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-• .•\;-'.- ~ - .-.J.--:....,."' Al)~
or.llt.r ;;rJ c studet.t Do.r. ~.. rd/ ~ac united in
,.,e. r ...r;.cny
wi tr.
C•J.rr .nt Ar..r.e
day , Feb . 2~ , in tnP. ho~e of th~ cr.a~'s parents E • .::> -t~.., Re·i . and •. r . ·11 . "'"' ton , t/ tn. Rcve.rer.d J. Honry Ernst of S~oka.r.e , Jncl~ ci tnc Bride . l:e c r :d was ;1ven i~ carriage by nor fllthcr and wn.s attended by J/...lcs Da>·m Walker, wh1le th& function of b st ria.n was psrform.ed by fo!T.' r Ill JC st ..d.nt , ',7 . SavarEi . fla~nr..r' s "-.'iedding !.!arch" from th•.. Ope r ll "Lo h• nrr in" was play&d by the br a •a sister, Yis; Jean St l"toO . Followinr, the c0r<mony a. lluptlal Suppe r wa.o piirtar n of by th1J bridal party 1 t h !jr( Om I 3 par er. ts, Mr. 11.11d 'ro . C. E. Durdy , nnd thr VI• dd1nr guesto , Ar. 1JnJ Mr:; . K• rbc r , Mr . und L!r • 1'1: l l nrd Sc. t 1.., thu Rov. und l~r ' ·~rn~t o.r.d chi ldron , Gr tchcr1 and Duv id , Mrn . R. Thomae •nd SO'L Jimmy, llr s . Ut re .1 .Jnn ndloy, l.!1sou6 Daw-. \Volk r ond J
B t.t.y Boob• r, Wil 1
and Bob floun•. r . Tl1• br! d· nnd roe m loft I, dlot ly 1 or Tacom~ ..,! r t.hly ~111 mu~ th \ r ht 11. fo.. tn dur11tlon cf II,,., Durlv'o t•1l!.;l11, nl in • u1 •
tll r
11J .. t1.d t of' 1 101·• h 1 u lh, . u .ir l.OJ1 t jell l1 1 wlul1~1 .1 ' l.
' }
h 'I
u.... J. ''P. v .. y
I ,.
- -----.
er... ""'-r ,.
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-· 1
/ '
. ~..
. 1'¥ • R •../'-•T
.Stanton, in a:: ')vcning c£;rt-nony co.1duc tE:d !;atur -
I '
I' . ......' ..._ /
• T
' I
..... ,.
• :- • : • PRUGRA:.'. DEVELO?S
Civilian Pilot Tr aininr probr :r.m , under di r ec ·I ti or. of ..!r. E. ":r . Hribar , • has progress~d nicely in I •- - --· . -· I their study or Civil Air --- •I -... ......?Regul3tions , a.r:d flight ._ ~· ' ...r::-·::"7"')r..•:;._-· cl~sGes 1rt eXP~cted to ~ _ , // \ / I . begin n~xt Wt:c~ . .., ,,.. ._,;' " Th~ course h~s b~e~ cor... 'lltcr~d since ':'.1.IL... F•. ......, ,. T YG!Jl!.. _:-_l!J!.'1._ siderably llst se~estGr . Th study F'IR.57 Al::l OFFORTTJUITIES of Ae rodyn8.tlics o.nd ai rThc. -- Ar-r:c:l!:-- Red- Cross c r aft e~gins has beea sponsor l.d co~rs~ ir. F_rst SW-: tch.:d fro- (l "Theor etiAid to be ta..iE;i"t by 7irg . cal cour se" to an "11ctual Shepperd '.l..l'ld offe r-Od as ~ pr'lctice cou rse " wher ein or:c.- cr.dlt c0Jrs1,; to si:;u- th• flig.'lt contr actor dcnts r egl•t r.d in cl:c supplids airc raft a.~d engJunio r Coll g. ~ill ~cet in s to be asse:b l ~d o.nd on i«>nd1y and Thursday studied by the flight s t uovenin~s in r oom one froc dc·~ts . seven to n ir.e; . Th~ full quot1 r oster of All Educutic.n studc.nts stude~ts includes: B~r t a.r i- eap·.cinlly urgc.d to Hudso~ , Chuck Huwphr ey , to.ke the course o.nd any (;(;o . !io~k , Hazel Jessen , othe r students .nt~ rested Bob Po1ntner, Bill Glindewill b( ~olcc~~d . C:>.!'., Al ?red~<ind , LindArro.n ge~en~& n~ve oeen gr~r., H-r ~y Be;;:ting;vny and mo.de to illor. P. E. crtd:t Glt:n!l .ogle . to both woJT.tin ano cen tuint; tr l. c .:iu rsi: for its d1.1- 1
r nt_n~ .
