The N.I.J.C Cardinal Review Vol 13 No 3, October 28, 1958

Page 1

Chorus Growing But Needs More Mem bers; Hi -Fi Set Popul ar

M all out eamp!llgn lij on now for a.cqulrlng new CQllege chorus members The sign eommittoe Is t.o be congrat,ulat.ed on its c(flciency. for the chorus continues to grow. At tho latc'll count there were 33 present, and it ts hoped U1al there wlU be about 50 in tho CuluN, o number rcpresenta.ttve or a college this size.

Two entertaining feature• noted thl~ year are lhc oceaslonal breaks In routine ,,~ith ucheers" '.Moran at the piano for popular tunes, ru1d a new HJ--Fl wiLh u varied select.ion of records in the mu.s1c room thaL is a.vO;ilolJle ror the liatcning pleasure of any sludent whun the room 1~ nol ln use.

Th6 choru.$ ts num• bers Corin Ute Broadway htt. "The Stingiest h{an in Town/' and Fred \Va.ring- arrungement..e !1-om the Nutcracker Suite. Solos have been tried on variou$ parts In preparn• lion ror the choosing of soloists for tho Chrlstn1os and other pro• g,-am,i.

A music library has been organized, and students wililling to do so may take folios home to practice on lndlvldual pieces.

Also, there Is a group of g1r1s who have been practicing- three part. harmony. From this group a sextet or trio \\11J be chosen.

Home Ee Delegates Found Convention

Very Entertaining

Dclegate.:s of the NLIC Home Ee Club found tlleir visit to Boise Junior College Ior t.he Htolc home econonuc.s convention was very enlerta.lnlng ns well I!$ infomaUve.'

The delegates were Lola Marie Masters, Sharon Steinvall, KaU\y ~tiles, Judy Ghlgl url, Mary Gall Schutt, and Anlla Howell. Dr Kildow was t.he congenial cho.utteur. The Owyhee Hotel was convention headquarters, but lhe gtrls were guests or tlle Boise Junior College Rome Ee Club.

BJC has about 1500 student.a, Lwo dormito11e&, a large 2fludent union , class room buildings, and an elementary school at which • the student teachers get their practice teaching. It Is located next to a river, across Crom which Is a park and art museum.

Also of intere1J:t. was a T.-V. cl001onstratlon which "Mary Gall Sc h utt and Anita Bowell helped prepare. • They also help arrang~ and appropriately decorate a loble which wu to be the center or attracUon Ill a bullet lunch to be gh-en a football game. One pnrl of t..hc menu wt\.S a delieious Ice cream dish .in lhc shape of n roott>ull.

For lhe program al the bonqueL, a girl from Switzerland. who lo in lho stale under the Farm Youth Exchange, showed sJldes o! her naUvo land and told about customs of her people. A Fulbrlgbl scholarship winner who went lo Denmark spoke &nd menttonerl lhaL otter meats, wome.n 2'll a round tal k ing while srnoklng big long cigar,; and drinking beer.

Lola Ma.rfe Masters was elected state editor oC the College Newsletter. lier a.sslstnnts arc J"11n• lllnnning. &u-tiara Schlee. Judy Ghlgleri. and Anita Howell.

On lhe return trip home. the girls stayed at lhe beautiful Lake Shore Lod.gc, on Lhe .shores of Payette Lake at McCBII.

AWS Will Spo nsor Halloween Dance

Friday Eve ning

1.,IUll:i 1Ql· a. l:1aJh,1W\.1o"J~ &n.L

Wt!l"\! M\lUI.: 0) A\\ b U1. .,:, ;a:il.

mceung-. 111~ urutt..c, !'i(.;llt.utw.:c.1 1u1.

.ft8.JJO\Vctlll rugttt, 1' rluu.}, UCl uJ.,

Wlll oo ucc 01 chu.rgu 1.0 wt ~lu den la. ;\tu:i,u w·u1 De p, u,•auuu u)

1,.ne ollJ\Ce r.,anu oc .J:tul .ut•11u1,1.:h

ano UJ<:K. Re:w, SpoKwic 8tua,·n


("OF.l R !)'ALENE, IDAUO Candidates Speak At Assembly

Cost.u.mes a.i-e 1-equU'ed. thllt,i-

1!;~ Ltle uane:e j& stu1..:lly uvuouut

one niay go e,Ulcr ~Web or ,, u.11

u uale~ ano uoys may 1u1rt g1r1~. o,


lt.e Ver.tea. Pr1.:te& Y. ill ue aw~cJ~;J

LOr Ute best tor Lnc mosL

oragina.1 co:;;.un.te.$.

'J'bose conu·1outlng lo t.hc phrn-

nu,g 1or Ulc ctanco tlu·uugh coru hutt.~e work arc Jean :i.unnmo,

Am;) .tland• l:'onme Hulbert, Judlln

KU$ij()tn (llld C.urol l?arz;oruj, Ucco1·••• Uon; Fro.ncett l'i4o,,.ucttl, poster committee; },tun e Gl'd}' arry GranL and 5haron Snyder retreshn,ent eommtttde. lltr. Keating and Mr. Bl!SOlo. tile spon&>t'S.

