Time Of Year For Backward Look And Forward Look
As ou r school year draws to a close, I am sure that many or you assessing your accomplishments , will get a reellng or satisfactio n rrom a job well don e Others a realization that you should have done better Most of • us Call into the latter catef/JfY • One redeeming fact Is that lo most cases we wUl have the opp o rtuni cy to try again and recoup from ou r past delici enci es. In many cases, I am su r e l t ls Just a matter of non -r ealization or ' the imp ortance or doing "Quall cy " wo rk in all cou rs es All o r you r eturning students can be or greal ass! stance to incoming fres hm en Ir yo u will make an effort to assist our faculzy in impressing these "facts or llfe'' up on o ur n ew students
As we look Co rward lo a new school yea r we are assured of se ,•eral changes We know that ou r enroUment will again inc rease considerably ove r the past year. T his will , mean scheduling some classes during the noo n hou r ror th e first time s everal new courses wlll b e o ffered !or the fir st time and co urses in other areas will b e strengthened.
Bi ds are b eing let for the constructi on of an addition to the bookstore and stu d ent union This will virtually double lhe size o f ou r pre' sent facilities and t hus r eli ev e some of the congestio n we have at the p r esent time \Ve are all looking forward to a most successfu l year I trust that you r summe r vacation be most rewarding and that you wi 11 r etu m next !ail full of vim, Vi gar, vitality and determina tio n,
P.A. Christianson NlJC PresidentS.U. Bids Are Op ened , By Housing Commission
T he N JJC Dormltor.v Housing Commissi on opened bids , May 12 Cor construction or an additi on t0 Edminster Student
Union All bids came in abo ve the am ount o f loan , funds allocated by the Housing and Home Pina.nee Agency and the C ommission made no definite decision to proceed
, Apparent low bidder was Ph illips Construction of P os t Pall s at $96. 715
Negotiations are underwa y • lo secu re addJ tiona.I l oan funds from H HFA and it is anUclpated that approval , will be secu r ed , The Com· • mission reels the construction proje ct will be unde r taken and completed by the time classes resume next Call.
Th e student Board has amended I t s tn ·law s H ereafte r, money \Iii] n o t be al· l otted fro m Student B oard • fund s ! o r social acthi ties whi ch are n o t open to the entire stu dent ood.Y acco rding lo Lorinda Wachter, secreta ry
In the past, c.lubs ha\'e asked for funds, she e x· Plained , fu r acti ,; ti PS which were limited to their ,, wn imu1is. and thi bh,nkct
Faculty Changes Are Announced
Sev eral changes will be made in the NIJC racu l l;y !or th e comi ng year, acco r ding to
Mr. Percy Chri sti anson.
Mrs. Ullian Kl rkland, English department , has r esigne d to accompany he r hus· band, Ro ber t Klrkland to Cincinnati where h e will be employed In the Federal Bur eau of Investigation Mr. Kirkland has be en resid ent agent-in - charge s in ce 1961.
Mr s Ruby Jaques, also or the English departm en t, will accompany he r husband to L a Grand e, Oregon, where he has been transferred.
Mr Douglas Hugh es plans to retu m to Co l orado to begin work on hi s doctorate. Mr. Hughes has also b een a member of the English depa r bnent
Mrs. Krider n! gh t libraria n , will b e taking a one year leave or absence, and Mrs Marmon, sec r etary of the vocational departm ent plans to r eti re
Adde d to the staff wll I be
Mr. Richard Hyneman. who has be en with the Coeur d ' Alen e HI gh sch oo l. He will be employed In the English and Speech depa r tments here
Mr. James Crow will also jol n the English departmenl
Mr Crow has been t eac hin g in C alHornla.
Mrs. Jam es w Atwooa, Hayden Lake, wi 11 also teach in lhe English d epa rbn ent
Barbecue, Cru ise Sponsored By SAC
A barbeque began the festl vitles o f Friday May 14 , when students gathered ln the Student Union for free r e· freshments Prepared by the cafeteria staff and se rv ed by the girls or the cardinal Se ni ce Club.
Afte r e ati ng, a trip to the lake round the Oan cewana waiting for students lo begin tile cruise which lasted rro m 8 : oo p m untli midnight
~tlsic for the cruise and dance was provided by the Minutemen, local dance band
Many or thOse participating exp r es~ed thei r hOpe that the Danceawana affai r might be· come an annual featu re or the NIJC entertainme nt calendar
The affal r was sponsorEd by Ule SOcial Act! vi ties Commit · t ee Members of the committee included Elhel Mae Bri gh t, B eve rly BOughton, Karen Sand, Ka r en Brueh er, Terry DeC oss Bo b Leighty, T om Gilbe rt, Jer ry Gr ego r y , Kris Harbaugh, Jo Ellen Holze r, and Ray Hansen
Two names we re inadve r· tent!,)· left off the Use of gr aduates which was PU b· !shed In the last i ssue lished in the last lssuc o r Uie REVIEW. They we r e Charles Maines and Richard
Engi,n eer s' Q ueen
Graduating Class Of 174 Will Hear Senator L. Jordon
A record num ber o r 174 stu · dents will be candidates !o r gradua lion at the commence · mcnt exe r cises sche duled for I 0:00 a m Fridny May 28
Senator L on B. Jo rdan will give lh e commencemc nl ad · dress. There wil I be an academic procession led by members or the Board or Trustees and FacuJ ty. 0 raduates wlll ilne up In alpha · bet!cal o rder and ma rch s in gle file.
