Fulton 's position
Board delays action on senatorial appointment By Debbie Brlsboy
Tbe ASNIC S1udcn1 Board decided Jan. 16 to permit students 10 apply for ihe senatorial seat vacated by Virginia Fulton. Fulton's decision not to continue as senator was first announced following 10 executive session at the Jan. 9 mee1ing. Fulton said h er decision 15 based on personal re3Sons. Accord ing to ASNIC President Jim Remsen. any sophomore interested in the scat must see him before 5:JO p.m. on Tuesday. Jnn. 24. Remsen said the board will pick o new senator from among those showing in1eres1. Remsen also announced that stu· dents wishing to run for president, vice president and student activities director for the 1979-80 r.chool year
mu~t tum in their petitions b) Feb. 2. If more than two stud enis file petitions for any office. a primar) election will be held Feb. 7. The general election is scheduled for Feb. 28 with the wiMers taking office March 6. Remsen said. In other action: - The Convocations Commiuee. according Lo Sen. Jan Emerson. is ~pon~or ing a film festival through February. The festi val. which will feature old silent films. will run Feb. 6. 14. 22 and 28. - ASN IC Vice President Lori Long reported on 1he outcome of the organiutional meeting of the Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon. Long said 1ha1 not a~ many people as
hshing a shopping list which would compare the cost of \'Onou~ p!Jces 10 eat and shop bec:iuse it "ould be "too big of a hassle.·· - Student Acti\~ties Oirct'tor Rob Faler S3id that he is looking into the possibil11y of ha\'tng a disco on campus. plus holding a free disco clinic during the da~ . - Zeller reported that the SUB addition is tentatively scheduled to be completed 180 days after construction begins. - An organizational meeting for Young Democrats will be held Jao. 24 at 3 p.m. m the W:,Jnut Room of the SUB. At the Jan. 9 meeting: - Riel. Coe announced that he is accepting nppliC'ations for the building and fadh11es committee. - the board \Oted 10 gi"e ' IC students Bill Wagner and Shelley Olson S650 10 :mend 1hc Irene Ryan acting competition in Mesa. Colo. nex1
expected turned out for the mce1ing.
Anyone interested in helping v.ith the marathon should contat'I Long in the ASB office. - Sen. Rick Coe reponcd on the financ:ial status of the game tables and \Coding machines during 1977 and 1978. Coe said S804 was made on the game tables in 19n compared 10 S84~ for 1978. The "ending machtoes brought in s-2.1.SJ during 19i7, v.hile increasing to SJ.058.78 in 19i8. - A dance featuring the band Captain Jack. v.ill be held Jan. 26 in the SUB. The dance is free with student ID cards. and rcfresbmeots will be served. - Sen. Mark Zeller said his commincc ha\ decided against pub·
,o•"o "
)caRb1nal R€Vl€W
..\t the Dec 12 mceung· -the hoard H'ICd 10 give 1hc Foreslr) Club S 150 for operating ·::tpensc,.
c_........ 1""'Frida~. Jan. IC!. !Cl79
Volume 33, Number 8
ASNI C throu.•n bod·
Dr. Hook snags bigger fish Dr. Hook i, "off the hook" n~ far ns NIC :ind !.ix other school:. :ire concerned. North nnd South Coro lino'!> bcller offer of II tour cought him msieod. According to Rob Faler. ASNIC ,tuden1 octt\•ilics dircctl'lr. IC and ,n C1thcr school, nil 11·nntcd Dr. Hook for the ~omc 11me block. but "11c all got shahed ... Over S4,000 had been allo11cd bv 1he ASNIC S1udcnt 8011rd for the con~rt. v.hieh v.a, to run on a tnol bn\b !or luture concerti. 1n 1hc g,•m. fhc 'itudcnt Board "'111 nov. decide how 1h:it conccn money will be ~pent. Smee 1he Dr. llook ronc:,en ha~ follen through. chan«':. for :inother ront'<!rt this yt'nr nri: dim, although Faler ~nid hi: I' ,1111 lool. ing. "We have hnd four near con<'Crt~ 1h1s year, .. he said. "The ~n,allne~s of NIC. not ha,•mg o mimi-dome or coli,eum. :ind the time clement are the m:un l"<'a~on~ for failure. I'm ,orry 1hot I couldn't pull through on my campaign proml\c .. Faler said thnt he would rat her hove no concert 111 all th:in 3 bnd one the ftrst lime. "II is impon:1111 to h11ve a good concer1: one th oi is rcprc:.entath-e of NIC. not \etOnd·rote," he ~a.id. F3.lcr said 1h01 there is no re~on not 10 try 10 ha,e conc-erts in 1he future " h would be silly not to," he ~:1id. Commenting on other student ocuvities, Fali.'r snid 1ha1 movies and 3 dance are scheduled for this ,emester.
\ l
~ ,,.
Enrollment parallels Spring 1978 NIC spring enrollment figures for 1979 appear to be about the same :i.s spnng 1978, according to Ray Stone, dean of 1he college.
~ for. npproximt11cly 1.512 \•oca1ion11I. full-time and p:an-time 5tudents IU'C rcg1~1 cred. Figures fo r sp ring semester 1978 ,.ere appro;i.1ma1el} 1,5 l ~tudcnt.s and did no1 include the satellite campuses. "These figurci. arc very .ipproximatc." Stone eauuoned. Fall fi~urcs for 1978 \\ere 3pproximotely 1.714. According 10 IC Rcg1MTllr hsulto N1sh10. 11 decrease from foll to :.pring ~eme~ti:r ~ norm:tl.
Pat Sa.Uh-an photo
Put on ice 1 be hen) snowfa.ll ma.I.es parking at NJC a Clrst-come-fust-served problem. City
parking tlel.ers arc the rev.Vii for latecomers ,.ho bloc!. traflk or Ore b) dnnts.
Jan . IQ, 1979 Cardin.J Rc,lcw .2.
- - -4~ ( '___, ~'J>;=-;~ -~- 1
(====o=~=in=i=o=n=p=ag==e====J Positive actions encouraged
Jnnu:ir) I. l'l"9. h~ come and gone. heralding th e: beginning of the new H3r and a nc" sC'hool scme~1,·r for NIC' '> ludcnh. Htipcrull~: p;ht d1\appoint mcnt\ a nd fa ilures can be \Wl.' pl nw:iy from the hcan and mind lo m.11..e ro.>m for more po,11 1,·c att nudci. nod nnticiputionc;
,, ~ -~
~,t ,uC'C'\·,,.
Posthe nuitudcs do no1 nccc$c;arily g uarantee <iuccess. but they definitely incrca .... 1b lil,.t'l1hood. Student," ho dcddc on spccifi1.· goab and re~olve 1o sucrcc.-d probably will. S1ude111, mu only mu, 1 thin!.. p.1~1ti,·cl). hut a1'11 m11,1 ae1 posi1ivd) the ,ooncr the h,•tter. Proc:ra,11 n:11ion i, one ol the mo'>l in, 1diou, pnfollc; a",unng ;.1udcn1" on 1hc road to good grades nnd <;uccc,~ in ~chool. Pu11111i.: off work umil tomorro,, b so deceptively easy. u1111I ~uddcnly deadhnc~ arc hcrc.-. and there Is no tomorrow. .1, for a~ grade~ arc concerned The ea!.1e,1 wu,· to avoid last-minule m.1d rushes !Cl meet deadline!> i, lo ,tart on ass1gnm~nts at the earliest po:.siblc opponu11i1y, not 1hc lutcM. S1udcn1, "ho folio" ihi.._ 'iy,tcm will probably lccl more ,a1i,ficd w11h lhl' 10b 1hi:v hnH' done .•ind in addit ion. 1hey ,, ill be m(lre likely tu gain an instructor', apprm•al ond n belier grade. Mo!>11n,iructors :ire dclightc'' to ~cc ns,;1gnmcn1,. especially paper!> and report:.. romc in cnrly. beeau,c thh free~ 1hcm of the burden of ha\'1 ng to burn 1hc m1dmght oil grading the majority of assig nment!> at the very last minute. So. !>llldcnto; who w:1111 10 succeed thi, ,emcster ,hould think po, 1tivcly and i:e1 to work - immediately!