PJa.ns were alJk> propo~ed ta 1' money to buy a radio for UhJ wo· men's lounge. Sharon \\ a.lunun Marilyn Newton anci Sharon Mc· Int.yre were a&<tlgned tu mvest.igule lhe possibilities of lmvmg a ,ioc,al nuxer.

126 Student s Are Learn ing Ball roo m And Squa re Dances

Dance classes gotlt"n oU t.u a good start this yea.I.'. There arl! npp1-oxlmntely 73 ruuolled 1n u,e \\'ecmesday nighl ctass '1.nd -0;,) m lhe Monday rught cia,;.. Interest seems lo be gro, 1ng runong U1e: i::;tudents; not only U\oo~ t..'h\ otlL'\11 but others enjoy tile cla.......s.

The Monday class J~ uo\\ ll:jtrn Ing lhe fundnnientals. oc ball1oon1 <lancing: the waltz, roxtrql, congo and jitterbug, as w,ill OS se\'era.l round da.n<:es or .mixers~ and &qum·, dances. Among t.he rounds Uit..'Y have lea.rJtCd S,._t..-t.•t. (frogJ,• llro\\O, 'l't:.a, tor T\\'o, St•11tlnu•n1u1 J ourney1 T h ird 1\lao '.l'ht'nu,•, and Oh, Jo hn;ny. Some or the square~ are· Texa.. 5tar, My l'reU-y Girl, A l 1tb:una Jubilee, and lhe Je,w PoUut. Sc1u&ro.

The Wednesday night Clas., I Jenrnlng the same danct~, but th~y are- a little more o.d,1on~cd anu have been gotng taster. F'or many of Lhe studenta, lhe \\·edn1'$day cla&s 1$ ju$t a rcrreshcr course.

13ou, clMsc.s wlll lcaro the rhum· ba. aan11,a tango, mambo, the cha·cha. Stuuents !eel thal Orrin

Lee and his wife have been cJoing a wonderful job toac,hlng the dancing classes. Both say they enjoy the work very much. 1-lr. Lee mcntlonod tha.t boU1 the c.-J~.,cs a-re working very well, ttnd l.c.1,m• Ing ra11t lhla rau.

In the spring lhe clan<:<, clll.68es pul on a !loor show !or the hlJ:11 school sLudent.s aL th~ guidance eontercnM holrl al NIJC. Mr. Slid Yrs. Lee h.nv<! safd that lhcy oud • lhe student.'< ot dan ce would ho· glad lo put on floor show$ any· l1me they are asked lo dn so

J11ru ,"S logull"', rr(lr,-...•ntinJ{ th\• 41tnmt~ U1~111o(•TO-lfc Conamiltc.(1-, nnd ElL'l \\"lh-o~. lt.c.•11uhlh'3u t.·urnmUfrt• r1•1u·l••1.entath-,•. l>d""4.· for lt-t•\·h•,\ phuhlJ(ra1•h r nih:r di~(·U Mng Jh~JU,c"' ~lt o. -.pi-<:·iaJ prt-(•Jt-Nfott nsM"J'ltlJI)' Jn,.,,t l ·rhl.,> ,

College May Have Radio Program

Over Station KVNI

XIJC mn.y hu\t1 it uv.u 1·,.u.hv prohr.uu an lhe n1.:o.1 (Ulllt \." at ,t1u•O Ul1,un ~CV?·H of Co1.:w- d.. ~nmc Mr StUlll', the Lcult) ,,,crnut1 lnlcn: lt.'<1 ln aa;i,mg ti.

\t.JH;t p1og1 n, na In\ .-l 11:,,ltt!U

)I }'OS!i,!.Uh l\:-4 (i t!StJtblishtng D. • c ,,> pru,nun 1, or-u\!r to c..~caLc .._,·ora.bie pab11c relat10ru; for the: 1101lcgc. Ho\\ c\. er. rt new m;u1agt:t ,s taking ov,•r Lh.e ru.dlo ~talion .£.O

J>t>};1li\.'c.: rc2,1.1lts illc nor.. )'<.ot guo.•·· mtced. ~tr. Rico. the pw1t ma.mtgc. r, \\,MJ \er) much in !avur of Ute Jdca.

H«) t$llll>by1 l..)on, ~ml &ind~ Ny1e bave ulreudy· expre:;sed interest m 11 ,aillo p.vgtam and hnh· h~lped Mr. Stt>Ut; orgRJUZ1,; Ute iJc.u. TI1C rl'ugnuu \\ oulU not }>(: <:c.u e.H.'U around Uu: ooctnl bte oi th" &ehool bul. \\. ould l>c c:uoce1 nt!d ,-.: Ith discuaetoM Kt'OU£>$ ot· fot·um,:; on mto.rnauon 'lJ local prob· enn1 .AJ nlAtertul pr $1:nted wonlll b.c the \'h'',\.PJjOlnl o( Ute sludcnl ut culLy member im·oh 1.'Cl, • \.nyone mtctest"d Ul lotung U1c public !mow thnt NIJC' 'is cag ~r to b-: part o( u,, community 1 urged to contact .Mr. SWno or 8 ubhy , ) on.a

Priddy Was Critic Judge At Speech Clinic At

U of I

RC{II t ..,entu. \ u un1 six o1 Idnho'H coUngt: ..u1a mtJ,·Haille8 coH\'l"...nett 1n the Born.h Thcnlrc i-n L} <'1 ffltult•nl union buthHng at the l•nh.~rsit) or Idahu l 1Ht' !o"riday.

