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Language Clubs Spanish Club
French Club
Spanish Club meetings were held at either La Senora Hassen's home or La Senora Lipshay's home . The members enterta ined themselves with specially prepared treats and by movies, slides, or discussions . One meeting was vis ited by a South Amer ican, who showed slides of his country and gave a talk. Another activity included a viewing of pre-Columbian art display and a lecture on that subject .
"Le Cercle Francais"
Since mandatory attendance is not required for Spanish Club meet ings, its members joined eagerly in the spirit of the Christmas party at the home of La Senora Lipshay. The festivities included a Mexican fiesta, a special dinner with lots of hot sauce, and the traditional pinata. Specialty of the evening was t he Spanish program of skits - one of wh ich was "Frosty the Snowman" en espanol. Gloria Montez
Th is year, Mrs. Bignall has again encouraged the French l and II students to join Le Cercle Francais . This intimate li ttle group attended meetings once a month and ga ined knowledge of French civ ilization dur ing the 15th and 16th centur ies . As slides of various French pa intings, buildings, furniture, etc . , were shown, Madame Bigna ll rapidly translated to English the French descr iption on the' accompanying tape . More knowledge of French cul ture is gained from the delicious goodies that Mme . Bignall prepares . Prior to Christmas vacation, the members were stuffed with a variety of yummies and French culture for the annual Christmas party.
Above : Most NIC students contact with Latin America, is limited; Spanish Club provides an alternative. Left: French Scholar Linda Carter struggles with a translation. Below : Mrs. Hassen, Spanish Club Advisor, monitors three NIC visitors at the Language Lab equipment.
Veterans' Club
Left to Right: Herb McDonald, Wayne J<eddish, Chuck Taggart, Dave Thomas, Ed Harberger, Steve Gillett, Jamie Schrock, Gomer Davis, Terry Van Rossum, Sam Sherwood, Robert Rider, Sue Roberts.
The A Capella Choir
The A Ca pella Choir, under the direction of Mr. Kenneth Hodgson, has put in enough hours of work to qual ify for a 5 credit cours e, but the 46 lark- lunged rneIT1bers think of it as a "rewarding experience . " Fe aturing sacred, spiritual, and folk music , the choir presented the Shrine - Ni le Benefit Concert in November, and brightened the Christmas s ea son with a pre-holiday concert in December. The major project of the choir this year was the 12 day spring tour for which the group "bussed" to Minneapolis St. Paul, presenting concerts at numerous churches and colleges on the way. Partial funds for the tour were re ceived through the annual Spaghetti Dinner, sponsored by the colleg e in March . Sporting new gowns , and under their new director, t he choir reached "new" heights in the entertainment world this year. Donna Shively
Row 1, l eft to right: Ga yle Page , Betsy Da rli ng, Ina Byfuglie n, Mar y Aim M cAvoy , Donna Shively, Barbara C a l abre tta , Vi ola C amp bell, Ja nis King, Debbi e Me llon, Ca thy La ne , Ja nice Forest, Terri Hia tt, Naomi Ba raby, Dia ne Di ckenson, Jean Sch enke n berge r, Ka th y Holla nd, Judy Cormier. Row 2: Pe1mey C a nnon, Kasey Ca rr, Ja nis Richtie , Terry Wa tson, Diane Uhl, Janet Ma nge n, Ka thy Gittel, Marcia Knott,
onnell 1 . Sue O'C Sallee Cro ' mda Feisth Johnson F:-'tJ Sandra Van W;mal, Umphre'y 1dStarehman Debby y_Erickson' iane. Sid Taylor Kmcaid, Richard Pr' ra1g Clure G ms. Row 3路 Selman S eston, Herb Mc ;orge Peters. Eric Jackson, Tim' Fuller, Kurt RoEbd Cmminghamrd LHughes, ary L ertson ' arry ynn, Dan H1"bb a rd ' Dan Boone ' 1 1 Kemp. G ' s路1
2路 D~mer, J~nice T~ttelll~路 ~1llie Ton~p~_ay
Front Row , left to right: Lanita Athol, Pat Whi te, Jean J ones, Bessie Van Rossum, Pat Conners, Back Row : Ja n e lle I<al staad, Wanda Kurt, l<aren Cossairt, LaRae Phi llips, Linda Novak, R ick Curry, Ed Haberger, Randy Dutton
Phi Beta Lambda
At meet i ngs held tw i ce a month i n the Wa lnut R oom , Ph i Beta Lambda members invol ve t hemsel ves w i th t he bus i ness wor l d . Guest speakers from var i ous Coeur d' Alene bus inesses such as banks, sma ll bus i nesses, and fac tor ies . The group has toured the adm i n i strat i on and b us i ness off i ces of plants around the Coeur d' A l ene area suc h as Potlatch Forests, l nc . and Genera l Tel ephone Co . Janelle Ka l stad, a m ember of
the NIJC group, was elected State Treasurer of Ph i Beta L ambda at the state m eet i ng. Under t he gu idance of Mr . Farmer and M i ss D unnigan, the m embers sponsored such fu nd rai s i ng- projects as Ch ristmas decorati on sales and bake sales . These and other pr oj ects are designed t o acqua i nt t he students w i th t he bus iness wor ld wh i ch they w i ll be enter ing . Janelle Kal stad and Jean Jones