SUB expansion appropriate beginning for new year A ncu ye:1r alw3ys lc3ds 10 new beginntngs. :ind" ha1 bener time to begin 1he act uni \\Ori. of 1he SUB e"pansion 1hnn in this ne" ye3r" The :icccpted bid will cost the student body :ind college Si.26 million at an interest rate of 7 .07 pert'em. incre:1sing student fees S2S per !>emcster for 1he next 25 years. Construction of the SUB expansion will begin as soon as weather permits. with completion scheduled for October. making the building :1,ail:ible 10 studems of the 1979-80 school vear. In the w:ike of the I percent initiaiive. increasing const ruction costs and innation rates. 1hc building could not have come at a belier time.
Some students bave voiced opinioni. in opposition to the expansion . One argumenl is that students ask why they should h:ive 10 pay for something they won't be able 10 use. However. with cons1ruc11on begmmng soon. many students no" anending NIC will be able to enjoy the added spare for eating. studying. listening to Popcorn Forums and dancing. (among other activities) next year. S1udem boards (past and present). administrative officials and other involved people should be commended for 1heir realitation of the need of a new SUB years ago. Commenda· tion is also deserved 10 1hosc who had the patience and perseverance to keep with the
idea 1hrou~h thick and thi n. The addnional <,pace m the SUB will allow larger crowd,; for Popcorn Foru mi., a JOO.c;cnt mult i-purpoc;c area, which could he used for banquet~. dance~ and ~pcci:il dining. /\ nice conve nience will be that games (foosba ll , pool) will be 1,e pm 11cd from the students who want to eat. study or ju&t talk to other people. faen though 'iluden1s will be payi ng for the add ition for the next 25 years, the building will be completed soon enough tor mnny cla)scc; at NIC 10 enjoy it long after the building is paid for.
D.B. Rick Coe
Gratitude stated by senator Delr ed11or: All 100 oflen s1udeolS are ign.ored by the officers that they elected. This is ~omeumes sho1,.n m euher silence b} the officers or failure of I.he officers 10 live up to their campaign promises. I. along 11.'ith my feD011,• senatorS. do not wish 1o be pla.'Cd m 1his s:une e:i1egory. I honestly feel Lha11he 1976-79 student body officers ha,e made a fruitful effort 10 sen·e you (the s1uden1 body) 1.0 the best of their Jbtlil\. At 1h1s ha.If-time point of my period in offict as senator. I wish 10 express my most s1m-crc grnmudc to lhe s1udenlS of NIC. bolh :iaidemic and voca.tionlll. for ll.!lowing me to ~erve 3S your s1uden1 body senator. My "Dear Rick" board in the Student Union Building is a suettss, thanl..s 10 you. 1he studeni.s.
ll-. 111 be an honor 10 senc the s1uden1 bod~ in the ~priog semester of 19i9. gre:11 school. and you·re a grea1 bunch of people. Thanks again.
Rid Coe
JC is a
(___ car_din_al_r_e_vi_·e_w_) The Cardio.al Review Is pobllsbed semi-monthly by the PubllcatJoas Worbbap class at North Idaho College. Members of the CR staff wlU ltrfve to preteal die nei.s Wrl) , accura.teJy and without prejlldl~ . Opuiloos exprused oa the edl..W page do not oecessarily reOect the views of lhe Cardinal Re,1ew, the ASNIC « die NIC adminlsll'atlon. The CR Is enu:red as balk matmal at Coem d'Akne, Ida» 83814. managing edltor .......... . ........... . ....... . ........ .. .. . Debbie Srt--, oe..-s edhor ....... . .... . ....... , ............ . . ... ........ Laarffa SdiaWl feature editor ... . .... . .... .. ........... . ....•..... . ...... , . ... . lrla Batdier
:~ecl.l:~·:.·::.·.·.·:.·::::.·.·.·.·.·::::::.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·:.·.~~1= s.m•• pboe-0gnpb\ editor ...••. .. ........ . .. . . . ......••.. .. ........• . . Pa1 ertl~bag •m ~er ........ . .. . ............ ... , ........... .. .. Leri
.:;i~:~·.·:.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·:::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·:.·.·:.·.·.:; woric,, Sharlene Smith , Keith Johnson, Jan DeLuca. C)llthla T~ter, Ten,·
Debbie Schaffner, Curle Pitts, Marti Pierce, Jeny Olson, Vldd MIU~ . Mcl.au.ghlln, Tom Emond and Carol Bro,.·nsberger
Jan. 19, 1979/ Cudirnal R~iew .J.
SJ.26 million bid
SUB addition
firm to construct
By Teri Worley
If one were to imagine a student union building science building. one would have a fi.irly accurate mental pictu re of the size of NIC's rururc expanded SUB scheduled to be constructed by the Spokane construction firm Hazen and Clark. "The J4.000 square feet addition is equjvaJent in size 10 the science building... N"JC President Barry Schuler said. " Picture that much more added 10 the ensting SUB." . NIC recently approved the Washington firm's SI .26 million construction bid on the planned expansion/remodeling project. Currently responsi· ble for the construction of NJC's new humaohies building, Haien and Clark was am ong JO co nstruction firms to submit major construction bids. Boswonh and Sullivan Co. of Denver offered Lhe .,inning revenue bond bid at a 7.07 percent interest rite on the Sl.26 million issue. This bid will be secured by student fees. which will include a S25 per semester increase that will begin ne:rt ~emester and continue for 25 years. Remodeling and expansion of the SUB will include a new bookstore. a game room. a new dining room, mecring rooms. oflice space, n new dorm dining area, an expanded kitchen and n JOO.seal multi· purpose area. The resulting rwo-&iory structure will also include alargely unfinished basement to be completed in Lhe future to accommodate growing student enrollment. Schuler said. A low bid of Sl.32 million forced NJC 10 delete three coMtruction projects from it~ original plans based on Sl.2 million in funding. In addition 10 1bandomng plans for a completed basement. deletions include n water heating/softening unit for SUB di~hwa-?>hcrs and n proposed food eleva tor to lranspon food from the kitchen lo the second story. " The shaft for the elevator will be constructed. ho11.evcr." Schuler ncucd. Construction will begin as soon as \Ve111h c r condition\ permit, nnd cosnplctron of !he building h ~lated for OC'tnbcr. h1: ~aid. MaJor suhcontroc1or~ for the projcc-l have also been named. Ken', Elcc-lricnl of Coeur d'Alene will handle rhc clectncal pnnion of the con~1ruc1ion. nnd Brown-John~on of Spokane will mnnngc the me• [be size of NIC's
chnnrcal segment of the proJcct. Architects West of Coeur d'Alene designed Lhe Structure. Schuler credited much of the impetus for SUB expansion to recent AS:-IIC presidents and student boards. "Action on SUB expansion began m the 10-1.n school year and has cootmued 11.;th each student government since ... Schuler said. Opention expense of the SUB will be pro,idcd through student fees. so the recently ,·oter-approvcd I percent initiative will have oo effect on UJIS aspect of SUB expansion.
Ho"c,er. funding difficulues resulting from the 1a1 initi3th·e·s p35Sage may :irise in the college's ability 10 rent office space in the SUB. NIC pl:ins 10 locate the Duo of Student's office in the SUB and IS concerned about renting office space in the face of in111ati\e-induced dCCTC3Sed college rc\'cnuc With :1 nearly completed hum.imtics building :ind the scheduled SUB C"tpans1on. NIC is in store for still more consrruction in the near future. "I can see the necc.ssity for the construction of :1 library building wnhin th~ ne:rt li,·e ye:irs:· Schuler sa,d. He also anticipates the need for ao athletic field and outdoor recreation :irea in the coming years.
