Librarian Feels
Loss Of Magazines
• Isn ' t Accidental
• II> an lnt<'rv1t • th L.l ·
b111rtan SodNUn,;, )Ir SodPt · uni: offered :he I !lo..-lnc rtmark• 1a a Re, 1 ..- report,., (or publltallon.
Jt hs,; probabl1 bl'Pn ,-our upen cnce dunna the past ~e•eral weeks to mate a re· que&I to the librarian for a maaaztn<', only lO !tnd that the partlcular lssul' 1n quesUon la ml551DJ. Thia l» o , 1J1taauon that Is diai;usunc bolh to the librarian and tbe student, thoulb ne1thei ol th<'m l, to blaml'.
Tbr hbru) has experienced lately the re:no •"ILi of period· teals from lhe magazine
111Clis. sevt'ral r<>CPnt !&sues o( Thi: R<'Prtblle nr,o, mlulnr as we II a.s some o f th(' /lo,prr s , lO mt'nc.lon Just t..- o
11 Is dtrncult io bell,.,·e that th"lr rCfflOval from thl! llbrary 15 accldl'nllil. 11 Jt were. II would fiee:n I.hat the Rtudl'nt would mr,r~ than llke)y reLUm them to th" library. It ralhf'r at't'mS to Ix- an lnt.,.ntlonal aet , and v. hr should II bP so l 5 dltl'lcull 10 und•·tK14nd.
TM• perlod1eala nre kt'Pl on thC! rrad1n11 raek !llr th,, use and pl•·asurv or all the 11tu · dmls. Sln<'e thPre ar" no rc1l1rlct1nns r,.1,udlni; their u~.-. •·icept thal lht•r muu not t>,• tak,•n fro•~ Ill<· library. 11 w•m" pointless to IOk" them from the llbmr~. An' th..,, anv ll()(rd rea~M !or lhl!i typ(• ,,, bebaHor?
Act• SU('h IUI lhls d,•ny r.,thrr aiudr.nlll th,• UB~ of thf" maR117,ln•·. and whul 111 worR<•, th""" ucts "' 11f'lnshn1,ss und lmmalurtt, haw• <'&used coll<'lt<'S 11nd unJvPr•ln II· brarl• 011 over thl' notion Lu lnru.r1111n1w morl' nnd more r N ulcll•Jntt. r:.>m•• of lhem or<' rar·tl'AchrnR and mos I lnconvrnl<·nl. ,nd lhNl' I& nu qur.ll on lhot hnuld such ~11ulall11n11 breuml! ru er.a · or., h,•"·· atudnnts ""uld bt· drnll'd mofil 11! Ul<' prt•I· to,,,. lhr, "'"' <'n)o) In thr lbror:1·.
Bui In Utl' llnnl anohl:'h, 1hr, ruop~r\) or thn llbrol\ must bn pmll•CINl and In h11 cost• nl l111 rna.-.ll7.lnes. lhl' lll ca 11111~! b,• k<'Pt con·
t111unu1<. Th• "hult· P\lll· 'nM problem cnn b, sol, ,-d ; a llt!11• lhuulthtful COOJ>t'fll·
Uun. 'l'l1n1 111 nil that Is nt·,-d•'II. 1'h•• hbrur; sollclli. :;ucb couf'IN&Uon In md, r that 11,, ma.•· b,• ubl1• to pr • ,td,• tht' 68lnl! OP«'Clt-d st"rvtr1,s 10 those, sludrnls
.- ho \\lll loll!Ol' ,·ou In al· tt'ndln~ NIJC.'.
Meetings Planned For
oc1ology Students
A ~NII!' ,t m·• uni:- I;;.
bCtnR p]11nned b,· \Ir• SIOn"
• or thosl' stud, nts wh, are tnh•r ~tl'd In CQMt' \\Olk. ~ctnl ,..,,k, and soc:-loloc.>.
Thr mi.'t'llnllF, 10 I.'<, ht'ld In .i, c r,·('ntni:,,, arl' I r the l)Urpose ul u1dini: :,tud nts In 11lann1ni: thrrt cuur,;e 01
•tud, 1n thrst'! nl'ld,-. Guest p,ukt'rs "lll bt' !r:uured and "ill ta! k on , artous
Mr. Corbin. case .,. r l<N
~' lhl' Idaho Oepartm,'111 of llt'llore, spoke t lh< ,tu· drnls al I\ r,·c,•nl mrNlni;.
• Thi> Sbad'lw» pla H'd for a f1re::-1d,· held In the SUB
\\arch 1 oanc1nc v.o s con·
• tlnul'd unul 10-30,
T he Cha ng i ng Heart Of Africa
Ca rds Fet ed
k-:s~mb~ ( \lontonn Jubl ·
11!1'"' I - ,\pn] 8. na,elocue (Alncal - April
April 15 ls
Guidance Day
A spectacular and llm<>lv film•lt•clUrf', "Thr, Chan,:lnr: Hran of Alnca," 111 prl!s~nt"<l In prrson b)' Or. Arthur C. T•omr,· on April 9 111 8 P.14. In tr.I' NlJC audl·

1, num. In Alnca i;r~111 chan~<'!I In "1" ol ll!r and th u;ht a:••
111 ,;Inc I lacr. A rrlmtla,"
C'C11nom~ i;lvffi wa> u, modem c-umpl"i ll cs. X1-w natl n.s art• bllm. Youn, i::o,rmments lakr lbt'H ~l&<'P ID thf' (11 !ly or nallonf., Arthur c. Tw · m,., • di Uns;ul shed 01 rector , I Education ot l!u, Cam ln•lllut,. bas r.-tuml!d rro
A!nca with a hrslb:illd rlew of v.bat ,,. 11APpen1nc t II& h,.,.n. In :slnklnc natur:a1 coh>r n Im. be onal),e;
A!nea's JlllSI, d c:11ml'D1S the ,,rcsent. sc,quene..s rpcopleand pb<'"" lend background
10 b1, 1nt('fllrPlaU n. On the thre,bOld Ol llle' IUIUtC, A!nca CtJmmandii the auenuon or Easl and \\<'SL The "dar cc,nunent" 1.ll "1Dt'fC1DC Uum 11s ungl..- 1Dt.l a ne,o world of rapid soaal ChcPC<'- Shed · dins: lli;bl on a , 11:al :,llu11· u r.. or. ,..,.. c-y. In pers n. runtl*.s1" 1ud1t1onal and prt'st'fll da_, Alrle11 In a superb 111c11on t>tcci.u,• t!i,.c Is 1mto1111· :.UH•, aulhfflUC. and 0>lor!ul.
A re• 01 the 111~ unusu&l ,-l'Qu'l'nc,.,. •"'· ,, t Lall"
Ru<b lph, I 00 na u "" Cbbcr·
c: n !arm a humnn !I b net.
