Film On Africa
, Thursday Night
Studtnt,, are 1n,1ted t att~nd iomorrow nlaht ' • llmel7
t r aveloP:1', ··n,.. Cban&:1nr
• !fNUt o f Alnca " at 8 P.M. ID the NIJC C)'m. or. Arther
TW"Or::e, who I duer: r or education of lt.° Carnerie Jnautute. and who bas Just , ~11unl!'d from a saran In A(nca •Ill analr.i:P Africa 'a pas t and document theprea nt an a1nktna natnral ("..oJar rum. seouencea or people and places wlll lend bactcround to hls ID1t'rJ>retallon.
A fo• or the l:l&JU' uoaaual sequences aze: l\'aka11: ba d a nccis whose dtummtn, atf' aeon~ tbe 11nest lo £ut Af rica , azl' cau111t In acuon. and their music 11 r~roduced on la.De recordJo,::s. Vut aalmaJ herd1 &II' Olmf.d In cloat,-ups Vanoua tnbes are aho•n In thl'lr prlmlth·e aurroundl np;. In cont rut: The bu11Uln1 city or Nt.Jrobl Kampala, l'ducaUonaJ ctnu,:, Momtaa modem ,inport, hutP t.ea and Cblfec plantallona, n:laslo1111: sbaMbu. The S1&ta11 wu "'&de up D( forty-two Alrlcana. Ix whlu-5 , thsl"' lorries, and UaeP Landrorer • Dr. Twomey ls a vNeran or naru f'XP.-dlllons. B...,ldes bf'lnc a dli Unll,IISb"d ..,. plo r Pr , o,. Twomey bas woo acc:lalm a a proreaalonal ll'Cturt'r Ill ski II ID pro(Blona I ph<,tocsaphy, hl11 broad ,clentlflc backcround. and hi.a 1n1rr e I In lhe ~ople,; al thP world eomblnr to make his l!v.'IUr<' not only educ:allonal but al. o l'Dlt'rlatl'.I 1,
Changes Mod e In Athletic Program
A chani:r hb rfCrnU) b, m 1!¥1df' rrA,ird1nc thc NIJC alhlt•Uc: budgrt. Nl':i.l Yt'&l th• budact •Ill b" a txed arnounl ralhN Uton a per• rtnlaat a has bt'l'n tht' rull' In lhc pa• l, Prf'llt•nt plan& t'all for a ,3.00 ludr nl bldl fcfl f o r ,lhlruc \\Ith tht• balanc«. or th , • c111t bud,:cll·d ror and , !Mid lrom collrlt' !und1.
Thi $3,00,.lll bf' taltcn ltom 1hr n•111l11 rl., chura,!d 11tudrnt bolt), aelhlllt· fl'c.
Th• athl l'U c budc,·t ,1111 be 1dmlnl11tNlld b~ the director ,t athlo•tlc•. lhroush the col· "•" bu 1n .:imcl'.
As the phin l'lla 11tood In 1'ro(:l'dln1 ,\\•arB, tho •tudt'nl board drlrrmlned a rrroont· n Ktl of th,• ,nudrnt boll• tllnds for llhh•Uc•. But, 115 Mr. Chnsuan ,n. XI.JC' prrslde.nt, has kltolcd. th" athlcllc act th !tit at the JC arc C<'llln1 o r BUr:h "'' that ,tabl t11roount1 are ncc'(!NI 10 finance lhrm. It Is nece&S&f\ I make commtcmcnts nir co -
P•·lllh ,. 11por111 tn ad, an lhnt'lorc tht• coll"I" mn n t bk" a chance that U rut'l.'ntar.r or funds al Iott, 1uld e,,\~r (ll.l•t·,s•
E'ttSC Co uoulor Coa,09
l.;,•nnrth K. KrMtilh, admb· 1 H,cll r fur t:a&t~m lla5h\n1,1 on Sate Colli'~. \\Ill bt! al :-11JC AP111 He v.111 talk with an., tudenls •ho m:i) be rl:innlnc to L111n~1t·1 to E:a5tl'm and "ho bu c quc;Uons conCt'mloc thr11 colh-it>.
Sludrnt., Interested fflll) coniact Mr. Kcnnt'dy \n tbl' Rribtrar'.s Oflicl' after 9'30.
Sl]Cs B oard 0/Tru st ees
WE1l«ES0AY, AP~ll m,
MSU Jubile ers Will Entertain This Morning
-\II 11 ,e bl L< dllY ••II reaturl' thl' tt'nowned )l.)ntana State Unh"t'rslt.r Jub!lttrs.
