Yearbook 1974 Driftwood

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Beginning Days Clockwise From U Locomotion in f . pper Left: bicycle. air weather is often b Ann L y . e unceford and R ~ the process of maki ose treager involved ona Rambo walks . ;g s udent ID cards cheery smile. in o the SUB with a . The Reference Se t路1 appears relative! c ~n of the library Students queue upy ca m. on registration d ay.



M i ke Johnson exerc ises his musc les.

Paul Richey, T erry Durl and, and Tony Gongora relax duri ng a break.

Preparing for Play

Women's physical education class (P.E. course 103) is involved in a rousing game of field hockey.

Dan Siefert is taking time out to watch fellow athletes.


Common Pursuits in Learning Clockwise From Upper Left: Chuck Seales is operating a TV camera at a public forum. The forum is being recorded for later viewing on community television. Patty Gerlitz works on her Biology notes in the Student Un ion Building in preparation for her afternoon class. John Soini plays electronic piano in music lab. Ross Woodward, KJRB news director, a ppears to be meditating before he enlightens students on the Finite Limitations of the Environment.



Life in the SUB


Clockwise From Upper Left: Laverne Dietze l talks with Lynne ! Vetter. Tom Mathes and Nancy Haught study for a midterm examination. Barb Haines. l aughs at the witty repartee. Dan Lund and Tony Stewart enjoy a hearty l unch whi le David Cohn and Jim Crowe ponder the ir next chess moves. An uni dentified coed dashes for the dry sanctuary of the SUB and a warming cup of coffee.


Clockwise From Upper Left: Up With People group sings out to students. John Hanson, the campus book critic, takes a stro ll. Don Sprague strikes a lecture pose. ~teve Wi I Iiams and Kevin Paulas take it easy between classes. Debbie Wi Ison makes a terrible face for the camera. Craig Singer looks thoughtfu l after being elected next year's student body vice-president.


Campus Pandemonium r


Perspicacious Persons

C lockwise From Upper Left: Don Sprague looks inte l ligent in his office. Donna Lucas poses in the autumn sunshine. A strip of a contact sheet that contains Dean Bennett, Chris Anstine, and Al Sherman. Merlin Mi ller, art instructor, enrolls a student during registration. Holl y Bunn is on the receiving end of SUB communica tions duri ng a break in c l asses. Steve Wi ll is, Eddie Mc Cal I and Connie Hand talk during the cruise aboard the Dancewana during opening week.







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Ta ki ng Pa rt in School Activities


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People Relating

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C lockwise Fro m L ower L eft: Ms. Tinsl ey-J ohnson confers with a student. Connie Sue Phi ll ips l istens attentively to a friend. The Up With People singing group provides entertainment for the students. Jordan B laschka smiles from beneath a car. Maureen Taylor, Debbie Walker, Kathy Taylor and Marcia Peterson leave for a basketbal I tournament. Joan Py le efficiently runs the co l lege book store.


People at Work


Clockwise From Upper Left: Chris Accord gives a ticket to an unsuspecting culprit. Chris Schonewald writes notes on campus grounds. Warren Ratcliff and Francis Heck engage in automotive repair. Wayne Kovash, Jim Backmeier, Stuart Lawson, Harold Kosanke, Lance Stanley work at an exhilarating game of foos ball. An Up With People entertainer gives a fine performance. Kathy Anderson studies with intense concentration. Laurie Holland and Diane Lamb work on an interesting experiment in chemistry.



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Focusing on People







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From Upper Left: Students watch a popcorn forum. Tony Kapaun strolls to class. Tim Elgee enjoys school sponsored activity. Bob Bowen reads notes during an outdoor class. Wes Hatch, Left, Directors of Student Union confers with Dave Davis; Kent Kirby devours a bean burrito in a single bite.

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Enjoying the Out-of-Doors

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Clockwise From U pper L eft: Hope Montes, Jan Gillhover, Nancy Stebbins leave administration bui lding . Ron Deffenbaugh, Dee Anne Mc Carley and Mark Mead absorb the spring sunshine. Bill McEnany snatches a frisbee in flight. Smiling Chuck Wortman escorts Chri s Schonewa ld. Charly Rose, Steve Oliver, Wayne Grubb, Bob Hyellum, T erry Hammac, J eff Young, and Wayne Ko vash loiter in the parking lot. Ronda Johnson, Debbi e Morgan, Dan El liot, Mark Wil son, Bi ll Young, Vi c Kelly, Rich Phillips, and Lee Rights converse in the sun.




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Clockwise From Upper Left: National Champion Ray King hefts teammates Terry Durland and Dennis Campbell . George Belcher and Jerry Schmel walk to classes on a drizzily winter day. John Traver, a student in Industrial Electronics, ponders the innards of a piece . As John Smithston and Jack Bloxom wait for the line to thin, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Fredrickson gaze over the turnout for the Honor the Athletes taco feed.


Faces and Faces


Passing Time


Clockwise from Upper Left: Rudy Chavez gets an after-class pick me up from Ernie McPeak. Zane Kelly find humor in the friendly SUB chatter. Eddie McCall looks pleased by l ife in general. Waiting for a burger and fries is a part of everyday's lunch hour. Norman Shinneman appears puzzled by Sally Thompson's directions for fi II ing in required paperwork. Don Autio reflects .on his role as newly named Gallery editor.




Clockw ise from Top Left : Don Si nk catches the latest from the Spokesman Rev iew. Roger Beck man reads with outlining pen at the ready. Terry Durland proves a calcu lating student is sure to head his c lass. Second semester found the reference section of the I ibrary a crowded area. Wil ma Parsons looks up from her study with an enigmatic smile. Kevin Neese appears bowed but not beaten by an engineering problem. Mike Masters di gs for paper sources i n the READERS GUIDE.


Library Hours


Clockwise From Upper Left: Construction on the new science building goes forward. Larry Si chelstiel takes a nap on the grass. Dick Gaskill leads Mrs. Lange to her seat at Senator Baker's lecture . Steve Sedy and Patty Geddes engage in congenial confabulation. Char Berquist puzzles over debate. Penny Oliver puts on John Blackburn's face as Dave Lahti watches before the performance of the "Aria da Capo."

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Goings on


Contemplation }


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/ Clockwise From Upper Lefl: Loren Teeter studies law enforcement techniques. J eff Ripply in p l a id coat looks over noisy SUB scene . Charly McClain examines magazines in College Book Store. Evette Fai res tries lo overcome handicapped arm while taking notes. Dana Sherman leans on wall whi le whistling a lune. Everyone listens i nt ently lo an exciting lecture. Dean Slone chats wi th Bi ll Wol lup and Car la T orpey. Cheryl Spoor and two friends check posted grades.


