Cadet ousted from program for forging forms by DaW'll Mlll'PhY An IC la.. cnforccmcmt tvdent "'u e~pc!led fi m the la"' enforcemen t progum and the c:olle c "'Ork 1udy p ram af er commhung fr3ud on ha work· 1udy ume sheet. Mi c La Rue w45 brought heft e Lhe I Judieui ry ou ncil March 9 and adm1ncd th t he had forged the si natu re ofhi upervi~or. W.rlly Young, and Young's secret.ary on ha ume sh eJ for the reponmg period Iha
b. I . LaRue had been r moved from the 1wo progr.1ms fc doys pri or 10
appearing before the judiclllJ COUD· ciJ. The council was 10 appro\·e punishment ndior deci~ "'hetller 10 U e funher action on I.he case. The counc:,1 ajlpTO\"Cd the punish· men:t a.itead) given the Cildet b the financial aid office ;and the Jaw enforccmen dep3ttmcn and decided 10 ta e no further ae11on again t LaRue . The council felt that L3Ruc· , amtudc remorseful and thought h..i he did not deser,;e further punish·
mem. Dou
M.d..un. w1nn.:1n f he jud1ci.1ry council. id. Tb fi.aanclaJ office Ul> O e.d b oua o Feb. 1 t!-.llt LaRue h:id not shov.-n up for the pre" IOIU JO daJ·S of w k ud~·. 2 d 3 sbon · e bl r llme shCl't ..-;u turned · b~ l:IRue.
The 1m sheet "'as hen mspe1:tcd
in the cnme lab. and the resul indicated wt the sign;i:rures i1 11,crc ~ ged.
p gram. f
stUdj LS a YertUllC'nl on the 11me hee1 1~
o. fed r:il fuud. Young id . lllRuc could Ju, e been pro cnncd in 1hc fedc:"1111 un . h Jid Ho c,e r, Deso or 1odenl Le. Ho n 1d 1h:11 the o,..-rnmenL had l).cen nelilied of he situation :uid 1h01 th~ b3.c ·ed the un,;r decU n :ind id ha1 no f1mhcr a~ti n \\Ould be 1:iken ) 1hc O\emmem 51nce money h.ld not been I en.
L!Rue 3
c:ould have e n e p~lled
m , IC Jnd banned irom "ork 1wi1· ne ,ear. but the coun ii did no f~I that ·ucb puni hmenl w uld be ppro· pri3te be u e he hJd o. mature ;11 nude abou h', mi take. I Le n
1d l oung. l..a.Ru.c'
r. felt lh-:it
JU 11cc h:id nol bcc-n done
~ 1he
JUdic.un coun ii Youn
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id that he 11. as d~ppoanted tluit La Rue did not recei-. an, re mction in he council' dcc1 ·1nn uch ;i U\pcns1on from hool r a ;i.n f m the w rl.·~tud~ r ram C"Onllnucd oo p11ge 12
Thi~ bmr~ for.
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paul baier Beam me up Scotty Inhabitant · of this banered old world are blcs ed with legion of demist invoh·ed in project that imprO\'C our umdard of li\·in almo Id ilv. One of the e projl' t . howe\•er. lea\·es me \1ith mi cd emotion . It i project ETI. or the e:m:h for Exm1-Terrcstrial Intelligence. It eem th I a \'Cf) ophi ticated computer in Har.,.ard. Ma .. i going 10 anal~·ze radio wave recch-ed b) an · -root di h 36" d:I\" a ,·car. The hope i that ;here·arc other ch•ilization ending me age heralding th ir e:-.i tence. On the one hand I 1bink that thi i great. Ju think or rhe po ibilitie that conta t with alien worlds could produce. ul:ural ex h n e pro ram could literaUy bring us the be t of both " orld . W could d zzle them ,, ith ome of our cultural biggie : .. Dalla ... ··Love Boat." and "T.J. Hooker:· just 10 mention a fe,1 or our more intelligen1 tran mi ·ion . If the e didn't impre an alien. well. the~ probably areo·1 worth the time anyway. The ix o· lo kn ,, . a Jame W:m peech and the .. Don hue·· how 11 ith Phil di u ing the sexual prowess of men who eat Fro ted Flake and ,,·atch daytime televi ion "'ould how even·one in the uni,·er e ho"' normal and aw11re "'C are. 8~1. Ilk I id, there i - meching that bothers me about :ill of thi . H ,, do 11 knO\I we'll be able 10 hear alien transmi ion ? ftcr all. ju I think of the one "e cao·c hear now. We have mcric3n, G rman. Engli h. hell. e\•cn Ru 1an pcopl pleading 10 1op the uucle::i.r anns race. and the,··re bein put on hold. For 1e:rr . 1cn11 1 ho\C been churning 1ha1 whale . d lphin nd ~rpoi arc intelligent. communicnting creature . but yet we continue to i nore th ir me age . WhJ, c, n 1h I go ) li11I U) from Rome i wnoderin onto riaulefictd\ ;ind ha\ing hi ,1ord of human right and p ac go in one car and out the., other. \dmi 1cdl1· our., ,., not ,, orld of peal perc pt i n . OH:rall thou h. I tlunk the po itive wil' u1weigh rhe ne!!auve in 1!11~ bold cxpcriment '" h .ir what no man ha heard before. 8,"tau • ,r" C\l.'ntualh· :1re • blc to mmuni :ue wnh b in ~ from 1.1th1.:r 1111rl . ",..·11 b~ ,1hle 10 mal.e the uhimn1c, 11 r h~lp: .. Beam me up 11, . 1hcrr· nc. mtelli •ent life on th - planet .. 0
( opinion page ) Letters to the editor L tters to lhc editor 11rc welcomed by th Cardinal Re\•I w. Those who ubmit tellers bould limit th m to 300 word , sign them leglbl and pro, ide t I phon number and addre thlll a uthenticity an be checked. Although mo I lcllcrs re u d, some may be returned b cao e lhc · do not meet lbe above rcqulremcot.s or becau the [ 11 are lmllar l.o a number of tellers Ir d · received on th ame ubjcct, 121 ad,·ocate or allllck reUgi nor d nomination, 131 arc po 'bly libelou • r.iJ contalo words or phrusc th111 omc mighi consider In poor taste, [SI arc open lette [letters mu I be ddrc ed to and direct d lo the editor!, or 161
are Uleglblc. Lctle hould be brough1 10 Room 2 in lhe M chankal rts Building or llllliled to lh.c Cardinal Review in care of orth Idaho College, IOOO W. Garden \'e. Coeur d'Alen , Idaho 8381 .
(.____c_a_rd_in_al_r_e_vi_e_w__J The Cardinal Review i pubU h d semi-moathl b the PubllcatJons ork hop cl al orth Idaho College. Members o( the CR laff will trive Lo pre ot lb new Cal ly, a.ecurately and with.o ut prejudice. Opinions e:q,rc ed on th editorial page and In various new anal ·se do not aril) reDecl the view or the NlC admlnl uatJon or the ASNlC. The entered as tal material al Coeur d'Alene Idaho 83814.
oel red Collegiate Pre
Fh -Star II-American ew paper
edJtor .... ..... ... .•.. ..•. •. . ... .............•... .. .. . ... Paul Baler o w ditor .....•.•.. .. ....... ................ .. ... l't-tareella Sancbn oclate editor . ... ...... . . . .... .... •. ......... .... . .. .. · · SWJ ffa~ and ent rtainm 01 ditor ........... . .... . ..... . .. .. .. JackJe ppe portS editor ... ....... ............................... . Bnrec photogniph, edilor ........• . ..... ... · · · · · • · · · · • · · · ·······.Stan 1 ad, enJ ing mllllllgcr . . .• ..... .•. ... . . • .. •.... . •.. , · . . , · · Jackie Appe I ... ........................ . •. ............. Cbel)·l lttt
ca;:.ix:;~ ~1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• ••••
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reporter,; nd photograph rs .. ........... · · · · .. · · · · · " · · Ro e G B m B er, Pam Cunningham, Curt DuPui , 8:isll fl"lln7., William Cral· Johnson, Ric K 1, Grego~ Moreland, Dawn MtUPh>, Marllsa Wandn tcphens, WIJIJ Weech nd i'flarl< \: h clcr.