Di rectors For Comb i 11ed Co11 cert
Cho ir In Joint Concert Apr il 14
r X !\ CappdlA ( Jr •111 ra ls a::::::LI ,-pslni: lXlnCt'rt In n Jotnt con · Ct'll "Ith tbe Ea;U 1n Wash· In" n !:ibU> Colle~ .s phonic Choir on April t'I.
Tht' sympllO le Cb Ir 1ll
ducctt'd tQ- Dr. r.ti.=.
EIISC's uslc der.;1rune1:I, 11ndc1 uu, culd:lnce or or.
MlLDZO, bas mad lmPrt'SSh't'
PNU1!$~. nu, colledtu1S. a s llll<'r. elcc:lhe c;: UL r..Cl'::tly t rNI ll:e Orient :and
lht' ee,-entr·fiYe P !!IC Choir la boa :s.
T~ concen • II be c cpoi;l'd or pelf n:iances b1 thl' S.)'c;,bolllc CllO!r. tile CuUe· i;laDS and llll' A CIIPPelb Chou. Thi' f,nale w1U be a comlllllt'd pt,tfonnance •Ith t!:t' UO I~. ,.\d lss.:oc :s 1.00 lor alt.Illa 50c for smdcnu1. smd nt cuds • Ill not be aCCC'pt<il.
A dance will be lll"ld In the SUB >,pol I~ tr,;m 8 WtUl I:?. )111!,JC 11111 be pr \ tded by the SHA00l1S.
Hert>'• r cl:ancr, C1rla 1 ,\ SiMIJ I' H11.wdna /wornen 'll cbolc eoarw:io donrP w 111 be held Al)rd JO. Tt-J& <bncc I II aponsort'd bY the 1rnm~n dorm studt'nt • n111UrllllY, and wtll bC! rroc 9:00 to I:? 00.
Pnzea wlll toe awarded the can and ><Om1111 wn ring th,• best costumes - wt-Jell can be :t!U'U:lne from Ozark a:oun· Lain "t'Dl to farm 5l)·le lo 1res1e1n c:ltJ dodr.
Tbe SbadOW1. 11. =I.IP or JC students, 11·11 I pro, td•• tbemlllllC'.
F'or 19 year,;, the Jubal,·, r,; ha•e been pr,w\dln; nne en t.-rtaln:nfflt on lh MS\: a.mpua o.nd throuc.'lout Montana and the !'< o rth\\eftl. Th•• ,roup, con,!sUni or 10 c::, 10 "omrn. an accornpanJs1. and n ll1thtln1 technl elan .has breo under the dlrectton or Jcseph \lubsulman, A,s1stant Professor of Music at MSU. !or the pa._...,t :,.(•\eon )ea~. l\no•n a.. "\IOntana'o f'lnest Voices, " th,-..e'nti,d colleciatt ,1nce1 are trained to dr\·l'!Op a dc,:ree O( Hntll• tlltl,) thnl ls ,rtdom rMICht'd bv college 11roups elsewhere. our1n, the cour.e or ll slndtt season, thcJ w Ill u~Wlll) perform a ,.Id" ,·arlNJ or ·.YPl".'I of , oc.l music !rum madnaa.l 10 01>Na, and from &rt'at choral classics lo P<•P· ular Br >tld11117 show tunes. The Jubllecra ha•·e rfCelved acclaim, tou, for lhrlr l!n•ly ( h ,r., ·•"tv.Ph• wblch Is d<'~laned for their popular numb,,r,; b) mrmt.>rs o l lhC! c:roup. i,.ach •I lhe 11lncers f,; a ntn1"'t. and man)· pn~sPS.ti add!Uonal ablllll1..,. ns In· troml'nlo.11~1 • 11cror • and dDOt'flN.
lntereHUn11 ll1ht1n1 l'trec:ts art crt11ll'd tor the Jublleer& • p,•rfonnances b, the croup's ""' n technician, u,lni: 5lmple portable equ1pmf'nt.
5..,-. t'ral form or membe111 or 1hr 11roup ha, e 11ndunted Into covP!t'd poslltons a5 proresslonal l)('rl rtters on the 11111i;e , in opera , nnd on Itel· ,., l~lon. Joanna L1•s1er. dau«b:l"r of ,olce depart:::fflt chairman nnd OPt'm workshop director John Le•IN, Is c:urrc.•n!.ly appeannc In a Principal role In a music.I comedv currenll,) play1n1 In the Eust, Rnnald Bottch r 1~ "°" sln11n1 lead bant,tDI! rol,..s 111th Nl.lw York ' s Clly CcnlN Opera O>mpany.
