Autumn issue 2016

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ISSUE 23 • AUTUMN 2016

for parents & carers Don’t miss

FESTIVAL FUN The Brickshire team is back!

with Gravity Fields

BRAND NEW at Vintage Tractor Show

at Belton

with School Open Days at Woodside Wildlife Park




Fun-filled family days out this

We take


year olds

A purpose-built local authority school serving the families of Birchwood and surrounding areas. Well-equipped inside and out with a fully enclosed spacious outdoor area. All children are welcome, their abilities, gender, cultural and ethnic background are celebrated.

• 15 free hours per week of part-time education

• Morning, afternoon or full-day places

• Before & after school care and a lunch club

Also options to buy additional sessions For more information please call








01522 684335 pp








Welcome to the latest edition of Molly’s Guide – and welcome back to school after the long summer break.



Back to school


We are big fans of this time of year. With the children packed off to class in their crisp new uniforms and the gentle warmth of late summer still hanging in the air, we love the anticipation of what the new school year will bring. We hope that by now your little ones have settled into their new classes and that all the hardworking parents, grandparents and carers can finally take a breath after the six week ‘holiday’. But the start of term doesn’t mean the end of family fun. As you will see in this edition, there’s still plenty going on around the region to keep everyone entertained. From the Gravity Fields festival, where you can take in the spectacle of science, to the arrival of crocodiles and pandas at a Lincolnshire zoo, there’s enough to keep families of all shapes and sizes busy.


Lincoln City’s Sports & Education Trust

Elsewhere this edition, you can read all about Lincoln City’s Sports and Education Trust, catch up with our regular parenting columnists and of course, you will find all the usual offers and vouchers to make days out easier on the bank balance! Finally, a big hello to all those parents who are reading our magazine for the first time. We hope you find it a useful guide as your child begins their journey through primary school.

Woodside Wildlife Park


The Natural World Centre


Have a great term!

stevensgreenmedia Editorial & Advertising: Stevens Green Media Ltd 63 Bunkers Hill, Lincoln LN2 4QS T: 01522 535068


Design: Dandelion Design Print: Photography: Cover image: Natalia Kirichenko.

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Desperate Dad

Without a backward glance... It seems like yesterday that the kids were running out of the playground with glee, looking forward to another sensational summer of shenanigans. This year my youngest will go into Year 1 - reception no more - and the lightning passage of recent time is a stark reminder that these days are not here for long. He was just a wee dot of a thing last year and his very first day of school was another of those heartwrenching parenting moments that will live with me forever. He didn’t look back. Book bag in hand, new shoes glistening in the late summer sunshine – my Boy 2 walked nonchalantly into the start of the rest of his life. I heard myself calling out, ‘see you later mate, have a great day’ – but he didn’t look back. He was familiar with his surroundings after all.

Well that’s it and who can really believe it? Six weeks gone in the blink of an eye with another new school term upon us.

Had trodden its well-known paths on his big brother’s school runs for the previous two years.

‘Don’t look back’, I thought as I exited the playground via my eldest’s new, Year 2 classroom window.

He already knew his teachers.

Peering through, he was already chatting confidently to his pals, no doubt regaling them with a minute-by-minute account of his latest Star Wars filled, football packed, super summer holiday.

A cheeky grin and a ‘hello’ every now again igniting a bond with his soon to be custodians for five days a week – 9am to 3pm. He was an honorary member of the club and safe in the knowledge I’d be there at the end of the day, to annoyingly ask him how it went. Secure in the fact that his brother would be just in the next room, across the table at lunchtime, or over the other side of the playground should he need perking up a bit at break time. In fact, that very first day at school was really a non-event for my happy-go-lucky little sunbeam. He didn’t look back - but I did. I waited until he found his locker, sat himself on the carpet and listened intently to the first of his countless new challenging commands. I lingered just a little longer than usual, until a thumbs up from the teacher assured me I could go.

But that was then and this is now - the start of yet another amazing adventure, so there really is no need to look back at all. Just forward, to the youngsters I’ll watch flower and prosper over the next few years. It is a time I will never forget – but not tinged with sadness for something I’ll never reclaim. But of hope and potential and excitement - for the new adventures about to unfold. A time when both my children left my side to start/continue roads of their own, taking my trust and my confidence with them – to shield them from harm wherever they are. They didn’t look back. But if they ever do, I’ll be thumbs up and proud, guiding every step along the incredible journeys of their lifetimes.

Barry Wood is an ex journalist now working for the NHS in Lincolnshire. A father of two boys and husband to one Portuguese wife, he blogs regularly as Desperate Dad. Read more adventures: Facebook: Desperate Dad Twitter: @Dad_Desperate 4

Autumn 2016


Brick Lincs is back!


The date is set, the flyers printed and a new and bigger venue organised. Brick Lincs is back for its second year. The Brickshire team is planning new models and building madly to ensure there is something to delight everyone. MOCs (my own creations) demonstrating skill, imagination and inspired by film, TV and anything else that takes a builder’s fancy will be on show at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School on Saturday 22nd October. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Room, The Batcave and an English Walled Garden are just some of the models that will be on display. Once again the city layout, including all eleven of the modular buildings, trains, monorail, and port will be a big draw for old and young alike. Stay and watch 25 years of Lego trains and the exceedingly rare monorail in action as they speed along tracks, under bridges, over flyovers and past stations. Then see if you can work out what caused the fire at the haunted house. In addition the release of ‘The Force Awakens’ (2015) and ‘Rogue One’ (2016) has led to us planning a display celebrating some of LEGO’s most iconic Star Wars sets. 20 AFOLs (adult fans of LEGO) will be on hand to inspire, answer questions and demonstrate their skills and budding MOCers will have a chance to chat with experienced builders about how to develop their skills and techniques and leave with tips on how to improve their own MOCs. Apart from the spectacular display there will be hours of fun for LEGO fans of all ages. Activities include a speed build challenge, trying your skills at the build table where plenty of different elements will be available and taking part in a workshop using power functions. And if that’s not enough come and have a go at driving some trains. Then help us build a picture in a day - follow the design and complete a 32x32 stud tile to complete a 3.5 metre by 4.5 mosaic. Just 250 tiles will do the trick! There will also be an opportunity to buy sets - some no longer available as well as a large range of loose LEGO

elements. Refreshments will be available for tired adults and hungry children in need of a little more energy to complete the day’s activities. Doors open at 10am at LCHS on Wragby Road. Last entry is at 4.30pm. Admission £3 for adults and £2 for children.

For further information: T: 01522 881144


5 Cogglesford Watermill Monday 31st October, 6pm-8pm

A great day out this Autu mn! Join us for Halloween fun

Come on down if you dare! If you do, you must beware! For witches and ghouls walk free this night, to give you all a hellish fright! Come and explore this creaky old mill with creepy craft activities, twisted trails and spooky stories.

(see website for details)

Come & play e whatever th weather!

• • • • • • •

Indoor Play Barn Outdoor play areas Tractor & trailer rides Keith’s Krazy Karts Farmyard crazy golf Woodland walk Select Lincolnshire award winning Tea Room • Gift Shop

Fancy dress welcome! FREE ADMISSION

• Birthday parties • School trips welcome

including refreshments

Children under 14 years should be accompanied by an adult.

For more info: 01529 413671




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Autumn 2016

01652 678822

South Kelsey, Market Rasen, Lincs LN7 6PR

Funded nursery places for 2-4 year olds...


Kingsdown Nursery

Do you have a 2, 3 or 4 year old? If so, do you know that the Government is providing funding for some 2 year olds, and all 3 and 4 year olds to attend Kingsdown Nursery for 15 hours a week? Young children can have great fun playing with or alongside other children, exploring paint, water, clay and playing outside in a safe, well-equipped play area. As well as the benefits for the children, having a part time nursery place at Kingsdown, can give parents and carers a welcome break from the demands of a busy toddler or young child. It can give you extra time to go shopping, do some housework, look after the baby, take a college course, do extra hours at work or just have a cup of coffee in peace and quiet, and drink it while it’s still hot! Most children attend Kingsdown for 5 mornings a week, or 5 afternoons, some do 2 ½ or 3 days a week. Coming regularly helps children develop friendships and positive relationships with staff and other children. Some children attend 5 days a week, with parents buying additional places. We also run a before and after school club if you need care outside of traditional school hours. Families who are not eligible for the Government 2 year funding often use their Child Benefit to buy one or two sessions a week to help their child develop their social skills ready for starting school. At Kingsdown we offer a wonderful engaging environment, both indoors and outdoors. Children have access to top quality resources and fully qualified staff, both teachers and Early Years Practitioners. We teach children to share, take turns, learn about letters and numbers, paint, write and draw, ride, climb, explore and investigate. Throughout the year, Kingsdown provides many opportunities for children to experience nature in all its forms. We have a bird’s nesting box with a camera in and currently there are 8 eggs waiting to be hatched. Children eagerly watch the laptop to see if the eggs have hatched yet. Kingsdown

is fortunate to be near Birchwood Nature Park and we regularly take groups of children for walks there, to look for mini-beasts and to study the changing seasons. All children have weekly music lessons with Pete the Music Man. Pete brings his Double Bass and Guitar and enough musical instruments for all children to have a go! We also have Stuart from Meet the Beasts in with his exotic pets, snakes, lizards, spiders, insects and snails. Children can wear their own clothes but many wear our uniform of red or blue polo shirt and sweatshirt. Children invariably join in with messy activities at nursery and if they have their Kingsdown uniform on, they are hard wearing and will stand up to the demands of a busy day at nursery!

