N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

Page 1

Four Candidates Step Up Campaigns As Election Approaches B

Th• " · • rnor 1 we •C uon or wo• nt body presld 111 and ' · -. · Pr dcnl pro::ilscs 1o ("' lttr. a. "'"II as Inter· A 1t1t' e&n:pal'1)a t:!&lln.,. becomto mor ln\"olved and lnl•nsf". lhe candidlltcs will alee sides and 1ir 111 late • lec1ually sllmulDllDI Dttll· mcnLS a11cmptlnt:: to appeal to lhc \'OINS. Ou Id Pnano, o:rn or lb leading contend rs tor slud 111 body prcs1dcn1. stands on a platform or more s1uoen1 oor· lrol. H4' advocal<'5 &sRmblics lba1 m•'&ll som•lhlni: to the studen ts . Pr1ano fol'ls lhal lhe s1udcn1 vote on commli· lees should be a mivortiy 0 lba l II can nol br O\·cr-rlddrn by the !acui ty "Olr. Jell cox vouched for oav1• '" quallflc:a· lions by ~lnlln~. " Oa\'e hu n professional a ttllud' iowa:d his camp al11n and his omc:e He doesn't le i amateu r s~nu~ menw ac1 In hls.vQ.l-. althou&h 1 have no doubl he le slnc•·rc about the office or presldenl.' ' Helt'n Holland backed cox' s1a1eml'nl by drclarln~. "l'n known Oavt• for lhe last tour yeaza and I lhlnk he Is a qua!· ID••d lead ·r. lhe kind NIJC need:-.. .. Chesler Spel!d) > Reill) , lh olbcr top preatdenllal candt· odaie . Is lnlerc111cd In &P~ln a rern!"ed ln1eres1 b) lht »tuden1s 1n 111uden1 1o\'em· men1 to lamlllarlz" lht:!m wuh he duties and runcllons or the studrnl board. " I "ould like IO 11ee lnc:omln,i: a1uden~ b<'llcr




IJC clubs, social acm !ties and lacllllle- . " Reilly »aid: Toey Tra\\ct'k, ont of !"IJC' a Stal baskNbaJI pl&)etS, MDI "On record as S!lllDI, " SPffd Is n dJll1tent and hard \\'Orklnc exampll" or what this school nel'ds." Bui Tru1et'k \\U ~01 alone In hie commendaUons or Reilly. Claudia McO..rmld recommendl'd RrlllY o " A • atrted and lnl<'lllcl'nt Ind!· vldual who hM natural ll'ltdl"rShlp obllllles." \ 'lcc-pruldcnllal candldll1es .,rnus1 nol be Ol'crlooked. -iliou"" Jack £meri;on was no1 a1...Uable ror commen1, he has several backers . one of . whom Is John O'Neill. "I heanll~ endorse Jacll Emerson ror stud~nl bod) •lce· prnsl· drnl. Ht' has 1he lnltlall\-e .,aeeded ror the Job, " O' !"eUI said, and added, "This has no1 been a paid pol11lcal ad· ve11lscmcn1." Cral' Thacp<son ali;o endor ~d J ~k as a •-P candldsl• • "Ir m,y con· sldrl('d oplnl•>n. Jack T. EmNSOn 11'0Jld ~""'" a cood tudtnl bod.1 1 . c -pr~'$ld n•, In fact , lhe be · cllo I has Cl r had." Dennis Rlin;s. . . ""'""dto• 4'>r the lroshma11 cla .• eoumber or the student board • .nd candidate for s1udcn1 bod) , le< . J>resld,.n1, reels b., can do a good Job repro~nun1 all lhe s1u<1->n1s. He promises to l)Gck tho Pit Sld~nl, and 11111'<J>Orl lhe S1uden1 mJorlty vole . t..lnda t..ani"n had this 1o u.y DIJ>ut Rlai:s: "l'"' known Dennis lhrouah lhc atud•nt c.bmrd . nnd lbrou&h this asso• c1auon , and du.-, 10 his ..rro ri~. I 11m '•I) lmprc~scd with hla s1ncNll.l and aood Jud1P11tn1. .. ~llkc Elae., llllmmcd-up his Oop in1on or Rlus: " ll llh as CUii) \1 ••II IU 01 nnla hnB he wlll mak~ " ~Od 11cr-pr 111· dent." 0

VOLUllE X1, 7 ======:::==============COE l£'<£, • W - -_ - D'A =:~:==;.~==========~'IWE~ON~E~SOA~Y~,~Mt.~ll~Ol~l~.~l~'6~ Dormzrory omen Have Op·en Howe 10S Make Dean's List For First Semester Work Q