An e,pe:I makC'S up the latei,l cla) 1:111:-da ror a -n·a bt'ad. Energetlc ll'a· tamba danc,.,,, "bo,se dNm· mt•r!'I ar-.- the flne~l ln £a:,. t Alrtca. :ir. caucht In 2c1to:>n. and thl.'lr music rf'llroduced
n uu f"'! ·,
a.~lfl'lll bt'::l d st'" \JP •• .~pbllJll, rh lno, hip:,,:, I n. le pn:d, :mpalo.. 7 bca, w ldebtt,f. babOor.. i:ualf<J. C I :tut \!.saa. Suk, and T1ln.2ca tribes are ,b wn In 1h : i::l ,ll TC' sum und · le,:,. !ll C n!r:l> t Thl' bustllnc aty t Sairubl Ka::i11al:I. t>d.;-at. lllll <rnier bu&. m<>dl'm sea1 n bui:e plant:lt, ns o r coffee am! tea m!s..,1 as .!.ha b:b. Tbe salar was cult' Ill' I r •t.:r·t• Alrleaas , sh • bltra. lh1t,e nn~ n I :r1e Uld trJel' Laod·ro'l'l!rs. or. Two ey a , teran r man) eipedHI n:s - r Ule Attic t eu di plat' a lb Gal af1l l,1,l!I Ii l:11ld , Sc> lh Al:11' :ca. T!e·:.. de! Puti: • lbt' Sabina i.bn'1 • Cll lab.rut;. lo:•tlJll. T:v CL'lYIU, t:.anda. Yucatar.. D d H'ln· dur..... 8-d b ID& a d.su:isulsbed exp r r. ac:1~· 11st. and author or. l'w ta.. 11-on 11cchl m as a r: · le"':oml ll'Cturer. IU5 broad $dec!lfic baapoull'.!, Ins $kill In prolrssl :al pbotoc,a;,hY, :l11!! htli llllt're& In ~,e people's of Ute world c0111bu,e to m:ke aus lt'ctu1" not o:ily t'ducauoral. but e-ntertalntn; sm rltvNllni;
A 1,~1 ad 1sor~ t : u, ,cccrid semestN. )'lOS!l-tl on the office bulletin board. A<h 1,-ors 10 bl'IP :;todents with al\' probleot~ lh<') ma) ht>~<' con<'emlnc ,chedulcs or Culute oolt<' G" plnn~.
Guidance On, - April 15.
Futul'I' Teachers A,-,.oclo · uon 1SVB. i 00) - April 21
Tra•elosue 1nnul 1 - /\prll
30, A\11; Tl'll and Style S!IO\\ -
"'' i. ...........
MSU Jubileer s Will Si ng At Assembly
Thi' "Jubl leerl!," n 11rou11 rro Mantano S1'11e Uni v~rslty ,. !II pw:;ent a pro11ram on ',ll'dnPsdll.' Apnl S. Tl\!~ ~roup Is comp rised o! i-•ehemen Md twelve women dhectNI b) Jose ph A, Mus· ,,.Iman. Their music I:; presentf'd In con1cmpam ry st~·le ~on~ ,.llh choreography
Thi$ year's ".lublleers" Is th mo:,t outstandina M.s.v. Ila., to o((;•r. Thia will be their second pet! rctanc" 111 NIJC, ho1,nG p~rf r.ned here t..-o .v&nrs •
IIISTJ.LLA TI OH PLAHHED t,.111 r n~v. Card.Jnnl Club 1.!llc•rs will bl' Ile.Id Aprll i, acwrdlng to ShlllOD Parnott. csc prClil· denL Th na e& ol tho nPw arr,~, w!II I>- publlahrd 1n1.1,,.• ,:1. u•. !'TK IHITIA TIOH 1111 ..tll ,n b11nquft plllns lor Phi Theta Kappo members are b<'lllll 1?11 de by Gury Shramdt. and Betty S<-a1111 "'• c c-1:11 airmen. \ Iott' tnlorma· ti will b• in the next IS U';.e.,________
VACA TION STARTS Spnna 1-aai aon bt'gln \b rt'h 27 t&nd ends on \tuch 30. Thlll w1U d ,·e sllldents a i:ood oppertunl t;Y to do wh11t tb<'l ':e al\\tl.)'S wnntedsrudJ Cor mld-serne.. t ~n, bepnnlng Much 31.
The 16th Annunl Guidance Conference for hl«h school 5enior11 v.111 lak" plllC(' al NLJC on April 15 Sponsored by NIJC, the Coeur d'Al,•n,• Chamber or Commerct' , and lhe Coeur d 'Al rne Klwnnl,; Club, the Conrcrencl' Is ror the purpoal' ol acquwnlln11 the students "lth the col!e~r nnd Ptll\'ldlng lht'ffl o. chnncc lO St'curc ln!ormntlon 1n what· c,·cr lirld they may choose ror their mQJors ln collegr Hli:h sch•>ol~ parUclpatlng ln the proar,un art' co~u, d · Alene Hli:h School. Aood,•m.1 ol 1mm11crulotc Heart of Mory, Post Fnlls l:llgh School. L.nkeland High School Kool · cnlll High School, Worley High School. nnd Plummer Hli;h school.
NIJC o r gamzoUons lnclud · In~ SNEA Home Ee Club, Phi Thetn Kappa. and cucle K \\ ill asst SI In Catr)1ng OUI lhe pro11n:1m which con,,1sc;;, In pan ol n spel'cb enUUed "Freedom o r Cho1cl'" presen led bJ earl Bachmnn. cn1o r llllD111Cnl by JC stud~n is. dtscu..slon sroups and n tour ol th1• campus.
Memo 10 s1uden1 body- any car not dlsplll)lnc th<' pork · Ing P<'rmlt wlll be tnaged , and Utt owner will be fined one dollar Stlllents ,ue nlso rcmandt'<I lhat t'VCn thou11h the) arr on compus patlrlng reculntlons must be ob5eNed o r 1hr CllY pollce depnrcrnent wlll tssue uckets on cily sueeL5 ttolni; throush the campus JOBS WAil TED?
Joi> opportun111es ror col · Jege srudenl:I come up rrom ume to time. An,· s tu den t 110 might be Interested in n pe fl time Job ,ibould contact ,1r. Riebe.
Ptorhlidi•d S.mi ,Mon t hJy Olittlftg lh e CoU..9• y._., By J oMm, Hun Stud,e h ,t the
Editor • , , •••••••••••.•••• Secky "<1a4,1U
~l(eup Edt tor • • •••••••••••••••••••• AOOM G,1t:,,Ow1
SP'O't• Ecf,10, ••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••• aAon Et1c:ktD1"1
Cu<:1,1(011on , ••• ; •••••••••• &rboro Sc-ro~td. Shol"Oft Scko-•fr
Photo9,aph•1:t• •••••••••••••••• R, c li AcU,~. P°"I " 'o."'tt
Rcp0t1eri : Lo,,., Bo.ionh, Bob Ouh:u,M, Pe""" Go,odwt.A, Jt~
Hel99i0tt, Tom Higgrn,, Mory Lou KOl1"C'r, Mou• Kero, 1,U,urv
l,\,ngo l, David McCm.;h,>o, Flo P«k, O• •• l!ol,b<o,, P.- Sr '1..

