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fosters positive growth.











July, 2018

ZA’s Pages

08. Wrong-way driver crashes into Orange County Deputy 09. FHP: 2 pedestrians seriously injured in Orange County crash 10. NASA contractor accused of having child porn

National News

13. Texas Republicans squelch ‘red flag’ gun law prospects 14. Astronauts picked for SpaceX,Boeing capsule test flights 15.US dropsbriber y case against ex-Arizona utility regulator 16. Kobach’s take no-prisoners style at fore front in Kansas race 18. spacecraft rockets toward sun for closest look yet

World News

19. Suicide bombers kill at least 29 inside Afghan mosque 20. PTI formally nominates Imran Khan as prime minister candidate 21. India-Pak Security Forces Exchange Sweets At Border 22. Vienna topples Melbourne in ‘most liveable city ’ ranking 24. Saudi Arabia stops medical treatment programs in Canada as row escalates

Health News

t en nt Co

Local News Tech News

30. Robots are getting more social. Are humans ready? 31. Hackers at convention test US voting systems for bugs 32. Palestinian teens reach finals of Silicon Valley app pitch

Business News 33. Global markets stabilize as Turkey jitters ease 35. US stock indexes wobble as oil prices sink energy companies 36. Airplane theft shows potential dangers from airline workers

Spor t News 38. Asia Cup encounter between Pakistan, India likely to be reschedule 39. T V audiences spike as Tiger Woods fever grips the golfing world 40. Saquon Barkley and the Impossible Hype Machine

Weather News 42. Weather forecast Showers, storms likely for Sunday

25. How does media, technology affect our kids? Lawmakers push for research 26. Red tide keeps worried visitors off Manatee Beach 27. Psychiatrist: Much is still hidden in theater shooter ’s mind 28. Saudi MDs get brief grace period to remain in Canada

Hollywood News 43. Michael Caine finally explains the ending of ‘Inception’ 44. ‘ D e s p a c i to’ s i n ger Daddy Yan kee rob b ed by impersonator 45. An g e li n a J o li e wants divorce fin al ized by en d of 2018

Bollywood News 4 7 . Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas’ engagement festivities kick off 48 . Pre i t y Z i nt a to make B ol l y wood comeb ack 49 . An u s h k a S h a r ma reveal s h er b igges t ach ievement till date 51 . B o lly wo o d a c tor I mran K h an mis taken for P T I cha ir ma n

Lollywood News 52. Atif Aslam responds to backlash over singing Indian song at Independence Day 53. Co nt i n u e s to reign over h ear ts 2 1 year s af ter death

Movie Reviews 55 . M ov i e R e v i e w : M ar k Wah l b erg reun ite for an a c tion flick a bou t a CIA 56. M ov i e R e v i e w : ‘A Wh al e of a Tal e’

FOOD NEWS 58. H e re’s H ow Yo u Can Ch op Al mon ds LikeA Pro

Page 06

September, 2018

Pakistani girl invented unique app

Myra Durrani

I was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio to Pakistani Mom and Afghani Father. Now living in Orlando, Florida with my two son's. Even as a young child I had strong opinions and drive I wanted to become a business woman. As a young woman I was always an entrepreneur ,opening my company selling locally and also

exporting earth moving equipment world wide. Being a Muslim woman in a field that was mostly male dominated I never let that deter me , actually I made my weakness into my strength being the one and only woman machinery dealer ! Now I would like to tell you about my most recent accomplishment ,an App I have been working on for the last 2 years, called Skyfy. Let me just briefly describe to you what our app does and how it is proven to be such a useful tool ! Skyfy allows you to instantly access your contacts when your phone is unavailable from another device ,you are now able to call or text/email anyone you want. Great for emergencies in keeping you always connected to your loved ones until your phone is up and running again. When you join and download Skyfy you are able to create an account and store all your contacts, 100% safely and securely, in this Application .Skyfy is the first and only app of it's type and we need your help and support to take it to the next level! We are working with companies to purchase and install iPad and smart devices into all major airports, hospitals and hotels.

Page 07

September, 2018

Wrong-way driver crashes into Orange County Deputy ORANGE COUNTY, Fl. — An Orange County deputy was hit by a wrong-way driver early Sunday morning. The crash occurred just after 6 a.m. Sunday. A BMW was traveling westbound in the eastbound lanes of State Road 408 when it hit an Orange County Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicle. The impact of the crash caused the patrol vehicle to hit the guardrail and overturn. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper responded to the scene and was able to free the deputy by breaking his windshield. The driver of the BMW, identified as Latish Brunn, 34, was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center with serious injuries. The deputy, identified as Quinten Brown, 31, received minor injuries. Brunn is suspected to have been under the influence of alcohol during the time of the collision, according to the report. Charges for Brunn are pending until a toxicology is completed. The crash is still under investigation.

Page 08

September, 2018

FHP: 2 pedestrians seriously injured in Orange County crash WINTER PARK, Fl. — A man and a woman are recovering after being struck by a vehicle in Winter Park early Wednesday morning, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Driver says pedestrians were not in crosswalk Pedestrians said that they were Investigation ongoing At around 3:15 a.m., Christopher Singh was driving his four-door 2005 Toyota southbound on State Road 436. During that time, New Jersey residents Joseph Finnegan and Kristina Dennis were trying to cross the road near University Boulevard when they were hit, stated the FHP. According to Singh, the 34-year-old Sanford resident had the green light and said that both Finnegan and Dennis were not in the crosswalk at the time of the crash, FHP stated. However, the 28-year-old Finnegan and Dennis, 21, were in the crosswalk when they were hit, according to the FHP. Both Finnegan and Dennis were taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center in serious condition and Singh was not injured, commented the FHP. Because there are conflicting statements and there are no witnesses, the FHP stated that charges are pending and the crash is under investigation

Page 09

September, 2018

NASA contractor accused of having child porn ORLANDO, Fl — A NASA contractor is accused of having child pornography on his work computer and could face up to 20 years in federal prison if he is found guilty, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Anthony Joseph Culotta is facing child porn charges More than 1,000 images were found on his work computer On Friday, the Justice Department issued a news release, stating it is filing a criminal complaint against 59-year-old Anthony Joseph Culotta, charging the Brevard County man with possession of child pornography. Culotta, who has been a NASA contractor since 2004 and has worked with the Kennedy Space Center Launch Services Program, used his NASA-issued laptop to view and have “sexually explicit images of children” between May 31 and Aug. 7, 2018, stated the Justice Department. The department did not state why, but on Aug. 7, NASA Office of Inspector General special agents interviewed Culotta, where he allegedly admitted to searching and viewing “images that piqued his curiosity,” stated the Justice Department. “A search of the computer revealed over 1,000 images of child pornography, including images of known victims previously identified by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,” according to the Department of Justice. The case was also investigated by the Office of Investigations at Kennedy Space Center and will be prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Ilianys Rivera Miranda. Culotta, a Merritt Island resident, has been released on conditions, such as wearing a GPS monitor and having a curfew, William Daniels, public affairs officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Page 10

September, 2018

National News

Texas Republicans squelch ‘red flag’ gun law prospects

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas schools have been adding metal detectors and armed personnel in an effort to improve campus security in response to the deadly May attack at a Houston-area high school that left eight students and two teachers dead. Authorities have said the bribery allegations were discovered during a larger, unrelated federal investigation, though prosecutors have declined to reveal its focus. Pierce has acknowledged he was questioned by FBI agents investigating the 2014 commission election. Pinnacle West Capital Corp., the parent company of electric utility Arizona Public Service Co., was widely believed to have spent $3.2 million backing Republicans for the utility commission. Pinnacle West Capital disclosed in public filings in August 2016 that it received federal grand jury subpoenas seeking information on elections. The FBI said it was conducting a long-term investigation related to the financing of some statewide Arizona elections in 2014, but it has not named APS as a target.

