The Cardinal Press, Vol 2, November 1955

Page 1








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The :ir,r~n1 for both prof essio11c..~ <'1.0 technical engi."l"c.;r.;; 91.u.a.lly exceeds t!ie supply, 11 s'\ys Robert : . BlPsen, Zpoka."le sales B.-gineer of Test) nghouse corporation . 11

Blasen was the principal Speake:- at the tJIJC Chapter of t ne . IJllerican .'.i.ssociation of ~gineers' di~1er meeting. 'i'he dinner uas held at tl.e Boots and Sacdle Cafe , \ 'cdnc. 'Sday night, Oct. 2J


npp":\ ntod

.o irko chl'rgo of tho t1inncr .nclud,.. Mrs , Ctronah:i.m, liif& 1rhntl C'l D 1 . fir • Dr1..'C.!'1Y, h;'llo 0.--nrlcon, the chnim"n ~b Schmidt, B:lrba.rcr New•rmb 1 Fro.nk 'folltn .. , Bnnita 'hnta , ".nd Eur,1.;no LooA .


.e,·1\ l\. ·

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"There is a denand for t hirty thous.:md engineers m the United States at the present tL.e, and only twe& ty- two thousand will be graduating next spring . 111 "Al:Jo ," l1r . Blasen said , "tho dnnan~ io f e r ::>oth pr<>f essional engineers 'lnd technica.l enr ineers, so studont3 should nor. ret discouraged i f they find themselves unable to do the o0rk of a professional engineor . "

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'>Y Vetr'l Libby, a roadior ":Jy H".riC Hr 'lCh"'lll, gr •1p ~n·•1np lee! b~ Mr. qurn,. tt, "n-t WO V"Cll s olns by Brr "t"'Y H·· inos.

"" -.L1. 1 ' 1----i.

_ _ _p~a....i · g....e..-1-



The North Idaho Juni"r Jl'll po student bo~y is Jf"OS<'rinp n Thnnksl"ivlng JfonMlot t " be. he ld Tu e; sd~y "''IOninr-, '~f'Vf'i".hCT 22 , in tlD •JJr. -.rrnnl\suir . Th<' 11n+ r .. riru nt which w)11 fnl l"w the din~cr will include the 'MJlllPOt Trio with Crair. Ko :; 1lcn, Clnrk Frandsen , m rl

'hl'I cn11U11it.toc


vnG BffnQUETt ·· MR . PR


1"b ild"U~s 1 t~go vocal

-d i---- n a --"'P'--r~e_,s._s,,.__ __

Mr. Earl Priddy' traveled to the University of Southern California campus in order to take his p~elimi~ nary e;:aminations for the doctorate in speech. He

learned several days ago that he had passed every test

successfull.y .

¥.r .

Priddy must now write a thesis, and take another eY..acinations on the subject of his thesis . He intondo to begin research on his thesis topic within tee near .future.

.:r. Priddy has remcrked several since his r eturn that he is very ha-pPY that "the ordeal is al~ost

over. "

AGEnoA Nov. 14 ••• Intrm:rural Athl etics started 22 . • • Thanksci ving Dinner 24 . • • Thanksgivin,g Day

26 ••• f.ngineer3




Assista."lt F.ditor•••••••..••••••••••••••• Annette Syverson ~eature

GUI0A11 CE by Jin Orr

_Editor ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••Gail I.ngalls

To C'luote tr . l1oser , l hend of our <'uide.nce d"J:.'rt cient, "0nc f ourth of 1 coll c o r. r ~ duiltcs nll rn l~ monoy nnnunlly t.hnn d the a vor ~Re hi ~h c r.1du ~tc . The l'Oll" n i _. ••••• ••.••. Huller ·''"" t hi:s , o '"-o poi nt <"d out hie diocuasion wi th t ~·Claurl ' "-4ers<'"' ., , rreehl"' cla oo on our 7¢.. sts e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e • Q W-Uell u--r )""'"I , ' n -.0 ': h P.ui • c ..~ , a.nee prorro.m, lo l ~ t t 111£'ny otudon t o s t r t. coll"' ui vi sor ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• •••• t-s; Ore ney 1rit.hout n clcnr idcit o. i•h"lt their nim i:s in lito. , t'ies .c.u..::.. r~•tor ••.••••.• ·.•·•••• ••.•••••• Dellll.7 ct1·1e ·

Peter s

........................... .


