North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 37 No 5, Nov 12, 1982

Page 1

O p enin f! n if!,hl Todd Marek, Doag Wagg , Kcllh Morm and Robert WalSOo rchcal5c • 5CCDC rrom the pl• ) ' "Tca and Sympa· lh) ," which premieres 10nJaJi1 In the CA Audhorium. The play 'flll be Mid a18 p.m. on !'Jov. 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20.

Basil Franz photo

Coour c: I. le no

1 daho

Volum e 37, Number 5

Frida~, No\. 12. 1982

Faculty charges NIC Long-Range Plan flawed by l'aul Baler TI1c NI( Lon11-Rn11gt' Pinn hn) been ncorl) completed. bu1 b<"cnu ~c ot ,;omc abJoe lion ~ by 1hc fo cuhy , rinnl II P· pmvnl by 1hc baan.l nl tru , tcc~ will be delay ed until so me pol nl\ ,o n be Ironed out. The plnn. llc,il(ncd 111 dcflnc 1he llll)~ion. purpo~c, and gunl, of NIC for the next Sil ycrtr,, was " rittcn u,·cr the pa ~I Y\'Ur by 0\\ 4:' n Cor(lttl, NI( d1rct1or ...r plnnnl ng. The main polnlS or ron1eotlo11 b\ thl'.' loculty or.: 1hut the! docume nt eali\ for rt-llunce on pon -timc focuh1 rather 1hon full,t1mc loruhy ,n th\· future and relics too hcov1h on nddtng odmi n1, • 1ro11on and ndm111i\lrnt10n ,taf!. A~cord1111¢ to C'argol, the facully th~t h;1v c approached him h o, c brcn concerned ab out the 1mpac1 ;i n 1n orcaw or pan-lime l~cult) would ha1<• on the "orl,Jo:id of full•llmc facuh)

C11r,~ol ~01d 1hat 1herc were a

nu mbe r of rc,Hon\ for tb i: use of pu11 tlmC' rnc:ult}, ncxihihty ticmg the 111'1111011(;

" It 1~ a managcmcn1 tool 1ha1 allo" s u, t" lllllH re~OUl"(CS from ooc area to ~nothcr w11hou1 afler11111? tht full· tlmt' <'mplo) mcnt of f'('Ople "hn ha,c C'Omt' 10 depend on th.: ,"\>lk gc for t.lmr h, chhood. whcrc3~ 1f we " ere h1nng pan-llml· peopk II nught be c:a~, 1" ,hilt fund, out of one area in to .inol hl' r, " Cargt'II \ 3id t\<'ro rdln g to k l'n ,\ rlgh1. I\ IC"

chcm"tn m~lrul.'tor and .-hamnan of the f.tn1li) 11~, ~mbl) . pan-ume fa.:ult~ doc, allo" for more flc ub1h1, . but he 'l<'C~ i1 nh)l'C a~ manipulauon "h all<>"' 1h11 th(' adrnm,~in11on can mampulMc people; 11<)" tha1 can Ix Jl'Xld or had. " \\ n11hl ~nl . " From the ~1a11dpt1i111 of 1he colltgt' 11 ma, t,c

good: from the ~tandpornt of the Uldlndual\. the pan-~ instructors, 11 could ~ bid." \\ right al~ u1d that 2 reliance, on part-lime tn!.trurtor~ re~ulu 10 an 1ncrca~ Ill 1u1orin11 and ,uhmng b} the full-tune 1n.,truct0~ th3t 11 crea.1es a morale problem •tthin the \u.ff :and thu n creates a conunotry pn>bltm and pc:rhap, 1 lad of qual:ty 1&$trucuon. On uw mann I tbc :adchtK!ll of 1dm1n1)tr;11 on nJ adm1&i~1r.1.uon s11tr. Cargoi ~d tnat 11 1s :a , ah!! ,=cem of :ill m101'ed v.:1h ~IC "I thinl. tbe la.t"uh, a~ i;oucc:med .is nghtl~ e\ envae \hould ~ COD• (erned, that •c art \ptnd111 1hc resources of the rollege 1n :a.o appropriate (1:,h1on:· Cargol u1d . "A ,oarC'rn elpre:,~ed b} ~omc f.icultJ 1h.,1 pc:rh1ps thC' college ,hould



(___in_s_i_d_e_t_h_e_c_r _____) ASNlC offlc,lab, J~r l'Oh1mnl~1 • . . • . •.•.. .. •.. .•.• . ..•. .• •• , .••.• ••• ... page 2 Letter wrltc,r tMel"i t'1>1U.l'l\llhl . . . .. .. ........................ .. . .... .. pagc3

Cbampow; llfit'JI 11\Jdeots to t'1>mc clean .. . ............................ page 6

~ banicn make, u:acb to oat1ooa1s NIC allldleue.nal

.. ...• .• .. ...•..•.••.•.••. . . .... page, 8

banwmc111 ... . .... .... . ... . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • page


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21 Ill)


uonal po,.mons 1h31 :ire added 10 thC' <ulff." Cugol s;ud tha1 \ tuden1 enrollment ,ncn:.uc:.. as v. ell .u budsc,: cutbacu. " e re rt>pon~1ble for mcreased de· m:lllds in ail areas of w college "S4mc facul" some,. bat con· cemed that if ·" c ha, e to bear the bl"W'lt of lhe burden or budge, cut· b:u:l:.. lh:it those cutbacks be con· sidercd in all areas :ind no1 just in ilbtruction." Cugol Wright Sll) S th3t in this the fa.cult} ma) be wrong but t.h:at the)·


h.l,c a ..gut-lC\'CI feeling" obout the s11iu1ion. "The ftchng of the facuhy i:, 1ha1 the administration h3> been growing 1a,1er in relanon 10 the students 1h11n 1he faculty.'' Wnght said. Wngh: al'-0 s:iid thlt the faculty ~tlcr:ed 10 the "gen,:ra l lad o f :onrern foT the facuh,· evidenced in the pbn" bot 1h11 ..ome ('I f these wcrl' itmpJ,; cr.cn1g~•s and " ould be corrc-ued .Both 'i\. rlg.b1 and Cargo! agreed that there u a n ·t<l I ,r ben er hne~ of rnmur.mauon bi:t"<CII the focu11, and .dm nn.tra.tb•n d ' IC i\ going to opeu1c dficicnt!v Car,1:01 uid 1h11 IO make the plan a 11, ing d0<umen1" Jl m u\t rc mJtn ope11 to cru1c1,m from all pJrl ID\Ohed and pcnodlcall~ be 1.ikcn to 1hc board for refinement. He ,aid that e,en after the board of tru\lt'~ apprc,,e~ the plan. there will be penuche reports lo the board for ,uggc\nons and modllicauon~ A6 Cargol polnb 001 m the prelude 10 the pl:i.n ~ paper rh ~1 looks 111 the 1oul inu:rc~t of the cnure college will 1101 be ,-a lisfactory to C\-clj one but is open 10 ,omments 11nd criucism from c.·ervonc. "i thmk 1ha1 perh3ps we all loo~ at the pl3n for different reasons nnd 11~ the person 1ha1 "ro1e the plnn I guess gcncr;all,· I'm ,·cry comfonable with it. " Cargol s~1d.


No,. 12. 1982/ CardtnaJ Re,·iew-2-

Officials pooh-pooh columnist's activity satire Dear Editor. In regard 10 1he Oct. 29 CR arnclc sarcas11call~ entitled " Whats next··3 prom" "'e want 10 suggcs11ha1 <,0meone needed to do a 1t11lc more homev.ork before culling dov.n our "Madison Square Garden of ~onhern Idaho." Ye\. Casper Collc~e s.a"' Bam Manilov.. An enmc JOO studen s got 10 ,cc Barrv. This school can la, d31m to thili exc11emcnt be· cau'>C of 1he con\cnicn~~ .if block seating ant 1he All EH:n1 Center, "' hich !>ponsored the e, ent A~ 11 turned out. the college bought 100 scats and sold ,hem at SlO each

Sound,, like somethrng NIC did "'ith the J. Geils Band I.1st ~ear As 11. e recall. the srudcmi. got to bu~ ud.ets at S5 each And NIC call<. n,elf a college. \\ estem W~oming lollege top· pcd our eg1t toss "ith Juice 'lic"1on lnd almoit learned a fir,1-hand IC'>'> n 1n def cit \pending This .. pra11.lmg mcuopol ., .. !>pent S 1- l'lOO, interesting bttau~e the, ~ad SS.000 in the budget -\ftcr a lot or "blood and te.irs·· the~ sold 2 500 tid.ets and came ou1· e,en on the You asl.ed, ' 'What ns111u1100 cnuld match che