The Jublle~rs • proarom "'Ill consist ol n wtdt' vartets ol selfCuon • lncludinc sonp fror- opMella,, and musical coml'dlt>:,,, folk sonr,:s, nnd p0pular ,onl!S, A fl'lllure or 1h1 procsam 111 be a medley or IVl'lltern sona:s arrangrd PIJ>t'Clalh !or tht' Jubllrer,b) J. o,..,,... Hummt'I, ASl!O• ci11te Pr1>fes~or of Mu;.Jc at MSU.
The group •Ill al:,,, prr(off" exccmta fro"' Ralph \'au,:hrln WIIUams ' "F'lne Mysllcal Son~." and a •N of C-Lrchoslou.kt an ,on,·, bS tbr Jrrat contemporary composer, Bob· uslov Msr1tnu
O. ec k Losa he.,, Su:. \t, r,;1 hi, "People w 1th aruc,e" In tne lo:<t and found should pick them op • lthln Jhe nest le" ckh bt'Ca use you n~ar can tell ,. hat "P ma.> drctde to do with them. •'
Publid,•d S•rn1,Mo11thly 01o1,it19 tf,.• Coll•9• Yu , Ir Journ liun Stude f'lh •t th•
Ed',to , •.•.•••.•.••.•••••••••••••••• S.c"-1 r •.o~c
iAc;,eu::i Ed11or •••••• , •••• , •••• , , ••• ••• • A6zt. Gr,br,ou
Sp,oua Ed,10, ~" E: c 'fi.~
C1rculot1on • , • , ••••••••••• Bo•bo•o X,offord.. Sho,o,1 Sc.ho,n
Pho10g optsen •• • • • • • • • • • • q,cli. Ac111~f'!OO", Po;.,I 'Wome•
R~por1c,,· Lorry 8oto,th1 Bo; D,;f,.•nc, p..,,., GoocitirW. J ..,
Helg~ ,ol"I TOfh H199hu, iAor, Lo,.., l(o, Mci-t • Y.«,o. ()o., d
Mc.Cowgt,no, Flo Puk Cloro ROCl~n:. Rol!'IDno s,,,i
l •. ' Ii I ; ,0 I CII
fr ' n,L: ? - -
Atror r ma a f .- ~..,
,d cflO , s'-"'C rnm9 I I.C o,p _o
cro.nd ,o-..., mom end sec I pe, reollt cc vc And I d,d hrd men • on end thonk!. for 1ob, «::or h or c~ lollo,;s:
ri,., u:,rd1nol Pep Bon:! , ol cour , bo,k tbol garoo, ond ho, per( nnod a•
, 11,111 , b<,1f. for mo JC aid ior •,io p.,b c
The Lone r mor ' • Club p., •chom ·he bo fer fir, r 11 nc 1h1".i yoor Prev1ou< y •
•o 1.:,ken frorr •he a1nlc11c fl.lfld As., •
s;cri,d o 1- 1 rmol dl-,,-cr -:lonco ,c r,,ly
Tho Corel K ho, holped 01 bo· ><e•:io QOT!'
1 eke•, and d1r1?C1tngau1~10b,le tratt•c "" the, c
Thay era re,pon, bfc, lo, ,~., Co,d,no d r1K•1cn
" O I OfT'PU • and lhey ar now anning a
TI O'lf'IUOI ,,oit ho• oo,:,n end ,, q., ,1 grdboc,co yogrboo~ I r tho JC. Th15 w
Ol'nua ~,,.,e 1<159
Th A Copp- llo Cho1r o, danc, .,, '1 •o p,ov,
m "'' '7' pr~t p-it:lcc r lo• ors bc·weor t ,bl, " •rlo- nee, - BK STILL TIME TO IMPROVE
I ,o 1' ,1 tin
.:if I
Roco1ologuin9 In lll.rory s, d Thr llbtary lnsl ,el'k bepn ca1atoautn11 the bio,raph) and uuwlllo1t11111h} secllons or 1he
ltbraty. The library cont:l.lns appro:aJmaLPly I 000-J ,'.?00 c,r thesr books and aboul half an hour per book ts e1p"Ct"<! lO be "Pi'OI
Edu r. Re\:1 •
To. :\11 studt':U.S i:ene::i 11'.I' and to ,.-, :ne ~:ud ts sptcl • fic:ilt:r
As a m~bc, f the focnlt.., ' o:th Idaho Jw:I • C ll"i:r ! r - ~ ec,.l J"3r.i , 1 ft'el quallfic:I ,..~ Wt'II as co::,pelled to """' lh le tte, i;:atrs1:n, 1 11 acll ns •nd lm-wr• b<'ha, r o! ir::tn) studl'tll:I at L~e Student Cal • and 111 sa e ~e.bool d.uicc,;. TIils, pins :Ile total lack c.r r('l;ard r r tbeo 1ldt.!I Gnd 11nTilPCe& or the ma)Orit, the laet or pnde 10 th<' cl anllncss and e11re or our eampus a:at1111 me " ndrr abl111 ll:c ability of !traluren and phOll:lltes In col!C?Ct' u, cont. I t.l:clr bcl:8'1'1 r. a Phil rbJ ll'al I ~l'llNnll) bcl1 , C In and au pt w 11tr.:rtut" nt aJI ti es I ft!el lll1 1- l'l1AI' pride lo tile fael that I II na 111 tructr 111 lh collt';e. J r~J rn· c:oump,d by tbe iro1tth of m111l,!' of ltlY atudent Int I· lectually. I !ttl 1<11tl11!acll n fr.>111 iatklni; t alodrnta Inf nnally 21 tbr, Studrnt ~ni n atiuut ffl.T 1b)t'C l mattl't sctno.l probl rn • r cuatnl u;sues or the da).