PIC.'lTRE THlS- - \n,bllects Wcs1 ronttptlon of the Studenr Unlon Banding after completion In October mlso pro~ ides a race lilt for the current building.
••••••• • r···· Enjoy a w inter w eekend ! •• • •
Outdoor Rec Store IN BASEMENT OF SU B Tents S3 Backpacks S 1
Ensolite pads 50' Pat Sullh'lln photo
Barr<'n branches
~ of thin!) teed bnuicbes and po1o er lines mues for an energctk lliot, Clpeclail} when solar po" cr enters the sreoc.
••• •
Sleeping bogs S2 Rubber rafts SI 0
Cross country skis, poles, waxers! S2.25 per day S4.50 per weekend
• ••••••
Open 9 o.m. to 3 p.m .
•• •• •••••••
J an . 19. 1979/ Canlinal Re,le.w -'·
Wagner chosen to compete in regional drama contest NIC sophomore Bill W11gner hns been selected to parhci patc 10 the Irene Ryan regional acting compcUU(ln 10 be held in Me a. Colo. J an. 2J and 24. W3gner. :i drama major. reccwed the nomin:ttion for hb portrayal of Dale Harding in the NIC drnmatic pcrforrnoncc of .. One Fie" o ~cr the Cuckoo's Nest.. 'lt3ged in December. The play 3nd indh idual student nct(lrS were cvnluntcd Dec:. 9 by a judge from the Uni, crsttv of Montan.i As a result of htS superior pe rform3nre, Wagner will be competing against 27 drt1m3ttC 'ltudent nominees from Ida ho. Mont:i na and Color11do for a S$00 schol:u,c;h1p. Wagner "ill be acromp:inted on his trip by Shelley Olson. n fellow ' 'Cuc1too·5 est .. cast member. and by NIC Drama Instructor and "Cuckoo's Nest" Director Robcn Moc. Olson ... ,n :1ss1st W:igncr in p.trt of his compcrn!on performance. 11 dialogue from "Same Time Next Ye:ir." Wngncr will also do a monologue from .. Cuckoo's Nest." The winner of the rcg1on"I C'Ompctition will go on to national competition later tht'I 'lpring to be held at the John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center la Wa~h,ngton D.C
illy wappers Partk lPJ1tlon "·as high ln the semWU1iw Publlc:adoas O ab Book 5..,.1> bcld In MA2 last week. Toni Dupuis, Jan Baker an_d Kim Oaks search for the books of their dreams. Oitb officials said tha.l 0\-Cr Sl,700 "ortli or tuts v erc sold at I.he s wap.
Dance marathon scheduled to help raise funds for MD The annual NIC.Cocur d'Alene High School Muscular Dystrophy Dance Mt1rlthon will be held M:irch 30.31 tentatively in the NIC gym. The marathon ...;n run from 8 p.m. Friday until midnight on S111urday "'it.h NIC Instructor Tony Stewart 11ctiog as mllSter of ceremonies. a~rding to Lori Long. ASNlC vice president. The college is challenging the high school to see who can raise the most money through pledges for the MD fund . A trophy v.iU be awarded to the winner. The marathon will be open for a small charge to anyone who is interested. A prize wtlJ also be awarded to the person or couple who raises the most money in pledges. Individual school groups can also challenge each other. Skits Blld events such as swallov.i ng goldfish will be put on to raise money. All money that is made at the
marathon ,.;n go 10 the MD cause. The goal set is S25 .000. At last year's marathon, Ol.'er SI 1.800 was raised for MD. Rehcshments such as punch and pop will be sen ·ed at the 20-rninute breaks which are every rwo hours. and three me3ls "'' ill be provided by Burger King and other restaurams. There ...,ru be a theme song along v.ith the regular theme which hasn't been decided on yet. The stage band will provide the dance music for one hour. and a band of musicians from NIC called Legend will play music for four hours. Other bands are still being lined up. Smoking will be all owed in the lobby, but anyon e who litters or smokes in the gym will be charged a fee which will also go to MD. Anyone who is interested or wants more information can contact IAri Long or any other ASB officer.
j Pat Salllvu ,_.. THINKING IT OVERNlC 1tudm1 Bill WagMr delJbemn ldeu Hp......t by J eff Ullman In a rebearu.l of "One Flew Over the Ctaclloo'• Neat" 11a&ed .. December 1978. Wagner beads to Mesa, Colo. nert wed to partldpaie la die lrc11e Ryan actlng competllloa.
Paul Christiansen's
Concordia Choir;
Sorenson Elementary School Gymnasium Wednesday, F eb. 14, 1979 8 p.m.
New year brings wage mcrease NIC employees. including ..-ork-study students, will n:tti,·e a, ICll.Sl S2.90 per hour beginning Jan. l. attording 10 Tom Sanhoff. NIC's assistant business manager. The salary increase. because of the new minimum "'tge. will begin with :tll checks "''"nen 3tter Jan. I. l'rlJ.
Tickets may be purchased at N IC's business office Tickets : Adults $3 Students SI.SO Kurt W_yc1Sk. M,anager M oor'head. Minnesot.a
Jan. 19. 1979/ Canlinal Re,ic" .5.
CBC here to nig ht
Cards looking for revenge B) Keith Johnson The :,.JC men') b3skc1b:1II 1e3m faces Columbia Ba~in College 1onigh1 in a rcmijteh effort 10 defe,11 the only 1cam NJC ha~ los1 10 this \caw n. Coach Rolly Williams describe\ Columbia Ba~m as an cxce1Jcn1 re· bounding ream :ind looks forward 10 3 challcn!(ing game. NICs present record is 16-1 11,ith forv.~rd Gordon Herbert as leading scorer, averaging 18.J points a game. Herbert alw leads 1hc Cardinal team in rebound,. William, chal ks up the Card's .. annmg ,1ab11i1y to "good dep1h." He e•plains good dep1h as having a number of fwly wlid players whO\C good ph),iClll conditic,n and talented pl.ty make for 3 winning Cardinal ream. The Card~' ,tarting lineup includes three fn:~hmen. William~ ,aid Cl11ude Butler. John Bell and Wendell Denton llaH· all mnde n ,mooth 1ron\ition in10 college ball. but he B\sertcd 1hat making 1hc lull ndju~1mcnt take~ ume.
Frn,h gu3rd Claud e Burl er has probably adjusted the qu1ae~1 of 1he 1hrcc. William~ said. Burler,~ 1he ~econd highest scorer of 1he Card\. a,eragms: 16 pomrs a game. " He make, exciting things hap· pen:· Williams said .. He 1!> 3n excelle nt ball handler and cu penetr,11e 10 rhc inside.·· · William\ ma in tains 1h31 once a' winning momentum is st3 rlcd. ii"s fairly ca<,y 10 keep going. Thar momentum mu'it C.IITJ the Card, p;ist 1he like\ of Ricks College. Trc~ure \13lley Communit} College nnd the College nf Southern Idaho. /\l'cnrdmg to William'i, lhe "ream 10 beat " 1\ CS1 if the Ca rds arc to make n mto the play-offs. CSI w;i<; ~cond in the region l:m ycJr and is NIC's 1r;id111nnal rh·al. lhc Cardin:il\ do... ncd the pnccs from ~WU. Whitworth and the un1vcr-.11v ur Mon1o na th,, pa'it 11,c:ck 10 '>Cl up 11m1~hi',; rematch.