NIJC , 3. .f n •· , , orgor 1ot1 r c tCQf not even secrn 10 kno,; , p,, • pew o, , their c lull!. f«>• only do •hoy • do no: core. Th,s eods llt10 • onde,, hove for 101n,ng or90n1zo1,oru C: • bo o bol; could ,1 bi i0< the !"Qr•,,., otTJ oood 1 s1uden1s noturolly 10,nersl Al c.1 • 5& recsons or if one e,pects to rool'y get sor.-.e"' ~,i au: ! o c first pur some1h,ng in ,1
h soems thot ,n most 0<90n1zo•1Qns ':1e pr s de • Is o sophomore here, ond •nercforc, ore we,. ass ,,011ld kno'N or make 11 h,s b.,s1ness !,) "/IO'N whet s "' • rego rd,ng rh<, club ' s ond lh<, officer< ' respor, b • e pr ivilogos Bur , orw. wonders wh<>n hoorona sueh ri,mar,. lcod,:,rs os " I don ' t know who• we 're do,ng - or,d do,-. ' o r " don ' t ask me who, s going o,, - I .,,. we•« lie•e. "
S tudents , th" ,s s , c~I
The ,,...mb<,r< ore 01 fouh os much os ·he leader, E~ a prc.,dont , s no thong on o one-man club. • s p •o • .,,.,,,be« IQ SUQ9<'SI , suppon , and h:,lp COIT< o,;• ;, ""' a,,d tr • 1ec1s.
Anorher fault loes w, th the odv,sors - •hose- w show up or t he rreotings , .vho are ,hem but could n,1 1 1ho moor,ng const5 t<!d of ,f osked , or who c••errl • odv1s
Now l!!t 11 oo kna.,n 1ha1 oil looders , me<l'l:>rn, ore nor tncludod on relo11on ro those or fou'•. B be-Ion; ro o c: lvb which stortod 01 the t,,eg1'1nin9 ·Nt rh 26 members and now has o , o r if yO\Jr club ro , d,fficuh,os ,n carrying out pro1ec1s , or ,f the ..,.,..,oer, con not make 11 10 rhe mee11ngs ony01C<e , 11 is ev,de • t'>o• some1h,ng 1s wrong Look around you. F d rho COU$1.' and start o cure.
Ono problom thot Se8hlS to be " cotch1ng •• mas year 5, ."10, of securing o colonder- 11me ond rr " qo - <iono " 1,. p<oiecis
Pcrnops ,f o 111110 roscorch "'"" pvt ,nra 1 ,e mo:,.,, , ie woufo co~ up ,.,th o s,mplo solur,on For 1ns1oncc: go,ng ,n·,) ·~
0H1ce , obto,ning on ocuv11y inrormo1 on sl-ee · f,!l,ng , °"" ond submi11,ng 11 to the Student Boord r.,o ,..;.,ks be!0<e •t ' do!>ired colender-darc To ovo,d o clash ..,, • ., some oilier club, this could even be done oorl,er. I• seems r~, sO<TMr o<gono,01,ons make pfons os for os six months oheod oi t·me .\nd this con be done e,pec1olly ,f tile oc:,v ty ,~ on annual event
Fur •,er nlormo11on that ,s needed con eos,ly be obra,ned rrom anyone "orking in 1he office They ore very cooperot ve ond will e,plo,n ony requirements obou · ,.h,ch yov moy be ,n doubt
Thero hos been a IU"Or tho! some clubs hove hod :rouble f,nd,ng o ,,me Nnen rne Sn.odent Boord hod o ,n e<der !hot the club ' s i;:coposed plan could be vo ed uP()<I. - h,s 1nconven!enct:> hoS> been i:>1immoted ,n rnot , because ot if.. s obsl'ntee,sm bi, Boord Membe1s, o "°" ru !,ng wos pcssed sto11ng that ,f ony member has one unexcused absence from 0 meeting. he ,s off the board ond !hus w,11 lose ne elec:ed o ffice 110 hold,
V-,ybe he JC clubs need a ruf,ng such as ,e S ude,,, 6'lord has. ~•,ss one me,,1,ng w, nou: o volod excuse o~ fOU oro ou t• ThtS would def,n11ely el,m,nate oil problems encoun · ' J y ol c bs. In foci , i • would 1·m,nore oil clubs!
I• 1h s nor rrve? - B ·
Amus, g? S1c,en1ng? Def,n, ely energi,-releos ngl These ,rJs can, ol op•!, descnbe the dances (ond I shudder a · +te t11c- cv t ot us,ng rnat ;.ood old-fosh1oned ~·ord dance ,n ,his manner) al me JC.
"es , I 1.,.,,, only o:,ended a couple of itierr 6eloe-.., ..,,,.
•~o, a, ..no,.,ghl , Ac,iually, I knew tnot they nod 10 ge: be'le; i::,,co ~· •· Y cou,dn • poH1bly go rhe otoer M:Jy Sut •ne"'
I ,e boen """"9 bef0<e ' The, rrue puy 1rr--.,oh,ed h~re ,s 1na, with all •ne -~ler. · 6 ~c 01 the, JC, no one ,s !am,l,or ,. • h any music excep· O\J • •hon J ,s 1h01 ever, music:?
• • h ,;"'" the sake of !he bird v.atchers' blood i,-e,5.J•e I ,. 1 11
• NOy opolog,ze ~fore go,ng furrher. If rh rs ., ;., a.,
N.I.J.C. REVIEW. Co«-1.1, d'Alu,•. Idaho, v.-,d.,
Photographer Miss Yates Aids T
"ant on a donco tho• s fine Ntth""' I II d d • tnCl e on de,, • 1 • ..-ea 'I 1 " 1 1nr~ o
f f Y ogoro,y r cmor.s about 1h1 s on,more ,,.,,. I' d -•
As a unlt the members or &he choir ha\'e decided unan· 1mousl,y lo ra,or. The re· !IUll6 oflbls posluve dechlon are ll r,nN scbuol , a belier recoir.111on and a more l)IPal>lDI l't'PUta.llao.
The choir t» reoresentatl vtot about only I 0- of &he studenl body, yet all O\'l'I tbe Sorlhwest ll lo P1nlo1 a mo,;t adt.1Jmble rec:oan!Uon. Students. think oow wh('lber you want to Joto rorces with thechoir IO achieve a unified spin t or (IO coin a word) cborallstid sm. Should you decide In ravor. ou r school would become truly creat. You I\Ould be proud or It I personall,y do no1 v.ant
H,c A rmon
A pbct.0sras>lw1 11K!lln Car the R,•vh•I\ Lhls HIii is Rick
A ckerman Rick v.11s ulso las! vpar', Pl\JX'T phota11rnphcr. Rick 1 o rtitlnalb rram Cla Elum, \\a.,htn1ton, where he he attcndl'd Cll' Elum Ill for his CrO!<h ynr In 19ll!l, Then hi, farnll mo,·ed 111 Col'ur d • \l t>nr. wht'"' hf' now lln"' 1ind ht' 11r11dutlll.'d Crnm COl'UI d"All'M Hlllh School ln 1062 This Is Rlck't< Rl'cond ,·ror at Iha co llcitl' and ht• thinks the colle110 Is a 111ent school. H~ lf•lllh lll1JOY!< bt.'lna 11 filU· drnl hrre. li e ls 1nkln11 In· duslrtn.l eloc trunl c11 and woulu like to go on with ch•Nrlcnl rninneerina Rt<'k hos u ~• , tcr tn l ,l•I' la ton , and a brothN In thr sixth rradP. Hla moln ha bbll'S urr el<'Cttonlc.. , photogrnJ)hJ, mod· el alrplanl'll, and mod1>l cur•. His cu rrPnt m11rn 1nlcrn111 IH llstentna to Bl•m i-<"lu.asicn.l mus.le wllh hi~ Air! Cn<'nd.