I kno• :lml thN !acullT me bNI reel tbr. >al.Ile 'llf. I knoll' tbAI "r, ba \I' llOit:<tblnc U> on rr ('' ery stUdent at the collc~e In a II or the areas or total &N\\th. This school ls i;r~•1ns;. ,.., are 1ru11llnc pos1U\c, prugress In ...-"ry a.rt'll of '11>.,, lh ucevt n", tb" &OC!!n l ua This i.s lhr a1>t'tlnc area lhtll J = imst cancem,"ll "11n nt Ibis time.
I :im n.ur.t:ll about ca rd ptaru,11. po~lu,· abut the music, ro, nflN all this Is a mauer or ta~t... Ho.-.ear. I act 1otal Lv nei:atl H' a bQut l)llper cui:s belns; Lhruwn llCIOSS tile Student llnl n. It ls en:.bu mi-stnc IO t'-llteruun n vuutor and h~,e paper baG s1UI pnst his lac@ • llh • i.n:uui. Pet-I hancinc out lhe end n.rin, lhe pen · nant at ruden~s I\ Ith al I due n!'"t'rence to tl»se who bnve been ralti~ olheiwlse- , I .,1111 ft>e! that cha.Ir& are for ce ital n 1Btts ar the :uic,,:olll)'. coffee tabl~-s fo r cc!ree cup~. m,,pzln".S, Qt books, louni:e cha.lrs fo r loUJ1cln1: and not f or sl\'l'Plni; Tb,. ~econd orea o! -, pr1>-
A ~tllllrnt and I "rot I th" bakNy and obe ,u n<,<1 (\\ hu~r .ans t r tr.itih. 1r. P1""r' 1ialnh'<I f r u~r at 1hr Slud('nl t'ni n. \'<'l lh h"'" and l'l und: ,u., ult 11 d1JlllCl' 1 a~one \\ho ha, a~ fedlll': or pr d• In lhc, I· c~r Po.per 5'1Ck lilt t th, pu~ nc :ua lllld pr , •~•· nn an!ilrcc,ttabl" i;hm1>~ • 10 a U ,. h:> ra-~s ~. llo• do 1h15 k th la\PllH ' n( lh1•
Junl t C llrt1• OL'<Uict "ho m4:hl t,c, dnvln~ b,· to ot,SN' • hem his mon,.., ,s !,;,In; c- nt' Ml thild I"' t :,I 18 hutl\ " ~r1<, and 11ll;h th h11mo1 u • L~ F'mnc«' 111 thr bl tr I' and eU !'~ In r rrl ,n (Jim•. ll 1•0S!llble toub~t r\!• !!Om" ch11mttn 1n•at1na II tum, <lan~ltas a c1i;irett< ,ut or rathrr fol II~ d,1111:lni: th<' ll1tht r11at11 Iii' "llh rrn ut1racL1ve r111111ur. It m.1) bP p :11blr IO sPt, lhls 11t pur11<."UIIII rubs In thr c,1,, 1nd .-1d,a1h 11 ,.,, o pot1stbli moo,. r b,,h:nlur In 111>m<' ot tile- aurroun .Jlni: communlll!.'3, But It la •IISC'Onl.'Nlln11 to ~.-· lhlll nt II pine• 11~,t co ulll b<J ce111,1 n( cu lture. th<' on , placa ff hfre on, could krl com! tu1bte ab< 111 bo•lnR ur~und ~oun11 PN!PI~ •ho rmtld 1101sns 1h11 ,:»od ~rnM• t o kno" whut ts i;ood ts s tr und "hul la n t. :'iQ 011(' llhou lcl CIIIIC' llt ,.lthtlul ohw 11u1un• ronh IIOG";t! (>Olll UVP II n UU h'& lhul ml 1hl n•mr.Jy thr 11ilu1>1lun. Thl'lefore, I \\OUld Ilk, llJ P~ poise th e folluv.tnK idru• for you r aNlous con~ldr·m• tl•,n· I , T l'al lh!.' Stud,•nt l n Ion commlllee h11\·e PtoRmms Lluil call ror eoin 1• 1SOe1al ncll,·t· ui, tn ,,h11·h a c,,r111111 mndr or dt""s would bo rrqul red. llllhin this h<:opr, I firm!) bl'llt!\'e that lh•' dmm 1 tudrnl.i\ atuuld form thc, core o! u II IWOd th1n1t11- l b"ll <'V!.' aoffil' ,,,,u.r lhNe •1, llhln lhnt llvlng uru: should hllVl' thr fortltudo to s tan , 11..-nd r,,, IX>od,
:?. That the &tudrnt body af!lc~r.1 form an acttnn com · m!Uee \\ho "ill &lll rt a progror of po~!U\'e prtd, In p roerei for N LJC. I p ropo11e Ru B mwn u chrurman
