The N.I.J.C Cardinal Review Vol 13 No 5, November 25, 1958

Page 1

Chorus Open House

Draws Partic ipants

St1· trom populu..r songs were h•ard IS8'1ing froru Liw NlJC otage roccnlly, whort> Mrs. Charles Finch 311d her choral group hoslcd a nwslcaJ •·open holl!k:" for lhc en. Lili: studt'nt body and raculty Tht.· event wo.s a..n outgrowU1 of lh n enJo~rment. he i .sludcnu:1 gained lhrough extemporuneow. singing, and Ute CXpl'eS~d de...-lrc to pa.rtlct· pate or those whos~ time schedules are limited. The success of the ncUvlty has lnHured more 6Uch t'CSHiorH for lhe lutur1).

Mr. McFarland an,J Mr$. Lange Joined lhe chOl'US nnd otb.,,- lilu<Jents In singing ,;,•loclloM Crom '"Porgy end Bess' and oth<!r rnusica1 comedies. NnnO)· Thompson ac• companied tho ~lnger3 on the eJcctrlr orga1\, and Cene Moran nc· companied on the piano. Moran, IWlO a prufe&sional plunlst, fovorcd the group with lwc, pluno aetectlons dur-ing the R-OSsion.

The group enjoyed lhe ml'ormal Binging so much lhnl lhey •~k•d thul mol"e get•lo-gelhers bt." &eht,dult>d. They ulso nsked that stu'1ents IL-.ten fc,r Rnnount'f'ments ln conjunction· with tho .ongto,t.. and participate in C\'Cn ~.ate.r num• bers

NIJC Will Submit

'Camp us Citizen'

To Spokane Pap11r

At. tht• Nov 13 meeting, \hb Student Boord or Co1\trol waa Informed of a letter, rcce1,•ed by Or. KIJ<lo\.. r r:v;m the Spok('smBn•Rc\"IMv. T tPc Spokesmnn - Review

Wl$hed t'-> know whether or not NlJC would enle.a· a student for the Campus CIU•~n or tile We•k lhis ,·eat. Tho Board decltled Lo enter~ someone. C&thy ~ta.nning n ntl Hal fle,1dnok w~rc 11pp01nled to make pns1.c:r~ ad\'t.)rUa-lng the rontest •n the school A ballot b-Ox hus b,ePn plu..c.t!d fn the matn en tranee.

A box w-m be set up In one of lhe holls. Student.a will put t.heir non1i.n1tllons In lhht box 'T"he final dt-'Citclon ond t.allying or the nomi· n.alions will rest with the Student Board of Control.

Nominees for the NfJC's Catn· pus Cilizcn or Lhc Week ror the Spok=1Ut-Rovlew •hould po55ell8 certain Among these ttun.lifiCatlons are n h1,tb ~h.olaatlc overage, o.nd a ruU-Urne etudent. The co.ndJda~~ ~houtd ttlso be acih,•c in school !unctions &..nd .o.cttvi· ties. Usually. tho Campo~ Clllze.n $hou1d tJso be a sophomore. A 1-:ophomor<' has had mo1·e Ume to prove himself or herse lr ns rar as grades and actMlies.

S tudenta showd nol heaiLate to nomtnule Myonc whom t.hey feel fs 1~ worthy candidate, o.ccordtngto :-it..udenl Soard n(fic1alJ.i.

Interpretative Speech Introduced This Fall

lnlerpretallvc speeeh Is H new C'IU.Ss which h.o.8 been organjU\d tlus f•ll. The purpos,, Is to proJ>llro tal~ntcd aludenL• for pubhc J>•r!01·mnnce. The r "Quircmcnts nrc tL prugrttm r,f ,JO mlnulcR of memnriz<.td 1·('1\Qfng-. AfSd I\ student mu~t.. nppe-tLr on Cl\'e, prog-l"nm,; R ycu.r.

The c1ag.'i con.qb,1.,s of 111-x- me.mbcrt1 only. Th'-' clan ts held to u aujni.rmun bccnust" ot the lnlch.Blvc wo1·k Md tndMduol o.tlcoUon needed

The srndont• ore alrtl,dy whippin!J' their program, 111 to shape ~nnthii N)~rc wa.q the rnt to piPr• ronn wiLh Ute reading or ~rt.

Whlppoon, ill, nt \he Phi Theta Kapp• bn.nqurt Judy Reynolds has the readJnl!", Crt•m~nn., r<"ady for recltR.J. Clatie Syversnn has sev1U'af ntimlwr~ ready. along with Anita Rowell, Judy Ghlglerl, nnd I "rttnC'C,; N owacld.

Mr. E'a,-1 Priddy I• tho instructor or I.ho clll.••

COEUR D'AliEJ:IIE, IDAHO Phi Theta Kappa t:elehrates Founder's D ay

45 Students Earn Grade Honors At Mid -Semester Point

It haa been reported by Lhe reglBlrn.r's office thal <f5 full-1.lme s.tudents were doing "B'• or better work at the first mid•semcs:le.r. This Includes lhose students carrying 12 credlL h ours or more. The number ot lneom plcLe,i at the time the grru:lus were turned in to o!!fco made ll Impossi ble to be comp le t.ely aconrtlt-e 1n Lb.est ngiarcs and lhere may be othcrrJ not listed who dolng at least "B" \VOrk.

Dr. Kildow Talks

To Phi Theta Kappa At Founder's Day

Pill Theta Kappa h<ld it.a Founder's Day Banquel nnd inlUatlon ut Ten1plin's No,•. l9. The spenker wu Dr. G 0. Klldow pre$ldent or NLJC, His Lopic was "SC'hOltt.r~hip vs. SU(l(:CSS... Dr

J{Udow remi.u-ked Lhat. iscltQla ri,h1p 16 very lnlporta.nt, but one must posseM other qu.o.)jth.~!i, too, t.o Achieve succeM.

Tllt!' m~n,ooni-, pledg~. and guests had bron.stcd chicken. Rev LymsT1 \\ \Vfnk lc gave the in,.,.(H.:a.• li(ut. 1Vler dinner Std.n Perry. president. presi ded durinJ; lhe lnlUallon oC Lho pledges.