Uiss Uarion McGui re's Plav Production cl~ss will srort popul~r Co- oditc r H mini::w~y . at p r Str.t ~ r ~ 1t i dura'lce vile i· .,l •. ·, "Tr iflLs," by Sus!ln t . µ1r1ts' 1'nt.:st hosnit'll Gl'lsp 11 ; :\.'ld the r . s. will run lu• tr n bit of o.bdomin.i] F'or rt S rvic e r ndju t nt, vio. the sur- nevi s sho~in~ the scenic (1C l rnJt£, is QUCh i~ r,r ~eurs of tr.& St~t of p r v d 'ld sl~uld b b~ck ! :!. li-o . • r ..:. nsse:::b ly this 1n i re u l '\ t nn ~11 t !..n th ... ~orni~~ ~t lLVv~ o'clock . :;tt d\.t.ts P d rson, Ver n n~xl t"? v; k• r;1. y • :! m'l.rk tl Sy:t , S yf r~h, Sh~phl rd. 'r . n- - • r- t;; co~ os the t w s v ...:r ~ ~! :: i:
• t c cr ,t • t 10•1
• •
C' ~ :;· - •
of the
S:;lt_ as
---,,.--------- - - .. Pag~
, :;o.run
- ----
R ~A T IDAED .r.-~r ~~ :CLl..w.zE J 0
OUT OF TF..E CL" S S';\.)()~
Did you h<Jn r o. ~ roup of quoor voioos v1hic h S ~!)>. Coeur d ' Al~ne , Ida.ho wh:lt ro:nindod y o u of sol'lu.. P.Jblished weelclJ.• 'trJ s;;.ud-:n~ of l" . ! . J . c. • Vol . :r, 3o. 16 ono you know issuint; in • vllrioua tonos ovor tbt Virgi l S •.Bf'perd, miko in tho auditor i uc Co-i'.di tor r; 1 We.rron 7ii ll.8..':l.S Tuosdo.y? Or porhnps you hoo.rd about so~A now Ellld B o~ty Sooh9r , St&!'f s '.T.at ie J.!.c Douge.l ltAthil.c:m Pr.:i t:. .;;tr:u1()e it •'n of curiosity, - C l:~t-:Ctl"O'u..!':f" i'" 'lP'>ea Robin:; , Zl~o r Dowor:a , , Betty such o.o Sur o Cl asp Pin C ~, Dowe rs , J oyce ~och.-ein , Uary .Ann True-Vont Shoos , eto . Froe ll!lld , l!Ar jo rie Ecmti Thes Gtrnnge lt~ms pro. Ur. L!c!!"llsn , i11s Portor Advisona : olo.i.m tho.t tho members ot tho Rndio Speech ol o.::o aro apout ing t hoi r goniue ol -. OFF'l ''E rn<lio ruwo\mo ing . Horo i e ,,,.,..._!I '"S BO":UE"' J S FRC!J TH:; " Bo m••"""s V '( lJ !;l1 !'l'..lo' u u~ Sy lvia \Vo.lli n 1 s , 0110 or b.B l o:ig a we &T'! dediThe ReGiatr r 1 ~ offi co tho moat o l over oommeroating oursel vt1s t o t ho &ll:lo1t t)lGB!'ully r oports oinls g lvon s t ask of putting credit t hat etudon!:s h:>.v ."> bovn ~ry ono of our Alfo.lf11 whor e credit is d;.ie , let us oxtro.- ordino.rl l y prompt in digo.r .tt t.os todu.y . Alfo.lfa . tako . t hi3 opoort-..:.n!. ty t o tM po.ym.'3nt of foos o.nd cigarotte s o.r,., mnde of t t a ppl aud the effo rts o~ the boobtore bills . wor 3t · b l ornt· e1:t1 ltd,,!!etM"1n aria th3 iSt;1.nee:- 1 s This astoniahlnt; r oport , Si o.m oe.retl ooo l y mlx od wi'th Cl ub . c oming froo a pe r sooutod o.l falfo. ot r o.\v o.nd oullod These two bodies s tuck of.fico that habit- a lly c o.bbo.1".0 l oo.v os producod ·in thoir n ecks n.