[__c_r_s_p_o_rt_s__J • 'Side show' off again to wrestle on road B~ Pa1 Sullh1111 Tr.ivcling sidesh°"'s aren·1 so com· mon these days. but John Owen ts definitely proud 10 exhibit his. The NIC 11,restling squad almost ;pends more time on the ro:id 1h:in .the, do :11 home. The Cards left Thur;d3~ for a three-match roa.d trip 10 1he Wa~hington coast 10 face Columbia Basin. Gra} s Harbor and the Uni· 1erSt1)· of Washington J\'~ "You (lhe wre<;tler;) ge1 used 10 road tn~; 1hey·rc really not 1ha1 bad. W e almoM ln·e in a bus:· Q\.en said.
Of first 14 conies,~. 10 ha,e been on the road Bu afc<'r their current W.ishangtun c1cur~1 on. tht C,1rd;· linal nine m.1o1cbc, are on home turf. "It d~n ' t rcall~ nuncr v.hcn: " c: "rc ,tlc V. l" \ l" been h;a \lnl? bigger cro14d\ il":I\ than ...-c d..l al home," o.. en ,aid "uh :i. ' " t-1. 0"cn' , "r.:,tlcr., on •hcch hol\C been Qullc !>UCCC~ful I.itch Jnd 3ft c.-urrenth sport1ni.: a J.o dual mee1 rcC<'lrd . ,\II of the "m, h;i,c ~-ome JJ::im,1 four·) ear inst11u11on~. It" an unquc.!>IIOnat,le fact 1ba1 ',IC ha, an excelknr "~thng program; 11, rccvrd iu,ufics lh;u. bu-t 11, h} such gl>Od luck ag;iin!>I four·)ear -.choob? "h doc!>n·1 m.11tcr hil" old \OU are; t1 ' <, hO\I, l<)Ul:h \OU are Iha! counts:• Owen ~.ud. "'Of course the l"xtr.1 c:ipcr1enc~ help!>; ~ou !>hould g,1 b,:ucr ;is ,uu 1,:e1 oldtt." The Card:. ue on« ;a~;un pt"rcllcd <>n a fam1h:i.r post, ranl.cd number une an the ~a11,mal Junior College A1hlc11c A:.:.oc1•hoo. The Hlidit} of these ranltnGl> v.11l be LllO'i'on :11 the Feb. 2J·24 Region 16 Tournament m Ro~ 0
burg. On: and 1he March J.J Na1ional Tourn;imcn1 in Worthington. Minn. The "quad h3!. re:illy come 1ogc1hcr of late. :ind 1hc Chri~tma~ breal. didn·1 wem t<:> 3ffect the squad·~ amtudc or performance. 3C<'Ording 10 Owen . .. The rest for the squad wa~ good. It hclpsthcm 10 get aw J} for 31\ hilc. but the, were ;ilso read, 11, come back." 01\en !>3.IJ . . .Ou r kid~ \\ Qrkcd hard o,cr Chri\tmJs. either on 1hcir own or at 1hc1r local high -.chools... Owen md1c~tcd that 1he fre~hmen. · parucularl~ John Flocrchmgcr. Mark :-:cl,on and Bill Weldon. ha"c adju,1cd well 10 collcgl.' compc1i11on He !>aid the hardcM problem, 1hc} face arc ..cdu,auvnal and ,,ll:ial ;1dJu~1mcn1,." Owen 3."l·rted thl' fr(hh mu,1 "learn 10 U!>e mor.: technique than ~,rcng.th ... The ;;,,al·h ,J,, on,· ,,( 1he bi1tgt•,1 problem, " lcarnin~ ho" to organllc their 11111c b,nh on and of! 1hc m.it. h,u haH' to uw "rc,tling. m'I let "re\llini;: u;, ,au:· he ~aid. \\ 11h 1hrcc-fourtl1\ of 1hc ,cawn 1>1cr. the 1hough1 oc,·urs dlil~ Jbou1 nauon3b lo.,ming nearl!r. O"en ,:11d the ~quad 1\' 1:il.ing each pracucc one Jt n uml! lnd hop~, to improve cnth d.i~ .. O"cn uid the ke~ 10 compc1 i1ion is nor lool.mg fof'•3rd 10 one guv or :in,• p.inicular ;('hool. The mck is to st:iv on 3 p!J1e3u for eve~ matc:-h. Wnh the caliber of wrcsclers hke Flocrt h1n~er. Ed Snook. Neldon and Dnn G.;rdner. Bnnn Hills and 01hers. the Card 1ra,dmg ~ho" looks ~cl for a spnng :np 10 Mmneso1a and n shot al 11le1r founh n.111onal cha mp1onsh1p.
Commercial Printing
515 Sherman
Kdth Johasoo photo
WAY UP THE.ll&--John lkll amokes the rafters u an llll1clentlfied Moa&aDa ~~24) and Pete H.uqaet (20) wali for the Cardhw fON'ard to re-eater their ~..,. ..... Tbe Cardlula duaped the Mool&Da JV184-65 Wed._.ta, nlgbc eo • l'-1 reco«d luto toalah•'• coatcsc aaalut Ccnmbla Buln. ·
Company JOO Copies· $3 .9 5 Wedding Invitations ~
All Kinds of Pr in ting
,:.~-::.::s:.:-:r.::.~~:::5:-;.':-;'::.:=~~:;:;~:~::~-;.;::W:::;::..·;·;:.:.~:.:..x:! ...: ..... ·:;::·:~::::-:·::::·!7' .'."·
Jan. 19, 1979/ CanllJw Rc,1ew -6-
Foils plentiful
Ice skating egos bruised B} Pai Su.llh"sn
The North Pole weather thas has cn"elopcd the Nonhwes1 the p3St re... "cch ha'> lcfl 1~ mark on l:1kcs, mc:rs and ponds m the Coeur d'Alene ar~. For the first time 1n 10 years. Lake Coeur d'Alene 1s all110'.t enurcl" iced i>ver, firmly •t that · Along "'Ith tht~ cold wa, e appear a number or \port enthusiasts drh en off 1he ski slopes by (ngid "'"ulher and high prices. These danng droves of people are ins1e:1d donning ice states rescued from the 3ruc for fun at a much better pnce - nothing. Skaring has both advantages a.nd disadvanragcs O\'er other outdoor spon s. The sport is free. providing one possesses his 0"''" sutcs. and it can also be an excellent form of e.tercise. But. se,·eral hazards are involved "~th the spon. Ice is usually bard. and the sknter usually acquires an asson· ment of bumps. bruises and/or breaks after a shon skate session - unless he is profirn~nt on the blades. When 1he ice is soft. a skater can be in even more trouble. It's no joke to be neck deep in below.zero water where
pengutnS wouldn't go. The le3St of the problem 1s that the skates C3D rus1. Ice skater'>, as in llny other sport. appc:ir in a v;mety of shapes. sizes and still But regardless of ... helher 1he ,;kater 1s as ad, :inced :is Pegg:,: Fleming or as retarded as Waldo "l1mrod. the same spirit Otcl:en rn them all. The thrill of gliding. or often shpprng. across :a glass-smooth sur· face enriccs all to become better at the spon. Bones attn'r the only things that can be bruised whik sbt111g. Egos also an be bumped round quite a bit. The "head size" oi a oollege studenl be shrunk ~eral degrees v,,hen s grade school cb.ild ts pcnorming figure eights backv,,ard~ around the poor student who C3.ll hard!) sund up and go forv,ard. much less in reverse. Ao" ever. 11,,i1 h s little effort and s lot of mi.s akes. the am;11eur skater will finall} get the "hang" of truckin' along oo rv;o hslf-incb blades in a more or less fluen1 stride. Now. if he only knew bow to stop.
Kellh Johmoa pboi.
UnidenLiiied falling object lee ikatlng on Peman Lalce le.aves thl• unldenUOed 1port enoaah bumpe to remind him that he basn' I been on skates for awbUc. Many area re1lden1J have wen io their blades afwr the sub-uro tempe ...twu make a.II uea tun avallable for lhe ~port.
