2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
11 Dr. Zane_Nels~n, Director, Spokane Crisis Clinic - Topic: "Normative Cage 11 Ida ~awkins-R1chard Kendall, t1ental Health Department - Topic: "Mental Health Ca~d1dates for School Board - Topic : 11 Coeur d'Alene Public Schools in 1971" 11 United States Senator Frank Church, Idaho - Topic : 11 Mational Issues in 1971 Congressman J~mes f-'lcClure, Idaho - Topic : "Congress at Hork" Rev . Bob Harrington, Bourbon Street Evangelist - Topic: 11 t,Jake-Up America"
1971-72 Academic Year 11 Or. Ron Field, Oregon State University - Topic: "McGovern Candidacy (9-24-71) 11 Carlton Lewis, President, HSU Student Body - Topic : College Student Govern2. ment11 (10-7-71) . . .. 11 Coeur d'Alene City Council Candidates - Topic: 1971 City Council Elections 3. (10-12-71) North Idaho College Student Speak Out (10-21-71) 4. Or. Patricia Cunnea, ~!SU Most Popular Lecturer Award - Topic: "Tell-It-Like5. 11 It-Is" (11-3-71) Gonzaga Professor Father Nigro and Attorney Dennis ~!heel er - Topic: Prostitu6. tion and Abortion: Pro and Con" (11-10-71) Ambassador Quaison-Sackey, 1964 President, UN General Assembly - Topic: 7. 11 African Life 11 (11-16-71) Or. Alan t,1 erriam, Chrm . Indiana University, Department of Anthropology 8. 11 Topic : "Africa Tribal Life (11-18-71) Brock Evans, N~! Representative of Sierra Club - Topic: "The Sierra Club" 9. (11-22--71) 11 A Quality Environment 11 (12-8-71) Idaho Governor Cecil P,ndrus Topic: 10. Eastern ~Jashington State Co 11 ege-Hhi t 1!JOrth-NIC Admini strator 1 s Panel 11. Topic: 11 College Calendar" (12-14-71) Sam Jaffe, Former ABC and CBS Reporter - Topic: "Sino-Soviet Split" (2-14-72) 12. Robert Hunter, Graduate Student - University of Mashington - Topic: "Chinese 13. Political Thought" (2-18-72) Congressman James McClure, Idaho - Topic: "Congress, Issues, and President's 14. Visit to China" (3-3-72) 15. me President Barry G. Schuler - Topic: "Reasons to Save Coeur d'Alene Beach" (3-13-72) Three Jomen Spokesmen Panel - Topic: "Women's Liberation" (3-17-72) 11 16. SpokaneN!~,0,ttorney Carl Maxey - Topic: "The Role of Black Citizens in 1972 17. Elections" (3-20-72) Idaho Senate Majority Leader \\tayne Kidwell - Topic : "Campaign '72" (4-10-72) 18. Six US Senatorial Candidates Panel (Bob Smylie, Rose Bowman, Tony Park, 19. Spokesman for James McClure, Dr. Glen ~legner, and Ryron Johnson) - Topic:
20. 21.
"Campaign 1972" (4-20-72) Rabbi Kane, Portland - Topic: "Basic Judaism: An Introduction" (4-24-72) Idaho State Supreme Court '-lustice Allan G. Shepard - Topic: "Development of Constitutional Law"(S-12-72)
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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Saturday, September 25, 1971
/ o _F 71
Forum II Slated Carlton Lewis, Washington State University St~dent Body President, will be the speaker at the next Popcorn Forum. Mr. Lewis, a senior political science major, has a number of " firsts" to his credit. He is the first Student Body President to have been elected while a sophomore, the first ,, to be re-elected and the first Black student to bold the office. Mr. Lewis has also been appointed to the Washington Council on Higher Education by Governor Dan Evans. One of many top speakers to be presented to NIC by the Social Science Department Mr. Lewis's topic will be' "Student Prose; the role of student power in the university." The Forum will be held Thursday, October 7 at one p.m. in the SUB.
McGovern: More Than One Issue Sen. George McGovern a one.issue presidential candidate? In no way. AT LEAST, according to McGovern's Northwest Campaign Director Dr. Ron Fields. Dr. Fields, a psychology professor at the University of Oregon, told North Idaho College Students Friday at a Popcorn Forum, McGovern is anything bu a one issue candidate, " unless that issue happens to be "where ue we going with the United States.'" He said the presidential hopeful is quite concerned about world policy, about exploitation of the people of other countries by the United States and about developing a "humanitarian posture in the world." He said the senator is deeply worried about the country's unemployment. "He feels there ought to be a job for everybody who wants a job," Dr. Fields said. "We feel our talents and experience can be used to solve some of the country's social and economic problems." On the economy, he told students "the new economic policy of Pre~dent Nixon doesn't seem to have turned the tide. "Who benefits from the new economic plan?" he asked. "Certainly it isn't the working man. It all seems like quite a give.away" for corporations, he said.
