: .a L... ,., df"I
o.-.c· L, .• · :,;LtC l r
nr I semes1rr. The
lJ&l lndudl'$ all t. IHl-e ,.iudcnts •ho e11rcNI a i11t~ po1n1 a\t'taCt' or 3.0
or abr.nl'.
SIU denl!I =ii ll t .0
lrali:b.t A f r tbe a~r:a.,.i. r Rc1>trl U:no on~
O•t ShmmrJt ol Cc/lilt d \l~I' sam i.. r. o! rl&tb·
dr~ lht! 3.S I ~.o rD~l', lhNl!
e:e 19 5IUdN1lS. Coc,ur d·
Altn" Kallllee-n C ~: "•
Joset;b E]v Jr Batbrua Hall, Krnn•lh Hemm lman. Suaan
t.aiu:ston, \'lu:mlo Oden·
baudl. M r1t' 011:istnd. Sb.urm
Paruon. nllbert f<clR\\li:, Judv
;iorun~. Fro•n Posl F"nlls: Cbra RC>bblns and Clrnn
\\allPr. Rat!rdrum Bonni*!
Bro,.n. BD>Vlf'"' Joan F.llls.
Belll'\'llf', ~ash.· La'A rcnce
F rJbt'.'rJ. Sag!e Ronald L.
Johnson. Osburn: lmie
;.icRa<,. PinrhurM: Palrlclr.
PowN,. Kt'llou: Claud"
5a~p1ncu,n. F orll l•o i<LUdPnlS ram Ml
1vr·.1ic11 betwern 3.0 and
3.S. Fr C<>~Ur d'A · •
)luri:srcl B<'lt, Hi,mN Bluer·
start. Brveily Bou~con, Tern
c11Jbui:. Allm Da,td n, Rie lard Dunsmore , James
Eh·lneu,n. M.111 Erickson.
Pmn, c,odwlr., Charles Imus. on, Id e. John111>n, Jan es
Kaczor MOrQIUPl Kamlln, Jamr Mtlntu1rt, Anita :.1ay. frank M.alhtt, Larry ~!Illa.
:,11111 c• Olsen, Judd R••ed, BtltY s,.,oi:ra\·es, David Hanks. Po&I f" ,th, Prnny &,din• , oon K••ll• , • Sa rdra Nil'hrn. KPlloiw· Undr·n Colt·, OrPn Flok, Mlch>P) Platter. Elaln"
S3pp1ni:1 n. spokont•: Konn Mlddlt'lon, Toni Paul.
Sa~lnl: ~14r1hn Arnold, Sharon Ci,rlson. Cnprlond: \\arrrn Aller. Rathdrum: David Alchltwn. Srrell••f\illf': Jlazel Ciall11·
P rospero11s Taill'au Top !,tudmts
PTK Tap s 28 For Honor Group
Twrno -<•laM lud,.nl "<'IC tapp,'11 b) Plu Tt,i,t.. Kn.ppa for r-c bershlp 10 the academic honoron oraan17.a1lon. Thi v arl': \1Dltl)n Arnold. Da\'ld
Atdl I n. :.t.1ri:are1 Br11:, Ham o•t Bu:crrstnlf' Prnn~ Bodin,., BeH•rh B<>ui:/1bin. Bonni" 5r 0 ,.r,. Sl:a· n Carlson.
Kathleen Conro,., Allen Da, 6son , llll?.<'l Co.llnhrr. RlchDnl
Gilman. Kffin••lh Hrmmel on.
1.olo, ~, >nl.: Richard Cill·
an. H,·ron, Mont.: Cao Croll, Tomm.\ Crull. salctt:, Ort•.· Jrrr,· Olson. 1111.)'drn Lak••. Flor< nee
p,,,.k ________
local Busines smen Attend ASB Meeting
Tn• :-uc s1uoen1 Board
h11~ tilur1•'1l " nc" policy ol
in\lllni: local bualn•·s~m1·n
I lhrlr meruni;a.
sa..,·11 studrnl Bod> Pres!·
dmt, Ru s Thumpson: "The
W51D• & m DI" ~lnc In •
\ltc,d ll i:ue:,l:, of lh1• !,tud('lll
81 urd lo 1:1\ l' lhetO\\O~peOl)IP
ar 1d, a 01 ho.. thl' !1,t.lC
Stud1111 8{,nrd funcllon and , hrlp 11rom 1r clns,•r rrla·
llon1, bl'l\\c,en our co!l<'lll' and
lhfl' l .-n.··
Cu~ IS Ill n lf!C"11 SIUdP.nt
ll'>tlrd ffll'IIOK"H'lt• Pal Kln~.
11ubh6h, 1 of lhe CO( 111 d'
Al •• /'r , Jack Robldeiw,,
ll•lbldt :iu, ~I ,1ur6 Co., Don
H ~t • r3r It olflcrr. and 1 Kl'n F.,.,,.. ~ £, rson·
J~w,·11\, R<!III sbmrnt.~ were f"?\fd nt llu mti(\un, \\h1d1
.,.a I ii -..ed by a tour aruurvl
l., a>llei;e.