Air Wrlgh ,, physics depor,,,..(!,.., crowns lliorclo Arrons.1!ri queen oF t he En9,ne•r, Bon whJJe h•r escort, Sorry Slrnon , looks . The donco wot spc.nsored by 11,~ £r,9lru1•rs Club ~Y I
Two New Math Courses Offered
Two mathematl cs cou rses , planned for elementary edu · cation and liberal arts majors, wlll be added to th e nve presently taught. according to Mr. Dal e Tri tten , malh depart· ment
The courses , to be tau gilt next year, a re The Number System nnd I ts Structure, Math 15 and 16, and Malh I and 2. The ll rst is designed primarily for elementar,y education majors, he said, and will be a th ree - credl t course taught each semeste r. It will gl ve the prospect! ve teachers a •· tool" to use In the depth area studies, he added Math 1 and 2 " offers a oneyear contact with mathematics for Ii beral arts students he said.
Moser, Sto ne To Attend Workshop
Mr. Raym ond Stone and Mr Dexter Mo ser plan to attend the 1 965 wo rk shops on junior college admlnlstralion al Stanford University July 12 to July 30.
The Junior College Leade r· ship Program, sponso r ed by the w K Kellogg Foundati on at th r ee Ca!Ho rnia unlver· sities is des! gncd to provide in-service training fo r Junior college admlnist ratl ve per· soanel
Mr Slone will parllcipate In wo rksh ops r elated to area.~ of Instruction and busi n ess ope rati on Mr. Mose r will be involved In s tudent pers onnel se rvic es
Th e workshops Include lectures. discussi on groups, readin gs, and visits to ju ni o r colleges.
Today the soc! at Acli vi ti es Committee el~ c ted its new chat rman Ethel Bright, and ,ice-president. Jerry Gregpiy, who \\ill assume the! r dud es at the nexl regular meeting s.A c organization ls b eing concluded and comm! ttees have been formed to draw up a s ocia l A ctl vi ties Committee handbo ok and Student Calendar acco rding ro Ethel new chal rman o f the o rg antzalic, n.
In structions For Graduates Listed
The registra r's office has released the following Information an d instructions ro r graduates
The program wlli begin at 10: 00 a.m. , Prlday , May 28 All th ose who will b e parti· cipating are asked lo be dr essed in caps and i,) wn s and be In the hallwaY o r the administration bll ldlng by 9:30 a.m. in o rd er to r eceive instru ctions. There will b e no rehea r sal Caps and (!)wns have b een received and may be picked up any tim e arter the beginning or lhe final examina ti on period T he garmen t s must be returned (o n hangers) immediately followi ng the program
Invitations are being sen t lo pa ren ts and/o r husbands and wives o r the gradua t es There will be a few extra invitations available 1n the o m ce for anyone who way 1\1 sh to purchase them.
Participati on in th e gradua· tlon exercises is required of all graduates
Any further jn form ati on ma,v be obtained by inquiring at the registrar's om ce
Two kinds of ell plomas wit I be issued. An Associa te o r Arts deg r ee will be awarded to all students who have satis fa cto ri 1Y comp l e t ed 64 semester hou rs o r work wltlt a grade Point average of 2. or b e tter, Including English 6 semester hou rs: science, 8 semeste r hou rs; o r mathem a· tics , 6 semester hou rs; o r social science, 6 semeste r hours; and physical educa· tlon, semeste r s in an aclhlt;y cou rse
A Certificate o r Completion wl U be gi ,,en to any student wh o has completed 60 semes · ter hours or work with a grade point a,·erage o r at ). east 2. , 64 semester hours with at least a 1.75, or completed a terminal vocational course as prescribed by that depa r tment.
The o rd er or exercises will be the processional •,war March of the Priests." by Mendelssohn. with Mrs Ka thl een V eltri at the o rgan.
The Reve r end Myron H. Sha rrard , First Methodist C hurch, will give lhe In· vocation
The introductoiy hymn bY lhe choir will be "Psalm 134" by Lockwood. "B enedictus " by Pa iadl Ik e and " Creation " by Scotl, wl th na rr ation by L eonard Cordes
Introduc tion or the Board or Trustees will precede the commencement address , "Chall enges o r the Space Age ", to be given by th e Hono rable Len B Jordan, o s senato r.
Mr. Raymond L Ston e \\1 U pres ent the graduates, a!ler which Mr E A Seiter, chairma n. Bo ard o r Trustees will present the diplomas.
The Reverend ~IY ron Sha r· rard will dell ver the bene· di ction Mrs. V eltri will play lhe r ecession al, "Wa r March or the Priests."
Members o r the adminislra· lion present will be Mr. P.A Christianso n, president or NIJC ; Mr. E 11 Seiter, chai r· man, Boa rd or Trustees; Mr. w J. Burn s vice-chairman , B oa rd or Tru stees. Mr, Gerald O. Wendt , sec r e tary·trea.~u rc r, Boa rd or Tru stel'S: Mrs. R. w. Edminster. trustee ; Mr. Ri· chard Penman, trustee; and Mr. Charl es II. Russell, truste e:;·c_______
AU locks must be turned In to Mr s Seym our b.)· Wednesday. May 26 Sl.00 will be cha r ged !o r missing locks.
