·Totfll 1·11111'tr11 r t io11fll
Student Board upset over new SUB ballroom capacity 8) Teri Worle.1
D1~sa11sfoc11on w11h the bnllroom tocared ,n NIC~ newh completed SliB addition ,.3~ 3 major roprc of d,-.cus· \ion al the Jan . 21 Jnd 28 mee-cin.i:~ of rhe Student &ard. Board Ad, "er ·1on,• Stew.in cc.-rmed the '>()•called ballroom. which had been th e p roie<"ted cente r of maior SUB acu, 11.1 .. uh a capacit,· 10 accommo· dnte larf(e numbers nf ,tudc nts a ..101a.l con,trvctinnnl nop:· f hC' b3lfroom 1h31 hos become rcJhh foll, short of Student &ard and 3dntinistrati(:,n CSjl(.-CIJIU>n\ for ,e,eral rcawn,. aC'Cnrdini: tn Ste,. ~n He ~aid
he ,.
I.hat the room is inadequate for dance<. ,.i,h rock bnncb and lilac the focilil) suffm from poor au circulatron Through an agrC"ement '""h the college's admini'itrauon. the crov.·d capacitv of the ballroom • .llso tno,. n :is the Bonner Room. has been rl"'itricted to onl> 200 people. Because of the funcuonJI hmit3tions of thC' ballroom. Stc-.an said. "IIC Pre\ldent BalT) Schuler has giH•n the board pcrmr~ion to rcwmc the practice or hold ing large danc~ rn the gym. The rom had pre,roush been
um·ailable for such u~ The bo:ird also discussed the m:in· ner in v. hidi the sp;ice in the prt'l>enth unfinished basement of the SliB might bc utilized for the gre:itest pos>ible benefit b; the school's gr<"'ing stu· dent enrollment. The ··,.i!,h h~t" the bo.ud appro,ed for submis\ion to 3dmmis1n11on of· fic,ais is based in pan on a stud, oi the Lnl\ersn~ of Idaho'~ St:B. Sen. And)· Schumacher :ind ne,K Student ..\cti, i· 11e~ Coordrnator De.:in Bennett re· cent I\ , isrted u1 to cl3mrne the lar2er ln\lllUllon·~ student faC1lit1es.
~ / caRb1nal REVIEW \lolumc 34, Number 8
f rida). Feb. JI
Among 1he faohu~ proJCctcd for 1h1.· bascmen1 an- glmc and 11.'le, "ion rooms. lounge\ lnd ne" !,ludent go,ernment offices In 01her bu~rn ..~1-. the b.>.l rd· -he:ird :i report fr<>m Studl'nt ,ktt, iues Director Jeff Pn ,c about his pt;in~ for :in NIC homeromrng \\Cd. Sd1cduled for Feb. l'k!..,. the "~ek's a,-ihitt~mdudc h3mburger-. p,c~and ~pl!,:he111-ea1ing 1.'C>ntC)h Jnd n pool 1ourn3mt'nl .md will b, c~pp,:d "ith d,mc..-s on Frid.i, •.ind SaturdJ~ nigh1~. Fnd:i-' mght') dance "rll tcJturc :i Ir, e band and ",JI rake plJet> in the e,m. A \t.'m1fom1JI ,,•11rnii "ill marl. the nc\l n1eht', e\Cnl in 1he nc" ballroom. \i u,1c durrnc the ,..-,ond Janee "111 l>c pn" rded t,, J )tn,-o " ,h.~m -dl\cu,..cd the Jl<>~,1'11111, ul ,p,1n '><lnn11 3 l:>0:11 ,'T111<c on blt' ( ,,cur d' \kn1.• in th, .11t,·m1J1h ul th<. \U1.cc,~ vf l,1,1 fall', 1.,1..c tnp \hhou,:h th1.• propo...-.1 met 1•pp11,11ion fmm Pn,c, the :icm 11, " ,1111 ~n rnd-111,1h, ,c.u l"''"l:>1lrl\ .
Constitutional changes set 8, Sharknc Smith a.nd " l'tld.rn Smith If proposed rc\lslOn\ ,., ,t e \S!'ilC Conslllutron Jnd B, la," are all suecc~sfully p:i,,ed. one frc\hmu -;ciu11"Jl ~al "tll be l!U3rJ:itccd to ~ , or:itton~I ~1udcnt, ,md one lre<.hman "- !1•'1)'1JI ,eat 111 be guarJntl'C'd 10 an ll."l.dcm1c ~,udcnt Al-.o tht' rc,i,fon com1J2Jttee. v.h1eh met J,1n. 25 II) make the ch:inges. proposrd tha1 the C'ICC'tioru for sophomorc senator\ be held the thrrd week of Apnl inste;id or in the fall. Senators v."Ould tne office the fir..1 d:i~ ot the nc:n school yeor. The w rs1on commmee '":IS made up of three \OC'3ttonol sen:itors. the three ac:adcmi, '.>CDalv~. AS '- IC ~s,dcnr P:iul Bieber, board Ad,bcr Tony Stewart. Sl'B Director We, Hatch and Bob Hempin Loder the prcst'nt s, \lt'm. onh one ,t'naton;il sc:11 b guaranteed. and 1ha1 sent i~ to a ,oca11ona.l siudt'nt. With the ne,. ch:ingt>S only \'OC'tltionol studenb will vote for the frc-,hnun \OQUOul po.s111on • .1:id onl~ acJdemic s1uden1s will ,·011: for the freshman arade1t11, posnron. The third fre-.hmln scat ,dll be open 10 either ,oci11onal or uademr, i1uden1s. and both .. mcast ballots for this seJt. Althoui-:lt B1cbt'r proposed tlut more dun one scnatoriJI scat be guaranteed 10 :i.c:idcmK students. the board \Otcd in fa,-or of onl} one ~erved aClldemic posllron. Bieber urd, · nus s, stem uh.: aev. propo!>.111 ill cre,ue a lot more controversy :rnd \Ire>~ tlun n rs V.l>Tlh " Under the rc-is1on, the lrnbman e-!t."1:tioni ,.ould bt' held the fifth Wedncsd:i, of th,• ne- M'.hool ,car. and pctrtao.ns 11oold M\C to be in by the last day of the third \\crk ot the ~hool \ea.r l'n:\10Usl~ rre,h~n Joel !>C•phomc,re electron\ "ere held the third 11~-cl. of 1be \C'hool )Car The change ~as made rn order 10 nllo" students mort' time to £•m1h1.rue tht'mi.eh~ v. rth the nndtd.ite\ \l'iO polling pl cc, for the dtttrons v. ill be rn at least the vocational bu1ld1ng, the Ad.mrnistrauon Butld111e and the Commuru('3tron,,\m Building
NUJIUlu.ed OD p:age 12
Graduation not changed Keith Johnson photo
\l11 rn 1ho11 \lndnt·~.. Siud~n~ S1c,c Wamcr and TnlC) Sh«l.lcr ''Mnit lhclr &twJ'' as ,wrors a.t last )car" a-1.v D)&troph) Danct' Manatho.n. Fcl>. 8 "lU ma.rt. the •ta.rt of another 28 houn of agon~ b pa.nlclpa.nts "danct' so that others toa) "all,...
The :-.lC' Boud l)f Trustee~ dttrdt'd at a recent mwrng to conunue with a 1udmo11.1.I i,:r.iduJt10n ,. ith caps and go~n,, as has occu rred at the close of c:ich ~pnng ~meSter srncc 1935. Althmigh :", IC Pttsident B:im Schuler SU&gt'Sted 1h01 gr:idu3tion be held ,.1,bou1 ,·:ips 3nd So" ns in order 10 s3,e the college S.5000. the trl!stees voted in f:l,or of the stu~u .. bo requoted that gr:idu,11,on be held rn the same manner a, al" 3\ >· Tht' Student Bo:ird \ t>ted 4.J in favor of II customar>· gr3du1111on. The , oc-.11il)n.1I membCTS ,.ere oppoSt'd 10 J mandJIOI) ettt'moa} "ith caps :ind gowni.. Gradu:1t1on "111 be held 'fa) IS. ,,
Feb. I. 1980, Catdlnal Rt',lew .'.?.
(___o-=-11_in_io_n---=p=---a---====g~e-~) Charges not justified, student president says (kir \I, Bcnnc:ttHJU!lCn .incl <'lthcr, l"Onccrnc:d·
Student charges
ASNIC, paper unfair To (3rdinal Rc,1c\\ and
,1c S1udcn1 Prc,1dcnt.
r m \\<>ndermg if the ,1udcn1, o,cr ~$ could utihzc the fanhtie-. uf the NIC paper 111 pro1.-.1 J ,ccming di,rC(larJ lor thi, large mmont~ OJ the ,1c ,1udcnt total m rc:lation t(l upm1on, on sch,101 ac-m111e, I l:no" v.c don·, tu,c ad.equ:uc, if any. represen1a11on uf th<' 40 pcrtt'nt mmom, of ,1uden1, mer 25 who ha,c opinion, of "hat 1hc1· \\Ould lil.c to ,ec decided Ju,11'c,.1usc "C mJ) foci prc,,urc 10 not run for offi('t' doesn't mean "e aren't m1,·rc,1cd. There Jrc a 101 of" : i " 1h1, minonr, 1, d1..a1min:11cd .ig:im\t. and lllO'>l of u, don I ha,c th(' time or ,upport 1,, t~ to light 11. So 14c reMTangc our priomic, 10 "hat ,,c c:in di" But I t,cli..-,c II i, tim(' I. for one. a.,k that 1h1, 40 pcn.ent sei:me-m ,,f the 1m;il I .qc)() student, th1\ war net be o,erloc-kcd "'hen 11 come, to dc.1"''"' hl.c gr;1du.111,,n e,cn.,,~. W ,. ma~ not h:i,e time to lobb) for mO\-ic, th.it arc uphllmc .ind not triic or rour:igc 10 romc to <chool dance, or prutc,1 not e,cn he.iring a1'out '°''n",c;iuon film, unul tv." or three sc<<i<>ns h:i,c gone b~ and the pcnllJ 10 find ,1u1 ba,i.: opponunmc, I!> p3\\ed And 11 .>tttn\ the Cardinal Re, itvreport, 11111,11\ ht\tOr}, not umch enough ground.,,ur-\ 1hkc the cor 'X'alt •n film,) bet.:1r,;- the dcc1si1>n, ur e1enh h.i,e 1ran\p1red . Ho« ,Jn \\C mll.c: l'Ur>ch·c, 314lre of hJppenmgs m urne 10 pamcipate.' M~t of u, '"1r\.. Jnd commmec:~ .ire usuJII: held at the times our children get home (rum \Choo! or meal 11mc,. I don't <r.1n1 the m,,h thll tho\C' "'ho 311!n't at Student Boud mc:eang\ don't ..ire 10 appl~ 10 me. nor do I "ant mJ schedut.: of ra1~1ng four ch1ldn:n b1 mH,:lf l!nd ramine more th;in a full 1.iad ct ~chool and "'Orr. 10 rob me uf ha, m2 ~ '<ii\ m student .i.:111 mc,.. h ;c:eins 1here 1s J. representauon of even other group of students. some are heJrd from and <ome 001. \l3,be "'C Cl'luld have a Quarter Oub !for 1hose over 25 ,cars oldl to ohtlin input from the ,:udent bod< Tud.l, ·s RC\ic:"' 10cc.... 19~9) states dcc1<iono "'ere m11de and or recommended by the student input the student bod~· pre;iden1 had recein'd. If "student mput in rcg.srd 10 this silu:uion is <ial. •• I behe<e th~ maJont1 oi the student., quc,1ioned i.o far ,..ould be l~s than 10 percent. becau,c m d1~u»mg 1h1~ in class.:-,. or on campus I ha~e ,e1 10 find one student who had heard <>f the dance pl:ins changed. graduation e\'cn bemg considered chan!(<'d 1or that 11 "l" considered 100 cqieni.1,e) or of the C'OD\'OC:ltion films before 11 "'a, 11110 at least one session - nor h:is an1·one I talked to (older students. mostly) he3rd 14h:111he wul'\e 11b (or or .ibou1befo~e111435 naned. or where to sign up for II.