M,· Pnc.ld)", NTJC HJK'1."<'h tnstnacLor, par1ictpntcd In lhc speech c·ttnk us tL critk judge {or t.h1.1 re told ston· The clinic wn held Jn conju11crff)l1 wiU1 the Idahq fp("t•cll lenrhc.n:i: 1numaJ l"OnVf'ntton ~Ir. Priddy htus bu"n .1ct1 ·1; n this group .alnce jr,ining t.l':<!' 1\"TJC rncl'lty L-tsl yt'ttr he lll~n<lL'<I tho u>n\•enllun in BQbe anU HPJWffr~d s n 11peakcr on n p..\nel.

County Candidates Stress Importance Of Joining Par t ies

:ilt..dcnt body metung helci

l \\ L0t•l<. t.lUdtHtl.JJ \\ NC m-i;ed to reg1:stcr and \olt.\ m lhi, moCk el ~\.loll.Ii lo be hcld \\'ednc~ay.

l"hc Jm.:eung wnb opened by Bill Parsons, '"' ho tnt.roduced rcpre.5cntu.uvefl from two llla,Jor po)ltJca.l parUe~. The Oen1ocrnt1c spenkor, James lni,"(l!ls. Kootenai County prosecutrng altor.ncy nmnmg tor r43-elcct on, sLJ·e;;seJ Uw need t..>1· pu..tllclpu.11ua in s;.ovcrrune.nt. "!t.. is the Joundat.Jon o( uur wuy o! We, hi: t,.RJd. He llllCOura.gcd studcnu. lo L1k<' on inlc1·est m poUUCPl tU• , rsus aud to join lhc party of their du,1ce.

~trs. Ella \\'lkox. eandidate !qr ·lhc J<oottml.l.i County lr'ca.8Uret'e 01f1c('.", rcp1"<'aented the Rcpubhca.n 11iut:.· Sho has been acU\'el.3,• parI tcipallttG rn clampn.t,gn and party Hctiv1ues- flince she was 18 yt-ars uld She loO :;treRSed the need for preoenallon of Uborly throu!(h llle volcing or , ote and opinion.

Newman Club Plans Year's Social Events

A sowal calendar tor thti r,e. .utnde1• of lh<! fichOOI yeru· was planned by Newmart Club mem~n at n. 1eccnt meeting.

.\ou,·IUes now schcdull'<l Include " g1-oup Mass. oornmunfon and hrtt,kfasl logclhor; carolillg at t'' with to be scrvrd following Lht:" song test, a kiiug: party tu be hold with anotht•r N~wruan Club on Mt. S~ kane, a day of reco1tcclton, ,~ SL ratrlck's dance, a pllgrlmn~e lo lh~ C.llaldo Mils"1on ztnd to SL ~Tartes. and a picnic at U,e close of rJt1~ BC.hoot vl!(lr.

Tho!'it'." altt,ndi ng the mct'! \\ cm Barbn.r,l'\ Schlee. pre..<rident: \nit.a Sowell, Thomu Mnrk}\ Sharnn l.ft-y-er, Jnol< Young and Ji"nlhL•r Hopkins.

TCESDAl ', 0(,T. 28, 1058

NIJC Polls Will Be Opened To mor row For Mock El ec tion

Tabulation u( tc.:Un'>n ow'g moc.k eloaUon re.iull~ and thclr subse• quenl release t.o the Joe-al press will bling lo u. close a het·tic lhree• ,.,eek program cl••slgned to famll· iari.zc the stud<!nls ()f NIJC with the machlner)' ond proct-d.ures lnvoJved in lhe opcrotion of l:lJl ofOctal Idaho C'C'H4"ra1 cfoctlon.. ThiR year"s muck ch totton was spo1\sc,red by Dr. Og-g•s Amctictul go"'·crnmenl <:lase, U!--1 were similar programs in previous election years.

The committee Belly Barnnm, Cnrl Cochrane. Ken Bowler, John Heinrichs. Ed Mueller. Cliff Sordahl T("rry Rasor t1.nd \\'scyne ParM0.'4, chairman. urgt! ~·ou to be sure to go to the polls tutnorrow and ca,,1 your ballot. •nd hope Uoat their progro.m ha~ help«! to malce each mdividwtl more aware ot hi.a re.~ponsfbility to inforn, hlmselt nnct to vote ench time he has the opportunit y.

The committee l1lso e,ctends lls thanks to the sluc.lenb and fa.cult:i, who hove. purltdpatrd tn the program.

Spcc.tal Uu..\nk"R 1\J"l' expressed to Mrs. Ella Wilcox, Republlcllll c..·J.nclldate for county treasurer, nnd James I.ngall.l!. Democrat1c <':mdl<fatc tor rc-clertlon as prose· <0:atlng attom~~· f~,- Koot•nnl County '!'hey took llllte from lhelr buay pre-eJ1•clion schedules to add.-.,,;s the studonts al trust Friday's nY-scmbly.

Eng lis h Departmen t Changes FrP.shman Comp osition Plan

This seme..'itcr mark!' an advance 1.n lhe NUC English composition program. It was decided last year to establish special romposltlon courses tor .lreshman students wh.o wQuld ben!!fit from extra work.

