann Dean of Nursing

Xavier University School of Medicine


A Diverse Experience


Academic Partnerships to Create Culturally Diverse Experiences in Nursing Xavier University School of Medicine (XUSOM) is proud to announce that it has recently partnered with Western Kentucky University (WKU) in Bowling Green, Kentucky. This partnership will allow nursing students to spend the first two years within our nursing program at XUSOM and then visit the US for the remaining two semesters in a US institution. Upon achievement of our program outcomes, our students will achieve the BSN degree and Commission for Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) review will credential our students to apply for NCLEX licensure in the US. XUSOM and Western Kentucky University will share mutual opportunities for the benefit of students.

1/27/2014 Dean John Bonaguro and Dean Mary Bennett of WKU joined President Ravi Bhooplapur and faculty on campus to celebrate this collaboration for our BSN program and its students.

The faculty of Xavier University are very excited to share this new program with our students from Aruba, the US, Brazil and students from other international settings. There are many colleges or universities that you can choose from that will educate you to practice as a registered nurse. The place you choose for your nursing education should prepare you for professional nursing practice in today’s healthcare environment. It should also prepare you to make a difference in the world. Xavier University’s School of Nursing’s mission is to prepare you for that difference.


Xavier University School of Medicine

Nursing Tuition Nursing Program 8 semesters (3 years) Tuition per semester


Registration Fee:


Total Cost for BSN



A Seat Deposit of $700 is required to hold the Nursing student’s spot. This fee is non-refundable, but is applied toward the first semester tuition.

*All fees are in USD. **This list may not include all fees, such as immigration fees, health insurance, etc. ***Rates are subject to change. Please check our website for the most accurate rates.

Xavier University School of Medicine


F in a n c ia l A s s is ta n c e


Student Loan Program offered by the Richland State Bank of South Dakota Eligibility Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Must be a new or transfer Basic Science or Nursing student.

Loan Coverage: • •

Minimum Loan: $1,000 per semester Maximum Loan: $3,500 per semester for New MD students, New Transfer students, and Canadian MD New or Transfer students with a US cosigner (as certified by the school) • Maximum loan: $2,500 per semester for Nursing students (as certified by the school) • $35,000 aggregate maximum borrowing limit • Maximum loan term: Seven (7) years. Full repayment (principal and interest) begins 12 months from the time that all academic requirements are fulfilled and diploma conferred (Graduation date as certified by the school). • Borrower must be a full time, currently enrolled student of Xavier University School of Medicine. To apply to the student loan program please go to

Payment Plans 20% Payment Plan- The tuition & related items are divided into 5 payments. First installment is due three weeks before the start of the semester or when the bill is due. Second installment is due by the day of registration. Third and fourth payments are due on or around the 6th of the second and third months of the semester. Fifth installment is due 3 weeks before the end of the semester.

50% Payment Plan- The tuition is divided into two equal parts. First installment is due 3 weeks before the start of the semester or when the bill is due. Second installment is due 3 weeks before the end of the semester. • Payment Plan options are only available for students enrolled in Pre-Med through MD5. These options are not available for Clinical Science students. • There is a $90 one-time payment plan fee to be paid with the first installment. • Every student taking part in a payment plan must fill out a payment plan form every semester. • The student authorizes the accounting department to charge the credit card on the due dates of the payment plan. • Payments plan installments can only be paid by credit card. • There is an additional 3% surcharge fee for paying by credit card. • There is a $50 decline fee for every time that a credit card is declined. For more information about scholarships, payment plans or the student loan program, please contact the Financial Aid Department.


Xavier University School of Medicine

Apply to XUSOM Application Process Step 1:

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Application Fee (non-refundable) • Pre-Med and MD $75.00 USD • Nursing $50.00 USD Two Passport Size Photos Current Resume or CV Official Transcript from previous Colleges, Universities and/or Institutions attended (Must be translated to English if applicable) Two Letters of Recommendation (written a physician or other professional) Structured Questions *Once the above documents are received, an official interview will be scheduled.

Step 2:

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Seat Deposit Fee ($1,000 for Pre-Med and MD students, $750 for Nursing students) Six Passport Size Photos Copy of Valid Passport (complete including picture, information, stamp and all blank pages) Original Birth Certificate (Notarized + Apostille) Background Check/Police Certificate (Notarized & Apostille, must be submitted at least 6 months prior to the start of the semester) Completed Department of Immigration and Naturalization (DINA) Form. (will be provided to student) Copy of Driver’s License (if applicable) Copy of Social Security Card/Insurance Card Immunization Records showing PPD, MMR and Hepatitis B Vaccines (3 doses)

All originals and copies of Step 2 documents must be mailed to: Xavier Admissions Aruba, LLC, 1000 Woodbury Rd, Suite 109, Woodbury, New York 11797 Copies of these documents must also be submitted in person during the student’s travel to Aruba. **Upon acceptance, a $1,000 seat deposit for Pre-Med and MD students and a $700 seat deposit for Nursing students, is required to secure your spot at XUSOM.

Xavier University School of Medicine


Admissions Department:

North American Representative Office n help you how XUSOM ca in your career! rd a rw fo e v o m

1000 Woodbury Rd, Suite 109 Woodbury, New York 11797 866-XUSOM-01,

Campus Address Santa Helenastraat #23 Oranjestad, Aruba Dutch Caribbean

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