Technicians' Club iXIT 路-- __,_,.,1
1. Dave Mandyke, 2. Chuck Thomas, 3. john Whitehead, 4. Scott Schock, 5. Terry Spore, 6. jean Crowman, 7. Sheryl Tibbets, 8. Kurt Wand, 9. l<im Jones, 10. Don Mylcraine, 11. Dawn l\linzel, 12. A11.hur Farrand, 13. Paul Sand, 14. Larry Morrell , 15 . Randy Dougall , 16. Dave Busick, 17. Joe Miller, 18. J<en Hart'tell, 19. Jim Madison, 20. f.'rank Hendzcl , 21. Lynn Grass, 22. Hobin Evett, 23. Wayne Crooks, 24 . John J<ero, 25. Ronald Pufahl , 26. l<athy l<elso, 27. Mr. Van l\lceck, 28. Richard I louse, 29. Mr. Cope
Student Activities Committee Left to right: Wes Hat ch, C orinne Schmand, Kathy Kelso, Craig Johnson, Janelle Kalstaad, Jean Schenkenberger, St ev e Houchin
The Student Activities Committee provided more than ample opportunity for social involvement. In addition to the usual dances and convocations, movies and firesides of a broad range of topics were oCfered to meet the interest ev idenced by NI.JC students . SAC al so prov ided a poster serv i ce for c l ubs and organizations as a method of improv ing intra - school communication. Works by stude nt and professional art i sts displ ayed through the coord inating efforts of SAC were taken .
Campus Days This page: The Kissing Marathon begins its record - breaking seventeen hours and fifteen minutes . Opposite page, left: As the contest continued Sue Malm a nd Dave Russell, one of the nvo winni ng couples, did their best for comfort. Top right: After the Raft Race, the winners wait for their beer mugs. Bottom: Friday afternoon came the Bed Race, in which the contestants started at Seventh Street on Sherman and sped to the sub.
Top: Carolyn Merritt, Judy Watson, Barbara Calabretta, and Linda Feisthamel come in for a landing in the Raft Race . Bottom: At the final event, the Barbecue, Chuck Durand gives the hambmgers a taste of his cooking ability.
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Top: Competition for the Wheelbarrow Race begins. Center: Beginning Campus Days was the annual Tug of War. Here the sophomores, breaking their tradition, give way to the freshmen. Bottom: In the Pie Eating contest, Phil Harris contributes a little cream towards Butch Miller.
Drama Under the advisorship of Miss Karen Krebbs , the Theatre students found a room of the ir own this year. The whiteframe building behind McHugh housed a combination c ostume construction and coffee - drinking area. Two productions, BAREFOOT IN THE PARK and GHOSTS , kept most people busy working on costumes, props , and scenery. Other changes included offcampus meetings and experi mental acting exercises . All in all, it was a strange year for everyone. Karen Krebbs
Graduation 1971
Basketball Bobby Jacobs pulls in another rebound.
Flashing brass and solid sounds paced the Cardinal's attack.
1 The Powder Magazine Museum collection became a half-time standard. Below: Frank Taylor scores against SFCC.
Terry Voilles scraps for the ball.
- ¡
Terry Voiles waiting for free throw to drop through the hoop.
Johnny Williams was named as the Northwest Community College Basketball League's first Most Valuable Player in balloting by conference coac hes . 1970-71 was the tri-state league's first season of official conference play. Listed at 6-foot-2, the Gary, Ind. , freshman forward was the league's leading rebounder with an average of 16. 0 per game. Williams ranked second in field goal accuracy with . 583 and was third in conference scoring with an average of 18. 2 points per game. Williams also 24
Johnny Williams showing Montana
averaged 17. 2 points per game on the overall season a nd pulled down 14. 3 rebounds per game on the overall season. William's play was one of the main reasons coach Roland Williams' Cardinals were 22-7 on the overall season and 5- 1 in conference action. North Idaho also was the runner-up to College of Southern Idaho in the National Junior College Athletic Association's Region 18 Tournament. .Joining Williams on the allconference team was Ray
joh1my Williams and Bill Fahey do battle in a practice session.
State how to tip in two points.
Billingsley, a sophomore, sharpshooting guard . At 5foot-11, the Gary, Ind . , na tive was another key factor in North Idaho's success this season. He was fourth in scor ing in regular league play with an average of 16 . 1 and seventh in overall sea son scoring with 14 . 8. Billingsley also was the top foul shooter for the league and the Cardinals . He ripped the nets at a . 920 c lip in regular league play and at . 857 on the overall season . He a !so was North Idaho's leading ass ist man with 39. Will iams fol lowed him close ly with 38 .
Jim Lowther (# 10) scores two for North Idaho .