Those inlUated Into Phi Thola Kappa were June Sr.hurll, Bewr1y Lee. Andrt!w Haltery, Pansy John1$0n, Violel Johnson. Bu.rbarn Osborne, Barton \Vrlght, Cn.ry, and Or. Ogg, who wu cloolod at. an honorary member o! the orgo1ti• Z4ltfQn Beverly Lee, oau Pc.n;ons. and LlnLlo. Beck "\Vee C.ooper of Fite" and Mrs:. 1-"lnch or U1c Mmdr Department explained the nuto. h!U'p and sang an old Scotch btclled. Sflndra Nyro. trc,m the NIJC lnterpretatJon, gave 8 read Ing enUUed "Mountrun WblUoorwHI."

Phi Th~ta Kapp,, is spons,,re<I by Mias LoreL\o Dunnigan,

DA.NC£ se n EDT'l.ED

lt's r1 ee! The SNEA is spon,;oring n. dn.• "-.o;;up d~1C:t\ ftl."tJ of chtu·gc. on F'r1da.y, No,1 28 in the gym.nn~ lum. Tho wllJ be from 8;30 to 11 '30. There will be n o r ahettlra.

Sociology Class Tours Medical Lake

On Field Trip

Twcnty~elght memben1o of Mr. Sto11e'• sotlology cl11ss rOC<!nlly ml,ltlc a !teld trip to the m~nta.l iru,LuUon al Medical Lnl<e.

The\.-8 were introduced tu \·arlows mcmbeni of Lhe statr. which rnc.ludfW 12 docton, two 01 whom we?'c p~ychi,atrists ond two or whon, wer.: .P$)-'chologh;~ lind at nurses. According to the ornma.La or Uhl institution. l·lO more llu.TSe& 8 re neefled to for lhc 2,100 palicJ\l.s, 100 or mo,.. of whom are C"hjJtlren.

Doctors and socin..l workers lectured to the 1•udtlng SLUdenUI. nJtcl' w hlch the t..tlass wa.s conduc:tcc.t th.rough reception rooms. wards, •nd <X:cup11t1onru Lhe a1>y rooms.

tn addition to Utt· r..:gular resl· d<!nts of th~ hospital, maximum security pn..tient.H have bocn lraru;fered from the state pn!:IOn. Ap-proxlmulely 80 attrndt'nls nl"e employed lo care tor them

Alter nrrh"u..t .tt the insUtutton t-1 p«tienl first recel\'e:oc 1,1 phy8' chet,k-up. \Vtthln 72 hour~ he h11M recei\'erl n ~mplelo psycholoi;icnl testing, according to 5nfomulUon tcI~- by tho dOClOMI.

All unu.sual trend Is the tendency of more ond more people to ·volun ui.rH)· e~ll the ln•lilution end &~k for- aid. Six to se,•cn people htl\'e been known to ask for ee lf-com• m•tmcnta wiUHn a week. The ho.11pltaL however bJ,l.8 been unable tQ accommodate lhr incr~A.Ntng numb"r of oppllcanu,.

The huppy group s h own lu•rr ar.e all full.°fh: dgt.--C.l memtK"rs of thr-

XJ,lC <'h.&ptur oJ Phi Th i>tn. Knppo , nntlo uul Junlor c olle~ hono rorx.

Lt-ft to right. ,e:,ted: U.·H•rly L er, "Barbum 0l'>l>Of'2'U\, Jum• St.'hnertl, Yiolet JohnS(>;n. Pan~· Joh.1L"°n, Mn.. Ogi:, Clo ri(• Syn•rsou. ~t.'lnd ing, lctt to rlJ(llt : Ma.ry do .E\'a.n,. l)("Jb(orl \\'ebh, Skeuh•, (iar~

J•"mm e Sh1n f><.~ry, B:1rton \ VrlKh~

O lh·cr ~wa1ta%n.. Bnrh:nn Bough • ton , Sharon \\'ntdrnm. .\ndre\\

11.u.Ucry, Dou,:-lM younjt". Bett•• Barnum, AnJta lhmt•tl. Q .-rmelltu ~(\h·o.g~·. G:·uy·. E,·tlyu H ull ,·Ur, u.nd Ml~ D1mnl ,ran 1 fm•uJt,l:>fltht,r.

1·tu.• trio nl lh to l t•f1 (left lo ri.arht), Lithlu. 8(-ek, Beverly Lee nod Gll)'IC' P e rt,-0m1, J1'0\1ided e.ntcrL'Unnwnt at th e Fountler•, l)fiy Ba:n.qu"t nml lnltJntlon. "hle h was held nt T •mplfn', Grill No,·. IO.

U. of I. Delegates

He re For New man Club In itiat io n

A l arge number or delegates from th<, University of {do.ho Nev.r ma.n Club attended U1t! NUC Ne\\ ina.n Club's banquet on Nov. 16. nL the St. ~r.homaas parish hall, nnd helped members ot the NtJC ch.apter into lhe naUonnl CJub. Th c. lnipressive intttu..tion CC.l'Cn\O ny was conducted by eandleJighl. Fn.Lhu.r- $Chm1dt, Nl)On.i;Or of the Moscow club -and tho club o!CicerR rron\ the Univcr slty cuch gave Short h:sptralional talks. the dinner, members of tht> two clubs en;oyed dancing LO hi-fl records.

Charmaine Oeltz. lheir 1958 Homccomlng Queen, wa.s among lhc members or the Unlver$'ily or Idaho Nl"'\\" Club coming- up tor the banquet. Chtt.rma.ine wa.s pre.~ddent ot Lh~ Nl.JC New•man Club la,l year, and thl~ yea,, Is active m the U. or r. Newman Club.

The NIJC Newman Club ptn.ns to ~nd -seve.raJ delegates to the re-glonn..l Ne.cwman Club convention at over th" Thanksg!Vfng vacaUon. Member• or tho college Newn1nn Clubs from ~Contnnn, Idaho. Oregon. a nd Wnshlngt on c.•otl"'ges wUI attend the convention.

On Nov. 30 Lhe club \11 11 have a b1· together 11Cler 8 o'clock ~fa."'$, FatJ1er HopkJn~• .sp,Qnsor or Lile group. wtU pto\'fde an interestIng speaker Crom Austria Ko.thy ?\files Is in uh a.rge of th~ food for th., hrenk!ast..