3 Thill th!' pr :;ldt'nt cl IJ,e .,tuden1 bodv lake .ll 2.!!l! :ind follow lhrouilh w1u1 o.cllon ra.tbcr t~.nn ialk.
4. Tlat t>ach one or u consclou .1 v b,-cor,· public rt>htl ar.ent bv Pnd...,, or - te,,t ,.,, Ute ca,e f :n~ ca:r.pu,,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:=;a=====;
DRI NK IT FROSTY COLD OR. PEPPER l1Ht fr ' oodty ,,pp.r.Upp.,"'
1217 Nor1h
I 117. v.tnnrr, "IIUIIIN t lb Ores,." unrl • t~lr» I •n Emrru ror "T\' lnlHr 11 " un ,•due tll >nlll P~>&rnm. 1i 5Ctlpl lntl ud, • ''"l'hr I u nl su1n1 Pnul.'' " •• Am On, • sun1,c,t," and "from \Ian t• \Ian." 11,, la th uuth r ir l\\O n 1\·111 n ,und~t 111,·r atullnu bv put,. It hc·r_.,-".-------
SUMMER JOB S FOR GIRLS AVAILABLE I tkr ehl ldrrn' \lun,, Oltr ~umm,• r anrl l our llOtl-llin, llnbvalllln& Jul>\ ur, no o,,,.,, ln ! ,.11,ul,. 11t ud1•11l Th• ~umn4tf lob la arrvll th lnkr 1md 1u1vu1~ ro1un and buth urt• lurnl hcd , Th• putt 111111• J"l:>6 urn In Co, ur d' All'n<. I! futlhrl lnr,,rrr11111,, n, C>tlllUet Mr. Hinh,•, lnK In ,,, ory wnv lo g(t bY lhe sl mpl ,, m1..,. o r iOod ta,tr 11nd l'IIQUPll;> 1ft IIUI ltPalmflll ,, r fllh..r prupt1• mnd lhfir prop••ny S. Thot rm~l or nil, eacb "' u lllkf! 11 m,mtnt to ap· prectat" th11 ,,pr.o rtunlly r "" t<ducullon tn ,,.,~ a<>d•tY, l\'c mu t thrn utumately c me to thl• , ~111 u m that bolb ft tudPnt s •nd faculty mr<' nol nnJy rt•pres<'nt.a.ll r".s of an JnstltuUon--'WI! are an ln&U• tutlon. And ·Nbat w1• cake It, ll \\Ill be. Raymond L. SIOn•
ROYAL RENT · SALES · REPAIR o.. tt 1 & r,,.., s.,,ii., INTUSTATE TYPflWRITO Co .C l7 5:ke,,.,,.11 A"9.• ,.._. 4,C t l
SOUVENIR RECORDS " IC-, 4 Rec«d Ol t, ..,,_ oi...n ssn 226 S--.• ,. COEU ~ D'ALENE. IDAHO
Woodcock 's Drag Store C..nd,ei - Sund,~, P,escr'p+;on, 116 "' · - St • c.... 4 .NoN
HE W S 64 d1r r 'I' .ts 21. 0 mmer 1ot>
'l)en no ,n 50 state~ MALE or FEMALE Un·
P•ecea. · 1ed r=rch f r studcnrs nc udcs e>-oct
PQ\ rotes and 1ob de10,l1, Names cmp oi,crs and thc,r oddrcs,es for hrr1ng n industry, summer comps nor,oncl porks resorts ere ere. ere
Hurt} 11 aob, f llcd <"Ori~ ~nd l•-o dollars Set s
toc11on guoronll't'd Send to Summer Jot,s D rcc-
ror~ P O Bo, 13593 Phoen,~ Ariz no
College Groups WW
Offer Services Fo r
Annual Guid an ce Doy
C 9:30 Presldlni ••• P.A
Chr:suar., n, Pr.,.1den1, :-.uc
l:lToc:aUoa - Rev. \\. c.