(__o~pz_·n_io_n--=-p_a~ge_J paul baier


Gushing green ghastly Oh beau1iful for spacious ski~ and for ample "a, ing of the green. Another election has appeared out of no,,,here and slowly faded into the big poster graveyard in the sk~ . Again, megabocks were spent by these honest-Abes \S300 million. na1iom, ide) to tell us that tile other pany has led us into a recession. that because we are out of work v.e should put them to "ork and tha t their opponent has spent megabucks to tell us all of that. I ha"e a feeling thac if all the money spent on campaigning were ch:inneled elsewhere. 11.e could begm to make strides ay, ay from the mess that this "other pan)'°· has gotten us into. or at le3.St they could buy e,·eryone :i burger and a beer just for puwng up with the October assault. Ha, e you ever wondered wh) elections are held around Halloween? I ba,e. Do you think the correlation between scary people masking their faces. knocking on our doors Y. ith their hands out and threatening to trick us if we don't recognize them in t.ime had anything 10 do with the coincidence? Or is it that the promises and che hype have enough caramel on them co yank the fillings out of even the most faithful voter that we chose the eand,·-coated season to elect our leaders? No matter the reason , its giving me che heebie-Jeebies watching che blitllrieg of these ballot beggars 3.S they put their mouths where the mone" is. Does chis high·poY.ered spending insure us thac we're getting the most for our moacv? Did the burn-out do~'D the screet lace your Snickers bar with acid? The pomt is we don't know. Twaddle is n.'addle no maner if you spend one dollar or a million dollars. So let's hope that the goodies we pulled out of the bag chts ye~r will turn out to be ,·oid of anything but temporary relief and not contain any unwelcome hidden surprises. 0

1ncoxic:11ion of an IC skat e mght?" We " ould ha,•e to answer tern Wyomi ng. You see. when the, aren't l'O('kin' 10 Juice. thev h:i, e their coffee hou~e$. dance·s and intramurals just like IC. R1,•\c; Coll~ge phone wa,; bu~) all ahemoon M:iybe they \\ere 1r,mg 10 call , IC 3nd figure out how t(I put on their ,cl') own egg to~,; . Sine~ nobod, consulted the !le· ti\ 1ues ch:\irmM before wr11ing the .1nide. let',1ust toke :1 look at wh,11 ha, h.1ppcncd for NIC stude nts. We ,toned 1he ,;econd week of ..chool '"'h the egg tos, . pnr, of a free bi.lrbecue and d,rnl'C held 111 1hc SUB. Th~ fact that 528 people were fed :11 the barbecue probobly i\n I wonh mcn11omng. It took the Ac11,111c\ Commutcc five whole d3, l, 10 organi1c the next event. the Mish-an-Nock cruise. The CR s1off wns ,o li:<ated ll'ith the egg con1ci.t that thic; wn,; nc,•cr e,en mentioned. Ho,\ cvcr , on Sept. 5. JOO people set sail for an e,·emng cruise. Skate Night didn't do '>O badly eiiher with 11s 184 in attendance.


That'!> 84 more than who saw Barry ~ins " th e <;ongs thnt m:ike the "holr world sing... We would like 10 commend Poul B:iier for his ability to write on the actl\hics he doesn't ancnd. This muq ccrtninly be the cannarkings o[ :i good reporter. The A~·livitics Committee i,; cir. cu la1 ing \ ludc nt survey~ in .in attempt to find out what the stude nt\ want on cnmpu~ nnd wont '\I ude nt in put. part icipation and ide,1!>. They believe North Idaho College is more thnt a Ofth year of high ~chool. nnd they don't fct'I we need tu ,;kip home room and sell prom ticket, 10 prove It. Sincerely. Lee Cole

ASN IC frc,;hmon senator Carolyn Pli~ter ASNIC vkc pre, idcm Editors note: The Osmond concert put on by Ricks C-Ollcge drew a totol of 14 ,000 people In two performances.

Letters to the editor Letters to the editor arc welcomed by the Cudlnal Review. Those who s ubmit .letters should limit lhem to 300 words, sign 1hem leglbl.) and provide • telephone numbe r and address so that authenticity can be checked. Lett.e rs should be brought to Room 2 In the MecbanleaJ Arl8 Building or ma11ed to the Cardlnal Review In care or North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave., C-Oeur d' AJcne, Idaho 83814.

(.....____c_a_rd_in_al_r_e_vi_e_w___J The CardJ.nal Re,,tew Is published seml-moathly by the PubUcatlons Workshop class at North Idaho College. Members of the CR staff wlD 1trive to present the news faJ.rly, accurately and without prejudJce. OplnJoDI expressed on the pages and Lo vadoUi news anaJy1e1 do not reOect the views of the NTC admJnlstradon or the ASNJC. The CR Is entered as third-class postal materlaJ al Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. AssociAted .Press Five-Star All-American Newapaper editor . .. . .... . ... . ..... . ..... , ........ , ..... ... ... ...... Paal Baler news editor . ............. .. ....... . .. .. ... . . . ..... . Marcella Saacbei associate edJtor .. •. .. . .•.. . ..•..... . .............. . ... ,, ... SIU e.D arts and entertalnmenl edJtor .......... .. ................ JackJe Appel sports ed.Jtor . . . . . . . . . . .... . ......•...... . .. . .......... Bruce photograph.) edJtor . ... . . . .. . ............... . ........ , , , · · .SIAD copy editor ...... . ......... • .. . . . ..................... , · · ADIi Jlaaer asslstantsports edJtor .................. . ............... · · Barry ~ advertising m.anage·r ...... . ......... . .. . .......... , . · · , .Jaclde Appe canoonlst ....• . .. . ....•........ . ..... . .•............ Cheryl .Laalter adviser .... . . . .. ... . . • ................. .... ....... · · · · · Ttm P1Jidlll ... .. ......... . .................. .......... AJJaa Andenaa, Ronale Anson, Pam Cunnln.gham. Jodi Darter, Lori OaYI&, ROie Ma,y English, Basil Fram, Cnlg Joha.son, RJe Kast, Greg Momand, Dan Murphy, Nancy Payne, Mullsa Platt, Allene Samaela, MIM Tadio, WIiiy Weech md Mark Wheeler.


No,. 12, 1982/ Ca.nlinal Review-3-

--------1(_m_o_r_e_o-=--p_in_io_n_J Auditorium needs activities Dear Editor: Hooray! rm glad someone else has realized the apparent problem wi1h NIC's activities . The same individuals who, in our best cultural interest, backed away from a possible a.a. King concen due 10 undesirable elements who might attend. and or course wear and tear on our .. showplace·· (C-A Auditorium). They also ra ised their "worldly.. no!.es at an appearance by John Prine. I .suppose it is easier, safer and CHEAPER to bring in our own school band. orchesl ra and fingerpicking instructors. not to mention a large helping or relatively unknown (a nd predominantly) cln.s&i· cal guitarist~. I have nothing against guitnri~ts, but how about a little va riety? How about Leo Kottke or even Dan Fogelberg?

Of cou rse the carpet in the auditorium would wear out in five instead of the planned 25 years and a majority of the students might actually use the faciliry. or who knows. the community might realize they have the only adequately sized concert hall in North Idaho.


?a.r so na \I~ 1 I m ho\di n~ out for

a -f~eQ. +r;p ~

Besides. if we give the students REAL entenainment, they might abandon the intellectually stimula1ing game rooms we made for them or even want more of the real thing. Finally, if these individuals would wake up. they could stop the de-evolution or student activities. Pete Singer NIC ~tudent P.S.--Two out of four sophomores a~ked have never seen the inside of 1he C-A Auditorium.

(. . . _ n_e_w_s_c_o_n_n_e_c_t_io_n_s~) Warning : Cuts could be hazardous With the new~ of budget cuts for NIC and thrents of more cuts in the future it b time to to ke a long and serious look :11 what areas of the college arc going to be or have been affected. 'n1e quality of cduca1ion at NlC i~ the chief product and asset Lhot the college hos, and ii is not goi ng to be in the college's best 101crcst 1f the cuts cause overcrowding in c:lns,room.-.. increased instructor workloads or less adviser nssis1nncc for students. Lei 's nol compromise quality when it·:. time to mm nn) excess.

We shall have Christmas before its time I wos wnlking through the store the other day despera1el> in :.carch of a birthdn,• card that had no frill s. mush or Shnkespcarean poetr\', just o pure and simple ·· Happ) Birthdoy." As I npprooched the card section of the deportment store. I come m an :ibrupt l>IOp and srnrcd disbelie, mgly at the d1spla> before me. ··whnt in the som hill. " I munercd 10 myself. TI1erc. lin_ed up beforc me in double-columns, ,,ere suids upon ~locks of cmpy cellophnn('-wropped Chrislm:b cords. I franticnll) rushed to the orhcr end of the cord :.taod in search of a birthday card. A sigh of relief escaped my lips too soon though, because as I looked nt the selec1ton I had to choose from I almoM :.t.irtcd crying. ' MoM of the cnrds were made for eithrr a mece or uncle or some other distant relative that everyone remembers on their binhd:l\. Here and Ihere was a crumpled, dirt-~mearcd card that must ho~ e been handled bv more people than unden,ear at a K-Man clearance :.c1lc. I ~uldn"t belie\·e it. Ha!lo"een just got o,,er 3Jld Thanksgh·ing hasn t even hod o cha.nee to w:u,,1 her stuffings yet. and the

marcella sanchez manufacturer!> arc alread~ trying to force Chnstmas down our throats. I pondered sad.I~ o~er the problem that faced me Should I buy one of the hopeless-loolung pieces of cardboard before me or a new and 3nracti,e Christmas card? I could always scribble out the .. MeTI) Cbrisrltlll.S" and write in .. Ha ppy Btrt.hday" instead, I thought. ' e,er mind. I \\ould spend the remarnder of that day "·andering aimlessly through stores Cu!! of Christm3.S productS in seareh or one little card 1ha1 expressed ··Happy Birthday.. the wa,· I wanted it to. Belie\'C it or 001 ... Jingle Bells" was also playing endlessly in my bead.