Wh.11 "'ould you sugg~t .,.e do? Bilhc: lknncl!H3u!(en
\ m pt·r,,('ln, rc1tardle" ,,t '1!!<' w,. r.1cc ,,,1M M cr,·nl. hJ\ thl' ,1pporrnn11, t<• hc-lp mJ~C' the: dcc1~1ons 1h:11 c,.1nt'\'rn 1hc <tud!'n1, 111 NIC 1\<. a nnillcr ol foct. 11 "ould ma, c: m1 1,1b c.1\ier ,r there- "ere m<>rc ,tudl• nt inpu1 JI the: 111ne dl',l'l<'n<.Jrt: mJJc. l ,,ur ldt,•r lcoJ, me 1<1 !tl"lil'IC: th.11 wu ure db,-our.1qcd 141th a num1'cr of thmi,i,. ,,:1 1011 ,•O<·r 1111 wlu1n1n,. 11h,•rm111vc:, or Ide." ('(lnccrnmi: .1n11h1n . \t 1he um,· ,,,u "rote 1our le Iler 1hc.: ~ludenl Ho.ird hud not H·1.~1mmcndc:d ;in,thm1.1 "'nc.:rmni: Rr.1du.11mn \ poll \\O, 1,1kc n 111 the vocn110nnl buildtn~, • .ind m.in, other pNpk \\ ere .i;.kctl for 1hctr up1nll)M l·onccrr11ng 1trnclun1i,,n. M,m, ,1udcnt, and fol·ull1 thnt wen· nnt .1,, c d cJ mc 11, me .ind ot her ,1udcn1 reprc,,•n1 ..111 c, "nh th ctr opinion, on the m.111or; nmny were O<'l· r .?5 ,·c:nr, of ,1gc: Th,· Cardinal Re,,c"' dl'arlJ ,J!C(ificd thnt w,• "ant,·d \lud,•nt mpu1 M lhnt mimer .ind th.ii the d,"(tsu,n "'mid be ba~cd on the ovcf'\, hcl11111111 feeling of the ,tudcnh. I d,, ""' t,ehnc y,,u were 0\('rlook,·d , ou hnd the ,nme oppM1unity O\ <·,•en other ,1udcn1 to ,oi('(' y\lur op1mM Appar('nll) >·nu r ho,c nnl 10: even ln you r lc11cr you did not ctprt'<., , ou r fcchnx, on 1he 01:im•r. I would he rooli~h to believe thnt I con .a..,k ~.1,h ,1udcn1 on c.1mpu~ h1\ opinion before c.1ch dcci,inn " mode: , but each ,tudcnt h.1, the npportuni1,· 10 voict• h1\ or her op1111nn to me, or other ,1udent n:prc\Cn1.1111c, b1· cnhc r romlni: 11> on,• of u, or to 1hc Student 13unrd mcl.'tmg~. Your ~"Ompl.11111 Ct•r oh~cr-·n1ion) nbout con,ut·,mon, is cnmplc1cl~ un1u,11ficd C,ln<0<.at1t>n~ " one or the he,1 public11cd prngrnnl\ tlll campu,. II i!> p11blic11ct1 not onh m the Cardinal Rc"icw. but nl~o un th<.' rv monitor und nn 1)(1,h:r\ and h.1ndouh J, "'ell a., m the 14 Cekl)' J11nounccmcn1, If yuur in\1ruct1>r, dnn't rend the '"'eekh announcemcnh (the) ~hnuldl. there " 11 c<1pv l)O\led nn lhc lelt-nnnd ~,de of the m3111 cn1ran1c 10 the Admini\tr.i11on auild1ng. II •~ 1hcn your re,pon,ib1h1,· 10 be 3,, ure uf what I\ gning on. If ~omcth1ng 1, 1101 clcM about con,·oc:auon, or un,1hing c:lw 1h01 your ore rn nccrned with, come 10 me. If I Cil n't .1dcqu:11ch dc.1r 1t up. I \\ 111 rdcr )Ou 10 ,omc11nc whu c.in. :",o" 1ha11hc ne"' fac1hlles arc completed, we will be having many m11re 0C11v111cs th.in last ~eme~tcr. You wlll nu• be .. robbed" of the chJncc 10 be involved \\llh the dcc1s1on-mnlting proces, unlc~\ you decide to be. When Jeff Pn~ (\tudent nc:tiviue~ d1rccwr) und I 1alked tc ynu ln,t week, I n~kcd ,ou a number 0°f lime~ whn1 ac1iv11lc\ you would like to huvc, but I never rccc1,·cd itny rc,pon,c. You do hu\c: some lcg11imn1c concerns. bu1 )'OU 11111,1 rom municatc them to ~our rcprc~cnwuvc:\ ond other conl'crncd people ~o ..11mc1h1nJ! cnn be done. M\ office huur\ :I\ well a, Jeif, and ASNIC \Ike Prc'1clcn1 Sc-011 D.1v·., ore pcKlcd in the Sl.B Pleaw ht:lp us to help our\dvc, ;i~ , 1udcnt\ by mJking u,· )111nrt of )Ou r need\. complJmt, and Wl(ge~t Ion,. Upon tailing to m.in,· ,tudcnh over 25, I huvc found thal mnst don'1 feel lhc ~Jme a., 1·ou foci. but mo-.1 ~till have idea~ and concern, 1h01 will lcod to the improvement of 1he ,cho<.11. For that rcaS<tn I urge )OU Ill form J Ouuncr Club ,ind help 1:c11hing\ d,lnr. I h,1pc that ,n the fu1urc you v.111 com(.' tn mt "1lh your ,dcu~. concern, :ind prublcm,.
Smccreh. Paul Bieber AS:'\ IC Prc,1dcn1
(____ c_ar_d_in_a_l_r_e_VI_·e_w___J The Cardinal Rc,le" Is published ..eml•monthl> b) the Publlcatlon~ Worl.~hop d:LSs al 'iort.h Idaho College. \1em~~ or the CR ~t.alJ ,.flJ \lrh e 10 prc>ent the, new\ £n.lrl), accontel) and without prejudice. Oplnloru expr~ on the editorial page do not nceess:irlJ} reflet't the views or the Cardinal Re,k... the ASNIC or the N'IC admlnislra.lloo, The CR l\ en1ered 115 third-cl" ' ma1.eriaJ at Coeur d' Alene. Idaho 83814. ma.nag.ing editor .... ..... ...................................... Teri Worley n~s edllOr ..••.. ••.••.• ..•.•........••••..••.•••........• . Sharlene Smith associate edltor .............•...........•..•.• , •...• , ·,,·· · ···. Jan DeU:: sports edilO.r. .... ... ..... ....... ........... ........ ·, • · · · · • · .. Tom pbo(ograph} editor ... .. ............................ · · · · · · ···Keith JoS ad•erti.sln.g edilor . .... .............. ..... ... • .. · .......... ·.Sharlene ad car1oonist. .•• , , . , · · · • , .. • .. · · · • · · • · · " • · • • • · · • · · " · • · .. " · · ad, iser .............................. .. .... " .............. AD ruk can.oonist ........ ... . .......................... , •.... , , , • · · o ~ ~ r
E:x' '"';°~ ;;,rd D.~C:::.~grlm
~~;cSt~,,%·:.'j~~1~·~~1e·~~: :,~;.:.;~t;; ·~n1~-,;:Ki;,; j~~~: ReMe R:: Kendn SmJ1h; Carrie Sprln.g er, Val Barber, Creg OuPuls
Feb. I. 1980 Cardlanl Rr,icw -3-
Board to p11rchase _houses to pro vide college entrance B~ Shllrlene Smilh
Olllnj! ,. ,,,,c, t,,.,.,,c, lc:I\ c 1·11m-
pu, J,l~c ' ""~' nenrlJ dc,crtccl u, , rudcnh "ah for "llrmcr d:i), lo ulh,,. 1hcm l o ride 1hcir c1•nl11g_1 m~1·hi nc, 10 ,chool.
Kchh Jobn,on photo
Primary sche duled Feb. 8 1 he s1 udcnt body c lcc1'""~ for pr<'\ldenl and \ICC pr<'Mdcnr "111 be held Fch. 22. l'nmnry clcuion, "111 be
hc;ltl l'ch. 14. !here wn, n meeting Jan .10 111 L4<i ror all pcr,o ns "hll "ere 111tcrc,1ed in running for one of thl',c onice,. Rul e~ and rcl(ulatlon~ l(lll'erning the ,andi• d~tc, \\l'r1· d1scu,, cd.
C011d1dot11 ,pecche~ \\111 be ht'ld_ 111 the SUO and 111 the 1·ocauonal burld· ing. Dain for 'pt'('('hl', h3\t' 11<"1 bttn d1•c1dcd !11udcn1, mu~, halt' ~ s1udt'nl .i,·111 it\ 111 ,1tdcr lo ,01e. l'c1,;1<1n, mu,1 be returned 10 the ,t udcnt l1<1<h ,1ffict h, Feb
The '\IC Bo.ird of TruStces. tn ns effort, to <'Onunoc v. uh the eip:1ns1on of the school's master p!Jn. "3S told :11 us J.in. 1- meeting 1h31 the purch3Se of the house on o0- Hubbard St. ~ betn completed 3nd that negoti3tions for the purchase of the house on -125 Hubb3rd St. arc contmumg. The purch3SC or these two houses v. ill en3bte the college to build a ne" rolld v. h1ch "111 ·•,qu3rc off the mtcl"'>ecuon .. at Hubb:1rd Street and Garden A,enue and "hich wtll get rid of .i v. inter dri, ing h:iz;ird. 3crordtng 10 'IIC Prc:~1deo1 Bllrr.· Schuler The hou,c "hich the college purchased" .i5 O\\ ncd b, Ra\' ~loore. The house "hich lhC' collc~e IS 10 the pl'Oefis uf bu,1112 "o-. ncd 1'1 Eu12,cnio Br.adbul) \IC ,ened Budbun v.ith the paper;. "h1ch .al ov.) him 10 bcgm nc11011.111on> .. uh \. IC for the purch.1,e pncc or hi\ hou,c Ho"e,cr. 1r Brad bur) doc, not re~p ,nd ro tht· collc!!e·~ rcquc\t \\lth1n a n:3~n.ible pcnod of time, the ,col~ge ".II pl'Q\.-Ced 10 acquire the hou~ b, cnuncnt d-,m3111. Schuler .ud Emment Jorn.. r 1, ihe ngh1 o( ;1 go,emmcn1 ent •· \.onh Idaho College) 10 1rpropn.11e pmate propcrt) for pobhc u.se. u<o.all~ "'llh compcos3· ucn to the ov. ner, S.:huler s.11d t.lut Bndbun i< OD· p,,,cd to <dhng h1, house 10 'ilC and ront.1C1 Bradbun, but he v. 3\ unable 10 be rea,hcd !><fare pte'I.; t1mt. 1>0Uld not let them enter. The ap· pr.11qf v. as thcttfare done from inlt>r· mauon 3lrNd, on record JI thC' Kootenai Count~ A~\.CSsors Office and from outside Bradbury\ hou~. EHort v. u. m.1de rrpeatC'dl) to contill"'I Bradbun but he v.~ unable to be re:iched before p~! ume. Unlc.-o.< the rollegc completes the
projttt during the I oso school yc3r. it stands :i good chance' of a del:t\' occumne m thC' prl'IJC<"I. Jrcordint! i., Schuler. The 1mp.1,1 of the I pCl"l."Cnt tnlll3tiH· b the rc:i,on for Schuk•r, prc.-di,,1l'ln Schuler also rtponed about his n·ccnt trip to the Idaho Lcgl\l3ture 111 request fundine, for NIC for the I ()8(). I school yc3r. !Sec rclll1ed sto~ p31!C -l.) The propo,ed trac~ and field for NIC "3S not recommended 3S one or the ld.1ho Pcrman<'nt Building Fund ', pnorilic~ for t9SO. Schuler reponed. Al,;o reported JI the Jan 1- meeting "a, the fact that \Clme or the "mdo", m the SUB le:tll'd during n retcnt rJ1ns1orm Jnd thnt the contf3.:H>r 1s e,imi: to rebuild all the ,11ndo"s m the SL'B ,n order to Jllc, iatc the problem. The bC1ard Jho appN, ed the purchJ...; ,,t J ,,n..--11111 four•\\ heel drhc , chide.- "1th dumping c .. pab1h11c< "h1ch '"" be u\cd 10 haul 11arbage and 1u pl1."1 sno" dunn~ the winter. At thl' Dec. 20 meeting the boJrd: -appro, cd the prt>pu~ed firc <c1cncc curnculum "hich "111 be a pan o( the 13" enforcement program. -decided to continue with formal grldu3t1on plJ.n\ "h1ch mduch: the ,,cJrmg o r caps and gowns. Schuler hJd proposed thnt IC con1inue to hold gr.iduotion liut 1h01 the, dhc.-ontinuc "1th th.: "c3ring of cops and go" ns i:i order 10 save tht.' school approxim:itel} SS.000. Although the college sena te recommended th3t the board decide not 10 ha, c caps jnd go" ns. the 1ru~1ecs decided" uh the students who ll'ere in fa,or ot' contmuing graduation in the tndmonal m:inner. -3c~pted the resignnrlon of ci, ii technolog) Instructor Don!lld Vnn
Feb. I, 1980/ Cardlnal Re,·lc,.