"Nr e\rn full•llme " llh " &1ra1c111 A" Cllldt' polnl a\Mall'B IJllt'nC tho •· un the o~n·a L.l ~t for the 111111 IM'mUIN Of lhe 1911H17 C'hool ,...,, Tbe ~. 51Udents were Jan A. Bull, Rando.II F. llonltoy, Kenneth A. MDJc ure, Jacqu11llnt.' Ros11 Mllrjorlr I,., Rubow, Bohby J~ Sht"ldon, Shuan Ann Smllh. Nlno~lllhl OlhMll alAO mad tt IM D" llD'A Llat, which co n s is t~ or all aludcnls corr;1n g 12 o r more c redll hours and rgrnln1 aradr po 1n1 llV<'rtl&N• or 3. CB> 01 c arrylna 12 or more c rrdlt ho ur~ and ••arnlnc irad" poln1 av•·ra1es or 3. CBl or hl,hPr. Those wllh avttra1111 or 3.5 IO ~. were Carol Sua Anderson, Cathryn J oan Andrews Sheryl J. Berptrom, l>t'nnl; \\. Burr. Arthur J. Cooper, t..lnda Finley, Ronald K. Fisher. Candy Ann Fuller, JaC'k D. Hammond, J o Ann Ha.,.ks , She ryl o. Leonard Kt.Y l.ind11en, Robella Mceoi Rosann,. .Mc:Coy. Be•rrly MC!lf'nzy, Gary O'Connell. K""'' Ann Olkon~n. Valorl" P l!trrson , Janice I,., Purdy, J oAno" Ric hmond, t..udle ~11s . J ohn Ruebelman, Robin :;el va1e. Clair" A. Slmmooa. Sloa&e r. KenMlh J OIM'Ph l\aliers . Kar<'n \\alts, Rol>rrt l\llbur. Carol Worlhlnl\On. OthcrR avcraalna 3. and above wore Elaine Adkins Sally Ann Arney. Sus~ ~m~. Sharon Kay Bartel. (:;vel('lt Ballon, ClaylOn £. Bec k. RJcha id c. Benn ell Krl111y Belio. oona Bouchard: Paul Brellhtwpl, Shannon Carls on, Gary Dean casey, J oy CUJp, Candace E. Oabl. J ohn Dean Deeder. Ricard L. Dieme rt. Roberl Olt'IZ, • .,. ren ouco~. Ellen Durfee, l..YM Durand. Em51 Ecklund. J o AM Fo rd. Walter Gilman. Kalblt>en Givens. Georae Goe tzrnan. KJrby 0111.Y. )farlyo He lne::ie:r ..r. ca111ert11• )I. Ht nza. Greeo11 H1.1enca. Carol Y. Howard, Ja.oe Harri 1. Ro~r C. Janssoo. Juli• w. Jensen. Jo5<>pb M. Jobnscon. Barbara a. Kalstad. WatYtn M. Kirchner. KJelb Ueo. Pearl £. L.onc:. DeDDl• C • t..ut'&S. Irene McCord. Janice Ks.:r )fc £uen. William Mc Farland. Ellzallelb Mead. S\t'pben J. worcan. KatllY Aon Moser. Bruce t... Wounl· Joy, Robert Nell Pt>tcnon. AolhollJ' t... Popp. En L. Recd. Chester t... Reilly 11. Jeny J. Riebe. Dennis S. RIUS. Tboalall s. Ros•ra. Ren~ t... ROllllnt, Rlcbard t... Scbwlnll'k. ooroclu' H. secaur. K-.v Y. SIOddard, Cbarle• I,.. Taylor. Jobn c. Thomas. Michael c. Thomas. Jeanne 'IbornP-· Ph:rllla N. Van Hus, L&rr7 Verhel. BelU' AAn Walker, Earl E. WOl!to. Lealle E. WOllPni. M• rtlee A. YOllllS. Rober! Roland. Barblra MMt<lud~nu




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SAC lnvi"tes TWO Speakers




than 135 Pal\'DI and board member , an~ cuests ••sited Siu::ui. Hall al the Olltn House spot . sc.1ed by Ille woocn resident smdet11e ol !"UC. lilarcb 1. :.1.:>t<'


Gloninr. C .;r ri= lbe l:nh r 1 01 , ~~=. hu been asked by Ille Sude:it Acli\11les Coc:nl;tce io spoil 10 lhe slud~t bOcb'. "He II H'I) !lbe:tl. blchlJ coa1ro1't'r:.!al. and ldenrJ.ties •llh collcce s1uden1S. Mr. Co1>11gen 111 an uaun~ and ln1eres1lnc speakt'r.'" said Peg Dohrman. SAC member. Father L.!·ons from lhl' OOn· zai:a Unl\ets1tY !s bt-ln asked 10 speak her<! as ~·eU. " He will balance !h• topic •·lemen1s ot dlscu1< ton . .. ll~d Ml1>s Dohrman. CIJ?lpus Due Is comlnc along 1plendldly and will be fabulous.' ' Miss Dohrman added. John O'Ne!ll, Jan Bull , and Kathy Frost ronn lhe commltlee 1ba1 ha.a been worklnc bard to promote tl>e most escll.lni; Campus Daze possible." The be~ gro• In 1 conies: and lhe "UDde<cround mot'le" •Ul be ne addlUOOll IO "C=pus Daze". SAC Is nlso lbi:iki.ac about $()0D90t1DC ll JIZZ con~r. dlrec1ed bj th cariat:e Jaces Bums chmng a bon".r • "


o; rman.

No Primary For

ASB Election

·u 117 pn::w)' .,, ~ 11 D mltl.ed Ibis year because onl1 two pcor· eons seek ~ell o!Clce. accordln; to Palsy Browti. SIU• dcn1 Board secrruuv. Speed< R<'Ul.Y and Oa'e PrlallO runntnc rcr a1ud~n1 tiocb pre11lden1, and Jack E:r·,,"011 and Dennis RI • art cam· Palsnlng for •·I• · Pr• ld<>ncl' . Camp1t1;n ~P•~ch" ILi• 1Pn· 1a11\ l'h schtduled !or \larch 13, and lhP el• ct1on I" . ·l for ~l arch u . A con111llullonal amendment rllmlnullnc lacull) vote from lhi!' bo1&rd wlll also tie pr.. sented lo it. tud~nl bodv !or BPPtDYlll. 1'.



The •JestS •~re ~hen i;uided !Oars or the clrls' rooms 011 both !loo rs and of th• rPt: , • ·

Uon azl'L Rl'l:eat.'ll r;ia w ~ ser--ed lll Ille fiOWt!• IPCQtal od lobb.: PuscUla HOtl'80ll L~d Sharon RJr.r:rr ~ncd collet> :ind punch, and Oona Bouchard .an!I So!IAJI t..askey we~ In cbari:e or refreshments. Joy Culp "H lo char&c or lhe cuea1 bodt. Az.allas ~em donat.ed by Mrs. Gale Dahlman and tor5)thlu and PUHY wtiJows ...-ere pr:nld d b) Or. E>a Ogg. '.Ira. Mazie Dahlman housemo:h r. aman,cd d•~ ra!lons. t..lnds l\Jse , dorm president. e1pressed her a p>rec!aUon tor :.be efforts or all the alrl• Ir cialdnc: tht' don:i's nr t opo • I _.





~ ..

Hawldcs da DC ...; • ' )>~J.!Cb 17. 9:30 p. . to 1~:30 In thC' SCB. The dance wUI be spcoSQ: ~ Q1' Sber::ian Hall. IJarrylll' Sam •II! be on band. &Aid PallJ 1,. 11nor:, dn::::.to!) reside!:!. .~ school photo~apbtr "111 lake plc:a 11!8 nnd cld r anll ~es •lll be ISef\t'd. P nus will be riven for Ute l r t ros~u"",. . · · or~ . vnur -ub :." ""~ ,1. t..n!IOll.

LIBRARY WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Tb• t.bnuy ...-1 :. r - aJ· pen siuurda.ya 1ru- I 1 4 p.-: .. , bt'S tnnlDr :.11rch • · )late!> •Ill be a ulal period. and 111au1111cs abOul palrona ' and use or taclllllu ..-u1 br compll••d . rrponed Rus11ell SOderllni;. hnd librarian. "IC US&I<' " DrtanlS II. lhl' sdl<'du le will be con1lnued un11I May :?O. lh" Salurda.i pr...:edlnc commmcemPnl, •• concluded Sodtr ll~.