All freshman English composlllon stu.i..nt.. look " comprehensive lru,guage skllls test 011 Sept, 13: on Sept. tr; Oley wrote m class a i.:hort. U$8.Y on one ot five au:Jgncd •ubjects. On the ba,;i$ or the test l'esults and the essa:ra. some stu· rJrnt.s were as:;Jgncd to one of t,, o Enl(llsh compo~lllon classes which meot fh·e hours n. weak ro.ther than tho usual lhl'<"l hours. Students who wcce$$fully complete these class(u~ will rccotvo t.htt-e Credits.

The ndd!Uonal periods ore prlmartl)· designed lO •Uo,v the lrultruclctr, ~1111. LaJigc-. to rcvtew fundamentals of grnmmnr. .Iru!truclors repon lhal students Involved In th• IIJ)Oclal program" been most npp~ialivc. cf the addJUonal help they receive.



"Home Ee Club members heard t' report during t.llPlr noon luncheon week at Templln ' s Grill from dolegnt.,, lo the state home economics con,·entlon at BolJ!c. Barbnra Boughton, N'preMntlng the student l>ody social committee, W&S a. guest o.nd lnformed the club on procedures to follow- in sponsorIng functions nt the eonege.

Be Sure To Vote In Mock General Election Tomorro w

\ ' O L t'ME Xt ll , NO. :l

s.~~~:.!;~;}~~~~1~!, ~ " ··.



Advertising Mon•g•r ··-··- C.,I

Circu!otion Monag u _ _ Cliff




Voting h one of the many privileges, or libertie.s, of our democracy. Now, while we ore in college. many of us ore just reoli2ing the imporl of tha t rapidly approaching responsibility; others of us hove olreooy accepted it - ond who c.,n soy wilh what ottitude?

It is just that attitude with wh,ch we should be concerned. Here, in our own school, we will soon conduct o mock election, which should, in effect, be indicotive of our concern for the well-being 01 our c:ountry. Do we core? Will we vote? Or ore we disinterested in lne$e seemingly "for owoy affairs? Do we toke the ottitude !hot politiu and stote ond nalionol government ore distinctly seporote from our every-,;!oy offoirs, our rounds of porties, our footboll gomes, our jom sessions ond study periods? Do we file them owoy in seporole comporlments of our minds as unreloled subjects ond continue on in our corefree woys, oblovious to ihe donger of opathy towards government?

lf we do. perhaps we should recall post hi;tory ond the greal nomes. suc h os Hitter ond Napoleon, which spelled terror to many nations, mainly because people in individual count ries foiled lo meet their re• sponsibilities. In their complacency, they couldn't be aroused to participote in government affairs, which seemed so remote from their egocentered lives. They hodn't the foresight to discern thot even the simplest action constituted an indispensable port ol the whole.

Perhaps this is over-emphasiting the problem, you think. We ore not on the. brink of disaster; our republic is not about to become. on autocratic regime. We ore not restricted severely by socialistic or communistic devices. No, we are not about lo plu ng e into such misfortune, but neither were the smug and complacent people of other counh-ies, who later found themselves in just such o position. Through their obliviousness. however, their governmental parlicipotion and inte rest waned, while that of the ppporrunisls grew, resulting in the proposal of schemes which were finally reoli28d in lhe enslavement of entire po1ulotions ond in the political Md finonciel success of the dictatorio wizords.

This brings us back to our personel responsibilities and lo the smol thi119• - eve11. lh ing s os .small os voting in o moclc election. Porticipo· tion in such evenfs serves o purpose - o purpose of stimulai1ng awttreness of duty and respon,ibilily to ones country; a purpose of preparing one lo meet the oduol demand and of increosing loyalty ond potriotism; a purpose of enabling the individual to realize that his is on essenti a l voice in his government ond thot his contributions ore observed ond respected, ond finally, a purpose of stimulating inferesl ,n order lo insure ogoinst the dogenerotion ol our coveted and precious rights.

It is our duty, nol only to our country, but fo our posterily, to preserve those basic freedoms in order thoi our children may live in security and peace. We con reolize this dreom by brushing the sleep from our eyes now. by chosin9 oway our mentol haze of egotism and by becoming mentally olert towards governmental situations. We should contribute our share, however smoll, lo this government of the people.


Where can we find talent?

Talent, although sometimes latent, can be found in olmost every ,n dividuol according to his particular capacities. In o school of approximately 400 students (such os the junior college), ii is not only possible, but very probable lhot superior or os yet undiscovered talenis ore many and varied. Too many of these poss unrecognized. It is the objective of The Review to combat such a situation. In so doing, the stoH would li~e to install o new feature in each issbe of The Review. This feature, with your opprovol, will display student talent.

We feel lhot such skills should be o source of sotisfoction and roword lo the possessor os well as a delight to observers and audiences. They ore, however, of relatively little value if they ore not cultivated ond shared, both of which we hope to accomplish.

Through the new talent section in the newspaper, we hope lo stimulate more interest in the om. which ore on importa nt porl of our development, and lo gradually belier equoint eoch one of you with various fellow students and their abilitiies.

