PubaM,•d Seml-Mo11thty Ourin9 the Coll•9• Year
By JowrM li..-n Studel'lh •t ,h
Editorial . ..
As we f".'iea r rhe ..>sang f ,n coll Qt.: ye-al', ll :x,comc5 1, me ro choose those ,. .o ,1, oake over a of n,e pos · ~· ptescn : ly held by 1now of vs who ore sophomores. Amano 1heso, positions :o be filled ,s •hat of NIJC Cord,,,.,J R•v 0 " odiror
Beforo groduanon 1,me, I ond my bosses ho"" •o nave som<,ona 1n m,nd 10 replace me nexr year
Requirements for th, s person ore as follows: must l>O a frnshm<Jn rh,s yeor , rec!>iv,ng passing grades 1n 10 credit ho,,r< (o rocommendod min,mum qrode overoc;io of 2.5), most be och1ev1n9 a B In English (preferably an A), and mus• be re<:ommeoded by colleg1; ,nsrructo·s os 10 reliability
The pas, lion of Rcvic,.v cdnor 1s not a nomo only storus symbol. It ,so paying 10b and os such should be performed ,a rhe besr of ono ' s obiliry As th,s 10b demands man) hoors, ""' recomme,nd 1na1 no orher 10b 1s he,ld or rhe some 11me. TI\CI ed110f con o•p.:,cr 10 ust'.' or leosr four hours barh the Thu,:Kfay and Friday before 1he ,ss~ comes out , and perhaps sevNol hov,s the Saturday precaed1n9 the publ1co11on , work,ng on •I>& Rov ,ev. Of course, ,r rhe editor IS extremely well organi,&d and hos o s roff rhar 1s also o miracle warl~r, rhis ,. ,•• ..,ay be scart<'ted 1hroughout rho whole w~k ~fore 1he pvb11co11on dar, I om nor 1h01 organized and hove heard 01 no e:l, tat ,n 1he posl .vho .vos Bur , we con always hope.
To really do a good 10b, or try , unless the ed,10, has eJ<tremefv well worked out srudv hab11s , rh,s person can 9,. peel o grade po,nr drop - 1hus the 2 5 requirement.
In pa~, years , rhe policy hos boen ,o use co-edi te<s, ant, bo, ng a sophomo<e and on,, a freshman, borh 1ournol,,m ma1ors. As there is a def,n,ro lock of 1oumolism mo1ors ih,s year, 1r11s ,..,IJ nol be o requmomeril However, os soon as poss ble ,n ,.,., ,06,l-65 collec;io renn, one1her ed,10< wdl be chosen ,thus cc,-,:,d11ors) and ,1 ts hoped thor this i:,erson .v,11 be o 1 IA'nol sm s 1uden1.
Any freshman student who is ,n•e,esred ,n th,s 1ob may r a 1 if and orroigo ior Ort tnterv,e or which l me I w, I on ,we r "'" q ,1ons COOQtllrmng the pos 11 ,on - Becl<y Y..rause
R •c ,11, a JC 1ns1ruc1or ro11> a lon'lr 10 11,e cd1·or of th, Rhv w , hoV< 10 di ,agree WI In ,·,ho· NOS said ,n na, lolle r.
Tho ,mmorurn actions and ooho1110t or NIJC 1s 1us1t11oble
Th15 , 1u•1iftoble be<:ouso rne s•udenr~ 11~0 II •har way, O"ld one, mu • p ose rhe ~ ,,:fen rs or 11,oy may go on • ·nke ond ovo rh1s 1ns1i:ullan of higher leorn,ng, And I en 1he p opl .,hO ,.,,,st 1110• col Ing,, ,tvdems oet mature would be •,any llou'1 t y evcrl J1.1~1 r llnP., r teH! would be no 1•udent!. 'lere !o or~m._.e and wcrlc: on ony ocr v1t1es But ! Ofi, c,f COurs•"' O fow f 1hc •.ms11 "''C) 1 not gn on s•rai<o and they could run •1-ie o nc• 1v1fl s. Vo I(,... w, tf"lit're ore alway:. O fe,o, square"".t Otound who 'la a ,,. or• pa,,•1b111 •1• And tn0ybo 11-swov
.c,r • fine, , be:-wsc ah,r al , on r oro only a f " PO<:IPI" ro no-« ho do or,y wcrrt, 6c I , t ' , loo, f,,,• hy
Next Travelogue On Easter Island
Gcz n de Rosne r, proCesslanal fl Im producer w Ill n11 r mte n co l or mouao pictu r e nbaul Easler ISiand on APrl l 30, Ea,;LN lslnrxl " wbtch Is the last tra,·eloi:ue t o be p 1esented this yea r, will be p resenll:'11 al 8:00 p m.
lo th e NlJC IO'ffl Tockels are 504' fo r adul i s nnd 35' ror srudems and will be sold at the doo r. JC srudenls arc admitted on thelt acll\'IIY card.~
T hou~h this nJm ts a t ruel! Cc ad,•entu r e sto r y , It ii; also ed tJCDl!oaaL MAI\Y tll,}b " tertes a r e shown concemlns En.stet ISiand lncludtng the, dddl e o f t he Cort~ to Ofly !eet tontr cal'\'1ncs round on t he lsland.