11 '
MatclJ 18, 1983/ CanlinaJ Re\ lew- -
-----------i(__m_o_r_e_o-=--p_in_io_n_) Cole, White's attack on newspaper out of line Some er1ow; allegation were made against the Cardinal Revie" 31 I.he March tudem board m"Ji . The allegation • made by S IC President Lee Cole and AS IC Sen. Gino White. penaincd to an anicle on the opinion page or the M11rch CardinaJ Revie~ entiUed " oter path}:' Continued.·· Thi article reported 1h31 on!· JO percent of th eligible voters turned out to vote al the Feb. 24 pre identinl election and uggested I.hat the election ,·ommiuce, the studcni board, might do some1hing about having election on II light academk day. Thur da>. The article ol o gave the rea on. as e. plained by 1hen ice President Carolyn Pfister at the Feb. 22 board meeting. "'hich was that her chcdulc did not gave her che time Lo hold the election on any other day. White. claiming thllt the article wa directed ac Pfi ccr. ga"c n brief yno ps1s of Pfister' accomplishment and then said: " There· no cou c for bnck srnbbing like thi whether ic's back stabbing due 10 ig.nor nee or whether ii 's ju t bl:ua.nt disregard for the election commine and th tudent oouncil a a I hole. There's just simply no e.1cuse fo r i1." cvc·r h11 chc Cardi nal Review printed one word about Carolyn Pfi ter in an aue mpt 10 discredit her in an. way: u ing her name as an elected official in the arl icle in question was imply reporti ng on one of her official duties. Another . criou · alle ation was made by Pre iden t Cole. '"Thi i the th ird lime it' hnppened. so now ii"s come up in a meering and it wa bound to happen ooner or later. I do n't know what the problem is. but I can' t underS1o nd why you' re not reponing the truth." Cole said. The ordinal Review has and will cont inue to repon the news as acc:ur:11ely and fair) ns pos ible. If a mi take is made. and we do make mi take . ii i by no mean s in t nti on:il :i nd certai nly not out of maliciousness. We will work n clo e a.,; we can with the student government. buc we wo n'1b told what 10 print. and when we ee ometh ing thar we think needs t'Orrec'ling, we will a , it. The election i sue wa uch a moucr. en. Whit • aid tha1 apath y wa and will be II problem.
"The fncc th at le 1han 10 percent wrncd out ; well. can anvbod\ here tell me when th ln~t limc we had over JS percen t, or a far 1ha1 go<i . over 10 percent turnou t for nny elect ion?'· White , ked.
In an wer 10 rb:n. la , >ear" pre identi:il election dre\\ :!I percent and I\J held n a Wedne day. And ju l bccau c vo1er intcre t eem to b dying. i that any rea on 10 let it lie? Editors note.: S.ince tb m eting in que tlon. both L Cole 1111d Gino White hin e apolo lwd lo lhe editor of the CR. ince che all("gotlon -were mode al a pu blic meeti ng. the CR thought ii important to tn te it po Ilion in nn a11emp1 10 pre\"Cnl £u1urc incident .
Employed teens will suffer zf wage proposal passes Summer isju t around rhe comer. School will be 01.11 and many tcen-:iger will be out looking for ummer job . The ituation could be a liulc differen t thi ummer. however. if Pre ident Reagan h his wny. The pre ident recently staccd thnt he i going 10 propo e a \I age reduction or summer-employed youth . He would like to ce the teen working for 2.50 nn hour in ccad of the rcgufar w:ige of SJ.J . Thi amount to disCTiminaong agJin t the youth who work hnrd to earn their shore. The summer job 1h:11 are available for )•ouchs in chis :ircn are tedio us. uch as \\Orkmg in the fields. factorie . mill and fa f food re 1auran1 . Teen 11orking a 1 the c job de ervc 10 be paid SJ.JS an hour instead of Reagan· propo ed !.5 per ent wage decrea e. ich the high rate of unemployment. parent are not able ro help their kid wich college e pen e as in che pa t. and man) teen now ha,·e 10 01•e for their own col!e e education. II will cake o tee;ager ,- per ent longer 10 pa~· for his college expen e if chi propo al i accepted in Congrc . Maybe Reagon could 1ake a - percent cut in hi ummertime pay. H would ju 1 be giving up a couple of vacation 10 California. that" all.
'Tis a wee bit greener the morning after ' 'My part •ing do)' are over" ore the fomou I words heard fr m m, ny unfortunut er atu re. who e bodie ug listle ly nd
hose eyes ho ve pockets that droop t th chin. Well . ou hn e ju ,i heard 1he·c immort l wo rd utter d from m • green mout h. P oplc u unll lnugh whe n chey he r these 11• rd.s becau e b) 1h time )•ou°l•e had at lea I i hangovers . nc tend not 10 bclic11c nnyching you , y. That i · until you've been 10 fa mous t. Patrick' Day p rty. You kn w whnt kind of party I' m tnll. ing abouc. It ' the kind where e1• ry n wear a green clover r some ort of gr en clot~ing to ovoid gett ing pin h d. ome c\'Cn go n far to dye th e ir hair grc n or 10 pa rade a rou nd in green pol ka-dot und ·rwcar. ow I crtjo) gecdng into the pirit of t. Pony' Doy ju t ns much a the ne. l follow, but I do ha1•e limitation . There are cenain people who I chink hn e carried the· · pirit of gr n.. ju t , little too far . Dre. ~in g in g r en loth,n g is fi ne \ ith me. a d ure, 0111cu111e green hair i quicc--um--nice. But when omeone tan s piking the beer ta party with green food coloring, I begin l? wonder wheeher or not h is the u • who jau nt round in green tights and a green velvet ·tove -pipe hat. fler drinking gre n beer, 1 ·omchow et chc feeling rh t I am
r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
marcella sanchez
con urning a ne\1 form of anufreezc. I admit, it till has the taste of beer. but JU I being gr en in color convince my mind thnt 1 am drinking a concoction haz rdou 10 m} health. ot only doe green coloring ruin the :ippear nee of :i good b er. it also has the na t habit of turning everything ic comes imo cont ct 1,·ith re n. Thnt includes your glass, you r h nd . •our lip and :our tongue. I ba e leamed m1 I on. h i now my !inn" belief thac the consumption of green liq uid hould b left co tho e , 1 ho wish 10 change fro m Dr- Jek II to Mr. Hyde. I'll just !>lick to the pl:iin yellow-colored beer that I have alway drank. Then I'll II the plumber 10 come and remove rhe green cain fr m my toilet bowl.
_ _ _I
March JS. 1983/ Cardtnal Re,,i ew-4,
ML T program gets cut· ' participants feel 'shafted' by Stan 8.aJI Si month ago P111 Larsh , a excited abou1 her nc, caree r in the medical field. Then about three wee go her cl s rc<'Cived n memorandum s:i.yiog tha1 the medlco.l lab technician pro· gram "-a to be uspendcd at the end of thi emester. The d!Ntlslon of the college was to uspcnd the pro ram. allhou~h not aboli h ii completely. until which time the funding pick back up and the school can afford to upport the program. Unlike othe r c:ln su pension where tbe college allowed the fre h· m n students to linish their opho· more rear, the MLT program arc being cut off in "mid· tream." "We have b en shafted," Marsh slid. " Why did they not at least let u li;now?''
tao Ball photo
ul of data Lee Ann Dexter pauses for a moment she gathers h r thought to decide h111 her oc t mo c hould br 10 IT)' 10 get her compulcr program to run. Dexu:r I ln lhl' lntro to Compuccrs rlASS taught by Curt el on.
Fo r .~t> natt>. eat
Board acc epts nominee by Paul Baler Th e AS IC t udcnr Boa rd ,,o,ed Morch meeting o,·c:r a lcner that unanimou !y ni it March 15 meeting Sen . Dione Whue wrote to the 1.0 accept President Lee Cole's nominn· Cardinal Rc,•iew which was critical of rhe lC cheerleaders. a group that the rion of Karen Contardo to fill the vacancy rhn l was created in the board O\'ers11w this year. Cole asked Whit e if she wo uld voca ti onal cou ncil when Cole "as elected AS IC pre idient. resign from a commince that she is on which de:i.l with cheerleader cholarThis nction came a "'eek after the hips. board had rejected Cole' nomin 'tion "There has been prejudice proven of Andy Swendig by ciring that the}' and at this time. I don 't know if l can ">ished 10 advertise more, o.nd that do this. I've 3Sked you privately and they wanted more than one nominee to you've been asked by other people, consider for the po ition. but l "'ould ask you if you would Ii.kc to Contardo is a co mputer science re ign your position on the rommirtee maj or , and she now occupie the on the scholarships." Cole said. vocational scat on Lhe boartl. White odmined thar she indeed bad The board :ilso mode some additions ho,.,ed prejudice but e.1:plained that 10 the AS IC Constitution a.t the the comminee is dealing wilh two girls March 15 meeting. Under Ar1icle U, that 3rc not on the squad 3.Jlymore. so Section 2 of the b la,.,s, a section will it would 001 affect her judgment. be added that deals with 1he board White refused 10 resign from tbe meeting agenda. h states that specific committee. topics cannot be voted on b)' the boo rd ln other action the bonrd: without the mailer first being on the -·appointed Diane White to chair :i agenda or without taking a special ote commince to loolc into the possibility and gcnfog two-thirds npproval of the of restructuring the present " ' II)' that board . activities are now handled. The new additions also include .. held a special meeting and aphaving the agenda posted outside of proved S1.000 for a casino night. the board'~ meeting room prior 10 the --heard a report from Acti"ities meeting. Direct r Debbie Head> thnt J O people The board also made o.n nddltion nucnded the Doc Sl."·erioscn c:oncen. that pro ides for forming II commmee and the total amoun1 brought in was of any or all board members "ho wish S2.93l.S0. 10 aid 1n replacmg ani· bo rd ,•aC11n· ··approved money out of enrn fees cie~ fur 1\n April 20 Mish-An· ocl: m,use S me eun 1rovcr~> rose :11 th e ~nd for 00 Showboat Th e.1tcr tid:ets.