We hope this feature wilt be a source of enjoyment for you. Noturotly. its success depends upon you. If you are gifted, or know of someone who is, we would oppreciote your cooperation in securing suitable materiel, which includes prose, poetry (not loo extensive) end drowings. Drawings should be inked with very thick-lines for reproduction pur• poses ond should be mounted on white construction poper obout four ond one eighth inches wide. Length is optional. Other entries must be typewritten or in ink.

If you know of someone who speaks, sings or plays o musical instru• ment well. perhops e synopsis of his talent would be eppropriote for publicotion. If you have ony conslructive suggestions for this or ony other section of the paper, be sure to confect us. We appreciate your contributions ond criticisms.

Without further ado, we introduce toJou in this issue the f;rst pobli. c.,Hon of student talent, to be continue only with your approval. Let 4s know how you li~e it,

Mrs. Helen Flnch. lhe now \'Oca.l U'lStructor at NIJC, 18 week's faculty personiillty. She is in charge o! Lha chorui< and $mall vocal groups this year and also instructs ono class in elementary nrn.slu meUtods. ?oft'S. FmCb has nturned lo NIJC tor lbls school le.rm after a few )'ears absence !rom tho college teo.cltlng staU. She prcvtously taughl mui;i c Rt NIJC from 1940 to 1953.

lh11. ~·i.ncn 01>t.t.llntu tu:r bacht:.• lot uegr:ci: trom Carleton \.,OUtgt! ID l'\01·Lh11eld ,M.iun. She wd gI'U(IUatc wo, K a&. ~oruiwc:;t<:tn umvcrstt.y in .l:Nanston, Ill., and l.he Uruv01-s1ty ot Southern caluornUl. ln HJb-1 :stic 1·ccelved her ~tb.St(:as t1egrec m ?t'lu:tlc Educauon from the Umversily of I<ia.ho.

Aller she had obt,uned her baellelur degree, Mrs. Finch boga.n he1· teaching career nt Valley City 1:;1a1e Teacners College m Nortn Uakow. She wa:o supervl:wr of utus1c then, !01• rour yci.1.1".lS. In l.937 she marrict.l Charles- Finch, wuo lti uov.- & Whlrautor 1n Coeur d' Afcne. 'l'hey .ha'\.'e three children, Gootgta., J ueiy and Bl'uce her !amUy hn.d grown· up. ~lrs. Finch r<lSumed her leaching career and taught Ul0- 6th grade In Coeur d'Alene for Lhree years. l.wlL year during the sc,:ond som~~ter of school she was vucu.l Jnus1c insu·uctor o.t. l.hc. junior and senJoi htgh •c:hool&.

Slnglng U5'ii. Fin<:h'.s J'.avoiite pastime and she has been cUrector o! I.he Pre•bylerlan Church choir lor many years. She "!so "'1J<>Y• sw!Jnn1lng and doing thin~ with her !tunny. She wanted it made known Ulal •he ts sWJ taking anybody 1n chorus who Ukcs to s1ng. She l..s really pleased wllh tbe 33 student$ who have already lurnc.d out to1· chorus, but. would llke to bUlld It up l.o al 50. 'l'he chorw, ls alttady ,·ehearslng ro, 11· mas program, Md a variety show Is b•lng planned !or lho spring.

Mrs. Fillch said UtaL •he really enjoys the atmosphere aL NI.IC and ls looking forward to tJit tuture years Mre. She said, "l think NI.JC ts one o! the AneSl junlor colleges that l have evor been fn contact wtlh. lt ha.s an ouLBta.ndlng Cacul• ly and I am really lmp=ed with the student body's whol.,.,.,n,e M· Ulude. The students see.m t.o t,., ,cr!ous abool their woork, bul have I.he iniUaUve and imagination to keep things Interesting and lots or fun."

Serving You Through Your Student Union

Car nation Company

Future Teachers Will Find Jobs Available In Language Field

UnlJJltlted opportunlUes arc ava.iloble for Spanish teachers through the !nternalionaJ EducatJon Ex• change Program o! the Departntent ot State, according Lo the. U. s. omee o! Education.

Tenche.r-.s ot PorluJ; and Spanish are invited lo "Pi>ly for u teaching Position ln B,·o.,;it. A $Urnmer seminar for teachers of Spamsh wtll be held In Columbia In 1959.

AddJ UOnal t•acher exchJU1ge opportunities may become a vaDablc in some of lhe- othe r republics in Cent.-raJ and Sovth .America. and p<>s•ibly In .$pain and Portugal.

Applicants who signify an interest in teaching ln these counlrtes wlU be given consideration 1n the event positions in Lheit· subjool f l<>lds become avaJ.lable.

QuallfJcaUons include a bacl>•· lor's degree, a minimum o! t.hree years of succes&!ul teaching ex· pcrleoee an d proficiency in the Spanlsb or Portuguese language. Grantees should be able Lo read jl.Jld write the language and to speak •nd unden,tand It welt




Bring Your Wh ite Elephants; French Club Wants Them

NOTICE TO FACULTY AND s·rUDENTS: Here's the chance lo unload your white elephants. On Nov. 5, the rollcge FrMch Club Is ha Ying a rummage sale ln the gym from 8:00 to 4 :OO p. m The pur· pose Is to raloe money !or Ute Clower !und and grounds Improve. ment at. NIJC.

