The Elmhurst School Public School 89, Queens | 85-28 Britton Avenue | Elmhurst, New York | Erected 1906
Laura La Sala, Principal Tammy Tucker, Assistant Principal Eileen Banks, Assistant Principal Laura Kimball, Assistant Principal Christina Psihogios, Assistant Principal Umit Serin, Assistant Principal Alfonzina Lloyd, Assistant Principal
89 Parade A Literary Arts Magazine
Volume 136
June 2016 Published Annually By: Public School 89 “Where Believing is Achieving” 85-28 Britton Avenue Elmhurst, New York Principal Ms. Laura La Sala Assistant Principals Tammy Tucker, Hampton Academy Eileen Banks, Special Education Laura Kimball, Gleane Academy Christina Psihogios, Curriculum and Instruction Umit Serin, Britton Academy Alfonzina Lloyd, Safety and Youth Development
89 Par ade Staff
Elizabeth Chacon
Elizabeth Gregory
Michael Columbia
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Principal’s Message...............................................................................................6 Assistant Principals’ Message..............................................................................7 Our Youngest Writers....................................................................................... 8-9 Poetry.............................................................................................................. 10-11 Realistic Fiction.............................................................................................12-13 Small Moments.................................................................................................... 14 All Abouts............................................................................................................15 Opinion Essays...............................................................................................16-20 Literary Essay................................................................................................21-23 Comparative Essay..............................................................................................24 Informational Writing................................................................................... 25-32 Drama..................................................................................................................33 5th Grade Class Pictures and Memories...................................................... 34-57
Many heartfelt thanks to the teachers who contributed their time and energy to make the 89 Parade a possibility. Congratulations to all the students whose work appears within these pages! A special thanks to Mr. Columbia for his technical support. —The Editors
Dear Boys and Girls, One of the highlights of being an educator is seeing the final products that children produce. I have enjoyed this school year and loved watching all of you learn and grow as writers. Each of these pieces is a reflection of your hard work and makes me confident that this is only the first step for you. Take pride in all that you have accomplished and remember to always strive to be your best! I’d like to offer up a special thank you to Ms. Chacon, Ms. Gregory and Mr. Columbia, without whom this publication would not be possible. Have a restful and enjoyable summer!!!! Ms. Laura La Sala Principal
Dear Boys and Girls, As we walk through the halls of P.S. 89 and visit your classrooms, we are continually amazed at the wonderful work that you do every day. Your skills in reading, writing and math constantly impress us. From your sensational stories using author’s craft, to your book club conversations, you should all be very proud. Throughout your time at P.S. 89 you have had wonderful teachers who have cared a great deal about each one of you. They have worked hard to provide you with a strong foundation for learning, and have given you many experiences that are unique to our school community. As you move forward in your education, it is our hope that you will take the experiences that you have had here and build upon them. Many of the strategies you have learned can be transferred to your future learning in middle school, high school, and even college! The road to learning never ends; we must all continue to be lifelong learners! To our 5th graders, we wish you well as you leave us to attend middle school. It is an exciting time in your life, where you will face many challenges. Be strong and true to yourself. Remember, if you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. All it takes is hard work and determination. So keep your feet firmly on the ground and reach for the stars, and there is no limit to what you can achieve. Have a wonderful summer vacation! Ms. Tucker Ms. Banks Ms. Kimball Ms. Psihogios Mr. Serin Ms. Lloyd Assistant Principals
All About My Ladybug
All About Cars
Do you know about ladybugs? Ladybugs are insects. A ladybug can fly. Ladybugs eat aphids. Ladybug can crawl. Ladybugs are scary. Now you know all about ladybugs.
All about Cars Cars have engines at the back of the car.
By Shabab Islam Class K-119
All About the Seasons By Anthony Nayotl Class K-119
What is winter? It is winter. It is snowy. It is cold. What is spring? It is spring. It is raining. Rain is important. What is summer? It is summer. It is hot. I go outside to play. I can go to the park. What is fall? It is fall. The leaves fall down. It is cold. The leaves change colors.
By Erick Ramon Class K-119
How do cars drive? They drive with the steering wheel. Don’t crash with another car! What do cars do if you’re in traffic? They use horns if they’re in traffic. What do cars get when they’re out of gasoline? They use gasoline. They always use that. What do they have inside? They have an app so they can see their messages. Now you know all about cars.
All About School By Bryanna Calle Class K-115
Do you know all about school? I will teach you. In school we do math. We count up to 20. In school we read. We read back to back. In school we get lunch and we go to the table. I sit with Maria. Now you know all about school.
All About Frogs
Have you ever seen a frog on Earth? Frogs can live in water. They can swim in water They find food in water. Frogs can jump with their legs. They can jump as high as a rabbit. If you touch a frog, the frog will bite you! Frogs eat bugs so they can grow into big frogs. Frogs can eat frog food too. You can have a pet frog. Frogs can swim in water. They lay eggs in water so baby tadpoles can come out. Now you know all about frogs.
Cars can go fast. Cars have round wheels. Cars can stop. Cars can go slow and fast. Cars are big and small. Beep Beep!
By Najeeb Abdullah Class K-115
Grasshoppers By San Yun Class K-115
Grasshoppers can jump and hop. Grasshoppers eat bugs. Yum! Grasshoppers have parts. They have a body, antenna, and long legs. Grasshoppers have stripes. Grasshoppers have legs. They use their legs to climb. Grasshoppers use their back legs to hop. Grasshoppers use their antennas to smell. Grasshoppers lay their eggs on leaves.
By Eric Jiang Class K-101
How to go to P.E. By Jake Yang Class 1-103
Do you know how to go to P.E.? P.E. is fun. We like it. It is fun for you. First you go down the stairs like the teacher said. And quickly because we are going to be late, and don’t got get your bag! Next you hold the door so we can go to P.E. You want to go to the game. Then you go to your spot and you look at the teacher because it is important. Last you play beanbags. If you drop the beanbag you will loose. You have fun in P.E. You did a super job.
How to Blow Bubbles By Camila Jara Class K-101
First you get some soap. Next you put the wand in the soap. Then you blow. Last you pop the bubbles!
Please Don’t Litter
By Oliver Gonzalez | Class K-B26 Dear people, Please don’t throw garbage on the floor, because our city will get dirty. Also, it will be dusty, and it is not good for the earth. The city will smell bad if you throw garbage on the floor, and it is not healthy. I hope you listen to me. Thank you!
Smoking is Bad!
By Natanael Cerezo | Class K-B26 Dear persons, Please don’t smoke because it is bad. Don’t smoke because you will get so sick! Please don’t smoke, because we want to smell fresh. We don’t like to smell the smoke. Stop smoking! I hope you do it.
Por Favor se Quiere de no Fumar By Dulce Garcia | Class K-B26
Queridas personas de mi edificio, Manten limpias mis paredes, sino se van a ver sucias. Cuando salieron mis papas se sorprendieron, porque la pared estaba rayada. Pintamos de blanco en mi casa porque tambien la pared estaba sucia. Solo nos faltaba poquito y ya terminamos. Entonces, no nos ensucien las paredes de afuera, para que todo este bonito. Gracias, Con respeto, Dulce
The Worst Ice Cream
By Ahlam Bechraoui | Class 1-103 Yuck! Have you ever tasted chocolate ice cream? I think chocolate ice cream is the worst. One reason why is chocolate ice cream tastes like broccoli. Another reason is it tastes like toothpaste. I don’t like toothpaste-flavored things. That’s why I don’t like chocolate ice cream!
Ice Cream By Ashley Cuantel Class 2-403
My Dad By Jackson Furlong Class 2-403
Sad Thursday By Cristina Guncay Class 2-307
Yum, Yum, Ice Cream. Eat me in the summer I’m so COLD! I am so many different flavors! Why am I so yummy? It smells like heaven. Lick, lick, lick! I hear the ice cream truck! Beep, Beep!
My dad A HARD worker He knows everything He’s so kind He’ll blow your mind I love him He’s the best
Why does he want to go to Chicago? But why? This means… NO MORE UNCLE! AT ALL! Why does it have to be him with his son! Thursday is very sad.
I Miss My Dad By Sneha Khan Class 2-307 When is he coming back? The spot he sits in is empty. He makes me smile. He is coming back in April. Now it’s February. It’s going to take Forever.
Fuzzy Wuzzy By Saadman Haider Class 2-229 Caterpillar munch, munch, eat, eat, fuzzy wuzzy. Sleepeee... in the cacoon, fly, fly, fly butterfly, I could fly like a bird, oh butterfly!
O’ Shell By Raymond Jiang Class 1-306 O’ shell o’ shell, you feel smooth and bumpy. When I put you in my ear, you sound like a wave. o’ shell, o’ shell you are brown. Snow By Johnny Ortiz Class 4-404 You wait for the snow, But next day NO snow. Next day again NO snow. Next day YES! Snow falls down from the sky, And you can play in the snow! Bad Luck By Jennifer Lopez-Rojas Class 2-401 When children see black cat yellow eyes they realize that they’re having bad luck don’t ever see a black cat with yellow eyes.
Balloons By Joshua Franco Class 2-307 Round as the moon Round as the sun Filled with helium Red, blue, orange Every color of Balloons up and Up it can go A string going Down For you To hold Watch out It might go far Up without you! Balloons My Life is Good By Melody Juela Class 2-203 Mostly my heart is happy but sometimes my heart is sad, upset, unhappy, curious, responsible, grumpy, lonely, calm, cheerful, moody. That’s how things are in my life when I am sad or happy. That is my life. I love all of these things
Lily’s Lost Key By Heny Patel | Class 2-307 Mom called Dad. “Lily wants to go with you to your store.” Lily said, “Please Dad!” Dad said, “Okay, but do not play around.” “Okay,” said Lily. “I will not play around.” Dad and Lily got on the train. When their stop came they got off and they went outside. They went in their store and got to work. Lily asked Dad, “Why do you have to work so much?” “So we can get more money,” said Dad. It was midnight. Dad and Lily were going home. Dad almost forgot to lock the door of the store. When Dad put his hand in his pocket there were no keys. Dad lost the keys. Then Dad’s phone rang. It was Mom. Mom said,” You left the keys at home.” “What now, what are we going to do,” said Dad. Mom said, “I have an idea.” “Wat is it?” asked Dad. “How about I come and give you the keys.” “Good idea,” said Dad. “I am coming now.” When Lily’s Mom came with the keys Dad closed the door and locked it. He never lost the keys again.
