North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 31 No 11, Mar 11, 1977

Page 1

Germundson outstanding

• Wrestlers grab second m nationals The ~IC wrestle~ returned March 6 from Wonhington. Minn. wtth a s~nd place national troph)· snd a 190-pound out.standlng wrestler With eight Carchnal ,.ns1lcrs qu.ihfying for n.111011.11 compc111ion. NIC totaled 64''i potnt\, runner-up 10 Triton of River Gl'O\le. Ill. ,.,th 71•,, potntS. lo,.a Central look thtrd place w,tb 52 and Grand Rapid.,. Mich pl3ecd fourth ,.jth 49 11, po1n1.s. Defending champion Cuyahoga Wm pt1llcd m 4S't. pomts 10 secure ftftb place on the charts. Gary Germundson upturc:d the: 190· pound champ1onsh1p for MC and won the Ernest B. Gould Outs1111d1ng Wr~tler A1'ard.

Germundson pinned Perry Keller of Colby, Kan . In 5:55 to top ~Ilion. He had already dc:fc:aled the: Kanus w~tlc:r 11 an earlier tournament in Colorado.

GermU11dson ,..-e~t:c:d th~ llrnt\ during the n.ati0111al t ~ and pinned four of his opponents He: scored a 14-6 semifinal decioon °'·c:r a Tntoo grappler. Germundson y,.a~ .also named outstanding "re5tlc:r of the: Feb. 25-26 Region lb Toanwnc:nt Undefe,ued in 1he regular season. I 34-pound Jeff Powell "'as pinned by Phoenu·s Joe Romero in his se1111(inaJ match. ln his consolauon lina15 bout. Pc,,rell deeisioned Jim Shurich of Grand l!Apids 14-2 1.0 Cl nd! lhird place in the 134-pound brackci. Don Ov.en secured lhtrd pl1cc in the: ISO-pound when he defeated Ricks' Mike Ripplinger 8-2 In the final consolation match 0-en entered the consolation bridm w,lh a semifinal loss to Phil Roblee of Jamcst-n.

At ISls pounds. Paul Hamilton last • ught qu.incrfinal match in O\cnimc 3·2 Hlmihon mo,cd into the coMobtion brackel .u,d pinned hi.$ ''1orthern Otlahonu opponent 1n 2:.511 ba1 l°'t !he: final bout ~ ,J Benn ki5t bis prchnunal) match but repmed a seat in the 1ounament 10 pin h,s Forest Park opponent rollo,.cd b~· a 10-5 decision O\"cr a JamcstOll'll grappler. Benn •'U eliminated from the 1ounwnen1 ,.,th a 9.1 loss to Huben Fisher or Oarcmorc. OklL At 118. George King managed sixth place afte'.r thrtt orms io the consollltioa roand. King lost both tournameat matches to Jerome Wans of Florrisaot Valley. Mo. Vern Diulio lost his lin.t bout 6-J to John Ciotoli but d,d not regain a position in the: tournament.')· Krane lost a dasc first match 10 Nortbffl, Oklahom:l's David Alley. Krane

dtd not re-eotc:r tbc t011mamen1. Head Coach Les Hogan appeared quite pleased v.ith !he: tc:im's pcrforma~. .. Wc lllld more team ~trength than any team in the pas I e11dc:nccd by lhe fact that wc ad,~nccd more "Tcstlers farther tlllln ever before and had more ..~tiers ,.,n us more points.·· Hogan said. In regional compcution held 1n Pendle· 10n. Ore.• the Cardinals IOOl thrc:c overall honors.

Not onlv dtd NlC win the tournament "'ith 9S J ·4 points. bul Co:ach Hogan was named 197~ Coach of the Region 18 Tournament 3Dd Germundson took the OutslD.oding Wrestler Award. At 118. King placed third ,.;th 126pound Dilulo ta.king the: championship in his .. eight clus. Po .. cll secured the JJ4-pound chiimpionsh1p with Benn taking third in the 142 class.


aRblnal R€Vl€W Friday. March 11. 1977

Volum e 31, N um her 11

Owen captured the ISO-pound championship while Paul Hiimihon took the 158,pound 1op spot. At 167 poun!li. Gal)' Krane toot third wt1h 1·1-pound Mort Cur tiss cloimiag fourth. Germundson took lhc 190-pound cham· p1onship while Ron Muuana managed fourth pl:i.rc in the hca,,ywt'ight division . Only the tnp 1hrcc places advan«d the Wortbinglon tounamcnl


Drama department presents 'The Night of the Iguana ' 1 he NIC drama dcportmc:nl', major ,pring produwon "The Night of the Iguana," will prcml('r 1onlgh1 nt 8 p.m. m the Coeur d'Alene Communil)• Thcnu.'r NIC dram• lrutructor Robert Moc 1s d1reN111g the Tennt'\SC:l' Willia ms pl•>· 11hkh wall aho run March 12. 17, 18 and ICI The dcpartmcn1 ha, been "orking ap· pruJ;imatcl~ ,ix ""h on lhc "'o-uct play. About 25 NIC ~tudcntS and community mcmbcr1 are ,nvoh"td in its production and according 10 Moe, rchearul~ have been cs~llent ''This is going 10 be one of the mongC>t drama> produt'Cd around here m a long

rime," he ~id. The play depicts a defrocked minmcr in JQ.10 who lea<li 1oun m Mwco. one of wh,ch ~ultS 111 his mental bredda,r.-o, Tho,c portra,1na !rad ehar1t1crs arc Jean E. fitting as Hannah Jdkcs. Jeff Ullman u Shannon, Juhe Erickson u Mulnc Faull and Bui St"\ C:l'$OII as !\onno. Adm1u1on is $2.SO for adulu. and SJ.SO lor 1·outh NIC student) • 1th current collcgc ID "'111 be admined Cree. Rc)cf\·rd se3t tide ts are a, ailable through Marleen Pcte~on at the Bllltnc:ss Office. iicle~ ma) ll1so be purchased I.I 1he door. 0

Open house festivities planned A VIX'aUe>nal bu1ld1n11 open house' 1<ill be held March 20. At'tt\'lttc, bcg,n at I .JO p.m with dcdl('ltioo 111 1hc S600,000 addition of the Hedlund Vocat,onnl Center The c,eremon, v.ill tcn1a11,cl) take pla~ in the C,rc.;r Dc,·clopmcn1 Center After the dedlcauon, refreshment> will be M!f\ed and the entire ,·onuonal ~ion 11111 be t>pcn for public uupccuon. ln\'ltatn>m .arc being ,cn1 10 the go, ernor. )t~lc lt-gi,luor. and othcr stlllc official,. At pre~, llmc ,t "n not lnOII n "ho IOOUfd 4Ul'nd

"I think it's • good oppor1un1I) foT ,tudenb ud area residents to ~cc the oe,,r fa,ishl) and part!Cipa~ in 1bc dedicatioa," T,m Chrt\llC, director or ,nformational !>Cf\tn:s ~d. '"h's ~ '1gnillcant and ootcwor1h1 addmon to 1he campu)." The Hedlund bu1ld1ng IS used b) :ipproumucly 270 >tudent>, excluding prc,1oca11onal . There uc ICI different cla~es and lab facilitic>. The new adcbuon "u otficu. h opened for u!>C Feb. l. C0Mtru.:11011 1<1S made pO:.<ible b~ .an Educano:w Dc1elopmen1 Agency grant.