Another yeor Is done. The CARDINAL REVIEW s taff 11ishos o hoppy summer to e,ery rooder ond much good luck on the employmont froni
.'in e ; • , s "°' poss,blo to name ewryone, >Ne ant eoch of you .,ho hos helped u, ,n ony way, wi1h o hint, o story, or telling us of on even• we might othorwise hove overlook"'!, to know 1f 11 weren 't for you, i1 ..,ould ofoen hove been o skinny po1i-~cre ore ,hose on our staff ho deserve more thon thanks, but thanks from your editor onyhow to everyone of you depend· oble persons. I guoss moybe you know how much it ho, helped to be oble ro count on you.
Outside of our sroff ore the un• •og heroes. Wr. ,~..ndt ""' ed, ted, printed, token ospirin and worked on Soturdoys be· couso v.e woro late Mts. Seymour hos typod copy and even saved us from hong1nq o t1rne or two. Moss N1 shio hos often filled our bore spots with news fr ,m the offico ond I.',. L,tch · field hos been generous N1th ass stance end adv,co throughout the yea r. /okJny faculty mombers havo been especially cooperative in giving and telling obout ne..,,, and these we connot thonk en. ,qh
If ...,e've mi<· .,d onybody, loy tr deodl1 •es ond t ""'· S.... you 0901n 1n September!
Follo,,ir,g t lost edrtoriol In the REVlfW, 1• hos bee., porntea out t<.. s by o fo1.v'ty .-,,1,e, that "eth,ng I being don,, obout choot1ng After discuH•on of tho sub1ect ..,, th two instructors, tho REVIEW is willing to concede thot 1nsttuc1ors ore not all o< indilferen1 to tho problem as it somet1mes seems t, tht, ",dent.
(h, ,ns•ro, t(;<' iold of plans devised by foculty mombers to keep cheo11ng or o m1n1mum, (coguy 100), oddmg rhot students do not olwoy< heor of those who ore coughr
All rig,r, ..,e'II poll 1n our eors I• is 10 kno,.. t~ comp, htton 01 leost be,ng "'diced for ,~e s·udonr Nh srud ft --o nd w, s11!1 b,,lreve he 1> 1n rhe mo1c,rrty
"If ,he instructor hos a responsibility ," ho so,d, "so hos the <t,,d,,nt."
Tt.., point t 110s mok,ng HOS ·h, crillcize the instructor .vhccr tno s11x!ont himself pre;tects roe poros,res
Nwxe of that old grodo school or,ento11on Is not 10 "rot" on anybody, so maybe 1he studier i, being hurt by h,, ad • heroncc ro o chrldren'• "gonqlo d" codo. /.loybe 11 s ""' nomos Ncre nomed. Anyhow ii · •·h,ng t, tr>ink al:out.
A11other thought from 1ne otf.tir point _,r view is .vhy do we olwoy~ find rhc cheollng qo1ng on lri the samo classes?
Soem~ 1hore's still plenty to rh,nk obot,t 1nm both points of N. s,,....-,n1ng for ovcryont\ of covr~f..:, vxcept '"Kl cheoterc, 1 m;e v(•., ond ,.;.. y don'1 tvi to thm - thi y have the re~I of us.
Scholarship Winners
Named By College
Guidance Committee
Tile wlnners nnd their reSl)ecd ve donors of scholarships to North Idaho Junior College ror the college yeor or l956-66 ar e listed below.
A 11 are seniors in la cal hi &h schools and will C'nter NIJC ln tie rall or 1965. some have not yet been ann ou nced
Special scholarships Include one of $100, Ii ven by the Idaho Fhst Nadonal Bank.
The winne r wlll be a rresh· man moJorlng In busincss adminlsuaUon and wUl bP announced dunn& the fall semester. A $100 scho lart1hlp provided by the Fo r<>siry com· mlttee or the coeur d'AlenP Chamber of Commerct' wi II be awa rded during the Spnnc Forest Festival Week. Two freshman engineering scholnrshi>s of $150 e11ch. donated ~· Washington \later Power co ., were awarded to Robert Coon or Coeur d ' Alene lllgh SChool and Michael 9Jsalla of ll!M Academy.
General scbolarshlps, whose reclplent.s may reldster in nny college course, hove been awarded on the basis or a oomplelro appllcat!ao, re· commendations, scores on the Nationlll American Colleg e Teslin1 Prognun, and high school grades, acoonlin& to Mr Dexter Moser Marilyn Gross or lFh\1 A ca· demy received the Veterans or Foreigb wars Auxiliary, Post No 889. $ I 00, Karen Bobeth, Post F'lllls High School re· eel ved the Paul Schroeder Memorial scbolarshlp, given the Coeur d'Alene Laundry, SI oo . The Charles Seymour Memadtll awanl ~lven b.Y the Eagles Lodge, $192., will be awarded at a later date to a student of Lakeland HI Rh School.
T om Nish, Worley Hl&h School. received the Mrs. D. W. Gaiser award or SIOO. John Thomas, Kellogg Hi ch Schoo l was awarded $142 by the Coeur d'Alene Kiwanis Cl ub, i:;ct.vin Sulll\11n. Coeur d 'A lene High School rec elvro the Rotary Club scholarship or $100 No. 1. Jomes Wy Ue, Coeur d'Alene hlllh school, was awarded $1 00 Q.\' the Veterans or Foreign \\ors. Auxillaiy Post. No. 889.