Thi ,.,11 b,• u munrhly oc·
.:enc" In lhc future.
• .",nJ 1t'tk)II .-ard thal 1111, n ,1 I IC'kl'd UI b} F',•b. 28 \\ Ill be- loo lht' st dmt: •
Second Semester
Arthur Ori\('\'. "IJ> ha. narr~t~d any of h!s o "n Ua\P} !llm. 'Alli Pll'S< ii "1'1m<'lrss TurkP)" toda) dunnR acu, 1lv ""°" d. lh.' I pl yfd by TIIF. IIORl.D AROl'l\D US. which h11, PN · ,Id du~ , th our other tni.\t·l
20 Students Are Practice Teaching
Do,1d B. Johnson, Ja= Kac7u1, Mo.ri:iirel Komlln. D n K~llt'\, sisan 1..11ni:s1on, Bob Leno. Lorin McRDt', s.andra
1\l<'l&On, \'ui:lnla Odrnbaudl.
r-unc~ Olson, Toni P11ul. Jud, RomanF. Claudt' s.,pplni:ion.
aun, Simon. and Glenn \\alrr, Thcst· srude11ts quallO Pd for the 11cholasllc ora:anlnlloo b:r
carnlns: JS crodil hour cur·
renth and 1<-cc1,ini: 11 3.0 1
on•r ,radepo1n1. Ta11plng U><>k plac, last Fndu at 111cb
ume th., """ embeis ..-rr
prr~1·n1,,d v, llh "hill' ro:sesthe 1rad11lonal PTii. fio\\N.
Othc-r ~ludrnts 11 ho • rr loppl'CI at lh• bc,:tnnlni: of Orsi 6emeslN arc T :r, CarlbetS. Mo.r1::utt Eld :, Jam,-s Eh lncton, nnd Bell> Simkins. lnllol1on ..-111 take plsce durln s: :i. banquet I n laltr date.
Tbl' Er r' C. 1b ha,; be<' ma).. ,I> • th I ann~al 11prlni: ball. C:halrml1Tl In chnrse I Don 111111;1. Al • fUIUrl' ttUDS:. dld:ol f.;1
QU<'CO of th" ba I " JI be nomltu1H-d. The QUt'f'II I then ch sen Ir lh candi • dat b: th cl~ b t,en;.
'My funny Valuriat' Ya T1a••• Of F relld• Mr f , \'almtlne ". Iheme 0 , , .,rl'slde Feb. IS. was c:ur1ed u1 In the dN:O· rat! m; "" well ns In the cnl rwn en1. Bill Amhokl, a tcr f c:er nle"'. In\"' · duct'd Helen :-.:....-uin, ..-to :inll 5rH'r:>I number She was fillk,111'1! b.> a skit prese::!<-d bl' Ti lit' RQdCl,LS. u,ura L~ Yroum:ir..' ~ri: \' unc. Hl'len :,;r\\ton. Mal'\" RO and Blllb M<:K:is.
Rt!~f'llhm ..-ere 6 1~ 1111d e•,er> ,nc> rtanc~ ' mu le f Ille ··shad,• Cor lb r ,und r of lhe e,; cnlni:..
Hi ts All-Time High--604
,\ 9ft: 14-f ( f t emC!ilt:r r~s:i U3n en thfl d •lllllln<' r~r enrollln~ Pll ~,'II on Ft>b. Ii sho11 «I GOl tu· dents au nd1n~ cla ses. The pr,.,1 u high r r th<' aprrni: sPm~h·r \\ii a .)NH aP>, wtth li2i r,·i:1 ll'ltd 111 tht dM1dl ne. :.; rmalb lh" 11: P ID t.· I.· mcnt I r lhl• ,prln& term rr m lhl' !all 1, rm llllK run abo1.1 Io per Ct'nt. The drop lb. , l!l)lln, Ill ,hshth UndN :: 1,•rcen1, forctni:~orr.,• chan~ In ,;chNllllni and tat! a. I\ i:n· m~nt:-.