Page 13

September, 2018

Astronauts picked for SpaceX, Boeing capsule test flights

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fl — NASA on Friday assigned the astronauts who will ride the first commercial capsules into orbit next year

Boeing’s first Starliner crew will include a former NASA

and bring crew launches back to the U.S.

astronaut who commanded the last shuttle flight in 2011,

SpaceX and Boeing are shooting for a test flight of their

Chris Ferguson, who’s now a Boeing employee. The other

capsules by the end of this year or early next, with the first

commercial crew members are still with NASA. All have a

crews flying from Cape Canaveral, Florida, by next spring

military background.

or summer.

The seven men and two women pumped their fists in the

Nine astronauts were named to ride the SpaceX Dragon

air and gave thumbs-up as they strode onto the stage to

and Boeing Starliner capsules — five on the first crew

cheers from the crowd.

flights and four on the second round of missions to the

A white SpaceX launch suit and a blue Boeing launch suit

International Space Station.

stood on display behind the astronauts on stage.

“For the first time since 2011, we are on the brink of

“As a test pilot, it doesn’t get any better than this,” said

launching American astronauts on American rockets from

astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann, a Naval aviator who will

American soil,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine,

make her first trip into space on the first Starliner crew.

who made the introductions at Johnson Space Center.

“This is truly an exciting time for human spaceflight in our

U.S. astronauts now take Russian capsules to the space

nation, and believe me, it’s only going to get better as we

station, with NASA paying as much as $82 million a

charge off into the future,” said Bob Cabana, a former

seat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

shuttle commander who now heads Kennedy Space

elit, sed diam


Page 14

September, 2018

US drops bribery case against ex-Arizona utility regulator PHOENIX — Federal prosecutors say they are dropping a bribery case against former Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce and three others after a mistrial. The U.S. attorney’s office informed a judge in a court filing Tuesday that all charges will be dismissed against Pierce, his wife Sherry, water company owner George Johnson and lobbyist Jim Norton. Cosme Lopez, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office, declined to comment on what led prosecutors to dismiss the case. Patricia Gitre, an attorney for Gary Pierce, said in a statement the case was difficult for her client and his family, and the legal system ultimately worked the way it should. “Gary Pierce and his family, as all of the defendants, stood firm, maintaining their innocence throughout the past year and five weeks of trial, turning down plea offers that carried no jail time, choosing to maintain their innocence, no matter the cost,” Gitre said. Pinnacle West Capital disclosed in public filings in August 2016 that it received federal grand jury subpoenas seeking information on elections. The FBI said it was conducting a long-term investigation related to the financing of some statewide Arizona elections in 2014, but it has not named APS as a target.

Page 15

September, 2018

Kobach’s take no-prisoners style at fore front in Kansas race TOPEKA, Kan. — At a parade this summer, candidate for governor Kris Kobach rode a jeep with a replica machine gun mounted on it. When some people complained the stunt scared children, Kobach, Kansas’ secretary of state, mockingly called the reaction a “snowflake meltdown.” And he kept on riding the vehicle in other parades, posting photos on social media regularly. Secretaries of state from middle America aren’t generally household names. Kobach is the exception. Critics such as Kansas Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, a Topeka Democrat, have accused Kobach of engaging in “voter suppression.” And many election experts say voter fraud is extremely rare. But many GOP leaders across the country agree with him that it is rampant and requires tough ID laws. Trump named Kobach vice chairman of the president’s election fraud commission, with Vice President Mike Pence as chairman. Kobach’s voter ID efforts have taken recent hits. In June, a federal judge found the Kansas law unconstitutional. Meanwhile, the election fraud commission uncovered no evidence to support the president’s claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election. In the past few days, concerns about vote-counting irregularities have been raised in Kobach’s race against Colyer. And Kobach has been accused of trying to use his office to influence the counting process.

Page 16

September, 2018


spacecraft rockets toward sun for closest look yet CAPE CANAVERAL, Fl — A NASA spacecraft zoomed toward the sun Sunday on an unprecedented quest to get closer to our star than anything ever sent before. As soon as this fall, the Parker Solar Probe will fly straight through the wispy edges of the sun’s corona, or outer atmosphere, that was visible during last August’s total solar eclipse. It eventually will get within 3.8 million (6 million kilometers) of the surface in the years ahead, staying comfortably cool despite the extreme heat and radiation, and allowing scientists to vicariously explore the sun in a way never before possible. No wonder scientists consider it the coolest, hottest mission under the sun, and what better day to launch to

With this first-of-its-kind stellar mission, scientists hope to unlock the many mysteries of the sun, a commonplace yellow dwarf star around 4.5 billion years old. Among the puzzlers: Why is the corona hundreds of times hotter than the surface of the sun and why is the sun’s atmosphere continually expanding and accelerating, as Parker accurately predicted in 1958? A mission to get close up and personal with our star has been on NASA’s books since 1958. The trick was making the spacecraft small, compact and light enough to travel at incredible speeds, while surviving the sun’s punishing environment and the extreme change in temperature when the spacecraft is out near Venus. “We’ve had to wait so long for our technology to catch

the 91-year-old astrophysicist for whom the spacecraft is

up with our dreams,” Fox said. “It’s incredible to be standing here today.” More than 1 million names are aboard the spacecraft, submitted last spring by space enthusiasts, as well as photos of Parker, the man, and a copy of his 1958


landmark paper on solar wind.

the sun than Sunday as NASA noted. “All I can say is, ‘Wow, here we go.’ We’re in for some learning over the next several years,” said Eugene Parker,

Page 18

September, 2018

World News

Suicide bombers kill at least 29 inside Afghan mosque

KHOST: Burqa-clad suicide bombers struck a mosque in eastern Afghanistan Friday as it was crowded with worshippers for weekly prayers, killing at least 29 people and wounding more than 80 in the latest attack on the minority. Officials said they feared the death toll could rise after the assault, the latest targeting civilians who have borne the brunt of the violence in Afghanistan´s long conflict. Last month a Daesh suicide bomber blew himself up near Kabul international airport, killing 23 people including AFP driver Mohammad Akhtar. The uptick in violence comes as US and Afghan forces intensify ground and air offensives against Daesh, and the Taliban step up their turf war with the group. Earlier this week more than 150 Daesh fighters surrendered in northern Afghanistan — in a move that Afghan security forces and the Taliban hailed as the end of the extremist group in the north of the country. The surrender followed the Afghan army´s decision to take over security in the eastern city of Jalalabad in Daesh´s main stronghold of Nangarhar province after a spate of attacks, mostly claimed by the group. Afghan civilians have taken the brunt of the gruesome war that began after the 2001 US-led invasion uprooted the Taliban regime. Insurgent attacks and suicide bombs were the leading causes of civilian deaths in the first half of 2018, a recent UN report showed. A total of 1,692 civilians were killed, the highest number for the period since the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan began keeping records in 2009. Another 3,430 people were wounded, the report added.