Thero. were no s:tratg-ht 4 (4.0) sb.1dents, but there tive with g111cle poinl avorage ot 3.l> or blgber. Ruth Noble led the group With " grade poJnt aver~e ot 3.83. Others were Rufus Cook, Beverly Lee. Judith Reynoltls, AJ Rhoades, and Judith Russom.

Other honor students are JJsted below:

Jnoe Arnold, Lyle Babbitt, Belle Ba.mum. Denny Be.rare.I, Victo ria Bougtiton, Evtt Burrell, Donald Canlin, Sharon CnrkUC!, EUen Dahlman, Donald Donaldson, Dana Elmig, Mary Jo &~ans, Josephine Finney, Roberl Gri!!ln, Evotyn Hallvlk, Nell Harms, Olana Hon•on, Marvin H o llJngsworth, Anita lloweu, Violet Jolmson , Catherine ~r11nning, Lola J\futors, 'Elmer Millheisler, Gary OrmeSl\er. Barbara Osborne, Helen Park, Lillian Ralls, Frn.nces Rubow, Mary Gall Schull, Carmelita Scl\'age, Leslie Stee le, Oliver $,van.son. Wlmam Tangen, Nancy Thomp.son, Sharon Waldram , Paul WL'Ctl lg, Barton Wright, Richard Wynecoop, and Douglas Young.

WAA Formed; Liepold Elected To Head Group

O(ficers \\ chosen Qt Lhe first meeting of the Womc-n·s Ath.Jeuc A ~ciall on. Those elected wero: presi dent, Gall LlePold; ,<ice p r esident, Nownck1; secretary, Mickey Whiteley, and social chflirman. Terry Grant. MISB Beryl Johnson 1s the club sponsor.

Plans are being made !or u wellrounded sporla prog,·nm Lo be con, ducted in the gymnasium on Mon• days end \Vtdnesdo.ys ln the afternoon. Some suggestions tor Lht! sports program b een bul<et· boll, voll eyball and bodminlon. A point system is being drawn up to a llow girls Lo earn leUcrs in different sports

The WAA also plans Lo spolll!Or a Pop Olub to ~beer at I.he NlJC baskclbn.11 games. It will coopcrato wllb Lhe cheer leaders. One ne1'd not belong Lo W AA to belong to Ute Pep Club. It "' hoped that this wut a.rouse more Interest In games.

AddlUnnat ooclal acLi vltie• wm be held by lho W AA. A dance tor all •tudenls is belnir considered, This organizaUon 1$ open to aU women students wh~ Ill'< Interested in sports. Everyone IS urged to attend

<'!.,ASSES REStmtE ~lONOAl'

Students and f~cully will observe 1'h<lnk.&glvlng wllh a vacation Thursday and Friday. Cl1111Aes resume Mondn.y

VOU'M:E Xlll, NO. 5
TUESD AY. NOV. 25, 1958


Publilh•d S•ml-Monll,ly Durln9 The Colleg e Yt.r


Co.:ditors Editon


Adverfo,l n9 M•n•g•n

Circulation Mona9er

8usheu Maneger

Vets Feted At Banquet; ''Har vest Hop" Discussed

J udy Roynolds •nd Jeane M•nnln9 Diel BiC!bu •nd Ed Morice!

M.ry Jo Even. ond 8ob Griffin

Wrl Coehrtft O •nd Lawrence Libt,·1 S.ody Ny,o John Millheidtr

Repo rt e rs: K,thy Monning, A n 1te Howoll, Dorbero Osborno, DoH• Oo, ""'"'•

Joo Joh.n1tot1, Oun Schroc1. fr4 nces, Helen Po, Don Pfo1t, Jay Wikox, Evelyn Hallvit Gayle Pt t1on, , nd Lindt Bee t



The ~eview staff would like to toke th" spoce to introduce ond wei come rew staff members.

Jean Manning, who ha• been working with the group as a reporter and coumnist, has accepted the position of co-editor in the obsence of Mrs Evelyn Hallvik, who will be unable lo continue in that capacity. Our thonks to Mrs. Hallvik for her previous contributions, ond a he11,ty welcome to Miss Manning.

New rnernbers of the staff include Linda Beck, Gayle Person, Joy Wilcox, Don Pfost, Lowrence L:bby. John Millheisler ond Sandy Nyre.

' We of the staff would like to encourage o,hers. who hove a sincere interest in writing or newspoper work, to join us in our efforts. Anyone interested should contact either of the co-editors


Than<Sgiving is o traditional and onnuol event in Americo c~aracier i2ed by various surfoce symbols - turkeys. pumpkin pies ond voca1ions.

Aetu~lly, whon one inventories his feelings in connection with Thanksg iving, he will generally find tho1 ir ls representative to him of some· thing is addition to ond more important !hon festivilics. Ho will recall !hat it s the day originolly set oside by his forefathers for ,he specific purpose of 9iving thank. for blessings.

All too often, the modem trend is lo disregard or forget that pur pose. eusinessmen ond opportunists rec09nize o chance to uhlize publicity and reop tremendous profit. Some think of it os one of the rare and welcome days on which they con relax frorn doily drudgery. Others consider it merely o, o time for extensive merrymaking.

In truth, it is o day for colebrofion - bol it is more than just 1ha•. It is o time for r&collection: recollection of the rnany things for which one ho, 10 be groteful. 11 is " lime when we should give thonh for privileges we enioy under our government, freedom to worship ond live os we please. If is noi necessary that the Bill or Rights be repealed here i n order io irnpr~~s UJ"W')ft you thA bP.1111fik Wt! enioy. Friendship too, ond love ond componionship ore omong those things for which we should give thanks. Being college students we should not overlook our good fortune in acquiring \nowledge, which may significantly offeci our live;. Even mistakes may often be counted profitoble. It is of these things we should reminisce on Thanksgiving doy, c>nd for them g,ve thanks.

It is the hope oi the editors ond staff of the Review that as eoch o• you prepare your home• for the coming holiday thor you "ill olso prepare ycur hearts. When you pion your Thanksgiving holiday. recall the reoson for which we celebrate, ond let g portion of your doy be re· served •or Iha! purpose.


Swan anyone? The bottow body o! a beautiful whistJiing swan wo..s Keet'I recently 1n the biology depart· mont, where It was being prepared ror o. study skin collection.