For more information and a look round, please call in or T: 01522 684335 E:


Image: MaszaS.


Back to school

15 reasons why the autumn term is brilliant!

Here’s 15 reasons why it is my favourite:

The autumn term heralds the start of the academic year and brings new beginnings and fresh challenges.

PE kits are odour free and unwrinkled and lunch boxes don’t have that lingering smell of banana ingrained in the plastic just yet. Even the children appear polished, with their new term haircuts. It is the smartest, cleanest and most presentable they will ever look.

For most four and five-yearolds it’s the start of their school journey and for older children exciting times await at secondary school. Even teenagers will be spreading their wings as they head off to university. Yes, it is the Daddy of terms.


Autumn 2016

1. School kit is as perfect as it is ever going to be. Uniforms can be worn straight off their George at Asda hangers, shoes are shiny, unscuffed and with their heels intact.

2. Six weeks is a long time to be out of the routine of school. After the summer holidays most youngsters will be itching to see their friends and check out their new classroom. This often results in an enthusiastic attitude towards getting up and you probably won’t need to drag them out of bed every morning for several weeks.

3. The weather may still be pleasant – September is often sunny and downpour free. For parents who have no children at home in the daytime, now is the time to tackle all of those jobs you couldn’t finish while the children were around in the summer, like painting the shed. Or you could just top up your tan.

4. The weekly shop will last longer. My two kids are like a swarm of locusts once they notice the cupboards have been restocked. At least with them at school or nursery, once the online grocery shop has been put away, there’s a very good chance most of it will remain untouched for the best part of a day.

Image: Sergiy Bykhunenko.

5. You may actually have the chance to drink a HOT cup of tea without someone shouting “MUMMY!” 6. The school run can be a blessing in disguise. If you walk or bike instead of taking your kids in the car, it is surprising how increasing your exercise levels can help shift those muffin tops.

7. Around three weeks in, when uniforms are still relatively unscathed, the school photographer will pay a visit and a couple of weeks later your child will come home with an order form so you can purchase their smiling snapshot. Some years, when there seems to have been little change in my child’s appearance from the year before, I cheat and just keep the contact sheet. This year will be different. It’s my daughter’s final year at primary school, so I will be looking to buy a bumper pack of pictures. Let’s hope she remembers to smile… 8. For Year Six children, this is an important time of year as they and their parents must select which secondary school they hope to attend the following September. I will be one of those mums taking my wide-eyed daughter to every senior school open evening on the calendar. Wish us luck in making the right choice.

9. Major decisions aside, there’s so much to look forward to during this term: Many schools arrange themed events around Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night and Children In Need. This term is by far the one with the most opportunities to dress up and bake cakes. 10. Nothing to do with the children being back at school but living in Lincolnshire, with its flat landscape, autumn is the best season to enjoy spectacular sunsets. 11. As the weather turns chilly, this term is the most forgiving if you are running late in the morning. Pull on your Ugg boots and a green parka coat (standard school run uniform for mums) over your pyjamas and no-one will ever know you rolled out of bed at 8.37am.

12. On the note of chilly temperatures, there’s always the chance of a snow day as we head into November and December. Fabulous fun if you aren’t working on the day school is cancelled, a nightmare if you find yourself suddenly phoning grandma to make last-minute childcare arrangements. 13. At the end of this, the first term of the academic year, is the festive season and who doesn’t love Christmas? (I’ll come clean, I find the build-up stressful – there’s so much to do - but I enjoy the holiday itself).

Newspaper columnist Sam Curtis, 46, lives in Lincoln, in a house that’s not as clean or tidy as she’d like with her husband Leigh and their two children, Lottie, 10, and Louie, 3.

14. The PTA doesn’t usually miss a trick when it comes to festive fundraising and most will organise some kind of fair. I always end up blowing £20 on three mince pies, a visit to see Santa in his grotto and a handmade bauble for the tree. 15. Despite my semipermanent state of anxiety over preparations, the run-up to Christmas brings some of the most memorable moments of the school year. The nativity or Christmas play is always an emotional affair, even the dads can be heard sniffing behind the screens of their smartphones. Maybe you enjoy the spring term, with the Easter egg hunts and pancakes, or perhaps the sporty summer term floats your boat, but for me, the new term ahead of us is the big one. Let’s hope it’s a corker!

You can follow Sam on: Twitter: @sammanfa Instagram: sammanfa1 Facebook: SamCurtisWrites



The Priory Academy LSST

Students and their families are attracted by the academy’s unique environment. The achievement of academic excellence and the development of an individual’s true potential are pursued with passion and commitment within the local, national and international communities. Students, from the day they arrive in Year 7, are encouraged to participate fully in all that the academy has to offer. It is expected that the relationship will last until, and even beyond, the time when they progress from Sixth Form to university, training, employment and their chosen careers. Parents and carers also appreciate and support the high expectations of achievement, behaviour and uniform that are established clearly and consistently. The Priory’s exceptional learning environment, thoughtfully fostered for many years, has been complemented in recent times by the addition of a new sports hall, planetarium and Sixth Form study centre.

A unique environment The Priory Academy LSST, one of the top-performing non-selective State schools in the country, continues to build on its successful and respected reputation.

Judged as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in its most recent inspection, The Priory continues to post excellent examination results, including a 90% pass rate for five or more A*-C grades (including English and Maths) at GCSE. The aspirational emphasis also helps students progress to the country’s top universities, including Oxbridge and the rest of the Russell Group. The academy’s motto, Courage and Courtesy, underpins all that The Priory encourages students to show during their time in school and when they leave. The academy wants students to have the courage to do what is right and follow their dreams, and to do so with courtesy and the utmost respect for others and their environment.

The Priory Academy LSST

Open Evening

Thursday 29th September 2016 6.30pm to 9pm

Address from the Headteacher, Mrs J Hopkinson, at 7pm and 7.45pm

If you are seeking a Year 7 place for September 2017, come and see what makes The Priory Academy LSST such a popular choice among students and their families.

• Outstanding learning environment

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Autumn 2016

Sat 1st Oc8.45am) 9am (arrival

le from ils are availab emy Further deta at the Acad nd ila an St rs M

• Highest possible academic standards • Development of full individual potential CROSS O’ CLIFF HILL, LINCOLN LN5 8PW Tel: 01522 889977 Email:

Visit our website at:

Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School Specialist Language College and Academy Educating in Lincoln since 1090

Year 5 and 6 Open Evening Tuesday 13th September 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Sixth Form Convention Thursday 17th November 7pm - 9pm

For visits to the school contact: Mrs T Turner Tel: 01522 887364 Email:

Wragby Road, Lincoln LN2 4PN Twitter @LCHSed


Invitation to Open Evenings

North Kesteven School

North Kesteven School is a thriving, vibrant and high achieving secondary academy based on the outskirts of Lincoln. We warmly invite Year 4, 5 and 6 children, along with their families, to join us for our Open Evenings on the 14th and 22nd September from 5.30pm. This is an excellent opportunity to speak with our staff, visit subject displays, see our extensive curriculum pathways from Year 7 to 13, view our state of the art facilities, meet our student ambassadors and learn more about how we will provide your child with a high quality education. As Ofsted confirmed for us last year, “students enjoy attending North Kesteven School and have a positive attitude to their learning”. Our students do enjoy, and are fulfilled studying with us; whether this is due to the large variety of GCSE and vocational curriculum courses, our KS4 and KS5 results which are consistently above local and national average or the inspiring teaching delivered by supportive and knowledgeable practitioners, there are a multitude of positive reasons to become part of our school community! Our school continues to grow and develop, we are a popular choice for Year 6 students and, as the local community of North Hykeham continues to

expand, we look forward to welcoming more children to our school. Our site is spacious with excellent facilities and our students are able to use the £3.6 million re-developed Sports Centre for their PE, Dance and Drama lessons, a valuable asset for any budding sportsmen, dancers and thespians! Our Technology, Maths, English and Science departments are well equipped, and, combined with expert teaching, our students make good progress in lessons. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Open Evenings Year 4, 5 and 6 Open Evenings. 14th and 22nd September 2016 5.30pm – 8pm. We invite Year 4, 5 and 6 primary children and their parents/carers to join us and explore the variety of curriculum options and enrichment opportunities available to you at North Kesteven School. Visit our various subject demonstrations, have a student led tour, talk with our pupils, meet our staff and governors and view our outstanding facilities!

