North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 32 No 7 Dec 16, 1977

Page 1

PBC's recommendation may insure full building !'IIC's humanihcs building may be consuucted as designed ir the Legislature approprutcs an addl1ion1l S6SO,OOO toward the project. The Permanent Building Fund Council in Boise made a recommendation Nov. JO for the appropriation of the funds which goes to the Leg.lslature. " It 1s a significant and helpful rccom, mcndauon. Nl C President Barry Schuler said Dec. 9, "because of the panicular J)O\'er 11,c council enjoins in allocating the state's building funds ." Schuler said the Legislature normally agrees to follow the council's recom mendations but he .added the Lcg1sla1urc CID al~o disregard those rccommenda tions. "It ls mv c,ipcctation on tht basis of the role 1he councll', rtt0mmendation plDys 1h11 the Lcg1~t11ure wtll approve it," he

uid The college will not tnow the rccom• mendauon·~ outcome until the last days of the scnlon, prob:>.bly early March, when the council', appropnauons 111ke plocc. Phase I or the building began Dec. S when work "'as slllned on odding a boiler 10 the heating plant 11nd run01ng lines 10 the conslruc11on Aile. The boiler addition " ill save space In the new building and allo,, a swilch,ovcr of ~ er m case the IIC'4 boiler breab down. Schuler said the closing or oward date on bids for the 11crual construction "ill be after the Lcg1sla1urc oet, on 1hc recommend•· lion. The call for bids will be before March ,..Ith alternatives provided so N IC can choose depending on a,•11ilablc funds. Cons1ruc1ion "all 001 begin until the •c11her clean up 1n the ,pring. Should the ~mmendation fail, the art and photography portJons of the building will be C'UI, eaccp1 for one or two possible an cllwrooffl.), aC'COrdlng to Schuler. This dccuion '"JU made 01 the Nov. 21 Bo;rd of TM tcc~ meeting.

"The nature and design or the building would allow us 10 cut tbcse out and ii was an a.rchi1ce1ual design decision." Schuler said. He added llllll the area of concern was 0011D a cruciru p:,,n of the building and 1he no1ch could be filled later. "Ifs illogical and unfortunate." Schuler Htd. "because cnrollmenl is grov.•iog 10 an and photography and is sad for the needs of the college.·· h's good ~nse doing it all at once. and "''e' ve uied 10 con,incc the council on our mtenuons. It would be inl"ff'ic:ieot 10 fill in the nolch hucr. in tcnns of inflation and alterations and it would we oo aspecu or remodeling," he added. If the Legislature doesn't approve tbe recommendatJoo and funds become avail• able la1cr, bids for the DC'llli nold> would not be let uo11l Phase II (actual building eonstrucuon) completed to avoid con trae10r5 impeding each other " It's my best estimate that v.e'II hove no problem funding the full building as designed and I hope the Legisbturc follows the recommendation," Schuler S11ld. Rep. Emery Hedlund, St. Maries. chair· man of the council. has been helpful in the put on bchalJ' or NIC recclvlllg building funds. "h's very clear by h1S strategic position that NJC is 11blc to get full consideration of requests." Schuler \lid . .. 11 •ould be much more difficult LO get coiu1deration if 1here were no ooe Con the council) to understand our direct needs ud close enough 10 verify the c:onte.r1 and kno-. "hal we'!'\' talking llbout," he added. "He is a str00g supportcT and friend or NIC c.uerchiog bis position rc5p0nsibly. He is oot gcni.og things for NIC "'betbcr we need them or not. but he's giving IIS a position 10 present our case." Schulcr S&id.

Dean of college says

Grade inflation threat Grade inOauon M NIC 1s malnng it more dtff'w:uh no-.. 10 hl\·c credi1S tnnsfcr 10 ocher scboots than lo 1he put. said Ra,· Stone. dean of the college · In a ne11, s conference -.i1h II new$" nting :~s Ott. l.l, Stone a id that the lllflation ue 10 the "'cu grading svstem oow employed at NIC. · He said 1he !>ehool will probably drop the NC \no credit) grade and will move 11,e ~

da) 10 v.i1hdn" 10 tbc nine-week rnut tf the College Senate appl'O\·es I committee ri:commendation. A not her change being proposed. ac, cording 10 Stone. is the lllStruC'lor·initated w1thdfll•••al. where I.II in.slnlcmr coo.Id drop a Student from the clllSS. "I think it has more strength 10 11 tJun contlnn_t'd on page 3

Classy waiting NIC shldeats p ~ g rar spring semester cram the hallway la the Ailmla.lJtratloo Bulldlng. Canilaal Rcniew photographer Dl\-c Kn.mer mapped this photo aa.d thco dollble ~ II o,~r a daa &dledllle.

Bv 4-3 vote

Board bongs 'Gong Show' By Sasle Bppme The proposal to bring "The Gong Show" 10 NlC 'KU rejected by the Student Board Dec. 13 afler recent poll resulu .,ere discussed. ASNlC V"tee Ptcsldeo1 Tl'I.CJ' M&ravilla said he retti~ 174 responses out af JOO questionmires g;i•en 001, ..-ith 110 voting yes to "The Gona Show" at I SI charge and S3 DO. In response LO the question or bnngjng family members at a charge of S2 per person. U)4 questionnaires were marted DO and 69 were marted yes. Abool IS6 lldditiona.l people would be brought by those uyi.og yes. The show would have cost S4.000. Mara,iUa said be didn't have the time LO "The Gong Sb°".. 10 each class polled as he v.·ould hllve lilccd, which might hn-c been the reason the response wu 001 ~c-cssi, elv favonble. The bo"ard voted 4.3 to rejcc1 the proposal Publlory Com.mince Ch2irperson Jeff Pov,cll 1old the bo4rd the nblevislon

system will be inswled on campus during the Christmas break. Re said a cable will be instAUcd a.long with a television lo the Informational Services Offices. Cables will also be run to A25. A26, A27 and A2a (sioC'c these rooms all'\'ady h.,ve televisions) and 10 Seller HAU and the SUB, he said. A problem erlsts, Powell said. in the fise1 that a 1elevis1on will h.ave to be pu~h.ued for the cable into thc SlfB. In other action -Senator Kevin Jenon soid the aod F1c1li11cs Committee 15 taking the ootline for a ocw student umon building 10 the Administrative Cou11cil Friday for additions ond e1clusion.s. ..,1he bolrd ~en1 1n10 aecurive session to discuss complllnts from students regarding 1hc insurance poliC)', No action was wen. The bo.1rd will DOI meet Dec. 20 and will r«onvene Jan. 10. 1978, with the firs I regular meeting of second semester. Members did 001 m~c1 Dec. 6 due 10 the wcalJ,er conditions.

Cardinal R eview -2-

Frida~. Dec. 16. 1977


Guest editorial

(1......-_o-=--~-in_io_n__;;;;p;;.__ag ______ e __ Education key is care Ignorance not bliss! In the beginning. there was regiomuism. In the end. there is At fim 11 appeared North Idaho College was not gening the funds it needed from the sum: bccnu,e it "'3S located in :-.onhem Idaho. far away from the of nre·· in Boi~e Bui. after dose \c:rutiny. the main reason doeso·t appear to be a que~tion of miles: 1t"s II quesuon of controlling powers tn Boise ~imply not knowing ho,, imponant MC renllv is. The problem arose 31 a State Board of Education meeting where flflC v.:as ignored in its requei.t for funds 10 co,er increased enrollment. The reason: the board apparentlv didn't know what wa\ conuuncd in that request. It thought the request was for immediate monc, to co~er enrollment. instead of for F"tscal Year 19i9. To quote Dr. J:isper P;ul Munson. a member of the board, on why this might have happened: ··we·re in a strange posiuon as far as 11uthori1y goes (with Junior colleges). Unless we have the authority to know where the money goes and to mAke the colleges cut costs. we have a tendency to take less of a feeling of just how impomnt these requests are ... Munson also said there is no alienation on the board between northern and southern members. Apparently agreeing ••tilh this sentiment of not knowing how important the college is. L:u·ry Schlicht. acti,·e bureau chief of the Govemor·s Budget Office. said " We"d hke to know {the internal budgets) so we would be supplied with additional information in determining funding ... Schlicht added that it is "up 10 the president .. or the college to allow the budget office 10 kno\\. So the problem appears to be simply ignor3ncc of NlC' s imponn.ncc. The solution appe3rs to be simply informing the proper people. Perhaps Schlicht's advice should be taken--with the president of the college providing ,ital inform:iLion 10 the St:ite Board of Education &Jld to the Go"emor·s Budget Offire. But NIC would then lose its relative independence ond its own Boud of Trustees: it "'ould no longer be o "community-coocrolled" campus. This proposal hns been set fonh before and will undoubtedly be proposed again and 3gain until the State gains total control of NJC. Shon of surrender. the m11Jor responsibility of NIC's administnuors is to do all they rln to inc-rease funding rerommendations. And then the onl) hope lies in the Legislature. In the pa~t. area legislators h:ive fought hard for NIC. Perhaps rhey wtll continue to fight so th:11 NIC ,viii receive the recognition ir rightfully deserves so programs can be expanded and a better institution of higher education can b,e provided for the c:ommunit, . S.E.