John Owen named coach of Pan Am wrestling team John Owen. NIC wrestling coach, wa.s recently appointed United Stares wrestling co3ch for the AAU Junior
Tonight at 5
Lady Cords to entertain CBC The NIC "'omen's baske1ball 1eam is looking forward 10 its third home game of the se:1.Son against Columbia Basin ~ommunicy College tonight a1 S p.m. m the NIC gym. Coach Gay Winger said she was not sure ho" CBC pl:iys as a team but kno" s th:u they (CBC) h.ive two quick guards and the NlC players will be ready. The Cards are J.7 with eight more games 10 ph1y. Winger said that it takes time to build a good progn.m and th:11 the 10 frosh this year are the
foundation for what could be a new beginning. "They (NIC women) play well together.'' Winger said...They are "cry competitive.·· Winger said she feels that the women have been ag:iins1 1ough competition and that most of the games they have lost have been really close. Winger said she would like 10 see bcncr student suppon because it may encourage lhe team.
John Owen N1C wre:atllng coacb Pan American Games. Owen. who has coached the NIC wrestling team for fou r years. said that he was picked as the United Sta tes Pan American coach on the basis of his being picked as the National Junior College Coach of Lhe Yea.r last year. Jeff Pov,ell. Ed Snook. Mort Curtiss aod Ryll.11 Kelley, 19n.78 NIC wrest· lers. pl:iced in the Na tio nal Jun ior College compet iiion las t year. and. according to Owen, beca,u.se of their victories he was chosen of the year. •
The J unior Pan American games wi ll be held in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. during May. The games are limited to wrestlers between 18 and 20 years old. Central and South American countries. a~ well as the United States an d Canada. will be represented in the games. Owen said. U.S. re:im members are picked on the b:isis ortheir plad ng In tbe NJ CAA tou rna ment, Owen , aid. 1 wo former member!> of the NJC wrestling team. Gary Germundson and Kelley. were both silver medal win· ners in previous Pan Am games. A~ co:ich. Owen will travel to Baton Rouge, La. for the team's one,weet workout a.1 a training camp. Owen said rhat when he gets to the tnlini ng camp. he will be with the junior college national champions and that there is very little he can do to ch:inge the wrestlers' techniques in one week's time. Owen said he views the coachinl position as an opportunity to improve himself as a coach and to learn new techniques in wrestling. However, Owen said he bu not decided whether ro accept or rurn down the offer. " I would really be excited if I could go to Mexico and take my whole team." Owen said. Owen. a member of the fedendoo, a nation.al coaches· association. said that the AA U and the Federation are rival organiz.ations and that he disJitel some of the AA U rules.
Logged down Headed by the 1ett.lng nn, • team rise, from a creekbed turned Into a winter waadenucl with the promlle o( more mow aad cold weather yet t.o come.
• ICR gets first-class ratmg
• •
m newspaper compet1t1on
NIC's Review has achieved marks of distinction for the first time in addition 10 its 1h1rd consecu tive first-class 111ing in Associated Collegiate Press rompclilion. The Janua ry-Moy 1978 paper rccttvcd 4,305 of a po~slble 4,500 point) and three of five po)slble marki. or distinction according 10 Mary Sknr, ACP nc:w~papcr critical service\ director. " We have never corned n mork of d1stinrtion before. "CR Advi~er Tim Pil~rim said "Thb rating pul) l " near , the top of the -.hole hcnp." "An cxcelh.•nt picture of your compu}. It\ \tudents ond faculty come, through (In th e po per)," Miclrncl ~sler, the Judge who c,olunti.-d the CR. commented. Anoth er mark or dt)tinc11 on wn, achic,cd m ph)'\leal oppearnn c:e nnd Yiiual communic.ition, -. hich nccord lag to the NSPA / ACP ~uid cbouk, IDcludc, the kind of 1ypc ui.ed, 1he layout of )toncl,, typC' ol headline) and ocber technical fc11turci. "hkh mol.e o paper "rt'adablc, usnble and appcolia1." Sculcr prai~cd the "nice v:iricty in
layouts" nnd clarity of pictu res. Pictures. indeed. we re responsible for the third mo:rk of distinction an photogrnphy. art and use of graphics. According 10 th e guidebook. the cutlin es, type, layout. photos and art combine to mnke "nonverbal state· men,., ... thnt heighten reader feeling for what ls being repon ed." "Your action pictures are nil great; they add drnma and a ')'Ou nre there' reeling to copy." Sessler said According to Pilgn m. the point tot:il rcprc\c 11t s th e h1ghe~1 number of points the (. R ho\ C\Cr rccci"ed H1: exphuncd 1h31 th~ pnpcr compete, agamst ncarh 100 ..cmi-month) po pcr, from collcgt', oC'ro, \ the Unucd
Keith Johnson photo
'.\ta,~ mu!?'~ng The Card's rigid "orl.0111 schedule ls one ren.son for NIC's top ranking. fkre grappler Mart Roberts Sttms to be the , lctlm of an al.lack b) three unldentlfled m11men Ill I rcttnt prat'll«.
Showboat III Tri-Cinemas.
\I J I C\.
In l ma,,in~ 1t, 4.JOS pomt'>, the CR , t:tift'd the mo ~1mum po,\1blc pomts in t1me line s, an d , 11:ih11 ,> I ,<'ntent. hendlt nc , t hC'dule nnd in tcC'hnic:il quJht). " ) ou pe1,pk ~"\'nainh 1'110" ho" 10 "me. dc \l g n and thin ~ · 5e~slt' r commented " ) ou \ e become o trur 11!:ide r anw ng t\\ o, , c ar paper., you're setting the ~tandards high "
Coeur d'Alene 95 \ orth of Ct1rpet Center 77'2-.5695
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:supplying North Idaho' s office and business needs! : ;
!Cash registers •• : Calculators •••
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i 1.....................................................: p.scr
Calli. Suite Shoio• Tunes
Mu. S11. & S1111. l :30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:40
J nn. 19, 1979 Card inal Re, ie" -3-
Flat 'surgery' saves race; motorcycle students heroes 8~ Teri \\ orle~
Student killed m car accident An l',IC ~tudent who wa, ,1 member of the soccer •eam w~ illkd Dec 21>. t<r . ... hen the Cil r io ,.h,ch he \\3\ ndmg collided "'ith the rc.ir end of a dump true!.. Richard Daub 18. v.a\ a pre·la student and "'as alw ~01lkeeper for "ilC's ,oc,cr tc.am lie w"J, onginally from Scaulc but ;udtmcd from C<>tur d Alene Hi gh School, Daub "'a~ pronounced dead on arri\·al at Kootenai Memorn1I HMpit.11 Author111e~ said that the cau\C of death •u m..s",e head 101uncs. Service, were held at Yates Funeral Hor:ie 1n Coeur d',\leoe on Dec. ~ Jq~ , JI l p.m. Crem~tton foflo,,.ed at Ya.1c, Crem.itory.
Concordia Choir slated F eb. 14 The Concordia Chotr, sponMlrcd b) the MC ."1us:c Dep:anmeor. v.1n appeJ.r m conccn on Feb. 1-l at 6 p.m. at Sore~n Elemental" Sc"ool. Singing a cappella. the choir •111 present a pro1:,ram ranging from the loth-ccn1u11 classics to the a>ntempofU) mu1cn. The choir 1s compo',t"d or 68 singers from Concord11 College in Moorehead, Minn. h 1) under the direction or Dr. Paul J. Chnstenscn. The choir \\On "'Ide acclaim U1 Europe and performed a ,pe,:1:11 conccn 11 the Brus\els World 's Fair :ind the \'ienna Music Fesu,°21. The sroup'\ lq~q tour takes them throughout I.he Western states from !1-1mne~u, 10 CJlifomi.t.