Cranking in something on Vietnam, Dr. Fields added, "we can't expect to have a stable economy when we ue still pouring $20 billion a year into that ridiculous war. "Some people ask, 'well how do you get out.' Well, you send troop ships over there and bring them back, that's how,'' he said. Dr. Fields, speaking for McGovern, urged a "constructive foreign policy that will lielp people," and criticized foreign aid that consists of arms to countries for support of "despotism." "Instead of sending troops and &m1s in," he urged, "let's send technicians in there. But first let's ask for a guarantee of a free election." Concerning matters on the home front, Dr. Fields again blamed the war for many domestic problems which, he contends, could otherwise be wiped out. "It's one thing," he said, "to have an adequate posture. But it's another to spend two out of every three cents on world overkill. We now have the power to kill everybody on earth 12 times over. " It seems that some of the war money be used to deal with the needs of the cities, the environment, education and health. And in closing, he cited a need to "tum this country around, and Senator McGovern is the man to do it.''
·s tudent Apathy Discussed
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"Student government is no longer a popularity contest. Today it is a vehicle for the students to get what they want," so spoke Carlton Lewis, ASB President of Washington State University at
days of pomp, ceremony, and non-involvement in the operation of the college, through the more recent times, when it was still overshadowed by the faculty who "stayed on_the . cam1>us
much say they really have in the way their campus community is run. He also seemed to feel that students should become involved with the teachers on a personal level. "You go ,_y_p_ to_ that
class officers, but a student-faculty senate, wherei the students and faculty can · operate together to work out solutions to problems in a much mo r e r e lax e d atmosphere than in the formal
¡s tudent Apathy Discussed
"Student government is no longer a popularity contest. Today it is a vehicle for the students to get what they want," so spoke Carlton Lewis, ASB President of Washington State University at a P opcorn Forum last Thursday. Carlton lias perhaps more 'firsts' than any other ASB President in the Northwest. He is the first Black Student body president to serve at Washington State, the first to be elected for two terms, and the only one to be elected in 'his Sophomore year. Besides this be is serving on a Governor's Council and is a oting member of the Pullman Chamber of Commerce. Carlton, in his speech, gave a rief history of Student Government, from its infantile
days of pomp, ceremony, and non- involvement in the operation of the college, through the more recent times, when it was still overshadowed by the faculty who "stayed on the campus forever and ever" to the present time. Carlton pointed out tbat it bas only been in the last four to five years that the Student branch of the government bas really gained a voice in the way that the universities ara run. "The biggest problem," he stated "is with the students themselves. "They don't want to get involved." Carlton brought out the idea that if students would get involved in the government of their school, they would realize how much fun it is, and how
much say they really have in the. way their campus community is run. He also seemed to feel that students should become involved with the teachers on a personal level. ''You go up to that teacher that you know just hates you, and you ask him out for a beer and talk things over with him. At first, it'll blow bis mind, but pretty soon you'll be good friends." When the session was op.:oed to questions from the floor, many more interestin g though ts abo u t student government were brought to light, such as that at WSU and many other Universities around the country the accepted form of student government is no longer the traditional Student Board and
class officers, but a student-faculty senate, where the students and faculty can operate together to work out solutions to problems in a much more relaxed atmosphere than in the fonnal traditional meetings. 0 ther facets of the Washington State University government and student : service plans are a student sex information center, located in their student Union Building; personal contact between thel' student officers and the student body; s tudents Advisory groups on campus to1 inform students about the quality of the instructors; and cooperation with the city government to permit the student population a voice in the way that the city is run 1
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Governor Andrus Speaks? It would seem that Thursday, October 21 was a foggy day for Governor Andrus in more ways than one. Although he was scheduled to speak to students at North Idaho College at a Popcorn lecture at 11:00 he never got off the ground UJ Boise until well into the afternoon. The Governor sent word to the college at 10:30 that the Governor would not appear at the college since his plane was fogged in at the Boise Airport. The Governor sent his regrets but explained (upon being invited to speak at a slightly later time in the afternoon) th at he had stronger commitments in Bonners Ferry and Sand point for the afternoon. Thus, the Governor never did fill the podium, but nonetheless, a popcorn forum was held. As it happened, someone came up with the idea of making the forum into an open " Bitch and Moan" session, and since the audience was already gathered, this came off rather well.
The main topic of the session seemed to be the lack of student interest in student government, but this time the interesting twist was that someone pointed out that the "governing students" weren't sure just what they were doing for the rest of the student body. Several interesting proposals arose during the session, such as the installment of pay pool tables, ping pong, and chess to replace the card epidemic, and the removal of the card players from the dining area o( the Student Union. Mr. Tony Stewart also participated In the Forum, giving a short oration on what students can do as a voting bloc, also pointing out the fact that the lack of things to do on campus is precipitated, in part, by a shortage of space to do things in. He explained that with the present building space, many of the proposes changes couldn't feasibly be made, but that if the students could get together to pressure the legislature into allocating more money for the College to build on, we would be able to build the needed edifices.
Candidates' Views Vary on Water Issue co11
Press Staff Reporter Three Coeur d'Alene City Council candidates indicated Tuesday they are presently opposed to purchase of Idaho Water facilities by the city while an incumbent councilman favored the purchase if the majority of Coeur d'Alene residents were for it. SPEAKING before a North Idaho College "popcorn" lecture, candidates Ray Stone, Henry Komosinski and Carolyn Driggs indicated varying degrees of opposition to tlie proposed purchase while councilman Rod Edinger was in favor of it as long as the citizens were also.