Student Board Controversy arises over selection of advise r b) PaJI! Baler

The issue of 1hc ASMC Student Board' s a.d,, ser was the mam and most con1ro,ers1al topic at the Sov. .; and 9 student board mcetmgs and prompted 111. 0 ot her mo11ons to be pa~scd b,· the board. The dispu1e ;aro~ 1'o~ 4 v. hen \ u::r President Carolyn Pfbtcr nomrnated the prc~e ni a.d, he r T,,n} Ste"• art. because he is "the most qualified member on a mpus'' and because of the advice he has gr, en the board 10 the p:1St, A ~lsllor II tbe meetl.Jlg, M C student Seth Schneider Ytd t at the matter should ha, e more sti.dtnt mpu: :ind crtcd the problems tlat the board had last year o,cr the same topic. "I hope you're not going to ,-ote on this tonight because you h11,en't made it ava ilable 10 any ot her f:lcult, member or the students to kt therii kno" thi s pos11on is available." Schneider ~aid. "I gu e!>s there U!>Cd to be. last )·ear. n concern that m:ivbe ,·ou should rotate that focultv mcmbe~: · he said. "l guess there wns a peution that went

a.round l:m yeM that included many ~tudents on that peution. and you gu)s d1dn ·1 rea..11)· handle that tn II proper manner. Th1s broagbt a re3.ctl0n from President Jim Bre-er who said th.11 the '"ue ~ voted on and ;appro,ed ,n ;i p·oper manner Schneider 11n~11.ered thi\ v.ith an ob «ntl\ and v..i.\ qu,ckl) .idmonis~ b ) the board on his .:ho,c-e of WOT'd~. Sen White then addressed the auuc and msde a mo1 ,on to table the is~ue !cr • "eel. unol Sen John Ott. •ho v.-as absent b(' abl<' to ~hue iome ma•eria l 1h11 he had on the Ub ~ I

A.ool.btt ,isltor, :-.JC student Mike \kK1bb1 \IJd th:11 he .. .1~ ,,.11rc of

,\t ,c:.1r·\ problem., 2nd th.1t ht' al'\(\ thC'uch1 th.Lt u ,..1, a good 1de.i. to wall a v.~k to , ~ e on the 1,\ue .\ftcr a lutle more dti.cuw n, the m3tter w;is ,otcd on and S1e11an 1l3\ .1ppro,ed as the .1d\\,;er. Tlu> .i.ction prompted another re lll.1.J'k fro!!' Schneider and led to Pfhier mu1ng a monon to exclude , ... caruii:

College cut $49,500; m ore slashing possible A total of S49.S00 must be cut from NJC' s 1982-SJ fiscal budget and rinothcr SJ6S.OOO may be in the offing because of II recent Idaho Supreme Coun decision that affects the" 3) the state nllocates its funding. According to NIC President Borry Schuler. all state-funded budgets must take a 1.5 pcrceot decrease in funding. The reduction became cffCC'tive rifter appro,al b) the state bo;ird or educ3tion Oct. 28. This "ill take awav SIS.000 from the vocational depart~eni and SJ I .500 from the ricademic depanment at NlC. "Unless the Legisfature acts within the nen two months to come up with :1 sou rce of revenue ... Schuler S3id. "all state agencies might face a 5 percent holdback in January:· Schuler Sllid that he 11.ould not kno"' about the addition11I cut unt il late December or early January. According to Schuler. if the de crease is implemented. S60.000 "'' ill be cut from NlC's vocational funding and SlOS.000 from the academic portion. Schuler said that the cuts ,.;11 ho\'C the most impact on second semester Md th3t he i,, in the stage of planning where to cut right no". He added that the present spon programs ha,e no reason 10 11.·orry about being cut from the fiscal budgei. "The cutbacks will first be on Jess invoh'Cd activicit!S "1th :i low srudcnt

1urnou1. · he ~aid . " We'll also be c.-unmg back on part-ume instructors and opeuung expenses (such 11s romputcr m:un1e11.1nce and update )" Schuler said th111 the next positions to be ehmin:ned would be positions of NIC employees w•ho !me left . These pos111on~ ,. ould onl)' be fill ed if needed. According to Schuler. the deere:ise in federal funding does place detn· mental factors on schooling. .. It is starung to dete riora te the quality of edua tion." be said. S.,huler uid I.hat cutbacks wilJ affect the qoalit} of eduation on offerings rel}'i ng on equipment usage. "There will be more .students competing for use." he S3id. There v.ill also be more students per class. " hich v.111 give the srudents less opponu nil) to talk 10 their instructors on a one-to-one basis. be added. Acoord.tng to Schuler. the onh ..·av 10 1tp)ace Jost te\ enuc is for thi State 10 come up v.·ith nev. te\enue sources. "The federal government gave jurisdiction 10 the states and the s1111es ha,c been gcning out of it." be said. " Trus forces !the rc\'enue to come fro m) student tuitio n and pro per-t)

11t bo.~rd mceungs. ,. h1ch w11.s pMsed. Sen lee Cole suggested that the bo:ud look into the matter of getting :i sergeant .11 The board approved the idea 3nd ";11 be choosing one in the near future . •\t the 'lov <I mccung. On told the board that he ";is d1,:ippointed thnt the, chl'St' to ~ote on the :id,·1scr "h1lc he ... a.s out of town rind he thought other romm111ce opening, \hould ha,c been bcnrr ad, r n1scd The board also heard o liq of pro, i,1on, from the NlC cadch thnt v.ould ha, c t,, be foJl,1,,ed 1f a l"Jdet "err 10 ht u, t'd 11~ the l:loo.rd's <,< rgNnt 111 am,, . Ott ,n,d thot he rhouithl the p,1~111on unnCC<',,ary. ·'Jthtnk 11 , 3 d" iirace we ,ccm 10 think that 11. e need ~omc,:,nc here to ,eep ordrr:· On \ J1d "It ~nund, like 11 i:und v. a,1e of J cJdc1·~ lime to me " Cole dl\.igreed Jnd ~aul that he thought the bmlrJ needed \ Onl Cl,nC there 10 keep order ")• .,.,und, hkc good u~c of n cade1 ·, 11me 10 me.' Cnlc: ,aid. The board vo led to accept the pro"~ions offered by the cade1, and should ~ choo,mg a ,crge:int at arm, ~n

= ·


At rhc Nov. 9 meeting ihc board henrd an apology rrom Schneider for the ",O> that he acted at Lhe previous meeting but 1dded 1h01 he "'as still up~el over the maner. In other bu~iness the board: ··henrd 3 statement rend by Prc\i, dent Brc"cr that he 101011v bacted hi, ac11, 111c~ dircc-tor de\pite "unkind \\Ord," written in the Cardinal Re, vie\\ .. appropriated a ma.dmum of S700 llUt of the reserve fund to 1he dorm for the purchal>c of n video CO\SC?tlc rcrordcr w11h the supulnuon thot the dorm poy the ,um hnck at S2S per wmc~tcr ··he.1rd .i report from the 11ond11t1 eomm11tf.'c 1hn1 they round no rhongc.nccc\,ur\ in the conduct code but nppoln te<I Seth Schncltlcr 10 do fun her re,curch into the molter. npp:ovcd·~ comm1ttec Op· poir11menl\, n lh1 nf which can be provided by th,· ~tudent boar<I. .. reported 1ha1 98 people donated blood nt the blood bank. ..announced 1h~t ncuvity ,urvcys arc being pa~~cd out by the nC11vity tllrccror 10 ,cc cioctly what :1c1ivlt1c\ ,1udcnts wnnl 10 see.

NIC BOOKSTORE The Bookstore Will Keep A Christmas Want List Just For You! SAMPLE CARD TO BE FILLED OUT:


Address ___ _ __ _ __ _ Item





I. 2.





Stop By And Fill Out Your Card

uues." "The best remedy is for the state w get itself in order and gather state revenue." he said.