Jot!) ~8Jw pbolo

OntsUmdln& Wl'CStl« GIii) Gumunclsoo g"6 1U1 1atograph to ... ldoll:wia ,oanat~' follo"inl the awanh presenwJoas II the Much J.S tounwncnt lo Worthlna1on, !'tllnn. GermlllldsGn tttth~ ~ Earnest B. Gould OvlS&IIDdlog Wrutl~r Award a n d ~ the 190-poand dwnplotihlp.

Curdinol RcYiew - 2

FridaJ'· !\farr h Jl . 1977

('--_ _o=-p_in_,_·o_n_p_ag_e_ _J Barriers remain reality • • in campus intercourse t,,

h\ umc t•IL ;it,,,~, 1~ .app3rcm ,ommutm'lltll.'D b;m1er \ {'('JIIOnJI J,pc.-1, "I , ,,r1h ldiho Collcilt'


:be :andt'mic :and

E-.-r ,,n,-c 1hr de,dopment ol ,ocat1or.l.l rdur.moa ~I 'IC'. thcrt' h.:ne !>ccn conl1Kt, t"llncern,m: commumciuon~.

Th<' admmMr-111,,n ha, med 10 breal 1bek' blodJdt'\ :ind b:a, lfflrd Th<' Srudenr Board ha, tncd 1(1 dC1 the •.iml" "irhoor ,u.-cc" The i.ap r, itill D re.1!.:1 . \'o,:a1tonJI ,rudent• \t'ldnm enter the acJdemK .area• nor do academJ, ~,udeni. anend , ,'(' "11r~ Jrca, lht' Mh real melung po1 for the"''' ~roup> he, In 1hc =rec ~C11\ll1e1, .ind .i~ntl~ th.Ir .ilonc ,, nor enough 10 bndsic 1he 1?ap. h <ecm< 1h11 on'" \tcp 10,,..Jrd tmc11r311on "ould be C>Ct'J'1on31 ml:'\ement cl ac·ajlem1c \ludc:n1, to rhc \OC'Jllonal lountle> •nd for , 001ional >tudenb to ,ntennrngk,. ,th 1c:adtm1c: '1Udt"n1> 1n 1he SliB .\l,o, perhap, more: lund1ng Cl)uld be .:h.innt'led ro"ard rhc ourdoor =11011 p~m 11 1hi, rcmJtn, the onl, .-oncrclc.' bnd.,:t bt!n•Ct'n the I\\ O ,,de,. A1 J mt"Cung held Feb. H for \ O<'Jlli>nJI ,1udcn1i to gcr rheu quc~tsO!h :alb.,.e,cd b~ 1he Student Board, 11 '>ttmcd 1ha1 , .,me fCt'I rht Cardin.ii Re, u.· .... t\ rci.p.1nut,k for closing 1he barrier on thi, C3mpu,. To glibh make such ., charge is co mike 2 ,;:ross i.unphficauon. Fr.inlrl~ the.' Cardinal Rene" cannot , ole)· bridge the !l'P am better than the adm1nmr;111on. the S1udcn1 Board or an~ orhcr Ofj!an,zauon on thts c:2mpus.

The CR m.uc, e, en ancmp1 1,, 1ndude H>,:ational progra!U) ,n c;ach usuc of rhe ne" spJper bu1 one muM also ronsider 1hc br03d range of ne.. ~ ucms on thu C3mpus. Consider the Jmnunr of am,·11' on ompu\ and realize the diffic:ull\' or soning out top n=s ucms from rhosc "h1ch "ill not inrcrest :1 majori1'' of the re3dt'J'\. II mu,1 be faced 1h1t 1he CJrdmal Rt',i c" cannoc and i,hould not be 1hc ~le ,eh1t'le IOf mo11\at1n!( \IC ,1uden"--.1~.1den11c and ,oc::1uon1l-to 1nter1n1ngle. The I.Uk be romplc1cd lrom "11h1n and 11 bc,1. "tll be .;, gradual proces~ o,cr a pt!riod of Y~-

Thc foct th.11 Studcni Bo.srd membe~ ha,-e mt'I "irh VOC"allonal students in a form.ii meeung" "ne >1ridc acros, 1h1, t'tp3nd1ng commuoir:11100 ranion Le1·, hope other strides 3re forthrom1nq.

'Sadistic pervert' Ul~el rejected by journalist e, Sos.le Eppcrle A quid fool. at .1 n:indom ,,imple of oe" ,p~pers "rll ,ho,,. that llt'guiHsm seems 10 be ., maJor proponcn1 of the edi!Clnal pages. Cnu,"Um runs r.impanr. flo,,.1ng profuse!, from the pt!M of mJny journalut.s who are presenunii opinions and 1de;is for pu't,lic scruum. Complainu agamst so many ncg.111,c annudc, ha,c been lod~cd. \o apparenil~ the s1Tatcgy behind the "'nting need\ 10 bt' npla1ned. The purpose of 3n editorial. m II\O'lf cases, ts criucum but. mare 1rnporwitl). cd1torfals art' dcs1sncd 1obnng to pubhc ,mention 1he 'i<tt" -ups of rhjs oauoo·s pt'Ople and orgaoillrions, h ha< long bttn a habn of rhl\ socit'1' 10 it\ sc:mdals. problems and m~ncepnons up oo itordront v. ind°"\ for ill 10 stt The edni!rial poge is ,muall) the medium for sueh c:-nunsm

Contran Lo popular hclief. J<>Umalts1s art' no1 sad1SL1e pencru out LO bum e-e""thin1t Jnd No one partirularh enJon bt'lng the be.irer of but oev. s and the speakCt" or

e,, l',Ybod). CT111Cl\ffl ,

h is nm the fouh of repor1l'r$ or cd11or,. 1hmt ~o much nt'{µU,nm appt!ars on the op111ioa P~!?e, The fauh hes m 1ht pt!Ople Onh onr v.,n l'\l\b 10 ,1op mos, cduori3ls from being ocgathc People and orianmuon~ mus1 ae1 1n 1 posmve and honl'st fa\hion Then perhaps~ nev. Sl)le of wntmg ...,II folio,,.

\lai.lttt fauJ~ IJuJJc Enck.son! get~ Into her line, ..1th Sh11J1non IJdf Ullm11J1J In " Th" Night of the lgwum," ,.bJcb begins product ion March 11 . Undrr the direction or Robt-n Moe, the TcnnC\Stt \\ Ullams pl•.> w111 run March 12. 17, 18 and 19 al 1hc Coeur d'Alene CommunllJ Theater .

Frosh senator requests increased student input Dc:ir Ed11or. J ,.outd ltlc to take th" ume 10 1cll 1he \ludcnl\ of Norih Idaho Collc11e thar 1hcre i\ • grut need for ~11.ldcnt im lll•emc:nt By this, I mean s1uden1 gO\lcmmenr. 'The studcnr ,cn~1e need\ 1mohcmcn1 from borh vo.::auonal and academic \tUdents

On Fnd1l\. JJnuan Us. 1977 an uudc pnnLc:d in the Cardinal Rev1c" wying thal the fin1 four mon1hs of chis year 1>Crt' spcn1 forming comm111cei, and Spt!nding rremcndou, Jmounb of siudent funds. Tius 1s a very poor dc=1p11on of this year·\ \Cnatc The pc<>ple "ho tru1ke 1h= rash st.11emenLS are the: people" ho complain ~bou1 c,ery lutlc 1h1ngJu•110 hear 1hcms.:he\ complain. Those pt!Oplc arc 1hc same ones "ho do not .i11e bu1 ,. hen .rhc candidate does wrong. they Jre the firsr to compl.un. I urge the •ludenl..\ of Nonh Idaho College 10 ancnd the senate meeting\, Find out ,..hat ~ally g~ on We need JOur \upport. Please help.