"l'hc N!Jt... VcL:) Club htdtJ 1 uanqUt.!l 1i.t.,L \\Cuk In Ute·:s \..O.b1n a.t 'l't.:mplu1 s linll. 'Chu din· ne., will be u.n annuaJ, Wld l:; "'~l-11b,'l100 lu ~r\•e Uu vc ttqually fmport.nnt purposes.

1. To ob,,erve Al i.Vet,f Day, a <lute formerJ1• cts.llcd ArlllistiCt! .vay, nv\v U,c,·ote\1 to uv1ttmcrnon-..uon or all American vetel'ans.

2. To g1ve memburs an in/orrnul 01,porlumly lo gel acquaJn~s-d.

3. To put thft' rtn1sh1ng touc,hos on pluns for, and ionnally an• nounce the group's annual tla.nce \\rbJch w&~ called the 1 Ra.nrel'Sl Hop" U1ls )'CW', A. s.borl meetmg was h!"Jd follfl\ving the di..nn~r. The tolluwtng ofttcers- were introduced. Waynt? Parsons, president: Bob Ha,rwood, ,·lee president; Doug S.,11Jn.niln, secretary, and Mr. Ge•·· ald O. \Ve.ndt, sponsor.

Committees reporled that all wu.s m order lot- Lhu "Harvc.tJt Hop," ond lhal mu.,lc woulcl be pro,·ldcd by Ray Slone and his b«nd. The date for the dance was ••l for Nov. 22, al elghl p. m. Co~l of tickets Wfl.8 announced as onl\ dollar per couplo. DN?-BS·UP at.tire was se:Jccted as the appropriate apparel. Th<>:«: In charge or commluees were Dick Beibt·r nnd Stub Lyons. an-ange.ment commilteo. and Don PedchtQ~ rfocorn.Uon com• millee.

Concluding Uu, business meeting wao o.n ln!ormath·o picture depicting tlw llfo of Tedtly Roosevell, one of Amerlc.a·s lnlluc.nllal Jnle veteran~ and one or ll!!t most re· spected presidents.

The ve.UI would like tu urge a.ti atudents to be more, ncuve ln their ttupport of NJJC's fllOCia1 functions. Including sports.

SNEA Hears Spokane Psychologist's Views

Members or SNEA heard Dr. cart Bachman. Spokane apeak ut. the Nov 12 meet.Ing Dr. Bachman was born and educated In Ccrma.ny ond ts currently public relaUons man for WWP In Spokane.

Fall is a nosta)tJ'YfC? time or year. Its Shortened day,i, clear frosty mornfng,. and l"lotou• colors gi\'c \IS nolhing buL :a hint oI Un: im• pending doom o! wl.ntet·. Rllther it heighten& our nee,(1 for hurry And n1ore rapkl n,·lng. ll Is the sturt or a new l!<lclal fteWl()n. It Is the start or m:iny Jndoor act.iVil.ies. It Is the sum or all roll,,ge sporting ocU,"'itic.s

!t Is 11!!0 I.he football >e,1!;Un Yt!a..t11 u.lter ~\'t'ry one has linb1hed coUcg-c. hC' will remember In the 1atl, much more polgnnntly. the <><'hOOI •plrll. the after game triumph. stein songs, and all the co lor and excitcmo:nt. that goe~ with a college roolbsll game.

Frosh 111 the University of ldaho, CQllege or ldo.ho, Boise Junior College, Albion State No1-mol, Untver8ity of Idaho Southern Brwieh, tind Brigham Young Universit.y. Dean Christianson wos lhc coach. l say it was unfortunate because they dldn·t win any gam.,.. How• eve~. when you con.side r Lravellng 1200 miles <J\'(.•t tortuous roads In the dead or winter p1-ob~bly very ltl'c.>KUhu· he>urs, poor, Jack of local support, ttnd just generally bnd conditions. It wu quite an acbtevemunt.

John Costello. game conservation oflicer. furnished tho swn.n. which had been killed Illegally, Don Donaldson, Plnehul'l!t, helped prepare the S\\'iln ror mounting. flCcordlng to Mr. Frank Evo.ns, biol• ogy Instructor.

The prtnctpaJ of Dr. Bach• man's speech was comparison of democratic L-ducaUon u opposed to s.oclall%od education.

Concern was shown for the smttll u:presenlallun al t.ho meet.Ing lt Is J1oped that !here will be more ncUve parUcipnlion In lhe forlh<omlng meeting,, by mcmbetl!, >!Ince program" •re arranged speclflca.Uy C'or the benefit of education majors

SNEA To Give Holiday Dance

The Student.s' No.lional Education Associn.Uon Is sponsoring a ThanksgMng Dance on Friday night Nov. 28.

Every year you wlll probably hear Lhis lament at NJ.IC. "\.Vhy can't we have more sport.1$'! The Junior CoUege doesn't lu\\'e a big enough $p)rts -program.·• CcrLa.inly the publicity would enhance the school. l! we won. Certainly n g0t1<l program would give all t>f lhc students something to romernoor long u.ltur lhc.y graduated.

Dean Chrisl.lllJ.Ulon <'><Plntncd ,t thusly: ''ln ,·tew of lhe dlslW'lce.s Involved, tho high co~t or adequate t.i-an.sportlllion. nnd the limited funds uvaUable from the school budget, w• reel we would be wi,er to spend our money vn a really good 1ntrnmural program ti-om whic.h d:V~ry·::iludent could bene.l'it ' ffis opinion is eertuinly in aocordance with all the la.tesl lhoughl on lhe subject. Alm'"'l every maga• zinc you pick up ha,, some ru·ll<I• on whe ther inlerscholo..slic football ts worth the expense and trouble tl entails.

E\·ery day news would tMcklu back t.o the rest Q( us abQut their trouble.!«t. They were ,mowed in. stuck in dilloTont. members or t.hc team were UJ, nbout. every· thing Uun could to11ccl\•11bly happen, happt!tt~U. Dea.n Ch,;N:tiRn~n state$ unreaer\'edly I.hat every game was ,•~r)' cl~ and lhat lhe t~µm played very welt T RRW the tram when they came home. Every man wrus cold, t.n-ed dirty and \lety huni,.rry,

Barbara Osborne Chosen To Head NIJC French Club

n» 0,, HESC: PA~NTS. - •• Hf;li:611tt.FSC:11:NP!i

Here "re Ute paruouiani or the dance: It will rum, Thanksglvang thcnic.. It will be "<lre,s~·up." rt will begin al 8:30 p. n,. 1>nd lasl unlll 11:SO p. m. Mr. Rav Stone'• band w,11 runush I.he music Thc.-c will be ontt'rUUnment during the JntermlB.Nlon and rnf.J-eshment.R wm be served. This dance wlU be held tn ,the l\'tJJC z:ym, nnd iA Cree! Von don'l need tickets. F:veryone Is invitee!