Spr:n~ l'llt lln ('fllS dunni: 1be pa,-1 five ,ear~ sho\\ 380 In 1960, In 1961, 1::7 .n 100:. SI~ In 1963 and 60l tn 1!161, Ceru,u~ surW)"!I 1nd1c:111e the buh;<." In colie,e f! roll en1, b nt " coce, 1<o ihe u,•nd ur\\ntd w,11 probllbl~ continue !vr some ti .Ji·t' rti;! ,trar',< me<' hnd not completed l<Ltllhi uon of lt'i:lsttallon l'lrlll Iles al Ille PJ d :ulllne f r lhl is,u A 1ud, or th~ rt:itn 111 be rro In I \l Sl'UP or
ACapello Choir To Sing InBoise
Th< !JC A CuP1>rl!u Choir I n "-rch ~' .n lhe c' ::Crrl Hour of tilt' ld3 h0 \IUMr F.ducuwr • Assucluuon convenUon, accordln~ to .ttl arr.lcle In the Ft'bruary ls5ul? of uu tc \ol~ • D publlcauon pul QUI b) Ille I ',!EA, The c n,rntlon will be hd<I In Bois~. March 1n-11. In I~ llotel Bol &"· ,\moni: OIi><- o 1hr mor<' flllllOUS mu~lc ,ruups 10, itcd lO pert r,:i Ill< lb.~ dioru,. rrom ti> Uni'<r IQ' o Coloratlo nnd rh,• band from L"CLA,
65 Make Dean 's
List During The First Semester ll\•r,\
,ubtith•d S.m.-.Mottthfy Ourit19 th• Colt.9 • Y H t Ir Jout"'-litll\ Stucfe.nh •• tft•
fd, ,o, ••• , •• ,. S.cli.y Kt0wH
~lttlJP fchtOt •• , • , • • , • , , , • , , • • • • ••• , , • Adan. G,11br,o;.i
Sport• fd,ro , •••• , • laQu Eock..on
Cucvlo1100 ••••••••••• • ••• Bo,bcm:1 Scroffo,d, Sbo~ S,c;t,:i,tt
Phctogtoph,n • ••••• ••• ••••••• R,c~ Ac••ffllCH'I', Po"t Wc-m•r
Rt-9~1e,a: Lo.tty Boron~ Bob QvF,ea.ne, Penny Goodw,11,. Jun
Hel.,.,o,,, Tom H1.901ns , Mor, Lev Ko,,.,. Mo,.. a(e,,o, Mb.,,,,.
M..nooi , Dovid M<Coo;l,no, Flo P ~. C •"' Robl,,n,
Editorial . ..
< v t
gen za ti m and a r c oc.11~ ,n sovero r~rs , s
, POrH c,po t e " thre.:! four , o r mu.C" t me cons
Q I 1h1t IIIT>O ,
In ~°""' co,e , , por~,:,n ,rv lved ho, no d,f , ,
18 tr Mo ,., cr:id,rs orid p. lina gocd godc, no1 •he ir g rod -po,~ , bu , , tit, off, 1hey hold l "''
S., roly 1• s ov,d n l 1ha1 ,o.,, 1h,ng hos •o , wt,g 1' on,, I " mpc<tor• club •ha1 newr doe o a n y ,vay?
Ba ck ,n a tor ornc,r • my of mc ri11on1ng onco bd re 1hc, 1 OC ! V !IC~~ bu , need I U"nf, f OW Nhol .~ her 15 no t,,, 11 , ploc o ,a s ' ll '' 1hc w , 1ho leade r • N:>A plea , Jon ', m ,uncle • 1orid 11- ,s (I a l,co,:l 1-ove s.>me qvol , abov• walking ou t •c.o door some<loy a.-.d roll,., korpl , • a ephor • p 11 ) \*'1,1 I ""'°" •o so 1s : ho t wo ti.lve g.-.,d ~rs b. · n t cnOl.,gh of • r,er,,1 TI,., r o 010 ;,le t y ' o, \lVOI lc ol ond su •el y mo,o " """" ' .,he, con I, I •hem. • s ~, , i,..., r,oces \Ory nor pn,c r co •o ol c · 11,c, so,,. pe • •on for eve r • • ,.,o, Of',cc ho lding ould be doporo,;in 1 quol,i,ca• ans no 1 upor, o porsonol,t r • I. A we p , oc.~ , · the, a.-.:1 r , r n• 1hc, se ond scmes1er th yc,o ,. ,• ,.. ,II won OO<" caws , elec•
If I Were A Dictator
e. \\t_.t'\ \I "':,01
I! l wett II dictato r. Ille Dr.st book I would bum ~1>uld be Ille Bible I would bum It because I ' d rH.Uze that the whole aincept or de:noc,a.c; C&llle out o! I.bat book.
"Democracy " ls • GrHk wcxd hid! m ftUU> rule b.Y Ille people, but evPn at tbe b~ll::hl or Its a.oden: &1o r y, AlhPns W11S not a d,:noc:a.cy, Tbe Greek& cave you th.: word for II but lhe B.tble p, e J'OU the pllilosoplly aad the wes "blcb We dffl!OCr&Cy.
Rl/fflember I.be &c.lryor :rouni: David, Ille shepherd boy, as told in tbr. Book or samuel. Oarid c.:ne to the 110rtl.> 1uss«t army of lsra~I br:ln~lnc supplies IIO hi~ brot.bNs. :-iow !o r .ll>rtr days lhl' ar:oi:in1 Goliath, champion o r lbe Phillet1oes' atm.1, had c:ba.ll1en1ed any sins.le mn or Uaael to combat bul none llld bttn able lo i,reva.U nplns1 him. Thf' youni: DaYld ll!lked pem,Js.~lon o r Kine Saul to trJ his luck. o..-,d n.s o ffered all the equipment !o r combat , but h~ dropped Ille sword and ~Upped o ut o r the h ,.,. annor. Thi! ODI' Wt'lll)OD he knl'" bo w to usl' ,u.s the s hai sho l.