,, ••

788 Are Enrolled For Spring Term A . " o ~ r• .1 .1111llon on Fo:u. I~ . 7bll ,. re nrolled ti! :;1JC ror 1he apr1n1 semu· ler. RA!~atrallon a yrur ago ror llle second aemes1e r was 736. r:111k1nc thl& yPar' a ll &Urc• llJI Increase or $2. or 1 P<'r etn!.

1'.nrollmuit lhl11 &prlnc 111 dO'lr.l $3 from lb~ 841 of IU I tau . or 6.3 pe r cen1. or 1h" 788 enrolll'd this aprtnr. 128 ar ~ vocallon al ll1Ud~nu1. M ~ n ou111um bcr womm 52~ to 261. Slatlstlcs 11how 1here are ~00 In lhn freshman clua; ~37 a r..: lull time a nd 296 111e m~ .

Tbe 11oph0mor• class nurn· ber& 3 19 : 21 0 arc - n and 299 are luli llrt• iudeDtl. 'lb r ~r• tnr~· studl'nts

r• ..:: '. · rt d a

p ••dL ~tud~ts.

ENGINEERS BALL IS MARCH ll ., .• ~ . En.In< rs Ball. T'· · ! - .i dlnn r-dance, bas been 11cheduled ror J.l a r::b II (:l>Cl 7•30 p.m. IO I :!:30 lo the SUB. Pr1Cl' of ad:!llsSIOtl •Ill ~ 12.~ PU piste. and all :>UC at.udeclS 8l<' lnvlled, acro:d DC 10 Bill Oablbc! rf . p:t>ald'111 or Enclne rs Club. A cr.i n aod '"o prlnceSRs wtll be chosen troo 11CJC1lr.ees lncludln; ~11tm Ro•~. lrece Tll:nbow. Hele~ Holland. Caro!Jin ~.rk . and Shannon Carlson. The 1hem or the dance • Ill be " F'llr.;asy In t..JghlS " Wi th pink aml lavend r d.-corsllons . Tb• E' . • o..nr• Band ..111 P" \ ld


:;. ul\ IC".

CALENDAR &l u •· h 10 - \lu1I• - "TM Arr rr:canl~allon or Emily" Mar h 11 - F.nClnt'etS Ball M11rth 16 - A•aembh·-"Oon Puqual•" Man:h 111 - Spqhc lll F eed In SUB \!Arch :!l - '"'A crid or Ern~s1 H mln1way" by Rl t ha.ra H1·



SUBoen ion


'Mod•• Concepts' WIS Speec• Topic

N.1J .C.. REVI E"a. ~' a' AI""''•

d:i.,.,o, •

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Qt'ES TIO.\ Should card plair 11111 b<. clloi.. • d tn lk< Sil 8 ' JEFF COX. SOPllOCCt•'.