The t1\·erngc :--upe.rmarkE-l con• tnlns more lhAn one-h.'Uf mlle of sheJ\,es And cases which 11t<><'~ rnore than 5,200 items.

Norlh Idaho Junior College defi· nU.cly does have an exe,cllent intramural program. The gym hero ,. more of o cenlllr o( acUvh-y lhan In mltfly larger achools Dunni; tht lunch lt<>ur you see so many spon~ taneou.s gomcs ot volley ball, bn<I· mlnlon, bosketball, etr going c,n nt Ute same time. All of a1 c Informal g&me-S that girl" can nnd do parlicipatc in.

Perha_p$ \'E'IJ'y rew wLll remember an unrorlunulc snga or lh,• J C h,\~llt~tbo.11 tccul\ of acvcrCL-1 YCQt1 ago. Tho tca.m lefl •hortly ntter Chriatma8 ln a large stalion wagon owned by Orrtn E. Lee. nt that ltm~ pr~sident Cl( the t,tchool. They made about a two-wee!< tnp, s\\inging down through Snut11 Idnho. They played th,• Idaho


Your Exclusive

The F'rench Club or NlJC, whicil cun.isu. of the members or the pl"C$ent. Frencll class. hu el~ted officers Cor lhe current year. Those elc,'tcd arc: pre.s1dent. Barbara Osbtlrne, vice prcaldcnt., Paul Wcentg; r~p<,rl~r. Bette Barnunt; tre:a.sure.r. · E,·a Burrell: serving chulrruan, Kay Chamberlin; program Chairman, PJllen Oahlmnn; historian. LawrwH!(;! Ln~by; menu chairman "Lei Lant Perrenoud~ mmg director. Jahn Runge; a.ccompa.nfst. Nan Thomp110n.

It was reporlcd by l\lr Priddy lhal U1e nmunage Sill• made S46 to,- tho ga1·den rund. A b i rd feeder h&a bt!M bought nnd creeled \\"ilh part o( lh• money The cl ub wl.shca to thtutk llr Riebe (or his h.elp tn crectmg the reeder. The re,rit o! tb~ monuy w1JJ be spent for shrubs and nlh-.•r plants ror U1r- er.Hege ~rounds.

Lusterized DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laun dry & Dry Cleaners

307 F,ont • MOh•wk 4-351 6 Free Pickup and De livery

! _____.., i
f'l<OF=. $1\JAE:F•••
Oscar's Fountain h THE BEST INf!olf!.DIIIJPJ KI. J. ('. RJ'WIEW. ( :oe ur tl'.-llt•uc. Ida ho, Tue, :'>o, 25 , 1M8 TWO Vets Enjoy D;nner Meeting An :1c l hf' grou1• o n t·au111u "' lhl', full 1-. tJ1(> \1ct't- C"lub. Thf'J ~ho, \1l uhO\•c "iU1 wh·c.~ nntl d1:1.t<", ecl<•hrati ns; \ ·••h•r-..u11 l)a~ \\ 1th n d.luncr nw,•Ung n t Tt.·1hplin'~ G rill '
la stic Athle tics
Are Impractical For NIJC;
Progra m More Appreciated lly Joe Johru;t-011
a rd ago Shop 302 N. Fo,rth St. • MOh•wk 4-6868 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO

rI'he eigh t giJ·ls- abov,• weru candldatM tor cluturlL•utJlng job~ at u ~tuc!ent a sso.mbly \\'C(' k, U'ft t u rig h t : lt.arUyu N ew-t()n , JodJtb .R ussuin. Co uni P lfulht..~rt. Frant"e~ Nowacki. Elaine l\teUo r. l{n thr)ru P ark.


1 T o Know Him ls- To L ove Him.

2. One Night

3. Lnnesomc T own. I Got Stung.

5. R<><:ktn' Robin.

6. Mocking Bird.



Some students expressed lhe fact last week that "Thu ·Orchids and Onion' column Is I.he most con.Cu:-.. tng \,.h ing!"' What is thi!3 PookaSnoopa bil, anyway?" many pu~zled students wondered aftor read• 1ng last wte.k'.s column. in which \Vf' goL rid of some ot Hookn ·s c...xcess. mall

Like teachers who jump to conehu;ions nnd accuse students of not r..,u.'1lng the text after lhe litudont asks a question in which I.he textbook takes fifteen p.~gcs to clarify th e answor, so can lhe newspaper- st.aft accuse. condemn. and se.nle.nce to e xttc on the grave c harge or (a.Ourc lo read om· own school newspaper diligenlly und!uUy enough studcn t ti1 who in• nocont l y ask. "Who is this PookaLhing?"

According to the September 30 editorial. Pooka inlo being a!ter the 00:ltors hod been wat ching Lhe LeleVi.sion \'erslon or f:lA1'tVEY t the S\Oty Of a huge white rabbit who 1s a poc;,ku. or a fairy SJ)iril inhabiting R..n animal body, usually invisible 1. The Re· VJew edi t ors became inha bi led, probnbly b)" tbe power of sugges· Lion. by lhelr own private pooka Pookn, according lo tho !trst artic le_ '·can be recognized by lhis height 1,nx feel) and his a.mazing

Wedding lnvitotions

Office Supplies Leader Publishing Co.

216 N Fourth St•• MOh,wk 4-2109

Pooka the. Snoopa

B y Jud~· R4·~'11ohl!o,

\.\.'hew' It wa~ u tough pull. but cr)'H.:r\ s~~:;Qn on rrc~hme.n hu.& Onnlly CtJntc to an end. To borrow .t \.rite- phrose. •·No more beanies. no mm e books I to c.arry for uppercl:u:smen, thot i~L and nn more .e:t,phomoH•A.' di r t.y looks rweU oc(,·11s1onallyL Yt:o4, it's off wilh the 1cd an<l gray label and on \\ilh Lhe ·ophtsttcated orientated look ror Lhe hcretofor~ mjgunderstood nnd miAtreiatcd f.,} fre~m1en.