Lost At Night By Raia Uddin | Class 2-403
It’s Halloween! Anna was picking what to wear on Halloween. She picked a witch costume. It was time to go to trick-or-treat! Anna shouted, “Let’s go.” Anna and her sister went everywhere that had candy. “YUM!” shouted Anna. She was having so much fun! Her sister asked her, “How much candy did you get?” “I got a lot, let’s go there,” said Anna. Suddenly, it got crowded! Everyone started pushing. “Will we be able go home?” Anna’s sister asked. Anna said, “I DON’T KNOW,” and she started to cry. “WA WA WA, I feel like a lost cat on the street.” Tears started coming out of her eyes. Then, they saw the door! “Come on, let’s go,” said Anna. “Excuse me, excuse me,” Anna and her sister said. “We made it, now let’s go home, before we get lost again.” “ Next time, when it is Halloween, let’s take our mom with us,” said Anna. “Let’s go count our candies”, said Anna’s sister. Halloween was the best for Anna and her sister.
Kelly Goes to the Movies By Angela Lhamo | Class 2-307 One autumn day Kelly asked Mom, “Can I go to the movie theater?” Mom said, “No.” “Why not?” Kelly asked. “What kind of movie is it?” asked Mom. “A monster movie!” “No,” said Mom. “Why not?” asked Kelly. “Because you will have bad dreams.” “No,” “Yes”, “No”, “Yes”, “No”, “Yes”, “NOOOOOO”, “YEEESSSSS.” “No, I will not have a bad dream. Fine!” said Kelly as she walked to her bedroom. But before she got to her room, she took a book. The cover of the book said SPIES. Then Kelly dashed as quickly as she could to her room. When Kelly got to her room she got an idea. She said to herself, “If Mom won’t take, I will go by myself!” So, Kelly got her money and bought her own ticket. She went to the movie theater. But Kelly got out… Her eyes were “BOLD”, she could not feel her feet. She said to herself, “Mom was right, but how can I tell Mom? I won’t tell her.” So, she did not tell Mom. But one night… Kelly was sleeping and then Kelly yelled, “MOM!” Kelly’s Mom ran to Kelly’s room and asked, “Are you OK?” “ I I I ssscared, the m-m-monster!” “That’s not a monster.” Then Kelly told the truth. Kelly’s Mom was happy that Kelly told the truth.
Michael’s Guitar By Nelson He | Class 2-401
One winter day, Michaels’s dad, mom and Michael’s twin Mike and Michael were going to the. . . mall to buy a guitar. “Everybody get in the car, said dad. “Ok,” said MIchaels mom, and twin and Michael.Once they were in the car, they put on their seat belts and drove off. “How many miles until the mall,” said Michael. “Two,” said Michaels dad. When they got there, they parked the car in the parking lot. Michael’s dad told the family to get out of the car. When they got out, the tried to open the door to the store, but it didn’t open. They peeked inside but. . . NOBODY was inside and the store was closed. “Michael, I think the store is closed.” “What!!!!!! Did we came too late?” “Yep,” replied Michael’s dad. That means we have to go home,” replied Michael’s dad. When they got home, Michael wondered if he woke up too late or if somebody else would buy the guitar he wanted. Although he worried, he still went to sleep. “Good night mom and dad.” “Good night honey.” The next day they went to the mall again but this time they weren’t late.vThey went to the music store and bought a guitar. “Wow, it’s so big. Let’s go home and play with it.” They went home and played with the guitar. “Thanks mom and dad.” 13
Tenzin’s Best Birthday
By Tsedron Lama | Class 3-402
My smile was ear to ear. It was Tenzin’s birthday! I got to go to the park with her. It was
so hot that I was fanning myself with my hand. We went to the sprinklers. After that I said to myself, I am so cold, the water was like ice. Tenzin and I were shivering. We were hugging so close. Then we said, “We need to go home.”
We were home…finally! We were so happy that we were home! We went inside the house.
“Woof”, said my friend’s dog. Then we made the goody bags for the party. After that we went shopping. We were dressing really immature. We tried on different outfits and I said “Oh my gosh, it looks so gorgeous!” Tenzin loved it too. She thought it looked so pretty. Then we bought it. She could not wait to wear it on her birthday.
Then we went to the car…vrrrooom! The car was getting ready. We went to a cake shop,
then Tenzin picked out a cake. Everybody came to her party. We ate cake, then we had the best sleepover. My dad and mom made the day even better by letting me sleep there!
By Joseline Albino | Class 2-401
One day, we were in Flushing, Main Street. The mall’s name is Skyview Center. I said,
“Mommy, I want to go to Target first please.” My mom said, “You could honey.” We went in. I saw the cashier, some carts and a coffee store named Starbucks. My mom said, “When are you going to buy me Starbucks?” My dad joked, “Some day.” I said, “ I want it now. Forget it,” I said slowly and nervously. “Should I order Starbucks for my mom? Hmmm. That will be nice for my mom.” She left me thinking. “MOM!” I said. They never listen to me. They’re busy looking at other stuff instead.
All About Soccer
By Shadman Rahman | Class 1-103 Do you want to learn about Soccer? Well if you want to…check it out! Juggling the Ball: Juggling is really hard to do. It’s not easy to juggle. You won’t be able to do it until you practice. International Teams: Every soccer player should have an international team. The international team tells where you are from. There are a lot of international teams. Soccer Shoes: There are different types of soccer shoes. Soccer shoes are famous because people wear them. Soccer shoes are fun. Tackles and Fouls: Tackles cause blood! Tackles could cause blood sometimes. Fouls don’t cause blood. Penalties: Penalties are close to the goal. If you get a tackle close to the goal you get a penalty. Penalties are fun. You just learned all about soccer! Great job!
By Asna Rahman | Class 2-203 Ting Ging Ling! Imagine this. I’m a cool, sunny relaxing backyard. Do you know what it is? It is tennis! This book is going to teach you about tennis related to force and motion. Clothes : If you are in a sunny backyard, the temperature will be hot so you must wear short pants and a shirt. You also have to wear sneakers because they can help you jump high in the sky. Need: You need a tennis ball, net, and a racket. The weight of a bouncy ball is too big so it is good to use a small tennis ball. The force of the net will stop the tennis ball from going too far. Also the force you use with your body will change the position that is in motion. Play! First you must use a racket and a tennis ball. Your sneakers can also help you jump high so you can get the tennis ball. You must push the ball with the racket net so the tennis ball goes to the other side. Conclusion: When you jump for the tennis ball you are using force. When you change the way you move, you’re changing position. That’s motion. Make sure your eyes are looking forward and so you can see the tennis ball coming your way. Have fun!
Parrot Pets
By Shakif Ahnaf | Class 4-206 Imagine that you are in a forest. You are very terrified. Suddenly, you hear a “squeak!” When you turn around, you see an animal. That makes you feel very ecstatic. So that’s why I believe that parrots are the best pets to have because parrots can be tamed. Parrots can speak. Also, parrots are very loyal to their owners. My first reason is that parrots are very splendid birds because they can be tamed. You can tame a parrot to keep you company. For example, they make hilarious sounds. My next reason is to tame your parrot to entertain you. One time at my uncle’s house, I used to watch a parrot that my uncle always fed. That parrot is now my uncle’s best pet! And now my final reason is you can tame your parrot to clean up after itself after it eats its lunch. One time on a field trip, I saw a parrot pick up nuts and throw them far, far away. My next reason that parrots are awesome pets is because parrots could talk if you teach them. Once, at a circus, I saw a man teaching his parrot how to talk. He first taught the parrot the alphabet, next how to sound out words. Then how to say words. After that, how to make a whole sentence! I heard parrots are very intelligent. Intelligent means that you are very smart, and you know a lot of things. My second reason is parrots could learn different languages, but you have to teach them. Once, in a movie, I saw a parrot switch languages. It was so cool! My third reason is parrots can sing. First, you have to put on a song with words and no sound at all. If the parrot can hear it, it can sing. The last reason is that parrots are very loyal to their owners. But you have to take good care of that parrot. Another reason is that parrots will be your best friend. For example, you need to feed it, give the bird resources, and you give the parrot a shelter to live in. Why wouldn’t the parrot be your best friend? Only if you don’t love it. My third reason is that parrots will eat every bit of food you give them. For example, they eat apples, nuts and beetles. So, as you can see, I believe parrots are the best bird pets because they can be tamed, parrots can speak, and they are also very loyal. Some people might say that parrots are very loud, but parrots will make noises if you don’t take care of them. In the future, don’t get scared. Parrots will be your friend whether you like it or not. “See you later!” SQUALK!
No More Rats!
By Jan Faye Mendoza | Class 4-206 Do you think rats are the worst? I do think rats are the worst. I think this because rats snatch away any food they see, rats smell so, so, so awful and they bother us and waste our time. I believe rats are the worst because they gobble any food they see. For example, rats eat food even if it’s not good for them. One time, I saw a rat eating a rotten apple and it was gross! Another time, I saw a rat eating poisonous food. Poisonous is a harmful thing, like the mouse traps. Also, once I saw a rat trying to get the food from the trash can and it was disgusting! Also, once it was 5:00 AM in the morning and I found a vast bag of chips open, only I didn’t open it. I discovered there was a massive rat! I also saw a rat determined to open a bag of cookies. Another reason that rats are the worst is because rats smell so, so, so, so awful. For example, rats never take a bath, and once I saw a rat that looked so shabby, and rotten too. They don’t mind what they smell like and in New York City, there are a ton of rats living in the sewer. I saw two rats communicating to each other. Communicating is talking to another person. Why don’t they run away because they smell bad? And that is just weird, really weird, so, so weird. Also rats smell so gross because they go to the trash can and get food. Also, I saw three rats went to a very, very, very unpleasant trashcan to get food and the rats didn’t care about the stench at all. Finally, rats are the worst because they bother us and waste our time. In addition, rats make terrible tapping sounds when they dash or amble. Also, once I was reading a really great book called “Because of Winn-Dixie”, when suddenly a rat came running with the annoying tapping sounds. And it kept bothering me, and it was terrible. Also, once I saw a rat with another rat bounding, and it’s like they don’t notice any sounds at all. Another time I saw four rats running around my house and I spent one hour dashing them away. Also, rats just trot because they’re not frightened of us. In cnclusion, I believe rats are the worst because they steal any food they see, they smell so, so, so awful and they bother us and waste our time. Some people might say that some rats or mice are adorable, but most rats smell so, so, so bad and they will eat anything! In the future, if you see a rat in your house, call an adult! Thanks!