Find us on Facebook Tweet us @nkschool Above national KS4 & KS5 examination results & graded ‘GOOD’ by Ofsted in 2015!



Sir William Robertson Academy

Come and find out how your child can ASPIRE to a brighter future… Choosing a secondary school is one of the most important decisions you will have to make for you and your child. The decision making process will be eased by gathering as much information about possible schools in advance of the October deadline. With this in mind, we would like to extend an invitation to parents/ carers and your child to come and tour the Academy where you will see first-hand the excellent behaviour of our pupils and the high-calibre learning taking place in the classrooms. Sir William Robertson Academy is delighted as being judged as ‘Good’ in all areas of the school following its recent Ofsted inspection in June 2015. The inspection report praised developments across the school, highlighting the progress and behaviour of pupils and their

engagement in their learning as a particular strength. All aspects of the school were inspected ranging from leadership and management; behaviour and safety of pupils; quality of teaching; achievement of pupils to its Sixth Form provision and found all areas to be ‘Good’. The school has been recognised as being one of the ‘Top 100 nonselective state-funded schools in England’ in a recent letter from a letter from Nick Gibb MP – Minister of State for Schools (February 2016).

The Academy is a highly successful 11-18 school with a flourishing and rapidly expanding Sixth Form. The school fosters an aspirational ethos in which every child is expected to achieve the very best they can in all that they do. Situated in a unique rural location, SWRA provides a safe and idyllic learning environment with small class sizes and superb pastoral care and support. The Academy is easily accessible from Newark, Grantham, Sleaford, Lincoln, the A46 and surrounding villages – with school buses serving each of these areas. Our pupils are well supported through an engaging and dynamic academic curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the individual. The school is well resourced, with wonderful outdoor facilities for a wide range of sporting activities. We offer a full and active programme of musical and performing arts from our purpose built studios. Come and find out how your child can ASPIRE to a brighter future by booking a personal tour on 01400 272422 or join us at our Open Mornings 9.15am-11.15am 12th-14th September 2016 and/or our Open Evening on Wednesday 14th September. To find out more please visit:


Autumn 2016

If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2017 or 2018 we invite you to attend one of our Open Events so you can see how we can help your child ASPIRE to a brighter future.

OPEN MORNINGS 12th - 14th September 9.15am - 11.15am


Driven by the aim to


Wednesday 14th September 6.00pm - 8.30pm

‘One of the Top 100 non-selective state-funded schools in England’ Nick Gibb MP – Minister of State for Schools (February 2016) Personal tours of the school can be booked at any time by calling 01400 272422 Daily school transport from Newark, Lincoln, Grantham and Sleaford and surrounding villages.

Sir William Robertson Academy Main Road Tel: 01400 272422

Welbourn Lincoln LN5 0PA

The Priory Witham Academy inspires and excites pupils to be passionate about learning

• Independent, resilient, aspirational learners • Innovative, engaging and challenging curriculum

The Priory Witham Academy

YEAR 6 OPEN EVENING Tuesday 13th September, 6pm

• Opportunities that bring out the true potential in all • Positive, inclusive and enriched environment for learning • Continuity, consistency and progression for all • A setting where success and effort is celebrated and valued

De Wint Avenue, Lincoln, LN6 7DT • Tel: 01522 882900 • Email:


Outstanding success... ...has been achieved by the pupils at the Preparatory School of Lincoln Minster. The new SATS tests for attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 comprise three subjects including maths, reading, and spelling, punctuation and grammar. Marked externally by the Department for Education, it has been widely recognised that the new curriculum and tests have been tougher this year. Lincoln Minster School achieved the following percentage of pupils meeting the new expected standard: • Reading: 93% (national average 66%)


Lincoln Minster School with our skilled staff and the unique opportunities we are able to provide, ensures that they gain a first rate education. “ Lincoln Minster School is an independent co-educational day and boarding school for pupils aged 2½ - 18 years. We aim to provide an inspirational all-round education which combines academic achievement with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities including music, sport and the arts.

• Mathematics: 86% (national average 70%)

Please visit our website and register for one of our open days:

• Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 89% (national average 72%)

• Senior School Open Evening – Tuesday 27th September

Mark Burton, Preparatory School Deputy Head, comments:

• Senior School Open Afternoon – Wednesday 28th September

“We are incredibly proud of the achievements of all of our pupils. These fantastic results are an indication of the hard work and dedication of the students and staff at all stages of the Prep and Pre Prep, placing us, for another year, at the forefront of academic achievement in Lincolnshire. Children at LMS are eager to learn and do well. This, along

• Pre Prep & Prep Open Afternoon – Wednesday 5th October • Senior School Open Afternoon – Monday 11th October • Pre Prep & Prep Open Afternoon – Monday 17th October

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St Peter and St Paul Academy

Continually striving to make a difference St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy welcomes students between 11-18 years from diverse backgrounds.

St Peter & St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy Pro Petro Paulo Patria

Our Mission as a Catholic Voluntary Academy is to provide the highest possible standards of education for all our students, delivered within the context of Gospel Values. We are a highly successful academy renowned for our friendly and warm community where we encourage all our students to grow and to make the most of their individual ability. Our ethos promotes respect for the differences amongst the students, recognising that everyone learns differently and that making mistakes and taking risks are part of learning. Success at St Peter and St Paul Academy stems from careful planning of the curriculum so that every student irrespective of their ability is studying appropriate and challenging courses and is being provided with opportunities to develop their unique talents. We are proud that all our year 11 students continue into Education, Employment or Training. Students can continue their studies in the St Peter and St Paul Sixth Form where there are a wide variety of courses offered to suit all students. Our students receive excellent guidance when choosing the most suitable courses; they are taught and prepared well to achieve the grades they require to move on to Higher Education or employment.

Join us for our

OPEN EVENING Wednesday 21st September 6pm-8.30pm

Western Avenue • Lincoln Lincolnshire • LN6 7SX

01522 871400 18

Autumn 2016

Our students are our ambassadors: friendly, hardworking and confident young people. They learn alongside an enthusiastic, professional team of staff who encourage and challenge them to be the best they can be. Examination results are important but at St Peter and St Paul we develop equally important aspects of life: fun, creativity, caring for others, well-being and spirituality; qualities that will remain with our students for the whole of their lives.

“We want our students to have life and have it to the full.” At St Peter and St Paul all students are encouraged to profit from the wide range of extra-curricular activities offered- whatever their talents and abilities, they will have the opportunities to succeed. It is our role to help develop our students’ talent and celebrate all aspects of their achievement. You will find our academy friendly and inviting with a distinctly warm atmosphere and learning environment. We welcome visits to the Academy at any time so please feel free to make an appointment to come and see us at work.

Anyone fancy a swim? Lincolnshire has a host of family-friendly swimming pools, just perfect for using up some of that excess energy. From historical outdoor settings, to the latest hi-tech leisure centres, there’s something to suit everyone’s taste. So why not make a splash and check out our helpful list of the best pools the county has to offer: 1: Jubilee Park Outdoor Swimming Pool, Woodhall Spa. 2: Wragby Swimming Pool. 01673 857776 3: Bourne Outdoor Swimming Pool, Abbey Road, Bourne. 4: Metheringham Swimming Pool, Metheringham, Lincoln. 01522 888146 Stamford Leisure Pool, Stamford.


Professional tuition in maths & English create individual tutoring programmes, using proven Kip McGrath methods. �Maths �Reading Call today �English �Spelling for a FREE �Comprehension assessment


01522 533885 157-159 Burton Road Lincoln LN1 3LW

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy Via Diversa Vita Una

Open Evening 15th September 2016, 6pm-8.30pm “I enjoy being a student here and I have made many new friends of all ages and feel welcome within the school environment by both students and the staff members.” Jake, Year 9

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy, Moor Lane, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 9AF Tel: 01522 882020 Fax: 01522 880660 Web:

Email: : LincolnSRPA



Lincoln City’s Sports & Education Trust

“We aim for the sessions to be engaging, value for money and a positive place for parents to bring their children and recommend to friends and family.”