November November December December December December December December December January January January January January January January Februa ry February February February February February February February February March March
27 28 2 4 5 8
12 14 18 9
15 16 19 23
29 30 4 5 9 12 13
16 20 26 27 4
Yakima Valley College Yakima Valley College Spokane Falls Community College Walla Walla Community College University of Idaho Frosh Columbia Basin College Gonzaga University Frosh University of Montana Frosh College of Southern Idaho University of Montana Frosh Washington State University Frosh University of Idaho Frosh Spokane Falls Community College Washington State Unive rsity Fros h Blue Mountain Community College Walla Walla Community Col1ege Treasure Valley Community College College of Southern Idaho I3ig Bend Community College Montana State University Frosh Montana State University Frosh Big 13end Community College Blue Mountain Community College Treasure Valley Community College Gonzaga Un iversity Frosh Southwestern Oregon College College of Southern Idaho
83 - 62 87-64
72-54 69 - 70
101-89 88-72
84-69 95-72 71-83
79-66 57-58 74 - 66 65-58 65-69 104- 73
90- 71 100- 67 79-95 71-76 82-51 105-65 97-51
107-64 69-39 77-62 102-70 65 - 68
Action during the arumal intrasquad game for the benefit of Norlh Idaho fans .
Montana State gets two ag ainst C a rds.
Roy Jacobsen displays some ball handli ng in Region 18 Tournament.
Chris C l ark puts up a shot against Montana State.
This season has been especially gratifying for a number of reasons . Not only was our 20win/7-loss record excellent, but our team finished 6th in the nation for defense which exemplifies our team discipline . All of the young men responded with positive efforts to effect ively carry t hrough our requests wh ich definitely made the whole team a pleasure to coach . The teamwork displayed at the games a nd during practices showed outstanding cooperation among the team members and resultantly produced a fine season . There were many exciting games and fantastic individual performances by a number of our team members , especially those of Johnny Williams who captured numerous awards including a NJCAA All-American Selection. Our pride is obvious with this team since it accomplished superb results , but our thoughts reac h to the future and the success we hope to achieve when the majority of these players return for basketball action next year . Roland Williams Athletic Director Head Basketball Coach
Johnny Williams fires a shot against Montana State.
In its second year , North Idaho's wrestling program be gan to pay dividends . A league championship and ninth ranking nationally were highlights for the season. Five Cardinal matmen took individual league titles as the squad rolled to an easy victory in the team scoring. North Idaho also took the team championship at the prestigious Pendleton Invitational Tournament which drew many outstanding squads from North-
Wrestling I ~
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Coach Pecha remains confidently calm.
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Coach Bill Pecha presents the b:ophy for most pins to Tary Richardson, while Terry Ceynar, winner of most valuable wrestler and highest percentage of initia l takedowns awards, loo ks on.
west two-year schools. In the International Freestyle Tournament held at Calgary, Canada, North Idaho's wrestlers finished a strong third behind host Calgary, last year's Canadian national champion. In NJCAA Regional activity, the Cards also finished third. The Regional Winner, Clakamus, went on to take the national
team championship. Terry Ceynar, Greg Luna, Randy Duncan, and Steve Thew won national tournament berths for the championship wrestle-offs. With only Fee lost through graduation, the future prospects of North Idaho wrestling look bright indeed.
Bill Izzi's sit- out attempt was foiled.
How路s of hard practice prepared Cardinal grapplers for competition. /\bove Terry Ceynar works to break down teammate Randy Duncan.
Card Grapplers Score 16-6-1 NIJC Wrestling Records Date
December l December 8 December 15 January 4 January 4 January 9 January 15 January 16 January 16 January 16 January 23 January 27 January 30 January 30 February 5 February 6 February 8 February 12 February 13 February 13 February 13 February 16 February 16
Gonzaga Spokane Community Gonzaga Montana Eastern Washington Big 13end Yakima Idaho W.S. U . JV Blue Mountain Yakima Columbia Basin Flathead Valley Calary University Idaho Columbia Basin W. S. U . JV Spokane Community Treasure Valley Blue Mountain Mt. Hood
34-5 28- 15 34-5 33-11 25-20 32-10 23-23 19- 16 21-16 25-10 16-24 6-32 41-3 37-5 15-22 10-22 10-29 19-24 34-6 27-9 28- 8
Flathead Valley
Northern Montana
Left: Gary Richardson pulls back on his opponent to break his bridge . Below: Steve Thew strains to turn his heavyweight opponent.