Ketin H11oe


cardinal review


The Cudl.oal Re>iew Is pnbllsbed 5e.mJ.moalhl1 b)' the Pabllcatlou Worbhop CUN 111 "lorth Idaho CoOege. '1mtben or the CR ,LafJ wW st,hc to pruen1 IM ne•• lair!). aecoratelJ .. 1tboot prejudice. Opinions erpruscd on 1be edlcorlal paee do ao1 nceessatlh' reO«t the ,IC'"S of the Card1nal Re,lew, the ASNJC or' M C adm1DJ"1111kta. The CR I; l!Dlered as fitst clag ma1crlal aJ Coc!IU' d'Almc, 83314.

~!:..; -~~,.:::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::: .-:::~r ::=

associate •dltor................... , .•• , ..•..•.•...•..•. , . , •••.••.... . Satle Epperte cop) edlcor .. , . . . . , ..•. , •.••••• , .••••... , •......•.. •••.•.•.. , • . . , . , Lonw ~ sportS cdltor., ...•.••.....•...• , ..... , ••••.••.... , ..•.. , ••.. , •. , , • . pbotog,aph) edlC.or ••....•..•...• , .• , ••••••• , • , , , - • · • • • • • · · • · • • · · ' · · · Da•~ Bedl


~s:~~~~:::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~= OC'bble Yager, Da,ld Koward, Bob Tharp, EdeJll' Rreun, Mcuall' Nub, J - ....... Carol Eurn. \en~ 'I/cl.-. Janet SuttJC' UICIKa•«'Hopklnt.

Frida y, \la rch l 1.1 97i

Schuler tells College Senate NIC funding may increase fhc Idaho lcgi,r..1urc ha, r~~d the •t~dcm1,• budget and 'IJ(' and the Collq:t' of Scouihtrn Idaho uc n.w. scheduled 10 rt<"t'l•C an adthfl<>n.11 SIM.000 Cl\cr the urlier rccommendau<>n. Pre 1d<-n1 Ba~ Schuler s.ud al 1hc March? College Scn.11e m,,.-ung, MC .. ,11 t('C('l\'C SI.lit aid lo13hng •ppro:umalcl) SI .~25.900 for academic prop.rams. S.:hulcr s.tid. 1bou1 SJ 7S.OOO O\er 111<- am°""' fnr the CUl"rt'nl year. ·Jf ,. ... u'I<' 1h,· 110,ernor\ o..n J!Uldr• hnn lnr iJ ma1n1cnancc k•cl budget "t' needed S36S.J22 for ~IC alnm::· Schuler u1d It\ nor a ros, p1t1urc but 11··. a lot l>cnrr than 11 "a\. · ·e~·au,c 1h,· l.cg1,111ut\· got mi\1nfo,. m,111,n carh in the \C\'80n in reference 10 ,oc~11onal cduC'a11on 1hn "ould not re<1pcn thJI budgc1: he w1d "W~ did gc1 grcai 1rupport from 1hc

loc:il lcgtslaton ~nd lhe) should bc congr~1uh1cd Rep . Hedlund aro Sen \bnlc), "ho scnc c>n 1he Finan« and .\ppn,pria11<>ns Cl\fflm1n«. "°'ud turd and fuse taken 1~1r lum~ (OT us.·· he said

In other ac11on the Colle~c Sen,uc ;agreed 10 pcrmu thl" S1udcn1 Scn.11c- 10 replace- 1hc1r 1,cna1or) 10 renecr the change~ in prc~1dcn1 ;and, icc•prc,i~t n brough1 about b, she recenr ,1udcn1 clt"Cnon. • ,\ rc-por1 from rhe Adm1ss1on1. and Acadcm1t St.indard, Comm111C<." c0n«ming the adm"~'°" of forC1gn ~1udC111s ".u ,ubm111ed. Aftc-r much di~n1on ii "A• ~dop1cd v.nh 1hc ch.1n[!(' of rhc 3C't'Cpl('d TOEFL English Uugc Tc~I ~res from 500 10 4&o for all students. All ,ut,..cqutnl College Scn.11e mttungs "111 be held m 1hc Hedlund \."ocarion.11 Buildin11

[__k_a_l_e_id_o_s_co_11_e_) Appr011nultl) JOO pcoplc ;,ncndcd lhe Homm,mmg Dance :u the Ell", Club Feb 25. 2ccord1ns to Chud Ohon. dJncc cc,mm111« ch:urman. Ohon u,d 1hc dJn« • J> a ,u,.-c,,s .ind th.ii Ille onl)' prnbkm u:i.s 1he dcl.1)cd ,(.lrt of lhc bJnd. Il!O Proor Thc band ,u\ defij,ed . Olson <31d bc,au'C lite Elk·~ 1>ert' ·s11D lwldmi; 8111110 uonJ.O;JO p.m•• so the band couldn't ....1 up unril then.

\ permanent meenn(! bct,.een the Student Bond and ,o-1cch student) is bc10,i ~1 up. 1hc Siudeni 80.lrd dcc,dcd a1 the ~nd 1pccial mttllng t.hrch 3. The re3son for the mceuoii i< 10 strengthen lhe hnli bcr..ttn s1udent gO\ • ernmcn1 and ,o-tech \luden1, Ke\ln Jecton. ~1udrn1 ~nator. ~id 10 ~pprot1m·

a1eh J., ,o-1ech and JCJdcmic ,1udcnr, prc~nr .11 rhe mccung Jenon ,.>.id 1lu1 the m,-c:11n8 QR either be: ..,ren 11, ill , O·tt'Ch ,1uden1, or be t>cr,,. een r,,. o , o-tt,h \ludenh trom cacn clas< .ind 1hc S1uden1 Board He u1d .1 leucr "111 be drafted and "'"' ,,, rhc ,mdtnh 10 dt'Cidr 1hc mJcter. Th<' l>o.lrd al,o ht".lrd compl.tints .tboul pJrlmg sr3CC', d1rC'Ctl~ m tron1 of 1hc: SliB Thr arc3 i, rc..ct'cd for support 't'r\·1,~ ptt\Onnel. bur 111, not pc>\lcd 4~ ,uch. Bob BIVl'n. Student Bo:srd Jdnser. <aid he ..,11 lool. mto the mJctcr 810\< n Jlso ~1d lh3t lhe "cc:1.1, l>ullclin, in 1hc ,o-1cc:h school ,.,u no-. be read and p.x1cd 1n each das<. Hr said 11 hadn"1 been done, in th<" past. Somt' ,rud.-n11. cxprc\Scd a de~irc ro pain1 the hall"~" of the old ,.x~1ional building 81'11" n ,.11d th~ shQUld ,cc Utt)' Wolfe • .us1<1.in1 ,oc:lt1onal direc1or

(___c_a_m_p_u_s_h_a_p_p_e_n_i_n_g_s_) ,bo"n In the SUB p.m.