Homegrown talent starts on the terraces They may never be crowned Premier League champions, but Lincoln City FC has a lot to offer fledgling football fanatics - who want to get more involved with their local team or maybe have a kick about for the very first time.

Following your hometown club is often a rite of passage and youngsters can play a crucial role in lending some much needed home support thanks to Lincoln City’s Sports and Education Trust (LCFCSET) community charity. The Trust offers football sessions for children of all abilities from preschool age, in addition to soccer-based holiday clubs, birthday parties and even a chance to become a first team match day mascot. Primary school aged kids can also make the most of reduced home league ticket prices by signing up to the Poachers club, with accompanying parents receiving a discount too. LCFCSET was set up to provide the people of Lincoln with opportunities to improve their physical, social and mental wellbeing through active participation, and is not limited to just football focussed activities. Netball, Zumba, new age curling and a community gym is also on offer for adults and older people who perhaps want to up the pace every now and then. At the heart of the Trust is its football coaching and manager, Paul Hamnett, said it’s all about giving youngsters a chance to get more involved with their hometown club.


Autumn 2016

“We want children who are born and bred in Lincoln to have an identity with their home team,” he said. “We appreciate that many will want to support a Premier League team, but supporting their local club should be up there in their list of favourites and could potentially be their first experience of watching a professional football match.” Coaching is designed to be fun above all else, but it also encompasses the values of the FA’s DNA strategy - an initiative launched to help nurture the best possible grassroots talent the country has to offer. ‘Mini Kickers’ sessions are available for youngsters from the age of three, which progress to ‘Soccer School’ for older children and into the club’s ‘Advanced Player Development Centre’ for those who really show a flair for their footie. “The coaching that we offer is designed to be fun, inspiring, participant focused and inclusive, with the aim of improving the players that come to us,” added Paul. “The ethos is based around the FA strategy so that players receive a consistent message and everyone is working to produce better quality players for all levels.

For more information on LCFCSET and all the sessions on offer visit Holiday clubs run throughout the school holidays from 9am to 4:30pm offering footballbased activities throughout the day including skills, games and tournaments. There’s also a chance for those taking part to watch the first team players training at the ground.

“Training is also game-focussed to enable children to develop skills and progress on to understanding how the game of football is played.” Inclusivity is key to the Trust’s success with children of all footballing abilities welcome to attend or try on their boots for the very first time. “It could be their first experience of football and potentially their journey into the beautiful game,” said Paul. “One of the most important things is that the children have fun and no matter what they do we want all participants to go away with a happy memory. “We have also seen an increase in girls coming to our holiday clubs over the past couple of years and some have been identified to attend our player development programme. “We’d obviously like to see more girls attending the specific coaching but the interest is definitely growing and more exposure on TV and in the media has definitely helped.” For further information: T: 01522 563792



Clearview Opticians

Sight now for success later: Why children’s eye health is so important It is estimated that 1 million children will return to school this year with an undiagnosed vision problem. Poor eyesight can have a significant effect on children’s ability to learn and on their behaviour - yet often goes unrecognized by teachers, parents and by the children themselves. Children may not be aware of or may not be able to explain their vision difficulties and a parent or teacher may not notice any problems. Commenting on children’s eye health, Bob Hughes, Chief Executive at the Association of Optometrists, said: “It’s an absolute public health disgrace. There are problems which can be corrected in young people’s eyes and yet it’s a buried issue, an unknown issue, that children are losing out on a good education because they can’t see properly.” The sooner that vision problems are detected - the better the outcome. Many childhood eye conditions, such as lazy eye and squint, can

Schools do not hold eye tests

What they see

What you see

Make sure your child’s eyes are ok At Clear View Opticians we welcome children of any age. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Book your child in now - it’s free!

Private & NHS eye tests • Contact lens trials & aftercare 169 Burton Road, Lincoln LN1 3LW WE HAVE FREE CAR PARKING 22

01522 542121

Autumn 2016

be treated if they are picked up early - as the eye and visual system are actively developing during the school years. If vision problems are identified and treated, it can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. Sight Tests are free for all children under the age of 16. Parents can take their children along to a local optometrist or optician for a free NHS Sight Test. Optometrists in the community are qualified to examine the eyes of all children, paid for by the NHS. Help towards the cost of glasses is also available on the NHS for all children. Toddlers and young children do not need to be able to read, as an eye examination can be carried out using pictures. The UK is a long way behind the rest of Europe in the number of children who have regular eye examinations and the proportion of children who wear vision correction. In France, it’s part of the summer back to school routine to book children in for an eye exam. In the US state of Kentucky, it is law that every child must have a comprehensive eye examination before they are allowed to start school. Many parents still assume that their child will have their vision checked at school, regardless of whether this actually happens or not. Vision screening provision is patchy – many areas do not provide it. Even where vision screening is provided in school, there are many conditions which, although they may cause significant problems to a child and their ability to learn, will not be picked up at a screening. Screenings are designed to pick up amblyopia; what about moderate refractive error, binocular vision anomalies and the overall health of the eyes? A proper sight test is free – why not have one?

TO BOOK A FREE EYE TEST FOR YOUR CHILD TODAY CONTACT: Clear View Opticians, 169 Burton Road, Lincoln, LN13LW T: 01522 542121 E: For our latest offers, promotions and opening hours check:

Tel: 01522 693757 Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln LN6 5SA


Country Park A great family day out this

October Half Term

Farm-themed Crazy Daisy Golf

Come & meet theMeet the animals pigmiscro

Children’s play area, JumiCars & bouncy castle Meet our animals in the paddock FREE ENTRY FREE PARKING

Newly extended café serving breakfast & lunch, drinks, cakes and snacks

Try our real dairy ice cream made fresh using milk from our own dairy cows.

Open: 10am-6pm 7 days a week

Try the ‘Lazy Daisy Drive Thru’ to grab an ice cream on the move!

Enjoy pony rides & much more...

Meet and feed the goats, donkeys & ponies

Enjoy a hands on flying demonstration – handling and flying demos daily

Play are

with bouncy a castle & picnic area Open 10am-4 pm

• Tearoom • Childrens parties • Free parking • Schools welcome

Louth Road, North Cockerington, Louth LN11 7DY T: 01507 327184 E:

Free firework display on the Riverside from 6pm

Halloween SATURDAY 29th October

Come to Gainsborough if you DARE!

Fun all day at Market Place and Marshall’s Yard


A season of Pirates, Ballerinas and Superheroes at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre



The new season at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre is full of fantastic theatre for all the family. Paines Plough return with their fun filled show for over 7s, I Got Superpowers For My Birthday. Meet Ethan, Fiona and William as they turn 13 and discover that they have superpowers! Join them as they fight evil goblins and dragons in the hope they will defeat The Darkness. Watch your child’s imagination soar with as the immerse themselves in this fantastic adventure. This hilarious show is something you will not want to miss and you can catch it as part of Pop Out Festival on Saturday 1st October and Sunday 2nd October. I Got Superpowers For My Birthday is part of Pop Out Festival at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre. After the success of Paines Plough’s Roundabout last year, they are returning as part of a bigger and better festival! Paines Plough’s pop-up, in-the-round theatre will be coming to the venue and with it will bring a truly unique experience for audiences of all ages. The theatre is a huge dome and looks a bit like a space ship so will be perfect if your little ones have big imaginations. Along side this, there will be fun activities outside and inside the venue. Check out the full events list by picking up a programme in-house or checking the website. Join Egg Box Youth Theatre for a unique interactive theatre experience about friendship & sharing for 2-5 year olds and their families that takes place inside a special dome, with sights, sounds, tastes, smells and lots of play. The Moon and Me will be at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre as part of Pop Out Festival on Saturday 1st October to Sunday 2nd October. The event is free but only 20 space cadets can fit in the dome, so make sure to book your tickets to avoid missing out! As part of the festival there is also a baby sensory class taking part inside the Roundabout Theatre and the weekly Lil’Pacs session will be getting an upgrade and will be moving from the cafe to inside the theatre. Keep an eye out for details of when these are taking place or ring the box office on 01522 837600 for more details. Don’t miss out on these great activities for children of all ages. The rest of the season is also filled with fantastic events for kids. On Friday 28th October Alfie White the Space Explorer will be adventuring to Lincoln. Together with his best friend Meg, Alfie sets out on a daring mission to find