I IG..l

C;\ I\ D J ~I ;\ L Interschool ..thletics


~!r .

Dale Tritten- I think we s hould tr;; !t )Ut backing from the lents • r:e WO ld also .l

(( g

donl vith scuneed

fairl.y good t~ to start

out with .


together .

l'r, Rudy Spencer- I believe that interschool athletics is a very good idea ..>ecause it create~ scl.ool it , and t~ats one att r action that wi.1.1 bring ::>eople to the school .

!:Z.. Ei.11 Guimaixi- I trunk ~ he S" l:le as '" le ?.ude" l e f ore i:::e . l i s Jo;rce .i.Qhertscn- lnter-chool athletics is a ~<>Ot'l d ~al . You ~et to I:leat ""'ore !'.)eople, -!ld it er~ tes i:rcod s :--ortso ;J?Shi; • Gee , will I be ..lad to '"et here ~d ~ell "!1' f ri.e....,ds I "!C.S l~1r"!>le ~p on. t~e B•. • 'er 1 s t eac : ·it: i:;o;,T.~ . · 'e b'·at the k e Ee , er 1 s fifteen -t- 1 e:; .to ~en..

'--l fh....51-Me~ad ed s•cce ~~! ul

inte~ ·

h- ve




t.., ~ t ,

eng!.n ~ ~


hon~Jtv ,

in,.ui si ~ivenc~s,

the bility to t.-ork h.ard , and the. a bi.lit.. to ,. t e.l:nr \ people.



Hiss Donna Pieratt- It 1s ! ssential for the students . : think the ··students ne~ aore activity to bring ttem



Alex Cod!rey of the hstr · t. r f ower Co . shewed a flli on Atcmic JX'\~ er entitlcx! ·"By t t' e Dcrn's ~r ly Lit;ht . rt in~on

Cues ts ·1ere J . • f-hclJX3 , district en · i:,eer for Idaho ~yartnert Of ii.iC}T. '"Y:J ; ;::::}.c:er ...oniv5.l l e , c i ty enr i ne- ~r; Geor:re Ri -~·J , r'" na(!er of t he Looter :i i ?.F..A. ; Art :ricvson, 'ith ti" e ~ ""IP of Coeur d 1 Alene; a~ JTo n::<>n :?edfo!'d, Spok:ne, geolosical e?'.£"ineer ~or ortr.· 1est l!r a nitc": Co .

Eugene Lees ,_President <:£

t~e Cha;:ite::-, \'aS in ch"' r "e ~ t~ e ccetiriP', ~"Id · p ·o."Tan c l:ai.rnan · - . e.u.l S::u t h.

He Showd Know Tell:i.~e ~ ~~ir - rai sina stonr t.c ;a bald 1-.e?c ed is ""n ex:?r.. le of · ...,.ste<'l en-



·h •


.. .


Too m.i ny

etudent.s eole

a r.w jor witht"ut sufficient cond.d r in17 their c.bilitj es .. nd thoir li l~es and c! lilcco . To rcrcdy t hi9 ni u · t lon, ?.r . J,ooer h .1r ll~ ~o::. te<I complete conflden in our cuirionco prortrar.i . Among ot.hcr virtueo c our 'Uidnnc.c r rorr 1 , t ,,.e io the pr eference r ecr r irl ich e<n · ive o. rc.•r& cur"! t.c idea of ,1h;. t a ~l: ent 111·315 or di3likcs . t he ~ ~ sis of this info~ · ion he can •tith a li~t hel " from ~is edvisors , d• c1dc ttha t is bc:-t for hi to 3tudy.


The preference r .,co s Y.e seer.inrl y irrele• ,:i c•uesti ons of" t he s tudents such a s , 11 '. 'ould yvu rat feed chi cks or c._n.are filling st tion?" or " nul you r t: er r end to 3 c valC!Jc ent or do house- ·ork7 1.s pointless as ~ .ey SO"~ the3e ouestinns b 4~ ~~ , tcmi.~c \ilr t your •· likes ~ nd llkes are, :....