In hortor of that gre,,t tlny of emanctpnt1on, u BIG t"elcbro.b on wa.:s planned. Eve.n 1.hough the Beanie Hop's publlcily wru, ltltlc. n fow hopeful students braved lbe c.:hance or a repeat pcrfOl'Olancc of th• fi rst student bo<iy function of the year. lhe get -aqualnttd dance. Much t o lheir dlsmay, howeve.-. they round Lhem:iclvea only !l hand· Cul of (un-seeken, at what should hn,·e ~en A woll-ol"ganlied and w~U-public , ze<l student activhy-; what.. tn actuQlity, was a dh5ma.J an<l inc x cuseablc FLOP.

res;,mblance to a pigeon 1stool '/) Acwauy, he is not &$ bad h" sounds. You'll find he's a f r iend.Jy " " d always willing to listen, tn fact, lhat·s why he happened to begin haunting I.ho editors. He c laims Uu..t. bclng in\•U:dblc. ho ha.s n great advnntago he bean:; new$y items Which never reach the editors' desk.$- He threatened to stalk us until we ag1·eed to his ttrms, and you know what. that meant n pooka on the paper sta.£(."

If sLudcnlJ; had conscientiously :;tudied every issue or our little ''gem'' they would knuv.· who Pooka is. Pooktl was nn;t lntro• duced to the ·Review· readers in an edilotin l ln Lh~ first l&.'\llf.'" of the paper lhis .P(\crhaps a college student. has loo mnny important things on his beHn or beanie, what· ~\'er the may be. csuch as the opposite sex. how to meet the next <'Sr payment, how much longer till Lh.e bell rings, and w~ can gel 1)ut or this dllst-holel to remember 1m editorial rea<I on September ao. Therefore. we will now t"e-introducc Pooka, Hoo\.rn. or what.ever he cal ls him.sot/ f or Lhe. benefit or lhose wh.o 1;,y some ghastly stroke o{ ba<l luck. did not have the forlun• to procure a copy or a paper feat• uring comments on ot by Pool<a.. or for tltose ro1· whom Uie articles on our ·snoopa· went in one (!ye and out the other

So Pooka tbe Snoopa gol his own way. In lhE." next issue Of the ·Review; you mighl ,~member. "Pooka" \vrole •n article about his visit to dance repealed t!Omo opinions he had <>verh~at·d concerning- the f1Nt mixer of the yeiu·. tlr1d ech~d gh-ts· complaints\lt the lack or a radio In tho ladles· lounge

Since -,veryon(! 113 probably mo1·e conf-µse<l than ever now. we woh't. lecture any inore today Toke o ut a elean sheet of paper, put you1• b<>Ok.8 On Lhc floor. o.Trangf!' :your cheet-~hM!ts. and we'll have just a little quiz:

Q. Did the following event OO· cur a L NIJC • A glrl ta.king cookin ir snld thnl •h~ hated lo cook sa.usag<""N becnuHe tht>re Wr-ts so Jillie left a.r'ler U1ey cleaned. A. No. this dirt not. nccur yeL nt. Lhis college. But the NlJC hOme t!C<>nomics dcpartm~nt <:an not feel loo itmug, since we en.ught ii mouse in the waA t ebAsk<,t nr th<' home e<'. kitchen. And wbo has been 01.· l•mpllng to cook mlc,••


even Jess?·• Another quesllon. which ~ecms t.o bo cnLortng U1e. tnmds o f many :itudents Js. "\Vhere Is Lhe ,!ludent function pl1UU1tng commit.tee? Whe,•e if> lh~ school spint. and student cooperation 7 M:.ust we set a. are under the ffl!l o! the entire stutlent b<Xly In order to i;et action?" This Is not the first article wtittetJ ,n conjw1ct1on wilh thl• problem. Probably. it will not be the la:-i:L unle:-.s you, the student;;, take the cotton out or your cnrs and Lhe binders off ~·our hllnds and !eet and "p itch in." Even a pooka. can't perform miracles without a lltUe reasonable effort on the pa.rt of lhe n>ce1vcr wt·s get together and work tbis Lhlng out. Lct·s ms ke the socit\l functions at. I.he junior college worlh attending.


l! students are called out LO a function , they have a right to ex• peel entertainment. A.nd t·<unpany: Neither were p r esent to any notlcenble extent at tho l!eanlc Hop.

Th(')se who oxerclse thts complain t are weU justified. ..-"'1,y we have these Ja,st mtnutt? att'air31 advertised not even a ciua.rler as weu as Lhey should be. an<l or1w11lied

covers the student body

11ykd by PETER PAN

lt hugs your hips, indicates a wisp of a waist with your every move! l t·s in pai9Jey with a cocoon bow back, roJl up s]cevcs!

D rip dry cotton in red o r ~Jge. Sizes 28 thn1 40 As advertised in Seventeen/

Eight Girls Try Out As Cheerleaders
Boughtc)n. :tnd E'\'U Burr4•II. \\"lnnt•r,... bJ .,b,dent ('hUi('f> w e r e Con n ie
c, Darbaru Bou,._;hh.111. 1utd
Burr, 11 Let•.., gh·t· lht• J{lrl!,. wul the te:,m loL~ or M11 •port M th g.., m<>:oi.
Problems. 8 Stop Laughing A t M e. 9. rve Cot A Fee.ling. 10. Beep Beep. BI G PIE SALE WEDl\"ESDAY A deUc1ous home-mad!! pie sa l e: will be held We<lnesday, lhc day before Th anksgiv ing. Sevet'al fio.vors will be otccred. including apple and pumpkin. The home ~conomlc'! gtrlli wil l make them lhat morning so Lhey will be fresh and tempting ror Thank•· gwing.
MOhow\ 4-SS92 226 Shormo n Ave COEUR D0 ALEN E ID HO
QUICK LUNCH , HOT AND TASTY, Stop •• ttie BIG PAUL BUNYAN 608 Northwest Boulevard
It wru; p0inled out Lhal wives and student~ would a pprec• late not having to make pieA on Thanksg,Ving in addition to milk• Lhe tho rtst of lhe dlJ\m!l'.
COEUR D0Al.£NE. ,o.... HO 210 Shermon Av•. • CQeur d 'Alene ~. J4 J, C RE\ IE\\, Ccu: ur d'Alr1w Ida h o , Tuco•. ~O\', 25 , 1908 TURh"'E
• _,
• &tJZ shirt blouses
Perry · Del 224 SHERMAN AVE. COEUR
I. X. L. TOGGERY 311 Shorm,n "••. • COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO • Ph ono MOhawk 4-45-46 • •