MHsh . n tudent in the MLT program. has decided that this is the type of work that she want to do. She tried to go through the program a couple of year ago. but fomily logistics go1 in the way. o he defoyed her cnrecr pursuils until this time and now they are cuning her off in the middle. he aid. 1 l have a family bere." larsh aid . • " I can·1 leave and aucnd another school somewhere else." The college is trying to work out a trade progr:im with or1hwes1ern Community College in Powell. Wyo .. so the frc hm:in students can ancnd withou1 having to pay out•of-s1a1e tuition. The flT program in Powell is 1hc only program in lhe orthwest that will fully accep1 the c:our es the students have completed here. The decision to suspend the program. acco rding to IC President Barry Schuler. is based on the fact that rhc program is very co I inefficient.
While only educating n tolol of 11 students ( 'ix freshmen and five opho. mores) the co t of al ry for o. full-time instructor, co I of new cquipmeat nnd ma1mcnance (or e isting equipment. co <of u11plic ond the rommilmcnt or the pore is just too high in view of the I rge budge! cut IC hos been h.i.nded from the ldoho Legislnturc, choler said. "The amount of fundin g recommended~ r IC from the ~me for ncrl eor is lc~s 1hnn we rcceh•cd this ye r, chulcr old, "even taking into conidcrotlon the amount of funding 1h01 the tnte withheld from la I year's recommended budget." Although this program Is being cut JOO percent , Schuler aid lhot any further cuts cou ld be I ken up on lhe ncodcmic idc by culling cction~ of cln.~scs in te11d of entire clo.sse . " We und e r 1ond budget cut ," MLT student Robin Smilh oid. "but we enrolled in n two-year program lshich we hod 10 qualify for. We feel chcy broke their end of lhe agreement. Accotding lo J im Burns. science deportment chairman, one reason for the low number in the MLT program is due 10 the 1ringent requirements ond the mount of dedication required or the stude nts. "They hove to be well lrnined ," Bum aid. "or it could resull in dc?3Lh ... In order 10 en 1er the course, studenl~ have to provide the college with three lcner of recommendation and have a complete physical beside all the res1 of the m:ncri:il required by the regislr3r. "Whe n we beu about all the money going inro the parking lot improvement and SI0,000 being spent on o birthday p3rty fo r the college it really burn me, " mith aid .
School bill not approved Sa~·iog that they have re·newed optimism abour an ecooomic recovery, Republican leader in the House ha,•e kicked back 10 the Joint finan ce Appropri1uioos Committee (J FACJ a Sl95 million public school appropriations bill. flou e members voted 52-18 10 end the measure back 10 the J FAC. The bill would have approprillled S20 million less iJI flSC'll,I 1984 than io fiscal 1983. Democrat charged that the GOP leader's upport of withdrawing the bill "-as triggered b the fact that they (GOP leodersl knew th3t opponents of the SJ95 million me3Surc had enough votes to kill It . fC President Barry Schuler soid that this is the fir t time he can remember that a budget approved by the J FAC ,.- c,·er kicked backed. The president aid that he would
have hod omc choice word 10 respond 10 the S195 million proposal if it was still being considered. Schuler aid that while it will be interesting to see just "'hat the JFAC comes up with for a proposed budget, he is confident it will be better than the S 195 million approved by the commit· tee CMlier th1s month. He said that junior colleg~ fa_ce the additional prob lem of being in the middle of the public school system and that of higher educarion. While juniOT colleges have II scpar· ate bill proposed by the JFAC for Cundmg. the commiaec usuo)IY follows the guideline of both pubhc schools and higher edualion llS far llS percent· age of cue or incrca es arc con· ccmed. 'd . For right now, the president sa1 , 11 i just a maner or a "•D.iring ga~e to cc "'hat they finall eomc up "~th.
March 18, 1983/ Cudlnal Re,·lew-5 -
(. . . . ._a_r_t_s_le_n_te_r_t_a_in_m_e_n_t_J Crooning cadet Mu ic brings Grimm joy b) Jukle Appel ·"J'~e een how a ,•oll'cd people get A.mta Grimm is an IC la" enforcem ca ~ "nh kid , and I would get too ment major. but her musical La!ems 1n,oh•cd.' · ~he aid. tso keep her acthe in the school"s ,\ t the present time G,imm' intcrmusic dc17anmen1. e I IS in m~iC'. Her gr.indfa1her 1s a Grimm. a so17homore. will gradua,c cone-en p1ams1 m German. and her 1n M.1v 11.•i th her 1011. enforc ement father· idc of the family h3 a long de rce. Bill she IS 3lso an active ht IOI') in mu51c, member of 1hc Jazz Band. Pep Ba nd. Symphony Orche tra. ymphonic " I took piano le on in grade Bond . Choir ;ind the Mndrig3.I Singers. chool. but I learned 10 17loy the guit:ir " lnybc I wilt be a inging cop." and .1ccordioo on m:,- own," Grimm Grimm said. "Or ma}bc I will 'd irect' aid. tr:tffic." She I abo a percussionist and Grimm wa~ raised in Woodbine. pin) the u' u!clc. well a the guitnr. I w:i. and :i 1er hi h chool he piano and nccordi n. aucnded H:iwaii Loa College as :i Grimm 3jd that . he like the !C Communic:itiOn· rt major for one 1u 1c Department because ii i inyear. volscd with the commu nity J well a the college. he s.iid 1ha1 ~he planned 10 mend " II moke the Jtmosphcrc a tinlc bit the m\'ersit,· of ! ·3 ahc-r a Year in lighter:· he satd. H:1wai1. but the .,.11,· 10 t "k she Grimm aid rhat tcnchmg mu i at topped in Coeur d; !enc to vi it the high school le,,el 1s also something rclati, c~ and decided to t-O)'· she is in1cre tcd m. Grimm aid 1ha1 he became inrcrGrimm i:. currcn1I • cnpt:iin or the ested in !a" 1nforcemcn after " rking ' IC cadet "here he organ· ror the police depamncnr in lo" a for 11e~ mectin s. gueSl pcakcrs. keeps1"0 1•cars. he u1d that he a m ~omact ,.i,h thc area police depan, mainh ,ntcrc\ted In work1n wilh ment\ and 1 111 charge of securit)' juYtnilcs but 0011.c i con idenn cre11 for campu J th•inei.. cduc,nion ls her m3JOr
'Guy and Dolls ' tops list R M AND DR UM-- ophomorc e,cnd lnNlnimcnts he plo ~.
nllll Grlw m pmcflc-c on lbe l.eLtlcdrwns: one
King brings blue to 11ie legendary r king. rhy1hm nnd blue jou orli I B.8, Kins "ill be pre en1ed in roncen by . D T Produc1ion in thl' -A uduorium April b. King , olong with h1~ bond and b ss
e.:tion, will ppcar w11h Ilic Rohen Cro Band in {1:30 nd 9:30 p.m .
Entemtinmenc m the Coeur d'Alene nren for 1hc next momh includes 1hc IC D111mo and Mu 1c Department · fin I presentation of the musical "Guys :ind Dolls" fan::b I nd !9 m the Commumcauon-Arrs uditorium. The Cl.'Cur d'Alene Folklore oc:,e1~· will present a cauntl)' dance larch I in the Mead "broo Grange Hall "'irh Chri I Keevit and the Contr:i- Blcssings. ·\ dm1 ion IS .SJ :md S2.50 for folklore members. The JC!} !so 11.'lll ptCS<'nl The Dalgi h !Arsen Band \ c.dne da,·. l.1rch JO from ,JO 10 JO 17.m a1 Le C lSsant. dmts~1 n is and S2.S0 for Folk lore nu::mbc~. For mfornuuon eall o6-.:b(lt. The Joffr ~ B llet ...;11 perform M.1rch 2J 31 p. m. in the Spok ne Opera Hou e. Mu h 2-t in the Opn-a Hou~. 03.(1 s Holme 11nd Pniisc will be pre med at :JO p.m. 3mm, Ha ar ,.,11 i,crform ln conccn at the SJ)O ne Coliseum April 2 t p.m. and the Diamond Spur Rodeo 11.itl be Apnl . 9 ~nd 10 in the Coliseum. 1 to be presented ID concen re the Poin11:r Sisiers M rch 2 ~t • JO p. m., Chuc~ I n ione pril tO at p.m. and W }ne e'll.'ton April 12 at 7 nnd 9·45 p.m F r 1nforrru1hOD all M 1 Ti ket Outlet\ at 1509) 32·.55 ,
show .