Page 19

September, 2018

PTI formally nominates Imran Khan as prime minister candidate ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was formally nominated as his party’s candidate for prime minister on Monday. Imran was nominated as PTI candidate for the post during the party’s parliamentary committee meeting at a private hotel in Islamabad.

Candidates on key posts yet to be named. Despite earlier reports, the party chief did not name anyone on key posts of government, including the speaker and deputy speaker of the National Assembly. “Imran Ismail is likely to be announced governor Sindh during the meeting,” sources said, referring to the PTI’s Karachi leader. The cricketer-turned-politician has also reportedly sent out invitations for his oath-taking ceremony as the 22nd prime minister of Pakistan. The parties, including the PML-N, PPP, MMA, and ANP, have decided to field their own consensus candidates for the prime minister, speaker and deputy speaker slots in the National Assembly.

Page 20

September, 2018

Independence Day

India-Pak Security Forces Exchange Sweets At Border ATTTARI-WAGAH (PUNJAB): Border Security Forces and Pakistani Rangers exchanged sweets at Wagah-Attari border to mark India’s 72nd Independence Day. A wave of happiness and patriotism has run across the country as people can be seen hoisting the Indian flag and playing the National Anthem. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the Indian Flag at the historical monument Red Fort and proceeded to address the nation. He touched upon several topics, including sacrifices of the freedom fighters, the 100th anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, progress since 2013, Indian Space mission 2022, women empowerment, Indian economy, Kashmir – to name a few. Chief Ministers of various states including Mamata Banerjee, Devendra Fadnais, Edappadi K Palaniswani and Arvind Kejriwal hoisted the Indian flag in their respective state capitals. Earlier in the day, sweets were also exchanged at the India and Bangladesh border’s Fulbari Post, Siliguri, West Bengal between BSF and Bangladesh’s Border Guards. The citizens across the country have can be seen hoisting flags and flying tri-coloured kites.

Page 21

September, 2018

Vienna topples Melbourne in ‘most liveable city’ ranking Austria’s capital Vienna has beaten Melbourne to be ranked the “world’s most liveable city” in a new annual survey released Monday, ending the southern Australian city’s seven-year reign. It is the first time a European metropolis has topped the annual chart compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit which identifies the best urban playgrounds to live and work in. Each year 140 cities are given scores out of 100 on a range of factors such as living standards, crime, transport infrastructure, access to education and healthcare, as well as political and economic stability. Vienna scored a “near-ideal” 99.1, beating Melbourne into second place on 98.4. Japan’s Osaka took third place. Researchers said wealthy financial capitals such as Paris (19th), London (48th) and New York (57th) tended to be “victims of their own success” with higher crime rates and overstretched infrastructure dampening their appeal. At the other end of the spectrum the five worst cities to live in were Damascus at the bottom of the table followed by Dhaka, Lagos, Karachi and Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. The survey also looked at cities where long-term improvements had been made. Abidjan, Hanoi, Belgrade and Tehran saw the largest improvements in liveability over the last five years — more than five percentage points. Australia and Canada, researchers said, have an overall average population density of 3.2 and four people per square kilometre respectively, compared to a global average of 58. Japan, which alongside Osaka boasted Tokyo in the top ten (joint seventh), is the glaring exception to that rule with a nationwide average of 347 people per square kilometre but its cities are still famed for their transport networks and living standards. Copenhagen was the only other European city in the top ten at ninth place. Puerto Rico’s San Juan — which was devastated by a hurricane last year — as well as Damascus and Caracas also saw steep drops over the same period.

Page 22

September, 2018

Saudi Arabia stops medical treatment programs in Canada as row escalates RIYADH: Saudi Arabia said on Wednesday it had stopped all medical treatment programs in Canada and was working on the transfer of all Saudi patients from hospitals there, in an escalating row after Ottawa urged it to free rights activists. Saudi Arabia froze new trade and investment with Canada and expelled the Canadian ambassador this week, pushing Canada to seek help from the United Arab Emirates and Britain to try to defuse the dispute. It was unclear how many Saudi patients would be affected by the decision and how many were covered by the kingdom’s health care system. The government provides health care services through several government agencies for public employees. The move follows a series of measures the kingdom has taken since the row erupted on Monday.

Scholarship switched Canada is planning to seek help from Saudi Arabia’s closest ally, the UAE, and Britain to defuse the dispute which looks set to damage what is a modest bilateral trade relationship worth nearly $4 billion a year. Canadian exports to Saudi Arabia totaled about $1.12 billion in 2017, or 0.2 percent of the total value of Canadian exports. Crown Prince Mohammed has launched a campaign of social and economic change, but has not eased the absolute monarchy’s total ban on political activism. Canada expressed concern over the arrests of activists in Saudi Arabia, including women’s rights campaigner Samar Badawi, and called for their release. Riyadh said that amounted to “a blatant interference in the kingdom’s domestic affairs”

Page 24

September, 2018

How does media,

Health News

technology affect our kids? Lawmakers push for research WASHINGTON — We don’t know much about how media and technology are affecting young people. Lawmakers introduced Children and Media Research Advancement Act Gives NIH $95 million to study the subject That’s the takeaway from a letter written by the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in response to a group of senators who have introduced a new bill to help fix the problem. A spokesperson for the NIH said the agency does not comment on pending legislation, but its director wrote about the need for more data in that recent letter to the senators behind this bill. “With such high levels of exposure to technology and social networking, it is essential to understand the effects on child and youth well-being and development,” NIH Director Francis Collins wrote in June. “Once the numbers come out, it’s a matter of then parents, adults understanding how they then need to educate it and drop it into the classroom, in primary schools, in high school, and even holding some sort of educational training for kids so they understand the power of what goes on digitally and socially,” Mollica said. Collins also wrote in his letter that 92 percent of teenagers between age 13 and 17 go online daily. But he added that, currently, the NIH is supporting the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study to develop data on more than 10,000 kids as they grow up around technology. A list of companies, including Facebook and the Internet Association, are supporting the Children and Media Research Advancement Act.