Mr. De Resne r, a oau,·f.' or HUDQOtY, Is the 11.uthor of two novels and has r ccclvl"d 11wanls Cot his educa tioonl p resentations
Anothc1 or Mr de Rosner•s programs will b<I ptl'Sented 11 t a cultutll.l assembl.\' Mil) I In the gym This wUI be 11 Clim on oceaooim,ph.r, and Is open to the pablic or
New Custodians
trike >NOuld t,., 1 would lly , caop
U or I Offi ci al Will
Talk To Transfers
\l r. Byers Crom the U ni ve r · sll\' o( Idaho w lll b e nt N l,JC Aprtl ~4 nt I 00, He will talk to thoS<' stu d ents plM· nlntr to trunsre r to the U o r I and will :u, ,.,,. e r nny qu esllons concernl ni: th a t college Students In te r ested mQ.l' co nto.c t Mr. Bye rs In t he Regls· trar 's o!Tlce Suppo r t Your A dvorthc.u) TI.e
Phi Theta Koppa
Elects Officers
Phi Them K11ppa ornce11 el ec t,'<! f o r next year art Severi)· BouRJtton. p resider( Bn r ry Slrmn , vlce-prC'Sldettl. Tona Puul , s ee1ctar)·. 11&11 Knmlln, i;oclnl-chalrman; and Pe nn y Bodine, hi sto rian. TII. n ew l y - e l ec ted otnc•ra •Ill wo rk w Ith the o ltl oCllcets tnr the res t o f this yea r and th!II ta ke a ver next Call. The nanual lnlUatlon bin· q UOt WIil b<' h ~Id Aprll 28 II 7 '. 00 I n th<' SU.B An)Ont w to wl s h<'s tu attend Or w elco me Tickets 11re $2.00 each o.nd may be pur chuel Cro m Sha ro n Pa rrio tt, P~ Peek Boll)' Seagraves, o,if Shramek , o r ans o ther acu,, PTK membe r
PTK Delegates At Nati onal Con vention
PTK r epresentnUves u p r ese ntly atlendlna a n1t1ooll con , •ent lo n held Ill Gfl)''a Hnrba r C o llege In AberdHD, Wa,i hl ni: to n Thoii e membe~ tll the con, enll o n are BeYetlJ Bou l!h to n, Barry Simon. Tool Pa ul, Marg Kaollin aod ll&rl B erg. Ml !>S ounmaan, facul~ ad vi so r, will llcco mpall)' lllf ' ;:rs J,; the second oaUonal PTK com enuon to be htlb In th e west: th<' fJ15t WU held Dt NIJC In l 9S 9.·
TYPEWR I TERs' ROYAL RENT · SALES , REPAIR Drek lllt & Typi• t S.,,11•• INTERSTATE TTPCWIIITER CO 4 17 ~,,u,- A•• • • ,._. ~)CJI
" IC p A Recotd OI It" t'l>ooe MOhewl SS'2 226 sa..,"""" A.,. COEUlt D ALENE. IOAHO
Woodcock's Drag Stere Cand,es - Sund,i,u P,e>etiptions 126 N, Founh St • C- I',-
L.ETTERPIIESS PMOTO o#:s5f P•o• <" D•••• r ' ,aa N , ,.,. s,• cc, Co c u" o A1.CNC. l oAHO..,,
Edi to r ••• •••• • • , • ••• • • • , • ••••••• , • , • Be cky Krous.• t.4o\c: 4'Up Ecfhor •••• • •• • • ••••••• • •• • •• • Adam G,1bnou Sp011 • EdHor • 1Aot1 E, ic-kt. o-n C1,« ulotion •••• • ••• ••••••• Ba ,boro Sc rofford, Shoron xhorff Phorogrophe , , , , •.• , ••••••• Ric k Ac lt rmol'I , Povl Yo n, ._, Repo,,-,s : Lorry
Bob O.., f,...~n •, Peqny Goodw in, Jun Holgcson, Tom H109in1, Oo¥1d ~Co11glvio, Flo P " · Clo,o R~bbin•
N.I.J C. REVIEW C u, d' Al , n,, ldQho, 'Nod., Ap, , I 12, 19~
P• pF""r Up.,., VIV'S APPAREL Darlen e
Ni e "'d!f
Skirts, Sweaters Blouses, Capris, Coat s, Ca r Coats, Suits, A ccessories At
JC Debaters Split With EWSCTeoms
An cxchans<' d•·bl>t• 1ow111i·
,r.1511 ..-a held \\Ith E11 ll'm
\\AShln'1,0n SIA le ColkJ"'
M>til 15 111 !'IIJC.
Th e JC tnam or p.,.n111
v >od,.lo nnd Bob L•·lsht r capwre<t ,·1c1art cs In bolh rounds of d"'llllte, "hlle finlll tubulatJon showed tbal ~I.JC
Wld E"SC <'ACh \\On 2'. rounds.
The a Ille: lt"lms from JC parUcip11nn,: in the tourna· mml werl! Jim K~l1eson.
CN:i I Kell y , Phi! Erickson, Harriet s1uer,1aff. and Jim Br<>ok Oebat" coach !or
SI .JC I Or. Earl Prldd)
oonch for E"SC ls HO\\Brd
Jud11e,, for the tournarr.t>nt, :.u. Chr1Stlanson. ws. Kltklnnd. Mr. MCF'llflAnd. and F' rank F'loRllo.