Anticipation a State of Mind Clockwise: Al Anderson attends a meeting on Dark Room procedure. Kurty Carpenter pays strict attention at a Popcorn Forum. Dana Sherman and Heather Harris enjoy the grass behind home base. J im McLeod g ives a vol ub le i ntroduction of Richard Hugo at a convocation reading. Ann Groverner is caught i n a contemplative mood . Barbara Frick, Cardina l Review business manager, seems to be i n her usua l good mood . Quint Norlander walks to class wit h a armload of books. Kim Wilhel m waits for history cla begin.





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Spring on Campus

Clockw ise From Upper Left: Tim Christie conducts his c lass in sunshine and in shadow . A novel view of the campus is seen from the psychology classroom . David Freer and Terry Ray have their attention riveted to the ground. Dana Sherman, Nancy Dinning and Ernie McPeak catch a few rays of sun. Linda Zollars and Bob Carchia stride purposefully from the SUB . Marie Peterson, Diane Gettle, Pam Stephens, and Sue Shaffer take part in class outdoors. Larry Peerson and R.:iy Miller do likewise. Dave Gridley seems lost behind the foliage .


Guys You've Seen


C lockwise From Upper L eft: Dave Rasmussen g lows with enthusiasm at the photographer. Whil e read ing a paper, Terry J ones asks, " Who is this real ly?" Brad Brandenburg f lashes a dazzling one. Dick Fields looks straight irito the camera. Bob Matthews seems deep in thought. Cliff Darby and Mike Wilson watch doings in the gymnasium with well-concea led excitement. Dale Tritten walks around, pondering the universe, having strange things hanging out of his pocket. Mark Steve accentuates his point with a fork end.


Brief Glimpses

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Clockwise From Upper L eft: Ray M i ller and J oy Persoon wa lk away from the Adm inistrat ion Buildi ng in two dif ferent moods. J ohn Pointer, Harry Price, Sharon Hodges, Ron Ah lquist, Julie Mitche l I, Lorenda Ingalls and Paul Nutti ng, members of the Creat i ve Writi ng Class, si t on the steps of the Learni ng Ski ll Center. John Davies contemplates reading material. Jeff Young and Patti Geddes relax on the hood o f a Chevrolet. Construction begins on the add i t i on to the gym. Louise Fu ll mer stops and chats a minute w ith Heath er Harri s, Joy Persoon and Mary Kay Doug las. Janie Moate searches the contents of h er purse.



Faculty Faces Clockwise From Lower Left: Dean Stone, Mr. Wi lliams, Mr. Mcleod, Mr. Frost, Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Gustafson confer after a teacher's meeting. Mrs. Atwood stro lls to c l ass on a sunny day. Attending this teacher's meeting are: In T he First Row: Mrs. Boswel I, Ms. Tinsley-Johnson, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Mclain, I n The Second Row: Mr. Murray, Mrs. Slanahan, Mrs. Sorenson, and Mrs. Lange, In T he T hird Row: Mrs. Dunnigan, Mrs. Hassan, Mrs. Gustafson, Mr. Reibe, and Mr. Miller, In the Fourth Row: Mr. Farmer, Mr. Cohen, Miss Fedje, Mr. Brown and Mr. Keating, In T he Fifth Row: Mr. Blossom, Mr. Wi ll iams, Mr. Slone, and Mr. Mclean, In The Final Row: Mr. Sprague and Mr. Snyder. Mr. Sturts examines reference books in the library. Dale Tritten gives a dubious grin walking around campus. Carol Emerson prepares dressings for demonstration at the nursing bui lding. Examining lhe meeting's agenda are : In The First Row: Mr. Haught, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Halrock, and Mrs. A nderson, In Th e Second Row: Mr. Van C leel, Mr. Cope, Mr. Rettig, In The Final Row: Mr. Ro dgers and Mr. Durkin .



Helpful People

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Clockwise From Upper Left: Barbara Moore answers incoming calls to NIC. Pam Sears, a secretary al the vocational bui !ding, is rapping away on the typewriter. Lorraine Howard figures accounts. Mary Sorenson lrys to keep the record straight in the library. Carmen Servick, the SUB's secretary, is as cheerful as ever. Eileen Seymour and Ilsuko Nishio, from the registrar's office, are two of the best known people on campus. Trudy Beck is pulling peanuts on the rack . T heresa Patrick is one of the effic ient faculty secretari es.



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Girls From Here and There


Clockwise From Upper Left: Esther Edgar, Mitsuko Gage,

Sonoko Nitshi, and Ruth Alexander receive recognition as women students from other nations. K aren Gi II more and Joe Ellen El fstrom walk to the SUB in the rain . Ann Grooner laughs gleefully while walking across campus. Helen Patterson grins while her picture is being taken. Linda Davis listens attentively lo a friend . Diane Dreschel is being her usual cheerfu I se If. Janet Streeter tries hard not to laugh.


Clockwise From Upper Left: Marvin Farmer conducts a typing c l ass. Mrs. Betty Mclain discusses business after class. Karra MacAnnally, Eddie McCall, Kim Rogstead and L aurie Downs discuss the short story. Students hand in Biology papers. F(sl=22 sin 3t alias Da le T ri tton.

3 Kent Kirby, Ken Edmonds, Gorden Allerd, Pau l Harold, Dav id Brai dymier, and Dick Fields prepare for the coming c lass.


Classroom Congruity




Some Favorite Females


C lockwise From Upper Left: Donna Torgerson gives a warm sm il e i n the bright sunshine . Paula Stevie's adroit hands f ly over the key board. Debbie Morgan holds a smaller edition of the fairer sex. Lucille Bice leans on her car while smi l ing for the camera. Sandy Dekorte sits all abundle in winter coat.


Clockwise From Upper Left: The Student Union Bui (ding is shown at a different angle . Chuck Prentice does some of the ground work . Judy Gilliland and Diana Miller head toward the SUB. Tony Stewart and Sam Woodberry discuss educationa l problems. The streaker strikes again. Barb Caron keeps cheerful even after cracking her arm. The Cardinal Chicken flashes by a car.


Traveling Around Campus


AStudy in Song

1974 was a year of involvement for the NIC band and chorus. T he music department d id their many traditional activities including the spaghetti feed and entertainment at school functions. T he band played for most sports events, led by Robert Singletary. The chorus added performances at al I secondary schools in the 5 northern counties of Idaho to recruit and to grow closer to the people. L ed by director Rick Frost, chorus members also helped the beginn ing community chorus .


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Clockwise From Upper Left: A smiling Kathy Tabaka receives her diploma from E. A. Seiter, retired chairman of NIC Board of Trustees. Ken Martin, mortarboard and diploma under one arm, strides off with a cigarette in the recessional. Many proud families were on hand to celebrate and record the graduation. Why is it that those leaving ceremonies are never quite as dignified as those were going in? Th is picture shows an over a II view of the graduating class of 1974. Kim Troy receives her diploma from the hands of E. A. Seiter. Colonel John McEuwing, director of NIC Piping School, receives honorary associate degree from President Barry Schuler.


Finishing Up


Keg Put




Clockwise From Upper Left: Greg Squires uses remarkable skill to toss the keg. Lavern Dietzel participates in keg loss. As students watch, Steve Gannon gives the keg a mighty heave.