his dad. But where on earth – or in space – is he? This cosmic tale of adventure and discovery is for everyone aged five and up. On Thursday 3rd November, watch the Michael Morpurgo story The Elephant in the Garden come to life on the stage. Lizzie, her mother – and an elephant from the zoo, flee the Dresden fire-bombing in the Second World War. Plodding, obdurate, opportunistic, load-bearing, indestructible, cheering – Marlene embodies the stubbornness of the human will and how it will do everything to survive. Don’t miss out on this show by the creators of the stage version of Private Peaceful. Vienna Festival Baller return on Sunday 6 November with The Nutcracker. Be swept away on a magical adventure in one of the most famous classical ballets of all time. The Nutcracker promises to delight audiences of all ages with its festive setting and lighthearted story. This year Lincoln Performing Arts Centre are treating you to 2 family Christmas shows! From Monday 12th December to Saturday 24th December in the auditorium is the main show, Treasure Island. Join Jem Hawkins and be taken on a swashbuckling journey across the high seas. Suitable for children age 6+, this Christmas adventure is a perfect way to start the festive season. If you’re looking for something for a toddler or if you are looking to introduce your child to theatre, BRRR! The Lost Polar Bear is what you are looking for. From Friday 16th December to Sat urday 24th of December a studio at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre will be transformed into a winter wonderland. Join Anja on her quest to find a real snow bear! A charming snowy adventure full of songs, stories and silliness for ages three and over. Tickets for all these shows are available now. Book your tickets online:, or call: 01522 837600 or in person at the box office in Zing Café Bar within Lincoln Performing Arts Centre.



Lincoln Drill Hall

Join the party at the Drill Hall this Autumn! Lincoln Drill Hall is the perfect place to give children experiences of theatre, music and dance that they won’t forget. The atmosphere at the venue is relaxed and supportive and the year-round programme of shows and activities offers the very best in entertainment and participation opportunities for kids of all ages. For kids who love to dance there are two outings of the venue’s Diddy Disco this Autumn (10th September and 8th October), so head along for the funkiest disco party for under 7s in town!

Or why not follow the trail of the mysterious blue beetle in Hubbub – A Musical Adventure (16th & 17th October) - sit on cushions in a tent on stage and be part of this enchanting show (for ages 5+).

Sponge (Monday 3rd October) is a unique participatory dance show about all things spongy, squishy and squashy, and is aimed at children aged 4 months to 4 years.

Wriggle Dance ask ‘What colour are you today?’ in their interactive dance theatre show The Colour of Me on Saturday 22nd October, while Molly’s Marvellous Moustache (Saturday 29th October) is an

adaptation of Andrea Heaton’s wonderful picture book about growing up. Both shows are for ages 3-7. With a magician for a dad and a stargazer for a mum, there’s much more to Mavis Sparkle than meets the eye on Sunday 6th November. Mixing magic, illusion and animation the message of this show for ages 5+ is ‘Follow your dreams!’. A new addition to the Drill Hall’s Christmas events is The Nutcracker and The Mouse King (13th-17th December), a festive treat for little ones (ages 3+). And the season ends with the spectacular family panto Beauty and the Beast (6th December – 3rd January), packed with silly characters, well-known songs, jokes, dance routines, magic and special effects. For more info or to book tickets pop along to the venue box office or T: 01522 873894



Gravity Fields

Umbrellas: Cirque Bijou Saturday night spectacular

Gravity Fields Festival 2016 goes live... Gravity Fields Festival website is adding to the excitement as the build up starts in earnest for this autumn’s third festival (21-25 September) in and around Grantham. An owl with Sasha Norris, naturalist; ‘Living with Wildlife’

Tickets can be booked online for a brilliant festival of science, arts, heritage, music, drama and outdoor spectacular with world class performers in a programme to suit all ages. Gravity Fields 2016 commemorates 1666, the year Newton spent at his birthplace at Woolsthorpe Manor to escape the plague in Cambridge, and his extraordinary burst of scientific creativity. Now, 350 years on, the plague hits Woolsthorpe! History is re-written for schools and adults as actors and plague doctors convey the impact of the bubonic nightmare if it had reached Lincolnshire! Woolsthorpe Manor itself has a starring role, Harlaxton Manor stages talks and discussions dedicated to


Autumn 2016

botanist Joseph Banks and Newton’s old schoolroom at the Kings School is another authentic venue. A packed programme, organised by South Kesteven District council, ranges from TV zoologist Dr Sasha Norris and cutting edge baroque band Red Priest to the genius engineers of WW2, courtesy of Cambridge scientist Dr Hugh Hunt. Aerial spectacular comes courtesy of Ockham’s Razor, an AntiGrav box turns people’s worlds upside down and top Spanish creative company Ponten Pie invites its audience into a unique ‘shed’ for a life-changing experience! Presenters explore the science of Doctor Who, festival patron Professor Valerie Gibson chooses her top ten of Newton’s scientific

ABOVE: Dallas Campbell

Ministry of Science

achievements and physicist and festival co-curator Dr Harry Cliff from Cambridge University brings news of CERN’s High Energy Frontier. TV science presenter and festival patron Dallas Campbell hosts a special hosted evening and what will a microlight find as a result of recording audio in the ether above Woolsthorpe Manor? Royal Society President and Nobel Prize winner Sir Venki Ramakrishnan is among world class speakers on subjects from nature to nanotechnology and the pinhole camera technique used by Newton as he studied the refraction of light.

An AntiGrav box courtesy of Ockham’s Razor

Arts Council England funding delivers a stunning ‘Ingenius’ Saturday town centre finale with a spectacular LED umbrella display from Cirque Bijou, circus artists, street performers, puppeteers and magicians evoking the era of alchemists, fire, flame and stars and Newton’s time at the Royal Mint. A full education programme includes a Ministry of Science blockbuster show at Grantham’s Meres stadium.

Red Priest: baroque band playing in St Wulfram’s Church

For full details and tickets: Box Office 01476 406158 or visit:



Rand Farm Park

The fun never stops at Rand Farm Park As we go to press for this edition of Molly’s Guide, the sun is shining the sky is blue and the weather is a lot better than it has been for many days during the summer holidays. This makes the task of thinking ahead to the October Half Term and even Christmas much more difficult.

The extra activities at Rand Farm Park for the October Half Term Holiday will be available from Monday 24th October 2016 until Monday 31st October 2016 inclusive with a Magic Show each weekday afternoon (unfortunately not on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th October 2016). All the usual attractions will be open including the Farmyard Friendly Crazy Golf which has already provided hours of family fun since it opened in time for the summer holidays. As usual there will be creepy craft activities and pumpkin carving as well as the Spoooooooooooooky Village for visitors of all ages to visit if they dare!! And then once again thoughts will quickly turn to Christmas as it is only 26 days until Rudi and Rossi arrive for Christmas at Rand Farm Park. With the addition last year of Mrs Claus’ Kitchen where children can decorate a Gingerbread biscuit to take home, “Penguin Snowblast” and “Santa Got stuck up the chimney” (two popular Christmas games from last year), Santa’s Post Office and the Reindeer Food Station plus even more NEW attractions before arriving for a visit to meet Santa and his Elf and even more magic in Santa’s Toyshop....a visit to Rand Farm Park at such a special time of year is now becoming a firm favourite for many families throughout December. This year, “Christmas” will be available from Saturday 26th November 2016 until Friday 23rd December 2016 inclusive. BUT for something extra special, why not arrange to meet family and Friends for “Breakfast with Santa” on 17th or 18th December 2016? For more information on this event or a Christmas Birthday Party, please telephone Kay on 01673 858904. And that’s it for another year...Although plans are already in hand for 2017. Why not visit for more information or like us on Facebook for regular updates for events and special offers.


Autumn 2016


BIG WOODEN HORSE theatre company presentsÉ

Download the


Molly’s Guide app today!


BOX OFFICE:� 01522 883311�

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Complimentary ÔBabes in ArmsÕ tickets available for � Under 2s�

Sat 22nd-Mon 31st Oct 1pm-3pm £2.50

Tues 25th Oct 1pm-2.30pm

ONE NK� Moor Lane� North Hykeham� LN6 9AX� ��

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Thurs 27th Oct 1pm-2.30pm



Saturday 15th October� at 1.00pm and 3.00pm� Tickets: £7.50 Family [4]: £26.00

T: 01522 873735


The Newark Vintage

Tractor & Heritage Show • • •

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th November 2016

Newark Showground, NG24 2NY Take a step back in time with: Over 1000 vintage vehicles and machines on show Heritage displays including rare and native breeds, woodturning, stickmaking and other rural craft artists Trade stands including specialist parts, heritage crafts, clothing and gifts Sunday Remembrance Service and Prize Giving at 10.45am

Advance Ticket: £10 • On the gate: £12 • Under 17s go free

• • • Free parking • • • Buy Your Tickets at


Uk’s largest Vintage Tractor Show prepares to return...