1000 W. Gorden Ave .


Ph. 667-7422

No,·. 12. 1982/Cardirw Re ,lew-5·

'Tea and Sympathy' on tap Opening nighr as ronaghl for the NIC drama d epanmenr"s play. "Te2 _:1nd Symparh)'," in the Communac:mon·

Arts Auduonum. Directed by drama lmrructor Roben Moe. rhc play "-3S wnuco b) Robert Andcr~on and is ~bout



boarding ~hool boy who i~ persecuted b1 has clct\smat~ bc:cause he i, an "off-ho~c·· (hom~e~ual) . .. This ,, a dirfi cuh play 10 do becau\c II has to be approached v.uh a grc.11 deal or ~Miu,·m, ·· ._foe ,111d. He .al!>O .aid that the pl.t) will be \IC's entry in 1hc American College Fcsuvul. "'hach wdl be held at '<IC dunng the third v.ed ol January Four pl4H ,.,11 he ,elected from college\ and uni\ Cr\lllC\ 1hrooghou1 ld"ho. Montan,, W,oming. Colorado 11nd Ulllh. and they will be pre~ented tn 1hr feMl\·al "1h" plnv ha s an uccllcnt chance ol being cho-cn 3\ one of the four." \.fOC; ,aid



NIC hllS not had a play selected v.ith the main four plays at the festival, but lltCOl'ding 10 Moe. this is one of the strongcs1 all-around cast~ NIC h:i~ had and lh:11 gwc~ lhc pla> 3 bener chance People p.amc1p.i11ng in the plaj include Carole BmllC). a.sslSl.3llt dir· ector; Dack Adams. 1echn1cal director and ~t de<11gne.: \Iona Klinger as Laun. '<ant\ Mananez, Lill,: Kenh "'1orris. Tom· Lee· ~ Sch~e1der as David Ham~. Doug Wagg .u Ralph; Todd \.fard; , Al: Roben Wmaon. s,e~c; 8111 Roger, ~ Bill Reynolds: Richard D1cl.m:an Phil and Joe Fu11a1e a5 Herbcn Lee. The pla> voll run tonight .ind Sa1urd:av and :-lo·, . lo. 19 and 20. Cu ruin ·ume i\ 8 p.m. each evening. Adm1Hion for !',IC students and uafl 1\ free. but uckct mformauon ma) be ob1ained by cllihng or vi\iung the C-A Buildmg Box Office.

REA DY TO PL,\ l'--Tim RanlcJ of the C4rdinnl Pep Band practice~ lor uproming gam~ and lor • Janulll" trip to the CoUcgc of Southern Idaho in f., In fnlt, and Valle) a1 Ontario, Ore.

(___s_c_r_e_e_n_s_c_e_n_e ____..J NIC Symphonic Band 'Snowy River' entertaining salutes American tunes by Marcella Sanche1 New Fullen ~no.. ··rclo:xmg. pcal'cful ond beautiful to watch A~ h the opproprin1cly named mo>'ie. "The Man From Sno.. ) Rl'cr." Ir 1, dcfinuely ,1 m,wu.· 1c, , cc 1f one v. ant'> to \ptnd nn evening of rcl.u:mon av. :1) lrom flick\ thn1 \mgc the cnr~ ;,uh ob~ccnc lnn1111011e, bland the c,c. v.1th \lolenct'

nnd HOrc ond corrupr the 111noccn1 mind w11h nudity and sex. 'Sno,, y Rh·tr" I\ "hhnul o doubt o. movie to tn~c lhe ktd~ to rhc 111c1urc: center, Jruund a young boy (Tom Burling<,on) v.ho mu.,1 pro,c he is o. man btftlre he rnn 111111:rat hb dcnd fo1her'\ land Kir~ lk,u11ln, d,.ie, dnublc -duty .1~ on nct11r land ~en «ell. I m111ht add) a, he plO)\ 1hc pnm of 1,<11 bmthcr,, Spur ond ll om\OII, n jlntbb, miner ~carch1n11 for ,,cJllh in gold mine~ und nf a wt·ohh> ronchtr "ho hold, n grudl(e agaiMt hi\ le,, 1hnn n.·,pcc11ble bmtlwr 1 he mher 1110Jor rharueu:r. hcli!', e II t1r not. I\ o .. lid block ,ralhon "ho k:id\ .1 herd uf domc\tac hnr,c, 1hrou11h lhC' cou1r1s1dc tcrror111n11 amunc "ho ""ned a ho1,c. Burlln11,on fa1·c\ vnriou~ rnnl, ,ind mbulnuun~ 1hmuiihou1 lhc mo, 1c v. hach c,1111111all) lead, ro ha, pro,111111hot he 1~ mdced o m:in uml 1-:in h.andlc- has 0 .. 11 •afloir~.

'1 he I rum Sm>" 1 Raver" 1\ not a 1enr·Jerker or 111:Jdcrm :rn .ird v. mncr bu1 at enn definite Iv p1\w1dc nn cvc nan(t t1I entcnammcnt 1f )Ou ha, t m>thang el\C 10 do bu1 ,tudy v,:,ur h11mc" llrli. Wcll. Jt IC.I\I 11·, .1 change ,:,t p.1,1: ll\tm " 1131111\\1'\'n Ill" ,,r "f.1,1 Time, At R1dgemnnt H1iih ... 0

lf t er J>ow1•/I ,,.;,,

Debaters look to Euaene tourney ~

l'hc: NIC dcbatc teo.111 h~, n tournament )Chcduled for \ o,. IQ·11 .it Eu~cne Ore af 1'0nfllc1\ "llh )Chcduling nb~en.:1: lrom clnsst", can be v. orl~ out ' \ crording 10 Coach Tam Cnnsue. over JO ~chools from the wc~1cm state,"'" ht' reprt,cn1cd at the tl'lurnc1•. Chri\ttc ,aid that .ino1hcr po~siblc tournament could be held :it \ ancouvcr·~ Clark College The debate team of Rich Kuck and John Ou \\ On the tourn:imcnt \\ttltend :u Po..cll, W10. They beat a Southern Utah team in the \em,finah ilnd then \\On o,·er another Sou1hcrn Utah tectm an 1he finah. The 1e1ms from Southern Utah arc ranked third in the roun!I')' ond are considered ,..cry good debate~. The team of Stanley Bialy and Roger Armitl!g(' ended 1he t®mament ~ uh 11 .l·J record. Lyndel Turner and Tom Kolberg also had a J.J rcrord .

" A Salute I the \meri,a,. s concert g1Hn b) 1 .. ,or h ld;iho S, mph(lmc Bu,d :am, 1 1a cn,eml>le v.111 bt p~cnted ,n the• mumcauon-,\n\ Aud1:onum on :'l.o, :!I fhc c..-nttn :a 1nburc to •.\ tune,. "ill be performed b, tv.'O tha1 combine '.IC ,tuden!~ and com· mumt, mus1C1Jns ahl:.e The bands are conduc-trd b, ,1c music ln~tru~tor Todd Snvder fhe ,ymphonac band "'·11 be per· lormmR ·Chanots of F·c. " "Cuer· na, ac:i:· .. Sousa M:m:hc • along "uh "Ca, ;i1ina." bcner'tl 3\ the Iheme from the m0\1e. ··Toe Ott. Huntc-r · Thc- s, mphonic band v.ill be featur· lni: \f1chael Bulle, of the "IC mus c (acull\ in G~r\11 ... m·~ · Rhap,o<h In Blue • Bulle) " m hi, third ycu of tcachm b.,th puno and the lund.t· mcniab Cl music cou~ One of the IXhu solotsts 1s K:uh, \t.,.~ ,. ho 1~ the li«retan of 1be ,-ommun"a1w'l·a1U Wh>IO",

"111 ,olo ~n her 1, P"" ntcr durmg a wng cnmlcd "Th.- T,·pe" mer .. The JJH ensemble pro2ram "111 include pain" b, Chrek Corea. ·Brrdland" b, WcJthcr Report. and J~unun" b, Carn! Kang. The Jazz cn~emble's lcaturt" soloist "111 be '- IC ,1udent ~lth11n C:irroll. v. ho "111 perform a fonwre drum solo n Budd~· Rich·, •· O.incrng Men." Cam.ill i, 3 mu>1c mljor from Utlh and wn:s1le\ for the ~ IC Cnrd annb The ~, mphoniC' band has been In ui,ten.e for 12 ,car). There ha, e been \Ome pmieapnnb "ho h:i,e been :i pan ot 1h1, group the entire t ime. ancludmii LJm and Shnron Strobel of Coeur Alene. Lim Strobel. 3 postJI employee • plan th• ftcnch horn Jnd his wife Shar,·~ pla: s m the flute section. Their dllu.;:.,!tr Shannon h:i.s joined the band a, a· 1-e~c1' ~om pl;i,cr Sunphonae'> hJ,e been m exbtencc s nee 1hc I oOOs · Sm dcr s111d. "but l>~nds h~, eon! been ·Jrnund about 50 ,.i·


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Champ o ux urges students to keep on pedaling b) Da"''ll Murph}