Tide, ore vailoble I lhc Buildin uckct of I c and 01 To1al &lips Record • 509 hcrman Ave. Concert po ny po k gc • whkh cost SIS per person, inclucle admission 10 one . how, oil 1he h. lf,pricc drink a h well o one per on can drink half-price dinner ot the Third 1. Cantina and o S2 lbum Yin "1th the presenta tion of the ti kct 1ub :11 To111l Ec:lipse Rerords. S1ude n1 d count ticket re onl av ilable 01 the C-A Tl ket om . B.8. King , in hi~ 3 th ye r In the bus1ne , hiis more top· ellinii blue
H 1way 95, 3 mil es Nol t--90 Coeur d' Al ene
March 18
'Dol/,s' deserves hug b} Pan! 8*la
.. Gu)\ and Doll\," a light mu~ic:il corned}' .tbout gambler,s ~d ~;,,loon in ers. opened Ma h 11 and treated a \mlltl m>v. d mthl' C· uditonum toll night or fine entena1nmcnt Thi romblned ffon bJ the IC dnm .i.nd m~1t depanmcnts m~ged to overcome ~ re .... bug~ plu\ the ;ibscon: of direct Bob Moe for much of the v.l'ek before the Opl?nmg Ka ren Moc. a\ Adelaide. the ma.rriage,nundc:d \mga. v. definittl) the spar plug of the shov. . Her\ ng vocal5 and stage prc~ntt made up for some running together or openmg lyn . b. r.ome of the other mge Moe did a panicul rly good job with her solo "Adefaide' s Lunent." Lil.cwt e. Jeffrey Lcon3Tdi helped the play IDO\C along Y.llb h ponni)a.l of athan D 1roi1, a someY.hll h:muscd but gambler Though Lconanb ha a strong ,oice. hi contribution "-a~ more in his comic mugging as the glllllblcr, athan Detroit . A trong upponlng role ,,.as put in b lance Babbitt as one or D troll' dim,witted sidekicks. Babbin and the entire cast really put t"'t'l") hmg together in the mis ion eene, "'h1ch u. the shov. ·s str0nges1 scenano. As wlth most mu iClll , not all of the numbers ere memorable. but the orchestra. led by Hollndoy Worth, did a good Job. Ca.role BinUey·s choreo nph~. while not dazzling, was solid and the Hot Box Ounn:rs did v.·cll as 11 group. Richard Adam . a well as" ca.ring the hats of tech.meal directoT and production designer. did n good job as Big Jule, the gomblcc from Chicago. CynthiB Gossett. a the soul-s:ivlng Sarah. got stronger 115 the ploy went long, and Mork Bry:in, os Sky Moster n, was solid lhroughout. The set de, lgn 11•as simple but effective. although the s«nery did mo e a little when doors "''ere tommed. The lighting could have been stronger in places. but these were mall derail and did not take 3" llY from a stead}' o,era.11 performADte. Con idering the e:mn little problems one C31I MIii into in II musical. the production crew turned out 11 pre.rty solid product. And 10 borTO"' from one of th e show's old f , ntes. I might not hove to,•ed it bus.hel and a peck. but it definitely deser"es hug :around the neck. The finaJ performances of "Gu s 11.lld Dolls" can be seen tonight IIJld Satu rday night 11.1 8 p.m. in the C·A Auditorium.
OH, TB.AN Karen 1oc and JeUre Leonardi acl out • Kene from tho musical pla , "Guy i nd Doll , ' on nlghr Mareh 11. Students can 111t,nd the mw lea.I [rt'e tonight and atunlay 11 8 p.m. In lhe C-A Audllorlum.
Musical highlights slated The IC lu ic Ocponmem wlll pre ent a variety of mu icol works fo r the performing ans serie in lhe upcoming mon1hs. The fin I musical performances or "Guy and Doll •" produced b the North ldoho College Music nd Dramo Departments. will be shown conight nd Saturday nigh1 l p.m. in 1he C-A Audirorium . A voice recital by Marjory Halvorson i c:hcduled for March 20 m the C· Building 01 p.m. The Spo ane Symphon ' Wa hiogton Chamber Orchestra will perform "A Tale of Two Cities--Pan II- P3ri •" M11.rch 25 in the C-A Auditorium . A ebambc r mu ic recl!oJ re ruring solo! l of the North Idaho Symphony Orche 1111 will be held April 9 at p.m. in Lhe C-A Audilor um. B.B. King. well known for his roclc. rhythm and blues nd jan mu\ic, u.•ill be prcscntcd in concert April 6 al 6:30 and l'/:30 p.m . in the C-A Auditorium tcna1 Count • Community Concen Association will pre enc M11 Morath, The piano player. in " Li'ling a Ragtime Life." April 12 t 8 p.m. in 1he C-A Auditorium. Call 66 ·6331 or 1icket informntion.
Isl Droll
Tavern Getting the handle I.any Clan!, a known pouer (rom Sandpoint co11dacted a two-da worbbop Much 10.11 to dcmonacnte and i.each hill parilcuw methods of throwing and dec:orailu& pollery and of gl.ul.oa the pot, ID wood-Ott.d salL
Beer Free
On Fr iday
Ma.rut 18, 1983/ CardiJud Re,lew- 7-
Bloxom 's baseballers bound for Banana Belt by Barry Balrer Wnh ev1m retummg 1:1ners and a couple of fre h crunsfc:r<. rhe rcc:n CTOp or re frc:shmen baseball pl~}·er i. oing 10 have to make it prnence more lh3n notict3bk. AJthoagb sen.Ing !be hoo! record the l:n.1 t"'o ,u n for "in~ \I.Ith a 15-J record borh year • Coach Jack Bio om I\ looking 1ow:ud definit e ,mprovemem. "Our pirchmg hould be stronger. 3long w11h our hilling and def1111sc. ·· Bloxom s.iid. The l11Jding home run hittt'f. Soon ,\n1erson. "'ill be bad in lefr field for the Card . He hir \IX HR nd led 1he team in doubles ( IJ) 10 h1!c ;i,·era ing .33 in 19 2. Brian Bond return to the Ca.rdinaJ mlicld where he: pluyc:d bo1h third ba,c: and hon51op l:1>1 SC3M>n. Bonds balled .2.b6 01 1hc plare and sho11.ed dertm1, ;it both po,nions. Brion Wh~rton. third b cm!lll , nd righ1 fielder for the Card lmdbal!cT • baned .309 and hit four home run~ m ICI 2. Randy Mallcrt pi. ed li~t ba c I ~, season and had a burri ng avera c of 260. Mallett .,.,ilJ be gemng \Orne heal from Brigham Young Unl\'c rs ty tran fer J\fark Michael. Bl ntom 1, loo mg nl rchoel for the first ha~e duric. s of no, nnlher tra n,fer, Brad Louden, came o,•cr from Spo~anc Fall Co mmuni1 y College . He will be harms 1hc ca rchm cho res wirh freshman Chuck Wa1k1n~ . When one 1~ cat hing, che ot her will be lhc
des,gn;,1cd hnu:r for the Card<i Fr hmeo that m:i. be steppin
right into the CardinJl lineup arc Chris Sprin 41 econd ba c. from Central Valley High . He "ill be filhn he shoe) u Damn T:i ·tor. no"· pl:iJrng a1 E:i 1en, On: on. Br.1d ~h:lmer. our of naconda. Mont .. ..;11 be gwing Bonds a Ii ht a1 ~on top. Gene L.tfranicr ~h"" ~ good po1cn1i1I . according to ii. !$Ian\ NJ.di Jim He.die),
"He' a good hnter." Headlt'\' id ... Ah.hough he's got a long ".1~ to go on dcfen~." f'~hnun C1:t11erfielder Doug 8n)(I and right fielder Terry Baler fill I.he holC!. in the C11rdin11I defense. Bu1 depth could pfoI an 1mponan1 foctc.,r in this vc:ir·~ 44 -itamc .chedulc. ··in comparison. v.e·~c got more depth. quickness on 1hc ba!,C~ and pitching-w~c, 11.-e dcfiniu:ly ha .. e more depth When )"OU pfay ~0-C game . depth is a maJor factor. som.ctlung lh:11 ran out on u l ·t year... Headley said. Re1umlng pitch ~ Scon Topp :uid Tony ramburu will share the pitching du1i~ "ilh fre hmen Ran d) Tangmo. Chuck Higson and Jal inc~ this )ear. Topp 14·.S) has been t.1lking .,..;,b 1he Chicago Cub~' fran chise over 1he wimer, allhou h definite negotiations ha .. e nor been nude. last Relief utis1 Aramburu will be used JU 1 )'Car. Bio.tom SGid. Aramburu was 1-3 "ith t o sa\·cs for the Cards in I 2.