So , choos i ng , lllllo lh stones fro m a bro ol( he advanced uPon G.>llath and ,J.,. him. oa,i d In Saul's l\f11\0 r me.ant defeat : oa,·id llchtlng his o,m ,. ..,. and -.11b weapon:, be knew rnean t vlc too. He was an l ndh1 dual, ln a rt'lll bense a oon confom,er for be r r uaed to usl' the tradlt1o nlll wee pon:, , And ,..! se KlnR S a ul dld n o t contuse conform · IQ" and l o yalt;.
Sor dtd tll" Saviour. ~lien
Jesus chose twelve men ro be Wlth Him and cnn; on His mission a.tter Re ,.as pme Be dld not select a IJOUP or rubber SlalDPS. There wn~ Peter, the lmpewous. Andre>,, the plodder: J o hn. the Poet, Simon. the l!ery zealot: Tboas, the melanch oly. They were not s~reol.)'ped "yh" mPn. Re put II pre· mlum on their lnl!nltt> vanety They were united tbrir dUlerences. Be encouraged them to queauon Bls most fundamental beli ers and , n opeD llscusslon their doubts were resolved and their ra1111 streostbened
You don't ban IO read poliUcal science or swd,- constitutional la,. to uodN5land
demOCl'llCJ or to reallZll t ha t -. hen lndlv1du!111t1 111 sup· pres s ed, socte1y sutru,s, You o nly have ro rud the Bib i <' to proHd•• undl't11tandlne, L<'t Sau I ha, e bis heavy armo r tr he wi sh• and '"' D avid have his allng•hat lllld his II v11 s moulh Slone. I.cl e11ch o( u~ be 11~ lmprtuous as PPter or as slow and plodding Andrew.
From the point or View or a dictator who cn.n rull' onl.v ll8 lone ws lndiV!dual thoughts and Ideas and conduct are suppresst'd , these ue dnni;t>rous thouchts to be lurking In tbe mu1d of man.
Yes , II I were a dictator the nr:st book I would bum •ould be the Bibi•·
Stud, '1l b •dy otncers were the l:tll'!!~ or lbt- Hom,• Ee dab at a dinner F•·b. 24 1n th" Home Ee room. Mr. GanJ , ronner con c:essmi,n and rf'l H<"sentativ" or the lndlans tn lbls country, was lhe 1t11 est IP!'llker and spoke on Indian a(falrs. '
M be.IS or lbe comn:lttee
we:,,, Ben.r Fllchner , presidm t, Tammy 0111111: Joyce Ba!lo:oy: 8arb11ra Sl belt, and Linda Jor,:enson
Program Announce For Guidance Day
Re11R trall o n blank s ate bei ng sen t o ut lo all Ill tiChoo l s pcuu i:1patln1 la Ill ann ual Guidance Colle hP! d h ere al NIJC. Solle t h" 11chool orpntzaUoaa llc: lp ati n 1 In Ille n •t SNEA, Home E e Clall, The ta KaPPII, Circle K.
T he p rn a,am Is u rolloW9
9 : 30 Opl'nl n1 ceremanl•
9: 4 5 Se>eakrr C.d who ,. tll s p eak on "P of Chotce ", wblc:b la lhe>mf.', IO: 15 Enterlalnmen& ltJ II students
10:35 1n1ores 1 IIODP8
10: 45 Ol acusalon 11111•• i eneral , bualn eaa, bolle N'.lucauon, l'n 1l DHdn1, el uon1cs, and auto me duud and bocly an d ren der Is :30 T our o r the CllllPU
12:00 Lu nch
RENT , SALES • REPAIR D,.ft111 1 & T,,._. Sulofllol_ INTIIISTATI TY,EWIIITD417~,.. • ,._
n , tt;. flad 1.,.
•PSMt-U pp.,•
Darlene Skirts, Sweaters Blouses, Capris, Coats, Ca r Coats, Suits, Accessories
""ICHp .A RecOld OI If'" - ...a.- 4,15ft m.,_,-. COlUl D'ALENE. m,,ttO
N.IJ C. REVIEW C«-v' d Ale"• , ldoho , W • d., Fe btvo,y 26 1961
By Borboro Scro((o,d
Tw KJrls oorm "ltldmi.,. ba Ye atlln'ld to dm• up a ain1t1111Uon which will be usl'd to p,,·rm u11 In lt ,.,. hope to ba,e pollcll'S wluch wll J be us NI le. futu rt' yeasw Pal !deekt>: and Karen Krue.: r apent lbe wtttr.end at the lJ or I and ha,·t' br~usht back many rood sucecstlon,, which wr can use.
\le hl\'t' also started "'Ork· Inc on plans for holdlnJ a.n open house so 11111 the public lll:13' sec what our rooms "'e UkP and ho,. •e hve in Ult> dorrr:.