Dunkin Donuts is the Best By Tseten Gurung | Class 4-327
Everyone should know that Dunkin Donuts is the best place in the world. Some people think Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat. One reason is that the food is tasty. Another reason is that they have good service. Finally, every month they have some new things happening. So read this and later you will know that Dunkin Donuts is the best place. Some people think Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat because the food is tasty. For example, the food is always warm. One time a woman took a bite and it was warm. Also, the food is always fresh. Another time, a man ate Dunkin Donuts and it was fresh. Finally, they have the best eggs, sausage, bagels, crossiants, and donuts. One time, a boy loved the food because it was the best. So Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat because the food is tasty. Some people think Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat because they have good service. For example, they have free wifi. One time, a boy used his phone and he had wifi. Also, they give you a number, and when they call your number, you get the food. Another time, a girl had a number, and they called it, so she got her food. Finally the food is served fast. One time a girl ordered, and it only took three minutes. So Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat because they have good services. Some people think Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat because every month there is lots of new things happening. For example, they would do lots of things for each holiday. One time a boy went to Dunkin Donuts and there was a donut with a pumpkin on it. Also, they put decorations all over the place. Another time a girl went to Dunkin Donuts and it was covered in fake snow. Finally, they make deals, so they make the food cheaper. So now you realize the best place in the world is Dunkin Donuts. Some people think Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat. One reason is the food is tasty. Another reason is they have good service. Finally, every month, they have new things happening. So now you know, Dunkin Donuts is the best place to eat!
The Best Place to Play
By Kailey Reesa | Class 1-103 Did you ever go to Chuck-E-Cheese? You can go to Chuck-E-Cheese. You can go to Flushing to get to Chuck-E-Cheese. You can go to Chuck-E-Cheese on vacation. Chuck-E-Cheese has the best food and games because the food tastes good and the games are cool. It is better than anything else because it is the best. Chuck-E-Cheese is the best! You should go there. You can have fun there. You can eat lots of food there. It is the best because it has climbing tunnels. Another reason this is the best is that you can get tickets. That is why Chuck-E-Cheese is the best place to play!
Cell Phones are Useful
By Bryan Naula | Class 5-301 Cell phones can be useful for a child in many ways. First, cell phones can be useful when children get lost so they will communicate with their parents and track them. Also, cell phones can help children with their responsibilities. The last reason is that kids can use their phones to help them with their work if they’re confused. Still not convinced? Then, read the rest of the article to learn about more. Cell phones can help children and parents to contact each other if they get lost somewhere. For example, if a child gets lost, the child can call the parents and tell the place or location the child is in. Also, cell phones can help the parents in case the child gets lost, then the parents will use their phone and use a GPS to track the lost child. Another example is that if someone gets lost in a public place and can’t catch up to their parents, and doesn’t see them anymore then they can use the phone to call them to find the child. This shows that a cell phone can be used as a location or emergency device. Another reason is that cell phones can help children with their responsibility. For instance, in the article, 5 reasons why your kids should have cell phones it says, “A cell phone can teach a child about responsibility, from taking care of the gadget to the minutes and text restrictions.” In addition, in why your kids should have cell phones it says,”You could opt for a puppy, but you know who will end up cleaning up after it in the long run.” Another example, you can do advanced chores since the cell phone teaches you about being responsible. This shows that, cell phones can teach children to be responsible. The last reason is that you can use your phone to help you with your work. For example, you can use your cell phone to help you with your homework if you don’t understand. Also, if you put the answer and steps you have to do for a problem you can see what you have to correct. Another example, you can use the cell phone to use a translator to know what a word means. This all shows, how cell phones are useful to help you out with your work. In conclusion, cell phones can be useful to make a child learn and be safe. Cell phones can be used as a location or emergency device. It can also be used as a way to help you. Last, it can be used to help you with your work. I think children should have cell phones because it can help you with your life.
Donald Trump is the Worst
By Sameer Hussaini | Class 4-408 As you may know, a lot of people are candidates for president. Donald Trump is one of them. He’s the worst. He said he would ban all Muslims and Mexicans from America. This is a complete, perfect example of racism. If he becomes president, I guarantee, 100%, one way or another, he will violate the Constitution. This is why Donald Trump is the worst. Donald Trump clearly said he would ban all Muslims and Mexicans from America and send them back. For example, if Donald Trump does do this, it wouldn’t work. Plane flights cost a lot of money and Donald Trump will be responsible for the money. Also, Donald Trump will make America’s population lower and lower. Finally, if he tries to do this, he won’t be able to do it. Donald trump shows racism. I mean, how is he making it better for other people? Also, if kids look up to this man, what will be our future? Donald Trump even says that Barack Obama did not kill Osama Bin Laden just because he thinks Obama is a Muslim. If Donald Trump is elected president, he will, one way or another, violate the Constitution. I mean, if you look at some of the things he wants to accomplish, the Constitution will not allow it. Why are they allowing him to run if he does this? And banning certain races is against the Declaration of Independence, which says, “All men are to be treated equally.” In conclusion, Donald Trump is the worst. He wants to ban all Muslims and Mexicans from America. He shows racism. And he will violate the Constitution. This is why Donald Trump is the worst.
The Library
By Tony Franco | Class 4/5-213 In my opinion, the library is the greatest place because there are lots of books. Another reason is that there are some of my favorite books. My final reason is that the library holds special activities every holiday. In the library, there are lots of books to choose from. For example, I can get fiction and nonfiction. Another example is that I can choose from biographies, mysteries, and science fiction. In the library, there are some of my favorite books to choose from. For example, my favorite books are Eyewitness and A to Z mysteries. The library holds special activities each holiday. For example, the holidays are Christmas, and Saint Patrick’s Day. The activities are mostly bingo and word searches. In conclusion, the library is the greatest place because there are lots of books. Another reason is that there are some of my favorite books. My final reason is that the library holds special activities every holiday. This shows that the library is the greatest place. 20
The Marble Champ and Fly Away Home By Emmanuel Sanchez Turner | Class 4-325
In the story, The Marble Champ and in the story Fly Away Home, both characters are determined. In Fly Away Home, the boy and his father are determined to stay in the airport and not get caught. In The Marble Champ, Lupe is determined to win the marble tournament. Lupe is determined to win the marble tournament. For example, in the text it says, “I did twenty push-ups on my finger tips.” This shows that Lupe is determined by doing exercises. Another example is that in the text it says, “Lupe squeezed a rubber eraser one hundred times.” This shows that she is getting ready for the tournament. Last example is that Lupe’s thumb was swollen from doing exercises. The boy and his father are determined to stay in the airport. For example, they were homeless and the father asked people to take care of his son while he was working. This shows he is determined to stay in the airport because he can get clothes and food. Another example is that in the text it says, “At dead time there aren’t many people around so we’re extra careful.” In other words, they don’t want to get caught, which shows they are determined to stay in the airport. Last example is in the text it says, “We change clothes every day to not get caught.” This gives me an idea that the father and the boy don’t want people to notice them. Lupe handles her situation well. The boy and the father also handle their situations well. For example, the boy and his father sneak around the airport. Lupe practices hard for the tournament. Another example is that the boy stays with a babysitter and Lupe tries many different sports. Last example is that the boy’s father works to get money. This is giving me the idea that he makes money to pay the babysitter and stay in the airport. This is why Lupe is determined to win the tournament and the boy and his father are determined to stay in the airport. I think that both Lupe and the boy and his father are very determined characters.
The Pain and the Great One By Tanushree Biswas | Class 3-425
In both texts, Peter’s Chair and The Pain and the Great One, Peter and The Pain love their siblings. Peter and The Pain both love their siblings because they love doing nice things together. For example, in the text, Peter’s Chair, Peter said, “Let’s paint the little chair pink for Susie.” Another example is that in the text, The Pain and The Great One. The Pain said, “Only it’s not the funnest thing to play alone.” This is important because it shows that they love each other. As you can see, Peter and the Pain both love their siblings.
Stray and Brave Irene
By Sneha Kalam Turner | Class 4-325 In the stories, Stray by Cynthia Rylant, and Brave Irene, by William Steig, the main characters are both determined. Doris, in Stray, is determined to keep the puppy. Irene, in Brave Irene, is determined to deliver the down to the duchess. Although they’re determined, Doris wanted the puppy to stay and Irene wanted the ball gown to be delivered to the duchess. Doris, in Stray, is determined to keep the puppy. For example, in the text it says, “Doris hugged the puppy hard against her. She said nothing.” This shows she didn’t want the puppy to be sent to the pound. Another example is, “Still, she tried talking to them about the dog at dinner one night.” This shows she wanted to convince her parents. Lastly, the text says, “Mama”, Doris said in a small voice, “Please.” This shows she wants to see and keep the puppy. Irene, in Brave Irene, is determined to deliver the ball gown to the duchess. For example, the text says, “Cold snow shifted into her boots and chilled her feet. She pushed out her lip and hurried on.” This shows Irene does not care about the cold. Another example the text says is, “But she managed to get to her feet and keep moving.” This shows Irene won’t let anything stop her. Lastly, the text says, “She flung her body about to free herself.” This shows Irene didn’t care if she was hurt. Doris wanted to stay and Irene wanted the ball gown to be delivered to the duchess. For example, the test says, “I figure she’s real smart”, Doris said to her mother. This shows Doris is trying to convince her parents. “I could teach her things.” This shows Doris is still trying to convince her parents. Another example, the text says, “She tried talking to them about the dog at dinner one night.” Doris wants her parents to agree with her. Also, the text says, “But! No! The gown had to get delivered to the duchess” This shows Irene didn’t care if it was so cold. Lastly, the text says, “Poor mama!” Irene said, “I’ll get it there!”” This shows Irene is determined to get the gown delivered. In the stories, Stray by Cynthia Rylant and Brave Irene by William Steig, the main characters Doris and Irene are determined. Doris, in Stray, just wanted the puppy to stay. Irene, in Brave Irene, wanted the duchess to have the ball gown. Do you know two stories can have the same character trait?
The Stories Julian Tells and Tar Beach By Andy Gavilan | Class 3-402
In both texts, The Stories That Julian Tells and Tar Beach, both the dad and the grandparents don’t care because they are relaxing. For example, in Tar Beach, her grandparents don’t care what she was doing. She was just imagining being in another place. Another example from The Stories That Julian Tells, the dad was relaxing while the kids did all the work, making the pudding for their mom. They were making a special pudding but they accidently ate it all but the dad didn’t notice at first. As you can see, in both texts, the adults don’t pay attention to the children in the stories.