By George Ives NlC English lnst:n.1ctor

Growth, so evident about NIC in buildings. enrollment figures and future plans. may also be o prime cause for the problems and feelings of tension equally evident on campus. E:ic:h year'i. double digit enrollment increase seems to er1><1c the sense of closeness and warmth tha t hos been rhe hallltlllrk of NIC. Maint11ining processes nnd following procedure seem ever more important: providing flexibility and establishing initiati,c seem consistently downgraded. Yet. as I talk with people around campus, I am ~ruck not so much by the apparent apathy or rhe justifillble complaints tlut surface. os by the depth and sincerity or conc:ern exp~ssed by - - - - - - - - ~ students, administrators. and staff whenever discussions get George ht!l beyond petty and mundane topics. On thi~ campu,. the people obviously CARE. Though the methods by which they eKpress their conc:erns Vil) widely t1.nd. at times, seem to t1bsolutely oppose others' approaches. the motivation is remarkably consistent: people at NIC wont cduca11011-·quol11y education. Perh3ps NIC bas reached a size when we ore ready to confront who we really ore. All too often. it seems. we have been a.~king ourselves " Ho" con we do it?" when a better question might well be "Should it be done?·· Con we as an instilu11on afford the luxury of not examining the ends to which our means direct us? The question of campus growth. for example. seems to have been examined strictly from a numben stand-point: the bigger the number on the bottom line. the bclter the result. Yet C\'Cn as "e actively recruit greater numbers of students. we paradoxically faee the problem that larger numbers of entering student, arc uMble to meet facult) expectationl>. Should remedial courses be provided. should entering students be required to meet 11n entry standard. or should the expectations be lowered? I can·1 suggeM which alternouve is mo1>1 desirable. yet 10 ignore the situation ,implJ compounds the difficulty. Perhaps we hove become so busy going to school that we haven·t had time 10 think about education. But 1t is time 10 consider what quality education as a g02l means and it is time to consider how NIC may most fully achieve thal goal. For as Ortego y Gassen observed: "Any alteration, or toughing up, or adjustment about this house of ours, unless it starts by reviewing the problem of its mission--dcarl}. decisively. truthfully-•will be love's labors lost." Because we care, we must mo.kc our efforts count. LeLters to t.hc editor arc welcomed bJ the Cardinal Re"lew. Those s ubm l11ln11 lclkn §bould Umlt them to 250 words, slgn them and pro,ldc • telephone oombcr or adclttu 10 autht'otlcll) can be checked. Lortie,... should be brought to Room 2 In the Meelwllcal AIU llwldlug or malled LD the CardlnaJ Review In can of North Idaho College.

(___c_ar_d_in_a_l_re_vi_·e_w__J The Cardinlll Re,ie" Is published seml-monlbl) b) the Publications Workshop class at North Idaho College. Members of the CR staff will strhe to present tJie ne"s faitly, ac:curatel) and wllboot prejudice. Opinions expressed on lbc editorial page do not ncccssnriJ) rcOttt lbe, le"s of the Cardinal Re, le" , the ASN1C or tJie NIC 11.dmlnistrallon. The CR is entered as Grsl-cl~s maJerial at Coeu.r d'Aleot, Idaho 83814. American Collegiate Press Award- Winning Ncwsi,aper

Da,~ Knuiltr photo WHERE IS RUDOLPB1 ...Jane1 Bruhn, d.aogb~r or Brad and JW Bev.ho. Cocar d'Alene coa,cya to Santa INlC Sen. Kt"ln Jetton wbo performed tbc Joll> !Uk a1 the Mall! all a£ her Ouistm.llJ wlsbtt. The 'f)lrh or Cbr1runu bas rCJll.lld Its In) 10 NIC with many snuleuts preparu,jt ~or the hollday - ·

ma.naglng cdltor ...................... , .......•........ , ••..• Bernie WllloD new,; editor .....•...••..........•........••.•............ ..• . Susie Epperit 11.SS-Ociatc editor .....................•••.....•...•.... .. .. .. •.. Lome A,mo, cop) editor ....••......•........•..................•..... .. CheJ)I Nlcolsoa spons editor .•..•. .. ..•.•....... .. ..•..•. .................... .Pat SidllVIII editor ..•..••........•........•..••...• ... ....... Da,e KralDI" 11..d, ertislng man.ager .......••..••... , •..•......... .... .... .•. Shelley Bagle,· ad, Iser ..............••........•..•........... .. ........ . .. ... Tim Pll&riJII ~arr members .•...••..... ..........................••..•.. Debbie erts1,o,. arren Tol'T'Cnce, Iris Buteber, Laureen ScbmJdt Kathleen A.adert00, S... Nickerson, Bob Tharp, Dean Jenlcek and Charlene


Friday, Dec. 16, 1977

Cardinal Review -3-

Four-year proposal made for NI C law enforcement 8) Debbie Brbboy NIC's 1.1.. enforcement program may bcc'Ome II four-year prognm if rhc 1ppropnare run& become a,·aihtble.

requesting funds to lure two instruct.On 10 teuh lhc rwo years or the course and add11ion3l money for equipment.

Sed Stuolrt, law cnforttmcnc in\lructor, uid he ,on1'ctcd Eutcrn Wuhmgton linncrntv. Boise State UmvCTSII), Uru,er• s11, of .i.1onr~na And Montana State t'n;,~it, ro ~cc 1f the, ,.ere intcrcsred in ~'tfopt~!l I COOWrtlUm lany a,,ociaUon or pJMIK'~h,pl bcrv.ccn lhcm$Clves and \IC for 3 foor•)Clr pl'Ojlr~m.

Sruan said that ldaho·s coogrcssmen and senators have endooed the propo~ .and ue s~:aking to interested agencies :about funding .

The un1,er<111cs hu,c implied th:111£ !'!IC

~ruar1 s.:iid that if the proposal i~ adopted. the enfom:ment prognm WOllld probabh' mo"e to a larger existing building until 11 "pro•cd" 1ti.elf

an oh1ain firunc1al aid from a govcrnmenr agcn()', rhey will granl a 8.A. degree to 11udcnr1 v.ho complete the four-year program. uccording to Stuart "SIC "'Ill kct'J) the regular program bur •1ll 1dd I criminal science class which l\ ,,,.,oriented."' he ,aid. Stuart added their arrangement\ are licrnB made \O \ludenr, could come to NIC 11 1hc end of 1heir sophomore year to complelc lhc four·)car program and srill rl'CICi•·e the degree from the college they hid prt'Viously attended. For eumple. a , tudcnl anending MSU could attend NIC and complete the hm rwo )"CUS of the program and still receive the de~rcc from MSU. Sruan :idded that if lh~ occurred. sruden1s would nor hove to pny llUI-Of•\lillC fc~. 5tuar1 hu .. r111en a grant proposal

He ~dded thu iffundmg COll\C\ through. the •ould become effecti\ e July I 19-8.

Rdcmng to the pro~ition of dropping 111( PE requirements, Stone s11d the, ha\'c d,c1dcd not to drop the requtrc:ment ~ausc the "chairmnn of PE ond 11thlerics, Roll)' Wilhomi.. fceb students should be gi,·cn the opponunily 10 partidpotc m on artiuty " Stone ~aid he doei. not favor the scparanon of the ~ocational and a~dcmlc studen~. "I don't like the ~epor:uion of the flcilitiecs. Thar's scparition of t~e student bod)· and l don't like it," he ~,d. He said that he "' ould like 10 sec YOl:atJom\l students get 11 broader range of cducarron olhcT tJuu, their S""'"'fic \.'OCll·



Sto~ uid that 11nr.agonlsm between the hfo 'lllill a1...·,ys cnst. "The)' gel lhe money and ,..e get the Jlnlblc111$, .. he uid.

Stone uid that the c:ha.nces of getting the ~ ~?' the proposed humanities buildtbc ~ ve"? ~c:oci·· and that ii is high on ~ or Pnoriucs for the next legislative

He added that the concentntion of the ~~8._oard or Education is in the ~ of the four-year iostitutioos or

Music department to hold concert

Stu:an ~aid that if Health Scnice<. •ere to b, relocated in a nc"' building. the program could be located in the Winton Building.

