Whether you were counting down the days of the
summer holidays since the day last term ended or were
dreading the beginning of the new school year and its
early starts and empty houses, September inevitably
rolls around. Even though my two aren’t school age
yet, several of their activities are term based so we are
still affected by the dates as well as the extra traffic on
the roads.
I’ll be sad to see summer go this year - we had our first
family camping experience and enjoyed the freedom
of outdoor play that’s easier in nicer weather. There
are pros and cons to everything though - I certainly
won’t miss being chased by wasps and I absolutely love
the autumn season.
I love its changing colours, we have plenty of birthday
celebrations to look forward to and then, of course,
there’s Halloween!
Hopefully you’ll find lots of inspiration in the following
pages to keep your family active but we’d love to hear
how the seasons inspire you too, so don’t forget to
keep in touch via our