Fly Away Home, By Eve Bunting
By Alyson Galindo Romero | Class 4/5-213 In the story Fly Away Home the main problem was that Denny and his dad are poor. If they go outside they may get sick because it is so cold. This was a difficult problem because they have nowhere to live. Denny’s dad tried to solve the problem by calling a number for an apartment to live in. They felt like they would be there forever. The main problem is that Denny and his dad are poor. If they go outside they may be sick because it is so cold. For example, it says that, “My dad and I live in an airport, that’s because we don’t have a home, and the airport is better than the streets.” This shows that Denny and his Dad are poor and they do not have a home. This was a difficult problem because they have nowhere to live. In the story, it says, “When he came back he looked sad and angry. I know he’s been calling an apartment. I know the rents are too high for us.” As you can see, the characters are sad because they still have to live in the airport. Denny’s Dad tried to solve the problem by calling a number for an apartment to live in. They felt like they would be there forever. For example it says in the story, “It took a while but a door opened, and when the bird left, when it flew free, I knew it was singing.” This shows that they will hopefully find a house someday. In the story, Fly Away Home, the main problem was that Denny and his Dad are poor. If they go outside they may get sick because it is too cold. This was a difficult problem because they have nowhere to live. Denny’s Dad tried to solve the problem by calling a number for an apartment to live in. They felt like they would be there forever. This story taught me about hope and family.
The Recess Queen
By Sofia Galindo | Class 3-329 In the story, The Recess Queen, by Alexis O’Neill, Mean Jean changes from being mean to being kind after a new student will invite her to play. In the beginning, Mean Jean is mean because she acts like a bully. Foe example, at recess no one can play before she says that it’s ok to play. Also, when she gets mad at the other kids, it says that she will “push them and smoosh them”. In the middle of the story, she is mean toward Katie Sue when she starts playing at recess. Mean Jean growled at her . This means that she yelled out loudly. In the end of the story, Katie Sue, the new kid, stands up to Mean Jean and doesn’t get scared of her. Instead, she invites her to play. Mean Jean becomes kind and nice because no one ever asked he to play. For example, she doesn’t yell at the other kids or push them. Also, she lets all the other kids play their games at recess. In conclusion, Mean Jean changed from being mean to being kind. Mean Jean learned to be nice to others. This means that we can learn that it’s good to be friendly to others. 23
Sebastian’s Rollerskates and Treasure in the Field By Ditchhen Lama | Class 5-301
In these two touching books, Sebastian’s Rollerskates and Treasure in the Field, by Joan de Deu Prats and Marilyn Bolchunos, many characters change throughout the story.. In Sebastian’s Rollerskates, Sebastian finds rollerskates in the park and tries them on and wants to learn to skate. Then he finally accomplishes his goal. And in Treasure in the Field , Ta and Hai work hard to get the treasure in the field. In both texts, the characters change throughout the story. For example, in the story, Sebastian’s Rollerskates, Sebastian in the beginning was very shy and not very social at all. He would never say what he actually wanted to say. He would only say OK, or no, or maybe. This shows that Sebastian was very shy at the beginning. Another example is Sebastian at the end was determined and brave. This shows that Sebastian changes throughout the story. In addition Sebastian at the end was more brave and determined then in the beginning. This all shows that Sebastian changes from shy to brave throughout the story. In both texts, the characters change throughout the story. In Treasure in the Field, Ta and Hai changed from being lazy to determined men and hard workers. For example, Ta and Hai would always hate working in the field and they would only “watch” the house, They wouldn’t even clean the house. This shows that they are lazy and terrible. Another example is Ta and Hai at the end turned into hard-working men. This shows that they changed throughout the story. In addition, the brothers changed from lazy to amazingly hard workers. This shows that Ta and Hai learned their lessons and changed their character trait. In both stories, both characters changed throughout the story. In Sebastian’s Roller Skates, Sebastian changes throughout the story. For example, Sebastian in the begginning,was very shy and he hated being very social.This shows that Sebastian was shy at the beginning. Another example was in the end, when Sebastian actually turned out to be very social. This shows that he was more confident about himself. In addition, Sebastian was changing because of accomplishing his goal. This all shows that Sebastian has changed from the beginning to the end. In conclusion, in both stories characters change and learn lessons. Characters struggle through stories.Ta and Hai changed throughout the story. Sebastian changes throughout the story. Many characters change throughout the book. And then they turn out to be someone else.
The Discovery of Atoms By Sowrav Roy | Class 3-302
Introduction Have you ever heard of a super small particle? It’s an atom. What’s an Atom? Atoms are tiny subatomic particles that people, animals, or plants can’t see. This topic will blow your mind. Atoms are three basic particles. Positivley charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons which have no charge. Protons and neutrons clump together at the center of an atom forming the nucleus. Electrons wiz around the nucleus at different distances we call shells. The fist shell closest to the nucleus can hold two electrons. The second shell can hold eight electrons as well, and the third shell could hold up to eighteen. Too small Atoms are the smallest things in the world. If they’re so small, how many atoms are there? There is also some thing ridiculous. If the nucleus were the size of an apple, the electrons would be five whole football fields away. Material of Everything Atoms are inside everything you see! Your cat! Your dog- anything. Atoms are a particle of anything, even the super hot sun. Loss of Balance Atoms can be something else. They can be charged ions. Ions are electrically charged atoms. First the atom has to lose or gain an electron. Then, the atom loses its balance of no charge. Now it’s an ion. Now that is an ion, it could finally make bonds with other ions. Sometimes the ions will inert, which means it will not bond with the other Ion. It will bond only if the atom does not have a full shell. But other times atoms will just bond. When this happens, molecules with ions and atoms takes an electron another. The atom that took the electron gets a negative charge. The other is a positive charge, since it lost an electron. Now both are ions. This is called electrostatic attraction. Conclusion Have fun with the discovery of atoms.
By Stephanie Llivicura | Class 3-302 Introduction Hey! Do you want to learn about tornados? Then this is the right book for you. This book will tell you what they are, what damage they do, how they form and how to stay safe. I hope you like my book. Chapter 1: What are tornados? Tornados are dangerous storms. For example, they could knock down houses. Tornados are made out of hot air and cold air. You can’t see tornados, but when it collects dirt you could see them. Tornados happen on land. Tornados look like a funnel. They also spin and spin until they run out of air. Chapter 2: What damage do tornados do? Tornados knock down houses. They could also make wood into small parts. They also knock down cars. Tornados cause damage. Tornados effect us in many ways. For example, we have to pay for the damage. Another example is that when a job station is destroyed by a tornado, people have to wait for a while to get work. Chapter 3: How do tornados form? Tornados form with hot air and cold air. Then they start spinning around. A few seconds later the tornado hits the ground. As they spin around they collect dirt. The more cold air and hot air it gets the stronger it will be. Chapter 4: How to stay safe If you want to stay safe from a tornado you should go to a basement. You should also go to a cell. If the tornado is so strong go to a hallway with no windows. If you stay close to windows you could get hurt. Also try to stay in the middle of the house. Conclusion This book is mostly about tornados. There are dangerous tornados. Now that you know about tornados you could teach other people. Remember all of these cool facts! How are you going to teach other people about tornados?
By Isabella Moreira | Class 3-212 Introduction: Did you ever know about dogs? Dogs are very interesting. They are so cute and fluffy. What type of dog do you have? If you want to learn more interesting facts about dogs, you should move on! How to Take Care of a Dog: Taking care of your dog is not easy. To take care of your dog you need to give it a bath. Be careful not to spill any water in your dog’s eyes. It might get hurt. To take care of a dog, take it outside, give it food to be healthy, and play with it! Dogs are so playful and they can run fast. So play with it! What Do Dogs Like to Do? Trying to figure out what dogs like to do is very hard. Dogs are very playful and sometimes can be sneaky. They love to play with their owners. They play a lot of games, like playing fetch with a stick, playing with balls, running in circles, and more. What do Dogs Eat? Making dogs eat is not that simple. Dogs like to eat meat, steak, eggs, and much more. When your dog finishes eating, make sure that you clean its mouth with a napkin. If you’re holding dog food in your hand, they’ll jump and eat it very quickly. Conclusion: Now that you have learned about how to take care of dogs, what dogs like to do, and what dogs eat, I think you are ready to get a dog! Remember, when you are having trouble doing something with your dog, read this book again! Also, take good care of it, feed it, and play with it. I hope you enjoyed reading this book and taking care of your dog. You will be an expert!
By Gabriela Marin | Class 3-425 Introduction: Do you know all about hurricanes? In this book you will learn all about how hurricanes are dangerous, how they destroy, and how to stay safe during a hurricane. I hope you enjoy this book and learn all about hurricanes. Hurricanes are Dangerous: In this chapter you will learn that hurricanes are dangerous. Hurricanes are dangerous because they have strong winds. For example, category 1 hurricanes have wind speeds between 74 mph and 95 mph. Also, hurricanes are dangerous because of flooding. Finally, storm surges may be greater than 18 feet. As you can see, hurricanes are real dangerous! Hurricane’s Destroy Things: In this chapter you will learn that hurricanes can destroy things. Hurricanes can destroy anything. For example, hurricanes can destroy boats, airplanes, houses, and oceans. Did you know that hurricanes form over the ocean and that they can last about a week? In addition, hurricanes also destroy forests. One time I saw a book about hurricanes and it was sad to see all the places and things that hurricanes can destroy. Conclusion: As you can see, hurricanes destroy many things, are very dangerous, and cause a lot of damage.
Caring for Cats and Kittens By Edwin Ramos | Class 3-425
Introduction: Are you getting a kitten and don’t know what to do? Well… Than read my book, because it will teach you good information about taking care of a kitten. By the end of this book you will learn how to feed kittens, play with them, and train them. I hope that you learn so, so much about taking care of a kitten or a cat. Feeding your Kitten or Cat: Feeding your kitten is very important. Make sure you always feed your kitten. For example, feed them with healthy food and fresh water. One time, I didn’t feed my cat, and he was so hungry he kept meowing and kept going to his bowl every five minutes. You have to remember to always feed your cat! Also, don’t feed your cat too much milk or they will get fat. For example, milk makes you grow up. If cats drink milk they will grow too fast. Finally, the food bowls have to be split apart so the water and the food don’t get mixed up. For example, two bowls that stick together is much better than one. Don’t forget… It’s really important to feed your cat! Playing with your Cat: You could play with your cat in different ways. For example, play with your cat with a plastic ball, because if you play with a ball filled with air, your cat can pop it. Also, you can play with your cat with a toy rat. Your cat will try and bite it and have lots of fun. Finally, play with a toy fishing rod because they will run all around to try and catch the fish. One time, I had a toy fishing rod and my cat was jumping everywhere to catch the fish. It was having so much fun. So, make sure you always play with your cat! Training your Cat: Training cats is really helpful. For example, you can train them to be nice, so when guests come over your cat will be nice. Also, train them to not scratch you. For example, you could get a platform so your cat can scratch on that instead of you. Finally, train them not to be scared when they are alone. For example, you could leave one light on so your cat wont be scared of the dark. One time I went to bed and my cat was meowing for a long time. Make sure you train your cat! Conclusion: Did you learn so much about cats? Well… I hope you did. It’s important to take care of your cat, otherwise, that means you’re not responsible to have a cat. Remember… Always feed your cat or it will be hungry. I hope you enjoyed reading this book about cats.