The hnrdost tumblP o man can take ,,. to foll avf'I his o wn bJurr.
NIJC IO known only 1o r lls choir , but 1lll1a Cor nnrscholasU clsm , hJ gh mom I slllndruds CC)Upled wllh prldr nnd bumlna Joynltr
Remember, II 1.. up to ua students I! we want lo b• 11 hl&h school, that Ji, what we wu1 be. no one can ,top u1>. Uke-~tsc, IC wr, want to bl' a colleae we can do II. And no one can top us.
'"Untied WC! stand, dlvldl'd we Call. " I\. a llundhnus"n • a,o IN donco ' set ond c.- fer ,, d ol o,,od lu
;c end rr. rey, , "" ccau d c; c_ any ~ol do r " I per'ec · T could we Al"
DRIN K IT FROSTY COLD DR. PEPPER n,. m• ...t'Y "' P•ppor-Uppol"
Moth Textbook
Mist\ St,•lla Yat"" N WC bu!<lncsa d• 01 lie leCt'nl\.'' lt'CC,iVcd I rrta:<Q appr;.,clollon Crum Ro.;~1 r "el llUthor of !.bl.Ii ci.. et Fln~nc•: " lhanklni~:u, h~lpln~ 11'\lse lh,, math lt1~ book. " Thi' ININ llltd la PIUI \\(' DPPl<>Clllt y taklna Lhl' Umt and trou: to help u:< with th• ,.- 111 o( lbltl book." QI
ti or th\' 21 natlll'a Hated 1 the te~t ·11 nckn.,,.1,.. 1!01\~ MlllS Yu.It'll jg lh~ onh .,.,; ' who aided In this r.·v~,.:n b.\· submllllna auu• Uon; lor lmprovt·mrnl. l'ubllsht'd b) HDl1Khlon ~II• run Co " \ hthemo11C'II 1JI ~'lnooc,• " I• prr,,ontly beJnc Ulll'd at N (JC ~nd th,, ll'\ll\'11 •econd ed1 lion w111 be u i"1 next .vent.
Upon rr~•·h•lng hrr BS d,. llll'r In mnlh oond loU111J11l1r:i nnd hN MS drgrt'•' in CU!lhtr mnth 11nd 4'duca.ttnn kl lht Unlvo1'1'll1· or Ullnol1, \Hu Yater, cumnll'tf'II llnllth•r YQt of ((l'udu11L1• work In bu,1n,• £'rea!'nllv ln111ruct1na nc· anunllnR mnlh, typlnc. Md t!conomlc "'''tr•phv, Ill Yntr" I a now In hN llll Y!'ft! or <rnchln& ,ii NIX' Sh11 Im~ pr,wJou,lv louslu collri:i, nnd 111r lore~ n.otl, 11 we II o~ bua1m·~1. com e,.
In Revision Of • Edllor. Re,·ie\' SWdenr:s 1114ke a .,chool Tlus ls true Ir. 1111 school:; , 1ncludinf, Juruor colle<:e,-. It a sclle,)I Is thoualtt of as beinc a c:edll to cc,::imnnlty aad edac&tlon. ll Is due to Its students and llke...-tse 11 h Ls thoud,1 or :i.s beim: • d!stupUH· Corer. Ta cum<hier a school L« to• el sh the won I or tbe :;1udents. In shot\ , ~tudenc; can make or brt>ak a school ConsldN OUT school :- ~,lb Idaho Junior Collect-. In the recent ll8 st , 1111.11.,. people ..,. clos\' as SpOlrane bad nl!\ N beam or 11. be<"a:isc ther. ,ru little about It 'l<Orth ad· •ertlslng. Tbe students we!1' Cine, but not oatstandini: In 511Ch a ....,. u IO gi~I! much ln:po r: arce lo tbdr 11Chool. Bo•rvM 00111 the srhoal I• 10lnc places. ad•anC'ln~ o~ o f lite 111.icir ress.>RB to r this advance ln pn1111l1e and • coi;t11Uoo Is II.I a c:appclla choir u:id,r th" duecll n o f Louts Mlly. But ~I:. '-"lh Is not Ult' c.bolr. &ht membe rs arc. l>lt. Kel could uk ror. Md t!\'en dermtld co~pcrallon. ambition. lnlUattvt' and en• tltuslum. but ll Is always the ~1udents •bo rule these (ore,:.. linlll tbl' swdt-n t a dedde ID (&\Or ol these Corctos. tbNe ran not b• th~c forces
Thr Crt>Ahmen llome Ee Club mnmbt•r WN" PUt•·nuJn•d at o: lunchc:,on rr.ccnU:t atv,n by tho tsoPhornorr foud• clan. Mtij Stranahan prr,entrd hrr Bl!l<'•k China collt!Cllon alon1 "flh 11 talk on th• hl•J.ory ol It and th•• PIOCf'H by whlcb ii ls mndo. Spuc lnl IU<'•l" or thf luncb· eon we-rr• Mro. P••rry Christian· son, Mrs. Bouy Gordon and Ml1111 JooC'I Sprtn11rr. lti• hoa:,r d~monetmtlon •SPnt Irr KootPnal Coon IV
The St. Patn ck '11 Day thl'llll' "n" aurled out In lho d•ro · 111Uon11. Anne LalnP was chairman.
TYPEWRITERS ROYAL RENT · SALES · REPAIR Oroft 11t 9 & Typt• 1 s.,,,110 1 INTEIISTATE T YPCWRITtll Co. • t 7 Ske,Ma111 Jvt • • ,-.. 4-JAII
SOUVENIR RECORDS " ICHp A Re cotd 0111" 11,.,.. "1 0llow• 4-SSll2 226 51,o,_. ,. COEU R D ALENE. I DA H O
Woodcock 's Drug Store wnd,e, - Sundre, P,esc,;pt.0111 126 N io,,u,tJ,i St • C.. ,,r J Ne

Th.a NIJC Cordmol, ,erumrd victoriously by plo~ 1r19 Jecond In , no NJCAA Re91onol tournam•n• held ,.,umtly. Tlio rtt0m, 1.1pon •"'rtor,119 C~ur d ' "-1 l•o'""S , AJo,,e, NO~ wf!/con,od by o roll-, of cars ar,d '""' t.ol"'I.