A t'oncert de.signed b) NIC's music department to put C\'cryone in the mood for Chnstmas will be held Dec. 18 11nd 19. accordmg ro Rrd Frost. music IDStructor. The Sunda> aad Monday performances will be at -:.30 p.m. in the NIC gym. licicet• ,..,II be SI for adults and fifty cent,, for studcnb. Ouldn:o 10 and under "111 be adm1ncd free Group r;itcs 1re ~,~ilablc Ticket rc~rvanom may be ffllldc through lhc NIC Bu!.lness Office (6o7-7422. Ext. 21C>). Frost said the concert •'Ould include familiar a.nd uofam,lw c:irols. sacred :ind

He \:ud the cu rrent two.,•ear AAS degree program 1< designed -.ith 1n emphasis on "training and educating .people to become It"' enforcement offi. ccrs." He said cnrvllmcnt in the program ha\ ~t:ivcd fairh· constant \\llh ;ibout 80 ~tudent~ enrolled

higher leamtng. rat.her thAo the communil) colleges ••


Stone »1d lhat :he beach area reccnth acquired by NIC "ill be used u a re1.ttarional area fOT p,cnicting. fishing. ere. He added 1he) 1tt plannins a summt'r reercauonal program would u1cludc canoeing, \\ ater skiing. souba diving, motorbo;it n:patr and sailing. He uid the iosur:inec compao)' u holding them b11ek on the scuba di"IDI!, Referring 10 the t'hangcs th111 would o.."CUr to NIC in the futu~. Stone said. "I h<>~ I don't ha,c ro be faced v.ith :1 four-reor insrirutioo ... He ~d thot enrollment -.-ould probably mcreue to an,und 5.000 ,.;th n-o-th1rds of the enrollmenr being poraprofenion11l11eademic students and one-third of the students being \'OCDtional. Stone 11ddcd thot a a~ library. new gym faoliucs And a lTlldc in the furore. Referring to the behavior of NIC s tude nts during the NIC-Wall a Walla Commuoif)' College bukctball game. Stone said lhat more coastructive spirit was ~ ' t i than desrrut'tioo. Some blea· chcn "''en: cracked bul he said it w:a.s great to see the spirit displayed.

secular music and audience pil.rticipalion. The contemporary :and rnidirional music "ill be prc!>Cnted by the choir. chorale. solo,sts :and small groups. he added. The concert also features duo pianists Flo Edmond~on Oa\'is, NIC piano instructor. and ~13ry,Virginia Miller. Gonzaga Uni· ,ersir.· piano and organ instrue1or. Frost said this "Christmas Fcmval" includes Chr,stmu goodies. baked aod sc"ed b> the choir. The ri:freshmeots "'Ill be 1crved in the lobby of the gym ilfter both performances.


i •

contlnucd from P•R" I

Pat SulliYID photo

Wbllc uot qalte the Rolling Stones, dnunmer BW Hdlm, along With the NIC Pep Band, pots on a $bow for NIC bukctball pmci ILl!d wrestling mald,ca.

Stuart added rhnt tbe director of rhc con~omum \\ould probibly be Dr. L)nn Triplett of EWU

Inflation threat to grades in college, Dean Stone says lfttmg .i student (w1lhdr.m )."' Stone said.

Dwarfed by drums

He ~3td 1h11 if rhe program ,.u ,ucccs~ful. Mace ftmds rwght be a,ad1blc for construct,on of a new burld1og.

!• : : :• • : : •:•



"JJci1lQ· · · !•


Sell unwanted books : that can be used for : spring semester or :• • buy books you may : need at a reduced price. : •• The Publications Club will handle oil books token :

: in and begin selling them Jon. 4. : You price the books and the Pub. Club will collect •9 l O% commission from that price. ! Bring the books to Mechanical Arts 2 (building by

! •

the flagpole).

All unsold books will be returned

: : •• :


I"Do It YourseH" l :• You'll double your pleasure :• : at half the price! : ......................................................

Cardinal R eview 4-

Frida~. D ec. 16. 1977 Bv College Senate

Chtistrnas parody

Dismissal changes offered

Day before grade cards

Chang~ in 1bc c~ls1ing dismissal policy for NIC ins1ruc1ors wtll be prcscn1ed 10 the Board of Trus1ccs af1er acuon Dec. 13 b) 1he College Sena1c The sen:ue 1u1honud Tony S1cwart to represent them before the baud. Chango includc more noses for dismiss;il and re"1S1Qns of d1•m1sul proct·· cdings. bo1h prchmman and formal. Much d1~s.s1on among scrators cen• 1ered around immonhl\· H onc or the causes for d1sm1S)4I. Op~ine senators argued tha1 1mmoral11y annol be defined The proposed eauscs of termination :i.s s101ed m Article IV. Section B of the propoul are .. neglttt of dutv. unprofcs· sional conduct. incompcteocc. d1shonesl). immonlm. erimmahn·. ,. illful rctu.sal or serious and or repealed failure to compl) "ith 1he wrincn rcgula11ons 11nd pl"OC1:d· urc, ol 1hc college or the la,.ful dirccti,cs of its officers.··

In other action the scru,.tc: --recommended dw1ging 1hc sign·up dndline for semitw's. v. ark.shops. s_peual 1op1cs daues. m11:rnsh1~ and dLrcctcd uud\ counes from ,.,,o 1<eets 10 four "ccb after thc semester begins. --d1<;(us,cd problems of ,tudcnts ba,'ing trouble ,.,,h 1he nev. msurancc program ~~I or 1he problems ansc from \tudents ha\ln& pre-einsung mJunes or 11lncssc<1 ll'\ing to tu,e 1he nc,,. insurance plan co-er !hem

and rtt0mme11dcd tha1 1hc changes be g,~en back to the commince for distnbv· 1ion among 1ns1ruC10rS The romm111cc v.1n a".ut raail~ rc:acuon And rcpon to the Sctl.llC.

Eileen Seymour to retire from Registrar 's Office e, Laureen Schmidt If the NIC Reg1Str3r's Office looh d1ffcren1 second semester. perhaps the cau,e -.m be the los, or Eileen Seymour. Se, mour. NIC records clerk. will retire Oet'." 21 from NIC and "ill leave behind a difftrcnt c:ollege than the one she knew lb \'U~ ogo when she began 11,ork at NIC. Leaving NIC "'11,ith mired emotions:· Seymour ~01d ~he i;. retiring to be 11,ith her husband. who will rcnrc rrom hii job with the IRS m February. Sc~ mour ,Jid the g'\'mn3s1um. Admmistmion Buildmg and 1he Mcch3n1cal An~ Bu1ld1ng 1<crc 1be onl~ buildings on campu~ whC'n she come here m !Ool.

EIieen ScJ mour

.. The Me.:h3nical Art, Building "as OW' \'o.:Juonal Ccn1er and .ome old World W11r II b.:irncl-. •located 31 the present \'OC3· Hon.ii buildmg \Itel "ere =d for classroom, · \hl' said. .. The libran included the present Room AJb •nd the hall" 3, o-er Room A2 I. and rhe L.mgu.:i11c ub ha\ replaced the old bookstore.·· she said. People " 3 01mg a ne.. SUB eipansion ma) find II interestmg 10 knov. 1ha1 there \\ Uno sue 1<hen SC'ymour li~t nme 10 NlC 'People ote under thc bluchcrs 11 1he north end ol thc gJm and the food wu cooked '" the gym·s prcs.:n1 equipment

room:· she said and added !hat .:i ~UH "'M opened e.:irly thllt fall. In addition to bimng no SL'B "a.s no dorm1tOI") on l'lmpu,. Se~ mour ~31d that people v. 1th hOUSlllj! a,ailable called 1hc college and 1he Regl\", Orrrtt posted a h,1 o[ pos.ible housing. Unhke today the dean or men .ind the dean of " omen "®Id ctamme and appro,e or di~apprtl\t' p(h)tblc hou,ang for h, abihn H:1\'rng one phone ltne and 1hree eucnlions compared to the pre~nl eight phone Imes '1Dd 89 extensions 1) .10 cscusc tor gaanang \\C1gh1. Jcrordtng 10 Sc) mour . .. I uscd to h.1,·e 10 run and gel a person needed on the t.:,p floor. ~ I ".u .1 lot thinner."' she Utd. Sc) mour ,aid that c,en 1he C:irdinal Rc\lcu ha, dunged She 1, ped 1hc CR copy and present Bustncss \.fan3!,!er Jem Wendt pnn1ed the paper on 10 old press loc~tcd in the present focuh~ secreuanes · room. she so1d. The present CR 1s printed a1 the Coeur d" \lene Press. Another eh11nge m NIC throughou1 1he ,cars has been the number of students and facull). S3id Seymour. -\ccording to Se~·mour. the student <'nrollment ha) mcrcucd f1om 5b6 studcn1s 10 I. "'2- students ,in« 1%1 :uid the facuh, hu 1nCTe:L~ed from 2b teachers 10 °' er bO 1e11ctters She .ulded that b of NIC' s prc,ent teachers "ere 1e.1clung when she fim came 10 NIC. TheI 3rc James Burns. W •rren Ke.1nng. Hersh Riebe Cal.herine Sca1e,. Florence S1ranah3n and Rolly Williams. Dean or the College R11, Stone and Wendi were also teachang then. she and added tha1 hsuko Ni$hio has been "ith :,;IC \In« )940. Se,mour Sll1d that ~be h:is .. lovea "orl.ang at ~IC and ,.ith it's people.·· but "ill be lookang for1Aard to the 1ime when ~he and her husband an tr.ivel :,round 1he Unned S1a1cs and Ma1eo. She said tha! she hos enjo)''Cd the people she "orkcd eloscl} vdtb and 1he close contact she hu been able to have with the studen1S.

