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' Coeur d'Alene , Idaho
Four t.ecn Junior Col •• ee students tro:..~:~" to 5.,attle this ~orn1ne; for t.rie :.: 1fashington Stotr. Youth ' s l -hO"J Qr"' conferencP · J ,, • ;: t r avelinr ir. Pr• s1Jen Lee, 5 Red 'i/ar-on 11nd Chur,k Lunceford's Terraplo.ne , and expect to r emAin in Srat tle unti 1 !.'.onda:; . The conference frJa tur t ' many lecturers , amo~g ~hom E Stanley Joneo , h1ss1on• ~y to Indio; 1 Jri6l Le::: ter , the Jane Adcru.s of London; Daniel Polling, world pr gzident o! the Christiao ;::ndcuvor; and Phillip· Y. L-;u , oJ China and the.local gr oup is • · Ioolcinr, forward to hcarin& tne:: . :t~se n.n~in~ the Sea•tlo •rip ar e : B:>b Kruse, ~'.a.irice Hinkley, Glenn :'ol'.:le , Art Trt'r.io.n , Cr.r..r 1 o Lunceford, Ray Fine! , Eu l;l '1v Schmidt, Louie Cl•r ia·t• '1 , Uo.rj Hentz , Ada S.. 1 le prlursnn, Phyllis Su r plus , Yu~ ic Pre. t t , L.o.r ion Bro.nd"old , J ·lln 3tunton , lft.l0n F '.:ho!!iO.S , J~:is i" Nor,11 ·, nnd j,' i :r, . VI . E. ::; ta.nton , who ls ~ ..:r,~.peroninr. tho {',·roup . l.l
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The U. of I . Frosh fin ally mobbed the I: . I . J .C. Ca r dinals Wednesdcy, March • • 5 , in a geJn~s played es n . ~ \.preliminary to tho O . S . C. , - -U. of I . tc.ngl~ . to tho / ' tune of 44 to 37 . ,,. .. .. ' The Cn.rds took the bit .-f ' e.nd away at t he startin& I\" gun and held tho Fr.osh 29 \, to 19 ~t half tiroe . Tho • Frosh cruno back.tho s o cond . MY c;.KEs FELL,. . _ ,l,?lD SO DI::> MY HOPES.J __ half with vn::.ves of fr osh rescrvvs o.nd the Ccrdinals \'1·-rc i;r o.dually \\'OfD dovm , CAMERA CLUB SPONSORS until the Fr osh won, going TODAY'S ASSEMBLY E.vrey . Formor C. D. A. High Star, Tho r cr.ular Fr iday as Norman Frcd._kind l ed the scr-bly will be sponsored go.me scor in& by racking up tric v1e.,k by the J .c. Cam21 count~ r s . Ch~t Syltc • • ra Club, a.nd will f ~ature with 17, &.nd Willie Gonser ?~r . Sidney Str e:a.tor, for with 14 l~d tho balnnco of rn.c.ny yoarc ctaff photogra - the pc.ck . pher for th~ ;.m~rican Lui;iTh~ Cc rds wind up this ber Jh c rt s Associntion . yccr•s coopetition Fr idc.y Mr . Stre~tor will exhibit night in Spoko..ne \then thoy oxwnples of his photooc t the Strong Spokane @fO.ph a' s ert and offer sugJ • C. Five . gestions and comments on the fivld of photography .
",. .
-- ·-------
Tho 3econd Semester tentntivo Assembly schedule r eloascd Tl.ursduy , March u, by }lrs . rter cy Jane Grid C.AlIBRA CLU D PLAJ:S loy , Assambly Director r•c 11 . I .J . C . Car ·ra ClJl.l lists th~ following at, i 11 hold i L:i Sl'mi -monthly trlictlons : t I nr: I ti r ch 11 , ut 7 i!nr..:h l" !:Tic Johns ton •i.'Tl . in"1.ho H11rJing Bldp: ., 21 P.Jl lie Baal th ; . cl u 11-:. pon:;or E .W. 2 Di..ncinl\ Class ''i--•ur. Orgunitution for April 4 Dr~uti..:s <t 11el'I sorncst r wlll con1 B:>ya, Girls P . E . •·· 1 \rt of lr L Vl n in~ 2~ B.isin ss Students r1 r(lwini::i will b mt.cl 1.. u •v 2 Frunch Cl .. s s ... 'lcl1J:i ln lh 1ir&• -.;:1 Ent:;i:--..... r s • Cl b "i.-l" irr lookinr" con'·st lt Sr-ec Clas:; • •I y £&r . • :'3 Cw::iora Club
JCs SEE UOSCCY.7 GAL!E Dnn 1.!ills , Hl"lon S<3y.forth Raymond Finch, Mery Lou Smith , Gordon Friber g , Lorcnr !'il •V o.tt"nd d the • Idaho Frosr-N . I . J . C. go.me c.t l.'o:;co"1"1 ':lcdn'""sdc.y OVt)n in& . ------IRENE VESSER PR0!50TED ~·:e n Ir ~n~
Vws~er ,
for two y •rs c Nor th Ide.ho Junior Collc&e student in B..lsincss Adnir.istro.tion , r.r.s acccpt-d ~ ~~rit position cs secretary to the Unci::ployr.".iot Co?::por.sation Divisior. , 'l.nd will w0rk iL t~e ct.r .t.o l o..iilding ir. B:>ise .