Hunter Ffr,1 &:itlst Church
G11't'llni;,; - Pmnk ~l>rse, Prl'!lldt'nt.Cd'" Kiwanis Club
G: «'Un~ - ll"a.y~ Knudtsen, Prt'Sld 01, Cd'!\ Ch:imbl'r IC mmcrct' GrN'tinr:s-- Russt'll Thomp· r, d t. sue " s
c1a1"'1 saJC!ent:
9 45 "Pn Nl"m of Ch<>I<'~ "
J\a: Bach an. \\ashln~on
llat r P"' r c
10 15 Er.lrrt:ilnmf'tlt--s IJC
0111 n and )lisle !-ludt>nls
lO 35 8<"'1~ up tnw lnter~t
Cl• u l'lln<"I Olscu Ions
11 30 T ur r Cnmpu.,, f'lll Thl'III KllplJI and SN£A
e lx'r as culdc
I. 00 L un-,h llolh Sf'CU 113)
---c URl"SV l C~'A Chambo•r
t c,mmrr·~ and SIJC ll'>rne
£ Club
I IS Presidio; - P. A.
Chn11uan n. Pr 1den1, SIJC
IM C'II Uon Rr,. Mnon
Sharr11rd, \1..tht>cll~t Church
Clr<'t'oni:s Paul Ammon.
\ c Pr d~n,.ct1·~ Kh,11n!s
Cil'l'cllns,1 - Ila,,,., Knudl·
• Pr..,.ldcnt. Cd'.~ CMmbt'r
d. Ci> rce Greetlni;s Russt'll Thomp-
l!II n. President, s !JC Ass~
l.a!N students
I 30 "F:N!dom of Choice "
Kar. Bnc:ha:an , II ashtncton
ll"ate: P 1 • Co.
00 Enttrlal=nt s !JC
a alXI l!USIC S1llden111
• ~O Break up Into Interest
Cl - • Panel 013cusslons
T : t au,:p u.,. Ph I l\ap;u lllld S~E.\ men,·
• CU rJ • l•ck1 F•llow na hu bllrrl to at n n ptl tud~ 1 1 Th I O d I
Le .,,., HEW d rectory L sts hundreds of pe,manen career oppcu'tu, r cs ,n Europ~. South Amerace Africa and the Poc,r1c for MALE or FEMALE Torols 50 count, cs G ,es spec:1f1c addresses end no~ p,~=cr ve U S empl~rs w th foreign subs d cries Excep r,onolly high pay, free trcr.el ere In odd lion encl~ viral gu d~ ond procedures necessary ro foreign employment Set locr on guoronrttd St:nd r o dollar:; ro Jobs Abrcod Orr crory P O 80:w 13593-Phcen,x, Arrzono
a chic ICl~lt'd n le11e ., lht' Cl p cicellcnt club. but th~ al r or lhi, carr.pu I< fl)Ons1bl11ly tod nt.
It I!, pl'd lh:it th.- ::l bod., or lht' coll ce ..-111 be 1n1rres1e<1 cno ,,h ,n lbl" i,olJ«'ac ~nd to he p c:lrao It up.
In addlllon I lhl' clt'n - up ,.,•ck C11clc !I: 111 ndt'd th~ Coro: d'A,enc i-n ru Club lundlmn :ind el'!lorc n \prtl I, ------S..-e, A , Jud90 o,. r • Ni • • II d l::ilt' ~d!C I conlrlt'n,, ht•ld Ill :b S.·h I K, I• i;
••• bull ruaeed slims with Ille new A I POCkel , '"""" ~!Ch on hip) <1nd loops for bolt or sans boll us.I Tai• lored lo "pea" you as • sharp-smart dresserl In ru11ed wheat, faded blue and black denim $4.50. the new wheat S·l·r+Ic·h den· ,m $6.98.
At your favorite campus 1toro:
A bnnquet >,pnnsor~ b•
tho m,•mbN ot thl' Sludt>ot
:>;£A" it I be h.-Id at 7· 00 p, "'· ,
Apnl 21 :it thr Sl'B
Thi' PUil'<>'•<' nt lhr bonquet
I to lnt roducr m1•rnbrr f
the DH'll hl11h i;chuoL•' f'utur,·
TP3Ch •·rs A~~ocinu on~ to thr
GC'll\ lllt'.S 1>! lhl' C' >tlt'l:f'
li!UdPnt NF.A ln\'lluUun,
huH brt'n ··~ lnnd1'<! tu 1hr
f'utut, T1•11chNb 1\sfil>t"t1111on>1
I th~ ,anous hii:lt school~
<If north••m lduho.