'l.,.J.C. RE'VIO
~Inc~ the b~11nnlnr r th, cond ,em,· .t, r, the Cir,. K Ch1b, bas been busy. Tb• club a Qi,u PR>)ttt of Ill~ &econd smu11tN "U ....,rklns on the Much or Dimes Tel.111ma Mrmbrrs or the club workl'd In &hlfla or thrl.., houll!, lalua1 Phone calls and recclvlns pledcea at K\':',I.
Ill C:Oajunctlon •I lb the lurcb or Dimes Tt'lerama the ml!ll:br.ra o! the Circle K would like lO thank the llrls from lhP Cardinal Service Club for their mucb nfrded help.
Another pr,,Jeet or the Ctrcle K club Is O:uni cardinal direcuon s1 KDs that M>D I be t'&,;lly broken by Vandals.
I! there are any nrv; male ecood semestrr slUdents ,.ho are 1ote11.>sted In the club. U1e Cllcle K cf'ets In the 'ICIUth..-est c ,mer -,r tbe SUB on Thuisday at I Z:Oo.
CO\l ,IL Tll k.i,O. ·. SIGHT 8 Pits, Sll IJ Pl~ , SUdJ Sipper$, uinerr II. B•ll· s.keller.s, Po$tons, Duk..,., Klrly Klan. Outto: Snli,er
• Br 0'4 • Tbe 8 & R • , Th R• Reds+ II. Alley Cat lten ' .s Rich i;., 1 \I. swank , ~:9. Men ' lllah Camr: Cun Sto,·em, 569. \\O:nt'n'a Hid! S<-rtes.: T. Roce111. 369. 'Aomen'& lllch Oace T. Ro,ti f'S. I ,lj, LAKF. c1n· LA.'-ES 1\EOSF.SDAY SIGHT A or f"rbruor.v Hi - Tt-am &lalldini:s• Cutlet Da5ters, Tar Sables. 3 Pip p.us I. f"our Star,;. Old Cronies. Scroungers. Pottntiomeler • Stampers f"oul-som f"our-som , Alie~ DUSltU, Bo '.s , HJ Hop,-s.
f"rank £,ans 1'111 puuclpaie th" t,ventr11inth ;<;orth mer <'an lrlldJtre lllld Satural I enc,• Rrsourc,•s ConrNenc,, I L.u, Vr111u, , N1•1·ud11. \ln rch ·11. H•• "Ill prracnl onr or hr thlrt)·f11·e scJ rnllllc pa· era on "lldllfo and nlltural ·rsourc~. HJs "Ill br con· <·mrd WI th culbou In the rthw<•"ll•rn Unll,·d Sh11t•, THE PIN CU SH ION
V ryr I a 01 "" r• ' , J 'I , I ~., iu ror
Unde,..ood S.le, & Serviee
2UI N 4th Slrttl
<> •• I\ Ith the- dcml51' or the l\r stNn Edltton or The Nc111 Ymk Tl•,·s. the llbrarv Is now l"tllntt the d.al)) 7'1::i,·s mailt'd out lrom :O.ew Yor..
Thia paper ta one or the beat In the naUon and has """ numerous award11 ror Its flm• Journalism. Th•• 7"1"1,·•
Prt!M•nts oe·•• In dt'lllh and CO\f'l'S world alfair.s better thnn II\.' o ther paper. It Is comrl,,tch devoid or ecnsa · UonaJt&m 1111d comlC3 but ha man> 1nttr(•sun1 and • nr1ch · 101 fl'oture arttclrs.
sAw .vaoa nnc has bffn add<'CI to the II brary 'a mar:a· zinc, radts. Thia ma;vjnc, pro11drs a colorful aUct and somr•hal lntl.'llectual llllP-Ch to thr 1111•!1 lll't>!. Mol'lt•s. lhl'1Hre, music, art and lll<'nalU!l' ar all c, ,er ,d
b) this I> Id n<'• · lli-:i; •
lie ould like to 11,·e o l<Pl'Clal note of lllMh i.. Mrs. Doh Iman for d na Unc a p !ant f r the planter lD ur ; '"'· v,,. appec, alt' U ,·er} rr.uch. \\t, are , en happy to rep that our recrnll on room ha bt•Pn complrted. 11 l onks vrn nice"""·
Our the •t' ~t":ld =~ of the Jlrls llad Inc thret' of tht" r. 5 1lb 10 cl paper. Thia 111u oone b, 11tnn11nc thte paper back and forth acros11 the mom. Thr A:trls whose ro ms "C!t' decorattld dldn •1 lock t.belr
"·HEWMAH CLUB WILL HEAR DR. DAUGHA.RTY In" or or su,on.i C:.rmoa '> .: II s, an Club b<'r6 :i.tltended II lY Mass la t Sunda:r. afte: •hlcb a brellkf11.~t '111l9 sentd In lbe par1sb ball.