For Feb. 8-9
marathon slated
8) Kendra Smith \!though the 1,1lc 1~ not totalh the mar;uhunc1' will be l,1m1,ctm1t m accu~te " D.intt So Th.lt Other, C:111 dJnn· .ind pcnm ·pu,htn~·"'llh,"ihcWaD:' 1, the Iheme for this ,car·~ no" ,,,nipcrni1m, rhc, "111 ,,lw be :?b-oour \lu,cular Dy,troph\· bane,: s\\nllo" ing goldfi,;h ,ind r,1\\ egg,. Marathon it 'llC \n11ther fund raising o1ct1v11y for , 01 onh "Ill marathoner<. be d:i.ncMuwular Dy,tr<>ph, "ol' ., p1c-in-1hcm~. the) ~ill aho be pl.i) mg poler .and f,1tc ~·ntc,t "hkh w,,, h1•ld Jnn 21 In l'O("\ in~ in rod.ing chair<. the SllB The m:i.r.tthon "'ill last from 8 pm. Four potcn11nl ,•1ctim, sat \\.1th Frida~. Feb. 8. unul midnight ~1urpl3tC~ HI frnnt of lhc:m ltl tolll'CI da\. Feb. q Break.fast on S.itunh) "ill monc)· . About Sl~O "'" culh:ctcd be ~el"cd b) Mc[)(lnalds. lunch by m .,II 11nd .ibout sqo of II h1 Bob Taro MeJICO .ind dinner "111 be ,en-cd. Bro" n. ~.,~i\la.nt vo.·:11in1ml dtrcm,r. but the wpphcr "au un~no" n nt prc-.i, "hn l't'prc,cntcd the ,·ocJUonal \thool, umc.-. rcc-C'I\Cd 1hC' pie in h1, face. The college \\ill compete.-"' 1th Coeur fhe three other candid.lie, were d' ·\lene High School to <cc which of Tony Stc\\;irt. political ,c1en1·c inthe 1wo can r:i1,e the mo,t moncv. The structor. rcprc,cnting the: faculty: college won la~, year 11nd has iitle to Bom- Schuler. NIC pre<11dcn1. repredefend. The couple from the college senting the a.dmlni,trahou; and Jeff 1ha1 r11.ises the most monci) will each Pr) ,c. ,111tlcnt actlv111c, director. re· ret'tl\e S200 ~holarsh1p,;. l3-<;t year, prc,cntlng the \ludcnt, Joan Pil~rim ud Warren Torrcnct' Other 111tl\'ll1cs pl~nncd ore a ~Ian· topped 11.II moncv rai,;cr; for NIC by ,ale that will t1<: held m the SUO and a ra1s1ng o,er Sl.~00 for MD Jail at the marathon. when: <;pectlllor~ NIC v.1!1111'.o rompeu: wnh Spokane C3n b<.' j.1ilc:d - for a price. Commomty College and Spo~Jnc Fall\ ThC' dance 1helf w.i, planned to be Commu nity College combined to ,ee in the new ballroom In the SUB. hut It v.hich ot them ca n bring in mMe may hove tn be moved to the c.1fotcrlu money. 11.reu becau,c uf a luck of ,pnc:c: Al press time the bands had not Anyone who want\ to 11.11cnd the been hned up. but a ~tcreo and light mnrachon ns a spc:ct11tor or n non-pursystem from Spok.ane culled Mr. Is tklpating dan,er will bc charged \I al booked to pll)' between bonds. the door In addmon 10 I.he regular evcmt\,
DEFORE- -Bob Browu, asslsuu11 ,-ocatloual dtrecl«, (N read:,- COT I.be plc-ln·thc-fatt compellllon Ja.n. 21.
Schuler asks Legislature to give additional funding A reque<.t for more monc) "as the me!>!>Jgc \IC Prc\idcnt Barr} S,hufl:>r tool to the Idaho Lcg1\laturc earlier 1h1) month in hope$ of ;11:· quiring mMl' fundmi: for ,ic ~ 1Cl80bl fh<"31 ~l'lr, The ~liege h3, :1 gn,\\1h r.11e of 3lmo,1 " percent c.ich yen. and Schuler \lid hl' tech that ,1c OCN!> -.omc nc" m,tru,'"lor<. 1,, handle e:ttr:i "orU,,.id, ,.iu,.:d b, the mcrca~in,e enrollmcnr: ho\\Cver. the addmon.il ;) ~-lo.JOO he requested is "'hat he \lid i~ ni.-eded 10 m:iint.un ('llrrent operation,. S,·hulcr said that ber:lU)l' Idaho 1, ,uch J Ii>" -paying ,1:11c in compamon It\ \\'3~hmgton. it is difii('lllt for NJC to rccrun teach.-r, "'hen there arc opening). "Wc·r..- right ne11 door 10 :i high p31d ,131.: - 11 , 1n,nic. • Schuler slid. The prc,1den1 3,l.cd th.: Legislature to g1,c '!IC ,pcc1:il con!>iderauon 1:>,.-cau,c 01 this fart S,·hulcr '>'lid then bcc3uSe of the I pcm:nt property uu fr1t:te. NIC must t;i1,,: it, a,,1\1:in~ from loc;il ~urces. "' the bud,eet 1, lrrucn 1f there IS not ~"'·u~h help fr"m the: lcghlaturc.
One an.-a of concern nen ,ear is I.he "'"' I\· built Communic11ion-Arts Building. \\hu:h "~ opened b) funds carried over from lll'it ycu·!> budget. '"Thi~ could be a one-year building because there v. ill not be e.itra c-am·-o,er from this \'car ... Schuler ,;.a1d·. • Schuler emplusized that the only thing he \\ii~ trying to do \\U to shift the burden of funding from the local lc,el to 1he state. E,eo if they ghe us what •·e·re a~king for. it sull only brings us to SO percent (of ~te funding I.·· he said. Schuler !>aid thiu public schools get -o pereent state ilid. "'It's still 001 a b1g deal ... Schuler !>aid. ··Wha1·s the differeoce• You're mil talking about educaung students." The go,enior'sbudget office recommended an increase of SIS0.600 mer the Idaho Bo3rd or Education earlier recommended an increased appropriation of S328.-oo.
Schuler said he hopes the l.egJslat~ would do beuer than either one of those offers.
I AFTER-Bob Brown pays the prlce for colJecUDa die -a - , - ID !he ple-in·r.be·w:e coll.lc6l. Bro"'D'I adm.iref'I paid S90 to Jee him Jmnred ID die MD-spc>IISOttd coaaest..
r__c_r_sp,_o_rt_s__J Cardinals take to road , face prayerful V ik ings B) Tom fmond fhl Rich ( ollcgt· ba,kc:1bill 1cam had brner do •111,ne ~eriou• praying ht fort thcv mc1:1 'ii( 1on11<l11 tf pa,1 pt: rlormum t· \ l ,uni I t,,m m1·mbc1' , hould pr.iy lhty drm 't t·nd up Ii~<' I WU us h~t' 1h1· l,111vu,11 ~ .,f Moni oni 111,up, tn~. " hQ "nl buth <JW.illy run 11110 lhl' 11rou11d b\ the: hot ,hou11nµ ( ard,nah In Mon1ona·, cu~l. the rc:,uh wn, fl7,!'>2 And Rich \hould abu pru, rh.il ( laudt· Buller :.nd W,·nddl lknton ltn·,,k thlll kv, hcfon thr· J(ume, or ma~ht 1hu1 rlw hu , 1\ , t.illcd , orm· "'hut cm rhc: -.uy 10 lkxburg. , Uul ,f kith ho•, an)•lhin.11 .11111ng tor 11 . 11 I\ 1ht home -wun &d\·311tr,11l'. Jnd Mu1rd1nl' 111 ltoll y Wi111.im,. NI( rne 11·, h:i,kuhnll rnnch , pl.1\11111 111 lk,hur11 t ,111 lw 11111J!h And 1h, f ,crd', h,l\e 11'1 fuirtrl II plu\'IIIJ/ 011 1h l' rond. 11~ tht·ir rn uni e, ) 2 pin, 111,11
u" ~v J n1111 humt . 1(11 ! , will lw NIC ·, ''"' h-UJ!Ul m111 <h 111 the ,1 "'""· 11111\ Wilhum , h 11111 l,tl,11111 the 11111111· hllllllv ' I h,·~ ur. 1ruclll1011,11I, 101111h und hu,·e 111·1·11 111,11111)! ""'" •·~, ,·lknt bn,kt·t1111ll th" '''J\1111." w,11111111 , \Ulll
Wtlh.1111, ,,wl r<ir~, hu, g,H11I ,1" ,11111 ,11111, u111,tn1111i1111 1.11, nL h111 11
th,11 \11111111 \\11111\ 111 <111111 ll\0,,1\ II Ith ,1 11111 II 11111 h,I\, ht p(,1\ ,,,mt 1111< h..,krth.,11 llp, 111111• thl 1,u~u, \\llh ltuh ,ll llHtlh \l\1 1 I\ I.I \\ h11(1• lh \\ \I ""I ll 1111 ll1t I ,u11l1111(, lh, ,•Ml111 ~am,·, .ir, 1111p;1r1.1n1, hut 1h, l"'"1l•1IH, 111 ,t•,1,011111,1\ ,1,11111\ un th~ ablht\ vi the ( .11,ltn,,1, i., l,11r '"'" tn 1hr11 k.111u,• \ ,.-,11,hn11111 \\ 1lh,un,, 11 ' , ton ,·.uh 11, 1..tl 11th, l .mh ,11,· ,·ap.,hk ,•I 111•11111 h• th, 1101u•m11' .111el h, f'->1111~,I , 1111
tha1 thc (c;iguc R3f\1C!o -.,11 rcll thc ralt. " h rn \\C plat \he league ~amc:s and ~· i: ho" ,. e \tad up.' " h~ s,ud "' We're not go,nii: ro rhc n:itronal ~ hd..re 1h, rCJ!1«>r1al\ •• W1lh,m, \~Id th~t !)O'IH,U\On pl:a, 11 •.1m1la r tu running hurdlo 0 11Cc: mu clear lht' fiut hurdlt-. ~ou h;a,cn t '""" th, race:· he ~,d · Bui Rich i,n'r rhe onl} touii:h tt:am 111 thr k;igu1." ~c""1rd1ng to v,-llh,m, . all 1h1.: tc:am, 3 r t' toui:h. " Thc r,· prob;,bh more.' rompcll· ltnn 1hJn t'ICT f .arh u f lht.'.\C IC~m~ I\ 1.Jp.;blt of hc:a11n~ c.'ath er.her on an, ~1H n ni,ihr.'' Wilham\ ~,d. I n·~,urt' \'allc, and the Collr:-gc.' of Suu1hn11 Idaho round out 1he leaitue. u11d -. 11 h the lalem thc,c 1c1m, fltl \l'H 11 "111 pro\(' tn fflQ ~ (' the u•11 lt rcm~ 1tn 1111erv1.1inv W1llmn~ ~aid that lro,ure hllev 1, a('A,I\ \ 1uu11h hut 1h11 he th1nl\ 1h11 C ~I hHn'1 hl'tn plaHng up 11, 11,
C.000 \O\ICE- - \\r~tllnl? Co:irh John o.. cn gh~ fa1!11ued gl"llppler Je!T 8:ieu, Y>me 1hird·l)('riod in,.1nierlnn< during 11 ~ecol rrua1rh. The urdlnal< 11re hQntC' tonigb1 ajlain\l Gl"IIJ ' Hlltbor and :iturdnJ :aj!:ainq Rlcl.<.
p<>1<·n11 ..1, \ ,,
kagur rtn 11,t!I prmr
lht Cardlnah ire up 10 fl' '" ·\< pin, 01 ""' and 11 th pe rlnrr11a11n, 10 Ja1c arc :1n1 tndll:a 11un lhl 1t·,1m"1, <ha~ Kem \tr< "ht thu
).t1.11.1, t
"e\h,, m, \ A1 d he "pl,a\t'd "llh 1he tlfl•i!H ,. 1h11' tu anJ 1hmh 1he ,cam 1 .u1
han,11, aim,..,, an1 prc-,,.1,me ~1tua
\ 1ar1111.: t.•ur .,,,phonmn, "ht1 mllft' thJn ,,k 4u~1d, rn,.cd 1hc r 11!ena la,1 \ , ar h,11, h, lpc:d lhc <nd~ 1n 1 \ " 11111 111)1 " ·' " But .l hem h 1 , "' n11al h' I\ 1nn1n' b:1,lctball came\ ancl th~ l ~1J11111' ,ccm 10 be •Cl hi,·," ,I In th~I ('1111 b"'" "I'm ,,11;1,c,I 1'1lh them The- fro., h... ,: "'nil' a long "a \\
Foce Ricks So turdo y
Grapp lers at home tonigh t 8, 11.ellh John'>-On The lard nal •rc-u ng ll4r ":1i::11n1,1 1hr m:11 lhl\ "'eckc nd "' 11h '" o had·to-b.i:l mar.bn. The fi,..1 «,ur, 1,,mi:h1 m 1hc GrJ}' HJrbor Dual Sa.tuna, • bm1s R>Ch C'olle~c tn rh(' Pcm Chn,1i3n\,1n G,·mn3S1um for o n~ of the nllM unponut na1,hcs bcll)rt• the ' JC \\ Rc~t,,n I 111um arncn1 Feb 2<l, '-larcb I CN,hJohn 0..n ,-,aid tb: ·c,cr. ,1n~lt gu, ha, rhe po1cnt131 lur 1hc Region 18 IOl:irnlmcnt •• l nfcnun.1:elr the re:im ..,, off 10 1hc ,\.,.. ,:,1 ,tJn ""•"<' 1cr~... he nddcd o... en bJa,r, tbl\ so~c,.h11 ll"L.,.ard \llUll1on on the 1c am ' \ "1c:rrible lllCOll~I\IC!IC\ a! bu: •tkh h~, droppc'd 1hC' (3rdmal'\ nJt1onal rnung from 3 tooth , •CC :.:, a rnJ)l':t:iblc ninth pl.lee. At the tune ! t"' ~ .. nu:-:: the tt1m·, dull march re.:..)rd ".l' l· l · I. P.in ! t rea= { r lhc drop :i kl,~ :o C1Jd,Jmu,. "hi~h marked the NIC •rnt L!IS tea-\ dclc:u to 3 JU!ll(\r rolle1:c ~1nC'l' l'l~~Ba:n Sdlulcr '-IC prc-)idcnt m:. b: be lo(,.in~ for lnother ,-reMltng coach, " ~cd O,.rn •bo notnl the·= "'h:u :o m.u.c tmpro,cmeni." Oani co=tt'd IN: "'ntl-'li:! 1 ·u,osop?u,nc:11cd :i ~p,m" 10 lei :i fc" lo,se~ wdc- the t·applcr ~ ca:ifldrn« and ua: I.hr re-am h:as "gona do a k" basic 1hings ... ct1
(___co_-_r_e _c _s_h_o_r_ts_ _ J
,n ca
0aC'!I uid the tclllTl ... 111,.ork rhe,r can~ orr... lu• poccnt b 11 n n only "rc\pc cl
rcatn: ,pan
!he• r d ' Oi. er: 1a1d ·unlc" your htcMI
> In
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: fronsporenc,es
Copies on a lmost any color
we gh t of paper
ond coll01es automat,cally Commercial Printing Co
Phone,: 108 ~-t.516
'-15 :,l,ttc,w, ,,..,_ COEl'll D'AilS'E. ID ,\ltO 8381 4
., _..,.