)latth 15 '' fNth'a.l. The mu<k dcp1111mcn1 host I mask compellrJon for Junior hlAh and blgh ~ I bands and chol~ from aooa to S p.m. Thr fl"<thal ..mtal.c place In u. libl'llr' • Ing of lht' Admlnt,1ra1lon BwJdhia and In 1hr mu.sir room~. MC ....t..1s .,. ln,IINI 10 allt'fld.

WomCD'\ Gto11p 'lttlloa. At noon In lhc "-alou.18-. \lan-b I"

J1JO and 7:JO

M.otth t9


'l&rtb 16


Sportsmen Jambof\'C. Sponso~ b) 1hr Coeur d' Alent' Wlldlll<' Fcdrrallon, a .. ndllf'e fUm .. I.U bc .i.o..-n In th..- 11.rm and ma, be putthasc:d for door pritN . Thl' ttihlrlc\ begin al 7:JO p.m. and II I\ open lo all lnll'rtilcd pc=M· Marth 23 \\omen', Group Mt'cllng. Ar noon In 1he Walnur Room.

\SB \1<'rtla11. Al S:30 p.1J1. In tbc

Wal.n01 Room.

Dllfucnl ~lrol t"' ..• A Muden1 \harp pr<'patts 10 thru11 a••) durlna the lou.mament. ,.hJch NJnllnuo In the SlJD th.rouah Mardi J8. Sec rclal.NI story




p-,qe 4.

A zrarded plaq ue

Iranian student saves life

California dreaming

Musicians prepare for tour lb,· NIC mu"' dcronml•n1 1<>ur "' area h11eh \<hoc>h and of a ,'\lmmunm college in C'1hfom1.1 ",,htdulcd for neAI "rck Aro;rJmii 10 Sol, Smi;l"a", MC mu\1c dcpanm.·n1 cha1rn13n, thl\ ,.-u·s 1c.,ur ts dt\ldcJ 1n1.i mu,it"AI ,..ork,h.~~ ;ind dini,-.. a, 1hrcc arcJ high ,,·!tool, and I present&· IIM and" orl.,hop .11 f'oot Htll, Communal) Colleiie in to, Aho-.. Cahf '"The emp~>I\ 1h1~ ,car h 10".mh an cdun11<m11 npcnenl~." Sinjllcbl) ~,d. According 10 Su,Nl\'tal). bO choir ~nd llaJl< band ,1udcnrs "ill work "1th 11U1>8' ,1udrn1> at Kello~. Post Folh 1nd Coeur 11' Alene huth ..chooh on March I~ and 15. The group .. ,11 perform in the SUB 41 I :JO p.m Marth 15 before lea,ing MIU'Ch lb on tht Cahfom1a tour .,.,d 1hc group .. rll tn,el b\ bui to the Callfom1a .:olkgc. •here the

ASB Mccrlni:, Al 5:30 p.m. In 1bc Walnut Room.

'IIC ,tudent< .. ,11 -..or~ 1n chnic1. and "orhhnp, "1th lhc: Foot Hilb studcnb Rici. Fro-.t. \IC ,,:,cal director. Yid lhe ~hoir .. ,11 J>re><nl 2 mu)ical proaram Much I~ "h1ch "111 ,ot'ludc • ,ape Ila ,dC't'uons wch u lolh-Ceotun moneb. Rocl tune~ ot 1he S& ,.,JI al,o be )UOg. Sin~lerllr) 1,,1id the sui;c band. dirttlcd b, Kcnl ·Yanik) ...ill ~\Cl pcrf.xm. At'C'Oni1ng 10 Fro,1. ,omc of the monc~ lor th•· ,our .. ~ ~athcrcd lrom 1ht- annw ,paghcm fttd ht-Id Feb. :?b and the music dcr•rrmcn1 hudger "'ill Jho hc-lp "uh fund1n11 The musu.· group .., ,11 tour Foot "!,ills Commun1t,· Colltgc \brch lb ADJ• ill JOln Sc:-.inlc Un"e"''' s,ngen 1n a '"sing tesL •• fro,,t s21d Marc:h 1ci ,.,JI be 2 free <Im) 1n S3n F~naloC\, k•r I.he group bctorc 1hc mp b.ct. 10 S:IC \1orch :?O

B) Lorrie Amos Farzaneh \'~aa1 10. "il' a-,rrl~ a had dropped o hghtcd ct~arcne into 1hr plaque Feb 11' b, the Cocor d" Aknc fire ,u.iepapc1 basktt b, his ohau, "hich in lighre:"\ foua"nt;thc hle of Don Sc:bubcrt. 1urn C",ugh1 on fire 5", Conir d",\ln,c. ''"' \'~hd2n1. Jn lran,~n s1uden1. ,,,., \'~hJan1 •::u prncn~ the ~•llrd 1101,fied rhc fire dcp;inn1cnr 3f1cr Schuhcn ('T hu, iur.i,1: n "'C)("UII" S," (:rt , •ho ·u, ~fcly oumdc lhc building.


Cooccrn1ng her thoughts before entering rhc bu1IJ1ng. "1,_. \'ahdam ,a,d. ··1 didn't c,cn rhmk ~boul m1 lire. I u~ 1h1nkin1? iboul h1~." Shc u1d the J"•rd etrcmon1 and the drnnrr v.cre "htauuful' but ,he ,.11d ,he lec!s 1ha1 c,. tnonc tthr fire department and llt."'"-.pJpctsl an: duini: 100 much for h~r.

\ fancncb \'abdul

~o" 1ha1 th<" roruc is OH"r. M1H \·ahdJn1 ~,d she feel~ good 1ha1 ~h.- "u able 10 u,c· someone·, life.


"I .. 10 1hanl c,c,.onc (or doing 1h~ 1h1ngs for me. rm happ\ rhat people apprccurc .. h,1 I ha,c don ... ·• ,.he said

Cardinal R eYie w - 4

Frida~. \l a r<-h 11.1977

Campus Forum B.1 1'• ,c HoplJos In ~ rC'r<'nl 1"'11 of 'K ,rudt'nl~ on 1hr quc,IIM, [J~ ,ou II.'< grade, arc 100 eas~ 10 ot,1•1n and" h, do ,ou tet'l 1h1s "ll~;· studcnH r3m<' up .. uh the ro110... 1ng ao'\\I.C-M .