Kno.,.mg ,,.ho ,ou M" is the ke\ 10 ~unwal. Scank consuhan1 Tom Champoux iold a full house New I at an ', JC Popcorn Fnrum. Add re"ini 11ppr.,>1ma1el) 2~0 people 1n the Bonner Room of the Sl 8. Champou, ~id :hat mo\: pcoplt dn no1 under·,·1nd the d1ffc~nn: bct.,.ccn thei r ·value· and 1hc1r · ·uJuabilll\·." which i re l \\O .,.'Ords ~1th complc,el) different ·r:ieilllmg<. \'aluc 1s .,.hi) )OU a:e, he cxplamed. and people s,mpl~ ha~e to c::ust 10 have , a.Jue " No one hu any more valae than 111yone else whclher 11 1~ John Kenned) or a druolt 1n the gutter.·· ChampoLU said Being valuable 1s rcl.ucd :n the th1n~ people do and people become , :tluable v. hen U!Clr alue 1s put 10 use through consaou> choice. he sa:d " II I w3Jlt to tu.e i.hat I ha,c and u~e 11 ... 1th the choices I make. then I can be ,'1l11.1blc."' Ch.ampoux said. People .. an1 to feel » orthwhlle u human bcin~ he said. and Ill order 10 do this. the, need a ba.uocc b<'twecn ha,'Ulg value and being ,~u.,.ble. "If I can do somethmg m the eyes of my peer group that is worth,,.hile o.nd if I hke m,self. then I am okay... he sa,d. • A problem arises when people do not separate their vo.lue from their actions. he added. Tlus LS

c.11icd cgo-hoo~ed bcha, ior .uid a peT'on·., Mirth· whllcncs.s bccom~ based totally on v. h:11 he d<>e,. ..W e arc 001 ou.r actions." Champoux said. When people do oot rc.ihzc thi\, then the:~· ~tart 1ude1ng thcm,eJ.-~ b} -.hat they do m$tcad of \\ ho the, arc and thus end ap "1th 11 ,·en low self·t-<tecm. he said. He ~1d that I big trap people fall into 1< when the~ compare thcm~hc:. to ,;,1hcr<,. People can not feel po~,m e about thcm,ch c, .,. hen comp.1rcd to another peT\on· s acuom. for att;im II Jo" sclf·e~1ccm de,clop:.. 'I.tan, umcs -.hen th1\ lo,. scll·e\tccm o..-cur<. p~-oplc 1um 10 ;ikoh<>l. drul!s and other ,hemi<"al dependcne1c, to muc thcm<clve< feel good Then after the chemicals "'car off. guilt ~cl< m and p«iplc bcRm to ··sctf-dewuct. •• Champou, said. Th,~ hn, cai. .cd 2. dramu1c n"C m the tccn.igc: ,uk1dc r.ltt ·•'io mattu "hat ) OU do," Champoux <11id, )ou' rc !;,'Umg 10 c, run into ,omcix-d, -. ho doc~ 11 bertcr ..

Champoux comp:l.n'd llfe wuh the C"tpCnencc of ndmg a biqclc. When a person is leun,ng to rtdc a btlte he rob C&!lmg <IO"-n and hon ing him~elf. This compares 10 dcc isioa-maki ag in life· So mc11m c, people bun lhemscl\u m th1 < process also.

" The ride 15 ijOOd only if vou arc · going '"m,:plilcc." hc: ,3id 1! a p.,r..on quits pcd.1Jin1?, a~ \\ilh gro.,.1ng or 1.1km11 RN \.nc1\\ lcd11c. he can NU\l for .i while. but evcntunlh he "111 have to m11\.c .l tlC1:1,1on to e11hcr 1,, ,c (.'('l nt ml of h~ life: nnd foll or hi begin 10 pedal a11am.

Champoa, al~o cq>IRlocd lhe d1Cfcrcnce between rc:)trlc1he and con\tnictivc moth·auon Ro:,tricuve m,11"·011on i\ the nturndc, "'I nm doing thl\ bC\:au<c: I haH· to... ,tnd ~-onqnictlvt mo11,·a11on ,, dnang , becnu,c: "I want 10." he ~aul Thl"rc •~ no dlfkrencc ,n the uc·11(1n being done. yet the con~trur twc: mo11v.111on ,rc.itc, poq11ve fceli 11gs about one\t:11. he ,,1id, " Life to me i, 11 bc:au1iru1 chollcng<'," he 0 ~,cncd " I hon· zero control over ycqcrdBy nnd even lcs~ \'(lnl rol ' " er 101m1rrow." he '111d. "1\II I ca n do 1~ rt1ntrul nght nnw.·· On other orc:os. Champou<t snid: - -People should ~ct ~hor1 -1crm goal~ In their lives. - -No one con take control or o. person's lire cxcep1 thnt per~on. - -People: get frnm 1hcm&clvcs what they expect to get.

. Brown to star in 'Sam.e Time' The play "Some Ttme Next Year" begi ns 1onlght ol the Coeur d'Alene Community Theater. Stamng Bob Brown, assist3nt director of vocational education at NIC, the production will also be held Nov. lJ. 18. 19 and 20 at 8 p.m. A separate: matinee i, shucd Nov. 14 :it 2 p.m. " Tea and Sympathy" will be presen ted 018 p.m. on Nov 12, IJ, 18, 19 and 20 in the CommuniClltion-Ans ,\uditonum. For ticket information. cllll 1he C·A Building box office at 66 7.6JJ I. For Spokane cntcno.inmcnt. Charley Pnde will be in concert at the Spokane Oprra House Saturday Nov. 20 111 7 and JO p.m. Accompanying him 1s the country band Pridesmen. Ticket\ are S9 and SIO. A San l'r.anc:1~co Opcro·, Wc\tt rn Opera Theatre 1s presenting " Rigotcuo" by Verd,. There "ill be one pcrformnncc at the Opera Hnusc Saturday. No,•. 27 at 8 p.m. Ticket, ore 512. SI O and SB.SO. The Burlesque Musn:al "Sugarbab1cs" will perform 31 1hc Opera House on Nov 30 and Dec. 1 at 8 pm. licket\ S1 ·1 S1 7 and S18.50. W111ic: T)lcr, one of Amenca's foremo\t v1:ntriloqu1\ts, and hi, human-wed sidekick lester wiU perform a1 11 ;JO a.m Nov. 17 01 Spokane Community College On Thur'ida} Dec. 9 at 8 p. m. in the Spokane Coliseum will be the Waylon Jenning) show. fea1uring W:a) lon Jenning, and Jc~\1 Colter "'llh \pccial gu<'m Sonn~ Cunis and the Orig m:il Cricket,. TLCkc:ts arc S12.SO and SI0.50 for rcSCT\led se:iung. Basil Fnuu photo

SC:LF ESTEE,t- -Counselor Tom Champoux tells s!lldentS ho" to cont.rol their o>< n lh·e~. Champoux spoke at a popcorn Corum No" 1 in the Bonner Room of the


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Nov. 12, 1982/Canflnal Re,•ie,.,.7.

['---_c_r_____;,p_o_r_ts s _ _J Speed, height, confidence ; women's team has it all b) Ban)• Baker Wilh only one re1uming st.trier fim year recruits ...;11 h,we to stan filling the NIC 11.omen·, bme1ball 1eam 11.~th sirong defense and a lot of quickness. Coeur d'Alene High School's all -time leading baslmbaU scorer. for both boys and girls. Kathy Eatinger. v.ill help the inside game for head coach Greg Cnmp. Mind )· Bowman will return to the starting line-up for the Cardi. while \Ophomore, Karen Robenson and Kay Hoff will be looked upon for their g:tme crpcrience on the coun. "We lost a lot of people," Crimp said, ··but .,..e've got bcncr quicbless IIJld a be11er inside game than last year." Last year's MOS(()W st.ate championship team will provide two members for the Cardinal squad. guard Karen Helbling and six-footer Leslie Parr. A Corvallis. Mont .. nauvc, Sharla Litvin averaged 21 points in high school and Crimp hopes she will continue her admirable performance. "She (Litvin) can hit from the outside as well as the inside," Crimp said. After winning the wtcrn Di vision title of Region 18 two years l/1 a row, Crimp looks a11he rest of the division as very competitive. NIC has a 12·3 divisional record over Lhe past two years (7- J last year). and Bowman. the returning point guard, looks for high hopes this sea.son. " We'll be quick. We arc all good shooters. I'm surprised al the freshmen·s performances so far." Bowman said. ''If we play well and everybody gets along. it would be nice to go to nationals." The 1op 1wo scorers for the 1981 -82 Cardinals. Vicki Han (18 points per game). and Jackie Fleu (12 points a g:ame), arc showing their scoring abilities elsewhere. Han is now playing a1 Northern Amona a.nd Flett is anending Ea5tcrn Montana. A third starter. Kalhy Herben. is now at the University of British Columbia. " We' re going ro miss the play making and coun intelligence of Jackie and the instant scoring of Han." Crimp said. The Cardinal women open their season wilh a pair of home games. Columbia Basin vl~i1s Coeur d'Alene Nov. 29 and Spokane Palls Communi1y College comes in Dec. I.

R.EADYTO PASS-Freshman Sharla LIMn gUA.rd.s teammate Karen Bclbllng In a recent practice. The girls basketball learn "'ill play their Orsi game No,•. 29 al home against Colwnbla Basl.o..