.\nd J!np 1hc ear·, roof. all drc"c:d m red old St S1onl!d "1th 11olf cap on


~t ~tnnl'd "a, ,crcam1nii .at lhl' top of hi\ lung. ·tomc on. 1ou teacher,. 11ct up and ··on P1lgnn .inti Sp1dtr Pinl',-onc ond Buxom, (:l't up Seed burnt .ind Bro" 111,• . Rycmund and John,omcl"' /\ntl uut there in from of 1h" ,omcch ,h"" I\J., the mnth 1,•achcr. S!Jt'\\3rt . brca._lD!! the ,01>,. The S111rfin: ,In" h \l11ppcd Jnd Jmtd .1 ehcertng r\'.>ar, St Stnncd lcapl'd fr,,m hi\ \Cat ,ai·anp "' You wall woi1 no more:· lie rnn:d thl'Qu~h the dO<)l"'AY tor .ill ot '" 10 ,cl·· ;rnd ,~1ppcd d"" n the hallwa) 01pp11111 itl'J\k curd, with 111cc. .. ~h jnh " no"' done "hJt mllrl' rould v11u a~I.. I ,·,1m,- 1hrnugh on umc and ~umpktcd ow ta,k 1 •• ,h , '"""' ot bag p3r1ic, l'< hued 1n their c:Jr1. .,11 1hc ,d1ool\ 1n,1ruo11r. ,h,1u1cd. '·s..., \J nc\l ~car'

'-'~rt" O\Cr~

I><>\ . .. h.11

p~1n Foor dJH ol 1c,11ni:, c,·el') t>od~ ·\ 10~ane Their g~ m ,<>ek, v.crc hung an loders "ith cJrc "nh ho~ that St Stoned "nuli.l ht' there. .1


--heard an Academic Scandanls Committee report on grading SJstem changes

T,.J, 1hc d.1, before grade c;i.rds and all throu!!h the school 21 thc ,1udcn1, "c:rc silen1. not t>rc.1k1nR a rule

run' ..

l 1n m\ Lc,i·,. •nd m, itirl 10 her ~,-h 1ru,kfil o,c:r to the St;B to b, oo.. n and c:n1sh The lid, ,.ere all DCf\OUS .ind ngh1iul1, sn. S1 Stoned m1~ht not 3ppc3.r; 1het1: .. ;i, four feet or When oul 1n thC' p.arktng h.11 there Jro:K' ,u,h a 1cll. that the pl~tc, ,1a,kcd on table> npp<·d '"er and !~II. o, ~r to the " mdo" 1h.: "'hi>lc :,ch,101 racc:d. F,cl"\ODC ,urcd JI 1hc \tghl Jnd ,1ood 1hcre and ,paced. What to our red squinting eyes





l>u1 ., ,mJII "hate S1Jrfire pulkd h, nine facuh1


rc;;;c/ub~=~::a:-j f


Music Tuesday - Sunday • •••••••••

•••••••••• 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a .m.



t-----------------------, Wednesday ,




,_____ l!~~0!J'~~=-~~~----~ Can or bottled beer--75c j .60 before music tf Pitchers--$1$2.50 after music I'

t t t t t


Pitchers-Mixed Drinks-Wine J



It 's Raining Long Life Tropical Fish Food Papcto swims slowly age grows like algee in his cave, plastic pl3nts that wave from his fins slow motion

.fut.en your caboose t.o thb poetry express--pttSS your face agalnst Its wlndows--gue Into dill northwest passage-Spender throu~ Its "powerful plaln manifesto" as tbe nimble eag.lneel'S fire you up wllh their crnth'e ore--pull )OU Inside through 011tsJde-Tbe members of tbe creallve wrltJng club, Oread, of North Idaho College, ID close junction with selected student anJsts are pleased to set the following lines for your dlst:ra.ctlou.

~~ll~ chief poe_try eng.lncer

be is the lonely the onJy rock piler. back and forth he swims through his quarry.

load after load he piles the colored rocks in the comer. then hovers over them watching me watching him. In the morning. mary comes into the kitchen has a glass of kool aid rubs her eyes and hands me a cigarette. I lite ir and sit at the table watching her serve Papcto bis b reakfast Papcto looks at mary, mary looks :11 me, I look at mary Papeto looks at me. I look at Papeto and watch the Oakes of food i:lll slowly to the bonom. Papero surfaces and looks :it mary. you c:in nlmost hear him: look Mary, he wouJd say it's roinmg. it's raining long life tropical fish food. • by Bob Harnish

--She Gave Herself Away I listened to her automatic lines and looked into her crooked smiling mnsk:

M etamorphosis

I saw through to her eyes and s he quivered.

Bright orange and black fuzzy. I found you caterpolling across my pillow:

She tried to hide behind her wide synthetic smite:

Small boys glass-e11tombed you

she go\·e herself away: and I saw her colorless cheeks melt into her drooping chin sagging into her neck.

t1.nd left you on a shelf. left you in !I JU in the night. When we awoke you were gone and left us a gossamer capsule hanging from a twig. What mystical \\ings llre 1,1,;lhin }OU~

Her mask oozed away, exposing

Bright or.inge and bllck fuzzy. Where have you gone?

real, naked. bones and big. bro... n eyes. like lights that shine deep into her cavernous lies.


• by Ch1riceWright

Roller Derby Mesmerned by a ~ Qf pinbaJl, I rang. ranted, buzzed and banged and finally made it out. I scored high but hadn't l'C3ched the essenceNo Free Game. I peered out the door 10 look for the heat, drew a cigarette from my pocket and strolled out to the pidrnp. paymg no mind to the darkened cars parked on the street. pulled a beer out of the six-pack stuck partially under the seat. while a black wire-haired mongrel danced on the comer• .. Sir!''

this ilk of black the silent spider glided easily Down the high yellow textured insides of my white-topped isolated cell: and i expired a smiling sigh: with a single swift scorpioid thrust i scourged the life from its distended limbs. scanning the soiler side of my weapon i found not a dram of arachnoid blood, and i could spy no spider remains no block red stains on the walls of my domain; Md i admired the audacity of that noble octopod--avoiding The dark wrath of my white-sheeted Righteousness 10 avenge my ally the Oy: yet, i envisioned that obsidian obelus 'scending to the naked seas Of my eight-legged throai Tearing its white fangs easily down the nightmares of my Wasp imaginings.

"Sir?" "Would you step out of the vehicle. please?" "May I see rour license. please?" "Would you take it out of the wallet. please?" "ls that your beer there?" "No! I mean •.. it ah .•• belongs to a friend • .. " "Young man. I'm afrnid you'll have


come with mel''

He handcuffed-roughed up and tossed me in jail and I sat on a concrete cot. I looked outside and there she was • that stupid black wire-haired mongrel. dancing in the rain. I screamed out through the bars ''Go home!" "Go away!" ''Get lost !" "Get out of here!" and 1 sat down and 1got a bad cough.

-by David Sharp ·by Francis Mauhews

D ry Spell Having been walking through

a desert for quite some time. 1 spied a dehcious-looking oasis.

I raced over the dunes. v1s1omng dates. melons and cherries·· Two cool blue pools of shimmering deligb1 met m) eyes. I shook with anticipalion of 1he supreme plUJIIC1 flew through the air. hit the floor And woke up wich goose fe111hers in my nKJClcJI.

In the Batroom


flight Out

r:r . . -

Like Bella Lugosi. years ago. You seem stncken By dawn·) early light. Far from your shuner home. Instead. you've senled For this wa~tcbaskei. My early-worm eye. Squints from its peep. Sees ho" the wc:mng of your coat ls not \\3SIC, And how my own face twitches. As your back. To the sound or ,·aiding In the head above yours. What brought you hither. Flung quite aske", As alien. here. as a skull Ln a cake. Seems a mystery Beyond even Agatha. But ltoowing not whether you sleep Or merely play bad possum. Just to be s.ifc. I creep stealthily out To find n lid For your ill-found crypt. My son's Richard Searcy. As you would. Were he awake, Seals your fate.





f ~s · walls · floors . faces


snakiug. aching. forgotten, d for Women.

· by Clarice Wrigh t

Fort Wayne the bus stopped in Fon Wayne. ot is was sleeping & the dri,-er yelled Fort Wayne & the sun was hot & the fat lady .,.ho stank stretched & all the recruits thought I w.lS going in the marines & was as tough as them & the little kid hn his sister with an :irehie comic & l>ister ,creamed ma ma & mama hit kid with purse & kid screamed im ma & the fat lad) turned around & l'C\..Uits turned around & I threv. 11 ritt cracker at 011:. & the bus dn\'er ~ellcd Fon Wayne & Cat lady smiled & stank & the kid ~id "1it & sister said ma m3 & ous looked up & fat ladJ stank & the gu) with the hat took It off & recruits waited & the kid s:ud shit again & fat lady turned & otb threw the ri1Z back & fat lady suuu & otis held his nose & the bus dri\'er yelled Fon Wa)'JlC again and ag3in and ag4in. · b>• Bob

In flight. your rigs Lent the evening sky A distinctly different hue, But this crawling, Like my skin. Will never do. And since I have no further stake In this. 1 commend your spirit To the guano god. Then shove the 10 shot clip Full into the chamber. And empty those hollow-poinlS Home. As the black Swiss or your back Runs red as fear. Out in the backyard. I cast you skyward Into the rerruuns or dark Tov.ard the last star On the horiion's arc. Hov. badly you fly. Ln fact not 31 all • Basket. book. and bat Plummet without aplomb. As tf you fail 10 gmp The gravit) or your plight. Now your wings are r1gorcd Like can,•llS o,enaut. Your small nails Clawing at gross roo1s Trail a slow wake Across shimmering dew. -by Jomes R. McLeod

Wind at Casa Grande (July 1976) The Bobokan (Ute~y "lhoee who have gone") lived In Lbls region . .. between A.O. 1300 and 1450. PrtmarUy {umers, raWng com, bearul, aod 1qauh, and cottoa, they de,·eloped e:ttensh·e lrrig11Jon canal 1ystem1 that took Hier ftom the Gll• Rlver. About A.D. 14SO Cua Gnnclc ~·as abandoned. We do not know why.