WTNC[ C W Y- -Randy Zclgler and TelT) Boker (h!Hlng( gel In some batHng pracUce for I.he spring b cbllll cason, "'hl ch gets under "ay lhls ·eckcnd in Lewi ton. 0
(__c_r_sp_o_r_ts__J .
.• -·
The Cardinal$ "~II be in the Junior College Banana Belt Tournament 1odn)' rhrough the weekend: lO J.m. i the , tarting time for todoy· first game ~ in t Edmond Junior College. t 12:JO the Cnrds pla) second game again I Centr:11it1. Both games will be played 3\ Harri field . aturd;iy. lhe Cardinals will go 10 Clilrkston 10 pl , Trea ure V !Icy a1 12.30, nnd at .1:JO. they " 'ill play the Lewi Oark JV . undo). IC "~II return co Lei\ 1S1on to fim h off the tournament again 1 Utah Tech a 12:JO on Bengal Field. and 31 .S:JO p.m.. a amst po ane F lls n Ham Field. Belo" is II thcdulc of horn(• game ' £or ihc 19 3 Cardlrutl b cbmll tc11.m: 3/ ~ Oregon J s--1 p. m. 3/26 horcl.lne CC-- I p.m •
.i '2 polan Fall CC.. J p.rn. 4 S
Blu Mounlllln CC--1 p.m. 4/ {6 Cll1.du1mll_\ cc.. J p.m. 4/ 1
...........,,u., CC•• IJ
Le:" ls
/l6 ltlngkln J ··2 p.m. 513 Clark J -· I p.m. S/ 10
Big Bend CC-1 p.m. S/1<1 Treasure alle - 1 p.m.
Curt DuPuls pbo.kl
11.AlN, RArN- Ad,·Cl1k' wealhB condJUon , 1'blch bnc maM, NIC baKbaU Odd ertremcl) liO&&> , bu llmltfd m.11:1.>· or the team' pl'IICl.kes kl Indoors.
5115 Ttt utt Valle)-] I a.m . • Da1e Ith a lartlng Ume or 11 a.m. lff lnaJc, nine inning games. AU olhcn; lff seveu-1.nnlng double-headers.
Man:h 18, 1983 / Ca.tdlnal Revlew-8-
W e bbe r, Patterson power to national championships
P lN RMSFrcsbmM AJJ n UoUlng " 'Dnli hauls do-.m • rebowid for lb 6 bers during the Intramural b k 1bllll championship March 10. Tb 6 l.xers belll lhe 21sl 1. Bomber. 9· 0 to clinch the league di.le.
by Bn1cc Ma.Den George Panersoo IUld Jamil' cbC Ile e or Chicago ran awuy with tho: ber daiml'd indr,i champion hip te:i.m tit le \\~th D taumamcnt record of ID leld the Wl'.C ding IC m 10 105 point, . IC wound up with bO third- pi nce Cini h 31 tb e tion~l point . . Junior Colle e Ch mpionsb,p lurch La t • cnr lhe CardinaL hod fou r J-S at Worthington, Minn. placers in addition 10 ctiampions Orcnl Pone . n. "ho ptured third platt B me 3nd Darryl Petcr.;on: this vcar ·e:i r ngo. o n t ur co n ccu1i,•e the only place ,.·Inners were the two dCCl5tons to el t the fiMI , "here he champion!;. dcfu1cd D \ e pednCll or Pim 14-10. " h " ' d\sapptJintlng (third pin~ in Panezson w n an e ri v ma tch I .!., the tl.'nm r11 e), " Webber snid " Our then " n 13-2 in the quancrfin 1, nd co n nlr I ~n "n~n't too gu«I " 10-b tn the n11-fln.als. He was oo hi ,, 10 the Ou r I ndin Wrc t ier P ttc~on Ani~hed the ~c:ason ~ •ilh a ,.;ard by le ding 11 -1 in the fin Is. re rtl of ·1 -:i. ~cuing hb 1wo- ·car but ca cd up nd 1tia1 ward " cnt 10 r rord nt 1-b. Webber 11•ound up t J .J,2. Reggie \ ll~ n, l b -pound r from Tn1 n. oo h Joh n Owen wn ol o preWebber, the trnn~fe r rrom Croy cn1ed with 11n a1 11rd t th· Worth ing, Harbor "h "a, di qunli licd in the tnn coumcy He rccdscd the C a h of th e r c~r lroph thot he "'nn by lending con. lauon round or the tourno mcnt the rdln I, to 1hc IC, m t,tlc m Ill 2. lllSt ,c.,r. cored thrtt pin, and r" o dee-ma n t " 'ID the he ·\\c ighc Owen ls the on! cooch in lhc Jun or CT0" n He dc1ca1cd D.i ve Orndorff Clf college mnh to 1vin rite nwnrtl rwi~c !n R,c \ College ~·2 m his fin al m tch. 1h~ pa~t I )'CM • He won h ln l'I " II w n'1 th 1oughc~1 umrnc I JI • ;rc,1h:d ll ye:ir. " Web er nld, " buc Wnh our \\ returning nc I it ure t h great." <ca r, Che Curdln ,~ will ~hoot ftc r The r.. o champion hip helped c c noth cr nutl n I rec rd Th eir 55 the p in or the 1h1rd place liru\h, whi h nrntch vkt ry stri!llk Is onl 10 hy or "' s bu of a e1bu fo r th e th e nut, nal mnrk sel b Joliet Junior defo ndin ·t'h:amp1on Cordl nols. Trhon oll cge of Joll I, Ill.
76 Sixers run a w ay w ith intramural basketball title The 7b Si crs cnppcd off a pcrfcC!I undefeated ~c;uc,n arch 10 '41th 59-50 decision over the 21 t t. Bombers for the I . 'IC intra.mun.I bll!> e1 ball championship. The Sixers were sp rked b 34-paint combination from Marc lien and Allen Hollingswon h 10 eam the ero11n and their I Ith win "ithou1 ~ The Bombers. -J going in10 tournament pl ~. surpnscd the i -1 ads in the second round of tbe playoffs 63-48 10 earn a spot across from the ixcrs in the c.hampion hi p. Along with rhe ads. the Three-lo-one-Oilers "ere also eliminated in the ~econd round. 6945 by the e,·enrual chnmp .
In fir~t -round action the Oller~ de fcot d th e lammers ti 7-•12. 1h e Nud O\trwhelm.:d the 1uds 105,-16. 1h<: SI ers be t the Pub Trouers 101-43 and the 21st r. Bomber edged B.F.E. by eight. 6J-SS. B.F.E. ended the regulnr 5ea~on with a S.J record. rhe Slammers linlshcd J-5, th e Stud~ 2-1>. the Pub Trotters 1-7 nnd th e Dormies 0-8. lo int ra.mural pool compc1i11on. rh c team of Brad Louden 11nd Chuck Wmtkins won a lb-team tournJ ment thn1 took place Murch 8 in the SUB Gamoroom. Dan Joh nson nd Ruli Hehon took second place. while Ton Aromburu and Eri n Andrew gr.ibbed thi rd.