• :
Ill \CII Bl DOIL',Denni, \\ hill· rt'olcr lt'h a , llou"t' a, \I \\\ ldl'r "atch~ thl' action.
1 from Card,nal ran \tau
GO, C \RDS, GO Canllnml ch1•crlc~dtr M1m, \ hnlln, d,w, 111,r part 111 bo.>,1 CanllMI ,plrt.
Road to regional Christy Steinley photos
PL RE STR \ TlG \ Coarh RollJ Williams gh~ Rcoe TaJlor. Bill Dougbert), Grtg \\ lhjC'r. Jim BaNO" and \\ cndcll Denton sornc lime-oat polntcrs. The Card record is
,- '
Cardlnah John Bell, Grca Wllljcr, Jerry
Britt.afo and Wendell Denton head for the bas~ct during an earlier
game or the season.
feb. I. 1980 C3rd.imil Rr,ie" .;.
\f,IJ\ \ UI UI I I \I I orl lllnlu•1111·11•r r1:H·ul, ,ii:n , of hi111·1 di-..ppoin t• uhl'r liw '"'"" ""' 1111rrr,.. h 111'1<-Rll.'d '" ( \I '"
.r .
lll\' 111
Nf \ II\ 1 ti IH Blll ' 0 lllmn \ I, ',,111 P<" illon, lnr n•hound ~' \n ruh , u11,11n fii:hi- a ru•d r l a_l,, I " ,r \ l lh, u;.: h nnt "innine .ill 1:1111w~. 1h1: ( ard,nal, pre Id, 1:n1ha"1.1• pl.n II• br _<r .and l.ir!,!~r r n,,.J,.
Hitting the hard court
Greg DuPu i s
I -..cOl R \ GIM, II\ \ D durln~
Coa,·h Greg Crimp opplaud, pla_ , of hh Ca tdin21, brief mil~ In 1h,· nrtlon Jan. ?I.
fcb. 1. 1oso C•rdhw Re,le" -8-
Winter no problem
Outdoor sport activities varied for hearty souls BJ TomEmood \n11v.,. bJo,.. ,, .o.o 'onh lgano .,,in:c:1 n:d:c 11 hJrd tor the ouldoor sporu c-n:bus1u1 :.o ~: ouaick Jnd cn1u, h•~ fa,ornc pn•1mc , ul •OI\" ii h~rd !O pll) I fe,r. roo-ds Of olf lll 1 blanlel of sno•. 1m:tRltle pla, ne te1101s 1- a bltuarG !>o "hen v.1n1,..r r U'OJncl ffl!KI sp!l-.'1S !l.nS reme 10 1he h,mg r ~ tel~UJOn set :tnd •a:ch the '\\'1dc \\ orld of Sp,•,-u"' and the pro boaien :ogr "h1h: ea tm11 p<)lilt" ch:ps a.nd euulmg betr Bui there 1~ a , cm.able r.1ounu11n or ot.Ulooi spon, 10 he tackled dunng the ... r.ntcr mo:nhi Cron ,,,unm , J..11ni;. do\l nhill uun~. ~fcdd ng ,r..o,. m.,. b1hng. ,no"shocmg. 1cc sbung. hot'li:~ and ~nov. ,,ulpture are JUSt 3 fcv. spons :S\"2tJJbk to lurd1 people who ,,ant to get out of the hQ:l..c. Cros~ roumn skimit 1s :a relau,ch nr11, •ir.:cr ,pon . but u 1, no" one of t.he m~t popabr •uncr 3ctl\lllC\ around Thi, fonn "' skung I\ noi i:,c do11 nhill sl img. "here da.nng people 0) dov. n the ,1dc, of mr>unt:im, :11 " 3fP speed,. dod'!UTC lr«s, houldcr,. slo" pcopll' and cunous :i.mm.al~ th.it ze1 in the "J\ <Looi. under first aid do(lor b1lb md compound tr.1cture,.) Ano1hcr ~port" h1ch 1s common tn l\ onh ld:i.ho u ,n"" mobihne. A ,u,,., mobile 1, J hieh·pov. ered machln,·. "h1ch run~ on \ l is and .1 belt, propclhll,l; 11, ndl·r ,moo1hh aero~} the sno". Some of tb~l' madunc, pu1 .in ,1k,>hol·bumtng drai;t,ter to ,h:tml' Unc dr3" bnd 10 ~no" mob1ling •~ 1he ,enoo\
tro1uma11c npencncc of a r<>anng meu1I 0111.'.e r!' ",trr t1un;: pa.,: ~ m1"1ng him b~ mchc, , ·her~ :. a per.. on astn dc the rod e t.
Ploy Wenatchee tonight
Women lose to Flath ead BJ Carrie Springer cfton the~ h.a,c shO"n," Crimp said. JI.IC', "omen·, bJsl.e1h:tll 1eJm lo\t T1'rouehou11he '><ason the teJm has the fir,1 game of home-Bnd-homc c11ntc ..h .1ea1ns1 FlJtheJ d Junior Col>Ulle~cd from inJunc, "hich have ehmmnted many of 1he pla~ers from ll'l!l' IJ\I S.iturd.1\ JJn 2o. b, 3 1,corc ol o().$J. i? ..une'). - Sanh Sulh, ,in. one of the te3m) In order for 1he C'Jrds 10 ad\osnce to lc3dmg plaven. rect"ntl~ miured her the ' JCAA regionJb tournament. the ..\,:h11les tendon and has had :o \II out ,c'rund !?3nte agJ1ns1 Flathead mu~t be tor fh<" gam~. but she should be ""n to ue the ,,.o oppo\tng teams. IC J pl;i,mg m 1omght', game. lie "ere 10 oceur the two teams Acmrdini:, 10 Cnmp. the freshmen IC Jrd1nals and MouatJine11tq v. ill pl., It' determine "h1ch te.im "111 pll~Cr\ are doing extreme!~ "ell. \jUahfr for 1he rceional g3m~. Three or the fir~t-:,car pla~er) .arc The Cards are scheduled to pby 1hc - 3Jtem:11e stancn. f1n3I game 01 the 11>0 game bout Cnmp said th:11 freshmen Sullivan, March I the IJ\t h~me game of the Kim T:irple~ :i.nd lilldee l..a"-son !!IC \C'3<-t.>n. handling themselves ,er y we ll for In .1"11on tonight the Cardi, arc on first.year pll~el'$ 1he road ;and "111 face 3 team "h1ch Both Kellie Stockton and Lisa Von Cnmp hJ, nJmed .11, one or the L:i,en h.i,c led the Cards through 111uehc1,1 "omen·, team~ in the ' orthmln~ of the g;imes 'Alth their com· " <,1<:rn JUnt<'r colle(!c br:1cl.e1. We. bmed rebounding uid ~nng. Von na1ch,-e \ 31le, In a pre, iou, l!.ime La,eo h:is scored m the double figu res ll!Jln'>I \\'en~1chc,; \ allc, .11 hom~ m J1! bu1 three g:im«. and du nng the 1he t.mh Ml onl\ mne po;nts shon oi rc,:en1 game ag:iinst Flathead. s he "inmni.: 1he 11:ime <rored 21 points. ,h uf "'"', the "omen') te.im h3) lo future :i.:11on 1he Cud s meet prucccded h:ilf" a,· th roueh the 24· Le"t\·Cbrl. StJte C«•llegc on the road c.ime se3,on "11h · 3 record 31 press Fc:r , .1nd then come home to meet umc •11 three "m\ and eight 10'>..e,. ld:ihu S1.1te Feb. o ..nd Spobnc Falls \ lth11ueh the team hls h3d 3 losine Feb. 1.i ,1;J,on "' IJr Co3ch Greg Cnmp '!>aid The C:ird, rhen h11 1hc ro3d ;igain 1h.1, ck,pnc 1hc:ir rc:C1,rd. :i.11 of 1he 31!3!0'>1 Columbia 83sin College 1n l<:Jm members h:i,t• 3 e<>Od .muudc PJ..._,., Fc:b. 1-l Rc<;1Jlts of the games "" I Ill tc:im h.1, pla,,·ci \\ell throuith· :1i;J1nst Gon,J~~ and Columbu Basin 11111 1h, ,c~"'"· l>ut nM ""'' enauj!h 10 , er, n ,1 .,, ;11lablc JI pre~~ ume "'" 8111 l'mh~pp, \\llh:hchu,11;.-.and
\11hou1th the pc~on 1\ drc,~cd hke \<'mc1hing out of "81\lllcqor Gnll3ctka." a confide nt gnn ,·3n be ,cen under h1, forepla1c. (Wcn: there really liulc bo(hcs p,unted on the ,ide ol his mochin~?l \ not her p<>pular "mtcr ~port is 1cc ~knting. Thin metal runners nrc r,mcncd Mio 1hc bottom of ,hoc, 10 glide aero~~ thl' ll'C. People who arc nc" 10 thl\ \ port ~hould b<· wnmcd lhJi thl\ ,cnturc cuuld be dJnge rou\ 1 "l\tCd Jnklc~. hrokcn le11, and J.1ccr::ucd wn\h ,ire common among proplc hilling thC IC\' One ,pt,rt thQI I\ oh, B)~ ocqunmu: d w11h winter 1\ bu1ldtng ~no..-ml'n. ,,r if you nrc tn10 culture, snow , ,ulplure Oulldlng o ,n('h,mon cnn be n ,implc pmJ~·ct ur JIO"iblr on ln1rico1c nrehi1ec1ur.1I de,1gn. \nvt hing rn,m a crude snowman tn 3 reallsl1c dcp1c llon of Walt Dhney l'h.irac1cr~ performing S-.. on 1.41.e C'n n be molded out of s no" So. 1f people arc bored with s pending their winters 1n\ 1de ,~.itching a1hletc, ~wea1 on TV, 1hcy ,hould get outside and 1ry some of 1he~" populor winter ,port\, i\lthough on i\• a fc,. were men tlnncd here , there arc \lilt endlc" po\,lbllltic\ waiting for \ Omc dmng per\l>n to mcklc. Snow,hoe ho,eball Bnd )nowmnb1lc rodeo, ore oth er i hghtl y for-out po~~1blliue,. So <hey shou ld ~nddl e up 1hc1r ,m,wnmbllc\. \ trap on 1he1r ~k1\, butklc up 1hc1r ,no,u\hoe~ .1nd pul on their bo~cboll m111~ 11nd gc i 0111 there before. (yuck). \pring and w.1rm wea1her arrive
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• • •• •• • •• Moving •• •• •• •• •• • In Gary 4 Pat Part0n
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Feb. I. 1980/ Cardlnal Re-lcw -9·
Sp in out •.
--- ---~
.. • • • sbr
NIC sophomore Phil Leo nard
inspects damage 10 !he SO<'\'Cr fleld rttcn ll) infik ted b) •·llll· dais. Ruts "'ere l"ancd in10 the !ield and e:hunJ.s of nacuntl gruss up-rooced as !he , i1ndals' c: sr spun around the !ield.
Tom Emond pboco
A ~ r,•l111hili111 1io11 1·1111111,1·lo r
A rea ente rtai111nent diverse
Handicap helping possible
Coeur d . \lrne 1rc :1 1b u1rc~ arc ollcrin!) a u. ,ck , V1Ct\ of IIID\1C\ for the upcom1n~ "'«I..
A <·are " r inform at ion
By Gary CoffllWI
!lhov. mi: at th<' T-,-C: ncma Thc11re lr<' The Ekctn, Ho,;cnmn: · .. The Bl~<'k Hole .. ~d Star Tret •• C1tl tJib • -JSSQ for YJO"' t UD~ lltlllmi; ;a! the 51,,,,. '>oat tonight :itt .. Kramer " Kramer" iUld "Sa,cn· gcr Hum • Aho pla1 Lil!? 1s ...~ F~ !r One •• For sbu• tnr.e<>. c.ll "'2-5oQ:.,\1 the WIima Thc1trt •• 10.. is pl:a\lng. and ,ho,,. 11m~ begin .a1 • :and q p.m
If other forms of cmcrrn inmcnt arc de~t~d. Spokane offe r:, a ",de sclcc· 110n of ronccn:, during the next tv.o "eeks Tonight JI ~:JO in the Spoknnc Opcr;a House. Jim Ed Bro"n and Johnn, Duncan "ill be performing Ticket; nrge from So 10 SS.
