Matter cycle

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Student: Mohit Chaugule Faculty: Vicente Guallart and Rodrigo Rubio Assistants: Ruxandra Iancu and Alessio Verdolino

Matter The World Scenario

The figure shows comparison between different countries and their material extraction and consumption . Global urban population growth is expected to stabilize in 2050 at around nine billion human beings. However, population growth is far from being the main driver of recent economic expansion and the increase of consumption of materials, water, fossil fuels, and resources. The only way the world can survive the extinction of the resources is my controlling the matter cycle.

Why is it important to study matter cycle? Matter cycle is one of the most important biological and technical cycle to make a city self-sufficient. The economic and ecological balance of the world is dependent on matter cycle. Balancing of matter extraction and consumption should be maintained to create global self-sufficiency.

With around USD 12 trillion in annual sales, the fast-moving consumer goods industry is a force to reckon with in the global economy. While expenditure levels for such goods are vastly different across the globe, they represent a significant share of household budgets in both developed and emerging markets. The influence of the sector stretches beyond its financial impact: it takes in approximately USD 3 trillion worth of materials and is responsible for the vast majority (75%) of municipal solid waste. It also drives a large share of losses in virgin forests due to the conversion of land for agricultural use, one of the key supply sectors for the packaged goods industry.


The figure shows matter cycle quantities for per person . are highly processed to achieve specific performance requirements. The industrial sector, as a sector that is responsible for the production of all the products utilized in the economy, is heavily impacted by the supply chain. A supply chain that is efficient, has minimal negative impacts and provides jobs will enhance the industrial sector.

The Matter Cycle or Flow of Things can be explained as a system of company-level energy and material flows. The matter cycle is a system of organization, people, activities, information and resources involved in providing a product or a service from the supplier to the consumer. This process includes of taking raw material, resources and components from nature and converting them into finished products. It is what links all the industry together and shows how matters are flowing from the industries and through the city. The flows and links in the cycle are important and needs to be studied because they are the processes where consumption can be reduced for a sustainable future. The cycle can be studied and also be used for tracing back any finished products to its source, or to the source of raw material needed in the finished product.

Industrial systems are built on the exchange of materials and energy between producers and consumers. The industrial sector produces goods and services for consumers by using energy to extract and transform raw materials from nature. By analyzing the pathways and transformations that occur as materials pass from nature to consumer use and back to nature through disposal, we can begin to better understand the material requirements, as well as the associated use of energy and production of by products, such as emissions to air, water, and soil.

Some products have much more extensive and complicated supply chains than others. This is typical of highly complex systems that have a high number of material components or materials that 2

Matter The World Matter Cycle

The figure shows the existing flow of matter.


In the matter cycle we extract resources and transform them into food, buildings, furniture, electronics, clothes, etc. And now the extraction has reached the threshold , yet we exploit resources and it will out space the environments ability to regenerate them and produce for us. 4

Matter The Adaptation of Circular Matter Cycle

The figure shows how can the circular economy adapted. How can it be done? After the research it was about developing a policy that is suitable for the self-sufficient prototype. The policies are very basic, we don't let any waste go out of the economy and we take as less as possible from outside the economy.

A circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design, and aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times. The concept distinguishes between technical and biological cycles. As envisioned by the originators, a circular economy is a continuous positive development cycle that preserves and enhances natural capital, optimises resource yields, and minimises system risks by managing finite stocks and renewable flows. It works effectively at every scale.

The ability to understand how things influence one another within a whole. Elements are considered as ‘fitting in’ their infrastructure, environment and social context. Whilst a machine is also a system, systems thinking usually refers to nonlinear systems: systems where through feedback and imprecise starting conditions the outcome is not necessarily proportional to the input and where evolution of the system is possible : the system can display emergent properties. Examples of these systems are all living systems and any open system such as meteorological systems or ocean currents, even the orbits of the planets have nonlinear characteristics.

In broader terms, the circular approach is a framework that takes insights from living systems. It considers that our systems should work like organisms, processing nutrients that can be fed back into the cycle—whether biological or technical—hence the "closed loop" or "regenerative" terms usually associated with it. 5

The figure shows comparison between objects lifespan and yearly usage. When the objects and its cycles were studied in detail, it was realised that there are objects that last longer and have very less hours of use. These are the objects that can be shared. And then there are objects which can be locally produced.


Matter Local Production

The figure shows how can the cycle me adapted in local production. The move from an economy modelled based on The increase in prosperity started by the Industrial the “take, make and waste” processes that have Revolution was founded on the basis that resourcdriven growth for more than two centuries to one es were effectively infinite, and with no thought for focused on the ideas of “reduce, reuse and recy- side effects such as pollution, loss of biodiversity cle” is a challenge not just for the business com- and resource depletion. This is no longer tenable in a world that is heading for a population of 9 munity but for those who fund them, too. Despite this, financial institutions should not ignore billion people, a growing number of whom are the circular economy but embrace it. It is not going entering the consuming classes. away – and it will create significant new opportunities as well as disrupting many existing business Resources such as energy, materials, water and models and affecting existing loan and investment food are becoming constrained, while the fossil portfolios. fuels that drive our growth are changing the climate in dangerous and unpredictable ways. We need to decouple economic growth from resource use. This is where the circular economy comes in. 7

The figure shows the waste produced by the prototype based on the household sizes. These are some decisions made to adapt the economic cycle:

The life-cycle begins with design, then proceeds through manufacture, distribution, use and then follows through the waste hierarchy's stages of reuse, recovery, recycling and disposal. Each of the above stages of the life-cycle offers opportunities for policy intervention, to rethink the need for the product, to redesign to minimize waste potential, to extend its use. The key behind the life-cycle of a product is to optimize the use of the world's limited resources by avoiding the unnecessary generation of waste.

While making: Design that lasts longer. While using: We use it efficiently and share things. After using: We don't throw things but we return it and reuse it.

Waste Collection System: The most important step is the collection of waste. The first scale is at each house levels where the waste is separated. Then the further stage is where its sorted and sent to necessary facilities such as material recovery centers or composting facilities. 8

The figure shows collection of waste in the prototype. 9


Matter Matter Cycle in the Prototype

The figure shows layers of matter cycle.


The figure shows local fabrication center for wood items. All the big facilities are placed on the peripheral road for it to be easily accessible by bigger transport vehicles.

The figure shows local facilities for food items. The food support facility acts like the storage for the central market and then the items are distributed to the commercial spaces and restaurants. 12

Matter Production Centers

The figure shows local facilities for food items. This food facility is to support all the activities of production of food that is done in the prototype.

The figure shows local facilities for ceramic items.


The figure shows local fabrication center for textile items. The textile fabrication facility is divided into two parts. First is where the new products are made, but equal amount of importance is given to the reuse of textile and the second part is reserved for that.

The figure shows local fabrication hubs in the city. Each hyper block has a LO Fab Hub which is like a knowledge center of the city. This is where all the small objects are produced and experimented with. This becomes a part of schools, universities and also some public facilities. 14 1

Matter Production Centers

The figure logistics facility in the prototype.

The figure shows infrastructure for waste in the prototype.


Matter Modifying the Matter Cycle

The current scenario of intake of materials.

The changed scenario of intake of materials.


Matter The Matter Network

The figure show the network of different layer to run the matter cycle.



Matter Final Matter Cycle and End Scenario

The changed end result of matter.



Matter Cycle for self sufficient neighborhood is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology in 2015

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