Whatever happened to respect for the press? Gr.inted. i.he lllg Ten is one of America' tou hest college basketball conferences. And o is lhe CC. The SEC and the Big Eas1 arc among the strongest this ye:ir. top to bonom, and the PAC-10 is 100gb every few yelll'S or so. The PAC-10 bas• M champion this ye:ir. and closer 10 home , so docs the Big Sky. where two-time champion Idaho was dethroned by cvada-Reno. And in the junior college ranks. well, let ·s not taO. about the Region I . ot this year anywa . But there \ 3 rel3tively new league on the rise. right here in Coeur d'Alene, t.b:u feature s such teams as the Th rec-in-one-Oilers, the Slammers and the 21st St. Bombers. Under the dlrection of " Commissioner" Dean Benncn, the nine-team league completed its ea.son March 10 as Lhe Sixers outclassed II Lough field to win the post-season toumrunent. Althoagb not e,·cl') bod) would agree th I this leogue is all 1h31 tough, I "'ill 1and by my
bruce mullen affirmation that it is. I say this because I pla)·cd in it as n member of the Pub Troncrs. a group of people belonging to the names )'OU see regulllriy on the pages of this ne-,,; paper. I once had aspirations 10 follow in the footstep of George Plimpton. the Paper Lion. You know. maybe try out for a \'llISity spon and knoclt elbo"' on the backboards \\ith Jahn R.aodo or try for a tnicdov,'tl on George Pa1terson . lC' oa tion ol ch ampio n wrestler . I bad no Idea I " 'Ould rind such a formidabl e
ch;illengc nght rn the miromural leagues. Apparent· ly. the membe~ of thil le gue we re not awa re of the commandment that talcs ' 'Thou Shalt ot Embar· rass Joumillist . " The 76 Sixer.i quceud by us 136-49 an d IOJ-4J. the 21 st St. Bombers slipped b)' u I 02-47 and we were edged by the Three-in-one-Oilers 108-39 in 11 real diffh nger. Ou r only conquest C'llme ag.11lnst the Oormies. an all-gjrl team, by a whopping ~ margin. The ds and the 6 Sixer ended up on top an d the Pub Trotters had what might modestly be called ··a rather disappointing SC3.SOn. " But heh. we (:11 least I) were only doing it for the tory. Can' t anyone we 11 joke? Shucks, I was after a lesson in basketball skills. spon sma.nship and the 1hrill of w mpciition . I reckon I'll have to sell le fo r a lcs on in embarrassment . But be forcwo.rocd . we' ll be bad in softball eason
March Ill 1983/ Canilnal Revlew·9·
Greener garden end result for retiring 'Squirt' b. Ronale Anson Maybe n~-xt )'CO/ Warren " Squirt" Ke.uing have n bigger garden.
rec:alled. 'IC bn really changed. Kc3tiog said, but
or the berter. "It has been :,. great privilege to have been a plln of UC llDd JC through it.S !ll'O"'lh and change (or o\·er a qu11.11er of II century·:· Keating id. The biggest c:hangc at ' IC during the \llctnam w.u-. Keating 11ta1 he thought th: young people were rebelling t mlllerial thing and th.e fighliilg of that w r. "I lwi to get r:ld of some of my prejudiccs--and one of them was again I longhairs. I just thought anyone 11111.h Ion hair couldn't be II good tudcm ... he said. a he rubbed hi hand over h15 O "''" close-cropped scalp. "I from he crll or the crew cut.'' The rebel hon of the sixties wa a natural one, bu1 11 did lower our acndcmtc standards from high chool nghl on through college. The ruden1s h d n I t 10 s.iy and the) "'·ere hcll!'d. Kearing :lid. "(The ietnllm war) did mo re to up et the patriousm of our young people tluln anyihing--001 them lo> aJty .. their p:uriorism I lhin.k there i difference "8111 I m pleased; the students are gening better . more eonscicntiOU5, 11.nd I'm plea ed w~th our ·oung peoplt'. I think the future look bcucr." Kcatin aid that he believe the older studcn1 ba~c hQd a good innuence on the younger students ID helping them rc11lizc the Importance [ 1:1king respon 'bill[) . " It 's good Lhn1 the average age hos gone up." he
He would like to ha,·e one noi. , but his wife M11ri~n 1old him he has enough to a.kc of alrcad .
Kcilling. who Ii e:s in Dalton Gardens v.:ub Mvian ~d a blue Burme~ ea1 named Smokey. i re1iriug as a rul1·11me IC in trunor at the cad of lh e year. At hi.'i home. a new' room loots out on Canfield··'"the mountain I grew up on." (He grc"' up down the street from where he lives nO'°'',) The OrepW'C sllb on a hearth of n 1ive roe • nd one of his retirement projeru h to rock the wall~ boh111d 1he fircpl cc ·mere i.s a lamp with eu1 roe dec:oraung ii. a friend mode it, bu1 Keating would like 10 do \Orne la pido,y work, 100, onh ldllho Junior College hired Keo1ing as head of the phy lcal edu cation depanmcnt and boskelball co. ch In 19 S, He held lhat po ihon for five ~ear until Rolly WIiiiam was hired. " W !the basketball team ) ,cry seldom "''on a game. Bu, once in o greal while. we'd win one a.t hom ," Kc ting , aid, "But we hd o 101 of fun.' ' Until William came to IJC. th e re wo no rc('ruiting program. He brought his expcni c in 1hai field 10 the rnlhtgc when th e onl) 1e m pon played were bo ketball nd golf. KCllting got hi~ mut er of science cduca1ion 1th minor tn ph ~icol educolion and :i minor in EnJJi h. "But 1hnnk goodne~s I never h d to 1coeh Engh~h.'' h ~old. •' It's l)C('n , el) 11ood ,• pcrlcnc<: for me: I've been ,,cry fortu1101c to be ublc to tench a lot of 1hc courses I nav r 1h ught I could . I hnd ~ 101 or g ol g)·. but l never 1hough1 I'd be able 10 teach It. .. When he ii t his mnster' , he thought he w s 11t11ng 10 tc ch ~, th e hl11h chool lc cl, so he did ni!I think he would hn,'c the Opp(ln unn 10 t ch the ph , 1rnl dent'e~ that were hi~ fir I lov Kea11ng wru. su 1>poscd to lcuth mnth th e first c r he 1aughl in <lOllc:g • but th o n,Lructor who wl\5 gumg lo 1,mch gc logy , • prim ril · n moth nd ~·nginc:cnng m1.1Jo1 and ~k •d him if h would ll~e 10 ~wh h, KcMin Juntpcd • 1 the chaOC'l', Twcnt -eight , an ag when Keot ing fir t iaught 01 NJ • !here wer 1,1nl • 1, o building~. the
,lid. "\Vhe_n school tarts nen fall," he soid, "I'll rc-111. feel thal l'H· rcun:ll. But I'll be there tht- nm
re ... da\· ...
W11TCn "Sqoln" K •ting admin1 1m1ion gJmnuium strue:turc 4lld lhc Me-
chnnit-aJ n Building • The student umon "' in nc corner of the m. There "'ere (lnh• about 2$0 udcn and 12 or I in~tructo~. I\Jld m of the lll)truao co. m of 1he studen1 . Then' w I rechng off mil~. Ke.lU!tg
Kcaiing said th t he will probabl ' teach extcndt·d day cl se :ind golf nex1 yea r. But he is planrung on dolDg the laundf) .ind cooking 3t home 100. He hopes 10 do more 1ca,eling nd take 101 or picture he c.:in mil.kc more slide hows for future cience stud ntS. for retlre·ment plans. Ke11ong i urc he "<ill keep \'CT) bu y on hi D.crc in Da.hon Gardens ond a1 his abin on Hayden la c. He is also planning 10 re111m 10 school to t e some rumputer science classes. · · 11h111k I'll go out and 11oork in m garden a linlc. ·' be id. "l\e got 3 Jinlc milJlurc 10 round ...
A,·creditation studv
Team to look at NIC with fine-toothed comb b Bul1 Fnun A 10,me mbcr team from 1he onh· we~• Assochulon of choo'J nnd I· legc. will be 111 NIC pnl lJ, 14 nd I to arcredh 1he college. cc:ording to Ray tone, del\11 of in truC!tion,
1'be beaded b Dr. J , Cl rk Davis, president of Western c,· da Community C Ile e, and h made up of In ·truC!tori.. dearu. and administr to from panidpating collcg s of the a:ssoc,auon. Stone ld, member i a ~pcclalbt in a ccn ain fiuld. and that h the area of the ichool the will ~tudy "''hen they come to NIC. Stone said that the team will be h>O~ing at e•'ecything from the eauons or administntors. 10 the qua1i.
ty of thnarious prognuns o ,1ud · d 10 the r ciliue · nd equipment on
The ud w<l!. directed b, ronncr Euglbh Dt\l ion Ch1uru ma'n Luc:tle Lan e, ·ho came out or rcun:mc111 10 conduC'I it tone said that the ~socunon h al~dy received copies or the self•)'!Ud).
The ~ate director of the com• miss1 n also C'llmc rettntly llnd conducted his own 1m,limina:ry ud)' f • IC.
Wh n the commission team Jeo,cs IC on pn IS, Stone id. h "ill md:e som encral rtt0mmcndalions. The te m's findings wi11 then go before the commission this summer
nd will b dis II ed with IC President 83.ny Schuler. tone s:ud 1h:11 sometime in Juoe
the r«ult 11,•111 bc received in o full repon from the commmion. l:le said that 1bo111 even IC IO\lf'U('tl)rs nd admmisir:uors, includ· mg himself. h:iv<: been pan or the zccralililuon commisMon. The
onhwest As oc1a1ion of
Schools 3nd Colleges is a volun1 .ry,
non-govcmmenutl orguni%111ion that as foundal in 191 7. IC h3s been credited by the usocia1ion since 1950. a.nd "'3.S 1:i.s! accredited in 1973. The a5sociation consists of ll 20. member co mm1s ion from even onhwest sutes whose JOb is 10 sci and maintain :standards for 1hc partici· paung SC1hools. II is on.e or ~i.t regional associations in the Unued Smcs.