Th , bonl)Ut'l r,•alur,s tmffl
111k,•) ut St.SO per plu lt, tu
b,• potd 111 lh• do.,r Coll,·~•·
s111dt•n1S rlirnnlni; ,., allrnd
a.r• a...,i:ed in enulaC!'t un, studt·nl NE:\ ulfit,•r not
lull'! thnll APril 14.
HIJC Ropro,ontod At
Enginetu • Mt ~ling
Th, Sp,kw1• s, cu, n or the lnsUtUIC f El<Cth>nlc: and EJ,.ctnc:al En~n,•,·rs, uf ·•htch
~,Ir. ~h~(tr b :in i:as~octatr"
, mber , met at the Coeur d ' .Alenl' Hotel In Spokane \lure
10. C E. Cnnnon \'ICl'-i>r.-, 1dmt and Ch,l'I E~in<'er !or \\ashlnt1 n \\atN ?.>\\N
Compal\, pr sent<'<! a Sl!Pe<'h
n t'nl:lnl'l'nn~ Thi' proi:r:m
al,o rncludt'd papers r,rel'nl • d b~ :,laff mt'mb<-rs or the Unh e~I ~, or Idaho 11rd
11.1,hlni:t'>n Sl,tlc CnlHh1t,. Gor.l..ii::, and N !JC •"'' • r,-
ll!l':Sl'nl'ld but did not pri,,-enl
Pal>'-'"'· The I\\D repre-enl:l·
ll\l!s trom :-; !JC "Ne G!ll, Shram,•k, pr<'S1den1 f lhl'
Eni:ln<"'r ' s Club, aid •.\Ian
P rr .:.·
T hr ''1,IC Or I t
May/Quote You?
sub t'CLs
Tor ua:h th., ;;;rucrac th
mnlb 11:mdl' r;lud<'nls a:e
hrlped lO Db!Ala bett r
per,,l)<'CU\C In cb!)() DC <.'C r-
S('S 10 be lllkm In th i: S:
st"hOol •t·ar~ In pttt>lUlll
for collei:,•.
Alt. Clurl,•, SUdl\' I • Sll.nd·
pot nt Juwor 111 llh s I
rrinc,pal aad i;wdan
t<l'IOt,accQrnpanlPd Lh
l•~allni: :?50 stud, nl •
lnlrtt•:,l ~~JUI • d dt!>'ction ol coll
or~. "er11 as !oll >\\
ne"ll, \11,« Gtlben. Edoc11t me Judi ru: obsN\ tni: n pracll<' t,'Ocher in llct'II n,,;. Cu· ton En~nN'rlni:. \It. ll er
B:\ 11nd B:;, \Ir. Burn:< H r
Ee. .Mrs. Stmr.:tban. ,u
\ll'<'l'.anlC'!i, \It. ll:iu ~,. El«:·
trunf('s, \Ir. sc,t,,,rt.
D,. P riddy Sotv" On Acue-ditotion Teo•
L• '" and Clan. :O,on:i:il
SClw >t 11as t<'"e,·11!. led rch 26·'.!'; b, a com tltt
or ,i, prof..,,,o,, trom ,ar ;u. rolll'&~s. Dr. Pr.dd; wn nmonc them. The otl:er co-·
mllt<'t' ml'l!lber~ ,. re· Dr. Ja ,s Be~mls, L'nh'N<it,)' I :,,-tunuo n (h<>:id or I hP c auttee Or Don Pn:.terson.
Prc,,1dem or EUSC co •
1ia11er clmlm:cn D:. D3Il
\ltbc,o, Ct'ntr:tl l\~sblr::ion State C lle&e. Dr. Tuc:ker, Colle~· or kbh , and Dr. Ga:zN, E:i:,t~lll O:ei; n
C ":..·•_··--
H•wman Cl•b Will Hov~ Vi1.itat1on
Terun Stnnruni,s· Gutter
Ou5'ers , Fuul·som Fouisom.
3 Pl11;s Pl us I , Alley Duster.;,
O!d Cronies , SIOmi, rs Tar
B :ibles, P o tentlom tN • Fou r
S t llt!O Sc rounc• rs . { BG , Ill
Ev ryono kr,o, Mt , ,pp, I ·
!molly IO~•nQ ad ""a r oom 1 /;,J rh rr
foi [owe/• or worn fo, ...,nrno. F?r rn r o,rm· r f#K.! t at p,., ,/ l,m A '" •• 1\ !" ;
AIN (j(, t I I ' J c1,.
ABoo k Re view
M r.J .., , -'.1 J.11,,
T hr mo vie, I a rr,01. b u l th r book Is bNll'f, 1'11l l l a llw " o rd on Toll!