The reactions ca.-ie in response to one question asked of the candidates during a question and ljnswer session in the student union building. Canrudates Jack Simpson and Jae~ Wilcox were unable to attend the se~on, the first one in
person has served, he can still grow and learn in his position," he added. Concerning the proposed sign ordinance to limit the size and number of signs in the city, Edinger told the students that there are other things more important in city government than having a sign ordinance. "But if we do have one, I don't feel it should be enforced too much. And I believe Scott Reed's ordinance a little off base," Edinger said. On that point, candidate Stone seemed to agree. He indicated there are more important things to take care of in city government. " l agree something ought to be done, but I don't know if this is it," Stone said. He said something should be done that won't involve such a dollar loss to the businessmen of the city. MRS. DRIGGS was also somewhat cautious about the proposed ordinance,
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which the candidates have officially spoken before the public as a group. EDINGER SAID if the results of the feasibility study was positive and the town citizens were behind it, he would vote for purchase of the facility by means of a bond issue. Komosinski indicated his opposition by reminding the audience that "you are looking at a five to seven milUon dollar purchase that would have to come from the taxpayers. "Therefore, I'm for the Idaho Water Company retaining control of the system, while we wait and see if the new metering system actually needs a rate increase." STONE concurred with KomosinskJ on this point, saying it would be better to keep the facilities in Idaho Water hands "as long as we can get reasonable rates and service from them. " Mrs. Driggs felt the proposed purchase i!I a matter of priorities. "You have tc>
saying "Let's take our time about this" and think it over. She said the most important aspect of sign advertising is the danger aspect to motorists and pedestrians. After one student asked what he could do about the "pollution by the sawmills" if elected, Stone said the probleD? is really up to the state. "There is not much the city can do about it except make the public aware of the problem." Komosinski pointed out that although the city can do nothing about it, the mills are making a legitimate effort to clean themselves up.
Mrs. Driggs said she was confident the problem could be worked out. "But it is up to the citizens to apply themselves to the problem and infonn themselves as much as possible." Concerning their view on the problems
look at your priorities. There have beer, a lot of bond issues coming before the voters lately. This is only one of them." ASKED WHY she's running for city council, Mrs. Driggs said her entry is at the request of the wage earners in Coeur d'Alene. "They felt, and I feel they weren't getting the type of representation of the council they deserved.". Stone said he's running to put something back into the city. "I feel it's about time I started to practice what I've been preaching for the past 20 years about being involved." Komosinski said he was also asked to run for the position. "The council needs some new viewpoints. I don't hope to change the council right away, but I sure can try," he said. EDINGER, as an incumbent candidate, said he enjoyed being on the council and was asked to run again by seve.ral people. "It doesn't matter how loni a
of juvenile delinquency and what parents can do to alleviate it, Stone said the greatest responsibility is at home and not in city and county agencies. " Lt is fine to have committees, but your own backyard should be cleaned up first," Stone said. Komosinski indicated agreement with Stone's statement, saying the greatest emphasis for the prevention of juvenile delinquency should be at home. Edinger had somewhat different view on the subject. He said there is a need for a youth center or a YMCA in Coeur d'Alene for young persons to gather at. One question the students were interested in was on the question of purchasing the IHM facility. Stone, Edinger and Komosinski were in favor of buying the facility, while Mrs. Driggs said educational alternatives should be looked at first before going ahead with the purchase.
WSU PhD Draws Large Crowd The subject of last week's popcorn forum was, basically Dr. Pat Cunnea's philosophy of life. Drawn from her own personal observations, personal experiences and those of others, she related this philosophy to the students, and man and his relation to the universe. "Man begins his life as a personal experience, he considers himself the center of the universe," was Dr. Cunnea's opening statement. She continued with the theorerh that with most, life begins to teach the child in early stages of development that be cannot have the world organized around him. "It is a kick in the ego," when one realizes that world can get along without the child.
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"In early childhood we begin to search for a meaning for "life," "The great plan," and "why are we here?" As a human we must live with lack of knowledge, for all knowledge is tentative , all life is an experience. One is living in a state of uncertainties. To have a successful life one must realize we must accept these paradoxes. You must look these paradoxes in the face and say I don't care if it is there, life is there." remarked Dr. Cunnea. Mrs. Cunnea went on to state, "Another problem is that everyone is so busy yelling for help they can't hear each other. Start caring,
don't wait for other to show caring, get out of yourself, transcend your smallness." Since Dr. Cunnea's area is Political Science she concluded her speech with a comment on politics as a necessity to human conditioning. "Politics is a vebic.le to gathering people together to unify disagreements. Politics is running away as far as possible from dogmatism. It may be right to criticize the form, but to wish to destroy is the wish to destroy the tool to working out problems in a group." She closed by saying, "Maybe this is trite, but the human life is full of paradoxes, so learn to live with it."