·· 0oc P 0 MU1011&Pb7: "C~r:alnl..Y . I 'UU1 • D 1>vm ,tl. \\ 11 parUaularh •DJ~ a C'llrd car •PDk• on "Mod•m Con1 '' •ntcd on \tnrch 16 :\I Ta Th• Edi "Jr 8.00 p,m, In the S IJC lt)m. 1amec:alled "Flt<b", In which \\by la II ur . r S<nl eeirts" Fob. 16. Tll<' _,. IM fourtb In Ill• ''Queal Th llt'rform1111cC! ,.. ill be 11un1: I ba vc •on a whale of a IOI &OC1ecy a::d e&peclalb ln 1r, Enrl sh and tlS beaut) to or money. Ca.id t>l~la;: Is ou: sehOOI ' rrone 1141 ,. B to of Mod m Man" ll<'rl<'•. ti enhanced by "colorrul , ooc1 c..-a lnln~ f : lh<' memo:y Trtnen Mpll bl• lt'CIUrP crtllc!U "'illloul dolo an.• · rt an~ 1m1ulnall•e C06· a nd ror :naihemaucal JU11i· thine mo re? Anyon~ nn be a wllll Ill• r•cord. " Tll• TlmeR mc:H-t.n 1roporun 1 ar a !or critic. Anyone can scr thlU tum es," uecor<l1ng to ll C .0 .C. Are A Chancln'" by Bob tbose perched or. lhe hor~:s the 5ltu11Uon tn \'let :-011111 la broc-hure. o,tan. Trlu<'n Ulen s1a1ed There wlll b no admission Ula! 111., rt'al u1le of hi• le.. "'f a C'l.I~~ r : • not rreclselr >rbat an ldenllst char"' 10 :0.1JC students ..-ho cure sbould M " 1be nm• MIKE THCN .>.S. Frcllbmun. mlcllt 111 b lor. the "llt t•n presmt a1ud~nt bod~ ca"1s . Arr Ch&n,ln(' &II hr W!Sbt'd F'.'1 ucallon· " "''r<.' bis: ho.JS po•rrt) Is ftllhnr. JohnliOn's co aprak aboul Ill• &1udrn1s. ~nd cl rl s now and 11hould b<! Oreat SOcl lJ' li.n'I so "eat. Adults •Ill be rba:c.,.i $1.SO 11nd s1adcnts SO centa. ffe aaJd Chai lhNC Wt'rP able :o WUI our llr. ·b• SIJC .s Just D lo:lfied bli;h TbeCan:odlan Opena Co>mi>IUIY uiree drnnu .. etrecLS pruenl war "e Set' fil." ·bool. i;;: f csso:s u:u: toe, also pre~tntt'd " 01 Fle•forIn our conc~porazr aoctecy: J O H:\ ATCHISOS. S.'9!'..r 1t:e isn't any &ell I spirit m:i.u&" In \Huch , 196S. and (I l popula1lon e 1ploa lon, (21 mo:~. Cl!eml:sll}-: " 0 &"' at SIJC. tc. etc. etc. ad WllS ruonably acceptl'd bJ knowl<'dlr e;rplos loo. and a ce all : Ir.hi If rnu·a '.\bat , •1nl1um. lhe meob<r:s of Utr community 13> matrrtallllm. On,...half or , coc:e to collec rc ~to A:e you or: or tbe pcopl" lb wortd'a populal!on la 2S ....":\ to play cazdS." irtio tblr.I: ;<;IJC ls a i;lc.:i!led a.s wel I as the stud•nt bodJ. i;aJd Louis Keib·. bead of the ,..a:s old or undt'r. OnM>alf hli;h school? ffa•e you said 110\\ ARD FRI STOE. Sollb0or 1b" 101&1 knowledc!! accummc.1e, A ~rlculturc: "\ u . It so? Ra,-tna bad your r.ru . music departm nt. ula1,.d sin~ ume t>eaan bas tbe s:ud nts ue coiac to ar JOU satlslird that It tc bet'n revral.,d since 196S. STUDENT BOARD AND play car.! • DO!hinc '11'111 i;:op 1esi1 Iba: ny• na: sl)l'cl· Y>ulb la not 1i::a1•rtalJ uc. II• lbe:n. lt' :s cheaper r : tb SAC MEMBERS LISTED ficaU:r makes Ille colle said. II doea oot b ,111N lb• to play ca.-ds l:i •be SUB thB!I ac~m :bl s Wal to YCMJ' Do Stud• nt" h ,.. co iplaln~ colleJl' a1ud'1lt 1.o " 1 0 wtlb· a t Ch:l r!J~ Bra111l ' a c:.r Ute Others 91re•• Iba! 7ou r 'ripe th11t they do not know who Is out" . II la hi• 1>ar~n1" who Red On1oc:· does miuenalls a:iect the on the Stud nt Boa:d or Siu· are miuertallsUc . Student• JOH:' R. o·~; EJLL. Sop!:cr &llllU'< QUO? \\'bat can .JOU den1 Ac:I' :; Co:nmlltee. bave aln15 lived with a!cc:e, Anl::utl ffusband.7 and your supporters .jQ to Stud... nt Boa:d c..,..,b "' are rlutnce. bul in~hav" re <'Cl...:! (Zoo!~: "I don ' t :eally effect a cbonKe In the scene? Pea Dohnn•n. Denni:; Rius. II. Me ..·hat' s Ille blc deal about \\hill hue you done• lrrnt Turnbo\\ , D11,·e Prlano, Contl'mporary a1udrnU1 are all tbl&. l'ie a re a ieoeratlon Tbese a:e nlld qul'Stlons wink AndNeon . Linda I..a~n. tilt! ti.-At l'ducatrd peopl• who brat1d~ as drt:t· talter1. beat· because lb"7 au mull\ bl' Patsy Brown, !\ell P etccson bu" lived, TrlU<'n went on. ntu. L'ld acltawrs. So caid answered b.:: tore anr lroprove- (presldenl). John o·se111. Th• UN&C• •lihth cra.d•r mf'Dt can bt' e!!ecteod in am· playlnc. tM teas: of our Advisors are J ames Bums . know• aa much u SOcret"• area under fire tn· the c ritics. Dale T ritten, Clo.re nee teodenclH, should certrunl) or Arl91otlr. Youth. however, It .-ou ire one of the crtucs be allowed." Haucbt and \l~ston Hatch. ta akepuc:al. Tritten QUoted ,.hO· baS never i;ollen be.) ood BOB OAOE. Sopbomor • Student ActhlUes O;mm!I· a Harvard frrahrr.an: .. The the l>~e of vto:ent!Y expres· Ad~nl11traUoc . te mei:1brr" are Jan Bull. Bi:slncS!I last tlm~ w~ bcllrv~d y ou. •• "Yes , card playlD& should be 111nc your 1t1pe, don't reel Peg Dohrman . Kalhy f' rOSt, 'll•rr drcl"lvrd. Adul11 pr,._ lone.some. That pu111 you allo'.\ IX! in lh" SUB. The John O' Neill Cchalnnan). and t•nd tb~ r1>al wotld doean' t SU B bt'lOnP to the atud,nts. with tbe ma,lo:lcy on campus \\1 !.On Hatch ad,·lso rl. nlst-l<ld" can' t." •nd If lhe.J >rl!.tlt to pis) and all ac:oss !be nauoo. In roo~ S 2 ol lb•· SUB "ffypocrlay Is 1M ralh cry Don't , bo•ettr. salve yow ..atds th~ &bould b" able :o. Last ,iear .,.b('n I "11s a .,1 youth; 11ypoc r1 sy 111 a moral conscience 100 <moolhly 1'0:i.I ~!ORRIS, FrcrJimun . rrestuno.n . ....o bnd conunuBl sin, " Trtllen contlnurd. Thia with thb thoui;llt because It Hla1.ory; " SUr~. I think tb~ music bt?lnK piped Into the on• ·ball o t IM population m..iorll\ or stud,nt=> are puts you In the ~amc cla..s main room or the. Studen1 In, " TrllH·n conllnu•!<l. Thia amazt cnoui;h to ketp ll it: wllh tb lcnc.:ant and the Unloo. II .,. • ., 11ood nuslc. r us.'1. nn..-ball Of lhr l><JPUllltJon hand.'' and there wnB varlet,>. 111\y un<l<'r 2~ la the bNI< r eduSASDY BALDV.IS. SophoA5 colle11• students "" we hllS It bft•n tak~n out. and SuPIXlSed 1 be le ~min~ ho" c-utrd halt; lhPY ur• lht " n<'" '' t I. mor• • "I am !or and ai:alnst. "!\>' do "e bave 10 p~ 10 So.nnock-Po cau:llo :?, Bon· Vic &bould be able 10 pla:r 10 thin -bo..- to use our nrla1ocrac1 ". ~:u.-h oollrcr hrar th · same music that o r unh <rah) I• a ' olony or nc ,·111•- ldah r Falls:?. Camas· brains sohe problems• casd> because o! tllr lll!!llliar was amunuous and free last Pr- bl<= · 1.-11u.· ·q1e lblokln£ au~ultur In l h• \Jnll<'d ~alrO eld I, Cl,.ar•alt'r--Oro- phras~ " V.e PAY ow money :• )\'llr' Ari' "" so rich that \\ e leads to con:itrucllH' crlll· Slut• a. Thru al" thine ~ nno 2. Cutttrr-C'hallls I. Oo lb~ oth~r hand. th~ &H· c11n let Ibis equtpmo•n t rust cl and acllon. not nrjlllttve i:r•lnll on In th••s• 1<ubcultu1rs ldaho- Orana•vl ll r I. I..~wll­ uatlon can gel out or control lallnc tbl'te' I think that 1111" wit n 11•udm1s tiecomc l~­ Kumlab I, S•ZPNct I. J~ romt­ c•lll Is=. thot hD'"' nrvN ~onr nn b•· &let~ equlpr:irnt should be L<-1'• al Pl to answer lb(! Jc romt I, Ada- 8'11 ~ I. S •z. " lnd It: a i:ood t;rldi; p.::a• ton , h• l'Ulld. reactt\atf'd ror s 1ude-nt en· 11nd a11aa clas>: of coar~. queslio:ia poslX! and come up Coll•,, ~tud• nt loda.\ a:c P•' rC('-Sotltb,.l<k I, Blatn 10~ ment. Since the Purpl..1bt11 Is th Ir business It lb~' "1th a pla.'1 ol aeuon. Let' s u<thlfit , 11m11111•t1 "111; th•) llall"l I. Aveni;er ha" paved the way , hoOS(' 10 cl<> ISO. l'\C bfo.l(! ..rork the Ion · teGlf'ctnd bra.lo uu• ontl-ld1·11ll111lc. Th••rt• la Enrollm1•nl lrom out ol SUit< , no" let' s h11ve some action sitld thlll card playing In tlScles and i:I ~e the Jaw a lol or talk or communism b1· 11tat• and c ltl"s; on Ibis •,,~ue . SUB rroJeC:U a poor muse.es • •<"ll~j!'~r--ed 5,..., pin• the Am•·rl cun c am• AJab<imn-Oadsd"n I, Al. .• Howard FrlSIO ai;e :o lllt! public. I ba.-en·1 :es:. \\ clcbl surpr.se our· pu , but acoortlln~ 10 Trl l· k11- Falt t1anks I, Cllh!omlan an 1111111 vet lbat ob ec:ts St'h.-s. It we gH lDlet••s!HI t•n. "NnhodJi \\llh an - IAn1 Lo' Anwrl u11 l , lowa-Pnulllna Po1roolu Your Ad•ertlu11 la ..-ordnc on our pr.lblf'm" 11u u rhllncr ." Th fl commu· 1. Montana-\Uasoula :?. Al· 10 a cood cl('8!1 i;aol! of we !gilt sud:! nl.J find Iba: bride r plnodll" ba:nn' n1a1 arouv tnflu• nrr la nlmo~t hrrton I. w ia.-e a sdlool splnll JU I nil, br sal<I. St'b1n1'a-S..n1ri cl! I, !\en· rt'llatoua b ec+Jonsl. COMMERCIAL Heney J. !\ace! Th" btlUnlk& "" no Iona• r da- Elko ~.St\\ J"""'> (Ocean li&ld. I CllO &et' both sld S Of • conMllurnt o t tb• conto·m1>· Oro\'l l I. Okl•homn··Tul s a I. 11." PRINTING CO. To The Editor: oruQ world. Br•tnlka 1111s11•rl Or.·~on--."4lrm I, M:ilnP <Bao· I bav oc q"estlon to a.st PEGOY BRU~L-:OA. Pres~ In lhl' ~O'a: th•} "'e rt thr 1orl I, South c arollna (Col· rn:ui . ~n rat the stl11 I bCA.'t! a.lid SAC. "\tbll.1 dlffc ~alb• 11 c cenNallon. Kids umblal I," 116111n1ton -s e~ 1111 eoc does II m~ " 11~ I "" pay beat r IOrlll.\ arr not 11pathe tlt mttslc lrtl n we bave llterslly l.ak•· l. !'('nne.,.. lck l. ChP'o\ CJ •.\ ~ s. CR011'F. fflstorr lh•·> a••' a~ll \'lst 11 . Th• nhlnk, lnh I. i;i1okMt1 3. ao I ~ n~ll>ll ln!.uuct 1. '1n b"rdt ' •· PHOTO OFFSET and th• l 'Aunt 10 be lnHil\'t d, "°'~hlncton . o.c. I, BrtU h my Judim nt ..11a1 11 11tud!':llt Trlllrn condud• d. Columbla-S Ison I. Stat~· d s wllh blS O• Um ID the SUB la bis businus. l<'S.'i I. " l•'llKthY dl acunlon lo!· Q O N' , , .. St •C tt Pla,r1n c bride • ,1.1:, or e.- n I ,.~d lhl' 111•r.rc h. II "aa Cocu • o· A\.CNC. loa "o finally IJ(>bltlOnrol uulll ncth· Ina. 0<'11.n Rn.) sionn otfr : d •·h• ss is menlAll.r 11tlmulaun; C o"'d ,. - ~ ...~d and relulni:. If stcd o:s at ll• P• rlool lh• folio., In« mom• th• c lo ms: ccm:ntn t ~ . Prtscr :t' :0.1JC coald cot . It ...,c.d bl' an ti1 is:._..... St Co..• 4 A.• '""one of tile te• colle•~ ..,.. cJr. Iba \ did nol allo a:d pl..,, .ni;. On! · n. A