Jo Ann Rich mond, Coeur d'Alene High School, recel\·cd the American A ssociallon or Uni verslty Women award o r $100. Oona Kovatch , COt'ur d'Alene High SChool, "as g1 ven the A. B. Laffercy Memorial award by the Lafferty Transp ortation Co,, SIOO, Carroll O ' Leary, Coeur d'Alene High Schoel, recel ved $100 rrom the Rotary Club or Coeur d'Alene, No 2 Greg Hayengo, Coour d ' Alene, r~ eel vro $100 from the Coeur d 'A lene Elks Lodge
Whoever se rves his country well has no need or ancestors.
Woodcock 's Dru g St or e
C~nd,e, - Sund,·e,
Tom Atkins of Post Falls CAROL DAVIS WI NS and Bob Huskey of Salem, SNEA SCHOLARSHIP OrelJ)n, i;rudents at NorthIdaho Junior College, will have featured roles In the Coeur d'Alene communi1:,• Theatre •s ··Kay Fe\·er" on Friday and Saturday nights, May 21 and 22. The three act Noel Coward corned.• will be presented at the Plne,1ew Plnyhouse In Hayden Lake. Curtnln Lime Is s: 00 P.M. Alkins ha& appeared in three NI.JC productions, play· ing featured roles in "~,r Roberts". "~bracle of the Madonna" and ''Our Hearts were Youn1 and Gay" and was active in drama In high school in Post Falls Huskey will be mnklng his first appearance here.
Bernard Merriman. who teaches a clo.ss In radio pro· ducllon at NIJC. has the lead In the Coward comedy Atkins pie,>& the "Simon Bllsa.. role, which la the Juvenile lead and Huskey 81)pears as "SnnclY Tyrell" In • 'Hay F'e"er". The Pinevtt>w Playlcuse Is located a mile and a quarter north of the blinker lll!ht In Hayden Lake. Adrnlsslon I s i5c ro, students and S 1.00 i>r 11dults.
In the last Issue or the REVIEW. It v. as enoneousl,, rePOrted that the SAC asked the Student Board for the sum of S35 to finish out the year. The correct amount, we have been told Is $350.
Support the Booste r Club dances during the summer.
REEl\'M > 1 FJ:?f ;H
Memori ol Sp1oy s & Floro !
Arro ngeme,nt s. Cus.to,n Ots.ignrd
Off Stroc• Porlo.ing on Mill•, A"•·
Turn Wos., or 1000 Bile. "'" -1th
Telefloro Orders Anyw here In Th e World Ph MO 4·8218
A Student Nationtll Educational Association sclola r shlp wa,; pre,;ented, ente&alnment • rumished , and a ttllk III ven b)• Mr. Bruce Reid, English depo rtm ent, at the SNEA banquet held ~la}· II in the • ,iwdent union.
The banquet was sponsored by the SNEA. under the direction or Dr. E,a Fetz, cwup ad,her, ror guebt rrom areo. hl gh schoo t,;. sw • dents plonnlng to ente r the education field came rrom ' Kellogg. \\JUnn, and Coeur d'Alene.
Toni Paul and Denni:. Mc lntyre played a drum so l o and 1 the ensemble ,ang "In :"law re", "Orchestra song," "Pstllm 98" , "Ye Are Xat of the F'lesh," • ·o Macnum, ' "Benedictus," "Creation," and "S 10:1 Ah 11111 Be Done."
Mr. Rel d ~ave hh addre~!I. , lltled "Mr. :,:o,·llk and the Real TeochN."
Presentn Uan or the $30 scholarship, a gHt or the , organization, was made to Miss enrol Da\1s.
See us ror Wedding lnvitotions
B y K h ry J.e llri e s
Al t hough educotion , fa shion, and nea t ness should be con • s i der ~ i mportant, a woman shou ld a l so consider her thoughts a very impor tant port o f her everyday I ife
Everyone should toke an opportunity to be alone to think of what life means and what they mean to themselves
Whether alone in a room, i n o car, or in the solitude of the outdoors , every woman should toke time to find herself and 1he meaning of the things around her
The ~hort to medium length smooth hair style of the spring season 1s accentuated Through the use of o scarf in the some fabric ond design os the warm -weather fabrics Scarves or!> making a fashionable comeback with bath spor t co-ordinates and the cool summer cottons * * .... "' i.
Now is the time to conside r a change in makeup Remember the heat of the sun brings out t he natural oi I s in the skin , so o makeup with ltf S.& mobtu r i.1::ti:r~ ~huvld be considtned for the neot, fresh look.
Education Majors Begin Special Summer Project
A s sc hoo l approaches an end for most of the student bo dy, the e ducation majors ar e Just beginning a sPecial project that will car ry ove r i n to the summer, Larry B o· za rt h, education student exp l ained The Language Arts class ! s planni n g a su mmer program called a R eading Development Labor · atozy. The program Is gea r ed to help interested young children improve thei r r eading speed an d comp r eh ension
Many other a r eas of language , arts will be improved upon duri n g this p r ogram he said.
T h e spo n sors fo r this event ar e the American Association of Unlverslt.Y women assisted by the American Associa ti on o f University Pro f essors
Mi ss Beryl MacArthur, a mem· ber of the AAUW and a local teache r. is acting as co · o rdin ator of the new pilot project, he said Miss Mac
A rthu r has done ex tensive work in el ementary r eading and bas served as the county superintendent of Kootenai County fo r several tenns. Miss Macy An n e Du nnigan, cu rri culum di r ector for School 1 Di strict 271. is assisting the project as an adviso r
The s umme r project will be staffed by educat.lon majo r s from NIJC teac h ers wro a re attending the Uni vers l ty of Idaho Adult Center this sum · me r , and some r etired teachers
from the lo cal system Lany continued. All of the workers are vo l unteers
E<1Ui!lment that is proposed to be used Will be bo rrowed from co-ope rating sclx>ol clistticts and PetSC' n nel. Many or the supplies are being donated by book compan i es, be added
Each student will receive specialized and individual assistance and his pe rsonal problems Will be diagn ose d and improved during the cou rse of the schoo l.