Flour Power


Clockwise from Upper Left: During Campus Daze, students search for pennies in ONE hundred pounds of flour. Tony Stewart arrives on the scene and makes a genera l nu isance of himself by throwing water balloons. He is spied by the crowd and soon is covered with flour paste and is calling for revenge. He states that this will all come out in the wash in court. See next page for court action.


Courtroom Antics


Clockwise from Upper Left : Tony Stewart g ives evidence proving his charge of menta l crue lty. David Cohen is ca lled on to be a witness for the prosecution. Barry Schu ler perjures himself repeated ly for a hamburger and coke (payoffs). Tony gi ves his sumation plead ing for justice. Randy Brink, after winning his defense case, calls for a counter suit. The crowd watches the mock tria l with amused countenances.


Shutter Stops

Clockwise From Upper Left: George Ives zeros in. Donna T orgerson smiles while listening lo campaign prom ises. Craig Singer sits placidly after becoming Studen t Body vice-pr esident. Debbie Wilson is caught work ing on the Cardina l Review in ro ll ers. Andrea Kawa lski looks knowledgeable whi le si tting in the library. L inda Binfield and Ken Edmonds play a fast game of pinocle . Ji m Nutt and Ray Dobbs look at camera-shy friend amazed. Carla Torpey and Kevin Kirby he l p each other study.



Learning Home Skills


Clockwise From U pper Left: Newly elected officers of the Home Ee Club include Kathy Huhe, Ester Edgar, president, Laura Carnie, advisor, and Dawn Mattmi lier. Ruby Menh, nuitrition student, presents a lesson on menu planning to fifth grade Camp Fire Girls and their leader. Home Ee Club members and their guests enjoy their annual dinner.

Ho.. t o F ,nd c Bo"' on the L obr-or- y


The Power of Thought


Clockwise from Upper Left: A chemistry student measures out ingredients for a vodka coll ins. Chris Anstine and Phil Hayes discusses future of the Cardinal Review , Office machines is a time ly pursuit for asp iring secretaries. A gloom settles over Tom Schooler as Jim Mcleod talks with him about his term paper. Raymond Judge looks over homework in the SUB.


The Media Scene Clockwise From Upper Left: Camera equipment is set up during a presentation. Ji l l Bodah focuses her attention on the action. Pat Richard demonstrates how to use the video camera during one of her c I asses. Al Anderson finds Ross Woodward, News Director of KJRB, in view pi ece of the video camera. Wally Brown and Dave Holms run the v ideo recorder during Senator Baker's appearance at NIC. Bruce Manning, Tom Mathes, (Standing), Mick Hess, Jill Bodah, Lou Shenkenberger, Dennis Ketron, Char Berquist and Frank L abare display debate awards. The debate team is receiving instruction from Tim Christy.



Airing Out


Clockwise From Upper Left: Hope Montez and Eling Chane walk past Admin istration Bui ld i ng . Dave Cohen has Soc iology class on the lawn. Debbie Smith tries to put her mark on Wayne Kovatch with a dash of shoe polish. Nancy Haught and Bi II Woo lum walk together after studying in the l ibrary. L auri e Downs sits on Adminstration stoop. Jan Gillhover and Nancy Stephens leave campus in a convertible. Mike Stuart and Mark Mead stop for a chat.


All Around Clockwise From Upper Left: Debbie Wakefield grins as she leans on a bleacher. Dick Gaski 11, student body president, is his usual energetic self while he sits in his office. Patty Geddes is busy mak ing campaign posters. Diane Dresche l seems to have momentarily overcome by Don Audio's charm. Janine Guyette looks out the window of the SUB. Empty parking spaces are hard to find. Marty Hayes, Allen Sain and Barb Haynes play a fast game of foos ball. Paul Harold, Zelkjo and Barry Simons are enjoying themselves at Ratskeller.




Profiles in Courage

Clockwise From Upper Left: Going to and from the administration bui Idi ng is seen through the spri ng blossoms. Mary Tul leners takes ul t i mate advantage of li brary moments while in background, Vi c ki e Harris turns away. Mi ke Macaluso and David Cohen talk before wrestling trip. Wrestling coach Les Hogan wears his best jovial grin . Dee Goodman wears a pensive look in SUB. Kathy Ringel sits behind the SUB with a dog and glares at the photographer. Dr. Virginia Tinsley-Johnson is. George Ives sucks his stomach in.


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Checking It Out



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Clockwise From Upper Left: Harlan Siebert looks on as Tim Slate works wilh tester equipment. Pat Kelly and Jack Steve go over computer read-out sh eel. Harlan Siebert is caught unaware while helping John Traver. Earl Anderson and Harry Edison are trouble shooting a stereo amplifier. Nathan Burton is investigating digital circuitry.


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Motorcycle Mania Clockwise From Upper Left: Motorcycle class study manuals. Gary Watson takes a break from the grueling work. Don "Woolie" Packard takes place at a motorcycle kegger. Don Jacobs tinkers on a motorcycle. The entire class includes(From Lower Left) Don Tripp, Ron Montague, Lyle Wever, Don Jacobs, Steve Slinger, Nate Jones, Tom McReynolds, Jerry Rude, Dan Meredith, Stan Smith, Maurice McPhierson, Gary Watson, Dave Brown, Richard Montague, and Don Packard. Ron Montague demonstrates proper hot dogging technique.

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Thoughts in Execution




Clockwise fro m Upper Left: With practiced hands Industrial Arts instructor Hershel Riebe turns wood stock. Manual Brown rasps away as his game tab l e slow ly takes shape. The camera's i ntrusion draws Bruce Switzer from his drafting project. Steve Jernstrom gauges the scale from his blueprint. Fred Romer pauses to refi II his speed ball pen with ink.




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State of Flux

Clockwise from Upper Left: Ed Cohen puts finishing touch to a major project. Checking the characteristics of different we lding rods absorbs the attention of Ji m Taylor and fellow we (ding student. Grinding away at his assignment is a perp lexed Ed Cohn. Ernie Garcia uses muscle and skill to shape steel rod.


For Men Only .i




Clockwise from Upper Left: Ron Rogers, vocational instructor, quips, "You never outgrow your need for milk." Jim Upchurch, Student Financial Aids Officer, exp lains BEOG form. Attention centers on Neil Vandelmark during a welcome class break. Homespun charm and honesty radiate from Pat Allen, auto mechanic and member of 1974's student board . Plymouth trouble shooters Keith Fredrickson and Jim Saba la are pleased with their trophy,


Shop Talk


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/ Clockwise from Upper Left: High speed wheel balancing takes a ll of Steve Seybo ld's attention. Auto Mechanics Instructor Leonard Durkin demonstrates transmission overhaul procedure. Getting the nut cross threaded is a lways a cause for excitement. Keith Fredrickson greases a keeper. Neil Jordon searches for an elusive part.