Ro,, ~mnh. ~~ndp111111 · ) ~. bc:ou1e an ,unic d•"t' 311cnJn11tc a. :all 1h11 n mand31on tor• l ~r~d<' ind to i:rt nn A or B ,ou hl•c- 11, do • k" o,ignmcn11 .. N:are Ed" ltdi, ' ' " ) ,rl. • It d~pcnd, on ho\\ ....n\<'IJ do on 1c,1, .nd 11 ,ou coml." 10 r!J,S. Th~I \l'<'JL, tor 11)(-lf •• Kclh H.t"lc, . Coeur d'Alene " ) cs. be,·3u,, ii ,cu ·~, JIICnrum ilnd ancnd ell,, rcgul,trl~ , ou '"'' rccciH .11ood grade, h\.C' I do' Mdod~ 8:alser. Coeur d'Alene: "No. ,r ,ou don·, :aucnd lecrurcs. reld as)111n· menr1 Jnd do ou1)1de "orL. , ou probabl> uon·t· Jeff Pr• Coeur d'Alene: "No. 11 depend, ,f ,ou for chem. chcn ir's cu,· If ,ou don·,. ic"s not .. 6,h, · GoodmJn Coeur d'Alene; "~o. "ell some :ire ca.o., It •ll depends on ,·our <'las~, :and ,r ,ou go ~gulad,·." Hil•nc Ta,·lor. Co..•ur d'Alene --in some classe1. gnuit's are cu, to ger. 10 others che, a~ noc so e:as~ ... Ron H:ill. Coeur d'Alene· 'Yes. if~ou do rhe \\Ork and ha,c cas, cln,cs:· Debbie Whn<'. Kellogg: "Some 1eachC'rs arc , c~ 1:a, on rhcir 11r3dang s1·s1em ~nd some- .Ht' ,en ,1r:c1 I th1nl. chel'<!·s such a "1dc di\ cr~m bcl.'.JUSC' each 1nd1v1dual tc-arher ,ch up h1\ o" n mer hod 1 rhuu 1h1s



gne) che \tudcnb I chu1c-e to dl'\."lclc Ult" 1,pe of m"ructor th.ti I'\ ad,1nugcou, '" them Estdlt Snwh. Post Fall, .. h d.:pcmh on thC' 1nd1• ulual class and 1nd1vidual nudcnt beau,.: _0111,: ,1udcn:, cuTII 1n ccrmn fields and some du'° art" ~ relaicd 1n !heir farm o! gradma • htlc: 01hC'rs arr smc-cC"r • 1th the hope or p!Tpanni,1 ,1111 far guduatc school .. J.anec Turn1p,ccd. Hnd<:o lake : ••11 dccpench on • ho thr cnchcr 1s and 1f the lid :~•llJ inn and if chc lcxhcr


c:au~ I don·t j!O h> clan" lam Ca.1U1d•. JttSl'\. ",\o, c:tl™: or che houl" of ·,1udnn1. and ·lhc 1mou111 o( "or~ ,·ou h.t,-c 10 do a11 usign.roenc. I



~ally find II boring:· Grad, Ph1lhps. Lo• ..\nglci "Well coming into tin) ,C'ar I thought duscs would be much harder lnll I found 1n1ro and bC'ginn1ng cluses ,.,re Cil)) "hilc tht' 102 classes sc,cmcd 11.1.rdcr. school " not noted for its acadctru<: record tor cuming ouc profession.:al people but for a Junior college in ldlh(I \e's ~Cl)- good. List of all I would like to~~ the IIIStrUt't~ aR" ,e~ good ~nd ch~ seem 10 .. ,nt to help ,ou ..


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On the firing llne. Jan All'ol~r §ttm.~ lo be 11quffllng oll a round al a mo, Ina C1I photographer. \(loiter Is a m,mber of the ROTC rlOe tum, which par1ldpaln In showdn-,to-\houl~r and poilal matd!N.

Billiard types attempt 'psych-out' techniques B,- David Uo.,anl While .. acehing c:o-rtt pool tournament marches 111 chc SUB. I not1C'Cd chat among the handfuls of George H. eight· ballers. there were sprinkled o ~mall number o( elite 1nd1vidual, who hod de1clopcd uniqu<' .. ay, of playing che game and perh,ps psyching out chcoppcncnt. Meer mu\ing a bn. I ume up with a m0tt pon1bihtiC$ ,. hic'.h I believe ..ould be conduci11t 10 a ..,,nnina ca reer in chii part1cul:a.r game: -Bem31d Boobytnp. He sneaks 1bou1 the table spnnkling iee cube\ and ualcum pcl'Ader, hopmg to au\C ipcctacular spill\ and d1.\abling 1niurics to hi\ opponent •Hury HesitDn1. 1-'e spends so much time lining up ~ible \hoes and chalking his cue thac one is .ipr 10 sua:umb 10 boredom -Gloria Giggler Hc:r terriblt tltlenng causes lapses in C011CCntra1Jon 11nd ,. ilk· spread miscuing.


Board names new senators The S1uden1 803rd \\Cnt into e,e.u11H• >e<>\IOn March I 10 d"cu,, oppoinrmencs of l\\o ncl\ ,tn31ors Bn3n Fh nn fsv\h •l'CallOna.1 ,1udcn1. "111 rtpl3ce Da,c Haught. Hnu@hl resign· NI from chc bo;ird cOC<'tl\C Feb. IS. Jim Reimen will ~ploC'e Ka1h1c Coll1lli. "ho mo,C'd 10 the .\SNIC p~~idcntial SHI follOl\lng the Feb. 16 clce11ons. (c>ll1n, and \ 1cc Pre<1dcnr Tr3C\· Mara· ,ilia ts\umed off1Cc ac rhe ~brch I mccung folh.,1\lnl! 3 prc,cn1a1ion b, former i\SN IC Pre~tdcm G31' Spurgeon. Budgrc CommillCt' Ch.1irm3n Ke11n

Oa,c Kramcr photo


• Lind.I Larson. Ha•dcn Lake. ··1 feel 11 depend, upon cbc For Che mast pin. l',e "orked for the u:adc l'n ~,,ed. I like u benc:r that "'•}~I lil.e to Ln, • nn full potential •• Oa,e Bcmsuix. San F.-.nnsco; "No.

Jenon rcponed clue lcncl'$ of rcques1 for th\' Ill?". "6 >IUdcnt budget~ h3\e been drafted a.nd uill be issued 10 ,·ariou, clubs. Jcuon ~id budi:?Ct ~u~rs are due March 1:- 1f 1hc dub or orgamuuoo ..ishes 10 1~1\e fun~ for nexc ,·ear In othtr accion: ·-Bob Broun n.,,orted chill ballot> ..e~ "~ued to che ldm,rustratJon :tr1d support ~en ices personnel for ,·011ng on the propo,ed Faculr> Assembl} CC111Stitu1ion. ··the board agreed to bold 3nothcr scs,ion,. ich tht' ,-o..-ntional .scudc-nts "fatth J 10 discus~ connit"ts ben> ecn the l'4 o group~. --John HC'ndru: IIIO\ed 10 send a letter 10 1hc B03rd o{ Trustees ch:uiking them for the Feb. 2S dinner Al I.he Feb. l-1 mttttog !he Srud~t 803rd: ··un3mmoush approo;cd the Checrleadtr PoliC\ ··llpprO\ed SlllO for Tcc-h Club to build a Si.'ale model house. ··unarumousl:r 3=pied Haugh, ·s resig· nltion .