Pa e

Vo l . 2

un1 or


~ 0 RI), 0 The regional Conferer. of the Associt tion of C lege Union Boards was hel at Lontana Stat.e Univer si en October "Zl , 28, and 2 The !forth Idaho Junior c... ege oelegates were Bonl :- la.rite and Claudia ~. rig T11s r e were s t.udents facult.y member s re?resen~­

the gym w.;.s Half of ecorated . Brightly light.color Z•.il d pumpkins and were placed or nstalka r:>und t.he floor . During intermission orothy Heyn sang two nUIUer s . Awards for best cosu.-:ies wer e given . I ost r l11inal w::.s 1 r . and . '" ~ t c rson , who were ri. ssed as a Chi.'1ese coule . lla r 1 le3t t o recognize ere Lary Dressen ae a C'URw, J<aV.rine Kye as a otorcyclist, and Colleen odder ao a court jaoter. est waJ Bob Par sons as a ietingu1shed gentleman and Avonna Hanvnond as a lovely ~wuiian . Funniest was Jrry Ruesch und Uirry Gue1f son, both dr ~ s sed as two dorbale old na&ds .

S udnuts ,


ti 0fl R·C .· 0 -F '..


Liur ing t.he past c:onth the Student &;ard of Directors se!ected st~dent Body sociul, ,· and revised the dis~ribu~ion of Student Bcdy Funds . 7he new Soc i al Ch-it'I:l:r. are Janis snd Joyce Adan..s . The f'u.1ds were alloted as f ollows: 5P [> r ...r.·. , 10,.. Athletics, ) Jp Publications , 25P Social, and JU~ 1 iscell...nous . The borad



Tt.urs..i.ay durin{; .c~lvi t 7 period in Room 23 : e1eryone

is invitcci t o meet.i.ns .

attend t he




'rom a key was sarved. Mr. ·~un~




were t.hc sponso rs .

Ed.' s Noto t '1 hy not moro studont mixers ? l ri to tho <"di tor It' ;:it 1

you think.

lJey s y dat youse will never see a <>Zte as ,.,urty as a Lree . y OU so I 11 t.a1Ce dis poc.e I and like it, se~ , Cue we ain't goin t o print no tree.



i-.ontana ,

Oregon, and HaW""..


Discussion topics for t ye~' s ....ui~ "\.tc.t. Is the Students nes. sibility In r.el2tion to c, duet In t.he Union," w "liow Can a Chairman h::i.rc The • roblems Fa cing H.:.n11 1: The student who trcv?.l: the farthest

to att.ena t . convention w"'s r.auriC't: • ouka , a junior at the ~ versity of H-~aii. 1.e (''" r.l ;,.ined that. c~llege L; :. Ha: aii is


s:i!.ltl..i. .:

tha t in the United Bonit~ and Claudia ho~e ' N. I . J . C. will be able le re' resentatives to f~ll.h ferenees . They wish to < rress their thu.uks to t St~dent Soard for makin;: possible for them to att.£ the convention .

81R THORYS l.ov . 18. .• ov . 19 .

Claudia l eder s Bob Bought Dean Ru Barbara Tc

Nov. 22 .

Bob Ada i<.. eilllet.h

Bur Ray .oler

~.ov .

2b .

·ov . 'l'J ,



G.:en Inga

~l R~IClLUm


FR 8LE One time tbe an1 DC!ll is had' The curriculln <Xlr'r


s~!'>QOl -

sistcd of run lin:; , cl.1.ri:>i.q.-


~ , and


all tl~e ar.ir41.s took all tJ::e -~,~

This organiza~ • ~med on October :A., !955. ·~ The officers of the club are Ray MoleodaT President. [)on Peterson, Vice Presi~ dent, and !'.arie Holmen, Se1>retary-Tr easurer . Th~ two :n,en besides our secrbtary, who' make up the third cowmittee, are Et>b P~ons and rJorman Brattie. The constitution is being prepared by Bob Parsons. Don Peterson and Bob ens Aro on the social commit~, •ilich is the main purpose ct tnis club. The housing committee is being handled by l·~rie HoJ.. mon and Norman Brattie.