After three years of bui ldi ng, North Idaho achieved its ultimate goal - the NJ CAA National Champ ionship. L ed by individual champ ions Steve Gannon and Ray King, the Cardinals ground out 72t pts . beating runn1r - up Bismark, North Dakota by 72 pts . Gannon topped the field at 16 7 lbs . whi le King bested all competition at Heavy weight. Kin g al so won the meet' s "Most Pins" trophy . Freshmen Dan El I iot and Mike Macaluso were NIC1s other pl acers, earn in g fifth places in their weight classes . Clockwise From Upper Left: Manuel Brown struggles to pin his man. Dan Elliot has his rival in a hammer lock. Steve Gannon struggles with his competitor. Mike Wilson comes out on lop. Steve Gannon does a body slam. Jim Beck tangles with his opponent. Terry Durland prepares for a pin.



Muscling in


Clockwise From Upper Left: Mike Wilson is locked in combat with opponent. Gene Hunt grips his opponent at the begi nn i ng of th e mat ch. Winners at Regionals include (Front Row) Bob Nearing, Terry Durland, Steve Gannon, Manuel Brown, Dan Elliot, and Don Tripp; (Back Row) Ray King, Gene Hunt, Mike Wi Ison, and Mike Macaluso. Dan Elliot looks up for time. Dan El liot is dec lared the w i nner by a referee, Ray King stru gg les t o upset his opponent from Columbia Basin Community Co l l ege .



T he Cardinals had a good season, though the end ing could have been a I ittle better. The team ended the season 22-10. Steve Willis was the school recordholder in scoring with an average 18 . 8 points per gamei Mark Kenny led in rebounds with a 10. 7 average. Clockwise From Upper Left: Steve Will is attempts to steal the bal I from EWSC player as Charlie Rose and Mark Kenny look on . Eddie McCall, team captain, takes a shot. Charlie Rose eludes the opposition. Coach Rolly Will iams intently watches the game. Mark Kenny drops one as team-mates Joe Podraosky and Charlie Rose look on in dismay. Joe Podrabsky goes up for two and Steve Willis in the background. Charlie Rose sinks one with an assist from Mark Kenny and Joe Podrabsky.


Feminine Fury



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Clockwise From Upper Left: Cheryl Hanson gazes upon Mary Ruth Brighter and Linda Binfield's team work. Coach Foss (Middle) gets Kim Wilhelm, Cheryl Hanson, Marcia Peterson, Pam Kiebert, Barbara Fuller, Jean Hayman, Reta Crowe, Debbie Hocking, Maureen Taylor and Kathleen Taylor up for the 9 ame. Connie Hand dribbles the ball . Maureen Taylor and Barbara Fuller take a break

while Kim Wilhelm, Cheryl Hanson, Marcia Peterson, Debbie Walker and Reta Crowe watch. Mary Ruth Brighter, Sue Mi lot, and Cheryl Hanson prepare for a vo 11 ey.


Diamond Action Cardinal baseball ta llied another wi nning season i n 1974 . T he overall 13-12 record might well have been 18-7 had th e team hit more consistently . Jack Bloxom, NIC diamond coach, characterized the pitching as 11 very acceptable 11 and defensive play as 11 sol id 11 duri ng the l ast 2/3 of season play . 11 lf we had only hit I ike we shou Id have," Bloxom lamented . Clockwise From Upper Left: A bunch of baseball bats lean against the fence. Dean Smith pitches a high one. Spectators fi 11 the b leachers. Rich Visintainer swings and misses. Wayne Grubb beats the bal I lo the base. Rich Phillips slides in safe.



Cross Country Trucks on




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Led by sophomores Terry Heath and Chris Anstine, North Idaho's Cross Country team this year did better than it ever has before. Heath and Anstine placed 8th and 9th respectively to lead the Cardinal thinclads to a fourth place finish at the Region XVIII meet in Coos Bay, Oregon. Other NIC placers at the regional were Kent Kirby, Wa l ly Brown, and John Blackburn. Reviewing the season, Coach Mike Bundy noted, "Super job by the sophomores, a learning experience for the freshmen." It was pleasing to me to note the progress we made." Clockwise From Upper Left: Larry Wise passes an opponent in cross country meet. Mike Bundy shouts jocular encouragement to the team. Terry Heath is battling in cross country regionals at Coos Bay, Oregon against Blue Mountain opponent. An unidentified person does his impression of a cross country runner. Cross Country runners include (Back Row) Coach Mike Bundy, Al Sherman, Chris Anstine, Kent Kirby, Ed Smith, Willis Sharp and Wally Brown; (Front Row) Sandy Lewis, Kevin Paulus, Mike Astorga, John Blackburn, Larry Wise and Terry Heath. John Blackburn, Al Sherman, and Kent Kirby are the three leaders at NIC cross country meet.


Swinging Into Spring

NIC 1s tennis team had a w inning season in 1 74 - just bare ly. F inish ing th e year 8 - 7, the team failed to go to the regional tournaments because of sickness which struck the team. L ed by freshmen Brad Brandenburg and Eugene Hirata , the team hopes to make a strong comeback next year accordi ng to coach Tony Stewart. Clockwise From Upper Left: Eugene Hirata prepares to meet the ba II. Brad Brandenburg smashes the ball into his opponents's court. Doug Mann concentrates on his drive as Klaus Kutchia watches. Warren Keating demonstrates to Mike Cruise how it should be done. Ron Barker watches his ball as does Klaus Kutchia. Warren Keating is in the background . Brad Brandenburg recovers from lobbi ng the ba ll across the net.



A promis ing season was cut short as five initial go lfers were placed on the inel igib le list. With only Ron Barker and Mike Cruise rema ining as the nucleus of I inks competit ion, North Idaho was unab le to pos t a match victory in 1974. Coach Keating noted, 11 The go l f program was kept go ing with five much needed and much apprec iated volunteers • 11 Keating added, 11 In spite of the team's lack of experience , th ey competed we 11 • 11


Making Tracks

Coach Mike Bundy recruited from Post Fal Is to India in an effort to bring cinder l aurels to a school wh ich does not yet possess a track . A lthough NIC' s th inc lads fa iled to garner the national crown, they did place 3rd in Region XVIII competition whi le shatter ing 10 existing school marks.


Clockwise From Upper Left : Jasbir Singh Ghoman breaks the ribbon at the finish line. Ron Owens competes in the broad jump. Winston Mora brings in the baton at the close of a relay race. Rick Bruhn c lears the crossbar in the pole vault. Rick Bruhn and the crossbar are airborne in this unsuccessful attempt. Sam Carey throws the shot put. Track team members incl ude (On Ground) Bob Singer, Jim Bachmeier, Gordon Allured, Mario Sanchez, Mike Fahlaud, Craig Singer, Bill Young, Terry Heath, and Terry Kiefer; (Knee l ing) Kofi Owusu, Dennis Brukerhoff, Chris Anstine, and Rick Bruhn; (Standing) Kent Kirby, Winston Mora, L arry Wise, John Blackburn, Bill Capaul, Jasbir Singh Ghoman, Paul Harold, Dan Stockwel l, Ken Edwards, Sam Carey, Coach Mike Bundy, and Wally Brown.