Dal<' Trtll<'D, malll lnattu..




IM'CH'lller fnSl&IMUIOn 111&U~­ tlCS r~vl'alll that 76• Of lhl' 788 studt'nts at SIJC lbl sprtnc are Idaho : esld•·nt,, 0r 97 per ceni.. 'Tbl' Junl r ~.­ lrJe di s tri ct lla etr (K »t• oal eountyl provides SOS atudl'nlll, or 64.1 Pt'' cent. Juolor QJ !!•ce ...:t " Ont . emtne1n' the the nc,.h m eoW>Ue~. fumU1hes 7 30 tu• drnts, or 92.6 per Ct'ftt. En· rollmeo1 fro'"' the ot her tour Area counu • a: Sho:;o:; JO• 101. &"-Mt 85. BoondlLQ ZO. lkp .. nb 13. Enrollment rrom Ol ht r Junior ('ull.,C• ar<'a~. by c::ouni., ·'11: t..al&b 20; 1•0 each l:.>m ea,.,. node . Bonnrvllle. L<,.«I aa.S Clearwa t•r; c.ne t11ch !r= Ada, Blaine . c:amu . Custe r. Idaho. J erome and S tz. Pe re.-. Enrollcent ll'I c 1Unlie11 1111d c lUts: Koot.enal-Coeur d'Ale ne 363. POlll Falla 50. Ra,idt n I..all e 37. Ratbdru::. 22. Cataldo 7, vtc,:l~.J 6. ffa:rt son 4. SV. : It I..alLl' 7, Alhol 2. BaJ\1e>r ~. SI. Ma:IU ( Route 2 > 3. Sboshon•-Ke llo u Vial· lac:" 14, o-bum 12. :Julian 12. Plnclulrs t 8. Sd .- rton 3, Klnr.;t0n 5, Ena'111• 2, Pap I, Smelterville 5. •.1urrt.Y I. Calder I. Bonne r- Sandpoint H. S&cl" 6. Prl .,,1 RIVPt 14, Hope 3, Samuel> 2. Athol (Rllut• ll 2. Clark Fork 2, Cocolalla I, Do-. r 3. Kootenl\l I, L a· clede 2, s .. wport (Idaho ldt 3. Oldtu wr. ~. Boundan - Bonn• ra f'e rry 18• Cop~land 2. SaplPll 2 . Bt·nrwah- Plumm.., i. St . Ma:l•s 5. Cls rkla I. Latah- \1·'8co w l ·, P•>llatcb 2, Kt>ndrtc k I. T ro • • Genr-