-~ out 1n an t;rowls nbout n c n- paymanta ?lo r th ! do.ho . Alfo.lfo. of fort to in j ec t so::e t\lll o.nd thr.Jo.t ans o.ll sorts of c i go.r ottoo o.ro rollod by and the se:nblanco of for::1&l vile revonr "s j ".1u:Jt not go ha.nd o.nd thoroughl y rono. o.tmosphore into our schoo l without ooirJnt . Truly, o. t od ov o r s l ow b l o.t ing f ir > social life . oohoo l t~t bOcsts acho l ~ ra 00 c.:: to r omovo o.11 pose ~ They havo botl. put in tM.t :sot t hoi r ob l.;. ~i..tiCll'l:J, blo en joym-.1nt , ,71 th oo.oh many hours or pa-ti .mt l e.bor exhibit signa of s o-oa.llod pa.oleo.go gunra.nteod t o prop ropar ing deooration a ll!ld schoo l - splrit , and to.lea o.n duco o. l o t of fo ul amoko. attending t o t ho t rivial a.ctiv o intor co't in thllir Ono whif f i i; anough for and minute adden da t o f\:nc- J:ctre.- c-rric ul !4 r ::-ctlvitios anyone . 'Ne u r g'l onch o.nd t i ons of this sort and ""111 go fo. r unirc.rd n o.Ling f!l'Vo ry ono or ou r l i atonora deserve oore 'than t he its p11C., in oooioty n to buy Alfa l fo. oi go.r o tteo praise we can give t he:n s hini ng one. todo.:r. The r o o.ro 208 , 621 o i go.r etto s moko r s 1n t hJ horo . Howeve r , we do say "Th.ar. k 1941 Inl :ind &piro . 11o h.a.v '!l on You Bot h" - "You ' re nice "fi'hy shoul1 I work or why hand 208 , 622 po.ckngo&. peopl e and were &lad we s houl d I t oi l , Hurry fo l Y.' iZ Vi sit your know VOU II r.h,, h l • • ···~ s o~ ! I ::dckl o or noi ghbo r hood b l o.okscrlt h 1920 tr..ic..tle or noil , o.nd get y our pD.CJ('.O.p:e right "Yonder s oa the mo m j ng And whjr shou l d I li7 e on &"'8.y. Our s l ogan i a "An b l ink , the district lino . Alfo.l fo. cigor otto o. do.y, Tho sun is up ond up :cust In o rde r to t: 0 t to tho ofk ?ops your nothJ r-- in- lmr I; f'i ce b-.f nine ; o:TTO.".f. n To wash C!ld d res s and eat £ nd •bJ ~o t~:t poror of and d rink, the ulti::inte "''°r:;f r'Wo hD.v <.l a. fi r o dopo.rt-- ' And l ook at things and Shoulu I .t'J r .-: :::.t ::>.11 ~ or mont i n our to-nn th.at hlls 11 tal k and t hi nk l ivo or d i e? onl y on o ho5 G c:ir e.nd t-no dogs . 11 .bid wor k . A~d God mo;vs - - r on t• ':'.!,e St~cnt" "".'iht!t aro tho do ~s fo r?" why. II 11 To f ind tho lr.rdro.nts . " A. E. EiU.!S :-:a:l
----------------- '.S.·_ ....· ;!;::'T:-:-- . ,L o., JTATE COLLEGE STtJDEl:T Page CO'.n!El~TS 3 f ..i:'~ 'I'. o ug 1.1.~ ,.,.,, ,r '/C'.:> • C 'i!Gi LEi:.~ (:' :..::":ARJI: G AT JUUIOR COLLEGE
(Geo rg.ion'!. t d-•1iJl 1, on<. o!' '.' . :Jyl +;c 's •. • i;h S-::f:.Jol .... .U .y Dr. vir.f studt1:it-:. , ~ro thls ofsay . )
r;ljcos&.ary ~ Y:!low th d~~ics s.r.d res~o~~ibll-ti~o r cJtiI?& :o.:r ..ho.lee.rs iia a criv• r . P<.rna.p:i ti.o fir=t dut/ of t~~ dri~or is to be c r tnln of your pn1sieal n.n1 m~~ta.l so:ir.d.'lCS 11 toforc u.1C.t. r -
tD.kin g the ouerAtion of o.r. a~to~obil o . Th<. a rt of driving r_quir~s quick thiA~ing &.nd pre!lbnce o! ~ind , togethur with coor 1ination of your booy J:',U ::clfiS a.nd ncr·1t s .