A Accord, Christine L. 18 Ahlquist, Ronald R. 41 Akers, Edwin Aki, James Y. Albinola, William A. A Iden, Richard K enl A lexander, Ruth 46 Al len, Connie Lynn Al len, Pal S. 14,87 Al lured, Gordon R. 48,104 Alme, Karen Kay Anderson, Al D. 34 Anderson, Colleen Rae Anderson, Earl E. 79 Anderson, Kathy 18 Anderson, Mark W. Anderson, Warren D. Anstine, Chris M. 13,69,101,104 Antonelli, Diane D. Appelberg, Elizabeth Arhulick, Michael T. Arrison, Thomas Jr. Arthur, Peggy L. Aslorga, Michael J. 101 Autio, Donald E. 26,75 Avena, Paula G. Ayers, Brian S. Ayars, Sandra Kay Azadegan, Reza Seyyed

B Babcock, Steve James Bachmeier, James V. 19,104 Bai l lie, John Adrian Baker, Terrie J . Banks, Corinne L. Bakken, Douglas E. Barker, Ronald E. 103 Barrett Hattie L. Bales, Robert S. Bauer, Kim Bauer, Wi Iii am N. Beal, Linda L. 15 Bechman, Roger P. 28 Beck, Jim 91 Beideck, Gerald L. Belcher, George R. 24 Bel l, Duncan James Bel l more, Clifford B. Ben i ng, Shannon Kay Bennett, Dean Richard 13 Bennett Gregory J . Benson, Patricia C. Bentley, Mark S. Berkey, Yvette Dianne Berquist, Charlene A. 31,70 Bice, Luci lie 51 Binfield, Linda Ann 65,96,97 Birdwel I, Howell C. Birdwel I, Judy Kay Black, John Dane Blackburn, John H. 30,100,101,104,



Blanchette, Car l L. B Ian chard, Rosalyn Blanford, David G. Blaschka, Jordan J . 17 Bodah, Jill Christie 70,71 Boe, Alan R. Booth, Earnest Daune Booth, John I. Boothe, Norris Borleau, James L. Borleau, Martin S. III Boulware, John E. Bowen, Robert E. Bowen, Sherrie Lynn Bradymire, David H. 48 Bragg, William James Brandenburg, Bradley 39,102 Braun, Randy L.

Bray, Barbara C. Breeden, Harry M. Bright, Barbara N. Bright, Thomas J. Brighter, Mary Ruth 96 Brink, Randall W. 63 Brinkerhoff, Dennis R. 104 Briske, Ronald Eugene Broussard, Darrelyn N. Brown, David Everette 81 Brown, Deborah Ruth Brown, Dona l A l len Brown, Manue l III 83,90,93 Brown, Wallace E., Jr. 71,101,104 Browning, Gregory Bruhn, Richard G., Jr. 104,105 Brumley, Nathan F. Bucher, Terry D. Buckingham, Bertie G. Bunn, Holly V. 13 Burrow, Marlene Kay Burton, Nathan L. 78

Dinning, Nancy Evelyn 36 Dinning, Nei I L. Dobbs, Ray 64 Dodge, Barbara Jean Donat, Gary D. Donkelaar, John G. Donnenwirth, Donnie Dotts, Joseph Brooks Doty, Georgia Mae Douglas, Mary K. 40 Douglas, Steve T. Dow 1 Richard John Dow, Robert Lionel Dowers, Catherine E. Dowing, Karen C. Downing, Timothy P. Downs, Lorrie E. 49, 72 Dreschel, Diane 46,75 Duncan, Debbie Ann Dunn, Jack P. Durkin, Myles A. Durland, Terrence L. 4,24,28,90,93


E Eche l berger, James J. Edgar, Esther Kay 46,66 Edison, Harry J. 79 Edmonds, Kenneth J . 48,65 Edwards, Darlene Dale 14 Edwards, Ken 104 Edwards, Michael B. Eggart, Gerald E. Eischen, Lois Ann Elfstrom, Joe Ellen 47 Elgee, Tim Steven 21 Elliott, Daniel E. 22,91,93 Emerson, Carol Ann Erickson, Curtis L. Erickson, Owen R. Etter, Claud E. Evans, John Mark

Ca lhoun, Carolyn J. Ca l lihan, Pame la Jean Campbel I, Dennis C. 24 Campbel I, Karen A. Campbell, Nelson D. Camster, Douglas M. Capual, Deborah Ann Capual, William A. 104 Carchia, Robert H. 36 Carey, Sam L. 104,105 Caron, Barbara E. 53 Caron, Jerry Joe Carpenter, Kurt 34 Carr, Alberta Faye Carter, Pai ge E11en Champagne, Francis G. Chane, It-Shong 72 Chaney, Richard Dan Chavez, Rudy Ni ck 27 Clark, Curlis A. Cohen, Edward Lew 84 Collins, Glen Edward Colstad, Camille M. Colwell, Richard M. Colwell, Rodney B. Con ley, Lynn Fern Cont or, Caniel Jack Cook, Gary Lee Cooper, Donald E. Cossairt, Debra J. Cox, Diana L. Cox, Donald J. Cox, William F. Criswell, Terry Lucy Crowe, Ireta Ann 96,97 Cruise, Micheal J. 103 Currie, David A.

D Dah lgren, Edwin Dale Daniel, Dary l E. Dansereau, Dwight Jay Darby, Clifford Lewis 38 Daugherty, Charles L. Davis, Dave 20 Davis, Linda Marie 47 Davies, Marca June Davis, Myron Bruce Davies, John S. 41 DeBarbrie, James C. Deffenbaugh, Rona Id R. 23 De Korte, Sandra Lee 51 De Vore, Albert Lon Dean, David Allen Decker, Edward R. Dennler, Ora O l iver Derbyshire, Jackie D. Dietzel, Laverne R. 9,59 Dillin, Alan R.

F Fahland, Michael E. 104 Faires, Yvette C. 33 Fallis, Norma L. Fields, Richard H. 38 Fio, Rito Frank Filch, Dale Edward Fitzgerald, Steve Fl eming, Sherry D. Fluge l , Richard C. Flynn, Brian Joseph Flynn, Ginger Pau l ine Flynn, Patrick W. Fortney, Frank Wayne Fossum, Raymond Lee Frazier, Julie Ann Frederick, John C. Frederickson, Keith A. 87,89 Freer, David J. 37 Freligh, 11/ichael J . Frensdorf, Jeffery R. Frick, Barbara Ann 35 Ful ler, Barbara M . 97 Ful ton, Shei la M . Fulmer, Louise 40 Fullwiler, Polly Fullwiler, Susan B.