On Feb <l. at 8 p.m .• Kn, Kristof· f.-r~,>n .:ind Will ie Nelson will be pcrformmg JI the Spoklne Coliseum. Th.- Opcrl Hou,e "ill fonture Ario Gu1hnc Feb IJ..11 1:JO p.m. TtckcVi for 1h1s sho" mg ,·Jry From So to SS.
cueer de"elopml'nl ach Iser Rchnb11icn11,,n ,,1unw hng pni,idc, :i prom1\lng outlool.. tur 1h1>sc ~du,~ a ,·uet'f IO\'olvcd 1<11h helping othcn.. Rehabilit3t11in rt'fcrs to the ~ttp!> I.ti.en that =;ta d11'0n1<·all)• Ill ur dl~Jhlcd pel"llon to rc:gmn the ma\lmum po<-,1ble amount of mdepcndenu; ond 11,cfullne:,~. The rchabililation ~-oun~elor mte:n ic" , the 1nd1\lduil tt' obuun mtormauon C<>n~ernin t,1 1111• Mtu rc :ind n tcnt ol their dl~ab1l11~. 1he1r 1n1ere~1,. tht'1r e duca11 on11I bnckground . their 1<1>rl cspcru:n.-t. 1hc1r soc131 and ccooomi.· circum s tance, and the ir pcr.o naht ) trail> The: coun,e:l<1r then assbts th<' handtcarpc:d person to c, aluatc htmselr ~garding i product" e life: su1t:tble to bu ah1h11c, nnd chM"a,·1cn,11C"i. In odd111on to 1<or\.mg d,rcCII) w11h hand icapped people'. 1he counselor mu St ;ii~ m3intam do:.c contact w11h 1.1t her profe,s1onal pe.,pk " orklllg 011 tht> rch3b1\111u,>n 1eam. member, l,f the hand,cnpped pcrwu·~ Camily. other :igeno~ and C'l\1C group, and pri\ ate employer,, and bu~incs~ group, "ho hm' the h;andtc:ipped. The m1n1mum cduC11t111n re:qu1rcmen1for rehab1hta11on counsel~ 1> a blchdor·, degree m socio.I ~e1c11e:cor -1 rclalcd field. hO\\her. a m:tStcr·~ degree: 1> prcfC'm:d. Employment opportun111~ for \\ cll-qu1h11e:d rehab1b1atton roUMelo~ 3tt c, rellem, and the present ,honagc of counselo~ :,eem5 h\.eh 10 cununuc for :a nu mber of yt'ars. ·
If you're about to open a checking account
fcb. I. ICI O urdina.l Re,i<'" - 10· B, Teri \\ orle~
I CIIJ1)\ 11.ttni: b..'l:JU\C at hdp, ""' un,l.r,• llnJ rm ,cit ;in,I otlltr p.-.,ple " he ,11d h nth ui:h Bf\,111 1,·r111<'1t th, tr.an ,m, n Imm htl!h , h,.,.,1 1,• , ,11, ,i,·
ih\"\thllHV hl tll\." .1\,,1\lr.
hi\ U\l"I
\IIUI ,U,ll oh.tlOL! \.'\(l( rll"Ou.'
,\ hh "llt.:h !>h.,l,·,p,·."~ unc,· I''" uouuu d thl ,,otld a ,t., 111,,,c ''-h~, 1\ · .
d•.sl'"l:s 't'l" ·• he ,aid th,11 dtl ! n:nc,:, hcl\\t"'cn the t•\\• ian• n,•1~l>k. 'In < •llrg ,lnim~. rhew " ""'~ 411Cnt , :t t dct,:111 ht' ,.1111 :1<!,(111,: th.st 1hr Jh,l(•hne r,·4uuc,I 111 th, h h, r k1 I 1, i:Tl:,,tC'r \mon~ 1h,· thcakr '"'"'"n l, "h,•,, "" ;c, Bn.;in , ..,he, 11• t'\\ 11111.,lh 1111 n ,1.a.1:~ Jtc l),,n Qul\,•h. ,p.:ar~·, l'r<"tlt'r,, :in,I Jml,I\
Actor ay
lrom ;slh. the r.•k 11! 11.m•l,I 11111 111, um,· 111d11J..1 '"' lh.at h,1 ~ . ,, lln,tn "111 hJ•"<' th, •'PJ"•m1111t, tu r n::itc that ,h.1r.i.1< r·, nplou, 011 ,1.ai:~ ti th,• dr11m.1 ,kp.1rt1111·ni', ,prms mu\l..1l 1•JWII~ Ill I d•ru.111
" " ' bl
big factor
I ac1Jl h.ur for th,• IJ, ~
111 h,I\
J11•,~.t ~ l'n,hkm '"' Br, .in ,111 n,,.r,· lhJn one 1•,"<'"·"'"" 111 It,, .u 1111 • ad,cnturc, h,r h1, p,.>rtr,l\,tl nt 11,,rnhl I ltll. Rn .an r, cntl) ,.i. nh,'t'tl 111, lw.ml a111t mu,t,, hr 111 ,mh r 1u u,nh,rm h• 1ht <I an .Ji.11cn aprw,,r,lllll' "' 1h.11 ,h,,r· acuir. In .,n e.-rh.r pn1tlm11,,n. h""'''' r. Br,:an IJ<'td ., J1kmm,111t 1lw "JII'""'' nature "htn 1hc 1,,1" mn,IMh,• he \\11\ ,1l()r11ng u, Wild Bill 111.I nk fdl It uunng 11 "'"' numb, r I Ins m"h.,p.
Marl. Bryan lt\ lo 1,1p1l 11i11 1111 l h ,11 \l" IIIIIIWllt ,llltl
.,11,·111p1 h> 111.1~1 u u~ .11i,, 11 ul .lllllll' ulh'n l.111 II lln,an 111" 111, \\Ill h,• "'" h, on, ul tlu In, \\ h11 ,11. . ,·,·d \1111 .,II' ht ,Jttl. ·· 1 h,,.,• m ,. 1111 Ill) ,1111 '
Man' cast selected
I he :-<IC 1•1>1Q mu,1cal cumcdv. produced hv Rohen Mn•. i, ··1hi.· \lu i t M,111" b~ Mcmduh Wal...,n. • Bu!lk~ blue and :-.ymbvh clJ,h J, "Th,· ~h1\le MJn .. 1urn, J normal '"" ., '""" into A br.i~~·band ca1ra\31(an1.i m 1hi, m11~1,al ul I'll) Arn, m,, Lead pl~)crs for "lht! Mu\lc :.fon'" mdudc !\11.;rk llr,.1n, M.,rl 11111, • Rn Oolgncr Cl-,, \1illcr. Douw Ha,cn, M;,mc Bill. l klcn BJrda), II\J \foe. M1lln Belmont, Jo:tnne ,\n,lhn and Jcnn1lcr lltnckrwn "I hC'i \\Ill h(."ad a ra,1 of ab<,u1 100 people•.' Mo,: ,aid ~It: of 1hc more popular !lllllll' ..r 1h" plu\ ;1n• "Y J <.,,11 Tr11uhh.·." "(,oo,(111j1ht \h Soml·Oo~." ..-11 Trornb<,m:," :and "Until lhcrt Wa, You·· I \\O of the performer\ in "l he \1u~1 c M.1n, •• returntnl( I rum IJM tall', ··God', ~.i• llrite" pt:rlormancc 1uc ~i.r;. lir~ .. n. "h" plnt<l lh,· lc,ullng rule, an,I JNnne An11hn. \\hO pl:tH-d the nuad Rici fro,t "ill direct the 1<1<:al\ Jnd 1h~ mch<.-<,tra. Karcn MtK ... 111 chorcoJ!r.1p11 I.be pli) 11nd Cla) Mall, rand G"c:rtnJ \icmm:in -..Ill dl'"gn thi: ,cl\. CI~) Mill• 1" ~l..o the tt:chniol director • fh~ \1u~,c !I.I.in" ... ,11 mo pcrforrncu 1n the ~I( ,,1mmun1cJ1ton Ari\ llu1ld1ni;
on Feb. :!'l. March I. f, - and 8. "I am rcalh excited ahout the coht, .ind I think pcrf rmJOCC ... Muc :iddcd.
,.,11 b,· ~ fan1.1,11r
Chora l f<'stiral caffr,d 'i11 .. 11iril1tl ,1c
Th<. Cn If along -1th In.true! r Rici,. Fro,• tn,clcd to Chcnev. \\ 3\h., Jan. 2o 10 p<:rform in an 1n1~manonal ch or.ii 1e~ti\ 111. "T ributc 10 Jc\lCr H;noton.'' "hich was bawd on his contnbuuons. Jcl,lcr Ha1r.ton. ;-. ~pccialiLC\ in black rou,1c. and mud, (•f 1hc pra:..cn :alltin \\3\ n<.-gro ~piratuals and bt,c~ folk mu,1c.
F:oM ~,d th.it all member<; of the choir ,nendcd 1hc "'ork,hop a1 E.a\t· G,\Tl lf R ROL ' 0 - \ nlc,e., ··r.ii't' the roor· in prep:tnltion for ··Tbc \lu.,lc ~!:in.'· 'IC pla, produrtion u( !hi': 19SO ,c:ir. Sho" n iith «~ tin- h b. an d 1:i,..-h I. n, .,nrJ •
crn Washington t;m,cr,il) ilong "ith man> r rhcr sul""'>Undmg communll) collc_gc~ an1. high ,,hool,. mdudmg Coeur d'Alene H11ih School.
The af£iha1c-d ~inger~ numbered atiout 1,0o and ~ng und,·r 1hc d1rc,1111n ol gu,·,t conduonr UJtr~ion Fr~l \JiJ ii\\~\ an .. m,p1nng Jnd uphfu ne um•· for rhcni hhe ,rudcnl\l," M.:mhcrs left for Chene~ Frid"~ for
~n c,cnan!: ra:hi:M,.il. .,,m,· home UJ JI nigh1 and returned 10 (hcnc.-1 SJ IUr· da,. Jan. 2o for fun ht r prth.ttcc prior l'.1 1ht: b p.m ,onccn :11 lhc S pok• 11.: Orcr.a Hou...:. Fro,t \.:&rd 1h~1 1!11~ ·"'•' 1hc fir,r 1r1p of rh,· H'M J nd 1h•I 11 'IJ>C the ,rud~nr\ a chnncc ro ill'I ~ lo,;•l al and mccr 111hcr ,1uucn1 < Cr,,m ,urn,und,n~ •,dt<M>ls
Fc.-b. t. 1980 Canluw Rc-i<'" -11·
01 III ND l m. SCI-NLS Tom Oau1:her1.1. IC ~tudcn1 ,ideo c.-nglne<'r .... orts "ith 1'111 Rleh11rd, to eoordln1tl<' rhrce ~cponuc nunc ra 11n1:tc, Into one polished :'\IC l'ubllr I orum.
On the air
LI GHT~. C .\ \llR-\-- \pprcn1lrc cameraman Dean Ch11mberlln pr<'pat'l', 10 n,om in on Ton)
Sec.art , Janell Bur~c, Roger Burr and
kona ll~n.
Keith Johnson photos
ANllCll'ATION- -lnrcrprell•r llcl) Bame~. Ju!J.o :-i111nm!nco, Ton) S,r,.·o.n aod Leorua Hassen "•II for thl' "i:o ahl'ad" ~ignal £rom the rontrol room before pl'Ot"et'Cling to dlsross cdu<.'allon In Finland" Ith ' umminl' n , "ho I~ secr NAI") i:cnena.l for lhl' minbt~ of cducs.1100 111 llcl~lnl.l, Finland. Nummlncn 1, on a lour or U.S. cduc,ation ln~1lru1iom.
Feb. l, 1930 Cardinal Rc,lc-w -12·
Or Quorwr Club
Attendance /ou, at n1eeting
, .... . . ..... ..
CluistJ Stclnlt> photo
The proposed Qu.incr Club. for NIC ,tudco~ o,cr :?S. met J.an 15. Billie BennettHJugen. "ho orgJ· n1zed the mccttng. ~:aid shl' ".i, dis:ippointeJ lh.>I "<1nh 1"0 or three" older students ;iltl'nded the meeting. AS'ilC rrc'>td ent P.iul B,eber .&nd \ cu, 1t1t~ Director Jeff Pn\t' Jlso 11.nended. Bcnoct1H.1ui:en ··rc:11 b:id about lhc reccr111m.'' q,mg the \tudc:n1 g,,, cromcnt k.idl.'r. "ere not r~p:tl't'd for an, ··g,,e .ind take.'" Thi• mccltn~ :ind propo'>cd club ls on ou1gro" th ,,r di\s:111,r.1,11<1n "llh C\•m· munk.itiClnS ri:1_1ardmg ...,udcnt 11Jfo1r\ Our need'> arc diffen:nt." Bennett• H:iu11cn ,a,d, 11nd they "~hould gl\'e wmc ron\tdcration'i (or our need,;." Older ,1uden1~ rompri\e 40 pcrC"Cnl of tht NIC \tudcnt t-ody BcnncttHaugen ,uAAcstcd that the 11me for \tudcnl government mcellngs
t>c Chilni:cd ,o mon• people could nucnll Sh,: n1'o "~"'' the ttme, and price, for om, lite\ posted along " 11h mform:im•n rci,::irding whether or nnt children "tll be nllu\\1'd tu 11.ttcnd thc,c c, cnt,. The ont) ... pr:c1lk \ugi:c,tion, Ben· n1·111i11111,wn 11a~c for increa.,cd communkal1M I\CfC 1h1t1 .I \UgAC\IIOn bt\\ be c,t,1hl1,hcd Jnd that notice, b1· (Kl,tcd lo gilc more time ahc.id nl en11,1gC'm<'nl\. Whlltht'r or not there will be a Ou.mer Club " up to other uldt- r \ludt'nt,. stud 13ennc11 llnu11cn She added thnt ~he doc, not hn1c: 11me to he n:,pon\lbk for the form111i11n n
club 1\ ,heel "ill be po,tcd
in the ,\dminl,1r.11ion Ou,lding for lhoseo wh,1 "nnl to \lgn up u, 11 mean, of ,hnwing 1h~·1r intcrc,1 in the propo,cd dub
The lrom or winter can make e, en a normal slgi:i tal.e on absurd mea.nlngs as thls C'ampus ·,,amiog sbo,, s.