St."< centuries wore caliche walls to dus t. Poles of Pinyon Pi nc to ash. Now signs read: "Do no1 cross 1his line or touch."

Bui we. my smo.11 son o.nd I. Musi kno" ond need to touch . No reoson. only abandon gone drea d.

Before us is a "'T" door.

Grey Ghost

They suy to make e ne mies s toop · Better to the blow ·

-by SMnnon Willard

you ghos1 in gTe>·.

But ~e. neit he r e nemy nor frie nd .

p~· plymouth:

Thrust our head s in. No reoi,on, only abandon gone d read.

rode the rural route, frighdul fury D: dodge dncher. i race you, waste you you gra.,·el throwing lire fryer.

Within wind soo nds flute Through socket holes in e mpty ceilings. We re1reo1 to listen • no wind. Are 1hosc voices? They sound os vo1cci.. A singing to explain their leaving? No reason. only abandon gone drea d

gnb !hat hill. cross 1ha1 creek.

Ovulation The hn lf moon is m the sk)·. half round half of n pie,

chrysler's crisis: i scratch you. smash you, chc,·)" stompcr:

i grab ;our gear~.


grating you to the grnveyard, grey ghost.

Mo.<e parched in leof and ear,

the ha lf moon 1s in the eye. The eggs of life are doing 1heir egg dance

Children blockened at the to ng ue 's root, Ribs p rotruding like d ead. No reason, only abandon gone d re:id.

-by Bill Hanks

Celebration w1thin my womb

Here people lived · sons born • And afterbirth d ried in sun.

bulging my belly into a hnlf moon·· fly. flounce and frolic fonq footin on my back flow like music freedom in lunartunes-·

n that the wind grew deaf,

Women ground to s tone: Then , nailed th e ir cheeks

A Good Taking

As moon 's eclipsed to famine. No reason, only a ba ndon gone dread.

for Doreen and James aod Joan

10 universnl

my revolving pelvis sings out The half moon is in 1he eye. half round half of a pie. The half moon is in lhe sJ,,; y. . by Shannon Willa rd

Or enemies • s hapeless in night • Peered red through star holes,

I '11.'llS trying to 1eacb a student bow to wedriving home the sly was afire

Struck their pe rime te r ,

and 1 took the red deep into my retina and it filled my veins with sky

Oeaved children LO dream. No reason, o nly obandon g one dread.

llJ!d my heart took a smile through my bead and my body took the car west

But some1hing 's in thjs mingling

and there were fields of crimson

Of the singing wind within And my limoll son·s breathing: For we know how our own wind

between the furrows of blue-grey and m~ soul s03red beyond the clouds

as the sk~ began to close her eye

Thirsts at the ' 1 T" door of own time.

my e;·~ squinting 10 see the last

No reason, only a bandon gone dre ad • Definite as turquoise fixed 10 skull.

creases of day folding mto night·· and I thought··

GENERATION Is publis hed s cp11n1tely a.nd Is not • cro•tloo of the si.lJ


· pf the Cludinal l\e,·le".

-by Jo.mes R. McLeod

not an~ body ever gave a sunse1. . by David Sharp




)I J

Frida). Dec. 16. 19i7

Cardinal Re, iew .9.

r'---_c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__J Card wrestlers 'open' by taking tourney wins The 1remendOU\ 1e11 m d ept h \ hown rc«nll) by NIC·s ,.. rntJers v.ill go on the line Dec 16 ,n 1he I 81h Annual Uni~·ersity or Washington lnvillllional in Sca nle. Looking ohe3d 21 the tournament. ~IC Wrc,tling COIC!h J ohn Ov. en \t1d 'We i,u each wcel one 31 a lime. We arc concerned ,..ith wh11,.. e·rc gonn a do to our op~ncn1,. not ,..h11 1hcy're gonna do to U\.

Compellng 11 the Eastern Washington Unwcr)ity Open Wrestling Tou n12men1 D« JO a 1 Cheney, 1he Cards placed iwo champion\ and also landed 1hc Outsta nd1ng Wrcnlcr award . Donn)· 01<en claimed first at IS8 pou nds in addiuon to w1nn111g the Outsta nding Wrc,ller award whlk Jeff Po..cll tool first 11 142 pound\ Paul Jncob..on lini\hed 1hird at heavy• ,.,c,gh1 v. hill' Dan Pl\ync a t 126 pou nd,, BrJd Bt nn at 150 i,nd Kevin Burke 01 177 tcx>k lourlh rn their respccm·c matc:he\ Com1><·1ing al 1hc 1oumcy were P1cilic Un,.cr,ll} fm m Orcsion. E.a., tern Wash· 1ngu•n Unh·cr\il). Wc\tern MonlJlna Colk11r . Wc,1 crn Wa • hi ng ton Uni ver \it). Whn ... orth College. Umvc1"l1l) or Montana and Columh,a Ba~rn College plus appro, i mately 20 unouoched wrestlers O" en ,wld 1hc ~ und did nut perform iu ,.di a& in the prc, iou, wech bu1 added thnl tnJune, hampered II S performance n,cCard, depth helped push 1hc squad 10 tv. o , ~puratc 1ou rnnmen1 v. ins Dec 1·.l Owen took lhc 11r,t· and S<"COlld·pln~ lram, 1r1The 81g Sh Open l ournemcnt in Bot< mll n .11 Montana SU11c Uni,er•11~ and 11n ... . ~ ",th 1lu· fir, t,pl~,c troph, 'll lim,h,J \\1th "I'. p.11111, \\ d,.·r \t .i•· dJimcJ ".,..,nd 141th ~ pc•in1, 11nd 1111 l nn..r,n, nt l ,~h llm,1 v.11h ,1 ni.( m hn.11 =·nnil IL"am lin"hcd •,1·H,111h in tt,l ..l\ll·,



Whtlt the Card~ " L"rc r omping in Monl.1n a, A"htanl Cc>ach 8111 Pecha', 1h,rd ,qu~d of v.rr~tlt'f\ <'3plurcd fir, 1 in 1h, Whnv. i.1r1h 0 p('n Wrc\lhng Tuumc~ m

Spokane. Columb1;1 Buin Community Col· lcgc finished ~cond and E.as1cm Wa.shing, ton Staie College th11d. O.,;en uid be 11,as pleased \ll Hh the results or the 1'\"o tourneys and tha1 the ovenll group perfOfflllUlc:e was good. " We showed ,cry strong team dep1h and good improvcmcnl in confidence and technique." said. He ~id he W&$ also impRsscd th:11 NIC placed seven freshmen fifth or bencr aga1Mt 1umor5 and seniors from maJor colleges Among 1he schools compeung 11 Bate· man "'·ere Nonh Dakou two- a_nd four,vear :.chools plu~ univers1t1cs from Montana. Wyoming. Utah and Washington. " Our young people ue nol inllmld.ltcd 3nymore b~ four-year ins1j1uuons; plus 11.e won all the d~c matches." said. "Neldon Gardner. Andy Kans. Ron Muuana and Ed Snool did rremcndou~ job\ at B,g Sh, .. Qv.·en s31d. •· Also Kc,in Bu rke a_nd Ryan Kell} shO"cd and 1mpro,·eml"nl 1n their m;i1..-hc, " Pc,;ha', \quad cb1mcd four lirs1 place\ .11 thc De, 2 Whu,.,onh Toumamen1. Bill} Decker. Care, Se,non. Homer Lord and Paul Jacobson .::ap1urcd firns "hilc ~C\·en 01hcr Card• plared lounh or belier. "We ha,c the cnltrc group conuibuung 10 our ,ucce,\ • 011.c.-n \aid. "Our third ~nd founh smn&, dcfea,cd one of our top conipc111or\, Columbia B1s1o . 11 Wh11· ,..nnh." 01g Sl.1 result, l\cldon Gardner and D<•nm Ii~• place: Ed Snook. ,\ nd1 Kan, and Ron \tuuana. ~cc:ond: Kc,ln Burke and lkan Kcllv, third, Dan Pa, nc Brad Benn and ~url. ·Roberu. lifth place-Uc Whll\\Orlh mec r~sull~ •ere 8111) Can:, S,,1un, Homer L«d and Paul Jacob~on. fil\1 place: \1ark Pe1crson and C1·mon Cunu, s=d: Kc\ln Da,idwn third: J1mmi Hamng1oa . Kell) Cump1on Ralph Sem"t and John M ~c founh .

WHO TURNED Tlil:M LOOSE'!- Membcrs or 1h, NIC cheering s«don exp rcu 1belr e nthusiasm at the Dec. l?;ctball gtmc, wbctt the Cardinals a,cngcd ID earlier lo5S lo the Walla Walla team • ith a 73·53 , lctor, .