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l~icaROlnaL R€Vl€W ,Volume 26, No. 8 ,November •10, 1971
Coeur d'Alene I Idaho
WSU's Dr. Cunnea To Speak "Life: tell-it-like-it-is" will be the topic of guest speaker Or . Patricia Cunnea when she appears on campus today as the fifth speaker in the popcorn lecture series. Dr. Cunnea will be speaking in the SUB at 10:30 a.m. and most classes will be dismissed so that students may attend the lecture. Dr. Cunnea is an outstand ing lecturer. In fact , she was selected three years ago as the most popular lecturer on the WSU campus out of a facul ty of 950 members. Upon receiving that honor, she was asked to give a campus address. Professor Cunnea gave a talk on her philosophy of life; the basis for "Life: tell-it-like-it-is." N O II t' ~ I,, J / / f 7/
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-~ 'We've Tried Not to Align' Light was shed on the history and feelings of the "dark continent" of Africa Tuesday as Ambassador Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana spoke "with love and affection" of his country and its relationship to Africa as part of North Idaho College's "Africa Week." "TO SPEAK about one's own country is to speak about oneself," Quaison-Sackey told the Popcorn Forum audience. Quaison-Sackey has been involved in Ghana's history since before it attained independence in 1957. He was Ambassador to the United Nations from 1964 to 1966, and during 1964 was President of the 19th General Assembly of the United Nations. " Ghana is a relatively prosperous country," he said. "But, Like other developing nations, we are poor. We are poor because we have low capital; we have low capital because we have low savings; and we have low savings because we are poor." SAYING GHANA is now linked up with the rest of the world through trade and through the United Nations, Quaison-Sackey told the audience that Ghana is progressing economically and educationally. "We've tried very hard not to align ourselves with any military block, and we've tried to speak our opinions according to what our conscience dictates, not according to what other nations wiH think of our decisions," be said. Quaison-Sackey also said the decisions and opinions of Ghana are made in the light of the consequent effects they will have on the rest of Africa. "THE WINDS of change have been blowing throughout Africa," he said. " In 1958, when the African Group was established, there were only 8 independent states on the continent. Now the.re are 40. "We feel that if the United States of America and the Soviet Union can each come together into one united continent, then there is no reason why the African states cannot accomplish the same and unite as the United States of Africa." THE PROBLEMS in creating such a union are immense, said the -ambassador. " Despite the instability of many African governments, every effort is being made by leaders to harness resources, to instill national dignity, and to promote the feeling of unity," he said. "The biggest problem facing us now is the enormous question of apartheid (Soutil Africa's "policy of racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups as defined by Webster)." Quaison,Sackey said most of the mineral resources of the continent are in South Africa. "And the knowledge that some of our fellow Africans are living under such discrimination is intolerable to other Africans." Quaison-Sackey said he lays the responsibility for correcting the situation of apartheid in the Union of South Africa on the government not the people. "Their laws have made it possible to completely suppress a majority of the people," he said. "THE ORGANIZATION of African States has been doing everything possible to form a union to stop apartheid. For, as long as apartheid exists, so long as there is violence in. the heart of the people, we cannot begin to give birth to a united Africa." Quaison-Sackey said he was in complete agreement with the United Nations' recent decision to grant the Peoples Republic of China admittance to that group. Ghana has long recognized mainland China as the government of the Chinese people. "BOTH TAIWAN and mainland China consider themselv~s the true representative of the Chinese people," he said. "But Taiwan is small and mainland China is the home of 800 million people." Quaison-Sackey compared China's previous representation in the United NaUons lo a hypothetical situation of Idaho being given the representation allocated to the United States. lie also said that he believes the U. S. agreed with the decision or would have made more of an attempt to stop it.
Nations General Assembly President Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana spoke to North Idaho College Popcorn Forum audience Tuesday of his native country saying, ''To speak about one's country is to speak about oneself." Quaison-Sackey's lecture was in
conjunction with the college's "Africa Week."
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1111 Volume 66 Number 109
' Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Wednesday, December 8, 1971
Understanding Neede~ Says Andrus ,
By SHEILA MA LLOY Press Staff Reporter
"Recent history bas convinced me that the environment must not become a partisan issue...Environmental struggles must be non-political, unemotional and objective challenges,_'.' Gov. Cecil D. Andrus told a capacity crowd at North Idaho College today. Speaking at the college's ,Popcorn Forum, Andrus said he is convinced that there is a real absence of confidence between government. and citizens, between industry and consumer. "WE CAN'T afford to have industry in one comer saying environmentalists are all bad ...and environmentalists in the other comer saying industry is totally wrong," he said. "We face growth in the years ahead that wilJ stagger the imagination." said the governor. "Let's face It. We can't build a fence around Idaho. We can't destroy all blueprints for progress. That wouldn't be helpful, intelligent or p.racLical. "But, by planning, we can, collectively, make certain that our natural resourres are utilized for the benefit of all, in a way th11t our precious lands
priceless advantage over our neighbors in Eastern United States is through genuine regional cooperation." SAYING ONE of the greatest demands on man is the "ability t'o live with change," Andrus said much of what was once considered symbols of success are now demeaned as polJuting villains. "Forests in the early' days of our nation were slashed clean to provide the materials for a growing America. No thought was given to conservation. Today, the battle rages over clear-cutting and I IDAHO'S PLAN is a cooperation between the believe that we will soon see that practice halted governors of Washington, Oregon and Idaho to work except as a management. tool for specific together to solve environmental problems. Andrus exceptions," Andrus said. "DETERMINATION, patience and foresight are said the Federation of Rocky Mountain States is needed today," he said. "We can't reclaim Idaho or working to devise national land use policies. "Any one of the states in the Federation (Idaho, America all at once. But we can begin by planting Montana, Utah, Wyoming; Colorado and New the seeds of improvement so that in 10 or 20 yem Mexico) would have had tittle input in Washington, our surroundings will once again be a proud D. C. where :q;islation is being drafted for land use resource of renewed American people." The governor was scheduled to visit Coeur d'Alene planning. However, by working collectively with six Hor.nc•s this aftu,1wu .. ' ,¡ ill 1al~enc.l .i rur:d rabng G ,emors, the West had a power base tbat oould ( $25 a plate) dinner this evening. r- ~ be overlooked." he sa,J He said the dinner is one of several that will aid in l'be governor told the group that he is convinced that the "only reasonable solution to protect our obtaining funds for next year's legislative contests.