Individual Wrestler Statistics Name
Total Record
Duel Record
Total Pins
Terry Ceynar Rob Eachon Rob Packard Randy Duncan Gary Richardson Jerry Burns Chuck Amico Tony Travis Bill Izzi Gary Heilman Tary Richardson Greg Luna Mike Fee Steve Thew Butch Miller
23-7-2 4-11-2 3-8 20- 14 16- 13 6-7-1 10-15 6-16 21-16-1 10-7-1 22-10 24-11-1 13-18-1 21-10 0-7
10-1-2 1-4-2 2-6 7-6 12-4 4-4-1 6-7 4-9 10-7-1 8-5-1 10-3 13-5-1 7- 9- 1 12-4 0-3
0 0
6 l
2 0 0 6
13 8 7
10 0
Bill l z zi steps out during pre-match introductions. Others shown are left to right: Steve Thew, Mike Fee, Greg Luna, T ary Richardson, Gary Heilman, Chuck Amico, Gary Richardson, and Terry Ceynar. Seated are Coach Bill Pecha and team manager Ron Robinson.
Left: Mike Fee moves for a cradle.
Disappointment engulfed the Card bench following one of the season's few losses.
Greg Luna's Spokane opponent fights to keep his shoulders from the mat while Greg applies m9re pressure.
Terry Ceynar turns Columbia Basin opponent for a near fall.
Card 9 finishes 14-14 The Cardinal Baseball Club finished its finest season of competition in the Northwest Community College League this spring. It ranked second, breaking even with a 6 and 6 record as it also did for the regular season, ending at 14-14. Big wins this season include first - ever victories over Spokane Falls and W. S. U. Junior Varsity. Leading the team of-
fensively were Chris Clark, Most Outstanding Player, with a . 368 batting average, Don Murrell with a . 349, and Roy Jacobson with . 313 . Clark, Tim Turrell, and Gary Ulvan were the mainstays of the pitching corps. Ulvan's 5-1 record topped the list of winning pitchers . The Cards have 6 returning starters back for the nuc leus of the squad for next year .
Track Below: Up--up --and a wa y goes broa d jumper, Jim Lowther.
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Above : Explosive strides put Steve Anthony ahead of his fellow competitors at the staggered start of the 220 yard dash. Obscured by third man is North Idaho's Mark Grannis. Be low: Tension, boredom, and exhaustion accompany any track meet. Shown a re: (left to right) Dana Smith, Steve Anthony, Terry Morris, Roy Baldwin, Tony Tra vis, and Lyle Baldwin .
.... 42
TRACK 1971 This spring the North Idaho th incl ads captu r ed 2 wins on t heir track schedule -- the Blue Mountain Invitatio nal and the North Idaho Invitational.
Steve Echevarria cuts tape from his ankles wh il e pausing after his victory in th e triple jump.
At the Conference Championsh ip he ld in Kalispell , the group realized 5 wins . Steve Anthony broke the tape in the 220 yard dash, Chuck Eixenberger won the 880 yard run, and Roy Baldwin jumped the 440 yard intermediate hurdles . Alo ng with these, the 440 relay tearn --Steve Anthony, Roy Ba ldw in, Mike Fee, and Ma r k Grannis and the m i le relay team--.Ji m Lowther, Steve Anthony, Roy Baldwin, and Chuck Ba ldwin carried the baton for two mo r e nu mber one spots. Portland hosted the Region 18 NJCAA Meet where North Ida ho placed 9th out of 18 teams . At the end of the s e a son , the North Idaho thinclad voted Most Outstand ing Trackman by his fellow teammates was Roy Baldwin .
Roy Baldwin ' s face contorts with pain as he lunges for the tape and victory in the 100-yard dash .
Golf NIC 's golf record this year reflects the chill winds which hampered the squads practice . Only two matches were won, both in dual play. Columbia Basin College was dumped 10-8 and Flathead Community College f e 11 by a 13- 2 score .
Opposite Page: Top: Gary Ackerman lines up a shot . Top right: Jim Morton takes a sw i.ng . Left: Steve Wilson watches his bal I. This Page : Center: Jeff Hayenga putts. Top: Scenes of tourney with Columbia Basin College . Below : Doug Nelson watches his shot.
... .
VocationalTechnical Department
With an instructor-student ratio of l : 15 the Vocational Technical Department provides a unique opportunity for educational growth . The small classes and individual attention made available by this ratio allow a true rapport between student and teacher which is se l dom achieved in conventiona l classrooms . Such closeness, when coupled with the excellently equipped laboratories guarantees students of lorth Idaho's Vo-Tech programs a top qua I ity learning experience . It is these qualities and the exce l lent counseling which account for the 703 completion rate of students enrol led in vocat i onal programs .
Suggestions from advisory committees comprised of professional and industry consultants resulted in a number of changes in the 11 vocationa l- technical programs . This continual re-examination of goals and procedures resulted in outstanding success in placing vocational graduates in jobs--100% of the Data Processing students, for example, gained employ ment through their internship program experience. The Marketing and Merchandising program became a 10 month course with intensive field trip experience covering many manageria l problems . J3oth the LPN and Data Processing programs were rev ised to become 11 month courses with appropriate co ur se work changes reflected . In addition to the program changes, new faculty members added included Mrs . Glennie, LPN Nursing; Mr . Welton, Forestry; and Mr. Stone, Data Process ing .