The faculty and students al'e fn ,ited bY. the gtvup lo bring cloth• lng books, maga.zineo, nlck-naeks and anythin$: eJse they may have to contribute by Nov. 3 lo the U. fdlchen o r to Room 30.

For That After-The-Game Snac k or Study-Break

Refr e shme nt STOP AT THE BOAT


Fresh Milk and Ice Cream Phono MOhowk 4-2728 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO N I J C. RIIIVIBW, Coeur d'Al<•ne, I daho, Tue,, , OCt. 28. 1968 T WO

Yearbook Calls For Editor Help

Clarie S yverson, yearbook editor lhi5 year, ls lrylng to gel oC! LO a. good stari. this year witl\ 18 stu• denl.S lo l\elp. The l&youl com· mmee consist,, ot: Dennis .Blackw ell, layout editor, Dean Sclll'ock , Connie Mathes, Judilh Rwisom, J udy Ghigierl, and Jane Hooper.

Fi!teen pages are due a.t. lhe company by Nov .l, and U\0 committee. would like anyone with som,, good CAndid snapshots to p lease submit them to one of its members. Also, all sorts or suggestions &re needed, tor a good a n nual Is tho product o! lots or idca.8, accordlng to Clarie.

O ther members of the sla!C o.i-o: Robin Schu tt, Barbara Oib<>rne, Barb Boug hton, Cail L!epol d, Gerald Lan,en, Helen Par k, Frances Nowacki, Kat.h r yn Park, Connie Hulbert, Anita Howell, Dick Bieber, and Carl Cochrane.

M ary Jo Evllll~ wm be photo edi tor, assisted by ?.fol Moore and Bob Crl/Cln.

A n yone cl,se Interested In helping out khould contact one ot the staff members. or come to the next sla!! meeting which will be an• nounced soon.


O no D•y Service By ftoquo, t

Gridley's Men's Store

223 Shtrman Ave•• MOh1wi 4-5613 COEUR D'A LENE, IDAHO

Wedd ing lnvitotions Office Suppl ie, Leader Publishing Co.

2 16 N. l'ourth St • • Moh.wt 4-2109

MINUTES Student Board of Control

• 'he meeting w3.!l called to or e,· by ·csidont Dick .Bieber. bers o Uae Board prc.s. were Preaidcn !ck .Bieber, Ice-Pre.I · dent Bob vliy,~8.l'd mombors

John Adams, ~1 Hendrick, Don Pederson, Rol>m Schvn. Miss Nishio, Mr. ~ebe, and Mr~g. nnd Social..,¢ht\ir-man Ba1·ba.ra- ~gh ton /'

.Mi-. Roy Stone gave tho board II l'eport on a proposed wttkly radio program for NIJC Il would be one-1\al( hour a week, and would be put oul by college students. The program would cover each department of the colleg'e from a ...:holarly standpoint. Sandra Nyrc is the chairman of the group. Ray Lyon$ also gave a repo r t on Oto proposal The board approved I.he Idea but decided lO withhold its sanction unLU tl gets tho ideas ot I.he student body on I.he proposal.

Mr. KcaUng gave a report on lhe athlelic situation In the colleg'e. He reported on what tho athletic department spent their allotted money on la.St year, and bow much be thought they would need Lhla year.

John Adams reported on publicaUons. He r epor ted I.hat Mr, Wendt aald lhal 85~ or the budget would be enough ror publlea.Uons, IC It

"'"" 35% o! $5000

The board dJse uased the percentages allotted lo the different gt'Oups.. 1.1'.r. Rtebe moved that the board table the discussion untn nex t meeting.

The board then (11sco~e4. a propc>Sal lo p1,1rcha&e ?'jukebox.

Carl Cochrane \.\·a& unanimously elected publicity chairman. The meeting w311 adjourned.

Pledged Ten New Members Last Week

Ten new were pledged by the NfJC <!barter or Phi TheLR Kappa, nal1on11I junior college honor society. al a pledging c,ere o,ony held last week In th& gym

Those pledged were Mr•. Tom Lee. Violet Jobru!On, PanS)• .Johnson. Barbara Osborne. Gary Frame. Juno Shaertle , Barton Wright. Andrew lfattery. Donald Canion and Dr. Ev& Og'g. Dr. Ogg was ac• ceple<I by lhe group as an honorary rnember. person pledged waa given a pin to wear until tho iniliatinn ceremony, when be \\rfJI I'CCch•a n member's pin.


l. Rockln' Robin.

2. Tom Dooley.

3. Lonesome Town

4. You Cheated.

5 The Day lhc Rain Came.

6, Devoted lo You

7. Pussy Cat.

8. Come On, Let's Co.

9. lt's Only Make Believe.

10. To Know Him ls To Lo,•e BJm.


Piled Under

8cn\1c:n only knvws

"l'hey way a student tctcl~.

""'hen•,; pnes and piles of homEwork, and All fr<e houn, fllled.

Thcr.,·• just .cads wid scnda or hJstory, And lwlee 8B n1uch biology, p•ychology, geometry and cnginoorlng- malli_

"I need .some help,"

A pie& ia Ilea d r ' '-'It's dtivtng mo tnsane/' But )Ost lhe same, It'• worth lhe pain

To cmr1t o. B A. ,




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Now you may think

witches Who go about causing frigh t, Riding (I.found on broomsticks Through the black of night.