Co-ordinal.Ing the present efforts at NI JC are Dr. F etz wl th student help from Larry B ozarth, Peggy MacDon aid and Joe H u ston. As the lab' oratory grows more students will be involved as te ache rs an d assistants
The first meeting or the g r ade school c ltl dren involved was Wednes day, May 12
T h r ee invited students par• ticipated and the program was officially started, said Larry.
The NIJC stage band, directed by Mr James Bums , bas bad th ree Ma.i· en gagements Membe rs played for the Coeur d ' Alene High School senior balJ, May JS, for the NTJC Engineers Ball, May 1, and for t h e East Valley Senior Ball in the Spokane Club May a.
The band ls a money-makin g project, stu dents taking a 1-cr ed i t cou r se and practicing one hour each week Its pu rp ose, according to Mr. Bums is to gl ve added work
in ensemble and so l o p l aying to students who play lnstru · men ts.
Openings in next year's stage band, he explained , wi ll be filled by the require· ments of audition and member-
Makeup hues should be changed to march the darker tones of the skin coused by summer tanning Don 't make the mistoke of rrying to hide those summer frec k l es. They con be attractive
Moisture creams do wanders for dry elbows , ankles, and Fe.e t that hove been exposed to the drying qua/11ies of water, wind and sun
In the Cardinal Pep
Here are the facts about the new two-y ear AFROTC Program.
Who is eli gible for two -year AFROTC? A ny mal e undergraduate who still has cwo years re· m ain ing i n college. Jt 's an espec ially good break fo r ju nior college stude nts wh o pla n co com p lete their baccalau reate req uirem en ts at a f ou r.year ins titu tio n
What's the curriculum like? )C 's bee n t ho roughly revamped. Y o u won't find pal answers and traditional ri tu ali zed solu tio ns to problems. N ew inst r uc1 io nal met hods teac h the s tudent to arrive at his own co nclusio ns, and to test chem agai nst those of h is classma tes and i nst r uctors. Sy mbol ic of t he change is the n ew ti tle - De part ment of Aerospace St ud ies.
How will student s fo r th e n e w program b e chose n ? First, you m ust pass the Ai r Force O ffice r Qualifying Test and have a medical exa mina· tion. T hen you mee t wit h th e in ter view board o f senior Air Force officers. who will dec ide whet her you are 10 be selected 10 a1te nd che Fie ld Tra i ning Course T his wi ll be held during the su mmer before your junior year. ll s purpose is two- fold; to let che Air Fo rce judge you and to let you judge the Ai r Force. O nl y after you arc bo th sa tisfied will you be en r olled in the program So you see. you have everyth in g to gain and no thing co lose by app l yi ng now. But yo u muse act fas t-appl icat ions wi ll be closi ng for next year's juniors. Forms are ava il ab le from t he Professor of Aerospace Studies, or from H.eadq uart ers Air Force ROT C, Maxwell AF B Alabama.
A s a n AFROTC cad<!!, will I r eceive p ay? Yes you will be pa id for the Field Tra in ing Co urse
wh ich wi ll amo unt to appro xim atel y $ 120. During 1he sch oo l ye ar, you will be paid $40 a m onth, and you will also ge t free uni form s.
Will I have a cha n ce to fly while 1 a m in AFROTC? Se ni or graduates are elig ible for th e Flyi ng Instruct ion Progr am T h is invol ves 36'h hou rs of fl ight traini ng and 35 hours of gro un d sc hool. Success f u l compl et io n earns you a civilia n p ri vate pilot's l i cense.
U nited States Air F orce
Hcadqua rtc", A ir Force R OTC
Alln:0 1
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
Pl ease send more inform a tion a bout t he new
A ir Force ROTC program
Collc-ec now auct1d int----
Aadrffl -
E,cptet ,o u1n$fcr ,o
Addr c»
£,p«si_ dc:srec j.._ ( Vut)
Home Addrtss:•----------
Air Force ROTC has now been updated to fit into today's busy undergraduate schedule.