•rh, 12-ntMI squad u( ""LJ<1 Cun:Unnl, abov~ ~m·,·lv<-<l th.c llnal cut and opened Uw ~,:i"on Inst F'rlduy al Lc\\t.s & Clark NonnaJ. Lt-ft f.o dght, front T\)\\: \Varren \\'. KeaUng-, Dea,1 Knud.....,n , c:!,\) l ord


NYJO - ID511-6D (Home Grun ob)

Nov. 29 - f•i«hlld A,f,6.

0 9c. 12 - Gonu90 Frosh.

Oec. 13 - E.W.C.E. F,01.h.

Jaa. 13 - Gont•g• Frosh.

Jon. 16 - Whitworth J.V.

J an. 17 - EMW,C.E. Frosh.

Feb. 6 - F•irc:hild A.F.8.

Feb. 16 - Gonio9e Frosh.

Feb. 21 - Wh itworlh J.V.

I Hotnu gamH •ari' ot &:00 m,J (Ga.n\es A'\Hty)

Dae f _ E W.C.E Frost. at Cheney.

Dae. 18 - Gont.age FtMh et Spok o n•.

Jan. 9 - Whitwotth J,V •f Spokane.

Jen 10 - E.W.C.E. Frosh el Cheney,

Jon 24 - Fairchild A,F.8. al F" ir,hild.

Feb. 7 - Wl,ilwo rth J,V, •I Spol<>no.

F•b. 10 - Gorua9a Frosh •t Spo\on•.

Feb. ,1 - Fe irchi ld A.F.8 at Fai.rchlld.


Nip & Kurl Beauty Salon and School

104 Applew•y • MOh ewl 4-5055

For Those Speel,111 Ocusioru, It's , ••


· Boutonnieres Bouqueh

P~one MOh•wl 4.3r,5 "' 4-647~

213 Sherman A"• · • Coeu r d'Alen•

For That After-The-Game Snack or Study-Break Refreshment STOP AT


Also Orders To Go

Cardinals Bow To Superior Height Of L-C Normal Quint

Height took. il.8 toll In the tlnll game or lhe year (or the N'IJC cardinals as " much taller Lowt• :t< Clark No1•mal club won 64-U The Ca.rdlnala ran out of gas lntc> In the fln,t half and never ~cover ed as th~ Warn.ors spurted to a 3·1-20 bulge at half time. F'or I.he majority or the game lhe Warrtors eontrouw the bo&TdJJ. 'Sennett o.nd cormt.r Coeur d'Alcn-, high S<'hool star John Adams d:ltl much ot lhl:' rebounding for lhe cardinals.

Ou.ane Alier. Lhe big sharp •hooting center for Lawla & Ch\Tk con nected ror 10 f ie-Jd goals l(i make him high point mun ror lho nlgbl with 20 poinls. Bennett, rug-i:ed pivot man, was high scorer for tho NlJC quintet with 17


Coach Wnrren Keating- 1,1tatOO

Uwl Carder. Sieckman and Adl\m

Lhroe freshmen from Coeur d'Alon• high school t.,run or last year, worked \\.'l)IJ ngaln$Jt lhe Warriors 11nd shoulrt see a lot of more octlon Lhl.s yeruCllrdlnnls

Cardinal Squad Cut • To 14 Men; 4 Vets Back From '58 Squad

.B) Ed Moril!al NlJC-• baskeLball ~quad Im,; 1.uken on new proportitm!I Lhl~ year with a 1 squad untler Uie t~aJorlilllp or Coac::h \Van-en K~atlng.

Out ot an origtnal turnout or 35 nten, Coach t<eatlng htu; i:H:.lect~d thr outsLRJldJng 1-l p)ayt'm. who he Lhinks wm contribute most lo the 9\ICceSS of tho college 1n the rorthcolhlng ba.•l<etball ><-aJ!On

Those playcn,. 11,tuming front lnHt year are Bob H1tllvlk, Allen 8<.'nncu. De8n KnutL"4()n and Bill Bush. Supporting the returning squad aro ronnor CHS players.

John Adil.Ills. Dave Bell. Bob Cnrdor, Dn.,•e Oeit~. Gaylord Sicckm&.n. and Ron YandL AddlUonuJ Rupport c()rnes fro.m Wallace rnen. Cn.ry Could Md BQb Yo ,t Also from Coeur Cl' Alene are Paul Weenig and Gary Orme.sher. Ra ~ Tunrer ix Ute- manager

Last year :-.UC hnd o 16-5 game 1·ecord for the &(!as,:,n The wam had an 8-0 record In Lhe city league.

• Thi$ )'C'm r. wtt.h the added height and cxperjen(:e of the ne"-- plnyer.s. and Lhe ffupporl or tho •tudcnL body, an improved showing ,•nn bo expected.

Tho junJor varsity turnout is ~eduled for tho i£n;l week in 0e<:"cmbc,r.



WJ!:01'' L.EAGl E 8UJJ.ttll.a1j,,~ \\ J..

Hol>' RoUera ltl I

Tho Faur Card l l ij

~DU18hl'~ LJ {I

/lre"6er Ups J3

~HIL--s l·U, Norm Cm.lg 141. Ed

Jacqu1>L 130. Oral Mlllor 130 Ron

Frn.oidln l~ t"Jtu· nee Mnson 127

Normun Johnson 126, ~"I.~' NC\\"l'U

J21 Gu1y Boollle 124, T,•rry T1•1er

lH. atlirlon \Vright 112. Ed Mull!'!l


;u.-:n'!t Wgh·,

\\"ayn~, 191 oa,·" Rung-.