After aveng ing losses

Cardinals to entertain CBC Ahtr a ro.d ~ 31 Wenatchee \'alle, Collcgt Satunb) , the 'llC men's basket· ball 1um '"'" be home one las1 tune thi> ~mcner .g11n,1 Columbia B.i,in College °'1,:, 20 " We .ire going one game 11 3 time." !\IC Head Coach Rolh W1lhams said. "We 113\r a hellu,11 liC~ule :ind "'c on!~· gct read,· for on, thing :it a time In the p,tsl 1140 •ccb 1hc Card~ ha,-c pulled off tv. o rc,·coge i;am~ for lo<,ses U1culffd on 1he mad Oa D«. 12. the,· do-ned Walla Walb Commun11) College ~~ 1n a ph~siral home-C'Our1 contest Willie Young and Gordoa Herber! dumped 10 1- po1nh ~ccc lolloacd b, Joe Han ..,,h IJ llnd Rllndl' \\.'11ke1 ,. 11h 12 The v.11111,'t'lll,~d w &I .+I los5 in Walla W;i.tb Dec. b 1n ,. hich ~IC', high s.."Ottr "n Herbert •tth ll po1nu. " I v..u pleased ..,th,~ •1.11 3.nd •r pul thl" ball 10 1he hole.'~ the dilTcrrncr bel•cen the gamci; hNt' a11d thcrc . · W111i1ms u1d u1cr 1he ,amc "'htch $lllpped 2 K',en-gu::e w alla w1n1. "1n· niog ,1rcJl 3.nd upped :'>IC-, ITCOfd 10 5-1

....., t' arc st:irtmg 10 relJX somt' morc and 1hcse Irids can brat 3n,·bod, 11 1he, "an1 to. We ~hov. cd much conlidrncc :ind p,>ise. • he 11dded. NIC pulled do1, n 45 rebounds v. hilt' the warriors could onl) grub r. In one of 1hr clO<ic,t •nd mo,1 excitmg game, or the \e350n. the Card\ pullrd off :in 80· -11 "in o,er 1he 1·1s1ting Wen&tchce ,·au~, Collrgc \\ 1th NIC up "b· '4 1,ith JS ,cconds left Youn~ slam-dunked the ball 10 pull h,s 1c.1m up -g. "4 Herbert promp11\ ,tole 1h, m·bound Knight p.,.s,. drev. • foul wi1h 29 >Ceond, ll'11 and h11 both mere, ~hot~ 10 plue the Cards' fin3.f poinl.l>. "\\ l'' out m 1hc scrond hill 1.nd hit on,.. spun ~nd v.cre :iblc 10 ma,nuin the le:id.'' Wilham\ s.11d. Young dropped 1n 23 point, :ind Hcrbcn hu I'> m 1hc erton Hm Jdded 14 and Wilk,:, 12 Jn i1s s«ond re,engc gamt' 'IIC do" ned Spoianc- Fall, ~--1>9 Dec b 10 melc, up for 1hr t,o.f>.1 o,enime loss m Spok.1ne three mghl\ c•rhcr.



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Cd 'A Office 110 Sherman Suns.:.t Heights In the M!!ll~

Friday. Dec. 16. 1977

For Alpine buffs

Ski resorts abundant Look ou1' ''ionh Idaho skiers are on lht' mO\C, Tht' nonhem arc;a ronwns fi,·c major ski :u·Ns The, are Sch" ei12cr Ski Basin. 1\111. Spoillne. Siherhom. 4Q Degrees North .tnd looiou1 P,s, Sch" CIIL\'.r Sl.t Ba,in located 15 mmu1es nonh of S1ndpom1 1, one of 1he fin<"St ~ii ~N:'1\ m 1he Inland Emp1rc II hu hnh~s for both 1hc beginner and the ad, anccd slier loc3ted ,n the Sellml. Mountains S.:h.. e1ucr has r,.o bo-.. h scl'\·(.'d b) se,cn double chairhfl, and one T-Bu Schweitzer pcr,onnel groom the ,lope, ronst3ntl) 10 crt'alc better ,iung rond111ons Pricc, for lift uclCt\ hl\'C remained the ,amc th.- vcar. Wcc.i dn arc S8 all d.i)' "ccl~nds ~nd holidays the ucket pncc is SI 0. For half-da) tickets the costs are SS and S".50. T,Bar. C'h4ir 2 ;ind J 1id.ets. "hen openung. uc S4.50 and SS.SO Sch,.t'itzer .tl\o offt'n skirng lessons. Rentill\ for ,k1s. poles 3nd boots arc S8. For 1hosc who "i~h 10 spend all day on the ~lopes. Sch" ci11er olTcrs da) lodge ,er, 1cc, 01 the base of both lifts and overnight focihues for those who wish 10 spend several days ,lning. For further 1nforma11on call lb.l-S147 For t h°'e i;luc" .,. ho enjoy mgh1 skiing aI well a, day skiing. M1. Spohnt' 1s the place located approxlmatcl)' 50 miles north· WC\I of COt'ur d' Alt'oc. M1 . Spokane offer. night skiing from 4 10 IO p. m. Sundl.) through S11urd1y for Sb.25 a hft tiekcl. A

spcc11I me of SS.lS is ofl'CR<I from I 10 4 p.a,. For d&)lift tickets lht' pnces ue S7.25 .,,cetdays and S8.50 for 11tt'l::ench and holidayi. The mountam a ~ by fhe clwr hit• and thttt rope 111"~. A lie" beginner run bu ja1 btttl opened The~ arc also i,.,o d:n lodges c;,u the moonwn, overnight faCII ucs and aurs,ry care For farther truCln!!JltUl!l

call 509,2.l8-62Sl

S1l1crhorn. loe111cd appro111!1.\1t'ly 40 m ~ a~· of Coeur d' ,\lcnc bu u.iini; h.ilmcs fc • t!)e 1n1cu11cd1atc 10 the 1.d,anccd iu=. Sihcrhon1's 1.; r.1.1jor runs arc SCT\1C'Cd b) ooc dool!lc chur Wt and a rope IOII opcr111oi; fro111 9 1.m. 10 dusk . l1£1 1ickec prices arc SS 11cckd1)3. aod SIi "cckcnd, and ~ y s. Reotah arc and Sb. S1h er horn does not ha,c o,·ernight lodging but doci 11.t,c clecmnl hoolu~ for rccrea11on1! vehicle\ for S2.S0 per mght. Tht'tt IS a da ~ lodgc and a!ctcria l~3!Cd on the mnuota_in For further informi,tioa all :&,.9S21. The other 1v,o slri :ueu. 49 Degrcn Nonh, located apprcmmatt'ly one ~rul ia half hours north.. ~1 o( Coeur d'Alene 1J1d lookout P.»s. bJ mila of Coeur d'Alene olTers fa.cilitia for t.hc begin~r as "c.-11 as td•'Dnccd skirr. Prices •"ett not a, 3ilablc. For furtht'I' utl'-IJOII for 49 Degrees North all S()9.Q.l>lio49, There u. no numl>er .:i,'llila.ble for Lookout. All roach ro the~·• areas arc matoWllt'd for the ~icr:.' ~1.fe1y . Hit the sloocs: winter •~ here.

'Every problem in the book'

Gal roundballers to beg in season The " Mighty M11es" uc back ogoin iu the NIC Cardinal girls' bos.kctbaJI team prepare\ for their 1978 roundb:itl season. Cooch Mllr111Ce Fos. lists 12 players on her rosier but the tallest is only S' 10". Compa~d to F1111he11d Valley Community College's three ~!lining six-footers, this lca,cs NIC wuh the short end of tht' dc:il. "Wt''rc shon and incxpcncn~ ... Foss said, "and ha"e had every problem in the book." " Four of our plmycrs Ill&) be forced 10 quu due 10 bod grades while one already has," she Sllid. Players on the tC3m arc laura Beebe. Donclt Dchlbom. Da.,·na Ransom. Karen Rovcno, Terry Scuben. Shan.non Willard. Norma Dunlap. Coradcc Mager. Jo lee Walkt'r, Peggy Keele , Lori Stoae :iod

Debbie Bnsbo) as manager. ,\no1her problem for the squad. Foss said. ts the b-8 :i. m. dail)· practices. "People are 001 coming to the practicH even thoug/1 the tC3m voted for them," Foss said. She added that the squad u.;u go bad: to 8-10 a.m. pr:m1ces m Janu11ry. Due to the absence af ht'ight QIJ t.hc Cardinal squad, Foss said she feels the) 11 ha,·e 10 rely on 1be speed of the guards. "Coradee Mager, Oa..-1111 Rllsom, Jo Lee Wallet'!' a.nd Laun Bttbe arc all good guards." Foss said, "along with Donell Dchlbom 111 forw.ud 11nd Karen Ra,eno :11 center: · "If we can get it together "ith consistent practices llnd consistent lllmouts, we'll do OK.'' Foss SIUd.

COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY, INC. Wedding Invitations Plus Printing of All Kinds New Address : 515 Sherman

Coeur d'Alene

Lorrie Amos photo STRA:\DE.l> SKTERS--\\.lth the oncomc of ,..Inter , many pcopfo tum to the slopH for cajoymCt1t, B11t li0mc or their slJln.g da,c wu dcla)cd O«. J 11 xhwclucr Ski Buln w!Ma chair llfl 17 ""' dial down due 10 cable trouble. M&11) of the pcopl~ thal wtrc •t111 oa the Ufl bad to be lo,.l'red down b) ropes. \

'' '' '' ' '' '' •'' ' '''• • '' ' ••'' ' ••'' ''' •'' ' ''' '• I I




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cassette or eight track player All In One AFFORDABLE Package •

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. :



Friday Night Til 9 :


Friday. Dec . 16. 1977

Cardinal Review -11·

'Green gummy gunk' >

[----_k_a_le_id_o_s_c_op_e_J All cmplO)ees 01 NIC will get a wage incttUC due 10 rhe minimum wage la11, dfect,ve Jan. I, aCCOTding to Jerry Wendi. bu$iness manag~. ·· we will ~mply IO rhc S2.65 minimum wage change effective Jan . I to all cmplO)·ees including scud<"n~." Wendi


He oddcd that is a provision in the la• that colleges do not Juve 10 gnint the

Slime splats holiday scene "'°'

increase. but NIC deodcd to do so :im•,u\. According to Jim Upchurch, linincial aids c,fficcr, tM increase •ill n0t incrcuc the amount 11.orl.·stud} students v.ill rcame but ,.iJI result ,n students earning their mooc) fa.srer or culling dov."ll on rhc number of hours "·orked per month so rhc amount ,. ,JI cover the en1tre spring :1emester.

Naoonal Direc1 Student Loan~ still available to s1uden1s for the ipring semester. according 10 J,m Upchurch, finanrill a.ids officer. NDSL arc J percent 1nteres1 loans and are about the only kind of aid left for the spring ~emes1cr, Upchurch said. Financ·u1I aid application\ for rhe 1976-79 fall ~emcstcr may be picked up II the CouniclinG Center in the Winton Building an)11mc after Jan. I The deadline for most financial a,d applica110M i~ April 15. Upchurch said ,tudcnls who turn in applications before April 15 "•ill be given priori!)' Studcn1s .. ho rurn ,n thetr applications after that dare ,. ,u be sworded financial aid on a first-come. lirst,scrvcd b3\I\, He added

that he ..,.,II try to let stadenlS 1.nov. when applicauons ire due. Upchurch said there is a """' financial ard program being offe red 10 Indian stud• nts. The program IS called the Ind.Ian Health Care Improvement Act. Funds 11n: avllilable to Indian students enrolled in the following classes: Nursing (mdudtng RN's and LPN's), Medic.ti Technologist. Medi· cal Techmcian, lud1ology Tecllnimn. 5.m. 11a1ion Engineer, Civil Engineer. Medical Record~ libruuo and Medical Records Technician. Upchurch said the application dudline for thi& program 1s Dec. JO Anyone wanung more informa.uon should him immediately

On the local mov,c scene. "Outla" Blue\" ph1ylng al 7 p.m. and 9 p.m•• will will be prc,entcd for the final sho" lngs tonight ,11 rhc Wilma Theater Running Sarurda, lhroogh Tucsd11} •• "Ne" York, New ) ork" M ' p.m. and CJ p.m In rhc Spokane area, "StaB Wars" con be ,ten at Cinema II, Sprague and Hovana, 111 SO p.m.. 4:20 p.m .• 7:50 p.111 and q 20 p.m. The Foa I, JOOS Sprague. feature~ ·· 1tcroe," "' 7· 4S p m. and CJ 55 p. m "Smokey nnd the Bandit" pig)'~ lit the Fox II al 7:30 pm. and 9:30 p.m Thr douhlc feature of ''Oh God!" ,ho11. n

at 7 p.m. and 10:25 p.m. and "Bogsy Mitlone" 31 8:<IO nn b,; \een 111 rhe Stare Theater, W QOJ Wall. The baller "Nutcrac'u:r 2001" .... ill be presented Dec 2~ and 28 b} the Herlugc Famil) Theorn: at Whn"orth College. Mike Marter" 111 head a concert tonight ar 11:30 p.m. 11 the Second Ci1y Aadnonum in

c, O\·er pet iwks Jnd mood rings. fads of Chnstm3) past. bec3usc here comei. the Shme. 11·\ goo,:). dripp,. OOl~. cold and clamm~ and ~ou ma~ ju\l find II under ,our tree Dee. 2S. II so. don't can· Jn e:ttcrmrnator or the ',3tional Guard. JUSt open 11 ap and your irn.igin.11100 ..,n take u from there For approximarcl)· St.SO ~ou Clln pur• c.-hasc rhe perfect present for IO\·cd ones. Gl\e them a green garbage on ~.... amped • irh green gummy gunk. You had bentt hu~ though. because a n:cent survc) of stOttS m Coeur d'Alene shov.·cd th:lt rhe n11mbcr-onc ,·ulctide seller llfflOng all 3ges lhlS ,eason IS going ~tremeh In onl)° one store ronrutcd has of the slippery srurr left oo its shelves. • Aerording 10 one mmn1gl.'r, 188 concmcrs "'ere ordered and the suppl) w;is complcrely exhllustcd ...-ithin live days. Orher bu~in~~ tha1 earned Slime hlld s1milar s1od: dcpleuons. All busmes~s agreed 1ha1 1f there had been more a-ailablc thn "OU.Id ha,~ sold 11. Elec1ronic · t.tames arc another product 112,ing a posiu,'C effect on the public One store ma.niger sajd. " For the first ume "'e uc ~ing adults come mro rhe IO)' dcpanmcnr 10 shop for people in their age group."



Ano1hcr produc, 1ha1 appcah more 10 Jdull\ i\ Jn clcctron,c f,»11:>all game that loot..~ h\c and 1\ Jboul 1hc s11e of J packet calcularor. h cons1su of a !()().., nd lield complete "ith 3 S<"Ore~rd. umckccper p.xi11on and dtr<\ n 1ndmuor. II rs rounded our ""hi chccn.og sccuon 1ha1 ··makes noise'"" hen a team scores. Field. p'3)Cl'1 and fans a barg31n for SJ9.119 The mo, ic "Slllr WJr~ .. has also suncd a chain rcacuon of merchandising. Ju,, a\ Luke Sk\"'alkl!r, Danh V3dcr and Rl02 ha,·c pr:1,mc:-311) become hou~hold "ord,. 1hc1r praducr, arc becoming~ strong force m hou,chold m:m,. Posten. punlcs. rc..-ords. tee sh1rb 3nd books ha,c ,n,aded the 5ttnc and ~re "some of the b~1 <citing ,rems rht-rc lire," ;m:ordmg 10 one <lore super.,.isor Ho" c, er. one manAgcr said he felt the !,!llbc11c mania "has ,rllncd to die ou1 .. uugh boxes 3nd mustache comb, arc "'o nO\·cll\ ttems which ha,c been around for a 11.•htlc bur continue 10 \cl\. In gencnil. 1hc store personnel conracrcd feel there ha.< been a good Chn<rm3~ ru\h "i1h man, l)picJI gifts ~uoh as luggage. tape rcrordc:r\, ,1creo.. and rudio\ ringing up S31e\

li you're thinking about your future, you will eventually come to think about money.

Performing at the Opcnt Hou'IC Saturday night 1118 p.m 'l<ill be country singer Doll) Panon The lee Capades can .ccn Dec 25 through Jan . I "' the Spl,I.Anc Coh,, um.

\\ ..• ~...., , . l"I th



be th l l \ ~




h' 9"lnt'lg \ "OW

,Joc ,•g1 V'd .ift,"I' l NJ• , \l.f"t\: ...._. t-..1W

"'""-" d:~,~,.,.,t "'1..ffl9') plt!'H ~ 11h d.cK"ffflt tffl'ftt t-f\. and tnh.."1',~I 141"1, Pl,n fQ.r \,UIJt ltlh,1f~ ~ AW\~ ll<COIM'I ~ d-.. u1fh. ,,ff,• t-, No ~ ~


,\ Nar,onal Organ11.a11on for the Reform ul t.hnjuana I a" s (NORM!.) mce1tn1t "ill be held from 7 10 JO p.m Det'. 20 or thl" 1:11"1r Federal Building. South 4th Street. Paul MrC1>ld, the lil'\t rcprc\enrutivc for NORML in the Coeur d'Alene aru. ~aid

* *


We're the students bank.

i I i

Supplying North Idaho 's Office and · Business Needs * Calculators AB Dick Products * Cash Registers Drafting Supplies i * Copiers ~ 4 17 Sherman ~ 0J.D } 664-3118 !

o} ~tllTI

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J ~

.~,·he \IUd.-nl...,,'11'19'-Sllul "old·I

1hi: n,\n·profn lil&tc oq;an11.auon 1:. l.'Ofl· .:emcd ""h changmg Idaho', man1u,1n,1 II\\S from a cnm1nal 1\ffeosc 10 a etnl uficn,c Ile s11d the meeting ".U ~, up 10 inform lhl" publk on .. hat rh~ cu do to get mHlh,-d "uh 'IORML

In Coeur d'Alene

1603 JV. Fourth 1106 Sherman 302 Sherman




667 0551 667 4661 664 - 8165

: .