And let there be height bJ Rk Kast

UP AND rN- -frelihman Byron Talbou laf~Ont" In dllring a reren1 practke a.. Tim Ah,·ood and Man Simon look on. The men's baw.clball tt-am ... mopen Its - n Nov. 24 wben II lru elw LO Chene) to lake on the Eastern Washington Unh emiy


The men\ ba'1.ctbJ.ll 11,111 tra,cl to Cheney. Wash.• lo lip-off its 1982-83 se:ison aga1n~1 1he Eastern W:lihmg1on Uni\'crsil) JVs on 0 1 . 2q at S p.m. The urdmal, fim!>hed l:ut year's ~eason wi1h an imprcs~ I\'<' record of 2b· 7. and ,It one po1n1 of the ,e~n rose to mnth m the national rankings. Coach Rolh \\ il11am~ said there arc a lot of DC\\ faces this 1·c:ir and he is not ma.lnni: an) pre-~:a.son pred1C11ons J_~ 10 1he outcome of tht' upcommg sc3SOn. •,~-..tstan1 coach fad. Blo1om !>31d 1hcrc .uc different t~pe pla\'ers th1~ year than there \\el'e on!~: )Cu·~ ream ,ind pointed ou1 that losing fou r st.tncr<i left quue a fight for >tamne: po,rnon., this ,e.1r. ··we don·1 ha,"t" the range shoo1ers that "c ha,c had in 1he p:is1. " Bloxom S3id. "'\\ c "Ill ha, c 10 depend on ;emng thJ.t b:tlt inside more 10 score." The Card, do lt!,e 1he he111ht 1h1s ,ear in plJ,·ers hlte rcturntng ~ophomore John R:mda. 4>-foot -: trcshm,n J:ime .. \.fonon. t>-foot-S: frl'Shman l\mael Vargai.. t>-1001~; fre,,hllWI Tim At-.llOd, f>.foot -. :snd S(lphomore Byron Talbon . b-£001-8. Bloxom said Rand.1 " a prob.tble starter 31 center. but 1hcre nre three people fil!htm:; for tilt' ICl""'llld spats and fi, e fighung for the guard positions. He pointed out lli:u there Jre no ·super\1ars · on the team 1his yenr and 1h;11 i1 "ill tale ~me de,clopmeot 1n :e:am pla, to i;:et :he ma:timum performance from the ream. Randa agree\ 11,1th that ··We're no1 a, Ouh~ asb~r )C3r. •• Jund.l said. " We ha"e 10 le3rn to pla) as a team. :111d 1f e,mone v.oris hard. -..,e"II be 1ough •· Bknom ~id thJt .. 1111c the., do ha, c height. the) do not ha,e 1he ro n,Rc s hoo1e_rs. "° the quc:..uoo ts .. hethcr or not they ha,e enough speed and can get the boll inside for >COM !? Jd,·Jnu,1:n There uc ~'t"raJ la.;..J pbycr.. on :his ,ear·, ~ter Sophomore Chm Yardley and freshmen Tlm Sc:nnoor a.nd Dtrl. Ferrel are all graduate~ of Coe ur d'Alene High School Ar"ood and ,;ophomore Mau Simon are both Po\t Falh gradu:11e5, Ferrel inJured his :1ni.Je m earl) season pr.awce. 11. hich the co.1ch said 1~ a poor time to pr.1C'tice for a freshman .•.\fll.ood. 11,ho grndu ~ted from high 5t'hool in Ill...,. is roaung along niccl} but 11.ill ha, e to wort hard 10 catch up, Bloxom added. After the opener 11, 1th Eas1ero tbe Card!>" ill Sta) on the roJd with games ognin51 WJIIJ Walin on No\. r . Spoltane Communir) C.ollegc on Nov. JO nnd Big Bend Communtt) College on Dec I. :-.IC pll) s 11:, fin.1 h<>-me game agJJnst Le-.1s and C ork Staie College JV~ on Dec. 3 .11 ":JO pm.

Nov. 12, 1982/Canlinal Re, lcw-S·

Cross country team sends trio to national meet b~ Bruce ~luJlen Chr"'' Da,·1d, qar•cd the 1%~ cro\, ,·,,u ntr. \<-' ,n "ith .ie eo.11 1n nnnd ~uturda, in l:uca. ' \ , he "'111 ha,e I ch~ncc ,,, rc:a,h that 6(lal••:D ,qn tht ~JC,\ \ national CT05~ coun::'\ chQmpton\l:ip. ,-\ ftcr an exhausting SUl!'mcr trll k \cal-On Da\ld, iW lt'd thlo: he mu I IC' a ra~e or I\\O during the IC'I\ n t-..1 rhat he \\(,uld "in "hen he had t He did l"'' 1h11 :mil upi .. •ed t Rc~1<1n III 111k tor lhc ,c nd u \i,,i < r "Ith a c, urw n.: rd f 24 at 5,,ut Im tun ( M•11'T'u" r k

6 in (005 831·. Ore I Imo\\ r,e j!()tTcn be:11 this year. but I tnOI' ,.h,.'' Da,1d, ~1d. ·-r,e pro, ed I CIJl "'lr. "hen ti rount,:· [3q \Ca· at n.ittonlls Da,1ds fint<.hed src nd •, Kur• Ru,,ell of Sourh,.e,tem \!1 gan afttr !c;id1ng :he rl.:t' :!lr;Quehout the earl) ,::ai,!S. Rus\cl: ~ back: 1s:ain. bu: ti doc-. nN 11 rn the Cordmtl ,ophomore ' I ,e g •ten ne \ ,m:artcr," D.i ICb utd 11 dr,esn I rrumcr ,r I kn(JQ. hou he d d this ,ea n, use: th.ii', s,,,me ', n,

Tokedown event Sat urday

Wres tlers hold tourney Approximat ely \ SO" res tiers uc expected 10 be on hand Saturd.1y "hen the Cardinals ho~t the '-IC Takedown Tourn dment in Pe rry Chrt~ tiiln~on Gvmnasium · ~hnor injuries ha1t• set in on the the ,'~ 30 Cards. but mosr "rcstlcrs "ill be rend~ for the competi· ti on " ith 1enms from W .1sh10~1on Statt· Li ni'"er~11, . E\\ U. l'n11er~i1, ol Monrnna. Bois~ St.111:. Western Montana and Non hcrn Montnn.i College


Sron Bamu. an :-ICAA fmahM las1 year for BS U. ...,11 probably be on hand to challen ge '-IC\ re,;ently rcco, ered !from a ~nee tnJun·l George Pmer,on. \\ho " on the 1ournc1 lnst ~ear. From WSU. MeJoe Hernandci tJ:!·S and third at nationnls for 'IC in 19!11 l nnd Bob S1eg" onh (36· 10. founh m nauon for NIC in 1%1 1 "'ill come up to "re~tle Hcm:indez \\ On this 1ourne1 t\\ Oyears ago a, a Cardin.ii. · J:ick Ntchol~on. a t\\ ()• time All·

American for the C:u din:ih. is nou "resthng for Nonhem M(lntann Col· legc.>. and Todd G.iston (31·11·1. si:tth nt nationals l:ist yeu l u1ll u·restle for Eastern Washington.

The rulc'>ot uie tournament ue a bu different from :hose of a siand:ird m:itch. There ts onl~ one penod. :ind the doc\. ruus ron\tanth throuehout the threoe minutes. The o;I~ wa, to ~re ,~ b, takedo,,.n. :i.nd a t:ikcd,,"n I!> "onh one point. r,11her lh:in l\\O, In the c, em of :i uc. lbc ,1,rc,1\i:r "nh the lir,L ,core ..,n\ the match. Tuc'>da, t'lt'mng the Card, ho~t the l'n1,crsit~ of MontJn:i. m 1heir first dual nwrcb 01 the sclbl>n. The Gnz· zh~, :ire rcponedh much 1i11pro,td ,incc l:i,t '>t':l\3n •hen the1 suffered l 4~-1 lo" to the Cudin.1ls On :-;o, . 19,ZO ~IC venturt'!> into Bot!>e tor" ha1 CoJch John {)\.en calls 1he tvughl"it compeution or lhe se3· son " We usua.ll}· get our buru kicked do" n thc.>rc:· 0\\Cn S3id. "bu1 it s (the compe1111on) good for us at 1his ume or the \C3r .. The cntnes in !he BSL lnvi taiional indude Btg Sky champ BS U. WAC confe rence champ Brigh3m Yo ung.·Poly. San Jose. Uta.h Sme. Uni· , e~it} or Oregon. Gr.l}S Hubor and San'lsco State

thml.! that \\ On' t help me in ., race. I <till ha,e to beat him ... Suzie Ma,"ell .ind ~lel;mic Cnndi,1 "ti .1,wmpln~ 03\lds 1,, l 11, .1 b~ ,,nuc ,,f 1hc1r I-Ith 3nd I -,h pl3c(' fini...hc, at n:g1,,n3l,. \ l.lw r.'II', top IS linl\h qu3htied her for the n111,,nal m,'t't. w h1k ('und1a 1in1,hcd in IQ.~O 1,, mt'Ct th,· na1t,1n.1l qu.ahf~ mg ,t,mJJrd n11h1 ,,n the hut

than the Card~ acluc~d la~, \'ear ""htch can be ,1ttnbutcd tu the ru~nmg 11f rho: numbe r two through ,i~ runner,. Wade Hoiland f11111\hcd 1n 17th pl,\\'(. (h,: \etOnd~ nhcad or fen,,.. lrc,hman G,,rd,· Heath !18th). Mtke F11glc,1o1n (2(hh l and John Bur,cll (11~ll fint,hcd \\Uh a111 1dcn11,.il N:4 1 d ,1.:k tn ll Jnd Jue ,\I\\ ard natlcd down 24th pl,1w