A quantity of new equipment was added to the vocational depart ments in what Director Clarence Haught noted as. "a very good year for equipment gains . " Leading the list of acqu i sitions was an IBM 1130 computer system for the Data Processing program . Under the directi on of Mr . John Stone, the new computer was utilized by many segments of the college co mmunity . Also added were el ectro ni c tune-up and rest equipment for the Auto Mechani cs program . Drafting students were prov ided w i th new prec i s i on survey instruments . The Welding program was enhanced by the addition of TIG and MIG welding equipment. This equipment gave NIJC vocational instructional facilities comparable with the best shops in the United States .
Nadine Ackerman Laneta Atha Ali /\.zadegan
Susan Babbitt Richard B. Bailey Stanley N. Bailey
Gene Ball Virginia Balsor Naomi Baraby
Sophomores Dennis Beauchamp Mervin Beck Robert Bergor Marjorie Berry Walter Berry Raymond Billingsley
Connie Bingman Dan Blood Russel Bohn Mollie Boman R<rndall Boynton Betty Braddock
Bruce Bradshaw Leo H . Bruderer John Buffa Dennis Burt David W. Busick Kathleen Buvel
Eleanor Cadw.ll.i.dor Ricki Cameron Viola E. Campbell Rudy Carlson Barbara A . Carns Barbara Jean Carns
Ann Caron Steve Carson Harvey Chandler Walter Chesnut D.ive C . Clark Phoebe Clure
Jack R. Collison Rona Id Colstad Jud}' Colwell Jo Cothern W.iyne Crooks Gary Cuff
Elmer ClU'rie Michael Daly Betsy Darling Mich.lei Dawson Willi.im C . Dickinson Joanne Diltz
Patricia J. Diltz Ga1y Ditmore Joa1u1e Dofc lmier Lwcrne Dofelmier Nancy Donald Dann Douglas
Charles Dougl.1s Monte D. Dumont Gary Dunning Charles H. Dlll'and Chuck Eixenberg e r Ro bert J. Elgce
George Emmett Deiuiis F.n1lstich Ger.ild Ford Kathryn Foutz Roger Fulton Randy Gardner
Gordon G.irner Steve Gillett Rick Grabenstein D .1lc W. Greeno Jay Gridley Bert Gunsalus
Clayton Gunsalus Pamela Hackney Larry Haight Doug Halliday Jack Hamilton Marvin Hanks
Steven M . Harrington Marlin Harris Margaret Harrison Jon Harwood Wade W. Hawley William Hembd
Stephen I lendricks Sus.in Hermam1 Henry Herrera Juan M . Herrera D an E. Hibbard Mi ke Hill
Kathy H . Holland Kenneth Holmes Juliann Horton Steve Houchin Chris Hughes Donna Huhta
Hugh Hunter Ann M . lhly Paula Jack son Beverly Jarstad Li nda ] cnicck Roger John
Steve Johnson Thom;1s Johnson Vance Johnson Jean Jones Gary Judd Grant Jwelfs
Jeanne Kachner Janelle Kalstad James Kauffman William Kaufman Scan K. Keane Wayne Kedish
Ed Beverly George Ives Betty McCain
Tom Ke llogg Kath}' Ke l sa Da rre ll Kerby Kathy Ki es Kay Kinc a id Lance R. Koep
Mel anie M . Koep Ron Koe p Mary Koopse n Wanda Kurt Dan L~tcy Cathy J. Lane
Kathy Lenker Kevin Lennon G eorge Linney Mary J\nnc Lipshay Vikki Lowry Rich ~ud Lund
Ga1y Lym1 Scott Mcl<ah~in Susan McLain Tim Mc Quinn D ean Magee Michael Magura
David Mandyke Fred M;:um Debbie Mellon Ron Mendive Sherlene Mendive El'ic Mescher
Doug Miller Joan Miller Joseph Miller Linda Miller Thomas Miller Alan Moody
Joyce Moreau Terry Morgan Don Murrell Roland Naccarato Vernon Newman Mary Newton
Da l e Parsons, Vocational Counselor
Pamela Nichols Scott Nichols Judy Noordam Linda Novak Terry Ogden Joyce Ohnemus
Douglas Olin Arthur Oliver Joan Pare Lynda Parker Pawlette Parriott George Peters
Herbert Peters Teresa Peters Linda Peterson Mike Piekarski Greg Piller Kenneth Pierce
Anthony Popp Jannine Pucci Ronald Quincy
Steven Rasor Juanita Reed Donald Rice
Gregory Rice Lee Richmond Robert Rider
Ronald Robinson Ted Roof David Russell
Dean of Faculty, Raymond Stone
Jack Sala Stanley Sanderson Donna Satchwell Ned Satterlee Cynthia Scheel Jean Schenkenberger
James Schrock Tim Selman Mike Shepperd Da rlene Shriner Duane Simon Katherine Sims
Robert Sims Majorie Smith Ken Solberg Juli Soini Stephen Souther Louis Speelmon
John Spivey Susan Spivey Michael Staley Lawrence Stein Terry Stephenson Rebecca Steve
Shelley Stoddard Jolm Stone Bill Strange Eileen Stuart
Euming Sue Wing Joseph Sue Wing /\nita Swendener Jim Taylor
Keith Tharmahlen Gean Tindall David Tracht Neil Tucker
Mike Tuel Milton D . Turley Deborah Turnbull Carl Twidt Gary Vanhorn Dorothy Van Kleeck
Bessie Van Rossum Larry Van Rossum Sandra Van Wormer Steve Voltalini Jeff Wachter Chris Wellman
John Weis-ÂŁ Kirk Westfall Jolm Whitehead Rodney M. Willard David Williams Susan Williamson
Michael Winkleman Douglas Witham John Wixson Steven Wood Dennis Wright Lawrence Wright.