W1th¢ut the skill and te.tm"ork of NI(" .. motorcydc repair l'las~ n1cm· bcr<.. 1hc Utah Salt Fl3t .. RJcsng \,~OC1a11c,n's " Bl.!! Bike She><,1-0ut" m111h1 ha,e been a wa\hout. When .i Suiul;.i moto~de (one of tht · bil? four·· Japan~e :.upcr biltc, schcdull'<! 10 rompctc m the USFR •\ \j>('n..orcd performance compamon tc,110 l'tah·, Bl•nnC\ille Salt Fl11t, l.i<.t Q(lobe rl \\ii~ dJm:i8cd 10 trnn~it . ,tuJent, to 'IIC lnstructM John Smith· <on·, moron-, de repair tlu'>S (lffcred 10 r• p.air the machine \lthough thl• ••,ten"\\,: dam1l,lll' to the b1~c 1ndudcd a ,m,1,hcd t,tl.'h and ~reedomctcr inqrumcnt clu\tcr .ind n damaged 1gn111.,n "'rem. the IC' rcpJ1rmcn " ere .ihk hl r•·,1,,rl.' thl' b1l.c to racmi: c-11nd11i1•n Greg S" 1ll1n1<, 11 !rc,hman mn11,r ncle rcp,11r m,1Jor from L,·nnwood, Wa,h , ,.atd that 1f hr.: ,ind hi\ cl.1."mJtl'' h.idn't fhcd 1hr S11,ul1. 11 "'"uld nut h.i,c hci:n entered m rh c
Snow not only gift on \Yind hield l<cC'<'nt sn1J\\falls hJ,e brought a llum of hciet~ on tllc.~g311) pui,:d ,chide\ :it NIC. But the pnce of .1 uckct 1\ che.1per than thl" pnn- cf 3 tov. EHccuve Jan. 11. all , chides pari.ed oub1dc dl",u:nated p.1.rL10!1 ,m.:a\ on c.1mpu, "111 be IO\\<.'d J\\J) lt the O\\ ncr·, elpen.,e. :i•'l"Ordm£ io W:ilh Young. NIC IJ\\ cnforC'cmcnt instructor. "The rn~ police h3,e been \\ OrLin!,; '"'" me t\,u1ng II kcts on m) rcquc.-\1, · Young ~J1d. 'Tm 11n:d of II rhcrc :ire :.00 empt, p.ulln~ ,pace, b} the tcnnts court,. · rhe purkmg lot b) tht: tcnm, ,·oun, h:i, been plo,.ed bur not .i.Jndi:d. If ,omcon, gel\ ,1ud. help "'111 lie prv\ldt'll b, the ma1ntrnancc dep:irtmcnt. lC\.'Ordmg Iii ) oung ) vung hehl",cs that the "'alk to da,\ ma, 13kc lon.i:rr. but in the long run ii is bcucr than J "alL do\\nlO\\D "' get :i IO\\cd·J\\3~ ,,:hide.
" rh•·, 11h, L!'I FR \ l u11ln ' 1 hove 11mc or J><.'Ople 10 ,p,m: to Ii, the bike, .. he ,.aid. 81.'cau,c uf J IJd. or r<.'Jdih avJllablc nc\\ r,·plJrcmc:nl pan,. Ntc·, \luclt-111 rcp~irmc:n U\Cd purt, Imm their O\\ n motor,·hlc, lo mend th<' mac:hsnc Whc:n Don \'c\Co, the rnrrcnt holder
of thr \\Orld land ~pccd rcrord. and Wnrncr Rilcy raced the l>ikc 01cr lhc \Jlt llnt,. the Su,uk, motorcycle plattd J close th,rd b) ,•inuc of barro-..cd I londa point, 11nd n ,imilnrly acqutrcd lld\'UOCC mc('hani,m. "1l1c bike held up well. con~idcrinR e,ef)•thlng," S,qlhng ~nid. Sport, writer,; tend tt• agree with h,m. Tonrln~ Bike nnd C)·clc World .ire among the mngai111c\ that ha, c commcnucd the ,tudcnt,' effort The llSfRA h:i, ll\\urdcd the do .., an cn12r.i11cd plaque h) c~prc,, 11\ thank, Sm1th\C1n, IOo, praised the ,tu, dcnh' "orL . "I "u, ,o proud M them that I l'Ouldn ' r ,tnnd 11." hl· \llld l he purp1"C of the ,vntc~t wa\ to oc:hicv<.' o rcali<.11e compari ..on ltctwecn wp nw111rc,dc, In ndditit1n to th,• Su,uki mu chinc. Y.1mahn, Knwu,ak1 ,,nd Hondu model, pnrtkip111ed m the t"o.,egmcnt tc,t on the Rnnncvsllc Salt Flnt\ nnd nt the Bonneville Roccw1n P..r~ I hl· II undo ",lull.' thc \ho"'." .icu1rd111g tn rourh11( Bike mui:a11nc. "hsc:h dc:darcd !hot mut'hine thr \hUUl •llUI \\ 1111,c r A mo111rc:yl'lc rJHl c i:,1rl)' in the ,Lhool )l'ar prov1Md the tondrng for the \ludcnt,' trip ru Urnh to, Smith\tln ~.,id. "1~.1tch the b11t boy, run.··
Nlovies slated at various theaters Thi~"' cekcnd the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane :m.•a is just the place to go for a good mo,ie. Pl:i,•ing :11 the Wllm:i b "The Bermuda Triangle .. at - and q p.m. Coeur d'Alene Tn-Cinem:i is playmg "Pinocchio," "fael)· V.'hich Way But Loose." :ind " King of the G}psics." Call 667-3559 for shov.iimes. Pla,ing at the Shoo.boat are "Comes :i Horsem11n:· ''Someone Killed Her Hu~band" and "California Suite." Call ,.5<,95 for sho" times. In Spokane. pl:t}ing at the Fox is "The Wu:" :u 4:30, 7 and 9:25 p.m. and "Moment b) Moment" at J:30. 5:30. ":30 and 9:30 p.m. At I.he State is "Superman" 31 -l· lS. 7:05 and 9:45 p.m.
N IC maintenance supervisor dies Hov..ud F. Schooler, 67, past NIC ll13.Ultenance supef\isor, died Jan 4 in a local nursing home. Schooler. 509 Guden A,,: .. retired f:rom his NlC position last ycnr after sen-ing the rollege for IS yea.rs. Prior 10 his :tffiliation with NIC. Schooler '-'3S a carpenter. He often volunteered his time and 3bilities to the Boy Scouts and t.he Camp Ftre Girls. Schooler \\8S also a membe.r of the Coeur d'Alene Elks and the F'trSt Presb)1crian Church of Coeur d'Alene.
DlSPLA Y TIME-Vocai.lonal students John Belcshmldc and IUdwd ~ show ofJ t.beir trophy wumlng t,1.whe,el moto.rcyde "S.Uln Free."
- ~-.,.._-.,
- - ~
Jan. 19. 1979/ Cardina.l Rc,lcw .9.
Keith John_son photo
Keith Johnson photo
I daho Falls
Lill life Wlntcr wa terfall show~ rroun paths or ~ununcr 6tttam.
The Cro:icn Wis or Idaho att foa.ad c,ea In Colorado as • •11Catlonlng NlC stadrn1 finds a frosl) rca:uoder orb.ls adopted swe. Idaho Falls Is IOC1'ted .is mbmtes "est ol Dea,cr, Colo.