Newark Vintage Tractor Show

Children and families can immerse themselves in the world of vintage tractors and heritage machines this November as the Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show returns. More than 1,000 vintage tractors & heritage machines are gearing up to return to Newark Showground for the spectacular show, and children under 17 can go free when accompanied by an adult. Now into its 14th year, the show is known to be one of the most prevalent vintage tractor shows in the country and is a popular event for tractor enthusiasts and their families.

year we welcomed the likes of Caspian Ponies, Kerry Hill sheep, Lincoln Red cattle and this year there will be a great selection again.

Tractor enthusiasts come from far and wide to show their tractors and to marvel at rare vintage machines. The Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show will be George Taylor, show organiser, held on 12th and 13th November said: “We are really 2016. It will have “Children love to excited to be well into more than 100 stalls meet the animals preparations for the 14th selling everything and be able to Newark Vintage Tractor from tools and ask questions and and Heritage Show. It is antiques to tractor a great day out for both interact with them.” parts and vintage tractor enthusiasts and gifts. their families. There is a lot to see A special Remembrance and do, whether that is finding out Sunday Service will be held about Britain’s machinery heritage in the showground’s George and how modern farming has Stephenson Exhibition Hall. It is developed, or meeting some of the one of the largest services in the show’s native farmyard animals. area attracting around 300 people “The show embraces all things agricultural and the specialist exhibition of rare breeds of livestock is always popular. Last

annually to commemorate the occasion.

The ever-popular Sunday Sort Out, held this year on 13th November, is ideal for buyers hoping to find that mystery item with true significance. Other regular attractions such as the Brown & Co Saturday Auction on the 12th November will create an interesting spectacle of vehicles, spare parts and implements as

well as full size tractors and stationary engines. The show is open to visitors from 9am – 5pm on Saturday 12th November and from 9am – 3.30pm on Sunday 13th November 2016. Advance tickets cost £10 for adults per day, with a £2 increase on the gate on show days. Weekend Experience Passes are also available for those wanting to camp for three nights and include two adult admission tickets for each day all for £50. The advance offer is available until 30th October.

To purchase tickets please call: 01636 705796 or online at:



Lincoln BIG

Bransby Horses

It’s a great time to go exploring! Ghostbus-tours!, tasty bangers and opportunities to discover lots of amazing facts about Lincoln and Lincolnshire and the county’s amazing heritage – it’s all waiting to be enjoyed over the coming weeks.

Mums and dads looking for something really different to do, could treat the family to a spine-chilling Saturday night trip around haunted parts of Lincoln, by booking a Ghost Bus Tour! Your guide Karen Crow (Lincoln’s well-known town crier) will be on hand to share some riveting tales – collected by Margaret Green, who devised the Lincoln Ghost Walks. Your choice of dates are September 17 and October 22, from 6pm to 7pm – or October 29 and 30, between 5pm and 6pm, for the Halloween tours. Spooky! There’s a weekend of Heritage Open Days coming (from September 8 to 11, which are great for everyone who wants to know more about our fabulous county.

Tour Lincoln Bus International Bomber Command Centre

One of the highlights is free guided tours of the International Bomber Command Centre, which are on offer on Friday, September 9 at 2.30pm. The centre is a memorial to those who lost their lives in Bomber Command during World War Two. At 31.09 metres high, this is Britain’s tallest War memorial. This is a fantastic opportunity because the centre is not currently open to the public. But you need to book by calling 01778 421420, or email If your family loves horses, why not try a free guided tour of Bransby’s horse, pony and donkey rescue centre, which will be open each day from Thursday to Sunday,


Autumn 2016

8 to 11 September, at 1.30pm. The children will be talking about it for ages afterwards.

Lincoln BIG Artists’ Market

If you can’t make those days, there’s always the Autumn Fair on September 25 – and it’s free to park and go in. This is a special time of the year for the county as a whole because October 1 is when everyone celebrates Lincolnshire Day – and everything that is great about our city and wider county. If you are in Lincoln that day, why not visit the Lincoln BIG Artists’ Market, with its Lincoln Visitor Information Stall, in Castle Hill, or explore Lincoln Cathedral or Lincoln Castle. All are close together and all can be enjoyed for free! On October 2, take your family to cheer on the runners in the Lincoln Half Marathon. The 13.1 miles route, which starts and finishes at the Lincolnshire Showground, includes Lincoln’s most famous sites – with runners passing Lincoln Cathedral, going through the grounds of Lincoln Castle and passing the beautiful Brayford Waterfront. There’s entertainment along the way. With so much going on in September and October, everyone will be well and truly ready for something to tuck into – and the Lincoln Sausage Festival, which takes place in the grounds of Lincoln Castle and Castle Hill, is absolutely unmissable!

The Lincoln Half Marathon

There will be stalls bursting with all manner of produce and sizzling Lincolnshire sausages for everyone to enjoy. You can even buy a pack of your favourites to take away to cook later. Watch out for local chef Rachel Green, who will be doing cookery demonstrations, and a lively performance from The Cosmic Sausages. Also look out for Juggling Jim and Mr Sausage. This event will also feature a Children’s Marquee, Feet First Entertainment will be showing youngsters circus skills and there will be a chance to Make A Sausage with the “expert”, Neil Curtis from A W Curtis of Lincoln.

Redhill Farm Sausages, Lincoln Sausage Festival

For more information about these events:



rses Bransby Ho Bransby Horses welcomes school groups to its purpose built Visitor Centre for a unique educational experience. With a variety of activities, tours and presentations to choose from, ������� ���� ��� �������� ��� ��� ��� ��������������������������������� that address key areas of the curriculum. Delivered by our Education Team, Bransby Horses cover a range of topics to suit children from Nursery and above. These include: • Animal science • How heavy is a horse? • Teeth - Straight from the horse’s mouth • Reporter skills - What’s my story? • Kids craft activities

A Unique Learning Experience • Our beautiful 600 acre site inspires children to learn in an outdoor environment. • As Lincolnshire’s largest equine welfare and rescue charity; caring for over 400 horses, ponies, donkeys and mules, we are keen to educate the next generation about the work we do and to raise awareness of the complexity of caring for horses properly. • We are open from 10am-4pm and have free onsite parking for coaches. • Access to indoor educational rooms is available in the event of wet weather, enabling us to cater for groups of 10 to 60 children.

Prices start at £3.50 per child for a basic day package: • • • • •

A tour of Bransby Horses Lesson/craft activity Room provided for bags/wet lunch arrangements ���������������������������������������������������������� Basic goodie bag for each child: (three items of stationery, a colouring sheet and Bransby Horses’ literature)

How to book… ���������������� ��������������� ���� Penny Waite for further informat ion. Email: penny.wai te@bransbyhor Main: 01427 7876 68 Direct Dial: 0142 7 782870

Demonstrations are available for an additional £10 for the group: • Basic Pony Care • Rehoming animal being exercised - ridden or driven



Craft stalls

Kids crafts

Free Stagecoach bus service

Second hand rug and tack sale

Bransby BBQ

Kids zone

Food court Charity stands

Face painting




Donations welcomed on entry. All funds raised go towards our welfare work and help us care for, rehabilitate and rehome the horses, ponies and donkeys we have rescued. Bransby Horses, Bransby, Lincoln, LN1 2PH | | 01427 788464 Bransby Horses - Rescue and Welfare



Bransby Horses is a Registered Charity No: 1075601. Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales No: 3711676


Woodside Wildlife Park

Take a walk on the wild side... From next spring, visitors will be able to get up close to the creatures at the zoo in Newball near Langworth.

Family day trips to Woodside Wildlife Park are about to take a tropical twist – with the arrival of crocodiles and red pandas.


Autumn 2016

And to make their arrival even more special, the exotic animals will be homed inside a well-known county landmark. The iconic Sir Joseph Banks Conservatory is being transferred to the zoo after being removed piece by piece from The Lawn in Lincoln.

be coming to Lincolnshire via a European breeding programme. “We will be taking a pair of each,” he said. “They will go in the new building, which will also be home to tropical reptiles, birds and plants, although we expect the crocodiles and red pandas to be the most popular attractions.”

It will become the park’s new Tropical House, and will be home to plants and fish, as well as the crocs, pandas and other creatures.

The conservatory was initially built at The Lawn in 1990. It was designed to showcase some of the plant species collected by Lincolnshire explorer Sir Joseph Banks during his voyage to the other side of the world.

Neil Mumby, owner of the Woodside Wildlife Park, said the animals will

But it has fallen into disrepair in recent years.