Page 25

September, 2018

Red tide keeps worried visitors off Manatee Beach

MANATEE COUNTY, Fl — On a day when the white sand on Manatee Beach would typically be covered with beach towels and umbrellas, there was a barely a soul in sight Saturday as thousands of dead fish continued to wash ashore. Red tide continues to worry Tampa-area beachgoers Visitors complain of watery eyes, scratchy throats Doctor weighs in on what precautions to take during red tide The algae bloom called red tide is keeping visitors away and raising some health concerns. “Those are typically commercially regulated, so they are inspected and have to pass tests, so those are clear to eat,” Verma said. Although the red tide was keeping many off the beach, visitors who did venture there said they’re trying to make the best of it. “It is ruining my vacation, but we’re finding other things to do, and it’s making us travel to different beaches to see what kind of marine life you’re going to see when you get there, Schaer said. “Hopefully, you pick the lucky straw and you get a good beach.”

Page 26

September, 2018

Psychiatrist: Much is still hidden in theater shooter’s mind DENVER — A psychiatrist who spent hours talking with mass murderer James Holmes says that what led Holmes to open fire in a crowded Colorado movie theater was a one-of-a-kind vortex of his mental illness, his personality and his circumstances — and some other, unknown currents that will probably never be uncovered. “A big part of it is, it’s hidden in Holmes’ mind, and he can’t see it either,” William H. Reid said in an interview with The Associated Press about his new book, “A Dark Night in Aurora: Inside James Holmes and the Colorado Theater Shootings.” Holmes killed 12 people and wounded 58 when he opened fire during a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” a Batman movie, in the Denver suburb of Aurora on July 20, 2012. Twelve other people were injured in the scramble to escape. Meloy said Reid’s book could provide mental health professionals and the public with a better understanding of Holmes’ case. Meloy didn’t work with Reid on this case but has collaborated with him on at least one other in the past. Holmes pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, but Reid and the other court-appointed psychiatrist, Jeffrey L. Metzner, concluded he didn’t meet Colorado’s standard for insanity. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Reid and Metzner both said Holmes was mentally ill at the time of the killings — Metzner diagnosed schizoaffective disorder, a severe form of schizophrenia, and Reid found schizotypal personality, a related but less severe disorder. But both said that despite his illness, Holmes knew his elaborately planned ambush was illegal and morally wrong, and that he could still form criminal intent, all of which meant he was sane under state law. The book ends with a plea to make mental health a part of everyday health care rather than focusing only on crisis intervention. But in the book and the interview, Reid said it’s better to rely on good policing than psychiatry to prevent a repeat of the theater massacre, noting that mentally ill people are rarely violent. “Figuring out James Holmes would probably not give us any reasonable predictive tools to say, ‘OK, if we find all of these 4 million characteristics in someone else, we’re going to put a brand on their forehead and watch them closely,

Page 27

September, 2018

Saudi MDs get brief grace period to remain in Canada

TORONTO Canadian health authorities said Wednesday that hundreds of Saudi doctors and residents who make up the largest segment of foreign medical trainees in the country will remain in Canada until the end of the month, giving hospitals a few weeks to cope with the sudden staffing loss caused by a diplomatic spat. The 800 medical trainees are among more than 15,000 Saudis whose government has ordered them to suddenly leave the country due to Canada’s criticism of the ultraconservative kingdom’s arrest of women’s right activists. The Saudi Embassy bureau that places the country’s students in Canada convinced the kingdom’s government to let the medical trainees stay until Sept. 1, said Dr. Salvatore Spadafora, the vice dean of post-MD education at the University of Toronto’s faculty of medicine. Among the arrested activists is Samar Badawi, whose writer brother Raif Badawi was arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and later sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years in prison for insulting Islam while blogging. Trudeau said Canada does not want a bad relationship with Saudi Arabia. His case long has been raised by international human rights groups and Western diplomats, including Canadians, who have called on Saudi Arabia to free him.

Page 28

September, 2018

Robots are getting more social. Are humans ready?

Tech News

BOSTON— Personal home robots that can socialize with people are starting to roll out of the laboratory and into our living rooms and kitchens. But are humans ready to invite them into their lives? It’s taken decades of research to build robots even a fraction as sophisticated as those featured in popular science fiction. They don’t much resemble their fictional predecessors; they mostly don’t walk, only sometimes roll and often lack limbs. And they’re nowhere close to matching the language, social skills and physical dexterity of people. Worse, they’re so far losing out to immobile smart speakers made by Amazon, Apple and Google, which cost a fraction of what early social robots do, and which are powered by artificial-intelligence systems that leave many robots’ limited abilities in the dust.a Two pioneers in a new vanguard of cute, sociable robots — Jibo, a curvy talking speaker, and Kuri, a cartoonish wheeled “nanny” — have been early casualties. The makers of Vector, a less expensive home robot that was unveiled Wednesday, hope theirs will be a bigger hit. Instead of cute, ElliQ aims for calm. Designed to sit on an end table, the robot is shaped like a rounded table lamp with a circular light shining from inside its translucent plastic head. It swivels frequently, directing attention to the person it’s speaking with, and has an adjacent tablet screen to show off photos or text messages. Many researchers say social robots hold great promise in helping an aging population. Such robots could remind seniors to take medicine, prompt them to get up and move or visit others, and help them stay in better touch with extended family and friends. For the robots to catch on across all ages, though, they need to prove themselves useful and helpful, said James Young, a researcher at the University of Manitoba’s human-computer interaction lab. “Whether that’s by helping with loneliness, helping with tasks like cooking, that’s key,” he said. “Once people are convinced something is useful or actually saves them time, they’re really good at adapting.”

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September, 2018

Hackers at convention test US voting systems for bugs Def Con, one of the world’s largest security conventions, served as a laboratory for breaking into voting machines on Friday, extending its efforts to identify potential security flaws in technology that may be used in the November US elections. Hackers will continue to probe the systems over the weekend in a bid to discover new vulnerabilities, which could be turned over to voting machine makers to fix. The three-day Las Vegas-based “Voting Village” also aimed to expose security issues in digital poll books and memory-card readers. “We see a lot of value in doing things like this. We think it’s important,” said Jeanette Manfra, assistant secretary of cybersecurity and communications at the US Department of Homeland Security, in an interview. “These vulnerabilities that will be identified over the course of the next three days would, in an actual election, cause mass chaos,” said Jake Braun, one of the village’s organisers. “They need to be identified and addressed, regardless of the environment in which they are found.” Last year a Danish researcher figured out how to take control of a touchscreen voting system used through 2014 in a remote hack that organizers said could work from up to 1,000 feet away. A group representing US secretaries of state lauded the goal of bolstering election security, but warned that the findings might be skewed. “It utilises a pseudo environment which in no way replicates state election systems, networks or physical security,” the National Association of Secretaries of State said in a statement. Verified Voting, an advocacy group that helped organise the hacking village, said that some of the voting machine models being tested are still used to tally votes across the United States.

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September, 2018

Palestinian teens reach finals of Silicon Valley app pitch

NABLUS, West Bank — Four Palestinian high school friends are heading to California this week to pitch their mobile app about fire prevention to Silicon Valley’s tech leaders, after winning a slot in the finals of a worldwide competition among more than 19,000 teenage girls. For the 11th graders from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the ticket of admission to the World Pitch Summit signals a particularly dramatic leap. They come from middle class families that value education, but opportunities have been limited because of the omnipresent Israeli-Palestinian conflict, prevailing norms of patriarchy in their traditional society and typically underequipped schools with outdated teaching methods. “We are excited to be in the most prestigious IT community in the world, Silicon Valley, where we can meet interesting people and see how the new world works.” They are now determined to pursue careers in technology.