By Desteny Yumbla | Class 5-417 Introduction 30,000 whales have been killed by fishermen and that’s called whaling. Fishermen have been killing whales so they can make products out of them. Fishermen sell the products from the whales so they can be rich. Whaling has been happening for thousands of years. Whaling has to stop because then whales will no longer exist. History of Whaling Whaling throughout history was a good business for fishermen. Fishermen killed whales to make products such as oil. Whaling existed for thousands of years. Whaling has been increasing since the 1930’s. 50,000 whales have been killed annually. Why People Kill Whales People kill whales just to get their blubber. They kill whales for their meat, so they can eat it. Fishermen kill whales to sell products. Fishermen hunt whales for their bones. They make tools out of their bones. Eskimos kill whales to survive and they use EVERTHING out of the whale. Whaling Today Whaling is … DECREASING. Whaling is decreasing because of new laws. But some fishermen still kill whales. But they should stop whaling for good! Splash Splash, the whales are back in the ocean. The are happily swimming with their families. Some governments made laws to end whaling. Now whaling is not happening as much. I wish so much for whaling to STOP! Glossary Blubber-The fat of an ocean animal. Products-What people are selling. Whaling-Is killing whales to make products out of them. Increasing-More whales has been killed. Business-A company. Annually-It happens every year. Decreasing-Less whales have been killed. Government-The city makes laws.
Wolves: The Truth of Wolves By Yezi Xiao | Class 4-327
Many people think that wolves are mean and nasty, but I think that they’re absolutely amazing! They’re really cool creatures. For instance, they’re marvelous hunters, they have a great system in their pack, and they have strong senses. Read on and find out about the truth of wolves. Wolves are cool creatures because they are really marvelous hunters. For instance, they have sharp teeth and canine to bit their preys. Their jaws are also sharper and larger than domestic dogs. Some people also think that sharp teeth and jaws are very essential for a good hunter. Another instance that wolves are great hunters is that they have strong and long legs. They run down their prey with their legs. Wolves also run on their toes, which makes them even faster. The last instance is that hey camouflage well in their natural environments. They can walk silently and soundlessly with their soft, fur paws. When they get close enough, they will pounce on their prey. Wolves are cool because they have a great system in their pack. For instance, they have rankings in their pack, which is cool and weird. Alpha means “first” and its also the highest rank in the pack. Beta is second, and omega is third. The pups, or the wolf babies, are last. Alphas eat the prey the pack killed first because its important for the alphas to stay healthy, and then the betas, and so on. Another instance is that they hunt together. The pack first finds a prey, then they come as close as possible to it, and surrounds its. Then, they all pounce on the weakest prey and try to kill it. Also, wolves in the packs care about each other. If a member is sick, the pack will sometimes let it eat first. They’ll mourn for weeks because of a loss. They care about each other. Wolves are cool creatures because they have strong and sensitive senses. Their senses help them to hunt. For instance, their nose is very sensitive and can help them track down their prey. They can smell the prey’s track on the ground if it had been there a few days ago. It’s like you’re smelling a cooking and knowing the recipe after smelling it, which is obviously unlikely. Another instance, their ears are keen, they can hear ten times better than humans. They can move their ears in different directions to hear where the sound is coming from. Also, their eyes are excellent. They can see their prey twenty yards away. If they don’t have good eyes, they won’t be able to chase their prey for a long time, which is a problem. Their eyes are very important for their survival. In other words, eyes are very essential to a wolf. I realized that wolves are very marvelous creatures when I was in third grade. I’ve read about what they hunt, how they hunt, and their lives. People should like wolves! They are almost extinct a few years ago, though now they’re making a comeback. With the help of humans, surely the wolves will survive ‘till the end! P.S.: I hope you like wolves!
By Randy Paguay | Class 3-425 Introduction Have you ever wondered about serve weather? If you have, this book is just right for you! You will learn about tornadoes, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes. These are all the powerful storms that could destroy your community! Also you will learn about safety rules. Tornadoes You are going to learn about tornadoes in this chapter. First tornadoes lift objects and other things into the air. For example, tornadoes can lift thin paper or big cars. Also, tornadoes could be formed after a thunderstorm. For example, the hot air of a thunderstorm combined with cold air creates a tornado. Tornado Safety Rules There are also safety rules to help you during a tornado. For example you should go into a basement because the tornado can’t reach you in a basement. Also, you should have a safety kit. I hope you learned a lot about tornadoes and how to stay safe. Volcanoes Here you will learn about volcanoes. First of all, lava underground is magma, which makes it more dangerous. For example, the ground mixed with gas makes the lava EXPLODE!!! Second of all, there are many types of volcanoes. For example, Shield, Cone, Composite, and water volcanoes. However, there are ways to stay safe. For example, you have to find a place where lava can’t get to you. I hope you learned a lot about volcanoes and how to stay safe. Earthquakes Here you will learn about earthquakes. First of all, earthquakes trigger Tsunamis. For example, an earthquake in Indonesia triggered earthquakes in eleven countries so far. However, there are some safety rules to follow. For example, you should go under a hard piece of furniture. I hope you learned a lot about Earthquakes and how to stay safe. Conclusion As you can see these storms are serve! First you might of thought they were cool, but they are not. Bad storms could turn into serious storms. Remember the safety rules! I hope you enjoyed learning all about these dangerous storms. Keep safe!
Slips ‘n’ Slides
By Keyoun Kahan | Class 3-212 Introduction: Have you ever felt the ground shake, and then take shelter, and everything broke? Well, that’s an earthquake. It happens when 2 big slabs, called plates, rub together. Turn the page to learn more! Chapter 1: What Are Earthquakes? Earthquakes are 2 tectonic plates that rub together. These tectonic plates are rocks that rub to create an earthquake. Earthquakes can start terrible danger, but only last for 20 seconds. One time, this earthquake was 45 seconds. It was called, “the blazing fire of 1906.” It killed 1,000 people and caused damage and devastation. Chapter 2: Where do Earthquakes Occur? Earthquakes occur near the fault line. The fault line is where cracks are. They’ll never be fixed. In 1,000 years, the earthquake might come back, and if it does, the fault gets bigger. Chapter 3: Staying Safe: If an earthquake comes, you’ll have to be safe. You can hide under a desk, inside, or go to a closet or inside a house. Conclusion: Remember, if an earthquake comes, read this book again and do everything it says!
By Ajooni Mann | Class 3-329 Have you ever wondered what rain is? Do you know why people need rain? Well, you found the right book! I will tell you cool facts about rain. Do you know that rain comes from oceans, ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water all over the land. Do you see? My book won’t be boring: you will feel amazed learning about rain. First, the water from oceans, lakes, and ponds changes into a gas called water vapor because of the heat from the sun. Then, the water vapor rises and form clouds. Inside the clouds, the water vapor may turn back in water drops. These drops may become too heavy for the cloud to hold them. Last, the water drops fall back to earth. So the news reporters will say on TV that it is raining. Those water droplets can fall back on the earth in many forms. For example, they can fall down as hail. Hail is ice, snow, and water mixed together. If lots of rain pour from the sky, you will have a rainstorm. If the rain comes on earth gently, you will have a shower. People need rain. For example, rain is good for all the plants and animals on earth. Farmers need rain if they want to have lots of vegetables. Also, rain is important for drinking and washing. Without rain, farmers’ crops will die and the wells will be empty. Without rain, people in every city and town won’t have water for taking showers. I hope that you learned many important facts about rain. Rain brings water on earth to make our life better. So next time that you hear that it will rain, be happy!
s e o r e h r e p Su
Ms. Lieberson - Drama Teacher
Students from Class 2-223 act out their roles as superheroes.
Class 5-211 IN TWENTY YEARS… “I will be studying for my PHD. I will also be working as an actor in movies, so that I can inspire people to be what they want to be.” Adam Silva “I will be where I belong…singing. I want to be there because I think we all get one chance to reach our dreams or be what we want to be. I will travel help children who need money and food. I know school hard but it is the key to getting there.” Keyla Alvarez “I will be graduated from college. I will be a doctor going around the world, helping people in need. I will be making sure they are healthy and if they’re sick I will heal them. I will be working especially in poor countries where I am needed most. I will be checking babies, kids, and adults, even if they cannot afford it.” Paola Vazquez “I will be a fashion designer. I will be designing, sketching, and making clothing. I will be living and working in Manhattan. It will be a hard life, but I will try my best to reach my goal.” Jera Luncio “I will be teaching Math in a middle school. I will be living and working in Queens. “ Javier Hernandez
5-211’S WORDS OF WISDOM “If somebody hurts you, don’t hurt them back. TEACH them the right thing to do.” Sufia Nazifa “Never make fun of anybody else. You will regret it.” Justin Vazquez “Don’t try to impress people. It won’t make you popular. Be who you are.” Stephany Cando “Your past is always part of you.” Jera Luncio “Accept EVERYTHING that life gives you. It is the obstacles you face that make you who you are.” Zakia Afreen
4th Row: Stephany Cando, Sufia Nazifa, Keyla Alvarez, Zakia Afreen, Sabrina Hom, Hillary Chang, Caroline Beato, Melanie Torres, Jera Luncio. 3rd Row: Darrien Jiang, Nicholas Kirana, Mozahir Patwary, Sayemul Bashar, Mauricio Jimenez, Pranjal Ranjit, John Lopez. 2nd Row: Yessica Aca, Paola Vazquez, Jose Pillco, Shirley Rafael, Abdiel Gonzalez, Diana Grande, Shahera Amin. 1st Row: Eduardo Lopez, Alvieriz Gonzalez, Javier Hernandez, Matteo Velez, Lucas Sena, Justin Vazquez. Not Pictured: Adam Silva, Nyla Sookhiram.