Page 2
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:ro~~ r:>;.:: > JUITIOR CC.U.!XiE
- -- - ------------·----.1 O'L? 0F :'E.S CL.\SSROOll
Did ~·ou hOt\r 0. g roup or Coeur d ' Alene , idahtl qu.:>.ir voicos which SO!b~· Publiar.ed woekl}• b-/ stud -:r: .. o!' ·: • I . J . C. wh:lt ro::iindod you of somo• • • Vol. II , Uo . 16 on-J you .lmo\'r iosuing in VClrious tonos over tho 'Tirg.:.l S epperd , Co-F.d.1tors 1 miko in tho o.uditoriua i arr on 7L.. l l i a:3 Tuosday? Or porhnpa you Be-~t"J Boor~r , J.:&rij.'lynno Dutt.ie , Sto..ff 1 ho!lrd l\bout some new tUld KA'4; i ~ :.re Do,_.gai Ka t.1-J. c :m Pr. ~ strange itotr of ourioeity, · ~l~t-iC1.T'S'W1t 1:gi:les :Jot.ins , Eleanor Dowers , Botty such n,s Suro Cl asp Pin c~, Jowers, Jcr-ce Hochrein, 'ii1.IJ.r; Ann Truo-Vont Shoos , oto . Free land , :.:ar ~o ri e Eant:. Thos • atro.nge lt~ms proAdviso rs: !!r. ~c~ul len , .iss Port~r claim thnt thD membora ot tho Rndio Speooh olo.se nro spouting t hoir goniue of rndio announoin[!; . Horo ia BOUQUETS FRO?.: US BOU~t:!:TS FRClr f.tt.3 OFFICE Sylvie. \Vo.llin ' o, ono or As l ong as we are dedi· The Registrar ' s office tho most c l over OOD'lllloroating oursel ves to tho al=.ost gleefully roporta oio.la givon : task of putting c redit that students ~vo boon "fry one of our Alfo.lf11 where c r edit is due, let us extra- ordino.r_ly prompt in digo.r Jttes todti.y . Alf11lta take this opportunity to tho po.r=:::t of fooa o.nd cigarottoe nro mtldo of t ~ ! applaud the effort.. of the bookistore bills . worst · bletrtr Oi' "t6,,!15ti11"1n ~~w:s. arla tM-F.:nPneer •s This asto."lishing roport, SiAm oarelooa l y mixod wi'th Club. cnrn1:r:.g from a persoc u ted cU.fal.f'ti stra.\·r o.nd oullod These tvto bodies stuck orfico that habi ~lly ca.bbo.go lonvoo produced .in their n ooks wn.y out 1n an growls o.bo· .. t non- payments North Ida.ho . Alfa.lfo. offo rt to inject somo fim o.nd thr n'tens nll sorts of c 1ga.rottoo a.ro rol lod by and the semblance of formal vile revonz-ofl , i;iunt not go hAnd nnd thoroughly ronoa.tmosphere into our schoo l Without c 0tr1ent . Truly , a. tod over slow blo.zing firo sooio.l life. school tha.t boc.st:s schol c.rs 60 o.s to remove nll pose~ They have both put 1n that meet troJ.r obl ... :;o.tion.,. blo enjoymunt , \'rith oCloh many hours of patient labor OX.'li.bit cigis or s o-oo.lled po.cko.ge guo.ro.nteod to propreparing decorations and schoo l - spirit, l.l.nd ta.Jc.., o.n duce a. lot of foul smoko. attending to thtl trivio.l active in~.,r~st in_ thoir Ono whiff is onough for e.nd minute addenda to f'une- oxtra- oul"!"1cular C>c tivities o.nyone . ·no urgo onch o.nd tions of this sort and will go far tcnrnrd -:i.king t!l'Vory ono of our liotonor o deserve nore than the its p.l~ce in sooi.Jty a. to buy Alfo.lfo. ciga.rottea praise we can give them shining one. today. Thero aro 208 , 621 hero . cig~retto omokora in tho 11 However,11 vie do so.y Thanlc 1941 Inland Empire . "No ho.ve on You Both "You ' r e nice "Why should I •no r£. o r why hruld 208.,622 po.clca.gos . shoul d I toil , Hurry folks $ Visit your peopl e and ware g l ad we kncw you. " 7lhy sho".21.... I :::.ickle or noigi.bor hood blnckecrl.th 19'20 :uckle o r i::oil , o.nd get your pncko.ge right "Yonder seo the ::.orning And Wh'J should I live on e::vay. Our slogan !.e "An blink, the district lino. Alfnlfn ciga.rotto n d4y, The sun is up a:id up cust In ordor -::o get to tho oflc'Jops your noth .. r-in- ltm 1• flee by nine ; 8.1'Tlly. " To wn~h and dress and eat And why ~o 1:.!:0 powor or and drink, tho ultimate Ylhy "7fo h.a.vo a. firo dopa.rtAnd l ook at thillgs o.nd Shoul... I -ro:rk c.~ a.11 , or lllOllt in our to-..m that hAs talk and think live or 1io?" only ono hoso oa.r o.nd t-110 • dors . 11 And wor k . And God kn 07s _ ..,ro-: "':'~.... Stt;.dcnt" rfrifuit aro tho doge for?11 0 why. " "To find tho hjtdrants . A. B. Hs us:=:a:::i