G Gain, Gregg F. Gage, Juli us W., Jr. Gage, Mitsuko 46 Gannon, Glenn P. Gannon, Stephen P. 58,90,91,93 Garcia, Ernie 85 Garcia, Raymond J. Gardipe, Warren R. Gardipe, Wendell L. Garland, Al len B. Garner, Drivid Jesse Garner, Mary E.

Garrett, Elmer Jack Gaskill, Dick 14,31,75 Gavin, Michael J. Geddes, Patti J. 31,41,75 Gehring, Rodney Ray Geib, Mamie F. Gerber, Donald H. Gerhard, Richard J., Jr. Gerlitz, Patricia Ann 6 Gettle, Diane 37 Ghoman, Jasbir S. 104 Gibbs, Thomas Allen Gibson, Timothy L. Gil lhoover, Jan L. 22,72 Gi II i land, Judith L. 53 Gillmore, Karen 47 Gittel, Sandra Kay Godak, John Richard Gongora, Antonio 4 Goodman, Dee 77 Graham, Louise B. Grant, Mark Allen Graves, Terry Patrick Green, John D. Green, Terry R. Greene, Wesley A. Gridley, David W. 36 Greener, Ann 47 Grosvenor, Elizabeth 35 Grubb, Wayne A. 23,99 Guyette, Elin Jamene Guyette, Phillip K. H Hackney, Cliffo~d A. Hagen, Mary Patricia Hagerty, David M . Hagglund, Michael R. Haines, Barbara Ella 9 Haines, Ruth Anne Hale, John Stewart Hallock, Mi I ton E. Halter, Donna M. Hamann, Jacqueline A. Hamilton, Walter C., Jr. Hammock, Terry Wayne 23 Hamshar, Edward K. Hand, Connie Sue 12, 97 Hanks, David M. Hanson, Carl E. Hanson, Cheryl Louise 96,97 Hanson, John 11 Hanway, Harry R., Jr. Harold, Paul Douglas 48,74,104 Harrelson, Robert V. Harrington, Jeanne L. Harris, Douglas L . Harris, Florence H. Harris, Gerald E., Jr. Harris, Heather 35,40 Harris, Stanley P. Harris, Vi ck ie Lynn 77 Hart, Robin I. Hart, Susan A. Hatcher, Leland C. Hattenburg, Alan R. Hauck, Curtis L. Haufe, Edward L. Haught, Nancy Irene 8, 73 Hause, Donna J. Hauser, Michael G. Hawkins, Monica E. Hawley, Charles J. Hayes, Marty D. 74 Hayes, Phillip Alan 14,69 Hayman, Jean Ann 97 Haynes, Barbara 74 Hays, John D. Hazel, Mary Carole Heath, Sandra K. Heath, Terry N. 101,104 Heck, Francis Richard Heideman, Judith

Heinemeyer, Randy L. Hendrickson, Nancy M. Henry, Bonnie L. Herman, Rona ld L. Hess, Michael S. 70 Hill, Laureen Kay Hill, Robert E. Hill, Vicky L. Hirata, Eugene R. 102 Hjellum, Robert A. 23 Hocking, Debra A. 97 Hodges, Sharon Marie 41 Hoglan, Linda J. Hoi land, Cara L. Holbert, Li nda Jane Hol land, Gregory S. Holland, Laurie K. 18 Holm, Christie Lee Holmes, Daniel B. Holmes, David Thomas 71 Holovka, Jacklyn E. Holt, Ronald L. Holte, Kim Leland Holter, Vernon P. Ho lthaws, Terry Al l en Hopper, John P. Horne, Robert A. Horne, Warren E. House, Samuel R. Howard, Harlan J. Howard, Floyd Ronald Howell, Melba J. Howell, Virgie Huhe, Kathy Hult, Kenneth R. 66 Hummel, Debra Ann Hunt, Alvin D. Hunt, Eugene Phillip 93 Hunler, Robert C. Hurrel, Scott W. Hutchinson, El ena M. Hymas, Michael J.

I Ihly, Donald E. Inga I Is, Lorenda K. Irving, Michael Don Isbell, Joel M.

J Jacobs, Don 81 Jacobs, Gayle Ann Jacobson, Dennis L. Jacobson, James P. Jacobson, Marcia C. James, Janette Gale James, Richard E. Jeffrey, Twila C. Jefferies, Janet M. Jefferies, Maurice Ray Jenkins, Gary Dean Jennings, Mark Edward Jensen, Barbara A. Jensen, Melinda M. Jernstrom, Steven K. 83 Jobes, Raymond P. John, Raland Alfred Johnson, Jerry Dean Johnson, John V. J hnson, Michael H. 4 Johnson, Rhonda Kay Johnson, Richard G. Johnson, Ryan K. Johnson, Thomas C. Johnston, James M. Joki, Edward E., Jr. Jones, James P. Jones, Nathan Allen 81 Jones, Terry Lee 38 Jordan, Barbara M. Jost, Christine Ann Jordan, Merle L. 88 Jost, George Stanely

Judge, Raymond J. Jurkovich, N i ck J.


K Kapaun, Anthony L. 21 Kaph i ngst, Frederick Kaputa, Cameron J. 14 Karkowsk i, John J. Karwaski, Andrea Lee 65 Kebert, Pamela L. 97 Kelley, Patrick 78 Kelley, Victor E. 22 Kelly, Sharon Y. Kelly, Zane 7 Kemper, Frederick A. Kenney, Mark 94,95 Kent, Mark Edward Kerns, Roy C. Kesler, Carlton L. Kester, Betty Jane Ketron, Dennis M . 70 Keuter, John Jacob Jr. Kiefer, Terrence P. 104 Ki lian, Timothy H. Ki Iborn, James H. King, Raymond Lyle 24,92,93 Kirby, Kenton Dell 20,48,100,104 Kirby, Kevin D. 64 Kirchner, Manfred M. Klaus, Phyllis J. Klein, Sheila E. Kline, Walter Joseph Klotz, Christopher J. Knight, J ames E. Knott, Donald Dean Knutson, Larry V. Koep ,Julia J. Kole, Donald L. Koester, Roy F. Kosanke, Harold A. 19 Kovash, Wayne L. 19,23,73 Kowalski, Janina L. Kral I, Kathryn E. Kreager, Rosalyn S. 3 Kri eg, Randy J . Kutschia, Klaus D. 103

L La Bare, Frank L. 70 La Beck, Lawrence A. Lahti, Dave 30 Lamb, Diana M. 18 Lane, Skipp M. Largent, Allen Largent, Richard L. L arsen, Chester L. L arsen, Robert Duane Larsen, Kathleen D. Larson, James M. Lassfolk, Matthew E. Lattig , Kenneth A. Latina, Raymond T. Lawson, Stuart L. 19 Laymon, Eric Francis Leason, Terry D. Lee, Geoffrey J. Leen, Donald R. Leigh, Gordon Dale Lew is, Sandra Ruth 14 Lewis, Sandy 101 Lind, Sharon Kay Lindquist, Terry G. Little, Twi la F. Littrel, Richard V. Lloyd, Kathy Lloyd, Will i am M. Lowry, Nikki L. Lucas, Donna F. 13 Lucker, Janice M. Lunceford, Anne M. 3 Lund, Daniel Stephen 8 Lutes, Harold D. L ytle, Robert Earl




One of the most impressive events of the year was the appearance of Senator Howard Baker Jr . of Tennessee. T he Vice-Cha irman of the "Watergate Committee" addressed a capac ity crowd in the gymnasium on 11 The Impact of Watergate on the American System . 11 Fol lowing th is speech, there was a fifty minute question- and-answer session . Besides college and local dignitaries, also attending the speech was the junior senator from Idaho, James McClure .