.Joe Poopboocer. He spit.s "" juice in a "cc:rmater" can and hits the ball "ith the mu.ulc end of hi\ JO.JO riOe. When be sinh a \hot he pirouc11es Nurcyes·-style and clicks his spu~cogethcr -Leon the leper His biolog1o.J malady is a coup for pool playmg. He simply pl:ices himselfbe11<ecn che cue ball and chc target ball. and when his opponcm s=ltcs, he leans over che table and practically goarancees an alterance i.n the ball's


-Foo M'ancuc Foo intim1d11cs. He enjo?·.s grimacing fiendishly. muuering bl.muy and eyeing the opposing player rr :tles olently while loodling the stiletto be

FIRST SECURITY BANK OF IDAHO Member FDIC First in lntermountain Banking &Financial Sunset Heighl8 Cd'A Office Services 220 Sherman In the Mall

carri~ whh

hL\ \tick ·Ed-. 1n Euquene. Edwin', ~trong point " noc pure s hoo1in11 skill: he has all the grac:c and coord1m1tion of :i drunk elephant seal. Wh~c hc spcc1alltt, in" the technical terms of rhe game. tic r11mblc\ lnccs.w.ntly aboul "polling the colou r.'' "doublr balking" and "a.11,around cannon," until h1~ oppO)itc defuuh, 1u,t lo rwapc to a place of peace :lnd quit'! ·Mbugo MJobo. Ht' ,hooc, with the bull end of h15 long and awcsnmc spear Between ,ho" he dance). chanl\ 11nd twlrts the hone In h1~ no~c. chu, nu,ing C)('t'll\ional d1s1rac11on. There arc Infinite pos~1b1liucs With a vivid 1m3gina11on ~nd a rudlmenrory ~kill In pu11in11 chc b,11 In lhe pocket. anyone can gc, far

Friday. )larch 11. 1977

Cardina l Re,ie"· - 5

J Basketball season ends


er sports

with rerun performance B) Bernie Wihcm lhc 1ear •• 11177 bu1 1or 1hc , JC ba1klb•ll team II could JUSI a, .. cu be 1111b.

Ju,1 31 l•1t yur. the Card\ but R1cb Colkge for a spot 1n the Ree1on 18 NJCAA regional 1ourn1mcn1 In an other repeal performance. lhc Cilrd, "'ere dumped b) 1he College of Sou1hcrn Idaho in I conres1 for the lone bcrlh to na1ton1I\. CSI n11lcd lhe Cards 74.56 March 5 an Tv,,1n fall\. Thi< muu the ninth hme since 1111>4 1h11 NIC ho placed second in regionals The problem 1, 1h11 only the lir\t•placc teom advances 10 nohonals CSI con1rollcd 1hc game from the ~y placed four players an double figures. led by An1on10 Manin's 22 po1nu.. Willie Young led the Card< with IS. Grady Plullips and Robin William1 each had 8 . Young wa~ also named 10 1hc 1oumamcn1 all-star team. CSI i) 1hc: defending notional NJCAA champion and will once again rcpn:sen1 RcRion 18 in Hutchinson, Kan. The Golden Eagle~ wcnl unscnlhed lhis ~ason with a 27-0 =ord. The Cards nailed Rick, 91 ·71 Morch 3 in Twin Falls. TI1i, play-off w&\ nccessuy due 10 1den1ical con ference record, NIC apparently had no difficulty ,.inning and had five: players an double figures. IC'd b)' Robin Wllh$m, with 20 pom l~. Randy Wilke, ltad 17, Philhp,. 12 and Young and

la") Canady cuh hs1 11. Bct11,ecn repeats. the Cud~ npcnc:d their regional play March 4 "1th a 62·54 • in 01·er Ccntnl Oregon of Bend Young plleed the Cards with l-1 and Wilkes added 13. Thf. •;n ga,c NIC the nght 10 play CSI When asked about the CSI game. NIC Coach Rolly Wuhams said, "We cfufn't put the ball in the hole .. " We bat Rich by 20 pc11n1s nod •-e just bactcd off 11,hcn •e "ere hor." he said. "I'm obv1ou5ly disappoin1cd wt •c duin't win and the team is disappouitcd ,.e·rc no1 going to nationals." Wilhams said lhcn: were spproxirnatel)· 600 teams vying for 22 spou 21 naliOll.lls. "Thal pu~ us in the top 40 teams in the country.'· he said. " We happen 10 be in the umc region u CSI and "e just didn't h.lve II lhc mghl 11,,c played them." When asked about the season in gcncnl. Wllliam3' said. " We had a good ~ o . Anytime a tca.m w1m, 20 games. they h.11~ 1 "inning sea.son." NIC's overall ~ 1.-0~


W1lharn, said he fell there 11,111 be a good nucleus for nc.ri )Car'• team. This yeu·s team had eight freshmen. anclud1ng Wil· kes. Young and Canady ' Wc'rT there 1reg1orual~1 cvery year and rhcre·, no ra.son 10 behC\·c: "c •on'r be there nc1tr vcar." Wilhams qjd,

Gentle persuasion essential to strong athletic program

Trinidadian pair speeds through Vandal Games B~ Janet Suulc

Thc 1cn, Olympic\ sa.,. ::1 Trinu:bdillo Hase!~ era.. ford. ,.,n J gold med.ti 1n rhe 100 mc1crs. The 1'17. Vandal G::ime, s.1" t11,·o Tnnidadians •ic1orioui an 1he1r rcspccti,c "·ents. In the •omen s dh1s1on. 1'1C, Carol Charles Qmc homc "'ith !'lli·o v.inning umcs under her bell'. a timc of 8. Q scwncb in the ·o fflt'lers and 25.b seconds 10 1bc 200. Men's compcnuon foond Kclshall Ra,·as tnu mph201 in the samC' e,•c-nts v.i1h rimes oC ·.s .and 21.11 n:spcctj,ely In a pn:,iOIU mc-c:r rn MOSCO\\ Feb. IQ. an 'IJC school record .,.as set in the ·o-metcr high hurdles. Mike Rust completed the e-cnt in 9 '15 SttOnd.s.. The 100 mc1ers v. as v.-on b, Kclshall Rans 1n 21.b9 seconds and 3 time of Q,q ticd Ri,'U for stt00d plact- in the 100

Gtnld Goorlt'~ ·, IJ' pole ,::1ul1 !>('rfOr· m:in<'t' "3' also suffirien1 to 11c 1hc ~hoot rttonl

Henn· J 1mcnc1 came 1D third 1n thc 800 mc1c:n 'with a umc of I :5· 2 ,\ fifth•pbet' fii11\h ID lriplc )Ump \\3.l, ,ecurcd b, Ja,· Runkcl. ,.ho bounded 43'8'·," . , Feb. 19 "ll\ :il~o 2 winning da, for Carol Ch.irtci. 21 Spokane Communit) College. She 100k first pl3cc in rhe 00 mcltrs an ~.J seconds and set :i new Wh1tv,orth fiield· ho= record. Coming up for the NIC 1r.1cks1crs LS a mee1 in W::tlla W:illa. Waslt .. i01-oh·ing distance runners and field c,cn1ors. The foflo,,.ing 531Unlll) i$ on Indoor meet with WSU in Pullman. Only top athJetcs .,.ilf be able to enlcr. according to Coach Make Bu11dy.


(___c_o_-r_e_c_s_ho_r_ts_ _J Intramural bl!Skcrball compehtion ended Mu-ch I a,th 1hc: Cio,Nads defeating the Rookies. The Stallions and I> o'clock 'Ie-o > ucd f<¥ thltd Scoll Callaghan and R.T Da>· 11,ere champinM of the men·:. d1v1:.ion co-r« f~all 1oumame'llt, Cind) Ahlstedt and ~ar,ey Ric, •ere the women's chlmp1oru.. Despite the CTnlK w«thcr in 1hc arc.:a. cros.s-cooaay sb equipment IS still a,llilat>le fl¥ rcn1 an the Ou1door Ree Officc in the ba.scmcot of the SUB. Complt'tc equipment outfits rent for S2.25 ptT cl.I~ and $.150 per 11,cekend. Other ou1door t'quipmco1 2~1ilablc in·

eludes backparu. sleeping b•~. tents. snO\•shoes and much more. The co-r« billiards tournament began MondB) and will end March 18. Comperi· non 1s being held tn the SUB in men's and "'"'Omen's br:1c.kcts. The 1oumamenl "ill be conducted in three. men·~ 11,elgh1 di\'1slons 1nd for the nrs1 rime. ::1 women's division will be held. Sign up for 3 co•rcc "risl•wrestling rourn:1mcn1 ,.;11 be In the SUB from Much 15·1' Compcuhon s13ru March 21 Coming soon arc co-rec golr ind tenms tourn3mc.n1s.