But if o. witch -Oys near, You'll find as clearly ns can be: Instead o! really being a W1tch, It's a teacher trom NIJC. - Lyle Bnbblll



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Profs Also Spent Summer At Varied Activities

in oonunumg our arttcJe on uteuu y nft:.ruoer;s and UH.!lt'\.tons, our u.uunuon 1s ttrsl !OCu$ed on John A •,1c1' w·lu.nU, i:.ngll.,m fn. ,1·t.,,clor, wno was 111:,rung most of '°no timl', tu1tl with some :mcuess. e also at~cndea (ionzttga IJmvor.,.u y tor sax weeks. thus I urthcrlng

•h2' stud.11.!s LOwa.rd an M.A. 1n edu cu.lion. ~e mso Joined Lhc shcrilt s JJOSS\,': m a cotor1u1 sew."Ch for a uat llllln, who wa.s eventuull)1

H>Und uea.J. TLte.n, oaclc. 1n lhc ~:;uu.J ~wing ot UUngs, he mstruct.t:=.J a c1ass m. s.ecunty 1or t..he Air oa·oo. Mc 1cuia.rkcd Lh~t u,e l'tljt t11 h1s L1mr: was :,pent. on a very wor game o( golC. br Evn <Jgg, deaJ1 ot women, "'Jlu:1·1;:d l9 o~d auage "\\'Ork beu ,re play" a.nd pamtea her house, 1n.std.e and oul. Mrs. Ogg th~n t ravclcU by bus to Corpus Ch.r1Sll ·.re.xas, whcr-t she \'lS.iteo her family tor three weclu.. 1It August, silo btilil a patio and c.nJOyed llfo in g c; neral. Not to bt.· tound, oowever, she wrote an article un gutdance, which. was published in t.he Inland filn'lpire Magazine 01 the Sp0kesman-Review.

Jack Dreaney or Ute English de· part..ment spenl hfs summer con~ strucu.vcly. He attended the Stand· an.I Oil Snlesme.nshlp School and received a cortl!icat.c tcstlfytng Lhltt he had attended and complet · e<I I.he COW'lle. He I.hen worked at Standard stations .here and in wn1 lace ,A.ll his spare time ,._,.as devoted to the training and instruction of his wife and chlldrM

Earl Priddy of the spee<:11 de· partment studied at I.he Unive,·slty ot SouUiem Oallt:01-nla fo1· his Ph.D. in speech. He completed writing hi• dissertation. which consisted or eight c.hapleNo 1U1d was 570 pages long. On his way home, he attend· ed the annual Shake,;peare ~·esu\'al nt A•l11and, Ore., tor the sLxU1 time.

Mrs. Irene Ch.risUan.son, librarlAn. had o.n unu&ual va<;aUon , con· :dsUng of travc.Ung !rom Lhe weal Lo the east coru,t. She and her ramlly enjoyed touring many i.ccnic places. \\"hich included Jackson Hole, Wyo., where they pawed lo w11leh a rodeo; Marion, Ohio, where Oley visited friend&: \\'· ~ngton, D. C , where they toured an Utc hisLorical New York City. were it was Impossible to ~e "everything," and fins Uy G1·eat Neel<, New York, where lMy attended their son's graduation from the K;ng's Point U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

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302 N. Fourlh SI. - MOhawl +68&8 COEUR O'AUNE IDAHO




Students Worked At Variety of Jobs During Past Summer

Students aL NIJC spent thoir summers tn a variety or ways Some played, some worked, but most dld a combination or both.


l~~. Sill Bush 129, Noam Craig 127, Ed Jucquot 123, Ron l\1iles 1J9,

Cl• renee Mw;on 119, Gary Boou,o

U3, Barton Wrigbl 111, Orol M.!ll·

er l.10, Edwu\ M.Ueuer 99, ·rerry

l'yle,: 91.

.1.,1eu·s Higb <:iaru~

l>t8n V11,-nos lYS•l 70, Nell Hyde

178, Dave Fudg<> 170. ){('u"s J Ugh &ti e~ Vignos <J98, Dave Ei'udg(: 190, Nell Hyde 480.

Girls' Stancllngs

Amy Hand 104, La Donna Jac'Ob· son 1112, Lcl Lani Perrenoud 101, Belle Barnum 98, Carolyn Ben• nion 87, Sharon Steinvall 75, Janie,, .Barber 74.

Girls' ntgh Serles

Lei Lani Pertcnoud 132, Amy Hand us, La Donna Jacobsen 11&..

Girls' High Gu.mes

Amy Hund 313, Lei J..anl Pcrre· noud 30,l, La Donna Jacobsen 306.