and waters are not exploite<i for the benefit of a few," he said ANDRUS TOLD the group Idaho bas a plan to accomplish this task. "In the short time since my administration has been in oCfice, we've implemented it and it has been successful," he said. The plan, be said, is a concept called "genuine regional cooperation." It recognizes that "air and watersheds do not recognize boundaries or affiliation," Andrus said.
F orum E x amines School Calendars On Wednesday, December the 15th in the S.U.B. was a very important and interesting Pop Com Forum, at which tentative proposals for the changing of the school calander were discussed. Among the proposals presented was the one by Dean Stone, one of the five members of the panel discussion, -which was to have the first semester end before Christmas. This means that there would be no more worries over finals during tbe Christmas Vacation, however it also means starting the first semester at t.be end of August. Mr. Ackton, of Gonzaga University, spoke out in favor of tbe quarter system. This is
a system of four quarters of 11 to 12 weeks per quarter. Under this system there is also the advantage of having finals before Christmas, also, as Mr. Ackton, feels that this would be a fine system for "NIC" for a wider variety of courses are offered and covered in a school year, and a student may stop or start school at four different times of a school yeat.
Mr. Barry Schuler was in favor of the present system at NIC. His reasons were mostly economic ones not only in favor of the school but also in favor of the student. Mr. Schuler pointed out the fact tha t work, particu larly summer work, in this area is
based on the tourist industry, lumber, mining and forest service. These being the basic work sources for college student of this area, be feels that starting the semester earlier would cheat the student out of a few weeks of work.
Mr. Bill Rusk, or Whitworth, was in favor of the four-one-four system which is presently in practice at Whitworth and PLU. Mr. Rusk said tha t this system was best for a liberal arts college, such as Whitworth, for It gives the student a chance to concentrate in his special field. The four-one-four system is broken into fourteen weeks of regular study, one month of special or seminar study' and
fourteen weeks or regular study. Finally Mr. Wendt of NIC, spoke out in favor of a six day week. No need to worry, that does not mean six days or school. What this does mean is that the school will have classes scheduled five and a half days a week, Saturday being the half day. This system will take the pressure off planning classes In limited facilities. Also, it will enable the P.tudent to plan a more flex able school schedule around a part time job. There is a survey to be taken January 14, giving the students a chance to voice their opmaons of which school calendar they would like to see adopted at NIC.
Râ&#x201A;ŹVlâ&#x201A;ŹW Coeur d ' Alene, ldoho
Volume 26, Number 11 January 13, 1972
McClure to Visit Several events, are being planned during the three-day visit of GOP Congressman James McClure. HE WILL be present at a Popcorn Forum Friday at 3:30 p.m. al North Idaho College. Tony Stewart wlll be director of the event , which is open to the public. Also open to the public is an open house at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Midway at St. Maries and .an open house Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Washington Water Power Building, Sandpoint. SUNDAY AT 9: 30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, A\'Ondale-on-Hayden will host a coffee hour for residents of that area. Congressman's McClure's wife, Louise, will also be present and will remain as guest of honor at a coffee hour Tuesday at 2: 30 p.m. at the Ponderosa Pines Golf Club being planned by the Republican Women's Club.
CbA ftus
14th Forum Set Idaho Congressman James McClure will speak on March 3, at 3:30 p.m. in the Student Union Building at the fourteenth Popcorn Forum. McClure will speak on Congress, the President, and the "Politics of '72." McClure, who is the congressman for Idaho's First Congressional District (our district), is seeking Idaho's Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate.
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Sam Jaffe · Featured in Program Sam Jaffe, a former CBS and ABC news reporter and now a free-lance writer, was the guest speaker at the Asia Week convocation Monday, Feb. 14. T h e convocation centered around Communist China, it's feelings, and concern it has for the world. Mr. Jaffe, who attendeed the Asia Conference in 1955 and interviewed Clrou En Lai, has studied China's problems and background. Mr. Jaffe began with President Nixon's trip to China. President Nixon is going to China because the U. S. recognizes that China is a nuclear power and that the U. S. must come to terms with this new power. Diplomatic relations will not be set up because it is too soon and President Nixon will not accomplish much. Mr. Jaffe also said that since this annou ncement that President Nixon was going to China, the news media has been flooded with documentaries on China and "it should have happened a long time ago." He also believes that there would have been no Vietnam or Korea if the U. S. would have recognized China in 1949. In 1944, Mao Tse Tung sent a message to the U. S. asking for aid and help; the U. S. didn't even answer! Tb.is is the reason why, Mr. Jaffe believes, China turned to Rus&a in
1949. In 1956 Mr. Jaffe was one of 18 news men who was invited to Chfoa for one month. When this was announced an immediate smear campaign was started by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State also said that if Mr. Jaffe went to China, then their passports wou ld be picked u·p.