SNEA Plan s For Annual Banqu et
La,;t weekend Kathy Conrow, SNEA prC!\!dent, Be,• Boushton, MOIG K.1mlln, nnd Paul Loris attended the !EA Oelcgnte As,,embly In Boise nloog with Mrs. Cullon. The student:. left on Thur1,doy and arrl\'ed back Sundny morning wl tb the choir on the Choir bus.
Members or SNE:A nre ~elllnit candy ror $1.00 n cnn In older to pay expenses for lhe ttlp and ror an f'TA banquet 1n April.
The f'TA bonquet wall be held APIII 21 lor oil North ldnho f'TA members. A tur~cy dlnnt'I w 111 be served nnd the hi 11h ><chool students v. Ill have an opportun11;\· to be· rome ncquo.Jnted "llh our collei;r ond lhe SNE:A 11roup. A 1Ne3t spe~er "ill oJ so talk at lhe banQU,•l. Arch! ieets cover lhetr errors \\Ith 1vy, doctors 10th sod and brides w, th mayonnaise."
Wins A w a rd
Travel Notes
B 'o,l~ llcCo .pro summer ts not mar1y "oeks 81'Dy, and the "In" lhln~ to do thls ummer, as tn thoi;e or the pasl, will bt to tta,·l'l. The purpose or this srrll's c1 :trltcll!S \\111 bt to explore different and lnllil,luJni: areos or tra,el open to studen~.
Nnturo.llv, when I m~nl(on 'tra,•el • man., people will ~a)~ "Trave 11 How can I go &D.J,.hl'r(', I'm no mUUon· Dire." But, frlrnds. lrnH•I 1Sn't ttll chanu:aacne Olghts HIiton Hotels and llalklltl Beach. Tlk'rl' ,Hl' man., 1rea1 placrs where student,; cnn co on ,•try limited budgN~ and ha,·P qull" a ~plrndld unr.
Debaters Give Demonstration
The NIJC debaJt' lt traveled to SllndPOlnt, 111.rcb 21 to Present ll demonfttrauoa beCore the Rel,llonat Tout ml'ltrf.'sses Club ne,una at the Presbytedan Church.
Thost> o.ttPndln1 we re Bob Ldght.)' Md Jim Hl'l&l!IIOQ, on the tifflrmaJl\'t sldP, IDd Pl'nny Goodwin 11nd Jllll Brook,s on the ne11t1,•e •ldt. The dcch;lon was In 11\'0r or the o!O rm nu ve t earn.
The tn:nd nmun,: lucl._-int, 1" to \\urk 1h Eurnr...- dunn1t lht.· ,ummt..•r Thou11:uu.J~ of Job ,•.11 r, "rt. hf,·vur,nl· ini, und office work I uud
lrf\\'C"I rrnnu IU'\! .1v;Lih.1blt: to r\•cr~ rtltil"ltJrc_)d tuderlt
$umr WHijC Hr~ .I!\ hl1th m,,
$ IUH a mnnlh. For :,, complete pros.p-.ictu1'. J<>U und tra,rl 1,rrnnl ~.1pplirat1onit. u
$1 ASI~ book t<iUp.,,n unit h11ndlln11 nntl airmail thor~h.' -.end $1 to D<•pt. )I Amcricun Stu<ltH\t Inform.,.
Tenm standJni;s ns or Maroh
11, 1964: Outll'r ousters, FOul-som f'our- om, 3 Pis:,; plus I. Alley 0U<>ll'r6. Old Cronies. Tor Babies, Four Stnrs. Potonuometcrs. Stomp•

NS, 4 Bo's. HJ Hop<!s.
Men·~ Hq;h Grune-March I I-
L- Naccarato. 2~4. \llrch 180nve stone. 2 t I.
Men's High sedes·Miuch I I-
L. Naccarato, SI 2. ~lruch 18-
Dtnc Stone, S67ll'omen'~ HJgh Game-Mnrch
11-Slnron Pardon, H3. Mnrch 18-Gnr Jal,lars, I Tl.
women's Hid, Serles·llDrCb
11-s. Parriott nnd G. Jagars.
363. )larch 18-0. Joi;ars. 481, TIWRSDAY NIGHT COVE BOIIL
Team Slsndlngs: Poontan~en,, Dukes, Poston,;. Lancer u. sud~ Slpperi;, Alley cni.s
Bnllskeller, Reds &. 11. Gutlt'r Snipers. Sllfel.) PIM. Bre"
Misters. The B & R •s, The Rej!'cts. 8 Plts, 3 plus I, Klrly Klan.
~!en's Htah Average: L. Smith. 175, Mcn·s Hhth G:ime. ll. Swank,
Men'o Hl~h Serie,;, J. Rl')'· nolds. 582.
\\oml'n's Rlgh Aver3gl': A.
Pi:1,•rson. 119, \\omen's High Gmnl': A. PNCl80n. 192.
Women's Huth Serll-,,, N. Rl11111>. 395.
\l<'mbcrs or the E:nitln~er ·~ Club "ho are lnterP,.tt'd In ell'ClrOnlc ChtdDN>rlnc mut Much 19 Cor a Oeld tdp D.t< aue.1a; or th,• Pt'ndar Compan, In C<>"ur d'Alt·n<'.
Accordlnc to GaQ· Shrnm~k. President or the club, a Oeld tnp to S;>okn ne Is Plo.n n..od for th1• future.
Pr,,,.ldt'nt Shromek o.Jso ,-aid that the Eni;lnt- r'" Ball Is to lit' h<'ld dunng thr. l11tt,., Pnrt ol Apnl.
Sclf>no, 18 ri,sr,urce!ul_ It c:ouldn 't open o. dti)-Chmch 'A'lnrl<,,., ,, II nlr•condn1unl'd thr- train.
• ::. ' o •n n • • ffrC,. o .,.--iot." b).- on e "'":"''°"' r.ioc
LSA Gro up En joys Va ried Ac tivit ies
A:I pre,1ou1>b' plDJJned. memben, of the Luthemo Student Assocto.tloo Wl'nt roller ,.,.attng March 15 nt P:lttNison'· Roller Rink ,n Spokanl'. f'Ollo•ina the run and exCl le~nt, the members ,,.. wrned to Christ the King Lutheran chuich r r supper_ After supper, a mtttln& was held. OfClcp,,; •·ho "''"" elf>ctl'd ore: ChaJ.rman, .n111 H<'l geson, Co·ch:u rma n, Dick I.Rf'rands, S(>crr!lln and Trca.sur• r. Unda LcFrancl Th<' m'*lln11 •11s closed w 1th demt1oos ln the Chai>l'I. Teo to u 1·c pl11ns h:i1 r been ltltlde to Ju s\\lmm,n,: 1 an lrlloor pool- 'II 1l• ln!orrm· about lliebe plans "tll be postl'd on tbro bulleun board tn lhe main enuanc" of the Junior Collea<-. Thf.' L-S.A. m•·N& r>rn uth~r SUnda~ 111 :?:30 1>-m, <•n thP :,; WC cumpu.,. ,\11 t..urh ran tudPnls 11rP corrll&IIY lm·itcd to Jorn In th" Chnst· bn followRh1p u.nd fun. E\'rn If )OU bu,e not uuendf.'d ber«Jr, • you a.n '\\ ,,tcot1'1r.