Constitution revisions set rootlnued bvm ~e I Student~ running for senatorfal po\ltion\ mu\t no,. t:ue thl"lr po\ter. dU" n the night before the elcc!ICln. In pre-.tou, ~car.. cand1d:ue~ 'l\ere alfo.,.cd to keep their po,t"r.. up until the polls opened Al~o ch:inged " ~ the fact that ~nators. unk,\ thcr can sho" ju,t re.1:;on for their ,1b,cnce. can no" onh· mi\..\ three: board m~ttnll\ during the 11hole school , car I he cons111u1ton. ,, h1ch "a~ re, ,,ed. \tllted thal ~aator. ~ould not miss three ,'\m,ernu, c meet mg~. Thl' committ<'C decided not 10 C'hiln!!e. but to ,un follo"mg. th<' pan of the h,l.il\s "'htch s.1id th:it the board"s ,cettt:tl') \hould po\l 3Jl "nttC11 records of the Student Bo:ird. Thev 3dded 10 this m<'asure th:it the tte0rd\ must be posted m both the ,·ocational and al"!ldemit' building, The board also decided 10 change the n.1me of the student :icm iti~ director to the chairman of SlUdenl 3<'ti,ilies committee Jeff Pr),e no" holds thh po\11ton. Thl'\ JI\O n<I" require th:u the chairman of the student acthities committee be pre\ent at all Student Bo:ird meeting~. In addition. the committee dC<"ided that the ASMC president and the chainn:in of th~ ~,udent acmiue~ romm111ec will now be re~ponsible fOT nominating the siz m\'mbe~ of the student acm mes commmec The Student Board will then be rt>\pons1ble for .ippn), ing the nomim11ion,. The student 11eti\'ilie~ ro1.•rdina1or. prescnd1 Dean Bennett must also no" auend the Student Board meeting .. and the ae111r1t~ commmec mecungs. Th..- ,,:,mmmel' Jbo dhcu~scd the p.,~sibil11y of changing the .school lo01lg. The prncnt ,chool q,n~ 1, ·· \\':1,c the Fl:ig ... The i;roop dccidc-d to find out "'hat other "'"!!' might be appropnate before mJl..ing the chani:e. Stud<"nts "tll be g11 en the ,:h.ince to either appro,e or , ote down the proposed re, l\tons in the ,,,n>litutl\,n durinit the cenernl election which "ill be held on Feb. 22 Polb "'ill~ open from 6 a.m. until J p.ro. Th~ bvla" ~ to the con,1ttu11on :ire changeable b) a majonw vote of the Student Buard. Studc-nt~ CijO p1'1; up copies of the consrnunon and copies oi ,ht. pr-,~d 4·h;mg..-, at the AS\IC pre\1dcn1 .ind \Ice ptt,iden1·., office in the SlB.
Debaters win in California Forensic team membt:r~ and Coat'h Tim Chns1ie had a bus,· hohda~ \ acation tn ,unn} Cahfomi;; · The NIC deb:uen :ind Christie returned from par11cipattng in two holida)' debatt' 1ournJmen1s 10 the California S"'ing Toum:iment. one :u tht' Um,emty of Southern California (USC) 3tld an°other at the Um,·enn, of California Los Angles 1UCLA1. • Their first stop ,,,a., at USC "here the team of Mike Wimber :ind Mike Dcil~ lini:.hed "ith four,h place .liter
losing in the quaner finals to the Uol\CrsitJ or l;tah. At UCLA. Wimber and Mike Deil) entered the ~nior debate di, ision ~;th -10 other teams. The te:im beat Southern l,tab St.ate. Eastern ~foniana lniversn,. Lhe Lni1en1tv or ~fontana and the Lm,ersm of Bnior but los1 to csc and ended ~llh ,l of 4-4
',IC brought home the s... eepsu.t~ Troph~· ".\r beine •he top commuour college at l:CLA.
Fa ulty fire exti11guislu~r bla111ed in studen t 's loss of vehicle , hom e ,\ faulty fire er11ogu1!>her only aided a bl:ue on Snturday. J11n. 19, 1h111 nearly demo~ed the hou5e in whlt'h NIC student Arl Hunsaker. 20, and hi~ brother, 24. re~idcd The hou\e located 111 Jll7 Seventh St. l, owned by their mother Lorcu n M. (Hunsaker) Sch1ler. The fire completely destroyed the garage 11nd dining room or the house and cau\Cd cztcnsive smoke dnmGge to Lhe remaining portion~ of the structure. An's 1970 Toyota I.and Crui~er wll/i also de~ troycd In the fire The fire started '"hen the cider brother 011cmp1cd 10 build a fire wnh we t wood in the living room fireplace. The new~paper he used to ,tari the lire the fir\! lime burned, but the wood did not. Doug then tried to light the lire wuh charcoal lighter fluid. The ember~ from lhc oewp:iper apparently had not been completely e11ingu1\hc:d. according 10 Art. ~nd when Doug squirted the fluid onto the wood. the lire Oued back and ~tancd tht' outside of the can on lire. Doug then ran with the c:in out 10 the gar3gc: Lo use their fire ex1ingul\her 1u \top the fire. An, a ~m3ll business maJor. ~aid. A BC fire extinguisher i$ used for electrical. petroleum, .1erea~e ond 011 lire:.. the voungt'r m11n ~:11d. · Doug sprayed the c:in ""nh the ex11ngu1sher once. and the fire Oared up. He then sprayed 11 again, :ind the lire ~prcad 10 lhc walls of 1he g:irage and 1he canopy of the Toyota. An ~umated S45.000 damage wa~ done 10 the hou-.c:. "The fire was not bad until Doug sprayed the lire ex11ngui~hcr on It, .. Art ~1d Although the ftrc eninguL\her was nc" and fully charged. ll only lasted .1bou1 JO seconds. according 10 An. ·· It 1s terrible to see e,erything you scrimp and save for burn down 1n 2J minutes,'" he s:iid. He also noted that t.he fire wa~ $0 hot that c~erything but the carbure1or on hi~ chainsaw. which "as StOTed in the garage. melted during the lire.
• • • :.a • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• I
-> ..
t -
1C Cve1.r d' A ent
24-bow HO" lllfonnadoo . Matlned e,-uy Sawday and Smaday.
NIC student tickets ava ilable for S1.50 Pick up t ick ets in Vocationa l o ffice or Student Body o ffice in the SUB
Feb. I. 1980/ CardlnaJ Rc,1c.. -13-
For peda l enthus ia~ts
Two Coeur d'Alene bike paths being readied BJ Jc&Mtte RamlllOll The bikers of Coeur d'Alene will ,oon be pedaling 1n m·le aloni; a nt"' I~ propo\ed bike path 111 the hean of 1he
c11,. The bike path 1\3\ propo-.ed by a nc:" organ11a1ion almosl one vear .igo. The (ocur d'Alene Bike"an Task Force •~ a non-proru org.inil3tton made up of ,·olun1eer\ tnlcre\lcd tn maktn,I? bicychnR '>.ifcr in the cuy. The bike force, the only active bod, of b1C\·cle cn1hu~1a~t, in the ldah·o Panhandle. i\ n()W de,·cloping 3 comprt'hcns111e plan 10 al1011. tht' cit~ to apply for federal funds. Mike Mercer. coord inator or the proicct. \aid the force has o "'good ctti,c-n') 1·mcc" and urged \t:ltc and loc;il nfric,ol, 10 d<1 ,;omething becau,e tntcrc,t in bike path\ I\ pre'>Cnt
Mercer said that tM date set for the opening of the bike p:ith is ~fa} 3 and that all work "ill be done b, the task force ,uluntecr~. A l; ni,e~it, of ld.lho ~lUdcnt ·~ land'te3ping the path for the comprehcn,1,e pl.in, The two ~jor routes are loops. O'lc folio" mg 1he dike road around lliJC. The other runs along Front !meet. turn\ on Eighth Street and skirts Tubbs Hill. runs along Sanders Beach. and then follows much of 15th Street until it reaches Front agrun_ Al presen1. the onl~ bike path svailablc h 1hc one tlu1 runs along U.S. 95. a p:uh 10.h1ch Mercer de\cribcd a~ • ·starting no10.herc and ending nowhere. " Mercer ha~ done 1hree public \Ur· vcys 10 determine ,.foll \lreel\ a.re
tr.1,eled 1hc mo\t and said Jnothl-r \\ill be published 10 1hc ,pring. There ha, c been ~ me pmblem,. ho\\evcr The Coeur d'Alene c11\ beach . Templin\, and Burlingion Nonhem h3, c all res1rincd 1he u,e or their propert~ Wi1hC1ut the use or thi, !:ind. the 1wo m:un paths 10 be opened Ma~ 3 c:innot be connected As more routes dC\elop. two i;fasses o r bi~e p:11hs "ill be alternlted throughout the e11y. One type "tll ha,e signs only lll4rking the p:ith. 3nd the other type "ill ha,e ;i sep:irate l:ine. signed and )tnped for the biker. The t,pe used Y.111 be determined by 1he space av,1il~blc along the i.trcet. The bike force also educates school children" ith bik saict, programs ,ind dimibutes s.ife1y informa1ion. flags .ind slider~. A brochure will be d1>1ributed in the fu1ure e1:pla1ning the program and us goal\ "ilh .i map ,howing the suggc~led rou1es The 1.1sk fort"C holds monthlv meet· tng\ c, cry 1h1rd Thursdai. and Mercer 10, itcd nn\'onc interested in bccon11ng in,ohed to the Feb. 21 meeung at ~ JO p.m. m Cit~ Hall.