John Ham.111011 round1n8S, they 1ctlle 1n and enjoy In order for a ,mill ,rhool 10 bl' 1hcm~l,·o" com(l('hli,c m big-tame college o.thlcllc), Rwu. "ho~ home,, in S.in1a Cruz. ,. a,d hi11h-qu1h11 01hlc1t'\ must be ,ought after 1h21 he appT't'datc, lhC' chance to compete and .. oocd. an,S tra,el around the Una1cd St.ates He Thi\ dcli('llll' .tn or gentle ~Du:uion u ~d he enJo, > lht' fncodli people and the romnionl) called rccrumng by ~chC\ and p.,llutlon•frtt arc, head track man Mike Bund, h no "I liie 1 ,mall scltool "'h<'re a.ti f:C1 c1reption · 3.n>und and l"°" C\'cn·boch.'' !.ltd R1,u. Contacts to reach a1hlc1i.', arc a nccc,)lt1· "h~~ 1Alcn1s ,hould be one of·~ top fOf iuett)\ful l'C<'nl111ng Bund) has man) p<>int•geners in mttts llu, spnng. or tht')C' lnformao~ scancrt'd a~) the The mooch "ca1bcr of l'onh Id.Ibo~ oot country u well a,. an foreign lands. or 1hc ft'" 1iung) 11 od~ Riu, 111d Forcumplc. Kels ha tl Riln. ,,ho is fellOI\ co.inrn .,. oman Ch:arto. "'ho lff from the We.,t lndics 1)lc of Trinidad. hold~ u,cd 10 I~ balm, t'lunc of die West ,c1er1I ,chool rcconh 1n the ,pnnl~ ind lndi~ •1, Wil \car', mo,.t \lluabk Cardinal "The ... cathcr and I don't get IOI) tratl\tcr · "'ell." said '1h CharlC'i, v.·ho u,ed 10 Hi, bt:ing hcTC be l:1.rgl'I~ attributed c,.,mpc1c for the S ~ Club v.bile to Bund)') running COrTCspai,dencc wllh lll'ang 1n Siparia . 1hc Ht.mptoa Athlctk Club'> C~clt Hubert She ,1e» s her Sta} here ;as being a good Franc!,, who operate\ out of Pon o( S~n. , 1cpp1ng si= 1n her career athleua.Jly Tn111dad. and ,~-adcm1c.ilh F'rana~ fc-c:ll he can rcrommend NIC 10 "Th(' reoplc fnendl) .. she ~ded. area 11hlc1~. His help has also rc,ulted in "and I cnjO) the opponu1111'\ to ira,d bnnging promising woman spnnter Carol around !ht- Uruttd StlllCS foe lr2d." C'hu tci to Coeur d'Alene. Mr Bundy has $c,eral other gC'mS BuDdy', collaboration .. ,th Frantt> has which he hob un{'()\cred ia his recruiting ~n fonuna1c for both coach and team mine: ind the, 100 should ma kC' their membcn. prc.eDC'C fell i~ 1M NOflh,.'Cl>I track and " MOll ol tltc people that come here htc field i.ccne this ,ur the •tmospherc," Bund) said, "and after lhcy get aa:ustomcd to their nN wr·





We're the students bank.

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Ca rdina l R eview - 6

Frida~·· March 11. 1977

And when the mats were cleared,

Bntd 8mn drhrs • hard lwgaln In bl1 lasl matrh ln Worthlngton. OeD11 slipped lnlo Ute coosolllllons and "lulled back 10 lie for se,cnch.


by Judy DeHaas " l',l' made It!" GIii) Germundson shoots bis bands up ID ,!du~ after dnt:hlng the 190-pound cbamplonsb.lp. Grrmunclsoa pinned Perr, KeUu of ColbJ, Kan. to Lt.kt the top Spol.


This trophy Is worth 64 I /2 hard-unitd points. acmrdlng to Jl'f1 Powell.


lied up In knou. Paul Ramllton mo, ed lnco the coMOlatlon brad.ti "'beo be lose an o•rrtlm.e boo1 to Phoenl.i's Ho,.-ard Frltner. Be pinned a Northem Oklahoma opponml bu1 los1 7.3 agaln 10 Fumlngdalr's Chuck Broclmdl.


ID 167-pocmd p~IJ.mlm.r) boot. GAi') Kmac bis Norihan Old&boma oppoeeac a tight squccu. Krane lo5A the maid, 11. 10 ud d1d not rq:a.lD a - 1 ID CM ioa,mma,t.

Friday. March 11, 1977

Cardinal Review - 7

the wrestlers were second ...

Cbccricad<-n Kt-0, Webster. Bttt.~ RID and Kdll S1c ...11 llcfHigh1 J wa1ch tense ma1 ac1lon •• lbc matlonal IOClfflCJ.

h'II uni) malic water wcla),t and that' ll romc ort easll) In the Pun&, Powell ~ lhlnl pl.ace In the 134-pound du•.

Cotne oo " Redhead,'' let'• gN him ovu.

accordhla to Jt-ff Po•cll.

Vcm DILIiio pu~bef bard In hi, bout "1th oclhl·s .

Johe Clotoll. DILalo 1ot;1 the match 6-3 and did not rcnirn to lhc ~

Georg.- Ktng Intends to get his oppone:nt'! bud placed sJ.nb In bls " eight class.

Bead Coach IOllnWDC'.01 .

t.n Boga,,



his biccs In a 118-pound bout. Klng

aplfl.SCS approul to Don Owen following hls pi.« In UIC JSO•powtd bractd.

iool,; third

OnaJ matcli or lbc

Cardinal Review - 8

Friday. ~larch ll. 19 77

'Bloomin' Leprechauns accused of taking water e, Debbie Yager Greeting~ la~ ind las~s. As ye well tnO\\ Pat's D•> .. liOOD be upon us again. It'$ only rimn' th&1 somethtn' be said 1bou1 it . For the Irish I h1,·e a story tQ tell. If ycr not Irish, or ye don't at 1~61 ha,c Irish sympathies. there is no need to read funhcr. Ir ya have no underswiding of what rm 11,Titin' of now. then thtte is linlc hope. I warn ye. don't IJ')' to fool us. We have an eye for snakes in the grass and will tolerate no nonsens,, ·1= it is we ourselves who're doin' ii. Enough said about that. Back to the story at hand. This ,•car all or us,.;· Irish blood O°"in' in our ·veins or liish sympalhies should have a mel'T)· time in honor of our dear saint. In c:ue yc've forgonen just what 2 grand day St. Pat's is. maybe this will bring back ycr memory. I' ave in my poss=ion a report from a reliable source 11 the Tom o· Shantcr drinking esublishmcn1 in Sandpoint that . though it be a number of dl)'S before the holiday. the leprechauns arc out l.n full force. As ye may have noticed , the lake is a bit low for this time of year. Contrary to popular belief. the rcawn for that IS nol lack o· ram. The bloomin' leprechauns arc planoin' a party and they've been dra10Io' the 11,•a1er to mu their bf'C"' ! r,lobody seems 10 know where they 'ave ii stashed but o crew 'os been rccn1ited to search for it.