The teams dcll11L<'d a nco. style , us1n~ the parl111men1al')
Corm or dcblll... Each 1.-om
g Iv es Iv. o consuucth'P sp('eche:; of 11ev,•n mtmte.1, lhc,n srven ,n~1'11nuie dls ·
CUSSIOO $p('ecbe:o, and lJUlly a four mlnutf' rPbullal sum· mar)'. Thls ltl !hi' sl)'le
!hot v.lll usl'd In lh" up·
JOIH FRATERHITY Beu ~ S1rnon, Ju. .t H•ar s oludl'lll bod• preald••nt, and Clydl' ""Uer. 111 r )'<'at ,; &tud" Ill bad> \'ICt'-l]t~std~nt recenll, wrre 1n, llt'd to joi~ s1a;ma Tau. UI•' l'OCllll'l'Dng hononirv at the Unlveml:y 01 lrfaho. Al50 lertatl\'eb &'heduled ,.,, the ;-(IJC debe te i,,am s 1hr, coirpletion or the e~char«e dem 1,, ,..ilh EIISC on \ti} 10 r,l Ch~ne·,
'AN AMERICAN STORY' SHOWING SCHEDULED II uh.. wlll ix, lhc liP<'ll.ter or the c,crun, and ,.111 atr,o modera,., It que tlon·11111P'er J>ertod followi m: 1 t,,,, •bowln of '~' bin:. on, id s. J<Jhaso~ r SJJC emce,,s lhf' pro~rum T.>CI Fult n 111 In chAr~.,· of S<'Mlnc nrran;cment • There I no Chllt~• r r thla proi;, and sine~ Ibis 1>1u· ttcular film ls orten prcM•nt"<I
ln hi ~h schools lllld colle~t'I!
tt u· uld undoubt>'dly b<' r t t t :-. UC students. Support Yoo, Ad,wcr1uers
, '-\l: • Yu.h· rt-,1tcst"nh"d
S!JC a, •h• Wefitcrn BUM· nrs Etiuc:,11on•I A!«locwt1on met"una ~IJ.rch ~-27 ,n Sall Lake City. Tht• llS80· Cil\Uon lnclud , ,s all of lhc
11 cstem atni,... Dr. Wrn
c. l!Jmi1ttra1 or th, uni.or:
" 11 Y 01 S<•uth..rn CD llf<>mln was the ke,·1101-, 6P<'n'ker
w 1h 1 "Ethic~ In Bu.,lnC!5~ "''
Making sure you can "Fill it up" ... year after year
M:my l)l'Oplc think that pelrolcum i. brou,rh~ OJ~ of the g1-ound ,imply by drillinsr wdb .,nd lNting tlw oil fto,, out of 11.S o,, n accord.
The fact jg, only about :!0' of the petroleum m An awraic ndd will flow "of its own accord" before th~ gns p~un,,- gi\'c out, and the oil Ho\\" stop.-.. If we gnn• up th,·11, ~olinc would not be as pie nttful. and the pncc "ould b,: higher.
But.·~ petr<Mum enpn~rs don't gh·e up. By suppl~mentmg 011 licld ga.~ pres.,ures "1th floods of water. gases. ddcrgcnts. vr e\'en controlled lire. they oft<'n mon than doubll' normal recovery.
T ns1sted rccovcrr" methods, deve l oped through years of re1.r•arch, are mnking new oil fields more productke, .,nd bringing new life to old oil licltls. B~irl b<,inl( good busintss, they lengthen our country's petroleum aupply. is on, of many ways in which Standard, with 1t.s large 01! reserves m the ground, discharges its rc:iponsibility to conserve a v1t11I resource •.. to keep pi1te with our country'~ n1:eds ror industry, defense, 11griculture ..• ,ind lo make ~ure you can "Fill it up." year after )'t'ar.
' ,,,,, bi tlr
comtnc \lortana Sta,,. t;nJvf't · IIIIY "BIR Skv " Speech Toumnment on APn l 30· Moy J. 0 • Chargers SLACKS ••• real ao•man 110 trom. !llpered styhna w,tn thlt """' A· I pockets and t,e,lt loopsl Custom 1aUored w1lh "ft\" bulll 1n for fuSI $4 98 to $6.98 ,n the latest shadM and lllllc care leb11 e&. Al your f3vor1te campu s store : [A-1 ] Charg e r s ..
b S t<lpic.
for pt•lroleum energy
tC'ill be 1111 ,:;5•. in die next
The i;econd year Home Ee cooklna class wIll hold a date dinner April N al 6:00 p.m. In the Home Ea room as a pr11ci1ce for t he collo~t· board dinner to be held ~ta,., 11.
PE66ER5 slacks
47 Hon or Student s At Mid -Semester
inrormn lion rekased by tile reg1suar's office lists ~7 rull -u me studenls 11:; do!ni; 3.0 or higher wor~ Bl the 111~1 mld-5emester, as com · Pll red wllh 4 9 at the somt time last year nnd 67 1n 1962. The only 4.0 :student "115 Bob Leno or Coeur d'Alent'. Other bonor student.5 were Sharon Bacus, Linda Bakes.