Th .. ne7.t duty
to be
J.le..v.. r t!l.k~ • chanct.!l ! t.ec"' th{; spce;d of tho car wr1cn /O'J a r e dr iving down • • ' ., bt.ttcr to be lo.te the.n a.bscr1t . ?.ot only i.3 yc'Jr own life. concer ned b~t nlso the li708 of otnerc - - - - fc l law ce.re-f ..il .
OrivG both your car o.nd tho oth~r fellow ' s car. Be thinking c very min1. te nh11t tne pGrso~ mibht do !U1d runke allow1J.Dces aocordinclJ . Another dut/ io to observe trafl tr. n1ir,ns and 111.1111 . Thnroul))1ly ne;quuint yourself wl th •,be la·11c of your state and havo a ~on cr al lmovrlodce oi' tho ln..1n ln ot~or ~tqtcb . • Obo) ll.lld ch1li:ir6n .
trr.i.! i'lc :sli;no 1u1 I n 1w1111 al ·Aal not only for yo\1r own saf'oty , t t 1 )r t;ho
safety or ot~,r~ . l,ua t., but hC t l • r ~ t ,
a cour te•>l.ln
Jr~ vc
r . Enip lq,r t 11fl ho r •1 only when nacni:aery . Rotpoct tho r1 c:1t11
othA r o. B aportornanliiro 111 your driv1nr,; it al 1 ys pa)~ . R('m mbe r wh 11 you ll rc> d r l v1 Dfl you ll r• a rc.1 r of 11 vo :i • Be I\
P~t fi~e
~.eight ,
~yes ,
".:h bl•?
r.etcht 1~5 oo~~ds , c .r~ '.lur1 hril-, this :!•sc:-~bes Ui~:. 5ctt; 1.o:-16y, ~a7r stuco'\t.
re1.l t
11., :- ley, whos'!! Ss ~ ft~e 'last
'i ~s
rt~ arn~y ,
. eb:-t1.z1.:a,
wa!l 1.7~dua~ed 1ro~ Coscow Hig.'i Scr-:.cl . He: f'a:is~e
th r. move~ a:ross the s~a~e line to .?ull.a:an ,r.Qshlngtr~. where ste s~ent her co:le- year at i~st. ~ly
vt~~e. l:llljori~g
::'r er.ch . Si e e:-:tered t!1e Cclle~e
th~ f~ r ~t
Ju.nio r of this
sophc=c r~ .
She e.lrc _ o.ajc~s ~:::. .French here r..i d ·opcc to te'a li -
b r a.rig:-, 1.r.it~ to~.
ca.1 .