Barry Hawks New Circle K Prexy
Election or Circle -K Club officers was hel d Apri l 29 according to Mike Hendricks· vice -pr esi dent Ba rry Ha wk~ is the new clu b president Mike Hendricks is secretary: Don Hall Is treasu rer and no office of vice president will be held next year, Mike said
The club has finished putting the nags in the classrooms , he ad d ed , and said the plaque planned £o r the Student Union is on its way but may not arrive in time to be hung this year
Four members attended the Kiwanis meeting, the last ror stu d ents this year Ba r ry Hawks, Allen Perry , Mike Hendricks, and G arry Ma r~all accompanied Q>' club advise r Mr. Herschell Riebe who is a membe r or Klwanl; as well , went to the Boots and saddle for the meeting and l un cheon, Mike said
PMON C MON AW II( 4 4516
100 N 4TH St -.((T
C ot uQ o·A1.C Nt lo AMo
By l<l rt y Jeffr iesThe NIJC drama department, under the direction or Mrs Margaret Gale, out-dld i tselr May 6 and 7 wl th Its smash1ng production of Jules
Veme•s "A round the world
In Eighty Days"
Joe Fl etcher as Pa ssepa rtout and John Bomga rdn er as Detective Pix added much to the excitement of the product!o,:i when Joe Oipped John over his shoulder and onto the stage Diane Templin as Ann and Ba rb a ra Ila! 1 as Nora did a find job in their roles o f two modem day coeds wh o explained whnt was happening in the time l apse while cbanglng provs ro r the next scene
Phileas Fogg, played by Frank Flo Rito, and Aouda , played ey Judy Ressler, showed the audience that 'love conque rs all' In the man.v rate-filled scenes they shared
Arrows went 11.ying across t-he stage in the second act when Indians attacked the train in the American Midwest o n which Mr. Pogg and Aouda we r e traveling in thei r race against lim e
Al 1 in all this was o ne o f the best productions Mrs Gale and the drama department have presented on the stage or North Idaho Junior College It is hoped that in the years to come the NIJC will continue lo be the scene or such fine entertainment
Sr<,c ,ol , zin9 ,n Co/Je9,01<> Needs f or /-fl}(J/th ·Jnd Hopr,,noss
Our Piozo Ros•ourcrn
Pl-,c,,.,s P<:,101~ r.,nd Pu r se
1207 N Fov rtn MO· 4-8223
Serv ing Your Studen, Union
SUBve rsion
QUESTION: "No<D that you're c,raduating, what do uou mos t hate to l eave behind at NIJC?"
MATT ERICKSON, math majo r : "Most or all , l will
ml ss the cama raderie, the fellows , and t he particular attention o r teachers which only a smal l school can affo rd.
PENNY BODINE, med! cal t ~chnology: "I wUl miss the [nendly abnosphere of NJJC I've neve r felt so much at home with so many wonderful people."
JACOB A LAN WARE education: "Since NIJC 0 is o. relatively smal I coll ege, r will regret leaving behind the fri en dly atmosphere among the facults and students. All the hurrying to and rro, fretting o ver tests next p e riod. won · dering what is going to happen next, and realizing what the wo rld is coming to will be !Dissed NIJC Is a great enV1ronment to begin growing toward maturity 1 o nly hope the next school J go to will be as beneficial
LEE P ALMER, business actn:instratlon: •'Who's graduatlng ? "
DHI LLON JAGTAR SING H engineering: "The best thing l will miss will be th e nl ce cu te, and charitable llttl~ th!ngs called girls The othe r thi n g l guess t will miss will be some or the science teachers and their jok es
Then the r e is the po ster we oo ~ced In one rosiness plac e "'.h1ch carnes tbJs bit o r advi~e: "Ir you r wife wants t.o dn ve - don ' t stand in her way! "
0.,1,c,ou, Ho .,,b urgers
F a stes t $,;rv,c!' In Town
Guests or rhe Home Economics buf f er, Mo y 3 , ore le l r ro rlgh r · M.
Kitty Jolfnos , Dr , Gla dys Be /l;n9e
Forensics Society Has New Officers
Installati o n or new members will be made into Phi Ro Pi. the Forensics Ho no rary soci ecy , at the Debate Club semesler banquet to be held :.lay 20 at 6:30 p m. in the Student Uni o n Bulldln g. Thos e wh o wlll be lnstal led according to Bob Leight;y President, will be Jim Bro o ks Steve Moe , Cary Dee$ ten , and Bob Lei ghly Installatio n "111 fo l low the dlnner he said The Installation ' will be made for excellent p e rfonnance in debate, the requi site for membership Leighty explained ' Repo rts f rom competitors wl II b e g1 ve n o n the semester ac tivities which include th e Nati o nal Phi Rh o Pl tou m amenl at Centralia, Washington th e Big Sky toumament at Missoula , Montana, and exchange debate with E W.s .c . and the Idah o Sp eech C o nferenc e atCaldwel 1 Idah o , he said lnt e lJ)r e ti ve readi n gs and oth er forensic act:! vi ty will also b e featured o n the pro· gram a c co rdlng to Leighty "Th e banquet will climax ; y ear _o r rewardlng and Interestin g competitlon ," Jim Bro oks , club sec r e ta ry , ad'ded. Bewa r e the fu ry of a pa lie nt man.
E xcl u sive Yord oge Shop
E very1hrn9For TheSeomstress
Miss Su ~a.n La ngston , a• soph omore tn home econ o mi c s , bas r eceived one o r the fo ur Mary Ball Nlcco lls Scholarships provided for upperclass home eco noml cs maJors at the Uni versit,y of Idaho.