Dear 5-211, This year has been quite a journey together! You have changed so much from September and are ready to move on to middle school. I am so proud of all your hard work and everything you have accomplished this year. Next year you will be faced with new challenges. So make good choices, surround yourself with people who will help you become who you want to be, and always believe in yourself! I wish each of you the best of luck as you begin this new chapter in your life. Be sure to come back and visit!! Love, Ms. Harrison 35
The Hopes and Dreams of Class 5-228 Christopher Acosta: I see myself in the army fighting for my country, just like my uncle does. Melanie Aguirre: In 20 years, I see myself as a detective for the FBI or an archeologist. Angelica Aparicio: I see myself as a veterinarian. Alexa Astudillo: In twenty years, I see myself with a family, a job, and a husband. Alexa Avecillas: I see myself as a doctor helping others. Aangon Bista: In twenty years, I want to be a dad and want to be an engineer. Ashley Castillero: I see myself with kids and a job (model or teacher) Monica Castillo: I see myself working or taking care of kids. Suzette Chalini Gomez: In 20 years, I will be a doctor helping kids and saving people. Samantha Fernandez: I would be a dentist. Christopher Franco: I see myself as a professional soccer player. Ashley Fuentes: I see myself as a hard working architect designing houses and other things. Melanie Hernandez: I see myself graduating college. Nicole Herrera: I see myself having an acting career or something in science. Santiago Montoya: Jugando fĂştbol professional. Vincent Maldonado: I see myself either working for the FBI or as a pastor in the Bronx. Matthew Mora: A famous biologist. Alicia Morales: I see myself as a mother and I would work as a teacher. Diana Morocho: In 20 years, I will find myself working with animals and caring for them. Gellsy Palaguachi: I see myself working either as a surgeon or an obstetrician. Also, helping out at a retirement home and having a big mansion. I will be taking care of my mom and the rest of my family. I will give money to charity. Sumithra Paul: I see myself as a doctor helping different people survive and get better. Pablo Rosas Luna: I see myself as a chef inventing foods like a pizza taco!! Eric Ruiz: I see myself as a police officer. Leslie Sinche: I see myself as a veterinarian because I love all kinds of animals. Mia Soret: I see myself in 20 years as a person with a degree, who works hard for what she does and a person who is going to travel the world and see different places and cultures. Tenzin Tselha: I see myself in college studying to become a doctor. Josue Velasco Rivera: I see myself in the marines or the military. William Vidal Juarez: I see myself as a parent and doing a sport. Brayan Zhicay Maurat: I will have a job in technology. Magda Olivares: SerĂŠ doctora
4th Row: Melanie Hernandez, Alexa Astudillo, Ashley Fuentes, Tenzin Tselha, Samantha Fernandez, Alexa Avecillas, Mia Soret, Melanie Aguirre , Ashley Castillero. 3rd Row: Gellsy Palaguachi, Josue Velasco, Aagon Bista, Christopher Franco, William Vidal, Vincent Maldonado, Alicia Morales. 2nd Row: Leslie Sinche, Nicole Herrera, Diana Morocho, Monica Castillo, Nicole Luong, Suzette Chalini, Angelica Aparicio. 1st Row: Brayan Zhicay, Sumithra Paul, Christopher Acosta, Pablo Rosas, Matthew Mora, Eric Ruiz, Paul Paulino, Santiago Montoya, Magda Olivares.
Dear 5-228/5-229, Thank you for these two wonderful years filled with moments that allowed me to get to know you as students and as human beings. Your deep ideas in our conversations nourished my own ideas. I have witnessed your motivation in learning and your passion for making things in our world better. Now that you move on to a new chapter in your life, I hope you carry close to your heart how much I believe in you. Continue working hard and seeking opportunities in English and Spanish. Recuerden: Ser bilingüe puede abrirles muchas puertas. Los extrañaré muchísimo, Sra. Valdez
Where Does 5-229 See Themselves in 20 Years? Kimberly Romero: “In 20 years I picture myself in an acting career because I really love acting. I also picture myself married and with 2 kids. I would also like to have a car. I would also love to have graduated high school and college.” John Espinoza: “In 20 years I am going to be married and have kids. I am going to have a nice house and a Ferrari. I would be a soccer player and teach my kid(s) how to be a soccer pro.” Emily Cordova: “In 20 years I see myself as a pediatrician. I will get my PhD and have my own clinic so I can have my own business and be my own boss. I could also see myself as a musician playing the violin or the saxophone. I will also travel the world. I see myself being someone great in life.” Guadalupe Cabzaca: “In 20 years I see myself as an artist because I love drawing. Also I will be 30 years old and I will have a room full of my art.” Masuma Faruqi: “If I get married then I will have one child and live my life. We would be travelers and go everywhere. I would try to fight for any unfair rights. I would have a beautiful house and a van.” Lenin Garcia: “In 20 years I see myself married with 3 kids in a very nice home with 2 puppies and 2 kittens. I would have a mini-van. I would be a popular actor on the Disney channel and donate to the needy.” Daniela Sandoval: “In 20 years I would like to live in Orlando or Los Angeles and be a veterinarian. I would like to get married and have two kids and little puppies. And have a good life. And will always love my family.” Adonis Arteaga: “In 20 years I see myself graduating from high school and college after studying and working hard. Then I see myself as an architect. Mayra Cruz: “In 20 years I see myself as a singer with a good family, with 2 girls and a home and my education will go up higher and I will have a puppy. Today I am 10, when I’m 20 I will be a famous singer.” Jasmin Chiriboga: “In 20 years I see myself working to earn money but I am not going to waste all the money I earn, I am going to use it to help my family in Ecuador. I also want to go to different countries if I get a good job. I also want to get my own house.” Sebastian Paternina: “In 20 years I see myself as a very rich man traveling around the world and running a very successful engineering company. And I am not going to start a family.” Jesstin Orbe: “In 20 years I will graduate and find an apartment and pay all the bills. Then I will find a job to pay the acting school, go to acting school and become an actor.” Olivia Zheng: “In 20 years I will finish learning programming in college. I will get a college degree and a medical degree. I will become a doctor or work in a medical office. I will buy a cat and live in a big house.” Alberto Lara: “In 20 years I will graduate from college and receive a college degree to be a veterinarian. I will also be married and have a family and live in a mansion. I will also become a soccer player.” Stacy Colon: “In 20 years I see myself as a college graduate with a good job as long as I complete my goal.”
Avelardo Aparicio: “In 20 years I see myself as a wealthy soccer player on a soccer team after I graduate from college. I will make my team win the glory and win the cup. I might also get married with a woman. I will be a future millionaire.” Kaisha Handa: “In 20 years, I will work at the United Nations and translate to people who don’t understand English. I will translate in Spanish, Hindi, and Punjabi. I will be married and I will have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. We will all live in NYC and we will all be very happy.” John Vega: “In 20 years I picture myself working with the police and get married and have 2 kids and be a happy family.” Christopher Tamay: “In 20 years I will be an engineer and I will help solve problems in the world and make hard things become easy. I will get ready for this by getting a good education in technology and by always trying my best in school. And I’m going to make things to improve life. And I’m sure I will do great in this job.” Franklin Astudillo: “In 20 years I see myself working with Sebastian, he will be an engineer and I’m going to be an architect. Then I will have a family and a nice home. I will be a professional soccer player plating for Barcelona and I will buy a Lamborghini.” Valery Martinez: In 20 years I see myself working as a lawyer. I will be 30 years old and I will have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. In college I will get my Masters degree and my PhD. I would like to be a veterinarian or a teacher. And I will live in a big house and we will all have our own room and we will have two cars.” Sudiptha Paul: “In 20 years I see myself as a neurologist, working at Mount Sinai Hospital. I would also like to be a cardiologist and have my PhD to help me succeed. My final wish would be to be a MD. Maybe in 20 years I also see myself as a software engineer or as a mathematician or a teacher at P.S.89Q. May god bless and have mercy on me so I can achieve my dreams.” Shelley Yang: “In 20 years I see myself getting a Masters degree to be a teacher or an author of children’s novels.” Dylan Restrepo: “In 20 years I see myself as a software engineer working with computers and/or teaching about computers.” Tenzin Tsomo: “In 20 years I see myself with a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree and a PhD. I will be an actress/singer, then a Pediatrician, then the President of the United States of America and Tibet, then a teacher. I will adopt 2 kids and live in a mansion. I will help the poor and lead Tibet to victory. “ Raul Rodriguez: “In 20 years I see myself with a Master’s degree to be a company president or a guy that knows how to use computers and electronics. I also want to a physicist and maybe a teacher.” Evelyn Tamayo: “In 20 years I see myself graduating from college and going to find a job as a doctor in the Summer and a teacher in the Winter. I would live in Los Angeles, CA, have a white minivan, and will always love my parents and brother.” Kimberly Rojas: “In 20 years I see myself in college working on my Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and my PhD. Then I can graduate college with honors and then become a teacher.” William Astudillo: “In 20 years I picture myself being a marine biologist and also getting married, having 3 kids and being a happy family.” Shruti Patel: “In 20 years I see myself as a scientist that studies nature like plants and rocks. I will have 2 kids and we will live in London. We will be happy.”
4th Row: Jasmin Chiriboga, Kimberly Rojas Romero, Olivia Zheng, Valery Martinez, Mellanie Cortes, Emily Cordova, Evelyn Tamayo Flores, Shruti Patel, Daniela Sandoval. 3rd Row: John Vega, Lenin Garcia Leon, Avelardo Aparicio, Dylan Restrepo, Sudiptha Paul, Franklin Astudillo, Sebastian Paternina, Guadalupe Cabzaca. 2nd Row: Mayra Cruz, Shelley Yang, Kaisha Handa, Kimberly Romero Morales, Tenzin Tsomo, Stacy Colon, Masuma Faruqi. 1st Row: Raul Rodriguez, John Espinoza, Jesstin Orbe Garcia, Adonis Arteaga, William Astudillo, Christopher Tamay Chauca, Alberto Lara Garcia.