"WorrJ otwn ~11 <!!I a ~m.ul llilna a b111111nc10 "S"t'dlsb pro\'1•rb
f'lrst. shall we, rnke New York? i-ew York ,~ one of thl' world•,. mosl cxcll Ina ollle<, yet II I,; also onP or tlw' mo111 l'tpen.,11 e. But tbl're ore many unknown IOI\• priced rt'staurnnl • hotels, nt¢1l club~ etc In New York. Probabb by frl!(IU entlnc lhl' 10 -prlccd plcces, the non·tourlsl.!! spo ts, you can g,•t much more from your 11 Ip than tr you d rctllti led only In the ctwdy, ovcrp11ced 'tourlsr Imps.•
Pirst or all. transportation.
The che11pes1 "ti,)' to get 10 Ne" York ls probably by Oreybound bu11. A round trip ticket from Spolclne or Coeur d'Al1>ne costs n rnerr Sl20.00, while a one····~ trip 1s priced al $73-00.
BE':<lde:, cost , another advanbqir of Greyhoundlng to Ne\\ York ls that YOU Clln &top In MY CllY along the way for no extra coat, nnd you can 11t11y as long a,; you wt:.b. This IS n good way to s,... 1,uch other cltleti as Chlcaao, llash.ington, Phlla· delphin, and mnny others.
Ne:c l edl Uon: S14yln& In Ne\\ Y~o~rk~-------
Circle KPla ns
Camp us Cl eanu p
Within the next four weeks the Circle K Club '" &oln& to sponsor a number or actl ,,. Illes. The main and mol!f Im· porto.nt Project thnt lhe club •illbehil0llior1n1 Ill "campus Clean-up". Tbl s campnia:n projec1 ,.Ill run through the we"k ol April 6-tO. During that "'eek lhe club plans to show a Olm on "Lltterbui:C1ne. The linale or the "Camp115 Clean•up " will be a mn,;s sroup for cleanlnc t~ ca iq,u.~ on Apr! I I 0.
Since the Circle K frels the\ tbf' campus clean up proJec1 la ~ery 1mportan1 to thl' school, nll of the club members ur1e ,all JC swdenta to h<'lp \\llh thl.s proJect. Ally other school dubs tntere,;ted In this project should let the Circle K kno\\_ 8e9de!I hia,1na the clenn-up as Q club ProJect, lhe Ctrcli, K thinks tha1 the campus should becl<,an for the senior hti:h BCtool ~tudPnt:, when they come :or Guidance On Y, Ap11J 1-;.
The llbmQ' thJs "l'<'k f!' · crl w•d a copj· or Oral 1n1t,rPtt·tat1on of lrt.-rat,u,• by Chloe Armstrong and Pnul Brnddl'l5 a.~ a 11H1 from the Oam<s Club. PropN r,-coinlllon In lht" co\·N pa,:" h; &h •·n ta lhe dnnor. Tbr boo~ ·• ill bl' " ""lc,t,m" addition w our collecuon tn lhut arf'la.
Bi!eky Krouse OCled 114 Chait• moo. w llh Dr. Eurl P11ddy exololnlng lhe d~bnun• procedu re lO tht' Jroup or llldll'S. JUd gea were chu,i~n lrom thfo TmstmbltrPsses Club, &Qd we ft' Mrs. Corrlga.1 , Spokan, Club, Mr1.<. Munk , M<•nday Club (In SllOknneJ, Md Mrs. LAl5, Sla.ndpolnt Club DnroU., Norland, Snndpolnt Club, served lit! tlme>kPr•p('r
The dcbnt!' loplc "°" ReM h'ed Toot tnf' foderal go,•cmmcnt should guarant.., on opportunlt.> tor hlRIIN edu cuuon to nil qualllll'd high school arnduor, Hlslorlanfl c~plo.ln the Ptl&l tlnd cconomlsltl predict lh• tu tu rc. Thus , only the pr ,.. sent Is conruslnA.
PE66ER5 slaclf.s
••• b ull ru111ed sllms .with the new A l poc- <11naM patch on hip) and loollS for belt or sans belt use ! Tailo red to " pea" you u • s h arp - smart dresser ! In ruued wh ea t. fadtd blue and black deni m $4.50, ttae new whfft s-H+t-c·h denIm $6 98-
At your favori t e c 1mpu1 store:
A lllcht In nh1tJ Is the wtah of ,..,~ry one o( u • and lb" Leaer.:iar,•a Club ca.de It 00"1e ,~ on the e, enlnc or March 14 A delt&:btrul ct nmr or Soutl> Sea Island rood wu aernd at ,·30 and the noor show ,.&JI on eyel'l'ner -Tllbltla.n dan~r • Cbob EMlman. presld"llt ot the ~lttnnt'n' a Club, actlq IL~ 1111511'1 of ceremanlca, lnuoduc"'1 two lo,·eJy danc~rs "bl tum!'d out to bl! our own \Ir. Cbrl&Uanson and Rolly \\Ullam a.
Chub lbffl IDAdP Ille pre• rntauon o r lhl> Playrr or thP Yl'111 award IQ Bill Smllll. lmftledlat('17 altA-rward the l'i• rrn Thue ~utntrt began to 11l11y 11muolh muntr unlll tdntah~ MIio Harns and Janie,. Compton pro\ld'Jd rnt,.rtalnml!nt I\ hllr Ulr ban<l iru taklnl! a b11•11k.
The 11•1Tll•foffllal atralr wu on, or th,• rnoM l!nh·rtalnln,: Wld aurcraarul •·•·entnp or Uiu ,, au, and the 1.,cttennen hr.t"' ~, pro, ld11 anotht•r i,ucb t•\t~n1n1 rrnat ,c-or.
A wrt blank~! '"NYlhtn
Sff UJ t or Unde,.., ood Sal<t, & Se rvice
21 S N 4th St.rtet
8, "°'l' L"" ,,:a,,.., Thr dOl!ll has bttn prNty d~ad lbf' la,,t coUl)I" or weeks dul' t., lbr nu and cold w p. Tlll'y blt u,i lard. but ,.., han• conqu,•11"1 th~m. ,.,. bO!ll'.