Jon~& Th, • mo , ,1r, "H h Alb n t inn•·> 1>l a ln 11 1111 uu,, l\lh' , I K wildl y lll larl nus and um oni: lh, b<' t r, r mnd, • HI lht, n , v, 1 b~ ti, nrv
F'IPldlnL n clustc, Is ~t?N. fo,:i Jortr Of /jc HI IOTI of a I ondltar, 11as f11sl publl!ihi'II In 174 9 and IS 1111' ro , erunnf'f ol llll' mcdr : n no\el, Thr lll351<'rtul way In ..- hi di lift! IY F'lcldlnc 1~115 the alnr) of 1'> JOnl!I an • otaat ,•.,.,,,,,.. bas nnc, b, n l>Ul!lll , '(! Support Y•• • Ad..""""
S OIIZtn ft", 1... ,1 ,o• (o, Hco th and PPI O Pio o R •our I Pl a " Pa' r and Pur
H op~
:.ien ' s H1&h Game U!l' Saccafllto, :!I 5 ~l~n s HIAh SNles Ltt
NaccaflltO , 5~5
Iii m.-n ' s Hlch Game Ga: Jun,..., 196.
II' :tl'n · H•t:h s~nu Ga, Jar:an1. ;;31.
C'C\E BO\IL IIIED:'iF.SD.H !IIIGlfl' Grrr II ll&ry
HAS SU RGERY Mis:, 0 int n nt undenrcto\ nu.nor cir~ rr ct Sac r e<! Henri Ho,;p1L11I tn Sp kanr Out' to 1o11,, Our. · nican·~ absern:e from college the bst week, Phi Th!'\4 Kappn ho., b~rn Ullll ble I make! banquet plull!>. she 1s PTK 1utrl5' r. Plans ill b g ven 1n
E xc lu s .,. 'arda;9 -Cl !;,,_ry M1"9 r:a, foe .>.-'JtSltflS 310 Loic u de Ave. C08U" d1 A I~ VI,,. 'O
Track Team Off To ASlow Start
Golf Team Will Play Thi s Spring
Cuach l\ou,•n Kt'OOn& ha~ pracucci s•·S~Jun:,,. undernn~ rur his i;olr squad and 1:; 1n
1111.' NOCt'M• ur llntna up posstbl,• male hrs "tth lhl' Onl"'"t' or ld.ohO Fro~b Columb 10 Bu:slnColkc:e, Gonzo~a un,n·r.;1~,, l\lul\\orth Cl>I· ll'lt<' , and E:a.~trrn 11'116h1ni:1on State C>lh'gt' on a home and h >Ml' 1,n,.i:;
11, t\'1"1t1s that 1,,nr hlll1n,
Del Gittel BOwl
0-)n lltlml'~. Art GJoda e,
D"n Lc"ls,llnd Barry Jeni< look like lt'adlnc conleod :,; lor thr leam-
The pmn 1, :o c1,n; a s;uad , r &h or elcht men,t,er,; _ F r rnotcbes, r ur or nv11 pl!i;crs
111 o:ompN<', depend1nc on the nu1tbl'r plaJl.'d bJ cU:N
trnm,-.. The chi,lleoi:e s,-sw w Ill b• u_,ecf to deter:ul nc tbr lllt'mber~ Cor ~ch t-'an:. Belng a husband 15 prolllt>l:r hke an.,. other .IOb, It helps make thrnp a I : ea.ttr 1! ~u lt'11ro to like your bo&>.
THE LIGHTHOU SE SPORTING GOODS lOS s,,...,.l'!U.t'I ""• • M Oke -1 ..C...S7l
For a lifetime of P L EA SUR E
Learn to BOWL
While You Are Young Lake City Lanes, Inc.
D1. e:. :-. lla.macher, a pbI.Jc sur, n of Sp, wtll ~resent M llluatratcd lee1nrt1 enUtletl '•!'i!"II Cu er , " IIS tu1 ane:nbl,y n 1,prll 22. '.'Ii" Cust.omrrs •ill p t· t:ay thl' :u, :wto b.l• accidl'll tllal l DC r a.:ie tllt ae<'d I r phist.c aarg<'O'.
:.Uny I th r m11•·1 1 dalf h11ve n t nh "'" th• It lute If ontJ lril"'1 lhP aqusd 1in11ll, ,rarms up lh ug11 , 11 could t,.
FOR THE BES T HAMBURGER IN TOWN, GO TO THE llilOOOUt II ini;_ MISSOURI LUNCH r ~e III for Thi asse blr •11! b pn 11 9:'~0 acd w II en:! at I O.WSlU'l en :s wbo haT., sec nd pmod classes iue : D:lo:ct