~r,. ..., "'T~ .... ""'
She "'
.,, • .l. •
d~1 -
h~cause ~: tne ''cu~•r-r v -~ r- "~ ~. . ~ ..~ . ... ..,··nd -.1 \,A.""-
tituac vf
that she ciq:>ects a ma.-i to e~te r her life . She likes swing ~usic and names 7o~ my !:lorsey as h~r favo r ite de..."!c ~ bo.."ld le9.d r . '\Then
~e r ~s3oc:
fo r
favo r i te so~g , she voted one hu:-.ere~ per cent for "7empt!lt 1 en . '•
She ado r e s Coeu r d'Alene because or its spi r it and life, its picturesqut beauty , anJ its !dtal situation near mounta:ns , lue s , $.lld ~h e city of Spokan~ . Her pet peeve is people who a r e al,-:ays gr iping about C. D'A . because it ' s a dead town . She says e:pnatically that they dcn•t 'Lnow what they ar e talking about . The r e i s only oati thing; fo r wtiicn-· she r ebr ets having lef t Pullc.s.n-- she misses the Coi::=:..."lity Co~certs s.nd tyweekl;,• asse::.blies which she enjoyed at W. S . C. She states thn a~ the Co:::::.mi ~y concerts, ~u~n ~s the one hel d r ece-it!./ u. Spokane , and to ".Thich tr~ s t~ d~ts wore acbittod on stud ut ti ~kets , they heard ~uch fe.::ious sinberG as
ntes , t r :e~ds a::d s~rang ers alik~. Sre a':tlires our daligl.tful Ce.:::'.:)US (fire • eccape E:sr,ecially} and ic surp r ~seJ at ~he high le•~ 1 of l ~a rrii 'lg or the Jonior Collcre . 3esiies rer r egular ~t~~i~s sh~ is u~ r 1o.n .A!:dorson and L&.'lr..J At the assembliQs, ir.t6r~uted in p~blic ~neu.lc Rose . ing, orn::nn, ar.d ru3lc . · J~~ which wor(. held regule.rly ninge in the u . ~. Glee C1~b twice a week , thoy often
nnd Girlr'
tri~l~ trio . Colltctinc co~venirc ~nd
poet ry a r aml'ln{ her inlllrt stlnf honhi 3 . ~he has SC.•lll'enirs ,.,f ~...ny plnce:: sh hae b... t;.. , such na thu Golden r, t lntu1nat:onal Exposi•i n. So~ ur..usua~ ropks fro~ Colorado i.Ild a ploco oJ role: d Fae r tnY. n trc~ a go 1 pust at • football ra::i ~a.ck i~ o·· ~err h cpo:: in..,ne. Sl. •a a 1"o u
ijobr.A k .
good co.· lc.:t n1· d '.i'h1 :s '9. .. t
nn~ en4cy~
such as Ch!l.nnint. Pollock . ~ lccj to our ~t~dgnt body, E..: tty .
''A kiss is a · p·culinr pro~o itio.~ . of no use to o. , yet b"olute bliss to twr-. Tiln s::uill boy gets it fo:- nothing . The young :-:in !i s to steal it and t~e Plc -~ h s to buy :t. !n baby's :-it,. •, the hypoc:.t~'s naak . :~ a yo~ng i : l , r i:h, to a 111.!1.rried Yi :::.n, ho- , &..'le to an old
c }J ~ bl r e·ip • would inaicate :C::.-d, F: a
Page l
----'--------- - -J
I" ...,, •
- .. :"'. JiU,.:
u ....
Wh o.:l i t ;:J;".j,:;; con-: err ,
to girls e.sF~Ci~Jiy, J~n ltllli has ~rck,:i un -xi. t. the ''retl-hc.ld . '' •
1•~ • •t:ri""~ ..... . """•B il:':'..a 1 d .oi..: :-c= ::; 't • ~
.. 11. ..
'M "0
Ci\"L'"l(! ~t.rent • •
5 -..••
to Uiss -. -' r
--the h;_r;}:----:,
were leavin" ~'Jr Reis; 0 qlen, de
..l ~ i>'Jj-S :.uwi. • • r. ·
cu t: vc.
.. Kes ': i!t.j;
Sq'.l.i rt 1'b"..1bblirli,;
ovar "
ha' been the l4"t
day or !JO . I<:. coul<!r. I t 11 Se·t:le 1 S 1 possiblJ· be a r ri'.·al, could it?
Bill Tayler mi."led
v;a.t ch <'Ut , Bill ijonscr, - Loui\? ·c' ri!t. .....'1 is nft.cr
t;i rl .
-must be Spri.'lg
Blackwell serenaaes us evury dn.y--:-"t~e girls s c:n love it , but. th~rc ~re cort · in t..:ach"'rs that t hink i t j.s a v ~~· had thing to do. in t.he ?:iddl;,i of a c~ass . . to
Girls, you ar~ .sli:r;pir.g • You ha\"'1.:~':. ;rullec. th".! heart st ri."lg:: of the nc~'l boy- -~""::¥Jnd :;-inch, you know-by r.oJr.
t hat. ~rls
o f likir-6 t.he boy~ "~ 1J:id Co-::ur d 1 li~:ie- -~:t" -~ ar~ sacc !1Ctt c:t "!...-.. .:es -
_.... ......
ntl -l.u~ r .
pros pee r.s
~:-c .i,1 _.
vr 1 s E"'ll . ,
o:. t!. ... on .