Robert Abbott Lenore Absec Gary Ackerman Dick Adams Dora Adams Edward Adams
Barbara Adkins Doran Adkins James Alexander Kenneth Allenberg Francine Ames Charles Ami co
Steve Anthony Raelene Anderson Doreen Anundson Pierina Arnold Bernard Artz Daniel Austin
Richard W. Baese Larry Bagwill Fred Ball Edward L. Bangeman
George Barnhart Ronald L. Boune
Bernard Boy Barbara Beach Paul R. Beaudry Genevieve Becker Sandra Beckham David Beliveau
Dale R . Bennett Lloyd Bennett Linda Berger Greg Bergquist Ray Beuskens Howell Birdwell
Debbie Blacketer Chris Blickensderfor Leon Blood St ephen Boe Suzanne M . Bonallo Daniel Boone
John Boss Alfred Bowen David Bowers
Neola Bowers Richard Braddock Delbert Bradshaw
Samuel T . Brasch Robert Brenner Richard Bright
Freshmen Alan Brown Allen L. Brown Janet E. Brown Larry Brown Sharon Brown Darlene Brueggeman
Suzanne Brunner Randy G . Bryngelson Juanita Buhl Priscilla Bunn Gerald Burns Stephen Burton
Mike Buschbacher Sandy Butler Ina Byfuglien Sonia Byran James Byrd Lillian Cain
Barbara Calabretta Alan Callahan C.irolyn Campbell Margarita Cano Penny P. Cannon Bonnie Capparelli
Jeff C arlson Joe (Rocky) Carneiro Kat harine Carr Dan E. Carrico Beverly Carson David Carson
Donald Carter Lynda Carter Mary L. C arver Ka ren Cossairt Ric hard R . Costa Terry J. Ceynar
Ken Chambers Archie R. Champion Linda Chaney Sherry Chase Vernon Church Callie Cleveland
Jerry Cobley Cheryl E. Coleman Lonnie R. Coleman Steven Coles William R. Colhoff Dwayne W. Colli ns
William Collins Dougl as Compton Gloria Compton Patricia Conner John W. Conrow Dennis Cooper
Franklyn Cordell Judy Cormier Lois Covill Marilee Cox Farrell J. Croman Sallee Crow
Edwin Cunningham Tom Daniel Randy Davenport Marilyn Davis Myron Davis Jan Dean
Mr. Stoker
Mr. Sprague
Jack Delovan Anne E. Denison Harry DeRoshia Herbert DeVore Wi lliam Dickerson Diane Dickison
Rosemary Dieme rt Michael Dolan Darrell Dougall Randy Dougall Marvin Dow Marlys Drain
Warren Keating
Bernard Draper Wilma Dropulick Randy Duncan Randy Dutton Stephen Echevarria Stephen Edmonds
John Edward William Ehrmantrant Robert Elgin Linda Ellison Kenneth J. Elwood Cindy Emery
John Emmett Dan English Billie Erickson Jim L. Etherton Robin Evett Rick Fadness
Bill fohey Ron Fairch ild Janette Farmer l\rthor Farrand Pam Faust Mike Fee
Melinda Feely Lynda Feisthamel R ich ard Feisthamel Terry Ferguson Mark Fischer Shirley Fiscus
Terrance Fisher Tom Fisher Duane Fitch Peg Fitzgerald M.try Flegel Beverly Fossum
Gilda Fountain Gerald Frank Allen Frederick Ronal d Fritz Dale Fritische Wendy L. Frymire
Lawrence Fuller Li.ume Fullmer Archie Collen Neil Ga llaghe r Donald G.i.nt Warren G.trdipe
Michael Gaylord Walte r Gaylo rd Stephen Gergor Richard Gerh.trd Gordo n Ge r ken john Ge rlitz
Dennis Gervais Linda Gilman Joe Ginter K.tthy Gittcl Doyle Given Clayton W. Goodson
Mary Kaye Goodwin Raymond Graham Mark Gr.mnis Mara Lee Grant Teresa Greene Linda Greenfield
Lyrm Gross Mike Groth Candace E. Grwner Isabelle Grygny Michael Haines Gloriane Hama1m
Timothy Ham.um Linda Hancock Kurtis Hand Larry Hansen Leah Hanson Vernon Hanson
John Har ms Ro bert W. Harriman Bud J. Harris William Harris Alan Harrison Nancy Harsh
Ma rk Hartley Kenneth Ha1tzell Gwen Hauck Terry Hauck Marty Hayes David Hazzard
Kathy Hegvet Gary Heilman Randy Heinemeyer Shary n Heisel John Heiser Frank Henclzel
Ruth Herming Teres.t Hiatt James Hite Ken Hodgson Kristi Holbert Terry Holliday