Mar(!l1ret Bers. Harriet Bl glJNSlllff , A11en Davidson , Joi;eph Ely, Elizabeth Fllchncr KcMelb Hcmmclman, James Kaczor, Marsarec KamUn, Fmnk i1albes Anita Mil)', Maxine Nelson, Vtrglnta, Odcmba.ugh. Nttncy Olsen , Ardis Peterson , Judd Reed, Judy Ronan~.
Elizabeth Seagraves , Gar:i·
Shmmek, Davtd S1.0ne Catherine WoLSOn. and Bonnie Wozow. oU or Coeur d ' Alene: Penny Bodine, Cln m Robbins. and GlrM W11ller, Po:,t F'a.lls
Lei.le:,· Le,•end ofske , Sharon Pa11to11. Florence Peek, !ill.)'deo Lake. Bonnie Brown.
Barr; Simon. Rathdrum
James Bair. llallace: Sh:lron
Cll r lson S0ndp0lnt, Dell>lune
Coon Samuels: Shirley Drees, Spirit LDke Lone ,1aR11r,
Osburn: MlchaPl Platter ,
Kello,:i:: Lormlne Slrnldns
Priest Rl\·er: uury Smith, Harrison· Rose \\1!son. P1nehun;c: Da,e Alexander, Karen
•,Uddl~ion, T on i Paul. Bruce Thomas, Spokane , Washtnrton. Guy Grorr. Heron , Mon11u111 and Jerry Olson , SBlem.
bull ruaaed slims with tho new A· 1 poc:ket. (single patch on hop) 1nd loops for bolt or sans bolt usol Tallored to "peg" you as a sh;arp•smart drcssorf In ruu•d wheat. faded blue a nd block donim $4.50, the new wheat •·t·r·e+e•h den· im $6.98.
At your favorite campus a toro:
Qrt,Rl)O, The Cardinal P~p Bnnd ti; l'f". 0 ntl) )'rf'J)Drlnl fo r l" o U'lp mnd" concf• rt.
CG Officer
Candidate Applications Avai la Ille
The Guard announce,; thn I ctvtllan appUccmts !or omcer Olndld81e School that aze lnlNl'Sled In aviation ma,· be admlrust~red th<' a\lalion phya!cal e1nm1naUon, anatton qual1hcut1on le;;t, and Qlght apbtude lest prtnr to :,eleclton tr selected ror Of!tcer Candidate School the) "Ul be e;uamnteed 011:hl tmlnlnc prior to a»s1gnmen11o omcer Candi dote School
Potl'nUaJ college 11radua1es ma) apply tor omcer Candidate School up 1.0 nine months prior 10 receh Ing a dC11ree.
One or the reqwrements or the Home Ee cooking elass is 11 prtv:lle dlnn<'r gt,en 10 the student ' s own home He plans his o\\'n menu and entcnainm<'nl. A minimum oJf three guests are to b<' 1nvlted.
Three students are nov. ph1nrun,: :i. dinne r. They are Betty Seacraves , Bem F1tchne r. a rxl Ru,;,, Thompson. Belt)' Seagrave.. • cuests are Jud) Rertza, Bf'\' Pistorius, Nancy Patterson :uid Connie Lien. Bell~ Fll chners ' llU<'SIS are KathJ· Cooro" , B onnie Lytle, and Elaine Sappington. Ru:,,, Thornpaon',\ gu~,.1,;. all' Jprry Soho(!. Ro" Seefried , and Rlchllrd Boyd.
O.ock Bull•lin Boord
Slud<'n~ , a ..Jn r,•n- nded check lb bullellr board ror messa;es since u.nnounec•·nts ~n, not suppoi;ed I be t ,jJd<' <on th• lntorcoor
Over 400 Seniors
Attend Conf ere nce
Ol'er ~00 swdents allended the 16th guJdnnco conrerence held for NIJC dlslricl IURh «chool seniors ut NJJC Apr! I JS The conference was sponsor.-<! b) the Coeur d ' Alene Klwanli, Club the Col'llr d ' A.ll'ne Chcunber or Commerce. and NIJC.
Following a speech by Kori Buchman or the Wa.-ihlngton "ater Pow<>r Co lbr. senior.< WPre entertained by drama sbJdents presentlnJ o skit and by a men i. qunrtet, "Three Ge.,tlemena:ndJt>rr y
A lour ol the campu~ I\U conducted by Cardinal Ser· vice Club, PTK, a.nd SNEA members :iltN .,. h1ch the home ec studenca se l\·ed a lunchoon tn the it,·rn.
In connection "11 h the conrert>nce 11cu,1u,,s, the Coeur d'Alen,' KJl\unls Club ,,sited the JC t>ll'Clronlcs lab and "ere pr.,:<ented a !Al k explalnt ni: the electronics course b, \Ir. Siebert, head or the depart!Dl'nt.
A bo1 lunch sPrved to the Kl "ants c:<,mbNS b,· the home ec freshmen under the dlrt'Ctlnn or '•Its. Strom,htan and M1 ,. Gordon.