Ctris- n
oh £.:.
F1..1 llows
t hoy mi1~
nondcring who
to t hu clnncu .
---ion.!l<!r wond --, v1h t r•r,
.il.i, how nd
---H.:1iri.ir .. vs ·r Pltvllis Sul'-
. -·n•'
• .I.
would inll:rVilJ\J i . J . tr:o for Rrirlio Sr-1..ich .
\j.rli t.hv t.o, •ood to
• .. ..-· ...,
...'t.:.:,, .. ·1
S"....~ ir.,,.-J
J s-
.. l
...... v_ l. c 11 S!'locp C. l
·? )
• •• •
• r:
h..,r :1rt!$ in
th..• No<'n Ru~ h, with Duthie r.n1i S-.yforth hor vlct..ims :
--• Brttr1<~vol<l at.ill in- ·
Dick i «;:ting
l'ln ,.. s~:ni-for:nnlo , ---- --n
formals - -----?
,, a
n.i."'..i t tint
?-=' .
.H(jlun s ey{orth
·r1ah tbu ov1.1-;thing nnd uvocybody nt th .... A. \ •• ~ . m utina ( l rom thu runoubn in Dot"l1ly h~
- ~t.c
'l'u.J s oo:r
tri .... ~
l:lOrn i.nP •
cl 1s3 to \7 r rl.n Willi.runs, r lso in Bot:iny cl 1133) "Joo' Hut.chi son 1!!1.1._;(R... fcr to \'lobsto r ' " Col-
,'ho \\'!\S J..,~n g:ing in th~ offico in luginto Di~t.ionnry) front o~ l!rs. Gri.:Uuy'? • \thy don ' t you introduc e ll.11J JMo Duthie coming Buster to the otr.or girls , Tu.;scl.y niJht 1.nd 1-il - r-· J..,an: • iou::rly 3houting: "Do·,, Am ju't pcrk:.:d Dickir:ndvold soun follow- I h~ppy t I for the f i r '3t tin-u. ! 11 · in~ K.nthcrinc J ... ssick rtovm
Sr.crnan in his c r .
---V/illi 'llllS atnting
11/arr i..;n f.itlli.11g th~t : ''AnywnJ, I h".l.von't
~s Chet SJrl l~ i~ th bask.tb:i.11 ~iCd."l '5d"y r.ig'1~?
r1'ho for
g·CD bo.n .rr~stud for etryi.ns out tco kt\.. , 11
---~thic ·.shouting:
¥.oodv will not v :- t!. 1 • ; "'Vir6 Shepperd , you op.;n ;,•o:ir mot1th ci.ntt I' 11 kill -~!"" ..I ""'
;:.. · v.,·· .. h
.~"-"" ycu !" '
rc~a!"kc~ ·SO.'llC of'- .."" l'..c ...' . v"' _ just collldn' t. think:
r •
n_.· i
• . l
- -..... • io
It sec:::s that our studont body presider.t closed the dating bureau aft.er ho had acquired his date ,
• \ L""'
n ::..i.k·n · n l ft ur& (!i l t you t~k'
.. ...
S vurnl t~:tls discuosin' 'ho tl:oy •vo rop.;tl in lo t '.'lkt. t.h ·m to tho Enuin-
S1. V'1l'<'.l
J.!ctlo:l. 1
..;,:-F i:: -:r.e Hut-
s ell fMrl..ls .
.. .
: ..i.r-
. ~i...
didn 1 t !C:'OW 1 cculd 'take tt::;r :.l~ng. 11
d M..'\rj· ·i u tJ'.lJ:.t • 0:1 th, c ~...,.~s ~.x,f for t~o hours , ··r... l • r ~c:i 1 b~· J..inn P . ... li"u1
"''1 l
your bac" Gl er.; "! •
i t-.:·lli~
-- - ----------------.
--< · c ~ /. w v
--Taylor "'l.lld
Hazel ~':':. ·n e ri ping 'lbout whttt •. \c1 conaict r c.. c cliffi -
,.. ': L• :,. ~~~~
• 'O .., ..... V
• •