Patricia Holm Donald Holmes Larry Holstein Ernest Horn Teena Hosie Richard House
David Howerton Bill Hudson Josephine Hudson Robert Huggins How;ud Hughes Joe 1lumphrey
Kathy Humphrey Timothy Hunt Willi.i.m Izzi Don Jackson Eddie Jackson Scott Jackson
Bobby Jacobs Roy Jacobson Candice James Ralph Jameson George Janatsch Bill Jen.kins
David Jen.kins /\Ian Jennings Sheil.1 Jens en Bruce Jolmson Craig Jolmson David Johnson
Debbie Johnson Dougl.1s Johnson Jay Johnson Leo Johnson Lom1a Johnson Nancy Johnson
Grego1y Jones Jam es Jones Kim Jones Philip Jones Marvin Karn Sheila Keane
11,trry Kellas Nancy Kellme r WillLtm Kem p i\ imette Kennedy Jeffrey Kenyon M,trvin Keough
Bl aine Keppner John Kero Jerome Kie bert Wayne Ki es Don Killion William Kinzer
Darrel Kirking . William Kirkpatrick Stephen Knoblick Marcia Knott W,tde Kobs Tom Kom
Kent Krane Gregory Kristof Melvin Kuhlman Ted Lacy Timothy La Marche Mike Lance
Janet Langston Geraldine L~trsen Francis La rson Janet Larson Marvin Larson Cathy Laventu re
Gary J. Lee Helen Legard Frederick Lindsey Deni Linhart Suuie Live l y Susan Lomas
Connie Long J ames Lontz Dan Lo per J.tmes Lowther Floyd Luke Paula Lul<lnich
H.my Kellas
N.tncy Kellmer William Kemp Aimette Ke1u1edy Jeffrey Kenyon M.trvin Keough
Blai ne Keppner John Kero Jerome Kiebert Wayne Kies Don Killion William Kinzer
Darrel Kirking . William Kirkpatrick Stephen Knoblick M.trcia Knott W.tde Kobs Tom Korn
Kent Krane Gregory Kristof Melvin Kuhlman Ted Lacy Timothy La Marche Mike La nce
J.l1let Langston Geraldine Larsen Francis Larson J.tnet La rson Marvin Larson Cathy Laventure
G.try J. Lee Hel en Legard Frederick Lindsey Deni Linhart Suuie Lively Susan Lomas
Connie Long J.une s Lontz Dan Loper J.tmes Lowther Floyd Luke Paula Lukinich
Gregory Luna Richard Lynch Rhondy Lyons
Harry McCall Maureen McCammon Paul McCold
Ch:i.rlotte McCocklc Dana June McCuaig Beatrice McCwin
Russell Soderling
Leonard Cope
John McFarl.md Larry McClocklin Pâ&#x20AC;˘ltrick Mcilvain Juanita McKeen William McKeen Erma McLean
James McMurtrcy Dennis McNall Phillip McNearney Robert McPherson /\ lice Mabe Helen M<tc k
John Mack Sharon Magee Christine Mahoney Susan Malm Janet Mangan Virginia Maiming
Michael Martin jerry Medley Jo Ann Meeker Cal'olyn Merritt Ceral<l Migota 13enj,unin Mike lson
Mary Mikesell Ca1'0lyn Miller Dan Miller Diana Miller Floyd Miller Willia m Miller
Herbert Millhorn Patrick Miner Dawn Minzel Ed Mitchell Gary Mitchell Rob e rt Moate
Gloria Ann Montez Doug Moore Pamela Moore Marcia Morgan Larry Morrell Jack Morris
Marc i a Morris Patti Morris Terry Morris James Morton William Morton Linda Mossburgh
Pam Mould David Mourning Douglas Mouseau Dennis Mulalley Dianne Murray Donald Mylcraine
Leo Nai man Delbert Napier Tana Nea ring Terre nce Needham Christine Neely Doug Nelson
Morris Nelson Patricia Ness Doug Nettl eingham Eugene Newmayer Donald Nichols Glen Nickerson
John Oborne Sue 0 'Cormell Sherry 0 1Co1mer Sybil Odenthal Bernard Oehrling Edward Ogden
Ronald Okon Mark Olesberg Glenna Olsen Carla Olson Kenneth Olson Noel Olson
Robert Olson Roy Olivieri Charles O'Malley Mary O'Malley Cathy Ortega Loretta Ortiz
Allen Osborne Jon Overland Robert Packard Gayle Page Mathilda Pappel Carmen Parriott
Randall Parsons Raymond Parsons Cristie Patzer Holly Peck Eddi e Pederson Wayne Pederson
Charles Pennington Jean Peters Gary Peterson Marcia Peterson Sarah Peterson Terry Peterson
