Welcome to the latest edition of Molly’s Guide
– and welcome back to school after the long
summer break. We are big fans of this time of year. With the children packed off to class in their crisp new uniforms and the gentle warmth
of late summer still hanging in the air, we love the anticipation of what the new school year will bring. We hope that by now your little ones have settled into their new classes and that all the hardworking parents, grandparents and carers can finally take a breath after the
six week ‘holiday’.But the start of term doesn’t mean the end of family fun. As you will see in this edition, there’s still plenty going on
around the region to keep everyone entertained.
From the Gravity Fields festival, where you can take in the spectacle of science, to the arrival of crocodiles and pandas at a Lincolnshire zoo, there’s enough to keep families of allshapes and sizes busy. Elsewhere this edition, you can read all about Lincoln City’s Sports and Education Trust.