VIRT CH MRKERS Thero are ei(jlt students in the NIJC School of wt. chll&ldng. Four students are now thie yoar i li!Jlimn V'erbey; Morla Hanna, JB11'1B1J Hulett, llnd David Fudge . Tho in.strilc tor is Peter !leil ,y, who otudied at the Seattle 'iatchm~ki '" School . l'ir. RoHly has t iirtv years of ox-porj onco ae e vatchmaltor.



Duck~ g~


cut glass chandler, a chiU began to work its vay thrm. h C'f1' bocy . There was sc.:r.e thing wrong with tLs r :>'l:"I Then, with cold fri~l:t the thought atruclt r.e : · had not met a single livin.' thing since I had enters this place . Uo J 1 rat had acurried across t31 floor into the saf1:oty o' darkness; no spiders 'i"er contentedly spinning the:_ webs ; no cockroaches roa: ed the walls; and even t h roonl Then the ca."lcile !"l.ickered and died, leav-i_nr ne in the darkness . It

ming, better < in - f~ t.!:a:m his i.'1.struct..or, and he passing grades in flyini;,. but he was practically b:J1:eless in running. J:rec.,-use he was low in ~his sub~9± he wa!: nade to stay inaft~r was to i:uchl

school ar.d drop bis ~ class in order to practi~e running . He ke;t this up until he t.-a.s only ave:agc in


is acceptable, worried abo1t

But a~rz-e so· , l:Obody

that eJ:Cept

the duck . The Eagle lo:D co~ider?d a probler.i pupil and was disciplined severe~ • lie" beat all others to t!-c top of t'-o tree in he n~ class, .but be t'arl to use his o·m wt:r of ~ttine there . TI>e Rab'l)it start"d out& the ~n r-f the clas:; in runnin,.., t;ut he had a nervous breakclown and had to drop out o~ school ""a:count of so rauch - make-up work- in swimming l The squiniled tho cl.1mbin& ,




teacher made him sb.rt his flying lessons from the ~rr-und up ins•ead or the top of t"le •ree er.m and he developed charley horses f'rom overexertion of the take-of and be11an to get "C's" tin climbing and 0 D1 s" in running .. The iractical Dog apprenticed their of!spring to a Badrer when the school authorities re!'uaed to add

{co nt . )

With a cry


horror I flung the l'andl.E hold"er into the blaclale s~ and burst throu~h the door way. I ran down th.a h."lrci pac;ced road vith the c;peec of a :cad:J:1an, intent only on put~ distance between 'CJY· self and that place . Why had I turned am fled in wi ld despair? I had no comr.ion adversary who in· te:ided harm. I '.':?...~ me. t more terrif:,'"l::l; · the fear which originate-:







earlmcss, 'lo:ith which no 11\llT cc>~ cope . It creates an ab solute terror, so weirrl anc electrifying that all reasa is lcs~ ; and a person isre· duced to a wild insane· ml . (T~is is a theme written for ~n lish l by ·flir.

Tritten • ) FART<: (con 1t) di.ggi.r..g to the curriculum .

At tbe end of the year 1

the abnormal Sel, who could S'W'im well, run, climb , and fly a little was made valedictorian .

( story \.'as sub.."'litted by Coyne Burne~~ . )

31A Ff

thundering herd .

