EB 2016/2017 Applicationa Third round
Message from the EM/LCP Dear Candidate, It comes to us with the greatest of pleasure to congratulate you for taking such a courageous step. We're currently building the blocks for a new direction for AIESEC in Assiut 16/17 and one of those most important building blocks is our Executive board, which play a fundamental role. I recall my term as an VP MKT while writing this message, and it brings to me the greatest of memories, and meaningful learnings. I believe through my EB role it was one of the roles where I learned the most in AIESEC, and it gave me the space and scope to create and innovate constantly. This term I as an Expansion Manager really believe in the EB role will be playing to ensure our common dreams and ambitions are being translated into reality, and identified this as an area where we want to invest our efforts during 16/15 to be Able to evolve as an organization, and evolve they way we implement with out network. Together building AN EXCITING AIESEC in Assiut 16/17, where every member has a sense of ownership and belief in every thing they do. Wishing you the best of luck in you application process, and looking forward to have you onboard the team =D.
The application is divided into 3 parts: -CV (with your education, AIESEC career and other jobs outside AIESEC ). Max 1 Page -Questionnaire (General and Specific Questionnaire). Max 6 pages - Task Submission (2 Matches in specific program oGCDP or iGCDP) If you are applying for more than one position you have 4 additional pages. Make sure you fill a separate questionnaire and attach it in your application package. Send an email with your application package to the Expansion Manager ( We will be expecting 2 PDF documents, the application package should be named as following: Name_Last-name_EB_Position. No late applications will be accepted.
Third Round Application TimeLine
EB Structure 17-16
General ProďŹ le Selection Task:
2 Matches in speciďŹ c program (iGCDP or oGCDP) at this winter(From Oct till Dec)
General Questionnaire:
1.Personal Info (Name and Surname, birthday, most recent role in AIESEC, email, skype, phone number) 2.When did you join AIESEC (mm|yyyy). 3.List your priorities for EB positions 4.Describe a situation where you had too many task to do and too little time, how did you handle it? 5. What is your motivation and ambition to work in EB team of AIESEC in Assiut?
OGCDP Profile Behavior Required:
Self Driven - Goal Oriented - Consistent
Emotional intelligence (people’s skills) & Ability to bring people around a specific goal - Organization - Flexiblility and crises management
OGCDP Questionnaire:
1-Choose and explain 3 key focus for your term as LCVP OGCDP, please be specific on why is that a priority and what are the expected outcomes of the actions on the program in your LC. 2- What are the key challenges that you'll face as LCVP OGCDP throughout your term? And what are your strategies to overcome these challenges? 3- Kindly map out your Middle Management structure, and explain the logic behind 4-State your operational goal for OGCDP in your term (Applications, Matches and Realizations), support this goal with calculations and logic taking current reality of your LC into consideration.
IGCDP ProďŹ le Behavior Required:
Resilient And Persistent - Quick(to understand, to implement, to get shit done) Hard working
Strong Character that can move people - Dynamic and able to manage change Focused - Competitive and results oriented
iGCDP Questionnaire:
1-How will national projects enhance the program in AIESEC in Egypt and in your LC? 2- What are 3 key strategies that you will introduce in order to ensure numerical growth in the program in 2016? 3-How can we evolve our processes to enhance the experiences of our interns? 4-What key selling points should iGCDP in AIESEC Egypt be capitalising on to promote for its projects in the network?
MKT ProďŹ le Behavior Required:
Analytical - Believes in Important of Exchange - Persistent - Proactive -Committed -Resilient - Implementer
Sales-Oriented - Overall AIESEC Understanding - People-Skills - Public Speaking Digital Marketing Knowledge
OGCDP Questionnaire:
1-What are the External Marketing Trends that we can use to boost our exchanges? 2- If you have 20,000 EGP to Boost GCDP through a summer peak campaign and aims to generate 500 RE. what will you do? 3-(Content Marketing - Lead Nurturing - Data Driven Marketing) Please give strategies on how to implement the previous points in your LC. 4-How can Marketing be a key player in making AIESEC a customer centric organization?
TM Profile Behavior Required:
Implement-OR, Goal Oriented (Quantifies Things), Assertive, Analytical
Very Presentable, Very Strong Sales & Persion Skills
TM Role:
-This role is extremely dependent on others and implies getting shit done through other VPs, the individual running this area should be having a very high influence on his team mates through solid logic. •Should have a very good exchange background/ knowledge. •Should be very clear on the main two MoS's (productivity , retention rate) •should not believe in the myth of people oriented thing, •Should be very critical and organized so he doesn't get in loops •Should believe that leadership is only developed in the process of making exchange or going on exchange, NO BULLSHIT!"
Finance Profile Behavior Required:
Committed - Responsble - Orgaized - Grounded
Analytical - Supportive
Finance And TM Questionnaire:
1- How are you going to ensure the LC sustainability financially? 2- State 3 investments in your term. 3- What is finance role as back office function in pushing the operations? --TM-4-How would you be able to track the ieadership development in each function? 5- Think about a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty to get the job done. share your story.
Good Luck =D