\ bric \lurph, o{ R1, I., ro1crcd the 5.000-mc:cr ,"Our,,• m 1-: 1- 1,, .-apturl.' the md111du:1l 1ttle, "h1lc L:m..- too.1k th,· ne3t '"'' \Jl(tl' to h,:lp II w tla· h!Jm 111lc ~IC did nnt fields lull tc3nt. tout got a ~1'1 pl.1,~ tim,h lrom Kelli \\\x><h and a J~rd pllcc lini,h from ! 1ml,1 (11m1?1n In the m,·n·, d1,1\l(ln ,1c ,3 n1 c out In rh1rd pla,e hehmd CIJdama, Jnd Colk;:t of Southl·rn,,, 1,10 tc,1m, th.ii placed 1n the h>p four at 11.111onah

I h,· dtfl.rcnrc bel\\ccn Mu1l.1nd', 17th fll,in.' l1n1,h anti l\h1nrd' , 14th pla.:c \\ .i, onll I b nd,.


\I\\ ,ml. " hn clmm, he r,,n th,· rn"· ,,r m1 hll·. " ,ummcd up th<· 1e:im', p,•rl,,rmunc c t,,· <tau ni: h<I\\ ht kit nl•,•ut hi, C111n pcrlurnmn«:. " I

I.lit \\


,,a,n' t

j!tltOI( II) /(Cl

.mothl•r ,hnt. <,• I 111\1 11 cm out l>ttll, tn the ".ill,," the Am·h,1r,1gc ,ophnmprc , .1111 " I "J' running prctt) good but I , J\\ .ill thew nthcr runners 1n fro111 ol me ,ind tl111ught ' JtL'l.'<l, ,lu" dn" n you guys " Unfortunutel)•, they did ont

l:i,t )l'Jr,

Thi." fini,h ., a, ,,ne,> nntd l ht!(ht:r


Spikers fall 1n Rexburg; . Ricks , TVCC Win berths by Grea Moreland

The NIC ,olleyb:lll team',; hopes of n berth to rcgionah cnmc to an end Oc,. JO as the Cardirutls dropped two matches in Rexburg. The Cudinals fell an their first match to Tre.uu re Valley Communi ty C'ollegc from Onl.llno, Ore .. IS.9. 15·13, 14·16, 15,6. Their second lo~s came again~ ihe h<m or th e NJCAA Region 18 Easrcrn Division Tournament, Ricks College. by score~ of IS. I , 15· 10. IS· I. Debbie Bath of the Cardinab was one of six players selecred from the East D1vtSion 10 the all-region team. Both TVCC and Ricks no" advance 10 the reg1onal 1ournament in Oregon, but the exac, snc ha, not yet been dctermmed. The spikcrs wound up the ,enson 01 lhe Mt. Hood lnvitatiomu and came away winless to put their final season mark 111 J.21.

Grapplers have all the tools--no appreciation Freedom oi choice h11s played a major role m the fonmmon of modem dllv America.· people can gr<>" up 10 be l11wycrs or doctors. or they cnn ,...ork ID bluc.>-collar Jobs. The> c:1n dri\·e Cbe,,ys or Yolkswagons and the., can choose to vote or not vote. Unforrunately for the wrestling and girls· baskel· ball progr.1ms at ' JC the same 3pplies to :i f:ln's right 10 ancnd a match or not. So far. fans have cho.sen to avoid .;.·atching a wrestling match or wo mens· game in fa,·or of nnending II men·s ba.sltetball No" I nm not trring to condemn rhe men's b3Sketball team. They :ire definncly exciting 10 .. 11,ch and hn~e been highly competili\C in Region 18 during !he past re" years. But h3S C\'eryone forgotten about the success of the other two progr:im.s? The "'Tcstling team has not lost a dual meet in 1wo :uid a half years. it h:is won 11 stnugh1 Region 18

bruce mullen titles. won four national championships in the pasl decade lllic basketball team has only made ii to the national toumev r,,,;cc a ·cr) and last vcar had rwo indh;dual cha..mpions to go along ,.;th ·its fi.rst·pl3cc finish. Last season the women's baskctb:ill team won the Easicrn Division of Region 18 with a 1·1 rcaicd. yet when the ..-omen tip off their season to Coeur d'Alene Nov. 29. probabl) less than 100 people will show up 10 suppon them.

The wrestltng IC3m should dr3w more than that, but only by rwo or three hundred. But for men·~ basketbllll?. open up the floodgates. What are fans ,.a1,1og for1 Is a 91 .54 basketball win over a Jayvee team from the Universiry of Montana that much mo re exciting than a 48,3 "restling victory over a varsiry squad from !he same school? Or is a fou r·poi nl victory over Ricks by the roundb.illcrs 50 much more enticing th11n the "resllers' :ZS.point triumph over a Pac•!O school (WSU)? The wrcsllen are more compelld~e lhan their hoop-shooting counterparts: the record shows thar. They are 3l least as dramatic also: lllSt year's last second vieu>ry at nationals dcmonsuates rhlll. The only c:itegory they tn.iJ the men's basketball team in is in a1u:ac1ing fans: the anemia.nee marks show that.

No\. 12, 1982/Cardlnal Review-9-

Voe council fil'ls out survey

Winning form LesUe PUT shows off the costume th,u won her first place In the costume contest at the Sbemwi Bal] Halloween part)

Ort. 29.

Vocational Council members were present :u the o,. 4 VSNIC meeting 11,•i th surveys 10 be filled out by students. According to VSl'ltc President Lee Cole. the surveys are to assist the Student Acthitcs Comminee. of which Cole is a member. to see 11,h,11 type of acti-1ties students would like 10 have. A letter from the NIC Board of Trustees thanking the VSNIC for the donation of S618 last year for the library fund was read 10 lhc council by Cole. The reader boards ha\·e arrhed and :iccording to the :Placement Committee. a reader board will be placed in the vocational dining room. A reader board "'"3.S to be placed across the haJl11,,11y on the w3ll but there is no electrical power a\·ailable near the wall 10 run the equipment. In other business. the council: -pa.ssed a motion to ha,·c the minutes of the meetings be reproduced and given to each of the council members. --passed a motion 10 donate S50 10 assist Christy Dnvids with the expenses it cost 10 send him 10 Tai"-11.11.

NIC Pell Grants may he increased NIC srudents who ha,e rccei\·cd Pell Grant funds for lhc 19 2-83 school year !lllly be granted additional funds in the near future. Because of excess funds in the Pell Grant program .it NIC. the financi.u aids office is re-e, aluating all Pell Grants to determine ,, hich students 11,ill receive nddioona_l funding. Director of Financia.l Aid Jim Upchurch said that his su1.ff hope~ to complete the re-e\'aluations b\' the end of No,ember. He snid lh3t he would like students who arc curious about their grant re-C\•nlu3tions to "'lit until then. He added th3t the finll.llcial llids office moy close 11s doors if necessary to complete the process. In addition. Upchurch noted that the Reagan admimstnuion has passed new regulauons wluch will 3.lJ011, some \'Ctcrans who were origmna.lly denied Pell Grunts to recch c that funding no". This bill permits only one·thiro of GI benefits to be included in the income 11,•hen determining the grant suuu~. Pre~iou~ly all GI benefit income was included.