186, Norn, Cnu2" 175. :\lt!U',t, Jlfgh 8erit>~

\Vnyne Parsons 481, D.n l' t, mlg•

1~6. Ell J1t~'3UOt ~35 (Uri-.' Stancllu.i,....,

A•nv Hand. 11:!. Jenict• B,irb.•r

102 ·Le, LAnl Porrenoud 100, Sharon Sltmv,tll 07 La. Dunrw

Ja~obscn c:l8, Bette Barnum 03 Co.r\l'Jyn B-enn1on 83, Glrb' lli,i.;h C•,UJ:11,1~ Amy Ro.nd 142, ,JAJuc,: Bnrb,•r

131 lilrr~· Jligll s~rli•, Anty Hand 3i1 L<>J L::1nl re:'r,._noud 301.

Thlffl.SUA). LE.\Gl'E

Tt·~,m Stu.odiuw,,

105, "E<I Bttdgetl SS. F'rllncJ::i TCt.1mbttum 87 Bob Crl/ft.D S,1, :\1t•D'li IDgh Gan1<'S Cllct f·ender 186 Dlok Bieber 1';6, .John Runge 172 lttn'"' Ulgh St!rh•, Cliff l-"'cnder 492, John ttungc J&,tl, Gary RimnJ.:C'r 466. <ar1~· St&u1d1ng11,

Fourth St, • Coour d'Alono

Sh...>ekmw:1, Bnb \ m~t, Boh <.)ardur, Bob Halh·lk. Bode f'IO\\, lHt t,, right: Rem Yn.ndt. l)o..H• ~II. Gar., Gould, t"o.ul " ''t.~uiK, t)~nt· Octtz, John Adonb. n..ud Alh·n Bonnett.
Adruns Bush Yandl Bennett Dietz Weenlg Gould Carder
Slcokman Yost Knudson \\"u.rrior"" Smllh Nelson Sa.botU. Schultz Hodge Aller Moore canahan Carlberg "?tt:oreman Lepka Nel,;on ..B<u~ Sec,n., •·G Pl' F Ph. a 1-3 2 0 0-0 0 0 l l•I O 3 7 3-7 3 17 l 1-1 0 3 0 0·2 0 0 0 O·O 1 0 1 1-3 0 3 o o.o s n 3 1-2 0 7 2 0-0 0 I 0 0 0-0 0 177-22 1l •14 FG Pr I t .Ph. ,( 0-0 3 s 0 O•O 1 0 3 5-6 0 ll 1 1-1 0 3 0 0-0 0 0 10 0-0 5 20 3 1-1 0 1 6 0-J 1 12 0 1·2 4 l 0 2-2 I 2 0 0-0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 15~ SANITONE DRY CLEANING On • Doy Senko By Request Gridley's Men's Store 223 Sherm•• Avo. - MOhawl 4-S613 COEUR D'ALENE. I DAHO
City lanes, Inc. 2414
You Through Your Student Union • Carnation Company F.esh Milk and Ice Cream Phone MOh .wl 4--2728 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO
1·h~ n· Olh.' 13 Ph\ Head~ ltl "'!io Sta.ndJ:Dg.,. ll 1015..i 10122 10lti7 9913 O&l!ii 0763 PIH)1 l'S and averugl·~ ure : Da\ t.• Fudge 169, Vi~no:< l!)M, Wayne Pu.n,on• H6, Jnok Rtltnwn .H6, Noll llydc 145, .Ron
\I I. Tl' Thhh'· 2tJ 1 123911 Nea·o · nd tho Fellow,, 17 126~1 Rulo Hoop<.•ra ljj \l 13002 frrit.ntor& 15 9 12~i'j SUnl< Bug, 13 II 12921 ,\lie\' Cats. 12 12 12038 The 300'• 11 13 1.212:; 7-10· 10 11 12102 LUl'k)' Sevens rm P1ck<'r!' Pm Hellds 10 J-1 11906 e J5 11930 S ld 11632 \h·n't, ~tone.ling!'! l'laYl!J'S anti l.nd11•1duaJ a,·crnge,, ,ll-c. Ed Spooner 186. Cliff P'ender 15."!t, Don l"e1J,_·Non 1r11 Gu1·y .Rtn ingcr t.52 John Runge H!•j Bob .H ,rv.·ood 1-t~. Dick Ble-lk!r 143. 1'Qm Roid 139. ~11kc liurrcll 1SS, Benny .John.son l3l> IJavld Stone 136. SL:m Miller 13a, Rae Turner 130. curr Youni;mon 130 , G<!n, Hou.:i.e 129, Doug Taylor 12b. Larry Gtwnlal~ l :!~. SIii \Vt!ller 12-l, Don Gnulhcr 121, Gordon Kamppl 123, F'rank Pool 123 Barry Pry 122, T•·rn· R.n.7..or 1.22. Joy \VHeox 122. Pa.l \\'ll<'Y 121 Chuck Holn eg 120, Dwlghl Ramlllon 120. Dou& Razor 118, ntck Nvrrh,trom U7. Ron Ynn~ dell 116, N•Jl F'ltzSlmmons 111$, Don Ho.;.on 113, Kent Hullner 113 .John Vand<-vont~r 1.12, Cordon !,lill'-'T' UO, Ga.,; St.eln\'Rll 110, Mcl Moor,•
~!al'\' J{nnx U.3. ~fal'le Gray l l/;. S\·lvta· \\'esterluntl 111, Marlene -r:,!:lh 1nn. Jllnc Arnold 10~ Cloriu Mn.nly fli Arlurh .J·,sn1er .PS Ofrl., • lt1gh G-um~ l\,· l{nox 190-17:1, M.n:rlene Tosh i t3. Jane Atnold 130. Olrr • Ui gb S0rl1-s Mn1y Kuox !'lOO, M;u-lo Gnly 34T• ~'1 arh•n• TQ:dt 3 H TYPEWRITERS RENT. SALES. REPAIR INTERSTATE.. TYPEWRITER CO. 417 Sh•rmal'I Avtl!. • Phone •-3-418 COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO Out ofthis world! • Space travelen1-l,e on the alert! Make sure theres a cargo o! Coke tucked away in the rocket! You may not be able lo buy your fo,•oriw kparkling drinl< on the lltOOll ••• but thal•s just about the only pince you can't. So when you're ready for tho big lift, be sure the cheerful lilt ol Coca-Cola goes along! •SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled under outhorlty of The Coca.Colo Company by EMPIRE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO •

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