Woodcock's Drug Store '°"

Coeur d'Alene Launer, & Dry Cle1ners


P..,bJ, 1~4 ~·~ntt.I, ()..''"9 Cetl•p 8t "'"-• Auo ~·•• 5M•'" Bo4t at




V ...._."It> '9'"S r-es · S'S--? ..... c~ Irr ..,.oNn



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G.,.c•. Co..r:eous s,..,,,,ce


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••oroptler ••• • •••••••••• • ••••• • •••


°'"°"• B 1 chci 1f

P•pOtt•••' J1"' Jud. Kn1 "l)e'• Ron Gro•t h. ~a,., c Po"' ••. Cet~.., ~4"·•· Roat'"'• Al.(c..._ Mn . Conn ir Von He u .

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City League Action AN Mori•~ry. •10. ~. ,.,o..._es O IJ,....P v.or.

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d.• g Cny

Ct1o.f'9 A'VI ~..,9U., plor.

•a .. en

Candid Camera

l .~

for o •~or 0...rJng til-iei WSU Frosh O°'"•·

A t1-p1co sce,.,c- Our "9 1.-c.ond s•mes,.r "'9'11'fltl0fl fr. rh• 9>1mnosl1.1f!I a.s 1ft.ldo1Ht. consult w1~ odtt11ors Qj"I Moir schetdOJles.


Speaker Eiplains CARDINAL SERVICE CLUB CllldJnal li ' " ' "' ClllL r.. .. . nn 1n!>lallat.on banquet al the ~Orth Shori• C''" ''<'DUon Con ·

tc r on f eb. ~7. lnstollatlon ol omcer tot· lo~d lhl' rltnn r. Sl'W oU • CCIS IU Pl sldent Unda Am~ll . \ I~ Prcaldent M rsha M11nn. S<!crrtary Linda SdtZ'. and Tr 1111ur r Linda Thi • m1 ""· \!rs. Lu,.11• Lani was 1>: • ~ent · •d with 11 COrsac Of re<! 11nd ,. lute r()ll("a , 11.Dd SI :rl Rowe, fonnN \"Ice-pr !dent, p r,sented K11thy Fro • out· going pr 1'3tdenr. a i;ln tro t h~ CSC m~b<'r. . On wh lte ro~n bud \\&:. ch en o t he Incoming prcsldrnt and on? red ro5e bud "&S l:IH•.. lO each or thf' other lncomlnc OfnCt'rs. Thi' ne• oftlcen took cbarg on ~larch :?. 11t their rccular mcctloi;. EntNtatnmt nt "llS p:o\idoed by GWf'n Swli; and Kattc>O SChoolM. 11lnKc rs. Thf' Sorop· tomlst Club. 11hlch sponsors CSC, \Ills prr.ent al the din · ncr. Tht·)· ln,·H.-d the CSC w"Omrn to thn SoropUmls1 lun· cheon a the \lllllor Hou Ftb. :?8. DECA The DlstrlbutlVI' Educntlon C lub o r America at the NIJC ts now taktn• a communlt.,· · :wide su rvr)· to rtnd out " hy the rrsldent&of co .. ur d ' Alt·n· shop In Spakanr. Each sru· dt'llt Is rcspanslble for 35 to ~o 1n1en·1ews. After th bUr\ CY Is completed, OE:CA wUI entN th< rtc>sults In ll contest 111 the suue con,·en· Ft ton. The stat~ con venUon tor colleal' OECA will ht llrld •Ill Twin Fal I& • :Ja reb 30 to A irtl I. Studtnts will parUclp11te in a ,prec:h contest, managemmt decisions. Job atntcrv lc \\ s, radio ~pots. and sales demonbtratloos. Th..,. "IU abo compete "ilb olll~r DEC.A m< :nber. from 801 ~d T\\10 Fa.lh. The ftra:·


Stt us tor




trsts will be nt:le to compet on tbe national I Y I Ir. Chlell !1t ' (Tll, 11 cordlnr: ' C 'OI \ I . DEC.A repottCJ. NEWMAN CLUB


ACT Program

Little Change '"' D•.



Avenger Finds Jrrl, H1\:, tr \\ ha& • r~ your t "•Id th" S~hOol

f •!Jn.




Prrpl •11 r Sothlnc ha~ hlln' d : I ~' 11 tn th• NoOf cban1Unc. So. 1..1 m.. orrect tbnt. I muM &he r rllt "'h re Cr dll IR du Th T" ~lv" Prot1a111tn1s l"rld ha\• succe• dcd In uoh In~ >n 1>roblf'1D thal at


I Ul both I I m • Th~ II brary will now l:w! op n on Saturda• rt moons. But bta'1c alb lb Pr<Jbl :ns ar s ull th aam... fat.rue <"• \\hat do .rou

• PHI THE TA KAPPA 0. .. Ka; C" li!r of Pill 'I': ·- 11. - i . !\1JC &e· noocced thAt ~WC• I b th boat scbool r r o :th•est r eoonl PTI\ cm ct1oc lo 1968.

The me • 11 c cay

think th" m.1Jor tuoblt m I•' f'vrpl• .l t>t'nou. Too m1111v I' o~I· 111 JuM lolklnc at.Jut

111..11 probl mn and noc dolnc al\Yllllnc aboul thl!lll. Th 1 fall to that th 1 •1< th• on!) nP that <lo any• thtn1 uboul th nuuauon. Aa I ~"" II, th<! aludent baud IR th• moot lu ~I Ch I to ~o to vole your ~rtr 111n ce, Into 111~ 1u1 \\hat la your 0111nlon or compulaon att~n·




elude delep.t s t: leo~cs.