I h:a.-e b<'rn a,kt'd to ex plain our nl',. Nie:.. 111 ,,. as b11t'rh as p~slblt'. lie h:l\'f' a denl'III s, Mrm s I Ill> "1th various r,'lsons for wlµch drmrrtt& mav bt• :iccun:uleu.'tl. l;U(.'h u· not
Act ivity Add ed By Sp eec h Club
6 Gllin~ In r out propuly, c rn1n11 tn late, comniunlcat · Inc In or out of lht• "Ind"""· ndl bdni 11IINe on Is slam,d out to tw, and a numbC'r or o th,·r~. A tNtaln nurnbt'I or demertt,i credit a camrua Cllht'r "Cekdi,y or wec-kend dcpt'ndin1 o n lht" olfon,;e. :\ campus con lsLH of no v1s1tors or phone aalls un · less lone distance. the atrl mu~, bt' In he, room ,uuctytnc an I 0·30 wb ffl sh.. ts 111 • I a b- ak to Plt'PDlc !or bed. She must be In bed b) e!t'Hs and rem:sln lhere unul sh : e : Luwloc m rnlnc.
The ~tJcty t11ble hours an lroftl ,·OO pm unul 9:30 pm with a ftrltto minute btt"a~ al S: IS All stud~nt!> "'lib tbe e.xceptlon or those ho, ing a 3 IJ()!nt llllN tbl" first nllll' •e I obst'f' t' ,tucty
A c, • brar 1, b In, i.dded to the 01•bote Clubthat or spr('Ch ocu,·,ue,;. Al I recent cieetln~. the drbllP student$ decld<d that by expandlag lhe orsantzallon rno It' students v, ould ha V<' nn oppo rtunJIJ to par· llclpate In speech actl\ 1ue:.. ThL• 11ould furthN thn tntrrest In tht' aprrch d,•part· mt>nt.. ,.hlch ha been qutte 11c11,·e this ye11r, and provtde an opportunity ror those stu· dents who arr ,nt~r•ttld In l<'a1t11ns: more about speech. Sl)t't'Ch acuviu,.,. will con11lst ot Ulos<' actl v111..- other than debate. lHCI a,. PX · ltlrTi>Ot1tnoo11b Hpraklna , In · tt'ri,retau,e readtn,. oratory, lmpro:r:ptu &peaktni and parllam,·ntary procectr N! and w tit meet al 3:20 rvcry \lon · day. lo r.iom 30.

One n..«t not ho,e had ,•,prnenct! In spereh nor be t'ntollt'tl In a 1<peech clu,i to qua!Jry ror this o rpnlza· lion. All that ta t"'IUlted Is for on r IQ have an tntrrest 1n am· branch ot the spet'ch fteld.
II ts hoped that ~prech acth·ltte, can e,·entually pru,·lde aludent talent for the ,·artous pabltc and col· Iese perfonnnnces \\hlCh arise rrom Uir.e to ume. bow. evtr, one need n II paru ctPl\te Ln any out,;ldc actlvlUes to beloo, to lhl' orcanlzatlon. f'urthu lnformauun ean b" obtalnt'd from Or. Prtddy, Do•bate Club roach, or Bob l.t ~IJ. Oebat• Club pr,·~id nL
0 1l1ga-,,-,- T
- o_A_ll_e_nd___
'•n an, punished by ,~~II .!!_cs
2IOM1h,, -MO J.nrs Coe,,, .!' Ale11e, INho
S,oie Hoa, Ee Mor Th II• me E:, Club bas rer •ntl} been Invited to rePn!&•nt lhe northern district v, ldah o at the annual Sta11' Home Ee Club me~tlnc on the Pullman c11mpus AprU 3, I, and 5. Thr. cirls bave been 1n, ltt'd to be sue•ts or Diane Au•llnscn. nn NIJC ~radu:11,• no,. a11end1n, \\SU. -r«o or the t.ilb tile idrls wlll hear concern thf' bome laundry and world nutrition pr1.bu--m~.
)Ir,. c;. ro n. Mrs. f'rl'drtl· ~on, ~nd Mr•. Strnnllha.n 11111 ICC<>I' pan, L' I'm.
Track Tearn Has 6-Meet Schedule
A:s s tud ents ha.ve piobab}¥ noticed , th<> lt11ck lea.m mem · bers hnve been training ror some tim e 1,1,. \\1lll ams coach ror the era.ck team. held a meeUnc on March 16. The purpoa" or the meeting wa s to a n ange the c1·ont8 tha.t the cardlna, team port1 c:1pa1ed In at Pull · man. The Pullman Indoor Track ~leet was h"ld March
The nrxt 11<0 track meeta \\·Ill be hrld at Columb10 Basin M111c:h 28 and at L"1"1 11 · Clark Normal. i\prtl 4. Th~" othe r meets will rollow, how · M'N. no doccs have ~f>n ft"I ns yet. Membe rs or the track IP111'" nro· Terry flsher. Ma.rt
Hutchison, F'red Munaa.1. Gary Prensdorr Jim SCott Dan Nipp, Larry Haas, F'red Mann Bob Leno. Hnn•ey Smith , Ron Wut zke Don St r ate, Jlm Brooks. Md J en,
Any male sUJdent who Is I nterested In track e1·eots ls encouraged to contac:t Mr. Wllllom s o r one of the Cardinal track members.
Pla y In Intramural
Volleyball To Start
Men ' s intmmuml ,·olleybo.Jl will s tart April I "Ith GB mes bcln~ plnycd at I 2:30 A mlnumum of seven playt>rs and a maximum or nl ne ore requlrl'd f o r each team. Gomes
\\Ill iie playrd to n 8Co r r or 21 and will be In chn11te or the offlclnls Final plo._voffs to determin<' the winner or~ scheduled for Apnl 2:?.
\lnnn1ter.. ror the te= arl' Dn1-e Atchison , Teny KlefN. and Ken Leighl). Tcnm I-BA and BS ; GreG Drlftme)er, Team :?-Buslncss. Pnul Lor is nod Charles Randolph, Toam 3-Educn lion R 1cm rd Roll and Doruild W1ug1 , Tecru 4EngtncerinG and Poresm ltvmn Richardson nod Guy Wright, Team S-lndustrlal An s Pre·Med Vet, Dentisu,· and Nurslni;.
The teacher returned lo class "Ith the exam papers Md re· quested that o.JJ students sil down "If yo u stood up 11 rs conceivable that you mli;ht !orm n circle-In which cnse I ml&)lt be arrested ror maintainIn~ a dop.e rini; "
Card s Runnerup In Regional Play At Ephraim, Utah
i; LIC 'II ca.rd! nal• squ~ed by host Snow Coll,..1e In the N.J.C.A.A. reitlonal basket· ball tournament at Epbia.l:n, Ul&b. 88-66, while Ea,,tem Atl2ona W!Sa Collese or Arizona shaded ~lcsa Collf'p, or Grand Junclloa. Colo ., 83-82. Lo lbe bl~ •lt."1e the! ne1t e,·enmi:. the Cllrds f&lled Lo stop Lei-ls. Eai;tem Arlzona 'S taleo~ ;,'8 " to:•ard. and 101<1 th• cbmplon · ahlp , 81~9 Soo• Collct:e t'd&ed .iesa Colle,r 106-103 In Ille c aaolatl n gs:nr.