Washington just didn't want him to go. The big question in China, MrJaffe claims, Is over Taiwan. Both Red China and Nationalist China agree that Taiwan is part of Mainland CbiQ8. Chow En Lai · claims that China will never recognize the U. S. until the question of Taiwan is settled. Henry Kis.5inger, advisor to President Nixon, said that Red China and Nationalist China must settle the problem. Japan will be the next question. China Is afraid and suspicious of Japan's new military build up. Twice before Japan has invaded China. Because of this, China is building bomb-shelter because they are afraid, not only of Japan, but of the U. S. and Russia. China also has internal problems, Jaffe reported. Dams, land, and food are the major ones, but the people are doing the work to better their country and have done a "fantastic work." Mr. Jaffe believes that China will ask what they can do for the U. S. and not for money. China is especially concerned about their borders with RuSfila. Much of the territory claimed by Russia is actually China's, Mr. Jaffe claims. This is supported by treaties and the history of China. Mr. Jaffe claims that the U. S. is embarking on a new policy. The U. S. is no longer the "monolith" of the world. The U. S. had a good relationship with China before 1949, and Mr. Jaffe believes that the U. $. must learn and understand other countries to avert nuclear war. The Chinese must be brought into the national community and through this world peace could become a reality.
McClure Says Collgress Not Democratic
CANDIDATE SPEAKS-Republican Congressman James McClure (left) was speaker at Popcorn Forum Friday afternoon at North Idaho College. With him is Tony Stewart, political science instructor at the college,
as they talked with two of the 50 people gathered for the meeting. McClure has announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate post being vacated by Len B. Jordan.
By RUSS HILL Press Staff Reporter The U. S. Congress Is not really a democratic organization,
decland Republican Congressman James McClure Friday afternoon. He said he wanted to see government become more responsive. " I am not saying that the Congres.s is venal or corrupt," said McClure. "It is just that under the present system a rew gain power and are always straining to retain it." McCLURE WAS SPEAKER at a Popcorn Forum at North Idaho College. He was Introduced by Tony Stewart, a political education instructor at the college. Serving his third term as a Congressman, McClure said that his greatest difficulty is oommunications. He said that when he was arving in the State I.A!gislature that it was easy to communicate with his Payette County constituents because he saw some of them every day. "When you are in Washington, communicating with 400,000 people Crom King HiU to King Port is not so easy," according to McClure, who aaserted he was often misquoted and lllilundentood. MANY OF THE THINGS that go on in Washington, D. C., are simply political ploys, said McClure. He said that too often the Congress promises things for political reasons that cannot be performed. McClure said that as a freshman in Corigress he questioned a new bill that would greatly increase funding for rat control in cities. He said he questioned the people who administer the rat control program and learned that they already had $350 million and that was all they needed. "I voted against the bill, which pas&ed, and I was branded a friend or the rats. The irony or it that none of the additional Cunds were never asked for or used." McCLURE NOTED that a year ago President Nixon asked for a doubling or the $93 million budget for the crusade against cancer. He indicated every congressman wanted to get on that bandwagon. "It was raised first to $200 million, then $400 million and finally went over a billion dollars, most of which will never be uaed," said McClure. "The congressmen were simply showing they care." McClure disclosed that while $5 billion has been authorized for reclamation that probably only $250 million would be spent. He used it as another example where funds are voted for political reasons though the congressman know they cannot fulfill the promisec.
NO'l'ING GREAT INTEREST in President Nixon's trip to China, McClure indicated he favored opening the doors to continental Asia. "I think it is right to bring Red China into the world, though
not necessarily to approve or them or oommunian," declared McClure. He said there are seeds of danger going across the country through people who think the U. S. should return to isolationism. McClure said two opposing reactions In the country are: (1) that the commies can't be trusted, and (2) Thank Goel, we ue making friends. He said he thought the answer wW be somewhere in between. "OUR POLICIES SINCE World War II have (ailed," explained McClure. "Red China has not collapsed and it won'L" McClure warned that Red China now has the ff-bomb and can put it anywheie in the world. He said that Red China m~ht miscalculate our attitude and that the U. S. needs to have open communication with the Chinese leaders. ¡ No great trade relations with China is anticipated by McClure. He reminded that a few years ago, Canada began tnding wheat to China, but soon found out it w~ unable to get the pay ror it. McCLURE SAID HE did not expect any real change In the balance of power in the near future. He concluded that "neither China or Russia want the best for us." President Nixon did not sell out Taiwan while in China, declared McClure. He said while early headlines said that the President was going to remove all troops from Taiwan, that be merely reoognized Chinese people on both sides and agreed that over a period or time as tension lessens that he wUI withdraw troops. ln a question and answer period, McClure agreed it was true that Rus.5ia is increasing its military strength while it Is abating In the United States. "OUR POSTURE IN defense is dangerously low,'' asserted McClure. "The Bay of Pigs embarrased Russia, when they had to back down. They don't want it to happen again." McClure agreed with a questioner that unemployment is a threat to the country and decried the fact that "we have permitted inflation in our country and so placed us at a disadvantage in world trade." He said we must halt inClation or ms it with protectift devices. "TilE AFL-CIO has favored free trade the past 30 yean, but now are beginning to 35.Serl protectionism," said McClure. "Our position in world trade is a severe problem." McClure disclosed that in the first week of August 1971 that $4 billion Llowed out of the country. He compared it to a run on a bank and so required the President to call for wages and prices controls. "We are in for some tough sledding to get our economy in order," said McClure. Now a candidate for the U. S. Senate post being vacated by Len 8. Jordan, McClure said he was sure President Nixon won't be coming to Idaho to take sides in the Republican primary election.