M Macaluso, Michael 77,93 MacAnnally, Karra 49 Madison, Thomas E. Maines, Robert R., Jr. Maland, Molly K. Malar, Margaret L. Mann, Doug las H. 103 Manning, Billy Joe Manning, Bruce F. 70 Manning, Sandra C. Maravilla, Michael D. Marks, Wiley Jay Marquette, Rick C. Martin, Dale Edward Martin, Kenneth D., Jr. 57 Martin, Rubye Lee Martin, Robert M. Mason, Lloyd A. Masters, Michael Dean 29 Mathes, Thomas P. 8,70 Mattern, Stephanie J. Matthews, Robert J . Mattmi lier, Dawn 66 Matson, Patrice M . May, Nancy Ann McCall, Eddie R. 12,27,49,95 Mccarley, Dee Anne 23 Mccurry, Michael D. McEnany, Wm . P., Jr. 23 McFaul, Patricia Lee Mcintyre, Carl D. McKay, Wendy S. McClain, Charles M . 33 McClain, Ellen J . Mclaughlin, Tom L. McMurtrey, James D. McNa ll y, Margaret E. McPeak , Ernest Robert 27 ,36 McPherson, Maurice 81 McReynolds, T om W. 81 Mead, Mark W. 23,72 Mead, William F. Menh, Ruby 67 Meredith, Dan Roger 08,81 Merrifield, Ruth M. Merrill, John C. Merri l l, Robert A . Meyer, Thomas D. M ihelich, Thomas A. M i kel, Cherr ie M. Mi ll er, Anthony S. Mi I l er, Diana L. 53 Miller, Raymond C. 37,40 Milot, Sue E. 96 Mitchell, Julianne Mitchell, Mulianne Mitson, Jefferey L. Moate, Janie M. 40 Montague, Richard K. 81 Montague, Ronald W. 81 Montes, Experaza Y. 22,72 Montez, Catalina Eva Montreu il, Paul H. Moore, Cynthi a Grace Moore, George C. Moore, Martin Lucas Moore, Jay Moore, John B. Moore, William G. Mora, Winston J . 104,105 Morgan, Debra Jean 14,22,51 Morine, Dawn Marie Morris, Robert E. Moseley, Gayla Ann Mo~1rning, Dave Mourning, Martha Jane Munson, Da le


N Nagel, Haro ld S. Nagel, Tamera Jeann Nagy, Mike Jr.

Nash, Jerry Jr. Nead, Kimberley Nearing, Robert 93 Neese, Kevin L. 29 Nelson, Dale E. Nelson, D. W. Nelson, David Lee Nelson, Jon F. Nelson, Kim V. Neumayer, Patricia A. Newton, Rodney N. Nichols, Gai I E. Nielsen, Rachel Ann Nielsen, Sheila M. Nishi, Sonoko 46 Nixon, Ricky D. Nordstog, Eric R. Norlander, Guinton K. 34 Norris, Deborah A. Norris, Jan Arlene Norstog, Eric R. Novak, Connie Ann Nowlin, Douglas C. Nutt, James Robert 64 Nutting, Paul S. 41 Nuxoll, Jeannie M.

0 Oakes, John B. Oehrling, Sharon A. Offenbacker, Linda D. Oliver, Steven A. 23 O Ison, Gerald C. 0 Ison, Lester A. 0 Ison, Terry Lee Ortiz, Loretta R. Osborn, Roger E. Owens, Rona ld B . Owusu, Robert 104 p Packard, Donald David 81 Packer, Ronald C. Paige, Mary Row land Parker, Steve F. Parsons, Wi Ima J. 29 Patterson, Helen 47 Paulus, Kevin G. 11,101 Payne, Cheryl A. Payne, James T. Peaden, Gladys D. Pearce, Michael Ray Pearson, Bradley J. Pearson, Larry D. 37 Pederson, Benard C., Jr. Peoples, Vicki Lynn Perezchica, Rick Joe Persoon, Joy Ione 40 Peters, Calvin E. Peters, Kim Robert Peters, Gary Lee Peterson, Dan Ray Peterson, Laurie Jo Peterson, Marcia K. 17,96,97 Peterson, Marie 37 Peterson, Susan Marie Pettis, Ted Jon Pew, Berton Zee Phillips, Connie Sue 16 Phillips, Richard Jr. 22,98 Pickens, John E. Pickolock, Kathleen L. Plaster, fJancy J. Pleger, Floyd E. Plumlee, Diane Lynn Pletsch, James B . Podrabsky, Joseph A. 94,95 Pointncr, John D. 14,41 Ponack, Patty L. Posey, Lesta L. Potts, Jerry C. Powell, Robert E.

Prater, Susan Kay Pratt, Sheila Kay Prentice, Chuck 52 Price, Harry Ray 41 Priscella, Gloria I. Prisci I la, Catherine Proctor, Dennis Ray Pruitt, Marla Kae Purjue, Robert 0.

Q Quinn, Robie Quass, Curtis W.

R Raef, Gary Robert Rambo, Nona R. 3 Ramsay, Richard H. Randall, Jerry M. Rasmussen, Dave 38 Ratliff, Warren 19 Rea, Terrence T. 37 Reber, Forrest C. Recd, Curtis C. Reed, Judd D. UI Rei chert, Jack L. Reid, Cynthia Jean Reidinger, Charles A. Reiser, Steven Ira Reiswig, Ida L. Renk, Edward L. Rickey, Paul Albert 4 Rice, Rhea Marie Rice, Verna Lee Ridenour, Dora I. Rider, Merry Ruth Riedle, Michael V. Riggs, Catherine A. Rights, Lee 22 Ringel, Kathleen E. 76 Ripley, Jeffrey K. 33 R ipl inger, Patricia Roberge, Patricia 0. Roberts, Donald H. Roberts, Melanie Lynn Roberts, William L. Rogstad, Kim Kerry 49 Rohscreib, Michael D. Roope, Debra L. Roos, Barbara A. Romcr, Frederick 82 Romero, Jesus A. Rorman, Michael Rose, Charles E. Jr. Rose, Michael Thomas Rosenberger, Ronald W. Rosencrans, David B. Roush, Eldon L. Ross, Shirley Ann Roth, Debra J. Routh, David L. Rowley, Cynthia L. Rowe, Bernie L., Jr. Roy, Ruby B. Ruen, Darius Lyman Ruen, Lowel l Vernon Rude, Jerry Charles 81 Rupinski, Gerald D. Russel, Michael B. Rust, Norman Lawrence Rutten, Robert W.