"°' onlJ ·a,c UIC) got the ·utcr. tf the, ·,c walked off ..,,h the

11 loob SII.D IOl'.

Why caa'1 they settle far a ampfire like us mere mortals• But u·s not for me 10 qucsnon the leprechauns. I'd ratMr me 10 -

1oraorn,,r, •

The r.ean:h party •as JUSI reported to me Wt the, came upoo a amp of leprechauns and ·card some 1n1crcs11ng tad.\ of tnfor· rnatioo. Doo't be alarmed but the)· were plorun· to ·ave their party on the l'IIC campus. Those of us wf lruh blood bnc c - for reioinn ·. The rest of ye- if ye read the story despite my ,.anun··· arc Ill for a bad time 'less you folk,9. instructions camuDy




Prepare )-Crsehes. ~ fnends. If ycr Irish. get ,-our rest ·cause you'll need II If yer not then yoo bcs1 be sa1i.o· yer pra)'crs aod gcain' ycr green 001 I'm DOI matin' an) promises but rve ·card that on hohda~) wch •~ thi:s ~ the leprechauns take pH) on those UUI tm.-c, the good WIC to ,. car their color If I ·avc the faru ""l'DDg then I don ·1 kn°" whai1 to tell va. Ye best ta1c me scriousl) 1hough, Just to be on the safe side. If you chOOSc.' 10 ignore this •vrun' 1hen I'm afeored >·ou·rc bound 10 get yersclf into a real pinch Enhcr "''llY n's up to you. tl be )er lt!e yer de3hn · with. Good luck And t! you don't make tl. m:t) )OU be snc-n di)~ m hea,cn 'fc>tt the dcnl kncJ,.'S you're dead.

Speaker calls for calendar change

• • nic notices


The following Ii the 1977 NIC tennis


four qll4rters ,.ouJd be cq1131. 13 ,..eeks each. This setup 11,-ould leave the ~th day free for on "lntcrnatiOJU.I Day or Praycr" and u.ould be called Alpha and Omega. be

;\"'•,l 11 a.m, ·

UaJ>'ttSII) of 1\'l ooiana Home 2:30 p.m.

April 18 Spokane CC Awa, 2:30 p. m.

April 2

Hlgbtlne Co.mmunll) Co.liege

Aprll 22 Unl•er.ill) of Montana Away2 p.m.

Pa.-9a.m. April 2 Grftll Rhcr CC PaJCO 2 p.m.

April lJ Montaoa Stato Uohcrsll) MmouJa 9 a.m.

Aprill Columbia Ba.un College Awa} IOa.m.

Aprlll7 Spokane Fall1 CC Home 2130 p. m.

AprilS Trnsutt Valle) CC Awayl p.m.

April 28 Whll'wonh College llomc'l p. m.

April 6 Northwest Nuatt11e College A•ayJp.m.

April JO Columbia Buln Collc110 Uome2 p. m.

April 8 Easlem Oregoa College Awaylp.m.

May 4 Spokane CC Home 2130 p. m.

Apr09 Montana Swc, Unh·cBlty HomcJp.m.


Gooiaga Uohenlly Home 2:.30 p.m.

Aprll 12 Spokane FallJ CC Away ?:JO p.m.

May 12· 13 Spouoc Falls a.: Workout

April 14 Whllwortb College A"a) 2p.m.

May 16-18 NJCAA Reg.Ion 18 Toomameot O.Ckamu, Ore.

April 16

Ma) 25-28 NJCAA Natl. TenolJ Tournament Scotudale, Alfi.

hersoa soh·ed the leap year problem by crc:ning a "World H2.rn1ony Day·· 10 be cclebnited on the J6oth day C\Cry four years. He :ilso ha.s created spccw holidays. u well as Christnas and Eas1cr. which ~'OUld fall C\'CI') year on their given du. Iverson said he ha.s 001 had ~uch Judi; · gerung his 0.....,. calendar.:a.cccpted.

B) 0>Cl')I Nicolson


Unh enfly of Idaho Away lla.m.


Law enforcement recycles • to economize on ammo Nov.•adays just about everything is recyclable ........ e.. en bulleis. NIC In cnfom.·mcol students 10 a f1TC.3nns class an: being taught 10 make therr n bullet& tn 4 p ~ invoh;ng reloading used bullet shells. "Bullet& arc selling for up to S7 a box and • ·c can make the same amount for about SI." Instructor Ned Stu an said. "Leaming the bullet-making process also g"ci. the students added kn.()11,•ledge ... The ~loading equipment 1s located in 1 Sll'IJIII room tn the Winton Building. There students •~c taught to straighten used shells and = n I small igniung pm in place or the old "'OfO-<Nt one. The shell b then filled v. uh I small

April 17 Gonzaga Unh crslh

April I

B, Lome Amos Order must be brough1 10 our sys1cm or recording days. Bjorn I. h ·e rson told approximately 60 studcnt5 Mort"h 7 in the SUB at the ninth Popcorn Forum. herson, a mechanical designer from Plea.unton. Cmf .. rua.s been working on a calendar for 22 ve= that would "have time ,..11rk1ng for.11s instelld of us al11,ay'S righting it ... he said hcrson·s pcrpcrual calendar sets a.side the Friday of every month as a holiday. It also creates IJ months with 28 days each. The calcncur worb on a quancr system, each quarter representing :a seuon. AJI


2moun1 or gun P°"'der and a lead slug. This lead must first be melted ~ and

poured into spen4I molds for Ult' paniculo.t me of bullet needed. Acroniing to i. .. cnforc,:mcnt SllJden1 Mike Anderson. the buJlc1 shells can be re-used five or s11 ttmcs before the\' become 100 bent out of shape and must~ discarded "Although the process is fairiy simple. it does require care and concentration." Anderson SI id. Firearms is a P E. 202 class 10,·olving 1nstruc11on in 5.1fc handltng. proper use and prolicic~ m fmng s111nd1rd police stdarms.

An) dub or orgllllh:allon w11b1og ASNIC funds lo cooclact proceedings n.e rt ycu ~oaJd pldt: up lhel.r appllcatlolU before March 15 , acco rd ing to Wes Batch, scrvlcc5 dlrcd.or •

Atteollon all veterans ! If 1 0a a,e planning 10 a.llend s ummer 1cbool tbl1 summer , please nollfy the Regl1trar'1

·'These Corms can be oblalncd at the

NJC 11.11.dcn l5 are ttmlndcd tlw tbctr ID catd!J admit lhem to all local penonuaca

Student Un.loo ~ or from Kl!'i.a J euoa." Hal.cb said..

A.SB Knalor

omec lmmedl.atcly.

sponsored by 1be Community Coaeer1


See us for

The best sekction of Records, 8-Tracks and cassettes P-lus

The finest STEREO components Kenwood Teac




Fou rth and Harri.~on

Hours 10-6

. ,I,

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