Mrs. Mary Wa l ker Ha II 1 11 1908 Universit,y o f Idah o gr aduate , ha s made scho larships a,'U1lable lo ho me econom i c students who attend the Uni vers!t;y The revenue (rom the fund pro,1ded tweaty rreshmen with $5 00 . 00 scholarships and ro ur upp e rcla ss·, men and a graduate student with like amounts Mi ss Langston plans to enroll in the Uni versity of Idaho£or th e 1965 -66 tenn and will continue he r h o me ec o n o mics curri c ulum
& HARO T O LEA V E Red Robc,ts°", Yo11, Hos, 2306 Front Av~. Coeur d 'Al ene , ldoho
See us for bo1teri e s, need l es , tubes r epoir s on to pe r ecorders s t e reo se t s _ rod,os
' ' I t
I 724 Shf'ttnon Avt.nu e
310 Lo ke s ide Ave Coe u r d 'A len e , ldoho GROCERY
802 River Av~ MO 4• 2000 Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho Cl,oose
College srvdcms for one doy , oreo grade school cnl/dron shown os rhey vis/red NIJC For Jvnlor JC day Th<> projoc was sponsored by the studen t teachers of the odvcor;on deponment, who $Vpervjsed rho ,.. children ;no doy of work ond sight-seeing
Without having to wait to assisted in the math semigradu ate, some of NIJC's nars, Mr Kelly led the chol r, future crop of students of the Miss Dunnigan presented the 1970's had a real da,y at business seminar Mr Edward college on May 6, when the L ltch!leld assisted ,vi th the future teachers of the Lan- newswritin g seminar, Mr. guage Arts Class, under the Prank Evans and Mr James I,. sponsorship of Dr. Eva Petz, Bums with the biology, Mr brough t some or their p r actice- Oak berg with chemistry and teaching pupils to spend a Mr war r en Keating with day at NIJC: Larry Bozarth geology was coordinator of the affair, Larry also said that the coand all students who have operation of grade school done their practice teaching Principals was of much Imparticipated , Bozarth said. portance, that only th rough
Ed Students Vistt
EWSC Campus School
Twenty students from the Language Art,, clas-s and Foundations of Education took a fi eld trip to the Eastern Washington State College Campus School in Cheney, Washington. The Campus School is designed to give the education majors at EWSC a good view or teaching as a profession The pll}'sical structure of the building is such that the olBerving students are behind one-way glass and they view th e classes without interrupting the normal routine of the classroom , explained Larcy Bozarth who accompanied the group on the tour Thursday morni ng, May 13.
The NIJC visitors saw the sv eei al elementary school library, the physical education plant and program, special classes such as art, music, and foreign languag es wblch are taught or guided by professors from the EWSC staff, Bozarth said.
The group was supervised by Dr. Eva s. Fetz, bead of the NIJC Education Department and Miss Beryl Mac Arthu r, a lo cal teach er
Jagars, Cordes Win
Annual Choir Awards
At the Mother's Day program held at Hayden Lake May 9, annual presentation of • the choi r 's "inspirational award or the yea r" ,vas made, according to TOm Atkins , member The award Is made for outstanding devotion a nd service to the choir, he explained.
Tozir Spokane
One of the highlights of !his year's art program at NlJC was a field trip to some o! the outstanding art expositions ln the Inland Empire. The arl students , accompanied by their instructor, Mrs. Florence Stranahan, boarded a bus last week and headed for Spokane. The nrst stop was lhe Washington State Uni versl ty Ex tension A rt center. The Lake City visitors saw several hundred paintings that were examples of student work. They also vi sited an oll painting cl ass and viewed seve ral students painting still life settings
The next stop was at the CheneyCowles Museum where they saw a special exhibition or the Dutch and Flemish maste rs While at the museum they enjoyed the other exhi bits and they toured the Campbell House, an adjoining manslon which ts being rasto red to its former state
An unexpected stop for the tour was at Spokane's unique rosiness house, Alaska Junk Several of the home economics majors from NIJC invaded the fabric deparbnent and proceeded to buy many interesting items.
The final stop was at the Spokane Community college Art DeparllTlent where the group was shown the areas of adve r tising desl gn, oi I painting and drawing Po 1lowiug the tour o f OCC the group boarded their bus and retu rned to NIJC.
Tracksters Place
Fourth In Relays
North Idah o's tracksters tied for fourth place in the Columbia Basin Relays held May 9 at Pas cc . Washington State Uni VPJSi t;y •s fresh men easily won the meet with 61 1h points.
Yakima Valle..)' College was second wt th 55*, followed by CBC 's 42. NIJC tied with Blue Mountain College !or rourlh place with 8 points, edging out Spokane Commun! ty College with 6. Big Bend C ommu rtlty Co llege finished last wl th 1 point.
The CBC Rel a.vs was the last scheduled meet for the Cardinal traekmen, although Head Track Coach Bruce Reid reported that tentatl ve plans call for a duel meet with :a1ue Mountain College before ending the season
"This was a building year for us, and consideling tbe competition, I run pleased with our showings this season Dan Nipp, Dick Schultz, Ron B oyer, and S~ Obergh deserve mention for their erforts this past season."
Coach Reid concluded
The Cardinals scores in the CBC Meet came from welghlman Dan Nipp's heave of 46 11\4 for a first place ribbon in the shot and his fourth pince throw or 130-11 3 / 4 in the discus.
Dick schu Jr;z placed th! rd in the broad Jump with t9-9 'h to combine with Nipp's showing in the weight events to make the Card score
Golfers lose final Match
"Junior JC" was a class their understanding cooperaprojec t ot education majors, lion In releasing chi l dren from intend ed to give them addi- classes was this double extlonal trainir g in handling perience in l earn ing-for tl:le child r en and planning events. children an d for the future he exp l ained teachers- - made pa,sible Bozarth, Russell Brown, and Mr. P A Christianson each welcomed the group or grade school chlld r en Events following the welcome were a , Language Arts semina r, foll owed by campus tours by their group leaders Math seminars with demonsLrations were held jusl before the lunch hour when the visitors gathe red in the Student Union.
,I, The afternoon schedule i ncluded numbers by the NIJC cboir, the Business Department seminars and demonstralions, a discussion of ph,ysical education methods, and a news writing semina r. seminars in biology, chemistry, , and geology were n ext , after which a final assembly was given directed by Bozarth. Mr. Stone presented Ju.nlor JC awards.