Ealllf'In 1\112. "• lldvaoC!ed lnlO Ille ra Uor.al io111na::ieat at 1lu1ch1n&0D. Kamu. sue· Snow c lie~
F'IVI' Cards hit doublt flrur~. •Ith Ju:.P& Joe leAdlc1 the war "1111 zo l>Olnts. Tbe lttms we1e du.dlocked 37•3i at hal..tllme, though !JC led moe1 or the Orst half.
Sno• came back on the n : and outhusiled tbt' Canu 10 lead by lh e POlnt5 &fie r four rnlnu:es Then tb" Cllrd aa, scorer for the "~ son Bill Smith re-entered Lbe 5'l1te and rallled Illa teammates lO e,entuall) build up a 10'1}Qlnt lead. Sit'\ e Bn 1en ' s rebound.in g. and soount br Ian Hunter, James Jot> and 'il'a..TDe Dust put the 1aml' •" w.i·.
The 011dt; had a b11t ma:pn in rt:>boundni:. 4!1-:::J. 1' ltb nn e resen·e heir on Lbe bo:i.m.s b, Barela, Po le Md
Tl'rry CarlbNll. Th•• 011ds upped Lhe11 shootln I Dt'ICCDI • age lrom 36 pl'rce nt in U:o flrs1 half to a torrid 58 per cent In the second hn1 r.
Leading scorers for th•
Cards: Joe :o. Du:sl I g_ Runtcr 16. Brlxen 16. Smith 11. Bruen led r ebouodln. wltll 16. NfJC - Eostem Anzona
The Cllrdlna.ls unfonuoa.tel) hod one or thf'.lr poorer otihts of the loni: season a~alns1
a 1•ery ROod opponen1 They scrambled all the way tO slay in tM- ball game and a:anaged to rally to a 45--IS tie nt haHlime
The second ha.If "as dlsastiou" ror lhe NIJC QUJnL
They connected on only 21 per cent or their fl eJd goa I attempts, o r sereo basket,, dwlog the entire halt. ut)'UP shots and llplns reoe:uedly went In and out of the bll.SkeL
Eastern .~rizonn ·s 6'6" ceo -
1er prett; ...-ell controlled lbe backboards during the cnme.
'1Dd their control of tbe boards mode 11 toueh for the Olrds. Coach \\llliams says , howe"er. bis boys had plenty or good shots - Ibey just"' wldn 't sta.r in JBCI!!! Joe ple,,·ed good
Baseball Opener Will Be April 4
Th\J01th 11 hardly beem.. pgssibh, baseball seat-on Is here once a,:a!n.
TIie C&ldir:ml basebD.l.l tl"am held lhelr r,rst practloo In lhl' l!'l'e.nlna on Marc.b 16. al Mirlleo F'teld. ,\Jl!ll -I 1~ the scbf'duled de..• f.Jr lhe ca:d· Ina!"' llrsl same.
AccordJ.:ic ,o Geor1e Rurt· :nar. lhe following students turnec out for practice.
' Chub E- lll!llll, Dick Oun5:=ae r,- J11hn!'ton Bair' Jmlll!! B-'11 Clull:e. Gar~· Deesll'n. Dan Meddock. Dan Lewls. Roa ~fned. 'Bruce Wbeele :. Dn Pre&lon. Glen Sorpa.!'lleo. lsad .e Lefebvrt', Jerry Olson. Jim Ba.Ir Les Prtcc:. Due .·Uelllsco. Bu· clay Poc!I', Keo Pellens , Chuck BtadbWy. Btll Ftaok, Douc Elll, Sle>e ll~ncks. Dlld T~:-tY Kiefer. St:! Kim· ball •Ill be canai;rr. The astulslr. Indicates rrtum1nc leuermPD.
~. Hu!f:nan and tbe t~m c:ee-.bPrs .-111 be lookln; for I i;ood sn&an 1!11& ,ea, Dr d hopf' tht.1 •UJ bare thl' aup · pcm r the studc,nt bOd:,-. ball all du r.nc lh~ iournament for 'ilJC. as 1'\'ldenced by hl$ aelec:ioo for lh<' all · IOU!llllClEIH t•am by lht, coaches. OUier sel...:llons we re l.,ewl a IUld Jacob a of Ea<tern .IJlr.ona. Rauach ot )t<'sn Colll'11e and 0111 N o r SD011 C lie~.
Bi U Sm1 th l~d con n1 tor Lbe C&rd.-i In the champion· shlp 1ame "llh :?O pulnlll. Oher Cutt! bOOrNs. Joe 16. Hsnlt: II. Gardner i. Brt1en 6. Dust 5, Carlb(ors: 4. coacb ;\1l11ama commented llu11 all three opponents l n tne tournament 1"ere c,treos1,e mlnded He also fell tha.: Easlem Allzona "'as a 1ery GDod looklnc ball club during lhe tournament. HIii boy" Pia.red aood ball. bu1 oat llS 11ell a1> they had at u met. dur1 og the "ea,;on.
F•, "0,,. ,o, 0 J1h & She""•" '40 4-3155
.Ap, I J - Setvrdo, ltwt .-Clo,11 No,m o1 ~choo1 et l•w11ton, ldat..o
ASM•I lO - fud4 1 - Coh,mb,o Botln Coll•9• F ,osh •• P~ •c • '1rothlnottn
1'pr I II -SoMdoy - Columblo Bo11n Collog.'Fro,h 01 c..., d'AleN
A,ttl 2S Sotw,Joy - *od11i,g1on SIQlf Un••• ftoih at Pullrnon , Wn.
Ap, I 28 - Tw• adoy - Ufth. of l~oho F,o,h di Mou ow, Idaho
Ma1 2 - Sa11,,do1 - Walhlngtati Sicu• Univ Fro,h at Co,..,, d I\I•"•
Moy ,S - T11e1da-, - Big Bend Convn..unlty Collttrr' 111 Coe-u, <f'Al•n•

Mat 9 - Sot..,J.J, - Uni>t. of ldoho F,o,h 01 Coeu, d'Ale'1e
Ma), 11 - Tu••doy - l,o11111 , Clo,t. No,mol School or Coevr d ' Alene
Mo., 16 -Sot,,mfoy - O,g 0.nd Communlt'f' Coll•~a t Mot•• Loh•
,\I qdlftH WI I t... gin 01 1,)0. Two 7• 1n,n1ne 911111• wtll b. ploytd.
Flt II plac~ In NIJC lnt111• mural bc...ketbllll wu lak1•n by Team 1. BA :1nd BS Tcnm
4. Engineering and Forestry , placed .second and Teom 8, Jnduatrial Arti., Pre·med, Pr~ n-i P~-<lenllstr~. Md Pre· nue.lng can,· In 1hJrd. _JJ.ie Jx, all-men, 1 am I
ll.1nlet1C' Ofl' Hun,,, Lqu,p,rw,nr
SPORTING GOODS )OS Sh.,,,...• A••· MOh .wi '-5721
wrrn di vldrd os lo currlcu · lum s GWTI Ml w,,,., p l oyt'd u 12:30 ond conslsll'd of fou r a-mlnut"
For a Lifetime of PLEASURE learn to BOWL