• Cole exits Brewer enters continue , ith his du1 ies on th rd.
He a,d th I th,: !)C'r, n ,de t d h1 fill he p,rnt n ll \ a ~cna1<1r 1ill ho to b,: appn,, cd t, th • 119, rd The council m.ide un nimou d«1~111n ( r \ nd~• c ndig I be 1111: nc .. ,,c,: pr 1dcnt t>f the counril f1cr l rm r Vice Prc!>1d nl •Ur1 Kimber· hng r 1irn ti 1hc po UiQn Cole
ur Pia J it tl"'a in. B b Bob Tofte hack up 1he plaJ of th"' Knapp Brothe Band. an an., i'JC tudenl band 1h01 "Ill pl ~ a1 the IC etel'1Ul' Club dD.n 1onl b1 at p.m. Ib WU1 IU be held at the h • Lei! fl all and co LS S3 at th door.
,d thot Kimb e rlin
, II
abov a era e
The ssoc1a1e Degree Nur mg progra m or ort h Id 1ho oll egc- I.\ co nt lnurng t produce qu lity gt11dlliltes 11 27 g radu tc or l 2 po cd their ti nal Leogue of Nur ing e 11 m • The crage of 2.043 t ppcd the n tio n l avcrngc by 43 point • ' IC cl "l s enremety pie ed to re eivc thi s info rmnt lon," id Jonn Brogan , NIC director or nursfog educati n. " h v lidn tcs the effort of our faculty nnd staff 10 co ntinue to produce competent medic l people."
B. B. KING His Band And Br ass Sec tion with special gues t
SIS Pe r Person incl ude!>) Adm1!.s1on 10 cnhcr the 6:30 or 9:30 how. Bl All the h lf-p nc:c drinks yuu n drink . April 6, from 4 p.m. 10 I a. m. plus half-price dinner lone per ric:ket holder). ,\ II I Coeur d' lcnc' fa m us 3rd I.reel Canlloa!
llckc A•ai.lllblc at ... Tota.l Echpse Ret'ord ~. : 09 She rman ,e. ; C-A Building Tic ·e1 Office. Non h Idaho College: Mira e Record nd Tape . eco nd and D1vi ion. Spo a ne; Insight. First t.. andpoi nt ; or end a A. . E \\ Ith ca hier·s bu or monc~ order 10: • 0 T. Productio . Box n:zo. Coeu r d ' Ale ne. Idaho . 1-1.
.-r~v . i-,y.._
(208) 664-0S8l. 201 . 3rd St. , wnh the prcscntlltion of your concen udc1 or stub.
ALSO CJ S2 .00 off on your OeX I album purchase wnh 1hc prescn1:11ion or your conccn L' el or tu b 111 Coeur d' • lcnc' • I Records • nd Tapes store.
509 Sbcrmaa A•e., (2081664-9309.
APRIL 6th AT 6:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. NIC Student Discounts Are Available At The C-A Ticket Office On ly!
The Concert Will Be Held In The NIC Auditorium
l 000 W. Garden - Coeur d'Alene
March 18 1983/ Canlhw Review-II-
h did not tllke 12. years of schooling to teaeh tudenu "'hen to r-a ise ll1eir hand, and when to si w11h their mouLhs shut. buL Lhe trainfog h:i.s paid off.
Classroom anonyms exposed by CnlA Johoson
Today· criou5 non -p;micip nt'> kno" 1hat being ble 10 look inconspic:ugus m 3 classroom is not just 3 .su.-.•1 al 1.ac11c; it is 3n an fonn hat t kes many years 10 pcrfeci. The best question-dodger kno" 1h31 1he inni Bnbarino ·· Wha t?. Wh en?. Who?, Me?'" n:pctoirc does not v.·or m th.e big leagues or real fife. whichever comes first. The' kno that :i mllll college v.ith 3 high,10-smdcn1 nmo poses the ughc challenge for the wouldbe anonym-- person v.ho is the compo~ire or all the people .,.·ho e name5 arc constant!} on 1he tip of one' tongue. Anonyms no;,. that the)· must be in top form if the are goin to pass the seme"ler !possibly the course) .,.i1bou1 aMwering a single quc'ltion. Hen: ue few ~imple tric they use to incre e their odd . Thci• avoid the teacher' 311gle of VCIW at all CO I , If ncceSS31), they SIi
behind fat studcm . ba kerball pl3~t'TS and irrls .,.;,h prominent h;iird • They keep their feel m. slouch do"n in lhcir c:h:urs Gnd rr,.· 10 lool,. Ii ·e G 13tk of boo GS much as po'SSible. The\,. 1ha1 it I h3rder for in iru~tor5 ro remember their ,uden!'s name if thC\ nC\cr i1 ;u 1he same dest I" u:c. ·nd even aoom'll'l tnO\I lh.31 1eJ he don't li c to ·1111 on studem 'ho e name5 1hC} t remember. The} team 10 read lt'Jchel"'S bener the,· en 1hc1r textbook . Whtn teacher · pause. ind1 ting 1ha1 Ibey m3\· be go,ng 10 a a quc rion . ~npm pre end 10 concenm11c on rheir boo or rC\ie.,. 1heir n0tcs. To add a touch of authen1i1:11). some students have been no.,. n 10 tape comic strips 10 1he page of heir 1e11 • Teacher .,.ill think ll1at the} Jre rrymg hard to unders1;ind the mJ1erial and won't d3re distur their concemr3tion If that 1. ctic fail • prepared :inon. m ah, J~ keep J b.>~ of ,"Ou h d p h3nd~. When ,cache a I.: 1hem a que\tion. they begin their 3M\\l'r. \Ian hkc 1miners. fumble
u11h rhc ell ph3ne ,-rapping on 1he ,.1flen a t be e.~cu,ed for 3 drink of ".11,:r. NcH•r foil . Tll.rn~ n man} preeau11on< l po iblc dN.' nut a!w , rn . ure 1h01 the Jno ,m" ,0·1 I><' l quc 110n . ooner or la1er on1: "ill lip through. WJum it hap~ns. rhe killed anonym pr~faCC'theirun ""r~ ,,uh au• as ml!"n:icin ;i Mr . Tson the -Tl.'am r don J:i i h Ison cr;izy gnn . Chane :ire 1h31 rhe m1<'her "' ill [ er their qu~ ion Jnd "ill J~ id th~t tudcnr for 1hc re t ol he hour. The lJ. t I n the anon, m learn Is an altitude •" \\l'll J ; bthnvio,-. \\'hcrt",er the~· are the~· pretend 1h~t 1he,· Jrc nC11 thcrt~ Re earch hn pro, ed thnt an n, m re cldom nouccd 11nd JI'\.'. nc,er ailed on to do an,1hm ex l'Pt mine uut of the" a~·. Th .' ha\C' adopted as rhe1r mono 1he~c 1mmor1nl \\Ords from George C~rhn 'Tm mto a life tvlc 1ha1 l n ·1 require my pr encc ·.. The onh" question left unnn wcred 1 "h,· uould nn, tudcn1 1<11.n1 10 bl ;in anunHn? II I can sa, i .
h.11;'1 n
• • • • Concerned citizens hear trustees' intentions b • Ma.~ Wheel r
will nu1 c:cpnnd e st of Hubbard 1rcc1. where iL u cd the power of eminent domnin 10 evic1 uge ni o Bradbu , 10 m kc wo ~ r new p rkm g lot C)ntrance. 1n Morch J meeting requc 1cd b)• rc~idcnt of the Fort Ground\ neighborhood. 1h tru ICC\ rud lhul they 11,ould refrain e pon~ion to nonh of Riv •r A,•c nuc , but dded that they ~-ould 1101commit future l1Qord, tu k ep th nt t>Ulh.