Those participating were: Coo rcllnator. Larry Bozarth; Facult;y sponsor, Dr _E va Feiz; Steering con:mittee, Jud..)' Herman, Merna Maitland Donna Koeppen, Sandy Allen , Larry B oza r th , and Harold Shockley carol Armstrong was in charge of folders, Desmo nd Do tts arranged pro• grams and Harold Sh ock ley andBob Lowry were ln charge or programs Academic presentati ons were • in charge of th e Lani;u age Arts Methods Class, studen t teachers. and N IJC facul lY members Mrs. Plurence Stranahan served the young visitors light r efre~hrnenu; Mr Huston und Mr. Tritten
Two Debate Tearns In Big Sky Meet
At the Blg Sky Forensics tournament held at the Montana State College, Missoula, April 29 through May I, two NIJC teams participated F'rom NIJC were Jim Bro oks , Gary Dee sten Ray Hansen, and John Allen Thom Thompson participated in lhe exti:a events d1 vision according to Jim Brooks , vice1>resident of lhe D ebate team
"The competition was keen", Brooks said , "with 22 or the top colleges and universities in th e northwesl taking part and placing a total of 375 contestants ln the Ii elcl ." Debate was the largest area of competition , he said, but the other forensics events were very compeli live in the areas o f Parliam entary Procedure, lnteroreU ve Reading , oratory , and Extemperaneou:s speaking
l\'IJC was the only Junio r co ll ege repre se n ted in the competition , Brooks said, adding, "but all In all, we made a l!POd showing "
An NI JC booster club dance held Friday, May 14. feabJ r ed a battle of the bands between the Coeur d'Alene Shadows and the Spokan e Cbancellors Dancing foll owe d after 9:00
Trophies were presented by Sharon Parriott. 1964 winner, to Gari etta Jagars and Leonard Cordes. Votlng was so close for the award this year, Alkins said, that Mr. Lou Kelly decided two awards would be given.
The choir room now contains a Plaque, he said , which is lnscrlbed "NIJC Inspirational Award A Cappella 1964~5. Oadetta Jagars, Leonard Cordes."
The choir has ended their program for the year by appea rances at the SN.EA. banquet May 11, the Baptist church on May 1 2, and 1vlll sing it ' s final number at the graduation ceremony May 28. Atkins said
Margaret Kamlln has been selected to go to Japan as a " girl Friday" to Komos Okomoto. Uon's Club president of Homomatsu, Japan.
OkomobJ chose Miss Kamlin from among those who sub· mi tted l etters, which Included letters from fl ve districts in the Lion •s Club's governmental sYStem. The project was sponsored by the Lion ' s Club lntemational of Japan
Miss Kamlin sai d that she planned to leave the end of June or the fi r st of July Her plans include a stay of one to two yea rs in Japan, she said.
She will do translatlons and English correspondence for M r. OkomobJ, she added and ma_v take a college course as well.
Th e Cardinal Alp Band presented an Informal concert May 13
Erickson Appointed To Military Academy
Matthew Edckson, NTJC sophomore was recently appointed by Senator Frank Church to West Foint. When asked about the appoinbnent, Matt said tha l Co 1. John Mc Farland was responsible for his interest In the Academy Witb the encouragement and interest of the NIJC professo r, Malt lilied out the proper applications and sent them to west Point It was then announced that he was one of six finalists ln the state of Idaho ror the appointment. He joined other finalists at Port Lewis and took .;ompetitl ve tests wbi ch we r e sent to Church
Last week Sen Church called and announced that Matt would be joining tll8 "long gray line." tt is necessary that Malt be In New York July Isl, hls plans are to Oy back east
During the Inte rview for the REVIEW Matt said , "I am a very proud and lucky boy."
cardinal Service Club members were waitresses at U1e annual spring Barbeque. ac· cording to Sharon Heath, newly elected vice president.
At a recent meeting, Sharon said, orncers were elected for the coming yea r. A president will not be elected until next year.she added, although the othe r offices have been filled Secretary is Karen Pardott; tr easurer Is Barbara Scharfr and vice p r es ident is Sharm H.eath.
No oneowing m-oney in the book sto r e will b e allowed to take nnaJs
The NIJC golf learn completed its go! r season May 12 in a meet with Columbia Basin College at the Coeur d'Alene Public Golf Cou1Se. The final score was 4 to I. with Columbia Basin leading all the way. Low medalist for the day was Jerry Asher o f Columbia Basin w! th an 80 Larry $mi th was the only NIJC golfer to score a l>Olnt on his opponent 0th er players on the Cardinal goH team are Bud Beck, Ken James, Roger Bacon, Dan Murphy a.od Gazy Chatfield.
The go! f team had fou r meets this year losing all of them. They played ln one tournament In which five schools were entered and placed last In that
Through it all they maintained lhelr poise, lo-sing gracefully and representing their school proudly
Ml ss Mary Ross will I eave for Italy June 16, where she will attend the Gonzaga &Immer School or Gonzaga University in Fl o rence, Ital)
The school Is nne of three In SJrope associated with Con· zaga University or Spokane, Washington. OU1ers, Mary said , are located In Madrid, Spain and Hong Kong, China.
Mary will go first to John F. Kenne<ty AilJ) Ort. New York City. whe re she will depart for Florence by planeThe summer session will last fo r nin e weeks, Mary said School officials have p tanned the program to al low for three days left free each week for srudents to l'ee points or lnleresL