An cudenl5 ·• Ix> are PIJa:l blc, 10 graduate and ,. to ha\·e not Yl'I ordNed their cap and "°"'n n re asked ID nocl!y thE' orrtce
I, c,,nr ••
Mis~ GI lbert, '>ll ss Yat~. and Ml ~K Donni go n altend.-. the 111.'slern Washington Bu.lness Association meellnr April 11 111 the Ridpath Hotel 1n spokllnc.>, '
Robert Lewis was the main s p,•ake r wllh "f! o" Onod Te11chln1 Af!ecll! F\ttur, Bu slne:1s Yeol'!>" as ha topic
A panel con&lsUna or or. Thompl:J)n o r EWSC !llorrlf Pierson o r Kinman Business Unlver slly , Al Don!el!IOn or Spokane Commun11, Coltese, 11 nd Erne8 tine E\•ans a{ Whl iwonh dl scus~ed now busnes, tf'achrrs can better Pt•'PI re • tudenl:, ror the bus 1111' ss \\ rid.
Sal' Ml:Js Dunnigan aad Miss Yates, "lie enjoy chest meeungs so much We nevor mis" one." •
\tara Youns and Tom Alklna. won 1he prlzh for bavl o.: the 1>1'5t costumes at the re,:,:,nt $1ld1e Rn••klns dAnce.
Th,:, prtzc i:tvcn lo )Jara wd a "tollet-senl pipe". A bile o r baJ was awarded to Karen Mtddl eton and her escort roi the "best-couple" costumes, All tht' \\inners receh•ed • £?1lnd pti.Ze o f cand~ kiSSts. Thi' women dorm studenl{ said that the dance "as larsel.) the rPsult or ~eneral an:ss cooperauoo and tb&I the) r<'alb enjoyed ~ponsor; In,: It.
Quartet Ent-ertains At Guidance Da)'
Tho T~reit Ge,n1/e,-,9n end Jort) •• onr rro,"f'!d Russ Sro,.,.r, Barr I O"' J•rr, 0/s • one! 41, 1hl tud nt er , u ,done Co.riftorenc Apt/I IS.. Piotr "· rr,.. ,.. • q ,orto~ , compo •d ol JC rudonta.
SUMMER JOBS for STUDENTS NEW S'6.t directory lis ts 20,000 summer 10b openings 1n 50 slotes MALE or FEMALE Unprecedented rescorch for srudents Includes exoct poy rores ond Job dero,ls Nomes employers ond their addresses for hiring on ,ndustry, summer comps, nollonol porks, re~rts etc etc etc Hurry" Jobs ftlled eorly Send 1:...0 doilo rs 0 So1rsfoc1oon guoronreed Send to Summer Jobs Directo,y--P O Bo>< 13593 - Phoenix. Arizona N.l.J.C. l!EVIEW. C...,, o'AI•••. ldc,1,o , Wtd.. Ap11I 22, I~
& TEACHERS Largest NEW directory Lists hundreds of permoncn1 career oppo rtuntt,cs in Europ!!, Sou t h America Africa and the Pacific for MALE or FEMALE Torol!i 50 counrries · Gives spcc,f,c addresses and names prosp:!Chve U S employers w,th fore,gn subs,d,orres ExceptoO<lally high poy, free rrovel, ere In odd111on, enclosed v,101 gu de and procedures necessary to foreign emplaymenl So1,sfocr1on guoronreed Send two dollor. to Jobs Abroad Drrccro,y-P O Box 13593-Phoenn< , ArtlO<IO (
Mill , Stranahan Jlld ',In., OfJ rdon aw rdt>d th, lnlnnd Empire Educ11tlonul mrl'I, lion.I' Ee dJ\lslon, APrll n In s1101tnn,•
Ot•nn Rlllilu· dro.n or M<>n· lnnn s11110:, Culll'C'' at Bozr· u:nn ,1>0KI'.! nn "llomt'n In lllt' S1111c1· Ar.••. " Or B1•rnlc1
,, nkl<'ll\t'l 11, who d,•1 ,•lnprd the dll'lll lor lh •• ai;tr• naut • wu~ a 1<pcclnl ,,.ulure Or. , nk l<'i;l"111 le '""' nt Catil' f•nnN! \ \\ h, rr ~h•1 i ,, ,rk111: \\ lth 1111' ,J'IOCI 111011mm.
Sec u, ror
Und orwood Solot & Service
216 N -Ith Street
Wonr n tud• nt are ,,.. ml ndl'II b1· the A 115 Ula! beli, wlll bl' nrr.ded In d••coraUnll for the May 7 11lyle MO\\. lnlormu.llon conct'mlnJ th drconall n~ 11chedule can b. ob111 lned from cba11man. \13rll1n Arnold.
All "omen students are nli>,• asked in brln1; 1wo da7.rn cooktl'II lo bl' used as r••fr%broonts ot thl! 1,•a.
Th<•~•· may be 11'11 In 1hr.
h·~D•' re room anv ll fr• m \lu\ ·~~>u,:h \la, i.
thi, lnll M'lft<St"r only Oht normul ~11QUt.1 nc1.~ 01 soclnl science ru r ,tud,•111.~ a.lurln~ ,n tlu~ lit•ld 1, ~cc-, 1•11:, , soc ,! prubl, rns , 11n1hru11ol 11,. ond 1011th .,nd m11mai:e
Ttu COUl'St' ll> d1~r,.bed b,."4, ··u bUJd\' ot tht• cu~Mcn • prucur<•s, belt,•1~ lic,utuu ms , nnd oclal ,rl!Jlnll'.011uns ti prclt1er.1!o• Jl('Oph•s the pht-r••m<'llll or rullur<' rltrrusit1n Jnd tnd,•p 111d,•nl 10\: l11>tton. lh•· rmportauc•· a C\ cultun• fur ~r"I · tern t"hlll:eot1on th• 1nnucnr1• ,t ..,.., h'tn invt:'nUons on r, ople ".