On I.Urch '.! at 8:00, Or. Daui:hart.r wlll speak to the \rwman:tes on t.llt' IOplc o! rlh cocuol and lbe Ollhollc. 11> mttti11c w1 b b~ld .D e 11arla
Cord,nol Sin9ers Son9
1'1le Cardlnlll sl"11,·r ~ans bat nll:l, f r u 14a..,a,, at the Masonic Te:::plt'. The C'llrdlnal Si111:e:s ar me::,IMo: at the :; rtb ld:L'IO ,,. Cap~! la Ch r and lllt' \'er1 well re· cel1l'CI eo •rr t prrrorm.
CJ,oo•• Our Corefu l Cleon ln9
Co eur d 'Al e ne Lau11 d ry & Dry C le ane rs i:... Picbrp and Od.,.,., J07 F<ee1 MOl>owl 4-15 16
Satlonal Sode I, or Pre. r.,, -::al En1tlneNs talent search test& were siven to hl Ith school :.IUdrnti< trom the 1<urroundin1: 8N'll b>· Mr. \IO&N laat Saturd,v. TPsLs "ere re r arded ID naUonal head· IJla.rl"r,; 10 bl' co11ec1{,d and rrsult:, ,rill be &l'nt from theu• to nch student. along Willi a resumt> or probable succes~ In the en,ant't'nna field.
Mr. ~loser ,.,.,. the tests as a repr,-sl'ntauve or the !~be\ soc,e:v or Professlolllll
Eritn• r,-.
The Hom, Ee Club recently p n ored a Sarah co,·enm Jc-rf'l ry part> 111en b> one o'r
Mr.s. Stmnahan'11 I ,rm~r SIU • denr,; sue s~ock. Beside t<hO'll'l ng the Jew,.Jry, Mrs. smock demonstmted sc,•eml ,..,. or ,.,ar1n, mch piece.
Rf'frPshm<,nt,, \\t'lt sen·ed b, t e membt-r,..
Pill Theta Kapiu mem~lb
•lsb to thanll those "t.> parIla pated 1n the PTK cake sale for lbeu cue c,rders.
Tbe orpnlzatJon netted S32 on this proJ«t. ~nf'.) ttm«I ta to be used toward a national con,enUon later In the school Yl'&r. --------
/ nru - Li /,,o ry Exchange
Dr. Pnddy - ..SIL.Cl'd r I no uiter-!,b:sr1 ucnance bc1seen iulcltJw !df'morlal Ubrary and the Spokane Public Ub:ur
• r,btA111 mattnals ror lbe 0 Club.
PTK He lps In L ,l,rory
R "· S>detllDI bu askl!<l
Pn1 Theta Kapl)D to chooae
fhP or ~11 or us members lo heh r trioks In the II brar1 Junn c r•st- " 11 •
C' C _,, rg, r
Fos· s· S<!rv•ce " Town
\!en's Hi&b O&ll:<'' Jim lie tnturrr. '.!16.
lien's Htch Serie,. Jlc \lctntarfr. 565.
llcmen ' s 1111h Ot1111e· Onr Joiinrs, 161. \\omen•, Ill n S~rtes: Oar Jas:ar -13~.
. "
1207 N. F01<r1~ MO· 4.nl3
Coeur d'Alene
, C •. ,.,. • • I
&,uqv, , 8 0 • 218 M •• - 1.10 !..!218 Co.w, c1•AJ-.. ltmho • • 1, , F 9 .... BOWLING
M essieurs!
[A-1 ] Tapers SLACKS
II n'y a qu'un seulment mot pour nos pantalonschic, magnifiques, elegants, distingues.
Record Is 19-4 After MSU Win
An~ered b> their 82 -Sb 106S
LO Lhe MS U f'roi;h O month oi;o, the Cards soundly de· fe111ed t hrm In the action ·
Jtack~-d rematch 91 ·79 It v.n, no doubt one o r thl! sn111>ples1
i:oml':I Lhls season 1 r not ror team pnfonnance, then !or Individual prov, ee<s
Th•· cards Jumped Into Ute
l1!11d ot th<' start ol !hi.' 11ame and nevN had cou•• ID look b11ck. Th<'Y wNe ahf'ad at the hair by 9, 41·35.
Inn Hunter stole the 11ho" by swLshlng 20 foot jump shots one after anothrr lo lead the team In :,co ri ng "'th on lmp re:;at,·P 29. Tv.o oth f'I fine perronnnnces were turnl'd
In by Bill Smith Md Wnynt>
Dust w1lh 23 and 22 respect· f\•ely It \\8,; o bli; night lor Inn who has been ueralina 8 POlnts a arune since hts accident earlier this fall.
II was remnrl<ed that a belier port or the MSU performance o r l~tnatt'd on the bench.
MSU oclion w11s considerably Pmbelllsbed by 11ntlcs rrom their co11ch - to the obl"!Du!l dell11ht or nil present.
other !ICOro rs In the con·
lest wNe: Terr, Corlberg 2. Jim Drecbael z. Les Oard· mu 2 J11mes J oe IO. and Stevt' Brtsen 4.