s Sabala, James Anthony Sain, Alan Lynn 74 Sampso11, Norbest E. Sanchez, Mario 104 Sander, Wi I li am S. Sanders, Kieth T . Saunders, Larry G. Scates, Charles 6 Schadler, Kenneth Ray Schaffor, Frederick


Schauer, Russel D. Schi Ike, Ray R. Schenkenberger, Lori 70 Schmeh l, Jennie R. 24 Schmidt, Debra D. Schmidt, Mark Schoeffler, Susan F. Schonewald, Christine 18,23 Schooler, Tomas Kent 69 Schuon, Bonn ie Jean Schumacher, Dane L. Schumacher, Vic L. Schumacher, Donald N. Schwartz, Michael D. Schwenke, Laurie E. Scott, Beverly J. Schurman, Allen E. Sears, Deborah A. Sey, Steven Wesley 31 Self, Roy E. Severtson, Leonard J. Seybold, Steven R. 88 Seyfert, Danie l W. Sharp, Wi II is Lester 101 Shaffer, Lorraine J. Shaffer, Scott R. Shaffer, Susan E. 37 Sheck, Daniel Lee Sheck, James C. Shepler, El len Marie Sherman, Al 13,100,101,137 Sherman, Dana J. 32,35,36 Shinneman, Norman J. 26 Shute, Richard C. Sichelst i el, W. Larry Siefert, Dan 5 Sil l ivan, Patrick L . Simons, Barry 74 Simons, Dianna Lynn Simonsen, James R. Si nger, C li fford D. Singer, W. Craig 10,65,104 Singer, Robert H. 104 Singlesleel, Larry 31 Sink, Donald R. 28 Sisson, Victoria S. Skate, Chuck 6 Skeie, Randall D. Skow, Michael Lee Slate, Timothy Wa l ter 78 Slette, Orv il le J. Jr. Slinger, Steven W. 81 Smith, Darrel l C. Smith, Debra Lee 73 Smith, Dean E. 98 Smith, Edward D. 101 Smith, Jerry D. Smith, Joseph R. Smith, Lula M. Smith, Stanely Ray 81 Snyder, Robert P. Soini, John Edward 7 Soper, Kenna L. Soumas, Tom D., Jr. Souther, Barbara A. Sowers, Douglas L ee Spencer, Patricia G. Spencer, Barbara E. Spilker, Sharon L. Spooner, Ricky J. Spoor, Chery l Lynn 14,32 Spurgeon, Karl David Spurgeon, Larry J. Squires, Gregory M. 58 Stackhouse, Daniel B. St. Amand, David W. Stamey, Charle L. Stanley, Lance A. 19 Stapleton, Ricky W. Slath, Jean M. Stath, Richard A ll en Stebbins, Nancy K. 22 Steffan, Pamela J.

Steigner, Wi ll iam D. Stephens, Marsha L. Stephens, Nancy 72 Stephens, Pam 37 Steve, Mark 39 Stewart, Jud i th L. Stockwe l I, Dan 104 Stoker, Michael J. Stone, John L. Stover, Douglas E. Streeter, Janet K. 46 Streeter, Katherine K. Stroupe, Vanessa R. Stuart, Micheal B. Stuart, Scott Thomas Stueve, Paula Jo Suckow, Mary Ara Sul l ivan, Robert E. Surp lus, Gregory E. Susedi k, Deeann Swan, Dwight L. Swanson, Kim E. Switzer, Sidney B. 83

T Tabaka, Catherine R. 57 Tay lor, Kathleen G. 17,96,97 Taylor, Maureen Mary 17,96,97 Taylor, J ames P. 85 Taylor, Randell E. Teeter, Lorne David 32 Teske, Leslie Lynn Thom, Donald J. Thompson, Doug las G. T hompson, Sally 26 Tied, Randy J. Tiitso, Paula M. Ti I la, Robert L. Timblin, Timothy Gene Timmons, Kenneth E. Tippin, Carl Gene Tofflemire, John M. Tofte, Robert P. Toomey, Teresa A. Torgerson, Donna J. 50,64 T orpey, Car la L . 32,64 Traver, John W., Jr. 25,79 Tredway, Michael A. Tri pp, Don 81, 93 Troy, Kimberly 56 Tulleners, Rosemary E. 77 Turn bu I I, Jed A ll en Turnbul l, Ju l ia A.

u Underdown, James J. Jr. Unruh, Dion Rene

v Valente, Vic Vandermark, Nei I B. 14,87 Vandenber, Marvin G. Van Horn, David S. Venovich, Micheal L. Vetter, Lynnel K. 9 Villalobos, Richard A. Visintainer, Richard 99

Warren, John A. Warren, Penni Beth Washburn, Gerald A. Washburn, Larry Wassmann, Dale F. Watkins, Gordon Lewis Watson, Gary Q. 81 Watters, Judith A. Watts, Scott S. Weakly, Bonita J. Weaver, Ly le L. Weaver, Sharon J. Webb, Larry Duane 14 Webb, Randall M . Webber, Jonathan L. Webster , Anthony Ray Weid, Paul Joseph Welch, Darrell N. We lker, Robert E. West, Michael L. Westerberg, Richard N. Wetmur, Harold R. Wever, Lyle 81 White, Dennis Hugh White, Kenna Jean Whiteman, James K. Whitney, Gerald L. Wickel, Wal lace Wi Id, Thomas L. Widmer, Val Ray Wilhelm, Kim P. 14,34,96 Wilkerson, David P. Wilkes, Marie Willford, Ruth Ann Wi Ii i ams, Gary B. Will is, Stephen C. 12,94 Wi Ison, Debra M. 11,65 Wi Ison, James Leroy Wi Ison, Kit C Wi Ison, Mark 22 Wilson, Michae l 38,91,92,93 Wilson, Michael Wise, Craig Richard Wise, Larry D. 100,101,104,105 Womb le, Kenneth H. Woodberry, Sam 53 Wollum, William R. 32,73 Wortman, Charles R. 23 Wright, Lee A. Wuest, James E. Wylie, James Carl 14 y Yager, Donald Ray Yeager, James L. Yeoumans, Mary F. York, Phyllis M. Young, Bill J. 22,104 Young, James Allen Young, Jeffrey W. 23,41

z Zabe I, Karen Zahn, Joann L. Zeeler, Colleen Renae Zollars, Linda Kay 36


Wadsworth, Charles M. Wagoner, Adele E. Waide, Dean A. Wakefie ld, Debra Ann 74 Walbri dge, Harold S. Wa lker, David K. Walker, Dt:!bra Marie 17,96 Waller, Michael C. Wa ll er, Phyllis A. Walton, Lujeanne R. Wa lton, Shirley Marie Wandler, John M. Ward, Paula J. Ward, Robert C.



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