1d,a und 111ell1ensh•
J uh i leers Thr i ll Audience
DRUG CENTER ' 1207 H , F011 1t~ MO• 4~23
E:Mly lo b<d and ..-1y tP ru,< and you11 mlU,. good deal U>al - l " n I.he da)'· tune r:;;~. ' ~~ Fo, ffl 11 Your SCHOOL CLO THES Coeur d'Alene Laun d ry & Dry Cleaners i=... Pickup .nd o.t;v.,y J07 F,,oat MOIM"'\ 4-)S I • COEDS ' CORNER B y Bo ,bo ,o Sc,ollo,d THE SOCIAL GRACES ANTHROPOLOGY IS SCHEDULED FOR FALL • I ARCTIC CIRCLE o -.1 ,u hi LOU IS GREENH OU SE· AN O FLOWER SHOP ... .., (} 21! /,l,1lr• - MO ~-!?IS (OC\lt d" ,,\Jeit1•,. lchl,o b,1 Mr. Stone Th,· 3~ rcdtt cou!>II' Is :inU11upuloi:.1 and w 11! bl- CJll<·l\'<I
JC Places Third At Track Meet
Cooch I\ 11ll11ms 100k 11 12· man squad to a quad mni;ular tmck meet ro open 1he season at wsu. Thev placed third wllh 22 polnls. IISU Frosh "on the mocL with 99 points. The U of 1 Frosh hod 3!.l and Le\\l!>-Clllrk Nonnol had 9.
In the HO-i•ard relai·. Jcrt) Sllllng. M111k Hutchison, Bob Leno and Terry Flshcrplaced 1turd. \\'1nnln~ time by lhe
U of I wns 45.0.
Pied ~tann, Fisher, John Heltsluman. nnd Hatve)
Smilh enLered lhe 880-yard relay nnd plnce4 second.
WSU won the enmt In 1 ·34.4.
N IJC entered Hutchh,on. Fisher. Gary Frensdorf and Smith In the mUe relcty, plllCllll! lhird. wlnrun~ lime by WSU was J:30:0L. James Scolt placed second ln the )11\'elln throw. Russ
Elliott placed 1h11d. Dumay of 11su won with a 1hro\\ or I '78'2 3/4 Inches.
In Lhe brond Jump. Jerry Salin~ came in third. G11rrl · son of \\'SU won with 11 20'511 Inch Jump.
Dan Nipp won nrs1s ror the Cnrdlnllls In lx>lh the shotpul and dJscus. His toss of 48 ' 1" won the shol e"ent, he v,on 1he discus wilh n heave or 136 ·1 ".
N LJC entranl6 In va.rlous events
Nlpp-shoLput, dlsous, Javelin.
Rutchlson··IOO-y11rd dnsh, HO rela,y, mUe relay.
F'rensdorf-mlle relay.
Elllo1t--ja\'ell n. scott-shotput, discus. JO\'· elln
Hellstuman·-880 reley.
Leno--pole l':1.Ull, HO-relay.
Mann-880 1el0>'.
Flsher-·HO relnl·. 880reln.r. mile rellls.
Smtl.b-ml le reta.r.
So.ling-I 00-year dash, HO relay. broad Jump.
Recent addlUons IO the trnck squod nre Roger Brooks, John Pucci, Larry Smith. 11nd Don Strate.
Th~ nexl meet will be n quadruni;ullll event at Moscow w Ith the same four colleges.
--- ----0 o ck Los I ltom,
Sn>·s ',bss N1sh10· • People "1th article:; In 1hr lo:s1 and round should nick lhem up •,, llhln the n~.t fo\\ '"'eh. bf'CQU.SP you OC!\'N C)II n IC!l l "hsl .,.,. may decide to do ',\Ith lhl'1TI."
Card inalsTop L-C With Double Win
Coach Geori;, HuUman 's C11.rdi nals opened 1hc11 baseball season ,.llh a double win o,er L':'1,!S-Cla.rk :-.'orr::1ll ~-3 and L0·3. He was pl<>b.Sed v,f1h lhel: v.orll a1 thP pllllt!. lb~ Ca:ds i:t>I '.!0 hits dur!n1t lhe llftemooo and onl), thr~ NIJC b3tltrs suuck oul dur10, the 1...-0 (,ac:<'5. lo 1he nrs1 um... Gn.ry D1>es1en 11:nlted the l\amo::< to n,·e hllS. Ont> or 1he~e was a 1ripl<> by Skeltor,. Jim Jobnfiton had tl:e olll Y extm hit fot lbe Catd.s, a double. OreMen walked OH! Yiarrtors but !'ltuck out nlnt'. He In lroubll' only In the fit!!I and 5PV<'nlh lnnlDES, R1s ll"am:nates supported him wllb errorless p Illy.