Players and indJvidua1 avcrnges

ru·e: Ed Spooner 159, Cliff Fender

lSb, John Runge 149, David

HS, Dick Bieber 148, Don Peder· son 146, Bob Harwood 112, Don Plscbner 14.1, Tom Reid 141, Gary Rininger 135, Mike Hurrell 134, Gerry House 133, Frank Pool 132, Jack .Ruthven 131, Dave Deitz 130, Bill Weller 130, Benny Johnson 1281

Cli!! Youngman 128. Pal WIiey 126, Ron Yandt 125, Doug Ta)•lor 125, Kent Hultner 125. Miller 119, Chuck Holmes 118. Rae Tur·

ner 117, Larry GOOdale 116, Don Yandell 113, Dwight Bamllton 119, Barry Pry 113, Dick Nordslrom 113, Gordon Kauppi 112, Gordon Miller 109, Go.ry Stelnvall 108. Neil Fitz Simmon:; 105, .Don Bagen 102, Fred Enders 102, John Vandeven• tar 102, Doug Razor 102, Mel

1-!oore 16i, 1l:d I!adgetl ~5, Francis Keinbawn 78, Bob Griffin 75.

l en•s Wgh Games

Ed Spooner 187-172, David Stone


TWo or our amblUoua students who attended summer school Carol Parsons and John MJllhetslcr carol studied psycho logy al Lewis and Clark College In Portland and John wenl to sun\.me.r school al EWCE at Cheney.

Sharon :Mover worked at. a re.$0rt n t Priest Lake. She cleaned cabins. baby sa l, ~lacked groceries. learned gin, and wen l .for moon· ttghl boat rides.

Another girl who enjoyed work· ing at a r~$0rl was Margarcl "Mickey" Whitely, who worked ul c»eur d'Alrute Lake Lodge.

Othc.,· ha.rd-working students were Mardell Florea. who worked us a car hop at the A & W root beer stand; Fnuu:is Nowacki, who wu employed !n u dressmaker·s shop In Sp0kano; John Heinrichs, who drove a laundry Lruck in Hayden Lake; Sharon Bradfoi·d, who picked prunes 1n California.; Gordon Pederson, who worked at Steamboat, Idaho, ror the forest service. K1<thy MIies waited on customeno at Woolworth's and Anita Howell did lhe same fo-r Sears, Roebuck and Co. in Coeur d'Alene. Shelby Collins worked a l the. Coeur d'Alene Drive-In Theatre.

Among the girls serving as dental assistants for Coeur d'Alene denlists were Laura Richards and ~tarle Gray. Dean Schrock rnn a d rive-,n in Choteau. ll{ont.

Dick Bieber spent his swnmer looking for old cars. Gene Moran l)laycd the piano in ntghlclubs Ctithy Manning had he~ tonsils out, and Lei Lani Perrenoud gol en· gaged

This is merely a eross•sec:t.ion of ~tudenl summer acUvitie.s. Other~ spent cquall>· Interesting vacations from the books.


Nip & Kurl Beauty Salon and School

104 Applew•y MOh.wl 4- 5055


2 10 Shermen A"'•· • Coour d'Alene


Prepare for winter with a car coat.

1\len's High Se ri ~ Ed Spooner 522, David Stone

!114, Cliff Fender 475.

Gir ls' Sh1mllogs

Mary Knox 148, ~'fa.rte Gray U•l, Sylvia WesLerlund 121, Marlene

Tosh n3, Jane Arnold 91. Arlene

.JOJ:irt'lcr 87, Gloria lrtanly 87.

Olrl.s' Hig h Grune•

Sylvia Westerlund 1&3, ;Mary Knox 159, Marie Gray 147.

Glrl~' lli gh Sl)l'!ci; Mary Knox 427, Mario Gray 4.13, Sylvia Westerlund S75.

For Your Hunting Equipment & Year.R ound Sporting Needs

Phi Theta Kappa Pledges --,--------
Se lrn;:-e
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Or. Ogg is shOwn .slplng tlu~, Phl 'l'lt<'ta Ka()l>a!(fcr In a p1Nlg1ng ceremony last we,ek ns an honor(lry nwm~r. Left to right are student lllC':dgtt~ and mrmlwn;: Jw1c Schaer ti. Delbert \\'ebb, Sharon \\'allln1m. Onrmellta (hidden) and
=~ lake City lanes, Inc. 2414 N. fourth St. - Co.our d'Alono N. r. ~. C, Rl!lVIE\\, Coeur ll'Alcno, 1<111110, Tuo,,., Oct. 21!, 1958 FOt.'R
Standing~ w L TP .;:wuu-er l - --··· 1 0 221-1
3 +>_ _ 3 1 20)5 .NllinOCr i l 3 201.l Thl'ce n' ones 0 4 1959 Nwnber 2 _ 0 4 19-l9 Number 5 .. 0 1 lOU Me.n's :,truuli ng,, Plo.yers Md !nd1V1dut1l a.vcrngos u.n!! StiUl V1gnos 166, 1-""uoge iv~, Neu Hydu 160, Wayne Parson• H~.
F'rnnldin 133, Ray
w L Tl' Hula Hoopers - · 7 l 4436 Thhh's -H•••Oo •• 7 1 4116 Lucky $evens - · 6 2 404.5 Nero and the Fellow• - ···· 5 3 4196 Alley C&ls -. 5 3 HOij Irrit.ators _ 1 .f 4219 7-10'9 .........~---· 4 4 4073 Stink Bugs 3 5 4142 Pin Beads 3 5 3880 The 300's. 2 6 ~007 Gutter Ball$ 1 7 3892
Plcl<<>ra ··- ····- 1 7
LEAGUE Team Standlng:i.
382'1 i\lcD"h Standings
THE LIGHTHOUSE 305 Shermen Ave, •
.5 n I
Does freezing weather get your goat?
Coeur d'Alene Clothiers 718 N. f<>urth St. COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO .........................

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