Win Over EWSC JV Is 18th For Ca rds
The Cords look a rather medlocr<' 8 H!6 l"C1111ct rrom
Ell'SC durln; the third i:tm<' of n trtplc h1!11der before o near-capnd ty audi cnce
Th<' g11me stnned slo" ly, and both teruns bod trouble
i;cmn~ Into high venr. The Cards could no m"re than ae 11 up at the hoH 31>30.
A!tcrnn apparently lni;pinng bol!Umc cl\ot In Ille dre:,slrll[ room , the Cardl noJ" did sho\\ mo n, ltre but II was no tually l11te In th e i:ame b(,for~ lhP L"nm shtlped up to Us usually na,;by performnric:e.
The " Ill wos sl)R rked b> Jimmy Joe "ho snapped out uf a rour gam, scortnr slump to drop In 21. Bill Smith
lollo\\!'d Joi!" I Ill t 7.
The r<-st of Ille sconng \\IU>
s<:altNed: Bud Beck 2, Vcm
Beni:.,ton 2 Ste1·e Bn un 6,
T•·m Carlbers 6 11:i~·ne
Dw.t 13. ~s Oatdner 2, l:ln
Hunt~r s Dan •t~ddorlt I. and Borch11 Poole 3
Writer Sees Cards In Playoffs
Intromurol Court Season Underway Cords Win Again '"""' Over U-1 Frosh
L-C Warrior s Are 16th Card Victim
The Ctudinals 11on their a rst game lo a nro-came road trip 75·66, aprn sl the Uwl~ Clark Nonna! \\amors tn Ll'wiSton.
The Cuds wln·loS!> recud l o r the 20 gnmes pla•ed so fat this season ls llr-1.
The ll arriors opened w Ith a Oou d sh but their pace slack · cned and the:) trailed at the half 3!>-3;.
\\o ynt' Dusi, who has bren a111m tlr 1ryln1t ror th<' foul · mllkrr o r lhe year a"'·nrd, sank cl ,ht Oeld goals and 5h lout shots to lead the t«>am Ir. soortni with Z? Potnt..,. He llliso acquired his quotn or routs - 5.
Bill Smith oonunued l o sink
11 goodly a1·«>rage, lhts ume
Once the tewn took 0 1·e1, carh in the first halt, It never fell behind and led 1111 the \\8.)' down ID the wire.
Othe r sa>rers for the Cards lhllt night were: Ste1·e Bnsen, I. Teny Carlberc 2. Les Gnrdn a 6 Ian Hunter 10, Jame» Joe !I. and Barclay Poole 6
Btll Smtlll led the iea.m In rebounds ith 10, and '"'" ro llowed by \\n~·ne Dust nnd
Bnrclay Poole wrlh 5l'<'l'O each Co,d s::--.-.-,.-0-:E:-n-:d-,-::cWc-it-:-h-
Gomu Fr iday, Sa1urday
Tlte a!IDn schedul • end:, !or lhe Clltdtml~ "tlh BIR Bend CommunJl) College here f'mlay and the \\SL
Frosh hrr., S..wrtla.,t.
Thr· Cardinals ha, e defi,ut~ both L<'ums earller this sea· n, but C<>!lCh II IHruns ,•xpecL \ISL t , b<• , ,u~h
Svppo,t Your Adv~rth•u
For a lifetime of PLEASURE learn to BOWL
While You Are Young lake City lanes, Inc.
Cg rds Pla y For Reg ion al Berth
SIJC's Cudlnal 111 r,i,el an Orecon Juntur e IIPic wam 10 see ,.ho 11111 1<'i)resent th e norlhtru dh 1s1Un or Ri,11on I lo the rep onal tournament o r lhl' :.auonal Junior Collei;,:, Albletic .o.:,,-oaauon. The ca111c •Ul probably be plased or. :, nC'Utral noor In Orci:on Four teems ...-111 comprte In tbr Recloo I toum:ime,11 , wtucb •Ill probably be hl"ld Ill Crand Junction, Colorado on M.uch 6 ·7.
R~d on I compr111es JunJor coue,~s Ln ldllho , ll!Jihlni:i.oo. ori,gon, Anzonn ~lontnna , 1:111.h , and Caltfomu..
Cai;,, acllon tn the h11111 sc:hool A·I baskt'lbnll tourna · meot •tU tak" place lo lhe :, UC gym March 3 i. Pour teair,s !tom the two :-/ortb Idaho dl.SUIC"ts will be com · pel.Jo~ In thi, doubl<'-ellnuna · uon a 11111 r. Tht • Inner ill co to Bol~l' ~II r ch 11.