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September, 2018

Business News

Global markets stabilize as Turkey jitters ease NEW YORK— If teens are so attached to their phones and all things connected, why do so many of them wind up in no-device summer camps with smiles on their faces? Thirteen-year-old Daniela Blumenfeld of Scarsdale, New York, just finished her fifth summer at sleepaway camp with no devices beyond a simple iPod. “I didn’t really miss my phone,” she said, especially given camp distractions like banana boating — that is, riding a yellow, banana-shaped inflatable towed by a motorboat. America’s summer camps have gone device-free in a big way. Most sleepaway camps moved to ban personal electronics years ago, driven by the idea that campers should soak up the scenery, sports, crafts and camaraderie their parents are shelling out hundreds of dollars for, all in service to slower living and a rest for their still-developing brains. But the big news may be that many kids seem not to mind at all. One of Daniela’s camp friends had smuggled in an iPod touch — basically an iPhone without a cellular connection that can connect to Wi-Fi for social media, FaceTime video chat and more. While the girls were on an off-campus trip they found Wi-Fi and Daniela surprised her parents with a quick call. The other girls did the same, she said. “Yeah, they were pretty surprised to hear from me,” she said with a laugh. “They were like, ‘How are you calling us?'”

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September, 2018

US stock indexes wobble as oil prices sink

NEW YORK — U.S. stocks are mixed Wednesday as energy companies sink along with the price of oil, but

energy companies

technology companies and banks rise. The S&P 500 has reached six-month highs this week and is on track for its fifth gain in a row. Wall Street is mainly focused on company earnings even after the U.S. said it will put new tariffs on $16 billion in imports from China. KEEPING SCORE: The S&P 500 index rose 2 points, or 0.1 percent, to 2,860 2:45 p.m. Eastern time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 26 points, or 0.1 percent, to 25,602. CURRENCIES: The dollar fell to 110.97 yen from 111.43. The euro inched up to $1.1617 from $1.1594. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index gave up early gains and closed 0.1 percent lower. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index added 0.4 percent while South Korea’s Kospi edged 0.1 percent higher.

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September, 2018

Airplane theft shows potential dangers from airline workers

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The theft of an empty plane by an airline worker who performed dangerous loops before crashing into a remote island in Puget Sound illustrated what aviation experts have long known: One of the biggest potential perils for commercial air travel is airline or airport employees causing mayhem. “The greatest threat we have to aviation is the insider threat,” said Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent and transportation security expert. “Here we have an employee who was vetted to the level to have access to the aircraft and had a skill set proficient enough to take off with that plane.” Southers said the man could have caused mass destruc-

At a news conference, officials from Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air said that they are working with authorities. “Last night’s event is going to push us to learn what we can from this tragedy so that we can ensure this does not happen again at Alaska Air Group or at any other airline,” said Brad Tilden, CEO of Alaska Airlines. Investigators expect they will be able to recover both the cockpit voice recorder and the event data recorder from the plane. Russell could be heard on audio recordings talking to air traffic controllers, who tried to convince him to land the airplane.


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September, 2018

The upcoming Asia Cup encounter between Pakistan and India on September 19 is likely to be rescheduled after the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) demanded a change in the fixture dates. The 14th edition of Asia Cup was already marred with controversy after the tournament was moved from India to the United Arab Emirates on Pakistan’s request. Weeks after the tournament schedule was released, the BCCI is now demanding

Sports News

the fixture date between the arch-rivals be changed. As per the present schedule, India will play back-to-back matches on September 18 and 19, with the game against Pakistan taking place at the Dubai International Stadium on September 19. While speaking to Bangladesh Cricket Times a senior BCCI official said, “The scheduling is mindless. There appears to be zero application of mind.” He added, “How can you accept a scenario where India plays a game today and tomorrow it will face its arch-rival Pakistan who will have a two-day period of rest?”

Asia Cup encounter This year’s between Pakistan, tournament will take place in the UAE at Dubai and India likely to Abu Dhabi, from September 15 to 28, with Sri Lanka taking on Bangladesh in the be opening match. reschedule The Asia Cup has reverted back to its traditional 50-over ODI format this year after opting in 2016 for a T20 competition, which India won

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September, 2018

When Tiger Woods plays, people watch. That’s certainly been the case this year, as television audiences for golf’s major championships have swelled since Woods has returned to the fray, most recently with a second-place finish at the US PGA Championship in Bellerive. The final-round coverage of the tournament on CBS Sports saw a 73% increase on last year’s event for the same day as Brooks Koepka finished two shots clear of a resurgent Woods. An average 8.5 million watched in the US — up from 4.9 million when Justin Thomas secured his first major title last year — the highest figure since 2009 when Woods again finished runner-up. As the tournament reached its conclusion at 7:00pm ET, viewing numbers peaked at 12.3 million. While Koepka was winning his second major title of the year, it was the Woods effect that got people watching as the 42-year-old chased a 15th major title and first since 2008.

TV audiences spike as Tiger The final-round Woods fever grips overnight ratings were the best since 2000 when Woods the golfing completed his career grand slam. It was also the most-streamed golf event ever on NBC world Sports’ digital platforms. At the Masters, meanwhile, there was an 18% increase over the previous year on CBS as Woods starred in his first major since 2015, finishing tied for 32nd.

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September, 2018

Saquon Barkley and the Impossib Hype Machine

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — You have probably heard the Giants have a new running back. You may already be one of his 975,000 followers on Instagram. Perhaps you know he can squat 650 pounds and hurdle 6-foot defenders. Maybe you saw him — a lot of him His name, Saquon Barkley, has become more than a preseason buzzword. It is bordering on an infatuation. And so the N.F.L.’s annual hype-a-thon — also known as training camp — has been kicked into overdrive at Quest Diagnostics Training Center, where the Giants are struggling to temper expectations for a rookie out of Penn State who is already reaching mythic status from a fan base eager to forget last year’s 3-13 season. After all, in June, Barkley’s No. 26 was the best-selling jersey in the N.F.L. This was before one of the team’s owners, John Mara, called him the most glorified rookie the franchise has had since Lawrence Taylor. But it was after Dave Gettleman, the Giants’ general manager, said that Barkley’s skill set was as though he had been “touched by the hand of God.” His goal for Thursday’s preseason opener: make no mistakes. “I’m going to try to stay away from that,” Barkley said. Striving for perfection. The expectations might be even higher.