Scientists ready for Feb. 26
Total solar eclipse scheduled for N orthwest 83 Ttesa McLaughlin A total solllr eclipse will tue place Feb. 26 in 1he Northwestern United S1a1cs and Canada. It will be Ylsiblc between 8 and 9 a.m. in the Coeur d"Alene area and will last approrima1cly three minutes. ~urt Nelson. NIC ph)•sic:s and math inSlructor. said that the eclipse will not be a tollllhy m Cocu r d'Alene but the area will experience darkness "proponion11I lo a night ...'\lh a full moon ... The cdipsc will begin in Portland 11nd go cast to the Trl-Culcs. le,.is1on. Montana, the Dakot:i.s, the Hudson Bay and Grcenland. II ,.;11 take approlt'I· rna1cl)•3~ minutes for the "shado" •· to complete the S\\cep through the United S111tcs. A grouRofNlC:.wdcntskno"n as the NIC Ecllp,;c Expcdluon. led by lnsltuctor Dougla.s Mcl.cll\ and Nelson. 11rc 1akin2 a bu~ 10 Genesee, Idaho. -.•here
- --
----------- -
the cclip~c "111 be a totah1y, to obsen·e and pho1ognph it. If t!ie etpedition is suCC"CSSful, the photognphs and film will be a, ills.ble to students LD the library. The echpse will first be •'isible in the Coeur d'Alene area in the southeast O\Cr Laite Coeur d'Alene. Nelson said s.nyone obsef\'Ul& the eclipse should be c;i.reful to use some type of filler ta p~ent ~ere damage or pcrm11nent blindness. which could occ:ur (during 1he panilll phases of 1he eclipse). . there are W3)S 10 obsef\e o.n echpse ,i.'Uhnut damaging onc"5 eyes. clson said. One Q.11 ,i.eu a "cider·) masi... or once.in look through rwo l.!.)~ or c~po~cd film. A third method i!io 10 r.u.e t1 c:trdbosrd bo:r .!.nd cu1
a three-inch bole 10 one end. Cover the hole ,..,,h aluminum foil and poke a bole ta the foil with i1 pin. The im.3ge will be projected on the other end of the bot ··Yoo must also be careful when photogniphrng an edipse because you can't look through the c3mera, •• Nelson s:ud. If 11 11, doudy on Feb. 21>, the corona will be inV1Sible. but if the clouds a.re ngh1 . they could actual.I} improve the view by acting as a filler. They "'ould also enhance the edge of 1hc shadow. "This LS the event of the century.·· Nelson S.!.id. ··E,er;-one should ,,:111ch." h will be after the year 2000 before another eclipse •ill me ph,ce in the Nonhwes1. The ne%1 eclipse -.ill be 1n 1980 10 Centnl Afnc11 and India.
Jan. 10, 1979/ Cardlnal Rc,,ic" -10-
Sullivan photos
Drilling snow, a wcalhtted fence post and tM sculng S-llD erca lc an lnteres1lng s hadow display as w-uncr casts Its d ~ t spell on the moa:ntains.
Snow, shadows and sun
In spite of the appe=~ s!m.ilAr Lo su-a:nd~ SmNCO'crcd turtles or to the nufacc of Venus. lhis dcsola1c s«nc is a uoned bog smotbe-rcd under w1n~·s greeting.
The ,. orsl storm In nearly ll dccsdc 1,11 1he Nortlrwcsl with a \MCIJ or prttipll.atlon - 6DOW, Jee, £rCC"Wg ruin and more snow. E,cn weeds stand al ILS men:.t.
Jan. 19. 1979 1 Cardin.aJ Re-ie-. ·11·
N IC speakers zn Tacoma After returning from Christm,1s ,aca11on. the 'lilC dcb.;itc tCllm ... ,n be traH•ling to T:icom:i W:ish. this "cel:end for a match at Pacific Lutherln Lnhe"'ll).
·1 :im enthu~iasuc about rhis seme\ter."' :-.IC Debate Coach Tim ehmtie ~•d H<' al..o mdic:ned th:it the team 1s ,hon of debater~ s ~ telllTI members \larleen 'iichol,;on and Rid Korun .. 111 neot he returnU1g. Cbri\lie- .idded thlt the emph;i~1s thi, ..emester ··.,.,11 pnmanl~ be on indllidual e,cm,: ·
Thr win ner 1s
"-ev. me:mbcr. rompe11ng 1n ind1, 1du~1 c,ents arc Came Pith Su..an Sa.. ,c:r and Betf) Shoerung. "ho .. ,11 be: llh mg or .1101'\ sp«chc\ and Bill \\ .;i~ner "ho "ill be gi,ing oral 1nterpreta11ons. Jill Park from St
Kellh John_son photo
NIC"\ ,prinu mu~il'al "Coll Mc Mndnm."' nn lrv1n11 Berlin creation ... ,n be held March 2, l. 11. 'I and IO nl the ( ocur d' Alen•· Communn\ 1 h.,;11tc. 3c,ordmJ,? to Ruhcrt Moc, NIC drnmo i11,1ructnr Thi: pluy 1, bu\\·d 1111 tht Jt11ba\\,l(h1rml C\(1l'ricn,e, ol l't:arl Mc~t.1. flrt,1dcn1 • llarf) 'lrumnn') '"hn,tl')~ wilh the mo)tl·,11111 lhc ball" mcmoroblt wng, fmm the plu) 111clud~ "You'H· Ju,t 111 Love" ond ·· 11·, a u weh Da, Toda, •· P13) Ill!( ll•od ruk, will lll' Karcn A. M,ic :i, Mr. Snlh \d:,m~. Bl>n 11.i.ikcn-.on a\ lhl· St:l'l"Ctnry of S1,11c: Mnrl Brynn n, ( on,trn,mnn W1lli.111 ~; , c,1 CollJlCt :1, Hcnr,. G1h,on and 8111 Wa1111rr n~ Kenneth v1b,nr1 Oth,m pll\\1111( 111n111r rule, indudr Clnrkc Wright a, Sen Unxli.baru. Ken Chrb!IC II\ Sen. Gullngh<.'r: Onvid Sharp 11~ Co~mll Con~1ont111e: Bob Brov.n us l'embt'm111 Mu,.cll. vl'rrv Bniley B\ :')cbihtmn S!'bastinn, M tilt1h1n M1d,!'l'>('ln as Prince~, Mnrrn: M:,rk Jones u\ Court Chamb.:rlain. and ~c1g1n Hulu" a, .i m:ud 1ho)c l'hO\Cn for 1he cn)cmblc \\ Crl' l l,n\ Luru J,,n 1nanl,,. 8111 F,1M11r, M,1lr.htar Mt>ll:1t·i. Bl"' lhi.nnll. T,1m Ficl1h, Down G1lmun•. Shellc) Ol">n. 1\anl''\ Belna11, Normn Bcnn,·11. 1 um M,·C'u), Nnnl') Fuller .ind Toni OuPu"
r .. .,
Returning debaters Jim Johnson .1nd Su).in Buns ,.-ill also be competing ID md1, 1dual (.'\ COLS. ~111.e Winther from 'lampJ Jnd Mil.c Dcil~ from K3lispcll. \font. Jrl' 11,orking a~ a te.1m this ,eme,ter and :ire '"t"o mo\t out~t:indmg dl'bJters. ·· Cbrbt1e s:iid t.:pcoming matehe:. "ill send NIC debJ1er. h> thl' t:n1,crsm of Lt3h rn Salt l.ai.c hn r.zq and to Bo1\e S1ate Lm,er-11, for the ldo1ho s1:i1e wurnament Feb. 11 and 10. Chri~t1c ,:ud thlt he is looktnll for..ard to nation3h in April "h1C'h "'ll be hl'ld m Tucson. \ m Plan~ 10 h\>ld J debate Jt NIC Jrc ~1111 under ,.a,. Cbthtic ~n1d
...•.......•.•. , .......•..........•......•...............