To my dear 5-229 and 5-228, As I try to think of what to write to you as you prepare to leave P.S. 89 for the last time, I cannot help but remember the little faces that greeted me on our first day together nearly two years ago. In our time together it has been my great joy to see you grow and mature into the wonderful, committed, and concerned “citizens of the world” you are today. Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” I have faith in the future because I have faith in you. Please remember all we have learned about standing up for what is right. Your voice counts. Let it be heard. Others will listen! You will always be in my heart. All my love, Ms. Gorman 41
Hopes and Dreams of Class 5-225 In the future, I would like to be a teacher. I’d like this career because I would be helping kids. These years I’ve been in P.S. 89 has taught me many things. The teachers and the staff have made me want to teach kids, just like they once taught me. Gabriela Delaguila My hopes and dreams for the future and to get into a good college one day like Stanford, I want to be a good student. In school, I’d like to study to be a cardiologist because many members of my family and doctors. I want to be successful just like they are. They teachers that taught me at P.S. 89 have showed me how not to give up on anything and that anything is possible when you try. Alexa Duda When I go to college, I am looking forward to all the sports and new subjects. When I graduate college, I want to be a soccer player for a couple years and then move on to be an engineer, so that I can help my family and relatives. If I earn enough money, I would also like to help people who need it. P.S. 89 has helped me over the years and all I can say is “thank you for everything.” In the future, I hope the world will be very peaceful and I also hope there will be no poverty. Shah Reza During college and career week, I was thinking of becoming a scientist. At P.S. 89, I have learned a lot about the world. I learned about the human body, plants, and animals. I know my knowledge and what I learned at P.S. 89 will help me when I enter college one day. As a scientist I can help others understand the world and how to find a cure for diseases, blindness and deafness. My dreams will come true in the future because of P.S. 89, the best school that I’ve been to. Parambir Kandola
4th Row: Aymana Jeba, Amy Delrio, Susan Liu, Xin Yi Chen, Alexa Duda, Gabriela Delaguila, Nataly Bernal, Sydney Wu, Christine Lema. 3rd Row: Sonam Gurung, Christopher Lopez, Alexis Gonzalez, Heraclio Morena, Karanvir Singh, Uriel Garcia, Cristian Hernandez, Juan Rosas Luna, Shah Reza. 2nd Row: Valeria Gomez, Nolee Dominguez, Sharleny Castillo, Anthony Parra, Abeerah Khan, Evelyn Hom, Gladys Sol. 1st Row: Christian Herrera, Erwin Jiang, Camilo Arellano, Oscar Castro, Jose Britto, Kevin Panjan. Not Pictured: Parambir Kandola, Elaine Zheng.
Dear Class 5-225, I am so proud of each and every one of you. I know you will do great things. Good luck and reach for the stars! Love, Ms. Vinet
Favorite Memories of Class 5-213 “My favorite memory was the class trip to the Central Park Zoo. The trip was so fun. I really liked it even though I got very sick. I was able to touch the snake in a special show and tell. The weather was really cold and we didn’t see the polar bears. When we went to the exhibits I saw penguins, piranhas, parrots, ring-tailed lemurs, macaws, and peacocks. I would like to go back to the zoo someday.” Tony Franco “My favorite memory at PS 89Q was the first time I went to the carnival. It was in 3rd grade. That was when I met Michael. He was so funny. It was the best year in my life. I had the best teacher. Her name was Mrs. Quinn. Michael is in my 5th grade class. I can’t wait for this year’s carnival.” David DeLahoz “My favorite memory at PS 89 was kindergarten. I had Mrs. Tina and she showed me the desks and everything. I went to a trip to make pizza and bread sticks and I put my name on my food. I went to the farm and saw animals. When we had trips we came back and watched movies and read books.” Jimena Hernandez “My favorite memory at PS 89Q was when I found my true friends- Michael and David. That day was the best day of my life! We met at McDonalds and we ended up in the same class. They are the best friends I ever had! I enjoy being with them.” Edwin Minchala “My favorite memory at PS 89 is when I met Jimena in Mrs. Wexler’s class. In the carnival we played together. This year she is in my class also. I hope we are still friends in middle school.” Alyson Galindo Romero “My favorite memory at PS 89Q is when we went to trips for fun. We had excellent trips. Every memory I have is about my friends. Edwin and David are my favorite friends. My favorite teacher is Ms. T. She is the best teacher. She makes everything fun. She is the coolest teacher.” Michael Saenz
2nd Row: Alyson Galindo Romero (1st student), David DeLahoz (3rd student), Jimena Hernandez (4th student). 1st Row: Tony Franco (2nd student), Edwin Minchala (4th student), Michael Saenz (5th student)
To my 5th graders, You should be very proud of yourselves for all that you have achieved here at PS 89. You have grown to be such kind, caring, generous, respectful, hard working, and smart individuals. It has been my honor to be your teacher this year. I know that you will accomplish anything you put your mind to. Remember to never give up and always try your best at everything you do! I know you will do well in middle school because of the amazing people you are! All the best, Ms. Eyring
In 20 Years, the Members of 5-315 Will Be… Jery will be a famous youtuber, and on the side will design games! He will have 1 million twix Juan will be a doctor, lawyer, architect, and a WWE wrestler. He will have a house with a pool Manuel will be a youtuber and have an office job Anthony D. will be a famous youtuber, a millionaire, and an author Jocelyn will be a dancer and a strong businesswoman Marco will be studying marine life and living in a mansion Giselle will be a famous soccer player Elianna will be teacher or a doctor Vivien will be a famous youtuber, as well as work at McDonalds. She will be married and give money to the needy Emily will be an author, and possibly an artist Diana L. will be an artist or famous singer/ dancer Jose will be a youtuber and be a millionaire Emilio will be a scientist and an artist Heraclio will be a police officer Angeles will be a famous youtuber and a comic artist Jenifer will be a doctor, teacher, or youtuber Diana O. will be a famous singer or lawyer Silvana will be a teacher Anthony P. will be a Rea Madrid player and beat Barcelona and win the World Cup Leslie will be a dancer and an author! She’ll be married Viktoria will be a fabulous model and create advertisements for big companies Anisa will be a famous author and write a best seller book about her times in fifth grade. She will meet Taylor Swift in a fan convention Aaliyah will be a dancer or artist Shari will be a sassy, famous youtuber. She will live in LA or Hollywood and will be in a relationship Peama will be a doctor Synthia will be an actress, model, and author! She’ll be married with a kid Allison will be a soccer player, doctor, or inventor Areli will be a singer, dancer, and actor! Josue will be a shark scientist or a fisherman. Alan will be a scientist Vincent will be a youtuber that talks about Nerf products and Roblex. Raymond will be a doctor
4th Row: Aaliyah Ramos, Leslie Parra, Viktorya Pavlova, Vivien Ke, Giselle Gonzalez, Allison Sulca, Angeles Neri, Anisa Rahman, Jenifer Ordonez. 3rd Row: Ms. Hamermesh, Juan Barros, Manuel Carreon, Jery Andrade, Peama Sherpa, Emilio Moreno, Marco Garcia, Elianna Guillen, Mrs. Brulhardt. 2nd Row: Elaine Zheng, Synthia Shohel, Emily Llivicura, Jocelyn Delgado, Diana Oroza, Shari Reyes, Areli Torres. 1st Row: Jose Medina, Parambir Kandola, Vincent Zheng, Raymond Zou, Alan Vizhnay, Anthony De La Cruz, Josue Vasquez. Not Pictured: Diana Lopez, Heraclio Moreno, Silvana Pacheco, Anthony Parra.
To Our Friends, We cannot believe that this is it! We did it! We’ve worked through all the hardships of fifth grade. We’ve dealt with a lot, but we didn’t falter. We continued pushing though, and now, here we stand, champions of fifth grade. Enjoy this moment. Savor it. You earned it. All we can say now is just remember everything you learned! Don’t let it fall out of your ears during the summer! Continue being curious, continue being excited, and continue being good people. Don’t forget to THINK. We are so blessed that we could have you all as students this year. Come back and visit any time! All the best, Mrs. Brulhardt and Ms. Hamermesh 47
4th Row: Mariana Alberto, Desiree Lima, Sherlyn Grande Vidal, Adita Das, Jessica Gonzalez, Gardenia Robles, Nancy Chen, Jhoana Lojano, Gabriela Guncay Nivelo. 3rd Row: Juan Hernandez, Jason Tapia, Steven Mora Azuero, Nael Faizullah, Gary Chumbay Uzhca, David Abambari, Jose Juela. 2nd Row: Joselyn Aguaiza, Chris Mora-Cruz, John Tenecota, Adamaris Saeteros, Volodymyr Sydor, Rolman Rojas, Mitzi Garcia. 1st Row: Steven Zheng, Angel Medina, Andrew Pindo, Nathan Ramrattan, Mohammad Hassan. Not Pictured:Tassin Habib, Angie Villada, Lesly Vicuna.
Dear Class 5-308, This has been the class. You know, the class every teacher hopes for, the one every teacher remembers after having. This is a special group. Honest, insightful, funny, sassy, and most importantly: kind. You may forget the hundreds of math strategies I taught you, the interesting ways to hook a reader in your writing, or even how to analyze charactersalthough I really hope you don’t- the one thing I know you won’t forget is how to be a good person. Treat people the way you want to be treated and you will go far. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve sang, we’ve danced... it’s been a great year! You’ve all made me grow as an educator and taught me so much this year and for that I’m forever grateful. Know that you always have a home here so don’t hesitate to visit. I know you will all continue to make me proud. Congratulations, 5-308! Each and every one of you deserves success and happiness, each and everyone of you is worthy of your dreams... just do it! Mrs. Fisher
My future…20 years later By Class 5-301 Britney…helping the community and being a leader Joaquim…Navy Seals, on a big ship Andy…Scientist studying medicine Christopher…Finishing School almost ready to be a Doctor Diego…Working for the Police Department protecting people from danger Brenda D…Working as a Doctor, curing sick people Angel…being a U-tuber Evelyn…Studying fashion design making clothes Andrea…Traveling Artist moving around the world studying and creating art Humairatul…Scientist that tries to help solves all of the world’s problems. Especially tell kids NOT to smoke Shazia…Actress showing my talents Ditchhen…Working in a hospital pushing myself to be the best DOCTOR Amy…An engineer working with computers Brenda L…Military Nurse to help the families of the soliders Jessica…Working with the Police to keep the world safe Magaly… In the military protecting and serving the country and trying my best. Zacarias…Playing professional soccer for Barcelona Axel…Magician and a gamer, changing the world one trick at a time Bryan…Video game engineer, making video games Jennifer P… Working in the military and getting an education Shreeji…Scientist working in my own lab Jose…Playing soccer on a team Elizabeth…Working as a teacher Jade…In the Navy Bioleta…teacher working in a Kindergarten class Kunjang…looking to find a cure for many diseases as a Scientist Carlos…working as a Judge in the court system Jeniffer V…Professional Female soccer player Anabella…a swimming teacher, keeping people safe in the water Anzir…Engineer, making new computer technology Tiffany…Musician playing the guitar for people 50
4th Row: Bioleta Sanchez, Andrea Guartan, Jade Remolina, Evelyn Gomez, Humairatul Kabir, Shazia Kalam, Ditchhen Lama, Elizabeth Pintado, Jeniffer Vargas. 3rd Row: Ms. Picon, Jose Perez, Zacarias Matias, Anzir Zaman, Shreeji Patel, Joaquim Brito, Bryan Naula, Britney Ayavaca, Mrs. Maher. 2nd Row: Amy Liu, Jennifer Padilla, Magaly Marin, Tiffany Zhou, Anabella Velasco, Brenda Llerena. Jessica Llivisaca. 1st Row: Axel Mexca, Christopher Chimbo, Kunjang Sherpa, Andy Chen, Carlos Valverde, Angel Franco, Diego Cisneros. Not Pictured: Brenda Dolores Sosa.