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September, 2018

Weather forecast Showers, Weather news

storms likely for Sunday

ORLANDO, Fl. — It was another active day across Central Florida, with storms redeveloping in the early evening.Tracking more storms Sunday Work week warmth on the way. Expect a few clouds overnight, with warm lows in the mid 70s. Showers and storms are again likely for Sunday. A more southerly flow will develop, which will result in the storms primarily in the afternoon and early evening hours. Highs for Sunday will be in the low 90s. Some slightly drier air will move in for the first day of school for several counties Monday. The best chance for rain will be in the afternoon hours, with highs in the low 90s. The scattered afternoon storms will continue heading into Tuesday, with highs in the low 90s. Even more dry air marches in for the middle of next week, reducing rain chances further. Expect just a few widely scattered storms both Wednesday and Thursday with highs in the mid 90s. There continue to be some indications that some very dry air will move in late next week. Rain chances will be minimal both Friday and next weekend, with highs soaring into the mid and upper 90s. Boaters should again watch out for scattered showers and storms, with seas at 1 to 2 feet. Surfers will find flat conditions with minimal traces.

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September, 2018

Michael Caine finally explains the ending of ‘Inception’ British actor Michael Caine has finally revealed the ending of Christopher Nolan’s 2010 thriller Inception. Speaking at a ‘Film4 Summer Screen’ showing of the movie, Caine, who played the role of Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Dom Cobb’s father, shared information about the movie’s ending. The ending of Inception remains one of the great mysteries of modern cinema, with fans and critics alike arguing whether it was just a dream. “When I got the script of Inception, I was a bit puzzled by it and I said … ‘when is it the dream and when is it reality?’” said Caine. “[Nolan] said, ‘Well when you’re in the scene it’s reality.’ So get that: if I’m in it, it’s reality. If I’m not in it, it’s a dream,” he added. In the film’s final scene DiCaprio finally makes it home to America to see his kids. When he and Caine arrive at the house they are greeted with a scene eerily similar to the one DiCaprio kept seeing in various dreams. DiCaprio then spins his little top and walks out to greet his children, but the top keeps spinning. It appears to start wobbling, but we never see it fall. In the rules of the film, if it spins on forever, he’s in a dream, and if it falls he’s in reality. Caine’s appearance in the last few minutes of the movie means that it was reality, after all.

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September, 2018

‘Despacito’ singer Daddy Yankee robbed by impersonator A thief who pretended to be Daddy Yankee stole two million euros in jewels from the reggaeton star’s hotel room safe in Spain, his representatives and local media said Thursday. The 41-year-old singer, best known for his catchy summer dance song ‘Despacito’ which he performs along with fellow Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi, “was the victim of a robbery while he was out of his hotel in Valencia” in eastern Spain, his representatives, Nevarez PR, said in a Twitter message. “No more statements will be given so as to not to hinder the investigation in any way,” Nevarez PR added. The singer himself made no mention of the theft himself on social media, where he has millions of followers. Ramon Luis Ayala, better known as Daddy Yankee, reported the theft of diamonds and gems from his hotel room safe to police on Tuesday night, online local newspaper Las Provincias reported. A spokeswoman for local police in Valencia confirmed it was investigating a theft of jewels and cash from a hotel in the Mediterranean city on Tuesday but declined to identify the name of the victim. According to Las Provincias a man who presented himself as Daddy Yankee, reggaeton´s best-known name, asked a hotel employee to open the safe in the singer´s room. He then took two million euros in jewels from the room. The man also took jewels and cash from other hotel rooms where members of Daddy Yankee’s crew were staying, according to the paper. Police questioned Daddy Yankee and his crew, as well as hotel employees and inspected the room, but did not find fingerprints or other clues, it added. Daddy Yankee gave a concert in Valencia on Sunday as part of a European tour.

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September, 2018

Angelina Jolie wants divorce finalized by end of 2018 LOS ANGELES: Angelina Jolie on Tuesday sought to move forward with her long and sometimes bitter divorce from Brad Pitt, which has yet to be finalized after almost two years. Jolie’s attorney filed papers in Los Angeles Superior Court saying the actress wanted a judgment “returning the parties to single status during calendar year 2018”. The document also said that Pitt has “paid no meaningful child support since separation” and said that although informal arrangements had been made with him, payments “had not been regularly sustained”. Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016, ending two years or marriage and a 10-year romance that had made the pair one of Hollywood’s most glamorous and powerful couples. They have six children for whom she is seeking primary custody. Mindy Nyby, a spokeswoman for the actress, said on Tuesday that the court filing was intended “to provide closure to the marriage in a way that clears a path towards the next stage of their lives and allows her and Brad to recommit as devoted co-parents to their children”. Pitt’s representatives declined to comment. A source familiar with the matter, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that “Brad is someone who fulfils his commitments.” The divorce filing, citing irreconcilable differences, triggered a bitter custody dispute during which Pitt was investigated and cleared of child abuse. Final custody arrangements have yet to be agreed. The Moneyball actor said in an interview last year that he had quit drinking, was undergoing therapy, and that he and Jolie had decided to abandon “vitriolic hatred” and work together to sort out their issues. Pitt has kept a low profile in the past two years, while Jolie has recently been filming a sequel to fairytale drama Maleficent in London and directed a 2017 film about the 1970s Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia in which more than one million people died. Their eldest son Maddox was adopted from Cambodia in 2002.

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September, 2018

Bollywood news

Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas’ engagement festivities kick off Celebrations have kicked off for Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra and American singer Nick Jonas’ engagement. The couple are currently in Mumbai for their engagement ceremony and a roka ceremony took place today at Priyanka’s Juhu residence. The roka ceremony is a Punjabi pre-wedding event where the bride and groom’s close family members meet and exchange gifts. Priyanka was seen wearing a traditional Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla yellow ensemble while Jonas donned an ivory shalwar kameez. Following the ceremony, Priyanka and Jonas took to social media to share pictures. While Jonas called Priyanka ‘future Mrs Jonas’, Priyanka wrote, “Taken.. With all my heart and soul..” According to reports, Priyanka and Jonas will also host a party tonight to celebrate their engagement. Jonas reached Mumbai on Thursday night along with his parents. Last month it was reported that Priyanka and Jonas were engaged after a whirlwind two months of dating. Jonas, 25, reportedly proposed to Priyanka in London for her 36th birthday after shutting down a Tiffany store in New York to choose a ring.

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September, 2018

Preity Zinta to make Bollywood comeback Preity Zinta, who had taken a backseat from acting following her marriage and move to the United States, is set to make her film comeback. The actor make her comeback with the upcoming film Bhaiaji Superhit. “It’s Sapna Dubey on the big screen with Bhaiaji Superhit hitting on October 19 in cinemas near you,” the actor tweeted using the hashtag #PZisBack. Bhaiaji Superhit is an action comedy that stars Zinta as a small-town girl named Sapna Dubey who is married to a gangster (played by Sunny Deol). The film has been directed by Neerraj Pathak and also stars Arshad Warsi, Shreyas Talpade and Ameesha Patel among others.