On the "ttkend of f<ob. 2~ . 25. ~. a delei;nuoa ll\"e ~ember.. traHlt'CI to Gr~ Harbor Colle-'" In Abt.:Jeea. lla.sllloito11. fo: lhP 196• :~


¥1 :ial connntlon. Tiie cro::r> In eluded Oat.'\) A:d: • . K•:: Mar<"u:e. ~lr.c Ross. JL-i Bul1. and ~1155 \'lrclnla Tt11sl•'"·

" The group culnrd •aluabl' kno•·lt'Clge In the concer;· Jal plamlllll or ::ie•t 1 111' coc· ' ntlon and eac • look DE r •P ard •o 1. . 1d Bull. SKI CLUB Th• Sill C!ut p;;.115 a t: p 811 Mouniatr al \\bll fi • \lonlllnn, durtn' Eut r \ n~ ­ tlon . llccordln1 to 'Rlebatcl Champou1, ad\lsor. Membr'rs tncludlns: Linda Stock t II , Dar:tl P15\C: -~. Dou; Dionne. am! Bob \'L'l Kleeck sold son 11:inks a:id p0pcom at thr :cc n: blib 11ehool basketball tOume; s 10 ralse man~) for lhf trip.



n 1.oac-n Al:ru1 1 C. •I I r th· month or February b) the ASllOC la.tod \\om n S1udPn1.B nt thr h b. ~8 mectln1. ~t lbla sam m~tll nc. thtt A\!i:; alao ltlacu"ed plana :or lb ~I th r· DauilJte r Tu ,.. sdledaled r r Apn l :?3. The A \\ S Wiii a leo 8PollSOr a fuhlon how In \lllY !o r 1 he In com ln K hi Ill school PROF, STUDENT HEAR studtnt . accordtn ~ IO Putty NOBEL PRIZE WINNER Lennon. pr aldeo t. Th R r1 ' • _J o• abo ll! h " 6 ld '>n 0 1 a bout l'iU:: • u i;...ra::dl I . . •b 0 11 nr · o :>crib Idaho Junior Colle;e. LOOK AHEAD and K :i 'l"alters. a.n enalneer· \\h " turn a man'.s In; atu-:1 at, attended a lee · h ad n I far In . lallur· . ture by Or. ~losabautr of J. Gusta\ White .\lunlch. G.'tm81l1. Feb. 21 at \lasblnctoc State Unu r Or. !osabau~r spok 5'

$5.00 ren:d for return of ID b12ct-le1 ln5Ctlbed " 1be Clla:nbl'r:llf!o". Lost al toum- s~!°lll s11 Resomance w.. or G&:!:!:la Rad! Ill" ""11' nm • • ".n c -ant. t' \\..!nu. 6·i9i9 sr anr.

i;. . :



-YMH M++g

......... ,.

N •I.II Sin.et

P arpl<" A1.,•gcr, Th" SUB llhnuld •l•llnll"h bf controlled I ha.v•• by rb~ 111u<1.. nt1. h~ard mrailcal rumors or 11 Student UnlC>n Commltt<"e, m) only qu .. r.Uon u ,.hat ar th~1. Wh<r art the1. •ho arP thPy? The stud•nta r•ln and aocla· ll1e In thttlr SUB, alttr all It Is the Stud • n1 ~nlon Bulldln1 ISl' B> no t the f"a-:ulty Union Bulldln11 ! FUB1.





f'arplc: .IJCM<"I I lhlnk I nm a lt.I enou ah to lt!cldr "h•lh r or not I c on artor<l 10 mlu 11 ch•H. If I fall tho c lo BB no <in" la puntah•d bur my atoll. lnl<'tt lt' tftl IJo )'OU think the SUB l\bou Id be controllPd b' the &tudtnll or lacullJ'•


S.. us f.,





. c- ·

..a ,.,coo c-.. , .• ,...........

132 I! ... ....



A. lol. TO 5 JO ' · lol

MODERN DRUG CENTER SDt"C10lu1nq .,, Co11.-qrO'P •..:~s '"' ~.,.,,.,, c"<i Hcpemrss

Ov< Plo: o l?e,•o"o'" P "o.es Polo•to crCl Purse

• I )07 H

1-UP.•• R/111

MO • 1.. m


COEu ll O'Al fHf, IOAHO

AIJA/111 TH/111!

Se1vin9 Your Stutlenr Union


c,,,wdi -

Cood Htoltlo - Eno191

llriPt- Sltilfitll?


lad first t• utistr ' "· 7-Up is nt, lliW, ..... cllllli•I. llolll, llr•cl11,

· 2111

Broder ick HiU

Cards Lose In Tourney Finals Th Cardinal- lta•·· led to tb R '1 :&. On• Sub-R~i:to:ial Uask lball Tournament held In Ontatlo. Orego:1 Feb. :?3 and :u. Tb" Cards delratt'tl South l\e rem Orecon Col!l· munl11 Colle~o In th<' OPf'nlnr came 78 to 69. Th• ll11bt1ni Cardinals lost tbe champion· ahtp lo Tt•!llllure Vall•» Com· muntty ev11~11: or Ontatlo by ono poJ nl. 68 ro 67. II \\AB th•• !lr~t di·rcat In SUl>-H JlonAI aam1•s for rhe Qards In lout .)"lllS. Thr. chaaptonshlP itamr· "-as close throu &:houl •Ith thl' scoring cl DI All tlmf!'A. 1l1• Carda loat Don Barnes and Olin Trndwell uJy In thl" attend hall on routs. Tony Tra•u k fouled out with I :~7 I ft In lh<' 11am• • 11.. led Wl!h JG llOlnta. Danny Ttt ad••·ll and Tony

Traw .. rk wrt• dl'Ct••d lu th• All· lnurnamrnt T<'um. 'nll'rr wn11 onn 1•la.><•r ~rlt•cl<•d rtom ••ach nl tho otbrr lhr< r 11•orn11 lo rnund uul tht All·Tournn· ni

nl 1f8m.

T,,...,, on yovr i..,..,-f. '



f,,,.nd, o• , ..e-

IAll & CUE 4 ']


. c--.

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. ..