Mr Mumby decided to take it on after discovering it would be demolished as part of plans to redevelop The Lawn complex.

to highlight the problem of plastic in the ocean and the damage caused by coral whitening.

He said the eight-metre-high structure will go between the park’s existing tropical house and barn and would still stand as a tribute to the route Sir Joseph Banks and Captain Cook took.

“In addition, the existing tropical house will become a temperate glasshouse.”

“It will maintain its heritage,” he added. “It will follow their journey and will also include a selection of the plants they discovered. “We are also planning to include a big marine aquarium Join us if

Mr Mumby said the new development will open next spring and staff are already preparing for the arrival of the new residents. “The crocodiles eat meat but the pandas eat Bamboo so we have started to plant it to make sure we are ready,” he added. Mr Mumby set up his zoo

in 2001, which now attracts 65,000 visitors a year. It is believed to be the first time the crocs and pandas have been on display in the county. Lincoln coffee company RW Stokes is turning the former mental hospital at The Lawn into a café, restaurant, coffee museum and barista training school. As part of the development, City of Lincoln Council has agreed terms with the Sir Joseph Banks Society for land in the north-west corner of the site where a new tropical glasshouse can be built.

you dare

th 8 2 y a d Fri rday & tSh atutober 29 Oc


from 7p

Childrens magic show

Meet the howling wolves

TICKETS Adults £8.50 Children £6.95

Bar & BBQ ost walk ling guided gh il ch e in sp , A shadow int hearted! - not for the fa

ls flying Enjoy the eerie beauty of ow n bar lit tern lan in our

Newball, near Langworth, Lincoln Tel: 01522 754280


To get the full picture click on to For more information: T: 01522 545458 E:


Photo byThrough the Lens Photography


17th-18th September, 11am-4.30pm Join King John and the Barons as they discuss the merits of the 13th century Magna Carta document on a day of living history and Medieval entertainment at Lincoln Castle.

25th September, 11am-4pm A great day out for the whole family including equine demonstrations and parades, craft activities, shopping, a second hand rug and tack sale, and a delicious selection of food. With more than 350 horses, ponies and donkeys to care for, the Bransby Horses Autumn Fayre is a great opportunity to meet the animals, find out more about them, and to help raise funds for the charity.

GHOST BUS TOUR 17th September & 22nd October, 6pm-7pm Be spooked on a Saturday night and explore haunted Lincoln by open-top bus with a local ghost expert. One of the team from the popular Lincoln Ghost Walks will guide you around Lincoln on Tour Lincoln, the open-top city sightseeing bus, whilst telling spooky tales and stories of Lincoln’s haunted past.

OUTDOOR CINEMA AT LINCOLN CASTLE 23rd-25th September, 6.30pm-10pm Bring a picnic and enjoy a unique classic cinema experience in the grounds of Lincoln Castle. The Luna Cinema, the country’s leading open air cinema, is presenting three nights of classic films under the stars in the incredible setting of Lincoln Castle. Bring a picnic (or enjoy the food and drink on site) and gather your friends together for the most incredible cinematic experience. 40

Autumn 2016

Donations are gratefully received on entry and all funds raised go towards the welfare work to help care for, rehabilitate and rehome the horses, ponies and donkeys that have been rescued.

SONOPHILIA FESTIVAL 30th September-7th October, all day, various locations Acclaimed local and national musicians, sound artists, and guest speakers will take centre stage in Lincoln to celebrate the link between audio art and music performance. The bi-annual festival will offer eight days of live music, sound art installations, and other activities across the city. Unlike other sound-themed festivals, Sonophilia is focused on offering guests a strictly audible experience and enjoyment that is not reliant on other senses. The festival is inspired by the struggles of the blind at sound festivals which included mixed media. Sonophilia is all about celebrating sound in and of itself, not as mixed media or as a conceptual thing. The festival aims to encourage people to expand their audio palette, try something new and expand the breadth and depth of what they think they know and enjoy about sound and music.

LINCOLNSHIRE DAY 2016 1st October, all day, various locations Celebrate all things Lincolnshire on the county’s official day with free activities, entry to attractions, and special offers in Lincoln. There are some great activities to enjoy in Lincoln. For more Lincolnshire Day activities across the county, see the Visit Lincolnshire website.

VICTORIAN WEEKEND OF FEAR 28th-30th October, 10am-10pm - Lincoln Castle Immerse yourself in the Victorian underworld this Halloween for a weekend of fear. Lincoln Castle will be opening up for a weekend of spooky activities to get you in the spirit of Halloween this year. Join the castle day or night where a cast of Victorian characters will be ready to greet you and immerse you in the Victorian underworld. Victorian Nights of Fear - Fri 28th & Sat 29th October 7pm-10pm Step into the castle grounds after hours where the atmospheric Victorian Prison will resound to the tales of fear and horror. Stories of grave robbing, sinister surgeons and baby farmers by Lincoln Castle’s Victorian cast will be told throughout the night. Victorian Days of Fear - Sat 29th & Sun 30th October 10am-4pm Search around the darkest corners of the Victorian Prison cells and watch out for those vile Victorians. A cast of creepy characters will be hiding in the depths of the castle, creating a spooky, immersive experience suitable for families and children. Meet the Prisoners and Wardens, a Victorian Surgeon, an undertaker and a grave robber at this October half term event.

HALLOWEEN GHOST BUS TOUR 29th-30th October, 5pm-6pm Be spooked on Halloween weekend by exploring haunted Lincoln by opentop bus with a local ghost expert. One of the team from Lincoln Ghost Walks will guide you around Lincoln on Tour Lincoln, the open-top city sightseeing bus, whilst telling spooky tales and stories of Lincoln’s haunted past.

LINCOLN SAUSAGE FESTIVAL 22nd October, 10am-5pm In and around the Lincoln Castle grounds

During the day there will be cooking demonstrations, food stalls of the best Lincolnshire produce from award winning Select Lincolnshire members, children’s entertainment and live music. Lincoln Castle and Castle Square itself will be filled with stalls selling all types of produce and of course there will be an abundance of Lincolnshire Sausages on offer for people to buy and eat on the day or to take away and enjoy at home. There will be Feet First Entertainment with circus skills and more, have-ago opportunities to make a Lincolnshire sausage with Neil Curtis from A W Curtis of Lincoln, and free face painting and glitter tattoos.

SPOOKY GOINGS ON AT THE MILL 31st October, 6pm-7.30pm - Cogglesford Watermill Explore the creaky old watermill in Sleaford on Halloween night for an evening of fun. Cogglesford Watermill opens for Halloween to let you explore the mill itself and take part in lots of autumnal fun. There will be hidden clues to discover as you investigate the historic building and craft activities to make your own spooky mask, and more.



Fun and activities for the whole family to enjoy...

Ruddocks of Lincoln

End of the summer holidays sees the start of a new school year and for some the start of school! Uniforms all sorted, first day at school photos taken and shared on Facebook, tired little ones coming home from their big adventure and hopefully lots of new friends made in the process.

If you are wanting to get your children out and about this Autumn then why not take a look at what is going on over the Heritage Open Weekend between 8th and 11th September.

For some children starting school can take a while to get into and find their feet, whilst for others they take it completely in their stride and enjoy every moment whilst taking in all the new found knowledge. School is such a massive part of growing up and developing the skills needed in life (although I think we can all agree that some things taught in schools don’t seem useful) but this can be supplemented with some wonderful and educational games and kits.

There are lots of places opening up for free over the four days with some not normally open to the public.

One such product range is the write on, wipe clean double sided learning mats. They have mats suitable for all key stages (1-3) as well as foundation stage. “Kids will love the mats because they are eye-catching, colourful and appealing. The text links well with the pictures so they are easy to follow and understand.” Designed and approved by teachers and extensively tested in schools, topics include handwriting, maths, French and Spanish. Another product range that is great for the early years are the Lanka Kade wooden jigsaw puzzles. Designed in the UK, with eco-friendly materials, these handcrafted, fair trade toys are a great fun and educational toy.

See lost medieval villages, WWII bomb craters, explore Belton House, get closer to nature with walks, hands on craft activities including woodworking and take a look around Bransby Horses Home, just to mention a few. This is swiftly followed by Lincolnshire Open Day on Saturday 1st October. The Cathedral and Castle are both opening their doors for free with guided tours of the castle running throughout the day for free also. With a lovely artist market taking place between the two and a food festival in St Marks Shopping Centre, it will be a fun day out for all.