“The best way to predict the FUTURE is to create it.” — Abraham Lincoln This year began as a new journey for me and you, during which you have surpassed my expectations. Throughout the year, you have shown me that you will change and do all you can in order to reach your goals. As I asked you to work harder and give me more, you did. You NEVER gave up; making me proud was your greatest accomplishment. I was “LUCKY” to call you my students. I wouldn’t want it any other way. For that I couldn’t be happier to say “ Congratulations” to the PS 89 Class of 2016. Good Luck! Reach for the stars-they are always closer then they appear. Best, Mrs. Maher 51
Class 5-313 Back Row: Ms. Lentini, Juana Juarez-Lerma, Kevin Gomez, Angelique Flores Godoy, Andersson Orellana, Nicole Ramos Neri, Mrs. Ortiz. Front Row: Michael Pastor, Alex Cando, Yessenia Ibanez Roman, Angelica Martinez, Leyla Muy, Hector Ramirez, Alexander Atiencia.
Dear Class 5-313, Thank you for making my first year of teaching wonderful. Class 5-313 is filled with funny, bright, and kind students. I consider myself lucky to have spent 9 months with all of you. Please do not forget the most important thing we learned this year… work hard and be the best you can be. I believe in you and you should always believe in yourself. “Can we do it? Yes we can!” Love, Ms. Lentini
Class 5-417 4th Row: Nicole Jurado Bajana, Sayuri Chavez, Tenzin Zomkey, Sara Castano, Luna Carranza, Yiying (Arya) Wang, Rayya Tabina, Selena Sotamba. 3rd Row: Yuxuan Lin , Edwin Cruz Marin, David Gonzalez, Edgar Campoverde, Andres Garcia, Kenny Li, Christopher Orellana. 2nd Row: Natalie Ramirez, Gina Ojeda, Debbora Merchan, Desteny Yumbla, Anais Lopez, Bryanda Aguilar, Ashley Munoz Torres. 1st Row: Jesse Morales, Kassey Caputo, Diego Barragan, Kevin Perez, Giovanny Ponce. Not Pictured: Arlin Batista, Victoria Campana, Vanessa Jara, Junior Landi, Jayden Rubio Prott.
Dear Boys and Girls of 5-417, As you all graduate from PS89, I remember the first day that I met you all. I was so excited to have a group that was so bright and enthusiastic about learning. Throughout our journey however, you have all proved to me that teaching is much more than just helping students learn new topics, teaching is connecting and nurturing young minds. I am so glad that I was able to grow and experience your 5th grade year with you. You have all come such a long way and developed into mature, bright individuals and I am so proud of all you as you embark on this new chapter of your lives. Best wishes and good luck! I know you’ll all be successful in all that you do! Love, Ms. Mondal 53
My Favorite Memories of P.S. 89Q Class 5-415 “My favorite memories from P.S.89Q are in 5th grade with Ms. Schindlar and in 4th grade with Ms. Chiappetta because we went to field trip and it was fun with all my classmates and my teachers. In 5th grade when we went to give the flower to Ms. Clark. We picked a flower that it opens in the morning and in the night the flower closes and our class did a card for Ms. Clark. We gave the flower and the card and she said thank you. Then they give us our flower and our card and we said thank you to Ms. Clark and her students. In 4th grade Mr. Serin chose me to go to City Field. I was so excited that I was going. We ate, we sang, and we met setaceous and he gave us a game. We met a pitcher and we also met Mr. Met. He said hi to us and it was fun to go there. No one from my class went to City field I was the only one that went to city field . Those are my favorite memories that were the best and that I had in my whole world that were in 4th grade and in 5th grade.” ALONDRA VELAZQUEZ CID “The school years are ending,I’m almost graduating,theres been many memories from K-5th through these years.I don’t have time to write all my memories,so here are one my favorite memories of from 3rd,4th and 5th. In 3rd grade my class had a lot of projects. My teachers were Mr. Fox and Ms. Conrique but now they both left the school. One of my favorite project is making our own butter and putting it on bread. We put something in the jar and everyone got to shake it.This was my favorite memory because at that same day it was my birthday. Another project I did is finding a rats bone that’s been vomited from a owl my teacher give the person who found all the bone 10 PRIZE!!! But it wasn’t me. In 4th grade my class went on many trips. My teachers were Ms.Gormen and Ms.Valdez. One of my favorite trip is the trip to the zoo we saw many animals,but it wasn’t that good of all,but at the end of the day I had a picnic with Kimberly, Tenzin x2, Angelica, Olivia, Nicole, Shruti. We had a good time,especially since all of us bought something to eat. Another trip I went one is to “Build A Bear” We got to dress our bear (if you have money). In 5th grade we only went on one trip to the aquarium because we studied the ocean. I can’t wait for the next trip. My teacher Ms.Schindlar is really nice. Well these are my 3rd, 4th and 5th memories it wasn’t much the other grades like Knd,1st and 2nd are hard to remember but every year has something special each,but then since this year we haven’t went on many trip,most of us meet in the park.” ESTHER WANG
“My favorite memories of p.s.89q are in forth grade when we had the trips and when we had party and also when we had she let us meet some one that we will never have. I love Ms. Chiappetta she gave all her love and so did we. When we had the parties it was amazing we saw movies and we also ate food and we also made activities on the parties because she wanted to do it for a something great for a special thing. For example when it was Halloween we saw the movie Goose Bumps and we ate candy and we also brought chips and it was fun. Also on international day we saw the world war cup and we also had to eat the food from each county and some of us were wearing their clothes and others were wearing their counties clothes . Finally when we saw the movie Home Alone and we ate chips and Ms. Chiappetta gave us some candy to take home . When we went on a trip one in the winter and another trip we had in the summer it was fun because we did some thing fun in each trip it was fun . For example ,we went on a trip in the winter to the center park zoo and we went on groups with others parents of the other kids and ,we got to see different kinds of birds ,and also we got to see the seal and the sea lions they were playing and they were giving them to eat . Also we went to the park to play we had lot of fun we were playing tug of war ,and we also played the hoping sack race and also we played the two leg race let say that most of the games were of race and then we could play what ever we want to that was all most the end of the school year . I always remember the days we were in Ms. Chiappetta class and it was the best year of my life. When we went in I thought that teacher is going to be the best teacher ever and I will miss her even if I’m in my high school. I will always remember every time I look it to the wonder bock and it feels she is there.” ARIANA GOMEZ ALVAREZ
Class 5-415 4th Row: Evelyn Jimenez, Esther Wang, Ariana Gomez- Alvaraez, Silvana Pacheco, Tenzin Ghaphel, Mendo Sherpa, Jenny Cedacero, Daisy Garcia, Tenzin Sangmo. 3rd Row: Abner Coyotl, David Chung, Jean Paul Ceballos, Christian Chen, Christopher Aguirre, Christopher Camacho. 2nd Row: Alondra Velazquez, Diana Lopez, Ahad Aryan, Chloe Lim, Yanni Hernandez, Ashley Gamarra, Jolin Lin. 1st Row: Charlie Uroza-Tapia, Junior Lazo, Jhordy Calle, Alberto Morales, Arthur Justin, Brandon Jimenez, Javier Jiminian. Not Pictured:Juan Gomez, Jean Poul Lara Reyes.
Dear Class 5-415, I am so proud of everything you have accomplished this year! All of you made my first year at P.S 89 very exciting and special. I remember writing our class mission statement in the very beginning of the year. We all came together to form principals that we will live by as a class and you all signed it. Our class has worked very hard to follow the message of our mission and work together as a team. I told you the very first day we met that my goal as your teacher is to help you find the leader in yourselves and to help you care for and respect one another. You learned many things this year, like finding the volume of a composite figure, but that is not what is going to stick with you for the rest of your lives. My hope for you is that you continue to show leadership throughout your lives and continue to be respectful people. I can’t thank all of you enough for everything you have taught me about yourselves and myself. Congratulations class 5-415! You will always hold a special place in my heart. Love always, Ms. Schindlar
Class 5-406 4th Row: Ms. Williams, Brianna Matute, Ashley Guzman Munoz, Miriam Jimenez, Lizbeth Cuatlacuatl, Kiara Jimenez, Arely Bello Gomez, Adiva Amir, Ariadna McCleod, Ana Agudelo, Ms. Tatum. 3rd Row: Bryan Soliz, Kerwin Valdes, Jimmy Ojeda, Jean Paul Sinchi, David Liang, Sebastian Amador, Matthew Castro, Raihan Aziz. 2nd Row: Destiny Guzman, Jhoselyn Acosta, Valentina Penaloza Ponce, Genesis Arias, Jessica Pina, Flor Caro, Valeri Uguna. 1st Row: Kenny Morocho, Justin Leon, Christopher Dominguez, Oscar Ortega, Jesus Caro, Bryan Cuahuizo, John Calle.
THUNDERKIDZ!!! This is it! You have successfully completed your elementary school journey. Well done. Let’s pause for a moment so you can pat yourselves on the back. Ahhh, way to go! Your whole lives and the whole world lie before you--and that is really, really exciting. Soon, you will go out and you will be faced with choices that will determine the kind of person that you become. That puts an insane amount of power in your hands, and that is, well, POWERFUL! So as you are faced with these decisions, we hope you will remember the lessons you’ve learned here. And we’re not talking about how you learned to use commas correctly, or the way to compare and contrast two different stories (but don’t forget that stuff!). Instead, keep close to your heart the importance of sharing, of living the golden rule, and of always standing up to and out against injustice. As the famous author David Foster Wallace once said, “The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people.” So fly free out into this big world, spread the love, and show them what you’re all made of! We couldn’t be more proud, and we will miss you much! Ms. Williams and Ms. Tatum 57