At an assembly held Fr i day, Fe bruary 28 , in the Itsu.k:o Nishio was born Junior Col l ege Auditor i um, in Belknap, Kontania, but the J . c. ?lay Pr oduction l i ved most of her life in class presented a one-act Hope , Idaho, where' she was play entitled TRIFLES , a.nd gr aduated f rom high school the Pi rest Servic e pr esen- in 1939 . A promising artt ed a f i lm ist, Miss Niahio attended, The play nad its sc ene for a. sem.e ster and a. in the farmhouse kitchen s ummer quarter, Cornish of a woman who had been Art schoo l in Seattle. accused of strangling her There she a-r;udied sketchhusband 1;o dee.th and who ing which ia her specialty, had been t'lken to j~i l. a.nd eJ. ao charcoe..l drawing. !he County Attorney , HenShe entt, r e d H. I . J .C. this de r son (Bob Sheppe.rd), the semeoter as a part- time Shar iff, Robert s (Bill student . A freshman. she Tremo.n , and Mr . Bale ( Veri s majoring in business . non Sylte ) , a.a n 11ghbori n& Her fathe r , eJnployed in fa rmer have come to the Hope as a Section Forman house to look for clue s . for the Northern Paci f ic The. Sheriff' s wife (Helen Seyfo r th) and Mrs . Hale Railr oad, was transferred (Ade $elle Peders en ) have to a silnila.r ~sition in aocompe.nied them. It ia Coeur d'Aleoa, thus br~ng these women who .find the ing her i nto contact with first &.nd only clue, e. our great i nstitution of She decided to 1trangled bird , but they lea.ming . because do not tell the me n , pr e- ente r, s h.: says , me thought it• WO'tlld be " & fe rring to shield thei r fr iend. The boys in the whole l ot better tho.n doing noth~ag . n An en.ergetio ct1.s t haci oh&r ge of the stage settint, and Betty roung lady. she is 1.ntel""'" eated in Mllf oat.door Soo~ e r, assisted by Vi vian Sho i s a g;-ea.t Berna.r d, attended t o the sporta. basketbnl l enthusiast !IDd makeup . o. Tateran of three Afte r the play , Forest 1 e R~nger Stevens , of ~ i s yea.rt on Hope High SClhool' a eou la, showe d a f ilm , pre- girls' team. \Psst , Coach pared by tho Publ io Ef1u- Chri s tia.nee.n) She is also ea t i on Divi sion of the lbr- a d.a.cer and studied bal• e at!')' n.par tm•nt. The l e t at Cornish l a st sizai~er. film portraye cJ. the f o r cs b , J . C. GIB.LS PLAT I HM the vlc a~io n f ac ll i ti e~ BASKETBALL ~iahln!; atr e ams , huntin g gro~nda , for :i't cu1imal s in Thursday, Feb . 27, t ho their natu ral habitat, p.ibJ ic parks , picnic grounds, Girl s' Phyaio&l Educ at ion class pl~yed the gi r ls 11'l!lb&r mills and some pictu re& of U\1,; lumber in- f r om the. local Aoa.demy i n •. a game of ba sketball . It du!try • was o. thriller from begin. ning to end , with the J . C. " ~ T iro •• -housllJlda of germs ·' co.n live on onb pin hcnd. gi r ls coming out in the ~+ ~-u d 'nt-- Cosh , how oo.n l ead with a scor e of 26- 6 . Som~ti.me in the near th~y eat that atuff. • f uture the two t eams will -- Thb Chinooki o.n 14;ain me t for n fri endly • tuss:le ..