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September, 2018

Anushka Sharma reveals her biggest achievement till date

Bollywood superstar Anushka Sharma has told all in a recent inter view. The actor spoke about her husband Virat Kohli, being real in an increasingly affected world and her biggest achievement till date in an inter view with Femina. Responding to a question regarding what she thinks her biggest achievement has been till date, the actor said, “ I think the animal shelter that I’m building is a huge achievement for me. “ “It ’s something that gives me a lot of joy and peace. I’ve always been an animal lover and I’ve always wished to use the position that I’m in today in the best way I can. And since we’re doing the power issue, I feel like success, money and fame is for yourself, but power is not your own,” she said. The actor in her first inter view post-marriage also revealed that her husband Virat Kohli is her biggest source of strength in vulnerable moments. Anuhska also shared that being in the spotlight “gets too much sometimes”.

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September, 2018

Bollywood actor Imran Khan mistaken for PTI chairman

Bollywood actor Imran Khan appears to have been mistaken for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan. The actor took to Instagram to share a screenshot of an email titled “Dear Prime Minister” which stated, “Successful leader takes right decision at right time. He recognises true friends and supporter and selects faithful team members. Now it is ten years long governance and I want to join your team on the very first day.” Imran in response joked, “I guess I can no longer ignore the call to action. Going start drafting some policy outlines this week, I’ll keep you guys updated.” The actor had also been mistaken for the cricketer-turned-politician back in 2017. He had then also shared a picture on Instagram of a message from a man in Bannu and said, “I’m not sure what you heard, but I really don’t have the authority to take strict action on this.” Actor Imran Khan is the nephew of superstar Aamir Khan and was last seen in the 2015 movie Katti Batti opposite Kangana Ranaut

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September, 2018


A New Dimension in Pain Management

OPIOID FREE “Best Pain Relief Possible” Pain is the most common cause of visit to a doctor after upper respiratory problems. Almost “everyone”suffers from some type of pain in their lifetim e.

Pain is a sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential ti ssue damage.I want you t o und erstand one simple equation. Injury -> Inflammati on -> Pain It means injury causes inflammation which causes pain. This is imp ortant because when treating we need to reduce the inflammati on and fi nd the ways to prevent further injuries.

Treatments: There are many treatments available.

It has really advanced over the last decade. From conservative care li ke chiropractor, physical therap y, acupun cture, use of medications li ke ibuprofen, tylenolnow there is further advanced care available.

There are multipl e types of medicationswhich can be used based on the types of pain and inte nsity of pain.Cur r ently w e ar e fac in g an opio id cr isi s becau se o f ex cessive use of n ar coti c medicat ion s in pa in c on ditions . Narcotics are very strong and effective medications for pain but have a high associated risk of addiction. They should beused very carefull y for a short period of time. It is known that the use of narcoti cs for even 3 days can lead to addi ction problem. Another mode of treatment isIn ter ven tio n pa .inAs previously mentioned in the equation of pain the goalof the treatment is to target the in flammation. By using sophisticated techni ques many inj ections underfluoroscopic guidance or ult rasound guidance can be done to provide reduction in inflammation and pain .

Goal s: Dr. Gupta’s vision i s to make Pain Instacare a

global concept where pati ent is aware about the causes of pain and the available treatments.

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September, 2018

Rajan Gupta, M.D.

CEO / Director Pain Instacare ®

Dr. Rajan Gupta was born and brought up in New Delhi, India. After receiving his medical degree and dermatology training from BJ Medical College, he received residency training at St Francis Medical Center (UPMC) in Pittsburgh and his Intervention Pain fellowship at Vanderbilt University in Nashville (Tennessee) . Dr. Gupta has been practicing p ain management forover 10 years and has his practices in South Jersey and Philadelphia. He has treated thousands of patients suffering from multiple types of pain includin g but not limit ed toneck, low back, mid back, fibromyalgia, neuropathies, post herpetic neuralgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy andinjuries due tosports, auto, workers comp, slip and fall etc. Dr. Gupta believes that pain is a highl y misunderstoodfield and believes that only the right diagnosis can lead to the right treatment. His opini on is that most patients are unaware of the causes of pain and the various treatments that are available. He puts special emphasis on pati ent education and his extensive training gives him excellent skills to diagnose patient’s conditi ons. He specializes in the field of interventional pain which is a very sophisticated mode of pain treatment. Dr. Gupta is also trained in dermatology and aesthetic medicine and offers an integrated weight-loss program and cosmetic Botox. Dr. Gupta has given lectures worldwide and he is internationa lly known and respected. Hehas organized many nation al and internation al semina rs and conferences to educate his fellow physicians.He is involved in multipl e local communi ty pain awarenessprograms. He has received multipl e awards includin g the B “ est Hands”award for intervention pain, Top Doct oraward in 201 5, 201 6, 201 , 7201 8 South Jer sey Magazin e Top Phy sici ans award in 201 7, the Pr estigio us Pil lar of Commun ity S er vice award in 201 3and man y more. He is also a writer and i s currently working onseveral books includin g “The Briefcase Life” , “7 ways in 7 days to change your life”, M “ arried with Pain” and “3SSS in a successful relati on .” He believes that pain is in evitable, but suffering is optional. His goal is to provide the best care possible to his pati ents and he wants them to “Stop Suffering!! Start Living!!

Rajan Gupta, M.D. CEO / Director Pain Instacare ® “A new dimension in Narcotic free pain management”

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September, 2018

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Continues to reign over hearts 21 years after death Legendary qawwali singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is being remembered on his 21st death anniversary. The king of qawwali died at the age of 48 on August 16, 1997 leaving a legacy of over 125 albums. Nusrat was born on October 13, 1948 in Faisalabad and hailed from a family of qawwals. The great musical legend had his first public performance at the age of 16, at his father’s chehlum and went on to gather world renown with his unmatched voice and musical credentials. Popularly known as Shahenshah-e-Qawwali meaning ‘The King of Qawwali’, Nusrat is widely credited with introducing qawwali music to international audiences. During his lifetime, Nusrat collaborated with several foreign artists, including Eddie Vedder, Peter Gabriel, Jeff Buckley, Michael Brook. He was also included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Most of Nusrat’s songs including, Allah Hoo Allah Hoo and Yeh Jo Halka Halka Suroor Hai have been remixed and produced again. However, his vocals remain unmatched.

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September, 2018

Movie Review

Director Peter Berg and star Mark Wahlberg reunite for an action flick about a CIA unit that must transport an asset to safety under deadly circumstances.

Now that a Star Wars movie has flopped and the Academy has entered the popularity business, there are

perhaps just two remaining certainties in Hollywood: That anything with Marvel’s name on it will make a pile of money and that any collaboration between Mark Wahlberg and director Peter Berg (there have been four now) will have a greater action-to-downtime ratio (maybe 9:1) than any other film out there. And so it is with Mile 22, another high-strung, high-pitched action drama about some tough Americans fighting for survival in dire circumstances. Commercial results look to fall in the sturdy mid-range. Structurally, the script by first-time screenwriter Lea Carpenter, from a story by her and Graham Roland, resembles that of many video games, as it involves getting a character from point A to point B with the maximum amount of peril, obstacles and collateral damage inhibiting the journey. Aesthetically, Berg here has arguably reached the goal he’s lately been pursuing of fashioning an absolutely fat-free movie; there’s not an ounce of flab here, nothing inessential to the urgent goal of getting the key characters where they’re going before the clock expires. The point of the story, in the end, may indeed be to bring a spy in from the cold, but temperamentally and stylistically, Mile 22 stands as the antithesis of anything in the John le Carre canon; where everything in Berg’s film is feverish, stoked and shouted, for le Carre, matters are gray, ambiguous and sotto voce. There is plenty of skill and a measure of merit in the compressed style Berg has been developing of late, but shadings, nuance and the enigmatic are the first casualties

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September, 2018

e l a h W ‘A

f o

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Megumi Sasaki’s documentary explores the aftermath of the documentary ‘The Cove’ on the Japanese town of Taiji from the fishermen’s point of view.