"This world taught women nothing skillful, and then said he.r work was valueless. It permitted her no opinions and said she did not know bow to think. It forbade her the schools and said the sex had no genius. It robbed her of every vestage of responsibility and then called her weak. It taught her that every pleasure must come as a favor for men. When ~ gain it, she decked herself in paint and fine feathers, as she had been taught to do, it called her vain." Written in 1905 by Carrie Chapman Taft, this quote was the basis of MI'S: Pat Ramos: introduction s pee ch at the Women's LibE:,ration Popcorn Forum, which w as held Friday, March 17, in the SUB. Mrs. Ramos felt t.hat during the early Women's Lib movement many goals were accomplished, but felt also that in today's world, these goals are not enforced. "Despite const1tut1ona1 guarantees, it is estimated that
probably in the fifty states there may be a thousand laws which in some way discriminate against a woman's right to either property, inheritance, management of earnings, or control of tht: wealth of the family."
Mrs. Ramos went on to speak about the material biases against single and divorced women. In many rmancial situations, a single or divorced woman can't accomplish anything without her husband's signature. Mrs. Ramos cor:tinued extensively on the problems of , contemporary women. Gail Amven, a student o r Gon?Aga University, spoke on discrimination of the female resulting from the biological and physical differences between men and women. One example used by the speaker was that although the woman does carry .the unborn child, this doesn't' necessarily mean that she should be held solely responsible for the raising of
the child. The male produces just as much of the child as does the female. It would seem logical that both parents contribute to the care and development of the child. In contemporary society, "women are feminists. She is emotional, illogical, fiighty, passive, nurturing, warm, modest, soft, and generally In need of protection." "Too often, Instability is expected from a woman, due to the effects of her s upposedly mysterious monthly cycle. which, according to the myth, has her emotions wildly ping-ponging in response to her raging hormones." " Because society believes in the male-female myths, they become everyone's delemna, and all suffer." Mm Arnven continued, ''When only guilt and frus tration result, con fused believers see themselves and not the myth as the cause." ¡ According to society, thE ,women must be beautiful,
keep an impeccable home, and play man's best friend. This is considered by society to be the life fulfillment. The woman has no identity, no individualism. "She is a kept woman - kept not only from the harsher realizations of the world around her, more tragically kept from herself, confined within role that lofts her away from experiences, ideas, and full human relationships that could bring her closer to an understanding of herself." Sylvia Stafford spoke on "marriage ¡ and the family. " Marriage is the Great American Dream. Maniage right now is more popular than it has ever been." Sylvia feels that from the beginning, women are taught to be delicate and loving, striving for that ultimate happiness, marriage. "One in three marriages now end in divorce. Three out of four teenage brides are pregnant, and many, many marriages are unhappy. Yet
girls continue to pursue this 'Great American Dream'." ''The average housewife puts in a ninety-6ix hour week. This is, of course, without pay. Most people would not work as a servant without pay. Domestic work is considered the lowest work on the scale, yet this is considered to be normal for wives - just to be a domestic." Mrs. Stafford continued, "Marriage is an arrangement between two people: two people who both have emotional and physical needs, two people who need love, and respect , and understanding. Somewhere along the way, her identity has been lost, and she is set adrift." Sylvia made clear other misleading aspects of marriage. The enthusiasm of the audience as well as the speakers made this 16th Popcorn Forum one of the most controversial of the ¡year.
FORUM Ex-Governor of the State of Id hao, Ro b ert Smylie , commented that this election will indeed be a "unique election." "This election will be one of the longest town meetings in the state." With th.is Mr. Smylie began his campaign. Smylie pledged to be . a "Senator for Idaho and a Senator should be his own man and no one's slave." On other issues Smylie stated: 1. TAX REFORM "We need tax reform but let me remind him (Tony Park) that Senator Russel Long a Democrate, is head of the Finance Committee which views tax bills." "I will have no part of a value added tax." 2. VIETNAM "Get Out." 3. ECOLOGY Middle Snake River-there should be no more concrete ad~~ and especially the bu1ld1ng of condominium,;. HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON THE COPPER*CHURCH AMENDMENT? YES · HOW WOULD YOU VOTE PRESIDENT NIXON'S PROPOSAL TO STOP BUSSING? NO ON
Mrs. Ruth Johnson, assistant to Mr. McClure was the guest speaker. Mrs. Johnson read a statement by Mr. McClure saying that he regreted that he was unable to make it to the Pop Com Forum. Mr. McClure did however give a definition of what a politician should be most of all "lncoruptable." Mrs. Johnson did call Mr. McClure in Washington D. C. on the question of bussing for the CARDINAL REVIEW. His answer is as follows: "I personaly favor the neighbor hood concept for the public school system and strongly oppose forced bussing of school children simply to achieve a social purpose. For thal reason, I signed the discharge petition which seeks to bring to the House floor for consideration a joint resolution proposing an admendment to the Const i tution. The admendment would prohibit the requirement for any public school student to attend a particular school for reasons of race, color or creed. I was also very interested in President Nixon's recent message to Congress in which he requested a Student Transportation Moratorium Act and an Equal Educational Opportunities Act. 1 would certainly expect to support such a program although I will still work for passage of the Constitutional Admendment as well." WHO WOULD YOU SUPPORT FOR PRESIDENT?