Rtpr ,1:1mn1h, ·~ lor lhc neighbor, hood c~prc cd th I the 1n1 s 1ec'1, r1 roml c ,, n\ • g 111, but not 11 ict.orv. "We wan t lo c me: I •pc ot lon11 term com m trncnt. " \Did Dr . J nc umpr c11 h1. ch 11rrnan of th •
commit1ee to \IOp cast f Hu bb rd
JC' cirpansion
•· We feel uneasy: we w nl me t •pe of guarJJ11 cc th~t our home 1>ill be ,t ur in th e future."' Grumpech1 ~nid. umprechl aid that in the past. 1ru ~1ee Chuc~ Lang had said that the righ1 10 cxen:i,c cmim:m domain .,.. _s gll1n~1 all principle the oollcge (when JU!ol rcccmly the po"'er " ~ u&ed 10 c,•1ct Br dbu.-.·), and 1n I • . 1ru~t Severi\· 13cm( aid 1ha1 JC " u1d n I e nund east of Hubbard i\ rdini;: 1 ump~l!I, 1he rd "n', l~o I ~'" •into cqumn!! !:rnd m 1h I mc 1·km111· at thlll 11me
" \ c f.:e1 1l e
,1e ·v~
bl! n betr1~ ed
t for n11k forum
1 he nu11lcar wor \'mpo ,um ,chod· I \\tll I •aturc ,,w, kcl'\ "ith ,·11r1011\ \•1,•wp 1111~ I< • "nrd nu le r w tr, oc ,1rdin1:1 Iii tht' )'ntpu,1um coordln t r. Ton ·1c" n. ·Jlr.~er, 11he ~\mPI-'"""' "lll be r, m tla· m1lillir1•. 1h1: 0 1•o rnnwn1. nnh <'f'1li ,. · nd pcc1, I inter ~t group,. " \ 'I'(' tr mg h) rcpr ·,cnl p pie ir,,m ull u alk, 1lf Ii~," IC\\Jrl . nid. ··11 \ nm AOing I he JU I \iDl' , I,:... " Lach ti \ ol the ,mp'1~tum ~ dilicrc nt h p11. \\111 be I crcd b~ o ulL·d for April 2 , II at
b, our mend •" the , mmi nian said NI C President Barry
·•We don ' t luiH• unu uni ron tituuonal bellcl,."' Gumprecht ,aid. " \ e are not J bunch ol ook :· The board uggc ted tha t if the Fon Ground comm111ec "3.ntetl more firm It •1 I tion. 1hey could g 10 cour1 10 nte,1 'IC'~ po,\cr of cm1ncn1 domain. or the, uld vote the cu rren t 1ru rec off the bo rd in future elcctmn •· We lre g ing back 10 our group."' Gumprc,ht ~a,d. "'a nd 11c might be fo~d 10 do ~,me1l11ng. •· Eorlicr in 1h11 meeting. nr,·h11cct \1 ikc P~tano aid fhJt I IC\ present ma 1u plan ,\ill 3Cl·ommod te the ro11 th me of the college tor the nc:rt 10 ,·ear-. e~cept in 1he arco oi par~ing. .alludrn to c,p3nsion or the parkrng 101 me d1fes11 n.
u- Al/-_4m r1can a a,n rd Tu
h.11 ii
11· \mer1c n r.,11ng b• fhc
ll.'\'n tc: ,p , lcr Jnd then b, n panel ol p~a ~ 'f'\. Dail~ 1 p, , ... 111 r.'Ulg from
th pre ·nt threat, r world 1k truc11 11 h) nucle:.r war, 1 ~ '11 1 n:,i f nnetl t~te~ nu ll,•3r ",11 poh 1 runliln t Uc gun him, ,n, rning nul'lear ,u "111 at be ,h "n thr<Ju h ut th· " •1..
! r 1hc "inntn
, ,ui: " n: M~rttll lullen 83m 83k<'r Jnd ,\nn
Ma.mi I , 1983/ Cardinal Re,•icw-12-
Library lies Pl n for a ne" IC library cemputer buildin look almo 1 c:cnain to be del:m.,d for another ,·e~ •«on:ling 10 IC· Prc,idcnl B rn Sc:bu!e . Bee1u l' or th conunued budgei crunch a1 rlu: \I 1e level. Schu!CT said last wecl.. 1ha1 the SJ00.000 needed begin tht' pl nmng and dtilgD ,ta e of lhe proposed building ... probablJ not make it out or comminec. ''The~ ' re ,·er~ II ht right no", .. Sc:nuler said. "Thev're loo 1ng for plocc to cut t:ithcr than places 0 add." Any hope or geum the gr;unurc taned in 1he near future "ould be c:omplercly cllminoted if a proposal b> peaker or the Hou e Ralph Olm 1ead 10 S\<itch all fund~ from he Permanent Building Fund 10 the general operation s fund is appro, ed. The tmnsfor. "hicb ,,ould edd onh S5 million 10 the current operations fond of S4l3 million. " uld bring a hnH 10 all me-funded buildin ronmuctlon in the sme. Acl'Ordlng to hukr, that would mt·an thar projC('l that alrllady ha1·c priority o,•cr IC'~ libra~ "ould be buih fir t when the money i appropn· atcd. leaving IC at lea t rw ,·ears m 1he waiting for rhe nc11 1ructure. c,•era! proJect, tool pnomi O\llr I · lihrBr~· nel'd when Go,· John
E\llm. rest"mded his recomm.endation for the librtl) computer build.a • The ac11Jal , ore on fundin lht> librU) b bttn ~tAlled bec3use of a failure b) 1he Joim Fin nee nd ppropna Comminee o p:1 n 01era!1 su1e bud c f not ·ur- IJ should 11te a "C'C ~ftcr the bud I i5 pnsed fo the llbrU)· 10 bt "01ed on. rua 111 n appro, nuorcly late M:m:h. S.:huler ~1d . IJ It Wb to p this nme around. 'JC di ha,e 10 .111 unlil um year bdore II ha .uiother chance of gcmn
The: dlC \'cl.Cl"IUI' Oub ,.·)II
a t. Pah'kl.' Daf dan on March l 11 th h'I Lee ·ea11 ln Huell. r. t:h"lt.- of S3 ...m be coOmcd at lM doo.r. d,an Uckc ·t ~ 0 r St aod I o nas oI food. The dance ta.rt!i 1 1 p.m. and fflll 1 ill be fu,nl bed b)' tht- K.mapp Brothers Band.
Outdoor Rec: ~ $po1HOrlog a backpack Ing trip March 26 -3 1 lo the Wuhlng1oo talc 01,Ymplc P n.!Mula. tore lnformaUon I u allabl In thl' BW
last dai 10 ,.,lrhdraw from 15 prll ·-1 and lhc da 10 'llhdra from ehool I prll 20, ccordlng lo th rcglslrar.
the m ne1· 1Jloa1ed The actual onsuuc1ion
or 1he buildmg ~ 10 1 e f ur )'Can after 1hc mone), is desi ted lo recon:r in .. , the CCIID m iJle next couple · f )Cars, I'm fraid Idaho 11,oo!d find that it h~ failed 10 produce the qu:ilit~· of hi h t«hnolo 1udeo1s needed 10 run II bu inc scs. huler said. To pro,lde cootnsl, Schuler potn15 our 1ha1 1he '\omm Le I lature ju\t ~ppro,ed SJI million CJpan ion proJec:t for Rock Sprin Communll) Collcg , a chool "'nh presenl f 1.000 tudent •·Th~!', e, c:n r ei ht umcs a much a~ ,pends r r llll of 1b sr:ue a en , . c,ccp1 r r hi1th"a) · hUlt'r 1d.
Because of a media tour 1111d 5prlng brn.k, lhl~ wlll be the 11111 lnue 11( 1he Cardinal Re, lew uolll prll 15.
The d adUn (or KholanhJp •ppUcallon, for I ' Call 1983 m ler 11 April 1.
Worl.- tud 11ml' he Ill arc, dur In lh On.11.nd1I a.Id ofntt b ~an:h :u. hccL'i mu r hu the ,oorkcr' Dflal c urh number and must be l11ncd b the cmplO)CC and the upcn lsor, or no rh k will be I~ ucd Mllrl'h 31.
tudent admit to forgery co nllnu d from page I dc1orren1 for ther . Young a d. This c.1~ ,~ nnt un l\plutt:d indd~nt. ccnrilinf! lD 1')1re wr of Flnon 101 id~ llm Upchu~oh. There ore uther c:n~1:\ p nding wh re ~tudcn t~ hnvc ch1Mcd on finnnciul nid by picking 11p o granr ,:ind then nor • It nding chool, pchur h .
"We h 1·e Judic1uy cnunc1l to hQndle the-.c I) pc of 1h1ng~ \\ hen 1hcy ;iri...:. If they do n , do an)·thing rhen "ha1 i going to keep ochcl"\. mcluchng mv elf, from ehc1111ng on chc pre, gr~m~." Young ~aid The rouncsl \houtd hnve mad • a dcc1\1on 1ha1 would have been
Pac ific Northwest
WRIST WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday Morch l 9 Weigh-ins start at 2 p .m . Men and Women Divisions
CASH & TROPHIES 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each division