Ruddocks are running promotions all day too, to celebrate the wonderfulness of Lincolnshire. Come in and take a look at our range of locally made products and the newly extended Lincolnshire Department. There will also be a great offer for all Loyalty & Premier Customers that spend with us on the day. Spend over £10 and receive 100 bonus points, spend over £50 and receive 500 bonus points (for premier customers the bonus points are 200 and 1000 respectively). If you aren’t a member you can join on the day and receive all the benefits of the scheme. With all these activities taking place in the coming weeks, what a great start to the new school year it will be. Have you got any plans for the Autumn months? Taking a walk through a local park with the ever changing colour of nature? Or enjoying the fun of an educational game whilst stuck indoors on those rainy days? We would love to see your pictures, post them on our Facebook page www.facebook. or on Instagram (ruddocksoflincoln) and caption it #AutumnDays and #RuddocksofLincoln. The image voted the most fun filled by Ruddocks staff will win a £10 Gift Voucher for the Toy Shop. Happy snapping!



The Natural World Centre

Picture perfect... Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get out and enjoy the tranquil and picturesque landscape of Whisby Nature Park. With so many photo opportunities, take the perfect picture and enter our FREE photographic competition open to all ages. This year marks the 7th annual Photographic Competition at The Natural World Centre and is a perfect opportunity to take advantage of the sunny weather whilst you walk around Whisby Nature Park, capturing the beautiful flora and fauna through the camera lens.

For more information or for an application pack: T: 01522 688868 E: Facebook:naturalworldcentre Twitter @WhisbyNatureP

This year’s competition will be sponsored by Guildhall Studio in association with artsNK and is open to the public until Monday 12th September. This year will have four categories independently judged with short listed entries being displayed in the Boardwalk Bistro at the Natural World Centre. Visitors will also have their chance to vote for their favourite which will become the face of the 2017 Calendar which will go on sale in the shop. It is FREE to enter and is open to all ages with a limit of four entries per person. All photographs must be taken within the Whisby Nature Reserve.

Want a family fun And have memories thing to do? to remember too? WHY NOT BOOK A FREE PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION (Normally £10)

For any ages, bump, newborn, children, cake smash, siblings, teenagers and family groups.

Half price packages available to purchase on the photography day Receive your images straight away after choosing, with print release for all your family and friends to print.

Portrait Palace 07718 259005 44

Autumn 2016

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Get your boots on for the second South Lincolnshire Walking Festival


South Lincolnshire Walking Festival

Heritage Lincolnshire, a charity based in Heckington, is urging anyone who enjoys walking to discover the hidden gems and varied landscape of south Lincolnshire in the second South Lincolnshire Walking Festival. The walking festival will take place between 24th September and 30th October this year and will feature free guided walks in North & South Kesteven, Boston and South Holland. There are 80 guided walks led by organisations such as the Ramblers, Walking for Health, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, RSPB, CurlyDog Walking and Adventures, Ales and Trails UK plus many more. Some walks feature special visits, talks or rare openings of historic buildings and 60% are dog-friendly. There are various walk lengths and difficulty levels, all of which are detailed in the programme that can now be collected from Tourist Information Centres and libraries or downloaded from the website. Beverley Gormley, Heritage Lincolnshire’s Cultural Events Officer, said “The South Lincolnshire Walking Festival is creating a buzz for the second year! North & South Kesteven, Boston and South Holland are

jam packed with heritage and history and we want to help show off those hidden gems to local people and visitors while helping to boost the local economy. This is our chance to put this part of Lincolnshire firmly on the walking festival map. Our pilot festival last autumn attracted over 1400 walkers, including 200 children and young people, which shows that there’s a real need in this part of the county. We’re even helping BBC Radio Lincolnshire with their new #WalkAMillion campaign! The walks will take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays so that those who work or want to involve the family don’t miss out.

(including a ‘Walking through Livestock’ walk) there will be crafts, den building, minibeast hunts, pond dipping and owl pellet dissection. The festival finale takes place on 30th October at spooky Temple Bruer tower and features a tour and walk plus Halloween themed activities for children. We’re very grateful for a donation from Lincolnshire County Council, but unfortunately, due to funding cuts, this popular new festival is in jeopardy. We’re asking participants to donate a minimum of £3 towards the printing of the brochure and day-to-day running costs”.

The official launch event will take place on 24th September at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s Willow Tree Fen nature reserve near Spalding and will be perfect for the whole family. Along with guided walks around the site

To download the brochure, donate or find out more: Facebook: South Lincolnshire Walking Festival Twitter: @SthLincWalkFest




Ever wondered how really skilled bakers get their cakes just right and looking great? Or how a woodturner takes a lump of wood and turns it into something attractive and practical? This will also be a great opportunity for fantastic local producers to show the public how their creations come to life.

© National Trust

Taking place in the stableyard at Belton, flanked by the gardens, restaurant and café, there are still some spaces left for budding stallholders to apply for. This is a great opportunity to open your creations up to a large new audience, and showcase the hard work and skill that goes into making them.

Showcase your skills at the Belton Autumn Fair The very first Belton Autumn Fair is taking place on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October. Food, drink and craft stalls will be up and running all weekend for visitors to browse and buy. But that’s not all!

Marketing and Events Officer Sam Gee said “If you would like to apply for a stall at the Belton Autumn Fair or simply find out a bit more information, please do get in touch via We’d love to hear about your work and how you’d like to show off and sell it to Belton’s visitors.” Belton is a beautiful, historic estate that makes for a perfect event setting. So why not apply to come and be a stallholder for the weekend? All enquiries are welcome. © National Trust


Hallowe’en Happenings at Belton House


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© National Trust

This year at Belton, come and dress up in your spookiest outfit (however old you are!) and join in the ghostly fun throughout the week, including trails, storytelling and face painting. Check the website for more details on what’s happening every day between Saturday 22nd-Monday 31st October.

There’s a Hallowe’en trail to tackle, and both the indoor and outdoor play areas are open all year. So there’s something fun for families to do every day of half term. So bring along your sense of adventure and get ready for something spooky this Hallowe’en at Belton. For further info: E:


Autumn 2016

Money saving vouchers for you & your family This voucher entitles you to a

FREE tea or coffee

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in the Feedroom Café I am happy to receive updates about the charity, including the Bransby Life newsletter via (please tick): Email Post

Bransby, Lincoln LN1 2PH Charity No. 1075601

One voucher per person. Valid from 9th September to 30th October 2016.

Rushmoor Country Park family of 4 admitted

for the price of


One child admitted



on presentation of this voucher

Louth Rd, North Cockerington, Louth LN11 7DY T: 01507 327184 Offer ends 10th Nov 2016. Photo copies not accepted. Not in conjunction with any other offer.


10% off Lanka Kade jigsaw puzzles,

Story Cubes and Lottie Dolls & Accessories

Voucher vaild until 31/10/16. Cannot be used on sale/promotional items or in conjunction with any other offer. 287 High Street Lincoln 01522 528285


North Parade, Skegness, Lincs PE25 1DB T: 01754 764345 E: Must be accompanied by a full paying adult. Cannot be used with any other offer/discount. Valid to 31.10.2016. MG16

20% OFF admission

Valid for up to four people. Expires 31st Oct 2016


01623 882977 Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer.



Money saving vouchers for you & your family




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Autumn 2016

Money saving vouchers for you & your family

admit 1 child


with 2 full paying adults*

per 2 full paying adults NEWBALL, NEAR LANGWORTH, LINCOLN LN3 5DQ Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer.

Tel: 01652


South Kelsey, Market Rasen, Lincs LN7 6PR *Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Expires 30th Nov 2016

p Ch

F Rlayeregapest E oes E

2 for 1


Valid from 9th Sept to 31st Oct 2016

Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, LN6 5SA One voucher per customer. Not in conjunction with any other offer.

Admission Special Offer

3 for 2

T: 01673 858904 E: 8 miles East of Lincoln on A158 Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Valid until 1st November 2016

First 2 music lessons

HALF PRICE Lessons from ÂŁ4.75 per hour

Valid until 17th Nov 2016. Offer valid for new students upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Tel: 01522 528623



Money saving vouchers for you & your family




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Autumn 2016

The best photography is about much more than taking a picture. It’s about capturing a moment, telling a story, preserving a memory. Sometimes it’s about looking at things a little bit differently.

Find me on

Capture the moment...create a memory Photographs of you, your family or friends, taken in the comfort of your own home or setting of your choice - that look far better than anything that could be achieved in an expensive studio. No tinting, no computer trickery, just simple, beautifully taken, timeless photographs, that you will treasure forever. With over 25 years’ experience of professional family portrait photography & weddings, PR shoots to frontline work for the national media. Whatever your occasion, let Stuart Wilde Photography capture your moment.

t: 07974 695626 e:

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