Dan Lewis led the :-'UC at1ack with threp hlts, thrre othf'u bad t"AO lab IIPI<~.
Judd i,o1 three or lhl' ri,·e, L·C hlls. learo had one doubll' F ,r X IJC ll "•s Wheeler to seP!ned lo Easl· man. For L-C, , .,., Judd IO Skellon.
LoSi Oj; PllChN 1"&" Steiner.
Tem Kiefer pitched a four-bluer !or th Cards In the t!nale, s1nkln~ out su lllld 1ssula1 tw;> "alk,,. Lo• · Inc pllcher was Chavf.'z.
CBC Nin e Takes Two From Cards
Tb· Cn.rdinlll• • m:ord .,tood at ;-2 a!tN dropp,11f. • doubh hmdN Lo O>lumbl3 Basin Collc,:e, 1i-4 aad ,-:!. Both pm,, ,..Ne plo..,l'd in cold. \\lll<1.,· \\l'tlthrr at<'. NIJC took a ~-2 lead lnt.o lhe ,,eanth 1nnuu: ol thr tll)l'ner on!., to have CBC ..corl' thre,• run,- on 11 \\alk, t\\O hil • two Nror,i 11nd n ~crlflct' Oy. The bli: blow or tile 113mc \\BS a 1luer-run hornet bI Jim .lohnslOn In thr• 1hlrd inning.. ti;:1 L<'fl'bHc "a" ,•cry elCl'CUI e roe lhr Cnrd., dullnll lhl! sh lnnlnp; h,• pllC!hrd, bul he hlld o<'l'llslonnl llOuble "llh \\lldn<!'-~. Rt'llrVN Terry Kle!N ,us chnr11,t'd ·41 th t.h.; 1011, tlxiud> bolh Ill' ·.1 I'll! bloopr111 over the tnr!l'ld. Chndden, "ho relle,·NI starlln p11ch1·1 Courtney In lhe rHlh. ;oloed the v1c1ory. Chub Ea.,trr.nn nnd Johnston bolh rod 1wo hll" ror th<' Cam, \\rich and \\caver nl,;o had r.,o apt,,ce ror CBC.
BrucP llhrder 1nJured hl<1 1rrt i1nkle sliding Into second and v,n.s unable to play lh" :,ccond anme.
On Page 5 ,..,.
Golf Teom Opens Season With Win
Thr N IJC ~" l! lt'llm ~"' SP<•knnc Communlly Coll•t• l!t~t Wt'l!k al th,• Cueur d' Aleno PllblJc Goll Cours, a rrl ,utfttrC1k•d the vlsua~ 8", tn 61 •• It \\OS lhe fl111t mulch ot lht! &ro•on [or th~ home 11.'tlm.
Cooch K~lln C l'afi bNon ftfoomlnJ thl' plllyem ror somr llml' (lnd roruu,qu~nu, the)· were reads.
Sconn11 was kl'pl br th, No.ssnuc mr lhod lhlll Ill, WI lh tl P08~lblltl.) or Lhr,,, po(nL~ rur l'llhf'I Pln)N 111 &pllt be1Yi1•cn lhl! IWO, IIAI• ch,.,. \\t'I•' 11lon'll bcltAr•l'ft !ndl•lduttl pln\N'll from ch school.
Low medal sc:orNs for the da,y YiN~ Don Lr..,,, or NIJC and L.llrry D\ork of S.C.C•• both tied tAilh 84 ',;.
Thr results of th~ lndh"ldual l11llchl"< Wl'II' 88 fol)01"S.
Larry o,·ork 2, Dnn Wllm1!111 1 Ro 5'!1 Olngrlch o, Johft Or!!filhs 3.
••1 2b Jlin Johns.ton. c Eoumon, lb Meddock, lb Srtcfriftd, u Lewi$, If Poo1~, cf NorQOordf.n, f Lefebv-,e. p Kiefer, p Columblo Bo,in S Detrick, ,,::.:tfi ,f Speflocy, lb Boy lb Coplin, cf Morby, 2b
Wea.,u, c Courrney. $) G.,,.,, .. pl, Otodde,n, p tl.l.J.C. 2
L~•is, u Not9oorden, If Eutman, lb Jim John11on, c Meddod,, 3b
Soofrled, 2b Poole, cl S1,01e, rf Ot.Jcnovlch, p O.ut~, p Colu.,nbio Soun
3b 11.lch, II Olllwnboc~. u Spelltcy , d
lb CollH, cf
For a Lifetim e of PLEASURE Learn to BOWL While You
A bt, second lnruni: dl'cld~d lhl' Js,uf.' l'Brly. Tht> card• scored 9 run" In 1ha1 tnntnc on n,e hlls, S "alks and tbre, L< ~rrou,. The blc blo" u, Chub Ea.sunan •s uiple, dtl1·!n1, in two run~.
Bruce II heeler paced tht' N:.JC hmers wllh t\\D blows. sori;u.rden and Seelned each ndded a double IO the 11tlack. Judd i;a1 two ol 1he ll11rrtor bll:,, one a trlplr Students who W'llDt.,.. mpta 10 be sent to colloges and unlvcnllU.. to wblcb they will be t:r&n8!erring abould IJlllk'" appllcallDn for these tran.ocrlpts beCort June 1, ae<:orcllng to I.he coll•c• reptrar, ltwko Nahlo.