Basil f'111m photo

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No,. 12, 1982/ CardlnAI Rcvlcw- 10·

NIC sexual harassment policy being devised b, Ronale Anson Sexual hara~smcnt is :i problem on many cnmpuSC$, and tn order 10 a,·crt the problem. I'- IC offic1ah arc "'Tlttng a. ~cxual harassment gnc"ance polin. to pre)ent to the board of trustel"i Director of ?lanmne O" en Cargo!. Englt,h ln~tructnr Daralyn "'lanei. and ASNIC Vice Prc~1dcn1 Carolyn Pfister nttended a hara.s\ment in Ponland Oct ~ 10 learn ... hat steps should be ta~cn 1n v. ntmg soch a polic~·. The "'Ori.s hop "as conducted b· Miranda. a con\ult1ng firm t a1H1s• educa11onal 1ns111utions to define. wrile pohC) statements. institute procedure and to undcr;tand the legalmes of sexual harassment Sexual harassment c,n ra.ngc from unintentional innuendo to outright rape. h is the un" clcome sexual advance (If a person in authOnt) that could affed tht' grades or employment of a subordinate. Men can also be victims of sexual harassment. but more often the , ictims are women " What's crudnl 10 a defm1tton of sexual harassment is that there is an unequnl po"er base." Manei said. "There·~ a person tn :iuthom1. and there is a person 1, ho is subjoo to that au1hon11· ... she ndded. A "'o.:Oan student's enti re future could depend on a ccrt:iin class or instruc1or. e,pccinlly tn graduate school. Mattei said, adding thi1t the mnle instructor excm, the po"·cr. In order to "rite a polit: suuement and form a grie1•nncc procedure. the rommince needs to clnnf-.· "hot ronsll· tutes sexual harnssment ;ind to set guidelines for the \taff and student~. "I foresee some real thrashmgs out of thi1t (Selling a pohc} l tn meetings before we can lin111lv settle on. ·ycs. th is IS 3 polit:• !hnt'S ncteptabfe 10 US, and it may in, o1'•e some compro· mises.· nnd this is the wav the procedure should be handled.· · Mattei said. Unintentional rem.arks in the class· room would probnbl} be hllndlcd inform31l\'. E.3ch case would ha,·e to be judged o'n its own merits. for they

on here? Am 1going 10 jeopardize my grade if 1 don' t ~o along hcTC?" " It > a compromising pMitlon," M:itte1 ~n1d. The negath•e aide of o sexual

cannot all be fonnal or all mform:il. 11.1,me, ~aid. lo the put. , oc:1001131 education h.u been targeted as discrumnatorv in the entnnC\' of v.omen accord.tog 10 MaT) l\nn. " counselor. bcc.iuse Rio~, .ire .iimed :11 "one-sex occupauons •· "\\ hat .. c·re tr}ing to Jo ~ break


co mpromi mg po ition." down the barriers. a.nd the barrier is not ae«ssarily with the i.n5cructor. but :also "·omen have intemnl barriers to 1 hose kinds of things {traditi onal roles):' Lyon said. ··What " e·re loot ing for nght no" is beha,ioral changes. because attitud· inal changes take so loog ... she added. A fine line exists berv. ecn SUWll

hJns~ment and d1~crimina11on. Su r· , cys show thn1 male, get more attenuon in the classroom thnn fe• ITlllle,. e,en 1f it is negattve attent ion. according 10 L}'nn There Is also a One lino berween sexu11l harassment ond a hn rml cs, fltr1at1on. Mnttei said The woma n ~todent can wonde r: " Whot 1s going

harassment gnevancc policv could be that insrru<"IOrs rould lose the personal i111crnction ,1 ith student\ in confer. cnce:. if they htwe lo be on 11uard II.II the ume, Mnttei 'i:lid. ··often ttmc~ women will not talk ..ibout it (:,etual hnrasi.mcnl) because lhcv think. 'Well . I must hove done something 10 encourage it;·· Mattei cont inued. "and lt'1, the ~ame guihlrlp " omen to.kc "ith n rape. ··Society ~t1ys thot 1 encourage thing~ like thnt. ~o 1 heller be careful, and if it happens . I must have done ~omclhing. There is the guilt 1hat is o~sum cd. She nld when women on cnmpu~ ~tart tnlk.111g nnd tcnm that they arc not the onl y one, th,,t feel harn\,cd. that 1s "hen the hnrm occur,. When ,exunl hnrn\ smcnt becomes a pattern. it hos 10 be :,topped. Mos t wo men ore nol nuending c:ollcgc 10 keep busy. Mattei said. but ore nctivel}' seeking n corccr. They do not wnnt 10 be potronizcd or given odvnntng c~. They only wont lo be given n foir chan ce 10 succeed.




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No,·. 12, 1982/ Cudinal Re,•iew-11 -



THE ........

. . I



i I





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ROTC new campus option The \rm, ROTC i, back on c.impus and 1s offering 1hc Simultaneous Member,h1p Program (S \IP) 10 1n1er• C:\lcd ,1udcn1~. aecordin~ 10 Capt. Da,id !>mnh trom Gon11g11 l ni,ersu,. Sm11h ,~ an DS\1\tam professor of m1h1an '1<1cncc 111 Gonz1g11 and $pc• cinhzcs In 1ranspc,na11on The prog;arn is focu,c:d on s1udena "ho arc ,·e1er:1n) and or (llm;nll) rn the l'iauonal Guard or \rm) Re~:.~ Students "ho JOtn ROTC a.nd hnc completed basic 1ra1mng need onl) 10 complete the last NO ,c;m of ROTC and enter che program .as an MS Ill 1Mili111n Science lc,el llll. For e~amplc a college student " th prior milnary ~c:n1ce "uh I\\O ,c.1~ f study left to complete. doe~ not ha,c o nncnd Arm" basic tr:unmg or ROTC ba~ic ca mp. and he can enter ROTC m the MS 111 le,·el. The student conunues rcsene or guard du~ :is on officer ir.unec :and gel~ commis,ioncd as a second hcu· tenant upon complc11on of Ad\'anced ROTC and his her lost ,·ear of school. According 10 Smith. ·,he program depend, on ench stud<!nt and his Cl')Ur)e of \IUd\ When the ;,udent ha~ gr~duated from o two-,car \chool and ROTC. the student thc·n transfer. 10 J four-year

m,111u11on And \\hen commissioned "111 be a second heuten:int rn the rcscf\e, or cuard. The Army doe\ a•ard o;chol.1r.h1ps ~o ou1hfied ~tudents "ho enter ROTC. ,. h~h I.he ""-,pient, can u,e at an~ 1nslU1:JIIC!I the) choose Accoui!ng to Smith, the student oon not need 10 kncn< ,.foch school he •1:11., to transfer to a.t the 1,me of appl,ing

(__ n_i_c_n_o_t_ic_e_s__) ~ Department of Education has rclca.wd the n.1,l(ed Pcll Grant pa). ment schedule. whk h will change some or the a"ard~ for students who Im" alrnd) =hNI Pell GBnl5, Th1' rt'' ls.Ion pcrta1nin11 to ,·ctcran , , mean~ that mam ,etertru, "ho "ere denlNI Pell Gran"t- .. 111 no" be eligible. II Jou ha,e a srudent Did report , plcasc bring It to the financial aid offitt at ) our earlies t Nlo, cnlencc for nan! dctcrmloallon. If ,011 ha, e nor applied lor • Pell Gn,.nt ~ Sun! 10 pk~ up the applka1lon Co rm, from thl' naanclal aid ofOl'e u s oon ai

ROTC student ~adua1e, ~ not ha,e 10 tr:an\fer to Gonzaga Just because ROTC 1~ offered b) :he uistnuuon Sm11h said 1hal the student ,ln 1ran~te• to ilD) 01hcr :.,hool 1ha1 be ~c chooses All proctnms of stud.- :ire a, allablc for m1cr~ted students v. ho JOID ROTC c1~p1 theol~. ,.h,ch Smith said the A•m, offrrs ::u tbC'lr o" n ~hool. Some of 1he benefitr. of jo101ng ROTC a rte recc1, in!( cxtn financ~ 10 .iss1~1 \\ 1th school cosh. continue re,er1 e or gu:ird dut) 11nd complete :he student", major in ...:hool.

The /'llC Vc1cram Club Is selllng tkkcu for a tu rke) raffie for Tban.0° ah lng. Thc ro<t of the tlcke18 Is rwo cans or food which wW bc donated 10 t.Ju, Cocu:r d'Alene Food Bank. The winning tlcl:elS will he dn1wn aJ noon Nov. U . To buy a ticket, contact club membe rs J im Blaln, Angel CaodelArio or Ka lhy MacGregor.

Sm1th ,nil be :a,ailablc on campus Tuesd:n, :11 I p.m For more infonn:i11on contact Smnh :il (50Ql J2S.4220 Clt. 311; a1 Gonzaga Um,crSII) or sec Warren Ducote Up)Wrs 1n the SUB

The deadline for suh.m lttlng schola r• ship applications for nen s emester a l IC Is No,. JS. Appllaulons should t,., luroed lo u, the financial aid office.



from "IC. he ,M


The lasl da) 10 lflthdraw Crom K hool ls ' o, . U . aC"COrdbig to the real.strv'1 office. Dee. 2, 198 2 Is th e Amcrk a n Fc<1hal Oallct pcrformln11 the Nut· t'111ckcr Sulit',•• Co-~pon~red b) the Cltl.w n," Council for the Am and tbt' Chamber or Commerce a nd No rth Idaho Collc11c, All Amcrlean and ln temallonal s lu· den ls arc Im llcd to the lntcmatlonal Studcn1 Relations Cluh meeting on o, . 17 In the Kootenai Room or lhc SUD DI 4:30 p.m. The purpose or the club Is to promote mu1u al lo tc ru ts bet ween ln1cmall0DPI and Amcrle11n s1udcnts.

All i tudcnl8 who ha,c b«o lffued tickets musr have them paid within 10

schoo l days. Every d a) 1ha1 the payment I\ late $1 wlll be added 10 the One. Thlij Issue of the Ca,dlnal Rcslew wlll he the last untll alter Thanks· giving whe n Lhc Ooal 111.tuc wlll be publis hed Dec. 3.


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