The opening minutes of the new documentary by Megumi Sasaki (Herb & Dorothy) depicts a Japanese festival where patrons are served

heaping amounts of whale stew and whale meatballs. It certainly sets the scene for A Whale of a Tale, which serves as a sort of de facto sequel to 2010’s Oscar-winning documentary The Cove, about the traditional practice of hunting and killing dolphins in the small Japanese town of Taiji. Sasaki’s documentary explores the aftermath of that earlier film’s seismic impact, as well as providing the townspeople’s point of view about the condemnation, bordering on demonization, they’ve endured. Since the release of The Cove, animal rights activists have flocked to the seaside town to confront the fisherman attempting to ply their trade. Whatever one thinks of the ethics of killing these creatures (the terms dolphins and whales are used interchangeably) known for their high level of intelligence, it’s discomfiting to witness the activists harassing, insulting and threatening the locals in the most vicious of terms.

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September, 2018

Food News Hiding dry fruits and nuts in our pockets to save ourselves from a scolding has been one of the most cherished childhood memories. Rich in proteins, fats, fibre and various other nutrients, nuts make for a delicious and healthy snack. Most nuts are extremely nutritious and are loaded with health benefiting properties. One of the most commonly available

Here’s How

and nutritious nuts is almond. Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E

You Can Chop

and thus are good for heart health. Other than this, they are high in

Almonds Like

protein, fibre, calcium and iron. Almonds are also good for weight

A Pro

loss as they are quite filling, which prevents overeating. Be it salads or cereals, almonds are used as a garnishing on so many dishes. If you’ve been looking for ways to chop almonds, we’re here to help.

Place the almonds on a cutting board, line them up and start chopping them up and down. The tip of the knife should stay on the cutting board so that you’re able to chop the almonds with the wide part of the blade. Keep chopping till all almonds are evenly chopped. Now gather all the pieces with the back edge of the knife, start chopping again until you get the desired size Try keeping the almonds in the refrigerator for several hours before grinding or chopping. To begin with, use one or one and a half cup of almonds. Take off the lid of your food processor and make sure you have ‘S blade’; now empty a cup of almonds into the food processor. Press the pulse button and turn it on and off. Keep doing it until you reach the desired goal.

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September, 2018

4 Poppin’ Makeup Trends Nighat Celebrity MUA Contact: 848-219-6990

Strobing Using this makeup technique on your skin when applying highlighter makes it so you have a natural glow coming from within your skin. You take your highlightern from your cheekbones and then also apply it to a some of your temple.

Mauve Lips Mauve shades are great to wear for any season. These colors are stunning and can suit any skin tone it’s just the matter of finding the right shade. This shade is perfect medium between light and dark lip shades.

Bright Eyes Applying a shimmery champagne, gold, or silver into the inner corners of your eyes can make your eyes look bigger and awoken. This simple step can amp up your look in a matter of seconds.

Matte Skin Soft, matte skin is trending this fall. The best way to achieve this look is by using a mattifying powder. Loose powder or Packed! Anything works best. A matte base makes your skin look flawless and natural at the same time. You can never go wrong with a matte base.

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September, 2018

Selina & Asif Jayvee Singh Noor K Photography, LLC M: (407)729-0388 E: W:

India Independence Day In New Jersey Page 61

September, 2018

IAAC announces the appointment of Dr. Nirmal Mattoo as incoming Chairman of the Board. Aroon Shivdasani, Executive and Artistic Director retires after 20 years of glorious service. Will continue as Brand Evangelist Advisor. Dr. Nirmal Mattoo has been appointed by the Board of IAAC as its new Chairman effective July 1, 2018. This announcement was made at a gala gathering at the Indian Consulate in New York on July 30th attended by over 160 people from the arts, media and Indo American community. The IAAC Board thanks Aroon Shivdasani who has announced her retirement, for her exemplary sacrifices and contributions over the course of a lifetime in founding and building IAAC to the point that it is the premiere art and cultural organization of the Indo American community. Ambassador Chakravorty presented Aroon Shivdasani with an award plaque and also a shawl in recognition of her services. He stressed the importance of propagating Indian arts. Dr. Mattoo also presented Aroon with a plaque on behalf of IAAC. Rakesh Kaul will be joining as Vice Chairman of the Board and will support Dr. Mattoo in the mission ahead. Rakesh is a successful author, technologist, business leader with a strong record of contributing to the arts and nurturing non-profit initiatives. Yakub Mathew is a Managing Director with Citibank where his responsibilities include building and managing the Ultra High Net Worth business. He is a continuing Advisory Board member of IAAC and has taken a leading role in enabling Indo American non-profits to scale up. We look forward to serving the community and invite volunteers, interns, members and contributors to renew their commitment to IAAC and its mission.�

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September, 2018

Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2 Launched Party in New Jersey

September, 2018

Pakistan Independence Day Celebration in Orlando,Florida

Vickyy Kohhli is back with new Hip Hop rock song KAHANIYAAN Vickyy Kohhli is back with new Hip Hop rock song KAHANIYAAN. While the music video release is still in progress, Vickyy is doing rock concerts to promote the song. New Jersey witnessed a brand new rock band KAHANIYAAN (based on his new song title) where all types of Bollywood, Sufi Old and New songs were presented in hip hop rock style.The show was a great success and guests had a great time dancing and enjoying Punjabi Challa and Jugni in a new original Rock style. Vickyy also sang his original songs Gudd nalon ishq Mitha, Banjara Mann and his new single KAHANIYAAN. Kohhli is a Bollywood Singer and Music Director who has given songs for Bollywood movies including Mr. Majnu, Pyar Mein Kyun, Anjali’s Secret Box and Hang Up. He is currently staying in Philadelphia with his family and operating his studio and event company as well as helping produce songs for many local Desi artists in the U.S. and Canada. Vickyy's last music video 'Gudd Nalon Ishq Mitha' managed to earn top spot in youtube and crossed 1 Million views and he hopes to take KAHANIYAAN further by doing concerts all through America and Canada. The Music Video is ready and should be out very soon.

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September, 2018


IMRAN KHAN 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan

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September, 2018

September, 2018


PAIN INSTACARE ® 15 East 40th St., Suite 201 New York NY 10016

PAIN INSTACARE ® 1420 Walnut St, Suite 1201 Philadelphia, PA 19102

PAIN INSTACARE ® 100 Springdale Rd, Suite B5 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

“Having Pain Inevitable, is Living in Pain is Optional”


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