Bowling Leagues Elect Officers

Three Losses End Regal• Season P..b. 17. th• Car'1 :ra,eleJ to i.co..cow and went down In defnl :o ch.. Unlvt:.sl::y o! Idaho Frosh 89 co i5. Tbe Frosh led 37 to 31 a: ball· tlmr. and silo: a hot 5:! polnca from tbl" field I.be 11econd hair to beat lhl' Cards. St<•vc Sro,.n or tbl' ldahO f"roah waa hlcb with 29 points. Don Sames ll'd the Card11 with 22 poJots. \\Ith th~!'.' or th• Ca:d atart~rs and two rt. • :V\i fouled out, Ille Ca:<.llnal !ell tO 'he Gonzaia FT05h F"eb. 18. 80 :o 72. The Calds CrallNI 8 pol~ts at hal!·Ume and raJlled :o as cloac as 2 polnca but cou:d oot p:eu aey dour. Dan T r8d•f'll wltb 17 l>OIDIJ! and Don Barne• and Bill Schue:z •lib 18 polnta ll'd the cards. The Catda we~ hosts to th" un~1Uen \\UJhlngU>n St.ate Frosh at the !'nJC C)"lll Feb. 21. The Cardinals werP named out by a a"v"ni>Olnt •lccory, lh<> oppon ..nt wlnnlnl! •Ith a score or 75 to 68 ta lhl'll favor. Tony Traweek paced the Cazds with 19 polr.:... Jaclt Coc.i>"r led tll~ f°YGsh "11.b 18 paints. The al'&llO:J recc.:d :or th~ Cal'1• wa 10 '"''n and 16 lo • .

NIJC STUDENTS WIN STATE SPEECH AWARDS \Ir \Iara.rel C:>l•" oral lnlNpr••tatton 1.. am brouaht back honor~ from llu• Idaho 6Pl'ech Conrt'l .. nc" at Boise which lhPV antnd,.d on Feb. 24 and Z5. Cathy Henza placed flrM In oral lnl"l'l>rt·ta· tlon and ae-cond In oratory. V'fn Prl vllt look an lndh"idual achl .. •·ement award ror ex· c• ptlonal l'Nformanc... Th SIJC dPbal tuzr. coachPd by Rlch11.1d Kyne:::an. alllO came home "l:h awa.-ds. ·111., t• am or Pat y Bt.)•n 11.:1d Kri sty Bello plnc<'d second .n lhe dtbate &ecllon of ch tournam• nt. Mlai. Brown ali o 11lorPd third In• •lemporaneou



Do yuur 011n lhlnkln1. twen n cnbbq1• hll a h..d.


a:• coe.poaed or at lea.st one fe:ul~



•Ul be aub:nc:ed ! = the IOW Of UJe llTN8&:e5 Of tile four ::i~bens en a tea:::. This cauus each bo•!u :.o


bowl bis &vt'r&CC e•C:Y weelt

In o!11e· to obtain ~lcta:tea. In a non--:ompetlllve pl.I.;· ort. th" F.T.11.'s ove:came lb~ S.0.S.'s ..1 tit onlY three or thl'lr ptarris ~er~ to tb,. other u-11.111 ·a four. Pat )le Co:rlllck '111tb 11 spectacular Pl•> 111~k, ;1 rr · b ~1 - 10 wa. ~out

\luch prom! l b. " bu I) month for lb< A Coppell• choir members. Tht rnaJor. task planned lhl month Is the annual spo.i;hettl dinner "hlch "ill be held In the Studtnt Union Building \larch JS. Tbe membe:s plan 10 can\1155 the cl!J on ldarct.

CA RD'""E-:-TT:-:E::-:S-:P::--:E"'R-:-Fo="RM,..,,-AT T'lro CAM ES Tb

Cwdl. ··

. _._




a:id 9 :;'!lllni; tickets. "Sl"'r· so:ed bl"the Commun Uy Sin~. I", lbl~ food lest b tht.' ch I•" chld me:hod o! nnanclnc th!.'I: :our planned !o: ,o\prll." sa1d A Cappclla Choir member



J 7 In Moscow and Feb. 21 he:e. They perrn~ed thel: dnll to "£• 11thln,·11 Coauni: Up P.011es". "'Put On A Happy Face". and "S10r:211 'r'tl.'ather'". Tb" Card~ues •Ole Whltl' COStu:ne5 Wllb yellow, pun>lc. Pink. 11.nd blue 11lf!a•·t•8: the} canlPd umbrellas ro match. "II '"•s one or th~ prtlllP&t drtlls er 1r11 ~ R~. a c.h ;"ar.•• Cud t·

PARK lllC REQUEST n~ pwl. • I!: la o • •• 1ubul.ldln1t and the south sid or the llbrarr bulldlnc are asked to pe.r1t ~hind the vrllo • llnt ; o1v 10 th• ~hrul» and n

Cathryn Andrews. Food ror the dlnM r 111 belnc donated by tho dltleren1, store:, and a le\\ prl\111" In· dl\iduals tn the commun ity. Ticket» will cost o dollar ror aduJls, end 50 cent- ro children I'.? and unMr. A •oon as tlckMs ore ,.,·alloblr.


mR.,): hf'

purehft I'd ln

·h r roori t rr<>m h lU ir-""Pr.Jbi r



or M.






Jos sa.-.,,...,. ""'• ..

KRYSTAL PLUNGE Swim•ing - Recrwotioft

Sovno Sre<>m 801~'

St s ... 10C'~ • • • • • • SO; C<:I.. <"'' scnodule for 11mos)

f ~ .vim

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\\llJ'tle Tn: II •as

elrc:ed 111 sld nr . Jim Youni; sec-ret:tr:;. a.ad Pbll Mer~dllh. ltt'Uurrr. Al tbt' CoTe 80•1 Rowatd Fristoe was cbO~n president. \!Ike And rscn wu c lected secretary. and Ollln" James was made lt~lllSurcr. Formal team competlllon •HI bei;ln this y;erk bel•" n the teams. ;-;ames aad tf'lll!I Ck!>latna w!ll be Picked this •eelt also. All or th~ tea::ia



Th !~. ·' I r Ill bo•l· Inc a11eya ware e1rc1ed last Ftlr tllt Lllltr City

..-e<'lt. l.ane.s


there's a double-date.


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Co~o-Colo oddc ulro fun to doting---.in;le or double. That's because Coke hoc lhe lo•le you never ;et tired of ••• olwoy1 refreshing. Thol's why things go better with Coke . • . ofter Colee .•• after Coke.

•·~ •

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