Bill Phillips Denise La R ae Phillips Kenneth Phuff Douglas Pierce Kathleen Pierce Kathy Pierce
Dennis Ponsness Ellen Pooley William Powell Steve Pratt Joh n Prescott Richard Preston
Barry Price Ronald PuFahl Nona Rambo Richard Ramsay Pe1Uly Ramsey Diane Rand all
Beverly Rasor Michael R aymond Muriel Reed Birgitta Responts Darlene Reynolds Marguerite Reynolds
Louise Rice Gary Richardson Jill Richardson Tary Richardson Janice Richey Jeanne Richmo nd
Gary Ricketts John Rider Kipp Riebe Steven Riffle Daniel Ripley La rry Riplinger
David Roberge Susie Roberts Kurt Robertson Thomas Rockwell Christy Roe Dorothy Root
Ray Rou nds David Rowley Philip Rudy Judy Ruff Mike Ryan /\lcta Saddler
Paul Sand Terry Sandau Mary Sanderson
Anne Satchwell Dennis Satterlund Patti Saunders
Michael S.twicki David Schauer Douglas Schiebler
Robert Schloss Corinne Schmand Terri Schmand
Mrs. Jessick
David Schockley Sally Schreiber Cliff Schuerman Frank Schumacher Michael Scott Neil Seerley
T homas Selberg Vicki Sellers Rich Seymour Randall Shaver Tim Shepperd Susan Sherman
Joh n Sherwood Patty Shobe C heryl Siroshton Dave Siroshtan Earl Sisson Diana Skantel
Nancy Smalley Clifton Smith Dana Smith Duane Smith Keith .Smith
Leslie Smith
Wayne Smith Leah Solberg Jim Solomon Harry S auz~l Claude Spinaaa Teri Spinaaa
Ed Spooner Terry Spoor Duffy Stackhouse Glen Starchm~u1 La rry Steadham Leland Steinbre1mor
Edith Stellman Patricia Stephens La ny Stevens Edn.t Stevenson David Stillman Robert Stillman
Douglas Stockdale Dan Stone Paulette Stott Robert Straw Denice Strobel Kathryn Sumner
Andy Swanson Bruce Swofford Ge rry Taylor Julie Taylor Russell Taylor Sidney Taylor
Ma rtin Teall Steven Thew Carolyn Thienes Terrill Thom Charles Thomas David Thomas
Craig Thompson Joan Thompson Richard Thorp Sheryl Tibbets Larry Timblin Doug Tocid
Billie Tompkins Frances Totten Tony Travis Michael Tredw<ty Willia m Tredway Linda Trittipa
Jay Troy Gary Turk Mathew Turnbull Timothy Turrell Diane Uhl Gary Ulvan
Di.tnne Umphrey Lee Underwood Shelley Vail Janet Vandecar Kathy Vandenberg Ron ~lld Van Gundy
Carroll Varns Terry Violes Robert Vollrath Ba rbara Vota va Rodney Vowels Robert Waldvogel
John Walters Debbie Wam1c r Jerome Waskosky Terry Watson Madge Watts Kreg Webb
Robert Weber Betty Wend land James Whaley Joel White Roger White Greg Whit man
Gerald Whitney Rowena Widmer Herbert Wiens Clayton Wilbanks Polly Wilbur Mary Shinn
Robert Wilcox Henry Wilson Robert Wilson Stephen Wilson Stephen K. Wilson
Roger Wisc Linda Wolfgr:tm Kathleen Wood K:.ty Worley W.trrcn Wutzke
Marie Yanzick Gregory Yo1y:.tn Mike Yliniemi Robert Young Kenneth Zehm
Second Semester Students Pete J\nderson Ray Barnett Phillips Berendsen La rry Biggerstaff Trenneth Biggs
Tom Billingsley Michael Bardon Grant Brockus Dave Burke James Carman James Cary Craig Clure
Connie Colstad Mitchell Compton Warren Conklin Kathy Coulston John Davis Rick Diemert Caty Gilliland
Tom Gilmore Cheryl Griffith Ron Hartig Herb Hasz Bill Hasz Sam Howard
John W. Johnson Ernie Jorgenson Bernard Knapp Lana Lindberg Larry Lyons Bob l'\lcDaniel
John McDonald Greg Mackin John Malcolm Wilma Mitchem Everett Morris Larry Morrison
Mark Munson Mike Nolander David L. Oakes Darrell Orr Robert Peterson Curtis Price
Kim Redmond Howard Roose John Rugg Kent Sawyer Dave Scates Clark Serda!
Bill Simm Albert Sl..1ter Sidney Taylor Maurice Therrhn Sonj.1 Verbaugge Jim Ward
Daniel Warden Joette Ward i.rn Tom Watson James White Carl Wright Richard Zabel