MO :-3 )S
f"• brua11· IO mb?ked lh<' !I n,t de" or rntra:rural ba~ketbnll ro i IM :;econd ~emc,,1er at J;IJC. Oamet1 are bemi:: pla~·ed e~l'" ~t>nda.,. TU.-sd:l, and Frtda.• lhroudt F t>b. '.l!i. Tbrn on f'rb. ;s pta.,oll" "ill be b ld to delel!IUDP lhC' Rrst place tam and H nl'C<'~~a11·. th<' second, thtrd. 11nd l~urlll place teams. T"o gam<h wlll bl' played "1 mullan«oush "n each or these da.)'s. There a~ oJ, dtrrcrent tt'ams. T,'!lm #l ts t'Omprlsl'd or men mrolled In th" BA aril BS cu rrtculums. Tenm 1:2 conshls of men C'llmlled In bustnr~s wlmlnlstrauon. Team #3 ! < comp rl •rd or th,• t'ducau.;,n ,uudmt~. Tho fourth toom lnclud,•s mt'n 1n enctn, nn~ and lorcstr., curnr:ulum~ Thi, llllh lf'tl rn iiroure all men ,•nrolled In lndustrinl art • Pre-\led, Vo>t· enna11 , und denUMn-. Tenm '16 Is comprl~Nl ol ml'n tnroll~d In th«> vocaUonnl de• partrul'nt of tbr Colll'ltl", ~naarr~ or T"am I nrc Da•l" Atl"hl11on, T<•m· Klrl<•r, and Ken u1,b1y, Or••r Drift· m,•yN ts manager of T«>run 2. \lanq~rs ror Team 3 an· Paul Lot1s and Cha rle > ltandolph. Rlch11rd Roi I and 0<,n ll1u1l ma111, 1t<- Trurn 1. )lyron Richardson und On" Wrich1 are mt1t11111Ms for Team 5
All pm"" Stoll 01 12:2&. TherP art• four tux-minute «.Jll!IN.& wllh on,. minute betwf'~n CJ!Ult'IS and two minutes between halve, Thr dock run~ conII nuou sly rx· cept In the 11181 two mtnutos ol play "hen 11 can bl' ,;topped for any reason: fr(•e lhro"~ · out r bounds , ~tc
Coach Rolly llllllams ·,,anL• anyont ln!Pre~ted in Pinc· poo, to ..till hi nnme lo lb~
" h, t,c ona ...,..J,,.,,n t= ""'r,m, n r THE LIGHTH OUSE
SPORT/HG GOODS lfl.S ShH'l'l"l•r, Ave. - MO~ +.S72J
NIJC'~own rnatch~•ln!o 'M th th,• U o r I F11>111 ':!i \tosco,r,• 1111d •OIi 5 1 the! r return iro tch. lt
The U or L's a,n., defea pro, ed 11re11, etlecu, 0 1 lhl' rtrst hall and the t'alll "'"'• llhrad only 34-29.
~11i tell lo thr Unl••n.tl)\ r.ont' d,•f•-n,e to • man~• de!t'nsr ,,..:ond half m" i.,, br,•n lh<'lt downlall.
BUI Smith did anoUier If'-! Jub In the l1t1lnla d,par111111 bv !<!Okin& 18 !o r lhP AIIO\ 111l1~1und hlah ~orer. RIQt brhJnd 8111 "~' l)nv Du "Ith N, Dual had 1111 lfl. PC'lnl ,iv.ra~~ !or Ille hlflo 1nm,• rond ttlp, Sm1u, an 18.S.
Thtt U <11 I dl'Ont1Ply C(Jo' ttul lrd !hr, b,ards, 011 5m 1r,11haurr tuabbed I r •bounds 11& oPP<l~<-d to Stet B n ,rn nnd II a ,nr Ou..i, bl Ith 8, Althnuah U,r, ht a munupoh on h•lahl, UL Cards outran tht rosh 111 ovl' rcnnu• a pr.•s\ dun na u, ,w<'O nd l\olr h, •1 n. ~Ukt• \\'Irk-, ace for t fo'ro h,\\11.~lu•ld to llPolntl 0th n '\COIN> !or the Card, Strvr £rl11rn ~. Terry Carl ber~ 6. L.• Oardnnr ~. 111 Huntrr 5, and Barcla1 Po I~ ~o rnc... Al~o. vull~yball •W be o rr~red II all)'one Is I tNrftlcd. Thr rre,tunan lltl w Ill play thr rr~11hman wolll! and the r1nphomor,, ""'" • ploy thl' !IOphomore wom111. HAS OPERA T/011 DOV/' Purt, 11 JC AOpbomon has undNgon<> an &P d,•ctomy 111 Orltm1111 Meo Hosplllll In Mo6CO• D had bren Ill for aom• 1111 but hud conunue d his 911111 Md hi acUvlU~a on vl'nrbOuk ,111.rr and IA ll NIJC Pep Band u lone "'"" PDKl>l bl P
B """ E• ,
241 4 N - St•• Co.., d ' AJ..•
......._ ...... ····· ... ·............,. ___ ....,_.,., .... ._._.....-,... •••• gym •••• tumble .... flip ... flop .. .lug ... tug push ... jump ... leap .•.. ... chin ... lift ...
.. . ... run pause ... puff
h~~th. Coke lottfitd undtr the 111tho,Ut o f T M Coc••Cola COff'IO,aft.J bf1 EMPlkeCOCMX>LA 80~
things go