Campus parking stickers issued to help police control violations NIC lawenforc:c:mc:nl officials, In an effort tocontrol 1he student parking situauon at NI(', issued parking pc:rmiis during spring registration . "TI1csc pcrmib will help 1he police cadets 1rack down the owne~ of illegally parked c1irs." according to Bob ·1norp, campus secunty officer. He: ,oid 1hot before these permits were ,~sued. the ca mpu\ police never kne"' if parking of'cndcl'li wcrt· visitors or students. lllarp said thol oll ~ludcnt vehicle\ have to be rcs"tered and that cars parted on 1hc NIC grounds will be checked for idcn1ifying s ticker~ If a s1udcnt is found guilt)' of parking on ca mpu\ without ~uch permis~ion, drastic mea,ures 11.ill be u1ken. " If the ~licker i\n't pmpcrly di,ployed, th e \ludcnl will be forbidden 10 park on ,umpu\," Thorp snid ··Porkin11 will be checked, and Y.C will e,cntuall} ca1ch those few ,tudcnb who rduse to register their cnrs." Actordlng 10 Thorp. \tudents don't like 10 be ro111rollcd. and these pemuts reprc~nt rontr1>l. 1hnrp ,,1id hr tint, not let•l thol the pllrktng fay.s al NIC are har,;h or unfair. f-al·ulty 101, \\'tll he: policed. und wheel l1>eh wtll he a1111chcd to the ors of 1he brave oftt•ndi:r\. To hove II wheel lock n•mo,cd II Sb fine mu,t be paid. Ith lar chc.ipcr m 1he long run Ill po,• the lini:. TIO.o ,tudcnh ln,1 ~cmc,tcr found 1h01 fact to be H'I')' true, TI1orp \U1d. •· 1Y.o )'ilu ng men II l'rl' apprchc ndc:d whil e IT") ,ng lo"'" a "heel lock of( of 1hc-U' car 1hot moncUH·r c,.,~1 c:ich of them II SS0 fine ... Tharp \lltd. Studcnh mn, park m th,• ShC'rman SC'hool 1111 a\ Ion!? 3'> Ifie) lca,·e the- bu, lane open. Parking by a fire: hydrant or m ,1n 1:mergenC) , c-h1d~ lane 11 ill be groun~ for having 1111: cnr 10,~cd ,1wa1·. "Studt-111\ hrttcr be par led "hC'rc thC') belong lh1s ~emc,tcr, · lllarp ~id ,
/11 Poprnr11 Forum:-
Variety of topics planned This \Cmc\lc:-r' .. Popcorn Fo rum i.c.:hedule hu an arra, of i:uest~ in store for studcm~. suff a.od ~ 11 11or<, to
\lthough the '><'hcdule ha, no1 been fully <'Ompleted, Tc,n, S e• , n. t he cc,ord lnat or or the f.,rum ~ ha\ be1... cen wand nme eue~t~ lined up to speu. 10 1'1c SLB ballr m. On Fe b o at rionn Dr. Willi'> Mcrri.ilm, a retirca WSl p roie1,S<'lr. :1nd hi\ v.1fc will ~ ~ .uid ~ho-. shde, on their 1ravc1~ to :",on hern s iwn , ,\l50 in Febru&l) , Gan OuSJlc and hh .. dumm," ADC) McDuff " ill en tc rt•in M C s1 udent\ 11 ith 1ht-1r \C"D1 n!Clqu1sm act
Bill McRae
" ,. >t~apht r " '
h3, \\Orked for 1hc Na11on:il Geographic mag.nine ond "ho 1.. an outdoor "riter. "111 ~pe3k on photo· gniph, and" ildlife Mo1rch 10111 I p.m In \pril. pohl1c:il ~andidote~ for the L S House of Rcprcscn1n11\CS ore scheduled to .ippc:tr. The RepublicJn candidJtc, .and the Democrnuc c:indicbtes " ill la~h h:i,e different davs of
:appearanc-e. ,\I~ ,chcdukd :ire orm3 Woodbury. a hand" r11ing .tnJlyYl. Dr. Deller Amend. a wa .. hington psyc holo gi,1 , v. ho> "111 ,pe:tl. on the ,utr;e.: t of ESP Ill .& \larch 21 forum; and lcuh \\ oo,h\lrd. "hob ~mdying lntcrurion.ll l:i\\ in Portland. will talk about the c-.:'" •re .ind econom1" or
The 011h D'lt' of \I C', beac h darinR the cbJ~ of wlnM Is b) e-ped log\ from lumber openi, don'.!.. not b, s1udenL\ 1.aughlng and ,,. imming after cl:i\\,
CSI 'green lunge r ' article flaived: CR humor BJ Keilb John<on Be fe>rr \tuffini; m, pet C"DCkatoo b:id 1010 his humble .1bock. I caught ~12h1 of !he headline in a No, ember nc" \paper 1<,we or the College 01 Southern Idaho·~ Homun. The 1sw~ I found m~ ,elf rctracung from the bouom tif tht ca~c l!rabbed ffl) at1en11on "llh the headline .. /1,1\ Pct Pee, C\ •• Bcin11 \omev. hat nl a ~·nt pracm1oncr m,·<.elf. I fdt 1ncltntd to 1ndul1:c into \omc up •to-d~tc gric, an,c, ~g:un,1 !>00 t\ 1 h1, pamcular comp1'inant "2'> rcpul\ed b) the appearance of "'green ,ungtr\ in the dnnlane fountum ,mh around tn·.- C~I c;ampu, He fu1hermorr referred io the "lungers·· a, big green gro"1h, · "htch dmg 1cn3CIOU~I~ to the drain with 3 life? all 1hc1r o-. n.'" 'lc>t being 1otalh familiar u ath :he d11lc~1 of
Accordm~ 10 1he CSI :ut1clc• ..:atchmg ,1ght or o ··green longer·· ts repulsive enough 10 maAc J per..on "'IO!oc thctr cookies •• This obscruuon to1.lll~ puu.led my litcrJl , enw,. 11nd quc-s110M bc:g:sn tC' formuble m my already· ronru..cd mmd •• Wh:it if .1 pel"',()n "~sn·1 earning an~ cooties." or ··"h:11 m>,t1.::il po"cr dt'C< a ·~rccn lunger· po~~c,~ 10 make ;a per<on ·, cookie~ ~uddc nh• ~ppcar•··
\ nh.~ru:Jn,.
The CSI .. ~h Pct !\:eve,·· nrt1clc 11 cn1 on t(I prump1 \ludcnh e,,1,lcl, ··10 find n morc \Ulh1ble pl,tt'C tu \pit .. I cmp,11h1tc \\ 1th 1hr ··s:H'l'n l1111it1•r,:· ,111d .11.. on, dw for thnt m.,11cr. wh,, ch,li~c, hc1n11 \Jlll
Suu1hern ldaho:in,. I bru,hed the du,1 o ff m,
fh<' amdc concluded \\ith the ,1.,1cmcnt. ·· 11 )OU
frcqucntlv use Webster·, Collc(?!3te D1C11on.:ir. and nipped m~ \\3~ to.. arcb the rs. Mr. Webster defined a lunger as e1rhcr "one uho lunge~·· or ··one suflcrmg from :i chronic di<case of the lungs:· , "" unlc,, the drinking foun1:uns 11 C'S! :ire con,idcrnbl~ larger than tho~ .11 :-.1c. I find 1i hard to cunccive a fountatn wuh enough room for both :i drinker Jnd an IX't'.up:int "ho chng~ 1cn3ciou)l~ to the dr3in. I hnd no idcn 1he latent S\ m1oms of chronic luD2 d1sNSe indudcd :in .idd1nion to fouot:i1n drains nor did I gra,p 1hnevcrit\ of such 3 dbease in u h1.:h the ,ufkrer·,; 011.•ra ll ,i1c :illo," 1hem the capnb1h1> to fif 111 1hc~l' '1nls.
Ill U lltl\,l! C "IIIWthtn>) J(fCCn . flr<l\\ O11ordcn.' 81.•111i: tn\nlll igm1runt t•I rc,i:urch III the nrca ol 1h1.• 1h.-.1r~ 1hu1 /:"nh:n, , au\l" "'1<rct·n lunger,." I \\cnl 111 ,1 11111,• d hiulo11, pmfc"ur h..-rc ot NIC. H,· l<lld me thot there" nu 1.•,•ulcn~c h• ,11ppor1 the \hrnn• 1hn1 i:rcc11 g.trdc n, urc rc,pun,,blc for o chr,1111r lun)l dt\cu,c. I ,mccrcly hnpc 1ha1 n mo,cmcnt n111dc ''"'anh 1h1: humjnC 1rcutmcr11 of "l(rt'Cn lunger,· .,nd tlrnt C~I ,111dc111, in the future "111 toke p11, nn thc,e \llffcrl'r\ wishing uni) 10 live 11111 their hv1•, wi1hn111 the fear of going down 1hc dram .
Whil e 1hc po"cr, .if n ··green lunger" Jrc ccrta1nh .1d1111t.1bk. I c<>uld n,,t help but pondrr the ~ort ur life, i>ne would lead being eon11n11011,h nd1,ulcd JII the while m •mg to ktep fmm gomg dc,11 n 1hc drain. The hearik,~ eruehv of CS I s1uden1s who nbu~c the ri11ht, uf the"· chnm1c.1llv ill (lC'llplc wn, 1u,1 too much for nw 10 b,·nr. I" a, appalled bv 1hl' lu( l or ,cparn1e fodtiuc, for ··1,:rccn lunii\'r,· nnd "ill rMkc 1t my pcr,on.,I gool 10 Nm·m,c C. I otl1c1ah to tukc pnv un 1ho,c :ibu,ed
Come ski on
Feb. 3, 10 & 17
$36 Lesson & Lift
4 hours per day
* How to put more fun in your skiing * How to overcome your fear in skiin g * How
to run simple race courses foster than your friends
* How lo honcfle difficu lt snow conditions .
* How to turn your skis so they will go where you aim them
Feb. 1. 1980/ Cardinal Rc,ie" - IS·
l! ra cl
Dean Bennett chose n to fill a c tirities coordinator post B) Jan Oeloca
!',IC \1uden1s ma, be seeing an increase in ~hool-rcl3tcd 3C'lim,cs and \CC\'ICC\ 1£ NJC\ QC\\ staff member. Dean Dennen. pul\ all hi, idea, 10 use Benne11. a former NIC ,1uden1 "ho wa\ n:centh 3ttcndcd NIC in 1974hrrcd 10 ,er, e as IC s1udcn1 actJ\·111c·, coordinator. Bennccl. '\ho has been a rc,id(·nl or Coeur d" Alene for 25 ,ears. gr.iduarcd from rhc Uni,·cf\ir~ ofIdaho "here he Wll\ a recreation major. \llhough he applied for chc pu,ition of ,tudcnt union coord111a11Jr. he wa~ pllced in rhc acciYitrc~ coordtna1 or po,mon bccnu,e NJC oflic1al, felt he could belier fulfill the need, of the ..rudcnt, as a ,.hole r~rhcr than be s1.Mh• in charge of rhc SUB. "Ju~, dropping rhe \\Ord umon in m) Ink allo\\\ me to wnrl \\llh both rhe academrc W1d v1>-1cch more broad· Iv,·· Bcnnell said • When Bennett "·u, an /Ill(' ,tudcnt. he had a "ork·\ludy job \\ ich John
Dean Be nneu
O" en. "ho \\a\ rhcn rn\'ohcd '" ,c1rini,: up the outdoor rc,rea11on
rental progr.1m Since thJI rrme 1hc rental progr.im h;s, ,lo\\ I~ f.1dcd our. althoueh no1 cnurel~. panl} bcnu,e of :, cut-ofi in budge1 and plrth b.."'"3u..e a m,1;ont~ of the equipmcnl intended for student I!~ 1s m ,1oraee. Sin,c the !>Ian ol che ,pnng SC· mc,tcr Bennen hl, been ,1rhmg 10 !?Cl ;he reni.u prog:im back on 11, fet-1 b,· makine Jn effort to ecc the equipment bac~ ,o u u11l be 31Jil;ibk c 'IC ,tudcnt., <m,c .t!?am. -\hhou(?h h~ ha) not \Cl l COmplCllolR dale. Bcnncn thini.., che pro~m "rll be re.1d, m the \pnng. SL B 3cti,iue~ "ill <"-'n,umc 3 l:irgc ponton of lknnctc"~ tim..:. buc he ~3id :here lrc rcalh no ,cl limi1:, on 1hc chin~ he can and cannot do One :m,, ny >1111 m 1he p~nning ,tlec, b J n12h1 skiing trip 10 Mc. Spok:ine during homecoming v. ed.. "h1ch "'ill be Feb. 1'1·2J Other act I\ i1ie1. lknncu "'Ould li~c 10 indudc 1n the ac,i, rt} ro:,ter MC an
c,h1b11, and mu~ic cx h1b11ion,. He Ji-o sec~ the po,srbrli11 ot :-IIC ,1uden1, ch.tncnne J bu, 10 ~et> a c,,n("('n or 01her a.:11, icic, either m Sp,1~anc or un the W.1,hmgton S1:11e l nin:r.il\ campu, in Pullman. 6cnnc11 ,:ud he !~h that a ~el proer:im ot o,;m lflci. "111 mJke ,1udcn1, more l\\lre of Jnd more in,,11•,ed m '<IC 3<"11\IUe, He attn· butes 1hc 13d. of plr11c1pJ1 ron in school-rel:111:d Jnt\tlie) to lhl" facts ch:11 ,1c is b.t,11.":tlh a commuter ,;impu~ Jnd that II L\ only 3 l\\0-.)'CJr sch<><>l ··B, the <.'nd of 1hc ~c,"Ond ,car , ou 1swdcn1'l realm! 1herc were 1h111e, \'OU could hlH: done:· Bennett said • The IO'i(). I budget "ill gi\l' Ben· n,m more· room 10 \\ Ori..·· 3nd he ,:11d the outdoor pro)!ram "ill ··rcall~ be read, to go.. 1hen .. R11?h1 no" things nrc being arr3necd - it could be tu o vcaf!> l-<.'forc I"m rcall1 ,c1 up."' he ,11id.