NIC Board of Tru~lCC<i Chairman J o) Couch, BIii Shisler Crom Archlltth Wesl and J. Ray Coi, NIC Dormllol') -llou!>lnJt Commission Allome> , do rhclr dul) al tht- Jan. 9 hid OJK.'Tllng for the SUB ADDITION. The Spokane nrm of fl u.en and Clark won fhe C<JOlract wllh • bid of Sl.26 mUllon.
Irving Berlin musical to be staged
~1J rie, also Joined th~ te3m thi, seme,ter.
/Student Activity Schedule
'' •' '' •' ' •'
. I
As soon as possi ble
•' :'
: Those interested
running for ASNIC president.
: v,ce president. or sludent oclivity director should see : Jim Remsen or Lon long for information about peti tion s wh ,ch are now ovailable ) and deadlines.
:~b ~ <J{J ~~Q
: {Jo , ., : o, t. c~
Jon. 26 Dance in SU 8.
:' Captain Jack ploys Sludenls w ill be admitted free
:, w ith •
their ID cords . Dance lost-s from 9 to midnight
Free refreshments will be served.
: ' •''
Feb. 20 Movie.
.• :
: :
•• :
..' •
: A/ Pacino stars in ··Dog Day Afternoon." The movie :
' •'' :'
will be shown ol 3 and 7 p .m . in the Southwest Dining Room of the SUB.
Jan. 19, 1979 1Cardirutl Re, iew -12·
(~_n_ic_no_t_ic_e_s_J Flnandal ald checks ><ill be a,aJJ. able beginalng Jan. 22. Snidents ma) plrk lhr m a:p al lhr buslDess offiC1?. ~
All NIC siudcnts are enlitlcd to frtt legal counseling. For lnlorma1lon con· iact J im Remsen or Lori Long al lhe ASNIC oCDce.
........ The ttd Lal wbkb was
t.o be ptt· ~nted Jan. 29 b} ,-.rlQUI mcmbe.rs or the NIC mule (acnh) bu bl'eD
pos tpone d until tht !Iller baJ( of FcbnwJ, ll'n1athcl) Feb. 22.
Studcnlli e&n no" pick op thtlr (all ~ mcsler grad" Crom tbdr ad,lsers. Errors ln g,a.dc potn1 a,crages of som e s t uden u ..-ere m•de b, 1be com pu1er. bul these errors ... be corrected.
Allcnlion .U amateur musk, d.a.nce and 3rl stndcnts. The 3-ltb Aonaal Grenier Spol.ane Maslc and Allled Aris Fcsth al 1UU1ounces the 11, aiJa. bilil) of its prcllm.ina.r:- bulletin and cnln forrn~ for Ibis ,car's Fe th-..1 10 be held April 30 1hru~gh ;\1a) ~. 197<!. lnclushc. Your en1ries musl be made b.1 Murch I. Oh islons for adjudication and n"ards nrc: Acrordian. Ari, Dn nrc, Organ-Harpsichord, Piano, Siring~. \loke, and Wlnd and Pcmission. To ob1nin ) our prcllmin ar) bulle1ln please conLBcl: Mrl;. Clarence Legel. Phon,~: .£-48-0560, S. ~ 127 Stone, Spokll11e, W~h. 99203 or obtain cnll') forms from Sampson-A)ers iu,d Clari. E,11n, :'>lu,tc Companie~ In Spokanr.
Are ) ou ha, ing ltOublc dc,cldiog on 11 mnjur? The ro un~eling center Is admlni\lCring a ,oca1lonal ln1cres11cs1 1h1t1 could help JOU 10 decide . .ad h's free, free, free! Sec :-.1C Coun,;elor Pcrut, Fedjt' in lhl' Winton Bullding. ~
:-.1c.n PUBLIC fORt:M SCllEDCLE Spol.ane KSP -n' Ch1tnnel i I, p.ro.
1-6 ldllho Staie Lci:islBtors II houri
1-13 Bell) K.no1 and Stephen Feit: Americun Pen.onnel [J houri 1-20 Diel, MoUette: "Cults and Communes.. (30 miou1es(
1-27 Gene Huppin Md Dina Tanner$: "Tbc ~llddlc £:isl°' 130minol~J ~
Some dorm rooms are stltl .. allablt for students nttduig hoa,;ing. Foor openings exist on the " ome n' side. Contact either Gan Coflnan at the dorm or Wes Batch· al lhe SUB for more lnlorma don.
Flad ) oune1£ In print. Frtt erpres, sJon 1~ someth.ing to shatt. U )·oo ha, r an artistic Oare for ..·ords. • passfon for pen and Ink dra"' Ing~. or a.a onsong song or ~o. ~hare }Our la.tJgh LS In the Spring Cnatlons puhlkaticrn or ~1C. Sllhmil .fOD.r manuscripts and/ or Ulujlrallons co Da, Id Sharp l" o the creath C "ritmit dt-pa:rtn,ent. ~1C.
Thl' academic office oC CIU'ttr 1.nfornmtlon and plannlng is now open 10 ,;1oden1.S d«lring a.ssl5'1.Dtt or lnlor, matioo conrernlng their l"dul"allon, career and life iioals. Conl.llct Gan Collman ln room -:? of 1hc rodml l~Jon BuiJdJng Crom q:30 a.m. to 12:JO p.m. on ~londA, -Frida). ¥.,¥.¥
The wming SI.ills Ct-nlcr, IOt11ed in the Sberm\1.11 ¥hool Balldiog, is open \londaJ lhrough Frida) from :JO s.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cenlt'r offt-rs co~ in Englbh, reading. ,ocabu.1.an. spelllag. bllSk malh. college ,tud) lng and llfc1lmc reading. One enrolls for thc,-e classes ju'1 :b ht- ~ for anJ other clas,. Tbt- Lurnlng SI.Ill\ Cenler al\o o(frr. 101orlng "l'nlc..... free or ch:irge.
\It .01 to g.-1 a'-•J Crom lhe bool.s for :a (.,,. bolll"o I "eek? W.01 ~me nci<
friend~? rind oul aboul opportunltl~ oix,o 10 )OU through Camp Are. Lead or a\,hl a club or ,olun1eer )Our went!> 10 the cocmcil. II could count 10"' an! COIUS<' credits. Call 667 -0611 for more information.
Student~ encountering problerm i.n d855 or in Lheir personal lh es are urged 10 conlllCI 1hdr lld, lsers. An., student not remembering '<ho his :id,l>Cr Is IIIA) !ind out ,-bo tha1 person b b) contacting the N'IC Oellll of S1uden1s OH!ce in 1be Wln1on Building.
Dr. Richard Eggleston ..rn be oo C2mpus e,cry Moncb) , Wednesda) and Frida~ ber,..cen 7:30 a,nd 8:30 Lm. AnJ one .,. ishing 10 Stt him should fi rst con1.ae1 Jo Marlno,il"h , school nurse, 111 ber office in the Winton Buildil!g. Ber office hours are from 8,30 Lm. 10 4 p.m. weekdaJS; bo,.e,er, she "ill be at the ,ocational bulldiog &om I 1.o 2 p.m. on these cb)s,
P111S ul.llvan photo
P ntlw, ay plo\... ing 'I/IC grounds pcl"'ionncl 11re being kepi husy thl~ &em cslcr In cleari ng the parklna loh Md ,lde"nl~,. 011\c Kirk spcnd1< bis houri rambling around on a tractor.
Cotton Club
Opens after r emodeling Jan . 21 l
M usic Tuesday - Sund ay 8: 30 p.m . - 1 o.m.
Wedn e sday --Any d rink 1n t he house-2 f or th e price of 1 Con or bott le d beer -- 75< Pitcher s
$1 .60 be for e mus ic
$2 .50 ofter m usic
W ine
\' olcmtCCT'S a.re needed to "orl. ,.Ith dr,elopmeot a ll) disabled adults. Coot.cc Gan Gifford Ill the Adah and Cblld De, eiopmeot Cenier - phone 667-6-106.
Hayden Lake