· ·· · · · · · · --· · · · · · · · · · .. ~-,.....·.w.v..v.-,.....,._..-,.....,.j -<•~ , , . ~ · " · •• -~· •• , , _ ••• • •• - • - •

Friday. Dec. 16. 1977

[~--=-=-n-=--=-ic_no_t_ic_e_s_) Studrnl\ wishing 10 p.udclpalr In Mu~nlu Dl\lrophJ Dance \1.aratborr Feb. J, 1978. ma} plrk op 1hr loformlllo o packets and pledge urdi lo AS'IIC Prnldcnt Kathie CoUln\' offict. lo lhc


A PE aid COW"4C wW be, o(Tcred In lhe sprinjl srmestrr CHI') Tuelod•J for el~ t

;,eeks. Tbc fir st 1;,o "eeks .. 111 ln, ohc d .l lns1rurtloo and c..:pwiatlon al 'ilC and the rcmalnloll ,h "et'I.S ... 111 lo,olH !ii.I lessons, taught b.• slJ i,chool ln~truC'tors at St'h.,cltrrr Ski Bbln •• I :4S p.m. Tht' cost for the lessons " 111 be S24 for 1hr six "eeks. tirl.cts and rentals "lll carb be S-1 P"' ll'S50n. The nus "m be


llradNI on attendance. Re11ulnr rc!!1St~atlon for tbc second scmc\ter Is ~hcdulcd for Jan. J.S and an alpbobetlcal regut.r schedule "111 be a,allnblc on the sbches edjattnt to thr Rcghtrar\ Office,.


Through a r h1tn gc: In pullc), NIC s111dcnts uc, now able IO bring gaesu IO Cardloal at hlct k fuuc1loos at half tbc regular admluloo p rice. Before 1bc change, guests wett cbugcd full lldmls· slon. ' l{,l I PLBLIC fORl'\I

F'tnt ~mc\ster final cumlnatlon~ arr ., dnlcd to bc,i:ln Frida). Ott. 16 Ill 8 a.m. " ith all En11U.\b rompo•Jlloo SC<'tloos bclaJ? I ~. The n,malndcr of lhc cums " mbc hdd 1brough WcdnesdaJ . 0cc. 11 ,.;tl, the, rllUll lt~ing period wt for 10 a.m . ScbedaJ..s an a, ailablc on the shch n out to the Rcglstrar'J Olllcc. :\ccurdioit to ltsm.o :'\!duo. tt!,!lstr&r. flul gradtt. att u p« ud 10 be ghm 0 111 'lamctlmr after the d R metltt br--

Jins. All aliens lo the lolud St.a.tes. n ttpl a and at:ercditcd mcmben of ettt.alff latcmadonal otJ!anlzatlom mast rcpo11 their addn!SKJ lo 1hc li.S. Go,m,. meat cad! Jan~ . The card ror this p'IV'JIOS,C It a,..n.blc aJ llDY Paa OfDtt « offke ol 1hr Ullltcd Stales lmmJgntJoa Na tu.rallutloa Scni«. Af1cr lllllAg It oa1, place a po,JtagC Jtamp on rcvnse of this card and drop 11 In aay m:allboL Parem.s or ga.vdlam are rcquJrcd co 1abmh rcporu for llllca cltlldtto aadcr I~ .'UIS ol age:. U ,ou or llDJ m('rnMl"I of , ollJ' Camll} att 001 d tltens of tbc Col1 r d S es . Joo ~bould lcU ~ ow panalS of l.bcsc rcqwrcmenb. R('{tlcmbcr, the tlmc for reporting ts durin11 the moolh of Jana.,,:

rr.. dlpJom.tu


Spolwie KSPS-TV

Chann el i 6· " p. m. 11,P llill P,i,~: " Thr Stork'\ Urutt'nnnt"

12·2J • ho i,tma, Spttlal, .. f our Chlldr<' n Spcal.

Out" 12.31 Spm al: J eff\\ D\'iOn , 'iBC ,.., •. l>pol.ant· and Uran \ltll , CBS '\;c1, s, ,p,,l.Mr: " l'l7" In Rt', IC" " ,, " , 11r~

St. Maries branch of AAVW Is alferlslg a scholarsblp fo r S200 lo a womu from ~nenb Colllll) . /Ul)"OM llllcfflted b ID contac t Mn. Ed Mellta, 905 ht, St. Mllrics, Veterans Interested la formlna a YrJ'1 dub al N1 C should J .c. wlllldna al the rollcgc: or cal.I b1m Ill hla home al 667-9773. Tbr first m«ting Is sebtdllled !or J111. 11. 1978 at 3 p.m. In the Waln:at Room or the SUB.

Cardinal R eview -12-

Women's 1977-78 basketball schedule Jan. 13 Bloc ' 1ount.alo Communlh Collc11ra1 Coeur d' \Jene

ft'b. 10 l/nher•lt• or Pug.:t Sound at Coeur d• Akne

Jan. t.i "alb Walla Commanit• Collegrat Coeur d' \Jent

Feb, II lnhc~lt} ofldaho J\" s atMo-w

Jan. 17

Feb.17 Blur- Moi:n,t.aln Commanh) Collcarat Pendleton

WmatC'h tt \'allc, CoUei,tt' a1 Corar d'Alene:

Jan. 20

Feb. 18

Colambla Buln CoUcgc a1 PIIS('O

Willia Walla Commllnlt, CA,Uege

Jan. 21

Fcb.21 Spokllnc Fall• Communll) Collcac at Coeur d'Alene vane, Commu.altJ College at Yaldma

Jan. 2.i Lewis and Clari. Sta.le College al Cont d' Alfflt'

at Walla Walla

Feb. 22 Flathead Valle) Commllnll) Collea" al Coeur d' AICM

Jan. 26


Flalhud Valle) Commu.nll) College al (o('u:r d' Alene

Yllklma Valle) Cimmunlt) College at Coeur d'Alene


Pcb. 28 College of So01hcm Idaho at Twin Pall,

Oah ~ t) ofld.ahoJV 's at Coeur d ' Al,nc

Jan.JI Spokane Falls Communll) College a1Spobnc

March34 NJCAA Toumamcnl

Muc,h9-10-ll feb.3 Colambla Basln Colltgc a t Coeur d'Alene

NCWSA al Mt.


Feb. 7

Wc!IA1d:Jce VIIJcy C.OUcge at Wenatchee

For out-of-towners

Check cashing difficult C11,hing rhcrh in (O(ur d'Alene can be ,er. d1tli4'Ult :it ttmt'S. 11crording 10 St'\ cral 'l;f( students. In a =ni random sur. C\ i1 " as found th~, most ,tudtnts cs~lly 1hose from out or n or out of \ 111c h>d difficult,· an \"3~hing checks btcau,c of the amouni or idcn11fica1ion required :ind lhc busmcss· reluctam:~ 10 cash OUt·of· tO\\n ehl'Cks. or the ten p.,uplc q uc~noned. \c,en sa,d 1hc, h,,c h:id ..omc l md of trouble in C11,l11nc chcch in CO(ur d' .\!enc Thrcc or th~ \c,cn v.crc from out oi 10" n and four {roni <'DI ol ,1:11r. Although m"'t ~1udcn1, ha,c 10 ,ht>'... dme" h,·,:n,c, Jnd ,1udco1 I D. ,·:mil fur idcn1iftc3111,n 11 .,a, found 1h11 mO\I bu'1nt,'><', .1w prclcr one ,,r '" o crcd11 C'Jrd, be ,ho.. n Some also require a \0<'131 \t"\'Unt, CJrd 10 be \ho-,, n on 11dd1111,n 10 thc,c form, or tdentoli,"31100, One ,1u<lcn1 u,d her uuublc m rJ,hlnl! C'ht'\Ck\ I\ th•t hcr IK>mc bank " not m C,,c,ur d .\knl' Jnd C,,cur d·,,tcnc b•nk,


arc unv. illing to cooperate." She S4id th~ banks a rc ""en rclucw11" 10 ou1-of•t0\l,n chcch. · Another srudent said some businesses cnsh 11 C'hcd: unless the pcl"SOD Ji\·cs ,n Coeur d'Alene lnd :idded that two-pany cbl'Ch could on!~ be cubed a1 htt bank .,on·1

F,,c of the tea s1udcn1s ba,c been unable to cash cheeks in some pla= due to mdentifiouon problems They said they ... .,h people "auld take: into c:onsidcru,on rhc bct 1h:11 most ,;1udc111s. cspcci.1lly lll-,c•r·ollli. don't ha,c mdcntificauon othtt than their dri,ers· htt~. The, ~id rh" csp«Ulh hold, for c:rcdft

('3rd, ~unon, to 1hc s1uden1 chccl•c:1shing prot,lcm ,n Coeur d' \Jene. a,-a.irdmg 10 ,amt' ,tudcnt~. :,re dc:,clop1n11,1udeni 1.0 . cJrds b, ... h1<h merchant, could ascerum \tudcn,· ,alidil\ ..,,h the collcflt' and ha~c more ca"h ob111Dlll>lc chcd prou-cuon C'Jrd~.

WRITIXG CRAMPED·-- NIC siadc,otJ have troablc t"uhlaa r-heclu d.e 10 larlt af 1.d cntlllcatlon.

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