J1h & She..,•o• '40 J.31 SS
In 1he ~ccond pm1•, 12 s UC bn1tNs " nt down "" tni;lnft. Davia ranned 6 1n 1he five 1nrungs he PIIChed lot CBC and SchroedN mowed do"n all thl' Cards tn the shlh and seventh Innings.
DnlP. DeJanuvlch ror :,:uc nnd "as tl.Y Gar\" Der.>s ten second llflet G,t,·1ni:: runs on four ht IS.
Tbe Canb hnd In l'3Ch Jl:lfflP played rrrorles~ nfternoon.
stnrtPd rclle,•ed In lh" UP lh l l'<'
1hrer e rro rs while CBC boll for the
ll M>rt o! l&lcu the Joy out o! gnJ.du1ung whe-.n you r~mem~r lhat you hav~ 10 •lllrt aupport1n,: your..e.Jt'
•I, r. ana u '· E?1.ui1,
105 Sllarm•r, Aw-e. - MOJ,•w \ 4-5721
Ron Rudi• I, Dan Lt\\ Is 2. L~en Bohrens ",, Bu~ BC'Ck :?lo,.
Oouc Anl• lk 3. Bnuy Jenk Ins o.
The educnllono.l p5ycholo and odalei-cl'nl psrcbolo cta:;ses are planalna a 111 to I..Ake!And Vlllt1~t' for lot April or c11tl.V Mnv. Tht sill den L~ will v!sil the Easler l\"ashl n11Lon home for exctp uont1l chi ldr~n. About 3 stud,.nti. rue e1peC1td att,~nd.
The--E-n-,1 - n_e_e_rs_'__Ba._ll I trnia u,·ety o;chedul~'<i to Mny 9.
BOWLI NG 1,-. F1M A t Co.1.1, o•Altt1c N.I.J.C. 7 AB H E 6. 1\1'••'••, 2b 3 I I 0 RBI I Jim ~n.s.ton, < .« 0 2 0 1 l),n,"'°'"• rl 5 0 2 0 0 Mtdd0<k, 2b I I O O 0 S.,r. d, n 2 I O O 0 Poole, cl 3 2 I O I Lc.,.,,11 41300 £0,r,,..,., lb 4 I 2 0 I Dtut•"• p 3 0 0 0 L,•11-Cla,i.. Ncwtnal l Gl,dden, u 3 St..hon. lb 3 Stot.-y; c l Judd, II J Oia u, Jb 1 ,;,,~ •• ,1 g cl 3 0..-,, cl & P 3 °"""·'· ,b 3 ~temcr,, p 2 G,o"•• ,r O 1'1.1.J.C. 10 0 0 0 0 , I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 l O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O O 0 8. Wh,.. 1,,,, 2b Jim JohnstCW'I. < O..ns.r.ior•, ,f Moddock, 3b S.cfo•d, u Pool,, cl L-ls,11 Eottmon, I b Kiaftr. p Norgoardc.n, c Strate. 1f AB F! H E RSI 3 1 2 0 I 0 1 0 0 S I I O 0 I 1 0 0 • 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 I I O O 0 I I I 1 I O O 0 0 I O 0 0 0 0 0 L•wu•Clorlt Normol 3 Gl,dd•n, u 3 0 0 2 0 Sl.•hon, lb • I I O 0 Sto,oy, rf 3 I 1 0 0 J.,dd. If 3 I 2 0 1 o, •••,. p 2 0 0 0 0 Wicks, c 3 0 0 I 0 ~moy, cl 3 0 0 0 0 Oo.nnon, Jb I O 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 P11noy, 2b 3 0 0 8oo1h, lb I O 0 N.I.J.C. 4 6.
2b H-o,e,
Oa-··· p Schro.du, p 7 AB R H E RB 2 0 0 0 0 • 2 2 0 3 J O Z O 0 3 0 0 I 0 I O O I I 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 l I I 0 2 I I O 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 I l O 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 2 I I O l 3 I O O 0 4 0 I O 0 3 0 0 0 I 3 0 2 0 0 l O O O 0 I O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB R H E RB 4 0 0 I 0 J O O I 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 I I O 0 J I I O I 3 0 I O 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 l O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB 3 R H E llB 2 I 3 0 2 I 3 I 3 2 4 I ' 0 3 0 l 0 I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 I 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 0
Lake C'rty Lanes, Inc. Z4 14 N - St C....., cl'Aleoo
Are Young
N.,.,.C. RE 1Ei. C•••· ci'P,I• • ldat o, "•d•. Apr.I 21 196J
o-• .,t •-lt•s 0t "-64'6" 1U S\e n"Na A"•· • Coe
cl'.Al.• date • •• late . .. shower. •• shave •• • nick. •• ouch ••• ..• dress ••. rush ••. rip ..• change ... drive ••. speed flat .•• fix ••• arrive .•• wait . wait ••• pause .•• thlngs go bemth e Coke •• aoni.ct undt, th• 1uthoruv o f T he C....~ola C ompe,11 ~: EMPIRE COCA'.cov. aomlN6 co. " "
end S.r,,tc.e"'