EDITOR CHEATS REAPER Virg Shepperd, Co- Editor of t he J . c. Journal cheated the waves Sunday : lla,rch 2, when his ni netoot outboard r acing hull capsi zed in Lo.lee Coeur d ' . Alene whi le bounc ing from wave to wuve at a 35 milea.n-bour clip. The tiny cr aft , r ecently launc~ed by Sheppe rd, tipped he r bow · into t ho waves nnd turned half o£ a loop, coming to r est up• s ide down i n the icy water near ly a mile from shor e . • Shepper4, thrown free when the c r aft loo~d , swam back t o i t and clung to ita bo~ f o r s ome 20 mi nutes befor e he was reeoued, with no i l l effects by former J . c. Student Franoe.s Smith and Wm. Hood.
Virg Sheppe r d 's Cro1r3, First a i d clasa,held in Roca one in the Junior College, got off to a good sto.rt at its first mooting Monday night with 25 students o.t t ending . The cl •s~ will lo.st 20 hours fo r f i Te. weeks . those pa ssing the test at the end of tbat period will be given & •t•ndard First Ai d c~ rd giYin, hill the lega l r ight to admi n i ster Fi r s t Aid. Hard-~ o j l ~ d Sheppord, w~o kept th~ cl a ss in an ujroar with his o..~tics and colorful 1lluetratiOfJ atr essed th~ t~ct that &p• aences , exc ept i n ver y special caaes , ~bsolute Jy ~ill not be tole r ated . • OPTIMIST : Ooe who l ooks out in ~he dar:C and se"" s ~ light which isn ' t ther e • is one who A pessi~ist bl ows the light out .
-- -·----------------1 Tii:IDUJH ROO!I (.tr. Is KEYH...u:
J . C• GAiJ ABO . .i •
To who~ it may con:c~ , to girls esp:ici.ally, D:".:1 Yil18 h.::L.:; ~roc.::n u- Tiwt
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}i\Jlun Cllll ing tvoryt'. .ing '\lld vvocybody It sec.'.11S that our st• ~ tc at th A. v, •~ • (from th~ runouba in Bot.'.llly dent body president closed Tuesday rnorninl" , cl·.eo to ~·1 rrcn V/illi~, t ho dating bureau after ~e nlso in Botiny class) 11 Joo 11 had acquired his date , 1'ho was J..:a..'1. Hutcnl.son mu.;(R..,fuL' to ~lobster ' s Colging in th~ officv in Vlatch c-ut , Bill Gonser, front of Urs . Ori Uvy? lvgi~tu Dic!tion~ry) --Loui~·crrist~n is after \ihy don 1 t you int.roJuc•Uarl Jrn<.! Duthio cominp ,rour girl. Bustcr to tho othur girls, Tu.lsd..y ni.,ht ;'Llld nil r• i ou.sly shouting : "Bo·r, Am It lt!ust. b~ Snring Stu just pcrk-d Blackwell ser~n~d~s us ev- Dick it":r.dvold sc.n follcw- I h::.ppy ! I ory day . tl:o ?irls scc:n ing t:-ithcr:I nc J..:ssick dO'nn for t.hc f irst ti:ni., ! 1t t o love it, but th~r~ are Sr.u.r:nan in his c _r , co rt ~ in - tcach;r s that i'larrcn V/illi-~'?l.S .st~ting think i t j.s <i VCI"J' bad ~o lr.:!s Chl.": S~·lt.o f'lllL"lg th'"!t : 11 Anywaj, l h· vun 1 t • thil-.g to do . in t.he middle for i!' th...i bask~ tball g :me oo.n .rr_st~d f or stnying of a class , out ~co l~t1. . " · i/cd.."l . . Sd·y r.i;:'1-:.': t~
• :>h tbo
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Qi r ls , you ar~ . sli-;: ;:ii.::5 ' You hav1..;n 1t •nulll \.. th'? heart stri.'li'S of the n~~ bo;· ~v:nond finch , you kno,...--by nm·:. -i., I t. has h~'>"" ....... that -~Ol!:J". i-" • ,.. - - of- -""'•·\; "" ...., , girls ,:'usr. coUld.-i 1 t thin.k of li.ki.r...-; r. he bo~":; :i -="' ,,-:id Coeur d 1 il.Jne-- -!.n.. -:-e are some ~'-' ch~~;cs t i.~t no-.v prospeci:.s arcu..1 ••
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