• • Americans rising to m eet e nerg)· c l1alle nges BJ Tom J:.mond Wich th~ ,teach increa.,c III price and chc shoncmng ,upply or cncrl!). people arc bcu,ming more nwarc ut cite need co consen•c and dc,clop nc" energ) ~ourtts. Gurdon Mnnmcn. ,•,cc prcsidl·nt lnr cx1endcd progroms 31 Ea\lcrn Wa\h1n111on tln11•t.•r\11\. ho\ 1aughr ~cvcral cln,\C\ in the area or energy nnd 1, 11 tnp aulhonl\· on chc \11b1cct. · Mnni ncn ,ore.I in II rccc111 interview 1h01 although t"ncrgy con~en·nuon and ilhcnmth I: l'lll.'r8) \tlllr(('\ llrt' rcl,llivcl} OC\\ terms. Chey 3ft' ,·el') impor1Jnt to Aml•ncr111~ n, their ,•ncrgy ,u11pl11:\ ,1<·adil)· dccrca1-c People ho,c 10 realize thn1 nlhn llll':tn, of produrn1g cncr11) will hn,·e 10 be crea ted ond 1ocorpor:ucd on :i larg,· ,cnlc .. A v1Jbli: mt·,111, 111dl·,clnpm!l cnN!l) mu,1 be found and" 111 hDH' 111 be found ,·· M.1r1rncn ,aid Man,· nc1, l)'f)C\ nf elll'tll) ond cm•rg) ,11\'lng d<''ICC\ ore 1>cm11 crn1cd. bu1 nu1 m.in, 11f rhc,c :tre hl·c<1minp p,•pulur or u,, rc.1'.inubk mean, or dc,clupm~ ,:ncrr.:,. unonlm11 11• Mrmlnen. MJnm,·n cnak J normal hou,c. nnd ilhcr .i Int nt cnRin,·cnn11 .and hard "orl.. he c,,nlurmrd hi\ n1>tm,1I ,tructure into a modern "'lllr hou,c. Tht.' hnu!.C ha> a b.tnl. nl \\ind""' un th,· lhc ,,1u1h ,111, tor m,1\111111m <~l)l"Ul'l' 10 lhc ,un, rau lkhmd 1he ,11111.Jo", i, ,1 r.1d. 1,ull ,umpkcc 11 nh u lir~pl.u:c and "'"',J ""''1." The nx~ \\dll .11Jwrh, chc h1·,1t lr.in,miltnl fr.un ch,.. \\lndu," ,inJ " arm, rhc hou"t' ,uh,cunclJlh J.1 m,11.c· lh1 luiu,,· n,mpk1e. 11 ha, t, inth \\JII, \\Ith u"ublc 111,11l.1t1un "1t·, hl..1 ,, ,,1ll"1;111,,,n: H•u hnH' 10 roll dll\\n ;i " " ' ' ' ' " ' 10 d,,,c a door·· Munm,·n ,.11d Alch,1ugh wlur <'neCJ,?)· "11, 111hlt mean, ,,1 \'l\ll'>Cf\ '"II rncr11,. Milt1111l."n ,1r~!if'd 1hu1 11 ~.,nn,,1 b1 u,,·d b,· nwlf '"There are ~Cf\ le" ,I\ "h..-r-c "''ar en,·rj,l\' C-.10 I>,· u,eJ ;a, the m.11n '>OUr.:'e ,,1 encrlC>·" he lOld. "J\.t;l\·b,• l'ahh1m1a, Aruona llr , ...... \!nu.,,. bu1 11 Ju,1 t,n·1 1,-.1,1hk aniu1ul 1hc n>untn a, n \\h nk. In romh111B111•n \\llh "'i.,J ,,r \\.llc:r 111, .1 nabk 1•n1·rs1 ,ourcc. l>ut 3fonc .. l\~111rdm111,1 M.1rtlncn "'me hou,..., haH· b,·cn built m l"'hne. bu1 1'('(1ple ,ull don c 1c:.1llv ,1,-cep1 them for \3nou~ rc.;1,.,n,. Prubabh one ot 1h<" b11t,,:c,t n:3,on, p1:opk d'.m'.t h111ld ,ul:ir home~ h 1he <'<>!>1 mrnh,•d , bur MMtinen 1h1nh 1h.it C\"l t\ noc ~ pn11c1ple concern. ~!am ncn ,tr~~>cd thn1 .'°lnr hon1e, "Ill hl:,\lme mm:;i,,1n)!h l"'PU!Jr Look 31 ut1h1y -'his. Lnc>rJ,lY ,, '<'11 c,ren~1,c:· Manmcn ~id Alchough energy ,, ,cry expen,1H'. Mnnml' n p.lmtC'd out 1h:11 the X,,nh"<'" r, ''<''.?' fortunnic in chat h hn, chc cheapc,1 ener8) m th<' nauon. T Encrll) l'\IM~ the_ E.l\c b 1u 10 \Imes :1> much lb It doc~ here." \1amnl."n , :11d. ~e da~ , on 1hc Columb1G R1,er crcltt huge lmount, uf hidro-1."lc.-in.: enl'rg_,. \\ h1ch ml~e thc pnnetrlc ro,1 uf cnerg, m this .ire.t 1.:n ,hc.1p. H1,\\C1a. th1.lnm) cnn I suppl\ 1he na11on " tch encrg} Aherna11\e \llur~~ mu,t be found lnJ dc,clc.,p,::d l\13nmen no.'tcd. Coal and nuclear cncrg_, ore I\\ O ahernlllH' ,ourCt",.
Ahl,oueh :hcsc :arc rontnb1mne co 1hc nacu,n\ ener~~ need,. nuclenr powl'r 1, one of th.: mi.Kt cnn1ro, er,1:tl mc~n, ,,f ere.tung cnerg_1. With th<' recc:n c Three "hie f,,Jand 111.:,dc:n: mu<'h concern h.t, n,cn mer che \3fet~ of nudcar pn"cr ·• .\II ,, urccs t cnrrg> are dan~crou,. ' /ll antncn oommcnted .. CoJI. for in,1ancc mu,t be ,h ppcd 10 :i liumcr mile, .111.>, b~ cram Ho11 \\llUld you hke a cram \\1th 3 100 cAr~ roar.ng b, )OUr hou,c e, cr)d,tv' .. \l.1n111en al..o ~1rc-\,ed 1hc po1cn11al han rd .1 d.lm prescnl\. Ho\\ 1<-ould )OU 111.c a 100 ml Iron 11all,1n~ of ".lier "a~hmg your 1r.11lcr do" n n ,.in,on'·' he .:t\~ed ' 8Jc~m1? up 1h:11 mu"h \\Jt<:r " not good: no, onh· i~ ic po1cn1131f~ d.tn;:cr,:iu, but~'° n ha, .1 hi11h cn\lronmcnc:tl impo,·1.'· \f.tnrncn "11d thac man} waH of 00Mcf\1ne cner8,} :ire herng U)ed cvcrvdny. bu1 ,, mcch,ng more mu,1 be oone or ,oon th,· condition Americ:ms arc III now" ill be n, 1h1nc Cllmpa.n.'d to ,. h:it "111 h.lppcn m chi." luture ·-rm nOI preathin;: a doom,da, ,ermon but \\c mu~t adop1. Thts jo~ride of <'ht"ap and e.:1,,1, :anarnablt c:ncri-1 1, o,cr · \lamn~n s.ud. 0
Phi Theta Kappa taps 40 gan R bm Hood Karen Hudson.
Jcftrc1 Kelk., Jan Muchcll .ind
-.er~· ;i 1, r mtd R u, d1 ~ ,1:11~ lh1 ,.er,: S~n Ruffi.cr Lome Schmidt. Heid i Schuler. Cregof\ ~,.sr~ ~- r ~h Sullt\ an Lon Thomi~. Sue ThGmpson. !>..lh 1 nmblc. K1mbcrh \\ :i. ,c1 ;ind ,\nn~ ,, ... ,1 Th, c n.c.•pt ot 1ndu.:11nq ne" member) ",ch a \\ hue ru,e ha\ been J 1r:1d ,. ''"'"' :he "hu,· rose h 11 \\ mbol of 1he Phr Theta K.. ppJ. accord1n11 111 \d\tw• Sh.in,n ~h-'1."II Th, ..,crai, purpo,e ,:,f tnl." Phr Thet.i Kapp.t i\ ro promo1..: and rccognue rh,· -..;hol.iril v.or~ done b, )IUdeni,,. Th ~ ,Clr the or~.imuuon ha\ become more '""'h-eJ "ilh ,..i110vl lCII• rue~. and II r, 1~ mg 10 e'i1abhsh 3 \cholar$h1p fund hruugh mone~ -rlismg projects
Feb. I , lf>SO Cardinal Re,~" · 16-
(__ n_ic_no_t_ic_e_s_J The -.1c grounds departmcn1 a.sl.s s 1udco1s and s1arr using 1be or" Communk111!on •Art\ Balldin!? to 1,:, 10 uold walking on the shrubbery ool· ,ldr 1bc banding. X\tn.l boshes lua,e aJrndJ been lnllllpled to dcall,.
S1udeo1s parl. i11g lbel r ca.rs on att as~ 001 to bed Into park.log spots becaase 1be prarr iec binder sidewalk , se and main ·
finaJ1ri11I aid form, for ne\l fall att 11\ all a bit :al 1hr fananrlal aid\ orrttt.
Tbt u"h formtd Coc-ur d' Alenc Afrulatt of ·~ \lt'otal Bu.Ith h -M>· daJ.lo.n of lclabo •Ill co-ocpon..~r •Ith
\n, ~•udenL< "bo bom>•ed cnil·
hulcne Lohmann l, 1hc- nee" \ A rt'prc.-,cotathc. The \ c·1c-rans Admina1ra1i()n·, or,. om('\' 1, in 1he ne" additiea or the Sl.8. AnJ Hlt'ran "hh qut\llon, ron· «mini? " agent orsngr" C'Ofltac1 the \ A orfit't' on campu\.
All tar.. that are IUegailJ pan.to ill the Sherman School 101 "ill be "heel locJ.cd or 10,.ed, la" enforcement ln~truCIOr :".ed IUUI said.
Tho,c <1udrn1, "ho<..e name.". tu,e nppcnrcd on the 11,1 out~lde of the bu\in.•" offil't' arr 10 report 10 thc.fimandiu aid~ ofrkc before pi, J.!na up 1hc•lr chrtJ.s. S1udcnts. ratuh) or ~IAIT "bo need blood or" bo luaH• rrien~ or rrlath~ lo nl'ed of blood ,hoald St't' :-.1( nurse Jo Marino, k b or ,1op al the Sl'B o(fil't' 10 ~1nr1 1he proper procedure.- Cor "ilhdra" log blood Crom thr ,1aden1
the\ [n>m the nu,-,;es· om« are asJ.td c.o pl~ n-lam thcom.
.\ ,1c Pr"'ldrnt Paa! Bieber. \ iee President roll Da, and Studtnl \rth Ille, Dirc-rlor Jrrr PrHt ha, t announl'NI ..ffitt i-r.. for 1~ <prin,i
, . . _...,er.
B,dx·r ma, be C'OELlacled In rhe n,.,. ,1udcn1 i:o•trnmcnl nfrlr,. b;:1 ... ern ll and I I 2.m. ,,.. \londa, ,. \\ ednc-,dJI,, and f rida", The p-rhidc-111 mu al-11 be ro1tad 1but' from ~-5 p. m. on \lund:n~ and from 11:\0 a.m.•1:.\0 p.m. on T11NJ1\\. O.a, "iii rt,nduct offi.T bou"' on \looda,. \\ t'di:tc,.da, and I ricb, ar1c-r· DOOCIS hello tta 1M hour. or ? and ~, Hb Tir~, and Tbwnda, boun 1111, rrom 10:15 a.m.•nooa. The <1udcn1 aethi1k~ dirtttor lua, '4hedaJNI b" offiC't' hocan for 10:3011 :30 Lm. on \londa, ,, \\ edoc-..d.n \ and Frid.ah , Pr\"K""\ .u!di1ion2.I boll.r\ lndudl' 4.5 p.m: on l\lonwi, ,, 10:30. noon on Tat'\da" and noon•i:30 p.m . on Tb!U"da, ,.
Koo1enal \f rmorlal Hospital four pubUc pn>i:rams on parentinA "Ith foc-u~
on po«lble 1cen·•At probltm arn..,. The Orsi "ill dul "Ith ltl'n · •J.tl' pffj:l\Jllln Fe b. I? •Ith Dr. E. R. W. Fot a, , peal.er. Future 1opk, "Ill lnrludt' ·• \dolt<l't'nl 1\leohol Pal· lern\," "D ruJ! U<e and Mi,u,c in T t'Cn·•Atts" and "L nder,1andlnJ! Chlldn:n and \ dol<'~ nl\." \ lso, lln,onc ln1cre,1rd in bcromlnl( a mental hCA11b ,olunl~r or dc,irlnl( more Informal.Ion aboul rhc •~~otial lon ma, ll"ll'pbo!'lt Carol marl. bo7 •7J1S. The I ore~t,:, Tc b Club ls offering a S150 re"•rd for 1he rl'C'O• cn 1"0 Uhl 0-l I ,uper chai n U", ·and one Homelite ,.ilh a 101AJ ,:uue of Sl .000. \n, ooc .. ho has informal Ion oo 1he,c chal n\a"' <'1111667•7-122, l"tien•lon
lSJ. \lar1ln Could, "ho will be <'On · duc-dn,t tht' Spol.Ane S, mphon., Or· l"ht\lra, "ill bold P lcclure in Room 220 or lhc Commun1C'111lon-Arl\ Bulld• ing Feb. 6 al 7: 15 p. m.
Dr. Eiu:lc.-<ton I, on C'1UDpu, In 1hl' lop Door or lhe l.8 rrom 7:30·8:JO a.m. on Monda,, . WC'dnt\da)• and Fri. da, •. Student< nin "l'l' him for no r harite. o appolnlmt'n l I, n-yry.
1 he Spol.ane S, mphon) 01'('he•ln rrPlurini: M art in Gould a, rondurtor "Ill ~ppcar in 1hc- Communlrallon· Ar1• 8ulldlni: al II p.m. I rb. 6. S1udl"nl 11\'J.,•1, are Z and uc- a, allable in 1hr o rrh-c or lhl' Communlu1lon •Ar1, fluillllni:. I inanrb l aid r hl'C'-k, for 1hc •prln11 •l·mc,h· r .. 111 ht' a, aih1blc DI 1hch11,lnc" ornn• I ch. I. Thr I cClmini: llkll l, Cl'nlc r, loo ll"tl In lhc hl•m1an 'il hool al 'I(, "ill he offl• rlni: '" o ,r"lon, IO help rclll'• e 1c,1 ,,n,ll'I\ . lllur\loi,: ,111dl•n1, "Iii ha-c.' 11 •hup l' \l'n M onda, and Thur<du arHm,oon lrnm 2:JO-&:JO be11ln nln11 I d1. 4 and runnln11 1hruu1:h I cb. 211. c:eneml , 1uclrn1s wlll hu c • work· ,hop c, Cr\ I u<•,da) 11nd Thur,d l) Dflernnun from 11 a .m. 10 I p . m . be11lnning l r b. S and runnlnit through
~ch. 211. ~ll11lcn11 lnh: rc,l l'd In 1hcNC ~C\ • slon~ ~hou ld rcgi,1er lmmcdla1eh a l lhe « nler •
• ...•.................•.•...................•.....................•..........................................•••.••••••.•..• ...••• .... membership ..•
. ... ..•• .. •.
............ a great idea···.........
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