Dr. Glen Wegner, the only candidate from North Idaho, based his platform on the principle that "the old way is just that 'old' and it won't work any more." New ideas must be presented and through himself the state of Idaho could change the old ways and start with new and up-to-date ideas. When questioned on the ITT investigation Wegner reacted strongly. The IIT investigation " is a bismal and I couldn't center it on one political party." Dr. Wegner also pointed out the Democrates possibly having the Bell Telephone Company behind them. Other reactions to questions were: 1. CONSERVATION Conservation is not Crom use but FOR use. Conservation means wise use to save the rest to be used later. Dr. Wegner also stated that he made a favorable testimony o n the Sawtooth Bill hearings to make it a national park and to protect it from mining and lumber interests. 2.DEFENSE "We could run a defense on 52 billion rather than 81 billion and still be fi.rst in the world if it were not for crooked legislation." HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON THE COOPER.CHURCH ADMENDMENT? YES, ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON PRESIDENT NIXON'S PROPOSAL TO STOP BUSSING? NO WHO ARE SUPPORTING PRESIDENT? NIXON
"I believe that there is a bloodless revolution here. We must get out of Vietnam and stay out." This is the basic principles of Mrs. Rose Bowman as stated at the recent Senatorial candidate meeting held here at NIC. Among other things Mrs. Bowman has limited her campaign contributions to $25 per person. "In this campaign the people of Idaho will lead the way in proving that giant can1paign contributions are not necessary to elect public officials." Mrs. Bowman expresses her views as follows: 1. THE RIGHT OF EVERY PERSON TO ADEQUATE MEDICAL CARE' " Adequate health is the right of all our citizens not a privilege." 2. AN END TO A BANKRUPT FOREIGN POLICY. "The e lection or Rose Bowman will be a direct challenge t'O a policy that has for twenty years spent too much American energy in support o( a foreign policy dom inated by military t hinking, military methods and military goals." 3. ECOLOGICAL SANITY. Propose a "humanisti c socialism" to provide things that will make man more comfortable. HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON THE COPPER.CHURCH ADMENDMENT? YES, and amend it with a date for w ithdrawl Crom Vietnam. HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON PRESIDENT NIXON'S PROPO SAL TO STOP BUSSING? NO WHO ARE SU PPOR TING PRESIDENT? GEORGE McGOVERN
BOWMAN Accent on the young voter. "The basic mood of the people of Idaho is that of disgust." This was the comment made by Mr. Johnson when questioned about the feelings of the people in Idaho. On the question of Vietnam Johnson was "horrified" by the idea and that the U.S. should not have become involved in the first place. Mr. Johnson expressed his views as follows: 1. ENVIRONMENT " Idaho · has a quality environment that must be protected from the despoiling hands of those who would exp loit her beauty and resources for their own selfish interests." 2. ECONOMY " Our national economic and tax policies favor big busines.5 and corpo rate farming interests at the expense of the wage earner, the small businessman and the individual farmer." 3. VIETNAM "We must extricate ourselves now from our involvement in Vietnam. We have invested too much of our vitality and national resources during the past ten years in what is essentially an internal political struggle." HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON THE COOPER.CHURCH ADMENDMENT? YES HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON PRESIDENT NIXON'S PROPOS AL TO STOP BUSSING? NO WHO ARE YOU SUPPORTING FOR PRESIDENT? DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINATION. "I DO NOT CONSIDER GEORGE · WALLACE A POSSIBLE CANDIDATE."
"I'm glad to be back in God's country," stated Attorney General for the State of Idaho, Tony Parle This was the opening statement to over200 students and citizens at the 19th Pop Com Forum. Mr. Park has not as of yet announced his candidacy for the Senatorial seat, but is expected to do so this week. Mr. Park stressed the importance of the Senatorial tneeting, saying that this may be the only time you could get them together. This is an "Era of Populism" Park proclaimed and the candidate that can capture this mood will win the office he seeks. The mood in Idaho is that people are tired of the same 'old thing. On other subjects Mr. Park exp~ his views as follows: 1. ECONOMY There must be a whole new tax structure. Tax refonn must be " more and more regressive." The Revenue Act of 1971 reduced corporate tax, Parks said, by 15 per cent to stimulate the economy. We must "get rid of loopholes" that benefites 'Big Business.' "Phase 2 is a failure." 2. VIETNAM " In 1968 President Nixon told of his plan to end the war, and again in 1969, but we're sti ll ¡ there! Vietnamization...is a failure, the U. S. can't be the policeman of the world. We must stop sacrificing lives on the alter of President Nixon's political ambitions." HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON THE COPPER*CHURCH AMENDMENT? YES HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ON PRESIDENT NIXON'S PROPO SAL TO ST OP BUSSING? NO WHO ARE YOU SUPPORTING FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION? McGOVERN