. l do •s tne boss wit~ •.!.s voice like a horn, , is otfice 7ou take 70Ur' roubles uf mourn . 11"l.!t1a."lSO:i, who is .mayor our !air teflln, ..c. your br in cath he will


,) ul





Where you read ip<e mad to find out what. cooks • Bums am ...tio .ue - -mJSically incllbed ,! ' Have band am . chorus O'l their mind . For those who want a trads

or skill,

~t.,ntinl1 . lend

Dr. Ota

your ear . .. the room where t he gir la 'll'OUld like t o r oan , r. oser is seated on t he thr one . '1lr.l the hc.ll and to the r inht ?to 3 ?'OM full or ene-ine?r:J . ~xt

L'l l ine is Youn~ ' ..: c ":.e.'list:-y, it~ ~ ne ative gl.ince at to::i. ool er y . v.::ins h s the do•.>e on bu"g nnd ~oo, -.J as !or conservation, he ' :; in tho kncm . ..s .'idley t ...e Phi Thct n

a .,.)a ...dv1sor, he 1 l l offer psyc.1ology as an a potiier. o 3en.'\et t 1 s Bay we !!O , and pe-k in a house , e see r..r . .thodes as usy as a mouse. ith p ..pers from Stie Gc.vtt and Lit. o you t !l n.k he ' s l oafing ,

Not .:i bit. ..n:-lish 3..'ld

must le...rn re~'\::'y ' s I

speech we

.fa."'t'; ' da guy a •

••8 I

1 CJ.t


Priddy is called :: .-1, ·or ~ ?.ish , ?riddy is a t ho:11e

,.,. •

oe::.rl. 'ilb:!!'t



ho~s in crll:le, ,or the..~~ bl.. si....cs ~


students t ·,e:· re...l:y ru'e fine . irist.i :..1B0n a."ld r. :. . · ar~ in with the book.a ,

ReillJr' and rower.s


vill till the bill .

He teaches geology Rnd boys P. E., it's said, . But shoes worn in the gym makes ~eating see red.

.e ....



N01 ES

J.sten, kids , hc.r ... is the word . ')out the loaders of our ~.


THE C•.RDI N U. I '!l ~

'ol. 2

cooking, and art a re taught t o a clan. And the lady that d oes it


is Mrs . Stranahan. She's kept busy with hygiene, P. E., SU, Johnson




coffee, azxt J::1Bkea tbe atew. If you are wonde;i ~ about t he n:irt'l 1

Regi str- r and Tuki and t' e


I! you ' ve r

are one


~d t~iG

f l"


f acultv you 'Pe cet,

Tit'1 t.h-:: ycu CRn but rot i






;:eer. your eriotions con'rollcc don 't let t he:" run ri "o . The e • c.c .. le arc tr:,~ I'~ to

help y::u ··eet llie . Mt.dLS

Va tchmaJrao9 ~ l

· (cont) ..t \.i. lent :; , ··e t .inht hoth

t ·-e

fund<! ard t rc ·s ecte of , ..i tc' -

,.,d·1c:nc'>fi r.akL"lf. . cr.ic


t he stude-t" in


"' ?°e irit ere at ed

iT1 irtr.:.-ural act.i..viti~s . a -d inter..d t c ~~ter tre b s!-.;t b · ll l:? "Ue .

During the first week • Dec61Dber, in tra"!Ural ha sic, h 11 lY'i 1l ,tart at l.11: 'r. Keating, . Direc t or ~ Ph·,.sic~ l -d~c ati~n at tb Junior Co 1 l egt>, oo~· f'cl et.he ..,ull eton 1'oard i n t~ !!\&in lob\.yy a l i.s or l" l'lel!lhers of eostch of the et· teams . Student." shnuld. tet"'l ~ ne which is their te and contact their teai' temr~ rarv


cAntn i n.

moll! immedia 18 interer

is that during the itctiv~ period on ~.iondav, lfov1,1tr\.

21, thr members ot t .0\1 <' · l eacue telllll8 will be set ted. :.tanager s and c oncn will also ~e appoin tee! r each team . A larr;e turnc1 for those two teams is tlcipated. ~ little later in sea:iton ~'r. Keflting inte'.'I to enrour'l"e th B selec tiu: from


all NIJC baske'

hall plnv6rs , r-.oreB~L



th9 Junior CoL1 in r.-un,.s .,11h "e"ar al o•·

nearhv -1 nsti tut tons . To ~ this , ho'"'e"er , it rl.11 ·: nece!lsai-r that there b11 pood snoYTI nr, in the 1n•t mural l eal'.'Ue, and that 1• Jun ior Co l le- e c i~v lea teams do '"Ct l in c i tv c ':leti tion.

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